Gift 3 year old boy for day. Requirements for a gift

Gift 3 year old boy for day. Requirements for a gift

A three-year-old child is a small personality that is dynamically studying the world. He is already able to walk, run and communicate. At this stage it is very important to ensure that it is not only mental and physiological development, but also emotionally mental. In this case, good helpers are toys.

Choose fun for boys and girls 3 years need carefully. They must ensure the formation of a harmonious personality through versatile development and guarantee its successful entry into society. Consider the fundamental requirements for toys 3-year-old kid. Need to:

  1. They developed a shallow motor, and, accordingly, speech with intelligence.
  2. Improved motor activity and physical formation.
  3. Contributed to mental and creative development.
  4. Brought up attentiveness, preferabity, diligence. It is important that the diversity of fun turns on soothing toys.
  5. Projected the real adult world into the game so that the child accumulates social experience.

Top - 10 educational toys for children from 3 years

10 Professional sets

Promote socialization
Rating (2019): 4.7

Adult, children begin to copy adult behavior. For them, it becomes important interaction with each other. Often they come up with professional games, for example, in a doctor or fireman. In modern stores, you can find many such sets. They are mainly divided by sexual sign. For boys, kits of a police, fireman, builder are being developed. The main thing is to acquire sets of different professions so that the child gets as much more versatile knowledge as much as possible.

The most sought-after toy for girls is a doctor's set, which contains medical supplies, cap and medicine. Karapuzam very much like to play both adults and peers. At the same time, they develop an emotional sphere, intelligence, imagination, they receive social skills and knowledge. As practice shows, many children stopped afraid of campaigns to the doctor.

9 Thematic sets

Excellent toy for social adaptation
Rating (2019): 4.7

One of the best educational toys for children at the age of 3 years is items that allow you to copy the life and behavior of adults. This includes hunters with a crib and strolle, kitchen sets, dining rooms, products, bedding and a lot more. With the help of them, children are gaining experience important for their future life.

For boys, there are whole workshops with working instruments. Many prefer a superagent set, in the arsenal of which there are glasses, costume, detectors and telescopes. For girls often buy toy shops, sets household appliancesPlastic products from which you can cook something. Such games are very attractive for children. I do not know whether they receive invaluable social experience.

8 books and magazines with reusable stickers

Best Safe Toy
Rating (2019): 4.7

Children in 3 years begin especially to interest books and magazines. Not surprising, because they are capable of maintaining the concentration of attention, listening to the stories and inventing their stories. Stickers come to the rescue in this case, which allow each time a new development of events every time. After several classes with adults, the baby will make it yourself to study books.

As a rule, such magazines contain small tasks. Due to the reusability of the stickers, you can correct the mistakes that are used, if any. The toy is developing memory, preferabity, concentration, attentiveness, accuracy. Bright drawings contribute to the best memorization of information. A large selection of topics allows you to acquaint children with the outside world.

7 Finger Labyrinth

Best toy for intellectual development
Rating (2019): 4.8

Very interesting and useful toy. Teaches the child to find the right solution to the tasks. With its help develops motility, logical thinking, Dexterity and ability to provide possible outputs from the current situation. For a child in 3 years, a labyrinth in the form of a city is particularly interesting, in which you can turn, sort out, moving machines, animals and other figures.

Now there are many variants of finger labyrinths. The most popular are toys with advanced functionality. They are produced from wood and contain a variety of moving elements. For example, you can open locks, doors, turn pictures and clock arrows, to pass obstacles. Such fun allows you to build logical chains in mind and reinforce it with a specific sequence of actions.

6 Volume puzzle

Develops spatial thinking
Rating (2019): 4.8

The difference of volumetric puzzles from the flat is that the final image is obtained in a three-dimensional format. For example, using them you can collect a bulk machine, lock or animal. Most often, the material from which they are manufactured is a tree, plastic and laminated cardboard. The toy is an excellent educational benefit for exploring the outside world.

In children, 3 years has spatial thinking, logic, grouping skills, fantasy and creative abilities. The child is better concentrated, becomes happily. The minor motor is developing, which subsequently affects the formation of speech. According to parents, children are capable of collecting puzzles for quite a long time. It is fascinating and fun, moreover, useful.

