I'm a novel on the church at baptism. birthday

I'm a novel on the church at baptism. birthday

The word, after one version, appeared in Latin. At the translation means Rome, sound, yak. Abo by the name of the Roman goddess, which was worshiped by the inhabitants of the Holy Empire. Another point of dawn is a walnut trip. Tlumachitsya, as if by force, mitzny.

In Russia, viniklo at once z Orthodoxy, on the back of their noses were exclusively noble people. According to tradition, on the day of the name day, God's temple was seen, a prayer was made before St. Roman, then the guests called to the Chast. They could just serve pies to all susіdіv, passers-by, children. Until evening we went to the street with songs.

Characteristics of a person z im'yam Roman

From the youthful years, the lad is sickly in growth. Chi does not cope with the initial program due to omissions. Love change in everything, wake up in everyday life, monotony. Hurry up to become mature, maybe you can quickly complete your enlightenment. Let's see the ostrich's policy in solving problems, how to deal with them. In an important situation, you can exercise control, give up.

Govirky, komunikabelny. With a great number of friends, there are few good friends. DON'T be over-the-top strained through pennies. Yogo is often revisited financial failures, spying on dishonest people, like mischievous yoma, but the lad may always be reborn in the ashes.

Love is impermanent. Shvidko spalahuє, and so mittevo can go cold. Yoga company suits ladies. Joking at your unity, as soon as you know what you know, immediately make friends. Like a sim'yanin, I manage to cope with my role. Pragnut in it to leadership.

History of the Saints

The church calendar has more than one holy Roman. Їx kіlka, the skin has its own hard share, as it demonstrates the Christian faith of the faith.

Roman Melodist

At V in m Emes was born a walnut boy, a future saint. Vivchivsya, becoming a deacon in Beirut. Later to serve as a cleric in the St. Sophia Church in Constantinople. For the width of the faith, the approach of Patriarch Euthymius. Tse did not fall to the soul of other servants, as they became a shoddy to you. Roman was not driven by a strong voice, a good ear, but his enemies hung him on the pulpit at the hour of the service and made him sleepy.

At the front of the liturgy, the emperor himself and a lot of nobles were present. The voice of the holy tremtiv, it was unreasonable, that you are sleeping. Roman conceived a little shit in front of the mustache. Turning to his hesitation, he prayed before the icon of the Mother of God. Bulo to you the appearance of the Most Holy Divi. She filed a suviy, ordered that she chewed yoga on images. After this night, Roman knows not only a miraculous voice, but also the gift of a poet.

Okrilenii, slaving the famous kontakion of the Holy Rіzdva of Christ. With success, having sung your anthem for the coming day. Otrimav podyaku vіd vіsokih osіb і prіzvisko vіd people, Melodist. Having written over 1000 prayers.

Holy Prince Roman Olegovich

During the hours of the Golden Horde, having protected the faith and the Batkivshchyna. In the battles with Batym, the insults of the holy prince's grandfather were killed on the battlefield. Forever standing up the Orthodox tsar on the side of his followers, speaking out against the tax collectors, not letting them ruin the people. The servants of Khan Mengu Timur informed the youmu about Roman Olegovich. The prince was called to a conversation with the Tatars (1270). Youmu Bulo was commanded to choose: death is fierce or faith. The prince became a Christian until the end, calling the Khan's faith pardon. For tse buv poshmatovaniya, cutting to pieces, decapitation. They began to honor the martyr Roman of Ryazansky in the wake of what happened.

According to the tradition, it is traditionally held in the yogo fatherland to hold a holy day, to serve a prayer service, and in 1861 the temple was consecrated.

The name day of the day of the angel is called the day of remembrance of that saint, who is proteguing his own namesake - a baptized person with the same name.

If your name is Roman and you want to be recognized, if Roman's name is necessary for you, then you will find information about your name in this article.

Roman's birthday according to the church calendar

It’s a holy day for the angel of Roman to be brought on the coming days of the calendar:

  • September 18 and 11, 16 fierce;
  • 2nd and 29th birch, as well as 15th May;
  • 5, 13 worms, as well as 1, 6, 11, 15, 23 sickles;
  • 8, 16, 24 spring, 8, 14 zhovtnya and 13 leaf fall, as well as collection 1, 10 chest.

