Russian women after 40. Women over forty, they look absolutely divine! Buti looked down and ohaynoy

Russian women after 40. Women over forty, they look absolutely divine! Buti looked down and ohaynoy

Coco Chanel once said: At 20 fates you have a disguise, like nature gave you; in 30 fates you have a disguise, as if you violated your life; and at 50 you have a face that you deserve. “A woman’s beauty after 30 is a special beauty. I myself want to show that beautiful, good women we have in our country!

In the photo - Olena Prekrasna :)
Olena Doctor of Science, lives and works in Moscow.
Namely promenist eyes Deer reproached me at once.
Staring at the photo, it seems that Olena is graceful, like a ballerina :)
And maybe, if there is a bula?

One of the bloggers sent me a photo of my day.
It's a pity, I can't see them, it's only 38 years.
Namely, in a familiar disguise, it seems special, soft energy ..
It's hard not to get into a Volodarka with such soft rice...)

Sonyachna, miniature Milena, 35 years
besides that she is beautiful, Milena is in demand as a stylist (perucar),
currently living and working in New York.
When you look at Mileni's photos, you immediately want to laugh, don't you? :)

Namely privablva Irina, 30 years old.
The photo was edited by Irina's person, present only color correction.
I know, I've been dreaming of making a photo like this for a long time ..)
So bright and so quiet...

I’m extremely well, invisible blogger Olga Novikova
I'm impressed that everyone who has read and read the blog - Olga is in the grip.
I don’t know the exact age of Olga, but behind my modest motherfuckers - about 36 years.
Who needs these numbers, with such charisma and beauty?

Let's cherish the woman's beauty at once and bachiti її in others. Photographs can be taken at the address. Leave behind all the stereotypes and clichés.

Beauty is the flowering of a woman in her own way. As if it won’t, you don’t need anything more, but if you don’t know, it doesn’t matter what you have. Barry.


These women love millions. Your talent is the enemy, but beauty is given eternally. The wealthy of them are already well over 40, but the stench still looks like earlier and looks at himself in a dazzling manner. Today we will enjoy the beauty of these beautiful representatives of a weak state, as with the rocks they become more and more charming and luxurious.

Take a look, maybe, here you will know your beloved actress or woman, how would you like to be similar in your “over forty”.

1. Monica Bellucci, 50 years.

The Italian lady of rich fates is filled with the standard of femininity and beauty. It's wonderful, but the actress does not sit on diets and bypass fitness clubs. “I love myself. I can’t torture myself with sports and hunger. Love yourself, and you don’t need lifts and plastic surgery.”

2. Helli Berry, 48 years.

From the beginning of the year, it became "Mis USA - 1986", it took about 30 years. Ignorant of diabetes and the life of a child, in her 48, the actress looks simply gaudily.

3. Meril Streep, 65 years.

The actress was in no way raised to her level of fanaticism. You know what nutrition is necessary from the point of view of beauty and health. The main secret of the legendary actress is a positive outlook on the world and peace in everything.

4. Penelope Cruz, 40 years.

“I never took my life. If I marvel at the actresses whom I respect, I will understand that the stinks have never shattered their fates. Such women, like Sophia Loren and Audrey Hepburn, aged even more beautifully.”

5. Salma Hayek, 48 years.

As if Salma herself, the turbot looking after herself, she learned how to be a grandmother, as she practiced in a percolator. “Vona was an alchemist and a chaklunka in one person - in the very sight of her, I recognized a lot of secrets of beauty.”

6. Renata Litvinova, 48 years old.

"Sometimes I marvel at my photographs and think, 'Wow!'"

7. Angelina Jolie, 39 years.

The actress is consistently called the most beautiful woman in the world. The red one has 40 fates, the alée ruins, the host nose and ideal eyebrows, as well as the whole image as a whole continues to amaze and enmity.

8. Julia Roberts, 47 years old

While everyone is talking about those who played the main role in Julie's beauty - genetics, botox or surgery, the actress herself talks about a balanced diet and active physical adventures and how important life is - peace.

