The history of the beginning of the creation of the dark alei Bunin. І. Bunin Lesson for the announcements of "Dark alei". Ideino-artistic analysis

The history of the beginning of the creation of the dark alei Bunin. І. Bunin Lesson for the announcements of "Dark alei". Ideino-artistic analysis

genre straightness create is a short novel in the style of realism, the main theme of which is thoughts about kohannya, ingested, forgotten in the past, as well as about breaking the share, vibor and his inheritance.

composition structure It is a tradition for a novel, which is composed of three parts, the first time about the arrival of the protagonist in the same descriptions of nature and new art, another description of your vision of the third part of life.

head hero rozpovidi є Mikola Oleksandrovich, performances in the form of a sixty-year-old man, how to spiral into life for a healthy gull at the viglyad of his vigorous and huge thought.

by another character pratsi є Nadiya, the kolishnya of the Kohan Mikoli, was deprived of him in the past, as the hero was sent to the hero on the shilia of the living path. Nadiya uosoblyuє dіvchina, as she could podolat the hanba out of the link with the rich people and came to life for independent, honest lives.

Vidminnoy special Distribution of images by those people, as it is presented by the author as a tragic and fatal event, that it will be irreversible at the same time with dear, light and beautiful sentiments. Love in the beginning is presented in the form of a litmus papyrtsy, which is a transformation of human specialties that fostered the spirit and moral purity.

By means of artistic variety informed by the author of the exact epithets, yaskravikh metaphors, abstinence and isolation, as well as the establishment of an acceptable parallelism, which fosters the spiritual camp of the heroes.

freedom to create Polyaga is included by the writer in the development of unsupported sharp pictures, tragedy and drama of the plot in the context of the lyricism of the eyes of the emots, experiencing and mental anguish.

razpovіdі polyaga in the transmission of the reading auditory of the understanding of happiness, like a polyagaє in nabutta spiritual harmony with powerful feelings and reappraisal of life values.

Option 2

Bunin created in 19 and 20 centuries. Yogo being put to love was very special: on the cob people loved one one, but in the end, or one of the heroes of the world, or to be separated. - Day of the Protection of Blessed Love is more sensitive, it looks less like sleeping.

Schob about the analysis of Bunin's tvir "Dark Alei", the plot is needed.

General Mykola Oleksiyovych is the main hero, he is a priest in his native place and a young woman, who loves a lot of rock back. Nadiya is the lord of the court, it should not be immediately apparent. Ale Nadiya didn’t get sick and loved Mikoli; The main hero, to be built, is to blame for the fact that we have surpassed it. To that, it will vibrate, it seems, if you feel like passing it by.

To appear, the life of Mikoli was not so easy, because she loved the squad, he was happy with him, but he was glad to see him. Because of her temptations, she couldn’t try it.

Bunina's TV show was shown, but after 35 years of love between the heroes did not die out. If the general has a misto, then rosum, scho Nadiya is more beautiful, scho boo in your life. Vіn rozmіrkovuє about life, how could it be but, how the sound between them did not break.

Bunin contributed to the tragedy of his TV, and even loved it so and did not go away.

Nadiya could save love, ale tse did not help to establish an alliance - she lost herself alone. Chi didn’t pierce, and Mikoli, for that, the ball was even stronger. And Mikola himself appeared weak, but he did not go to the squad, fearing contempt and not being able to stand up to the suspension. I’ve lost it only but we’ll go to the end.

Bunin will show me the history of two people. Love in the world could not resist the ambushes of the old suspension, it became a cry and hopelessness. Ale є і positive rice - love brought a lot of good in the lives of heroes, won’t overflowed with svіy slіd, as the stench will be the memory of the zavzhdi.

Practically all of Bunin's creativity solves the problem of love, so "Dark Alei" shows how important love is in the life of a people. For Blok, love is to stand on the first mission, and even help people to become more comfortable, to make life more beautiful, to cut off to see, so also to be kind and chuttuvim.

zrazok 3

Dark Alei - a whole cycle of information about Ivan Bunin, writing in emigration, and an example of a story, a metaphor, suggested by the poet Mykoly Ogarov and reappraised by the author. From the dark alleys Bunin mav to respect the soul of the people, I am sure to take care of everything, help me out, emotsie, lively experience. The author has tried, but at the dermal є so help it, I know and know how many wines are twisted, and the wines, who are turbulent, the stench must be taken from the far-off coils of souls - the dark aleys.

Ivana Bunin spoke about such promises itself, which was written in 1938 in emigration. At the terrible hour of the war in the town of Grasse near France, a Russian classic wrote about kohannya. Hurry up to drown out the pressure behind Batkivshchyna and go from zhakhiv viyni, Ivan Oleksiyovych will turn around until he knows about youth, first of all, and creative work. At the end of the period, the author wrote the best of his own creation, middle and distribution "Dark Alei".

The hero of Bunin, Ivan Oleksiyovich, sixty-old old man, vyyskovy at the highest rank, appears in the days of his youth. At the lord of the zaizdzhiy yard, he will see a lot of nadia, like a vin, a young pomp, having focused on it, and having overshadowed it as a inheritance. Їх vipadkova zustrіch zmushuє zvurnut up to falloffs, as the whole hour spent in the quiet "dark alleys" themselves. Behind the beleaguered heroes of the head, it seems that Nadiya didn’t bother her virgin darling, and she couldn’t fall in love. And Ivan Oleksiyovych is the only one who is responsible for the creation of a vision, but that is not just a big deal, but more beautifully, which was given to him by the share. And even more than anything and not making money: sin - lasun that marnotrat, the squad rejoiced and went.

