Also, honor for the curd is the captain's daughter. Subject: Food is honorable and the situation in the country is Kapitanska's daughter

Also, honor for the curd is the captain's daughter. Subject: Food is honorable and the situation in the country is Kapitanska's daughter

Cover me, forget the word "honor",
First and foremost, rivet for the eyes.

V. Visotsky

At the fortress Bilogirskaya, kudi buv directions for the service of the young officer, in the know zi. Tse buv more advises from the officer, if he served in the guards, ala for the participation in the duel of messages to the outskirts of the Russian Empire. The theme of honor and dishonor in "The Captain's Daughter" is most popular among the vchinki of a certain literary hero.

The young people made friends. The service didn’t fit, it didn’t build up, it didn’t look around. Shvabrin and Grinyov often played out, spent an hour in conversations and games. Grinov took Shvabrin to read French novels and try his hand at poetry. Have the first of his own love verse win guessing Masha. Shvabrin was critically placed before the trip of the writer, and did not miss the picture. Win zavdgukuvavsya about the girl's sidelessly and zoom in at the earliest time to blast the nasty thought about her in the eyes of Grinov.

True, Petro Andriyovych duzhe shvidko zrozumіv, Shvabrin marno pomovyuє dіvchina, as she was a tying and angry panian. Ale vin, I don’t know, Shvabrin isn’t binge to Masha, he’s not smart, why Shvabrin was so brought up to the little girl of the commandant of the fortress. And if Shvabrin had swung the girl for the first time, Grinov, in a small form, called his comrade at the bullshit and swung. Shvabrin viklikav Grinova on duel.

People are especially good at showing themselves in critical situations. Additional evidence duelant Shvabrin napolyagav on a duel. Persha duel Bula is zirvana, so the simple-minded Grinyov asked Ivan Ignatyich to be his second. At the same time, Ivan Ignatyich did not just think about it, but rather embarrassed the satisfaction. Shvabrin yak and earlier, having come home, I would like to have a good idea, but Grinov would sound it rightly, but I would rather be victorious for his own purposes. Suddenly the duelants went down to the river.

Grynov was unconscious with a sword, and Shvabrin was able to defend himself. Here, for the good luck of Shvabrin, Grynova huknuv. That turned around, and Shvabrin, speeding up the moment, piercing the young people's shoulder. Tse buv the uncomfortable vchinok of Shvabrin, the splinters are guilty of being guilty, if Grinyov stood up in a fighting pose.

Poki Grinov, lying for days at the nest, Shvabrin wrote a denunciation against Pyotr Andriyovich and his father. Win rozrahovuvav, so dad will get the transfer to the fortress, as well as the call of the sync of service. Grinov, having taken out the sight of Suvorov, saw and saw in the blessing for the love of Masha, albeit lost in the fortress.

The noble camp in Russia saw the middle of the camp. The closest principle of a noble svitoglyadu bull is in the same way that the high position of a nobleman of a goiter is a standard of high moral qualities. "Who is richly given, then richly and sleepy". The vikhovannya of the noble sina bulo is aimed at thoroughly comprehending moral values: we will be smithe, honest, we will give you the need not to reach the needs (glory, wealth, high rank), but to him, he is a nobleman, who is given , and I am guilty of being so myself.

Such a bully about honor at Grinyov's, and he wondered, Shvabrin is the same, and he is also a nobleman. I didn’t think I’d feel the disheveled vchinki of my comrade, but the facts were talking about the inshe. Shvabrin bezsovіsnym rank stepping over the witness about the noble honor.

Ts'omu Grinov knows to cross in a dozen hours if the fortress is attacked. Shvabrin forget about the oath of the imperial court and one of those who took the oath to the impostor, will serve at that hour, as Grinov, out of fear of death, seeks to serve the otaman, as Savelich did not bring arguments. The scene was especially glaring in the eyes of Grinov, if Shvabrin was lying at Pugachov's feet, offering mercy.

Petro Andriyovych trims in front of the rogue with a friend, honestly, I think. I Pugachov led to the young people and the incomparable povagu. Spilkuychis with him, Grinov didn’t forget about the oath, but try to persuade Pugachov to be on the mercy of the Empress. Ale otaman see.

If he leaned on the side of Shvabrin rozpov on the end of the friendship, he prompted about the daughter of Captain Mironov. Alec not for love for Masha, and not for wanting to cleanse the girls from after drinking, but also because Masha Bula is one of the best friends to celebrate Grinov’s zakist. Grinov himself did not want to get Masha involved in the process, but he was ready to cleanse her from her life, because he was ready to go to hard labor. Zdavalosya b, vchinok one, and pomisli viyavilsya piznim. Honor and dishonor Grinov and Shvabrin pass in contrast through the weight of the tvir.

