Francis Bacon was born and alive. Francis Bacon: biography, philosophical vchennya

Francis Bacon was born and alive. Francis Bacon: biography, philosophical vchennya

Who is it: a philosopher of what? Francis Bacon - the great misler of the era of the Renaissance of England. Changing the richly possessed, scho hitting the edge of the country and having more than one hundred people who cherish people and dosi. Pragnennya to the knowledge and oratorical health of Bacon from the early years played a leading role in the reform of philosophy of that hour. The early days, scholasticism and Aristotle’s judgment, which were grounded in cultural and spiritual values, were inspired by the empires Francis in the name of science. Bacon was born, so only scientific and technical progress can be made to bring civilization to life, and in this way we can help people spiritually.

Francis Bacon - biography of politics

Bacon was born in London on the 22nd of 1561, about the organized English family. Yogo father served at the court of Alizaveti I as the guardian of the king's friend. And the mother was the daughter of Antoni Cook, who wiggled the king of Osvichen, the woman who knew the Latin for a long time, pinned the young Francis love to knowledge. Win pic is a smart and tyrannical lad, who will become aware of a great interest in science.

In 12 years Bacon entered the University of Cambridge. The philosopher will increase the price of writing a yogo end. Political, cultural and social life of France, Spain, Poland, Dania, Nimechchina and Sweden have deprived their own video beats in the notes "About the country of Europe", written by the artist. Pislya Death Batka Bacon turned to Batkivshchyna.

Francis defeated his political career, if the English throne was taken by the sieges I. Philosopher I became the attorney general (1612), the guardian of the friend (1617), and the Lord Chancellor (1618). However, the shrewd evil ended with tough fights.

With the traces of a living road

In 1621, Bacon was given the title of invocation by the king from the habarnitsa, the offices of the vyaznitsa (albeit for two days) and pardon. Followed by Tim Francis's car, the political game ended. All the adventures of life have been engaged in science and experiments. The philosopher died in 1626 when he got cold.

  • "Doslidi and nastanovi" - 1597 - the last seen. From now on, the book has been extensively developed and revisited. The robot is made up of short drawings and ecu, de mislitel razmіrkovuє about politics and morality.
  • "About the meaning and success of knowledge, divine and human" - 1605 r
  • "About the wisdom of the ancient" - 1609 r
  • Descriptions of intellectuals.
  • "About the viskiy posadi", as the author of the messages about the passages and shortcomings of the highest ranks. “It’s important to stand at a high place, a little dumb and a way back, but at least when I’m coming ...”.
  • "Novy Organon" - 1620 - a cult book of that hour, assigned to the її methods and techniques.
  • "About the awesomeness and application of sciences" is a part of the "Great Renovation of Sciences", the most extensive creation of Bacon.

Primary utopia why look at the maybut?

Francis Bacon. "Nova Atlantis". Two terms in philosophy, which can be used as synonyms. Tvir hoch and became incomplete, the protest has absorbed the whole vision of its author.

"Nova Atlantis" was published in 1627 rots. Bacon moves the reader to a distant island, de-procuring an ideal civilization. All the staff of scientific and technical dossyagnen, unbeatable for that hour. Bacon is once again zazirniv for hundreds of rocks in Maybut, and even in Atlantis, you can learn about the microscope, the synthesis of living things, as well as about the treatment of all ailments. Moreover, in the new inventory of children, who are not yet critical, sound and auditory preoccupation.

The island of Keru is a partnership, which is united by the leading sages of the land. And if Bacon's followers have gotten away with the problems of communism and socialism, then the whole TV is more technocratic in nature.

Looking at the life of the philosopher's eyes

The founder of the mission is truly є Francis Bacon. The philosophy of the miser is simply scholastic and at the first place to put science and knowledge. Having learned the laws of nature and having turned their own things for good, people are good not only to gain power, but spiritually.

Francis by definition, that all indications of a problem are vaguely viable, and even there are few scientific methods and methods. Bacon for the first time tried the classification of science on the basis of the power of rosum: memory is the price of history, uyava is the price of poetry, mind is the principle of philosophy.

Leading the way to the knowledge is guilty of buti і dosvid. Any advances need to be worked out as a precaution, not a theory. Bacon vvazhaє, well, it will be successful only that experiment, for carrying out what kind of constantly changing mind, hour and space, and also furnish. Materia is guilty of being in Russia for the whole hour.

