About "popularization of history". Comprehensive information on nuclear energy Putin has the right signal for everyone

About "popularization of history". Comprehensive information on nuclear energy Putin has the right signal for everyone

Disgusting and quick preparation and relocation gave the Sami people a magnificent material and moral beat. On the basis of the facts, taken for the additional method of "weary history", the author of the work, one of the smallest peoples of Russia - the Kola Sami - went through their history in the XX century. folding way, which is supervised by chimalis difficult and citizens. Prescribers need to use the method of "weary history" to be more vigorous in order to introduce into the science of science the witnesses of quiet Sami, who survived the resettlement and inheritance and baked all the prices for the power of their eyes.

L. Allemann



2012.03.040. De Groot J. Peredmov editor.

DE GROOT J. Editorial // Rethinking history. - L., 2011. - Vol. 15, No. 2. - P. 149-152. - Mode of access: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/ 13642529.2011.564807 DOI: 10.1080 / 13642529.2011.564807

2012.03.041. Errow M. Project "Making history" and history is popular in Australia.

ARROW M. The “Making history” initiative and Australian popular history // Ibid. - P. 153-174. - Mode of access: http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1080 / 13642529.2011.564810 DOI: 10.1080 / 13642529.2011. 564810

2012.03.042. MUELLER G. Vtorginennya: Do you think about the problem of "popular" / "official" history in China. MÜLLER G. Intervention: Some thoughts on the problem of popular / public history in China // Ibid. - P. 229-239. - Mode of access: Http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.1080/13642529.2011. 564825 DOI: 10.1080 / 1364 2529.2011.564825

2012.03.043. OPP J. Official History and Fragments of the Mission: Archeology, History and Recession in Pivdenniy Albert.

OPP J. Public history and the fragments of place: archeology, history and heritage site development in southern Alberta // Ibid. - P. 241-267. -Mode of access: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13642529.2011.564830 DOI: 10.1080 / 13642529.2011.564830

2012.03.044. Terkel V. Vtorginennya. Programming for history: Go analog to digital and back.

TURKEL W.J. Intervention: Hacking history, from analogue to digital and back again // Ibid. - P. 287-296. - Mode of access: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13642529.2011.564840 DOI: 10.1080/1364 2529.2011.564840

The magazine "Rethinking history" has published additional articles on how to solve such problems: how history will be popular in future; subtle vivchennya "popular" and "official" history, ways of interaction; transnational, multicultural models of the past; globalization and office history. To refer to the statistics, written by the historians of the old continents, to demonstrate the development of historical robots and practices, and to turn up respect to the peculiarities of the popularization of history in the old lands.

For an hour, as we write in front of (040) Jerome de Groot, take an interest in new forms of representation of historical knowledge and popularization of history. There is about new media-forms, growing interest to historical novels, documentary historical films, about continuous dialogue between academic, professional and history amateurs, nonprofessionals.

At the statti of the Australian historian M. Errow (041) from Macquarie University, the documentary historical series is discussed. On the author's thought, on a whole lot of good, one can see the reflections of the liberal-national order of J. Ho-Ward (1996-2007), pour on the history, formulate the official version of the national history.

The initiator of the project, having given the name “Making his-tory”, was the order that did not only need the necessary organizational and technological help, but I’ll push for financial support (grant 7.5 million dollars). Also, about the films, which show the development and development of the country, the formation of the national character.

The author of the report about those, how the project was completed, and the analysis of the result. A row of people, who are felmi bully tsikavimi and visually versatile. That creators of the project were pleased to take a British mo-

del documentary film. The project was chased by the British producer A. West, for the purpose of advancing the level of professionalism of the Australian financial statements and requests. Another British fan - Liz Hartford, as a spokesperson for S. Shama at the preparatory British TV station. Aside from the technical side, L. Hartford has given respect to the audience for the achievement of dramatic effects, oskilki, meaning M. Errow, it is also possible to promote the audience through the last few minutes In the television version of the history of the emoticon, there is a dilemma of knowledge.

Meister-class L. Hartford also included a section for historians, on which current trends in the history of Australia were discussed. John Hirst took up the selection of plots and intellectual warehouse films; also a member of the National Museum of Australia ”(041, p. 156). D. Hurst entered the warehouse for the sake of the British A. West, as if he was curious about the recent history of the situation. A. West got into his camp as an outsider, who had not been trained in the professional "Historical Vines", which gave him the opportunity to present a new fresh look at the history of Australia. D. Hirst Bouv is the only professional historian in tsiy radi, hocha, the author stands for the right decision.

M. Errow means that the order has brought great respect to the history of science. Prime Minister J. Howard is critical of hearing about the Australian history and historical institutions and the readiness to get involved in the professional superheroes about the history of Austria, in order to prevent the positive conservativeness of the economy. History of the country, prodovzhu M. Errow, I got lost in one of the discussed topics in political, cultural and media debates. Politicians are victorious about history, so that you can define your own intelligence of national identity, write to Vin. And Premier J. Howard got involved in the historical dis-

-KUSS for several reasons. In the first place, if you want to oskarzhiti revizionistski look at these other intellectuals, not only popular in the university middle. In other words, I wanted to solidify my singing nationalistic glance at the history of the country. In the period of unpopular economic reforms, there was a special significance. With such a rank, the order was encouraged to ease the "non-manual" version of history and proclamation of ways for the benevolent statements about the national past that day. For this, the prime minister clarified his point of view on history, tried to penetrate the polemics, and increased the funding of universities and huge ZMI. “A little more involved in confirming J. Howard’s interest before history as a positive statement about reaching, but also showed his involvement in the first plan of“ war-culturologists ”as architects of historical knowledge.

