Wolfe Virginia. Biography of Virginia Woolf Virginia Woolf death

Wolfe Virginia. Biography of Virginia Woolf Virginia Woolf death

History of life
From her fathers, Virginia drowned out beauty (Mother Julia Duckworth bool seen at home) and rose (Father Ser Leslie Steven built one of the provincial English writers). Vona was a high-pitched, elegant, elegant cry. She has a thin rice revealing a classic beauty. Qiu, Virginia's addiction carried through all life. Virginia celebrated the hostility of the people, but it often became the reason for the alienation of the people. Spilkuvannya with Virginia, a woman with a great disposition, became simply unbearable, since it became practically divine in an hour. Virginia recalled with a rapt a little like voices, she had hallucinations. For a few months, Virginia spent some time in mental hospitals. She had a lot of strong nerves to attack. At the 25th birthday, I started to meet with the friends of my brothers from Cambridge (their gurtok has become increasingly called "Bloomsbury"). In the whole gurt, Virginia has become famous for its additional and richness. Virginia came to the post in the 30th anniversary, I want a lot of people and until the end of the actively thought of both hands and hearts. On the onset of the ric, she finished her work on her first novel, because of which she became a nerve-racking vision in her life, as if I had lost it two times later. With a stretch to reach the trivial period of an hour, Virginia Bula is reasonably healthy. Vona richly pratsyuvala opened a number of literary works, in the middle of the publication of one novel in two rockets. For the very first ear of her writing, Virginia was acclaimed for her popularity and popularity. Since the bulo is already 40, won has become widely known as a novelist, whose books were seen in magnificent circulation and were quickly sold. At the house of the Other Holy Week, Virginia has seen a madness. Not being able to suffer more from her nervous seizures, she reminded the swarm of stones and rushed into the river. Їy Bulo 59 rock_v.
Virginia got to know or through sex, Gerald and George Duckworth of the single-blooded brothers. The stench churned even early and not far away. If it’s 6 rocky, Gerald, for which it’s already more than 20 rocky, once having become hands all the time, including the most intimate coils. Tsya podіya was lost in the memory of Virginia to the end of life. When George is a young man, he often comes to her bedroom at night. Win throwing himself into the lodge with her and starting to pest and tsiluvati її. Virginia, who rejected Suvore's Victorian vikhovannya, endured all the caresses in the dead silence until quiet times, when the elk was gone.
It’s not surprising that Virginia began to become a woman, if she didn’t want to see it as a woman. If the elk is 16 years old, then Medzh Vogen has become beautiful and romantic about her worship, as she has more and more distributed the literary tastes of Virginia. The stenchs became close friends, Ale Medzh nezabarom viyla zamіzh. At the 20th birthday, Virginia felt a passionate love for the 37-year-old Violet Dickinson, who knew her family for a long time. On the sheets addressed to Violet, there are rows, for example, to talk about love and in the physical sense. In one of her leaves, Virginia, for example, wrote: "If you go late at night, you still see it, I am happy, I will embrace you." Їх zvyazok, yaka triva 10 rockiv, bully, however, purely emoji.
In 1909, one of the members of the Bloomsbury Stake, one of the members of the Bloomsbury Stake, proposes to Virginia. Vona knew very well about those who Lytton was a homosexual, Alec did not accept his proposition, a little bit of a high degree of appreciation and Intellect. On the very next day, however, he was seen from his proposition. “I wondered if I could have tried to give me a favor,” Lytton told his friends. Virginia and Lytton, do not marvel at the whole incident, have lost good friends, and Lytton herself proponated to Leonard Wolfe, the writer and political activist, and petitioned for Virginia.
At the 30-year-old Vidzhinia went over to Wolfe, for whom all at once she was suddenly frigid. Vona said: "I am now playing with it, but everything about orgasm is greatly overdone." The sexy girls from their friends ended up right away at the end of the honeymoon, if the stench and the stench lived at once happily for 28 years, so you can be awesome. Virginia loved Leonard more than any other people in the house, for a blame, mabut, deprived of her sister Vanessa, whose womanhood she had gotten into her head. About herself Virginia once said this: "I am not those, not the ones. I am not the woman, I am not the cholovik." With an unpretentious message, Virginia has appropriated her life to literary delight. I wondered a lot about motherhood, love and addictions, about that, constantly looking at Vanessa’s happy and short notice, Ala Virgina, so she couldn’t be bothered about her fate before sex, she passed through her life through her life. Virginia once wrote: "A whole foggy light of literary images, similar to a dream, without love, without a heart, without addiction, without sex - a male light befits me, a male light is me."
Still, Virginia has a boule in her life and love. At the 40th Virginia, the 30th Vita Sekv-West has died. Tse almost became memorable. Vita wrote in a bland manner and resembled the old-time aristocratic family. Їх love ring trivial 5 rockіv, and the stench slept a dozen times at once. A whole novel with a woman became one in the life of Virginia Wolfe, in which there was an element of physical sex. Win, however, became the most awesome novel in his life. Leonard didn’t care about the drive of any list, the splinters of the calls didn’t represent any kind of load on the boat. Virginia herself once wrote in Viti's sheets: "Yak, all the same, it’s good, I’m unlucky, yak."
As in Virginia and because of sexuality, it’s all straight to literary creativity. For the rock of her own connection with Vita and this wonderful friendship, as she followed her novel, Virginia Wolfe wrote her most beautiful literary creation. The composer Ethel Smyt died a little bit about the end of this novel in Virginia, but she didn’t seem to have wondered if she wanted to share her love. Virginia wrote two more novels in an hour.
On the note, as Virginia wrote to Leonard before her suicide, I boolean and these words: "I should be created, as two people could not have lived a happier life, now they have lived with you."