9. Madonna, 56 years.

Regardless of your age, Madonna continues to look miraculous. Especially in terms of figures. Spivachka adds greatness to the hour of sports and diet.

10. Jennifer Lopez, 45 years old

Lopez does not bother to bring it out like before in the ideal form. Spivechka regularly demonstrates her beautiful body, choosing to dress at the door for going out into the world.

11. Cindy Crawford, 47 years.

Wanting a lot of models to end their careers at 25, the supermodel of the 90s is still drinking.

12. Cate Blanchett, 45 years old.

High, string, with a porcelain skin. No wonder that in 1999 People magazine included this Oscar-winning actress in the list of the most beautiful women in the world. She calls genius and the joy of motherhood the secret of her wonderful, ethereal look.

13. Gwyneth Paltrow, 42 years old.

“You know what, I love my wrinkles, I love the way I look. Obviously, sometimes I fall into criticism and begin to boast now about one thing, then about another, but then I try not to broil the shortcomings. I value my life and I have lived the fates, as well as taking away my dosvіd.

14. Carmen Dell'Orefice, 84th century.

This marvelous model is at the peak of her popularity until this day. І tsya popularity is amazing for some young models.

15. Eva Mendes, 41 rec.

The actress looks gorgeous in all the photos. Click on the photo without makeup. Before the speech, behind the words of the very Єvi, it’s all the same, as if looking out on the great screen.

16. Ingeborga Dapkunaite, 52 rocks.

“Be in shape and look happy at 50? So it's possible! My secret is close friends and in love with the robot.

17. Heidi Klum, 41 rec.

Heidi saved such an appetizing virgin body that there is nothing surprising in the fact that such a great supermodel, TV presenter and mothers of many children are staring at a 27-year-old man.

18. Demi Moore, 52 years old.

Always looked down and lifted, Demi Moore does not look at her age. Її the secret of youth is a grumpy special life. Її zavzhd more tsіkavili cholovіki, lower diet.

19. Charlize Theron, 39 years old

Regardless of this age, Charlize continues to be a naked career as an actress and sign rich millions of contracts with leading cosmetic brands. Її the secret of mortgages in an active way of life: there is a lot of lies and it is possible to walk more often.

20. Sophia Loren, 80 years

Vіdbiaryuchi tsіkavі sites, 20-th maiden and 40-th women are subject to different criteria. Let's look at the young ladies and the older ones, and we'll build five sites, grafting from the point of view of the lady, as if they crossed the 40-th line.

What do women want at 40?

The fact that you look at the life, vchinki and bajannya of a 40-year-old woman is significantly resurrected in silence, like a characteristic of a 20-year-old girl, no one calls out doubts. What is special about psychology after 40?

a little bit of innocence

People not far away look at the skin of the lives of the river as one more short to old age. It is wise to live in the lives of the rocks and the ability to know a new knowledge. A woman at 40 knows her price. Vaughn learned to acquire some of her old age and add dignity, she became like a mother and a team, she inspired a career. The children and the youthful complexes were left behind, and the change came to them with a sense of urgency.

Yakіst zamіst kіlkostі

In this century, the quality is repaired, and not the quantity, moreover, in the mustache: in the choice of clothing (to that in the wardrobe of the 40th fashionista you can make a few speeches, but all the stinks will be firm), friends (already without a sting, they are separated from people, as they are not accepted). , admitting in their specialties more than a few people), dozvіllya (the theater is responsible for going to night clubs).

Clever forgiveness and compromise

After forty the priorities are changed, and the exercise to infringe on one’s rightness and stand up for one’s point of view is done with the mausoleum to save the blue. Mind laviruvati mizh cholovіchim zarozumіlіstyu and vlasnymi perekonannya, forgive and act to rob the woman of the wise.

What do women want at 40? Podobatis, but not to everyone, but to deprive them of whom they wanted to be among their friends and chanuvals. Be a kohana, but not all, but the only person, whom your heart has taken. Be duly appreciated by those whose thought is important. Spend it the way you want, and don’t let the modi and thoughts of the resting ones do the trick.