The first ten boules films were shown on the Australian TV channel in the period 2007-2009. OOO All stink demonstruvali polіpshenu versіyu natsіonalnogo budіvnitstva "zobrazhuyuchi obranu grupu bіlih cholovіkіv i їh dosyagnennya: іnzhenerіv, provіdnih fantastichnі project to completion, natsіonalnih abo vіyskovih lіderіv Rocky crisis, rіshuchih doslіdnikіv," avantyuristіv "SSMSC buduyut demokratіyu in kolonіalnoї Avstralії" (041 , p. 162). The sounds of such respect for individuals are personalized by the Australian history, write M. Errow, and at the same hour turned to the old-fashioned history of "great people", creators and pedagogues. The main theme of the films is nation, leadership and achievement, bile people, and aborigines and women are practically not present. The author of the pidkreslyu, which is a kind of pidhid characteristic for bagatioh historical television projects. Protest, pidsumovuє vin, do not marvel at all the shortcomings of historical telefilms, the stench will help you to make emoticons in the past.

Professor of China at the University of Heidelberg G. Müller writes about the special features of the "official" and "popular" history in the PRC and a report about the infusion of globalization into historical science (042). The author vazhaє, that it is necessary to be more respected and comprehended to understand "official" / "popular" and vrahovuvati historical, cultural and political particularities.

First of all, what is it for fahivtsi-chinese-scholars, if you write about "official" / "popular" history, - the specific features of the mentality of the Chinese. What is it for us to rely on respect for understanding "official" / "popular"? How can I translate it into Chinese language? To understand the Chinese language, it’s possible to lie in the kind of “official” / “popular” to rely on respect. The term "more popular" can mean it: more popular - it is priced, it should be like bagat people, or more popular is the antiquity of an elite. It’s a matter of fact that we rely on respect, and it’s next to the choice of a common Chinese equivalent, write the author.

If the term "official" is used, then there may be options. The first thing for all to guess is the disagreement "official" - "private", ale term "official" is often associated with the state. In modern China, the role of the power in the historical science is lost as and earlier than the central one. History is an important area of ​​formulating identity and self-presentation, and not only the politics of the ruling Communist Party, the author writes, but the historical tradition. The system of historical education is controlled by the state, and the fate of the state is not permanent, and it can only be in the same way, if it does not compete with the state monopoly. “It goes without saying that sovereign censorship in China is a constructive factor in the development of“ actionable ”“ rinku dumok ”in history; and historical insight, which is the main pillar of the policy of identity, reliably supported by the state ”(042, p. 231). However, the author's name is, to navigate within the framework of the cikh obmezhen yde polemics. Allegedly, it’s not a style of change to the culture of cordons, as it is often presented at Sunset, but there is a strong impression from the side of the official’s suspension when I look at history.

For the sake of the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe hem of a joint fashion among the wide masses of the community and the state. One of the most important calls, obviously, є feeling for nationalism. Not the least significant and psychological factor. Yak write the author, "normal people sounded up to the" official "interpretations and in the meanings of the world they taught them without kolivan" (042,

With. 232). Economic factor (which kind of history is on sale); I am so passive (I vvazhaya for better not changing my power); the problem of interest (if it is good, it is not important, it’s true), - all play a role in the cycle of interactions.

Bagato fahivtsiv from China is of great interest before history is not only in the country, but in the region of Central Asia. On TV show the historical mile of the opera, one of them, one of the most important points of view on the historical stage, one of the others. Bookstores sell a lot of historical views, especially biographies, museums and memorials, theme parks with historical warehouse facilities, visit in the architectural plan of places of the presence of traditional elements. On the streets there are sold video discs with historical documentary films. Chinese district, zokrema, stimulates interest to the historical past, organizing tourist tours around revolutionary places.

For an hour to stay in China, it’s interesting to see the history of these lands. In 2006, the Chinese TV channel showed the Serial "Period of the Great Powers", before the Serial Bula the book seria was released. Cei Serial, meaning the author, is a new format for the Chinese public, demonstrating good views from school children in the history of the country, about how you can see (Portugal, Spain, Netherlands, France, United Kingdom, USA) with a historical discussion and an interview with Chinese and Earth historians. Serial display in a versatile video series: images, revamped for additional computers, animation of their paintings, panoramas of everyday streets. Tim, the creator of the serial himself, immediately washed the cordon every day.

G. Müller writes, scho in zagalny, as showing the butt from China, opposing "more popular" (in sense neofitsiyne) - "official" is not pratsyu. Oscillations of globalization have changed the current situation and accelerated the development of both official and popular, then the idea of ​​the whole business of the social network is to go directly through the “office” / “popular” generation, through a series of people, discourses

ЗМІ. Until the end of the day, nationalism, psychology, and well-being. Quite, prodovzhu the author, it’s too early to talk about whether cosmopolitanism in China, but also put globalization into the “market of history”.

About theme parks as a way to popularize history are discussed in the article (043) of Adjunct Professor of History D. Opp from the Carlton University (Canada). In the province of Albert Pivdenna, there are several tourist attractions, in the middle of which there are two thematic ones: "Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump" all-holy recession). Roztashovani 200 km away one way, the stench is borne by the enormous yak, called "spirit of the mission." The author of the zverta respect for those who are the Canadian governor-general іdilychno, in the XIX century, Viznachaє "spirit of the misc". Tse misce, de “past it comes to life, and it’s possible to poke, pat and see, the skin fragment in a whisper with the voices of civilization, the presence is quiet, who came before us” (043, p. 242). For the fakhivtsiv "spirit of the mind" is a whole lot of folding processes and processes that hunt helpless competing spirits and space, write D. Opp.

