It's been a long time since people lived like that. Why did people of old respect that gods lived on the territory of Russia? Znaryadya praci ta vogon

It's been a long time since people lived like that. Why did people of old respect that gods lived on the territory of Russia? Znaryadya praci ta vogon

Myth No. 1: Neanderthals had very large eyes

This is one of the new, but also the rise of scientific myths. Marvel at the skull of a Neanderthal: he has magnificent eyes! And this means majestic eyes. Perhaps the Neanderthals adopted a diurnal and nocturnal way of living? Find yourself with an additive essence with ochima-headlights, like an owl that spends its days in the ovens, just before the sun comes into contact - it silently hops onto the great road that creeps up to the turbo-free sleeping mammoth. Did the stars start talking about the majestic eyes? In the spring of 2013, the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences published a paper by English anthropologists, who presented an original hypothesis: Neanderthals lived for a troubling hour in the sun, where there is “less sun, lower in the tropics.” Their animal system adapted to the day, and the eyes increased in size. Apparently, the area of ​​the visual cortex of the cerebrum has grown, as soon as possible before communication. The investigators decided to revise their hypothesis: they believed average size Among the Neanderthals and ancient sapiens, and among the Neanderthals, the smells actually appeared to be larger on average - by 6 mm at the top and perhaps 3 mm at the top. Further, this novelty is lost in the mass media, and the news is lost in our heads. Well, here’s a fact: among the current races, the most prominent ones are... the Mongoloids! And in them are the smallest eyes. It is assumed that the former residents of the country have great eyes, so that they can work better in everyday life, and also do not undergo empirical verification. For such logic, the least blame lies with the Equatorials, and the greatest blame with the inhabitants of the Last Night. Behind the fact - suvoro navpaki. In addition, a low level of research on living primates has shown that there is no direct relationship between the size of their fossae and the size of their eyes... Therefore, we, as before, trust classical reconstructions, such as Neanderthals - Volodars do not forget and doubtful, but generally human eyes.

Summary: Neanderthals had great eyes, and great eyes. Investigations did not reveal a direct difference between the sizes of the ophthalmic pits and eyes in humanoids. Today's inhabitants of Pivnochi - the lords of the great eye pits - are not at all considered by the great eyes.

Myth No. 2: Ancient people walked around wrapped in skins and bristles.

The shaggy deer with its skin and an important tusk squeezed into its paw is a classic image of mass culture, perhaps never found in nature. The human-like creatures fight with sticks - after all, the Australopithecus has completely worn out the flesh to swing the claw for smearing and protection. Prote discoveries of prehistoric clubs are unknown to archaeologists. And if something similar was discovered, then how to cut the club from the first angle of the hammer or drill? The most ancient and irreproachable tree of the world is a list. The trees that the tribes of Africa and Australia used to scavenge are not at all similar to those spectacular gnarled monsters that our ancestors invariably appear in classical illustrations. Apparently, there are no signs of “capes made from skins” like our ancestors wore, although perhaps people of old wore something similar. Something else is more important here. Respecting everything, it seems, from whom the authors of popular pictures and descriptions of prehistoric life drew their inspiration - not archaeological finds or scientific facts, but popular films and cinematography. The “black man” was widely distributed and became its own brand, the hero of commercials and a series of comedy cartoon series (“Flintstones”, 1960).

Alexander Sokolov. “Myths about the evolution of humans”

Artists depicted the people of the Stone Age, displaying their impressions of what a true dikun is like: powerful, shaky and ruthless. However, the root of the image of the “black woman with a whip” can be found in the rich past. It turns out that the wild man was a popular character back in Serednyovichi. This image is merged in European literature and decorative mystique, on tapestries, bas-reliefs and insignia on coins, embellishing coats of arms. The “wild man” was depicted with his hair tightly covered, and in his hands, as you already guessed, he was clutching a club. From the depths of the century, from above human knowledge, the image of the “wild people” has reached us in all its primary beauty.