With such a rank, Grinov, unimpressed on his youthful age, in the presence of the most folding and critical circumstances, having been led around the place, with his vchinka, I will bring my attachment to the nobility's position. Disgraceful Lyudina Shvabrin, navpaki, long ago forgotten about the noble morality. Vіn demonstrating his pride, і guessed about belonging to the camp, if a new lead is needed for duel.

Pushkin, I will be the main topic of the rural revolution, and a number of other problems. Among them are the help of the villagers, the political food, as well as the binding of the state to the people. It is intertwined here and with those moral-bystander sides, happiness, nobility, and the smut, in the Capitan's daughter, the theme of honor and dishonor.

Honor and dishonor in episodes to the novel

Bagato writers conceive of such a topic, like honor and dishonor, like going on a charge like good and evil. Putting the problem in the first place and, in our creation, behind the cheese Kapitan's daughter, bachimo two personages, on which the writer projected a conflict of honor and dishonor. Tse Grinov and Shvabrin.

Grinyov is the most important part, and Shvabrin is the main reason. Already on the very cob, with the best animation of the characters in the novel, it’s my bachelor’s ganebnity Shvabrin, who’s hooking up to work hardening. And all of that, she saw Oleksia, who seemed to be almost dyvchiny. Axis tilki chi is there love? Douzhe sumnіvno. As soon as you go through the text of the distance, then we repeatedly create with the uncomfortable Shvabrin. With a good butt є, de Schwabrin will hurt Grinyov if he does. To wound in the back, zradnitsky. Zrada Shvabrina on her way to Batkivshchyna and friends cannot be justified. And why should you swear in love, if in a twisted year Shvabrin spasters with ease, as he drives Masha's father. Without completing the summaries of guilt about the rioters, looking at the head of the fortress, and then vryatuvati your skin, go over to the side of the enemy.

Grinov w dіє for the joy of the daddy, for giving him the honor to take care of the youth. Behind the principle of vin and is alive. Unimportant to those who Petro was able to become a lover of Pugachov and cries out for good things, he didn’t go to the wrong door. Rizikuyuchi to their lives, guilt not hurting Batkivshchyna and forgetting to vіrkіvnyh perekonanny. In the presence of a great number of winners in honor, grabbing the kohan devchin.

Take care of paying for the new, and honor for the young. Singingly, the skin of us for the first time pondered over the fairness of the whole family of attitudes, if after reading "Kapitanska Dochka" by A.S. Pushkina. It’s great, but also an honor: it’s a pity, it’s a pity, it’s a pity, it’s fancy, ephemeral, seeming from real life. It is the honor of becoming the basis of Batkivshchyna's virility, right, family. I’ll try to respond to food: well, it’s also honor and honor, for the words of A.S. Pushkina, it is necessary from the young rocky "to take care of it, like crystal dishes, like a head of life."

Beastly until the novel "Kapitanska daughter". The main hero, a young Russian nobleman Petro Grinov, goes through the important viprobuvannya, not letting in the honor of the officer and the orderly people. Yak youmu tse? The reader knows that Petrusha, who affectionately calls Savelich, without taking a serious glimpse of him and the haunted vikhovannya. On one side, Monsieur Beaupré, who is “in his own father’s region, buv perukar” and does not intend to make a contribution to the soul of a Russian boy who understands about honor and happiness, it’s impossible to contribute to those who are not Volodya himself. On the other hand, before going to the Bilogirskuyu metsnist Savelich would like to appear as "uncle" of Petrushi, but he didn’t repair the little one, but the young nobleman was put to the last bit of a man. Sounds of honor from the gentleman's soul? Crazy, a whole lot of daddy's in, into the first devil of the daddy, the nobleman of Ekaterin's hour, who suffered himself for his honesty and decency.

If Petrusha has eaten in the Bilogirskuyu metsnist, it is uncomfortable for the most prolonged formulation of an announcement about honor and dignity. The spilkuvannya with the seven captain Mironov became the school of kindness, human sentience, the butt of the servant of Russia. By such a rank, until the moment the fortress Pugachov was buried, the young Russian officer Petro Andriyovich Grinov was already formulated, humanly, for the honor of dear life. In some circumstances, they could not kidnap Petrusha for violating their moral principles. I proudly and honestly replied to the rebel's proposition, once I swore allegiance to the Fatherland and the Sovereign - "I will not swear more." The hero of Pushkin, madly, rizikuvv in his life, so boldly and daringly, having seen from the spirit of Pugachov. It was the honor and the courage of the young officer and the assessment of the wretched vatazhok of the village insurrection. It is for him that Petrusha should be helped, that it is not often that it is not often that it is not often that it is necessary to play a boy in the office of an officer that morality is the honor of a soldier and a people!

