Sergey Gorelov. Gorelov, Sergey Dmitrovich

Sergey Gorelov. Gorelov, Sergey Dmitrovich

Graduate 1940 Roku

Hero Radyansky Union (26.10.1944)

Colonel General of Aviation (04.11.1973)

Honored military pilot of the USSR

Sergey Gorelov was born on June 22, 1922 in the village of Monastirshchino, Kimovsky district, Tula region, from a poor rural homeland. Father - Gorelov Dmitro Dmitrovich (1869-1942), mother - Gorelova Natalia Moysievna (1886-1961).

After completing his studies at the technical school, he worked as a master at one of the Moscow factories.

In 1938, he entered the Borisoglibsk Military Aviation School, having successfully completed the previous wars (1940), and at the beginning of 1941, he received combat baptism near Lvov, flying at the warehouse of the 165th wine Sensible air regiment on aircraft I-16 and I-153.
In 1941, near Gorky, he mastered the LaGG-3 aircraft, which he used to fight near Smolensk.

Vinishuvach LaGG-3.Sergiy Gorelov fought with such a machine.


I will overcome the first one by getting it from the sickle in 1941 near Yelnya, having beaten the Hs-126 cart. Later, you signed up over 20 warlike pilots for your rocket.
In the spring of 1941, fate took part in the battle for Moscow. Sergei Dmitrovich had the opportunity to escape from a shot down aircraft to the occupied territory. Over the course of 3 months of 1941, they were beaten several times, but each time they were even more eager to fight.

Then, at the warehouse of the built part near Noginsky, we prepared for the parade of the 7th leaf fall of 1941 on Chervonia Square.

Until the end of 1944, the intercessor of the squadron commander of the 111th Guards Military Aviation Regiment (10th Guards Military Aviation Division, 2nd Military Army, 1st Ukrainian Front) Guard ii captain S.D. Gorelov fought 214 combat battles, in 47 recent battles, especially defeating 24 and at the warehouse of the group 1 enemy flight. On June 26, 1944, for his courage and military honors, revealed in battles against enemies, he was given the title of Hero of the Radyansky Union.


After the war, he continued to serve with the UPU.

1952 graduated from the Viyskovo-Povitryan Academy, 1959 - Military Academy General Staff.

In 1977-1981 he was the intercessor of the Head Commander of the VPS with VNZ - the head of the VNZ VPS.

Honored military pilot of the USSR, Colonel General of the Air Force.


Awarding the Orders of Lenin (dvіchi), Chervony Prapor (sіm), Oleksandr Nevsky, The Great Patriotic WarІ stage (two), Chervonoya Zirka, medals “For the Defense of Moscow”, “For the Defense of Stalingrad”, “For the Defense of the Caucasus”, “For the Defense of Kiev”, “For the Liberation of Prague” and others, incl. Foreign orders and medals.

Near Stalingrad, fighting on LaGG-3, Sergiy Gorelov gained a trophy and lost his first title to the city - the Order of the Great Patriotic War, 1st degree.

At that time, he surrounded the squadron commander's seat.

In the summer of 1943, pilots of the 13th Air Regiment fought over Malaya Zemlya. On the 20th quarter, on the approaches to Miskhako, the baked fire of 16 Radyan pilots from a large group of German pilots flared up (18 He-111 bombers and 22 Me-109 bombers). In fact, two of the enemy’s cars were destroyed, and two more were shot down. One of the Heinkels was defeated by Sergiy Gorelov. Having invaded, we are in danger of attacking German territory. further share unknown.

The very next day, April 21, 1943, flew to the warehouse near the warehouse of the six "Lavochkinikhs", in a baked, windy battle with a large group of enemy pilots (18 bombers and 25 military pilots), Lieutenant Sergei Gorelov hitting one Heinkel-111. This superiority of the forces would end in victory for our pilots. The enemy bombers did not break through to the advanced positions of the Radyan troops. 6 soldiers were defeated and 3 soldiers were shot down. Our expenses amounted to 1 car, the pilot of which died.

On the 3rd Serpnya of 1943, the military front of the Voronezh Front launched a counterattack on the Bilgorod-Kharkiv direct line. During that day, the pilots of the 10th Major Aviation Corps of the 2nd Insurgent Army covered the areas of concentration near the aperture of the 1st and 5th Guards Tank Armies. Under this, the regiments of the 201st Airborne Aviation Division were especially active.

Early on 3 September, a dozen La-5FN flew to support 12 Il-2 attack aircraft under the command of Senior Lieutenant Sergiy Gorelov. Near Bilgorod they were attacked by 35 enemy troops. When the battle broke out, our pilots killed 8 enemy fighters. The squadron commander, Z.D. Gorelov, recorded two victories in his battle.
In the spring of 1943, the Radyanskiy mitska militia was firmly in control on the Bukrinsky bridgehead. There, on June 6, 1943, Sergiy Gorelov was beaten, for the 7th time, uncontrollably attacking him on the borderline with Focke-Wulf. This mistake will remain. Later, rising in the wind, Gorelov once again realized his superiority over the enemy, and began to hope that he would know the right move in any situation.
At that time, the German command attempted to renew the Dnieper defense line with strong counterattacks. Warlords gradually attacked the battle formations of our troops through bridges and crossings. During the same day, enemy aviation hit up to 2,200 villots. On the 14th of June, cars and tanks reached the bridgehead across the Kozinsky Bridge. It was quiet. At the same time, our command was thinking that the enemy might launch a massive raid on this important target. That’s how it happened.
As the sun went down, the flight's warlocks appeared. Ikh bulo kilka group. If the enemy did not manage to bombard the place precisely, the rest of them were loudly attacked by the Lavochkin gang. The top nine Junkers exploded, and so did each other. The axis sharply pushed down one German bomber, then hit another, then a third... As it was explained later, most of our guilty people were beaten in front of the rich by thousands of Radyan fighters in 10 war bombers, defeating the Guard Senior Lieutenant S.D. Gorelev.
In 1944, his family was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky. The air squadron, which was under his command, during a month of fighting killed 25 enemy pilots, without spending any of their money.

The remaining combat troops of the 111th Guards IAP Guards, Major S.D. Gorelov acted after the end of the war, on May 12, 1945, near Czechoslovakia. Ushogo won 260 combat victories, took part in 120 military battles, especially defeating 27 and 6 enemy fighters from a group with his comrades. Among the vehicles destroyed by him are the main types of combat aircraft of Nimechchina: Me-109 and Me-110, Ju-52, Ju-87 and Ju-88, FW-189 and FW-190, Hs-126 and Hs-129, He-111 .

111 gviap, 1945 r_k.Left to right:A. St. Kalmikov, A. I. Yumkin, I. A. Zub, G. P. Koval, P. A. Gnido, S. D. Gorelov, V. N. Chulkov.

On 24 June 1945, at the warehouse of the formed regiment of the 4th Ukrainian Front, Hero of the Radyansky Union of the Guard, Major S. D. Gorelov, took part in the historic Victory Parade on Chervonia Square in Moscow.

After the war, no matter how badly he was wounded, Sergius Dmitrovich was considered completely eligible for military service.

Having graduated from the Military-Povitryan Academy in Monino (Moscow region), and later from the Academy of the General Staff.

Commanded a regiment, division, military army.

Having flown until 1977, the remaining flights were carried out on the MiG-25.

Mastered most types of combat aircraft, among them MiG-9, Yak-15, MiG-15, MiG-19, Yak-25, Yak-28, Su-17, MiG-21.

For 5 years he was the protector of the head of the Air Force.

1989 - Colonel General of the Air Force S.D. Gorelov Viyshov at the exhibition. Working with a rocket and space company named after S.P. Korolyov, including the head specialist from the military-insurgent forces.

Lives near the city-hero of Moscow.

Died on January 22, 2009. Pokhovany on the Troekurivsky District near Moscow.
Colonel General of the Air Force (1973), Honored Military Pilot of the USSR (1968).

Nagorodzheny 2 Orders of Lenin (10/26/1944, 10/11/1974), 7 Orders of the Chervony Prapor (02/27/1943, 09/28/1943, 09/11/1944, 05/22/1974, 5.199, 5.1.9, 9.5, 1945, 05/22/1972). Nevsky (29.06.1945 No. 31465), 2 Orders of the Great Patriotic War, 1st stage (27.04.1943, 11.03.1985), Order of the Chervona Zirka (5.11.1954), medals, as well as orders.


Behind-the-scenes electronic bank of documents "Feat for the People"

National sheets of Gorelova S.D.:

