Knowing the hour, or the magic numbers of the Maya. Mayan magic Mayan magic - tradition

Knowing the hour, or the magic numbers of the Maya. Mayan magic Mayan magic - tradition

So also the Sacred Calendar? They lived in the pre-Columbian part of the civilization of ancient Mesoamerica - Olmecs, Zapotecs, Toltecs, Aztecs, Mayans... They lived in a new way and during the hours of conquest, part of the founding among people (homo sapiens) was lost by the heart of the race. For a new and at a time, native residents live in such countries as Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Beliz.

Bagato in chomu zavdyaki Jose Arguelles(Div. In Bibliotetsi on the site - the book "The Mayan Factor") From this noble message, the Ancient Knowledge is revealed to people who live in a whole hour, before the speech, they have transmitted the Indian prophecy. The Great Epoch of the Fourth Sonce (among the Aztecs - Zemletrus) will end on the 21st of December 2012, the fate of our Earth will be even more disgusting from the last cataclysms and disasters, so that people will forget their times of the earth, spend their time on Earth children of the White Jaguar will be born. The stench will be of the pink color of the shkiri and there will be life in the small cuts of the Earth... The very stench of renewing the ecological and spiritual balance of the Earth and turning people to Love, Holy and ancient roots.

Primitively, those who know the great Chompollion richly, like a translation of the Egyptian ієroglіfi, albeit a little hto, sorry to know, well Mayan ієroglіfi bouli decrypted in the SRSR our test Knorozovim For being guilty in Mexico, having taken the Order of the Silver Eagle to the Uryadov city, albeit before being awakened practically innocent and having spent a little time in Mesoamerica before moving to the Innshii svit. Axis so!

For the official science, the verdict of the Sacred Calendar should become a mystery, as well as a lot of it, and those who at all know about the Mayan tradition - all the less the tip of the iceberg. Most of them are not so disgusting, as it is too much to lie, as Knowledge and wisdom is worth taking revenge. At the same time, I ignore the Indian tradition and rituals that have gone down to our days. It's so obvious! If the Keepers of the Days (the Lady of the Sacred Calendar) say that our old ancestors came to Earth from the distant lands of the Chumatsky Shlyakhu, and all people who live on Earth may say that they do not smell red for something kogos zdivuvati, or spantelichiti, or to correct the enemy.

For a long time, the Mayan people, especially the Keepers of the Days, keruvalis to the Knowledge, we will deny them from rasi isot - napivbogiv, as they live on planets in sleepyheads systems of the Pleiades(In Mayan - CAB, Tobto dirty grimace of grimace. Cm. in the Bibliotetsi on the site - the book "Taumnitsi Maya"). Say goodbye, so that the clever things helped people to see the flood, and they were deprived of the idea of ​​gift-giving, who are in the midst of the bobbins of light threads and cycles in the hour (sacred calendar) and a bag for the prophet.

Why talk about sacred calendars among many? To the one who is 20 !!!

A little bit of a good deal of navazhliv_shy from them, so also the calendar about Lyudin !!!

Bіli people (vchenі-Mayanіst) called yogo tsolkіn (TZOLKIN), having learned the Mayan words TZOL - order, rakhunok, shlyah і KIN - day, Sonce. Such an analogy was called the calendar TONALPOHUALLI, which means "VVAZHAT DAYS" or "ENCOUNTER HOSES!" Vcheni translated the sense from Aztec into Mayan and viyshov tsolkin, but the name is not correct. It is important to literally rewrite the Russian sense that contributed to the name of the Sacred Calendar of the Maya itself during the pre-Columbian hours. The stinks called yogo "GOOD TO ALL DAYS"! ("STC Lakh KI")

Yak pratsyuvati with the Calendar? The Guardian of the Days seems to be the eyes of the weak and the wicked, and the sage himself is the keeper of his eyes! Look for rakhuvati days and predict future events by yourself, live with love and help the Earth and earthlings to escape in 2013, in the era of P'yata Sonce so, “it’s not unbearably painful for living rocky without a goal”! Children of the White Jaguar, among them є Keepers of the Days!

The Sacred Calendar has 13 days in modern life (do not cheat with the Babylonian seven-day old, there is a pyramid in a series of steps up the hill, Syoma is a summit and a number of steps down). From the very people through the "eyes of light" (as the Maya people call "chakri"), the energy to enter the hills and the people are alive!

The Sacred Calendar has 20 signs. People have 20 fingers: 10 to wick us from the Earth and 10 from Heaven. There are 20 sacred calendars.

