Men's Jewish names and values \u200b\u200b- the choice of the best name for the boy. Jewish names history of the origin of Jewish male names

Men's Jewish names and values \u200b\u200b- the choice of the best name for the boy. Jewish names history of the origin of Jewish male names

If the Orthodox earlier to choose the name of the newborn looked into the sacraticles, the Jews were always chosen in three ways:

  1. Focusing on older relatives.
  2. In honor of the favorite biblical heroes.
  3. Staying on the Hebrew Righteous.

Kabbalah teaches that letters in the name - this is a connection with spiritual forces, so in practice there are cases where seriously ill people are called double names, adding Haim (Life). In the books of Sholol Aleichema and Isaac Babel, such options are quite common. Sometimes used and near - translation. For example, ZEEV - Wolf.

The name of the names will include only Hebrew (or on Yiddish), although since 1917 anyone has been permitted in Russia. Everywhere, Baruchi and Berls turned into Borisov, and Leiba - in Lviv. In other countries (Palestine) there were reverse processes, for which the state was strictly followed. The name of the boys occurs during circumcision - on the eighth day from birth. Consider the most common Jewish male names.

List of alphabetic (from and to m) with translation

  • Aaron - "Mountain", Brother Moses, High Priest.
  • Abraham -it is considered a forefather ("Father of Peoples"). Option is allowed - Abram.
  • Adam -"Earth", in honor of the first person on earth.
  • Baruch - "Blessed", assistant prophet.
  • GAD - "Good luck",son Yakova.
  • Hersch - "Alien", son of Moses.
  • David - "Favorite", from him went the genus of the Jewish kings.
  • Dov - "bear, the personification of strength and dexterity.
  • Zerah. - "radiance", son of Yeuda.
  • Isle - "Fighting with God", options are allowed: Yisroel, Israel.
  • Itzhak -"Pretending to laugh", the son of Abraham, whom he was preparing to sacrifice. Options - Icyc, Isaac.

The list of Jewish male names includes the most common, without borrowed.

  • Yoshua "God, like salvation," student Moshe, dismantled the land of Israel.
  • Yosef (Joseph) - "God", son of Yaakova, sold to slavery in Egypt.
  • Jonathan -"This God" , friend of David.
  • Kalele- "Heart", scout, sent to the land of Israel.
  • Lab. - "Lion", is a symbol of Yeuda.
  • Menachem - "Comforter", Jewish king.
  • Michael. - "Like God", the Messenger of God, designed to defend the Jewish people.
  • Moshe - "Saved from the water", the greatest prophet. Options - Moishe, Moses.

Second part of the alphabet

  • Nachum - "comforted", the small prophet. Option - Nach.
  • Nakhchon - "Predictor", the son-in-law of Aaron, the first widdle in the Red Sea.
  • Noah - "Calm", the righteous, escaped from the Flood.
  • Ovadya - "God's servant", a small prophet. Options - Ovadia, Obadia.
  • Pesh.- "Missed", the name of Easter.
  • Pinhas. - "Snake Rot", the grandson of Aaron, whoaved God's anger from Israelis.
  • Rafael -"Heated by God", angel of healing.
  • Tanchum - "consolation", sage Talmud.
  • Uriel - "My light is God," the name of the angel.
  • Fileel - "Focused with breasts" in Yiddish. Options - Favisch, Faivel, Fairiv, Faivish.

The list of Jewish male names for the last letters of the alphabet is the most significant, so it should be stopped on the most important.

  • Hagai - "Celebrating", the small prophet, the grandson of Yakov. Option - Hagi..
  • Kanan. - "Pardon", from him the knee of Benjamin.
  • Ganoh - "Sangered", the son of Cain.
  • Tsadok- "righteous", pacified by the uprising against David.
  • Ion- "Superiority", is used as synonym for Jerusalem.
  • Cefania - "God hidden", the small prophet.
  • Shalom- "Peace", King of Israel. Shimon - "Heard by God", Son Yakova. Option - Simon.
  • Shmuel. - "God's name", prophet.
  • Efraim - "prolific", grandson of Yakov.
  • Yaakov -"Overwhelming", forefather. Options - Jacob, Yakov, Yankees, Yankel.