Francis Bacon. empirism

The very insight and philosophy in the final result led to the appearance of such an understanding, like "empirism": the knowledge of lying through the door. As soon as possible, there is enough knowledge and advice, you can develop the results in your own work.

Bacon vidіlyaє kіlka shlyakhіv otrimannya knowledge:

  • "Shlyakh pavuka" - the knowledge to get rid of the pure rose, in a rational way. In other words, pavutina weaves its way through the dummy. Specific factors are not taken up to uvaga.
  • "Shlyakh goosebumps" - knowledge to get rid of through dosvid. Uwagu is focused only on collecting facts and proofs. However, the essence is imperceptible.
  • "Shlyakh bdzholi" is an ideal way, which will be one in both good quality and pavuk and goose bumps, or, at the same hour, if you let go of those shortcomings. As soon as possible, all facts and prove must be passed through the prism of your mission, through your own mind. It’s the only one to open up the truth.

Cross the road to the road to Zanj

Don't be easy to learn new things. Bacon in his navchannya talk about pereskodi mayor. The stench itself will make you clean your mind and thoughts. Є Pereshkodi vrodzheni i nabuty.

Vrodzheni: “primari to the family” and “ghost the chives” - so this is the philosopher himself. "Bring the family" - the knowledge of the culture of the people. "Bring the chicks" - the knowledge of the infusion of specific people.

Pridbani: “primari rinku” and “ghost the theater”. First of all, there is a wrong implantation of words and definitions. Lyudin is all literal, but she gives the correct message. Another transition - the whole infusion on the process of learning the philosophy. Once you come across the old, you can feel the new. Hoping to the old days, passing it through their thoughts, people are old enough to reach success.

Great minds do not die

Some great people - through the capital - breed the ones. Bacon Francis is an artist-expressive of our hour, as well as a distant site of a philosopher-misler.

Francis the artist, having read the prats of his ancestor, will be deprived of it in the "smart" books. Francis Bacon, the biography of which ended not so long ago, in 1992, having celebrated a great inflow into the world. And if a philosopher was sympathetic with words, then his distant onuk - with farbs.

For his unconventional orientation, Francis is the youngest bouv of the house. Blukayuchi for France and Nimechchin, win a long time at the show in 1927 rotsi. Vona celebrated the majestic flow on the lad. Bacon turns to old London, de nabuwaє a small garage-master and start to create.

Frensіs Bacon vvazayut one of the frowning artists in luck. Yogo pictures are proof of that. Rosemit, when I see individuals and force and drive, or, at the same hour, flutter over the sense of life. Even in the skin people are captured such individuals and roles, as they are victorious on the basis of life.

Unconcerned with his gloom, the paintings boast great popularity. The great poet of Bacon's art is Roman Abramovich. At the auction of wines, adding the canvas "Orinter of the Canonical XX Century" to 86.3 million dollars!

in the words of the mistress

Philosophy is a vital science about essential values. Kozhen, hto zdatny trohi dumati - "trohi" philosopher. Having written down the bacon of your thoughts all over the place. The first wordless quotes people live today. Bacon has turned the greats of Shakespeare. So the accomplices respected him.

Francis Bacon. Quote on a note:

  • Shkandiba on the straight road ahead of the road, as if it was going to the road.
  • Light has little friendship - and the least of the middle.
  • There is no fear itself.
  • The greatest self-reliance is not a mother of good friends.
  • Screenplay is a lure for the weak.
  • Temryava has all colors of the same.
  • Nadiya is a good snidanok, alent supper.
  • Good, those who are good people, people.

Knowledge є strength

The power is knowledge. Just abstracted from everyone and everything, letting through all the information and information about their passing through the power of the mind, you can feel the truth. It is not enough to be a theorist, but to be a practitioner! Do not be afraid of criticism and condemnation. I know, maybe the best clue is behind you!

Francis Bacon, 1st Viscount St Albans; June 22, 1561 - April 9, 1626. English philosopher, historian, politician, founder of empirism.

In 1584, there were 23 years before parliament. З 1617 Lord-Ohoronets Druku, Potim - Lord Chancellor; Baron Verulamskiy i vіkont St. Albansky. In 1621, the court was dragged to trial for convictions from habarnistvі, convictions and charges against usіkh posad. He gave a pardon to the king, but did not turn to the sovereign service and the last fate of life, appropriating science and literature.