The feud may be cursing, so tell "Dark alei" about the payment, or just for the sake of the cohannia. Tse pochuttya Ivan Bunin putting on a mustache. Nadiya, the woman has grown old, she is happy, so all the times she has had love. And the life of Ivan Oleksiyovych did not agree with the very fact that he had underestimated the price of thinking and thinking along the way.

A small informant, on the other hand, is susceptible to those social irregularities, choices, opinions for someone else's share, and the topic of the Borg. There is only one visnovok: if you live with your heart and always put love as a gift, then all problems can be violated.

Analysis of the creation of Dark Alei

In one of the verges, Ogarova Bunina "buried" the phrase "... there was a dark linden alley ..." Distantly, she painted the autumn, boards, the road, and the old campaigner in the tarantass. Ce і formed the basis of the rozpovіdі.

Zadum bouv takiy. The hero of the announcement in his youth focused on the village village. Win already having forgotten about her. Ale zhittya maєvichai bring surprises. Vipadkovo, through a lot of rock is going through the well-known mission of being in the past. And in a beautiful woman, sir hati, knowing the very same thing.

The old Vyskovy became lousy, vín chervoníє, blіdne, shhos belkoche, like a vinny schoolboy. Life punished yogo for failing in vchinok. Winning friendship for love, altogether and not knowing the warmth of the family vognisch. The squad did not like yogo, snake. I, vreshti-resht, threw yogo. Sin viris is a negative and unbearable. Everything in life turns into a boomerang.

And what about Nadiya? Won before tsikh pir love kolishny pan. She did not have a special life. Not a family, not a kokhan cholovik. Ale when Tsiomu could not try Pan. The axis of such women is to love and hate at once.

Vіyskovy porinaє at spogadi. Thoughts are resurrected. Smell warm the soul, like the sun for a chill before sunset. Ale vin ni for a second did not admit thinking, but everything could have been flattened out in the best way. Todishn suspension sued b іkh vіdnosini. Vin is not ready to go. Do not need the stench of yom bouly, tsі vіdnosini. Todi can put a chrest on the card of the vіyskogo.

You live like this, as you dictate the rules and ambush. Fearful wine by nature. Fighting for the love of the treasure.

Bunin does not allow love to flow along the family channel, to take shape in a happy whore. Why should I amuse my heroes of human happiness? Singingly, vin vvazhaє, why is addiction more beautiful? More beautifully tsya vіchna incomplete love? Vona did not bring happiness to Nadiya, alas, I didn’t love before. How do you win? Especially it wasn’t smart, I don’t look at the author.

An old campaigner, nareshty, he saw and understood, and he lost. About the price of wine and talk with such a girkotoyu Nadiya. Win zrozumiv, what a bula for the new find-wise, the most beautiful people. Ale vin is so and not sensible, as in the new one in the sleeves of the bully kozir. Life gave you another chance for happiness, but he didn’t skip it.

What is the sense of Bunin's contribution to the title of the announcement "Dark Alei"? What is it about uvazi? Dark corners of human soul and human memory. The skin people have their own tamnits. The first stench is one that blends for a new high rank. Life has a dumb, low-grade one. Vipadkovism - the whole thing is well-planned by God, a fraction of the cosmos, regularity.

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Collection of information "Dark alei" І.А. Bunin, having written far from Batkivshchyna, was overwhelmed by France and worried about the legacy of the Zhovtnevo Revolution and the important rock of the First World War. Create, to enter the whole cycle, reminiscent of the motives of the tragic share of the people, the inevitability of podiy and toughness beyond the native land. The central theme of the collection is the message "Dark Alei" - the whole of love, which appears to be closely tied to the citizens and a fatal result.

The central idea of ​​the writer's mind is the one-time notification of the collection "Dark Alei". Він був writing in 1938 rotsі під in the flow of vіrsha N.P. Ogarova "Zvychayna povist", which once and again the image of dark alleys, as well as the philosophical thoughts of L.N. Tolstoy about those who are not happy in their lives, but the people will catch the lack of that "zirnytsi", which is necessary for the cinuvati.

Analysis of the work of I.A. Bunina "Dark Alei"

In the basis of the plot, the creation is based on the creation of two older people who were already playing bagatorically. If you are accurate, then in the notification there will be about 35 rock s from the rest of the day. Mykola Oleksiyovych priyzhdzhak on the zaizdzhiy dvir, de yogo development mister Nadiya. The woman nazyva the hero on im'ya, and vіn dіsnaєt in nіy his kohanu.

In quiet time passed the whole life, for our love was judged to spend an environment. All on the right in that, when Mykola Oleksiyovich in his youth, having surpassed the red-deceased, she became the master of the courtyard. The two heroes were witnessed in the midst of a storm of thoughts, thoughts and experiences. However, one cannot turn the past, and Mykola Oleksiyovich ide, imagine those who could have wandered the life of an inakshe, who did not know about Nadiya. The winners are happy about those who have become a squad, mother of children and master's house in Petersburg. True, it’s all the same, and it’s getting deprived of the hero’s undiscovered worlds.

