The image of the family in the "story about Peter and Fevroniya Muromsky". Ideological and artistic freedom "Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Muromsky Mo was put before the heroes of Fevronia and Peter

The image of the family in the "story about Peter and Fevroniya Muromsky". Ideological and artistic freedom "Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Muromsky Mo was put before the heroes of Fevronia and Peter

The Danish lesson is held in grade 7. Lesson type - analysis of artistic creation. In the process of analyzing the creation of children, they will recognize the manifestation of the Christian mindset, about the spiritual values, on which the tradition of the Russian family is based. Sposter, as the values ​​are realized in the names of Peter and Fevronia. The emotional mood is promoted by the song "Petro and Fevronia" at the Vicon of the Choir "Peresvet".


Front view:

Methodical development of the lesson of literature on the topic: "

About Peter and Fevronia of Muromsk

Khristiyanskoho rosuminnya slubu "

Sinelnikova Svitlana Dmitrivna,

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Lesson type - analysis of the artistic creation.

Technological suprovid lesson:

  • Information Technologies, ICT;
  • special-purpose technologies;
  • technology of spiritual culture;
  • technology of pedagogical sports.

Meta lesson:
1. Osvitnі:

  • help scholars of intelligence, look, morality, morality of past capital;
  • proanalyzuvati, as a rank in the "Tale of Peter and Fevroniya Muromskikh" to recognize the Christian mindset, on which spiritual values ​​the tradition of the Russian system is based and how the stench is realizable in the text;
  • viyaviti author's position;
  • rozkriti author's shrine to heroes;
  • udoskonalyuvati navichki characteristics of heroes.

2. Vikhovni:

  • Learning the significance of the old Russian literature, so that it gives a clear understanding of good and evil, the connection and honor, truth and conscience, people and sense of life - finding outlandish moral and spiritual values.
  • vikhovuvati moral qualities: kindness, kindness, vitality in friendship and in cohannes, in the mind of forgiveness;
  • indications of moral ideals and precepts of ancient Rus' values ​​and ponies.
  • vihovuvati shanoblive the introduction to the culture of the native land and native movi.

3. Developing:

  • development of logical misinterpretations, I will fall asleep with letters, communication, communication (robot in groups);
  • development of tips for analytical creative reading of old Russian literature, ideas for the creation, characterizing the heroes, the vision of the heroes of the modern literature; vminnya cituvati.
  • shape the tips of the slidnitskoy robot.

Having a lesson:

Exhibition of reproductions of old Russian painting (ikon).

Computer presentation before the lesson.

Audio recording of the song "Petro and Fevroniya" at the Vicon of the Choir "Peresvet".

Go to lesson:

  1. Organizational moment.Privit, lads, sit down! I am glad to bachiti your good mood for our today's lesson. Dobrikh will see you
  1. Robot with an Epigraph.

The morality of the one in the must and for all people. Reading about history in detail, we can know a lot for ourselves.
D.S. Likhachov

slide 2

  1. By those lesson.

Today at the lessons let us touch upon the creation of Old Russia - the perline of old Russian literature. Relative to the name of the creature - "From the life of the new saints, the miracle-worker of Murom, the blessed and venerable and praiseworthy Prince Peter, named in the black rank of David, and the man and the woman of the princess of the Black Church, worthy of honor

slide 3

  1. Beginning with a lesson.

The life of the family wager is described in the whole story - the history of the history of the cholovik and women, who thought of podolat all the folding and important earthly way, revealing the ideal of the Christian family. At the current level of analysis, as a rank in the "Stories about Peter and Fevronia of Muromsk", a Christian mindset is seen, on which spiritual values ​​it is based on the tradition of Russian and Analyzing the trickery of the saying, we will talk about the stosunki between people, I think, how the human qualities were priced at all times in Russia, like the moral ideals of the prices and the ponies.

slide 4

For the whole beastly life to the Christian mind, the family is the hobby that was pledged in the Bible, as well as the spiritual value of the foundation of the Christian family.

The symbol of our lesson will be a candle. Vogon is the isolation of heat, memory. The skin of a lyudin is guilty of the nobility for its history, its root. And stronger roots give stronger young people.

slide 5

  1. Perevirk homework

In the history of Christianity, the names of people who have become famous have become famous for their kindness, honesty, firmness in their virginity and husbandhood in their fellow citizens. They became nazivati ​​saints and reliably took care of the memory of them. The stories of the heroes' lives were written down and became the life of the general statements about the heroes, the exploits and miracles of the heroes.

In addition to the etymological and tlumac vocabulary, in the meaning of the semantics of the word "holy" (slide 6).

  1. Everything that can be seen to the Divine, to the truth is, the subject of the divine chanuvannya, worship (holy relics, holy gates, holy water).
  2. (Postponed). Pidnesene, idealne, podrozhche (holy love to Batkivshchyna).
  3. I am God: "Be holy, for I am holy, the Lord your God."

slide 6

Saints - lyudina, yaka dedicated her life to God. Robbing good and hating evil, deserving God for his love and faith of special gifts, for example, the gift of miracles.(Record viznachennya in zoshit).

slide 7

- What about life or agiography?(Slide 3) ("Agios" - from the Greek "saints", "grafos" - "I write" - the life of the saints of people. Life is a spiritual genre, like all old Russian literature, to that yogo meta is the glorification of a saint).

- Yaki canonical rice life?("Canon" - from the Greek "norm, zrazok." the inner light is not visible in development, it is the moment of the people. Space and hour in life is clever).

slide 8

Yak Vidomo, Metropolitan Makarii did not include the change of his life in the library collection "Great Chetya - Minei" To what? Readings on the food chain will be tried out through the folding tables.

Experience from the material covered

V "Tale of Peter and Fevronia" - not folklore or literary tvir? To what?

How can you call it tvir life?

What does it mean "povist"? What is the name of the tvir?

slide 9

As a matter of fact, it’s overdue for cooking.

Kazka is a tvir of usnyi folk creativity about vigadan podii, for the participation of charming, fantastic forces.

At the turn of my life rice kazki:

Kazkov's beginning: "Є in the Russian land of the place ... in the new ruled the prince on im'ya Pavlo";

The exact hour is not specified, it will be seen from the rest of the story: “through the rik”, “every other day”, “to the onset of the wound”;

The first part of "Poisti ..." is similar to a charming tale about a snake-magician, a friend - to a tale about a mudra diva;

Є enchanting speeches: Agrikov sword;

Good peremagaє evil (Petro peremіg serpent);


Draw your life.

Life (in the transcript of church words'yanskaya - "life") - a description of the life of the saints, їkh diyyan.

The life of a small structure is introverted. An introduction is a beast to God (praise and prayer for help). Vlasne life is a saint's people, a righteous life, death and miracles. Visnovok - praise to the saint

The story is written in the form of life, a little bit traditional for the genre of life, inspire the creature

through how Peter and Fevronia pass, it is not the devil who can do it, but the wickedness of people; if the final is a classic view of life). Ale is still in the presence of the rice of life.

In a different way, g eroi to live according to the “commandments of God, to turn into a twisted slime before God.

According to the third, the stench of creating a diva for life and death (prophetically conveyed their death, died in one day and one year, the death did not come apart; at the time of death, all people will perceive the vision of the most painful ailments).

Rice povіstі.

Post is a prose genre that is heavy

to the chronicle of the plot, to the creative natural plin of life

The credibility of the "Poisti ..."

The heroes of the story are real people. (Petro and Fevronia reigned in Murom on the cob for the 13th century, died in 1228).

At the center of the creation - the image of a simple village girl, which is brought to pass through the serious reality of viprobuvannya.

In every country, one of the most severe conflicts of the 16th century was seen - history was torn to the power of the boyars, one of them was killed in strife.

slide 10

Otzhe, what kind of genre do you have? How can you call it tvir life?

(It’s not just a genre to play with: in the whole creation є and the elements of kazoks, and the elements of life, and the elements of the historical narrative.

6 , Write to zoshit

tse life storywith elements of the national-Kazakh character).

So why isn't the TV set included before the pickup? (The unconventional character of the life "Tale of Peter and Fevronia", folk motives, laconicism, the presence of etiquette pictures is obviously inconceivable for the agiographic canons of the 16th century.)

Is it possible to dispense tvir into the smallest parts?

(For three: persha chastina - the firmness of God's election of the brotherly prince of the serpent. friend It is not assigned to a heroic deed, but to be united with the invoking force of evil, in their heads a spiritual override appears over their sin and deeds are not physical, but spiritually improved. third assigned to the friend's life of Peter and Fevronia).

slide 11

  1. Basic values ​​of the Christian family.

word of the reader

From the traditional system of values ​​of the Orthodox people, the family has already borrowed a chilne place. A union of love in the New Zavit of the works on the steps of the great mystery of God; itself vin is an image of the union of Christ with the Church. Ale the union of Christ with the Church є a union of grace, true; To that and a loving union, it is necessary to respect the vicon of grace, that is, an union for which the grace of the Holy Spirit can come from God, and for that is a true union. The love union of the Poles is not only for the bazhanyam of the cholovik and women, but for the blessing of the Church. Shlyub is a spiritual union, accomplished with the blessing of the Lord, a sacred rite, a special sacrament, as it carries the grace of the Holy Spirit over a family couple.

slide 12

"She is not only not overshadowed by a God-pleasing life, ale and a douche of tidings of sticky nature, which is not allowed to harbor the sea, but guiltlessly guides me to the pier," says St. John Chrysostom.

Holy Letter and Transferred to the values ​​of family life, great respect. Already on the very cob, the Lord God Himself has shown the kind of human value of value. The Savior for nourishment is about the power of zechtuvati with values ​​(to be separated), yes, I am completely clear about it:Chi vi didn’t read, why didn’t you, who opened a handful of a man and a woman opened it? And having said: Leave that man, father and mother, and stay until his squad, and be both stench one til, so the stench is not two, but one flesh. Otzhe, when God has come, do not separate people.(Matthew 19: 4-6)

slide 13

The Orthodox glance at the seven yak on the small church is not only the divine establishment of the common ones, but the righteousness. bo"To endure love, love to mercy", not to cuddle, not to be magnified, not to be hoped, not to be holed up, not to humor, not to tear to nausea, not to think dashing, not to be fooled, but to be quiet with truth, to bear everything, to believe, to be hungry for all , mustache endure. " (1 Cor. 13: 4) (Slide 140

slide 14

Schlyub is guilty of being unrepentant: “God, having received, do not separate the people” (Matthew 19: 6). It is only by the will of God, and not by the bazhannya of people. In the bitter suspension of the middle of the youth, you can often feel phrases close to such a snake: “We are friends, but we’re getting on with it” - it is also unimaginable for a Christian whore, so your “half” is designated by God. A Christian is living in the church, learning that he is bound to be with a person until the end of life, and is guilty of being able to endure the experience of being vigilant, as someone who will fall into family life, including people who are in love

In such a rank, you can talk about those who, in the basis of the Christian whore, lie such spiritual values ​​as vitality, patience, help in physical and spiritual life, honesty and love with friends, as well as spiritual and spiritual life ... Friendship, according to the canons of Christianity, one is recognized by God alone and is not only one

High images of pious friendship couples were seen by the old people in the hour. The church is shanuє bagatokh saints, united by the bonds of a slut or representatives of the same family. With a butt, we can serve as a friend of a couple, the day of memory of which in our hour has becomein the afternoon of the family, love and vitality- the whole holy gracious princes Petro and Fevroniya, Muromsk miracle worker.

We are bestial to the analysis of the text of the "Tale of Peter and the Fevronia of Muromsk" and seemingly, as the rank of value of the Christian slut, is displayed in the text of the creation.

Otzhe, before us is "Story about Peter and Fevronia"

  1. Robot over the text

Analytical chatter.

Let us resist the artistic light of the creature.

Yakim is posting in front of us author of the story? ( Modest, lagid, gliboko vierucha, humbly grasping his lack of knowledge as a writer, ale dyaku Bogov for a creative gift).

yaki especially the style of the writer can you see? (A high style, a lot of hailing speeches, not only heroes, but God, a lot of epithets characteristic of spiritual literature, rich words, how to get used to spiritual religious literature).

With rice "Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom" є those who, in the first parts, create sposter heroes like one kind of one, in the coming distractions the stench is unintelligible, and go at once. As a result, there is an out-of-the-box picture, in which there are not just characters, but a couple of heroes themselves, who are going through the spilny viprobauvannya.

To that beastly until the first two chapters of "The Tale of Peter and the Fevronia of Muromsk", in which the history of the head heroes is developed. If I want Petro and Fevronia in these parts of being tied with ties to a whore, but in them we can just become a friend of mine, which is of great importance for the formulated family.

Why should the plot be reported?(The meaning of the mission).

- Who and what rank to reward the worldly prince to serve God?

(The devil, who will be able to get the hell out of his squad. At the viglyadi of Prince Paul, she made the fluttering serpent-inversion go to fornication).

- How can you call one of them Pavel and his squad?

(Dovіrchі, іdkritі, scho trap bida - spіlna bіda, podolannya shukayut spіlno).

In front of the squad of the Murom prince, standing vibir: if you won’t take everything, you see, or know the cholovik, - the princess vibrated. Such a revival is brought up to the canons of the Christian whore: the squad did not bring the chagrin before the cholovik, so as the serpent was violent over her, so that the delight of the cholovik was not a trace of a sin of crime, but the devil. The family of Prince Paul passed through the life of viprobuvannya, gained love and honor. From the side, the mutual friendliness of the friend, one in one, helped him to shake off the serpent and overcome the Devil's steps.