5 designer

Excellent development of small motility
Rating (2019): 4.9

One of the best universal toys in which children play of different ages, ranging from year. If during this period the constructor consists of several details of a large size, now that the child turned 3 years old, it needs more complex designs. Therefore, the most suitable option will be a set of multiple parts of the medium size, and not necessarily with rounded corners.

Now the baby is interesting to plot kits with which you can build automobile road With a tunnel, zoo, house with residents, farm with animals. The designers can also include the railway, all kinds of tracks and magnetic accessories. "Construction" develops a concentration of attention, orientation in space, perfection, imagination and small motor. Enrich knowledge about the properties and purpose of items, expands the horizons.

4 sets for modeling

Improve tactile sensations
Rating (2019): 4.9

The so-called "motor agility" in the kids begins appears at the age of 3 years. At this stage, the main thing is not to throw the further development of motility and tactile sensations. Sets for modeling will easily cope with this task. Children not only know the properties of various materials, but also create small masterpieces with their help. You can sculpt from plasticine, dough, sand.

Modern sets include entire plots with different forms. You can create gas stations, construction, houses with furniture. The dough is most best Material And, at the same time, the safest and in demand. He is pleasant and elastic, does not stick to his hands. Children like to be mastered, since as a result they get a finished product created by their own hands.

3 developing poster

Best functionality
Rating (2019): 4.9

Among parents, the developing poster is in second place in "utility". It has great functionality, thereby ensuring the multilateral formation of the personality of the 3-year-old child. It has several modes that allow you to study, train and check the knowledge gained. Equipped with sound accompaniment, which means that the baby can do it independently.

The poster can be called a whole training center. A variety of topics makes it possible to know words, syllables, alphabet, numbers. Children not only visually remember writing, but also the right pronunciation. The main advantages are safety and teaching 3-year-old boys and girls to independence.

2 Easel for drawing

Ideal for monitoring psycho - emotional state
Rating (2019): 5.0

Drawing is the best tool for creative formation. Of course, it is possible to use a simple sheet of paper for classes, but Molbert allows the child to feel like young tissue, because it is so important for him to be "adults". And in part of the convenience he wins. For drawing, you can use markers and crayons. Empty with a special sponge. In addition, it can be used as a magnetic board to secure the numbers and letters.

Easel advantages. First, it contributes to the creative self-expression of the kid. Secondly, soothes psycho - emotional condition. The fact that the child cannot express, he can spill on the "canvas". Thirdly, hands and fingers are developing. They become more flexible and obedient. Fourth, boys and girls are produced aesthetic taste. Fifth, eliminated the appearance of incorrect posture. As you can see, the toy helps a small person to develop harmoniously.

1 Sports toys

Contribute to physical development
Rating (2019): 5.0

Physical development in 3 years is a very important aspect. Sport toys kids bring special pleasure. During this period, balls, hoops, inflatable swimming accessories, having a bright color, elastic shape and medium sizes are useful. The most common and inexpensive option is the ball. It helps to develop coordination, dexterity, reaction rate, eye meter, smelting.

A child can invent different manipulations: roll the ball on the floor, throw up, kick, beat items. Over time, games will be versed a versatility. Additionally, you can buy kegli and rings. If the ball is best practiced in the open area, then the last two entertainment is in the house. An important acquisition will be a bike. This is an already more serious toy that is considered almost the best during the development of motor activity.

Birthday - reason for the holiday, especially if this is the birthday of the child - the 3th anniversary of the boy.

At this age, children are waiting for birthday gifts, waiting for something like a miracle.

Choosing gifts for a boy for 2-3 years is not so difficult. The kid loves cartoons, passionate to toys and loves to fantasize.

From this article you will find out that you can give a boy for 3 years, as it is better to congratulate it with this event.

Before going to the store

What should I give a 3-year-old boy?

In this case, you need to choose in accordance with the individual characteristics of the child, his interests, personal qualities, skills and skills. It is worth remembering about common mistakes.

Gifts proposed on the family council can be practical for adults, but uninteresting as a gift of a child for 3 years.

