Alexander Lyakhov. What did you get, invented, published

Alexander Lyakhov. What did you get, invented, published

Alexander Lyakhov was born on August 24, 1962 in the village of Forest Surazhsky district of the Bryansk region of the then RSFSR as part of the USSR, and now - sovereign Russian Federationwhere I spent my childhood and adolescence. Youth fell on studies in Moscow, where in 1984 graduated from the Faculty of Electronics and Counting-Decisive Engineering Moskovsky state University Forests (MGUUL) in the specialty "Automated Management Systems" (now - specialty 210100 "Management and Informatics in technical systems"). After graduating from study in Moscow, in 1984, he worked in Priozersk (Kazakhstan), Krasnogorsk (Russia), Burakan (Armenia) and Nurek (Tajikistan). From 1992, in the southern capital of Kazakhstan - the city of Almaty.

In addition to the MGUL diploma, in the fall of 2001, Lyakhov passed an internship in the United States according to the Technology Commercialization Program for Software Development program, held as part of the SABIT project. Also, in 2003, he graduated from the 40-hour course "Manage projects according to the ANSI / PMI PMBOK GUIDE 2000" project, conducted in Almaty by the Association of Project Managers of Kazakhstan and the Company "Bureau of Projects", in 1998 received certificates of train seminars - N.E.T. Sales Training, conducted in Almaty by Network Equipment Technologies, Inc., and "Business Communication", held in Almaty by the Renaissance Communicative Management Agency. In 2004, he defended his master's dissertation for the degree of MBA (Master of Business Administration) at the International Academy of Business.

Since September 1996, Alekland Lyakhov has been engaged in the management of Internet projects. Member of the International Union of Internet Workers "Hegey". Winner of the Sites Contest "Kazakhstan Internet Award AWARD-2004". Co-chairman of the organizing committee of the competition "National Internet Award" 2006-07, Chairman of the Jury Competition "Best Business Site Kitel 2000" and a member of the jury of contests "The Best Site Kitel 2001" and "Tatnet Stars" 2004-06 In June-December 2000 - the leading heading "5 minutes about the Internet" in the weekly program "Super House" on the Rakhat TV channel. In June 2006, the matches of the World Cup 2006 on football on the TV channel "Channel Eurasia" commented. Member of the Russian Internet Forum (Moscow, March 2001 and 2006), Starwest 2001 International Conference (San Jose, USA, October 2001), III International Forum IFIN-2003 (Moscow, February 2003).

In December 2001 he was elected a corresponding member of the International Academy of Informatization (Main), has 5 scientific publications. During the period of operation in the GPTP "Granit" had 3 decorated and implemented racks. As a specialist information technologies In 1994-95 Repeatedly published in the journal qwerty (Moscow) and the newspaper "Kompinform" (Almaty), publishing 1998-2007: in the magazines "World Internet" (St. Petersburg), Computer Club, Internet and I, COM & COM.KZ , "Management Technologies", "Exclusive", Komsomolskaya Pravda - Kazakhstan newspapers, "Evening Almaty", "Fires Alatau", "Computers. The Internet. Telecommunications "(all - Almaty).

Currently, Deputy Director of the Department of Public Relations of Kazkommertsbank JSC, Almaty.

Lyakhov himself considers himself by the origin - Russian, by nationality - the Kazakh, on the world-consumption - cosmopolitan.

Usually on the Internet uses nickname "Uncle Shal".

Freely owns Russian, well understands English, Ukrainian, Belarusian, worse - German and Kazakh languages.

Member of the TV show "Who will take Million" on the KTK channel (Analog British Game)

Lyakhov Alexander Egorovich

That I know how well doing for money

Activities (in order of preference): PR / GR and marketing (including SMM, SEO, copywriting, technical writer and work with databases), ICT and country (Kazakhstan) Consulting. Cm. " ".

What where When

On August 24, 1962, was born in the village of Forest Surazhsky district of the Bryansk region of the USSR (now - the Russian Federation), where he spent his childhood and adolescence. Youth fell into account in Moscow (see below), after which he worked on long business trips in Priozersk (Kazakhstan), Krasnogorsk (Russia), Burakan (Armenia) and Nurek (Tajikistan). From August 1992, he constantly lived in Almaty (Kazakhstan), in July 2016, for family reasons, moved to Moscow (Russia), in December 2018 returned to Almaty. Citizenship: Republic of Kazakhstan. I have a driver's license category B.

What I studied

1984 - he graduated from the legendary Faculty of Electronics and Accounting Technology (FEST) of the Moscow Faculty of Electronics and Current Technology (FEST) of the Moscow Faculty of Electronics and Systemics of the Moscow State University of Forest, and from 2016 - Space Faculty of Mytishinsky branch MSTU named after N.E. Bauman).
2004 - defended his master's dissertation for the degree of MBA (Master of Business Administration) at the International Academy of Business (from 2014 - Almaty Management University, Almau).