They celebrate the name day of Roman, or else, if the church is shunning the saint, in honor of a man of names, or on the next day, the next day after the day of the people.

As, for example, the day of the birth of Roman is 3 leaf fall, then the name day is marked 13 leaf fall, on the day of remembrance of the righteous Roman.

name change

Im'ya Roman of the Latin pojzhennya, vydbulosya out of the word romanus, as if it were translated as "Roman" or "Roman". In translation from Greek, Roman means "mitzny, strong."

The name of the card "chamomile" is also related to the names of Roman: їх it's a good time, even chamomile is better than the word "Roman".

In other moves, the same names are similar to this name: Italian Romano, Spanish Roman, French Romain. Tsіkaviy and the fact that the person named Roman can be a female variant of the name - Roman.

In Russia, after the adoption of Christianity, it came to us from Byzantium. That's why I took away at the christening the holy prince Boris, who, at once with his brother Glib, became the first Russian saint, canonizations of the Russian church.

The patron saints of Roman in Orthodoxy

The skin of an Orthodox person at baptism takes his name, like wearing one or a spear of yoga heavenly patrons.

Holy intercessors Romanov є:

  • Venerable Martyr Roman of Karpenisi;
  • Hieromartyrs Roman Lakedemovets, Roman Pariysky, Roman Kisariysky;
  • Martyrs Roman Rimsky, Roman Samosatsky, Roman, Prince Roman Ryazansky, Roman Nikomidiysky;
  • Roman Uglitsky, noble prince;
  • Rev. Roman Tyrnovsky, Roman Kirzhachsky, Roman Sladkopevets, Roman Syrian; Passion-bearer Roman (in the world - Prince Boris);
  • Righteous Roman;
  • New Martyrs Roman Marchenko, Roman Medvid.

Korisno know: if a person was baptized before the year 2000 (before the glorification of the new martyrs), then the new martyr, who wears it as a person, does not rejoice in his heavenly patron. The New Martyr can be honored as the patron saint of a person who was christened after 2000 r

Vіdomosti about deyakih saints who were worn by im'ya Roman

The greatest honors and chants in Russia by the saints who wear their names are Roman Kisariysky, Roman Sladkopevets and seer Roman Syrian.

Roman Kisariysky served as a deacon in the church of Caesarea in Palestine. He is alive in Antioch during the hour of Christian persecution, de for his reconciliation of gatherings and elevations. For the tradition of the martyr Roman of Antioch, to pray in the absence of childbirth and impossibility of the mother of children.

Roman Sladkopevets, who lives in the other half of the 5th century, was born in the city of Emes (Syria). At the same time, I was a palamar at m Berit, then a cleric in the church of St. Sophia in Constantinople. For prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos, having taken away the gift of singing and creating church songs, which was not possible before.

Vin is considered the first creator of the Kodak and the author of the leading Kodak on the holy day of Christ. Roman the Melodist died peacefully in 556 r in the rank of deacon, having taken tonsure. To whom the saint pray, asking for help in the spiritual mysticism and the development of creative traits, as well as defending against unkindness and zazdrіsnikiv.

Vidlyudnik Roman the Syrian, like a saint up to the front, is alive in the 5th century. Lives in Antioch, was born in Rhys, de was born. Having become famous as a samіtnik, he stubbornly strives for fasting and wearing important chains until his death in the spirit of a frail vіtsі.

Volodya, with the gift of healing a lot of ailments, especially women who suffer, as if they suffer from childlessness, moreover, with prayers to the saint, they take away the possibility of having children.

Christmas Day Name Day

If the day of the name day falls with fasting, then the stele is guilty of buti sleep, and if the Day of the Angel falls on the Great Pist, then from weekdays it will be transferred to one of the weekends.

If you want to give a gift to the birthday man, then you will bring the icon of the saint, for example, to Roman - the saint, who is born in this day, spiritual literature - the life of the saint, or a prayer book, with a prayer to St. Roman, candles, or a vessel for holy water.