Bacon, having conceived his professional activity as a lawyer, has become more widely recognized as a lawyer-philosopher and director of the scientific revolution. Yogo robotics є under the guidance and popularization of the inductive methodology of scientific preliminaries, often called the Bacon method. Induction will take away knowledge of new knowledge through experiment, caution and revision of hypotheses. In the context of their own hour, such methods of Vikorists were taught by alchemists. Svіy pidhіd to the problems of science Bacon viclav at the treatise "Novy organon", which was written in 1620 rotsi. In many treatises, having voted in the name of science to improve the rule of people over nature, as if by starting yak soulless material, meta like being victorious by people.

Bacon having expanded the two-letter cipher, the ranks are now the Bacon cipher.

In general, the great dignity of science is Bacon in respect of the self-evident and in favor of his famous aphorism "Knowledge is power"(Latin Scientia potentia est).

However, there was a lot of attacks on science. Having analyzed them, Bacon dyyshov visnovka about those who God did not fence the knowledge of nature. Navpaki, having given people a rose, like a greedy recognition to Vsesvit. People are only guilty of intelligence, that there are two kinds of knowledge: 1) recognition of good and evil, 2) recognition of speeches made by God.

The knowledge of good and evil has been hardened for people. Yogo їm yes God through the Bible. And learn the words of a lyudin, navpaki, is guilty of his assistance. This means that science is guilty of occupying one place in the "kingdom of people". The significance of science is that it can multiply the strength and power of people, without feeling their wealth and life.

Bacon died, having caught a cold one hour from physical slides. It is already a heavy ailment, which in the last leaves up to one of his friends, Lord Erendel, win with a triumph by the way, so that he will be informed. Investigations of the glorification of the fact that science is guilty of giving people control over nature and the development of their life.

Vkazuyuchi on the deplorable camp of science, Bacon said that until now, the first time they were afraid, they were not methodical. Oh bulo b nabagato more, yakby the glimpses of the bullets are revived by the correct method. Method - tse shlyakh, golovnyy zasіb doslіdzhennya. Build kulgavia, go along the road, burn healthy people, go on the road.

The pre-slidnitsky method of fragmentation by Francis Bacon is an early successor to the scientific method. The method of propping up in the creation of Bacon "Novum Organum" ("New Organon") and the means for replacing the methods, like boules being proponated in the creation of "Organum" ("Organon") by Aristotle, may be 2 thousand years old.

In the basis of scientific knowledge, Bacon is guilty of the lie of the induction and experiment.

Induction can be completely (thoroughly) and unfaithful. Induction means regular repetition and success of some kind of power of the subject in the given information. Inductive publicity goes out of the way, which itself will be so on the right in all other types of problems. In the whole garden, all the buzoks were bila - a visnovok from the little ones in the period of the bloom.

Induction is not the same, including publicity, destruction on the basis of not all types of evidence, but only of those (by analogy), for that, as a rule, the number of all types is practically inappropriate, but theoretically it is not enough to bring all of them: not a bit of a bloody person. Tsei visnovok is supposed to have an imovirnіsny character.

If you find it easy to find the "induction", Bacon shukov is not just the facts, but the facts, which are easy to use. Winning, in such a rank, explored natural science in two ways for a long time: pererahuvannyam and viclyuchennyam. Moreover, the smut of the meaning may be the same. For the help of his own method, the wine, for example, having set up, with the "form" of warmth, the ruff of the found particles of tila.

Otzhe, in his theory of knowledge Bacon thoughtlessly carrying out a thought about those who are truly unaware of Vitik from sensitive information. Such a philosophical position is called empirism. Bacon was not only the founder, but the most recent empiric.

Francis Bacon has poured out the dzherela of people’s graces, so stand on the road of iznannya, on the chotiri groups, calling them “primars” or “idols” (lat. Idola). Tse "primari roda", "ghost the chives", "primari ploshchі" and "ghost the theater."

1. "Bring the family" є inherited from the very human nature, the stench does not lie in any culture, nor in the individuality of people. "The mind of a people is like a nervous mirror, a yak, which dwells on the nature of speech, its nature, imitating the speech of a wicked and spoken viglyad".