Borrowed names

Are there any borrowed Jewish male names? The list can be replenished by those that appeared in everyday life while Talmud did not play an important role. Calling children in honor of relatives, Jews contribute to their spread. From the Hebrew language came the names: Meir, Menuha, Nehama.Babylonian brought Mordeha Haldei - Atlyand Bebay.Greek dominion presented the name to Jews Alexander (option - with ender). Georgian Jews appeared: Heraclius, Gram.; W. tajik - Bovzodjon, Rubensii, Estermo.

Their feature is a small territory of distribution. There are names that appeared because of the belief. So, the name alter ("old man") called all newborns, but in a month it was changed. It was believed that it protects against evil spirits.

Jewish surnames

The list of Jewish male names is very important because early XIX. The century did not have the names (in the Austrian Empire appeared at the end of the XVIII century). How were they created?

  • On behalf of the Father or Biblical Characters: Benjamin, Israel, David, Abram.
  • From female names: Rivman (husband Riva), CIVYAN (Name of Tsivya), Mirkin (Mirka).
  • From the appearance or character of the owner: Schwartz ("the black"), Weisbard("Beloborod").
  • From profession: Rabinovich ("rabbi"), Danyana ("judge").
  • From geographic names: Lifshitz ("Silesian city"), Gurevich (Czech town).
  • From any things that are found in life. They are called decorative: Bernstein ("amber"), Yaglom ("diamond").

As we saw, the origin of surnames is Jewish male names, the list of which is presented in the text.

Rav Schraga Simmons


Aaron was the first high priest, brother Moshe. He is famous for "loved the world and sought to the world." Aaron translated - "Glowing".


Abba - dad translated from Hebrew. This name has gained popularity in the Talmud Epoch. The most famous Abba is an expert on the Torah, who lived in the 4th century in Babylon. (Talmud Brahot, 24B).


Abraham is the first forefather of the Jewish people. He dedicated his life to spreading knowledge about bs on earth. Abraham is famous for his kindness. The meaning of his name "Father of many nations" (Bershit 17: 5).


Adam is the first person. Adam possessed such wisdom, which could give names to animals, seeing the essence of each of them. "Adam saw from one edge of the earth to another."


The famous Rabbi Akiv lived in the era of the destruction of the second temple. He was a 40-year-old shepherd, who did not know even the Jewish alphabet. Once he saw a stone, in which the gap was formed from the constant pressure of the water. He thought: "If ordinary water can break through the stone, then the more the torus - the fire - can rally my heart. Rabbi Akiva devoted his life to the study of Torah and became the greatest sage of his generation, which had 24,000 students.


Jewish boys are called so in honor of Alexander Macedon. Talmud describes the meeting of the emperor with the high priest of the Jerusalem Chimon Temple. Seeing Shimon-high priest, Alexander Macedonian tears from the horse and gave a low bow. Later, Alexander Macedonsky explained that before each battle, he saw the image of Shimon-pervocable, whom he considered his guardian angel. After that, the episode of the Jewish wise men decided to all those who were born this year (333 BC. BC) were named Alexander. Until now, this name remains quite popular among the Jews.


Alter - "Old" to Yiddish. Often the sick child gave such a name, wanting him to live to elderly.


Amos is one of the 12 small prophets in the tanya. Amos is translated as "filled", refers to "wisdom filled with".


Ammora - Father Moshe, the leader of the Jewish people in the period before the outcome of Egypt.


"Lion Sun-Vyshnya" (Isaiah 29: 1). Ariel is also another name of Jerusalem. It is also the name of the angel whose mission is to achieve the world. (Isaiah 33: 7).


ARIE - Lion, King Beast. Symbolizes perseverance and perseverance in the fulfillment of the commandments of the VS-Vyshnyh. The lion is the symbol of the knee "Yehuda" - the symbol of the kingdom (bearing 49: 9).


Asher - "Happy", "Blessed". Asher is one of the 12 sons of Yaakova (Bershit 30:13).


Avi - "My Father". AVI is a reduction from Abraham, the first forefather of the Jewish people (Bereshit 17: 5).


Avigdor means "Father who set the borders" for the Jewish people. Avigdor is one of the names of Moshe. It is mentioned in the 1st book Chronicle 4: 4.


Avner - "My Father is light." Avner - Uncle Tsar Shaulu and a warlord (1 Shmuel 14:50).


Azriel is the name of the angel, meaning the "Assistant Was-Vyshnyh". Azriel In Tanakhu, the father of the head of the knee Naftali (1 book Chronicles 27:19).


Baruch means "blessed". Baruch appears in Torah as an assistant to the Prophet of Jeremiah.