13x20 = 260 days. Tse Calendar Colo. 260 - the price of an average triviality in women.

And yet in the Sacred Calendar the gene memory of the people, і DNA, і the matrix of Buttya himself is encrypted (div. In the Library on the site - the book "I-Tsin :: Book of Zmins"), and the map of dreams, і biorhythms, і ... a lot of things.

Days in tizhni Mayut Vagu - from 1 to 4 - with a little carriage, energy is like a hvilya in the ocean, only fixes its rozbig, uphill along the descents of the Cosmic Pyramid, to reach the top and straighten down, that day from 10 to 13 - from The Aztecs call them holy days, the Mayans - maybe days. Days with a tighter wikid of energy. 1st day from 5 to 9 - harmonious days, so as opposed bets 5-9 and 6-8 timed 7 (div.

Three days with a small wagon are important 1 and 4. The energy of the day and the symbolic signified by a red thread pass through the entire 13th day of Khvilyu Hour. Lay the foundation at the same time. Realization of kindness in days from 5 to 9, please be respected at 6 - the day of inconsistent energies. 7 - top, peak and 8 - day of female energies - the most pleasant days. Magical days from 10 to 13 are the essence of your intentions, the hard energy can give you new bonuses, and you can download them into the cake, from which in the daytime the mismatched energies are called by the Keepers of the Days. dnі with the great waggom to timid їkh even more wagomimi.

Unimportant to those who, the civilization of the Maya knew back to the arrival of the first immigrants, about the people of the great people still survived to our days. Became the leaders of the Yucatan tribes, arguing the Mayans and making sure to save the most significant victories of their ancestors.
The directors of the houses, recorded by pre-amateurs in the middle of the 16th century, this year may be announced about the end of the ancient Maya.

rite of sacrifice
The main rite of the Mayan religious cult, especially in the last period, was a sacrifice, and for all people. About them, a lot of development is not only about the persistent chronicle, but also the current list in the Mayan Budives, and the skeletons of women, known in the cenotes of Chichen-Іtsi.

Mayasky ritual of sacrifice buv rich in some analogy to Aztec. People who had been designated as a sacrifice were smeared with sacred farboi (a special type of blakity), and a special high sacrifice "kovpak" was put on the head of the yoma. Then, obviously, the accompaniment of religious songs led to the top of the piracy. Chotiri of the high priest (on the name of their divine intercessors, the stench was called chakami), also smeared with the sacred blakittyu, grabbed the sacrifice of the skin for one picture and put it on the vivtar. Then he came close - the master of ceremonies - and with a stone knife cut the victim's breasts. Swiftly whirring from open breasts lively in the heart, passing it on to the head chilan, and sprinkling the image with blood, sprinkling the image of a god, in honor of which sacrifice was seen. Tilo the victim of the chaki threw away at the descent of the piracy. Downstairs, all the more nervous in the convulsions of the silence were staring at the girls. The stench ripped off (in the literal sense of the word) from a warm corpse to a shkiru, in it at once they put on a head chila and in the eyes of thousands of gazes, they vikonuvav a non-self-ritual dance. Because of the victim, either he was sleeping, or, in that case, if he died with a husband’s war, they were distributed to deserted little fellows and immediately went to the nobility and the heroes (to be sure, that the participants of the meal were gone). Maya's shelter was used by “the most beloved of the gods”.

Ritual "soul-blood"
For this ritual, a victim was taken away - an innocent young man (for the victims of the bullet, the purity of the "soul-blood" is important, before that, it was necessary to have a third-party injection) - they tied it to the spot on the square and were fired either with letters, for example. The boom was explained by the fact that on the cob of the ritual the suvoro was fenced off to inflict a mortal wound on the victim - the sacrifice is guilty of the death all over again, from which the soul "saw" to God.

Dance of the Fire Purge
Even more important is the ritual dance of the purification of fire, which was performed in observational fashion in rock, as the Mayan calendar was respected by the most unhappy and not unhappy ones. The ceremony was carried out every night, which gave the first cleanliness and created a unique effect. If from the great bagatty there were only one scorching vugilla, they were revived and thrown about. The process of barefoot indians, who walk on the head, ocholuviv the head priest.