Virginia Edelin Wolfe (urodzhena Stevens) is a famous English writer, critic, literary scholar, translations. The author of the novels "On the lighthouse", "Misis Delouey", "Khvili" "Mіzh acts", numerical reports, and critical articles. At the same time with the chap, Leonard Wolfe, she fell asleep in the old fashioned "Hogarth Press", іsnu ynі. She transferred and saw Russian classics in England: Aksakov, Tolstoy, Turgeniev. She laid her hands on herself in 1941.
Virginia Edelin Wolfe was born on the 25th of 1882 in London. The death of her mother in 1895 shocked the thirteen-year-old girl, and she experienced a nervous gaze. Three o'clock the booth was wiped out and "there is little access to the great library, there are no books from anyone who was not hired." On the view of all my brothers, I won’t have studied at the university. If in 1904 the father died, Virginia with her elder sister Vanessa and her brothers Edrien and Tobi moved from the fashionable Kensington district to the quarter where the London bohemia lived. In 1905 Rotsi won regularly wrote for the "Literary Dodatka" "Times". Yet another death, the last time of Tobi's brother in 1906, swept through life like a blistering hurricane.
In 1907, when her sister Vanessa went to work, Virginia and Edrien moved to Bloomsbury. The events of the so-called "Bloomsbury group" took place there. Having formed as a collective, they got together with individuals of the same thought, and most of them were homosexuals, the group resigned from the stake of knowledge, as Toby added an hour to spend in Cambridge. Overburdened by the flowing ideas of the philosopher G.E. Moore, the stench came from that, because of the ideal of friendship, love and mutual admiration є by the brains and the process of stink can be deprived of that, since the power and freedom overwhelm the field. The spilkuvannya of people, one by one, became proud as a group in the quality of a vicious meth.
In 1912, long ago, having outstripped his name - the graduate of Cambridge, Leonard Wolfe, about those who had armed sex with a cholovik, Virginia went for a new one. Їх shlyub buv eagerly interrelated and emotive children, and sexy bridesmaid boules were brought to a minimum. Twice the stench fell asleep on the Hogarth Presses.
Pratsuyuchi over his first novel "Podoroz", Woolf experienced another serious nervous gaze, which brought her in 1915 to try suicide. However, it was announced in 1919 that the author published Chergov's novel. Virginia Wolfe is emotionally bound up to women: to sister Vanessa (she loved a little not to "explicit incest"), to Madzh Van (daughter of J.A. Smit. In 1922, Wolfe died in Vitu Sequill West. A dozen hour later, there was a romance between them, like trivial all the 20s rock. In 1928, Wolfe portrayed Bita in the novel "Orlando" - a phantasmagoric biography, the life of the ephemeral protagonist, becoming now a man, now a woman, three times a table stretching out. Sin Viti Nikolson calling the tsey tvir "found and charming love leaf in the history of literature".
In addition, as a result of the bombing of the London Air Force bombing, Virginia and Leonard Woolf moved to Rodmell in Sussex. Overblown in a deep depression from the old man tied with a war and being mentally hanging over the novel "Between the Acts" 1915 rock. Bazhayuchi amuse Leonard from the citizens who were tied to the gods, won the 28th birch of 1941, the fate was drowned in by the ricci Ous.

Even in the 60s, the rock of the last century in the annotations before the works of Virginia, Wolfe explained what a woman was. Clarified, she is the daughter of a home critic and the squad of an English writer, journalist. They only recognized the talent and magnificent contributions to literature. Wolfe is a feminist, one of the founders of "female prose", whose novels and messages support an unprecedented form and literary range.

Dignity and youth

Virginia was born in the London family of aristocrats. Father Lesli Steven is a famous literary critic, and mother Julia Duckworth did her work as a model, as a phylantrop. For the shoulders of the fathers, there was already one whore, offended by the widows. Leslі has wiggled a daughter, and Julia is three children. Spadkoєmtsi all grew at once in the new family.

Virginia is Steven's and Duckworth's sleeping daughter, she has two single-blooded brothers and an older sister. The head of the family, by virtue of his profession, was friends with representatives of literary cil, writers, philosophers, and singers often visited the booth.

For example, Henry James and George Henry Lewis looked at the Vognik. Such a great knowledge began in the wake of the decline. Besides, there is a magnificent library at the free access to the pass. Maybutnya scribe knew the English literature well, she taught walnuts with tutors.

However, the aristocratic prosperity was no more than a beautiful obgortkoy. Behind the firm biographers, little Virginia, at the same time with her sister, was given sexual domination from the side of her older brothers from the front-line mother. Fear of physical love having lived all life with a woman.

If the children met 13 years of age, in the seven days of trapilia, my mother died. Going forward with a blow, Virginia experienced a nervous gaze. In the near future, there was a lot of low tragedy: from typhus, Tobi's brother and older sister died of love, and then the head of the family.

Vidnosini with daddy slung into the internal light of Virginia. After the death of Lesly's squad, she dedicationly transformed herself into a despot, shyly showered with unbearable torment at home. As soon as he died, his relatives lost ground, and the Virginia axis fell into depression and began to appear in the psychiatric pathology.

Vona didn’t know the freedom to see the daddy: she constantly led internal dialogues with him, called him in quietly, knew the truth. Even at school, Vika wrote to the schoolboy:

“I’m a child, I’m judging you, like a 58-ric woman, I’m mindful, if I want to say it, I’m tolerant. Can I look right, offended? "

By the principles of feminism, writing was learned in his youth, if he studied at the courses of the King's College. Here, the share rang with women, like a reformist at that time glances - Clara Pater, Lilian Faithfull, Georgina Warren.

And three of them, after the death of the daddy, її powerful housekeepers, were transformed into a group of intellectuals. Together with my sister Vanessa Bell and brother Adrian, they sold the Batkiv mansion, buying a living quarters in the bohemian Bloomsbury district. Here young artists and writers began to gather, the suspension made the popularity of the "Bloomsbury Gurtok" popular.


The creative biography of the writing was honored in 1905. She debuted as the author of reviews on literature, create contemporary articles and articles in the Times magazine. The first novel, having started the light in 1915, was the book "Get out by the sea". Ten years later, one of the most significant creations of Virginia Wolfe "Misis Delloway" was born, who informed about one day by the Holy Ladies. At the center of the plot is the history of the kohannya, for those who are not important, they are not important, they are not.