In this rank, in the announcement of "Dark Aleja" there are three main plot points:

  • Zupinka the hero at the zaizhzhuy yard
  • Zustrich kolishnykh kokhanikh
  • Think on the road ahead of time

The first part of the creation is a chain of episodes until the heroes are one by one. Here, the portrait characterization of the characters is transformed. Significantly the very social awareness of people. For example, Nadiya zvertatsya until priyzhdzhiy "your excellency", and the axis of the hero allows sobi "Hey, hto there."

The main point is the tse zustrich, as I signify another part of the plot. Here, my bachimo describe feelings, emotions and experiences. Social media ideas, which allow more beautiful ideas of everyday people, protistavity of their thoughts. Zustrich and Hope for the hero is a rendezvous for his conscience. Reader rose, you won’t have saved the inner integrity. Mykola Oleksiyovych, navpaki, sees his life as marnoy, unprincipled, to smack only the wisdom and vulgarity.

The third part of the drive is the tse without the middle of the drive and the drive with the coachman. For the hero, it is important to the social cordon, since it is impossible for the hero to win over the hearts of the highest sentiments. Mykola Oleksiyovich ruin his own blood and blood, shkoduє about those who kissed the hand of the master of the courtyard and the colony.

Such a structure to the plot gives the ability to discover love and quantity, almost as if it were asleep; The impulse, the motivation for the hero's prompting, is an artistic priyom, which allows the author to tell about the evocative speeches, the more hateful and fierce hostility to the reader.

In the text, the art doesn’t see the generals, the condemnation of the heroes, anyway, navpaki, show me sorry for them. The information is based on the inventory of the sentiments and emoticons of the characters, as they appear to be read and the very one who should be given an estimate of what has become.

Characteristics of the main characters of the message "Dark Alei"

The positive light of the post has the image of Nadiya. With the help of the knowledge about her, it is not so abundant, it is not so abundant, it’s not so abundant, it’s not so abundant that it’s not so rich. The heroine is the kryshnya krypachka, who is now the lord of the state postal station. When you get older, you can see it beautifully, you can see it easily and “not for a while”. Nadiya was able to do good things in the life of the zavdyak her own mind and honesty. The coachman in rozmov with Mykola Oleksiyovich means, "Bagatin, pennies in growth, yes", tobto borg. The heroines of the drawn-in practicality and acceptance.

I had a chance to go through a bagato. The experience of Mikoli Oleksiyovych bully's vchinka is so strong that Nadiya is aware - she wanted to put her hands on herself. However, she could have survived the difficult and even stronger.

The woman prodovzhu to love, ale the axis of piercing the joy of the kokhan їy without reaching. Mykola Oleksiyovych is kindly told about this. Viklikє the reader's sympathy is the wisdom of Nadiya. For example, on the general's mind, the truth of the past is true, you won’t say that everyone’s youth is mine, but the axis of love is nikoli. To speak the words of the heroine and about those who are in my mind and can love in a fair way, but don't bring happiness.

The image of Mykoly Oleksiyovich is rich in the protest of Nadiya. Winner is a nobleman and general, a representative of the great society. Having broken the garnu kar'єra, the ale axis in a special life is the hero of the merciless. Yogo's squad left, and sin viras with a nahaboi and dishonorable people. The hero of the viglyada will be tired, until the kohan's colishny is unleashed and strengthened. Win a long time ago seen from love and did not know so much, having spent all life without happiness and passing over the mercy of the order. "All pass. All forget" - this is the position of the hero in relation to happiness and love.

Mykoliy Oleksiyovych is close to 60 years, albeit, with the development of the hope, the win is chervonin yak yak. Vіyskovy іz the trash zgaduє those, who threw their kohana, ale chi vistachaє from the new forces to correct those who were trapilated? Ні. The hero knows the simplest way and the day.

The spiritual weakness of the character, the unhappiness of the dissemination of information, almost from the "history of the vulgar, wicked" attributed to the countryman himself and Nadiya. Mykoliy Oleksiyovych has lost his love only once he has passed, his love, yaka "gave him a good life."

Lyubov mіzh Nadієyu and Mykolya Oleksiyovych become a renowned person, and the history of these hundreds of years is based on drama. Why did it all become so? The reasons for the poultry. The hero's weakness and weakness, as if he saw the Kohan people and did not beat the maybut in his feelings to her. The whole role of zabonіv in the suspension, which includes the possibility of a nobleman and a wicked family.