Rite of passage "strung"
The bloodletting did not necessarily convey the death of the victim. The most exotic version of non-lethal bloodletting among the Mayan Indians is the ritual of "nanizuvannya". The rite of passage in the fact that all the members of the same family, having climbed into the temples, pierced with a thorn with a thorn "the members of the members across and from the side" foreign mother, as well as Chumatsky Shlyakh. The first image of such a motorcycle is on the Olmec vintary in the 1st yew. BC, they signify the ringing of the rulers with their divine ancestors. The Indians of the Maya, who came to the historical arena in the first century of our era, did not only preserve the ancient declaration of the umbilical cord, but they deprived a little of the image and texts of the rituals of blood letting. Tsikavo, in the classical Mayan period (VI-IX centuries) the rite was practiced by women: the Mayan rulers let them pass the fuzzy cord through the mova, piercing it with a thorn in front of it.
The cholovik rite of passage "strung up" is important for the preservation of the same family, who have been practicing to navigate with the spans, who have spontaneously drawn their native bells in the middle of the family, along with living people and distant people. Yak wrote the chronist, “the one who has broken the whole number of times, having got into the best of men. Oh, the blue children of the dynasty have repaired the zimatisya tsim, albeit the nizhakhlivishe those who saw the stench to the point of being smart. "
Chastkovo masov addiction to a wondrous outburst is explained by the opportunity to escape into the changes of the camp of svidomosty. With the use of blood in the course of the ritual, the brain of the viral speech will stimulate the appearance of hallucinatory diseases. The ancient Mexican shamans - "bach" - reached the end of the efect navmisno.

Rite of "flattening the head"
You can let it go, the ancient Maya respected the ideal of beauty for such a forehead, which I will fix from the line of the nose mayzhe straight (!) Kut. However, nature was born to the needs of the ekhnim tastes, and then people themselves came up with how to educate themselves to the standard of beauty.
For the achievement of the necessary deformation of the skull, the stench of the wine stench is a special "press". Vin was formed from two stacked one on one straight boards, scraped with motose from one end; from the bottom of the house, they parted, and the head of the newly born nemovlyat was squeezed into the top of the kuta. Progressively breeding kintsi were pulled together (also with tied knots), bringing the flattening of the skull to the required shape, yak dictated by the canons of beauty.
This will be a very big process, as soon as the child will end up. Judging from the fact that the Maya reached in the sciences, mystery, architecture and other spheres of their activity, such deformation of the skull in a child's life did not begin to develop on the smart health, which, as a matter of fact, was new to the society.
And maybe this rite of passage is not "just for the sake of the mod" - the fathers would not give such a child to such a rhizik without the need - but because of religious motives? from the nobility, having a ritual of "flattening the head"?
The ancient Mayan religion was based on the chanuvannya of grimacing snakes. You can let it go, for the Maya "The Tsarska Serpent" and all of her tied boules with such symbols, as for Christians - a chrest. The virginity of the Maya symbol was demonstrated at the time of the skin - in architecture, sculpture, decorative art. It can be done, the rite of flattening the head is raised in order to hit the child's head with a similarity to the snake's head.
Leave unwittingly, as a rank of the Indian Maya, they reached such a high level of their knowledge and mystery. Ale, maybe, there is a lot of knowledge about the head deformity, stimulating the brain to the robot?

Cocoa brewing ritual
Cocoa preparation is not an extravagant culinary procedure, but a ritual. Accepted Maya tribes bachi in ts'om badiori napіt divine serpent and prepared yogo in a special way. It was cooked only by people from roasted cocoa grains, mixed with water, cornflower and sweet spices, and poured into golden bowls.

The ritual of the royal funeral
The prejudiced and redeemed cult of rulers, їkh fried - is characteristic of the rice of the political life of the Maya in the postclassical hour. After all the stone monuments (vivtars, steles), as well as the temples and palaces of the Maya, they vlashtovuyu ritual caches - the most important rite, cries of the magic power of the deified 20th king on the offensive Tsar yak bi became aware of the appearance of the main gods of the Mayan pantheon, from which the harvest lay, and hence - goodness of the land.
In the Maya, having learned and written the ritual of the royal funeral and the funeral cult of the deceased ruler. A number of prelude to vbachi in the appearance of significant royal tombs are one of the most important signs of statehood and civilization. In the course of the excavations in Palenque, the bullet was revealed to be unique for Mesoamerica, the piramida, as the viconuval of the function of the mausoleum, the deceased ruler