The woman took on the reappraisal of the identity of her native land in the novel "To the Lighthouse" (1927). At the bottom, they gave the characteristics of the father and mother. Wolfe didn’t just hit the drive of the tyranny of the head of the family. Here the nourishment of the irregularities in the wicked boys and girls was fed. On the right, in that Virginia did not give peace of mind to the fathers of the blue at the Cambridge University, so both the daughters were pleased with the services of those who were asked to attend the weekends and short-term courses in the college.

Intolerance to the patriarchal way of life was also attributed to those who grew up "Own Room" and "Three Guys", which have gone into the golden decline of feminist criticism. With wine in the wines and in the fact that people grow hard and merciless, Wolfe bachelor's patriarchy itself.

The satirical novel "Orlando" was revealed in the same important literary work, for which part of the motives the writing posed from the biography of Vity Sequill-West's friend. The plot grows to 350 rocky, fixing in the era and ending in an hour of Education. Yunak on Im'ya Orlando got up to zakhatsya, rozcharuvatisya in pochutty, re-become on the woman and see the statues of the mother. Tvir, how to grow up in a blinking literary tone, it was conceived as an explanation of love until Viti.

Until the ear of the 30s, the English will grow up to the genre of an experimental novel. From the beginning of the pen to go "Khvili", which consists of nine small p'єs. Write і rozpovіdі - "Juvelir and Duchess", "Budinoks with spooks" and іnshi. The victorious metaphors, the reading of the metaphors, is not the only one for the readers to immediately zakhoyuyutsya in the creativity of writing. The woman is tidying up the pod on a different plane, on the chilne place the psychic camp of the characters was put on. Tse allows you to get involved in the thoughts of the heroes, the intelligence and the staging to go.

Virginia kept records. After the death and death of the people, they were brought up to death, having left even fewer episodes, so that they could go to creativity. And yet, in the creation of the order with the descriptions of the stories and the people who knew the world about their reports, novels and articles. The chotiri volumes of the book "Schodennik of the Writing" were brightened up.

All the women’s creations went to the Hogarth Press, which was shown at once with the head in 1917. Here the team of the first authors, as Virginia independently recruited and edited, were handled.

Special life

In 1912, the rotsi dvchin was elected as a member of the "Bloomsbury Gurt", writer and journalist Leonard Wolfe, and she lived until the end of the day. This life was not easy at all - Virginia could not cope with the fear of sexual intimacy. As a result, the cholovik was reconciled, the couple was unified by platonic love.

Leonard anxiously set himself up to the squad, at everything he saw. Shlyub reimagined into an intellectual union, a foundation for a mutual relationship. Wolfe opened her ideal mind, so Virginia could write in comfort.

And yet, in a special life of writing, it is known to the quivering admirers, but those who have come before they know the most recent facts of the biography. If Virginia had reached 40 years, the aristocrat Vita Sekv-West died in her. The haunted women were three times over. The cholovik, not having lost sight of the love ring against the common love, is more of a romance with just cinnamon - in the rock of the scenes with Vita, Virginia wrote the most beautiful things of hers.


Wolfe was suffering from mental illnesses, often taken to the clinic for a love affair. With the rocks of the ailment it progressed, and threw the pen for an hour. Drugged by the situation, Friend svitova vіyna. The scribe was afraid that the fascists would get to England, and even the cholovik-vreya would check the lot. The woman was home to Leonardo: in the event of a useful payback, she was offended to end her life by suicide.

1941 rik Virginia played in a busy camp. Chi did not feel the headache, the voices in the head became more clear, the woman fought with the drive without, and the doctors threw up their hands. As she is involved in modern psychosis and psychosis, Wolfe suffered from manic-depressive psychosis. Another reason for the ailment is to call the brain fluff.

Sheds Virginia wrote a parting leaflet, de asked for forgiveness and explained that she was no longer able to torment herself and him. On the 28th birch 1941, the writing system was drowned in the village of Ous.


  • 1915 - "Get out by sea"
  • 1919 - "Day and Nich"
  • 1925 - "Misis Delloway"
  • 1927 - "To the lighthouse"
  • 1928 - Orlando
  • 1931 - "Khvili"
  • 1933 - Flush
  • 1937 - Rocky
  • 1941 - "Mіzh actіv"


"The skin woman, who wants to write, is guilty of having her own room."
“Finding out when you’re hard (and the whole thing’s hard, even true?) - you’re thoroughly happy with it”.
“The life of no one is not small for a person, so he can sit on the style and think. Mislity and life are two polar opposite occupations ”.
“It’s not so bad I don’t wipe off happiness, so don’t bring it into fury, as a testimony, but it’s not worth putting it dear for you.”
“What about there, mountains? Guilty buti, seeing that all gatherings are still behind. "
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In the interim period, Wolfe was a significant figure in the London Literary Suspension and was a member of the Bloomsbury Gurt. Until the most recent ones, he will use novels: "Misis Delloway" (), "To the Lighthouse" (), "Orlando" () and ees " own room"(), How to take revenge on a vidomy aphorism:" The skin woman, who wants to write, is guilty of being worthy and her own room. " Її Romani vvazayutsya classic creations "stream of svidomosty".


Virginia Wolfe was born in London, the homeland of renowned literary critic Ser Leslie Steven and Julia Duckworth. Virginia Bula is the third child of Leslie and Julia (in the homeland there are three children of Julia from the first whore, daughter Leslya is the whore from Minnie Thackeray and four young Stevens: Vanessa, Tobi, Virginia) If Virginia had thirteen years of age, she died of her mother, and she became the cause of the first nervous vision of writing. The death of Julia ser Lesley fell into depression.

Wolfe gave the home coverage, and the daddy became the readers. After the death of mothers, the elder sister Stella took care of her on the right in the booth. Virginia's death has one more nervous gaze. But at the end of the day, everyone knows how to read, read walnuts, Latin, good words and history in college for girls in London. The older sister, Vanessa, is busy on the right at home. At the daddy in the whole period, the character and the win become a domestic despot. In 1904, Batko Virginia died, and even more attacks were provoked. After the death of the father, the family moved to Bloomsbury; Since 1909, Virginia started to publish her critical statistics in magazines, prodding the right of the dad. Ide the robot over the first novel.

