Conspiracy In order to deliver to the full moon. How to kill prayers rivals

Conspiracy In order to deliver to the full moon. How to kill prayers rivals

Conspiracy to the lapse is a very sought-after magical impact. It is considered a means that helps to get rid of violently imposed love. That is, it is possible to use this effect if you are convinced that you or a person close to you have subjected to an energy attack.

In addition, the conspiracy of the disgust on the rival will eliminate obstacles on the way to his own love. The so-called "prophylactic rites", which can be carried out at the slightest suspicion that you are trying to lead your beloved. It is noteworthy that it is possible to read a plot for the lapse at a distance.

Conspiracy to the marriage at home is absolutely not difficult. But the main thing will be convinced that it is necessary. That is, you must be confident in your own sincere feelings for a person.

Using land

A strong plot of the title is read in the ritual involving the use of the Earth. It can not be chosen near the road. Best for the rite will fit the Earth from the plowed field.

Before ritual, you need to prepare a mixture with the ground and three tablespoons of salt. It must be suspended in a small bag of natural fabric, tie it up and leave indoors in which it is planned to hold a rite until midnight. At twelve o'clock at night, go to the room, light the candle and turn off artificial lighting.

The sac with the ground should be unleashed and to speak the earth mixture with the following words:

"I will stand in the morning, the slave of God (own name), I will not leave my house from my house, but from my yard it will not go through the gate, but a mouse. Further in the field is widely going by the path of the dog on a log of the salary. There, in a wide field, there will be a guilty and departs the spirit-vikhore. He rushes to me from the field on the field, runs, flies from the sea to the sea. So hurries that the herbs pegs and waves rise. Let the slave of God (the name of the guy) also hurry and reject the slave of God (the name of the girl). So that he did not raise the eyes for her, he did not hold himself and did not allow himself. My word is not a mustor, solid and will not change. Amen".

After that, the bag with a conspiracy land should be tied again and, putting in his pocket to get out of the house. Next, it is necessary to take 100 steps in the wind, after which it will stop and turn it around three times, and then read the well-known and saving prayer "Our Father".

After that, you can return home. By arrival you need to put a bag with an earthy mixture under the bed. Early in the morning it is necessary to take a bag with a conspired earthy mixture and go to the place where the guy lives. It should be so that he does not notice you, coming out of the house. Following he need to throw a conspiracy land. After that, turn around and go home three times. On the way it is impossible to talk to anyone, in otherwise Revolutionary impact will not be effective.

Protection of his beloved

You can use the usual English pin to protect your beloved to the opponent. For the rite should be used a new and strong pin. It must be pre-rinsed in cold running water.

In this case, the conspiracy of the tanning to the opponent sounds as follows:

"The pin is sharp, new and strong, serve me, the servant of God (own name) is faithful and true. Always and everywhere beside my favorite, the slave of God (the guy's name). Protect him from goat enemies and from everyday troubles. Save him from the cheating and from the love of my rival Slaves of God (the name of the rival) of the remuneration. As you closed reliably firmly, and the heart of your loved one will be closed to the feelings of the rival forever. Like a barrel and Ortre, so when you meet my beloved with my rival, let the knobs exchange, swear and quarrel. Let them disperse different ways and permanently permanently, and over time they will take care of each other. Let it happen. Amen".

The conspiracy pin must be attached to the clothes, which most often dresses a loved one, at a rapid place, which would be as often as possible with him together. This turnoring conspiracy works at the first meeting with the opponent. Initially, small bellows begin, which lead to gradual cooling of feelings, and subsequently the relationship is interrupted in a natural way.

Turning conspiracy

There are many conspiracies that can be read at a distance. Completed correctly and in accordance with the recommendations such rites are very strong.

On the street

You can read a plot of the lapse at a distance outside. To do this, you need to choose one of the windy evenings in the period of decreasing moon. For the ritual it will be necessary to pre-prepare a sheet of paper with the name of the opponent written on it. Going out, this sheet should be broken into small parts and dispel the scraps in the wind.

At the same time, pronouncing the following words:

"The wind is strong and mighty, you walk around the ground and help everyone. Help and me, the servant of God (own name). I believe the feelings of my rival, the slaves of God (the name of the rival) forever from our with a cute life. Let my favorite, the slave of God (the name of the guy) will be cooled to her forever, and our love with him is liberated from her feelings. Ostudy the wind strong soul and extinguish her passion for my cute. Let it become colder ice eternal. Let her feel along with you, the wind and the mighty, in the distant edges are carried out, to our threshold, real happiness asks. Amen".

At home

Another strong conspiracy from the rival, which acts at a distance, can be read at home. For this you need to boil a large saucepan of water in the kitchen at midnight.

As soon as she boils need to speak such magic words:

"Like water in a saucepan of this, so yours, the slave of God (the name of the rival) Passion sinful in it will digest. You're freeze and forget, feelings are swear and digest and disappear with steam by air. And as soon as you become a favorite, the servant of God (the name of the guy) approach, immediately your soul will be boiling water to be conspired. A man will be worse than the dark night, and you will want to part with him. I, the slave of God (own name) said words and seal forever seal. Do not change them to anyone. Amen".

After writing words, turn off the plate and stand a little near the cooled water in silence, thinking about the future happy and prosperous life with your loved one.

After some time, others need to say:

"You, hot water, harvest, warm up our warmth, and you, the slave of God (the name of the rival) from my beloved, the servant of God (the guy's name) is quickly behind. As the water is cooled, so you are getting cold from my sweet. "

The cooled water should be sprayed at the corners of their dwelling with the words:

"Leave the rainbits, the servant of God (the name of the rival) is forever, so that you are not with us, and you are not worried about the thoughts."

By taking the decision to take advantage of a disligration conspiracy, it should be understood that such an impact is considered by the highest forces as interference in the fate of another person. Therefore, such rituals do not relate to harmless acts, and therefore may have unpleasant consequences, first of all, for the executor of the rite. Therefore, it is recommended to use tall magic only in situations where the use of obtasses can be considered justified.

Miraculous words: prayer from the briefing in full description from all the sources we found.

When love and family happiness are dangerous, help can heavenly powers. Prayer from the rival will help restore the union of two loving people And protects the family from the influence of the unfair.

About finding the love and establishment of harmony in relations are usually praying for Paraskeva Friday, which has long been considered a patronage of family unions, a homely focus and assistant women who have difficulty. Prayer from the rival will be particularly strong if you and your chosen one are in the church. However, even if your pair did not pass this rite, the prayer will be heard: sincere feelings towards a person will be a sufficient reason in order to ask the sky to help keep love.