Betzalel means "in the shadow of the sun-post". Betzalel in Tana - the builder of Mishkana - a portable temple, which accompanied the Jews for 40 years in the Ust.


Benjamin - "Son of my right hand." Symbolizes power. Benjamin is the youngest of 12 sons of Prawana Yakova (Bershit 35:19).


Benzion - son of the cion. The name Benzion is mentioned in the Talmud.


Burlen - "Bear" from Yiddish. Also symbolizes the power and echoes the Hebrew analogue - the name of Dov (Bear).


Boaz - Husband Ruth, Praded King David. Means "swiftness".


Velvl - "Wolf" to Yiddish. Most often associated with Benjamin's knee, whose symbol was a wolf. In the end of the knee Binyamin was located the Jerusalem Temple.


Gad means "luck". The reptile is one of the 12 sons of Yaakova (Bershit 30:11).


Gamliel means "Gd - my reward." Gamliel in Tanya - Menasha's Knee Leader (Bamidbar 1:10).


Gavriel - "Gd - my strength." Gavriel is an angel who predicts the birth of Itzhak (Berse 18:10). He destroys SDU and is Daniel (Daniel 8:16). This angel stands to the left of us when we sleep.


Gedalya means "Great Sun-Vyshnyh". Gedalya - the leader of the Jewish people killed by the Jew. In honor of this tragic event, we celebrate the post of Gedali.


Gershoma is a stranger. Gershom - the eldest son Moshe. (Shamot 2:22).


Dan - "Judge". Dan is the fifth son of Prawtsa Yakova (Bershit 30: 6).


Daniel- "Sun-Vyshnya is my judge." Symbolizes Harmony of Mercy and Court of Sun-Vyshny. Daniel lived in the era of the board of King Navukhadtsar. Daniel was thrown into a fiery oven and into a cage with lions, and was a miracle saved by Vyshny. All the events of the life of Daniel are described in the book of Daniel.


David means "beloved". David is the second king of Israel, all the future kings of Israel will go from him, including Masha (1 Shmuel 17:12).


Zalman - Idish analogue of the name "Solomon". Solomon - the son of King David, the wisest of the people who built the first Jerusalem temple.


Wheel - "remembering B-ha". Wheel - one of the 12 small prophets in the tanya.


Zeave - Wolf in Hebrew. Traditionally associate with Benjamin's knee, whose symbol was a wolf.


Sound means "respect." Sound is one of the 12 sons of Prawaca Yakova (bearing 30:20).


Itar means "Palm Island". Itar in the tanya - younger son High Priest Aaron. (Shamot 6:23).


Itzhak means "it will laugh" (Bare 21: 6). Yitzhak - the second patriarch of the Jewish people. In Kabbalah, Itzhak means the ability to control and manage the physical world.


Isroel means "fantastic with Gd". Isroel is the second name of Prawana Yakova, from which 12 knees of Israel went.


Isahar means "There is a reward." Isahar is one of the 12 sons of Yaakova. (Bare 30:18).


Bassaga means "Gd - Salvation." ISHEGU - Prophet in the era of the first Jerusalem temple (8 century BC).


Yehoeskel means "Sun-Vyshnyh will strengthen." Yehoeskel - the Prophet, who predicted what Jerusalem would be rebuilt. This is described in the book of the Prophet Yehzkel.


Jedidia means "Favorite Sun-Vyshny". So Gd called Tsar Solomon (2 Shmuel 12:25).


Yoshua means "Gd - salvation". Yoshua - the first student Moshe and the leader of the Jewish people after the death of Moshe. Yoshua took the land of Israel. All these events are described in detail in the book of Yoshua.


Yehud means "Sun-Vyshnyh will praise." Yehuda is the fourth son of Prawaca Yakova, from which all the kings of Israel went. Another famous person named Yehuda - Yehud McCuway, raised uprising against the Greeks in the Epoch of Hanukkah.


Jigal means "he will save." Yigal is one of 12 scouts sent to inspect the land of Israel (Bemidbar 13: 7).


Yerakhmiel means "Sun-Vyshnyh". Yerakhmiel in Tanaj is the son of one of the kings of Israel. (Yeremia 36:26).


Yirmiyagu means "Sun-Vyshnya will raise." Jirmiagu - the Prophet, who warned the Jews about the destruction of Jerusalem. This is described in the Book of the Prophet Jirmiyaga.