- Why is Pavel Bully the same?(By brother Peter)

The family is not just a man and a squad, but his relatives are brothers and sisters, as they themselves see one alone in life, so for the help, Prince Pavlo goes to death to his brother Peter, as without wagging he will help Pavel.

How is it possible to evaluate the behavior of Peter, who knows everything about his older brother's history from the wolf-turner?(Petro din samoviddano)

- Will the yak put the sword into the hands of Peter? What is it for you? Confirm in text.

(The piety of Peter helped the riddle of the serpent to his friend.) Win the "prayer" and loving the prayer in the church of the Holy Exaltation of the Monastery.

- Who is the author of the story?(The author conveyed a feeling of great love, prayer of the prince. Having settled in a quiet church, it was easier to offer your hot prayer, asking for help in the right place.

- Of course, Prince Petro's sword is known to the Church of the Exaltation of the Honorable and Life-giving Cross.

The sword itself has the shape of a criss-cross and symbolic representations, and im'ya AGRIKA, or Agirka, is worn by a rich snake-fighter. In such a rank, Peter was set up as a godly obranets, as we become a serpent fighter, the order of Saint George and Kazkov AGRIKA.

Mi bachimo in front of him is an unabable ludin who is a vicon of divine will, designated by vishy forces.

How did you become with Peter when you were able to overcome the dragon?(Vin zhvoriv).

What became the drive of the knowledge of Peter and Fevronia?

You know that riddles are broadens of priyom in usn_y folk creativity.

Know the answer to the first riddle. On a friend, on a third.

How much is Petro worried when he felt the lecture about the non-private girl?(Win not guilty)

Yake solution accepted?(To fool the girl, get rich gifts).

The answer about Peter Fevronia is the knowledge that he is fighting against the dragon. Who's got Peter?(God blessed the people, so that you can restrain the pride, for the cleansing of all the grains. Fevronia of the unheard of the will of God).

Is it easy to find a hero? If there is still enough wine?(Petro rozkayavsya, correcting his mercy, win in a righteous life, buv humble, ala in vira. Petro reached the ideal of holiness in his life).

What is the change in the life of the hero?

(The head of the soul of Peter).

vocabulary robot

Continue row:

Valuability-value ...

Ztzіlennya people - t ...

Do you know spіlnogo vi in ​​cikh words? Guide the butt of the first single-root words(Tsiliy, tsilisny).

Valuability, i.e., Strict morality, purity, give Fevronia the gift of improvement.

(It can be less difficult for people to learn to share life and all hardships with them, including the hardships of ailments).

Yak you think, why the author in the role of the head heroine is not noble to a woman, but a village prodigy? (Make people think about people not for walking around, but for old people, though they say, well and the middle of the villagers є people are wise, clean, true).

Why is the author not small portraits of heroes of the story? (It’s not brazen, it’s not a beauty for a new one, because it’s not a smut for Peter and Fevronia. Petro has changed his mind, the soulful beauty of the girl. Vona did not accept his gifts, that is, she was unkind; vona, "don't be angry with him, don't be angry, vilikovuyogo", which means - merciful Aja before that, as Petro took Fevroniya with great honors in Murom, the stench did not bach one one and all the spilkuvannya was conducted through the servants).

Why is Fevroniya good to create a diva, and Petro is not?

(Vona is pious, heard by God, followed in the life of the commandments of Christ).

The third part of the story.

Insanely, the main hero of the story є Fevronia, since the main part of the story is assigned to the description of the day itself, the protest is named after the name of a friend, and on the first place is the name of the man. With such a rank, the author gives a sense of intelligence, don't wonder at the creation of Fevroniya, the head theme of the creation є still, not an emblem of a female image, but the family of heroes themselves

We analyze the images of Peter and Fevronia, and the images of Peter and Fevronia, and the images of Peter and Fevronia, and the images of Peter and Fevronia, and the images of Peter and Fevronia, as they appear in the harmonious and harmonious way, as well as the common sense of being seen between the cholovik and the squad in the traditional Russian

Chim viclikan dislike of boyars and their squads before the new princess?(Malice, insanity, pikha, arrogance, criminality are the causes of hatred of the boyars and their squads).

Yak і yaku prohannya boyars Viskonal Fevroniya?(Fevronia thought about promising a man for a gift, but she didn’t think about it, but a man didn’t prowess for power. The decision of the cholovik. Petro mav himself has an opinion for his share).

Yak hitting Petro? (Petro buv duzhe vyachny to God for such a squad, if the boyars and the nobility proponated you to choose between the squad and the throne, vin vibrav:
“Blessed Prince Petro did not want to destroy God's commandments

tsaruvannya in the life of the tsієї, …  for Evangeliyem nadiyeshov: having zechtuvav their princes, do not destroy the commandments of God ").

For Peter, the situation is efficiently foldable, for that it is necessary to see the perspective in front of the place that is to rule, and it is impossible to forget that from the other side, seeing from the Fevronia, it is to destroy the commandments of the whore - to destroy the love of love itself. The prince is not “king in the life of the life”, but the Kingdom of the Lord, and to get lost with the squad, go out of place in evil days.

In the whole situation, no cholovik, no squad did not go to the choice of decision. The prince, having accepted the decision, is also guilty of Christian canons - he is guilty of dbati about his squad, to go along with it її life path, which is good for a new vishche of power.

How do you help Peter and Fevronia to fix all the troubles?(Life behind the laws of God, Petro, and Fevronia remembered the commandment about those who love the Lord's feelings, and only those who can revive them, but don't be friends with someone).

Literary Hudziy to bach in Fevroniya "the nature is bestowed, volova". What are you looking for? Deliver.(In vignania, if Peter is tormented by reason: why is it not for nothing that he himself has allowed himself autocracy, Fevronia pidbad'oryu yogo, zmіtsnyu viru).

D.S. Likhachov, meaning: “The life-giving power of Fevroniya's love is so great, that the poles, wriggled into the earth, are planted in the tree according to the blessedness. Krikhti khliba in the valley is turned into grains of sacred incense. Vona planks are strong in spirit, so the guesses of thoughts made people feel good. In the power of his love, in wisdom, as if he was inspired by love, Fevronia would appear to see his ideal cholovik - Prince Peter ”.

Why did Petro and Fevronia turn into a place?(The boyars beat Petro and Fevronia, they punched them).

Yak human qualities were valued in ancient Rus.

(The wisdom of kindness, mercy, humility, in the mind of forgiveness).

Analysis of the financial "Poisti ..." (slide)

Who knows how to turn around is the power of the mutual cohannia of Peter and Fevronia?(Offended by the person, not being misled by the possibility of surviving one one, dying on the same day and year and not being separated from death, in spite of the time, who are magical about their separation).

Why is it important for the old Russian people who, before the death of the hero, to cheat the important croc - to take the blacks (blacks)?

(By sending your own righteousness, making friends take on the blackness, so that the insult stench will remember the love to the Lord, the stench is in your mind, and at once walk the path to spiritual growth. nadaє sense to special forms of sleep).

The story ends with the description of the death of Peter and Fevronia, and in the whole episode of Bachimo, the vikonannya of the commandments of the slut will be announced. Let us show to the whole plan the very conclusion of the episode of the earthly life. Yakiy vin?(Prince Petro, seeing his death is near, called to Fevroniya to finish his life at once. Fevroniya is bound by the rite of hearing, and is guilty of seeing the “fortune” - a special curse for the churches to ask for a cup, two days, or on the third occasion, but you can't check more).

Fevroniya-Ophrosinia appeared before the vibor: finish the right of hearing, or else the word was given earlier. Vona vibiraє stop, do not overwhelm the unavailable binding. The first person can complete it, and the axis is given the word Viconati can only be won by herself. The author pіdkreslyu the priority of the word over the worldly right, do not know and God-pleasing.

With such a rank, Fevronia viconuє will command the virgin Christian squad, to put the will of the cholovik and his obligations before him as his spiritual righteous, but at the same time she will show the spiritual greatness, the more the cholovik will appear in the mind for the soul. Friendship will die in one day, showing the unity of the family to see their very death.

Yake meaning maє kintzivka? "The stench lived long and happily and died in one day" - not a Cossack price?

(Petro і Fevronia to cleanse one one at a time of death, so that at once in a frivolous way until vіchnostі.

There is no tragedy in the end of life, death is a stage in a small way until the end, and not the humiliation of that which has been accumulated by the lives).

Yake a miracle that the song of death has been repeatedly seen?(The stinks appeared in one truny).

Pohovani boules, holy friends in the cathedral church of the place of Murom in honor of the Holy Mother of God, erected over their relics in the villageIvan the Terrible v rotsi, nini vidkrito rest at the church of the Holy Tribe of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Murom .. There is one more shrine at this temple - the icon of the good-hearted Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia. Vona oberіgaє sіm'ї come to miss, є patroness of love and whore and wandering around as a symbol of friendliness and vitality.

slide 15

According to her New Year's prayers, Saint Peter and Fevronia will make heavenly blessings on girlfriends bets and children.

slide 16

To end with the praise of Peter and Fevronia, in the way that the message of the university is shown to the creator - viprobuvannya, as the blessed friends transferred it spirally, without destroying the hobby's command. The very message to God is in the love of being born. Petro In "The Tale of Peter and the Fevronia of Muromsk," not only friends of the head heroes are shown; on the butt of Paul and his last squad, the author shows that it is not only Petro and Fevronia who live in the “correct” whores, that the harmony of the same family is guilty, and it is not only the people who are “blessed” who are close to the Lord, such as for Petro, over Zmієm, abo Fevronia, is overpowered to work miracles with the gift of the laity. It is a show, and those who command the boat are taken by the rulers of their friends themselves, show the butt of their children with their behavior stench. Behind the Russian tradition of state power, I repeat the zealous order, the only one who can be guilty of being righteous, only the smell of it can be seen in the eyes of the Christian laws of their children.

10. Leading the lesson

What did the history of Peter and Fevronia tell you?

Are you thinking about a new year's lesson about your current values? (Living behind the commandments of God, learning about the desire of people to do good, love and vitality - values, over which there is no hour.

slide 17

Hrmolai-Erasmus from the city of Glybin, having seen us about the culture of every single person and woman, existed this fortune in the midst of being appreciated?

2008 rock in Russia day 8 linden strippedAll-Russian day of this day, love and vitality.

slide 18

The doers of the Russian cities since 2008 have begun to reignMonuments to Peter and Fevronia .

slide 19

Listening to the song "Petro and Fevroniya"at the Viconan's choir "Peresvet".

slide 20

Why did Petro and Fevronia, seemingly fucking my own, appear again to be demanded by the suspension?

(Bagatii was shocked by the XX century, the fate of the reforms stole a lot of values, on which to rest life, physical and moral health of the suspension and people. , hundreds of thousands of unprepared and mindless children, the expansion of alcoholism, drug addiction, malignancy, hisism and cynicism.

Turning to the bishop lesson.

Seeing the epigraph of our lesson? (So, Russian old-fashioned things are dear to us, dear, don't think deyaki. It’s clear and simple ... We’re living in a live connection with the action, with our present and our maybutnim, since it’s not like that from our past).

11. Homework.

Tvir-mіnіatura "Yak changed me" A story about Peter and Fevroniya Muromsky "?


  1. Zolotarova I.V., Anikina S.M. Lesson boxes from literature. Grade 7 - M .: VAKO, 2005
  2. Krupina N.L. A story about Peter and Fevronia of Muromsky. IX class // Literature in school.-2000.-№5.-p.78-82
  3. Malyukova V.F. Lesson on "The story of Peter and Fevronia of Muromsk" VII class // Literature in school.-2008.- №9.-С.37-39

    The Russian Orthodox tradition of St. Peter and Fevronia Muromske plays a special role. Life is the history of hundreds of people and women, who made a noise of podolat all the folding and important earthly way, revealing the ideal of the Christian family. Those joys and problems, with which I happened to be caught up in that actual donin, - the stench of lying posture for an hour. Holy friends show us the very soulful and spiritual qualities of the people, which are necessary for everyone, who wants to be able to see their friends with a loved one. Not vipadkovo, but on the day of commemoration of Peter and Fevronia, 8 lime, the All-Russian Day of the family, love and vitality is meant.

    Poshuk sign

    It's a pity, about the entertainment and knowledge of the maybutnyy friend, we seemingly have little to do. It is tied with a tse z tim, which until now has not spared readable documentary testimonials.

    It is worthy to see that Prince Petro ruled in Murom in the end of the XII - the ear of the XIII century, and immediately after the death of the first squad of Fevronia, they began to shanuvate among the people as people of a particularly righteous life. At the 16th century, the friends of the boules were protected to the face of the saints. The first written text, assignments to їm, - "Story about Peter and Fevroniya Muromskikh" - also written approximately in the XV-XVI centuries.

    Crazy, “Povist” cannot be called biography in a common sense of the word. The author of Volodya's uryvchastymi vidomosty about the life of his heroes, yogo text - a whole artistic tvir with the lifeless folk and legendary impregnations. However, it is important that in the "Poisti" it is discussed about the meaning of human witnesses and minds by the heroes themselves.

    Mabut, do not have enough information about those who overwhelmed the friendship of Prince Peter with the commoner Fevroniya (the croc is absolutely unimaginable behind the worlds of suspense at that hour), the author will rewrite the first chapter into an allegorical Kazka based on popular folklore plots. They have a story about the battle of Peter with the monstrous one.

