Vanin nikolay anatolevich. Vanin nikolay andreevich

Vanin nikolay anatolevich. Vanin nikolay andreevich

In the name of the Motherland. Stories about Chelyabinsk citizens - Heroes and twice Heroes of the Soviet Union Ushakov Alexander Prokopyevich

VANIN Nikolay Andreevich

VANIN Nikolay Andreevich

Nikolai Andreevich Vanin was born in 1917 in the city of Kus, Chelyabinsk region. Russian. At the age of sixteen, he began to work at the Kusinsky machine-building plant as an apprentice turner in the machine shop, then as a mechanic in the shop for cold metal working. In August 1941 he was drafted into the Soviet Army, from the autumn of the same year he took part in battles on the Western, 3rd Belorussian fronts. Senior sergeant, commander of the anti-tank gun of the 696th anti-tank artillery fighter regiment of the Neman regiment.

The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded on March 24, 1945. He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the 2nd degree, the Order of Glory of the 3rd degree, the Red Star and the medal "For Courage".

N.A. Vanin died in 1946. One of the streets of Kusa is named after the Hero.

Autumn 1941. The unit in which Private Vanin fought was surrounded. We went out in groups. One of them was headed by Vanin. We went mainly at night. He was well versed in the terrain. But the breakout attempt failed. Emaciated, wounded, without ammunition, the soldiers were captured.

Vanin fled with his comrades. The Nazis caught them and drove them to the camp, beaten to a pulp. Mental and physical torment did not break Vanin. During the transfer of prisoners of war by rail to another place, he again organized an escape. Having overcome enormous difficulties, the group crossed the front line and brought prisoners with them.

Vanin and his comrades were sent to the units of active units. Sergeant Vanin was appointed commander of the anti-tank gun. Now Nikolai Vanin has taken a firm account of the Nazis for all their atrocities against Soviet people.

During the hostilities, his gun destroyed 12 tanks, one self-propelled gun, 2 guns, 2 company mortars, 5 heavy and 4 light machine guns, 4 vehicles and 95 enemy soldiers and officers.

Especially the crew of Vanin distinguished himself in the battles on the approaches to the border of East Prussia. They had to cross the Neman River. The Nazis strongly fortified the western bank and prevented our troops from crossing with dense artillery and machine-gun fire.

Then Vanin took the risk: he rolled out his gun to an open position and with direct fire quickly fired two heavy and three light machine guns, providing the rifle units with a crossing. After that, the calculation on improvised means crossed the Neman. And when the Nazis, with the support of tanks, launched fierce counterattacks against the troops that had seized the bridgehead, Vanin's crew supported the infantrymen, knocking out 7 tanks.

For bravery, resourcefulness, courage and courage, the command of the unit presented Senior Sergeant N.A. Vanin to the highest distinction of our Motherland - the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

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The latest events and the dangerous financial situation in the HC Molot-Prikamye, as well as the initiative to create a hockey academy, voiced by the head of the Perm Krai Hockey Federation Alexei Chikunov, were commented on by the honored coach of Russia, director of the Molot-Prikamye sports school, bronze mentor of Molot-Prikamye ", Master of Sports of the Soviet Union Nikolay A. Vanin:

"Academy for someone else's uncle."

You have to understand why the hockey academy is being created. First: training and attracting promising, talented children. In order for them to replenish the team of masters in the VHL or KHL, which we do not have. Although, in theory, the academy and schools should replenish the JHL - the junior team, then the MHL - the youth team, and only then - the team of masters, which is still playing in the VHL in Perm. They say that nothing revolves around the "Hammer-Prikamye" and the light on it does not converge like a wedge? Good. We do not have the JHL and the JHL, and if there is no Major League as well, why then do we decide to create an academy? To prepare players for clubs in other regions? Cooking them "for someone else's uncle"?

The second point, which is directly related to the presence of the scheme "JHL-MHL-VHL / KHL": who can come to our academy in order to strengthen at least the school's game? Talented children from Gubakha and Krasnokamsk? So they will go to CSKA, Yaroslavl, Kazan, Omsk, Ufa and Chelyabinsk. Because there is the whole chain: "SDUSHOR-JUHL-MHL-Team of Masters." If we don't have this, then why do we need an academy at all?