Gras in the ball
It’s not a gra, but a religious ritual. Two commanders were playing with a rubber ball, which symbolized the sun, and until then it was impossible to knock around with their hands and feet. Vikoristovuchi shoulders, body, head, quilting and special beats, the whole ball needs to be hammered into the ring, as it is located on the new fields at a different height (on the field 2 rings, one per skin command). Chim vishche roztashovane k_lce, tim, apparently, foldn_she gra. The greatest field for the ball is in Chechen-Ica. One size is 180 by 120 meters, the circle is located at a height of about 4 meters.
Here I have a sense of the report zupinitisya on the whole field. Vono Volodya with unique acoustic effects, not guessed by modern science. The hills in the middle of a short and summery day, there are 2 tribunes, one for the high priest, which is seen in the role of the judge, and the one is for the nobility. Stand by the stands at close to 100 meters. The phenomenon of a great mismatch of a pole is in the fact that people who are in tsikh stands can change between themselves verses and it is wonderful to sense one thing alone, but below, on the field, you can't feel the call! The only unique effect of the field is that the guilty ones stand up to the wall on the opposite ends of the field, so that at 180 meters one in one, you can perfectly change without moving the voice!
We grabbed in teams of 7 to 7 people. At such a circle, that is located at such a height, hammer the ball into the edge foldably. Tom grated up to 3-4 dB. Yak only one ball was hammered into the ring, the gras were pressed. The Maya saw a non-human sacrifice. Ale at the bloodthirsty and warlike Tolteks, who came to the Chechen-Іtsa of the Maya, they calmed down their culture and rituals, after the completion of the greetings, human sacrifices were brought into the ball, and the head itself was a grave commander, I began to play ... They could sacrifice the smallest, so that the most beautiful were sent to heaven, to paradise ...

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Love is a part of human life, you can't get over it. And tse means, there can be problems with it. And what are the problems, you need them virishuvati. Zvidsi is a part of the great science of psychology, and a significant section is the psychology of love.

Behind the words of the doctors, even through a few days of smoking, the arterial grip is normalized, the robot's heart is renewed and the blood circulation of the blood circulates. Throughout a year, a lot of sourness in the blood will normalize.

Consider food, for some reason, there is a change in the news, it is simple, and it is foldable. It’s just that the skinny ludin is bigger than the tsikaviy, it’s not easy to know more about himself. For getting lost in the situation, and for the need, I’m just glad to get out of her.

Tilo, be-like people, you can make a difference in fine light. The skin of a man is to rob a small kolivannya, to wind up and to get magenta, for example, to stand strictly straight. The only requirement is to correctly translate, the conversation and the vibrations in the intelligence of the message.

Even for a long time, the warriors were given even greater values. The small peoples have their own ways of fortune-telling, they have been richly housed in our capital. People are attracted to all the tamniches and riddles, then, to be behind the singing boundary, and not to succumb to the scientific obruntuvannyu.

Vorozhinnya. It’s worth living in them, but it’s not. I would like to see the fact, people believe, the traditional tradition of fortune-telling and storing a great number of & methods

Yabluko, the symbol of charisma. Vono protection of the chaklunism and psyche, the energy potential of the people and the minds of the people, we have the ability to know their thoughts. And the apple is a good tool for the fortune-teller.

If you have a screen with old-fashioned old-fashioned and modern goodziks at your home, then you can turn on them. For example, there are fifty goodies on the set of old colors and roses, on a small saucepan, and put it on the table beforehand, do not curl nothing.

As a matter of fact, mutilations on the Rizdvo can be carried out a series of other types of triumphs. Itself in the whole evening the Earth will be in such a camp, if everything is close to magic energy, your fortune will build up special strength. I have a special respect for those who, for the sake of your primary force, all your warnings come to power.

The knowledge of the Mayan tribe's women is hostile to the lucky ones. The accuracy of the calendar, the level of knowledge in the field of medicine, the grandeur for its scale of Budovia, can not be overwhelmed by the baiduzhim of any of the tenacious on earth. The stench of the stench gave such knowledge, as they could touch those who are happy people and in the given hour it is important. Singingly, cry out in the minds of the Maya heroes with a cosmic rose and trimming the power of knowledge from the whole inconceivable dzherel. Few people think that the heroes of the velma have been perfectly able to transfer the share of the people to the future. One of such rituals and proponation of your respect. The winnings for the fortune-telling for eight sacred stones with inscribed on them with local symbols, meaning which cannot be deciphered to be found in the given hour.