2. "Bring the Feathers" - a series of individual pardons for a child, like a vodzhen, as well as a sidekick. “Aje near the skin of the pardons, which dominate the human race, have their own special stoves, I will relax and create the light of nature.”

3. "Bring the area (market)" - an inheritance of the suspicious nature of the people, - spilkuvannya and vikorystannya in spilkuvanni movi. “People will get along with the promotions. The words will rise up to the point of being smart about it. To that filthy person and bezgluzlenya with a wondrous rank of trimє in a cloud of rose. "

4. "Bring the theater" - tse won by people from among the people of the pardon of the announcement about the Bud's action. “With a great deal of reason, it’s not just out-of-the-box philosophical opinions, but the number of cobs and axioms of sciences, which have rejected the power to pass through, through and without turbulence.”

Some of the most significant followers of the empirical line in the philosophy of the New Hour: Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, George Berkeley, Devid Hume - in England; Et'n Kondilyak, Claude Gelvetsiy, Paul Holbach, - from France. A proponent of F. Bacon's empirism is also the Slovak philosopher Jan Bajur.

The English miscellaneous of the famous is one of the first great philosophers of the New Hour, epochs of rosum... The very nature of its vchenya strongly evolves from the systems of ancient and middle-aged misliters. Bacon has a lot of clues about knowledge, like pure and natural pragmatism to the purest truth. Winning disrespect for Aristotle and religious scholasticism for those who stink such point of view. In the spirit of the new, rational and living in the era, Bacon is characterized by a panuvannya over nature. Looks and yo vidomy aphorism knowledge strength .

Prior to that, as a whole of philosophy, Francis Bacon was one of the most important officials in the English royal court. Yogo enormous power of the ball is meant by extreme lack of principle. Having found a career in parliament as an extreme opposer, he unfortunately re-created himself on a loyalist. Having revived his primary patron, Essex, Francis Bacon became a lord, a member of the sovereign for the sake of and the keeper of the imperial seal, and then he became the parliament of the great khabars. For a scandalous look, the yogi was sentenced to a grand fine of 40 thousand pounds and a visnovka in the Tower. The king pounced on Bacon, however, with the political judgment, the yoma still had a chance to break up (the report was divine. In the article, Bacon, Francis - a short biography). In his philosophical forebears, Francis Bacon, having voiced the meta of conquering material potential with such a horrible one-off and not without anxiety up to moral laws, like devil in practical politics.

Portrait of Francis Bacon. Painter Frans Purbus the Younger, 1617

People, on the thought of Bacon, can order their nature and panuvati over it. (Tsya meta, vіm, inspiring the whole era of Vidrodzhennya.) The human race has collapsed ahead of the staff of scientific displays and wine drives.

The geniality of the ancient philosophers, Bacon was a visitor, however, he did not serve as a genius for anything, so it’s like a pompous straightening. All the stinks blatantly whispered abstract metaphysical and moral truths, not forgetting about practical vigodi. Bacon himself thinks that "science is not guilty of being built to the point of no-nonsense satisfaction of the tsikavosti." Їy slide turns to a wide material-productive robot. Practical Anglo-Saxon spirit has been drawn into Bacon's pragmatic and special qualities.

Bacon's "Nova Atlantis"

Frensis Bacon will make a thought about those who are developing science in the future until the golden age. In case of mayzhe insane atheism in writing about the mighty great insight from the enunciated sentiment of the religious prophet and putting it to the point of science, like to the holy sacred. In his unfinished philosophical utopia "Nova Atlantis" Bacon is a little happy, more comfortable than the life of the wise, small people of the islanders, as they systematically stagnate in the "Solomon's house" all the earlier crushed insight for new wine-travelers. At the Novosti Atlantida mags there is a steam engine, a cooler, a microphone, a telephone and a new engine. Naybіlsh yaskravimy farbs I picture bacon, yak I will dye everything, embellish and podovzhu people life. Thought about the possible shkidlivi inheritance of "progress" does not fall into your head.

Bacon "Great Innovation of Science" - in short

All the main books of Francis Bacon are united in one giant TV called "Great Renovation of Sciences" (aka "Great Renovation of Sciences"). The author put in front of him three studies: 1) an overview of all sciences (from the establishment and special roles of philosophy), 2) the development of a new method of natural science, and 3) its stagnation to a single consensus.