Gorelov Sergey Dmitrovich

I was born in the village of Monastirshchina, in the vicinity of the Don, on the 22nd of 1920. Soon after, the dads moved to Moscow. In fact, I have lived all my life near Moscow, only going on vacation to fish near Nepryadva. I graduated from technical school in Moscow; for a Komsomol pass, joining the Dzerzhinsky Aeroclub, which ended in 1938. After this, I was sent to study at the Borisoglibsk School, where I graduated in the early summer of 1940. The Finnish War ended, and instead of two fates, fates began again and again. Naturally, after school, in addition to education and imprisonment, I didn’t learn anything, but it was important that we mastered “U-2”, “I-5”, “I-15”.
Most of the “I-5” schools had peeled wings, so you could only count on them. We have I-5 bullets. Well, they certainly ... The steering wheel is completely covered in oil, so that it flies from the engine, into the saw and the beam, which rises from the ground with a screw.
After several flights on I-5, I switched to I-15. The school has 5 squadrons. Three of them began with I-16 aircraft, and two with I-15 aircraft. On "I-15" I was called a young lieutenant and graduated. Moreover, as young lieutenants, only those who did not have the same three were released as young lieutenants. There were only two of us like that.
I was sent to Uman, where I started flying I-153. The landing gear of this aircraft has already been taken in the weeds, but from I-15 with practically no damage. At that time, such technology was considered to be decent.
From Uman we were transferred immediately to Lvov, where we were based at the 165th IAP. We also initially flew on the I-153, and then switched to the I-16.
It is necessary to say that “I-16” is a completely different aircraft in pilotage and in speed; more complex, clear. There you need to clean up the chassis - “turn the organ” and much more. Therefore, until the start of the war, I, like many of my peers and colleagues, practically did not bother with these machines. What do you want, since we have finished dozens of rounds of stakes and piloted a few in the zone?! No shooting, no fighting. We fornicated terribly, but we didn’t dare fly the route. We were all 19-20 years old - boys!
At the Lvov airfield there were three regiments - nearly two hundred airmen. And on the very day of the people, on the third night, they started bombing us. We all huddled together, ran to the airfield, and there... Most of the flights were devastated and damaged. My "I-16" is not to blame. When I got to this point, I realized that he, with a crooked left wing, would not be surprised at me and say: “Are you going? Who the hell are you writing?
That same day we were separated into cars and taken to the bay of Kiev. While we were driving through the Lviv region, seven people were killed near our car. The residents of the town shot from the bells, from the mountains... Before that, they hated the Radians... And once the war began, they stopped being afraid of us.
We got to Kiev, where we were put on a stretcher and sent to Gorky to the Seima airfield. In one month we transferred to LaGG-3. We passed the theory and flew for about 12 years. After that, at the warehouse of the same 165 IAP in the past month, we were sent to Yelnya. True, the regiment was no longer a five-squadron regiment, like at Lvov, but a three-squadron one. Smolensk was already taken by the enemy at that hour. And we began to advance to Moscow.
"LaGG-3" is an important machine, with poor maneuverability, although with heavy armor - a 20-mm gun and two 12.7 mm machine guns. Naturally, it has greater speed, less maneuverability than the I-16, and the LaGG is only suitable for attacking ground targets. The wine is made of plywood, do not burn; with a very nice cabin. It used to be that the entire flight would fall apart before the hour of landing, but the cabin would be intact, as if the pilot were hiding it.
It was a no-brainer when it came to our cars. We were assigned to the Il-2 attack aircraft. We need to hide them. Chim? Powerful fliers, nothing more. They flew towards their attack aircraft, fighting everything so as not to kill them. Because if you die, you will be guilty, the inconsistencies will be great, you may be taken to court.
On the 41st rock we had no theory, no practice from the cover of stormtroopers - nothing. The firebrand, accompanying the attack aircraft, was in order not to hit the enemy, who wanted to attack him, not to allow the Il-2 to be aimed at shooting. Moreover, the closure was far from always sufficient. Sometimes up to six “Ilivs” from the 41st were given a couple to cover, so that the Germans could attack in a group of up to twenty fighters. Most often the secret was like this: a pair of right-handers, a pair of left-handers. Naturally, we tried to maneuver (we walked with “knives” and sometimes worked “goydalki”: over a group of attack aircraft they went into a dive, and then, as they gained altitude, they turned around and repeated this maneuver again), not to jump ahead of the attack aircraft - they and so little fluidity And, having jumped forward, it was possible to spend them respectfully. Tim is no less, in serious battles we were killed by stormtroopers. And the stinks are still camouflaged - you can’t see them on the arid earth, mother! I had to fly and recover. The ice melts and you begin to spin. Killed yogo chi ni? You speak for someone else! Tse zhah! I have to take part in all the battles under an hour of supervision.
For a guilty person, punishment is worse than the support of stormtroopers, you don’t know, I respect it so much. An attack aircraft travels 320-350 kilometers per year on the ground, and then it gets hot. It is easier to carry a bomber. They have more fluidity and smell more: they have 2000-3000 meters, and you have 3000-4000. Completely different to the right! This group moved in height, placing some right-handers, others left-handers, and marveled on all sides: if you are right-handed, you burn with all the force: “Attack right-handed!”... True, we only have normal radio communications until the end of 1943 'appeared. It was impossible to get the reception back to normal until there was such a loud noise that you had to turn off the radio station. And then, with the Kursk arc of connections, we became normal, both with the earth and between the crews. The girl guides showed up and gave us great advice, informing us about the enemy and helping us with our orientation. Sometimes, after a battle, I had to fight, and even swear in battle terribly, but they would say: “Okay, everything is fine.”
Around the cover of the stormtroopers, we ourselves sometimes attacked ground targets. And in the “Vilna Polyuvannya” we didn’t fly much – we had no strength. I wish, of course, this happened. In this case, it was clear that against five of our pilots there were at least twenty-five enemy pilots. Before that, it wasn’t the boys who fought against us, but the proven fighters on the most advanced flights of their time, who surpassed ours in all respects. Ale, you know, all the same, only the stinkers went on the attack if they were talking, which is sense. If a fascist believes that nothing will come of it, then he will quickly withdraw from the battle. The stinks often resisted one attack, and as soon as they didn’t push in, they left.
I am often asked: Was it scary? And we weren’t afraid at all. We were tuned to the trim. When you arrive, you’ll refuel as soon as possible, don’t get out of the cabin, and I’ll be back on the road! We are ready to the point that they can be beaten. We were saying goodbye in front of the villot. They respected that as soon as we turn around, thank God, then in the evening we will drink and dance 100 grams each; and no, no, not a share. And they didn’t wait until the loss like before the tragedy. To compare with today, we were as ready to die as suicide terrorists and, characteristically, our fighting spirit did not fall during the period of entry! The strikes could not harm us - we were placed before them as if before the time of the hour. So great was the devotion and such great love before the Batkivshchina. The cry “For Stalin!” For the Batkivshchina!" sounding like a prayer for us! Throughout the entire war, I have sent signs of fear nowhere! Perhaps, here it is.
After three days of fighting near Yelnya, where we flew with LaGG-3 pilots, the regiment was destroyed. About two years later, as we had seen, we turned to the Seimu airfield. The girls we used to hang out with laugh and say: “So, is the war over?” And it just started. We were replenished and returned there, near Yelnya. And so – 4 or 5 times from linden to yellow. Fewer than two were killed in these battles, and yet I was not able to defeat the greedy enemy fighter. I focused more on assault and support. Just before the winter of the 41st, I caught a flight here. That was my first victory.
As the leaves began to fall, our regiment issued the command to prepare for the parade. We were in Noginsk at the airport, picked up a new LaGG-3, with guides for RSiv. We rehearsed zlitanisti with the group, having completed 3-4 viliots. The rest of the training was assigned to the date. The missiles were sealed so tightly that it was impossible to reach them. The day before the parade the weather was clear and gloomy, but the sky rose - snowfall and fog. As a result, we did not take part in the parade. On the 3rd year of that same day, the command was issued to storm the crossing near Klin. They killed two villots, stormed well, dumped corpses, cars that were burning out... So we stopped advancing and began a counter-attack near Moscow. We were all glad that the Germans were driven away.
Before the leaves fell, we were caught up in the wind. The Germans practically did not fly, and in the wind they did not interact with them. We got busy with a lot of storming. In the snow that fell, the Nazis were all the same, like in the valley - everything is visible. When we attacked them, only the cods flew. For two months we were so busy with this right, we thought that we would soon defeat everyone! Ale, obviously, this one is gone.
Nezabar the regiment was sent to the Pivdenno-Zakhidny Front. There we took our part in the summer battles. The spring and summer of 1942 were the most terrible days of the war. Specka stood; I didn’t have the strength to get out of the cabin and fill up the docks for a new vehicle. Bring the girl a bottle of compote - she doesn’t want anything... She’ll kiss her and stroke her. Tell her: “Don’t be late at the dance.” Even if there were no fights, there was plenty of dancing in the evening.
This, one of the most important periods of the war, I decided to go through what, fortunately, unexpectedly, and otherwise, was to live. Even if you are beaten or injured, do not give up, continue to fight for life. No matter who they were, they beat them, more than once, but they had the strength to either leave or imprison him.
The commissars even helped them to get better. At the end of the war, the stench became commanders, essentially donors from the skin drive; and at the beginning of the war, the stinks flew with us and felt like fathers to us. The stinkers spent the whole hour with us and showed us in their best way what we needed to do. That's why we loved them.
In the spring of 1942, a small group of pilots, having been killed, was sent to a course in military combat to Stavropol. There, on the LaGG-3, we practiced cone shooting, flight after route, and attacking ground targets. After completing these courses, I will send directions to 13 IAP.
-Have you started fighting, forgive us little boy?
- Having started to fight, we are talking to the squadron commander, Major Erokhin. Then the squadron commanders changed their minds. Although the dekhto had already received the Order of the Red Prapor, won for Spain, they perished. Until the fall of 1941, the regiment that started the war lost no one. The axis of those who took part in the battles near Stalingrad until the end of the war amounted to 20-25. They formed the backbone of the regiment.
First shock? I don’t know what to call my first battle today. I covered the stormtrooper and, by any means, sent the enemy behind me, so that the stormtrooper would not be destitute. In principle, it is also important to fight in battle. Otherwise, I won’t shoot again. I'll give you some black tea, I think I can use it. I will not be able to perform the maneuver. And in order to conduct a proper battle, you need to maneuver. On the basis of operating aviation equipment. Fly in such a way that your eyes flatten when over-exposed, and so that the ice does not break. You can either avoid the enemy’s attack or defeat him yourself. We began to work only after Stalingrad, during the intense battles in the Kuban, and got along with the best pilots in the world.
A lot has perished before my eyes. Even at the beginning of the war it was: 3-4 days and the squadron was gone. And these were the most beautiful pilots. Ale, as I have already said, we have accepted death, as if it were natural, that it was gradual. The mood changed only before the Kuban and Kursk-Bilgorod battles. There we no longer thought that we would be killed. They themselves began to beat up the fascists. I remember one girl said to me: “Sergey, now you can become friends.” - “Why?” - “You won’t mind now.”
- Do you notice anything?
Have your own notes: you can’t wear your jacket, except in the evening. The woman cannot be allowed into the flight cabin. My mother sewed a cross into my tunic, and then I transferred it to a new tunic.
And if you have a dream that is full of abominations, then don’t expect anything good. I once had a dream during a terrible battle. The regiment commander said: “Take the voodoo, so you won’t be here today or tomorrow.” You could be tempted to go out of your way because you feel bad, but you don’t care about it out of fear.
Near Stalingrad and near Moscow, at the beginning of the operation on the Kursk-Belgorod direct line, it happened that it was possible to work up to 8 viliots per day. At the time of day there are 4-5 villots between the hours. Everything is very important. After being left in a hovering position, it was difficult to get out of the cabin without outside help. The fatigue was not so much physical as it was nervous tension. The desire and physical fatigue naturally accumulated over the course of the day. Moreover, after important and continuous battles, all the pilots may have reduced the discord of the boat.
It’s impossible to say that even though the problem was chronic, we were still given a fix. After important battles, we spent 5-6 days resting at Budinki as a backup, as they were in control near the front line. There we got together, went to dances with the girls, rediscovered our strength, and all the discord went away on its own.
– If you were denied the first Order of the Red Ensign?
I received the first Order of the Red Prapor in 1942 near Stalingrad. Before orders and honors, everything was placed with the utmost awe. Adje on the cob of war was sparingly chewed. The pilots with the medals “For Military Merit” and “For Military Merit” were already respected as heroes. She's a great woman, she can do anything, and the girls here were extremely respectful.
During the war, I took away five orders of the Red Prapor and two - after the war. Before the speech, we flew with orders and party tickets. The girls were sewn to the order so that they would not come out (as long as the pads were already gone). And from the beginning the orders were in quints, and we deserved more.
During the war I earned nearly two hundred and fifty villots. Having killed 27 fighters in particular and 6 in the group. There could have been more. Ale then, if I was seriously injured, I had to miss a whole day. I wanted to fight at the front, but not to fight. After the offensive battle in Kiev, I entered Chernivtsi. Zagalom, the boys were called immediately after they were beaten, they were given a month of feasting. And if the injury is more serious, then more.
- How were the downed aircraft insured?
The downed aircraft were insured as follows: I, having flown from work, confirmed that in such an area I had downed this type of aircraft; There, a representative was prepared who could bring confirmation from the ground forces, so that this type of aircraft actually fell there. And after that, the damaged aircraft was insured. And since the flight fell on enemy territory, then everything became more complicated. Most often they were not insured. In some cases, if the territory was covered, it could still be confirmed. And without confirmation they didn’t insure it. At the end of the war, if we had photo-camera machines, we still needed confirmation of ground forces. Vzagali, I rarely see how the flights I have beaten fall - only after having slept or having spent the cheruban. Narasi is often asked, and there were postscripts to special rackets. It’s important to say. There could have been hibni registrations. Navmisne, in my opinion, no. Initially, flying in pairs, theoretically it would be possible to attribute the zbitki, otherwise they found out about it, there would be no life for such pilots. It is easy to waste honor, but it is impossible to renew it.
- Did they pay pennies for the kills?
For the bombers they paid: for a vinishuvach one thousand, and a bomber two thousand, for a locomotive 900 rubles, for a car 600 rubles. They also paid for the assault. In 1941 they paid for the development of radio communications. Ale, you know, we didn’t steal pennies from the war. They told us that we should have a lot of pennies there. We never took them away, we never signed them, but the money went away. Well, you fools, there was a need to formalize transfers to my dads, and I only knew about it until my dad was already dead. In 1944, they welcomed me to the Hero and called to Moscow to get Zirka. The pilots, those technicians, who knew that we were flying and that we would need to “exchange” them, gave us their books, for which they took pennies from us.
Hundreds of dollars in the regiment were not the same word as kindness: the commanders of the regiment were like fathers to us. During the course of the war, we had a bunch of them: Maslov, Kholodov, Naumov. The remaining two rocks - Kholodov the hero! Very strong!.. The regiment commander, like everyone else, flew steadily. (The division commanders were still flying, and then later.) Call out: I, the squadron commander, am leading one group, the regiment commander will attack.
Of course, all of our commanders especially loved Kholodov. He will be with us forever. In the evening, sit down, 100 grams of rosemary. He just joined in with us, knowing that what was required was suvoro, and that it was humane.
Today, children say, during the hour of war, they gave the boys a drink to make them smile. She's a fool. Anyone who allowed himself to drink was beaten to death. A drunk man's reaction is not the same. What is it like? You don't care - you don't care. Is it possible to overcome the enemy in such a camp, if in front of you, instead of one, two planes are flying? I have never flown unfathomably. We drank more in the evening. It was necessary to relax, to fall asleep. I slept well and didn’t want to get up. Once they fell asleep, they spun around in front of their eyes. Especially when we fought at Stalingrad.
During difficult battles, the commander could say: “Tomorrow you are going to retire and rest for three days.” The commanders took care of strong pilots. It’s not as scary to spend a half-regiment as it is to spend one. I often get caught up in this situation.
And from the technical warehouse there were hundreds of hundred-year-olds like those from other fathers. When they let you out, you will have to fight. When we arrive after a battle, the stinks embrace and kiss. Helpful people. If you know the vip, then take it off for the little guy. They loved it especially when you came back from an experience. It stinks on your hands here. And as we beat down the enemy before our very eyes, the stinks played out the battle, showed special moments that the pilot himself could not remember in such detail. The soldiers were based near the front line, so often military battles took place over the front line. In good weather the battles are visible. When we begin to sort out the villots, the stench of the mouth is heard and not left, we hear it. Sometimes the stench of these speeches became clearer. When correspondents came, and we only had a few, then the journalists had to learn the technique. And the technician gave an hourly better answer, a lower pilot.
I don’t know about the mechanics, since the stinks have subsided. We fly during the day, and at night they check the equipment. If you smell something, it’s important to say. I seem to have asked, and they say: “When it’s on the way!”
My mechanic is Kovalov. Yomu bulo todi rokiv 35. Wonderful people. After the war, I was already the commander of the army at Lvov, but I was less than friendly. During the war, a comrade commander killed himself before me, and so he continued to kill himself.
The squadron engineer was Edelshtein, a Jew. They told me: “I understand why all the pilots in your squadron are so different - you have a Jewish engineer, and he’s cunning.”
Our commanders were respected as gods, and our life lay in them. We were placed before them with great love. I to Zhukov and to others. Gaslo: “For Batkivshchyna, for Stalin!” - let’s not make a sound either for us or for other members of the military.
The meetings between the pilots were such that you marveled at the skinny, but watched for yourself. And you worry as if for yourself. Especially as a young pilot, whom you have trained and you know, he is not yet particularly ready for watering. Naturally, in these situations, during the hour of battle, you do everything so as not to expose the newcomers, you cover them as best you can. I won’t talk about those who introduced young people to the first rocks of war, having been like that myself. I’ll just say that “U Bey Idul’t Elder” is an honest film, it shows a lot. When I became a squadron commander in 1943, novices were immediately not allowed into combat. From the very beginning the stench pervaded the area; Then, for starters, they were introduced there, where the intensity of the fighting was low. There is still plenty of room for a commander to lie here. If you can show with a special butt that you need to fight, then your young ones will be fighting.
Mutual assistance helped to rewind, especially in 1941 and 1942. Let's say, if I go on the attack and want to attack my leader, then I throw everything and try to use my favorite paths to bring the leader out from behind the fire or to break up the attack on the new one. Mutual assistance itself played a major role when my squadron shot down 25 aircraft without cost. Without whom one will die.
With the pilots from the naval squadrons, our carriers were the same as those in the middle of their squadron. The brotherhood fed on all the pilots. Let’s say that at the Kuban Revolutionary Battle we were squeezed in by Pokrishkin and his group, turning us away from the heights. In such situations, the regiment commander sent telegrams to the regiment, and the soldiers helped ours. The pity that someone was beaten was absolutely genuine. There was no difference between the positions of the pilots of one’s own regiment or those of another regiment. Over and over again, we helped one another during an hour of battle, due to a firebrand, which resulted in success. In the battle, the skin was damaged as much as possible, otherwise there was no such damage.
And of course, all their battles were sorted out. The best thing to do is to sort it out and get out of the cab carefully. The little boy, like a young child, does not understand that such nonsense and everything honestly reveals what she did and what she did. But then he begins to give up and washes away his favors. And if you immediately ask, then it’s clear that it’s like this, it’s not like that, it’s like “giving a blow.” They often gave up - there were no ideal battles.
Together with the infantrymen, tankers and tankers, the pilots also respected themselves with a single goal. We fought more for them than for our own. It was so important to them, the stench of the first mortal blows was washed away. We tried to help them in any way possible during the battle. Especially near Moscow and Stalingrad. There we stormed the enemy’s troops along whatever routes they lay down. Even though they all fought for the same Batkivshchyna.
- What did you realize when you were beaten?
- The two killed me near Moscow. Dvichi near Stalingrad. There are two near the Bilgorod-Kursk arc and one near Kiev. This past time.
How did they beat me first? We escorted the Pe-2 bombers and flew in four. I was informed by the squadron commander. Just before reaching Smolensk, the bombers dropped leaflets and bombs. When they turned around, the enemy’s culprits appeared. Get started. The Germans killed our squadron commander, and then me. Letak happened to be planted at the front line. I see, I’m amazed - it’s a strilyanina. Here are the Germans, here are ours. Pikhotintsi shout: “Come on, swedish, let’s go!” I'm running to my people. Having known the problem, you can achieve it and live. Rolling around. Suddenly they beat me over the enemy’s territory near Serpna in 1941 near Skopin, and my engine began to stall. Sitting on the galyavina and running near the forest. Zustrivsya with cotton. I asked him to take me to the partisans. You are beginning to realize. I pointed the gun at him: “Then I’ll shoot you.” Vin pov. I say: “Are you doing it right? If the Germans bother me, I’ll hit you.” Vіnmen privіv. I give you money, but I say: “What do you need?” Then he knew so that I wouldn’t shoot him. The partisans took me across the front line to their own.
