Fisher, anna chi. Women and space for education of the planet to start the development of Persha mother in space

Fisher, anna chi. Women and space for education of the planet to start the development of Persha mother in space

Having written a long time ago about the rise of women’s experiences, I found myself inimitably hostile to a great number of bad grudges and misguided comments. Well, it's a lovely ghost to talk about a woman in space.


First woman-cosmonaut, Valentina Tereshkova, all-round vidom. Having started on the 16th day of 1963 on the Vostok-6 spacecraft, Valentina conducted three dobies in space.

If the flight was successful in general, the flight was not ideal - Tereshkova didn’t clear the calls, there was little problem in prompting the landing operation of the ship (which repeated at a time when I was told about the wrong direct in the program and "reprogramming" , zlamala olіvets. When landing, in the destruction of the instructions, she kicked her head up the hill and a bruise on her nose due to a blow with a shovel, if the catapult was turned on. After landing, I know in the destruction of the instructions, I gave out my cosmic races to the collegiate people, who could be welcomed by those who didn’t have anything to do with it. The infection cannot be serious, we know, that about half of the cosmonauts are suffering from vestibular distributions on the cob. A little less than half a dozen misconceptions, the policy focused on the political aspects of the choice of incidents and the reaction "why the spirit of a woman's not boomed here!" Sergei Pavlovich Korolov - women in the SRSR stopped flying into space on May 20.

Nabagato mensh vidomo, at about the same hour in the United States, women were reporting the great Zusils, and they were breaking through into space. Honoring all of the science of science - Dr. William Lovelace, who carried out a medical test of the candidates for the first call of astronauts in the United States, having passed the test of the lady Geraldine Cobb. Geraldina, who at the age of 19 she was a member of the Lithuanian people, and before the end of the 50's, she set a number of emergency records, successfully completed the important and even uncomfortable medical tests. Vona also became a single woman, as she passed all three phases of the medical test (medical testing, isolation and assessment of the psyche, slip the testing into the vicarious possession of reactive litas). Krim Cobb, twelve women have successfully passed the first testing phase. Women from the paddock, called "Mercury 13", are not politically motivated by all astronauts. Vimogs of NASA have prescriptions for obovazkovy dosvid robots vіyskovy vіyskovym viprobuvachem, and such women didn’t have. The President of the United States, having directly stood up to women, did not become the minions of women. Nichto from the paddock "Mercury 13" into space did not fly.

Another woman in space was Svitlana Savitska. Vona returned to the flight to the orbital station "Salyut-7" in 1982. And in 1984 rotsi became the first woman, as she took two cosmic pleasures, and the first woman, as she entered the space. Before the ear of cosmic car'єry Svitlana lit on jet lighters, she set a number of records on Mig-25. I went to the corral of cosmonauts at the Moscow Aviation Institute, and then became a deputy.

Svitlana Savitska pratsyu at the open space

American astronaut women showed up with just a few Space Shuttle programs. At the eighth corral of astronauts, which were recruited in 1978, they got the first number of women:

Evil to the right: Shannon Lucid, Margaret Seddon, Ketrin Sallivan, Judith Ruznik, Anna Fisher, Sally Ryd

A happy ticket to become the first female astronaut of the United States VIPav Sally Ride - she flew in 1983. Five women have lost their records. Ketrin Sallivan became the first American, as she went to the outer space. Margaret Seddon was the mother of three children at the time of the walk through, and the first from the mothers was in space, Anna Fisher, who gave birth to a daughter while she was in the corral of astronauts. At the moment, the daughter's favor was bulo vse p_vtora roku. Shannon Lucid became the first woman, as she went to five cosmic pleasures, and also became the first American, she went to the Mir station. Judith Ruznik became the first American Jewish traveler in space.

Olena Kondakova became the first woman-cosmonaut of Russia. Vona became the first woman, she flew on two different types of space ships - "Soyuz" (1994-1995) and Space Shuttle (1997).

Eilin Collins became the first female pilot and commander of the Space Shuttle. She took the shuttle for the first time in 1995 in the mission to the station "Mir", and became the first commander in the mission STS-93, if she successfully placed the Chandra X-ray telescope into orbit, right up to the time.

Women bully golovnimi on the ISS - Peggy Uytson commanded the ISS from June 2007 to April 2008.