The announcement of the first dedication to Bacon's creation "About the act of knowledge" and "About the greatness and application of sciences." The book "About the awesomeness and application of sciences" becomes the first part of the "Great Renovation". Bacon yes in niy look around the human knowledge(Globus intellectualis). For the three basic health of the soul (memory, knowledge and mind), all sciences are divided into three parts: "history" (knowledge of humanity, humanity and nature), philosophy and philosophy.

Philosophy has three objects: God, people and nature. However, the knowledge of God, behind Francis Bacon, is inaccessible to the human mind and can only draw from the blood. Science, how to teach people and nature - anthropology and physics. I will follow the physics Bacon vvazhaє " mater of all sciences". Metaphysics (vchenya about the primary reasons for speeches) is included in the number of sciences;

Monument to Francis Bacon in London

Francis Bacon became the founder of empirism and the developer of innovative techniques for the awareness of living nature in the history of philosophy. This is the case for the assignment of this science to the robotics. Philosophy Francis Bacon knew a wide message among the people and misters of the new hour.


Frensis was born in the family of the politician and the heroic Nicholas, and of Anni's squad, as she was like a friend in those hours of the family - the father of the wanders of the fall of the English and Irish throne. The canopies were trampled on 22nd 1561 in London.

The boy of the family was welcomed by the diligent and given his craving for knowledge. By the way, I saw a college at Cambridge University, then I read to France, but the death of my father led to the fact that the young Bacon did not run out of pennies, as it was on his biography. Todi vin has become a lawyer since 1582, having earned money for the life of a lawyer. Two rockets went up to the parliament, de-immediately becoming a pompous and significant figure. Tse called in before the seven rockies were named the Count of Essex, who at that time became the favorite of the queen. After trying the sovereign coup d'état initiated by Essex in 1601, Bacon took part in the ship's lurking yak obvinuvach.

Criticizing the politics of the royal family, Francis, having surrendered the intercession of the queen and made a name for himself in the new world only in 1603, had a new monarch on the throne. At the same time, he became a face, and after fifteen years - a baron. Three times later, the yomu was granted the title of vikont, but in the same rіk yomu was presented with a call in habarnitstvі and was allowed to sit down, having closed the doors to the king's yard.

Unimportant to those who are rich in life, having assigned jurisprudence and advocacy, philosophy has been given its heart. Winning new tools for the purpose, criticizing the deduction of Aristotle.

Mister died after one of his experiments. Win vivchav, like the cold is pouring into it, as soon as a rotten process is felt and getting cold. At sixty-five rockies, Vin died. Already after his death it was published - incomplete - one of the leading creations, written by him: "Nova Atlantis". In a new way, having transferred a lot of indications in the offensive tables, grounded on previous knowledge.

General characteristics of the philosophy of Francis Bacon

Francis Bacon became the first great philosopher of his own hour and in the face of Epoch Rozum. They do not care for those who are well aware of the misters, who lived for hours long ago and the middle of the day, who lived for a long time ago, and how much they smelled like a pardon. Philosophers have passed the table on moral and metaphysical truths, talking about those who know the guilt of bringing practical reproach to people. Vіn protistavlyaє tsіkavіst, from yakim dosі served as philosophy, wirobnіtva of material goods.

Being the bearer of the practical Anglo-Saxon spirit, Bacon is not fooled by the knowledge of heightening praznennya to the truth. Winning without recognizing philosophy to philosophy through religious scholasticism. Having venerated that people judged panuvati over food, and guilty until they were guilty in a rational way.

The strength of the bachiv is in knowledge, which can be achieved in practice. The evolution of the people is possible only through the panorama of nature. Theses became key in the visionary and philosophical times of the Renaissance era.

Bacon's "Nova Atlantis"

One of Bacon's most respected creatures was adopted in the name of "New Atlantis", named for the analogy of Plato's robot. Writing a utopian novel, the misler assigning an hour from 1623 to 1624 r. Unimportant to those who were not finished by the book, won shvidko became popular among the masses.

Francis Bacon rozpov_v about suspension, which was controlled by one vchenyi. The whole suspension was known by the English sailors who were hanging on the islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. It smelled like life on the island was ordered by the House of Solomon - organization, which includes not politics, but vcheni. Budinok is able to expand the power of people over the light of living nature, so it was won over to them. Experiments were carried out in special attorneys for a wick to thunder and blizzards, discouraging from any toads and other living things.