In 1912, won a deputy for Leonard Wolfe, a writer, journalist. Schlub becoming an alliance to love one one people. In 1917, friends began to create a new version of Hogarth Press, the stars entered the world of writing. Virginia typed and edited the texts herself. Vidavnitstvo, the spouse did not bring income, it became a superb income in the family of Wolfe. Leonard has created ideal minds for robots їm about, win vіljako pіdtrimuvav Virginia.

The headaches, the voices, the bachelor did not catch Virginia, she put her hands on her back as she got magical. The scribe was dumbfounded to herself and her robots, she rewrote the novels dozens of times. Vona took up the news of her friend only before the hour was sick, her friends went to see them in 4 volumes, there were also 5 volumes of Virginia's leaves, as she wrote to her friends, sisters, Leonard and Vitus Sekvill-Uesti, in the winter of 19 Love on the side of Virginia at once with the image, inflicted by the spirits of Viti, became the basis of the novel "Orlando", in which the main hero will be transformed into a woman.

With a tip of another light, fear for the cholovik, which will become the cause of the turning of the attacks and headaches, is brought about. Їх London booth buv zruynovaniye pіd hour avіanalotu. While she was finishing the robot on the manuscript of the posthumously published novel Between the Acts, Wolfe fell into a deep depression. Having lost it, I can’t torment Leonard anymore, and I’ll be easier without her, Virginia Wolfe, having lost a leaf of cholovikov and sisters, on the 28th of April 1941, she put on a coat, reminded the crowd of stones and drowned in the future. Sussex. Children only knew after two years of tragedy, on April 18, 1941, a cholovik of writers praised the remains of a small house in Sussex in the garden.

On the day before her death, Virginia wrote: “My dear, I am singing, I know the will of God. I see that it is impossible to re-experience. The first time I don’t try to fool you. I'm fixing a few voices. I can’t be grumpy. That is why I accepted only one solution and a problem for me to be the most beautiful. I am absolutely happy with you. Ty buv for me everything, for what I could only do nothing. I don’t think that two people could be happy, not bully, as long as the ailment didn’t come. I can't fight anymore. I know that psuvannya is tobi life, but without me, mіg bi pratsyuvati. If you can, I’m singing. Bachish, I can’t find the necessary words. I cannot read. I just want to know so much - for all the happiness in my life, I go for you. Ty buv is impertinently patient with me and nervously kind. I know everything. Yakshho hto-nebud і mіg bi vryatuvati me, tse buv bi ty. It's all gone. Everything has surpassed me, except for the singularity of your kindness. I just can’t do more psuvati your life. I don’t think that in the whole world there’s buv bi happy, nizh boule mi ”.


Romani Virgina was seen not only in England, ala and in America, translated into 50 mov, including translations of such writings, like Jorge Luis Borges and Margarit Yursenar. We are proud of one of the best novelists of the 20th century and the leading modernist writing. Wolfe is the leading innovator in English language. In her robots, she experimented with the flow of information and saw not only a psychological, but an emotional component in the behavior of the heroes. The popularity of the message changed with the Other Holy War, ale of interest to the creators, the message of feminist rucks in the 1970s. Romani have a lot of experimentation: they often do not understand the plot and the story of the story. Glyboka lyricity and stylistic virtuosity to comprehend, reminiscent of the novel by auditory and healthy images.

Wolfe started writing professionally in 1900, writing in a literature supplement for the Times. The first novel "Get out by the sea" was published in 1915 for the help of his brother. Within an hour, Kilka developed the novel.

Gliboka poeticness of images will remember the vividness of life in її novels. So, for example, in the novel "Misis Dalloway" (1925), Clarissy Dalloway, a representative of the middle class, is shown trying to organize the evening, while passing through her life a parallel with the lives of Septimus Warren Smit Rob, a veteran of the First Christian Church.

The novel "To the Lighthouse" (1927) has a plot, the story of which is seen on the battlefield for two days. The plot informs about the family, how to climb to see the lighthouse and about the family of business, which is displayed in a whole hour. One of the main themes of the novel is struggle in the creative process. The heroine will be fond of a little at that hour, like the play of the family drama. The novel also has a world of life about the life of the people in the period of life and the rights of women in their love.

The novel "Orlando" (1928) is a parody of the biography of a young aristocrat, which is alive for three centuries, not old, but at the same time it will be transformed into a woman. Tsya book of chastkov's biography of Cohanka Wolfe, Vity Sequill-West. In many novels, the style of historical biographies is brought to the point of absurdity.

The novel "Khvili" (1931) is a group of six friends, who create the atmosphere of khvili, which is more similar to a poetry in prose, but to a novel with a plot.

"Flash" (1933) is a part of a literary TV show, and a part of a biography of a cocker spanner, the master of one Viktorian poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning. The book was written from the name of the dog.

The rest of the robot "Mіzh acts" (1941) zooserezhuetsya on the head of the writing: transformation of life through mystery, shvidkoplinnіst hour and life. This is the most lyrical book in the middle of writing, not only from the point of view of the senses, but also the style.


  • Get out by sea / The voyage out(, Ros. Transfer)
  • Day and night / Night and day(, Ros. Transfer)
  • Kіmnata Jacoba / Jacob's room(, Ros. Transfer)
  • Misis Delloway / Mrs. Dalloway(, Ros. Transfer)
  • To the lighthouse / To the lighthouse(, Ros. Transfer)
  • Orlando. biography / Orlando: A Biography(, Ros. Transition). Screening in 1992 roci.
  • hvili / The waves(, Ros. Transfer)
  • flush / Flush: A Biography(, Ros. Transfer)
  • rocky / The years(, Ros. Transfer)
  • Mіzh actіv / Between the Acts(, Ros. Transfer)
  • Schodennik writing / A Writer's Diary(, Ros. Transfer)
  • Dovga stroll: londonske prigoda / Street Haunting: A London Adventure(, Ros. Transfer)

In culture

  • P'єsa Edward Olby "Who is afraid of Virginia Wolfe?" () I one-man film ()
  • Written letters assigned to Edni O'Brien Virginia(), With success went to the scenes of light; in London, the lead role of Viconuval Meggi Smit.
  • In the novel "Godinnik" by Michael Canningham, Virginia Wolfe is one of the main heroes and the mystical "author" of the writer; In 2002, the screening of the first novel - "Godinnik", with Nikol Kidman at the role of Wolfe, was launched on screen.
  • Animated serial character Rocko "s Modern Life Virginia Wolfe of names in honor of the writing.
  • The Garage Group from the United States of America in the 60s "The Virginia Wolves", as a team, where all the participants on the stage were topless.
  • The songs “What the Water Gave Me”, “Never let me go”, “Landscape” by the English group Florence and the Machine are linked to the suicide and writing of Virginia Woolf.