Imagine how the kid will perceive a gift if:

Most likely, the face of the boy will express despondency and longing. It is necessary to choose a gift, based on the desires of the child, and their kid will probably voiced.

Choose a gift for a boy for a birthday 3 years

If you do not consider new-fashioned gifts, all others can be divided into 5 groups:

  1. pets pets - hamsters, fish, puppies, kitty;
  2. games, developing logic, designers;
  3. sports shells (horizontal bar, Swedish staircase, dumbbells);
  4. objects for art and creativity;
  5. gifts, interesting concrete boy.


Thinking about what gift to give a boy for 3 years, remember yourself in childhood.

And you will understand: every kid dreams of a friend in the form of kitten or puppy.

He is ready to iron him, feed, play and walk with him.

A similar gift brings in the child. Thoughtfulness, loyalty to friends and mercy in relation to weak.

But adults should help to care for the "live presentation".

Educational games, toys, shells

Design kits For every taste can be found in the "Children's World" or shops for the hobby. Details in the set can be metallic or wooden. 3-Letter need to choose kits with large details, which he will not be able to swallow.

Do not know what to give a boy for 2-3 years? Be sure, he will like it:

  • electric car
  • auto parking with mini cars,
  • railway with traps
  • constructors of residential buildings with balconies and attributes of rooms.

Choose a gift to a boy for 2-3 years in any case relatives. But you need to listen to the wishes of the boy. Perhaps all the children love to draw.

Probably, the boy will like:

  • soccer ball,
  • tennis rocket,
  • rope i.
  • other sports objects.

Presenting such gifts, adults make contributions to physical development Future man.

Ideas from sports themes

Mobility and activity of kids must be directed to the creative direction. Sports hotels will best hand with this:

Toys for the future men

Men of all ages love cars and speed. The difference of vehicles - in dimensions and equipment.

You can buy a gift for a boy for 3 years, choosing from the following options:


Musical instruments

These are products that develop hearing, they train a sense of tact, proper breathing.

Thanks dance rug Baby learns plastic move.

Solving what to buy a gift for a boy for 3 years on New Year or birthday, take into account interests, preferences, temperament and other individual characteristics of the child.

In search of the best present, remember: for the baby, the love and attention of parents is much more important than any material gifts.

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The easiest and most obvious gift for a three-year-old kid is a machine with lights and alarm. However, such a banal thing is likely to have a birthday name, and in several copies. What to give for 3 years a boy besides the machines? A variety of modern toys can surprise not only kids, but also adults.

Immediately should be understood which gift for a boy for 3 years is an unsuccessful option. In three years, the boy is still quite a child, it does not understand much, everything is surprised, but he already says, confidently walks, asks questions. Therefore, the hazing toy or a simple baby book will be happy, but in the evening they will already be bored.

What is better not to give:

  • clothes;
  • footwear;
  • money;
  • linens;
  • sweets;
  • stuffed Toys;
  • hygienic accessories;
  • furniture;
  • dishes.

Tip! The year for the child is very much, so gifts for two years will be irrelevant. Even if a year ago, the child was delighted with some kind of toys, in three years he is unlikely to show interest.

For the development of abilities

First of all it is worth thinking that to give a boy for 3 years for development physical strength, creative potential, curiousness. The Children's Goods Industry offers all possible games, devices, shells. It remains only to choose the child's taste.

Educational games

Cooking the boy to school is still early, but to develop a shallow motorcy, speaking skills, memory is necessary. At a three-year-old, a child can get acquainted with flowers, weather phenomena, professions, animals.

Examples that can be given a boy for 3 years from the educational games:

  • "Lego" or another designer for kids from three years;
  • lotto with pictures;
  • game "Fishing";
  • rug or drawing board;
  • wooden scores;
  • puzzles for children;
  • mosaic;
  • national railway;
  • cubes;
  • lacing;
  • sorter

Sports and Moving Games

The most obvious gift to the boy for 3 years - the ball, trampoline or sledge. Movable boy will gladly play the game on the street and master different kinds Sports. For three-year-old kids you can buy special rollers, skiing, three-chain bike and even snowboard.