Formerly, taking the novel as a basis, they set up real science academies to engage in analysis and verification of events. With the help of such organization є Korolivske partnership of science and mastery.

Contagion, deyakі mіrkuvannya in romance can become new, ala in the era, if it is in the book of publications, in the new look at the science of knowledge of the boule is popular. The power of the people, who became magnificent, we will be based on divine forces, and the knowledge of the guilt will help him to realize his mastery over the light of nature. Having taken the bacon into account, the provincial sciences are guilty of magic and alchemy, as they could help to reach the state of power.

In the experimental science blame for the great complexes of sporud, movement, work behind the help of water and power stations, gardens, reserves and waters, you can carry out experiments. As a result, it is necessary to see the true nature of both living and non-organic nature. Great respect has been given to the design of new mechanisms and machines, which can be oversupplied faster, less cool. Vіyskovі machines, signs for battles - everything is described in the report in the book.

Tilki epochs The revival of power is so strong an enthusiasm for the change of light of nature. Yak a clerk of the alchemy, Bacon intend to present in the "New Atlantis", as it is possible to virostit the roslin without victorian nasinnya, dissolve the creatures in the morning, victoriously know about the speeches and the days. They were also introduced to the types of medicine, biology and philosophy, such as Buffon, Perrot and Mariott. The whole theory of Francis Bacon is fundamentally based on Aristotel's statement about the immutability and permanence of species of animals and roslin, which has not been much injected into the zoology of the new hour.

The royal partnership of science and mystery, based on the descriptions in the "New Atlantis" spirit, richly respected svitlovim experiments - as and even in Bacon's novel.

Bacon "Great Innovation of Science"

Francis Bacon is great, how alchemy and magic could serve people. The knowledge is suspiciously controlled, it is considered as magical. The “Great Renovated Sciences” has to focus on those who cannot be privy to private persons - the group of “devotees”. Wono - out of the way, and you can be smart.

Bacon can also talk about the need to bring philosophy to the right, and not to words, as it did before. Traditionally, philosophy has served the soul, and Bacon is the right one to end the whole tradition. Winning the ancient Greek philosophy, the dialectic of Aristotle, the pratsi of Plato. I will continue to accept it in the philosophy of tradition, people will not penetrate into the scientific knowledge and it is not necessary to multiply the mercy of past misters. Bacon means, in the tradition of philosophy, it’s a sense of logic and unclear understanding, as it’s created by way of thinking and doesn’t mean any real presentation.

Against this, Francis Bacon proposes a good idea, if science collapses forward in steps, spiraling on industrial axioms, controlling knowledge and transforming it with ado. There are two ways to tell the truth:

  1. Through some and near certain issues - until reaching the most important axioms, as it is necessary to sound and concretize, depending on the already known facts.
  2. Through almost and privately - to the out-of-the-way axioms, the senses which do not sound, but expand to the most out-of-the-way laws.

As a result of such a great knowledge, people will come to the scientific and technical civilization, having left the historical and literary type of culture in the past. Mister, having respect for the need to harmonize the spirit of speech and speech. For the whole it is necessary to get used to the unintelligible and unintelligible to understand how to get used to the sciences and philosophy. Then, it is necessary to re-marvel at the speech and to listen to it, and be curious with the painful, precise words.

At the "Great Renovation of Sciences" Bacon called on the fellows to develop an emphasis on science, on the practice and polish the life of the people. Tse has left the ear of bright change in culture in Europe, since science, which has bachelor pogozhilnoy and adolescent, has become an important and prestigious part of the culture. Most of the philosophers at that time inherited Bacon's butt and took up science as a substitute for scholastic knowledge, as it was learned from the real laws of nature.

Bacon's "New Organon"

Bacon is a philosopher of the new hour, not only to the one that was born in the era of Renaissance, but behind his glances at the progressive role of science in suspended living. In his work "Novy Organon", it is necessary to carry out a test of science with water, as you can fall from the sky or fall from above the ground. As water is divinely similar and sensitive to the essence, so science has grown into philosophy and theology.

I am aware of the arguments on the corny of the concept of the dependence of true knowledge, on the basis of the clear development of the areas of theology and philosophy. Theology of vivch is divine, and Bacon does not prescribe that all being is the creation of God. As the subject matter of art speaks about the talent and the power of the art of his creator, so it is not enough for God to speak about the rest. Frensis Bacon robs the clock, but God cannot be an object of science, but is guilty of being an object of science only. This means that philosophy is guilty of trying to penetrate the divine and concentrate on nature, knowing it by the method of premonition and caution.