I mean, if you beat it, it’s fine. I know that it’s too early and too late to die. The firebrand would not reach the enemy's hands. Of course, it’s impossible to say that it wasn’t scary at all. There was no more fear and anxiety when they began to attack, when the real war began. It was scary when they were shot down near Kiev, because they didn’t know how to put it on the fuselage or distribute it? And at the hour of the Kursk-Bilgorod operation, I had such a fit. The blow was even more severe; Perhaps they have contacted an enemy that has already been confirmed. We fought and fought, didn’t kill anyone, but the stench set me on fire. It was 50-100 kilometers from the front line. At an altitude of 4000-5000 meters. We separated, and now the half from under the engine is reaching into the cabin. I began to pull to the front; Having reached the abiyak, ale visoti, so as to strip it, did not lose it. Having sat down and released the chassis behind the switch. Hitting the ground hard, it was dripping. I can’t leave, I have to keep coming closer and closer. The bundles came up, suddenly tripped over the handrail, and pulled the line. Say: "Wow, how gorysh!" I unfastened my belt and made a parachute. The stench slightly cracked the trim on the side, so I just stuck my head in and got stuck. The stench is screaming for me to get out, but there is no point in pushing into anything. The stench began to dissipate, and I slowly climbed out. They ran into the sunshine and burned down in the summer. Literally they lied to me when I left. The regiment commander and the division commander directed the work to the last unit and awarded them all with the Order of the Red Mirror.
My friend Petro Gnido had such a fit. They killed him near Stalingrad, they believed that he had fallen on the front line. And they said that a group of Germans immediately disappeared. Having collected us, the regiment commander washed us off and finished standing: “Eternal memory of Petro Gnido.” The doors open, Petro enters. He finally escaped from the parachute. Here they bought the car and brought it. Let's get it right! Wonderful! We were commanders of ship squadrons, and we always flew together in important battles. Even though we wouldn’t have wasted our porridge, if there were ten times more enemy, we would all come out of the battle alive and well. The air and the land will be even more delightful. The girls loved him the most. Petro Gnido is the god of women.
How can I be sure that I haven’t been beaten more than once? How can I say... We didn’t do a lot of things, but we still had to fly. That’s how it is in battle: if you don’t care about those who have shot all the ammunition, you can’t go out of battle. Wherever you go, it’s evil. You are in battle, and the enemy does not know whether you have run out of ammunition or not. This is a solid principle. Ale mi yogo, they finished off very well.
Even often the boy does not know who and how he beat him. This was especially the case in the 41st century, when there are no enemies on all sides, and you can’t stand to marvel at all sides, so you don’t know where and how you got hit. Perhaps, I can’t say in detail how I was beaten all this time
They could have been killed in advance. I was killed near Kiev. It was like this. I flew by plane to the cover of crossings on the day before Kiev in the area of ​​the Bukrinsky bridgehead. The battles over the crossings were important, and there were a lot of our aviation. The weather that day was sunny, the mood was the same. I was transferred from the ground, where three groups of bombers were walking from the side of the White Church, each group had 30-40 vehicles; They ordered to avoid crossings and to stop them on the way. The group maneuvered quickly, 60-70 kilometers from the front line, and we encountered black darkness. The fascists were clearly speeding up while they were flying. Having flown closer, I was surprised that the bombers were coming out of such strong guilt. I don’t know how many of them there were, but there were a lot more. I decided to attack the first group of 30 bombers with all my might. In the first attack we killed 7 pilots, repeated the attack - 5 more. I am surprised that the lower ones of other regiments are catching up. The stench did not reach the crossings.
On the evening after this battle I was at dawn in the same way. I was given the command to pass over the Bukrinsky bridgehead at a minimum altitude in order to breathe out the troops that had been lost at the camp. We were hanging out like a wedge, let's go downhill. As they then recognized me (I didn’t know myself), the German Focke-Wulf appeared, broke through the line and shot me right back. My flight has swung over a number of times (as the shells are fired close, then the somersaults are obligatory). The engine is still working, but the kerma is rotated and the height of the break is not covered. Need to be trimmed. Open the lid to shave, or immediately close it back. The parachute appeared to be punctured, and it began to twist, and there is a guarantee of death, because you will cling to the flight, and at the same time you will fall with it. What is it timid? I have already passed the Dnieper over my territory, but I don’t know how to work - neither turn the flight nor descend. And then I thought about the trimmer, turning the wheel on myself - I was going crazy, I was going down. Well, I think that’s all - I live. The left bank of the Dnieper is smooth, I sat there on the rail, tidying up the wrappers. Twist, twist the trimmer and get fucked! Well, the entire engine and tail have fallen apart, only one cabin is missing. I get up, I realize that I have been injured (the shell has pierced the seat, the parachute and the wounds at the top of the canopy), but I am quiet, I am alive.
When cutting, it was necessary to shave only in such a way that you feel that it is not necessary to burn. It’s in a critical situation between life and death. Vistribnuti – tezh rizik. You can go out and they’ll shoot you in the wind. We did not shoot the Germans in the wind. There was no such fashion, but the stench was cleared away. Therefore, if you are at a great height, you need to walk long distances and open above the ground. It's not that simple.
If you vibrate, it is not safe that you can hit the stabilizer. There are a lot of options here to choose from. You can release the belt, open the lighter and turn over. Or put it sideways. The head creates a negative impression, otherwise you won’t be able to do it. Most of the time, you don’t know how you collected it?
In 1941, battles took place mainly at mid-altitudes up to 2000 meters. Over the course of the year, the height of the battle was moving up, but not much, still up to 8000.
- Let’s return to the chronology of the war. How were the battles near Stalingrad fought?
- Near Stalingrad we arrived at the end of the scythe, after a thorough reshaping, which was the result of which we took “La-5”. Here life has already moved on in a different way... First of all, this one’s productivity is maybe 700, as it’s squeezing. In other words, it’s a tenacious machine! In one of the most intense battles near Stalingrad, my flight took the lead from the engine. The cabin began to be coated with oil, but the flight was still flying! I was able to reach the airfield and the station. The engine started to stall as the hour passed, and they pulled me into the parking lot. The technicians' conclusions were as follows: repairs do not last. It turns out that two engine cylinders were broken! Are you showing?! There were even connecting rods there! The same “Yak” - throw a fragment into the engine, seal the pipe and that’s it. In a free field on the La-5 it was possible to earn money, and then the attack aircraft continued to chew. That's why I beat it a little.
- In the cabin of “Lavochkin” there is a car wash with an engine, a screw wheel, and it turns out to be a pilot?
- Kill me, I don’t remember. Everything happens automatically. Wrap up to the maximum and decrease until you get to the airport. In battle, the gwent will be relieved, but I will not return it. There were other subtleties, but everything was trained to the point of automaticity, and I didn’t ask what to do in this or any other situation. The taste of the “Lavochkin” collection was stinking, there was no skarg at all, however, the stench was new to us all the time. We spent and spent.
Looking back”, if you turn your head, it’s normal. They didn’t rub the neck, they only had to use a little bit of laryngophone. The tarnished masks were worn, but they weren’t used in the same way. They need about 5000, but we rarely jump there.
Until the end of the war, I flew on the Lavochkina. After the war, I mastered the first Mig-9 jet. Moreover, before that, like flying a jet, we trained on Cobras - the cockpit is manual, you sit like in a car. We used to say about her this way: America gave Russia a plane. You have to go through your ass, and the police come at you.” That same “Lavochkin” has a hydraulic cab. And in “Yaku” it’s even more cramped, and it’s even narrower. Then, like a flyer, “Cobra” is important, although there is nothing at altitude. “Lavochkin” maneuvers and greater speed. I've flown 50 planes different types.
- I didn’t fight on the Yaku, but flew in something new. The Yak-3 is very light, maneuvers like a feather. For speed it gives up a little to Lavochkin-7, but for maneuverability it is stronger.
Our regiment (I already fought with the 13th IAP, which later became the 111th GVIAP - with this regiment throughout the entire war), based in the area of ​​Serednyaya Akhtubi, 25 kilometers from Stalingrad.
Our commands were protected by the Stalingrad grouping. The enemy was 8-10 times greater than us. The Germans, in our place, would not approach the enemy, but would go to battle. We tried to catch single flights or other groups that were fighting, immediately beat them up and leave. It was like this for almost a month.
Of course, the attack aircraft were supported. At which airport an assault regiment on the Il-2 was assigned to our division. The world is ready, we accompanied them. The fragments continued to fall close to Stalingrad, the attack aircraft began to attack the front line and immediately left. The enemy did not react and the loss of attack aircraft was small.
Prote Battle of Stalingrad is not the same as what is shown in the movies. And it’s not about any secrets. It’s simply impossible to recognize her as she was. The axis, perhaps, is flying behind the airfield on four or six; bachimo - over the place of flights, so there are flies over the pit for smiting. The Volga is not visible; All of Stalingrad was near the fire, or the fire volcano. Here I become a different person. I began to figure out how to deal with the Germans in the past. At the hour of one of the most complex battles, we killed two enemy flights. I beat one of them. We immediately launched an attack on the worms. They thought that we would go into the tail, and we would go into the front. Do you know what to do when the enemy’s flight spreads and falls?!
If the German grouping was sharpened, it would be our duty to destroy the transport aviation that was supposed to be delivered to them. The weather was good at that hour. Only the dogs began to grow closer to the chest - the fogs and planks began to fall, the gloom was low. In the next 2 years they were completely destitute. Sometimes we beat not one, but two letakis at a time. The enemy at this moment specially saw the group in order to engage the culprits in battle. The threat of aviation had changed at that hour.
True, we fought quite a bit, and if we had the strength, the attack aircraft also made a couple or three passes and hit ground targets. We were given a boost for this reason.
Perhaps the battles in Kuban were the first real battles ever fought. I wouldn’t say that there we overcame their aviation, but then we matched them for strength and killed rich German aces and simply intelligence pilots. For me especially, these battles became turning points. I learned to fly like that, to beat. Since in 1941 I won one flight, in 1942 - five (Messera, 2 transport planes, "Rama" and "Yu-88", for which I was denied the Order of the Great Patriotic War, 1st stage), then from the spring to the autumn of 1943 I killed 20 flights.
Here I learned to miraculously maneuver and shoot accurately, when a strong ground-guided radio signal appeared. The command began to cope with the current situation. Even at the beginning of the war, aviation was subordinated to the lustful armies. How can a willing commander control an aircraft? Nyak!
Once the operation began on the Kursk River, we had almost equal forces.
Bouv is such a freak. One time we flew in out of fear - we were sitting right at the airfield with no more pilots, it seems. Three Germans arrive in rapid succession and begin to storm the airfield. We are going to board the plane and fly. One of the Germans at this moment launched an attack on the airfield and came out right under my nose. Before I had even tidied up, I reached for the next one, and immediately landed on the airfield. The others flew away. We got in and taxied. I’m amazed to see this German lead. They are already in the gray sheepskin boots (the anti-aircraft gunners who were covering the airfield knew the booties from him). There are nearly 100 letaks of killed Germans. Such a nice lad.
Special zbroya yak bula?
I’ll give the special officer a “TT” pistol. The cartridges were not exchanged, no one was recovered, so they were shot away. Although I wanted nothing to do with the enemy, I didn’t consume anything.
When our troops went on the offensive, we conquered the war in the wind and so on and continued until the end of the war - both in a simple and a clear sense. Here the stench wasn’t scary to us, we were just wondering about it ourselves! Starting from the Kursk-Bilgorod operation, we were not afraid. We were already in high spirits, the mood of the pilots was already kinder. With a skin villot – a success for both skin and bones. We had no defeats in the battles fought in the past. The same Germans are not the same as those who were near Moscow or in front of Stalingrad. By the hour, the stench had gone away, and they never got lost. If they showed up immediately, they could attack us at any moment; attack someone who is clearly a newbie. We didn’t fight any more direct battle. After Kiev, especially those close to Lvov, our rulers began to burn in the wind. They were running wild and wondering who to beat. And it’s not just easy to beat, but beautiful. Let me tell you, since the war in Czechoslovakia ended for us, I had a little trouble. You can only say “it went from the right”...
-Which German aircraft was the most difficult to beat?
- Blame it, of course. It stinks to maneuver. It’s not easy to catch them at the intersection. I need my mother's first aid and attention. The “frame” is also important to beat, and the bombers and transport aircraft are lightweight aircraft. You can defeat them from the first attack.
The Focke-Wulf has less maneuverability than the Messerschmitt, but the fire and speed are greater. However, they are difficult to beat. Although you know, sometimes you don’t understand who you’re beating: Messer or Foca. Rarely did they beat their own people. Until the end of the war, our regiment never experienced such a terrible situation.
We did not feel any pity for the Germans. An enemy is an enemy, especially a fascist. We respected that all the stinks were animals. They wondered how cruelly their pilots acted in 1941-1942. And about this, pity and complacency could not be spoken about. There was hatred. And after the war, 10-15 years later, hatred was completely lost. Navigating with by German pilots Already at the same time, the fates of 3-4, since so many hours had passed, - all the same as standing between us, they could not get along with us. Shchopravda, with the NDRiv soldiers in Radian rocks We were comrades, but it seems to be so... the setup is... In short, German is German.
I killed the most German fighters in 1943, and then in 1944 and 1945 practically without defeating them - until the middle of the war, the panova in the air was already ours. Near Lvov great quantity The German pilots had a rare bounty. So, 3-5 flights is the maximum. As only the stinks realized that you were starting the maneuver and would go on the attack, the stinks were gone. The stinks just attacked, they tried not to get lost.
- What kind of attacks were there when a group of beaten people wrote down on one person, so that they could get rid of the Hero?
Man, there were fits when the group started to fight for one person, so that they would take away the hero... At Pokrishkin’s, just here... It was like that, but it wasn’t a big deal. I guess it wasn't right
- The stormtrooper pilots seem to be at the peak of nervous tension from the recaptured task. And what about Vinishuvach?
- Of course, when setting up a task you get a little nervous, but mostly because you’re worried? To the point of contact with the enemy. And if you are tied up, then there is no longer any experience. And if you've been through too much, you're flying home - it's unbearable! That means you'll definitely be dancing in the evening!
- Did you know who you were fighting against?
- What the hell is this for? Of course, what information we had was very scanty. We were sorting out our tactics... We were taking this into consideration... It happened that, sensing the enemy’s voice on the radio, you’d guess - yeah, we’ve already been chatting with them.
- What kind of minds did you have to live during the hour of war?
- We moved to the city so as not to be lost under the German bombardment; happened in dugouts, near populated areas. Sometimes they stayed at home with the town’s inhabitants, and the stench emanated from us like relatives. Before the Stalingrad operation and until then, most people lived in dugouts. What do you think? The bridge rises, the earth sinks through the logs, and the tears flow. Deck of three nakati or chotiri nakati. The sun beds were carved out of wood and made into a spa. The mattress, the carpets, everything was dirty. Engineering and technical warehouse in the bedroom. The stinks spent the entire winter trying not to freeze. They stoked the fire, the potbelly stoves were on, it was light. Gasoline was poured into the cartridge and clarified; there were no electrics, no radio. Near Moscow, they also lived in dugouts, both as technicians. They stood around the dugouts. For the skin squadron - around the dugout, so that the Germans could not protect everyone at once. Then, when the offensive began, after the Kursk-Bilgorod operation, they hesitated for the whole hour near the populated areas. Since 1943, special groups have formed, searching for life in nearby settlements. There was no problem at all. To whom they were not brutalized, there was no harm, so they were encouraged. Once they crossed the cordon, the Poles were positioned like this. The Czechs respected their relatives; they gave their lives to them, most beautiful time. They said that if it was necessary, then they would kill us.
Wanting food was amazing. Even near Moscow, no matter where we were, the food at the pilots’ place was amazing. Mi, if they were beaten to the bone, the Swedes rushed to the front, because they were living in hell. And there they all were again. Once they had established their territory, they gave us fruits and vegetables. Oranges, tangerines... This is from 1944. I didn’t suffer from any serious appetite. If the battle is hot and there are a lot of villots, then the appetite drops sharply as soon as you drink water. France, as a rule, has nothing else, just tea and kava. Compote for lunch. And the next day an appetite appeared. It's okay to eat. The same service personnel knew that the workers of the mutilation need to sacrifice as a trace.
What kind of place is it for the people? Kohannya! The axis is low. It was 1942 when we removed Lag-5 in Arzamas. Arzamas is not far from the Seym airfield. Buv Velikden. We haven’t been “Heroes” yet, but we already had a lot of decorations. There are six of us. Going to the center of Arzamas. There is a church nearby. We are praying, we are frying. The weather is wonderful, it’s sunny... We’ll hear a rap from our hearts – a horseradish move, with icons, people’s feet. We make way for him. The stinks begin to sound for 10 kroki, stand on top of their heads and begin to pray for us. The axis is like a shutter! After the war there was no such thing again. If they beat us, it’s crazy, how to beat us - little boy! and eat and spend time, and everything that is convenient.
- At a good hour, during the day, if there were no villots, what did you do?
- The Villots were not in bad weather. The intensity of villiots could have decreased: say, before the operation, preparation is underway. Zazvichay bouli uninterrupted villoti. In the spring, it’s easier to get a little bit easier.
The guys spent hours in front of her. We had some fun. We discussed all the battles with the warehouse, decided on tactics, and began to sort out all the nuances. Most often it worked in a squadron, but also on a regiment scale. The rest, however, is very rare. Raising a regiment on the front line is very dangerous. The enemy will be detected and destroyed. Zazvichiy, they didn’t rizkuli like that.
After taking a lunch break. We had a dance. And, let’s say, we didn’t play dominoes or billiards at the cards. There is a harmonica player and an accordion player on the other shelf. Each person has self-indulgence. There were such concerts!.. When did the stench get ready? Until the middle of the war, artists from the Center began to appear. The regiment was assembled, but very carefully. At this time, everyone will need to be very careful in order to protect the artists. Otherwise, if they were killed in our regiment, then there would be a mess.
- In your squadron, as you say, there was a group of strong pilots and a weak group of pilots. How did you decide who to take for those other missions?
- Podil only got better after the capture of Kiev. And near Stalingrad, near Moscow, they took everyone who could fly or fly. For myself, squadron commander, I didn’t choose the leader. Little boy said to me: “Comrade commander, I will be led” - “Well, come on.” Also, until 1943 I was not a permanent leader. Then only we began to choose our own leaders and select a leader. The bets are from the brightest, especially the quiet ones, who were already beaten, because they knew how to behave around folding furniture.
In the future, the presence of permanent knowledge is necessary. It’s not so easy for Aja to get involved with me. During the entire war, I had even more wealth, and I spent more. They began to change around the time of 1943, especially in 1944 and 1945. Mostly I flew from Chabrovim.
-I know that they allowed us to collect trophies from home. Did you force the bails?
- I didn’t push hard enough. I had nothing. I had a one-year-old boy, got caught in that trash, and had a small box. Nothing more. And so, what about the junk... They didn’t bother with food. And then, where did I go with the junk? Will I take you to Vinishuvachi? Well, let’s take a look at the technology in the fuselage, or even more – no longer. The military units were engaged in petty fighting.
I ended the war as a squadron commander, a major. And after the war, instead of doing something like heroes, we decided to join in with my friend Petro Gnido. And we had 7 classes of lighting. Mukachaev has a sudden connection with an emigrant, Doctor of Mathematical Sciences. And this people were able to prepare us in two years from all subjects that were included in the academy’s examination program. Within two years we had graduated from high school. I remember the headmaster of the school, they told us, “Don’t come if you have a military uniform.” We came to a civilian, but they still helped us a little. As a result, we only have three items from the German, and 4-5 items from all other items. As luck would have it, in 1948 we joined the Military Academy.
It was important to wait until a peaceful life after the war. There are problems ahead of us. Nobody took care of our improvement. The day you fly, then you wonder where to live. It’s true, like the lads, we ate without the cost. The squad was given rations and food was provided. How are we supposed to live? They'll give you a soldier's easy treatment, that's all. Ale squad seemed to be vitriol. Since the day of our fun, sixty fates have already passed, and we spent the entire hour at once. I got to know her when I flew at the flying club in Khimki. Nearby was the village of Vashutine, where in the evenings after watering we walked with an accordion and sang songs. And just like that, I was friends with my future squad. Having carefully trudged to Moscow, I went straight to it. And by the time of the war, I had already given up the title of Hero, but I didn’t know about it. Arrived. Mother said: “Sergius, there’s flight in the field.” I'm ruining the tudi. I come up and say: “Anya!” Vaughn stood up and placed a star and renewed strength on my breasts. Then I realized that I would make friends with her.
Interview: Artem Drabkin