    Petro, seizing the squad of his brother, drives in a serpent-inversion, which is magical to focus on її. Ale before the hour of battle, the prince will appear and he himself is wounded and he is near death. Ztsіliti yogo to be deprived of the villagers Fevroniya, yak vimagє of one thing: wines will be lost with her. Petro will not wait for a while, get bogtied out of the village, and in roslutsy with her, I will again become ill ...

    Tsia history is not a vipadkovo viperredzhaє notification about the friend of the life of Peter and Fevroniya. Vona vimalovuє basis of їхніх hundreds of units. The prince is deisno wounded, ale wound, persh for everything in his soul. Obviously, tsya alegoria poklikana visloviti vishy sense christiansky slut... The prince's spiritual wound is the flawed nature of human nature; The faces of Peter are Fevronia herself, the woman, sent by God to her fellow-woman's life. As soon as it is in order with her, the prince can fix his soul, and only at once the stench can rise to the new spiritual level: the stench can’t know God, Yakiy One who’s old enough to catch the ailments of the souls of people. And to that їkh earthly love and love of God appear unadulteratedly one from one thing.

    To that Fevronia and not the admission of the prince: there is already a vidchuvak, but without her, I can’t let the prince go. By the same token, Petro himself. This is how one should obey his spiritual life and sleep to God.

    At the crossroads

    Past old friends converge on the Duma: do not marvel at the legendary alegorical history of the knowledge of Peter and Fevroniya, of the vision, how to tell about the whole life of the story, which is completely reliable. And for that, because of this or that part of the character of the story, described in the other part of the "Poisti", it is possible to use biographical ones.

    We will give the svіdchennya tsiy some of those who are in the life of a friend of a dumb unwitting friend. Nawpaki, їkh life is close to us, and that їkh history doesn’t lose its relevance.

    From the living point of view, in the valley of Peter and Fevronia, there is only one really important moment. Immediately, the message of the wedding before Prince Peter posed a dilemma: the squad is young, for everything that has been going on in your life. Friends in the villagers do not know the children of the little town of Murom. Boyars declare in vіdverto about the prince, and then from Fevroniya itself. The stench of smelling the prince's vibir: a message from his own call (and that means, a sign of failure) or a rozirvannya whore.

    It is important for Prince Petro to endure those who see it, wonder at the maybut, de yogo check, the lack of visibility ... ale, it’s not the least bit, to beat the vibe on the reproach of his squad. Vіdteper vіn is no longer a prince, and at the same time with the squad he is guilty of returning to the exile. To drive my friend along the Oka from Murom ...

    Qia history is allowed unsupported quickly and safely. Vyavlyayetsya, Prince Petro will find a key figure in the political life of the inundated place. Struggle for the power to reclaim immediately, in the first place, the representatives of the boyar clans will start to fight for a second blow to the opponents, which will grow into a slap. Razumіyuchi, how everything can be skіnchitsya confusion і huge vіynoy, the rulers of Murom call the prince back.

    Letters of food about yogo do not get used to the “nervous shlyubi” ...

    Smolder in the whole episode - cause the vibor, broken down to your friends. Petro does not sturdzhu "the primacy of the special over the suspicious", but simply follows in his branches of the Christian law of love and mercy. In a folding situation, if it is possible to try to cheat or to apologize to the rational, hisist mirkuvan, the prince to reproach the law of the heart. The squad was given to him by God, and it cannot be done against the will of God. The prince shukak is not a special corista, vigodi, ale, magaєtsya follow the path, like a vede yogo - at once with a squad - to the Creator. That is to blame for God, Yakiy who gave him a squad and Yakiy would bring him back.

    On the first day, a dialogue between friends and friends is presented, which is given in the "Poisti". “Nearing evening, we rested to the shore of the berth. Then they greeted the blessed prince Peter with a thought: "How will I give life, having surrendered autocracy by my will?" The delightful princess Fevronia said to yom: - Do not manage, prince: merciful God, Creator and Promiser will not deprive us of everything in evil days! "

    Smell to be inspired by God and to rotate Youmu - the axis itself is "not happy", but the characteristic of them is not happy. To friends - it’s hard - keru is not hisism and the humor of his own, ale vira and hope for the One who gave him life and blessed his love.


    The last episode of the earthly life of Peter and Fevronia, according to the testimonies of the author of "Povis", having honored the majesty of the feud on the other people. Following the current tradition in the elder, the girlfriends went to the monasteries, who will grow up to life and development from Tim, who stinks of zobov'yazanii their happiness. І Vin, ready to create їkh, do it all, mabut, head dear, about how there can be two loving people: having lived at the same time in life, Petro and Fevroniya die practically overnight.

    Late for making friends with the preparation of the gallant trunus, in which stench they commanded to indulge themselves. However, people do not get caught up in the viconati tsiu will. Even at the end of the life of the cholovik and the squads voluntarily parted, vibrating the black path, and therefore, after death, one could not lie in one truny.

    The martyrs of Peter and Fevronia are ready to go to sleep one way or the other, or lie at the same time, in the same prepared truny - one for two. Silent pir, saintly friend, not a turbine. You can worship at once in the burial vault in the Holy Trinity Monastery of the Murom ...

    Petro and Fevronia lived at once all the way to rock, and, melodiously, he got stuck with the smallest number of difficult times on the part of the other and the number, but the writer didn’t become biophysical. However, it’s the same, as a rule, become the reason for the coldness of the friends. Petro and Fevronia - people who have gone through difficult times and saved their respect, which is why it has ceased to be just the earthly love of two people. The love of a man and a woman grew into an eternal love, and death overcame it.

    For the Russian Church of St. Peter and Fevronia, Muromske may be of great significance in Pershu, as a symbol of a special spiritual path, on which the understanding of God is indiscriminately tied with two people. The cholovik and the woman are one for one; Ale tse z'єdnannya is unfortunate, as if a person does not bump into a person a unique specialness, I am based on the image of God.

    Prince Petro might put himself before his squad as a yak before speech, and not as a yak for people. Moreover, in the current camp there is a certain turn of biology and no development of biology of the suspension. Adzhe їkhni stosunki were going to be a chotirist of rocky to Domostroi, for an hour, since the norms were set by ultra-liberalism. Cholovik for the fact of being a volodar of women. We are more willing to help our villagers' squads, and they can be an aristocrat of old families.

    In povіstі є short episodes, like talking about those who prince Peter did not easily evoke and stereotypes to find all around himself. I was forced to cheer on the intelligence of the squad, as she did not know the etiquette of that day *. However, it’s known, now it’s on the tse. Adzhe for his squad is not a prince, not a representative of the social sphere or a class. For Fevroniya Petro, in the first cherga, lyudin.

    Widely broadened is the manifestation that a spirited Christian is guilty of suffering in earthly life, to accumulate "spiritual capital" for the life of a life of maybut. However, the history of the Russian saints of Peter and Fevronia simply sank.

    The life of Christ becomes for them happy happiness, like the stench to know in love one to one.
    Navіki z'єednuchis on the earth, the stench to know Vіchnіst.

    * In "Povisti" є a clue about those who are the first hour of Fevronia in the village zvichkoy picked up from the table rozsipany krikhti, close to the prince himself. - Ed.

    "Story about Peter and Fevronia of Murom" National and historical basis of the story. The story about Peter and Fevronia is a classic insight into the history and biography of the old Russian story of the 16th century. Misce, the heroes of the story lived, and the heroes of the story lived, and the heroes of the story lived, the villages of the Russian town of Murom and the Ryazan lands. The stories, which served as the basis for the story, were brought up in the first half of the 12th century, and the story of the story was written in the end of the 40s of the 16th century, the leading clergyman and writer Urmolam Erazm. He opened the Great Tvir to the canonization of the new Miracle Workers of Murom - Prince Peter (named by David in black) and Princess Fevronia (named Frosino in black).

    The third day of the cich saints is designated 25 worms. A link to folklore. The plot of "Povisti" has two main Cossack plot - a charming Kazka about the struggle against the wicked and a short story about the wise peasant woman, how to act as a substitute for a noble people and become important. The story describes the honest, righteous life of the Murom prince Peter and his druzhina Fevroniya, a commoner for walking. Х life and in kіntsі її the black man tonsured the life of the saints and create a general character.

    Learn yak bi virosta s folklore: kazok, bilin, riddles, prisliv. In the povіstі there was a big thought, which is seen from the very ear of the people’s mind of the rationality of people before the truth. So, in the case of the Kaztsi village syn, Ivan make friends with the tsar, and it is simple for the devil to marry the tsarevich. To that the friendship of Prince Peter on Fevroniya is a root in Russian folklore and at the same hour to talk about the emerging changes in Russian suspensions. The feat of Peter the Great was the found mythological, Cossack and bilingual motive of snake fighting.

    Drive in the serpent, the hero rewinds evil and temrya. The serpent of images in the world is like an inversion, its building is transformed into a human being, spontaneously, the cunning of the devil. It is a show that Petro drives a snake, a rich yak, with a sword-kladenets. Fevronia is included in the view of the Kazkov image of the wise divi. The composition of the story. For its structure and warehouse "Story about Peter and Fevronia of Muromsky" є , a miracle, how to see death. The plot of the story. The plot of the story about Peter and Fevronia is taken from the traditional life plot by the coming signs: Nemaє citizens for war, martyr's death of heroes; There is no connection with history.

    At the center of the village the village dvchin Fevroniya, as the prince Peter's vilikuvati stayed for a while, was spilled on new blood. At the city for the price of Fevronia vimagak, the prince became friends with him: “I want this vilikuvati, but I don’t vimagin anyway. Axis to the new word is mo: if I don’t become a squad for you, then I don’t lick me and lіkuvati yogo. " Trying the vile prince to destroy his obscenity, it was not far off: Fevronia haughtily ordered all of his victories (rejected from the blood of the blood), but only one, and for the residual love of his petty-minded Lyshe fell on one scab, as if he had no anointing by the divine’s time. From that scab, new scabs have gone all over the place since that day, as I went to my patrimony. I once again covered myself with scabs and twists, like for the first time.

    I once again turned the prince on the viprobuvan of lіkuvannya to dіvchini. If you come to the house, then send it to her, ask for help. Vona, well, they are not abhorrent, said: "As soon as I become a cholovik, then I will get better." But I firmly gave a word to you, to see you in the squad. I won’t know, like I’ve been pricked, the same I didn’t mention to you, I’ve already written about it earlier. Win, however, quickly zitsilivshis, taking її sob for the squad. Fevroniya the princess became such an axis. " After the death of his brother Petro, he took over the throne of the Murom principality.

    If the rebellious boyars virishuyut the princess-villager from Murom, wait a while to drink, if you allow those who you ask to be taken with you. The boyars wait, and the princess ask "only the squad of my prince Peter." Petro followed her: “If it was late evening, the stench stuck up to the shore and started to wind up for the night. The Blessed Prince Petro pondered: "Now, will I, by my own will, have seen the prince?"

    Fevroniya's anticipatory say to you: "Do not try, prince, merciful God, creator and intercessor of all, do not deprive us of the bidi!" By virtue of Petro and Fevronia, "statehood" in Murom is safe; according to the "presented kupno" (death in one hour) and the separate entreaty of the stench, all the same appearing "in one grave": "If in the hour of pious death, they appeased the stench of God, and died in one hour. They commanded, they both laid them in the same tomb, and they ordered two cowards to be thrown from one stone, so that they could lay a thin partition between them. In one hour they took the stench of black clothes and put on clothes in black clothes.

    The first names were blessed prince Petro David in the rank of black, and the Monk Fevronia in the rank of black was named Frosino. Іdeyny zmіst povіstі. In the images of Peter and Fevronia, who became a man and a squad, the turns of the people's ideal slut: the power of the named is righteous and good, from the clarity of the soul, the purity of the nominated. By the end of the cycle of joys, I set up an unruly spiritual union between the man and the squad, which is a triumph both in life, and in death: “If the hour of your pious death comes, bless the stench of God, and you should die at one and the same hour. I commanded the stench of worshiping both in the same trunks. I ordered the stench to churn in one stone, two drones, so that they could cross one partition.

    The stench itself instantly came into the black odeagh. The first names of the blessed prince Petro from the black David, the Reverend Fevronia was named among the black ones by Frosino. At the same time, the Monk and Blessed Fevronia, named Afrosinia, embroidered with her hands for the temple of the Most Pure Cathedral Church of the Church, on which boule of images of saints. The Monk and Blessed Prince Petro, of the names David, overtook her, apparently: “About Sister Afrosinia! I want my soul to see it all, but I check only to you, just die right away. " Vona zhidpovila: "Chekay, sir, if I live to eat for the holy church."

    Vin suddenly sent to her, it seems: "I will pay you three cents." For the first time I sent a wine, apparently: "I want to die as soon as I check to you anymore." There, the rest of the vіzerunki vіtrya vіvіt that saint, I did not vіdlіt only saints vest; the person herself, she pinned it on the robot, stuck in her head in good time and wrapped it with a thread that she sewed. I sent out to blessed Peter, named David, a message about an overnight presentation. I, having prayed, shone the stench of their holy souls into the hands of the worm of God on the 25th day. " The image of Fevronia. “The hero of the story is the deva Fevroniya.

    Vona is wise with folk wisdom. Wonderful riddles and riddles without the essence of allowing life is difficult. Vaughn will not forbid the enemies and do not show them as insistent, but give in to the allegory, the way of letting the unsuccessful opponents ask themselves about their mercy. Vaughn to work miracles mimokhіd: zmushuє for one nіch roskvіtnuy in a great tree wvіtknenі for bagatty gіlka. The power of the life-giving ones expands to all things. Krikhti khliba in the valley is transformed into grains of spare incense ... Fevronia is similar to the quiet angels of Rublev.