Evil to the right: Judith Ruznik, Christa Makoliff, Laurel Clark, Kalpana Chawla
Working together with the people in space, the women shared a large sum of money - four of 14 died on the astronauts' shuttles - women. Judith Ruznik і Krista McAuliffe went to Challenger, and Laurel Clark and Kalpana Chawla went to Columbia.

Christmas women prodding practice in space. In 2014, Olena Surova became the first Russian on the ISS.

On the 11th of 2015, Samantha Kristoforetti turned from the ISS, through the Progress accident she became the record holder of the middle women in terms of triviality of uninterrupted space flight.

In 2016, Ketlin Rubens is guilty of the visit to the ISS.

Education of the planet Zatrimka Rosvitku

Astronaut Mike Mullein did a good job of describing the kind of people who changed their minds about women at NASA. I will propound to you the heroes from yogo "The tops of the rockets: the booby histories of the astronaut Space Shuttle" (my translation).
On my first working day of the candidate in astronautics, I stuck with two speeches, with no sticks in my life yet: vibrate, how to get on the robot and pratsyuvati with women.<...>I like nourishment, so nadi, wiklikav at me, the women-colleagues for me, will yak from the galaxies. I looked at women only as sexual objects - I hate the inheritance of the twelve rockies of the past in Catholic schools. The priests and the black women hammered into me the idea that women are the same sex, and sex meant the torment in hell. Nicholas girls were not discussed in this context. Nicholas did not talk about them, as about people, as there can be death. There is nothing about women-friends, women-workers, women-astronauts. About the woman they spoke only about the "cause of the sin". Alone, when I knew a little about women, there is a straight road to the hell to lie with them between them. And you will know your breasts with Beelzebub. Imagine fantasies about their breasts and their parts of the body (the mortal sin of "the thought of filth") to guide you straight into the heat. Only in love the rules changed. There, sex has become the norm - for the continued family. Zamіzhnya zhіnka reached her vital status - to conceive and people. "Golovna meta slut - folk children" - such was the dogma in the handler "Course slut" 1963 The rock of my squad, as she graduated from the school of Holy Mary.
Tsey same handler has taken the lesson of "cholovic and female psychology" from the table of characteristics. "People are more real, women are ideals. People are more emotionally stable, women are emotionally weaker. People are to love their robot, a woman is to love their own people." I, my favorite, "People are more likely to race, women are often more likely to be."
I’ve mostly gotten away with sexist tverdzhennya, but in the senior classes I wrote a tweet about those women who need to join the college. I otrimav "vidminno". I'll show up as a good student.
The officer corps of the US UPF, where I had a meal in 1967, I will have a new office organization. I am not a bachelor of a zhodnaya woman-lotchik. On Friday evenings in the club we were sold by strippers. Visitors watched the women only yak "welcome nests". The one who said іnaksh, mabut, was getting balotuvatisya in the Congress. Women can be from Venus, normal people are from Mars, and others are from the planet Zatrimka Rosvitku.

A collection of Mullein's vibes in spilkuvannі with women not being aware of the fact that he was bi-victorious in the collegiate team. In the middle of six women of the eighth corral of astronauts boules and feminists. She didn’t care about the heat because of the ugly word “boobs” in the presence of Sally Ride before she didn’t move more with him, but it’s not necessary for a robot, for about ten years. Mullein Bouv is not the only one in its own category - the Astronauts, most of the Visitors, were in charge of idiosyncratic pinkies and invented fries, as they do not want to translate. Along with the robot at once with the civil and women of the general bully - people could not be nobility, like drinking a fiery cocktail, ale the smell was not weak in spirit, and kindly robbed their robot. In the book, Mike directly writes:
Without any hesitation, the robots at NASA had the best to change my specialty in the field of being assigned to women. I realized that the stench - the same people with worlds and ambitions, and they need only the power to bring it, the smell is great. The first women of the eighth set of astronauts fit in. Margaret Seddon piloted the shuttle simulator, one after one non-stop landing, for me a lesson in competence. Marvel at the broadcast from space, de vona vicon unscheduled and unsafe operation of the shuttle's manipulator in order to turn on the wrong companion, it was a lesson. Know, well, Judah could turn on Mike Smeet's dizzy apparatus in that hell, in which "Challenger" was repainted, it was a lesson. Gradually showing off their professionalism, recall and courage, the female astronauts of the eighth set brought Mike Mullein back to school and changed him.