Prayer from rival

Mostly Blessed Martyr Parashen Friday, Christian Faith Keeper, image of purity! Hear me, sinful slave of God (name) and do not leave me in my sorces! Do not proceed to my request, but give me mercy and help with my great. Ansify the rival, from the love of my husband who all over, to himself pulling him, on the sin of his tempting. Help him to overcome the temptation, enlightened him with the light of grace and do not let to be marked in sin. Rap it again to me, for my feelings are strong and sincere, and our honest union. Holy Prayers will be your assistant to me, sinful, for Lark I am spiritless before that I misfortune. Let our rival of our life will not touch, and God will forgive her of her pregriction and will not punish hot. I hope to help your help, I believe in the limitless mercy and justice of God. Amen.

Prayer needs to be pronounced with calm in the soul, without having a riot towards a rival and not wanting evil. Otherwise, prayer does not work: hate to another person - sin. Therefore, try to drive out negative emotions and concentrate on the feeling of love for a man you want to return.

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Love conspiracy from the rainbits.

One of the strongest feelings that man is given is love. She is able to turn the mountains, give true happiness, but can also bring a lot of grief and offense. This is a bitter word of treason. How many spilled tears who were not expressed by the offense, nights without sleep. Everything happens in life, and no one is immune from the fact that a person's beloved will meet another woman. All this can end tragic, right up to the collapse of the family. No need to fall into despair, you just need to take measures to help return lost happiness. In such cases, you can resort to magical rites, to eliminate your boning rival from your life. Such rites, our grandmothers were also used. If some woman's favorite began to see for your favorite, it's time to start using a conspiracy from the rival.

Conspiracy to get the favorite turned away from the mistress.

You will need a clean piece of paper, and a black pencil or felt-tip pen. On this sheet, write the name of your rival in large letters. When a strong wind blows on the street, open the window, having breaking the sheet with the name of the rival written on it, on small pieces. Throw slowly, these pieces in an open window, and at the same time read the words of such a conspiracy:

After that, close the window, and wait for the result in one week.

Conspiracy to love your mistress.

This conspiracy is read on boiling water. Put any dishes on the fire with water poured into it, wait for the water boils. Looking at boiling water, read the words of the conspiracy:

Then put the fire, and looking at cooling water, say these words:

Only when the water becomes absolutely cold, burst the water into four glasses, after that, spray this water, four corners of your bedroom pronouncing these words:

Conspiracy to eliminate rival and longing husband in his wife.

In the church, buy three candles. Read the conspiracy on a decreasing moon. When reading a conspiracy, be at home alone. On the table bed, a dark tablecloth, on three corners of the table, put and burn three candles, and put a photo of my husband on the fourth corner. Read the words of the conspiracy on the photo, a clear quiet voice:

After reading the conspiracy, put the candles and turn them with the flagella. Hide into such a place where no one will find them.

To quickly remove the rival.

For this conspiracy, you will need a mix of red woolen threads. At any time of the day, if no one bothered you in your case. You need to take a single-woolen coils, and tie to it nodes, chipping such words of conspiracy:

Store with knots with knots, and do not show anyone.

Conspiracy to rival.

Three nights in a row, at the open window, on a decreasing moon, read these words of conspiracy:

The result will not have to wait long. Conspiracy is very strong.

A strong conspiracy-prayer to get rid of the rival.

Let's leave open space, preferably in the field so that you are most convenient. Raise your hands to the sky, and refer to the highest forces with such a prayer plot.

After reading the plot, leave without looking back. Do not tell anyone about the ritual.

Conspiracy to lean rival.

Go to the bazaar or the store, and buy a bag of Poppy. At your own threshold, scat out the whole poppy bought by you. After that, read a quiet voice:

This conspiracy is read within twelve days. After that, wait for a good result.

Conspiracy to rival at home.

Conspiracy is read during sunset. Open the window in your room, at this time you must be completely alone in the room in which you spend magic ritual. Lift over your head, palm clutch into the castle. Start reading a plot, clearly pronounced the words:

The next day, go to the church, and put three candles for health, on yourself, husband and his mistress.

Strong conspiracy- How to remove your mistress.

When you are outside the city, type weeds and make a bouquet of them. After that, go to the cemetery, find a spruce there, and make a barbed branch with it. This branch must be added to the previously collected bouquet of weeds. With this, you got a bouquet, go again on the cemetery and put it on the gate leading in the cemetery. When you see how the dead man carried through the gate, take a bouquet and go with him to the house where the hated rival lives. Put the bunch on the threshold, and read these words:

After that, be sure to go to the church, and put candles, for health to everyone who can only.

Conspiracy to bring the mistress with a loved one.

For this conspiracy, you will need three candles of red color, handle, and clean paper sheet. On the morning dawn, open the window, and spread the candles on the windowsill with a triangle. At this point, you must be located alone. Write the name of your rival on the paper sheet. Light candles, and one of the candles, separate from the rest, sheet with the name written on it. After that, say such words

After that, skip the candles, and roll them into a lump. This wax pockets, burst deep into the ground, is desirable where your rainbits goes. In place where the conspiracy wax is swapped, sprinkle three times, and say the words that read earlier. Then go without looking back.

Conspiracy on food-from the mistress.

Choose your own beautiful photo on which you look happy. Slisse it into the pillow on which your favorite sleeps. In the morning, when cooking breakfast, a slightly reduced it, while there is a conspiracy word:

Try to eat everything. Do not tell anyone about it, even if the result is pleased.


Conspiracy to the lapse is a very sought-after magical impact. It is considered a means that helps to get rid of violently imposed love. That is, it is possible to use this effect if you are convinced that you or a person close to you have subjected to an energy attack.

In addition, the conspiracy of the disgust on the rival will eliminate obstacles on the way to his own love. The so-called "prophylactic rites", which can be carried out at the slightest suspicion that you are trying to lead your beloved. It is noteworthy that it is possible to read a plot for the lapse at a distance.

Conspiracy of the revolutions on the rival

Conspiracy to the marriage at home is absolutely not difficult. But the main thing will be convinced that it is necessary. That is, you must be confident in your own sincere feelings for a person.

Using land

A strong plot of the title is read in the ritual involving the use of the Earth. It can not be chosen near the road. Best for the rite will fit the Earth from the plowed field.

Before ritual, you need to prepare a mixture with the ground and three tablespoons of salt. It must be suspended in a small bag of natural fabric, tie it up and leave indoors in which it is planned to hold a rite until midnight. At twelve o'clock at night, go to the room, light the candle and turn off artificial lighting.

The sac with the ground should be unleashed and to speak the earth mixture with the following words:

After that, the bag with a conspiracy land should be tied again and, putting in his pocket to get out of the house. Next, it is necessary to take 100 steps in the wind, after which it will stop and turn it around three times, and then read the well-known and saving prayer "Our Father".