In the Danish hour for the darkening of the victorious algebraic calculation, ala, as seen from the dzherel, Maya dyyali in an insane way: the stinks added astronomical precautions and advanced tables. Tables of the Dresden Code of Conduct to give the victims not only information about the darkening, but about those who are responsible for the 260-day calendar & tsolkin &. Seemingly short, the stench has become a stinky table for 11 958 days, which may sound like a song for 46 rock & tsolkin & (11 960 days). The price is absolutely 405 month old. Chitati

The high priest, according to Landa, called himself Ahab Kap May. Alas, it’s just that this information isn’t very accurate, and it’s more closely linked to specific people on the nickname May. The nickname was given to the Maya. The title Ahab Kan means "Pan Serpent". Skipetr with a handle from the numerical characters on the monuments of the classical period of the crop, so the title has been greatly extended for a large part of the territory of the Maya (Peten, Usumasinta, Motagua) in the past ... Chitati

Niyakikh ancient dzherel, as they gave a second description of the Mayan calendar, which is not known. Advisors will find out about the calendar system, deciphering many of the saved Mayan manuscripts and vivchayuchi on the books and memorials. Among these features are subtle corrections to the triviality of sleepy rock and a highly accurate description of the monthly and planetary cycles. All the tse bulo is maisternally inspired by the ancient Maya, like a scruple. Chitati

Maya stars could come? Not wicked summaries, but the stench of guilt will leave the center even higher and more than the ancient culture, not the Mayan civilization itself. First, this is the center of influences on the territory of Mexico. In new zooseredzheni surplus of the so-called Olmec culture, known in Tres Sapotes, La Venta, Veracruz and other regions of the Uzbek Mexican outflow. But on the right is not only the fact that the culture of the Olmecs is found in the territory of America and, moreover, it is "older" than the Mayan civilization. Numerical monuments of Olm. Chitati

For the ancient Maya, the cause of ailments could be natural or supernatural. At the first glance, the love of growing up for help is the empirical knowledge of the growing power of the growers. Ale, ailments bully viclikan "nasty vitrami", as well as sent by the enemies, as well as by therapists, as a result of deterioration of religious attributions, if not a little "miraculous" : Likuvati podibne podbnim. Ale skids. Chitati

Alfonso Arellano, a spokesman for the National Autonomous University of Mexico, has made a prophetic statement about the exact date of the date of birth. Explaining at the 21st breast of 2012, the end of the ninth cosmic cycle, which is due to the manifestations of the victims of this pre-Columbian civilization. The Mayan calendar of the classical period (III-IX centuries A.D.) takes the ear from the 13th sickle of 3113 until the end of the 21st day of 2012. Modern science is not left in the snake to explain, for reasons of itself 1. Read

It became like this: in 1836, a Mexican colonel, at the name of Garlindo, selected a soldier to join his regiment of the army of the village of Yucatan. The colonel became the first person to assess the remains of an ancient civilization. Vin secretly informed his superiors about the divine openness. Surprisingly, the scarlet was not enough for that to turn the eyes of the enormous to the priceless sorcerer. Justice triumphed three times because, according to the fact that it was called the bosses of the same rank, having spent it in the hands of New York attorney J.L. Stephens. Wit, melodiously. Chitati

For the version, yak was popular at every hour, everything was attributed to social shocks. So, during the excavations in Tikal, archaeologists knew without any evidence of stone sculptures. At the same time, for the entire 600-year history of Tikal, there have not been any conquerors of foreigners here. Deyak's pre-eminent people at once set a story about the future in the kingdom of Maya for a revolution of a revolutionary situation, as it grew later into a mass stirring up. For an hour, the zavorushen, the rioters, how to allow for the evening, ruined the richly kam'yan statues, and at the same time viralized all the specials. Chitati

In one of the known caves, archaeologists have seen a stone-paved road close to 100 meters, so that it ends in a colonade with descents, and goes straight into the water. Objects and human remains were also found near the stoves. The head of the expedition, Gilєrmo de Anda, sings about the ritual human sacrifice in the underground catacombs. Behind the words of de Anda, the greatest colonies and sculptures of clergymen feuded most of the past. Chitati

A complex of paramours, motivations of the Mayan civilization, of the knowledge of the buddies, who didn’t know their metal signs and great creatures and turn the wheels. Yak Maya in the distance to set the floor of civilization? Who did the stink think about the Vlasny Nezabar? What is the reason for the ancient ruins to hide a thousand of our fellows? It’s shorter than the hour of the spring and autumn riches, thousands of people come to Mexico, to the Yucatan mountains, in the ruins of the ancient city of Chichen-Ica, to pat the krylate serpent god, to show us the culture. Chitati