Є people who can be astronauts. Їх pіdlogu value for specific physiological nutrition abo fahіvtsіv іvnya IMBP RAS. Є people who cannot be astronauts, through weak health, psyche, or a filthy character. First, it's not important here.

">" Alt = "(! LANG :(! LANG: Women who changed history: 53 photos">!}!}

Є Women who are truly old wives and drowning. Smell change history, go for broke, not be afraid of neither change, nor the humor of the support, nor is it safe for life. Such people will not stop playing a role in the skin experience, and there are a few women, old wives and memories of the skin history. Even such women and assignments to the post

1. A Muslim woman is covering her veil with the light of her Jewish court, but she has not been beaten. Sarajevo, Yugoslavia colishny. 1941 rik

2. Ketrin Svitzer became the first woman, as she ran the Boston Marathon, unaffected by the organizer of the zupiniti її. RIK 1967

3. Afghan women in public library back before Taliban took over the possession. Circa 1960s

4. Female samurai. Kinets 1800s

5. The Swede is a neo-Nazi with a bag. Imovirno, the woman survived the concentration table. 1985 rik

6. Marina Ginesta, 17th communal commune, on the streets of Barcelona before the hour of the Spanish community. 1936 rik

7. Anna Fisher - "Persha Mother in Space". 1980-i pp

8. Gianna Menford Yde instructed his blue-gay pride hour for the gay pride parade. 1972 rik. Piznish Gianna started the group "Fathers, families and friends of lesbian women and gays"

9. Maud Wagner is the first lady to see the tattoo master in the USA. Rik 1907

10. Women are engaged in boxing at Dahu in Los Angeles. 1933 rik

11. Sabikha Gekchen from Turechchini to his own litaka in 1937 rotsi. Vona became the first woman-pilot of Vinischuvach

12. A woman p'є tea on the ruins of her booth while bombarded by London. 1940 rik. So, all the time British women were pouring into the life of the legendary extinguished Another light Keep calm and carry on

13.106-bed version of the door with AK-47 assault rifle. 1990 rik

14. Female volunteers to join the extinguishing event in Pearl Harbor. 1941-1945

15. Pratsіvnytsі zalіznitsі for obіdom. A lot of them - the guards and the mothers of the choloviks who went to war. 1943 rik

16. Zhinka-mulyar over Berlin. 1900 rik

17. Photographer Margaret Bourke-White at the Chrysler-Bilding wake-up call. 1934 rik

18. Some of the first women who swore allegiance to the US Marine Corps. August 1918 to rock

19. The girls give important blocks to the ice because of the fact that the children were called to war. 1918 rik

20. 21-ichna Sarla Takrav - Persha Indian woman, who denied the license of the pilot. 1936 rik

21. The girls of the famous bikers' gang "Angels of the Pekla". RIK 1973

22. Ellen O'Neill is one of the first professional skateboarders. 1976 rik

23. Mothers curse their children as nimetsy snipers. Paris, 1944 rik

24.Burner Winnie. Won Bula one in 2000 women who worked on the shipbuildings of the United States every hour

25. Two girls first stood on the publication with their bare feet. Toronto. 1937 rik

26. Fіlіppіnska partisan Nіves Fernandez showing an American soldier, as she drove Japanese soldiers into the hour of payback. 1944 rik

27. The Dutch woman was prompted to leave her cholovik, a German soldier, so that they took him full. Vona followed him. 1944 rik

28. Komako Kimura, a suffragette at home, in New York. 23 October 1917 to rock. Suffragettes participate in the ruku for giving women vibrant rights. Suffragettes also opposed discrimination against women in general in political and economic life.