After that, you can return home. By arrival you need to put a bag with an earthy mixture under the bed. Early in the morning it is necessary to take a bag with a conspired earthy mixture and go to the place where the guy lives. It should be so that he does not notice you, coming out of the house. Following he need to throw a conspiracy land. After that, turn around and go home three times. On the way, it is impossible to talk to anyone, otherwise, the turning effect will not be effective.

Protection of his beloved

You can use the usual English pin to protect your beloved to the opponent. For the rite should be used a new and strong pin. It must be pre-rinsed in cold running water.

In this case, the conspiracy of the tanning to the opponent sounds as follows:

The conspiracy pin must be attached to the clothes, which most often dresses a loved one, at a rapid place, which would be as often as possible with him together. This turnoring conspiracy works at the first meeting with the opponent. Initially, small bellows begin, which lead to gradual cooling of feelings, and subsequently the relationship is interrupted in a natural way.

Turning conspiracy

There are many conspiracies that can be read at a distance. Completed correctly and in accordance with the recommendations such rites are very strong.

You can read a plot of the lapse at a distance outside. To do this, you need to choose one of the windy evenings in the period of decreasing moon. For the ritual it will be necessary to pre-prepare a sheet of paper with the name of the opponent written on it. Going out, this sheet should be broken into small parts and dispel the scraps in the wind.

At the same time, pronouncing the following words:

At home

Another strong conspiracy from the rival, which acts at a distance, can be read at home. For this you need to boil a large saucepan of water in the kitchen at midnight.

As soon as she boils need to speak such magic words:

After writing words, turn off the plate and stand a little near the cooled water in silence, thinking about the future happy and prosperous life with your loved one.

After some time, others need to say:

The cooled water should be sprayed at the corners of their dwelling with the words:

By taking the decision to take advantage of a disligration conspiracy, it should be understood that such an impact is considered by the highest forces as interference in the fate of another person. Therefore, such rituals do not relate to harmless acts, and therefore may have unpleasant consequences, first of all, for the executor of the rite. Therefore, it is recommended to use tall magic only in situations where the use of obtasses can be considered justified.

Conspiracies against the rival will be returned to the serenity in the family

As soon as the threat to the relationship from the second woman arises, immediately arises the need to eliminate this threat and secure their relationship. Begins the struggle for love. To help in solving this problem, magic is used with its conspiracies from the rival and rites, which will remove the impending threat from the side.

Magic Relief from Rival

Rates rules

With the help of magic, prayers and magical rituals, you can not only attract love to your life, but also get rid of the rival, as well as return your loved one or in relationship. For this there are many ways and prayers:

  • rites, with which the feelings of her beloved will disappear to another woman forever;
  • rituals capable of cooling the feelings of the rival;
  • conspiracies from rival, cooling feelings

All rites are very effective in the struggle for their personal happiness. But to achieve the greatest effect, the following rules must be followed:

  • conduct rites when the month is declining;
  • do not desire death or evil your rival, otherwise you can harm yourself;
  • read prayer or plot, having learned about memory;
  • on the conduct of the ritual, as well as the results of anyone never tell;
  • strong faith in a positive result.

So that tears do not shed, all rivals cool

If there was a threat of rivalry over family happiness and there was a need to return a loved one, you need to cook food for your beloved man, to speak:

Touch food you need in those days when a young month. Claimed food must be given to his man. If you feed there is no possibility, I have to give the food to the birds. In this case, the likelihood that the rival will disappear, practically zero, but it will remove the influence of negative consequences.

And the rival will slip away like fish

When the day of the ritual comes, you need to buy fish. Fish choose only fresh and do it early in the morning. Come home, clean the fish from all extra, including inside. Feed the homeless cat extracted by the originates. After all the preparatory activities are fulfilled, take fish into the hands and read the words of the conspiracy:

Condition for holding a ritual - to spend on Monday, you can date on Tuesday or Thursday. Eat the fish you need with your loved one to get rid of the rival forever.

For the next ritual, grains will be needed. Pinch grains pour out little on the threshold and read:

For a long time, a very strong and effective prayer from the rival is known to read 40 times in a row. And so every day while the ritual does not remove the hut threat. Conspiracy from rival: To forever separate and return your man, you will need their joint photo. A photo can be replaced with a sheet of paper with the written names of your beloved man and evil rainbits.

It is necessary to light church candles and exactly at midnight to perform a ritual on separation with a rival. A photograph or sheet of paper break in half to make a man separately from a woman. During the rupture to pronounce:

Both parts of the photo take into the hands and one of them, where the man is depicted to put into a secluded place, the image of the direction of spinning, breaking into small particles. It is necessary to throw away by saying words:

The ritual for cooling will remove the rival, extinguishing the feelings of her beloved to her, and will return the beloved.

For a positive result, prepare food for your beloved man, which you need to escape the spoken salt. Salt prepare in advance by reading three times the prayer:

After cooking, trace the man to eat everything to the last crumb. If a man removes at least a small piece of cooked food, the ritual does not work.

To get rid of the rival, you can sue the feelings of a woman to a man. To do this, you need to spend the next ritual.

When the night comes, take the egg chicken and drive over your head, saying 12 times:

Then put the egg under the bed on which the beloved is sleeping. This ritual will help only if the man himself does not show any interest to the woman. In the opposite, it is best to use other more efficient rituals and rites.

To get rid of the rival, you need to take white list Paper with her name. This sheet is broken on a lot of small particles. In windy weather to go outside and keep pieces of leaf on the palm. Palm must be stripped to the sky so that the wind can blow the leaves with the hands. As soon as the leaflets are flying out of the palm, say such words:

There is one old old spinning effective method. Here will help boiling water, looking at which to speak: when the water starts cooling, reading words further: prayers are also a good and strong assistant in the struggle for their female happiness.

For the rite you need to go outside, choose the most comfortable place for you. Raising hands to the sky, pronounce the words of prayer:

As the sun starts to go beyond the horizon, go to the window in his bedroom and, chanting the handles in the castle, to vote the words of the conspiracy:

For another effective rite against the rival to assemble a bouquet of weeds. Go to the cemetery where spruce grows. From there bring one spruce twig. Take a cooked bouquet, connect with a fir branch and attributed to the cemetery. In the cemetery, put a bouquet magic near the gate and expect the dead man. As the dead man begin to carry, it is necessary to take a bouquet laid at the gate and go to the straw threshold.