Third, how many people and what age will the academy take? Even if there is a great demand, and it is possible, she will not be able to accept everyone. And we also need to remember: in order for us to play at the level of the Chelyabinsk Traktor or the Ufa Salavat, we will still need to bring promising players from other regions. Unfortunately, there are few such players in the Perm Territory. And you need to look for them near the hospital. I am talking about the fact that it is a global practice to attract talents from other territories. I'm not even talking about North America: Yaroslavl drove the whole hockey Belarus and Ukraine through him. An academy will be opened in Omsk next year, so they are already working with Kazakhstan, looking for talented children. Another option is in Chelyabinsk. There are five children's schools (the whole city!) - they work for one club.

To be honest, we simply do not have such strong schools. Neither "Octane" nor "Legend" are up to this. Yes, we are performing at our level. And it should be noted: when the teams had more ice last year, all ages were added as a game. And our kids in 2009 simply "tear everyone" - they took "gold" in the last tournament, not a single defeat, scored 51 goals and conceded only 8 goals.

Long money is good hockey.

There is also a commercial component: in order for our players to be in demand and for the academy to live on transfers, at least 10-15 years must pass. If we take the same 2009, then they will be ready for the transfer just in 10 years. Does someone give them? Someone is ready to continuously invest effort and money all this time? I don’t think so. And everyone wants to make money on it. Another fact: a hypothetical high-level player is “sold” from the academy with a contract amount of 500-700 thousand rubles, from the VHL - already for several million rubles, and from the KHL - we are already talking about millions of dollars. That is, in order for long-term investments to pay off, a team of craftsmen is needed.

I confess that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe academy is mine as well. Experts, at my suggestion, calculated that the academy needs 50 million a year. And this is a minimum that does not take into account travel to competitions, the organization of their tournaments and a thousand other little things. (By the way, according to these calculations, Danis Zaripov opened the academy in Kazan and it is already working - note of the press service of the HC "Molot-Prikamye" ). If we are ready to spend that kind of money, but there is no connection from the children's team to the professional Leagues, then wouldn't it be better to spend part of this money on children in the Sports School, on the UHL and MHL, keeping the entire chain up to the team of masters? Then this chain will work, and not 4-5-6 Permians will play in the VHL, but much more.

In the meantime, I see that they only talk about it, but do nothing.

"Bold cross on the fan."

Another. Hockey, it exists not only for hockey players. It exists for the fan and for the fan. Yes, Hammer-Prikamye is not currently included in the Top-5 teams of the League, that's a fact. And the fans come to her - a full hall, to the envy of both the VHL and the KHL. Perm is one of the leaders in terms of attendance at the VHL Championship, more people go only to St. Petersburg, where admission, by the way, is free. And now I hear that the team is not really needed, that it is a burden. But how can all these people, who are accustomed to hockey and love hockey, take and let go, putting a “fat cross” on this huge audience ?!


Nikolai Anatolyevich, in the opinion of many fans and sports journalists, the season at Molot this year has developed. What do you think about this?

Let's be honest - the season is still going on, the playoffs are going on, and it's not over yet. But at the intermediate stage, I would say, the second place in the regular championship is probably an achievement. I give credit to the head coach Alexander Gulyavtsev: he managed to create a team that is capable of solving the most difficult problems.

- Tell me, is the task of reaching the semifinals and finals the very task that was set for the season?

Playing in the season, you can see whether it is worth hoping for the first places or it is enough to limit yourself to a place in the G8. I would divide this season into two stages - before the New Year and after. Just in 2014, I saw a completely new team. We acquired several players who very quickly joined the team. It turned out, I would say, such a fusion of experience and youth.

But do not forget about the goalkeeper line - we still have two more or less decent goalkeepers. And one of our own pupils - Evgeny Alikin... But he played a little less games, because he had to solve a strategic problem.