What else has learned

October-November 2001 - passed an internship in the United States according to the program held as part of the SABIT project.
June 2003 - graduated from the 40-hour course "", held in Almaty Ap gaze and the Company "Bureau of Projects" (Russia).

What did you do

Desktop drawing
Screensaver on a computer
Windows XP Jumping Logo
*) Absent
PC at home
Desktop based on Intel Celeron processor (2.4 GHz)
*) Desktop, based on MSI G41TM-P31 motherboards (Intel Pentium Dual-Core E5300 processor), and Lenovo Yoga S730-13iWL laptop
Whose production?
BLP "Unit", two years ago
*) Assembly LLP "Unit", October 2010
Often turn on?
Rather, it is rarely turned off
Internet addiction
Rather, the Internet is addicted to me
Favorite sites
Site, of course! To raise the mood - the Blog of the Actuban Andrei Surova is always under the hand of the search engine Yandex and Google
Mobile, operator
Nokia 6170, Beeline
*) iPhone 6s Plus, Beeline
Crazy Frog
*) Standard iPhone Melody
Leftoric Mitsubishi Pajero 3.0
*) Mitsubishi Outlander XL 2.4 CVT
Music in the car
"Retro FM", "Russian Radio"
*) "Tengri FM"
Musical preferences
In music is omnivore - from classics to Celtic ethnic music or disco 80s. Rock in all its manifestations, special love for St. Petersburg Picnic
Daily - update your sites and viewing strangers, work with electrolyte, reading the press, once or twice a week - mini-football, the rest - if possible
Where do you like to go?
In the summer - in our mountains. In winter - in southern countries
Kitchen preferences
All meat, especially kebab
Soft drink
Dark kvass
Depending on the mood and company. More often - good vodka or bright beer.
*) Recently, more and more I prefer a single-beam whiskey
Sport preferences
Football, Big Tennis, Chess, Bowling
Sports achivments
Alas, everything in the past - 1st category of chess, 3rd discharge on volleyball, etc.
Life motto
Do what should - and be what will happen!
01.2017 - 10.2018: LLC Alma Grup, Moscow
Head of Internet Services DM
08.2016 - 12.2016: Company 2KOM LLC, Moscow

02.2016 - 07.2016: TV channel "Oң TV", Almaty
CEO's councelor
12.2014 - 02.2016: Alma-TV LLP, Almaty
CEO's councelor
11.2013 - 03.2015: NURSAT JSC, Almaty

06.2011 - 12.2014: KaznetMedia LLP, Astana
Director of Business Development
09.2010 - 05.2011: KazContent JSC, Astana
Member of the Board of Directors - Independent Director
06.2010 - 05.2015: Oyul ", Almaty
Vice President for PR (on the Public Outside)
06.2010 - 08.2010: Kaznet Media LLP, Astana
Executive Director
09.2009 - 05.2010: OIL "Internet Association of Kazakhstan", Almaty
Executive Director
12.2005 - 12.2012: Competition "National Internet Prize", Almaty
Co-Chair of the Organizing Committee
03.2005 - 08.2009: Kazkommertsbank JSC, Almaty
Deputy. Directors of the Department of Public Relations
04.2004 - 02.2005: Representative Office of Kaspersky Laboratory CJSC in Kazakhstan, Almaty
Director of Representative Office
04.2002 - 03.2004: Kazkommertsbank JSC, Almaty
Retail Business Department Project Manager
01.2001 - 12.2001: Company "IST-VESTA", Almaty
Web Technology Consultant
09.1999 – 12.2000: <Студия WEB Style > As part of NET Style LLP, Almaty
Studio Head, Editor-in-Chief of the portal (all WWW-Kazakhstan)
04.1998 - 09.1999: Instant LLP, Almaty
Product Manager
06.1994 - 04.1998: ASTEL JSC (Arna-Sprint Data Communications), Almaty
Sales Manager, then deputy. Marketing Directors
07.1993 - 08.1994: SCTB "Granit" as part of the NC RES RK, Almaty
Leading Engineer, then - Deputy Head of Technical Department - Head of Planning Bureau of Production and Development
11.1992 - 06.1993: Granite APPP, Almaty
Head of Telecommunications Bureau and Informatics
12.1987 - 10.1992: APTP "Granit", Almaty
Working on various defense facilities of the former USSR, passed the way to the electronics engineer 1 category
09.1984 - 11.1987: GPTP Granit, Moscow
Electronics Engineer