Johanan means "bd raven". Johanan is a son of one of the kings of Israel (2 kings 25:23) and a military leader (Jeremiah 40:13). Yohanan was also the high priest in the Epoch of Hanukkah, under the leadership of which the Jews were able to clear the temple.


Joel means "Was-Vyshniya". Joel is one of the 12 small prophets in the tanya.


Yom Tov - "Holiday" in Hebrew.


Yosef means "will increase the sun-vents." Yosef is one of the sons of Yaakov, which was sold to slavery in Egypt. Later, Yosef becomes the second person after Pharaoh in Egypt (Bereshit 30:24). Yosef in Kabbalah denotes "connection".


Jona means "dove". Jona is one of the 12 small prophets who was swallowed with a huge whale.


Jonathan means "GIV-Vyshnyh". Jonathan is the son of King Shaulu and the best friend of King David. (1 Shmuel 18-20).


Kalev means "like a heart." Kalev - Major Music, Moshe's sisters. His together with 11 other scouts sent to explore the land of Israel (Bemidbar 13: 6).


Liebe on Yiddish Lion. The lion is the symbol of the knee of Yehuda, the symbol of the kingdom.


Levi is translated as "accompanying". Levi is one of the 12 sons of Yaakov. Levi knee performed special functions in the Jerusalem temple.


Matyatagu means "Gift of Sun-Vyshnyh". MATYAGA - the main character Hanook history, Maccabeev leader. In Kabbalah, it emphasizes that the numeric meaning of the name Matyaga is similar with the "Beit Micdha" value of the temple (861).


Meir means "emitting light". Rabbi Meir is a very famous sage living in 2nd. Mention of it is available in the Talmud.


Menachem - translated "Comforter". Menachem - Jewish Tsar in Tanah (2 Book of Kingdoms 15:14). There is an opinion that the sash will be called.


Menasha means "helping to forget." In Kabbalah, Menasha has the power of eliminating evil. Menasha in Torah - Son Yosef (Bereshit 41:51).


Mendl is the Yiddish analogue of the name Menachem.


Mijah means "who is like sun-poster?". Miha is one of the 12 small prophets in the tanya.


Michael also means "Who is like sun-wig?". Michael - the name of the defender of the Jewish people. Michael guards us when we sleep (it stands on the right side). The right side is always associated with kindness and mercy.


Mordechai means "warrior". Mordechai in the tanya - the Prophet and her husband of Queen Esther, who saved the Jews from the total destruction in the era of Purima.


Moshe is the greatest of ever living prophets. Moshe brought the Jews from Egypt. Drove them in the desert of 40 years. Moshe means "elongated" (out of the water). (Shamot 2:10). In the deep sense, Moshe "pulled out" the Jewish people from slavery.


Nakhchon in the Bible - Cousin Aaron, who first went to the Red Sea before it was broken. (Shamot 6:23).


Nachman means "Comforter". Nachman - the Great Jewish Sage, who lived in Babylon. In Kabbalah, the name of Nahman is the same numerical importance as the word "Nezakh" - eternity.


Nachum means "Comforter". Nahum is one of the 12 small prophets in the tanya.


Naftali - Translated "Boring". Naftali is one of the 12 sons of Yaakov.


Nathan means "he gave". Nathan - the Prophet, who lived in the era of King David (2 Shmuel 5:15).


Nememya - "Soothed Sun-Vyshny". Nememya - the leader of the Jewish people during the return period from the Babylonian exile.


Nethel - "Gift of Sun-Vyshnyh". Nethel - Brother Tsar David (1 Chronicles 2:14).


Nisan - translated "Banner". Nisan is one of the months of the Jewish calendar, which always falls the feast of the dog.


Noah means "calm" (Bereshit 5:29). Noah is the only surviving man during the Flood. In Kabbalah, the word "Noah" is also denoted by Saturday - a day of rest and peace.


Ovadya - "Slave Sun-Vyshnyh". Ovada is one of the 12 small prophets in the tanya.


Pepper means "pulling forward." Pepper in Torah is the son of Yehuda (Bereshit 38:29).


Pesach means "jump over". Pesach is a holiday of the liberation of the Jewish people from Egyptian slavery, when Sun-Vyshny "jumped" through Jewish houses during the execution of the firstborn.


Pinhas in Tanakh is the high priest, the grandson of Aaron. Thanks to the courage of Pinhas, the Jews ended in the camp.


Rahamim means "mercy".