Hero of the Radyansky Union Sergey Dmitrovich Gorelov

Born on the 23rd of 1920 in the village of Monastirshchina, nina of the Kimovsky district of the Tula region, in the homeland of a villager. Graduated from the Moscow Chemical Technical School. Working at the factory. 3 1938 - in the Red Army. In 1940, a family graduated from the Borisoglibsk Military Aviation School for Pilots.

Since 1941, young lieutenant Z.D. Gorelov was in the active army. Until the bitter end of 1942, he served at the warehouse of the 165th IAP; from leaf fall in 1942 to grass in 1945 - in the 13th IAP (111th Guards IAP).

Until the end of 1944, the intercessor of the squadron commander of the 111th Guards Military Aviation Regiment (10th Guards Military Aviation Division, 2nd Military Army, 1st Ukrainian Front) in particular battles Having completely defeated 24 and 1 group of enemy fighters.

On June 26, 1944, for his courage and military service, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Radyansky Union.

In this year, we won 312 military victories, in 60 military battles, killing 27 fighters, especially 6 in a group with comrades.

After the war, he continued to serve with the UPU. In 1952 he graduated from the Military Academy and in 1959 from the Military Academy of the General Staff. In 1977-1980 he was the intercessor of the Head Commander of the VPS with VNZ - the head of the VNZ VPS. Honored military pilot of the USSR, Colonel General of the Air Force.

Awarded with the Orders of Lenin (two), Chervonoy Prapor (this!), Oleksandr Nevsky, Vitchiznyaya Voyna 1st degree (two), Chervonoy Zirka; medals “For the Defense of Moscow”, “For the Defense of Stalingrad”, “For the Defense of the Caucasus”, “For the Defense of Kiev”, “For the Liberation of Prague” and other foreign orders and medals.

Sergey Gorelov was born on June 22, 1922 in the village of Monastirshchino, Kimovsky district, Tula region, from a poor rural homeland. Father - Gorelov Dmitro Dmitrovich (1869 - 1942), mother - Gorelova Natalia Moysievna (1886 - 1961). After completing his studies at the technical school, he worked as a master at one of the Moscow factories. For example, in the 1930s, having completed the glider training course and the Dzerzhinsky Aeroclub, which was located near Khimki (Moscow). In 1938, he entered the Borisoglibsk Military Aviation School, having successfully completed the previous wars, and at the beginning of 1941, he received combat credentials near Lvov, flying at the warehouse of the 165th military aircraft a regiment on flights I-16 and I-153.

In 1941, near Gorky, he mastered the LaGG-3 aircraft, which he used to fight near Smolensk. I will overcome the first one by getting it from the sickle in 1941 near Yelnya, having beaten the Hs-126 cart. Later, you signed up over 20 warlike pilots for your rocket.

In the spring of 1941, fate took part in the battle for Moscow. Sergei Dmitrovich had the opportunity to escape from a shot down aircraft to the occupied territory. Over the course of 3 months of 1941, they were beaten several times, but each time they were even more eager to fight. Then, at the warehouse of the built part near Noginsky, we prepared for the parade of the 7th leaf fall of 1941 on Chervonia Square.

Since 1942, having fought at the warehouse of the 13th Army Aviation Regiment (25th September 1943, the formation of the 111th Guards Regiment), the main battles of the Great German War have passed: Stalin city, Kuban, Kursk, Dnipro, Ternopil.

Near Stalingrad, fighting on LaGG-3, Sergiy Gorelov, having obtained a treasure, was victorious and lost his first title to the city - the Order of the Vicious War, 1st stage. At that time, he surrounded the squadron commander's seat. Since the leaf fall of 1942, he fought on the La-5, and later – on the La-5FN. On Lavochkin’s flights, the pilots of his squadron controlled the Germans in the Kuban region of another “invasion of Stalingrad.” They also took part in the battles near Kursk, in Western Ukraine, near Poland and Czechoslovakia.

On the 12th of April 1942, the enemy launched an attack from the Kotelnikov area across the zaliznichny canvas to Stalingrad, trying to break through to a well-honed grouping from today. Urantia 19th fascists threw close to 300 tanks against our 3rd mechanized corps. To ensure the combat operations of the 2nd Guards Army, which was already asleep, a group of La-5 Vinishchuvachs was raised along with Sergei Gorelov. She fearlessly entered into a turbulent battle with numerous groups of enemy bombers who were rushing to reach our ground troops, and in the most intense battle she killed 10 enemy fighters. The ground troops were weakening their defenses.

In the summer of 1943, pilots of the 13th Air Regiment fought over Malaya Zemlya. On the 20th quarter, on the approaches to Miskhako, the baked fire of 16 Radyan pilots from a large group of German pilots flared up (18 He-111 bombers and 22 Me-109 bombers). In fact, two of the enemy’s cars were destroyed, and two more were shot down. One of the Heinkels was captured by Sergius Gorelov. Having fallen upon the German territory, its further share is unknown.

The very next day, April 21, 1943, having flown to the warehouse near warehouse 6 “Lavochkinih”, in a baked, windy battle with a large group of warlike pilots (18 bombers and 25 bombers), Lieutenant Sergiy Gorelov, having shot down one "Heinkel-111". This superiority of the forces would end in victory for our pilots. The enemy bombers did not break through to the advanced positions of the Radyan troops. 6 soldiers were defeated and 3 soldiers were shot down. Our expenses amounted to 1 car, the pilot of which died.

On the 3rd Serpnya of 1943, the army of the Voronezh Front launched a counterattack on the Bilgorod-Kharkiv direct. During that day, the pilots of the 10th Major Aviation Corps of the 2nd Insurgent Army covered the areas of concentration near the aperture of the 1st and 5th Guards Tank Armies. Under this, the regiments of the 201st Airborne Aviation Division were especially active.

Rano-Vrantsi 3 sickles to support 12 Il-2 attack aircraft flew 10 La-5FN under the command of Senior Lieutenant Sergiy Gorelov. Near Bilgorod they were attacked by 35 enemy troops. When the battle broke out, our pilots killed 8 enemy fighters. Under this, the squadron commander S.D. Gorelov recorded two victories at once for his combat mission.

In the spring of 1943, the Radyanskiy mitska militia was firmly in control on the Bukrinsky bridgehead. There, on June 6, 1943, Sergiy Gorelov was beaten for the 7th time, uncontrollably attacking him at the border with the Focke-Wulf. This mistake will remain. Later, rising in the wind, Gorelov once again realized his superiority over the enemy, and began to hope that he would know the right move in any situation.

At that time, the German command attempted to renew the Dnieper defense line with strong counterattacks. Warlords gradually attacked the battle formations of our troops through bridges and crossings. During the same day, enemy aviation hit up to 2,200 villots.

On the 14th of June, cars and tanks reached the bridgehead across the Kozinsky Bridge. It was quiet. At the same time, our command was thinking that the enemy might launch a massive raid on this important target. That’s how it happened.

As the sun went down, the flight's warlocks appeared. Ikh bulo kilka group. If the enemy did not manage to bombard the place precisely, the rest of them were loudly attacked by a group of “Lavochkini”. The top nine Junkers exploded, and so did each other. The axis sharply descended on one German bomber, then hitting another, then a third.

As it turned out later, most of our culprits were killed in front of thousands of Radian fighters by 10 warlike bombers, who defeated the Guard, Senior Lieutenant S.D. Gorelov.