The author then describes the thematic mission, the problems of their origins and functions. For example, back in the 1960s, rocky that place, on which the "Writing-on-Stone park" was rooted out, on the bagatioh maps I just blasted out. Tilki recently won the official name and was denuded by the center of culture of the Indians of the Blackfoot tribe. During the project planning, consultations were carried out with the old tribesmen and indians, the organizers of the organization for the preservation of cultural decline. The center of the park is a mountain from a mountain, covered with thousands of petroglyphs and pictograms. The whole park is characterized by the yak “a misce, de mystery of the cam'yanny viku to be found in the light of the Spirit” (043, p. 245). Ale tse mice is not only meaningful for Indians, but for immigrants. In this park (the park is out of reach) can be learned from both the history of the natives, and from the history of immigrants. Offended by the history of one heading "Our old men guess." Such a policy, for me-

The largest theme park is the Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump, which is located in the front of the driveway to the west of Fort McLeod, and is a booth, walled in a strum, and a sprinkle of old roads. View in the super guide of the Aboriginal guide, go upstairs on the lift, to take a look at the whole. In the middle of the exposition, it is positioned behind thematic races, from top to bottom, correcting from the geography and ecology (to the people of the people) to the culture of Buffalo, and by the end point є "the opening of the past" - a model of an archaeological rosette, unaligned. The memorial plaque will explain that the place shows the upper cultural sphere of the nomadic tribes of the Indians from the Blackfoot tribe and the early era of civilization, which dates back to about 3000 years. BC "(043, p. 255). It should be noted that in the tradition of Indian tribes there are few clues about the territory, archaeologists would like to draw on this significance.

Recently, write D. Opp, “misce” bulo tim, what is the mainstream of the Kremlin academic history: having started the process of development (social or political), and then powering it up: how did it become? The lover, on the other hand, is primitive and nourishing: how has it become here? But the last hour, the "misce" has become a misce, it will be reimplemented by people, historians, archaeologists, geographers, sociologists, who re-emulate their own power. Now it’s more, now it’s just a motto of growth, a motto of accumulating identity and finding psychology. On the author's thought, I will come to respect not just the “spirit of the world”, but its ministry, the transformation of the territory, and the bags.

The statute of the professor of history from the University of Western Ontario (Canada) V. Terkel was assigned the digitization of historical artifacts (044). The author means that the transfer of archival documents to digital form will inevitably be tied with deeds. There can be details of handwriting, font, layout, like markings on the margins. Sometimes it’s just a chemical warehouse of blackened, or else (parchment, paper, etc.) there can be a lot of things to say about it, but it’s impossible to transfer it to digital form. Whether it is an original, whether it is a document, an artifact, or a navkolishn middle ground, be sure to bear on its own records of the past, and in principle it is possible to be rich in

tsikh vidbitkiv. We are not less than digitized documents may be available for vivchennya. For example, write the author, if the document is scanned, or if the digital photograph is broken, then there will be an accurate copy, all the subtle and nuances of writing and shaping of letters will be present and in the digital image. Likewise, the image can convey the color and brightness of the nose.

Krim has already begun to digitally digitize documents; Ymovіrno, it is not a bargain to be able to capture and analyze the "smell of old books". Progressively ruinuchis, vaping of hundreds of volatile organic components. A special pristіy can remember the smell of a book, follow it, letting it come in at the right time. Until then, the smell of a book, a document, or a manuscript can be quite different. V. Terkel to direct the butt from the monograph, devoted to the problems of information. The author of the last few years sported the following picture in the archives: a historian, like a pratsyuє with sheets of the 18th century. For food, most of all, it’s worth it, I’ll see that it’s worth documenting the time of the epidemic of cholera, so they have leaked out, so that you will be able to get a wider spread of grief. Preserving the smell of otstu, the date and the month of writing of the sheet will help you to renew the cordon of the epidemic. So, the digitization of smells is not only nutritional for the preservation of the document, but it will help the presenters.

At the same time, the author stands for, go robots on the transformation of digital formats into analogs. An electronic document can be contaminated with video on the computer screen, and then for openings on the paper, or for reading in voices from the screen behind the help of a special converter program (in this order, the text is transformed into sound). Ale kompyuter, camera, 3 E-printer and the software allow you to digitize the trivial object, scale it, save it in digital form, and then open it to 3 E-printer as a material.

At the end of the day, the Information Center for Atomic Energy has been opened in Novosibirsk. The eighth center of the state corporation "Rosatom" in the country and others - in Siberia. The new structure has poklikan to popularize knowledge about nuclear power, educate the population in the power supply of radio security in the minds of the implementation of ambitious plans in the order of emergency in the number of nuclear power plants, in the meantime

take a fight

Three reasons to this the state corporation "Rosatom"
atomic energy. “A non-commercial project of insurance for the popularization of knowledge about atomic energy in general, about the prospects for development, about the principle of vikorstannya peaceful atomic energy. The project of praise for the tradition of the fight
people about the security of nuclear power plants in the Chornobil accident, - say Mikola Doronin, General Director of the Center for Information and Vistavkovo Nuclear Power Engineering "Atomexpo". - Clean up, that part of the atomic
generations in the energy balance of the country will be significant until 2025. This means that in the bagateh regions there will be realized atomic projects. We would like to know that people, who will be living at that hour, did not feel the discomfort of being in the AES. "

Yak rozpov "KS" Director General of ANO "Information Center of Atomic Halusi" Oleksandr Khavanov
A view of the information centers of Rosatom is being implemented in quiet regions, de "living interest" in the whole regional government. “They have spared us a lot with Novosibirskiy. Nowhere is the truth for children, the confession of my guilt will be seen by the information center in one place
The European part of the land, ale dosi is perebuvaєmo in the jokes of the nalezhennya. Tom rosuminnya Novosibirskoy
the authorities of the importance of popularizing atomic energy, physics and mathematics in middle school for us
importantly. Tim more and more food is under the control of the patron of the governor of the region Volodymyr Nikonov. Tse allowed us to know the garnet of primacy and implementation of the project in the Nikorotshi term ", - means Pan Khavanov. In his words, without a quiet robotics, the center with mice organs will be illumined with unfortunate success by young people.

For Siberia, there is already another information center of Rosatom. The first, two fateful ones, will be sent to Tomsk. Until the end of the rock
plan to see another one in Krasnoyarsk, and in the end of 2011 - in Irkutsk.