Played mostly Sergey Magarilov... On him in the season and made a bet. And it so happened that before the game in Orsk he had appendicitis cut out. Because of this operation, a young guy (Alikina - approx. ed.) literally thrown into the furnace. Now a lot depends on him. And the guys are experienced players who make up the backbone of the team - I think they will help him.

- As it seemed from the tribune, the quarterfinals with South Ural were very difficult ...

In principle, we all know about the innovation - the playoff series goes up to four wins (previously - up to three - approx. ed.), and the teams have the opportunity to study each other as much as possible during this time. And yet, from the very beginning, preference was given to the Hammer, so to speak.

But we must not forget that the playoffs are playoffs, and each team can present some kind of surprise. Fortunately for Molot and the fans, there were no surprises, and the team continues to perform successfully.

In the VHL Magarilov was recognized as the best goalkeeper in March, and Vyacheslav Ushenin - the best striker and the most valuable player in the second round of the playoffs. Is this a serious application?

We understand very well that if the goalkeeper plays confidently and successfully, then this success is transmitted to the players on the field. As a rule, to a greater extent - on the line of defense.

What can I say about Ushenina? Well, look: when the opposing teams are looking at Hammer, they pay special attention to the Ushenin brothers' play, because they work well together. And these guys are already being considered by several KHL clubs. Most likely, the Hammer leadership will release them. Everyone understands that they need to grow. They proved they can play. No wonder they are recognized as the best players at the end of the month or season. But the decision to sell them to other clubs will be made at the end of the tournament. And we must understand that in the case of the Ushenin brothers, they cannot be separated.


- From your point of view, will the prolonged quarterfinals somehow affect the semifinals?

This is a double-edged sword. The Rubin team prepared for a week longer, which is more of a plus for them. And there is a minus in this - the game tone of the players becomes dull. Maybe vice versa ... Here the task of the coaches is to tighten up the team functionally, and if the coaches have coped with this, then a very interesting series awaits us ahead.

- And what will Rubin surprise you with?

Their team has changed a lot, but the coach remains the same. Remember, we beat them five years ago and became "bronze" medalists? It will probably be difficult to beat them technically. But in terms of tactics, you can get around them. I think the Rubin coach builds his team according to the schemes that are close to him. This team is trained - both strength and technical, but plays according to schemes.

They have a slight advantage - they collect “pinpoint” players for a decent amount of money. This liberates at some moments of the "preseason", that is, there is no need to "sift" the players in the future.

Ours is the opposite: first we looked at the players, then bought new ones and made a strong team.

- Each episode is built in accordance with a certain strategy?

It doesn't matter if you lose in the playoffs 10: 0 or 1: 0, still minus one game. And even one game at a time, you can "twist" the schemes and keep the second game, the third, and so on.

- How do you assess the chances of Hammer?

I would say 50 to 50. Look: Rubin is on the third line of the standings according to the results of the regular season, we are on the second. This already says something!

After 56 games, now the first place is occupied by "Toros", the second - "Hammer", and the third - "Rubin". Here, not to encourage the team is probably stupid. In football there are championship medals and Cup winners.

In hockey, medals are only based on the results of the playoffs - and this is an omission. After all, you can fly out in the first series of the playoffs - and then the whole season went down the drain. Probably, we still need to revise the organization of the tournaments and award medals to three teams. But, one way or another, this season "Hammer" already has a guaranteed "bronze".


Let's move on to your core business and talk about juniors. Tell me, after the Olympics, the number of children in the section has increased?

You know, on the second or third day after the end of the Olympics, the first to ask this question was Pavel Lyakh (Minister of Sports of the Perm Territory - approx. auto.). As such, we do not have an outflow or inflow - there is a year-round recruitment, children come from the age of three. They study with a mother, with a chair, and a qualified trainer helps them. No one will say whether this is good or not, but there is such a trend.

Previously, they began to study at the age of six or seven, while it was not too late to start at eight or nine. Now, if the child is seven or eight years old, then he is already two years late.

As a rule, a group of five-year-olds is already about 80 people.