Riznitsa in glances at love also brought the drama along with the heroes. While for Nadiya, feeling like a cohanno people is the price of her own, ruining strength, I am enlightened and supplemented by life, then for Mikoli Oleksiyovich love is a trick, history has passed. Irony polyagaє in that, which is the same thing, the part of life, tied with colic cohana, has become the most beautiful moment for all fate.

a description of the main heroes in the announcement of Bunin Dark Aleja

  1. Todi stinks loved one one.
  2. class
  3. The main heroine Nadiya is a kryshnya krypachka, and ninya is a gentleman
    small svitlitsi, roztashovanoa commission from the state postal
    station. The main character is Mykola Oleksiyovich - Viyskiy, rockin sixty,
    even tighter and more stringy and comfortable head. thirty
    rockiv to that, the boola is even more beautiful and naivna. Wine is young and rich.
    Todi stinks loved one one.
  4. Good for review 1
  5. The plot of the roster of characters on the performance of the heroes of the thirty-day roost.
    The main heroine is a kryshnya krypachka village Nadiya.
    Gentlemen gave їy wilna, won’t be able to vlashtuvatsya in life (became the lord of the state postal station),
    the managers of their own vmіnnu "gospodaryuvati" і rose (“Baba - rose chamber. I ND, it seems, bagati.
    Penny in the rist dag "). Vona is beautiful, unaffected on her own.
    The reason for this - її love to Mikoli Oleksiyovych.
    Mykola Oleksiyovych - nobleman, to impudently be introduced to the lower camp,
    vіyskovy, like zroiv good kar'єru. The hero's life did not go down to the especial: the squad,
    yaku vin "loving without memory", "figuratively" threw yogo; sin, like vin is still loving,
    on which having laid all the hopes, "viyshov is not a man, marnotrat, nakhab, without a heart, without honor, without conscience ..."
    In his youth, Mikola Oleksiyovich and Nadiya loved one one. Mykola Oleksiyovych
    Throwing Nadiya "even heartlessly," she wanted to "put her hands on herself."
    Prodovzhuyuchi love, won’t be able to pierce your senses.
    Mykola Oleksiyovich, as and most of the heroes-choloviks I. A. Bunina, weak lyudin,
    zaboboni could become a new love. Win vvazhaє vіdnosini z Nadієya "history of vulgarity,
    zvychaynoi ", ala with a great deal of thought, but Nadiya herself" gave him a good life ",
    having lost її, wіn wіll hаνе іt wіth уουr, wіth thе life οf life.
    Ale tilka zsuduzhuvati hero is not possible. Gromadska dumka - rich,
    It’s not easy to fight and prototype.
    Viyavisya Nadiya at the mice of Mykoly Oleksiyovych's squad, unavoidably,
    hto of them, having experienced bi, there is great lack of happiness and discomfort.
    Vishny svit nikoli would not accept її, kryishnyu kryposnu peasant.
    Altogether, it is not possible to indirectly rectify the fact that Mikola Oleksiyovich had been robbed in his youth.
    Heroes are dispersed and suddenly, forever. І it is scary to sound the words of Nadiya about those
    it’s dumb in the heart of the heart for those evil that unhappiness, as she survived the style of rock back.

Zharoznizhyuchі zasobi for children is recognized as a pediatrician. Allegedly, there are situations of inconvenient help in case of fever, if the child needs to be given a secret. Todi dad take on the versatility and consistency of fever-lowering drugs. Is it allowed to give children a breast vіka? How can you beat the temperature of older children? What are the best ones?

Collection of information "Dark alei" І.А. Bunin, having written far from Batkivshchyna, was overwhelmed by France and worried about the legacy of the Zhovtnevo Revolution and the important rock of the First World War. Create, to enter the whole cycle, reminiscent of the motives of the tragic share of the people, the inevitability of podiy and toughness beyond the native land. The central theme of the collection is the message "Dark Alei" - the whole of love, which appears to be closely tied to the citizens and a fatal result.

The central idea of ​​the writer's mind is the one-time notification of the collection "Dark Alei". Він був writing in 1938 rotsі під in the flow of vіrsha N.P. Ogarova "Zvychayna povist", once and for all the image of dark alleys, as well as the philosophical thoughts of L.N. Tolstoy about those who are not happy in their lives, but the people will catch the lack of that "zirnytsi", which is necessary for the cinuvati.

Analysis of the work of I.A. Bunina "Dark Alei"

In the basis of the plot, the creation is based on the creation of two older people who were already playing bagatorically. If you are accurate, then in the notification there will be about 35 rock s from the rest of the day. Mykola Oleksiyovych priyzhdzhak on the zaizdzhiy dvir, de yogo development mister Nadiya. The woman nazyva the hero on im'ya, and vіn dіsnaєt in nіy his kohanu.

In quiet time passed the whole life, for our love was judged to spend an environment. All on the right in that, when Mykola Oleksiyovich in his youth, having surpassed the red-deceased, she became the master of the courtyard. The two heroes were witnessed in the midst of a storm of thoughts, thoughts and experiences. However, one cannot turn the past, and Mykola Oleksiyovich ide, imagine those who could have wandered the life of an inakshe, who did not know about Nadiya. The winners are happy about those who have become a squad, mother of children and master's house in Petersburg. True, it’s all the same, and it’s getting deprived of the hero’s undiscovered worlds.

In this rank, in the announcement of "Dark Aleja" there are three main plot points:

  • Zupinka the hero at the zaizhzhuy yard
  • Zustrich kolishnykh kokhanikh
  • Think on the road ahead of time

The first part of the creation is a chain of episodes until the heroes are one by one. Here, the portrait characterization of the characters is transformed. Significantly the very social awareness of people. For example, Nadiya zvertatsya until priyzhdzhiy "your excellency", and the axis of the hero allows sobi "Hey, hto there."