Summary: “The Cave People” is a very persistent archetype that has been alive in human culture for over 2 thousand years. In the last quarter of the 19th century, the image of the “wild people” miraculously fit into the newfangled idea of ​​the similarity of people with creatures. I - under the mask of either a Neanderthal or a Cro-Magnon - our new hero turns to mass culture. Natural history and folklore were so incomparably mixed. “Wild People” is a product not of scientific research, but of folklore and mass culture.

Myth No. 3: Ancient people were even more hairy

Ask someone you know to describe the first person. Better than everything, the word “hairy” will be among the first three epithets. Curled, covered with wool - this is how they are remembered from illustrations in popular books, where the emphasis is on the animal essence, the similarity of the ancestor. What do we really know about her hairline, and at what point did she know it? How did this act happen, how did the wool fall out and get clean? As it is, the loss of hair loss is accompanied by a parallel change in the richness of systems: the number of sweat deposits has increased, fatty deposits have increased, and the entire mechanism of thermoregulation has changed. The growth of hair on the head, however, increased, and the men also grew large beards. Paleontology will not help us: the vikopian species retains its brushes, but not its hair. Thus, carcasses of mammoths emerge from the permafrost, and mummies of Neanderthals have never been found. And yet, the Neanderthals, behind their everyday skeleton and their way of living, did not fundamentally tease us: they lived not in forests, but in open areas, fought with fire and harmats, and went to the clearing. We can hardly forgive, but it is acceptable that, despite all the hairiness, there was no radical difference between us and them. In 2004, a family of Africans identified variations in a gene that determines skin color in Africans, and the result was that people's skin became darker at least 1.2 million years ago. In human-like creatures, the skin is light under the fur, which is protected from ultraviolet radiation by the hairline. It won't get dark even after our ancestors lost their wool. And then, over a million years ago, people were not “shaggy troglodytes.” Why did our wool become so bad? The axis can be explained better. After our ancestors left the trees and went into the shroud, under the scorching sun, they needed a more effective thermoregulation system. The number of vines has grown, and they see water that is evaporating, lowering body temperature. In such a situation, the hairline will be removed sooner: evaporation is more effective on the uncovered surface of the skin. That's why the wool has faded. Restore the respect that's on your head, stand by sleepy exchangers, a cap of hair has been preserved, which eliminates the function of a thermoprotector. You ask: why didn’t the ancient people grow hair again when they went to sleep in the cold? It can be said this way: instead of seeking favors in evolution, people have become guilty of clothes and rot. Wool has appeared and replaced the warmth of the skin, taken from a killed animal. Before the board and the wind, the walls of the stove and hut were destroyed, and the fire was allowed to survive the winter.

Summary: It’s important that people of old were very shaggy. When you replace the brushes, the hair spreads out easily, so you can only guess about the level of hairiness of our ancestors. It is incredible that hair growth appeared in the early stages of human evolution.

Myth No. 4: The ancient people had arms up to their knees, their legs were short and crooked, and they walked hunched over

Short, gutless, with big long arms, the Neanderthal is afraid to squeeze into the entrance to the oven... The French anthropologist Marcelin Boule played an important role in the creation of such a irritating image. In 1911, in a book dedicated to the skeleton of a Neanderthal old man from La Chapelle-aux-Saints, Boule described the Neanderthal man as a stooped subhuman, with a crooked neck, which shifted on his bowed legs. And the artist Frantisek Kupka, under the wire of Buhl, poured the image, created by an anthropologist, onto paper. An extremely unattractive reality has emerged, similar to the character of the character in the film Zhakhiv. Ten years later, it became clear that the signs that Buhl had mistook for being characteristic of Neanderthals were, in fact, inherited by the elderly: I had crooked arthritis. When you are young, you will always be in a stately face with your head held high. Prote zrazok buv tasks. And off we go. Hairy and scary, with a great, mask-like face, massive eyebrows and without the slightest strain on his forehead, which squeezes the majestic stone and collapses like a woman. This is how the old people have risen to the level of mass celebrity. As you understand, finding a complete skeleton, including both the upper and lower ends, so that you can evaluate the proportions and set up, is a rare success. For a long time, anthropologists had to be satisfied with fragments and finish the rest. They said this: since evolution is a smooth and equal process, then all parts human body“they were crowded” step by step and synchronously. The primitive head resembles a mausoidal body (although the first discoveries of Pithecanthropus superseded this: a practically daily stegnosus was added to the archaic skull). It seemed logical that the Neanderthals, and especially the hypothecanthropes, had just left the trees and had not yet mastered walking on two legs. The stereotype appeared to be tenacious. It is immediately clear that our ancestors became upright many millions of years before the appearance of Pithecanthropus: which time would be more sufficient to reach a high level of mastery on their own two feet. Judging by their legs, pelvis and spine, even the Australopithecines croaked easily and undisturbed, and they had absolutely nothing to do with slouching.