The ancient Maya did not realize that the earth was square, in extreme depression, straight. The sky, dumb dakh, rested on five pids - "celestial stops", tobto on the central "Cob tree" and on chotir "color trees" that grew along the edges of the earth. Maya yak bi translated the plan of their old communal buddies into a lost sight of all, having modeled it in their witness for the image and the similarity of that which, in the distant hour, was in concrete reality. Mabut, and the central "Pervisne (svitove) tree", like the Maya pochav. Chitati

Central America is in the midst of a divine Mayan civilization. In the jungle, there are zanedbani places with pirams, temples, stadiums, and observatories. Recognition of the Mayan Indians in astronomy and astrology of the Bully is very popular, so the Mayan calendar and horoscope is gaining great popularity. There is one of the most significant memorials of the Tsikh Mist - the Temple of the Feathered Serpent (Kukulkan). Tsey temple buv buildings n. Chitati

Unimportant to those who the civilization of the Maya knew for the time before the arrival of the conquest, the views about the actions of the religious evolution of the Maya still went down to our days. Became the center of the Yucatan Indians, close to the Mayants and the zoom to save the most important zvichayindiansiv... In the midst of the 16th century, we were allowed to learn about all the great ancient Maya and other tribes of America, such as the Aztecs, and the Indians. A large part of the ancient sounds of America, which have come down to our days, have a religious character. So, for example, seemingly, how the vernacular of the Maya was put into their own "christening".

To find out, like the bully, the catholic monsters, who sped on the power of the eyes of the evangelists. Yak and in the steels of a thousand rocky in that sound of the Old World, the Indians sprinkled water on the children, giving them an image. Dієgo de Landa in his works "People and Gods of Maya", writing that the priest trimmed the child in his arms, the Catholic bishop is Nemov. In addition, the Mayan sings took part in their ceremonies for the release of the holy graces and the sacrament. Before an hour of such services, the participants in the ritual d'livsya hlib. The Spanish, as they came to the ground of America, in the smallest step, the christening appeared in the attributes Mayan Religionsі їх sites. The friendship was blessed with podbnyi chrests. Before the word, life without the blessing of the people and women was not allowed, viclyuchennya became deprived of widows and children. The current Maya calmed down a significant part of the culture of the Old World. The Spanish, who lived on the grounds of the ancient Mayans, who bachelor the eyes of the Indians with their own eyes, described the deyaki, the most significant saints. So, May 16 is the day of the blessed Vodi. Catholic Europe will celebrate St. Ioanna, who was the patron saint of the water element. 8 birch in the religion of indians - the day of the people of the mother of the White God.

Zhorstokі zvychaї іndіantsіv.

At that hour in the Christian revolutions - the whole day of the People's Day of Divi Marya. The religion of the Maya is to say that Bily God was born on the 25th breast, which is not required in the explanation. The first immigrants and the precursors of the Mayan civilization meant the predilection of the sites of ancient Indians for purity and plowing. So, in Mayan towns and villages, it is practically a skinny day for a great number of all kinds of smells, from odorous herbs, to exotic fruits and kits. And the important events of the Indians and the ceremonies were supervised by the first tidying up, which symbolizes the cleansing and preparation of souls before Christmas. as if the gods and the people are mutually talking about one thing. Gods give people happiness, wealth, health and, of course, life, and people see their energy and blood. Sounds an idea about the special importance of being a form of blood and bloodshed.

The sacrifice of the Indians was made in different ways. Tse і live kits in the quality of mercy to the gods, їzha, beloved creatures that dear to the heart of speech, create a mystery, embellish. A special form of donation was used to prokolyuvannya language, lips, lips, genitalia. Maya bully perekonani, so human tilo - a passage for the supernatural forces in the world of people. For the help of the prokolyuvannya of people, the energy of the stars and heavenly bodies was transmitted. In such a rite, the sacrifice was zd_ysnuvali, they were taken into account, the connection and the unity of the equals in space and indian sportsmanship were observed. Before the common ritual performances, the roseling of the sturgeon roses, fasting, prayers, and Mayan ceremonies with dances and songs were staged. The post includes in itself the utrimannya of sex, їzhі and special. The confession of guilt is held in public. Religion of the Maya is stverdzhu, which is a big zhorstok form of sacrifice and from a big deed - canibalism, ritual invitations and voluntary human sacrifice.