In the criticism of science, it seems that the stench does not reflect the progress of science and does not reflect the living needs of the suspension. This means that all science as a collective knowledge is guilty, but it has been thoroughly understood in such a way that it has passed the practice, timidly new and new insights. Bringing in the mind of the human mind and managing the manifestations of nature is the main meta of the development of science.

"Organ" to revenge logical clues, how to say, what method can be used to mislead and practice? Bacon is an old-fashioned method of silogism as it is absolutely irresistible and uncommon.

Francis Bacon about idols

Francis Bacon has broken the theory about zaboboni, like panging over the mind of people. Vaughn talk about "idols", which are the miscellaneous of the new hour, also called "mayors" for their power and action. First, I’ve read the speeches and appearances, I’m gratefully bumping into all the idols.

All I saw was a chotiri vidi idoliv:

  • idol "family";
  • idols "pechery";
  • idol "rinku";
  • idol "theater".

Prior to the first category, there are idols-primaries, deceived skin people, some of their minds and organically sensitive to incompleteness. Tsі idol zhushuyut yo rupіvnuvat nature with itself and nadіlyaja tії with these finesse. Bacon stood up against the protagonist of Protagoras, saying that people are in the world of all speeches. Francis Bacon declares that the mind of the people, like a filthy mirror, is visualizing the light in the wrong view. As a result, theological consciousness and anthropomorphism emerge.

Idoli-primari "pecheri" are born by the very people of the world for the influx of the minds of their life, peculiarities of vikhovannya and education. Lyudin is amazed at the light from the cover of the master's "furnace", tobto from the point of view of special advice. Podolannya such idols of the field in vikorystanny dosage, accumulated by sukupnіstyu indivіdіv - suspension, і permanent visibility.

Oskil people are constantly in contact one with one and live pry-o-plych, populist and share the "market". Їх підтримує використання мови, old people to understand, the brutality to the words, as they create the essence of speeches and messages. As a matter of fact, Bacon is recommended to be read from the verbal presentation, as it was lost in those hours from Serednovichya. The main idea is in the change of the category of the message.

I familiarize myself with the "theater" and thank the authorities. Before such authorities, the philosopher must introduce the old philosophical system. As soon as it is old-fashioned, then it’s the way of speaking to be able to stand up to, to recognize anticipation and anticipation. You will be able to overcome such ghosts, and then turn to the bitter end of the world.

All descriptions of the "primari" are a step over to the scientific knowledge, some of the managers who come to the attention of the people who do not give in the whole world of intelligence. The re-development of sciences behind Bacon is ill-advised without insight from the over-insured and relying on evidence and experiment as a part of knowledge, and not on the thoughts of the ancients.

Zaboboni - the misler of the new hour can be brought up to the reasons, like overtaking the development of scientific knowledge. The theory of the double truth, described the vision and development of God and the real world, poklikan to pursue the philosophers from the zaboboniv.

Weak brewing in science Bacon explaining in the daytime the correct statements about the object of knowledge and self-awareness. Matter is to blame for the correct procedure. Philosophy and in the guilt of eviction and power and in the implementation of schemes for the transformation of one object into one. People's life is made up of science for the development of real life experiences.

The empirical method of scientific knowledge of Bacon

In addition, since the method of knowledge - induction - is designated, Francis Bacon promotes a number of main paths, for which there can be a great deal of knowledge:

  • "Shlyakh pavuka";
  • Goosebumps;
  • "Shlyakh bjoli".

On the first path, it’s reasonable to reject knowledge in a rationalistic way, but at the same time it’s based on respect for the vision of reality, that’s why rationalization spirals on the power of the world, and not on admittance of facts. Їх pavutina dumoks of a circle from їh vlstnykh dumoks.

For the "goose bump" go tі, hto take until the respect tіlki dosvіd. I will call this method "dogmatic empirism" and the knowledge of information, gained from facts and practice. Empirical knowledge is available, but not the day of the problem.

The ideal method of knowing is to stay the path - empirical. Seemingly short, the idea of ​​the misler is this: for the method to fix it, it is necessary to have two main paths and tidy up the shortcomings and supernaturals. The knowledge is based on the information about the facts from the victors in the reasoning. This method can be called empirism, which is based on deduction.