Reach out for help to your saints, asking them for intercession, and read them not only on your name day.

Im'ya Roman can be translated in Latin and translated like "Roman". The new one has its own mystery and meaning.

short description

People with such im'yam wake up to self-organization, as well as arrogance, logic and the gift of reconciliation, as well as patience, vitrima. However, there are a lot of evils, in a new one, an intuition has been blamed, as it is rare to bring it up. Wine of self-singing, objective, do not give in to someone else's infusion. Such a person can become a leading politician, a judge, a ceremonial worker, a spivrobitnik of law enforcement structures. Workaholics become workaholics in robots, so that they can acquire the possibility of self-realization, the prospect of occupying a high post or earning a good income. The novel is not baiduzhy to the point of mysticism, constantly self-dosing and working on itself. It is important for a new one to be a leader for a new one, not to be oppressed by one's own will. Otherwise, you can change your wines, or you just won't be happy. Only a wise woman, who has natural cunning, can save a long time with such a person, having created an atmosphere of trust and turbot.

Date of the day of the angel Roman

So holy, like the day of an angel is guilty of being appointed by a person only once on a river. In order to designate a certain date, the day of Roman should be looked at in a special calendar, where the days of all saints (patrons) are indicated for such names. Next, choose a date, as it will be the closest, after the national day.

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We, fellow thinkers, richly and mily grow up, we make prayers, we pray to the saints, prayerful prohannya, in our time we put out the correct information about the saints and Orthodox Christians ... Sign up. Guardian Angel to you!

Roman - tse cholovіche іm'ya, like in translation from Latin means Roman. Romance with childish growth we have fun and we take the cotton. Vіn vvіchlivy, vvіchlivy. Volodya warm and kind. Vin loves to rise in price. Roman has a good soul, he is one of the poorest people, who can do it. Vin is always ready to come to the aid of those who need it.

character of the birthday boy

Roman is a sick child. Vіn is often succumbing to various illnesses to the full. Through the chain of wines, it sounds to self-sufficiency and vimagaє postіynoї batkivskoї opіki. Through the impossibility of frequent contact with one-year-olds, one knows the difficulty of collaborating with comrades in the middle age.

Having chosen my name, Roman begins to look after her for a long time. Ale nish vin reverie the whole її "rodovіd". For a friendly life, Roman chooses his maiden not only for beauty, but for the memory of the girls to carry out the master's work.

A man with such names is serious and even drunk. Vіn privablivy i rozvlivy. It is necessary to indicate that as a special feature of the novel, only up to 30 years of age will be revealed. Only for the first time in a century become independent, practical and volitional.

Brothers and sisters with Christ. Your help is needed. We created a new Orthodox channel in Yandex Zen: Orthodox world and still few pre-payers (20 osib). For the swedish development and report of the Orthodox Church to a larger number of people, we ask you to go and subscribe to the channel. Only Korisna Orthodox information. Guardian Angel to you!

Angel Roman's Day according to the church calendar

The date when the Day of the Angel Roman is celebrated is specified in the Orthodox calendar. Such grandiose days can be a sprinkling. And then a day is chosen and marked, which will be closest to the day of the birth of the child. It is necessary to note that on such a day it is necessary not only to prepare a parish for guests, but also to see the temple and read a prayer before the face of the saint named Roman.

At the end of the hour on the Day of the Angel, it was customary to bake pies and serve them to all the known. For a while until the evening the festivities ruled. Today, such a tradition has been spent. As a rule, only people's day is celebrated.

Roman's birthday according to the church calendar is marked on the following dates:

date patron saint
September 18 Roman, Martyr
Chapter 11 Roman of Samosatsky, martyr
Chapter 16 Roman Uglitsky, prince
2 birch Roman, Reverend
Chapter 29 Romanus of Pariah, martyr
May 15
13 worms Roman Nikomidisky, martyr
1 sickle Roman Olegovich, Ryazansky, martyr, prince
3 sickles
6 sickles Boris (at the crossroads Roman), passion-bearer, prince
11 sickles Roman Kirzhachsky, reverend
15 sickles novel
23 sickles Roman Rimsky, martyr
8 spring Roman Vedmid, companion, archpriest
16 spring Roman Marchenko, holy martyr, priest
24 spring Roman, martyr
8 zhutnya Roman, martyr
14 zhutnya Roman the Melodist, Deacon of Constantinople
13 leaf fall novel
1 breast Roman of Caesarea, Antioch, Hieromartyr, Deacon
10 chest Roman Antiohіysky (Syrian), observer

Hai protect you Lord!