An important feature of the information centers is tied to the miscellaneous development: the capital cities of the regions, if there will be
function of the atomic hallway, so that the center is accessible to the great number of people. The centers of "Rosatom" are shown in Voronezh, Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, Murmansk, Kaliningrad and Nizhny Novgorod. The nearest plans are: Chelyabinsk, St. Petersburg, Ulyanovsk, Tver and Yekaterinburg.

On the current day, the entire center of "Rosatom" has received over 100 thousand rubles. Cholovik. The capacity of one center is up to 40 thousand rubles. Osib to rik.

The project for the establishment of information centers for atomic energy in the regions is funded by both Rosatom and subsidiaries of the state corporation. So, in Novosibirsk, a part of Vitrat took on itself, to enter into "Rosatom"
TVEL. Novosibirsk plant of chemical concentrates (NZHK) - TVEL enterprise - є one of the provincial Russian nuclear firing for AES of Russia and foreign countries. “On the TVEL site, there are a lot of repair robots in the Information Center and the necessary possession is needed. The flow of financial support to the center will also be carried out for the fireworks company ", - Sergiy Gur'yanov, the nurse of the press service of the NZHK. Visiting the center - 5 million rubles.

Help with vibori

The priority group of the information project of "Rosatom" є school auditorium - children at the age of 10-14 years. “Tobto, people, who at once actively form their own svitovidchuttya. “It’s the time for children to enter in the midst of life at that hour, if in the country the atomic energy will be developing rapidly, and there will be a demand for a great number of qualified fahivts in the whole hallway. Our zavdannya is born in a growing generation of interest in physics, mathematics, and technical disciplines. Shows as much as a gasp and tsikavim can be the light of an atom. And I'm not only talking about the AES, but also about nuclear technologies in medicine, the state government, industry and science. Potentially great markets for Russia, ”explains Oleksandr Khavanov. Moreover, in addition to the Russian plans for the development of nuclear energy, Rosatom has great interest outside the cordon. So, in the whole rotsi of the V'Atnam district, the decision about the development of the first nuclear power plant at the V'utnamia for the help of the Russian faculties was approved. Infected ANO "Information Center of Atomic Halusi" we are negotiating about opening the Information Center in Hanoi.

From Siberia and Persha AES to appear in 5-6 rockies in Siverska, 30 km from Tomsk. Nagadamo, the decision about the development of the Siverska New Nuclear Power Plant, the increase in the number of changes in 2008 by the Siberian AES, was adopted in 2007
roci. The AES warehouse will have two power units, the launch of some plans for 2015-2017. The AES will be linked for energy security all the way to the nearest regions to the Tomsk region.

“Today, a number of regions of the country are seeing personnel shortages in the atomic industry. The problem of growing up in the world
Realization of new Russian atomic projects ", - Sergiy Gur'yanov. "Mova ide not only about high school fakhivtsiv
of the nuclear sector, ale and elementary about the future. So, in the middle of the moment on the budmaidanchik according to the AES budget
up to 6 yew. cholovik. And it is important for us to compete with the developers for equal salaries, ”Doronin said.

Virtual performance

Orientation to the center for schoolchildren and the type and content of the information center. Vin is himself
multimedia cinema for 36 months, which can be combined with panoramic 3D projection, computer graphics and animation,
stereo sound, interactive consoles and personal monitors.

“For myself, the genre is unique to the session as a virtual performance. For 45 khvili, our
light of the atom. About the folding speeches of the program, I will explain it in a simple way, in addition, go to the atomic topic, like schoolchildren,
so і we grow up and lіtnі people. We do it by the way of differentiation, roar our product as much as possible for this
іншої auditors, including pre-school children ", - Mykola Doronin's statement.

In a given hour in the arsenals of the center, the basic product "Light of Atomic Energy", and such programs as "Earth
- the planet of the Sonyachnoy system ", a course in the history of astronomy and cosmonautics" History of astronomy - space exploration ",
"Increase the world with svitu", how to know about the national culture of the Russian lands and the traditions of the people inhabiting them.
“At the end of the session, we were faced with not only as much as possible;
atomic energy, and I will actively cooperate with the auditorium. For tsiy within the program
transferring a number of interactive blocks-quizzes, additional information is displayed on local monitors,
to take revenge in one's own simplicity and intelligence for an unprepared people, ”explains Oleksandr Khavanov.

Rosatom has a great success for itself, so the Novosibirsk Information Center has cleared the head of
of the head office of Novosibirsk events Gennady Startsev - specialty in Novosibirsk pedagogy
from the house.

For this purpose, the efficiency of their products "Information Center of Atomic Halus" in the skin
presence to carry out sociological experience. “We have two technologies for vimir. Perche, the content of the skin center mi
Coriguєmo on the basis of a questionnaire for adversaries. For example, our center is in Murmansku pratsyu on board the Lenin krigolam.
І our vidvidvidvachiv vicinikla passed the development of a special program on victorian nuclear energy technologies
fleet, yak on krigolamny, and on the submarine. Zvychayno, catch mi pratsyuє over the cim product. Having obliterated the vidguk mi
namagaєmosya robiti our product is more adaptable to the acceptance of quiet people who live, - rozpovidaє pan
Doronin. - Another technology - telephone support for fathers of school children. We ask you to read the following food, yak:
if you know about the Information Center, if you wanted to be in a new place, you were told about the center of the child, as it changed
It was put before nuclear power. Mi bachimo, for those kids, on weekdays they took a class in the Information Center, in
wihіdnі come already with daddies ".

At the opening of the Novosibirsk center, the general director of the NZHK Volodymyr Rozhkov visloviv upbeat, scho the center of the country
by a fancy communal maydan, and also an important element of the corporate policy of an enterprise in robotics

vidkrita galuz

On the thought of the operating "KS" fahivtsiv, the information center one more signal before the atomic galuz of Russia
we grow more and more insight and open. "Rosatom" is not ready at once to buduvati AES, not reaching the huge
consensus for food. The company demonstrates clear visibility. More open companies and companies to enter
into the structure of the state corporation ", - Sergiy Gur'yanov shares his warnings.