Unfortunately, since this year, municipal funding has ceased to be allocated to the younger groups from three to seven years old, and training has become paid.

So far, classes cost 1000 rubles, but this amount will increase.

We are only tenants of the UDS Molot, and an hour of renting ice costs 11950 rubles.

From six in the morning until nine or ten in the evening there are training sessions, but the priority is this: first the ice - the first team, the farm club, then - the whole school.

But we have no special problems with the schedule. And when the ice is free, we load it extremely.

There are a lot of people willing to study. On a municipal assignment, we have 423 children training, but in general we have 603 children. That is, almost 200 children aged from three to seven go out on the so-called dead ice: this is when the team does not use it, when the older children are not able to study at school during the day.

Parents of toddlers who have paid for the training have to pull the child out of the kindergarten and take him to hockey.

If there was an auxiliary box nearby, then we would solve many problems. And on an open box, short daylight hours do not allow classes.

- So the question is about the lighting?

Not only! We have the box. We fill it ourselves - the UDS "Molot" helps with the filling machine and the removal of snow. But it so happens that children are at school during the day, and the open box is actually used only on weekends. However, on Saturday and Sunday, many children from neighboring houses still come to the so-called mass skating. And we cannot forbid them to ride either.

We have three training schedules: at the Molot UDS, on an open box and in the gym. The free time is taken by the guys who do not study at school.

- Will the opening of an ice rink in Krasnokamsk help in any way?

The question is: how are we going to get there? Most of our children are from the Motovilikhinsky District, but there are children from others. Children from Solikamsk are also engaged - they live in a boarding school with Ufa children. Now 16 boys are being brought up there. They are looked after by a teacher and trainer. Parents take care of food, we are ready to take over accommodation.

- How many boxes are needed in Perm to eliminate the deficit of sites?

If we are talking about open ones, then you can study in them only for three to four months. As for the closed ones, I think three would be enough. Five would be ideal.


- How did the guys from the Molot children's sports school have this season?

I would say - in general, the season is a failure. Although with the coaches we came to the conclusion: the "junior" played well with us - they took sixth place; the 1998 team entered the group of the strongest; four ages fell into Group B. It is difficult for us now to compete with such cities as Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk, Ufa, Omsk. You have to understand that there are completely different conditions.

Two or three years ago there was a small outflow of, so to speak, the best players that we could not keep. There would be conditions such as, for example, in Yaroslavl - and, probably, the parents would not have had the question of leaving somewhere.

Of course, parents want their children to appear in Yaroslavl, Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk. Now one boy has left for Dynamo Moscow, but so far only for viewing. We must also understand that if the parents have already made a decision, then we will not be able to keep them.

Here we have yesterday the coach of the team born in 1999 Valentin Arzamasov went to the final in Orsk.

And there two of his pupils played for Yaroslavl Lokomotiv, and were recognized as the best: one - the best defender of the tournament, and one - the best team captain. For us, of course, it is pride that the Perm boys represent hockey at a higher level, but it's a pity that they are not playing for our club.

- Hockey is not only ice: how are things with gyms and simulators at Molot?

Basketball hall - 100 hours annually. But, unfortunately, the time that suits us and which they can provide are two different things. This hall is rented by different basketball teams, we do not pay for it, but only take our free time.

We opened our hall with about 50 square meters two years ago. We put exercise equipment, a tennis table, and mats there - but this room is mainly for little kids.

Returning to the open box: if there are not enough seats in the main hall, please, you can use it. I would like the football field to be a little better, especially in the summer - albeit not as perfect as that of the SK. Sukharev, but a better lawn will not hurt us.

- Fees, summer camps, field trips - how are things going?

When the box in the UDS “Molot” was changed last year, we took children of almost all ages who participate in the championship of Russia and Western Siberia twice to the training camp in Tatarstan.

Why exactly there? Because there an hour of ice costs 1,500 rubles (accommodation with 4 meals a day, two exits to the ice, a swimming pool, treadmills - 1,200 rubles per day per child), while here it costs 11,950.

- How do you see the next season?