    Vona "mudra diva" of Kazkov's plots. Show the great inner strength of the wisdom. Vona is ready for a feat of self-sacrifice, she has overcome her addictions. Love to Prince Peter for that, and the call is impenetrable; At the same time, wisdom is not only power for the mind, but in the same world - for the feeling and will.

    Mіzh її respectfully, rozum і by the will of a dumb conflict: stars are not accustomed to "silence" to the image. The first appearance in the child's life Fevronia is visualized in a brightly different image. You know in the idleness of the peasant hut the messenger of the Murom prince Peter, who got sick from the broken blood of the serpent driven into him. At the common village platte Fevronia sat at the weaving verstat and took up the "quiet" right - she weaved the canvas, and in front of her galloping a rabbit, as if they symbolized the evil with nature. It’s clear that the “ruble thought” is not thoughtless. Fevronia is amazed by the message of her visions and the help of love to the great prince ... tree on the blessed. Vona flooring is strong in spirit, so the guessing of the thoughts of the people.

    By virtue of love, in wisdom, prompted by love, Fevronia will appear to see her ideal man - Prince Peter ”(D. S. Likhachov. Great decline). Artistic freedom of the story. "The charm of" Povisti "- in the simplicity and clarity of the wikklad, in the fact that there is a lack of capitalism, in the state of the art, the warning is not astonishing to the divine, in harmony with the calm, it is the indication of the simplicity and harmlessness of the action of some particulars ... Fevronia's gesture, embedding the head in the curl and curling around the thread of the gold thread, so laconic and visually clear, as the pershant of Fevronia in the world, since she was sitting in the hut at the weaving table in front of the bench, not a bench.

    To appreciate the gesture of Fevroniya, to thread a thread about the head, a memory demand, but in old Russian literary works I don't have a lot, there are no detailed descriptions - because in them you can see yak bi in cloth. In the minds of the minds, the gesture of Fevroniya is expensive, like the gold shittya, like you sewed for the "holy" bowls "(D. S. Likhachov. Great recession). Advice in the assessment of literary studies. "About the hour of the verdict of" Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Muromsk "to be found on the superheroes.

    Some precursors date from the 15th century to the 15th century, and from the 16th century. Judging from that, the church cult of Peter and Fevronia in Murom was already in the other half of the 15th century, the newest, but “Post” in what is the first, unheard of us, the bully was put in the same hour. However, its residual viglyad "Povist" was dabbling, as it was brought at once by R. P. Dmitriyev, under the pen of Urmolai Erazm, a writer who had started in the middle of the 16th century. "A Story about Peter and Fevronia" is a compilation of two folklore plots: one about the serpent-magician and іnshiy - about the wise diva. The plots in the "Povis" are dated to Murom, and the whole story is a claim to historical reliability "(D. S. Likhachov. Great decline).

    1.5 / 5. 2

    meta : -Show the significance of "Povisti ..." in the formulation of moral family values;

    To gain the prestige of the Institute of the family;

    Prevention of social behavior in the youth community.


    Be sure to read the scholars and analyze the read: I’ll see a thought, open up the author’s presentation to heroes and podiatry, and make a monologue.

    Robit the fragmented culture of conducting the discussion at the level, while keeping your point of view, in the mind of the spokesperson.

    Vykhovuvati moral qualities of schoolchildren: kindness, vindication in friendship and love, in the mind of forgiveness.

    Formuati the tips of the slidnitskoy robot.

    Go to lesson

    I. Word of the reader

    Good afternoon! By the same hour, it became even more fashionable for the day of St. Valentine, the patron saint of zakhanikh. Along with the Russian Orthodox calendar, there are 8 limes of the Day of Conflicts, the ties with the history of the holy friend of Peter and the Fevronia of Muromsk - the patron saint of this whore, whose love and friend's legacy are known. The life of Peter and Fevronia is the history of hundreds of men and women, who zoomed all the folding and important earthly way, revealing the ideal of the Christian family.

    Z 2008 rock day 8 linden was stripped of the All-Russian day of this day, love and vitality. Symbolically, it was sacred for the first time in 2008 rotsi, which was stripped of the rock of the family. Even more people on the whole day are pilgrims to Murom, so you can help the saints of Peter and Fevronia for intercession in your family life, or ask for the gift of family harmony and happiness.

    Zvernennya before the bishop lesson:

    F. Adler said: "The family is the whole suspension in the miniature, because of the integrity of the morality of the human suspension."

    Yak vi rozumієte tsei vislіv, yake є epigraph before our today's lesson?

    And what, in your opinion, the smut in life? (Generosity, kindness, spirituality, wisdom, virility, honesty ...)

    Yak you think, who can change the position to the head truths in the life of the people and stretch out the table or become invisible?

    It is possible, for a long time ago we know it’s on the food chain, and even for old Russian literature to become a period of 700 years from 1000 (from the 10th century to the 17th century)

    Years old zanurimosya in the light of the old Russian literature - calm, urochistic, spoglyadalny, wise. Transferred to the distant 16th century ...

    At last we learned about the story of Peter and Fevronia of Muromsk together, and this year's atrocities to the creator again, for the sake of intelligence, but I want to tell us the author, as those who have written about the problems of the day

    The first part of our lesson will be passed by the viewer of your presentations, as they independently prepared in groups of either history or literature.

    Evaluate your projects will be expertly glad (three scholars), for which there is a list of criteria for evaluating the presentation. The word will be given to destroy your projects.

    II. Zakhist presentation of the group "History"

    - "Story about Peter and Fevronia" - one of the masterpieces of the old Russian literature, and the author's name, can stand in the row of the best writings of the Russian middle.

    Well, having written tsey tvir? Yaka yogo pered_stor_ya? The word is for our historians.

    The results of the previous robotics to present the core of the group "history"

    The 16th century is the hour of the establishment of the United Russian State with the capital city of Moscow. For the ob'nannya Rusі bulo ob'єdnannya Russian culture. From the curriculum of Metropolitan Makarios, a great deal - 12 magnificent volumes - is built up - all the books that have been read in Russia. The tse was called "Great Chetya-Minei".

    In the "Great Chetya-Meneya", in the order of the months and days, a discourse about the life of the saints of the Orthodox Church was announced. Rossiyske is encouraged to say: "It's not a place without a saint, a village - without a righteous man." I Makariy instructed the priests to take over the Russian lands, tell them about them, who became famous for their pious deeds of righteous people. Priests Urmolai, a writer and a publicist, was instructed to write a life about the Murom saints of Peter and Fevronia.

    Reading tvir, we brutalized respect, but the author writes: “In one hour they took the stench of black clothes and put on the stench in black clothes. The first names were blessed prince Petro David in the rank of black, and the Monk Fevronia in the rank of black was named Frosino.

    We were told by the food: "Prince Petro is a spirited hero and a prototype?"

    Murom is famous for its legends. The most poetical of the Murom legends was the story about the mudra diva, who became a good and fair princess. Wono i served as the basis for the world. Until now, it’s unbelievable who can be called prototypes of heroes. Ale most, yak mi z'yasuvali, the prototype of the hero of the povist, prince Peter, is called prince David Yuriyovych, who ruled Murom on the ear of the 13th century. Winning friends in the villagers of Afrosinia as a friend for those who are sick and who are sick, because of which there is no place for them. The prince's love with a simple peasant wikklik in evil naklep, ale friends happily lived until the end of their days. Having grown older, the stench of offense took over the blackness and died in 1228 rots.

    The story has become a masterpiece of old Russian literature, the story was written for the canonization, so that it was written to the face of the saints, Peter and Fevronia at the Moscow Church Cathedral in 1547. She was read in the Moscow state, to our days, 150 copies of the work have been saved.

    Zakhist of presentation groups "literaturoznavtsiv"

    III. The robot of creative groups with the text: “Kazka? Life? Is it possible? "

    Yak vidomo, Metropolitan Makarii did not include the change of his life in the collection of "Great Chetya-Minei" To what? View - in the prelude to creative groups of scientists - literary scholars, as they worked over the manifestations of the peculiarities of the genre given to the creator.

    In the course of the entry, fill in the table in the table:

    The results of the pre-old robots will inflate the cores of the skin group "literature".

    1 group of literaturekazka

    Kazka - folklore tvir with installation on a vygadka.

    After reading the "Story about Peter and Fevronia", I saw the following figures:

    An ear of nagadu nagadu Cossack inception: "Є in the Russian land, a place ... ruled in new if the prince on im'ya Pavlo ..."

    The habit of repentance went, yak, senselessly, passed over here by the way: before Prince Paul's squad, he became the arrival of the Serpent and zvablyuvati.

    The first chastin is similar to a charming kazka about a hero - a wrestler, a friend - to a freak kazka about a mudra diva. Yak and in all Kazkahs, the Kazkov hero is the serpent-magician.

    Behind the laws of enchanting Kazka, Good is the reversal of evil: Petro has changed the serpent.

    Є riddles, which are often brought to the attention of the heroes of the Kazoks. For example: "It is rotten, if the house is without vuh, but the light is without eyes."

    Tricky wisdom-viprobuvannya (the work of Peter to sew a shirt from a beam to a lion;

    Charming objects (for example, Agrikov sword, about which guinea Snake)

    Potential epitheti ("wicked serpent", "mudra diva").

    In such a rank, the rice that is characteristic of the charming and by-piping kazka, has revealed us, allow us to bring the "Story about Peter and Fevroniya" to the genre of folklore.

    It is necessary to bear in mind that, with the development of the plot of the image of Peter and Fevronia, more and more and more and more to repair the rice of the Russian saints.

    2 group of literature - life

    Life literature was still popular in Russia. The word "life" means "life". Creation was called Lives, who tell about the saints - the sovereign and religious deeds, the life and the vchinka buli roztsineni yak zrazkov. Tobto life is a tse of life for the saints.

    The life of mali has a structure:

    The entry, in which the reasons were explained, scho sponded the author about the beginning.

    The main part is a report about the life of the saint, his death and posthumous miracles.

    Completing the life with praise to the saint.

    "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia" is written in the form of life - the artist's biography of people protected by the church to the face of the saints.

    In the course of the robots, we saw the following figures of the life genre:

    Є praise the word to the saints: “For the power of the vichiznya, that praise is given to me ... Radiate, venerable and blessed ones, for death invisibly, quietly, I will come to you! .. "

    Love of heroes to God, shanuvannya by heroes of the Bible.

    Miracles that heroes create (for example, Fevronia ztsilyuє ailments, kryhti khliba were transformed into incense, dead stumps became writing trees on the wounds).

    Death and posthumous miracles are unavoidable (the warriors didn’t only die in one day and one year, but the deaths didn’t come apart; at the time of death, all kinds of people will recognize the diseases of the most painful ailments).

    The poets have a vocabulary characteristic of spiritual literature: blessed, merciful creatures, commandments of the Lord, children, etc.

    Ale, as it may seem, in the view of the genre that is not traditional for the life genre, encourage the creator (if the final is the classic image of life).

    3 group of literary studies - more

    The genre is assigned to the art in the title: "Povist". In the course of the last few years, the following genres of specialties have emerged:

    Specified specific missions: Misto Murom, Ryazanskaya Zemlya, Lagidno village. Tse nadaє povіstі reliability.

    The heroes of the story are real people.

    Prince, I want to see the wisdom of Fevroniya and yes, I do not know how to do it. The Kazts are ready to visit with charming shvidkistyu. Not the ones in the world. Fevroniya on sly vdpovida is not less disingenuous.

    For example, Fevronia will wrap the thread around the head: “... At the end of the hour the vishivannya of that holy supper was ending: only one saint has not finished her mantle yet, but the person has already resigned; і zupinilasya, і threw in her head in the twilight, і wrapped around her a thread, like embroidering ... ". This detail will show the divine spiritual calmness of Fevroniya, from which you will be seen to die with a kohany people. The author said a lot about her with just one tsim gesture.

    The peculiarity of the villager hangs on the first plan

    The topic of social unrest

    The history was torn to the power of the boyars, they killed one one in strife.

    Such a rank, in this creation, is an element of the historical story.

    - Otzhe, what kind of genre do you have? "Tale of Peter and Fevronia" - a whole folklore or literary tvir? How can you call it tvir life?

    To work out the style of the genre: everyday life with the elements of the folk-kazk character.

    IV. Uzagalnyucha besіda.

    verbal mischief: Before any episodes of life, did the babies beat? What is it up to qikh? Would you like to tell with your illustrations?

    (The wisdom of the girl from the village of Laskavo. The mind of Fevronia and insight. Wake against Princess Fevronia. "Give me what I ask!"

    We know that Petro and Fevronia did not become heroes of the story. For the writer, Prince Petro is the involvement of the just princely power: having told about the rule of Prince Peter, the author showed that she was a master. Ale vin, showing the insight of the friend's life, the virginity and the virginity. Life behind the commandments of God, learning the bazhannya of people and doing good - most importantly for the author.

    Ale khiba head of Petro nadhodiv according to his conscience? Hiba not wiklikav zasudzhennya? (Not making friends at once on Fevroniya, becoming її їdchuvati, if the boyars' squads began to talk about her, for example, about krikhti, like a zbiraє).

    Yak you think, why the author in the role of the head heroine is not noble to a woman, but a village prodigy? (Winning people cinuvati not for walking around, for their vchinki, although they say, that the people are wise, clean, true). Do not forget that the heroes of the story are real historical individuals.