  • - Simple Gifts
  • - Khvili
  • - To the lighthouse
  • - Vlasna room
  • - Orlando
  • - Misis Dalloway
  • - Godinniki

Write an overview about the article "Wolfe, Virginia"



  • in the library of Maxim Moshkov
  • (English)
  • (English)
  • Virginia Wolfe (English) On the Internet Movie Database
  • (Ros.)
  • Vikoristano materials of the English news

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Urivok, which characterizes Wolfe, Virginia

- Come on, donu! Idi, ridna ... Ty not vb'єsh tsyu inhuman. Tilki zaginesh marno. Go, my heart ... I will check you there, in your life. Pivnich about you is helpful. Go donu! ..
- I love you so much, tattoo! .. I love you so much! ..
The Sluzi strangled me, my alee heart moved. Treba bulo trimatisya - I trimmed. Zavalosya, all the light turned into pain. But I didn't feel like it was me, because I am already dead ...
- Forgive me, daddy, I’m getting sick. I will try while I'm alive. I won’t let him go to the dead, I won’t take him away with me ... Forgive me, too.
Karaffa got up. Winn’t a bit of our rose, ale perfectly rosum, that both me and dad can see. All the bells and whistles were not in line with their control, and the Pope was dragging himself around, but he was curious ...
- On a svitanka, your daddy zide on vognische, Izidora. Tse Vi drive in yogo. So go - see it!
My heart knocked і zupinilya ... The light fell ... і I couldn’t do anything from the mind, there’s no change. Alle the need for a message - and I saw it ...
- I don’t have much to tell you, holiness, except that you are the most terrible villain, if there’s some life on the whole Earth.
Daddy marveled at me, not just prikhovoyuchi his welcoming, and then nodding, as they checked there, the old priest and pishov, they didn’t seem to be more words. As soon as I saw the door, I rushed to the old man, and convulsively grabbed him for the dry, old hands, I had a blessing:
- Be affectionate, I beg you, holy father, allow me to embrace him goodbye! .. I don’t know how to kill any more ... Look chuly, when Dad said - tomorrow my dad will die at the party ... Look, I beg you! .. Nichto about the price of nikoli do not know, I swear to you! Thank you to help me! Lord don't forget you! ..
The old priest respectfully marveled at me in his eyes, without saying anything, tugging at the important ...
I went into the hold and, burrowing into accusations at the wide chest of my dad, gave free rein to nareshti, they blamed for the so-called gigantic tears ... everything is so quiet and stolen! .. Vіn bouw my happy-go-lucky light, who is guilty for the wedding, I’m guilty of bout from me for ever ... Thoughts flashed by one great summons, bringing yaskravі, dear images of our "passed" life, like from the skin of all the wounds I couldn’t її nі vryatuvati, nі zupiniti ...
- Trim, my dear. Ty is guilty of being strong. You are guilty of taking over Anna. I am guilty of stealing myself. I'm going for you. You can, tse give that one hour ... to kill Karafu. - quietly whispering dad.
I frantically chewed on my hands, I didn’t bother to let go. I know, as if it had been injecting for a long time, I saw myself as a little girl, yaka was joking at her wide breasts ...
- Vibachte me, madonna, if I am guilty of leading you into your chambers, I can’t give you a stratum for not hearing. See vzhe vibachte me ... - the old priest promulgated in a hoarse voice.
Once again, I hugged my dad mintly, the last time I was absorbing this miracle warmth ... I don’t wrap myself up, there’s not a bunch of backs that covered my eyes from the back of my room. Walked to the door "dumbfounded", and brought me to the bottom, grabbing for the kam'yani at the bottom, I couldn't fit in. I was asleep from the unbearable pain, I wandered loosely, I didn’t wander, I’m not waking up, I’m not smart, I’m going ...
Stella was quietly crying with great, loud tears, absolutely do not get upset. I marveled at Hanna - she lovingly embraced the Izidora, moving far away from us, and the last, terrible, earthly days living with her again ... .. The soul is completely empty and completely emptied, like a lump of water, like a whiff of fresh water ... .. Vidnogo lavishly poured, embarrassed izidoru, wiblsku, warmth, gold hvilya ... And in all my syrih eyes there were slyozi. Izidora, moving a little further away and not being brutal and respectful of us, quietly prodvzhuvala her hysterically-minded history ...
Having fallen into my "own" room, I, like a child, fell on a lid. Sleep no more. The bullet is only motorized, the empty goals and the loose soul see ...
I couldn’t, I didn’t want to be able to see it! .. I would like to check the whole day after day, but now I could not learn it, nor accept the terrible, unhuman reality. I didn’t want to, having instructed the wounds ... It was guilty to bring only those wounds, and I didn’t have lost a lot of "strong admiration" in the fact that I could endure everything without being angry, because I did not hurt my father and myself ... blame for yo the life piled up in a mountain ...
Too great a podiv (and it's a pity to the wild !!!) I huddled in the noise outside the door and the sound of it, well ... I was asleep! A yak could have a ladder like that ?! How could I fall asleep ??? Ale mabut, our lack of understanding is human tilo, in the event of the most life-threatening moments, not being pissed off by our bazhans, he stole for himself, he could see. The axis is so and I, unable to endure more countrymen, I just "went" into peace, so that I could vryatuvati my soul. And now it is already booming - they have come for me, so they can take me to my daddy's strata ...
The wounds are brighter and clearer. Behind the vipadkovy dark blue sky, the curly beetles were poured high, the sun got up intermittently, radiantly and brightly. The day became strange and sleepy, as spring itself is coming! In the middle of all the world of freshness, awakening life, only my tortured soul was writhing and drove away, getting into a glib, cold, unenlightened temrya ...
In the middle, a small area flooded with sun, where I didn’t have grabbed the criticism, the folds in the back, “ready for implantation”, the majesty of bagatta ... Maleness was leaving me, snarling, afraid. I didn’t want to go back to school. Vin obitsyav buti zhakhlivim ...
The area was steadily puffed up by frowning, sleepy people. Oh, only they prowled, they sensed the wonder of someone else’s death, but it didn’t bring great satisfaction to them ... Rome had long ceased to be happy in the fires of the inquisition. As soon as on the cob of someone else's torment was thrown, now, for some reason, people were afraid that tomorrow they would be dependent on them for money. The I native Romans, getting too tired of inappropriateness, left their native place ... On the cob of the rule of Karaffi in the place, almost half of the inhabitants were deprived of everything. At a newer, if possible, without bazhavysya zalishisya zhoden bilsh-mensh normal lyudin. At the same time, it was easy to see - Karaffa didn’t respect anyone. Whether it is a simple person or a prince of royal blood (but only to see and cardinal to the most holy church! ..) - Pope did not feel bad at all. People for the new are not small nі value, nі meaning. The stench boomed all out of the bazhan, for it was not bazhani to the “holy” look, well, but if it was already viral, it was borderline simple - “not pleasing” people went to the fire, and their wealth replenished the belongings of your cohana, the most sacred church ...
Raptom I saw a soft dot - tse buv dad! .. Stand still, we will tie, at the nightmare stop, we tenderly say goodbye to me ...
- I'm going, little dear ... Be strong. It’s all just crossover - I’m not in pain. Win just want to be angry with you, do not allow you, my joy! .. We will soon start, you know. There will be no more pain. There will be only light ...
Yak bi me didn’t get sick, I marveled at him, I didn’t lower my eyes. I know that I will help me out. Yak pricked for a long time, since I was calling me a little baby and my thoughts whispered to him ... I wanted to scream, but my soul was moving. Nibi in nіy didn’t feel anymore, nіbi won’t bula is dead.
Cat zvichno go down to bagatty, pidnosyachny deadly half. It’s so easy and simple, as if it would have ignited a quiet time in my booth at that moment ...
My heart twitched wildly and caught ... I know, well, just at the same time, dad will be there ... I didn’t look anymore, I shouted to you for thoughts:
- Father, think! .. It’s not great! You can also drink "podikhom"! Win nikoli you can't know! .. Please, daddy !!! ..
Ale vin lishe summarily stole his head ...
- As soon as I go, I will take care of Hanna. And you can't "drink" out. Goodbye, Donya ... Goodbye dear ... Remember - I will wait for you. It's time for me. Goodbye, my joy ...
Around the daddy, we are stuck in a yaskraviy syayuchay "stopp", and we are lightening up with a clean, dull light. Tsey miraculous light having buried yo physical tilo, like bi say goodbye to him. There was a yaskrava, like a projection, a golden day, like a light and tenderly laughed at me ... Father ishov came from me for now ... The day began to grow up the mountain ... The bright channel, having fallen asleep with blakitnyh spikes, curled up. Everything has been canceled ... My wonderful, kind daddy, my dear friend, has never been with us anymore ...
Its "empty" physical tilo drooped, limply hanging on the motorcycle ...
Seeing the knowledge of the presence, I immediately turned around - handing, standing Pivnich.
- Trim, Izidora. I came to help you. I know that it’s even hard, I’ve examined your father, and I’ll help you ...
- Help - in what? - I energized hotly. - Will you help me kill Karafu?
Pivnich stole his head.
- And I don't need additional help. Idi Pivnich.
And when I came back from here, I began to wonder, as the throats of those, that we caress all the sickness of that, we’re wise father ... far away, scurrying into unwitting, miraculous light, everything is calm and good. But for me the throat was still growing. My hands were on fire, hugging me like a child, soothing and snatching from any sorrows and bid ... good daddy, whom I knew so well, and loved so much and hotter ... and even that tilo was now greedily devoured by the hungry, the evil, the half of the mind ...
People started to spread out. At the end of the day, the punishment for them was imperturbable, for that it didn’t make it naked, that it was the suffering of the people, and for the reason it was killed. Nichto without bothering to say a word. That same condemnation was led to end wonderfully - call out people shouted with wild cries, as long as the pain did not come to heart. Tsey also moved to navit todi, if half of the mind was devouring yogo ... Well, be it NATO, as it seems, not to love nezumіle. To that, he was full of the will to drink "from the grave given", the Papski guards turned them around, snarlingly extended the stratum to the end. Rescuing the lack of satisfaction with the reimbursement ... The people of Karaffi took me away from their hands and forcibly stitched them into the middle of the year, in which the "clear-minded" Dad himself was sitting ...