Within a few days, Gorelov’s group again began to fight against the great forces of German bombers. This time the Radyan pilots achieved even greater victory, having destroyed 15 out of 90 enemy pilots. The raid by enemy aircraft on the crossings has been disrupted again.

In 1944, S. D. Gorelov was born and was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky. The air squadron, which was under his command, during a month of fighting killed 25 enemy pilots, without spending any of their money.

The remaining military commanders of the 111th Guards Airborne Regiment, Major S. D. Gorelov, arrived after the end of the war, May 12, 1945, in Czechoslovakia.

He won 312 military battles, taking part in 60 military battles, especially defeating 27 enemy fighters in a group with his comrades. Among the vehicles destroyed by him are almost all the main types of combat aircraft from Germany: Me-109 and Me-110, Ju-52, Ju-87 and Ju-88, FW-189 and FW-190, Hs-126 and Hs-129, He- 111.

On 24 June 1945, at the warehouse of the formed regiment of the 4th Ukrainian Front, Hero of the Radyansky Union of the Guard, Major S. D. Gorelov, took part in the historic Victory Parade on Chervonia Square in Moscow.

After the war, no matter how badly he was wounded, Sergius Dmitrovich was considered completely eligible for military service. Having graduated from the Military-Povitryan Academy in Monino (Moscow region), and later from the Academy of the General Staff. Commanded a regiment, division, military army. Having flown until 1977, the remaining flights were carried out on the MiG-25. Having mastered most types of combat aircraft, among them the MiG-9, Yak-15, MiG-15, MiG-19, Yak-25, Yak-28, Su-17, MiG-21... 5 years ago he became the protector of the head of the Airborne Forces. He worked at the rocket and space company named after S. P. Korolyov, including as the head specialist in the military forces. Honored military pilot of the USSR. In 1989, Colonel General of the Air Force S.D. Gorelov was born. Alive and working in Moscow. Died on January 22, 2009.

I was born in the village of Monastirshchina near the Don, 22 Chernya 1920. Soon after, the dads moved to Moscow. In fact, I have lived all my life near Moscow, only going on vacation to fish near Nepryadva. I graduated from technical school in Moscow; for a Komsomol pass, joining the Dzerzhinsky Aeroclub, which ended in 1938. After this, I was sent to study at the Borisoglibsk School, where I graduated in the early summer of 1940. The Finnish War ended, and instead of two fates, fates began again and again. Naturally, after school, in addition to education and training, I didn’t learn anything, but it was important that we mastered U-2, I-5, I-15.

Most of the I-5 schools had peeled wings, so you could only count on them. In us I-5 there were many. Well and kermuly, of course... The steering wheel is completely covered in oil, which flies from the engine, into the saw and dirt, which rises from the ground with a screw.

After several flights on I-5, I switched to I-15. The school has 5 squadrons. Three of them began on I-16 aircraft, and two on I-15. On I-15, the rank of young lieutenant is I and Viyshov. Moreover, only those who did not have the same three were released as young lieutenants. There were only two of us like that.

I was sent to Uman, where I started flying I-153. The landing gear of this aircraft has already been taken in the weeds, but from I-15 with practically no damage. At that time, such technology was considered to be decent.

From Uman we were transferred immediately to Lvov, where we were based at the 165th IAP. Initially we also flew I-153, and then switched to I-16.

It should be said that the I-16 is a completely different aircraft both in flight and in speed; more complex, clear. There you need to clean up the gears - “turn the barrel organ” - and a lot more. That is why, until the start of the war, I, like many of my peers and colleagues, practically did not burn down this car. What do you want, since we have finished dozens of rounds of stakes and piloted a few in the zone?! No shooting, no fighting. We fornicated terribly, but we didn’t dare fly the route. We were all 19-20 years old - boys!

At the Lvov airfield there were three regiments - about two hundred airmen. And on the very day of the people, on the third night, they started bombing us. We all huddled together, ran to the airfield, and there... Most of the flights were devastated and damaged. Miy I-16 is not to blame. When I got to this point, it occurred to me that he - a skewed man with a damaged left wing - would not be surprised at me and said: “Are you going? What the hell are you sleeping on?”

That same day we were separated into cars and taken to the bay of Kiev. While we were driving through the Lviv region, seven people were killed near our car. The residents of the town shot from the bells, from the mountains... Before that, they hated the Radians... And once the war began, they stopped being afraid of us.

We got to Kiev, where we were put on a stretcher and sent to Gorky to the Seima airfield. In one month we transferred to LaGG-3. We passed the theory and flew for about 12 years. After that, at the warehouse of the same 165th IAP in the last month, we were sent to Yelnya. True, the regiment was no longer a five-squadron depot, like at Lvov, but a three-squadron one. Smolensk was already taken by the enemy at that hour. And we began to advance to Moscow.

LaGG-3 is an important vehicle, with poor maneuverability, although with heavy armor: a 20-mm gun and two 12.7-mm machine guns. Of course, its speed is greater than that of the I-16, but maneuverability is still possible, and the LaGG is better suited for attacking ground targets. The wine is made of plywood, do not burn; with a very nice cabin. It happened that the entire flight fell apart before the hour of landing, and the cabin was intact, as if the pilot were hiding it.

It was a no-brainer when it came to our cars. We were assigned to IL-2 attack aircraft. We need to hide them. Chim? Powerful fliers, nothing more. They flew towards their attack aircraft, fighting everything so as not to kill them. Because if you die, you will be guilty, the inconsistencies will be great, you may be taken to court.

In the 41st generation, we had no theory, no practice to cover stormtroopers - nothing. The head of the storm was, accompanying the attack aircraft, so as not to hit the enemy, who wanted to attack him, not to allow the Il-2 to be targeted. Moreover, the cover was not always sufficient. Sometimes up to six "Ilovs" from 41 troops were given a cover pair, so that the Germans could attack in a group of up to twenty pilots. Most often the secret was like this: a pair of right-handers, a pair of left-handers. Naturally, we were trying to maneuver (we walked with “scissors” and sometimes used “goals”: ​​over a group of attack aircraft we went into a dive, and then, as we gained altitude, we turned around and repeated this maneuver again), not to jump ahead of the attack aircraft - they and so little fluidity and , having jumped forward, you could spend them respectfully. Tim is no less, in serious battles we were killed by stormtroopers. And the stinks are still camouflaged - they are not visible on the arid earth, your mother! I had to fly and recover. The ice melts and you begin to spin. Killed yogo chi ni? You speak for someone else! Tse zhah! I have to take part in all the battles under an hour of supervision.

For a guilty person, punishment is worse than the support of stormtroopers, you don’t know, I respect it so much. An attack aircraft travels 320-350 kilometers per year on the ground, otherwise it will catch fire. It’s easier to suprovodjuvat bomber. They have more fluidity and smell more: they have 2000-3000 meters, and you have 3000-4000. Completely different to the right! This group moved in height, placing some right-handers, others left-handers, and marveled on all sides: if you choose a right-hander, you will be on fire: “Attack the right-hander!”... True, we only have normal radio communications until about 1943 have shown up . It was impossible to get the reception working properly: there was such a loud noise that you had to turn off the radio station. And then, with the Kursk arc of connections, we became normal, both with the earth and between the crews. The girl guides showed up and gave us great advice, informing us about the enemy and helping us with our orientation. Sometimes, after a battle, I had to ask for a fight, even swear in battle terribly, and then they would say: “But everything is fine.”

Around the cover of the stormtroopers, we ourselves sometimes attacked ground targets. And in the “Vilna Polyuvannya” we didn’t fly much - we had no strength. I wish, of course, this happened. In this case, it was clear that against five of our pilots there were at least twenty-five enemy pilots. Before that, it wasn’t the boys who fought against us, but the proven fighters on the most advanced flights of their time, who surpassed ours in all respects. Ale, you know, all the same, only the stinkers went on the attack if they were talking, which is sense. If a fascist believes that nothing will come of it, then he will quickly withdraw from the battle. The stinks often resisted one attack, and as soon as they didn’t push in, they left.

They often tell me: “Was it scary?” And we weren’t afraid at all. We were tuned to the trim. When you arrive, you’ll refuel as soon as possible, don’t get out of the cabin, and I’ll be back on the road! We are ready to the point that they can be beaten. We were saying goodbye in front of the villot. They respected that as soon as we turned around, we would say to God, then in the evening we would drink and dance 100 grams each; and no, no, not a share. And they didn’t wait until the loss, like before the tragedy. To compare with today, we were prepared to die, just like suicide terrorists, and, characteristically, the fighting spirit did not fall during the period of invasion! The strikes could not harm us - they were placed before them, like before the time of the hour. So great was the devotion and such great love before the Batkivshchina. The cry "For Stalin! For Batkivshchyna!" sounding like a prayer to us! Throughout the entire war, I showed no signs of fear anywhere! Possibly, this is where it is. But in my desolation I was not in touch with this phenomenon.

After three days of fighting near Yelnya, where we flew with LaGG-3 pilots, the regiment was destroyed. About two years later, as we had seen, we turned to the Seimu airfield. The girls we used to hang out with laugh and say: “So, is the war over?” And it just started. We were replaced - and again there, near Yelnya. And so 4 or 5 times from linden to yellow. Fewer than two were killed in these battles, and yet I was not able to defeat the greedy enemy fighter. I focused more on assault and support. Just before the winter of the 41st, I caught a flight here. That was my first victory.

As the leaves began to fall, our regiment issued the command to prepare for the parade. We visited Noginsk at the airfield, picked up brand new LaGG-3s with guides for RSivs. We rehearsed zlitanisti with the group, having completed 3-4 viliots. The rest of the training was assigned to the date. The missiles were sealed so tightly that it was impossible to reach them. The day before the parade the weather was clear and gloomy, but the sky rose - snowfall and fog. As a result, we did not take part in the parade. On the 3rd year of that same day, the command was issued to storm the crossing near Klin. They killed two villots, stormed well, dumped corpses, cars that were burning out... So we stopped advancing and began a counter-attack near Moscow. We were all glad that the Germans were driven away.

Before the leaves fell, we were caught up in the wind. The Germans practically did not fly, and in the wind they did not interact with them. We got busy with a lot of storming. There are fascists in the snow, everything is the same as in the valley - everything is visible. When we attacked them, only the cods flew. For two months we were so busy with this right, we thought that we would soon defeat everyone! Ale, obviously, this one is gone.

Nezabar the regiment was sent to the Pivdenno-Zakhidny Front. There we took our part in the summer battles. The spring and summer of 1942 were the most terrible days of the war. Specka stood; I didn’t have the strength to get out of the cabin and fill up the docks for a new vehicle. Bring the girl a bottle of compote - she doesn’t want anything more... She kisses her and strokes her. Tell her: “Don’t be late at the dance.” There would be some fighting, but there would be dancing in the evening.

This is one of the most important periods of the war, I decided to go through this, which was fortunate, absolutely, otherwise it was a fate - to live. Even if you are beaten or injured, do not give up, continue to fight for life. No matter who you sleep, they beat them, more than once, but they knew the strength to either deprive him or imprison him.

The commissars even helped them to get better. At the end of the war, the stench became commanders, in essence, donors with a skin drive; and at the beginning of the war, the stinks flew with us and were of great benefit to us, like fathers. The stinkers spent the whole hour with us and showed us in their best way what we needed to do. That's why we loved them.

In the spring of 1942, a small group of pilots, having lost their lives, were sent to a course in front-line combat to Stavropol. There, on the LaGG-3, we practiced cone shooting, flight after route, and attacking ground targets. After completing these courses, I will send directions to 13 IAP.

Have you started fighting, let's forgive you?

Having started to fight, we contacted the squadron commander, Major Erokhin. Then the squadron commanders changed their minds. Although the dekhto had already received the Order of the Red Prapor, won for Spain, they perished. Until the fall of 1941, the regiment that started the war lost no one. The axis of those who took part in the battles near Stalingrad reached 20-25 hundred by the end of the war. They formed the backbone of the regiment.

First shock? I don’t know what to call my first battle today? I covered the stormtrooper and, by any means, sent the enemy behind me, so that the stormtrooper would not be destitute. In principle, it is also important to fight in battle. Otherwise, I won’t shoot again. I'll give you some chergu - I think I can use it. I will not be able to perform the maneuver. And in order to conduct a proper battle, you need to maneuver. On the basis of operating aviation equipment. Fly in such a way that your eyes flatten when over-exposed, and so that the ice does not break. You can either avoid the enemy’s attack or defeat him yourself. We began to work only after Stalingrad, during the intense battles in the Kuban, and got along with the best pilots in the world.

A lot has perished before my eyes. Even at the beginning of the war it was: 3-4 days – and the squadron was gone. And these were the most beautiful pilots. Ale, as I have already said, we accepted death as if it were natural, that it was gradual. The mood changed only before the Kuban and Kursk-Bilgorod battles. There we no longer thought that we would be killed. They themselves began to beat up the fascists. I remember one girl said to me: “Sergius, now you can become friends.” - "Why?" - “You won’t feel bad now.”

What do you notice?

Have your own notes: you can’t wear your jacket, except in the evening. The woman cannot be allowed into the flight cabin. My mother sewed a cross into my tunic, and then I transferred it to a new tunic.

And if you have a dream that is full of abominations, then don’t expect anything good. I once had a dream during a terrible battle. The regiment commander said: “Take the voodoo, so you won’t be here today or tomorrow.” You could be tempted to go out of your way because you feel bad, but you don’t care about it out of fear.

Near Stalingrad and near Moscow, at the beginning of the operation on the Kursk-Belgorod direct line, it happened that it was possible to work up to 8 viliots per day. At the time of the day there are 4-5 villots between them. Everything is very important. After being left in a hovering position, it was difficult to get out of the cabin without outside help. The fatigue was not so much physical as it was nervous tension. The desire and physical fatigue naturally accumulated over the course of the day. Moreover, after important and continuous battles, all the pilots may have reduced the discord of the boat.

It’s impossible to say that even though the problem was chronic, we were still given a fix. After important battles, we spent 5-6 days resting at Budinki as a backup, as they were in control near the front line. There we got together, went to dances with the girls, rediscovered our strength, and all the discord went away on its own.

Have you ever taken away the first Order of the Red Ensign?

I received the first Order of the Red Prapor in 1942 near Stalingrad. Before orders and honors, everything was placed with the utmost awe. Adje on the cob of war was sparingly chewed. The pilots with the medals “For Military Merit” and “For Military Merit” were already respected as heroes. Vin is a first-rate person, she can do anything, and the girls here have earned respect.