The ritual of giving human flesh is alive in one single meta - to know the worth of the victim. It is not surprising, too, that the main rite of the Mayan religion, especially in the classical period of the Mayan civilization, was the offering of sacrifice and mercy at the sight of human flesh and blood. All the stinks are maddeningly harsh and strangers to the bitchy, intelligent people. However, in the civilization of Maya, human sacrifice is a higher price, purer and closer to the gods. About other religious ceremonies of blood-letting, evocations of indians for the sacrifice of flesh, not only the chronicles of the first incidents, but also the current records of the Mayan churches and the pyramids are announced. So also until our days went human sacrifice at the viglyadi pohovanie. It’s about the skeletons of women that have appeared in the cenote (cenote - well) of the Chichen-Ica place.

Mayan rituals of sacrifice buli rich in chomu analogous to the Aztecs. People, designated by the gods, smeared a special sacrifice with a farboy color of blakity, and put on a ceremonial sacrifice, a kovpak on their heads. Then the sounds of drums, songs and dances led to the top of the temple, the temple. Chotiri of the head of the head performer, the chaki, who were also smeared with a blakitny farboy, grabbed the sacrifice for the pictures and laid it with their backs on the vivtar. Mayan Mali's sacrifice to honor death. To this, the priest read the prayers and move with a special stone knife to cut the victim's breasts. The heart, which was spread out in a special vat, was sprinkled with blood, breeze from the belly, the image was sprinkled with blood, or a statue of God, in honor of what a bully was sprinkled Mayan sacrifice... After the sacrifice of the chakama was thrown off before the temple. The priest, who has changed clothes at the yaku, has made a special ritual dance. The conclusion of the stage is the rite of the human sacrifice - the salvation of the victim's body. In special vipadki, if a troop of war was sacrificed, only the victims were sold into little little shirts, as the victims and the nobility. All the shelter, selected as a result, was poured to the vivtar of God.

Vira Maya to learn, for the shelter of the nayulyublenisha and the gods. In such a rank, the gods passed on the whole life of the energy of the folded people. The mensch of the brutal audiences of the Indians are not mali in respect for death, canibalism and dismemberment. Go about non-lethal bloodletting. Naybіlsh extensions from subtitle ceremonies - the rite of "nanizuvannya". Some of the special sacrifices of the Maya fell in the fact that all the members of the same family, or the tribes that were selected in the temple, pierced them with a special thorn "members of the members" strung "on the blood-soaked seven motose. Tsi rituals of the Maya, rituals of "nanizuvannya", boules with a symbol of zahalny dispute and the umbilical cord of the mother.

Mayan religion, inspired by the blood.

The first images of such sacrifice of people and blood dates back to the first thousand years to our era. The civilization of the Maya, who came to the change of fragmentation to the tribes of the Olmecs, their ancestors, in the first century of our era, did not only save the old call "strung out", but even increased the blood in the reports of the descriptions. It’s a fact that in the classical era of civilization, since the sacrifice to the gods became all mens crooked and all more humane, the rite of being strung out was practiced in a large number of women. In this vipadku, the cord was passed through the movable woman. For a long time, the choloviche "strung out" played an important role in preserving the unity of the family. The chronicles of the first ones talk about those who had a rite of passage, having experienced a lot of capital and practiced for a long time before the arrival of the Spanish.

Religion of Indians vchila, which more often than not the cholovik undergoing the rite, they stood more courageously in the eyes of the gods. The blue of the great families and tribes of the family practiced "nanizuvannya". A lot of them saw a special kind of fallowness in a rite. Chastkovo masové sipping before the given ritual is explained by the possibility to escape into the camp of trance. The rite of sacrifice, such a yak "nanizuvannya", is to lead to a good blood loss, in the course of which speech is violated, so that I will stimulate the appearance of hallucinations. Old-time shamans navmisno introduced themselves into the camp for the achievement of hallucinations.

Practiced in the Mayan religion and kudi more extraordinary rituals. To transfer, how the Mayants respected the ideal to paint the forehead, which I will fix from the lines of the nose mayzhe straight kut. However, nature has rarely gone to the development of the tastes of the indian and the people independently indulged themselves to the obvious ideal of beauty. A picture, we don't see much of a modern day, why is it wrong ?! To achieve the necessary forms, the deformation of the skull was carried out behind the help of a special "press". Tse pristіy folding from two straight boards, stacked one on one, scraped with motose from one end. At the top of the boat, the little boards were scattered, and at the top the kuta pretended to be the head of the dull. Step by step, the boards were pulled together, bringing the skull to the required shape, yaku dictated "fashion".