First you need to finish this one, take stock. From this, make plans and tasks.

Perm hockey has its own history, and no one will let us “drown” it. Of course, both the governor and the city authorities should be interested in the development of this sport. All sports schools want to be paid attention to. But if our President of Russia started playing hockey, then, probably, it is not just that.


Nikolay Vanin was born in 1962 in Voskresensk, Moscow region.

Graduated from the Moscow Regional State Institute of Physical Education (hockey coach).

From the age of 7 he was engaged in hockey, and at the age of 17 he was involved in the USSR youth team. From the age of 18 he played in the main team of HC "Khimik", which played in the Higher League of the USSR Championship. In the 1983/1984 season he became the bronze medalist of the championship.

In 1984 he was drafted into the HC SKA MVO, where in the 1984/1985 season he became the "silver" medalist of the USSR Armed Forces Championship, in 1985/1986 - the winner.

In 1986 he returned to HC Khimik (Voskresensk). In 1987 he played for the second national team of the USSR. In 1989 he left for the SK them. Uritskiy (Kazan), won the USSR championship. Since 1996, he worked at the Khimik hockey school (Voskresensk).

Since 2000 - head coach of HC "Khimik". Since 2003 he has been the head coach of the Tver TCK.

Since 2005 - head coach of HC Khimik. Since 2006 - head coach of MolotPrikamye.

Vanin devoted five years to the hammer and led the team to the bronze medals of the Major League championship for the first time in several years (season 2009/2010).

Photo by Vitaly Koksharov

Nikolai Andreevich Vanin was born in 1917 in the city of Kus, Chelyabinsk region. Russian. At the age of sixteen, he began to work at the Kusinsky machine-building plant as an apprentice turner in the machine shop, then as a mechanic in the shop for cold metal working. In August 1941 he was drafted into the Soviet Army, from the autumn of the same year he took part in battles on the Western, 3rd Belorussian fronts. Senior sergeant, commander of the anti-tank gun of the 696th anti-tank artillery fighter regiment of the Neman regiment.

The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded on March 24, 1945. He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the 2nd degree, the Order of Glory of the 3rd degree, the Red Star and the medal "For Courage".

N.A. Vanin died in 1946. One of the streets of Kusa is named after the Hero.

Autumn 1941. The unit in which Private Vanin fought was surrounded. We went out in groups. One of them was headed by Vanin. We went mainly at night. He was well versed in the terrain. But the breakout attempt failed. Emaciated, wounded, without ammunition, the soldiers were captured.

Vanin fled with his comrades. The Nazis caught them and drove them to the camp, beaten to a pulp. Mental and physical torment did not break Vanin. During the transfer of prisoners of war by rail to another place, he again organized an escape. Having overcome enormous difficulties, the group crossed the front line and brought prisoners with them.

Vanin and his comrades were sent to the units of active units. Sergeant Vanin was appointed commander of the anti-tank gun. Now Nikolai Vanin has taken a firm account of the Nazis for all their atrocities against Soviet people.

During the hostilities, his gun destroyed 12 tanks, one self-propelled gun, 2 guns, 2 company mortars, 5 heavy and 4 light machine guns, 4 vehicles and 95 enemy soldiers and officers.

Especially the crew of Vanin distinguished himself in the battles on the approaches to the border of East Prussia. They had to cross the Neman River. The Nazis strongly fortified the western bank and prevented our troops from crossing with dense artillery and machine-gun fire.

Then Vanin took the risk: he rolled out his gun to an open position and with direct fire quickly fired two heavy and three light machine guns, providing the rifle units with a crossing. After that, the calculation on improvised means crossed the Neman. And when the Nazis, with the support of tanks, launched fierce counterattacks against the troops that had seized the bridgehead, Vanin's crew supported the infantrymen, knocking out 7 tanks.

For bravery, resourcefulness, courage and courage, the command of the unit presented Senior Sergeant N.A. Vanin to the highest distinction of our Motherland - the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

1907 - 15.05.1946
Hero of the Soviet Union

Vanin Nikolai Andreevich - gun commander of the 696th Neman anti-tank artillery regiment (45th rifle corps, 5th army, 3rd Belorussian front), senior sergeant.