What did you get, invented, published

In December 2001 he was elected a corresponding member of the International Academy of Informatization (Main), I have 5 scientific publications. During the period of operation in the GPTP "Granit" had 3 decorated and implemented racks. It was marked by the honorary diplomas of the Minister of Communications and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan Askar Zhumagaliyeva () and the Minister of Investment and the Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan Acetechesev (). As a specialist in information technology in 1994-1995 Repeatedly published in the magazine "QWERTY" (Moscow) and the "Kompinform" (Almaty) newspaper, publications 1998-2012: in the magazines "World of Internet" (St. Petersburg), Computer Club Magazine, "Internet and I", "COM & COM .Kz "," Management Technologies "," Alpha "," Exclusive "," Alau-Kazakhstan ", Komsomolskaya Pravda newspapers," Caravan "," Evening Almaty "," Fires Alatau "," Computers. The Internet. Telecommunications "(all - Almaty).

Where else hanging out

Since September 1996, I am engaged in the management of Internet projects. Member of the International Union of Internet Workers "Picnic", as well as the "Aquarium", "Tea", "Nautilus Pompilius" and many more, to read Favorite Efraim Sevele, Sergey Dovlatova, Vladimir Vysotsky, Vasily Shukshin and many more (Do not count everyone and, especially, prefer). In youth and himself.

Now I am developing the information and educational portal "", as well as themed sites "Essays of the history of Almaty", "Kazakhstani Football", "" and "Kazakhstan at the Olympics".

In June 2006, I worked as a commentator for the 11th World Cup Football on the TV channel "First channel Eurasia", in April-November 2010, commented on Tennis on the KZ Sport1 TV channel, he worked as a special correspondent for XXX Summer Olympic Games In London in August 2012 (from the portal and at the XXII Winter Olympics in Sochi in February 2014 (from the magazine "Sport Review"). From September 2010 to February 2015 and from October 2016 to March 2017 - Tennis Observer of the Weekly "Sport Review" (Almaty), since February 2018 I write for the Forbes Kazakhstan website.

With whom I can explain

In addition to the native Russian language, in varying degrees we own next languages: English -, German (I read and translate with the dictionary, I can explain), Belarusian and Ukrainian (I read and understand the conversational speech, I speak badly), Kazakh (I understand on the simplest household level, I speak badly).



In addition to the MGUL diploma, in the fall of the city of Lyakhov, an internship was held in the United States under the Technology Commercialization Program for Software Development program held as part of the SABIT project. Also, in 2003 he graduated from the 40-hour course "Manage projects according to the ANSI / PMI PMBOK GUIDE 2000" standard, which was held in Almaty by the Association of Project Managers of Kazakhstan and the Bureau of Projects, in G. received certificates of trainer seminars - N.E.T. Sales Training, held in Almaty by Network Equipment Technologies, Inc., and "Business Communication", conducted in Almaty by the Renaissance Communicative Management Agency. In the city of defended his master's dissertation for the degree of MBA (Master of Business Administration) at the International Academy of Business.


In December 2001 he was elected a corresponding member of the International Academy of Informatization (Main), has 5 scientific publications. During the period of operation in the GPTP "Granit" had 3 decorated and implemented racks. As a specialist in information technology in 1994-95 Repeatedly published in the journal qwerty (Moscow) and the newspaper "Kompinform" (Almaty), publishing 1998-2007: in the magazines "World Internet" (St. Petersburg), Computer Club, Internet and I, COM & COM.KZ , "Management Technologies", "Exclusive", Komsomolskaya Pravda - Kazakhstan newspapers, "Evening Almaty", "Fires Alatau", "Computers. The Internet. Telecommunications "(all - Alma-Ata).

Currently, Deputy Director of the Department of Public Relations of Kazkommertsbank JSC, Alma-Ata.

  • Lyakhov himself considers himself by the origin - Russian, by nationality - the Kazakh, on the world-consumption - cosmopolitan.
  • Usually on the Internet uses nickname "Uncle Shal".
  • Freely owns Russian, well understands English, Ukrainian, Belarusian, worse - German and Kazakh languages.
  • Teleshow "Who will take Million" on the KTK channel (Analog British game WHO Wants To Be a Millionaire?)