The main point is the tse zustrich, as I signify another part of the plot. Here, my bachimo describe feelings, emotions and experiences. Social media ideas, which allow more beautiful ideas of everyday people, protistavity of their thoughts. Zustrich and Hope for the hero is a rendezvous for his conscience. Reader rose, you won’t have saved the inner integrity. Mykola Oleksiyovych, navpaki, sees his life as marnoy, unprincipled, to smack only the wisdom and vulgarity.

The third part of the drive is the tse without the middle of the drive and the drive with the coachman. For the hero, it is important to the social cordon, since it is impossible for the hero to win over the hearts of the highest sentiments. Mykola Oleksiyovich ruin his own blood and blood, shkoduє about those who kissed the hand of the master of the courtyard and the colony.

Such a structure to the plot gives the ability to discover love and quantity, almost as if it were asleep; The impulse, the motivation for the hero's prompting, is an artistic priyom, which allows the author to tell about the evocative speeches, the more hateful and fierce hostility to the reader.

In the text, the art doesn’t see the generals, the condemnation of the heroes, anyway, navpaki, show me sorry for them. The information is based on the inventory of the sentiments and emoticons of the characters, as they appear to be read and the very one who should be given an estimate of what has become.

Characteristics of the main characters of the message "Dark Alei"

The positive light of the post has the image of Nadiya. With the help of the knowledge about her, it is not so abundant, it is not so abundant, it’s not so abundant, it’s not so abundant that it’s not so rich. The heroine is the kryshnya krypachka, who is now the lord of the state postal station. When you get older, you can see it beautifully, you can see it easily and “not for a while”. Nadiya was able to do good things in the life of the zavdyak her own mind and honesty. The coachman in rozmov with Mykola Oleksiyovich means, "Bagatin, pennies in growth, yes", tobto borg. The heroines of the drawn-in practicality and acceptance.

I had a chance to go through a bagato. The experience of Mikoli Oleksiyovych bully's vchinka is so strong that Nadiya is aware - she wanted to put her hands on herself. However, she could have survived the difficult and even stronger.

The woman prodovzhu to love, ale the axis of piercing the joy of the kokhan їy without reaching. Mykola Oleksiyovych is kindly told about this. Viklikє the reader's sympathy is the wisdom of Nadiya. For example, on the general's mind, the truth of the past is true, you won’t say that everyone’s youth is mine, but the axis of love is nikoli. To speak the words of the heroine and about those who are in my mind and can love in a fair way, but don't bring happiness.

The image of Mykoly Oleksiyovich is rich in the protest of Nadiya. Winner is a nobleman and general, a representative of the great society. Having broken the garnu kar'єra, the ale axis in a special life is the hero of the merciless. Yogo's squad left, and sin viras with a nahaboi and dishonorable people. The hero of the viglyada will be tired, until the kohan's colishny is unleashed and strengthened. Win a long time ago seen from love and did not know so much, having spent all life without happiness and passing over the mercy of the order. "All pass. All forget" - this is the position of the hero in relation to happiness and love.

Mykoliy Oleksiyovych is close to 60 years, albeit, with the development of the hope, the win is chervonin yak yak. Vіyskovy іz the trash zgaduє those, who threw their kohana, ale chi vistachaє from the new forces to correct those who were trapilated? Ні. The hero knows the simplest way and the day.

The spiritual weakness of the character, the unhappiness of the dissemination of information, almost from the "history of the vulgar, wicked" attributed to the countryman himself and Nadiya. Mykoliy Oleksiyovych has lost his love only once he has passed, his love, yaka "gave him a good life."

Lyubov mіzh Nadієyu and Mykolya Oleksiyovych become a renowned person, and the history of these hundreds of years is based on drama. Why did it all become so? The reasons for the poultry. The hero's weakness and weakness, as if he saw the Kohan people and did not beat the maybut in his feelings to her. The whole role of zabonіv in the suspension, which includes the possibility of a nobleman and a wicked family.

Riznitsa in glances at love also brought the drama along with the heroes. While for Nadiya, feeling like a cohanno people is the price of her own, ruining strength, I am enlightened and supplemented by life, then for Mikoli Oleksiyovich love is a trick, history has passed. Irony polyagaє in that, which is the same thing, the part of life, tied with colic cohana, has become the most beautiful moment for all fate.

The hero is not a great sense of intelligence and the strength of his senses. Yogo check payment is a sign of alienation and non-need. Having made up his mind with Hope, Mykolya Oleksiyovych is impressed by the intelligence of the reason for his unhappy fate, alas, so I cannot change myself. Yogo vid'yizd means fear and bazhannya to cling to oneself in the boundaries of one's own light.

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"Dark Alei" is a collection of love messages from Ivan Oleksiyovich Bunin. Above them there was a little rocky rock (from 1937 to 1945). The writing of a great deal of them took an hour of the Other Holy Day. The names of the zbirki gave a statement, which is how it is called "Dark Alei". Published in 1943 by Nova Zemlya in New York. I would like to tell you about the new one from the tsy statty. Otzhe, I. A. Bunin, "Dark Alley", a short snake to the art.