Being a great writer of science means not only to explain it with simple my folding ideas and theory: here it is also included in the writing of such a rank, well, a reader, which is not an expert in general knowledge, although he is interested in learning about subjects. The price is smooth, even beyond the rich rock_v there were people who gave in to prophesy the price of science and readers. Here is a list of five dozen of the greatest popularizers of science, robots and read it.

The directors of the authors' robots in the three regions, the reader can read the most recent cuts of our Vsesvit, know the greater intelligence of our native sleepy system and intelligence, as there are rules to stand behind everything.

Carl Sagan

Shvidshe for everything, the author of the vidomii zdebilshy with his releases of the program "Cosmos". However, with a great number of books, he is a prolific writer: for his authorship, 600 scientific works have been published, and more than 20 books have been published. Robot Sagana Bula is directed to the Persian Cherga for those who demonstrate miracles to the whole world to millions of people in all their light, and their entusiasm and intellect motically solidified their figure in the happy astronomy.

Steven Hawking

Yogo "A Short History of the Hour" became a turning point in the history of popular science texts, demonstrating the theory of cosmology in such a rank that it would be practical for a lyudin to be of the mind. Vona Bula is a bestseller stretching out a whole lot of rock. His genius, robots and specialty made Hawking an academic celebrity. Take a look at a dozen of tsikavih facts from the life of tsikovy people ().

Filip Plate

Plait's books "Rotten Astronomy" and "Death from Heaven" are widely popular and are read by everyone, as well as their participation in the blogosphere, having created the Bad Atronomy site, which has removed the city as the main site for the Discover magazine.

Georgiy Gamov

The Russian physicist-theorist Georgy Gamov provoked a large part of his kar'єri, vivchayuchi the Great Vibukh, the drop of atoms and the approval of the stars. Winning his love for science through his creation and achieving success by winning the Kalining Prize for help in popularizing science. Yo text "One, two, three ... endlessness" become popular and donin, looking at the nutrition of mathematics, biology, physics and crystalography.

Brian Greene

Fizik Brian Grin sees his popular book about science "Elegant Vsesvit", in which the theory of strings in even more accessible forms is victorious. Yogo іnshi popular books, "Ikar on the edge of the hour", "Factory to the cosmos" and "Reality is prikhovna" are also part of the quiet, hto quotes from vivchenna physics.

Roger Penrose

The mathematician and physicist Penrose sees the inversion of physics with his ideas. Win became a volodar of the numerical cities for his presentiment and promotion of new ideas, on the cool, quietly turning in the last time "Cycles to the hour: a superbly new look at Vsesvit."

Physics and Mathematics

Tsi authori to help you learn more about the power of motherhood, the ruins and particles, which make all the same, which is known to me.

Richard Feynman

Nobel laureate, physicist Richard Feynman, at one o'clock one of the most familiar pupils, and so far we are widely seen in kolakh quiet, hto vivch quantum mechanics, physics of elementary particles and superfluidity. As robots in the laboratory, Feynman helped to popularize science through his books and lectures, such as "Feynman's Lectures on Physics."

Michio Kaku

Only a little bit of physics, as they so diligently carried physics into popular culture, like Michio Kaku. His book "Physics of Maybut and Parallel Sights", in order with others, played its role in the history of scientific writing.

Steven Weinberg

The whole Nobel Prize laureate in physics has published a number of books, in which it is written about everything - from fundamental cosmology to the findings in the sphere of elementary particles. Before the author's post, the area was popularized, and the robots were reading it every day.

Reappraisal qiu lyudinu is uncomfortable. Seeing in all light and with im'yam - synonymous with the word "geniy", the whole physicist added to the minds of the physicists to change their image of the mind of nature to the vastness, to the hour and to the rugged bodies. Yogo publications about the visibility to achieve just a sense of intelligence, the author of the victorious blisky butt, which complements the intelligence of a lot of concepts.

Ervin Shredinger

Vidomiy with his robots in physics, which brought him the Nobel Prize. Schrodinger has worked hard over what he can reach: from quantum mechanics to biology. Yogo most popular robots - tse "What is life?" and "Interpretations of quantum mechanics".

Ian Stewart

Celebrity popularizer of mathematics. Ian Stewart played a helpless city for his books, which brought mathematics and science in general to a magnificent audience. Fans of science fiction love this series of "Science of the Flat World", and fans of mathematics read this series "The Numbers of Nature".

Steven Strogatz

A robotic mathematician is interested in different areas: sociology, business, epidemiology and іnshi. Yogo creativity helped to bring the helpless priest to understand to the great audience, in tsikavo and in motions to navigate emotionally.

Douglas R. Hoftshtader

The 1980 book for rock "Gödel, Escher, Bach: The Victory of Gold Tasma" brought the author the Pulitzer Prize. Being the blue of the Nobel laureate in physics, Hoftshtader is viral in the scientific world and having written a number of innovative and kindly disclosed the essence of books on this topic.

biological sciences

This authorization will help students and mentors from science to learn how to form biological organisms, how the stench grows and changes in an hour.

Edward O. Wilson

American biologist Edward Osborne Wilson, more vidomiy Yak E. O. Wilson, having received the 1991 Pulitzer Prize for the book "About the Nature of Humans" Wilson is not just living in the life of people, the reader can know the life of the robots about the life of the creeps and those of the social comas.

Sir D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson

Tsey pioneer of mathematical biology is kindly the author of the book "About growth and forms" in 1917, describing the development of living and nonliving matter in a good way. Peter Midevan called її "we abolish the literary work in all the annals of science, as it was written in English language."