Grinov and Yogo Kokhanoi Masha had a chance to pass through the bagato viprobuvan. I wonder and wonder at their behavior and vchinka: nowhere, none, they didn’t get the stench of the girl for any circumstances, their declarations about the Borg, honor, justice. І like a miraculous butt є stink for all of us!

With such a rank, it is possible to create a pattern: honor is not mindful, seen from the life of the understanding. There is a fundamental moral value, as a child is formed, and as a requirement to take care of all life. Її antipode - dishonor, perversion, zrada. Save the honor of the young, as you vvazhaє and knowing very well that such an honor, Pushkin, will not be given to everyone: only vimoglivi to yourself, constantly work over yourself, good, good, good health!

Here they joked:

  • honor for the creation of the captain's daughter
  • that honor for the novel is the captain's daughter tvir
  • yak vi rozumієte meaning of the word honor write tvir reasoning

Russian literature in the course of time and often opposed the reader with a glib analysis of the moral problems posed. Not one generation saw for itself the nourishment of the moral vibor, the prototype of good and evil, the vindication of the connection and health, love and hate, honor, honors, spiraling on the creativity of A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, F.M. Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy and so far.
A.S. Pushkin made a sketch of the idea of ​​his creativity in such a way: "... feeling good, I woke up with love ..."
To that on these creations, lucky people will get involved in love, friendship, freedom and spirituality. One of the greatest creatures with moral problems is the story "Kapitanska Dochka". The heroes are going through an important path, in the course of which and forming a declaration of honor and ties.
The best lesson in the morality of the epigraph is still in the past: "Take care of the honor of the young man." The hero of the story - Petro Grinov - in all situations, it is like a man of honor. So, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, he’s going to talk about those who are trying to learn the code of noble honor, the seductions of the old man, who didn’t want to serve in St. Petersburg and he’s buv “shamaton”, but not a soldier, and, for his own sake, , like a snake of yogo to see well from a filthy one.
For Petrusha Grynov, who “is alive undergrowth, playing pigs and playing leapfrog with the household lads”, it’s time to take independent decisions. And to appear, well, a lyudin, there is no need to prepare for life, tsey boy, which Savelich calls a "child", do not think, come up to the laws of morality, just because of the seriousness of victories in the problems of your life. So, Grinov snatched his uncle to pay a hundred rubles, as he was defeated by the captain of the hussar regiment Zurin, and if the young man was tormented by "restless conscience and maddened kayattya", and also regretted before the "old strong," honored.
Petro Grynov, with his behavior, teach the reader to be honest and in love. The hero can’t tolerate the mess of his adversary - Shvabrin - about Masha Mironova, the captain’s don’t, and the victorious one for a duel, I want no one to think about ichnya rozmov and no one knows about Grinov pishov bi on the compromise of his owls. However, the honor and the honor of the kokhan girl will become the honor and the honor of the girl himself. About those who, in a sensible way, think of the witness of the Honest Grinov and Shvabrin, one can judge from Masha's attention: “Yak, wondrous cholovik! For one word, about how, through a generation, the stench will be lost, the stench is ready to grow up and donate not only to the lives, but to conscience, and to the well-being, as ... "
Grinyov does not take off as a "half-way", but as a grown-up man, who can take on himself the responsibility for the woman's love and share. It is not wonderful, well, if you reach the right to the situation, in which you need to vibrate between death and health, but also, between death and life, the hero, who does not hesitate, go to death, to that he swears to the emperor - ". Ale here is not only the honor of Grinov as an officer; It’s morally respectful, organically, so that it’s possible to see the message for mercy on the hand of the “sovereign”: “I am willing to find a stratum for such an inferior belittling”. A young lyudin should drive himself with his butt to behave in all situations: even if he didn’t want to change his hand, Grinyov would not break his bi oath, and if he didn’t harm the bi state, then he didn’t get rid of his life. spit that kiss ... have a hand "), ale vin zminiv bi sob, but the price is no less scary for Grinyov.
Hero rizikuє zhittyam two more times. For the first time, if you turn to Bilogirskuyu metsnist for Masha, knowing that "Shvabrin will go for a new decision" And the other, if you do not promote the captain's little girl in the court, I want to spend not only life, but my own honestly. Ale "the thought of intertwining іm'ya її mіzh vile news of the dreadful and її itself bring to the head, know the rate - the tsya zhakhlivka dumka did not fool me so much, that I got lost and got lost."
However, not only for Pyotr Grynov is morality є the natural power of nature, but the heroes seem to seem to be a moral ideal and teach reading to decipher good and evil. The commandant of the Bilogirsky fortress Ivan Kuzmich
The life of everyone to grow up with his own squad, in the extreme situation organizing the defense of the fortress, do not bazha at the mercy of Pugachov and ready to death: "Die, so die: the servant on the right!" To Pugachov's food: "How can you resist me, your sovereign?" - the commandant, znemagayuchi from the wound, picking the rest of the force and saying in a firm voice: "Ty is not a sovereign, ty is a villain and an impostor, chuush ty!" Pislya bend the cholovik Vasilisa Ugorivna called Pugachov "made a convict," \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ pride for your man.
Marya Ivanivna, on the cob, turns out to be quiet, modest, not even more cuddly, fearful, and at the same time showing her beauty. Having become an orphan, overburdened with more fallowing from Shvabrin, the sickness won’t be considered to go for a new position: “I will not go for a woman! I dare to die more smartly, and I will die, as I don’t want to amuse me ”. Love, virnist, feminine glory, pride - the axis of what to teach the scene.
In the art, Masha Mironova, as a rich heroine of the Russian literature, looks like her own kokhan. The innocence of the named Mary Ivanovna was brought to the Zusillians themselves, in the whole situation, as in the scene of duel, honor and honor of Petr Grinov become an honor and a guest of the captain's girl.
Moral laws, the heroes of Alexander Pushkin's story "Kapitanska Dochka" live behind those who live, they are not tamed by the stretching of life. The stench is the organic, natural power of nature of the characters. The whole moral category part of the people's testimony, as much as it was, was involved in the creations of the people's creativity. Yakraz in kazkahs, songs, messages and orders, the wisdom of the people was manifested, manifesting about good and evil, and about happiness. Moral lessons and learn from Pushkin's story and creation of folklore; not for nothing in the quality of epigraphs and to all creation, and until the chapters around them, the author of the vibe, zokrema, priliv'ya, fragments of folk songs (venerable, soldier's, historical). With such a rank, we can talk about the information about the nationalities of A.S. Pushkin.
The very form of the creator - let it go - allowanceє, how the author share his life with his life, like, how the reader is hanging on to his mercy. It was also the message that the notes were addressed in Maybut - in our "zhorstok stolittya", to tell the bitter people about quiet moral laws, as today they are ruined in our hour. The Russian literature was based on its original character, and A.S. Pushkin's life "Kapitanska Dochka" was confirmed by him.