Summary: The image of hunched, crooked and heartless ancient people emerged at the beginning of the last century on the basis of early revelations about the stages of human evolution. The stereotype was shaped by the investigation of the skeleton of an old Neanderthal: centuries of change have been incorrectly interpreted as being in power of all kinds. We now know that the same proportions of the human body (the top of the skull) were formed in ancient people already 1.5 million years ago. We can write in the legacy of our ancestors.

Myth No. 5: A long time ago, people were veletnyami

What epic can do without veletni, titans, giants and cyclops? It’s amazing to think that the mythical characters have a real prototype - like an ancient race, the ancestors of the Veletensky stone spores, which are beyond our power special people. What are the supporters of the reality of ancient giants suggesting as proof? First, there are spectacular photographs of skeletons of majestic proportions and perfect safety, in other words, eyewitness accounts - for example, villagers who have found majestic skeletons right in their cities. It’s true, then the brushes began to sound where they knew. Thirdly, megalithic spores - for example, the famous Stonehenge. People of our complex with you, thanks to modern technologies, have not been able to pull a rich ton of stone for tens, or even hundreds of kilometers, on this basis only a few years! Fourthly, quotes from chronicles drawn from the Middle Ages, who described squirrels with velvets on an exotic island, off Patagonia, in the snowy Himalayas, or even here on the edge of the world. And they have discovered stories about the remains of Gigantopithecus and Meganthropus discovered already in the 20th century. Well, well-packaged, such a set of arguments creates strong hostility for the unprepared reader. If we speak seriously, it is easy to misconceive that the photographs of the “magnificent skeletons” are a banal photomontage, and a number of people say that they are the author of the fakes. Evidence from eyewitnesses – sorry, don’t prove it. The honest eyes of eyewitnesses cannot replace the main thing - the finds themselves. Meganthropi and Gigantopithecus have long found their place on the evolutionary tree, but they are no less related to the legendary “veletans” and certainly were not Stonehenge (Gigantopithecus are relatives of orangutans, and Meganthropi wear to the upright Javanese people). The origins of the megaliths have also been known for a long time, described, and in a number of cases, technologies have been experimentally tested that make it possible to explore Stonehenge without the help of the Velents and aliens. In addition, with knowledge of biomechanics and the laws of physics, it becomes obvious that a person who has grown up to several meters would not be able to change their shoes normally. His legs would ache, weakened by the weight of his body. Look at the real velet creatures - elephants or even if they were on fire, at the shape of their body, at the consistency of their ends. A primate that can grow to the size of an elephant, and is also upright, with completely non-human proportions. What can we say about the growth of our ancestors in paleoanthropology? Unfazed by the difficulties associated with the reconstruction of the historical essence, current science Statistics on the body sizes of ancient people have accumulated. And we can confidently say that in the process of evolution, the growth of our ancestors did not change, but increased.

Summary: There are no scientific discoveries of the remains of giant people, nor any indirect evidence of their existence in the past. Judging by the data of paleoanthropologists, during the process of evolution the growth of our ancestors did not change, but increased. Equal with the Australopithecines, we are with you – true veletni.

World legends tell us about mythical lands where gods and gods live, where eternal youth and unhealed wealth are found. Humanity has lost sight of their traces. Vcheni respect - dekhto varto joke in Russia.