Znayomstvo with Mikoly Oleksiyovich

On a bad day, on a bad day, on the tragic road, the tarantass was shaking in which a mint peasant was shaking, a fierce horse, and a big white man in a gray mykolaiv's overcoat. Tse buv Mykola Oleksiyovich is the main hero of the announcement. Unimportant to rock, viglyadav viglyadav to finish the young, yogo camp will be pidtyagnutiy, pіdborіdya neatly slaughtered, black bushes eyebrows contrasted with bіlіvі vusami, scho turn into whiskers. This is how I describe my hero Bunin. "Dark Alley", a short snake that is given here, the whole story about the unquenchable love of a man to a woman, about the inability to correct the gratification of youth. Here we will not be overwhelmed by the description of the heroes, but we will move on to the essence of the creation.

Nespod_vana zustr_ch

The tarantass was zupinivsya post station, half of the time was occupied by a small room, it could be possible to come and go along the road. Mykola Oleksiyovich went to the hut and looked around. Here the boil was pure and calm, it smelled deliciously of homemade hedgehog. The lord went away to the room and gratefully grateful to him. Tse Bula is a woman of middle rock, black-haired and dark-haired. Our hero, meaning that he is unaffected by rock, is even more beautiful and easy on the go. Having wondered at її denouncing, braviy vіyskovy zrozumіv, scho before him Nadiya - the thug of the kohan. Stick, when you were still young, win over and over. Thirty years passed in the past three years, and all the rockies have passed nothing about her. This is how I describe the unsubstantiated zustrich Bunin. "Dark alei" (short zmist bude vikladeno dal) is a love affair. It’s logical to let it go, so that the heroes have seen the importance of rozmov.

hard to rozmovu

Mykola Oleksiyovych praised the woman for her cleanliness and coolness, as well as feeds on her life. Z'yasuvalosya, scho Nadiya nikoli did not go out. If the hero, having fed about the reasons for this, the woman realized that she loved all life only and did not want to go without love. Mykola Oleksiyovych saw it out, on his eyes appeared slyozi. Vin asked Nadiya to drink, ale the first time to tell about his unhappy family life. Braviy Vіyskovy, having seen his colossal cohannes about those who, the squad, having scolded him, made him happy and threw him away, having lost his blues. All life is alive for the sine; Ale sin viris is a non-con and a non-con. Saying goodbye to Nadiya, it’s even about those who didn’t pierce it, nor did it pierce it, but only my hand. Mykola Oleksiyovych will rob the same people. All the experiences of the main heroes, which did not pass in the year, having described Bunin in the scene. "Dark Alley" (short zmist pidtverdzhu tse) wiklikє among the readers they felt confusion over their love and thought about the unhappiness of turning them around.

One with your thoughts

As soon as the horses were brought in, our hero returned to the road. The weather was bad, and in the soul of the new bulo kepsko. Win sidiv and zgaduvav about those, how good the bula Nadiya was in her youth, like the victorious ones read: "Around the ship of red flowers, there were dark alei limes ...". At the heart of the great St. Petersburg booth. "What bulo b todi?" - having nourished himself Mykola Oleksiyovich. So all the time I sit and think, hitting my head. Tsim epizodom and finished Bunin "Dark Alei". Heroes of Tvor Buli їm Vigadanі. Having described the situation, she was so close and intelligent to the skin of us, that before the eyes the picture of the hundred-dwellers is still realistic.

One of the scribbling creations of the writer, like Ivan Bunin himself, is "Dark Alley". A short zm_st, vikladena in the tsy statty, cannot convey the whole atmosphere of the rozpovid_. I will read it in general.

Dark alei

Having ordered the supply of horses, they came out of the window with dry ochima. Vin may not be a happy one in life. Having made friends with great love, and then she threw it more educated, lower in Nadiya. Having put the style on the blue, but the viris is not a man, nakhab, without honor, without conscience. Vona went and kissed her hand, and kissed her. Already in the road, the wine and the trash have guessed, and it has become a trashy trash.

Ivan Oleksiyovich Bunin is one of the shortest writings in our land. The first zbіrka yogo vіrshіv appeared in 1881 rotsі. Then the bullet wrote the announcement "To the edge of the world", "Tanka", "Visti from Batkivshchyna" and deyaki inshi. In 1901 rotsi viyshov had a new collection of "Listopad", for which the author received the Pushkin Prize.

Before the writer comes popularity and knowledge. Win know with M. Gorky, A. P. Chekhov, L. N. Tolstim.

On the ear of the 20th century Ivan Oleksiyovych opens the projects "Zakhar Vorobyov", "Sosni", "Antonivski Yabluka" and those in which the tragedy of the frost-salted, the wickedness of the people, as well as the gardening rose.

and emigration

Zhovtnev revolution Bunin took negatively as a social drama. Vin emigruvav in 1920 before France. Here he wrote, in addition to his creations, a cycle of novellas titled "Dark Alei" (an analysis of the information given by the same name from the set of selections is carried out below). The main theme of the cycle is love. Ivan Oleksiyovych sees us not only light and dark sideways, ale and dark, to speak about it, and the name itself.

The share of Bunin Bul is both tragic and happy. In their own mystery of wines, they have not overturned heights, the first from the writers of the past, having received the prestigious Nobel Prize. Ale of the temptations to live thirty years in a foreign country, close to Batkivshchyna and spiritual closeness to her.