Devid Quomman

Krim robots in the magazines National Geographic, Harper's and The New York Times, Quommen is a professional writer in the field of science and nature. Just take a look at his books “God's Monster: Hijack Monster in the History of the Jungles” and “Rozum and Devotion of Mr. Darwin: An Intimate Portrait of Charles Darwin and Formulation of Yo Theory of Evolution,” as you know, awesome.

Paul de Cruy

I wish this year can be called old, the robot Krui, called "Myslivtsi for Microbes", went into a furore in 1926. Be it a student who makes references to the shortened intelligence of microbiology, he is guilty of adding a robot to the list for reading.

Jonathan Weiner

This popular writer has won every possible prize - from the Pulitzer to the National Book Critics Cola Prize and the Los Angeles Times Book Prize for his work. Tinkering with those like ailments, evolution and old, Weiner got a glimpse of biology and blame on people.

Evolution and genetics

Here are selected the most great and lucid minds of evolutive science and genetics, which shared their thoughts and preliminaries with a wide audience.

Steven Jay Gould

I want to see some of the cuts in the evolution of science, and singingly chuli about the people. Paleontologist and professor at Harvard, Gould Bouv is also gifted with a writer, when I publish books and all about the evolution and natural history, which become popular donins.

Richard Dawkins

At that time, you start to get involved in bezorless attacks on religion, Pratsi Dawkins on the topic of Evolution and Genetics, which is very viscous to read for a skin student, who is to climb up a career in cich areas. The book "Hisistic gene" and "Expansion of the phenotype" rose to the science of more than thirty years of that and still become meaningful in the evolutionary biology.

Mett Ridley

Ridley is the author of several books in the popular science sphere, including such as "Genome: Autobiography of Species in 23 Chapters" and "Rational Optimist: Like Evolutionary Success," creation.

James D. Watson

Little evidence has changed our light as it is, as the solution to the mystery of our powerful DNA, as it was based on the teachings of James D. Watson with his partner Francis Crick. The most famous book "Underworld Spiral" demonstrates the power of DNA, as it is, like "a mile opera", how to play it on TV, is the life of people.

Lewis Thomas

Physicist and ethnologist Thomas, having earned a masu in the city by stretching out his life for his creativity. Yogo the book "Life of the Klitini" is written bliscuche by the ese, who will tell you about the interconnection of life on Earth.

Roger Levin

Together with Richard Leakey Roger Levin, an anthropologist and doctrine, wrote three books until 1980. Win prytsyuvav poststatny author stretching out three ten years, flashing robots, like є immediately informative and written in accessible language.

Richard Levontin

Students, who were working over the step in biology, spent a lot of money, without having read the books, they were written by us. Win a pioneer in the fields of molecular biology, evolution theory and population genetics.

Karl Zimmer

Vidatny writer of articles and books about science. Zimmer is one of the most popular popularizers of science (vibration for tautology) on the season. We write practically about everything about biology, fixing viruses by nature and ending the theory of evolution.

Ecology and naturalism

Tі, hto love to read about the light of nature, to unambiguously evaluate the number of popularizers of science on their merit. The stench was put on the house of your house with a sense of nature and intelligence.

Devid Attenborough

If you don’t know any kind of leading leader and naturalist, you are guilty of being familiar with his voice, like Mikoli Drozdova. In addition, Attenborough is a talented writer, who has written helpless books and scenarios about birds, scientists and our planets.

Frans de Waal

De Waal sees his own pre-sledges of people-like maws, and specifically - our closest relative of the bonobo, who wants to be a chimpanzee. If you want to learn more about the social life of primates or bonobos, read the books "Bonobo: Zabuta mavpa" or "Primate and philosophy: how morality evolved."

Jane Goodall

Mozhlivo, tse the most recent primatologist. Lyubov Goodall before the chimpanzees and the pragmatism of people crossing their intelligence and preserving these creatures played a great role in our light. With a hand of her efforts, she wrote books for grown-ups and children, trying to awaken the spirit of chimpanzees in the heads of earthlings.

Diane Fossey

Konrad Lorenz

Nobel Prize laureate, zoologist Konrad Lorenz has achieved great achievements in his prehistoric times in the field of ethology. Win was also a significant writer, who published his bezel books, in which he described in detail about his zoological ones.

Rachel Carson

The book "Moving Spring" has become, Mabut, one of the most popular books in the 20th century, changing our mind in conjunction with a modern middle ground and showing how simple it is to find the most sophisticated speech systems in the warehouses. Carson wrote with a stretch of her life, having lost her lot of scientific drawings and publications, which would be recommended to any student before reading.

Behind the help of the cich of miraculous robots, you can see the minds of the human body and mind.

Peter Medavar

British biologist Peter Medavar defeated a vidatnu kar'єra, taking the 1960 Nobel Prize for rock and additional health information in medicine, we changed the light. Win is also fond of one of the most boring writers of science in all hours. The author of the book will provide his own advanced knowledge and writing skills for professionals, as well as for a wide audience. Books Medavar are guilty of standing in the police station with a scientific classics.

Steven Pinker

Cognitive insight by Steven Pinker added anew the intelligence of the human mind, from the Evolution to the Victory Day. Yogo popular books, including "Words and Rules" and "Yak Pratsyuk Rozum" will be updated to any scientific collection.

Olivier Sachs

Likar and the author of bestsellers, Oliv Sachs, has long been one of the most popular popularizers of science in the middle of writing. I’m not free. Yogo books add to explain the rich neurological problems, we are cunning and tsikavim rank, yes, so, people, who practically do not know about medicine, get lost in seizure.

Alfred Kinsi

The most famous robot Kinsi Bula is published in two books, called "Sound of Kinsi". Smells rose up to see the sexual behavior of people behind the inception of the door. At the time of the writing of the books, the stench has become even tighter and tighter, and it has become so dull. Need a bagat, what you want to develop the career of a biologist, a psychologist, or in the field of reproductive sciences.