    Did you almost see the hero, reading about her? (Spіvchuvali, shkoduvali, if її didn’t accept Petro, but rather the boyars; they pushed him for intelligence, virility, radіli, if everyone was intelligent, wow, wise, kind, fair, and took її).

    Why is the author not small portraits of heroes of the story? (Not namelessness, it’s not a smut for a new one, as it’s not a smut for Peter and Fevronia. Petro, having fallen into rosum, the soulful beauty of a divine. spilkuvannya was led through the servants).

    Who knows how to turn around is the power of the mutual cohannia of Peter and Fevronia? (Offended by the person, not being misled by the possibility of surviving one one, dying on the same day and year and not being separated from death, in spite of the time, who are magical about their separation).

    Who is the main value of the book? Yak life values ​​harden in new?

    Learn to learn your own kind of hymn viri, love and virnost.

    Love for people, manhood, humility, same value, virility, religion.

    The triumph of viri, wisdom, rosum, goodness and love is the main idea of ​​the story.

    Tvir-miniature: "How did I change the story about Peter and Fevroniya Muromsky"? " (2-3 speech).

    V. Word of the reader.

    Reading old Russian literature, we understand ourselves, our soul, we will more readily remind ourselves of our life, we will understand our senses in them.

    Reading urivkiv from creations-miniatures.

    Vi. Pidib'єmo this. Reflexion.

    Why did you forget this year's lesson?

    What did the history of Peter and Fevronia tell you?

    Did they talk about who they were today?

    Homework. Put the plan to the creator: "What are the same values ​​of value in our hour?"

    The image of the family in the "Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom"


    In the last ten years in the current suspension there is a real problem, which has not yet been known. The whole problem of interrelationships in the middle of the family. Even in the era of 20-30 years of the twentieth century, there was a decline in the traditional Russian family way, and to this day the problem of the ethics of family members is considered one of the most relevant in the life of the happy young people.

    In the era of the formation of socialism in literature, the freedom of family members was actively promoted, outside of the traditional mindset of the family. Chernishevsky's novel "What robiti?" we are developing a new way of family life, then, how are we called these year's "vilny vіdnosin", since the cholovik and the squad are not tied one with one bond to the whore, and the family will be friends until they are quiet NS. This model is very new for Russia at that hour, as it seemed to be superbly, but in the current suspension of the won itself, it became the most popular and called it a "huge whore".

    Nadal the socialist suspension to turn to the newer forms of the traditional family, albeit the loss of the spiritual foundations of the slut, as the church had set up earlier, giving rise to numerical problems, the middle of the separation, which are difficult for the wicked children. Behind the obolonkoy family family, there was often a lot of havoc for a cholovik and a woman one to one and a powerful child;

    The rocky "wakes up" I know the collapse of the family is going to happen, so as the separation ceases to be in accordance with the norms, with the whole spiritual ambush of the gateboat, it will be called for those who are still able to understand the understandings, as if to get lost in the last models of the old models. However, in the end of the rock, there is a revolting reaction - the helpless young people to ignore the traditions of the family, and intelligence, so that they lie in the foundation of the traditional Russian homeland.

    Look at the food chain of the past in the Russian classical literature, read the works of Lev Mykolayovich Tolstoy, Ivan Sergiyovich Turgenov and the great writings of the ancient times,

    Our robots have a clear view of robots for the aspect of family heroes, presented in a new, pro-analysis, as the rank of vibrating in the "Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom" family of heroes.

    I don’t think about the fact that “Story about Peter and Fevronia of Muromsk” depicts a Christian glance at seven and every child. The author of the given creation is Urmolai-Erasmus, who became a priest in Pskov, and later as an archpriest of the palace cathedral of the Savior-on-Bor in Moscow, and it means that the revolutions of the rosuminnya slut in “Povisti” are necessary to be shukati in Orthodox Christianity.

    By the method of our robots є. family of vidnosin.

    At the first part of the robots, we are beastly before the history of the story of "The stories about Peter and the Fevronia of Muromsk" and the specialties of Urmolai-Erasmus - the author of the story, the peculiarities of the given artistic creation, which formed the basis of our analogy.

    In the coming part of the robots, they will be analyzed, as a rank in the "Stories About Peter and Fevroniya Muromskikh" seeks to be a Christian mind and as a spiritual value to lie in the basis of the traditional Russian motherland.

    The third chapter is dedicated to the analysis of the images of Peter and Fevronia and from the image on their attachments, as “roles” are developed in the family and in the way of life, seen between the people and the family in the traditional Russian.

    Our robots will have vikoristani such terms:

    Life - (bios (Greek), Vita (lat.)) - life of the saints. The life of the fledgling story of the death of the saint, do not wait for the formal canonization. Life is characterized by strict change and structural intercourse (canon, literary etiquette), strongly evoked from all sorts of biographies. Vivchennyam of life is engaged in the science of agiography.

    Old Russian literature of the lives of the saints of the Vlasne of the Russian ones to obey the lives of the saints around the saints. At a glance, behind the yak, the Russian "life" was formed, the life of the walnut type of Metaphrast was served, so that the zavdannya received "praise" to the saint.

    The main zavdannya of the life of the glorified saint, as it was, he resumed from the improvement of his good fortune, stikosti or in the ministry of hard work.

    The main book is to revenge in the life of the Russian saints of the Buli "Chetya-Minei" and "Mіnei Chetyi" - those same, which Chetya (meaning for reading, and not for worship) books of the lives of the saints of the Orthodox Church, skin mіsyatsya, sounds and the name їх "mіnei" (Greek μηνιαίος "monthly, one thousandth, scho trivaє mіsyats").

    legend - (from the Latin legenda - those who are guilty of being read) - one of the genres of non-fairytale prose, a folk talk about a well-known story about people, in the base of which there is a miracle, a fantastic image, or something that is revealed, as if you were able to get a message.

    At the same hour, the plot of the legend is based on real or permissible facts.

    Refusal - asleep wake up, the basis of which is to be real or even admissible facts; re-delivery - those that need to be passed on to the next generation.

    Parable - Maliy povchalny raspovіd in didactic-allegorical literary genre, how to take revenge in our morality or relіgіine povchannya (wisdom).

    Symbol - (from the walnut symbolon - clever sign) is an image that turns the sense of a manifestation into a subject form. An object, a creature, a sign becomes a symbol, if їх nadіlayut dodatkovym, viklyuly important meanings, for example, the chrest has become a symbol of Christianity, and the swastika - the sign of the shvidkoplinnogo wheel for the hour - a symbol of fascism.

    Significant sense is relying on uvaz, so that you can stay away from reading.

    Slid respect, "Story about Peter and Fevronia of Murom" in the Christian interpretation of the story itself, I like the story of cohannia and love, protest the serious thoughts given by those three, around the stats and tweaks, I include aspects of the rose on top of Robit is practically dumb.

    At a number of our robots, we are beastly up to the specialty of Urmolai-Erasmus, the author of "stories about Peter and Fevronia of Muromsk," and as if I were a friend, if it smelled like a smell, you can create harmonies in your love.

    Єrmolay-Erasmus (Єrmolay the Pregreshny) is a kind of Russian misler, writer and publisher. In the 40-60s rr. The 16th century was given to him as a priest in Pskov, at the time he served as the archpriest of the Kremlin Cathedral of the Savior on Bor, and for the last time he tonsured his tonsure in honor of Erasmus. In this hour, there is a great number of creations that have been written down to them (before the black ones - im'yam Єrmolai, for the tonsure - "Urmolay, pid inotsekh Erasm", besides, he called himself "). The activity of Urmolai-Erasmus, showing in the rock of his Moscow life, the spirits of being attracted by Metropolitan Makarov to participate in the development of a different kind of creatures of a theological character, including the lives of people for the Great Monsters.

    Peru Urmolai-Erasmus should have theological work "The Book of the Tribe" and "Seeing Easter", the public treatise "The Governor of the Benevolent Tsar" a number of sent and deyakі doiсhі create. The zabadyaki to the happy-go-lucky vipadku do it (send for a vinyatka) went to us in two books written by the author himself.

    Naybilsh like the creature of Urmolai-Erasmus was "A story about Peter and Fevronia of Muromsk." Pastors call it one of the most recent old Russian works of the agiographic genre, protesting for their style and savvy, they strongly relate to the large lives written in the whole period.

    The basis of the plot given to the creator is a story about the love of a prince and a villager. Prince Petro ryatu the squad of his brother is seen by the serpent, which is seen by the woman in the form of the її cholovik. Having killed the serpent with a sword, we know under the tamanic surroundings, Petro was cut with serpentine blood, from whom he was covered with scabs. The youth, the letters of Peter for the likar's joke, appeared in the Ryazan village of Laskov, destructively to the divine, and whacked him with his wisdom. Fevroniya will wait for the prince to become friends with them. Petro d їy tsyu obіtsianku, ale, ice ztsіlivshis, seeming to be friends: "Well, what a price it is possible - the prince's daughter of a dart frog take sobі in the squad!" - viguku vin. However, the ailment knows Peter's enemies and, having suddenly lost sight of it, I win my obitsyanka. The princess from the villagers wicked the dissatisfaction of the boyar squads, and the stench cracked the vignati Fevronia. You’ll have to wait for a drink, if you allow me to take it with you, you won’t have it. The boyars will not be delighted, ale the wise Fevronia is leading the cholovik, who vazhaє for the beautiful princely power of the Borg of the cholovik, who is in the church. Chvari, scho the boyars pissed off at the entrance of the prince's wager, they sponded to call the prince and the princess back. The entire life of Petro and Fevronia lived in love and graces and died in one day. And after death, pledging in small bullshit, the stench of a miraculous rite appears in one of the tombs.

    On the thought of the doers of the day, the plot of "The Poisti" is unseen, it’s not the style of everyday life, the story of the folk tale, but the artistic TV about the power of love. The main heroes are squads, they are mentally worried about viprobuvannya, as they vip on their living path, the nem will be told to the readers, as if they could be seen by their friends, so that the stench could harmoniously be my family.

    The singing of the casino and stylistics of "Povis", a showcase in a bright, informative key, close to parables, is reminiscent of riddles and legendary images and objects, such as the Agrikov sword or snake, which is taken by the people. The presenters say, “The story about Peter and Fevronia of Murom's neighbors to literary creation, down to the classic“ life ”.

    However, the end of the hour appeared until the end of the day, in which there is absolutely no interpretation of "Tells about Peter and Fevroniya", the zokrem, the robot M.B. Plyukhanov "Plots and Symbols of the Moscow Kingdom" (M., 1995), in which it is meant for those until the 16th century, Mabut, having already reached the popular corpus of usnyh references about Peter and Fevronia, which served as the basis for the establishment of the last church channeles. Wow, the legendary sleepy legend hasn’t come to this hour.

    Otzhe, winners of food, - why in the middle of the 16th century of demand in the canonization of the same heroes, the sanctity of which was not recorded in the new letters of memory? What is the first sense to have contributed Urmolai-Erasmus to the life he wrote?

    "Tale" is reminiscent of the versatile Christian symbolism: the image of the serpent-magician and the wrestler, alley a reference to the divine promise about the share of the heroes in the forefront, and the most important heroes of the story - the people and the people to bring to the friends Life is not only meaningful to the righteous life of a particular people, but I am showing a model of harmonious family relationships, becoming a free “traveler” according to family life.

    The image of the cholovik is a wrestler, wearing divine power, not only representations of the common sense in a female way, but to move towards a different plane, in accordance with the image of a wise squad. The power and power and longevity and sense of wisdom, "mind of the mind" and "mind of the heart", enter into the union.

    The image of the wise Fevroniya is found in parallel in the Library and in the old old Russian memorials. In "Knizi about Triytsu" of Urmolai-Erasmus himself, a number of earthly squads are presented, as they create their own wisdom of human history.

    "The interpretation of the symbolism of" Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Muromsk "allows for the development of visnovoks, but" Povist "glorifies not just two patron saints, but two beginnings, on which Orthodox Christianity is worth and from which the Orthodox religion is built.

    "A story about Peter and Fevronia of Muromsky" echoed the ambiguous reaction of the participants. Thus, Metropolitan Makarii did not become included in the Great Menei Chetya. At the same hour, the very story about Peter and Fevronia became even more popular in Ancient Rus, and having trimmed its development, both in literature and in iconography.

    In such a rank, looking at the history of the "Stories about Peter and Fevronia of Muromsk" and looking at the images that remind you of the day, we can talk about those, how the Danish tvir can be seen as a symbolic harmony of the "correct" reach the heights of the spiritual development.

    Chapter 2. "A story about Peter and Fevronia of Murom" as a representation of a Christian mind. Spiritual values, how to lie in the foundation of the traditional Russian homeland

    At the same time, our robots have been analyzed, as a rank in the "Stories about Peter and Fevroniya Muromskikh", see the Christian mindset, on which spiritual values ​​it is based on the tradition of the Russian life in the future.

    For the whole beastly life to the Christian mind, the family is the hobby that was pledged in the Bible, as well as the spiritual value of the foundation of the Christian family.

    At the offensive paragraph of our heads, we are beastly up to the analysis of the text "Stories about Peter and Fevronia of Muromsk", and apparently, by the rank of stench, it appears in the text.

    2.1 Reasonableness of the family and the slut in the Christian tradition. Spiritual foundations of the Christian family

    In a bitter suspension, which is characterized by a great number of super-eloquent information, little knowledge in the spiritual sphere of people, it is not easy for people to come to terms with the fact that, for good reason, for the world's smallest whores. There is a great number of recent religious trends in the treatment of the Bible in a reasonable way, in the fallowness of the powerful purposes. in order for the intelligence to be significant in the Christian tradition, it will turn out without a trace before the Bible and the spiritual personages.