29. Suffragettes protesting by writing "Night Terror". 1917 rik. 33 suffragettes were harassed for "reckoning the road"

30. Elspet Bird for an hour try to become the first English, use a motorcycle light. 1980s rock. On the road went 3 rocky, before an hour, more than 77,000 km

31. Gertrude Ederle became the first woman who overflowed the English Channel. 1926 rik

32. Avatar Amelia Earhart became the first woman who flew to the ship across the Atlantic Ocean. 1928 rik

33. Afghans vivchayut anatomy. 1962 rik

34. British sergeant trainer from the "army mate" before the hour of the Battle of Britain. 1940 rik

35. Iconic photo of picks for peas and mothers of seven children before the hour of the "saw boiler" - a series of catastrophic saw drills, which were drilled in the USA and Canada in 1930 and 1936 by rock

36. Rukh for Women's Rights in Detroit, Michigan. 1970 rik

38. The first basketball team from the college "Smit". 1902 rik

39. 18-ichna member of the French support Simone Segwan before the hour of Paris. 19 serpnya 1944 roku

40. The Los Angeles Police Officer will look after the child. Rik 1971

42. Activist Ennі Lampsіns in Mіskіy v'yaznitsі Lіttle-Rock. 1961 rik

43. Annette Kellerman poses in a bathing suit, for which she was harassed for being involved in obscenity. Rik 1907

On the shuttle yak fahivets polotu: STS-51A (1984) "Discovery", Khimik.

Anna Lee Fisher
Anna lee fisher
Land USA
specialty хімік
expeditions STS-51A
date of the nation 24 sickle(1949-08-24 ) (70 rocks)
Misce Narodzhennya New York, New York,
in the hills
Media files on Vikishovishcha

Nationality and education

to the point

After graduating in 1971 to the University, he held a postgraduate course at UCLA, engaged in crystallographic analysis of metallocarboranes for additional X-ray exchanges. Pislya otrimannya in 1976 rotsi steps of the doctor of sciences stretching out to the pratsyuval lіkarem -internіv in the stationary out-of-town hospital in the town of Torrance in California. The benefit of the practice in the area of ​​non-emergency medical assistance in the small hospitals in the state of California.

Space training

June 16, 1978, the rock was insured to the corral of NASA astronauts before the 8th set. Passed the Course of Outer Space Training (OKP) and in serpni 1979 the Bula was insured until the Astronauts Viddilu Yak Fakhivets Polotu. Pratsyuvala was a representative of shuttle flights in the group of distribution and testing of a remote telescopic manipulator, an attachment for the change of an astronaut (EMU). An estimate was made for the preparation of STS-2, STS-3 and STS-4. Before the hour, the STS-9 was used by the operator to call the dispatch to the control center.

Space flight

The great triviality of space flights - 7 dB 23 years and 46 khvili.

for a favor

She made the mark in STS-61H yak fahivets polotu. Polit buv nominations for 24 hours of 1986 rock, albeit bugs chanting after the disaster of the shuttle Challenger (STS-51L). Pratsyuvala as the intercessor of the head of the planning of poloties, she was a member of the committee for the selection of astronauts before the dialing of 1987 rock. In 1989-1996, I didn’t have a lot of rock music with another daughter’s folklore. In 1996, the company was assigned to the Announcement of the Planning of Polots (in 1997 - in 1998 - by the Head of the Bula), and took care of the staff of the local staff and the preparation of the training process for

(1949-08-24 ) (70 rocks) Misce folk:

Anna Li "Tingl" Fisher(Eng. Anna Lee "Tingle" Fisher; рід. ) - astronaut of the USA, persha mother, yaka walked in space. There was one space flight on the shuttle yak fahivets polotu: STS-51A (1984) "Discovery", Khimik.

Nationality and education

to the point

After graduating in 1971 to the University, he held a postgraduate course at UCLA, engaged in crystallographic analysis of metallocarboranes for additional X-ray exchanges. Pislya otrimannya in 1976 rotsi steps of the doctor of sciences stretching out to the pratsyuval lіkarem -internіv in the stationary out-of-town hospital in the town of Torrance in California. The benefit of the practice in the area of ​​non-emergency medical assistance in the small hospitals in the state of California. ...

Space training

June 16, 1978, the rock was insured to the corral of NASA astronauts before the 8th set. Passed the Course of Outer Space Training (OKP) and in serpni 1979 the Bula was insured until the Astronauts Viddilu Yak Fakhivets Polotu. Pratsyuvala was a representative of shuttle flights in the group of distribution and testing of a remote telescopic manipulator, an attachment for the change of an astronaut (EMU). An estimate was made for the preparation of STS-2, STS-3 and STS-4. Before the hour, the STS-9 was used by the operator to call the dispatch to the control center.