What to pass the restless baby:

  • snow scooter;
  • tubing;
  • inflatable swimming mattress;
  • inflatable pool;
  • bicycle;
  • tolokar;
  • children's sports corner;
  • trampoline;
  • swing;
  • kolzebarros;
  • exercise machine for "Moby-Jumper" jumps;
  • darts on velcro;
  • kite;
  • mini racket for tennis.


If the baby is already trying to do something with his own hands, then just a time to give creative sets and materials for modeling, drawing, design.

Options that give the boy in 3 years for the development of creative abilities, are presented in the table:

Picture Description

A wooden guitar with nylon strings will help develop a musical rumor and a small motor. Despite the children's appearance, on the guitar you can play, tuing it as a ukulele.

Plasticine is a non-bunny gift, if it is "playing to" or "Handgam". Such kinds of plasticine nice to arid with their hands, it is interesting to play with them, and most importantly, the mass leaves no traces on the surfaces.

Coloring with plasticine will help to develop a small motorcy of the hands and create an interesting picture. The instruction is simple: the image on the outlined circuits is filled with plasticine. The set includes a picture, a mass for modeling, frame.

A set "Young archaeologist" includes everything you need to get a skeleton of a dinosaur or an ancient artifact from the plaster bar. The game develops motorcy, preferabity, hard work, curiosity.

The "Miracle Suitcase" (Mapacha) consists of a wooden box with a double-sided board. One side is a stylist, the other is magnetic. The kit includes crayons, sponge, markers and magnets. A child can draw and create pictures from magnetic parts.

Tip! It is better to choose materials and tools intended for children, because They are safer in composition.


A good option that give a boy for 3 years, - a book. Interesting stories Carry the boy, and reading will become part of life. It is better to choose editions with pictures that the baby will be able to look at while he read a story or a fairy tale.

Examples of books for a three-year child:

  • encyclopedia for preschoolers on a certain subject;
  • interactive books with volumetric pictures, music, etc.;
  • fairy tales of the peoples of the world;
  • tales and stories Vitaly Bianki;
  • a series of books of Mattias Burshtedta "Smart Nevo Mouse";
  • Christine Bevel "Very hungry boa. The fairy tale for those who greek "," Giraffe-Dirty. The fairy tale for those who do not like to wash "," Lionok-Nekhukha. Fairy tale for children with character ", etc.;
  • poems and fairy tales Sergey Mikhalkov.


Surely conservative adults were displetened to the tongue. Three years and already gadget! Modern world It consists of electronics, the Internet is firmly in life, and if without electricity, humanity will somehow live, then without the exchange of data - is unlikely. Electronic devices in schools, universities, offices and production, and the earlier the child will win the world of technology, the better.

Electronics manufacturers also took care of the smallest inhabitants of the planet, developing training devices. What to give a 3-year-old boiler from electronics, is represented in the table.

Picture Description

The training laptop will give the first knowledge that will be suitable in the future. Three years later, it is better to deal with the child, solve simple tasks and show how to properly use the device.

Interactive training robot will help the child in intellectual Development. The robot offers six games, can change the expression "face" and spinning in all directions.

Talking handle can come in handy a boy for several years ahead. The handle tells fairy tales, trains the score, letters, English words.

A children's tablet contains many applications with interesting and educational games. Suitable for children from 2 to 12 years. There is an Internet access.

Tip! An electronic gift to a boy for 3 years should correspond to age. Sophisticated devices, smartphones, laptops are still early to give, and primitive toys with several buttons - late. It is necessary to assess the possibilities of the baby and give a device that will help get knowledge for a whole year.

For emotions and impressions

How to make the third birthday of a child not forgotten? To arrange a real idea with games, drawing, pleasant surprises. The child will receive bright emotions, and parents will remain for memory joyful photos.

A great gift for a boy on 3 years old - visit Dolphinarium, Amusement Park, Theater, Circus.

Universal gifts

If a gift is selected with a 3-year-old boy, which is known to a little, or a birthday visit - a formal gesture, then you can choose something from universal presents. Toys will like most kids. The price of such gifts can range from a pair to several tens of thousand rubles.