Born in 1907 in the village of Kusinsky plant of the Zlatoust district of the Ufa province of the Russian Empire (now the city of Kusa is the regional center of the Chelyabinsk region of the Russian Federation) in the family of a metallurgist. Russian.

Graduated from junior high school. He worked at the Kusinsky Foundry and Mechanical Plant: an apprentice of a turner, a locksmith in the cold metal working shop, since 1935 - in the factory fire department.

On August 18, 1941, he was drafted into the Red Army by the Kusinsky district military enlistment office of the Chelyabinsk region, immediately sent to the front of the Great Patriotic War. He fought on the Bryansk front. In battle on October 28, 1941, he was wounded and taken prisoner.

In December 1941, he escaped from captivity, but was soon caught. Was in a penal camp. As part of a group of prisoners of war, for several months he was digging a tunnel with shards and sharpened stones. In December 1942, he escaped from the camp along this tunnel with a group of comrades. They managed to hide from local residents and contact the partisans. At the beginning of 1943, they were ferried across the front line, while Vanin and his comrades captured several prisoners and took them to our trenches.

He was again enlisted in the Red Army, fought in the 696th Anti-Tank Artillery Regiment on the Western and 3rd Belorussian Fronts. At first he was a gunner, then he became a gun commander. Participated in the Smolensk, Orsha, Vitebsk offensive operations.

The gun commander of the 696th Anti-Tank Artillery Regiment (45th Rifle Corps, 5th Army, 3rd Belorussian Front), Senior Sergeant Nikolai Andreevich Vanin showed personal courage and courage during the Belorussian strategic offensive operation. When crossing the Neman River near the city of Kaunas of the Lithuanian SSR on July 17, 1944, he put his gun on the river bank and with direct fire across the Neman destroyed 5 enemy machine-gun points. Thus, he ensured the success of the crossing of the rifle units of the 371st Infantry Division.

With the further offensive of the army to the borders of East Prussia in the battle on August 7, 1944, he participated in repelling the enemy counterattack, supported by 16 enemy tanks. He personally destroyed 3 tanks in this battle, helped to repel the German counterattack.

In battle on August 16 on the border of East Prussia, the position. where the gun of N.A. Vanin, 40 tanks were already attacked. In this battle, he knocked out 4 tanks and destroyed up to 15 enemy manpower.

By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of March 24, 1945 For the exemplary fulfillment of the combat missions of the command on the front of the struggle against the German invaders and the courage and heroism shown at the same time to the senior sergeant Vanin Nikolai Andreevich awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.

Later, as a gun commander as part of the 184th Dukhovshchinskaya Rifle Division, he participated in the Gumbinnen-Goldapskaya and East Prussian offensive operations. Together with the troops of the 5th Army, he was transferred to the Far East and in August 1945 he took part in the Soviet-Japanese war, where he participated in the Harbin-Girin operation of the troops of the 1st Far Eastern Front. In total, on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, he destroyed 12 tanks, 1 assault gun, 2 enemy artillery pieces, and many other military equipment.

Since November 1945, Petty Officer N.A. Vanin is in stock. He lived and worked in his hometown of Kusa, since February 1946 he worked as the deputy chief of the fire department of the Kusinsky foundry and mechanical plant. He died of a serious illness on May 15, 1946. He was buried in the city of Kusa, in the park named after Vanin.

He was awarded the Orders of Lenin (03.24.1945), the Order of the Patriotic War of the 2nd degree (08/30/1943), the Red Star (07/21/1945), the 3rd degree of Glory (08/08/1944), medals "For Courage" (03/07/1944) , "For the Victory over Germany" (1945), "For the Victory over Japan" (1945), "For the capture of Koenigsberg" (1945).

In the city of Kusa, Chelyabinsk region, a secondary school and a public garden are named after the Hero. There are memorial plaques on the house in which he lived and on the building of the fire station. The Hero's weapon is in the museum of the military unit.

Biography provided


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