Space flight

The great triviality of space flights - 7 dB 23 years and 46 khvili.

for a favor

She made the mark in STS-61H yak fahivets polotu. Polit buv nominations for 24 hours of 1986 rock, albeit bugs chanting after the disaster of the shuttle Challenger (STS-51L). Pratsyuvala as the intercessor of the head of the planning of poloties, she was a member of the committee for the selection of astronauts before the dialing of 1987 rock. In 1989-1996, I didn’t have a lot of rock music with another daughter’s folklore. In 1996, the staff was assigned to the Announcement of the Planning of Polots (in 1997 - in 1998 - the Head of the Bula), she took care of the staff of the local staff and the preparation of the train process for the ISS flights. From the worm of 1998 to the worm of 1998, the patron of the chief of the ISS viddіlennya for the planuvannya and trenuvan, and then chased the viddіlennya. For a long time I became an active astronaut, but in today's 2011 I announced about the transfer to the category of astronaut managers and the transition to a robot at the Johnson Space Research Center in Texas.

Heights and prizes

Nagorodzhena: Prize of the "National Science Foundation" (1970 and 1971), Medal "For Space Flight" (1984), Medal "For Vinatkov Merit" (1999) and many others.


Cholovik (colishniy) - Simms, cholovik (colishniy) - Vilyam Frederik Fisher, daughters (from another whore): Kristin Enn (born 07.29.1983) and Keir Linn (born 01.10.1989). Landscaping: water and winter licks, big, underwater swimming, reading and photography, love to spend an hour with your seven daughters.

Div. also

  • List of US astronauts participating in orbital space exploration

Write a guide about the article "Fisher, Anna Li"



Urivok, which is characterized by Fisher, Anna Li

Since 1805, the rockets were reconciled and cooked with Bonaparte, they robbed the constitutions and crumbled them, and the salon of Hanny Pavlovny and the salon of Helen Buli is exactly the same, as the smell of bully is one of seven rockets, which is five rockets. In the same way, Hanny Pavlovna spoke with a podivist about the successes of Bonaparte and bachili, as in his success, and in the viciousness of the European sovereigns, a wicked serpent, but I’m not aware of the inappropriateness of the courtier of that pauper. In the same way, in Helen, as Rumyantsev himself honored with his visions and having respected a wonderfully intelligent woman, just like in 1808, so in 1812, they spoke about the great nation, the great people, and I felt sorry for France. on the thought of people, scho climbed into Helen's salons, the blame will end in peace.
An hour will remain, when the sovereign arrives from the army, seeing the deyake hvilyuvannya in the chimneys of the protylezhny gurts of the salons and the doors of the boule deyak demonstration one against one, but rather the gurts overflowed those same. Hanny Pavlivnya's gurtoks were taken from the French as well as rooted legitimacy, and here a patriotic thought was circulated about those who did not need to go to the French theater, and how the corpse was snatched up and the style wasted, and there was a little bit of snake. Behind the Vіyskovy podііі it was greedy, and nyvigіdnіshі were released for our army empathetic. Helen's gurt, Rumyantsevskaya, French, just got a little bit about the harshness of the enemy and the serviceman, try Napoleon to reconcile. They drove quietly to the end of the day, hto advised back on the order about those who were going to go to Kazan as courtiers and mothers' mortgages, as they intercede with the intercessor of the Empress. All right, everyone on the right showed up in Helen's salons with empty demonstrations, which would soon end in peace, and reigning over the thought of Bilibin, who is now in St. saw, see the right. In the whole mouth, ironically and even more sensibly, hoping even more carefully, the Moscow seizure took place, the sound about the yak arrived at once with the sovereign in St. Petersburg.
At the Gurtu's Ganni Pavlivnya, navpaki, they were overwhelmed by the flocks and talked about them, like Plutarch about the ancients. Prince Vasil, who took all these important seats, making Lanka a circle between two circles. He went to ma bonne amie [his own worthy one] Hannie Pavlovna and went to the dans le salon diplomatique de ma fille [to the diplomatic salon of his daughter] and often, during non-guilt journeys from one camp to the other, wandering and speaking from Paul to Hanni Require bulo speak at Helen, і navpaki.
Not for nothing, when Prince Vasil arrived at the sovereign’s visit, he talked to Hanny Pavlovna about asking for help, Barclay de Tolly’s sorely suing, and he’s being overwhelmed by the mischief, whom he would designate as the head commander. One of the guests, seeing him un homme de beaucoup de merite [a man of great merits], told about those who were in charge of Kutuzov, who was the head of the St. about those who Kutuzov buv bi that cholovik, who are satisfied with bi all vimogam.
Anna Pavlivna laughed summarily and remembered that Kutuzov, except for the troubles, did not give the sovereign anything.
- I spoke and spoke in the Noble Zbora, - interrupting Prince Vasil, - they didn’t hear me. I said, that defrauding a yogo as the head of the militia is not worthy of the sovereign. They didn’t hear the stench.
- All like a mania of fronduvati, - prodovzhuvav vin. - I in front of Kim? І all through those who want to mavpuvati to the stupid Muscovites, - said Prince Vasil, having tricked them into slime and forgotten those that Helen Treba had over the Muscovites, and Gannie Pavlivni’s drowned in them. Ale win once again. - Well, it is decent for Count Kutuzov, the oldest general in Russia, to go to the ward, et il en restera pour sa peine! [Klopot and go to waste the gift!] Hiba, we can deign to be the head commander of the people, who can’t ride the system, get bogged down on the radii, the people themselves, and the disgusting donations themselves! Good luck having recommended yourself in Bukareshta! I don’t even think about his qualities as a general, can I, in such a wickedness, recognize an old man and a blind man, just dumb? Good general sl_py! Don't bother with anything. At the pіzhmurka grati ... just don't batter anything!
Nichto without locking it on the tse.
On the 24th, the price was absolutely correct. Ale 29 lime Kutuzov was presented with princely gidnist. The prince's gidnist could mean those who wanted to be touched, - and the judgment of Prince Vasil and the distance had been deceived rightly, if he had not been able to catch up with him now. Aleksei 8th serpnya, the election committee of general field marshal Saltikov, Arakcheev, Vyazmitinov, Lopukhin and Kochubey to agree on the right to vіyny. The committee of the sovereign, but the misfortunes were like those of different leaders, and, do not marvel at those who are individuals who form the committee, they knew the sovereign's unpretentiousness to Kutuzov, the committee, for a short time, proclaimed the sign of Kutuzov's head. And on the same day, Kutuzov became an important head commander of the armies and the entire region occupied by the allies.