(Urodzhena Virginia Edelin Stephens) (1882-1941) - English writing, critic, literary, translation, one of the protagonists of the Hogarth Press. First in the literature of the 20th century, I dared to tighten respect for the freedom of social awareness of women, in addition to making them "visible" in the suspension and realizing the possibility of psychological for them, to the extent of

It was born on 25 September 1882 in London, near the fashionable district of English aristocrats - Kensington. Batko, Leslie Stephens, a popular, prosperous writer and critic, philosopher and literary historian, and mother, Ledi Julia Duckworth, is a sweet lady, friend of Meriam Harriet, daughters William Thackeray... Budynok Stevens is the most famous literary and artistic salon of artistic London. They talked about empressions, about the theory of the American psychologist William Joyce, who could easily get away with the idea of ​​"potik svidomosty"; read by robots Sigmund Freudі Carl Jung, Writers Devid Herbert Lawrence, Henry James were in the new. Four children Stephens wandered in the middle, all of them "had little access to the great library, some books weren't found anywhere."

All the well-being was called, if Virgins met 13 years. A few cousins, who were guests in the booth, survived a couple of wonders. Tse had a sprinkle of stiff hostility to the people and to the physical side of them, stretching out the life of Virginia. By the uncomfortable writing of all kinds of raptor legends, she died of her mother. Nervova, spilling the little girl as I saw her put her hands on her. They vryatuvali, ala gliboki, protracted depression became a quiet part of life. Vona grieved at the sight of her lack of protection: the brothers, they had a lot of dignity, they went to the University of Cambridge, and they went to her sister at once.