Rafael - "Gd treats". Rafael is an angel bringing recovery. He visits Abraham after circumcision. Rafael stands behind us when we sleep.


Reuven - "Look, Son." Reuven is the firstborn of Yakova and Lei.


Simha - translated from Hebrew "Joy".


Tuvye means "Sun-Vyshnyy". It is believed that this is one of the names of Moshe. Tuvye has the same numeric value as the word "lion" (heart) - 32.


Uri means "my light". Uri in the Bible - the head of the Knee of Yehud (Shamot 31: 2).


Uriel - "Gd - My Light." Uriel - descendant Levi. Also name and an angel responsible for the air element. He stands ahead of us when we sleep.


Haim - "Life". For the first time this name appears in the 12th century - so called one of the commentators of Talmud. There is an opinion that the machine will be so called.


Hanan means "he was humbled." Hanan in Torah - Knee Leader Benjamin (1 Chronicles 8:23).


Hananya - "Gd gave mercy." Hananya is one of the prophets in the tanya. (Jeremiah 28: 1).


Hanoh means "education" or "dedicated". Khanokh in Torah - the son of Cain. (Boeshit 4:17).


Hezkayagu - "Gd - my strength." Hezkayagu in Tana - King of Israel (2 kingdoms 19-20).


Hirsch - "Deer" on Idiš. This name is often associated with the knee naftali, the symbol of which is Lan. (Boeshit 49:21).


Hilel - "praise". Hilel is one of the greatest sages of the Talmud era.


Ration is the second name of the city "Jerusalem". Means "perfection".


ZVI means "deer". This name is often associated with the knee naftali, the symbol of which is Lan. (Boeshit 49:21).


Shalom - "Peace". Shalom is one of the names of the sun-post.


Shaul - the first king of Israel (1 Shmuel 9: 2). Shaul means "Scraped".


Shai - Translation from Hebrew "Gift". Thus called the king of Ishiga, who was the Jewish prophet during the first Jerusalem temple (8B. BC).


Shimshon means "strong, like the sun." Shimshon - a judge over Israel, who accepted the vow of Nazarea, who won a lot of wars against the Philistines.


Shimon - "heard". Shimon is one of the 12 knees of Israel, the second son of Yakova. (Boeshit 29:33).


Shlomo means "his world". Shlomo - son of King David, who joined the throne at the age of 12. Shlomo built the first Jerusalem temple. His Board is the era of the world and the well-being of Israel.


Shmuel - "His name - Gd". The Bible describes the prayer of a woman of Khan, who asked the Sun-Vyshnya about the Son. She is born Shmuel. Shmuel becomes the great prophet, coronating the two kings of Israel - Shaulu and David. These events are described in detail in Shmuel's book.


Schrah with Aramaic "Light" or "Candle".


Ephraim means "prolific." Efraim is the second son of Yosef, the grandson of Yakova (Bereshit 41:52).


Eitan means "strong". Eitan - the grandson of Yehud. Midrash says that Eitan also called Abraham - the first Jew.


Elhanan - "Blm climbed". Elhanan in the Bible - the army commander in the era of King David.


Elazar - "Sun-Vyshnyh helped." In the Bible, Elazar - the son of the High Priest of Aaron (Shot 6:23).


Eliezer means "My Gd helped". Eliezer in the Bible - the servant of Abraham (Breasts 15: 2), as well as the son of Moshe (Shmot 18: 4).


Eli - "My Gd". Eli in the Bible - high priest, the last judge in the era of Shmuel (1 Shmuel 1).


Elisha - "Gd will help" or "Gd will hear." Elisha in the Bible - Prophet, student Ealga Anati (Ilya-prophet).


Ealga - "He is my Gd." Ealga - the Prophet, rising to the sky in a fiery chariot. It comes to every circumcision and Easter Seder.


Ezra means "Assistant". Ezra is the leader of the Jewish people who led by Jews after the Babylonian captivity. He built the second Jerusalem temple, which is described in the book Ezra.


Yair - "He will sparkle." Yair - Yosef's grandson in the Bible (Dvrrim 3:14).


Yaakov means "holding down for the heel." Yaakov - the third patriarch of the Jewish people who gave birth to 12 sons, from which 12 knees of Israel (Bereshit 25:26). Yaakov in Kabbalah denotes harmony and integrity.

Jewish names were repeatedly on the verge of extinction, so it was very important how the newborn boy would call. According to Tore name give a child on the day of his circumcisionBut if the child is born sick, then you can call the newborn before.