Looking back at the age-old features of women's psychology, marketers and programmers have created websites for women over 40. We will tell you about some of them.

Websites for ladies over 40

Roblyachi tsyu dobirku, we focused on the rating of resources and then, how much stink they give to the needs of dear ladies and understand " cіkavі sites».

After 40 years

A lady at 40 does not waste her prudishness, - the authors of this resource are affirmed, bringing beauty for the sake of encouragement. What can you do in this way to swing the press, in some way to save the stringiness of the figure, for the help of some kind of help to continue the youthfulness of the arms of that guise, like haircuts allow you to look at 30 at 40?

Having seen this resource, you will know not only good advice on nutrition, but also recommendations on style, a healthy way of life, encourage people to meet your age and please those who have changed their job.

Woman after 40 years

This site for women tells how they can be conceived in 40 years, describes the process of detoxification of the body, suggests what kind of make-up allows you to look younger, and in what style is better than talking, so you look fashionable and stylish.

Find out if the products of eating obov'yazkovo are to be present in the diet of a 40-year-old woman, and if you want to say firmly "no", you want to save your youth and health. Well, as for the readers, who believe in those who share the stars, they can read the horoscope for rivers - for placements on the main side of the portal.

Before the speech, about the taboo on the clothes of mature women, you can find out in the video:

Who is over 30

Irrespective of the name, this women's site contains materials related to women over 40. Do you know what kind of clothes to make us old, or zmushu look stupidly? Can you wear a make-up that suits your age? What are the ways to overcome cellulite, if you are already forty?

The Danish site for women cannot be filled up without the help of their daily diet and rozpovest more richly about the secrets of women's health and beauty in a balzac style.

Life style for 40

It’s easy to get stylish and accommodating at forty, just like you have a miracle helper - an Internet portal, reimbursing for those who got it twice and twenty.

Oskіlki, having reached the milestone, the woman began to appreciate the beauty, the retailers of the resource prepared to look around at the finest cosmetics, analyzed the warehouse and saw the best picks. If you are already forty, health problems are more common, and the authors of the site will tell you what can be turbulent in your woman, and what are the reasons for age-old illnesses.

Anti-baby site

Having crossed the fortieth milestone, not all daughters of Evi can boast of an ideal knowledge of human psychology. We vyrishili add to, resource, women need to work for nothing, shards of the target audience, representatives of a strong state.

Ale, sensible women, in our opinion, will be familiar with this portal, which reveals the peculiarities of thought and the motives of growing people.

How can a woman not like poplitkuvati, well, or would you like to read about tiles?! That's why we decided to add the resource "" to our website, insurance for lovers of new show business and hoary stories from the life of the stars of cinema and the world. Here you will find the latest fashion ratings, the rest of the novelties of the celebrity world and retellings of a hundred speeches, which are due to being present in a woman’s wardrobe.

And the axis of the business lady fell to the soul of the female site "Femina" ( The materials selected here are insured for those who want to eat the car of a business woman and the clothes of a squad and mother. That is why on the portal there are articles about women who have achieved success in the stock market, and look at the children's milk sums, news about the rest of the women's business conferences and recipes for healthy living.

Tsіkavі sites, yakі vіddayut vanіvazh pani for 40, not obmezhuyutsya by us directives. In the Internet there are still a lot of portals, among which representatives of the beautiful state are more important: recipe catalogs, electronic libraries, music halls, beauty portals, social networks.

Read, listen, marvel, but remember: smut, so that Internet resources do not inform you about your life and do not take away from your life relatives and friends.

A rich woman is vvazhayut that after forty fates of life will end, and it is impossible to turn too much beauty. Ale stinks have mercy.

Millions of women in the whole world after forty look richly younger for their lives, lead an active way of life, gain success in career and respect for people. Moreover, you don’t need to go far for butts. The whole world knows such ladies. The stench is successful, beautiful and popular and at forty, at fifty.