Examples of universal presents:

  • xylophone;
  • children's synthesizer;
  • remote control car;
  • house or tent;
  • transformers;
  • set of wooden tools;
  • water gun;
  • ships or aircraft;
  • set for sandbox;
  • bath toys;
  • roborbka.

A three-year-old boy is probably the most difficult of all birthday men. He already understands the meaning of his birthday and is waiting for a gift, but heels himself hardly runs about what he would like, and if he does not like something, most likely, it will clearly show it. This means that a gift for a three-year-old baby should be sufficiently thoughtful, it is impossible to take it to its choice challenging and leave the purchase for the last day is also not worth it.

Features of age

In three years, a boy from just a child slowly begins to turn into a person, with its own preferences and interests. Do not expect that he obviously demonstrates them, or will give out loud. Most often, he is still not aware of what it is possible to attribute to his favorite things and classes.

At the same time, some character traits are already manifested, and it can be made of certain conclusions about the expediency of a gift. For example, a mobile child will not be interested in board games, and a calm relatively boring gift may even seem like the favorite of all boys - the ball.

At this age, the typical trait of all children is already slowly manifested - curiosity. Give some encyclopedias while frankly early, but informative games or even the books are now becoming relevant.

Approximately now the baby begins to understand the value of not only toys, but and other children - as friends. He can already choose his comrades not because they have interesting machines, but for certain character traits. Of course, the company is much more fun, if there is, what to play - and this is another hint to select a gift.

In the end, it is still just a child who is waiting for a gift, he loves brightness and attractiveness, so choose the present that he will see and immediately understand its value.

Requirements for a gift

The first rule for any children's gifts - they must be completely safe and do not contain harmful materials or dyes. In addition, still unwanted small details and toys that do not have high strength. This is later the future man will be aimed at the constructive, and so far he is much more interesting to break and see what is interesting inside.

The gift must necessarily have an "instant" character, the baby must appreciate it immediately, at the time of delivery, otherwise the effect will disappear Fully.

The birthday boy will simply stop associate you with a trip to a circus or an entertainment center, even if it was you presented tickets, but it was two weeks ago. For the same reason, it is not recommended to give money - whatever they do, it will already be "not your" gift.

Adults are also too often forgetting that clothes are not a gift for a child at all. He is accustomed to such purchases for him are made by adults on any day. Today, the holiday is not an easy day, so do not give clothes, no shoes, nor even bed linen with cartoon heroes.

Tools and Machines for Future Men

At three years, the boy is still completely small, but his interests are already quite men. No man will give up the gift on the wheels, is not it?

You can do banal cars, but you can go up and at the level above - to give a whole set in the form of a multi-level aircard or a special racing track, not only with machinery, but also with the rest of the automotive infrastructure.

If finance is allowed, give the baby own electric car - the one on which you can ride. It will be a reason for crazy pride!

The kid has already understood the baby for three years that adult life is not only male possibilities, but also duties.

The desire to be like dad able to repair literally everything in the house will provoke interest in the tools, especially what is done specifically for children. Special attention will cause a set of disassembled machine with a set of tools for disassembly and assembly.

Other popular solutions: joinery tools, hammers and nails, children's drills on batteries, and much more.

Develop the mind and body

Three-year-old Karapuz is very promoted, and for sure, somewhere in the depths of the soul, dreams of becoming a champion. Such aspiration is very useful, so encourage - for example, make an appropriate gift for three years.

  • home sports corner for a whole set of exercise, muscle developing and neutralizing excessive activity;
  • trampoline for unlimited safe jumps without harm to beds and sofas;

  • tricycle or scooter to enjoy speed;
  • all sorts of balls, so adorable by all boys;
  • any other sports focus, designed for the kid of three years.

However, the force is crazy - the thing is not much useful, especially since the very noticeable line of Karapuz is now unrestrained curiosity and relief.

Now good time both for learning an account and reading and for the knowledge of the endlessly surrounding world, so consider such ideas of gifts:

  1. educational mosaic, lotto and cubes, as well as magnets with numbers and letters;
  2. the first encyclopedias and just bright books with pictures - about transport, animals, dinosaurs, ideally - with visual examples in the form of toys;
  3. special children's tablet or any other learning electronics.