Since the father died in 1904, Virginia with her sister Vanessa and her brothers took the decision to sell small houses and move from Kensington to the quarter, de London bohemian Bloomsbury lived. The new house was wishing to grow with the cob of a new life - behind the butt of mother Virginia fell asleep at the sight of the literary salon. Since 1905, she regularly wrote for the Literary Supplement to the Times newspaper, and she was popular. A new death - її brother Tobias in 1906 rotsі - became a new terrible blow and led її in Chergovia rozcharuvannya.

In addition, since in 1907, Virginia's sister moved out and went to the house in Bloomsbury, Virginia with another brother, Edrien again remembered the apartment. The new mice, in Fittsroy Square, has become the soul of the so-called "Bloomsbury group". Having formed as a collective, we got along with singers ( Thomas Eliot), Literary studies (Roger Fry), writers (Edward M. Forster), philosophers ( Bertrand Russell), And also economics and mistresses of the same thought (most of them were gay), a group of winners from a number of knowledgeable people, like the brothers of Virgins, came for an hour to start in Cambridge. Overburdened by the flowing ideas of the philosopher G.E. Moore, the stench came from that, because of the ideal of friendship, love and mutual admiration є by the brains and the process of stink can be deprived of that, since the power and freedom overwhelm the field. The uvaga of people, one to one, was puffed up by a group in the quality of a vishoy meth, in the words of the writer E. Forster, "It is impossible to replace spilkuvannya".

In 1912, among the members of the Bloomberg Group, a Cambridge graduate, the critic Leonard Wolfe, appeared. At the same time - honestly declaring about those who are disgusted with the closeness of the cholovik - Virginia went for a new change. Shlyubny ultrasound, who shared Virginia and Leonard for 29 years, became an eye-catching interaction and emotional education.

Leonard actively trained in his squad a craving for literary creativity. Heads of yomu won and written yak. Twice with the head Virginia fell asleep with the Hogarth Press, took care of the shifting, having seen Russian classics in England: Ivan Sergiyovich Aksakov , Lev Mikolayovich Tolstoy , Ivana Sergiyovich Turgenova .

Pratsuyuchi over his first novel "Podoroz", Wolfe experienced another serious nervous vision, which brought her in 1915 to the new attempt of suicide. However, it got out of hand, and it was published in 1919. The success of "Podorozhi" became a teacher for the continuation of literary activity: the same novel by V. Woolf "Nich and a Day" came along, "Kimnata Yakoba" (1922) and "Misis Delouey" (1925) were sent. In the "wives" women in their life, at the whole hour, love calls and the people of the children were raised; Vona wrote richly, non-voluntarily, in addition to the novels, in 1925-1940, she released the rock prats from literary criticism, including literary criticism: ese "Awesome reader", "Awesome reader: a part of a friend" and "Death died , in 1942 roci). The literary decline of Virginia also includes dozens of it, thousands of leaves, five thousand sides of the notes and, in an obvious way, distribution ... soul ", de author's sheet of ruhome is more important and is similar to water-color overlays. Innovations in the ways of wikklade of the closest worldly essence, the image of the inner light of the heroes, the inventory of the ineffectual paths of the breaking of the testimony, the creation of the Virginia Wulf went to the golden fund of the literary modernism. Renewal and glory, however, did not please Virginia, and deprived the child of the cholovik and sisters, they were engaged in writing writing.

Vona's head is emotionally more tied to women: to sister Vanessa (kohanoy "not enough time for an obvious incest"), girlfriends (M. Van, V. Dikinson, E. Smit). Having settled in 1922 in Viktoria (Vitu) Sekwill West, Virginia Bula, pulled into a single blue, was tripled for 20 years. In 1928, Roci Wolfe portrayed her friend in the novel "Orlando" - a phantasmagoric biography, the life of the ephemeral protagonist, becoming now a man, now a woman, stretching out three tables. Sin Vіktorії calling cei tvir "the most enchanting love leaf in the history of literature". Emotional-door-leafs and creation of Virginia Woolf give a presentation for visnovku about the non-traditional sexual orientation of writing - after the tragedy experienced in the childhood, fear, such as the suspense of the child. Vona zakhuvalasya in a woman - ale with a whole small eye to all forms of closeness, including with them, did not wear out, did not allow to find a hand. Woolf was experiencing a romance with women in uyavi, so Woolf's inclusion in a number of "most beautiful lesbian women of the holy history" (and it is often the case that Woolf is often found in presenters in such a context) seems to be unsettled.

Innovative creations of Virginia Woolf were a writing partner to protest against patriarchal foundations. Famous for Virginia's "Vlasna Kimnata" (1929), as well as the novel "Three Genes" (1938), until the next day, vazayutsya the main creators of feminist literature. Give me a response to food "And what b, say, bulo, yakbi y Shakespeare Bula is not less gifted, nіzh vin, sister? "- Wolfe came up with a mini-novel (" Vlasna kimnata ") - the story about those who used to eat, like Shakespeare would be a woman, as a woman lived and tragically finished her life - not being overwhelmed and appreciated From the side of the novel, Wolfe called her fellow students NOT to be satisfied with "their kut in the back room," dumb, mi ydemo one ... "

Guarding through those who didn’t see yak mothers, Virginia passionately attached herself to children - persh for everything up to the number of nephews. Let us fall in love with them buv Julian - he sings a gift of great hope. I won myself, and the cholovik Leonard were put to the new yak to the shine. Juliana's end in Spain in 1938 threw the family of Wolves in the new sea in 1938. The scribe has tried her head to start a robot, I know and know the grounding self-esteem of life like that.