іnshі spheres

Here are selected writers, who looked at the most popular with those who were fixing the spheres of scientific evolution and ending with technologies and paleontology.

Simon Singh

The author, journalist and TV producer Simon Singh is dedicated to the development of science and mathematics in the world by the way of his robotics. These popular science books are often presented as folded ones in even more accessible forms, giving access to simple mortals to the riddles of Fermat's theorems, cryptography and science (as well as everyday) unconventional medicine.

Bill Bryson

Having sold more than six million books in the same English language, Bryson became a writer who wants to bring a wide range of scientific disciplines to the public. Most often in the smith and advanced manner of this book (for example, "A short history of all things") brought him a number of prizes in the hall of scientific literature.

James Lovelock

The nayvidomisha of Lovelock's robot - "Gaia" - chimed in at the author for an influx of criticism for loving the local. But in the book, the idea is presented about those that our planet is a single self-regulating organism, which cannot be ignored, and how much trouble is on one side of the world, so it’s very easy to go over to the other side.

Jared Diamond

"Rushnytsi, Microbi and Steel" by Diamond became a bestseller, describing in detail those officials who are included in the group, if one spirit dominates over the one. The writer's robots are spiraling into the different spheres of science, from geography to biology, so that they can automatically rob them for everyone who wants to be interested in science.

Roy Chapman Andrews

A presenter, an adventurer and a spontaneous Indiana Jones, Andrews has lived a life of his own. On the ear of the 20th century, a few great paleontological sorcerers in the Gobi wasteland, who brought forth the first dinosaur eggs (read here,). Andrews described in detail the richness of his usefulness in his books, including "The Riddle in the Wilderness" and "The Craft of Doslidzhennya".

James Glake

Robots Gleykom brought їkh creator nominations for the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Prize and Bullet Reading in Light. A large part of Gleyk's books are dedicated to the fact that science and technology are infused into culture, he wants to develop and his biographies and monographs.

Timothy Ferris

Do not get lost with іnshim Тіmі Ferrіss (s two "s"). The scientific writer Tim Ferris has written a number of books, which are even more popular, and having assigned them to physics and cosmology. Yogo krashі pratsі - "Science of Freedom" and "Old Chumatsky Shlyakhu".

At all times

There is no shortage of classics. Yaksho you see the classics, well, your vibe is a great povagi. Recommended by upcoming authors.

Charles Darwin

If you can make it through to the dry Victorian prose of Darwin, the best books of Darwin, "Podoroz Beglya" and "Walking Visions", heap you up. They do not care for those who are in Darwin’s handcuffs, they see it simply and unpretentiously, for the stench it appears that it’s bigger and bigger, and it’s bigger.

Isaac Newton

It is unlikely that those who Newton were one of the most famous misters, if they lived on Earth, and who were busy at the "Principia Mathematica" So, is it a lot of Newton's texts for a bitter reading to be old-fashioned, ale de shukati true, if not in the old-fashioned?

Galileo Galilei

At the last, the church became confused, it seems softly, as if it was in science after the method, we will expand it to the church. Galilei's robot and his cunning dialogue about two sorts of instilling them in the warmth of both inconveniences - and this little girl became the red-eyed witness of the fact that one sees them, who fights for the truth. Ale ob_yshlosya.

Mikola Copernicus

Copernicus, writing with a stretch of his life, protest the beautiful little girl came only todi, if he was on his deathbed - "About the wrapping of the heavenly spheres." It’s very, very easy to read, but for everyone who loves mathematics, I’ll increase the price in the light of grandiose views of people with technical problems.


A lot of the knowledge of Aristotle for his work in philosophy, having tried himself in the sciences: physics, biology and zoology. You look good at the Middle Capital and in the Renaissance period, well, for the present, it’s melodiously, well, that many ideas (but not all) appeared to be insane. The history of the science of thought did not disappear without the infusion of Aristotle.

Right Levi

Blisky chemistry Leví buv is close to the life of the rock, spent in Oswiecimi before the hour of the Other holy day. Yogo book "Periodic system" Bula was named a short science book by a skin member of the Royal Institute of Great Britain.

The term UFO has been proponated by science fiction writers in the 50s and 20s of the 20th century. The popularization of the histories, tied with unrecognizable lithuanian objects, became known to the numerical types described by eyewitnesses. People all over again saw the press of tribute to their contact with the gimmicks. There is a great part of such histories not to be taken by experts-ufologists of all kinds. There are even more earthly factors that could explain the discovery of wonderful things in the sky. It’s a photo, there could be a defect in a friend, with real care for the lithium tare, you can take a companion, non-witchy natural phenomena and bring peat vaping.

On the right, if we deny access to the information, you can see it on the zagalny aphid. Ale navit in tsikh vinyatkovyh vypadkah expertise to be divided into two tabori. One part is strong in the potential for contact between earthlings and UFOs, and in the skin aspect, there is an alternative explanation. Below, we will guide you to a collection of tsikavih histories. You can check out for yourself, until you join them.

The real story of Kenneth Arnold

As they said, the term UFO and "lithuanian tarilka" originated in the middle of the 20th century. I could, tsyomu welcomed the history of American business man Kenneth Arnold. At the heart of 1947, the cholovik have spoken to the wondrous objects near Mount Rainier (Washington). Businessmen sent their way from Chekheilis to Yakimov, and after pushing a group of objects, they made a wedge in their direction. According to the estimates of the most eyewitness, the UFO roztashovvali approximately 25 miles per year on the first flight and flew on the air nearly 1,700 miles per year.

Razpovidayuchi about the calling out of the ships bobbles, Arnold Zhodnogo never guessing about the shape. Vin, having said it alone, that the ruh and the bulo are similar to those who throw a flat stone from the surface of the rychkovy smooth surface. It was early afternoon, so Kenneth Arnold had a clear idea of ​​being special. UFOs bully mirrored and sounded like sleepy promenades.