“Near the Milky Sea, above Mer, lies the great island of Shvep-dvip, the White Island, and the island of Svetla. There is a land where bliss is to be found. Its inhabitants are brave men, devoid of all evil, even to the point of honor and dishonor, marvelous in appearance, full of vitality. There is no human being alive here, the zhorstok is soulless and lawless...”

This paradise from the ancient Indian epic Mahabharati has never been joked about. Indian figures, for example, Colonel Wilford, separated Sweden from Great Britain. Why not? An island beyond the sea, at night (for the authors of Mahabharati). Blavatsky Olena Petrivna, who was a prominent representative of the mystical order of Theosophists, in her “Hark Doctrine” placed Shveta-dvipa in the region of the current desert of the Gobi. Some of the descendants, for example, under the White Island, found Arctida - a hypothetical polar continent that was found in the Arctic, or as a result of cataclysms, which never arose from 18 to 1 00 thousand are the fates of walking under water (hypothesis of the German zoographer Jaeger).

The followers of Arctida often connect the legend about Shveta-Dvipa with Hyperborea, which, according to ancient authors, was here far away in the evening. Ale pivnich - the concept is more complex. Various linguists have revealed the similarity of Ural toponyms with Indian names. So, based on the research of A.G. Vinogradov and S.V. Zharnikov, the legendary Shveta-dvipa settled on the territory of the Urals, the White Sea, the basin of the river Pivnichnaya Dvina and Pechora, the Volga-Oka region.

Khara Berezaita

In history, these are the names of nomadic toponyms, as different villages associated with different places. Before them can be seen the Girsky ridge of Haru Berezaiti from the Zoroastrian texts “Avesti”, with Mount Khukair’ya. This is the archetypal Mountain of Light, through which the chariot of the deity Mitri rises. Above it hang this star of the Great Vedic Medicine and the Polar Star, placed in the center of the world. Take the cob from the golden peaks, all the earthly rivers and the largest of them - the clean Ardvi River, which falls with the noise of the sea Bile Vourukasha. The Sun is always circling over the mountains of Vysokaya Khari, and every day it is day, and every other day it is night. Only those brave and strong in spirit can go through all this grief and end up in the happy land of the blessed, which is washed by the waters of the white ocean. All the descendants of the descendants of the already known legendary Mount Meru, which was removed from Shveto-Dvipa in the Urals. Together with the Italian explorer Giraldo Gnoli, under Khara Berezaiti, they initially captured the Pamirs and the Hindu Kush, and then transferred the invasion to the “serious mountains,” and more precisely to Elbrus. The ocean of this analogy is obviously the Black Sea. Before speaking, it is not superfluous to understand the statements about the mythological land in the past, from ancient authors. Many Roman authors gave the same description of the Black Sea that we can today give to the Black Sea - severe cold, everything is covered with ice, people's skins are frozen.

Altaiska Shambhala

Shambhala is a mythical land of Hinduism and Buddhism. The Kazakh region is committed to the Kazakh minds - to give eternal youth, to reveal all knowledge to the world. “As you know the past of Shambhala, you know the future,” Mikola Roerich said about the enchanting land. Traditionally, the entrance to Shambhala is located in the Tibetan region, here near the sacred Mount Kailash. Hello, today is the honor of Roerich, Shambhala is coming, it may be three. One of them is in Altai, in the area of ​​Mount Belukha - a sacred peak among the local Altai peoples. Regardless of their beliefs, there is a land of spirits. One of the Altai shamans, Anton Yudanov, in his interview, said that the cult ministers should not dare to approach the mountain closer, less than 10 km, but trying to feed Belukha, how to quickly kill people without any health is correct sacrilege, which is followed by punishment. It’s not for nothing that Belukha is called “the killer mountain”, because the rest of the time Most of the tourists died: “The sacred mountain let us throw away everyone who dares not go to its secret place.”

The current scientific community does not have a single thought until the first ancient people appeared on the planet. The whole problem is who, from the whole base of our upright ancestors, is respected as a human being and for certain criteria: common brain, obviousness of practice, equal to social organization, guilt of other physiological authorities. As if it were not there, the ancient people woke up on the planet for a troubling period of time. Significantly longer

How brilliant is our entire written history.