Valentina Tereshkova- Persha female cosmonaut of the planet. In 1963, a tridenal space flight was made on the Vostok-6 ships, 48 ​​times circling the Earth.

Svitlana Savitska- a friend of a woman-cosmonaut at the svit, persha of a woman, yak vikonal vikhid at the vidkritiy space.

Sally Ryde- Persha woman From the received State, yaka walked in space and the youngest American astronaut.

Judith Ruznik- the fourth woman of the planet, as she passed the orbital space flight, took part in the first use of the shuttle "Diskaveri" in 1984. Judith missed the hour of the disaster of the Challenger spacecraft in 1986, and all seven members of the history were lost.

Ketrin Sallivan- P'yata woman in space. In 1984, at once from Sally Ride, a space flight was taken on the Challenger shuttle, which was the first for the first time, at the warehouse where two women were transported.

Anna Fisher- Shosta woman і persha mother, yak walked in space.

Margaret Seddon- Soma woman in space, repairing three space pleasures since 1985.

Shannon Lucid- the eighth woman in space, took part in five space flights, including the flight to Atlantis in 1989, until Jupiter, when the Galilei probe was launched. In total, Shannon has been in space for 188 days - a record for mid-women.

Bonnie Dunbar- nine women in space, broke five cosmic pleasures. Zaraz Bonii is the President of the Museum of Poloty in Sietli.

Mary Kliv- ten female astronaut.

Sharon Christa Makoliff she was guilty of being the eleventh woman, who rode in space, albeit in the modern 1986 rock for 73 seconds, the shuttle "Challenger" vibuhnuv. Кріstа zaginila with the members of the ekіpazhu.

Ellen Baker- the eleventh woman in space, took part in the Atlantis polo in 1989.

Ketrin Thornton- twelve women in space, breaking up some cosmic pleasures.

march Ivins- the thirteenth woman in space, her first flight was made in 1990.


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