Popularization of history through ЗМІ

Qia novina has expanded across the country with a shorter period of time and a new addition. They published their shocking statistics on the first spalts of newspapers, the author rephrased Arnold and attributed his vision of a loving one. People were familiar with the fact that they did not “collapse, like a saucer on the water”, but looked exactly like a saucer. So, the evidence of the support of the new roots has one of the most widespread stereotypes of modern space ships. Fantasy writers and scriptwriters of science-fiction blockbusters quickly drew attention to the idea and began to depict UFOs in the eyes of blinking, wonderfully collapsing tariloks. Skeptics vvazhayut, scho in reality on a private day at the rate of his own business change mog pachiti pelikan wedge. From the overlap of the win mig underestimation of the size and appearance of the objects.

UFO crash close to Roswell

Mabut, the most dangerous incident, we will tie it to the gimmicks, it is possible to crash the transfered planetary spacecraft near Roswell (New Mexico) in 1947. Joden from vipadk_v in history is not a wiklik to the wall of the baked superechok. The US detachment in the course of investigating the incident of anti-secretariat information about the "Mogul" program, was sent to fight against the Radiansky Union. The Americans explained to the community that they knew "a ship with an alien" by a meteorological probe. The community respected that the opening of the secret object was carried out navmisno, and that the truth was respected.

In the 70s of rock history, the history of the bull may have been zabuta, but the ufologists have resurrected again and now in the light of a sci-fi movie. So it was that at the moment of the revival I was interested in the development of the incident of the theory of rabbits. And this means that until the whole day it was seriously vazhaє, how the Americans vied an alien, carried him over to him, and the fact of the appearance of an underground ship was whipped up.

Vipadok at the farmer's house

The hero of Chergovsky became an American, Bill Ray Taylor, who was visiting his friend, the farmer Sutton, who lived in the village of Kelli (Kentucky). 21 sickle 1955 rock the guest of the Viysh in the evenings on the water to the well and in addition to the bright light from the magnificent round, silky object in the sky. Behind the words of an eyewitness, a wondrous literal apparatus flew right over the Sutton booth. We will forget about the incident and transform it into hotness, as in a year you will not feel the barking dog's bark. Brother Taylor and Sutton went to change the situation and stumbled upon a wondrous human being.

"Nashestya inoplanetyan"

The choloviks were dying, and a little stink of a fox, a little alien, similar to a dwarf, was beaten. Then the bullets began to literally pay off the territory of the house, the stench converged on the stars and on the house. Households of the farmer, angry shouts, wail to the police. However, according to the hot traces of some signs of perebuvannya underground estots on the territory of the farm households, no sign was found. Experts vvazhayut, bachennya bully viklikanі alcoholic іntoksikatsіyu, and for the aliens the whole could go great bogeymen. "Litayuchі tarіlki" could be explained by meteorite boards.

President Volodymyr Putin has opened the “History of Batkivshchyna” foundation, which calls for popularizing history in Russia. The uryad will become the master of the fund, and its activity will be made by the parliament, to which the policies have gone, including the speaker of the State Duma Sergiy Narishkin, as well as the science itself and cultural activities. How to popularize Russian history for additional funds and why is it really necessary? Diletant website. media after asking the experts, they baptized them, they baptized swords


What is the demand for Russian history in popularization?

Oleksiy Levikin

It’s awesome, I’ll need it! Depend on the needє. I don’t think that the modern academic science at the other schools, or the Ministry of Culture, has enough resources to popularize history, but not enough. And as soon as such things appear, then the whole thing is good.

Andriy Zubov

What does "popularization of history" mean? I feel like it’s wonderful for me. I am a historian, I’m tsіkavo, I keep reading, I read a lot of people, but I didn’t do any special popularization. That’s why it’s for me to build, that all of the piece go into the kintsev rakhunka to fit into the development of pennies, the stinks are just straight for those who in the Russian Institute of History have been rewarded with large salaries.

How can you say that history is popular among Russians?

Oleksiy Levikin

The history of the past is at once popular in the middle of the vernacular, right from their glances: liberal or NOT liberal, not respectful. Ale is good, as it will become more popular.

Andriy Zubov

Rosіyani shche like to become history! How tsy it is - hear, hear and hear again, and not only in Russia, but in all Russian society, in all tsikavo, as in tsykavo write. Also popularize the years and history, and the history: all to lay down from the fact that you write about that fact, the phenomenon. The axis is important! Inodi will also tell you that people see that it’s not true or not tsilkovita nudga. The mother needs to be able to report truthfully and precisely, and to be read.

What is needed to grow, how to popularize history?

Oleksiy Levikin

Conduct business visits and exhibitions, view books, hold conferences and seminars. Ale everything, as I called it, is vimagaє chimalikh kostіv.

Andriy Zubov

In order to popularize history, you need good history, good history to write, good books, and many books to be found. If they are good historians, they are guilty of having a great access to archives, a great historical discussion, innocent of any violence against the freedom of scientific thought.

How can the “History of Batkivshchyna” Fund help the popularization of history?

Oleksiy Levikin

Be a fund - tse dzherelo finansovannya. I am without any dressing with such a performance, and I know better than that, from one side I can take away a lot of things for carrying out exhibitions, including in the old regions of our country, and not even in the past. Leather display - a price of 2 million rubles, but not in our budget, nor in the budget of regional museums, there are often no such things, and a few things, like seeing the Ministry of Culture, are often even more crowded, there is no way to eat. Iakshcho z'yavlyayutsya new dzherela finansuvannya - tse vzhe good.

Andriy Zubov

The price for no need for any day. They create such structures, as they themselves do not engage in vivacs, but simply popularize, that means, without a blind eye to pennies of paid taxes. To that, they didn't really popularize Solovyov, Platonov, Karamzin - they wrote the stench themselves, and all Russia read it and everyone who was interested. It’s for me to be built, as a male path, and not a path of bureaucratic cuts of pennies, є chosen for the propaganda of history.


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