    “A union of love in the New Testament of the works on the steps of the great taumnitsa of God; itself vin is an image of the union of Christ with the Church. Ale the union of Christ with the Church of the viconies of grace and truth (Ін. 1, 14), so that it is a union of grace, true; To that and a loving union, it is necessary to respect the vicon of grace, that is, an union for which the grace of the Holy Spirit can come from God, and for that is a true union. Three times it is possible to revolve around those who love the union of the Pole not only for the blessed people and women, but because of the blessing of the Church. Shlyub is a spiritual union, accomplished with the blessing of the Lord, a sacred rite, a special sacrament, as it carries the grace of the Holy Spirit over a family couple.

    The Christian union, symbolically repeating the union of Jesus Christ with the Church is holy and spiritual, so in love we can take the purity of each other, like a polarity in the honesty and virility of being friends to one. In Biblia, it’s love to play with the dish, which is necessary for “sanctity and honor,” but the bed of love is guilty of being “unfaithful”. With words to swear on respect, the "purity" of a loving bed and loving union is immaterial, but a spiritual call to friends, as I will prevent deception and joy. "Spravzhny" cholovik and squad spiritually lie one by one, that stench simply cannot break one another, for it will destroy the vernacular of corruption.

    Schlyub is guilty of being unrepentant: “God, having received, do not separate the people” (Matthew 19: 6). It is only by the will of God, and not by the bazhannya of people. In the bitter suspension of the middle of the youth, you can often feel phrases close to such a snake: “We are friends, but we’re getting on with it” - it is also unimaginable for a Christian whore, so your “half” is designated by God. A Christian is living in the church, learning that he is bound to be with a person until the end of life, and is guilty of being able to endure the experience of being vigilant, as someone who will fall into family life, including people who are in love

    In the middle capital, if the culture of Christianity is coming to the substitute of language culture, the culture of Christianity is not just a “occasional suspension”, but it is a mystery that two Christians enter into yak, declaring about the spiritual attitude of being in front of their own bulk. For christian vchennya, the family is a small church. And the church cannot create “for an hour” - it’s going to open up for a moment, so that it can creak with love, as if it’s not whispering away from its vigodi and hands. Of course, it means that it’s not royal, I think it’s not royal, but I think it’s a lot of martyrs, so that my friends are not responsible We end up becoming like the early Christian martyrs, who suffered for Christ.

    Yak tsili christiansky slut?

    One of such goals is to sound in the Bibliya without preference: "To be fruitful and multiply and remake the earth" (But. 1, 27-28) - so that there is a multiplicity of the human race on the earth.

    Another way can be called the spiritually communication of people, so that the stench at once could pass through the life path: “I said to God: Do not be kind to the cholovikov alone, the friend’s one is soluble to him” (But. 2, 18).

    There is still one meta whore - tidying up in fleshly people. The apostle will call me a slave, if he says: "Good for the cholovikov, do not dwell on the women, ale, let them go, let the dear husband give the squad, and the dermal woman hai the man of his own" (1 Cor. 7, 1-2).

    Remaining and the most important obligation, which is laid down on Christian friends by the mystery of a whore, є "preparing" for yourself, your children, to the "life of maybut", to the mayybut bliss. one alone, in that Water Hour, I will love the Lord God, as if I will vikonuvati commandments and with my butt sponkati one one to patience, as if I will help one to one in convergence to the "heights of the spirit."

    Fathers are guilty of respecting for themselves the great and sacred obedience of talking about the dedication of children in Christian piety, so as the father is not only for the physical life of children, but for them spiritually.

    Would you like to share your friends with your friends?

    In order to understand the nutritional value, I’ll go back to the quotes from the Bible.

    "The druzhin's head is the cholovik" (1 Cor. 1: 3); "Friends, be guilty of your own people, yak of the Lord" (Eph. 5:22); "As the Church is to repent of Christ, so also keep his fellows at all" (Eph. 5:24). The order of the squads to the cholovik is the first principle .. The letter of the pledge will accept the decision on the cholovik. The cholovik becomes the "pillar" of the family "church", and the foundation.

    "Choloviks, to love their retinues, as Christ and having fallen in love with the Church, and having given for her" (Eph. 5:25); "Friends, listen to your fellows, as to lodge with the Lord. Children, love your retinues, and do not be suvor" before them "(Col. 3:18).

    Call to the squads to repent to their own men, to cry out to the people to love their squads. Lyubov is the price for all the turbot of the cholovik about the life given to him by God, the forgiveness of the inadequacy, the additional help in everything and the life of friends, happy and happy.

    "Don't let the woman see the flywheels with a lot of cover; And I don't allow women to do it, any panuvati over the cholovik, ale buty in the move" (1 Tim. 2:11, 12).

    The squad is not guilty of panuvati over the cholov_kom, guilty of pampering him, and being reconciled with his inadequacies.

    “Legitimate shlyub is a symbol of the rightly applied light. The correct light is that if people shy away from those that God speaks. That's right - if the house is quiet, if the woman is the coast of the fire, if the children are wicked and caught up, a turbot appears about them. If in the children the foundations of the Christian virgin, the vicious father and the Church have been consolidated. "

    In such a rank, you can talk about those who, in the basis of the Christian whore, lie such spiritual values ​​as vitality, patience, help in physical and spiritual life, honesty and love with friends, as well as spiritual and spiritual life ... Friendship, according to the canons of Christianity, one is recognized by God alone and is not only one before one, but one before one, but one who is guilty of love and one shanuvati, who does not care about life.

    2.2 "A story about Peter and Fevronia of Murom", as a representation of the traditions of the Christian family

    The author of "Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Muromsky" is the monk Urmolai-Erasmus, who inserted a key from his tvir to the true intelligence of the Christian slut. Already in the first part of the story, we presented a picture of harmonious family relationships, prompted one to one by friends:

    “Є in the Rus land of the place, the titles of Murom. The good-natured prince ruled in the new prince on the name of Pavlo. The devil, spokonvіku hate the human race, having killed so much, the evil krilata serpent becoming a lіtati to the squad of that prince for fornication. I, by his charms, before her, I won’t be like that, and when people came to him, it was not the prince himself who was sitting with his squad. Dovgo trivalo take mana. The woman's squad didn’t cheat і rozpovіlo Zovsіm, who became the prince with her, the cholovіkovі his own "

    In front of the squad of the Murom prince, standing vibir: if you won’t take everything, you see, or know the cholovik, - the princess vibrated. Such a revival is brought up to the canons of the Christian whore: the squad did not bring the chagrin before the cholovik, so as the serpent was violent over her, so that the delight of the cholovik was not a trace of a sin of crime, but the devil. Pavel's squad knew that a man could not be condemned, did not come back from her, having learned the truth, and didn’t know the hate of a man. Prince Pavlo, in his own capacity, there was no way to sue the squad, and not considering it, that is why the turboboot about the squad is guilty of it, and it was guilty, in some way, to let go of the snake, the oskilki in the chuvkom.

    The family of Prince Pavel went through life, viprobuvannya, having gained love and honor, to that one who was seen by the Christian canons of the family. From the side, the mutual friendliness of the friend, one in one, helped him to shake off the serpent and overcome the Devil's steps.

    Of course, it means that by discussing with the squad the way of letting go of the serpent, Pavlo not to say the squadron of the wicked, wicked word, but at the same time, he should talk about the souls, who seem to be about those who are dying of Christ in front of the serpent. Druzhina, not the super-speeches of the cholovikov, but "having fixed the word in my heart," the virus "zvablyuvat" the snake, I hardly want to be robbed.

    Ale family is not only the cholovik and the squad, but the relatives are brothers and sisters, as they themselves can see one one in their life, so for the help, Prince Pavlo will be vicious to his brother Peter, who without wagging will help Pavel.

    Beastly until the last episode, which is so self-opening before us "The Tale of Peter and Fevroniya" as the eye of the Christian family. Petro, after the death of his brother, became the ruler of Murom. Boyars, not happy with him, that the prince, having befriended a commoner, will start to separate the man and the squad in different ways, , and natomist to smell їy be-yaki don’t.

    Fevroniya, I was asked to ask the boyars "for a date and the same" - so that they would be deprived of the squad of Prince Peter. Boyars would put a vibration before Peter: either the king, or the squad. For Peter, the situation is efficiently foldable, for that it is necessary to see the perspective in front of the place that is to rule, and it is impossible to forget that from the other side, seeing from the Fevronia, it is to destroy the commandments of the whore - to destroy the love of love itself. The prince is not “king in the life of the life”, but the Kingdom of the Lord, and to get lost with the squad, go out of place in evil days.

    In the whole situation, no cholovik, no squad did not go to the choice of decision. Fevroniya was prompted to propose a person as a gift, but she did not think about it, and in that, the person did not give in to the power. From the side, there is a visonal commandment of the Christian family, like the submission of the cholovikov. The woman is in love with the order of the cholovik, and the solution has only been laid down from the solution of the cholovik. Itself Petro mav on itself the opinion for їkhnyu share.

    The prince, having accepted the decision, is also guilty of Christian canons - he is guilty of dbati about his squad, to go along with it її life path, which is good for a new vishche of power.

    It is necessary to bear in mind that those who, Petro, and Fevronia remembered the commandment about those who love the Lord's vision, and only those who can revive them, but do not see anyone from their friends.

    The offensive episode, in which I respect for the beastly, for my Bud's nagadu parable, you can find it "viluchiti" from the basis and the daytime okremo. If Petro and Fevronia left Murom, the stench poured over the rychtsi on the chavny:

    “Buv on the ship at the blessed Fevroniya yakas lyudin. On the same ship there was a bully and his squad. That little girl, viprobovuvaniy with a crafty beast, marveling at the holy and greedy. Vaughn, having guessed the evil one, poured out yogo, shvidko vikrila yogo and said: "Scoop up the water from the rychki from the side of the ship." Win having gleaned. I told you to vona vipiti. Vin vipiv. I told you again: "Scoop up the boat from the side of the ship." Win having gleaned. I told you to vipiti. Vin vipiv. Vona energized: "Chi is the same water or one malt?" Vіn vіdpovіv. "Chi is the same, pani, water". Todi won yomu said: "The first thing is the same. Now, having lost your squad, thinking about insha!" "

    Tsei epizod є morality for quiet friends, as they are ready to go with the focus of love - Fevronia talk about those who have the same flesh of all people, and physically bazhanya is not guilty of leading a whore to break up the spiritual bonds. In such a rank, I bachimo direct the hobby to the commandments - the friendliness of one friend and the cleanliness of the friend's bed. In a few words, simply and intelligently, Fevroniya explained the lack of blindness and lack of need for health.

    The story ends with the description of the death of Peter and Fevronia, and in the whole episode of Bachimo, the vikonannya of the commandments of the slut will be announced. Writing his own righteousness, making friends take the blackness, so that the offense stench vikonuyut will command love to the Lord, the stench of adin in his own decision, and at once pass the way to spiritual maturity.

    Let us show to the whole plan the very conclusion of the episode of the earthly life. Prince Petro, seeing the end is near, shouted to himself Fevroniya, just finish your life at once. Fevronia is tied up with a rite of hearing, and is guilty of vichiti "povitrya" - a special covering for the temple bowl, and to ask the prince to be cured. The prince checks for two days, and for the third time, you can't check more.

    Fevroniya-Ophrosinia appeared before the vibor: finish the right of hearing, or else the word was given earlier. Vona vibiraє stop, do not overwhelm the unavailable binding. The first person can complete it, and the axis is given the word Viconati can only be won by herself. The author pіdkreslyu the priority of the word over the worldly right, do not know and God-pleasing.

    Todi is blessed Fevronia-Ophrosinia, she already embraced the images of the saints, embedded the head in the fabric, wrapped it with a thread, like a handicraft woman, who should have continued to honor her, and sent David to the blessed

    With such a rank, Fevronia viconuє will command the virgin Christian squad, to put the will of the cholovik and his obligations before him as his spiritual righteous, but at the same time she will show the spiritual greatness, the more the cholovik will appear in the mind for the soul. Friendship will die in one day, showing the unity of the family to see their very death.

    Alec on the death of Petro and Fevronia unrelenting. Smells commanded to lavish themselves in one truny, having broken through a thin partition, however, people violated, but it is not possible to take advantage of one truny, and podlyayut їkh. Protest by the wondrous rank of the stench to appear in one grave, and if there are three people podilayut, the stench is all one to one. A chain of parables epizod - God has sent a man and a squad, who have lost their commandments to one and only one, and show those who smell in heaven, so that they reached the Kingdom of Heaven at once.

    To end with the praise of Peter and Fevronia, in the way that the message of the university is shown to the creator - viprobuvannya, as the blessed friends transferred it spirally, without destroying the hobby's command. The very message to God is in the love of the city to come:

    “Rejoice, you garish vatazhki, for the prince of your own, for the humble, in prayers, with mercy, who have not lived long enough; For the price of Christ, having grasped you with his grace, so, after death, it is inseparable to lie in one tomb, but in spirit stand in front of Vladyka Christ! Rejoice, venerable and blessed ones, for it is invisibly quiet for death, that it is up to you to come!

    Well, it's good to you, about the blessed friends, that you pray for us, I will honor your memory with all of you! "

    Petro and Fevronia become the butt of the ideal boat for all people.