During the war, I took away five orders of the Red Prapor and two - after the war. Before the speech, we flew with orders and party tickets. The girls were sewn to the order so that they would not come out (as long as the pads were already gone). And from now on the order is in quints, and that’s what we deserved more.

During the war I earned nearly two hundred and fifty villots. Having killed 27 fighters in particular and 6 in the group. There could have been more. Ale then, if I was seriously injured, I had to miss a whole day. I wanted to fight at the front, but not to fight. After the offensive battle in Kiev, I entered Chernivtsi. Zagalom, the boys were called immediately after they were beaten, they were given a month of feasting. And if the injury is more serious, then more.

How were the downed aircraft insured?

The downed aircraft were insured as follows: I, having flown from work, confirmed that in such an area I had downed this type of aircraft; There, a representative was prepared who could bring confirmation from the ground forces, so that this type of aircraft actually fell there. And after that, the damaged aircraft was insured. And since the flight fell on enemy territory, then everything became more complicated. Most often they were not insured. In some cases, if the territory was covered, it could still be confirmed. And without confirmation they didn’t insure it. At the end of the war, if we had photo-camera machines, we still needed confirmation of ground forces. Vzagali, I rarely see how the flights I have beaten fall, only when I have slept or wasted my life. Narasi is often asked, and there were postscripts to special rackets. It’s important to say. There could have been hibni registrations. Navmisne, in my opinion, no. Initially, flying in pairs, theoretically, it would be possible to attribute the beatings, if they knew about it, there would be no life for such pilots. It is easy to waste honor, but it is impossible to renew it.

Did they pay pennies for the kills?

They paid for the bombs: for a vinishuvach - one thousand, and for a bomber - two thousand, for a steam locomotive - 900 rubles, for a car - 600 rubles. They also paid for the assault. In 1941 they paid for the development of radio communications. Ale, you know, we didn’t steal pennies from the war. They told us that we should have a lot of pennies there. We never took them away, we never signed them, but the money went away. Well, you fools, there was a need to formalize transfers to my dads, and I only knew about it until my dad was already dead. In 1944, they welcomed me to the Hero and called to Moscow to get Zirka. The pilots, those technicians, who knew that we were flying and that we would need to “exchange” them, gave us their books, for which they took pennies from us.

Hundreds of dollars in the regiment were not the same word as kindness: the commanders of the regiment were like fathers to us. For the fate of the war we have a small number: Maslov, Kholodov, Naumov. The remaining two rocks - Kholodov is a hero! Even stronger! The regiment commanders, like everyone else, flew steadily. (The division commanders were still flying, and then later.) Call out: I, the squadron commander, am leading one group, the regiment commander will attack.

Of course, all of our commanders especially loved Kholodov. He will be with us forever. In the evening, sit down, 100 grams of rosemary. He just joined in with us, knowing that what was required was suvoro, and that it was humane.

Today, children say, during the hour of war, they gave the boys a drink to make them smile. She's a fool. Anyone who allowed himself to drink was beaten to death. A drunk man's reaction is not the same. What is it like? You don't care - you don't care. Is it possible to overcome the enemy in such a camp, if in front of you, instead of one, two planes are flying? I have never flown unfathomably. We drank more in the evening. It was necessary to relax, to fall asleep. I slept well and didn’t want to get up. Once they fell asleep, they spun around in front of their eyes. Especially when we fought at Stalingrad.

During difficult heavy battles, the commander could say: “Tomorrow you are going to retire and resting for three days.” The commanders took care of strong pilots. It’s not as scary to spend a half-regiment as it is to spend one. I often get caught up in this situation.

And from the technical warehouse there were hundreds of boules, like from other fathers. When they let you out, you will have to fight. When we arrive after a battle, the stinks embrace and kiss. Helpful people. If you know the vip, then take it off for the little guy. They loved it especially when you came back from an experience. It stinks on your hands here. And as we beat down the enemy before our very eyes, the stinks played out the battle, showed special moments that the pilot himself could not remember in such detail. The soldiers were based near the front line, so often military battles took place over the front line. In good weather the battles are visible. When we begin to sort out the villots, the stench of the mouth is heard and not left, we hear it. Sometimes the stench of these speeches became clearer. When correspondents came, and we only had a few, then the journalists had to learn the technique. And the technician gave an hourly better answer, a lower pilot.

I don’t know about the mechanics, since the stinks have subsided. We fly during the day, and at night they check the equipment. If you smell something, it’s important to say. I supposedly asked, they say: “If you’re coming!”

My mechanic is Kovalov. Yomu bulo todi rokiv 35. Wonderful people. After the war - I was already the commander of the army at Lvov - I was less accepting. During the war, “Comrade Commander” was killed before me, and so he continued to be killed.

The squadron engineer was Edelshtein, a Jew. They told me: “It’s clear why all the pilots in your squadron are so different - your engineer is Jewish, and he’s cunning.”

Our commanders were respected as gods, and our life lay in them. We were placed before them with great love. I to Zhukov, and to others. "For Batkivshchina, for Stalin!" without being an empty sound neither to us nor to other types of military.

The meetings between the pilots were such that you marveled at the skinny, but watched for yourself. And you worry as if for yourself. Especially as a young pilot, you have trained, and you know that he is not yet particularly ready for training. Naturally, in these situations, during the hour of battle, you do everything so as not to expose the newcomers, you cover them as best you can. I won’t talk about those who sent young people away from the first rocks of the war - I was like that myself. I’ll just say that “U Bey Idut’ is Elderly” is an honest film, it shows a lot. When I became squadron commander in 1943, novices were immediately not allowed into combat. From the very beginning the stench pervaded the area; Then, for starters, they were introduced there, where the intensity of the fighting was low. There is still plenty of room for a commander to lie here. If you can show with your strong butt that you need to fight, then your young ones will be fighting.

Mutual assistance helped to rewind, especially in 1941 and 1942. Let's say, if I go on the attack and expect that my leader is being attacked, then I throw everything away and try to use my favorite paths to bring the leader out from behind the fire or to prevent an attack on someone else. Mutual assistance itself played a major role when my squadron shot down 25 aircraft without cost. Without this, the boy will die.

With the pilots from the naval squadrons, our carriers were the same as those in the middle of their squadron. The brotherhood fed on all the pilots. Let's say, at the Kuban Revolutionary Battle we were squeezed, and Pokrishkin and his group took us back from the heights. In such situations, the regiment commander sent telegrams to the regiment, and the soldiers helped ours. The pity that someone was beaten was absolutely genuine. There was no difference between the positions of the pilots of one’s own regiment or those of another regiment. Over and over again, we helped one another during an hour of battle, due to a firebrand, which resulted in success. In the battle, the skin was damaged as much as possible, otherwise there was no such damage.

And, of course, all their battles were sorted out. The best thing to do is to sort it out and get out of the cab carefully. The little boy, like a young child, does not understand that such nonsense and everything honestly reveals what she did and what she did. But then he begins to give up and washes away his favors. And if you immediately ask, then it’s clear that it’s like this, it’s not like that, it’s like “giving a blunder.” They often gave up - there were no ideal battles.

Together with the infantrymen, tankers and tankers, the pilots also respected themselves with a single goal. We fought more for them than for our own. It was so important to them, the stench of the first mortal blows was washed away. We tried to help them in any way possible during the battle. Especially near Moscow and Stalingrad. There we stormed the enemy’s troops along whatever routes they lay down. Even though they all fought for the same Batkivshchyna.

What did you feel when you were beaten?

My daughters were killed near Moscow. Dvichi - near Stalingrad. Twice - near the Bilgorod-Kursk arc and once - near Kiev. This past time.

How did they beat me first? We escorted Pe-2 bombers and flew in four. I was informed by the squadron commander. Here, before reaching Smolensk, the bombers dropped leaflets and bombs. When they turned around, the enemy’s culprits appeared. Get started. The Germans killed our squadron commander, and then me. Letak happened to be planted at the front line. I see, I’m amazed – it’s a strolyanina. Here are the Germans, here are ours. Pikhotintsi shout: “Let’s swedish - kill!” I'm running to my people. Knowing: smut - achieve it, and live. Rolling around. Suddenly they beat me over the enemy’s territory near Serpna in 1941 near Skopin, and my engine began to stall. Sitting on the galyavina and running near the forest. Zustrivsya with cotton. I asked him to take me to the partisans. You are beginning to realize. I pointed the gun at him: “Then I’ll shoot you.” Vin pov. I say: “Are you doing the right thing? If the Germans just stop me, I’ll hit you.” Vіnmen privіv. I give you money, but I say: “What do you need?” Then he knew so that I wouldn’t shoot him. The partisans took me across the front line to their own.

I mean, if you beat it, it’s fine. I know: it’s too early and too late to die. The firebrand would not reach the enemy's hands. Of course, it’s impossible to say that it wasn’t scary at all. There was no more fear and anxiety when they began to attack, when the real war began. It was scary when they were shot down near Kiev, because they didn’t know how to put it on the fuselage or distribute it? And at the hour of the Kursk-Bilgorod operation, I had such a fit. The blow was even more severe; Perhaps they have contacted an enemy that has already been confirmed. We fought and fought, didn’t kill anyone, but the stench set me on fire. It was 50-100 kilometers from the front line. At an altitude of 4000-5000 meters. We separated, and I can see: the half from under the engine is reaching into the cabin. I began to pull to the front; Having reached the abiyak, ale visoti, so as to strip it, did not lose it. Having sat down, sit behind the switch, releasing your chassis. Just hitting the ground - it was dripping. I can’t leave, I have to keep coming closer and closer. The bundles came up, suddenly tripped over the handrail, and pulled the line. Say: "Wow, how gorysh!" I unfastened my belt and made a parachute. The stench slightly cracked the trim on the side, so I just stuck my head in and got stuck. The stench is screaming for me to get rid of it, but there is nothing to push into. The stench began to dissipate, and I slowly climbed out. They ran into the ravine and fell asleep. Literally they lied to me when I left. The regiment commander and the division commander sent the work to their unit and they were awarded the Order of the Red Mirror.

My friend Petro Gnido had such a fit. They killed him near Stalingrad, they believed that he had fallen on the front line. And they said that a group of Germans immediately disappeared. Having collected us, the regiment commander washed us off and finished standing: “Eternal memory of Petro Gnido.” The doors open, Petro enters. He finally escaped from the parachute. Here they bought the car and brought it. Let's get it right! Wonderful! We were commanders of ship squadrons, and we always flew together in important battles. Even though we wouldn’t have wasted our porridge, if the enemy was ten times larger, we would all come out of the battle alive and well. Both in the wind and on the ground we will bake even longer. The girls loved him the most. Petro Gnido is the god of women.

How can I be sure that I haven’t been beaten more than once? How can I say... We didn’t do a lot of things, but we still had to fly. That’s how it is in battle: if you don’t care about those who have shot all the ammunition, you can’t go out of battle. Wherever you go, it’s evil. You are in battle, and the enemy does not know whether you have run out of ammunition or not. This is a solid principle. Ale mi yogo, they finished off very well.

Even often the boy does not know who and how he beat him. This was especially the case in the 41st century, when there are no enemies on all sides, and you can’t stand to marvel at all sides, so you don’t know where and how you got hit. Perhaps, I can’t say in detail how I was beaten this time.

They could have been killed in advance. I was killed near Kiev. It was like this. I flew by plane to the cover of crossings on the day before Kiev in the area of ​​the Bukrinsky bridgehead. The battles over the crossings were important, and there were a lot of our aviation. The weather that day was sunny, the mood was the same. I was transferred from the ground, with three groups of bombers marching from the side of the White Church, each group having 30-40 vehicles; They ordered to avoid crossings and to stop them on the way. The group maneuvered quickly, 60-70 kilometers from the front line, and we encountered black darkness. The Nazis were probably accelerating while they were flying. Having flown closer, I was surprised that the bombers were coming out of such strong guilt. I don’t know how many of them there were, but there were a lot more. I decided to attack the first group of 30 bombers with all my might. In the first attack we killed 7 pilots, repeated the attack - 5 more. I am surprised that the lower ones of other regiments are catching up. The stench did not reach the crossings.

On the evening after this battle I was at dawn in the same way. I was given the command to pass over the Bukrinsky bridgehead at a minimum altitude in order to breathe out the troops that had been lost at the camp. We were hanging out like a wedge, let's go downhill. As I was then recognized (I didn’t know myself), the German Focke-Wulf appeared, broke through the line and shot me right back. My flight has swung over a number of times (as the shells are fired close, then the somersaults are obligatory). The engine is still working, but the kerma is rotated and the height of the break is not covered. Need to be trimmed. Open the lid to shave, or immediately close it back. The parachute turned out to be punctured, and it began to twist, and this means death with a guarantee, because you will cling to the flight, and at the same time you will fall from it. What is it timid? I’ve already passed the Dnieper over my territory, but I don’t know what to do: neither turn the flight nor descend. And then I thought about the trimmer, turning the wheel on myself - I was going crazy, I was going down. Well, I think that’s all - I live. The left bank of the Dnieper is smooth, I sat there on the rail, tidying up the wrappers. Twist, twist the trimmer and get fucked! Well, the entire engine and tail have fallen apart, only one cabin is missing. I get up, I realize that I have been injured (the shell has pierced the seat, the parachute and the wounds at the top of the canopy), but I am quiet, I am alive.

When cutting, it was necessary to shave only in such a way that you feel that it is not necessary to burn. This is a critical situation between life and death. Vistribnuti – tezh rizik. You can go out and they’ll shoot you in the wind. We did not shoot the Germans in the wind. There was no such fashion, but the stench was cleared away. Therefore, if you are at a great height, you need to walk long and open above the earth. It's not that simple.

If you vibrate, it is not safe that you can hit the stabilizer. There are a lot of options here to choose from. You can release the belt, open the “light” and turn over. Or put it sideways. Golovne - create a negative attitude, otherwise you won’t be able to do it. Most of the time, you don’t know how you collected it?

In 1941, battles took place mainly at mid-altitudes up to 2000 meters. Over the course of the year, the height of the battle was moving up, but not much, still up to 8000.

Let's return to the chronology of the war. How were the battles near Stalingrad fought?