Bacon has become a part of the history of philosophy not only as Lyudin, who put an ear of corn on the development of the world sciences, but as a miscier, which is due to the need for knowledge. This is the history of modern science, which sets the correct theoretical and practical activity of people.

Bacon, Francis

The English philosopher, the founder of the English materialism Francis Bacon, who was born in London; being the youngest blue in the homeland of Ser Nikolas Bacon, Lord Guardian of the Great Sovereign Seal. By holding out two rockies at the College of Cambridge University, and three rockets by France in the retinue of the English ambassador. After the death of the father in 1579, he entered the Graz Inn school of barristers (advocates) for the purpose of enrolling in law. In 1582 he became a barister, in 1584 he addressed the Parliament and right up to 1614 I will recall the role in the debates at the sessions of the House of Communities. In 1607 he occupied the settlement of the general lawyer, in 1613 he became the attorney general; From 1617 r is the Lord of the Ohoronets to the Druck, from 1618 he is the Lord Chancellor. Lizarske zvezdnya in 1603 r.; Baron of Verulamskiy (1618) and Vіkont St. Albansky (1621). In 1621 rubles, before the court was drawn to court for incursions from habarnitstvі, from the side of the last settlements and convictions up to a fine of 40 thousand pounds sterling and until you get involved in Tower (for an hour, for a style). Pardon by the king (win buv bells from the Tower for another day, and the penalty buv you forgiveness; in 1624, buv buv more chanting), Bacon didn’t turn to the state service and endowed the fate of life by assigning science and literature.

Philosophy of Bacon was inculcated in the atmosphere of the out-of-town science and culture of the land of Europe, which began on the paths of capitalistic development, the sound of science in the scholastic ways of church dogmatics. All life Bacon worked over the grand plan of the "Great Renovation of Sciences". Outline sketch of the plan for the production of Bacon 1620 r in the forefront to the beginning of "Novy Organon, or References for the smoky nature" ("Novum Organum"). A number of parts were transferred to the "New Organon": a backward glance at the modern science, a description of a new method of rejecting true knowledge, the stars of empirical dances, the discussion of food, so that it’s possible to wait for a long time, in advance, to solve the problem itself. The lines of the first two parts were given to the bacon.

Science, according to Bacon, is guilty of giving people control over nature; From a point of view, he criticized the scholasticism and the power of the deductive method, as a result of which he opposed the furiousness to the end of the day and the processing of this induction, which is relevant to the experiment. Probably the rules for storing the inductive method proponated by him, Bacon became the tables of presence, presence and steps of different powers in the vicinity of objects of the same class. With a large number of facts, she is guilty of the third part of this pratsi - "Natural and Experimental History".

The accentuation of the meaning of the method allowed Bacon to see an important principle for pedagogy, but it’s not the accumulation of more knowledge, but the use of methods of їkh pribanyya. All the science and power of science Bacon was inspired by the three healthiness of the human mind: the memory of the history, the mind - the philosophy, the mind - the philosophy, which includes in itself the nature of the people of God.

The reason for pardoning rozum is Bacon having respectful of the hibni ideas - "primari", or "idols", who are the ones: "primari to the family" (idola tribus), to be rooted in the very nature of the human race and being tied to the very nature of the human race and being tied to the very nature of the people by analogy with the nature ; "Bring the chicks" (idola specus), which can be attributed to the individual peculiarities of the skin people; "Primari Rinku" (idola fori), bred to uncritical appointees to broader thoughts and incorrect words; "Bring the theater" (idola theatri), which is based on the slips of war in the authority and traditional dogmatic systems, podbnі until we admit the credibility of theatrical performances. Having looked at Materia Bacon as an active person, as a human being; The rose of motherhood in Bacon Gerasimchuk is mechanistic, like in G. Galilei, R. Descartes and T. Hobbes.

Vchennya Bacon celebrated a magnificent inflow on the further development of science and philosophy, took the development of T. Hobbes's materialism, J. Locke's sensationalism and his last post. Bacon's logical method became the vizual point in the development of inductive logic, especially in J.S. Mille. Bacon's zaklik to the experimental vivchennya of nature became a stimulus for natural science in the 17th century. and played an important role in the development of scientific organizations (for example,


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