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Watch what is "Lyakhov, Alexander" in other dictionaries:

    Alexander Egorovich Lyakhov (r. August 24, 1962) Kazakhstan Sports journalist, web publisher of his own blog. They are administered by the site "Big Encyclopedia Kaznet". Contents 1 Biography 1.1 Education ... Wikipedia

    Lyakhov last name. Lyakhov Abazinsky aristocratic genus. Famous media: Lyakhov, Alexander Egorovich (1962) Famous Kazakhstan Sports journalist, the web publisher of his own blog, considers himself one of the "fathers" of Kaznet. ... ... Wikipedia

    Alexander Egorovich Lyakhov (r. August 24, 1962) The well-known Kazakhstani sports journalist, the web publisher of his own blog, considers himself one of the "fathers" of Kaznet. They are administered by the site "Big Encyclopedia Kaznet". Contents 1 Biography ... ... Wikipedia

    Alexander Egorovich Lyakhov (r. August 24, 1962) The well-known Kazakhstani sports journalist, the web publisher of his own blog, considers himself one of the "fathers" of Kaznet. They are administered by the site "Big Encyclopedia Kaznet". Contents 1 Biography ... ... Wikipedia

    Sergey Lyakhov ... Wikipedia

    - ... Wikipedia

    - ... Wikipedia

    Lyakhov last name. Famous media: Lyakhov, Alexander Egorovich (1962) Famous Kazakhstan Sports journalist, the web publisher of his own blog, considers himself one of the "fathers" of Kaznet. Lyakhov, Vladimir Afanasyevich (1941) Soviet cosmonaut, ... ... Wikipedia

Alexander Lyakhov was born on August 24, 1962 in the village of Lesnaya Surazhsky district of the Bryansk region of the then RSFSR as part of the USSR, and now - the sovereign Russian Federation, where he spent his childhood and adolescence. Youth took part in Moscow, where in 1984 he graduated from the Faculty of Electronics and Counting Technology of the Moscow State University of Forest (MGUUL) in the specialty "Automated Management Systems" (now - specialty 210100 "Management and Informatics in Technical Systems"). After graduating from study in Moscow, in 1984, he worked in Priozersk (Kazakhstan), Krasnogorsk (Russia), Burakan (Armenia) and Nurek (Tajikistan). From 1992, in the southern capital of Kazakhstan - the city of Almaty.

In addition to the MGUL diploma, in the fall of 2001, Lyakhov passed an internship in the United States according to the Technology Commercialization Program for Software Development program, held as part of the SABIT project. Also, in 2003, he graduated from the 40-hour course "Manage projects according to the ANSI / PMI PMBOK GUIDE 2000" project, conducted in Almaty by the Association of Project Managers of Kazakhstan and the Company "Bureau of Projects", in 1998 received certificates of train seminars - N.E.T. Sales Training, conducted in Almaty by Network Equipment Technologies, Inc., and "Business Communication", held in Almaty by the Renaissance Communicative Management Agency. In 2004, he defended his master's dissertation for the degree of MBA (Master of Business Administration) at the International Academy of Business.

Since September 1996, Alekland Lyakhov has been engaged in the management of Internet projects. Member of the International Union of Internet Workers "Hegey". Winner of the Sites Contest "Kazakhstan Internet Award AWARD-2004". Co-chairman of the organizing committee of the competition "National Internet Award" 2006-07, Chairman of the Jury Competition "Best Business Site Kitel 2000" and a member of the jury of contests "The Best Site Kitel 2001" and "Tatnet Stars" 2004-06 In June-December 2000 - the leading heading "5 minutes about the Internet" in the weekly program "Super House" on the Rakhat TV channel. In June 2006, the matches of the World Cup 2006 on football on the TV channel "Channel Eurasia" commented. Member of the Russian Internet Forum (Moscow, March 2001 and 2006), Starwest 2001 International Conference (San Jose, USA, October 2001), III International Forum IFIN-2003 (Moscow, February 2003).

In December 2001 he was elected a corresponding member of the International Academy of Informatization (Main), has 5 scientific publications. During the period of operation in the GPTP "Granit" had 3 decorated and implemented racks. As a specialist in information technology in 1994-95 Repeatedly published in the journal qwerty (Moscow) and the newspaper "Kompinform" (Almaty), publishing 1998-2007: in the magazines "World Internet" (St. Petersburg), Computer Club, Internet and I, COM & COM.KZ , "Management Technologies", "Exclusive", Komsomolskaya Pravda - Kazakhstan newspapers, "Evening Almaty", "Fires Alatau", "Computers. The Internet. Telecommunications "(all - Almaty).

Currently, Deputy Director of the Department of Public Relations of Kazkommertsbank JSC, Almaty.

Lyakhov himself considers himself by the origin - Russian, by nationality - the Kazakh, on the world-consumption - cosmopolitan.

Usually on the Internet uses nickname "Uncle Shal".

Freely owns Russian, well understands English, Ukrainian, Belarusian, worse - German and Kazakh languages.

Best days

Aragorn from the trilogy "Lord of the Rings"
Visputated: 168.
Ups and downs

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