In the minds of Virginia, Wulf will have a novelty, a large-scale novel "Mіzh Acts", which has already begun to be written in the country of an important depression, torment with hallucinations, no visions, nightmares. Likars were poured into love in the psychiatric clientele: no bombardment of London on the cob in 1941, before the hour of the development of writing books, the library burned out, the ice didn’t screw up the rest of the nerves, - the rest of the nerves would get stuck. Virginia and Leonard Wolfe moved to the Rodmell Place in Sussex. Overwhelmed in a big depression from a man tied with a warrior and being mentally naked, Virginia became home-grown for those who, for the whole hour, "feel the voices of birds, like singing on the olives of old." Abi do not allow the surplus of his life to the cholovik proviv at the turbots, tied to the gods, won the 28th birch of 1941, the fate of those who more than once described in her creations and more than once she wore health on herself, laid her hands on in річці Оус.

Іm'ya Virginia Woolf became vidomo in Russia at once for the hour of the political "vidliga" became interested in modernism in literature in the 1960s. I was interested in this creativity especially after reading the story of the American playwright Edward Albi p'usi called "Who is afraid of Virginia Woolf?" (1966), according to the history of the same film. Exalted and very unhappy heroine - a movie analogue of Wolfe - played in the new one by the young E. Taylor. The first time, and the film of Mali Velmi, from a distance of being considered to be a real biography of writing, but now on the basis of the most severe drama and psychology, and how to reach the spiritual capital of romance, the power of the authorities єsi. In 2002, a new film was published on the screen of the svitovyi screen, where he spoke about the wondrous and tragic life of Wulf - "Godinnik", in which the role of N.

Virginia Wolf(English Virginia Woolf, 1882-1941) - British writing, literary critic. The figure of modernist literature of the first half of the XX century was held. Came in before the Bloomsbury group.

In the middle period Wolfe was a significant figure in the London Literary Suspension and was a member of the Bloomsbury gurt. Before the most recent ones, he is trying to read the novels: “” (1925), “” (1927), “Orlando” (1928) and the announcement “Own room”, for revenge on the aphorism: “At a skin woman, like a visit, take a take in your own room. " Її Romani vvazayutsya classic creations "stream of svidomosty".

She was born in London, the homeland of the famous literary critic Ser Leslie Steven and Julia Duckworth (in 1866, wrote Burne-Jones, presented a photograph of Julia's robot Margaret Cameron, 1867). Virginia Bula is the third child of Leslie and Julia (in the homeland there are three children of Julia from the first whore, daughter Leslya is the whore from Minnie Thackeray and four young Stevens: Vanessa, Tobi, Virginia) Since Virgina had thirteen years of age, she survived the death of her mother, which became the cause of the first nervous vision of the writing. After the death of Julia ser Leslie, I feel sorry for myself. Naybilshe is experiencing the death of mother Virginia.

The elder sister Stella stretched out the role of the lord of the house for the first time, and died without a bar. Vanessa - offensive by seniority - is tempted to engage in a booth, albeit at the sight of her elder sister, yes, he is a father, who is acting like a despot. After the death of the daddy, the young Stevens will move to Bloomsbury, de ive days of life, the citadel of all progressive, young minds are chosen for negotiation, often condemnation of the fucking suspension. Sisters Virginia and Vanessa Bully are still close, in the childish stench they swore not to go away and live at once. By the way, about those who Vanessa accepted in 1907 Clive Bell's proposition strongly shaped Virginia. Tse became through a few days after the death of his beloved brother Tobi - he became infected with typhoid fever before the hour of the road in Greece. Vaughn lost two times with her brother. In 1909, it was unsuccessful to accept the proposition of Lytton Strachey, who declared about his unconventional organization. Ale shlyub did not come across. At the end of the hour, Virgina is starting to see her critical statistics in magazines, and I’m going to keep it up. Ide the robot over the first novel.

In 1912, won a deputy for Leonard Wolfe, a writer, journalist. Schlub becoming an alliance to love one one people. In 1917, friends began to create a new Hogarth Press, the stars went into the light of all writing. Virginia typed and edited the texts herself. Vidavnitstvo, the sprat did not bring income, it became an overwhelming gain in income for the family Wolfe... Leonard has created ideal minds for robots їm about, win vіljako pіdtrimuvav Virginia.

The headaches, the voices, the bachelor didn’t catch Virginia, she won’t get maddened into herself, a little bit of development. The scribe was dumbfounded to herself and her robots, she rewrote the novels dozens of times. Vona took to lead the schoolboy just before the hour ailment, the schoolchildren went to see them in 4 volumes, there were also 5 volumes of Virgina's leaves, as she wrote to friends, sisters, Leonard, and very well, Vitest. The stench was known in 1922 rotsi, Vita was not even worthy of Vidzhina, Vita herself was joking in writing. Years later, friendship is common, and love is on the side of Virginia. Tse almost at once with the image, inflicted by the health of Viti, became the basis of the novel "Orlando", in which the main hero is transformed into a woman.

Romani Virgina was seen not only in England, but in America. With a tip of another light, fear for the cholovik, which will become the cause of the turning of the attacks and headaches, is brought about. Їх london booth buv zruynovaniye pіd hour bombarduvannya. Writing the completion of the robot over the manuscript of the Ostny (posthumously published) of the novel Between the Acts, Wolfe fell into depression. Having pounded, you can’t torment Leonard anymore, and without her you will be easier, Virginia Wolf Having covered a leaf of cholovikov and sisters, on March 28, 1941, she put on a coat, reminded a cluster of stones and was dumped at the village of Ous, not far from a small booth in Sussex. Children only knew after two years of tragedy on April 18, 1941. A cholovik of writing praised the remains of a small house in Sussex in the garden.

In the pre-death record of the cholovikov, Virginia wrote: "My dear, I am fond of knowing God. I see that it is impossible to live it again. I cannot hope for the rest. I have taken a decision and are afraid of those who want to be beautiful for me. For you, I was absolutely happy. And for me, I’m absolutely happy. I don’t think that two people could be happy, no A terrible ailment has come. I am no longer able to fight. I know that life is so bad without me. I can’t help you, I’m born. Bachish, I can’t get used to reading. I just want to know, for all the happiness in my life, I have a goiter, I’m bound to you. I’m mindlessly sickly with me, and I’m sickly kind. I know everything. Everything has surpassed me, except for the singularity of your kindness. I just can’t do more for your life. I don’t think scho in the whole world htos buv bi happy, nizh boule mi. "


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