Near the threshold to pronounce prayer:

Another way to get a husband from the rival is held on the cemetery. To do this, you need to find a grave with the name of your husband and, stand in front of her knees and crosswise, pronounce:

Seven candles purchased in the church will become assistants in the return of family peace. Arrange the candles in a circle and light each of them. In this circle, put a photo of your man and read a plot seven times:

Conducting any conspiracy from the rival, you need to know exactly that this man is sent by fate. If the desire to return calm and love in relation to the relationship is moving egoism, then no way to use magic. In the opposite case, you can suffer very much.

The next ritual against the delibery requires the presence of holy water. In addition to the holy water, you will need: one candle from the church, matches and photograph of your loved one.

The holy water is enough one glass. When twelve nights try on the clock, it is necessary to clean the table from the entire foreign one and put in the middle of the table with a glass filled with holy water. Behind the glass to light the candle brought from the church. Before the glass, put a photo of the man of interest. A look to concentrate on the candle flame, representing how energy and power from the candle appears with a rapid flow. It is this energy that will become an assistant in cardiac sorrows. Next, the look is translated on the words laid ahead and three times the words are pronounced Magic:

After pronouncing words, the candle put out, lowering in a glass with holy water. Candle must be directed by flame down. Take a clean cloth and wrap in it a candle. The water remaining after the ritual does not pour. Take the bottle and break the water into it. In the morning, going out on the street, you need to find a river. Holy water from a bottle to pour into the river, after which all the troubles and adversity along with the feelings of the rival will take the river. The candle must be burned in hidden from an unauthorized eye.

Ritual on the castle. The lock is taken, opens and when it closes on the key, read:

Go to the river or lake. And standing on the shore to buried the castle deep into the ground, and the key to attributed to the other side and also buried.

Another powerful Razorka. As soon as we manage to meet two dogs, breaking among themselves, looking at them, pronounce:

When pronouncing magical words, approach animals as close as possible. Then immediately quickly leave this place home.

Another Razorka is done at night when the moon decreases in the sky. Exactly at midnight to read 40 times, looking for a month:

After a conspiracy, you do not talk with anyone, but quickly go to bed. If you want to embroil your beloved with a rival, then repeat this ritual 9 days in a row. Every time a ritual is carried out, clearly and clearly represent a positive outcome. Let the picture appears in the imagination, on which there are no more rivals, and the couple in love again gained peace and harmony in relations.

One of the most powerful attributes in magic are hair. According to the reviews of many magicians and sorcerers of hair wears a lot of information about a person. All hair is very much soaked by human energy. So for the next ritual, the hair of the rivals will be needed, of which you need to weigh a little pigtail. After making the pigtails, it should be set fire and say as much as possible:

Conduct this ritual for long hair much more efficiently. But not all women hair length allows you to read a plot many times. If the rival carries short hair, then, using his blood from the finger, try to make all the hair rivals.

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Conspiracy to the lapse is a very sought-after magical impact. It is considered a means that helps to get rid of violently imposed love. That is, it is possible to use this effect if you are convinced that you or a person close to you have subjected to an energy attack.

In addition, the conspiracy of the disgust on the rival will eliminate obstacles on the way to his own love. The so-called "prophylactic rites", which can be carried out at the slightest suspicion that you are trying to lead your beloved. It is noteworthy that it is possible to read a plot for the lapse at a distance.

Conspiracy of the revolutions on the rival

Conspiracy to the marriage at home is absolutely not difficult. But the main thing will be convinced that it is necessary. That is, you must be confident in your own sincere feelings for a person.

Using land

A strong plot of the title is read in the ritual involving the use of the Earth. It can not be chosen near the road. Best for the rite will fit the Earth from the plowed field.

Before ritual, you need to prepare a mixture with the ground and three tablespoons of salt. It must be suspended in a small bag of natural fabric, tie it up and leave indoors in which it is planned to hold a rite until midnight. At twelve o'clock at night, go to the room, light the candle and turn off artificial lighting.

The sac with the ground should be unleashed and to speak the earth mixture with the following words:

After that, the bag with a conspiracy land should be tied again and, putting in his pocket to get out of the house. Next, it is necessary to take 100 steps in the wind, after which it will stop and turn it around three times, and then read the well-known and saving prayer "Our Father".

After that, you can return home. By arrival you need to put a bag with an earthy mixture under the bed. Early in the morning it is necessary to take a bag with a conspired earthy mixture and go to the place where the guy lives. It should be so that he does not notice you, coming out of the house. Following he need to throw a conspiracy land. After that, turn around and go home three times. On the way, it is impossible to talk to anyone, otherwise, the turning effect will not be effective.

Protection of his beloved

You can use the usual English pin to protect your beloved to the opponent. For the rite should be used a new and strong pin. It must be pre-rinsed in cold running water.

In this case, the conspiracy of the tanning to the opponent sounds as follows:

The conspiracy pin must be attached to the clothes, which most often dresses a loved one, at a rapid place, which would be as often as possible with him together. This turnoring conspiracy works at the first meeting with the opponent. Initially, small bellows begin, which lead to gradual cooling of feelings, and subsequently the relationship is interrupted in a natural way.

Turning conspiracy

There are many conspiracies that can be read at a distance. Completed correctly and in accordance with the recommendations such rites are very strong.

You can read a plot of the lapse at a distance outside. To do this, you need to choose one of the windy evenings in the period of decreasing moon. For the ritual it will be necessary to pre-prepare a sheet of paper with the name of the opponent written on it. Going out, this sheet should be broken into small parts and dispel the scraps in the wind.

At the same time, pronouncing the following words:

At home

Another strong conspiracy from the rival, which acts at a distance, can be read at home. For this you need to boil a large saucepan of water in the kitchen at midnight.

As soon as she boils need to speak such magic words:

After writing words, turn off the plate and stand a little near the cooled water in silence, thinking about the future happy and prosperous life with your loved one.

After some time, others need to say:

The cooled water should be sprayed at the corners of their dwelling with the words:

By taking the decision to take advantage of a disligration conspiracy, it should be understood that such an impact is considered by the highest forces as interference in the fate of another person. Therefore, such rituals do not relate to harmless acts, and therefore may have unpleasant consequences, first of all, for the executor of the rite. Therefore, it is recommended to use tall magic only in situations where the use of obtasses can be considered justified.

How to keep love: prayer from rival

When love and family happiness are dangerous, heavenly forces can help. Prayer from the rival will help restore the Union of two loving people and protect the family from the influence of the ill-wisher.

About finding the love and establishment of harmony in relations are usually praying for Paraskeva Friday, which has long been considered a patronage of family unions, a homely focus and assistant women who have difficulty. Prayer from the rival will be particularly strong if you and your chosen one are in the church. However, even if your pair did not pass this rite, the prayer will be heard: sincere feelings towards a person will be a sufficient reason in order to ask the sky to help keep love.