    In "Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom", not only friends are shown the head heroes; on the butt of Paul and his last squad, the author shows that it is not only Petro and Fevronia who live in the “correct” whores, that the harmony of the same family is guilty, and it is not only the people who are “blessed” who are close to the Lord, such as for Petro, over Zmієm, abo Fevronia, is overpowered to work miracles with the gift of the laity. It is a show, and those who command the boat are taken by the rulers of their friends themselves, show the butt of their children with their behavior stench. Behind the Russian tradition of state power, I repeat the zealous order, the only one who can be guilty of being righteous, only the smell of it can be seen in the eyes of the Christian laws of their children.

    In such a rank, the text of "Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Muromsk" is analyzed, we can evolve a few epizodes, which can lead us to the Christian commandments of family life. Such episodes of history about Paul and the yogi squad, in which there is a thought about those who are a man and a woman who are guilty of being honest before one, and talking about the soul of one and one. Epizod from Peter and Fevronia from Murom, in what my bachimo, uzi sluba for worldly power and wealth. The story about those, Fevronia explained the lack of glamor and the final chapter of the story, in which we can kick the butt of a friend's one in death and when she is. With the help of harmonious vidnosins to serve as the ruling family itself, such a rank, the Christian commandments of the slut of the Germans, were perceived by all the seven princes.

    "A story about Peter and Fevronia of Muromsk" є a miraculous eye of the fact that the Christian family of traditions knew their image in the Russian literature.

    Chapter 3. Images of Peter and Fevronia, like the butt of the harmony of those who love everybody in the Christian mind

    At the same time, we have analyzed the images of Peter and Fevronia, and in their applications, as “roles” are developed in a harmonious whore, as well as in everyday life, seen between a friend and a family in tradition.

    Before that time, as soon as you start your analysis, I will give you some respect for the special features of the image systems in the world, like the analysis of the characters. Insanely, the main hero of the story є Fevronia, since the main part of the story is assigned to the description of the day itself, the protest is named after the name of a friend, and on the first place is the name of the man. With such a rank, the author gives intelligence, so do not wonder at the creation of Fevroniya, the head theme of the creation є after all, not the female image, but the family of heroes themselves.

    Another edgy rice "Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Muromsk" є those who, in the first parts of the creation, sported heroes are like one kind of one, in the coming breaks of the stink, unrelenting, and going at once. As a result, there is an out-of-the-box picture, in which there are not just characters, but a couple of heroes themselves, who are going through the spilny viprobauvannya.

    Based on the particularity of the story, we have divided the chapter into two paragraphs. In the first paragraph, we will analyze the images of Peter and Fevronia, one way of one, in the other - an analysis of the idea of ​​engaging heroes in love.

    3.1 Images of Peter and Fevronia in the first parts of the world

    I will give a part of our robots, dedicated to the first two chapters of the "Stories about Peter and Fevronia of Muromsk", in which the history of the head heroes is developed. If I want Petro and Fevronia in these parts of being tied with ties to a whore, but in them we can just become a friend of mine, which is of great importance for the formulated family.

    In the first part of the creation, the motive of spokusi and snake fighting is my bacimo. Before the squad of the Murom prince Pavel, he became a serpent and forcibly shirked up to love. Vaughn, not being afraid of hanby, saw the cholovikov, and the stench at once came up with a way to outwit the snake and recognize the mystery of its death.

    At the hero's bag, it was said that death was judged by the snake "from Peter's shoulder, and from Agrikov's sword." The prince cannot radically sink into the riddle and call for the help of his brother - Peter.

    Prince Petro, who did not see the need for manhood for a heroic deed, easily permits me to solve the riddle, but it’s the very thing to beat the snake, but I don’t see anything about Agricov's swords. Ale of piety Peter added the riddle of the serpent to his friend. Vіn buv "praying" and loving the prayer in the Zamisky church of the Khrestovozdvizhensky Monastery. From the hour of this prayer, the Lord has given him the power of the youth, who will instruct him to find the Agrikov sword.

    Of course, Prince Petro's sword is known to the Church of the Exaltation of the Honorable and Life-giving Cross.

    The sword itself has the shape of a criss-cross and symbolic representations, and im'ya AGRIKA, or Agirka, is worn by a rich snake-fighter. In such a rank, Peter was set up as a godly obranets, as we become a serpent fighter, the order of Saint George and Kazkov AGRIKA.

    Mi bachimo in front of him is an unabable ludin who is a vicon of divine will, designated by vishy forces.

    Petro peremahak snake, ale Zmєєva shelter on the ground, and vіn covered with scabs. It’s so very symbolic of meaning, as in the whole episode it’s alegorically spoken about those who were not tilted by Peter, but his spirit. Bagato doslіdnikіv, translating the original text of the author, it means that it’s about spiritually nezduzhannya. So, for example, Oleksandr Uzhankov

    write: “To be built, the serpent having smitten the prince, but not the soul! Zovnishnє, mirske. Tilki?

    The prince became shukati "in his obsession" (so that in his own volodya) help from old people, ale not for likuvannya, but for learning (growth is very important!) Maybe buti, if used to shukav a lykar for a drink, then і know you bi. For the improvement of the soul (and not just a taste of the soul), a necessary need for an independent license.

    This is probably a non-private girl, stretching out the efforts of bachimo, but she is overwhelmed with a special gift, it’s not just good wounds, but to do just miracles, like in some of the trees with clubs, like trees.

    To the good cause of Peter and Fevronia's spirit, the hero's spiritual ailment is old, and he is embarrassed about what is possible only in alliance with the "blessed" Fevronia. For shlyub heroes shtovhaє not physical pull, but the need for spiritual improvement.

    The reader knows from Fevroniya, bachachi of the prince's servant's ochim: one of the servants appeared in the village (tobto in the new church) Lagidno. I walked into one of the buddies, banging "chyudno": at the weaving verstat sat a dvchina, and in front of her, jumping a rabbit, flaring up the noise, she didn’t fall asleep like a monotonous robot. Zhenatska zakhopeny, won scrupulously promoted: "It's not good to be at home without vuh, but svitlitsi without eyes!" “Yunak ... not Win, glancing at his mind, is a word quietly” (p. 634). Chi is not taken in rosum, not the sound of the child. Neither mind nor mind nor mind.

    Zaets is one of the found symbols of Christianity. Dovgi, trembling vuha symbolize the sound of a Christian hearing to the voice of heaven. Druzhina Fevroniya sees the Lord's Promise. Mi Bachimo, Fevronia is spiritually ready to become his own maybut cholovikov, that's how God has chosen for a special service.

    Fevroniya is welcoming to the prince, and the old woman Peter will become friends with her. Tse not bazhannya pіdnyatisya, vikoristovuchi his gift, heroine speak, if the prince does not become a cholovіk, then won’t be guilty of lіkuvati yogo. At such a staging of witnessing, one’s sense, perhaps, Fevroniya vidkrito, as soon as you will become the squad of the one whom you will fix from the spiritual ailment, so that you will put on your bazhanya divine will. The Lord has given a man and a squad, and not a human will, and Fevronia follows the envy, it seems that he is in love with Peter. It means that the prince's humility and humility are the only reason, the guilt is himself to be found in the lіkuvannya, besides, the fact that the prince's ailment is not the sickness of the body is guilty.

    Two heroes collapse nazustrich one to one: Prince Petro - ruhomiy sickly; Fevroniya - having spiritually conveyed their maybut with their wisdom. The prince, however, is not willing to be so knowledgeable, he needs to be eaten, as a woman is ready to become a squad. Win asked a riddle: ask from one stem to tighten the fabric and sew youmu odyag. The reaction of the lucky girl to the same fondness will be shy for all the smiles or the grudges against the prince, who’s the prince, but I’m a substitute for a friend, the task is to respond to Fevronia’s wisdom, I’ll show the wisdom

    Vaughn handed over to the prince through the servant a stump of polina, and to ask for a weaving verstat for her, so that she could fit into her works. Petro viguku, it’s not a pity, і Fevronіya will be fed, and you can sew an odeag for a grown-up man from one stalk of a lion. Maybut the prince's squad will behave like this, as if the Russian squad was going on, it wouldn’t be a scandal, I would like to order the prince to be unhappy, and to rob the prince like that, as if he could hear the word “unhappy” Petro himself.

    So, if the squad is wise, it’s not guilty because of the super-reading of the cholovikov, but if it is given more wisdom, it’s guilty of the death, so the cholovik himself has learned the mercy. So in life there is one of the lessons of family life, one of the commandments of family harmony.

    Ale the prince does not bazhak go on the instructions of God, і resist the minds of Fevroniya, I want to ask for the gift of giving, to replace the witness of the obitsyanka. However, Fevroniya transferred the tse, and having given the prince a leek (leaven, sanctified to the dikhannyam), to order all the scabs to spit on him, except for one. To that the prince's ailment will turn: relying on the divine designation of Peter the provocation of a spiritual ailment, it is more possible to the right in the fact that the prince is not ready yet until the end of the age, although you need to restrain your pride. In the Christian slave, not only the squad is guilty of the beloved will of the cholovik, ala and the cholovik of zobov's duties to love the squad and if we are preparing for a sacrifice for her sake, Petro is still proud, too busy to love himself, to enter into love.

    Fevronia is sure to tell the prince to leave a scab on the til, from which there are new virazki, the prince's insanely wise, and wisdom, as long as his soul does not wriggle, it is impossible to win over the prince. Fevroniya is ready to send Peter's spiritual inspiration;

    Ale the axis of the prince gamuє his pride and turn to Fevroniya, to vilikuvatisya and capture її in the squad. And if earlier the prince simply wished to befriend her, not feeling the Divine Will, then for the rest of the time "give the word with firmness." І Іtrimavshih іtsіlennya tіla і souls, "to sing to thu squad sobі". "Fevronia princess is with such a wine," - the author will respect. Vіdbuvsya promissed about them: if the Lord did not send bi as a test to the prince of ailment, do not know bi that sob friend in the individual of the dart frog daughter ...

    Varto dodatische odne respected. Analyzing the first chapters of the story through the prism of the traditional vesіl rite, we can talk about the "knowledge" of Peter and Fevronia, representing the deyaky part. For example, the prince is able to co-operate with the maybut squad through the servants, who can be matched by the matchmakers, then himself to her. For tradition, the same cholovik come before the squad, and not navpaki. Fevronia herself called the prince to herself, and not herself to the new one. The tradition here will come to be seen.

    In such a rank, in the application of "Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom" we can talk about spiritual values ​​that are necessary for a maybut friend, in order to create harmony in the system - the main need for harmony for the noun and the light in the homeland.

    Reading the first parts of the "Tale of Peter and the Fevronia of Murom", we can beat him, as the author will show his heroes on the butt, which spiritual path must be passed by the skin one, the first one must tie himself to a whore. The rest of the phrase is the end of the choli: for the commandments of God, friends and all the piety have healed. Yak and guilty but, for the city, God will be rejected.

    3.2 Life of Peter and Fevronia of Murom

    At the same part of our robots, we analyzed, as a rank, there were many children who were born in Peter and Fevroniya in those who were born in love, as they were brought up in these “roles” in the family and as the nature of the harmony of the heroes helped to help the life.

    At the beginning of the razdilah "Tale of Peter and Fevroniya Muromskikh" the author describes how the life of the main heroes took shape, because the stench was bound by the bonds of a whore. Having walked through the path one to one, Petro and Fevronia become a man and a squad, but in order for this family to know the right harmony, the heroes must go through a series of viprobuvan, to find the sweetness that is necessary for a Christian friend.

    After Pavel's death, Petro became the ruler of Murom, the boyars pissed off his prince, the boyars didn’t like Fevroniya, they didn’t bother the mother of the ruler over them, the mood of their choloviks against the “infinite” friends of Peter:

    “The boyars did not like the princess Fevroniya for our warriors, they didn’t love the princess for the campaigns, but God glorified her for the good life.

    Once, one of the servants came to the good-hearted prince Peter and became a slander at the princess: "Z-at the table, as if you live like an ice-cold. Persh don't get up, get a little crichti in your hand, mum is hungry!"

    At first glance, the boyars' attunement is insignificant. What a filthy thing about that, how to take care of the crispy table with care, wind them over the birds (є version, how the crispy was designated for that hare, which was a stripe in front of Fevronia in ї hati), on the right, in that which was respected in the folk zaboon, well, hovatsya evil spirits. Mozhlivo, the boyars called Fevroniya in chaklunstv.

    The prince virishiv perevyriti, became a bootie, hesitated in his squad, focusing on the boyarsky namova. For a social meal, if, for the sake of his own, Fevronia took in the chrychty's menu, fluttering her fingers, and in the valley of incense and names - church poultry, so that the wishing of that Funeral "From that day", - will respect

    With such a rank, Petro took the first lesson - the cholovik is not guilty of summing up in his squad, is not guilty of being swindled. Dovіra and honesty is the principle on which there will be no difference between friends. The prince has learned a lesson, and if the boyars “having become uncomfortable”, they went to the new age of the squad, blaming them for the beautiful viciousness.

    Petro does not compromise on the whole experience of Fevronia in piety and wisdom, and, by the way, just at once the vison will be left out of his mind before his residual problems - to be lost as a true cholovik. The Blessed Prince “did not love the temporary autocracy, except for the commandments of God, but according to the commandments of God, you simply hold the tsikh, like the God-consenting (tobto evangelist) Matviy in his good news of the visit. Having said more, as soon as (yakscho hto) to send in his squad, xba the words of an adulterer, and having been married to one, start to create. But the blessed prince, according to Euangelia, create: the possession (prince) is your own, as if you were standing (not putting it in), that (you) commanding from God is not zruynu.