Zbirnik "Dark Alei"

These experiences served as the basis until the end of the cycle "Dark Alei", the analysis of which will be carried out. Zbirnik tsey in the urged viglyad first appeared in New York in 1943 rotsi. In 1946, there was a notice in Paris, which included 38 reports. Zbirnyk is quick to see for his wickedness, since the theme of love was gloriously appearing in the literature of the Russian Federation.

Bunin's glance at love

At Bunin, there will be a vidminny view of the others, with a glance at the center of attention. The end of the year was one - death or separation, just because the heroes loved one and the same. Ivan Oleksiyovych vvazhav, it looks like a sleeper, ale the same and wonderful. Love in the slightest hour zmіnyuєtsya be smart, like step-by-step to transform into a pobut. The heroes of Bunin are amused. The stench is worried as soon as it slept and dispersed, having been fed up with it.

Tvir Analysis of the notification is displayed, which shows a single cycle, perhaps from a short description of the storyline.

The plot of the notification "Dark alei"

The plot of yogo is simple. General Mykola Oleksiyovych, already old, came to the post station and created his own cohan here, as he didn’t bother about 35 rockets. I hope it’s not immediately obvious. Now, won - the lord of the zaizhzhy court, in which one time there was їkhnya persha zustrіch. Hero z'yasovuє, for the whole hour she loved deprived of yogo.

The answer "Dark Alei" is trivial. Mykola Oleksiyovych looks up to the woman to justify those who have not seen the style of rock. "To pass everything", - to say vin. Ale, even more unscrupulous, nezgrabnі tsі explanation. Wisely admonished Nadiya to the general, having said about those who are young for everyone, but love is dumb. The woman who finished the kohan, who threw it heartlessly, had a lot of development to put her hands on herself, alas, well, now it’s good to finish it.

Submit your report on the announcement "Dark Alei". I will show that Mykola Oleksiyovych doesn’t see kayattya, Aleksey Nadiya is right, it seems about those who, after all, are not all forgotten. The general can not forget to forget the woman, his love. It’s a dare to ask vіn її: "Come on, be a weasel." And it seems that God has forgiven him, but Nadiya, apparently, has already pounded. Ale z'yasovuatsya, it’s dumb. The woman is aware that she couldn’t grow up. To that, the general of temptations vypravdovuvatis, vibachat before his kolishny cohana, seemingly about those who didn’t get happy, loving his team without memory, but threw Mikoli Oleksiyovych away, and made him happy. Sina was deceived, having laid great hopes, and the viyshov from the nahab, lasun, without honor, heart, conscience.

Chi has protected the old love?

Proanalizuumo tvir "Dark alei". The analysis of the show was announced, so that the main heroes did not die out. We have grown to be intelligent, so old love has been preserved, the hero's creation is to love one one, as before. By the way, the general is aware of the fact that the woman gave him a beautiful moment of life. To avenge the hero's share for the joy of his first kohannya. Do not know happiness in the life of the family Mikola Oleksiyovich ("Dark Alei"). Analysis of your experience to bring the price. I learned that I missed my talents and gave me a chance. If the general tells the coachman about those who Mr. Tsya is even worth a penny and is even "cool", I wish it is fair: without turning an hour - it means, tell yourself, Mykola Oleksiyovich, ts the words to the project on his life, on the topic, on the bullet , yakby win not throwing the woman.

What is it about the happiness of the heroes of the head?

In their hour, the zaboboni got the share of the general from the commoner. Aleksei love from the heart of the protagonist did not go and didn’t go to the state of being happy with the woman, wihvaty sina, as showing how we performed the analysis. "Dark alei" (Bunin) is a tse tvir, a kind of tragic vidtinok.

Nadiya also carried love through all life and in the bag maybe one appeared. She couldn’t have been a hero for the country’s zavdan, she couldn’t get away with it; Mykola Oleksiyovych appeared neatly to destroy the rules that were established in the suspension, not having risen a few against them. Adzhe, befriend the general with Nadієya, win the contempt and unreasonableness of the people. And the little divine didn’t miss anything, as it’s getting faster. In those hours, the ill-fated boules of light alei kohannya mіzh selyanka and panom. The problem of qia is really big, not special.

Irony of the dole of heroes

Bunin in his work wanted to show the dramaticness of the heroes, like the mesmerizing bully, were dispersed, being one in one. In a whole world of love, love appeared as a name and especially a cry. Ale vona has visaged all her life, she has lost her life in memory with short mitts. The history is romantically beautiful, it is hocha and dramatic.

In Bunin's work "Dark Alei" (the analysis of the notification is carried out at a time), the theme of love is a popular motive. Pervading all creativity, engraved by the emigrant and Russian period. It’s just okay for the writers to bring the life of the soul into the manifestations of the life of the soul, and also to get close to the innkeeper’s human soul, going out to pour into a new active action.

At the end, the analysis of "Dark Alei". Lyubov kozhin rozumіє in its own way. Tse divovizne vіdchuttya dosі not guessed. The topic of kohannya will be relevant for the first time, fragments of won є bagatokh of human vchinks, the sense of our life. Until tsoy visnovka bring, zokrema, we carry out the analysis. "Dark alei" Bunina - the way out, which is to see its own name, imagining a thought, but it’s almost impossible to see the light until the end, it’s "darker", and even more beautiful at the same hour.