Prayer from rival

Mostly Blessed Martyr Parashen Friday, Christian Faith Keeper, image of purity! Hear me, sinful slave of God (name) and do not leave me in my sorces! Do not proceed to my request, but give me mercy and help with my great. Ansify the rival, from the love of my husband who all over, to himself pulling him, on the sin of his tempting. Help him to overcome the temptation, enlightened him with the light of grace and do not let to be marked in sin. Rap it again to me, for my feelings are strong and sincere, and our honest union. Holy Prayers will be your assistant to me, sinful, for Lark I am spiritless before that I misfortune. Let our rival of our life will not touch, and God will forgive her of her pregriction and will not punish hot. I hope to help your help, I believe in the limitless mercy and justice of God. Amen.

Prayer needs to be pronounced with calm in the soul, without having a riot towards a rival and not wanting evil. Otherwise, prayer does not work: hate to another person - sin. Therefore, try to drive out negative emotions and concentrate on the feeling of love for a man you want to return.

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Every woman wishes to be his favorite one. But, unfortunately, feelings do not always turn out to be mutual. To achieve a response.

Magic in the struggle for love

It is very disappointing when the beloved begins to attract another woman - the reason for this may not be her beauty or permissiveness in intimate relations, but an ordinary male psychology, which implies polygamy. Get rid of such a rival extremely hard - scandals exacerbate problems, pushing a person to foreign seductors.

To dare a similar woman, it is worth applying magic that is unusually strong in matters of love and relationships. Therefore, it is worth studying conspiracies to remove the rival - they allow you to return everything to the previous places until the situation is rapidly corrected.

The only limitation is such ways to use after the complete cleansing of the mind from negative emotions, for which it is best to use prayers.

Simple manipulations with food

The conspiracy is well helped against the rival, which assumes the use of food. Prepare some delicious dishes for your beloved, presenting his image in the maximum details. Food should bring a person a pleasure - otherwise the plot will not find due force.

After prayer dedicated to the patron saint of a husband or a guy, say words lowered above the table with food:

"I will stand high, I'll see everything

what is happening on earth around.

I'll go to the sea blue, to a black stone,

yes, I will find a deep yam.

In that pit, Lesus sits, yes, he swears with Leshovitsa.

And Satan himself sits on them and swears with Satanitsa.

And on top of them, Divo sits, but it looks into the water.

Run them all, let you look at the sky.

And in the sky angels, and saints, yes Jesus with the Virgin.

They will ask for for forgiveness. Yes of the intercession.

Do not give up in the request of mine, be merciful! Amen!".

Remove the rival will help the usual bread, above which it is necessary to read words similar to the above. Going out at dawn, scat out this bread, following the birds to the birds without a residue.

To conspirace, tell me too:

"Fly birds, high, carry the message to your beloved that they are waiting for him at home that love did not cool."

In addition, poppy grains will help to get rid of an evil woman - however, this ritual will work only when there is no love between her and a man. Conspiracies for a rival in this case are pronounced seven days in a row - it is necessary to pour the seed pinch on the threshold and say:

"They flew over the field of black thirty and three crow, but carried thirty and three black stone in the beaks. They threw them on the field, and they sprouted the seed with a wonderful.

The seed then gave germs, and led immediately. So Maku is never a context,

and the love between the slave of God (the name of the beloved) and unworthy (the name of the rival) will never be.

Let her black crows be glanced by her eyes, if my nice looks in the direction of my husband.

Let it be wondering the seeds of its seeds, if my husband is width. Will it will be so, and not with her one!

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Damage as a serious method of impact

Not always similar plots from the rival have good result - Sometimes the energy protection of a person can withstand very strong blows. Most in an effective way Dumping such a woman may be the imposition of damage, with the help of which you can send it:

However, to use such techniques against a living person unethical - therefore experienced sorcerers advise to apply the elimination of softer methods that do not imply serious harm. They suggest an impact on the mind of the rival - to achieve this, it is necessary to be very persistent. In addition, that the power of such a strike does not hit back by you, it is worth getting rid of negative emotions with prayer and meditation.

The best conspiracy that allows you to get rid of the presence of the opponent, it is necessary to read very a large number of Once it is desirable to achieve the numbers 40. Its advantage is that it allows you to return your beloved from the rival even in the case when there is a real love honey.

Starting in the morning, pronounce the following words:

"I pray for our God, I pray his son, Jesus Christ about help, about intercession, about benefactors. Do not refuse me, and I will give you due. I will be closed from an evil eye on three castle, I will be better to defend others from him.

My first castle is the king of Heaven, the Lord our Jesus Christ is fair. My second castle is his mother, the Virgin Mary, wise. And the third castle is the Heavenly Angel himself, a strong yes to evil intolerable.

Help you get rid of evil yes unfair slaves of God (the name of the rival), protect from unkind intertages. Yes, my husband is my mind in melting yes in the eyes to put in order to see he, that there is no painful in the light.

But if you will help, I will be eternally grateful to you and never forget that I will not forget that. May it be so confessed! Amen!"

It is best to start reading a conspiracy after prayer, so as not to contact God with a heavy heart. It will help to quickly get rid of the rival without the slightest delay. Their relationship will become more worse as your prayers will reach the goal.

Conspiracies against the rival will be returned to the serenity in the family

As soon as the threat to the relationship from the second woman arises, immediately arises the need to eliminate this threat and secure their relationship. Begins the struggle for love. To help in solving this problem, magic is used with its conspiracies from the rival and rites, which will remove the impending threat from the side.

Magic Relief from Rival

Rates rules

With the help of magic, prayers and magical rituals, you can not only attract love to your life, but also get rid of the rival, as well as return your loved one or in relationship. For this there are many ways and prayers:

  • rites, with which the feelings of her beloved will disappear to another woman forever;
  • rituals capable of cooling the feelings of the rival;
  • conspiracies from rival, cooling feelings

All rites are very effective in the struggle for their personal happiness. But to achieve the greatest effect, the following rules must be followed:

  • conduct rites when the month is declining;
  • do not desire death or evil your rival, otherwise you can harm yourself;
  • read prayer or plot, having learned about memory;
  • on the conduct of the ritual, as well as the results of anyone never tell;
  • strong faith in a positive result.

So that tears do not shed, all rivals cool

If there was a threat of rivalry over family happiness and there was a need to return a loved one, you need to cook food for your beloved man, to speak:

Touch food you need in those days when a young month. Claimed food must be given to his man. If you feed there is no possibility, I have to give the food to the birds. In this case, the likelihood that the rival will disappear, practically zero, but it will remove the influence of negative consequences.