To choose a name, there is no universal tradition, however, in most families, how to name the firstborn chooses the father, and the second child is a mother, in some families is made on the contrary. The main thing is that parents agree with each other.

As a rule, the baby is called in honor of the dead relatives. It is believed that this is a great merit of the deceased that relatives in his honor called their child. However, it is not recommended to call a child in honor of the tragically deceased relative, and if this is done, this name should not be considered the main one.

In religious families, parents can call the child in honor of Rabbi, especially those common in the Hasidian movement of Judaism. However, the rabbis themselves are quite skeptical about such a manifestation of respect.

Also in the Jewish tradition, there is an opportunity to give a second - an additional name. It is given if the child was not called parents, or the boy is seriously sick. In this case, he is given a healing name that brings good luck. And then it is it becomes the main for the boy.

Popularity in Russia

Jewish names are quite popular in Russia. This is due to a variety of reasons.

Based on the all of the above, it can be concluded that a very significant part of Russian men wearen Jewish names.

List of alphabetics, origin and value

Jewish names are very popular all over the world. Throughout history, new names appeared, transformed and translated into different languages \u200b\u200bold. So, many of them have passed the way from the Hebrew language to Greek, Latin, and then to Russian.


An interesting feature of the Jewish people is that most modern names have a very ancient origin.. Therefore, the list below will reflect modern names formed, mostly more than 5,000 years ago:

Most popular and common

Jewish names are common worldwideThat's why you will be asked to find out how to call your children in Russia:

Listed names are found in almost any city of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

Rare and beautiful

Very many beautiful Jewish names can be found in our world.. There is a whole group of names, derived from the end of the word Mazal (Luck). By giving such names are "angels" and bring health, good luck and something divine. The boys of Gabriels should be attributed to this group (from Hebrew - Angel), Mikhailov (from the IVR. - God-like). Also, the group must also be attributed to the Hebrew names:

  • Aviel: My Father is God;
  • Azriel: My help is God;
  • Gileel: famous God, etc.


Jewish names are full of sacred meaning, unity with God and the wisdom of ancestors. However, among them you can find quite funny, both in meaning and sounding for a Russian person.

Women's and men's Jewish names are popular not only in Israel, but also in the far abroad. The reason for this lies in the migration of the Jews at all corners of the planet. In addition, Jewish names for the most part find their roots in the Bible, because they are considered strong and capable of changing the life of the baby.

The history of the origin of Jewish male names

Most of the names of Jewish origin are based on the various interpretations of the Bible. At the moment, Jewish names for the most part almost did not change in sound. If some phonetic changes occurred, then only associated with the place of residence of a particular representative of the people. For example, one and the same names of the Jews living in Russia, Israel or America will sound a little different.

However, in modern Israel, not all residents wear names based on the Torah and Tanahs. New names are created, harmonious for a modern person.

But it is considered to be wrong to give a newborn Jew foreign name, not based on biblical plots.

List of beautiful names for the boy

Very many names common on the whole globe, Jewish origin. Therefore, they are familiar and harmonious for most peoples.

  • Amos - "filled with wisdom";
  • Ariel - "Heavenly Bird";
  • Ezra - "Assistant";
  • Samson (he is Shimshon) - "Judge", "Sun Child";
  • Solomon - "Mirny";
  • Asher - "Happy";
  • Daniel - "Mercy";
  • Rafael is "healed."

Rare male names of Jewish origin

It is believed that the list of Jewish names is the longest compared to the names of other origins. Therefore, some of them are extremely rare. But, nevertheless, they are harmful and carry a deep meaning.

  • Amnon - "The one who is devoted to his work";
  • Aviu - "He";
  • Amihai - "My people live";
  • Asaf - "Care";
  • Avinoos - "Pleasant";
  • Gedalya - "aronsted by God";
  • Yoni - "Pigeon";
  • MaOs - "Protection";
  • Meir - "Light";
  • Noah - "pleasant";
  • Eden - "Paradise".

Modern and common names and their meaning

Despite the fact that widespread in last years In Israel, foreign names receive, local residents still prefer to call the boys with beautiful male names with Jewish roots.