Ideas for calm and active pastime

Even if your boy does not relate to calm, there are still moments when he gets tired, but it still does not want to miss it. If the baby is really hyperactive, but having gained, then he just needs to give anything for a relaxing time. For such cases, board games are usually well suited, both with a training element, and without it - simple entertainment.

Bright examples - children's lotto and games where you need to walk in turn. A designer, but, preferably, without too small details will be a very sensible gift. Do not worry: Even if the child does not seem to understand the meaning of the game, it still develops, and very soon you will see the obvious progress.

If the baby is interested in music, he loves to sing and dance, and parents, for his part, consider it possible to withstand permanent noise for themselves, give the child toy musical instruments. Usually all of them can be fully played, perhaps per synthesizers and pipes, but it is interesting entertainment.

In some cases, the child may be so captivated that sooner or later will understand the difference between the toy and real, and will ask him to give him to the music school.

Other universal options

Sometimes, especially if the child is not yours, there is no possibility to devote much time to choose a gift, but still I would like the birthday room to be satisfied.

In this situation, it is quite well to consider the options for gifts that will certainly like any boy, and can be a long time to become his beloved toy:

  • Machines of all types, from the simplest "models" to options with a motor, radio control, and other functions.
  • Transformer robots can "disguise" under the same typewriter.
  • Toy railway - this gift, believe me, would like even dad, not to mention a three-year-old boy.

  • Thematic sets for male professions - a policeman, fireman, a doctor.
  • Toy pistols. So far, better without fuel - water, or just glowing and emitting sound.
  • Sets of soldiers for carrying out real battles.
  • Ships, airplanes and other vehicles.

Remember that beautiful wrapper and packaging is a third of the success of the gift. Prefer either bright and beautiful toys or those that are as similar to your real original.

For 2 years, the baby accumulates so many toys that they sometimes stop being placed in the baskets and boxes, and the child in the meantime ignores them and does not want to deal with them. How do parents understand the manifold of goods and buy for a baby really useful for the development of satellites in daily entertainment?

Toys are not only sedative "assistants" of parents, they should be a real source of crumbs

Features of the game of the child in 2-3 years

To determine which toys need a child in 2-3 years, it should be understood in the peculiarities of the children of this age. The kids are now active and are not able to deal with one thing for a long time, but most of them are already developing certain preferences in classes.

During this period, the game for the baby must be diverse: to develop, teach, entertain, to physically use it and gradually teach to doctrity. Since in 2-4 years, it is actively being formed, some classes are devoted to the development of small motorbers, while others need to develop self-service skills, coordination of movements.

The psychological development of children by 2 years reaches such a level when they begin to actively copy the actions of adults. During this period, objects appear in the arsenal toys for plot games.

What toys need a child at this age?

In stores there are plenty of toys for children for 2-3 years, and almost all of them are able to develop and teach the baby (we recommend reading :). Regardless of the purpose of the purchased goods, it must have certain properties:

  1. Be safe. Todders up to 3 years old are still striving for all available objects to put in the mouth, so there should be no loan or easily detachable goods on the purchased product.
  2. Become. The crocha should or with a small help of adults to deal with how to play with a gift.
  3. Be interesting. IMPORTANT When choosing toys, it is not for someone else's experience, but on knowing your child's hobbies. If the boy is in a given period, I like to copy my mother - buy my eye disk, doll or iron. The acquired "male" tanks and helicopters can now not interest crumb at all.
  4. Be high quality. The color decision of the toy, the material from which it is made, and the sounds published - all this should be pleasant and comfortable for crumbs.

Relying on the listed signs, you can easily choose a good toy for your baby. All games should be safe, fascinating and high quality.

Educational toys for boys and girls

Developing Wooden Lace Toys

This category of goods is designed to train the kids necessary skills, develop their spatial thinking, small motorcy, logic and eye meter. These toys can be roughly divided into two groups: some are plotting, others - develop babies, honing important movements.

  • Laceings are inexpensive goods, helping to develop the crumbs of the eye meter and fine motor skills, contribute to the development of prettiness in children.
  • Frames-liners contribute to the assimilation of the concept of size and forms, develop fine motility, coordination, eye and attention.