And the rival will slip away like fish

When the day of the ritual comes, you need to buy fish. Fish choose only fresh and do it early in the morning. Come home, clean the fish from all extra, including inside. Feed the homeless cat extracted by the originates. After all the preparatory activities are fulfilled, take fish into the hands and read the words of the conspiracy:

Condition for holding a ritual - to spend on Monday, you can date on Tuesday or Thursday. Eat the fish you need with your loved one to get rid of the rival forever.

For the next ritual, grains will be needed. Pinch grains pour out little on the threshold and read:

For a long time, a very strong and effective prayer from the rival is known to read 40 times in a row. And so every day while the ritual does not remove the hut threat. Conspiracy from rival: To forever separate and return your man, you will need their joint photo. A photo can be replaced with a sheet of paper with the written names of your beloved man and evil rainbits.

It is necessary to light church candles and exactly at midnight to perform a ritual on separation with a rival. A photograph or sheet of paper break in half to make a man separately from a woman. During the rupture to pronounce:

Both parts of the photo take into the hands and one of them, where the man is depicted to put into a secluded place, the image of the direction of spinning, breaking into small particles. It is necessary to throw away by saying words:

The ritual for cooling will remove the rival, extinguishing the feelings of her beloved to her, and will return the beloved.

For a positive result, prepare food for your beloved man, which you need to escape the spoken salt. Salt prepare in advance by reading three times the prayer:

After cooking, trace the man to eat everything to the last crumb. If a man removes at least a small piece of cooked food, the ritual does not work.

To get rid of the rival, you can sue the feelings of a woman to a man. To do this, you need to spend the next ritual.

When the night comes, take the egg chicken and drive over your head, saying 12 times:

Then put the egg under the bed on which the beloved is sleeping. This ritual will help only if the man himself does not show any interest to the woman. In the opposite, it is best to use other more efficient rituals and rites.

To get rid of the rival, you need to take a white sheet of paper with its name. This sheet is broken on a lot of small particles. In windy weather to go outside and keep pieces of leaf on the palm. Palm must be stripped to the sky so that the wind can blow the leaves with the hands. As soon as the leaflets are flying out of the palm, say such words:

Angry ravine has one old very effective way. Here will help boiling water, looking at which to speak: when the water starts cooling, reading words further: prayers are also a good and strong assistant in the struggle for their female happiness.

For the rite you need to go outside, choose the most comfortable place for you. Raising hands to the sky, pronounce the words of prayer:

As the sun starts to go beyond the horizon, go to the window in his bedroom and, chanting the handles in the castle, to vote the words of the conspiracy:

For another effective rite against the rival to assemble a bouquet of weeds. Go to the cemetery where spruce grows. From there bring one spruce twig. Take a cooked bouquet, connect with a fir branch and attributed to the cemetery. In the cemetery, put a bouquet magic near the gate and expect the dead man. As the dead man begin to carry, it is necessary to take a bouquet laid at the gate and go to the straw threshold.

Near the threshold to pronounce prayer:

Another way to get a husband from the rival is held on the cemetery. To do this, you need to find a grave with the name of your husband and, stand in front of her knees and crosswise, pronounce:

Seven candles purchased in the church will become assistants in the return of family peace. Arrange the candles in a circle and light each of them. In this circle, put a photo of your man and read a plot seven times:

Conducting any conspiracy from the rival, you need to know exactly that this man is sent by fate. If the desire to return calm and love in relation to the relationship is moving egoism, then no way to use magic. In the opposite case, you can suffer very much.

The next ritual against the delibery requires the presence of holy water. In addition to the holy water, you will need: one candle from the church, matches and photograph of your loved one.

The holy water is enough one glass. When twelve nights try on the clock, it is necessary to clean the table from the entire foreign one and put in the middle of the table with a glass filled with holy water. Behind the glass to light the candle brought from the church. Before the glass, put a photo of the man of interest. A look to concentrate on the candle flame, representing how energy and power from the candle appears with a rapid flow. It is this energy that will become an assistant in cardiac sorrows. Next, the look is translated on the words laid ahead and three times the words are pronounced Magic:

After pronouncing words, the candle put out, lowering in a glass with holy water. Candle must be directed by flame down. Take a clean cloth and wrap in it a candle. The water remaining after the ritual does not pour. Take the bottle and break the water into it. In the morning, going out on the street, you need to find a river. Holy water from a bottle to pour into the river, after which all the troubles and adversity along with the feelings of the rival will take the river. The candle must be burned in hidden from an unauthorized eye.

Ritual on the castle. The lock is taken, opens and when it closes on the key, read:

Go to the river or lake. And standing on the shore to buried the castle deep into the ground, and the key to attributed to the other side and also buried.

Another powerful Razorka. As soon as we manage to meet two dogs, breaking among themselves, looking at them, pronounce:

When pronouncing magical words, approach animals as close as possible. Then immediately quickly leave this place home.

Another Razorka is done at night when the moon decreases in the sky. Exactly at midnight to read 40 times, looking for a month:

After a conspiracy, you do not talk with anyone, but quickly go to bed. If you want to embroil your beloved with a rival, then repeat this ritual 9 days in a row. Every time a ritual is carried out, clearly and clearly represent a positive outcome. Let the picture appears in the imagination, on which there are no more rivals, and the couple in love again gained peace and harmony in relations.

One of the most powerful attributes in magic are hair. According to the reviews of many magicians and sorcerers of hair wears a lot of information about a person. All hair is very much soaked by human energy. So for the next ritual, the hair of the rivals will be needed, of which you need to weigh a little pigtail. After making the pigtails, it should be set fire and say as much as possible:

Conduct this ritual for long hair much more efficiently. But not all women hair length allows you to read a plot many times. If the rival carries short hair, then, using his blood from the finger, try to make all the hair rivals.

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Love is a very strong feeling capable of giving people incredible happiness. However, love is also quarrels, tapping and, most terrible treason.

Ritals at home

As life shows, even the most dedicated person can come up with the right path and it may be a tragedy and for loving his woman, and for him. However, during taken measures Your family happiness can save. So much means - conspiracy from rivalIt is worth applying in the "preventive" purposes when a dangerous interest between his beloved person is just begins to break the dangerous predator, and even when the beloved person has already stupidly stupid or is at a distance, but it's not too late to return it to the path of loyalty and love.

Ritual to dump another woman

To commit conspiracy from rival And remove it from your path, take a piece of paper and write its name on it and burst it into small pieces. Then, in windy weather, go outside or on the balcony.