In this article, we are told about the dekilka of the all-worldly ladies, as if in youth the fates shone, and in 40 years the dream of millions of people.

From the fates of the stench, not only did not they begin to look worse, but on the contrary, more and more privablіvіvі. The stench and at once give odds be-twenty-twenty.

Obviously, not all stinks are unique plastic surgeries, but the individual is lifted, but more are surrounded by cosmetic procedures. We are talking at once about the famous actresses and the couple.

Let's marvel at the most beautiful 40-year-old women in the world a little closer.

Monika Beluchi

Monika Beluchi rightfully occupied the first place in our list. Tse іtalіysk actress dosi etalon zhіnochoї beauty. Moreover, Monika does not choose to go on a diet or go to the gym. Look, it’s too much to love yourself, to roll your body. Before plastic surgeons, she didn’t turn around like that.

Hello Berry

48-river Hello Berry showed up in another place. I don’t care about those who were the first beautiful USA її from the distant 1986 rotation. Beautiful at the same time forty years old, she has diabetes, and she became a mother. Ale, from the photo, it is clear that nothing has control over her.
Hello Berry

Meryl Streep

wanta Meryl Streep already sixty-five years ago, but we could not fail to guess this miracle woman. There is an example of that, as a woman is guilty of dbati about herself. However, for її words, smut tse positively put before life.

Meryl Streep

Penelope Cruz

Another yaskra butt of the right woman's beauty - tse miracle forty-maiden Penelope Cruz. Won to put yourself behind the butt of the famous Audrey Hepburn and Sophia Loren, a woman who didn’t shy away from her age, “the stink of aging beautifully.”

Penelope Cruz

Salma Hayek

And from Salma Hayek at the beginning of looking after your body in an early age, I taught my grandmother. The summer woman practiced in perforation, and, perhaps, she knew a lot of secrets of beauty. At her 48 years, in the photo Salma looks at thirty.

Salma Hayek

Renata Litvinova

Representative of the Russian beau monde Renata Litvinova only on the sixth row of our impromptu rating, the prote tse anіtrohi does not apply its merits. Moreover, the Russian actress was recognized more than once as the most beautiful woman in the world. Їy forty, but with her zovnіshnіstyu she will continue to cherish the hearts of people.

Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts zdaetsya eternally, on її pictures grew millions, but it's still the same. Walk a little bit, that the actress regularly robs іn'єktsії botox, іnshі talk about the glare of recession. The actress herself explains her inescapable beauty in 47 years with more constant training and balanced meals. Vtіm, smut, on її thought, in life - tse sincere jealousy.

Julia Roberts


all enemies Madonna. It’s a lot of people to know not to know how big of a fortune they really are. Ale, guess what, you’ve got a bula. And it's only fifty-six, and old age won't, apparently, not be taken. Photographs are especially striking, on which the strings of figures are commemorated. Ale Madonna eats properly and regularly goes in for sports.


Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez- one of the most popular American actresses in our country, everyone knows the films in which she was filmed. Vaughn is more popular and not only for her talent, but more for her beauty. Now it's forty-five, and then Jennifer dosi privabliva and privapliva. This couple is also actively involved in sports and does not forget to demonstrate her beautiful body in the photo in magazines and every hour of public appearances.

Jennifer Lopez

Cindy Crawford

47-river Cindy Crawford also drank into our rating the zavdyaks of her zvnіshnosti. This woman is unique in that, being a model, she did not finish her career at twenty-five, and even more years after the last century, she was incredibly demanded.

Cindy Crawford

Celebrities in 40 years

At the list of women, which we brought, they hardly ever called the most beautiful girl's world. Їх photos are edited in popular glossy dosi magazines. Ale, do not make a bond with a mother rich in pennies, so that you look good in forty years.

It’s enough to start chasing after your figure as often as you can, as if millions of girls all over the world can scatter at once. And not only in order to look wonderful in the photograph, but in order to be healthy and beautiful for a long time.


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