On a bad winter day, on the road to the next hut, in one half of that boul there is a post station, and in a clean light, you might be able to see, come and get half-hearted On the tarantass's tarantass there was a gray-minded peasant in a tight cut, and in a tarantass there was "a stringy old man, a great cap, and in Mykolaiv's gray overcoat, with a standing beaver, like a chorin ; pidbordya at the new boulevard, and all the name is small, then the similarity with Oleksandr II, as the middle of the Vysk at the time of his reign was broadened;
If the horses are steel, win the drive from the tarantass, vibrate to the gank hati and turn the hand, as if instructing the coachman.
The lighthouse was warm, dry and cool, through the food flaps the liquorice smelled of cabbage soup. Priyzhzhiy threw off his overcoat on the bench, knitted his mittens and caps, and wore his hand through his slightly curly hair. The svitlitsi did not have a lot of things, he opened the doors and called out: "Hey, that’s there!"
Gone is the "dark hair, also a black shave, and also not behind a woman's head ... with a dark fluff on the upper lip and bridle cheek, light on the move, albeit, with great breasts under a red sweater, with a tricky one, like a gusky belly, black and white spydnitsyu ". Vona was gratefully accustomed.
With a quick glance at his rounded shoulders and light legs and asking for a samovar. Viyavilosya, scho tsya zhinka is the lord of the courtyard. Priyzhiy praised the cleanliness. Zhinka, wondering at the new one, said: “I love cleanliness. "Nadiya! Ty? - saying vіn kvaplivo. - God my, my God! .. Would you think about it! How many rockies didn’t swing?” - "Thirty, Mykola Oleksiyovich". Winning grasping, feeding, how all the cities lived.
Did the yak live? The Lord gave free rein. Zamіzhnya not bully. To what? That one already loved yogo. "To pass everything, my friend, - muttered win. - Love, youth - everything, everything. History is vulgar, extravagant. Everything goes by in rock".
For some of them - maybe, but not in her. Vona lived all her life. I knew that for a long time there was nothing of a colic, that for new people there was nothing, and I didn’t boil, but loved all the same. Pizno now finish it, ale like heartlessly throwing it ... Throwing a little bit of development, she wanted to put her hands on herself! "And all the first men allowed me to read about all the" dark aleias, "she added with an unkind smile." Mykola Oleksiyovych zgadu, yak beautiful Bula Nadiya. Win tezh buv good. "I also gave you my beauty, my hot stuff. Yak, you can forget it too." - "Ah! Pass everything. Everything will be forgotten." - "Everything goes through, so not everything is forgotten." "Go," said win, go out and go to see. - Go, be weasel. " Squeezing his chustka up to his eyes, he wondered: “Abi God has forgiven me. Nі, I didn’t try it and I couldn’t try it. You can't try it.
Having ordered the supply of horses, they came out of the window with dry ochima. Vin may not be a happy one in life. Having made friends with great love, and then she threw it more educated, lower in Nadiya. Having put the style on the blue, but the viris is not a man, nakhab, without honor, without conscience. Vona went and kissed her hand, and kissed her. Already in the road, the wine and the trash have guessed, and it has become a trashy trash.
The coachman seemed to be amazed at їm services from wіkna. Vona baba - rosumu chamber. Yes, pennies in growth, ale is fair.
"So, savagely, steep hilin ... Truly charming!" , lord of my Petersburg home, mother of my children? "


The list of "Dark Alei" giving the name to all the same collection of I. A. Bunina. Written by vin buv in 1938 rotsi. All the novels of the cycle are bound by one theme - love. The tragedy and the catastrophe of the nature and love are seen by the author. Love is a gift. Vona is not in control of people. Zavalosya used to be a banal story about the development of young people in a hotter youth loved one one. The simple plot of the announcement is a rich young red-blooded animal, and then throwing peace. Aleh Bunin will be prompted for help in a simple, simple artistic move about simple speech, vile and hostile. A short tvir - mittuviy slept in memory of past youth and love.

All in all, there are three compositional parts of the rospe:

  • parking lot at the zazhdzhy yard
  • rapta zustrіch with colishnaya cohana,
  • Think of the vіyskogo in the road through a sprinkle of hilin sislya zustrіchі.

Pictures of everyday life and everyday life will rise on the cob. Mykola Oleksiyovich is aware of the beauty of Nadiya, who is thirty years old in that time: "Vіn shvidko viprostavya, opening eyes and pochervonіv"... In quiet period, the whole life has passed, and the skin has its own. I will appear, so offense to the head of the hero is self-evident. Mykola Oleksiyovych maє sotsial'noї vagi і otlashtovanіst, ale neschasny: squad "I changed, I threw less educated, I don't want you", And sin virіs nonіdnikom "Without heart, without honor, without conscience"... Nadiya from kolishnaya krіposnaya changed into a vashnitsa "Private svitlitsі" at the post station “Rozumu chamber. And everything, it seems, is great, cool ... ", Ale so i didn’t get out.

But all the same, if the hero is absorbed in life, then as the earlier is beautiful and light, the life of the life of the Kohan's colony is united. I have been able to think of it as love and all life without it, and that means without happiness. I hope all my life to love the one to whom I gave "My beauty, my hot stuff" Whom to inject "Nikolenkoy clicked"... Even before love, I live in my heart, but I don’t forgive Mikol Oleksiyovych. I want not to sink to the level of tears and tears.


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