The most common:

  • Aaron - "First Priest". The first famous Aaron on the Bible was famous for love to the world around him.
  • Abraham - "Father". Abraham devoted his life to the spread of great knowledge about the Lord God. It is believed that the boy called this name will grow a good man who will not leave anyone in trouble.
  • Daniel - "Fair." The values \u200b\u200bof this name are also considered "harmony" and "honesty".
  • Joseph - "purposeful". It is beautiful male name It was given one of the sons of Yakov. According to Believers, it was sold to slavery, but he not only gained freedom again, but became the right hand of the ruler of Egypt.
  • Shlomo - "Mirny". This name has become recently included in Jewish lists, because it is quite modern. It is believed that the owner of the name Shlomo tries to find the least conflict exit from any situation and easily finds compromises even with the most intractable people.
  • Eitan - "brave". This name is called babies who want to see in the future courageous and responsible men, defenders of the family and the whole people.
  • Elazar - "under the wing of the Lord." The owner of this name has an amazing luck. The fact is that it is always under the supervision of the Most High, thanks to which the difficulties and black life stripes bypass Elazar side.

Many Jewish names are popular in Russia and the Baltic countries, so much entered into our subconscious, that the fact of their Jewish origin is able to plunge into shock.

For example, there are often found:

  • Adam - "First". As everyone knows, the first man created by the Lord was named, with whom he shared his wisdom.
  • Alexander - "Bold." The name is associated with the great conqueror Alexander Macedonian, famous for his courage.
  • David - "Favorite". The name originates from the second king of Israel.
  • Nazar - "Deadly serving God."
  • Mikhail is "liked to the Lord."
  • Matvey - "Given God."
  • Ilya - "Deep believer."

Ancient and forgotten names

Some names of Jewish origin are becoming less and less used because of their difficult pronunciation.

But to bypass the list of such names should not be: some of them can attract your attention if you want to impart the child somehow especially nontrivial:

  • Yehzkel - "Responsive";
  • Yigal - "Savior", "Assistant";
  • Mordechai - "militant";
  • Squareau - In Torah, this is one of the followers of King David;
  • Cefania - "Under the protection of the Lord";
  • Hagai - "Celebrating". One of the 12 prophets.

Interesting the name Moshe is "elongated from the water." It is one of the oldest, originating from the great prophet Moshe. He brought the Jews from Egypt, saving them to the slavery of the Egyptian king.

How to choose a Jewish name for a boy

The choice of the newborn can be a very depressing occupation. In the case of babies born in Jewish families, it is very important to impart the baby accordingly.

Jews honor their traditions and culture, because they do not welcome the appeal to foreign names that are not associated with biblical plots.

  1. In Jewish culture, the interpretation of the name is very important. Its value can be easily clarified on one of the many Internet resources. You must familiarize yourself with the biblical character whose name gives your child to not choose for him the fate of the deceiver and Tirana.
  2. When selecting the name, the baby should be understood that it will not always remain a dying plump in the diaper. Someday the child will grow, will take a high post, will become an independent man. It will be awkward if he will have to speak in front of a serious public with a too popular child name on Bain or Slide Presentation.
  3. A rare ancient name is good. But not when it interferes with socialization. It is difficult, it can lead to inconvenience at school, with the result that the child will fall into the list of outsiders.

There are analogues for women's Jewish names: Ela - Alla, Eliza - Alisa, Khan - Anna, Aya - Asya, Liore - Valeria, Emuna - Vera, Nice - Victoria, Shalva - Galina (both names denote peace, silence), dorit or Dara - Daria, Havi - Eve, Meir - Elena or Alyona (names are translated as "light", "illuminating everything around"), ELISEVA - Elizaveta, Khanaela - Zhanna, Ziva - Zinaida, Haya - Zoya, Isabel - Isabella, Einat or Yona - Inna, Shhylaud or Meir - Irina, Sigal - Iia, Tal or Keren - Clara.

Interestingly, the names are selected in two ways: according to a similar phonetic composition or in meaning. In some cases, a literal translation from Hebrew into Russian is used. For example, female name Einat comes from the word meaning the source. In Russian, he perfectly corresponds to the name of Inna, which presumably has a Greek origin and translates as "stream", "severe water".

The Jewish name of Meir is translated as "bright" or "illuminating". He is perfect Russian version of Elena. This is the name of Greek origin and has the same meaning as Meir in Hebrew. But the Jewish male name Dimon is formed from the geographical name and it just perfectly corresponds to the Russian named Dmitry. In the secondary school of all Russian Dmitriev, the boys and call Dimona, not even guessing that this is the Jewish word.


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