Near Stalingrad we arrived at the end of a sickle after a massive reshaping, which was the result of the La-5. Here life has already changed in a different way... First of all, this one’s productivity is maybe 700, because of the squeeze. In other words, it’s a tenacious machine! In one of the most intense battles near Stalingrad, my flight took the lead from the engine. The cabin began to be coated with oil, but the flight was still flying! I was able to reach the airfield and the station. The engine started to stall as the hour passed, and they pulled me into the parking lot. The technicians' conclusions were as follows: repairs do not last. It turns out that two engine cylinders were broken! Are you showing?! There were even connecting rods there! The same “Yak”, put the fragment into the engine, seal the pipe and that’s it. In the open field on La-5 it was possible to earn money, and then the attack aircraft continued to chew. That's why I beat it a little.

At the cabin of "Lavochkin" there is a caravan with an engine, the screw of the screw was pulled out of the pilot?

Write it in, I don’t remember. Everything happens automatically. You trim the maximum and decrease it until you get to the airport. In battle, the gwent will be relieved, but I will not return it. There were other subtleties, but everything was trained to the point of automaticity, and I didn’t ask what to do in this or any other situation. The taste of the “Lavochkin” collection was good, there was no smell at all, however, the stench was new to us all the time. We spent and spent.

Looking back, when you turn your head, it’s normal. They didn’t rub the neck, they only had to use a little bit of laryngophone. The tarnished masks were worn, but they weren’t used in the same way. They need about 5000, but we rarely jump there.

Until the end of the war, I flew on the Lavochkina. After the war, the first Mig-9 jet was rebuilt. Moreover, before that, how to fly jets, we trained on Cobras - the cockpit is manual, you sit like in a car. We used to say about her this way: “America gave Russia a flight. It’s a pain to go through the ass, and the police are on the lookout.” That same "Lavochkin" has a hover cab. And in “Yaku” it’s even more cramped, and it’s already narrower. The “Cobra” flyer is important, although there is nothing at altitude. "Lavochkin" maneuvers and greater speed. I have flown 50 aircraft of various types. Having not fought on the Yaku, but having flown in a new way. The Yak-3 is very light, maneuvers like a feather. For speed, the La-7 sacrifices a little, but for maneuverability it is stronger.

Our regiment (I already fought with the 13th IAP, which later became the 111th GVIAP - with this regiment I spent the whole war and past), based in the area of ​​Serednyaya Akhtubi, 25 kilometers from Stalingrad. Our commands were protected by the Stalingrad grouping. The enemy was 8-10 times greater than us. The Germans, in our place, would not approach the enemy, but would go to battle. We tried to catch single flights or other groups that were fighting, immediately beat them up and leave. It was like this for almost a month.

Of course, the attack aircraft were supported. At which airfield an attack regiment on Il-2 was assigned to our division. In the world of their readiness, they were accompanied by them. The fragments continued to fall close to Stalingrad, the attack aircraft began to attack the front line and immediately left. The enemy did not react and the loss of attack aircraft was small.

Prote Battle of Stalingrad is not the same as what is shown in the movies. And it’s not about any secrets. It’s simply impossible to recognize her as she was. The axis, perhaps, is flying behind the airfield on four or six; bachimo: above the place of flights - there are so many flies above the pit for smiting. The Volga is not visible; All of Stalingrad was near the fire, or the fire volcano. Here I become a different person. I began to figure out how to deal with the Germans in the past. At the hour of one of the most complex battles, we killed two enemy flights. I beat one of them. We immediately launched an attack on the worms. They thought that we would go to the tail, and we would go to the front. Do you know what to do when the enemy’s flight spreads and falls?!

If the German grouping was sharpened, it would be our duty to destroy the transport aviation that was supposed to be delivered to them. The weather was good at that hour. Only the dogs began to grow closer to the chest - the fogs and planks began to fall, the gloom was low. In the next 2 years they were completely destitute. Sometimes we beat not one, but two letakis at a time. The enemy at this moment specially saw the group in order to engage the culprits in battle. The threat of aviation had changed at that hour.

True, we fought quite a bit, and, if possible, the attack aircraft also made a couple or three passes and attacked ground targets. We were given a boost for this reason.

Perhaps the battles in Kuban were the first real battles ever fought. I wouldn’t say that there we overcame their aviation, but then we matched them for strength and killed rich German aces and simply intelligence pilots. For me especially, these battles became turning points. I learned to fly like that, to beat. Since in 1941 I defeated one flight, in 1942 - five ("Meser", 2 transport flights, "frame" and Yu-88, for which I lost the Order of the Great Patriotic War, 1st stage), then from the spring to the autumn of 1943 I defeated 20 flights.

Here I learned to miraculously maneuver and shoot accurately, when a strong ground-guided radio signal appeared. The command began to cope with the current situation. Even at the beginning of the war, aviation was subordinated to the lustful armies. How can a willing commander control an aircraft? Nyak!

Once the operation began on the Kursk River, we had almost equal forces.

Bouv is such a freak. It seems like we just flew in from the battle - we are sitting right at the airfield without any pilots, it seems. Three Germans arrive in rapid succession and begin to storm the airfield. We are going to board the plane and fly. One of the Germans at this moment launched an attack on the airfield and came out right under my nose. I hadn’t even picked up my chassis yet - I reached out to the next one, and immediately fell into the airfield. The others flew away. We got in and taxied. I’m amazed to see this German lead. Vіn is already wearing gray leather boots (the antiaircraft guns that covered the airfield were taken from the boots). There are nearly 100 letaks of killed Germans. Such a nice lad.

Special zbroya yak bula?

I had a special weapon - a "TT" pistol. The cartridges were not exchanged, no one was recovered, so they were shot away. Wanting to go after the enemy, I didn’t stop at all, I didn’t consume anything.

When our troops went on the offensive, we conquered the war in the wind and so on and continued until the end of the war - both in a simple and clear sense. Here the stench wasn’t scary to us, we were just wondering about it ourselves! Starting from the Kursk-Bilgorod operation, we were not afraid. We were already in high spirits, the mood of the pilots was already kinder. With a skin villot – a success for both skin and bones. We had no defeats in the battles fought in the past. The same Germans are not the same as those who were near Moscow or in front of Stalingrad. By the hour, the stench had gone away, and they never got lost. If they showed up immediately, they could attack us at any moment; attack someone who is clearly a newbie. We didn’t fight any more direct battle. After Kiev, especially those close to Lvov, our rulers began to burn in the wind. They were running wild and wondering who to beat. And not just beat it, but beautifully. Let me tell you, since the war in Czechoslovakia ended for us, I had a little trouble. So, one might say, she went from the right...

Which German aircraft was the most difficult to kill?

Blame, of course. It stinks to maneuver. It’s not easy to catch them at the intersection. I need my mother's first aid and attention. The “frame” is very important to beat, and the bombers and transport aircraft are lightweight aircraft. You can defeat them from the first attack.

"Focke-Wulf" has less maneuverability, less "Messerschmitt", strength of fire and speed are greater. However, they are difficult to beat. Although you know, sometimes you don’t understand who you’re beating: “mesera” or “foku”. Rarely did they beat their own people. Until the end of the war, our regiment never experienced such a terrible situation.

We did not feel any pity for the Germans. An enemy is an enemy, especially a fascist. We respected that all the stinks were animals. They wondered how cruelly their pilots acted in 1941-1942. And about this, pity and complacency could not be spoken about. There was hatred. And after the war, 10-15 years later, hatred was completely lost. Apparently, they were already fighting with the German pilots, about 3-4 years ago, since so many hours had passed - all the same, as they were squabbling between us, they could not get along with us. It’s true, we comraded with the NDR soldiers for the Radyan rocks, but it’s also like that... the setup is... In short, German is German.

I killed the most German fighters in 44 troops, and then, in 1944 and 1945, practically without defeating them - until the middle of the war, the panova in the air was already ours. Near Lvov, a large number of German pilots experienced a rare bonanza. So, 3-5 flights is the maximum. As only the stinks realized that you were starting the maneuver and would go on the attack, the stinks were gone. The stinks just attacked, they tried not to get lost.

What kind of attacks were there when a group of beaten people wrote down on one person, so that they could take away the Hero?

Man, there were fits when the crowd started to work for one person, so that they would get rid of the Hero... Pokrishkin is still here... It was like that, but not a lot. It seems to me that this was not right.

The stormtrooper pilots seem to be at the peak of nervous tension from the task of recapturing. And what about Vinishuvach?

Of course, when setting up a task you get a little nervous, but mainly because you’re worried? To the point of contact with the enemy. And if you are tied up, then there is no longer any experience. And if you’ve been through too much, you’re flying home in a hurry! That means you'll definitely be dancing in the evening!

Did you know who you were fighting against?

What the hell is this for? Of course, what information we had was very scanty. We were sorting out our tactics... We were taking this into consideration... It happened that, sensing the enemy’s voice on the radio, you’d guess - yeah, we’ve already been chatting with them.

For what kind of minds have you ever lived during the hour of war?

We moved out of town so as not to be lost to German bombing; happened in dugouts, near populated areas. Sometimes they stayed at home with the town’s inhabitants, and the stench emanated from us like relatives. Before and during the Stalingrad operation, they most often lived in dugouts. What do you think? The bridge rises, the earth sinks through the logs, and the tears flow. Deck of three nakati or chotiri nakati. The sun beds were carved out of wood and made into a spa. The mattress, the carpets, everything was dirty. Engineering and technical warehouse in the bedroom. The stinks spent the entire winter trying not to freeze. They stoked the fire, the potbelly stoves were on, it was light. Gasoline was poured into the cartridge and clarified; there were no electrics, no radio. Near Moscow, they also lived in dugouts, both as technicians. They stood around the dugouts. For the skin squadron - around the dugout, so that the Germans could not protect everyone at once. Then, when the offensive began, after the Kursk-Bilgorod operation, they hesitated for the whole hour near the populated areas. Since 1943, special groups have formed, searching for life in nearby settlements. There was no problem at all. To whom they were not brutalized, there was no harm, so they were encouraged. If they had already crossed the cordon, the Poles would post up like that. The Czechs respected their relatives: whole households were given, the best places. They said: if it is required, then let us go.

Wanting food was amazing. Even near Moscow, no matter where we were, the food at the pilots’ place was amazing. Mi, if they were beaten to the bone, the Swedes rushed to the front, because they were living in hell. And there they all were again. Once they had established their territory, they gave us fruits and vegetables. Oranges, tangerines... This is from 1944. I didn’t suffer from any serious appetite. If the battle is hot and there are a lot of villots, then the appetite drops sharply as soon as you drink water. France, as a rule, has nothing else, just tea and kava. Compote for lunch. And the next day an appetite appeared. It's okay to eat. The same service personnel knew that the workers of the mutilation need to sacrifice as a trace.

What kind of place is it for the people? Kohannya! The axis is low. It was 1942 when we removed Lag-5 in Arzamas. Arzamas is not far from the Seym airfield. Buv Velikden. There were plenty of Heroes, and a lot of decorations. There are six of us. Going to the center of Arzamas. Not far from the church. We are praying, we are frying. The weather is wonderful, it’s sunny... Raptom, it’s on our minds - a horseradish move, with icons, people’s feet. We make way for him. The stinks begin to sound for 10 kroki, stand on top of their heads and begin to pray for us. The axis is like a shutter! After the war there was no such thing again. If they beat us, it’s crazy, how to beat us - little boy! - I’ll have a meal, and everything that’s good.

During the free hour, during the day, if there were no villiots, what did you do?

The Villots had no problem with the weather. The intensity of villiots could have decreased: say, before the operation, preparation is underway. Zazvichay bouli uninterrupted villoti. In the spring, it’s easier to get a little bit easier.

The guys spent hours in front of her. We had some fun. We discussed all the battles with the warehouse, decided on tactics, and began to sort out all the nuances. Most often it worked in a squadron, but sometimes also on a regiment scale. The rest, however, is very rare. Raising a regiment on the front line is very dangerous. The enemy will be detected and destroyed. Zazvichiy, they didn’t rizkuli like that.

After taking a lunch break. We had a dance. And, let’s say, we didn’t play dominoes or billiards at the cards. There is a harmonica player and an accordion player on the other shelf. Each person has self-indulgence. There were such concerts!.. When did the stench get ready? Until the middle of the war, artists from the Center began to appear. The regiment was assembled, but very carefully. At this time, everyone will need to be very careful in order to protect the artists. Otherwise, if they were killed in our regiment, then there would be a mess.

In your squadron there was a group of strong pilots and a group of weak pilots. How did you decide who to take for those other missions?

Podil only got better after the capture of Kiev. And near Stalingrad, near Moscow, they took everyone who could fly or fly. For myself, squadron commander, I didn’t choose the leader. Little boy said to me: “Comrade commander, I will be led” - “Well, come on.” Also, until 1943 I was not a permanent leader. Then only we began to choose our own leaders and select a leader. The bets are from the brightest, especially the quiet ones, who were already beaten, because they knew how to behave around folding furniture.

In the future, the presence of permanent knowledge is necessary. It’s not so easy for Aja to get involved with me. I had more money throughout the entire war - my expenses were greater. They began to change around the time of 1943, especially in 1944 and 1945. Mostly I flew from Chabrovim.

I know that they were allowed to collect trophies from home. Did you force the bails?

I didn’t push myself hard enough. I had nothing. Once I had a birthday boy - it was a piece of trash, and a small gain. Nothing more. And so, what about the junk... They didn’t bother with food. And then, where did I go with the junk? Will I take you to Vinishuvachi? Well, let’s take a look at the technology in the fuselage, or even more – no longer. The military units were engaged in petty fighting.

I ended the war as a squadron commander, a major. And after the war, instead of letting the heroes take up drunkenness, my friend Petro Gnido and I decided to get along. And we had 7 classes of lighting. Mukacheva was born in 2010 as an emigrant, Doctor of Mathematical Sciences. And this people were able to prepare us in two years from all subjects that were included in the academy’s examination program. Within two years we had graduated from high school. I remember that the director of the school we were in said: “Don’t come if you have a military uniform.” We came to a civilian, but they still helped us a little. As a result, we only have three items from the German, and 4-5 items from all other items. As luck would have it, in 1948 we joined the Military Academy.