Waving scraps in the wind with the words:

"Side the wind mighty! Bring her from our life to all four sides.
Let my (the name of his beloved) be cooled to her, our love will be liberated from it.
So go to her, the cooled of her soul, sweating her passion.
Let her now be colder than ice and the road to him forever will take advantage!
Let the deliberate from our life carry, and to us on the threshold only happiness asks. "

Hot water option

Another old one conspiracy from rival It will help to eliminate the threat and return the interest of the lover. In this ritual, boiling water is used. Put a saucepan with water on the plate.

When the water turns into boiling water, looking at it:

"As water, this boils boils, so the passion of your sinful will digest.
Digested, grinding, sobble, split.
If you will become nice to approach
Will you like boiling water to burn.
He will be you worse than fire, terrible nights. "

Then turn off the stove. Looking for cooling water, say:

"You, water, harvest, cool, and you, (the name of the rival) from my (the name of the beloved) forever lamely.
Cold, cool, from mine (the name of your loved one) is waving. "

When the water becomes the most cold as possible, divide it into four parts and spray counterclockwise on four corners of your home.

Love triangles are not a fiction and no joke, it is a very frequent phenomenon in young lovers and have already passed steam after years. With the appearance of a new passion from her husband, a wife or a girl thinks about how to preserve the relationship and how to get rid of the rival. If you do not directly meet it, it is possible to leave it with the help of magic. We will deal with different rituals, tell me when and how to pronounce conspiracy.

More rituals, rites and staging of love magic Read

Features of rituals to get rid of rival

There is one important feature that needs to be understood and accept if you do not do it, it is unlikely that the magic will help you.

Ask yourself three main questions and answer honestly, without a rustle

Is I guilty of what another appeared?

Why and why do I want to keep, return your loved one?

Do I feel anger towards his chosen?

Just after that, think again: is it worth it to return to the circles?

Perhaps everything happened only for the better? The problem could be born in relationship because of too strong jealousy, which generates scandals, quarrels and hysterics.

If you decide to fight, then it is important not to keep evil on these two people, understand their feelings and calm down, magic does not accept your imbalance. Wish both good and all the best.

Yes Yes exactly. Think that as soon as they disappear, they can all be like better.

Effective conspiracies

There are a lot of different spells to dare someone else's woman from your man, but many are ineffective or invalid.

Here we will analyze and deeper only in those that were really tested by women in different decades. Some of the conspiracy came from a long time when our great-grandpacks distilled their all those wishing from her husbands.

There are conspiracies for a happy life with her husband, for a quarrel with a mistress, for reconciliation in family life.

Prayer for preserving love

Often, girls forget that it is unreasonable jealousy who kills relations. The guy begins to seek adequate relationships on the side, this is why it is necessary to strengthen your love, to save it from the fact that there should be no relation in the relationship: anger, jealousy, deception.

When you are jealous and say: "He has another, he doesn't like me, it treats me badly ...", then such an energy industry is formed and actually happens.

"Our thoughts are material" - very correct words of one philosopher.

Now we will refer to your guardian angel, because it is he who protects you and follow you everywhere. There are no certain words here, you need to say from the soul and sincerely, what you worry about.

For example:

"My Angel, be with me. My beloved let him forget about others, but I love me one. "

It is impossible to talk about the opponent, but if you still decided, then wish her to find another chosen one.

How to get rid of rival forever plot to break

I am interested in all conspiracy from the rival, some will not even want to try, as it is very effective and strong. For him we will need:

old scissors
White woolen thread and exactly the same black,
Candle from the Church,
And, of course, the main condition is a complete moon.

So, you should start with the candle, burn it with the words:

"Gori, burn, my candle. You are without deception, nothing taia, tell me: Does he love me? "

Do not forget: this is not a fortune telling and do not look for an answer from the candle, we continue the ritual without constraint.

Making sure you are alone in the room, proceed. Cut two black threads and three white. Burning one black, repeat:

"You are a libertine girl, forget my prince, forget the family and our way to our house, go and stop the door!".

Now proceed to the white:

"My dear, we are under the moon, light our lights, because they are immortal as love they."

Red again:

"Do not love her, do not mess her, so forget it soon. The message will come unexpected, will be long-awaited. "

And two of the past:

"Well, forget our adversity, but we will sing our song, everything will be fine at home, I love you (the name of the narrowed). You are terrib and take care, do not deceive, love! ".

After that, immediately go to bed, leave all the ritual items until the morning. When wake up in the morning, also do not touch anything. After 12 hours of the day, you can remove everything.

Ritual for a man

All women can try out a man, but this is a spell to fall to a rival from your loved one. It is aimed at male a man in you the qualities that he laid initially, and beyond which he went to another woman.

On this day you need to look the best, in no case do not overdo it.

Pour the water flowing into the glass and tell me :

"Voditsa will fill you (his name) with love and trepidation."

Before you give a man to drink, feed him with something, from what he wants to drink hard, and give this water. Everything is simple, wait for the Beloved to see all the beauty in you.

To eliminate the rival and return a husband in a family

Of course, if you don't want to give up, and the husband is needed and the family and you, then it is necessary to take it a thoroughly and without delay.

If the husband still went to another family, to another woman, do not think about anything. Just relax. He thinks that there is a better life, but he is coming with her, he is accustomed to your family life and is unlikely to get used to the new one. But you should read the spell.

Conspiracy will help get rid of the rival times and forever.

"Come and look at me, but on yourself on the penis.
You yourself gathered and left, I did not find my things.
My hands are tender, forgot yours,
And my mind is kind, gentle, your native as before.
You fuck, flip and call, but the door my own field itself.
Speak how you love very, without me and life is shorter. "

Husband will begin to dream dreams about your happy lifeHe will call his chosen your name, at such moments the brain will send him a signal that he really misses and wants to return you and your family, warm nest. By this time, take care of yourself and do not cheat extra.

Ritual to leave a rival from her husband

Lead a husband from the rival needed with a small love spell .

"My love, eyes shine. Eyes do not see anyone, just read you, in my eyes you are drowning. Forget, forget, you're ignorant, my love is your clothes. "

When the husband succeeds in gently tell him it in the ear, so as not to wake.

Conspiracy to make rid of the rival forever

This conspiracy is carried out using a pin, which consists of real silver, such wearing our great-grandmothers. But it is important to be in good relationships with her husband's mistress to penetrate her to the house. Taking words, stick the pin on the clothes to this woman, the prepared phrase can be said in advance and at home.

"Silver is dishears from scares, and the people of good helps. Let the iron, it does not let my ruffle to my house, yes to her husband's husband. Began to the family, by the family, from the subscriber and the seductive, the other happiness will be will be found yes my nose in other people's family does not fuss. Drink and go, do not hurry to approach us! "

If it is impossible to penetrate the house to your mistress, then stick to this mace to your husband's jacket with the words:

"My dear, you do not walk, love love do not forget. Come back quickly, there will be a house full of children. Forget all the screams, quarrels, I will be the best in all the pores. "

But, repeating, it is still better to get into the house to a woman, as the husband can feel very unimportant to him if a pin on his clothes.