Wooden liner frame Geometric figures
  • Scene toys also teach kids. Dolls, strollers, kitchens and ironing boards, cars and suitcases with tools, doctor sets - all this helps the child join the adult world and repeat the actions of others.
  • Designers teach kids creating. They also help to form in children an abypture, use their fantasy and logical thinking. Working with set details contributes to the development of shallow motility.

Such toys require active participation of adults in classes. By themselves, they will not open your child, it's just a tool. You must show the baby how to properly use objects, and when he learn everything, he will be able to act independently.

Educational toys

Children in 2-3 years love to play with plasticine

Modern parents seem to be the toys of this group are expensive products of well-known firms. In fact, develop the child, with the right approach, can absolutely familiar products for us, spending on which they will almost not affect the family budget:

  1. Plasticine. The traditional material designed to catch up with small motors, with a creative approach can be an excellent assistant for the development of the kid. From the plasticine can be along with a blunder to shake vegetables and fruits and play the store, teaching him. The soft material can be smeared on the cardboard, and then cast cereals on it, creating pictures. Games with plasticine can come up with a great set - and they will all become for the kid by developing.
  2. Cubes. Wooden, plastic, porolone, with pictures and without - all of them, with the right approach, will become an effective tool for the development of a child for 2-3 years. With their help, you can build towers, houses and garages, learn to distinguish colors and sizes. Games with cubes will teach the crumb to be perfected and diligent.
  3. Mosaic and puzzles. Feed the product, large parts of which are easy and effortlessly collected in a single whole, you will help the baby learning to analyze and group objects. As simple items are mastered, you can buy complicated options.

To ensure the harmonious development of the kid, it is not necessary to spend money on expensive goods. Simple and familiar cubes, plasticine and mosaic from childhood will become an effective stimulant for the formation of the necessary skills.

Didactic toys

This type of goods more than others requires active participation of adults during classes. The goal of didactic toys is to help the child to know the world, learn to compare, analyze and make a right choice. On the shelves of shops are enough specialized products in this category: these are both didactic cards with images and names, and paired puzzles, and cubes, having on the edges of the illustrations that are collected together.

Children's domino with pictures of plants, vegetables and fruits

Another product that can be attributed to the category of didactic toys for children - a variety of board games. Lotto and domino with images of animals, vegetables and fruits will become an excellent family entertainment and will contribute to the accumulation of the necessary knowledge and concepts at the kid.

Musical toys

Despite the fact that many interactive toys and books publish many melodies, parents seek to acquire musical instruments for children - and not in vain. They develop not only musical abilities, but also fine motility, breathing and coordination.

Various musical toys contribute to the active development of the child

For kids you can buy:

  • whistles;
  • shoes;
  • light harmonica;
  • diamonds;
  • ratchet;
  • maracasi;
  • drum;
  • xylophone;
  • toy piano.

It is clear that these musical instruments will not be able to carry the crumb for a long time, but also 5-10 minutes a day will be enough for him. Regular classes With such toys will contribute to the development of hearing and the feelings of the rhythm of the crumbs.

Toys for an active child

Kids 2-3 years old are constantly in motion, and their attention is rarely able to stay for a long time on one object. In an effort to learn the crumb to do, do not forget about the need for dynamic games - in order to correctly redirect the "excess" energy of hyperactive children, mobile homes should be organized.

Active demand for young children enjoy pools with balls

For this, ideal:

  1. Games with a ball. If the space of the apartment allows you to organize a playground for such classes, you can play with a crumb to mini-football or teach it to throw the ball into a basketball basket, fixed on the wall or doors.
  2. Skittles. This is a rather dynamic and gambling, which, with the right approach, will force hyperactive kids to "sweat". Kegelban develops the accuracy and trains coordination of movements when placing inventory.
  3. Transport. Scooters and bicycles on which Kroch will learn to ride at home will develop its balance and spending excess energy. Another acceptable option for active babies is a begging (we recommend reading :).
  4. Swimming pool with balls. Budget and compact inflatable models filled with plastic balls for a long time to make your baby and his little guests.

Toys for an active child are selected on the basis of the temperament of the crumbs, his hobbies, as well as spatial capabilities.