It was important to wait until a peaceful life after the war. There are problems ahead of us. Nobody took care of our improvement. The day you fly, then you wonder where to live. It’s true that the little people ate for free. The squad was given rations and food was provided. How are we supposed to live? They'll give you a little soldier's treatment - that's all. Ale squad seemed to be vitriol. Since the day of our fun, sixty fates have already passed, and we spent the entire hour at once. I got to know her when I flew at the flying club in Khimki. Nearby was the village of Vashutine, where in the evenings after watering we walked with an accordion and sang songs. And just like that, I was friends with my future squad. Having just barely made it to Moscow, I’ll go straight to it. And by the time of the war, I had already given up the title of Hero, but I didn’t know about it. Arrived. Mother said: “Sergius, there’s a flight in the field.” I'm ruining the tudi. I come up and say: “Anya!” Vaughn stood up and placed a star and renewed strength on my breasts. Then I realized that I would make friends with her.

Hero of the Radyansky Union, Colonel General of the Air Force, participant in the Victory Parade of 1945, honored military pilot of the USSR

Born on the 22nd of 1920 in the village of Monastirshchina in the Epiphansky (nin - Kimovsky district) Tula region, from a poor rural homeland. Father - Gorelov Dmitro Dmitrovich (1869-1942). Mother - Gorelova Natalia Moysievna (1886-1961). The squad is Ganna Sergievna Gorelova (b. 1921). Sin - Evgen Sergeyovich Gorelov. Daughter – Lyudmila Sergievna.

Having been born near the Don, Sergiy, having lived there for a short time, his family moved to Moscow. In 1938, he graduated from a chemical technical school and worked as a master at the Moscow Chemical Plant. Having joined the Dzerzhinsky Aeroclub in Khimki with a Komsomol ticket. Towards the hour of the beginning, Sergius became acquainted with his future friend Anna Sergievna. The stench lived together for over 60 years.

After flying to the flying club, Gorelov was sent to attend the Borisoglibsk Aviation School of Pilots, having graduated in 1940. At that time, the Finnish War was raging, and instead of two fates, the same fate began again. There Sergiy mastered the U-2, I-5, I-15 aircraft.

On the cob of the lime tree in 1941, Gorelov accepted the battle khreshennia. That same summer, near Gorky, Sergiy mastered the LaGG-3 aircraft that he used to fight near Smolensk. In the same spring, he took part in the battle for Moscow. Sergei Dmitrovich had the opportunity to escape from a shot down aircraft to the occupied territory. Over the course of 3 months of 1941, they were beaten several times, but each time they were even more eager to fight.

The first fascist S. Gorelov was killed at the sickle in 1941 near Yelnya. Later, you signed up over 20 warlike pilots for your rocket. In 1942, he completed the Poltava advanced courses for navigators.

Having taken part in the defense of Stalingrad, having given up his priority to the city - Order of the Great Patriotic War, 1st degree. At that time, he surrounded the squadron commander's seat. On the La-5 pilots, the pilots of his squadron controlled the Germans in the Kuban, another invasion of Stalingrad. Sergiy Gorelov also took part in the battles near Kursk, in Western Ukraine, Poland and Czechoslovakia.

1944 Rock was awarded the title of Hero of the Radyansky Union. The air squadron that was under his command lost 25 fascist pilots in a month, without spending any of their money.

Continuing the fate of the war S.D. Gorelov carried out 260 military battles, fought 120 ground battles, especially knocked out 27 fascist pilots and 6 from the group. Having ended the war in Czechoslovakia on May 12, 1945, at the warehouse of the 111th Guards Aviation Regiment.

At the beginning of 1945, at the warehouse of the formed regiment of the 4th Ukrainian Front, Major S.D. Gorelov took part in the Parade of Peremoga on Chervonia Square near Moscow.

After the war, regardless of the number of wounds, the recognition was entirely dependent on military service. Until 1948, he continued to command the air squadron of the military air regiment in the Carpathian military district.

In 1952, a family graduated from the Military Academy near the town of Monino, Moscow Region, and later from the Academy of the General Staff. S.D. Gorelov commanded a regiment, a division, and a military army. Reinforcement of the Five Rocks was the intercessor of the head of the Air Force. Working with a rocket and space company named after S.P. Korolyov, including the head specialist from the military-insurgent forces.

Sergey Dmitrovich mastered most types of combat aircraft. Having flown until 1977, the remainder served on the MIG-25. Recipients of the title “Honored military pilot of the SRSR.” Vyshov retired in 1987 with the rank of Colonel General of the Air Force.

Hero of the Radyansky Union Sergey Dmitrovich Gorelov was awarded two Orders of Lenin, the Order of the Chervonoy Prapor, the Order of Alexander Nevsky, two Orders of the Great Patriotic War, 1st stage, the Order of the Chervonoy Zrka, the Order of the Rebirth of Poland V step, Czechoslovak military ridge, I will overcome Nimechchina", "For the defense of Moscow ", "For the defense of Stalingrad", "For the defense of the Caucasus", "For the defense of Kiev", "For the liberation of Prague", other medals and insignia.

Memorial plaque of Hero Radyansky to the Union S.D. Gorelov was installed at the former Monastirshchina main back-lit school (Tula region).

other powers:

Sergey Dmitrovich Gorelov(23 chervenya - 22 breast) - Colonel General of the Air Force, Hero of the Radyansky Union (1944).


Born on the 23rd of 1920 in the village of Monastirshchina (in the Kimov district of the Tula region). In 1938 he graduated from the Moscow Chemical Technical School. Worked as a chemical engineer at the Moscow Chemical Plant.

Intercessor of the squadron commander of the 111th Guards Aviation Regiment (10th Guards Aviation Division, 10th Guards Aviation Corps, 2nd Military Army, 1st Ukrainian Front) to line 1 944 damage to the group 7 24 times - 1 flight of the enemy.

In total, during the hour of war, 312 combat battles took place, in 60 active battles, defeating 27 in particular, and at the warehouse of the group 2 enemy flights.

After the war, he continued his service with the UPU. In 1952, the family graduated from the Viyskovo-Povitryan Academy. Commanding a regiment or division. He was the 1st intercessor commander of the conquered army in the Carpathian military district. U-1969 rokah - senior military commander of the military service in Egypt. In 1971, the family completed high academic courses at the Military Academy of the General Staff.

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  • Interview on the site.

Lesson that characterizes Gorelov, Sergey Dmitrovich

- Let's go! Well, Governor Mav? - By feeding Ferapontov. - What was the decision?
Alpatich Vidpoviv, the governor did not say anything to him.
- Do we have any delivery service? - Ferapontov said. - Give me seven rubles per delivery to Dorogobuzh. And I say: there is no harm in them! - Vin said.
- Selivanov, he wasted from four, selling a lot to the army at nine karbovantsi per sack. Well, do you have some tea? - adding wine. While the horses were being laid, Alpatich and Ferapontov drank tea and talked about the price of grain, about the harvest and pleasant weather for harvesting.
“It’s started to quiet down,” Ferapontov said, drinking three cups of tea and drinking water, “perhaps ours has taken over.” It was said not to let go. This means strength... And they said that Matviy Ivanovich Platov drove them to the Marina River, drowned them in one day.
Alpatich collected his purchases, handed them over to the coachman, who left, and agreed with the ruler. At the gate, the sound of wheels bursts forth, and the bubo’s kibits that were seen are hoarding.
It was already well after noon; half of the street was in the shade, the other was brightly illuminated by the sun. Alpatich looked at the window and walked to the door. The rapt felt the wondrous sound of a distant whistle and blow, and then the sound of harmonic gunfire erupted, which became angry when the mistakes were made.
Alpatich vyyshov nadvir; Two people ran along the street to the bridge. From the different sides one could hear whistles, the impacts of cannonballs and the bursting of grenades that fell near the area. But the sounds were almost there and did not arouse the respect of the locals, equaled by the sounds of gunfire heard behind the scene. There was a bombardment, like about the fifth year, punishing Napoleon to open the place, in one hundred and thirty years. The people initially did not understand the significance of the bombing.
The sounds of falling grenades and cannonballs awakened the nerves. Ferapontov’s squad, which never stopped hovering under the barn, closed up and came out with the baby in his arms until the gate, the little girls marveling at the people and listening to the sounds.
The cooker and kramar came out. Everyone was eagerly trying to shoot off the shells that were flying over their heads. A bunch of people came out from behind the horn, babbling loudly.
- That's power! - one said. - And the cod got the lid and broke it.
“It shook the earth like a pig,” said another. - Axis is so respectful, Axis is so encouraging! – laughing, saying vin. - Thank you, I jumped up, otherwise she would have anointed you.
The people have gone berserk into a mass of people. The stench deepened and revealed that the white of their nuclei themselves had been squandered to the bottom. Now and then there were different shells, now with a quick, frowning whistle - cannonballs, now with a loud whistling - grenades, which never ceased to fly over the heads of the people; Even if the projectile didn’t fall close, everything survived. Alpatich sat by the tent. The owner is standing at the gate.
- Why didn’t you bash! - shouting at the kitchen cook, with her sleeves rolled up, the red-haired woman walked up to the door to listen to those who had spoken.
“It’s amazing,” she said, but, sensing the sovereign’s voice, she turned around, sighing at her lowered back.
Once again, it was almost this time, it whistled like a bird that flew down, flashing fire in the middle of the street, and covered the street with smoke.
- Likhodiya, what are you doing? - the hospodar shouted, running up to the kitchen cooker.
The same women began to writhe pitifully from different sides, the baby began to cry bitterly, and the people stood together with pale faces like a kitchen cooker. From whom the stacks and cookers were most noticeable:
- Oh oh oh, my darlings! My darlings are white! Don't let me die! My darlings are white!
For five weeks there was no one left on the street. The cook was carried into the kitchen with her quilt, which had been smashed with a pomegranate gun. Alpatich, his coachman, Ferapontov’s squad with children, and the doorman sat in the basement, listening. The hum of the harmat, the whistling of shells and the pitiful groan of the kitchen cooker, which overwhelmed all the sounds, did not stop at all. The mistress either kidnapped and seduced the child, or fed pitiful whispers to everyone who entered the basement, as if she were the ruler, who was lost on the street. The shopkeeper, who went to the basement, told her that the ruler had gone with the people to the cathedral, where they raised the Smolensk miraculous icon.
Before the day was over, the cannonade began to subside. Alpatich came from the basement and stood at the door. Before the clearest evening, the sky was covered with smoke. And through this we marvelously shine the young, high-flying sickle of the month. After the quiet, terrible roar of harmatas, there was a silence over the place, until the entire sky was interrupted by the widespread rustling of cries, groans, distant cries and cod fires. The kitchen stove is now silent. Black clouds of smoke rose and spread out from both sides. On the street, not in rows, but like goosebumps from the rose bushes, in different uniforms and in different directions, soldiers passed and ran. In the eyes of Alpatich, a few of them ran into Ferapontov’s door. Alpatich Viyshov to Vorit. What a regiment, lurking and hurrying, blocking the street, walking back.
“Give a place, go, go,” the officer said to him, noting his figure, and immediately bursting into tears, shouting to the soldiers:
- I’ll let you run the yards! - Vin shouted.
Alpatich turned to the house and called the coachman, ordering him to get out. Following Alpatich and the coachman, the entire Ferapontov household came out. Having begun to smoke and let the fires burn that were now visible in the daylight, the women, who were moaning, began to rumble, marveling at the fire. As if echoing them, the same cries were felt at other ends of the street. Alpatich and his coachman, with three-armed hands, straightened the carriages that had gotten lost, and broke the horses under the canopy.
When Alpatich came back, he began to laugh, as Ferapontov’s man had finished the lava, ten soldiers with a booming hubbub filled their bags and backpacks with beard wheat and dormouse. At the same hour, turning from the street to the gate, Ferapontov saw them. Having beaten the soldiers, they wanted to shout now, but began to murmur and huddled by the hair, bursting into tears.
- Pull everything, boys! Don't give in to the devils! - He screamed, grabbing the bags and throwing them into the street. The soldiers ran away, angry, and then chewed the pain. Having treated Alpatich, Ferapontov became furious.
- I was so proud! Russia! - Vin shouted. - Alpatice! so proud! I'll light it myself. I got carried away... - Ferapontov escaped above.
Along the street, blocking it all, soldiers were constantly coming, so Alpatich could not pass and wait. Mrs. Ferapontova and her children also sat on the cart, watching for those who could get away.
It was completely empty. There were stars in the sky and the light of the new month was shining. On the descent to the Dnieper, Alpatich's carriage and gentlemen, who were completely collapsing in the ranks of soldiers and other crews, began to slow down a little. Not far from the intersection, where the carts were lumbering, cabins and avalanches were burning in the alley. The fire was already burning out. Half of it either died down and perished in the black smoke, then the rapture burst into flames, revealing the people who stood at the crossroads in a surprisingly bright way. Before the fire began to flash, the black spectacles of people began to flash, and because of the unbearable crackling of the fire, there was a little commotion and screams. Alpatich, what is wrong with the cart, bachachi, what is not soon to be missed, turning into the alley I will marvel. The soldiers wandered incessantly here and there, and Alpatich walked, as two soldiers and with them a man in a frieze overcoat hauled the fire across the street to the next door of the burning logs; Others carried the offspring of sons.
Alpatich pіdіyshov reached the great influx of people who stood against the high comor, which was burning with fire. The walls were all in the fire, the back had collapsed, the planks had collapsed, the beams were falling down. Obviously, immediately check out these hvilini, if you fall down. Tsogo check Alpatich.
- Alpatice! - the old, knowledgeable voice boomed out loudly.
“Father, your Excellency,” said Alpatich, recognizing the voice of his young prince.
Prince Andriy, at the cloak, riding a black horse, standing behind the attack and marveling at Alpatich.
- How are you here? - Having asked for wine.
“Your... your Excellency,” Alpatich said and began... “Your, your... who knew us?” Father...
- How are you here? – repeated Prince Andriy.
The half brightly flared up this hvylini and revealed to Alpatich the pale and naked appearance of his young lord. Alpatich Rozpov, as from the messages and as by force, was able to leave.
- Well, your Excellency, why did you know us? - having slept again.
Prince Andriy, without realizing it, took out the notebook and, raising his knee, began to write with a sheep on the torn arch. He wrote to his sister:
“Smolensk is being built,” he wrote, “Fox Mountains will be occupied by the enemy this week. Go straight to Moscow. Tell me immediately when you see me, having sent something special to Usvyazh.”
Having written and given the leaflet to Alpatich, he verbally conveyed to you how to arrange the departure of the prince, princess and son with the teacher and how and where to inform you safely. It had not yet come to completion of these orders, as the supreme chief of staff, by satellite mail, rode up to the next one.