Very strong conspiracy to eliminate rival

For this strong conspiracy Your rival hair will be needed, which may be found on her husband's clothes or in a car. And if you are familiar with her - it will not be much difficulty, and if not, it will be not so easy to eliminate the opponent.

To pull hair from anger, naturally, no need. Keep yourself in your hands and do not apply any kind. Burning this hair, you need to say a special phrase, which will immediately take the wishes to fight for a young man.

"Avo. Agra. Abra. Ha. Forget his eyes. Let night will leave you at night, let you feel famously that someone else's happiness should be quiet for you. Not sad, do not be sad, love new look! "

On the man's husband with a mistress

This conspiracy is very effective, he will help to remove the rival from his beloved at a distance. It is necessary to take the cow meat and chicken killed in one day and boil in one pan, in very salted water with the words:

"As a veal and a bird will be cooked in salt so (the name of the beloved) and (the name of the rival) will quarrel and angry. Salt and meat - discord in the heart. "

Dispatch meat into different packages and drip in the forest at sunset in different pits with the words:

"After salt, after a quarrel it is not for you together forever. Amen!".

This ritual is an old, but the prosperity of his happiness has already tried it many times and adapted to modern way. Therefore, you can not follow the instructions about the killed bird and cows in one day. Practice shows that women bought meat in the store, on the market or in meat shop and did not adhere to the recommendations specified in the old text. You can also do it too and everything will turn out.

Ritual in the temple to remove the rival from her husband

A month before this ritual must be prepared, pray and fast, even if the post is not soon. Since the sky forces will help, a person should be cleaned at this moment. And this means that you need to confess and not sin.

You must be in everything better than your rival, which can be good outwardly, but the inner beauty can not be defeated. Therefore, we comply with all the rules and preparing.

The holy driver will help get rid of the cargo that you carry on your shoulders, so drink it every Sunday. Do not be lazy and do not deceive anyone.

We arrive in the temple with a covered head, put exactly three candles:

For the happiness of this woman is not with your man.

For your joint love with him.

For his calm and doubt.

So the saints will hear and accurately help, can never be anyhow.

Rite for deceived wife

Many, unfortunately, deceive women. Treason is peculiar to men, not a beautiful half of humanity. Therefore, in order to avoid deception in the future, you can save ourselves from poor and negative impact. As, probably, you understand, we will drag themselves, but not as black magicians, but simply save the deception of evil.

Sprinkle on the head a pinch of salt Yes, tell me:

"My dear, there is no deception, there will be Tom covered in the world. You guard me, evil you do not give spirits! Amen!".

Now it is unlikely that someone can deceive you in this case, and if the deception will happen, then you will certainly recognize about him, because no one can hide it. It is not necessary to punish anyone, because you should not lose honor because of this. Conspiracy will help, and everything will happen by itself.

If you are not calm in your soul and there are suspicions, then do this rite every day. The work is not complicated, and the effect will be strong.

Conspiracy to fish to get rid of the rival

To this ritual must be prepared in advance. Seven days before the marked day, exclude fish from your diet in any form, and if possible, to abandon the food of animal origin at all, and better stock fruit and vegetables.

Do not swim in the reservoirs, and from drinks only clean water.

On the selected day since the morning, go to the market or in a supermarket and buy fresh fish not very large sizes.

Houses pay it with the words:

"As a requirement separately from fish, so (the name of the beloved) is separate from (the name of the briefness)."

The insides fierce cats or bury under the female tree, and cook fillets with words:

"As a fish, clean boils and a squalls, so cute for me."

In the evening, when your spouse comes home, do not swear, do not figure out the relationship, but just give him this fish to dinner, and a glass with water, but the water needs to be satisfying this time, quite a bit, so as not to feel the taste of salt. You can also offer tea and add a grazing. He should not feel a salty task.

Be careful, the husband will certainly return all his love to you.

Machine Rite

The rest of the rituals are not needed and will not help if a spell is performed on the chief with black magic. In this case, you can return your favorite only if it is designed to you fate if not, then leave it. In the morning, on Friday, come to the service to the church, bring with you the poppy and ask him to consecrate. Batyushka will do it.

Before the end of the service, you are in the church, do not come out of it. Put a candle for love your and family well-being. Now at home in your pockets of your beloved raw poppy, gradually, but in different places. It is not necessary to say anything, enough of your strong intention and confidence in our own power.

Conspiracy in the photo

Many have seen such rituals in the movies, and now you have to repeat yourself. It is best to burn with candles, as magical power is also concentrated in them. The rite is carried out in the full moon, so you have to wait for that day.

Check in advance, three needles with a big ear.

Take three photos (your husband, mistress).

Spread them so that the triangle is turned out. Stick in the photo of the needle, but just do not push the person himself. Connect them with a red thread, only by different segments. So that the thread was not one for you three. Now it is necessary to break the thread connecting you and my husband's mistress with the words: «

Our family is our test, you are threatened with expulsion. My do not touch, do not take, it's better to run from me. Amen!".

The next thread that you will tear are a thread connecting your chosen one and his passion.

Also there are the necessary words:

"Dragged to bed, in my soul of my lobbery. Forget, dispel, Help the Lord for Grace. "

Now burn the photo of the rival, entertain in the wind. And about your thread with my husband, tell me:

"You're my narrowed, yes, and stay, don't let anyone in your hands. Let everything be better, and happiness does not get tired of us. "

Other rites to eliminate rival forever

To the Saint Fevronia and Peter should turn, referring to the love of the Great and forces sources. Investing in prayer needs all the forces, the whole soul, only then they will respond and "rush" to save your family.

Also ask them not just about the return of the husband, but also about family well-being, so that love with each day and grew up.

"Peter, Prince, Princess, Fevronia, I think so that you are simple people happily trained, yes so that the family keeps preserve and love to strengthen. Help, do not miss, I will pray the eyelids. "

Prayer from the rival, which really helps, nothing needs for it, except patience and sincerity. Read these words, every day before bedtime:

"I fall asleep, I attract my husband, she falls asleep, youth loses. Who encroaches on my bed, he knows the sky. "

The lime of the rival can be very strong ritualwhich may be sin to your soul. Buy the most ordinary seed of any plant or flower, put it, take care and water, say to him. Call the flower with the name of the rival. When the plant is growing, write the name of the rival on the red flap, take the flower. Stop watering and care for him, then the person's strength will begin to decrease. To finally not destroy a person, remove the ribbon from the plant.


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