Іmenin - tse important holy for the skin believing Orthodox. Vіn analogous to the day of the people, shards of baptisms for christenings - spiritual people in the eternal life for the church. If a person goes through yoga, they call it be-yakim im'yam, obov'yazkovo in honor of that other saint. From this moment of new christenings may be in the person of the saint of God's heavenly patron, with which you will be spiritually bound by the protractor of your life. That is why a person who is not christened, in general, does not have the right to celebrate a holy day, more to wear his name without being bound to the specialty of a heavenly patron.

For those who are going through the initiation in the name of the patron, they choose the fathers (like christening the little one), or the person herself. That day, on which, according to the church calendar, the day of commemoration of the converted saint is marked, it becomes the day of the name day. Since someone was baptized in childhood, but there were no records and memories about those who were blessed by the patron saint of the baptized, then the saint is appointed by the coming rite: the saints are taken and counted, the day of remembrance of one of the same people saints is closer to yoga birthday. Vіyavlyaєtsya patron. The same rank should be taken if a person at baptism takes away his own name, but he does not know whom from the saints to win over. In all other ways, you can choose a patron without a trace until the date of nationality, grounding only on intuition and a sense of a special spiritual connection and sympathy. Well, on a calendar, it may be a day.

Roman, whose birthday can fall on one of ten months in a rotation, check to make a wide choice in this year. Zrozumilo, after that, as the choice will be broken, it is no longer possible to change yoga. Below we will list the main list of dates on which Roman's birthday falls.


On the 13th day of the heart fall on the name day of Roman, named after the martyr of the same name, who suffered for the faith in Christ. Bulo tse in mіstsevostі, zvanoi ї Nіkomіdіya.


On the day of the 1 sickle, the holy name day is quiet, who may have his prince Roman Ryazansky, glorified as a martyr for the faith in Christ. Yogo was rolled and beaten at the court of the khan for ringing in the pagan faith of the Tatar ruler. It was ruined for the riveted denunciation of the khan's warehousing taxes, in the wake of the swabillya of them, Prince Roman, having protected his piddanih.


Spring 8 - companion Roman. The birthday of the Orthodox believers in honor of Roman on this day is holy in honor of the holy companion, who went before the Lord in 1937, after rich fates of reprisals from the side of the Radian order. For life, I was a priest, and not long before my death, I accepted blackness in the name of Joseph.


leaf fall

13 falling leaves celebrate the birthday of Roman, whose life, however, is unknown. There are plenty of such experiences in church history.


1 breast day - the name day of Roman, named in honor of the Hieromartyr of Caesarea (the pagans martyred on the cob of the fourth century for the preaching of the Gospel).


18 September - commemoration of Roman the Hieromartyr. About the new one, only those who have accepted the martyr’s kіnets for the right to preach.

On the same day, the memory of the one-named martyr of the same name, who died in the end of the seventeenth century, is venerated. For the life of vin buv one of the chentsiv on Mount Athos. Having drank in Constantinople, the Muslims were tempted to accept Islam. For rіshuchu vіdmova robiti tse vіn murders.


On the 11th of the ferocious church, the martyr Roman from the place of Samosati is built. Since the murders there by the pagans, the emperor Diocletian persecuted the Christians in the last century of the third century.


On the 2nd birch, the reverend disciple of St. Theodosius the Bulgarian is born. If the teacher died in the monastery founded by him, the Monk Roman became the rector, in the rank of which he ended his life.


On the 15th of Trabni, the day of commemoration of the Holy Prince Roman (Boris), the noble passion-bearer, is celebrated. Vіn was the brother of Prince Glib, the son of the Equally Apostolic Prince Together with Prince Glib, the stench enters the first


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