Paleolithic era

This very period is marked by the period of residual formation of the first Homo sapiens, like in the Upper Paleolithic (50-10 thousand years ago). Then tribal communities are formed, which will give rise to the first powers. The most primitive culture and religious beliefs are developing. Let's show the butt of an old man who beats her light. Perhaps the most famous in this plan are the walls of Altamiri, which were preserved until the present day as promotional paintings with scenes of marriage, spiritual life, love, etc.

Carnage of humanity

This means that in the Paleolithic, as we believe today, there were a number of alternative branches to the development of erectus

hominids. So, for example, it seems that today's Neanderthals are no longer considered the ancestor of modern humans, but rather the dead-end people who died out about 40 thousand years ago as a weak, literally different humanity. Versions about those that this ancient people simmered in technical achievements, having mastered the craft of watering, tamed the fire, could not survive to this day, the faceless hangs: despite the banal failure of the one who has been used to the new natural minds and the rise of the Ice People to the physical decline of the Neanderthals everywhere by our ancestors – the Cro-Magnons.

The emergence of the first civilizations

It seemed to me that it was not easy to successfully resist the forces of superfluous nature let's tame it. This has become an epochal idea, and these significances signify the transition from what is favored by watering and harvesting, to the vibrating - bestiality and cultivation korisnyh roslin. The fact that ancient people have learned not just to take what nature provides, but to independently create food products and practices, signifying fundamental changes on our planet. The transition to a state that is vibrating, having allowed the painful problem of hunger to be forgotten, the first permanent settlements appeared - the new villages and towns. Previously, the boundaries of Mysli territories and

The diversity of the fauna was imposed by a natural limit on the number of human populations. The increase in productivity of practice, which was now characterized rural dominion, led to a significant increase in the number of tribes, specialization of race, social dissatisfaction, and the first right of power. It is clear that everything could not help but revolve around the creation of the first edges of the planet 7-6 thousand years BC. Egypt, India, and the Mezhirichian powers have already had a small breakdown of the marriage system, cultural and religious views, economic and political device. started.

The people we found appeared on Earth about 2.5 million years ago, which is why they stink. According to Darwin's theory, their predecessors were australopithecines - a group of great primates whose genes had mutation processes. Founding people are divided into two types - Asian walking people (Ludina erecta) and African walking people (Ludina Pratsuyucha).

Where did the ancient people live?

The people who were found lived in the caves, and they are called by their friend “the cave people.” However, the oven did not serve as a home for ancient people for long; over the years, the ovens were turned into primitive places of worship, where magic rites were held and the dead were celebrated.

In hours early Paleolithic, the ancient people made their lives out of sticks of trees, and to be safe, they laid their foundation with stones. Quite often, the brushes of mammoths killed in the middle of the water appeared as a living material. Instead of this, such khatins were covered with skins. The skin stood up well to the wind and the board.

Completed in hours Ice age period , people began to live from decks. The buildings of the most recent people housed about 15 people. The veins were on a stake, in the center of which there was a rot. In the lower territories, the budinki often look small like ground-dugs, so they often bury themselves in the ground.

The appearance of the most recent people

Today's people have a small appearance, which was close to the appearance of a modern person, but still saved a lot hidden signs with creatures. The average height of the Ancient people became approximately 1.6 m. The stinks were straight-walking, which showed their eminence among the creatures.

Budova's skulls are more archaic: the frontal part was significantly smaller, the lower part was slit, the supranodal ridges protruded, and in most cases the chin was beveled. The hands of the people who lived in the past were deprived of their hands.

Among the Asian people who have been around for a long time, the brain has been drained, meaning that the brain has been touched by people who are working. The stench itself has become a leader Neanderthals(Old people who came to replace those who were found).

Geography of the settlement of the most ancient people

Based on the investigations, people were found to have first appeared in the territory of Northern Africa. Approximately 1.8 million years ago, modern people moved to the lands of the Near Descent, and widely expanded into the habitable territories of Eurasia.

Today's people also settled throughout all the lands of the Old World. Sleeping in different geographical minds has merged the genders of different species of people. The ancient people who lived on the territory of Eurasia, then began to contribute to the evolution of their African and close relatives.