Rituals of indiances for the deformation of the skull and the other parts of the tila buli are an even painful process, which often ends with the death of the dumb. Judging from the view that the Maya had reached mathematics, astronomy, architecture, medicine, and other operations, they did not begin with the rosy health of children, as the children, as if they were, could see them. It’s a real hypothesis that one can refer to the rituals of the Maya in the wake of the change of call, and how to say that the operations were carried out not through the practice to the ideal of beauty, but rather from the religious motives. In general, even the Jews practiced and practiced education, and Christianity was baptized. Perhaps the Mayan religion included a special rite of deformation of the head? At least, in the version of talking about those who were aware of the sacrifice of the Maya, they were focused on the deformation of the body, it is possible to believe.

The magic of the ancient Mayan Indians is one of the most ancient and talented magical traditions. All the magical rituals of the Maya were displayed in the suvorian view of the sacred calendar.

In the foreground of the calendar, in the first place in the life of the Mayan Indians, all life is ordered by the calendar. For the magic of Maya, having discovered a special sacred calendar of tsolkin, commemoration for the period of 260 days, which were victorious. The main yogo meta - nadati іndіantsyam Maya kerіvnі vkazіvki. On the other hand, the heroes were enchanting and robbing the message about the future. In case of misfortune, sacrifices were made to the gods.

The magic of the Maya included powerless rituals, in which the roof was covered, murders, as the creatures, and people. The ancient Maya warned, that the gods needed sacrifices and brought them to life, they went on a journey, they didn’t need to fight against them, who were guilty but sacrificed to the gods.

Among the rituals, there are especially important boules of festivals of deities, which were widely celebrated by representatives of the Mayan professional groups. Festivals were held for mislivts, ribaloks, bjolyars, warriors and others.

Special magical ceremonies were performed for the young life cycles, as they passed the cholovik. In approximately three months, a ritual was carried out, on which child ritual objects were passed in the fallow state of the stati - wisdom or tools for the boy and fabric or threads for the girl. Due to magical rituals and the period, if the young Indians of the Maya grew up, they reached the age of entry into the world.

Magic rituals for fixing ailments invoke zosvyazyvayutsya on the joke of a deity or a ruined soul, fragments of the ancient Maya were violated, so that ailments were found, if the soul of a people was overwhelmed by an unkind deity or a spirit. For the help of magic, the soul was consumed and turned to the master.

Especially important in Mayan magic was the rituals of wikklicannya the board, the fragments of life had been laid over all the time, in times of the daytime the boards were eating a non-harvest of corn - the head dzherel's livelihood. A priest, a master in a wiklican board, being blessed by fellow tribesmen. From the side, in Danish hour, it was brought by archaeologists that the victims, like the bully, were unlucky in the blessed weather, they drove the spivgromadians. The priest, for the wickedness of the board, is victorious and magical, so that he speaks of the gods, and for the other black magic, he sees the boards of smiles from the neighboring districts, and the chances of catching up at his own place.

Speaking of Mayan magic, it is impossible not to guess the important role of astrology. The guardianship of the sky and the heavenly bodies made the ancient Mayan Indians important to their homes, as the stench of vikoristov was carried away for magical purposes. Especially significant was given to the sleepy and monthly blackouts and the ruin of Venus. Krym, the stinks burned numbers, and numerology also played an important role.

Mayan magic and heroes

Mayan rituals and magic were practiced by the priests and shamans. The heroes of the ancient Maya were mali of physical specialties. After a few days of writing, the people of the Maybutt's hero were tied to the head with two planks, as the blame for the bullets, the heads were tied to the egg-like shape. Інshih to finish with an unprecedented physical characteristic of the Mayan sacrifice bulo oblique. The ancient Maya gave an important meaning to the fact and violated, how through the obliqueness of the priest to back up the days of speeches and appearances, the light of gods and other things. To cope with the oblique bones, the mighty women in the child's life pinned a bag of rubber on the hair of the hair, then they steadily passed in front of the child's eyes and formed oblique bones. Another view of the heroes of the ancient people was built with expensive stones.

The Maya women developed their wisdom to magic, as they liked to be in the sleeping camp of the majority of people. One of such health benefits was telepathy, as it helped to recover subtle energy, to gradually feel good about us. The breeders of the whole stench took away the possibility of a wider range of reasons and intelligence of reality and any situations. The victims were victorious about the practice of magic, how to reach the harmony of spirit and rose. All the same allowed them to be trimmed out of sight, to be favored by the gods and spirits, to interpret them and to convey them to people.


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