If the area of \u200b\u200byour home allows you to equip for a child a whole sports corner with swings, rings, mats and trampolines.

Interactive toys

Modern interactive toys look interesting, but rather quickly bored babies, so you strive to choose only practical "smart" models. You can see on store shelves:

  • a variety of piano;
  • training tablets;
  • toys that when pressing the buttons loses different melodies;
  • mats and posters;
  • game centers with buttons.

The monotony of interactive toys, unfortunately, is pretty quickly bored with children, so they should be removed into the closet after the kid player. A week later, they can be reached again and give a crouch - interest will temporarily temporarily.

Rating of the best toys for kids

It is clear that such an abundance of toys is not only not affordable to many families, but will become a kind of "theft" of fantasy among kids. To avoid climbing the apartment by unnecessary goods, it is better to limit their number.

Active kids almost never bother to play the ball

Mom's forums often discuss the problem of the necessary and useful toys for children for 2-3 years. Based on their practical experience, it is possible to determine the ranking of the best of them:

  • Ball. This is a really useful toy with which you can come up with a lot of training and educational activities.
  • Board-Molbert. Bilateral models are very convenient, on one side of which you can draw shameles, and on the other - markers.
  • Scene games. It can be anything - a railway or a racing track for a boy, a kitchen or a doctor's kit for a girl, the main thing is that the baby can try on the "masks" of adults, whom he sees daily.
  • Toy comforter. Every day the baby is full of new impressions, with whom his psyche is hard to cope. So that the child felt well and comfortably felt in a stress situation (the doctor, in children's garden, visiting unfamiliar people) it is important to "start" for him a loved one.

Toy-comfort "Girafenok"
  • Lrack. Now it is important to develop the crumbling and small motility from the crumbs, plasticine and modern novelty are ideal for this - kinetic sand. The optimal and pleasant to the touch replacement them is a salt dough (we recommend reading :).
  • Constructor. Girls and boys must need to learn how to build their own hands: Build the towers of wooden cubes, buildings from plastic blocks, and incredible structures from the magnetic framework are easily.
  • Puzzles. The baby will be happy to collect pictures from large details, and the feeling of success will stimulate the crumb to conquer the new "heights".

  • A car. Roll mini-transport, arrange races and walks for dolls - it is not necessary to have a strictly "male" lesson, girls also like such children's entertainment.
  • Creation. Plasticine and kinetic sand, finger paints with sets of brushes and safe paints, appliqués and mosaics - all this should be every child and develop its fantasy, shallow motorcy and prudence.
  • Didactic cards. These are realistic images (and better - photos) of animals, vegetables and fruits, plants, buildings, clothing items, and all the fact that developing kids should be aware of the world around.

This is the main list of really useful and fascinating objects that will contribute to the harmonious development of crumbs. In addition to the toys included in this list, parents should be abandoned and buying books for child, - your joint classes will bring the child to reading.

How to make interesting toys do it yourself?

Fascinating toys do not necessarily buy - they can be made independently. The most popular and really fascinating option, often included in the top of the desired classes - the Bizeboard.

Developing Stand "Bizeibord"

All sorts of elements are attached to the sideline and painted board, which can be interesting to crumbs or are used in everyday life:

  • sockets;
  • door or window bolsters;
  • switches;
  • telephone tubes;
  • call;
  • gears.

The main thing is that all the details are safe for the child and were securely fixed so that he cannot break them off their hands. Elements can be twisted and replaced by new as they grow and change the interests of the baby.

Another exciting version of the homemade toy is a nitkoplet. He develops a shallow motorcy and stimulates the formation of fantasy. On a wooden board, carnations with round safe hats are stuffed so that the rods remain over the surface by 3-5 cm. Multicolored threads or gums are engaged in a free order, creating geometric shapes with their weave.

Now the sensory boxes are very popular - in any plastic or cardboard capacitance, sand or small croups are saturated. Kids like to dig in such an improvised "sandbox", playing in it with small toys.

Mom-needlewomen create educational books for their children. Soft fabric pages are filled with interesting details - lacing, buttons with clasps, velcro and lightning. In secret pockets, kids can find surprises - appliques with images of animals or beads.


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