    The presenters see that in the two parts in front of him, Prince Petro will call himself good-natured, only three, if only for the Divine Providence: to know a sword to fight against the serpent, which was rewarded by the friend of the day before Fevron. The semantics of the word itself, which is formed from two roots: "good" and "vira", is close to the semantics of the word "blessed", "pious", at the same hour, so called a cholovik or a squad. Tobto Petro will come close to the Lord himself, if he will touch the commandments of the slut. At the third part, since Prince Petro becomes an autocratic ruler, a head of the Church and lives for the Evangelical commandments, the author will gradually become a good-hearted prince.

    The image of the pious prince is opposed to the figure "yakos people", which fired in one round with the blessed princess Fevronia, and with her focus. In tsyomu epizodi, as it meant a whische, the princess showed herself as a wise woman, and explained the lack of gullibility to perelove. With such a rank, Fevroniya became the butt of the Christian squad, as not only preserving his honor, but also taking care of someone else's family.

    The mutilations, if the stench stuck to the shore, Petro felt a thirst for the prince's life, deprived of life and thought: "What will be ', having gonznuv by the will of the autocracy (from the power of the will of the autocracy)?"

    Peter's food is not of any kind to ambition, the spirits of the prince Vlad are given by God, and the prince's service is a worldly service to God. To go, as a result, voluntarily, having become aware of his prince's service to God, having destroyed his bond before people and God, having left Murmure to the boyars, as they do not want prosperity to the inhabitants of the place, but the wealth of their own.

    Prince Petro "thought", so that he was thinking about the drive, he didn’t know what to do for nothing, I don’t know what to fix correctly, it’s right because of the will of the Lord, or against her. "Predivniy Fevroniya" "with the heart of the heart" sees God's Promise and vimovlya: "Do not manage, prince" - the author is fondly, but here Fevroniya does not turn to Peter until Peter, but as to the ruler: "Gracious God, Promise do not overwhelm us from nizshete. " Fevroniya, mayuchi a gift from God to see the mightybut and create a miracle, to magnetize the spirit of his own person.

    To prepare the evening for the prince, the cooks cut down small trees, and set up the cauldron. The evening is holy, the author of the evenings is so called, so as to work miracles, Princess Fevronia kicked the cut trees and blessed them with the words: "Well, bless you in the morning, the Great Tree, which have the leaves and leaves." Having propelled, the stench replaced the stumps, pounded great trees with thorns and leaves, and if they picked up the fuel, then the arrival of the nobles from Murom to the kayattis and humble people, begging for both of them to turn around.

    With such a rank, Fevroniya stands before the reader as a virna squad, ready at an important moment to prepare a cholovik. It’s not only because I can understand the reason for this confusion, but it’s alright, for the princess, the fact that Peter is the Lord of the signs of Cheruvati Murom is so important. Fevroniya to create a miracle for a man, who will be able to create a miracle in himself and his own destiny. Slid respect, that the saints worked miracles not for the powerful bazhany, but because of the will of God; the vibir is correct. This is how one more law of friendship is being realized - the squad is guilty of supporting its own cholovikov in the twisted time. Ale not only Fevronia vikonu daniy will command: Prince Petro will also become a "Correctly" man: I should not try to cross the line to see a part of the opinion for what was connected to his squad.

    The axis so, respect the author, the blessed prince Petro and blessed princess Fevroniya turned into a city of sows. I began to stench to rule in the place of that, as it should be imposed on the autocrats, “walking in all the commandments and the truth of the Lord's wickedness, in the Molbi (prayers) of unceasing and merciful and to all people, like the father and the Lord in power. Best before all the loves of the old ones, not loving pride, not looting, nor the wealth of perishable sparing, but in God there is a lot. Besta is a true shepherd for her city, and not like a name. " Blessed friends and cheruyut people, and live for the commandments of God, in God the bagacy.

    Svіy zhіtєviy shlah, making friends so self-complete spіlally - offense to take blackness, and die in one day, having commanded to indulge in one truny. In the city, for its righteous life and the commandments of a whore, the Lord forgiven and after death, all over the bazhanna of people to love them in the old times: the cholovik and the squad appear in the sleepy, hard-hearted Slide to mean the fact that Petro was accepted by the black rank as "David", and Fevroniya - "Ophrosinia". Іm'ya David means "kokhaniy", demand for intelligence - both by God, and by the squad. Ophrosinia - tse "joy", joyfulness of the order.

    Call "Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Muromsk" call a story about love, but the word is never used in the text, said by the characters from one to one. Well, for love?

    The winners of the cholovik and the squad are one goal. Apostle Paul was still hanging around: "... neither a husband without a woman, nor a woman without a man, in the Lord. Boy, a woman is one of a man, so a man through a woman; all are from God" (1 st. Corinth .11, 11-12).

    Now only the words of Fevronia, she said before the prince Peter's zsіlennya: "Do not militia do not lick yo lіkuvati!" Fevroniya, vlasne, and like a half of his friend - a squad, at once, like only one goal, before God and know the rules of the maybutny capital.

    Lyubov Fevroniya to the obsessed, ill-humored prince is sacrificed for love, love for his neighbor, make him happy. With the Divine Promise and the efforts of Fevronia, which were not verbal nastanovs - here she did not destroy the commandments of the slut, but with the butts of humility, she could help the squad know the rosum - "the heart of the heart", and the prince showed his will and humility, hanging out.

    And the offense of the stench hurt the city from God - the gift of miracles, and praise, according to the strength, from the people of the past, as to repent for nothing. The story ends with the author's praise:

    “Rejoice, Petra, as it was given to you from God to kill the flying fierce serpent! Rejoice, Fevroniya, as in the women of the cholі of the saints, the wisdom is small asi! Rejoice, Petra, as if you scab and bend on your own little wears, bravely of sorrow you become arrogant! Rejoice, Fevroniya, as from God, little Asi Dar'ya in her virgin youth is suffering from illnesses! Rejoice, glorious Peter, as the commandments for the sake of God's autocracy by the will of the will to enter, hedgehog not to become friends with your own! Rejoice, miraculous Fevroniya, for your blessings in one small tree, great times and business, and foliage! Rejoice, honest head, as if I am obsessed in humility, in prayers, and in mercy without pride I have lived; the same and Christ will give you grace, as after the death of tales I am lying at the grave, lying in the spirit of the Lord, Christ! Rejoice, reverend and blessed, as, after death, come invisibly before you! ". By the way, please, in praise of the images of all the meanings of the universities, more precisely - the life of the righteous friends.

    In such a rank, we analyzed the images of Peter and Fevronia, and were taken to their butts, as the "roles" were developed in a harmonious whore, and as a common denominator was seen between the cholovy and the family in the traditional Russian. Harmonious marriage is based on friendships one to one, on honesty one before one, on mutual assistance, patience and humility. The very spiritual qualities of Peter and Fevronia helped him to podolati all the vip tests sent by God and to preserve the harmony of the motherland, following the instructions of the boat.

    Petro and Fevronia is a wiggly butt of a friend, whose union is blessed by the Lord and grounded on the commandments of the Church.


    In the process of their robots, they spiraled without the median on the analysis of the author's text, and in the decile of the transitions, crumbled by children of the past.

    We looked at the "Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Muromsk" in the aspect of the family's ideas, presented in the new one, and vyavili, daniy tvir є symbolic meanings in the way of creating a harmonious, "correct" wholesome to the top.

    Having turned up to the glamorous biblical texts by the heralds and by the persons of the spiritual call, we thought that at the basis of the Christian whore to lie such spiritual values ​​as the vitality, patience, mutual assistance in the spiritual and physical tourism, spiritual and material benefits of your family. Friendship, according to the canons of Christianity, one is recognized by God alone and is not only one before one, but one before one, but one who is guilty of love and one shanuvati, who does not care about life.

    Analyzing the text of "Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom", we looked not only at the friends of the head heroes, but the family of several other characters: Paul and his friend, and the parables of the "element" - in the story of the people. Miyavili, that the harmony of the family is not guilty, but not only among people “blessed”, close to the Lord, such as Petro, turned to overcome the serpent, for Fevronia, was inspired by the gift of working miracles, ale and from the laity. An important element is those who, according to the commandments of the ship, are taken by the rulers themselves, their friends, by their behavior, show the butt piddanim.

    In such a rank, in the text of "Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom", we can evolve a few epizodes, which can lead us to the Christian commandments of family life. Such episodes є:

    1. The story about Paul and the yogi squad, in which there is a thought about those who are a man and a woman who are guilty of being alone in front of one, and talking about the soul of one and one.

    2. Epizod with the expulsion of Peter and Fevronia from Murom, in what is my bachimo, who is the son of the world’s power and wealth.

    3. The parable about those, like Fevroniya explained the lack of gluttony.

    4. The final chapter of the story, in which we can kick the butt of a friend's one in death and when she is.

    With the help of harmonious vidnosins to serve as the ruling family itself, such a rank, the Christian commandments of the slut of the Germans, were perceived by all the seven princes.

    Before that, as we began to analyze their analysis, we used the features of the systems and images in the world, as they were used during the analysis of the characters:

    1. Fevronia, presented as the main hero of the occasion, more the main part of the story is assigned to the description of the day itself, the protest is named after the name of the friend, and at the first place is the name of the man. With such a rank, the author gives intelligence, so do not wonder at the creation of Fevroniya, the head theme of the creation є after all, not the female image, but the family of heroes themselves.

    2. Another edgy rice "Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Muromsk" - those who, in the first parts of the creation, sposter heroes like one kind of one, in the coming breaks of the stink, and go at once. As a result, there is an out-of-the-box picture, in which there are not just characters, but a couple of heroes themselves, who are going through the spilny viprobauvannya. Such is the "health" of the characters in the chair, who, according to the canons of the Christian slut, the cholovik and the squad are in one tsilim.

    Analyzing the first heads of the story, they saw that the knowledge of the heroes and the symbolic "shlyah" to the hobbyist imagines the deyaky elements of the fun rite: the prince is able to play with the maybut squad through the days of the winter. For tradition, the same cholovik come before the squad, and not navpaki. Fevronia herself called the prince to herself, and not herself to the new one.

    The motive of the uninvolved in the knowledge and riddles is often developed in the Russian folk cossacks, in one of the broader plots - the befriending of the prince with the commoner, but Volodya is an unwitting wisdom, for the motive of the enchanting name of the chapters, like the riddle. Riddles are also part of folk rituals.

    On the application of the first chapters of the "Tales of Peter and Fevronia of Murom", we can talk about spiritual values ​​that are necessary for a mighty friend, in order to create harmony with the system - the basic need for harmony for the name and name light in the Maybutniy family.

    Well, as I can support, analyze the text of the story, the mother is guilty of the spiritual root, the friend is guilty of being guilty of divine providence and the spiritual urge.

    Maybutnya squad, if you are more wisdom, not a cholovik, I am guilty of being a brat, not to get over it, but to let the cholovikov "dear" to the first spiritual level, and in addition to the other. This is how Fevroniya came to, patiently endure all the tests of the cholovik, and thoroughly checked the beastly of the will of the Lord, step by step Peter went to the spiritual development.

    The maybutny cholovik is guilty of loving the squad more than himself, to that Petro, before entering the school, is guilty of vilikuvatisya vid proud.

    Having returned to the analysis of the onset of the breakdowns, we saw the image of Peter and Fevronia, in addition to being able to play "roles" in a harmonious love, and as a party in love, to be in harmony with a friend and a friend one to one, on honesty one before one, on mutual assistance, patience and humility. The very spiritual qualities of Peter and Fevronia helped him to podolati all the vip tests sent by God and to preserve the harmony of the motherland, following the instructions of the boat.

    In the traditional Russian family of cholovik and the squad support one to one in important situations, with all the constraints of the cholovik - to take all folding solutions, as they can enter into the lot of friends, and bear one thing for them. The squad is guilty with its butt to change the spirit of the cholovik and to direct him to the road to the spiritual development at that moment, if he grinds his mind or his share.

    Petro and Fevronia is a friend's butt, whose union is blessed by the Lord and grounded on the commandments of the Church.

    Such images themselves, on our thought, served as inspirations, for the great Russian classics, in their creations they created pictures of happy and harmonious families. We have tackled the problem of being able to open up both within the framework of the analysis of the works of old Russian literature, and in the context of Russian classical literature in general, showing the broad perspectives of the robotics presented by the problem.

    List of Victory Literature

    1. Create Erasmus-Erasmus. A tale about Peter and Fevronia of Muromsk // Monuments of the literature of Ancient Rus. Kinets XV - the first half of the XVI century. - M., 1984 .-- 626 p.

    2. The collection. Povisti Old Rusi - M. - view. "Art Literature" - 1986. At the introductory statti of D. S. Likhachov. - 448 S.

    3. Told about miracles: T. 1. Russian science fiction XI-XVI century. / Order., Afterl. і comments II razdila Yu.M. Medvedev. - M .: Sov. Russia, 1990.-528 S.

    4. Likhachov D.S. Great decline // Likhachov D.S. Vibrani robots in three volumes. Volume 2. - L.: Art. lit., 1987 .-- S. 273-277.

    5. Uzhankov A.N. Russian Literature XI-XVI century Svitoglyadny aspect. - S.271-272.

    6. "Literary encyclopedic dictionary" - M., - view. "Radianska encyclopedia" 1987. 1324p.

    7. Marina Meshcheryakova "Literature in tables and diagrams" - M., - view. "Airis Press" 2003. 222stor.

    8. Multimedia video "Great encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodia"

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