The oldest people lived 2 million - 500 thousand. Unfortunately for that.

Pithecanthropus - “mavpa human”. The remains of Bulo have been revealed

first on about. Java in 1891 by E. Dubois, and then by a number of other people.

Pithecanthropus walked on two legs, their brain volume increased

were decorated with primitive crafts, with the appearance of knuckles and lightly hewn

stone Low forehead, tight brow ridges, arched body with a clear

hairline - everything indicated in this very recent past.

Sinanthropus, the remains of which were found in 1927 - 1937. V

caves near Beijing, in many ways similar to Pithecanthropus, but geographical

variant of a human erectus. Synanthropy has already begun to stir up the fire.

The main factor in the evolution of modern people was natural

Ancient people

Ancient people characterize the advancing stage of anthropogenesis,

when social factors begin to play a role in evolution: labor

activity in the groups in which they lived, a vigorous struggle for life and

development of intelligence. Before them lie the Neanderthals, the remains of such boules

detected in Europe, Asia, Africa. They lost their name to the place

first discoveries near the river valley Neander (FRN). Neanderthals lived near Ljodovikov

epoch 200 - 35 thousand. Unfortunately, in the ovens, they steadily stirred up the fire,

dressed at the skin. The knowledge of the Neanderthals is richly detailed and detailed

Deyak specialization: knives, scrapers, impact projectiles. Exaggerated and dark

Deyak specialization: knives, scrapers, impact projectiles. Name reference

the stench was smelled right after the first discovery near the river valley. Neander (FRN). cracks

I heard about the articulating promotions. Neanderthals lived in groups of 50

- 100 osib. Men collectively pawed, women and children collected

The natural roots and fruits were prepared in the old days. Ostannі

Neanderthals lived among the first living people, and then ended up with them

definitely visible. Some of them respect Neanderthals in a dead end

the gentle evolution of hominids, which did not take part in the formation of the daily


Such people.

Guilt of people of daily physical

It became clear recently, close to 50 thousand. Unfortunately for that. Their remains

found in Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. At the Grotto of Cro-Magnon (France)

a handful of skeletons of ancient people of today were discovered

a type that was called Cro-Magnons. The whole complex stinks

physical features that are characteristic. The stench was intoxicating to everyone

a complex of physical features that are characteristic of arthroplasty.

mov, for which he indicated his apologies for the selection; everyday life lived,

the first rudiments of mystique (northern little ones), decorate the clothes,

Brushes and stones have been thoroughly prepared for practice, the first tamed creatures –

it’s enough to tell everything about those who are in charge of the people

having grown up with their animal-like ancestors. Neanderthals, Cro-Magnons and

Today people create one species - Homo sapiens - humans are intelligent; tsey

type formed later than 100 – 40 thousand. Unfortunately for that.

In the evolution of the Cro-Magnons great significance little social

factors that the role of education and transmission of information has grown immeasurably.

Rustic forces of anthropogenesis. In the evolution of people -

Anthropogenesis – the most important role belongs to biological officials

(slowness, slackness, selection), and social (language, accumulated

dosvid labor activity and suspinal behavior). Features

people, influenced by social factors, are not fixed genetically and

are transmitted not during recessions, but in the process of learning and learning. On the first

stages of evolution, the choice of great importance to

a lot of sparse furnishings. However, this year the building

pass on from generation to generation genetic traits in a species

Various scientific, technical and cultural information began to disappear

a more important role, freeing people from the harsh natural control

selection Social patterns have become important in evolution

people. The difficulties in the fight for sleep were not obvious

the strongest, and those who saved the weak: children - the future population,

old people - saving information about ways to live (take water,

prepared ammunition, etc.). Overcoming the population in the fight against disease

was secured not only by strength and intelligence, but also by sacrificing

myself in my family, tribe. Lyudina is a huge essence,

all-in-one rice is the sourness that was formed on the basis

collective action

In the evolution of intelligent people, social media are playing

growing role. For people of today, they became the present and the primordial

suspense-labor days Whose clearness of evolution is clear