Shvabrin i Grinov

In the process of reading the story of A.S. Pushkina "Kapitanska daughter" on the first plan of the middle hangs the theme of honor and dishonor. There are two heroes protruding from the creature, as they can see the different positions of the priest of honor - Shvabrin and Grinyov.

The offense of the hero lies down to the nobility, approximately one vіku. The share went to the Bilogirskaya fortress against their will. Grynova was sent to the service of Batko, and Shvabrin was sent to the service through the fate of the fence in that hour of duel.

Duel in an effort to associate with valor and honor. Tom, on the cob rozpovidi Shvabrin seems to be a reader of people with high moral principles. However, the svidomosty of the common people, a representative of a vistupaє Vasilisa Ygorivna, is a duel - tse zvychane vbivstvo. It is also the sign of the duel of the positive heroine of the occasion to put on the mind of the hero's nobility.

Conversion of heroes with folding furnishings

It’s just the essence of people to open up in the best moments of life. For the characters of "The Captain's Daughter", such viprobovannyhs become overwhelmed by the fortets Pugachevskaya by rebels. For Shvabrin, the head is the safety of the vlasny life. In order to go over to the side of the rioters, Omelyan's right hand in the process of directing over the bags of the Bilogirsky fortress.

Petya Grinov himself does not belittle himself to slavery. Winning adjustments for those who distribute the share of Captain Mironov. Feel the power of goodness for a new fear of death. It is obvious in the scene that the hand of the impostor is drawn.

The staging of heroes before Masha Mironova

Shvabrin and Grynov was put in front of Masha Mironova. Petro will be thrown into the wilderness; Shvabrin, navpaki, trampled into the brood of the reputation of the family and the people of the family. Win not love Masha. Tse bring the put to Masha when the fortunes are captured by the rogues - Shvabrin tormented її, pogrozhuvav the transfer to the priests, thrashing hunger, blackmailing.


Also, Petro Grinov, a henchman of true honor in the life of the old age, stood by his principle and goodwill, true to his word and love. Shvabrin, on the other hand, would go to the end of the day to swallow Grinov, to drown him at once with him on the court.

In the epigraph until after: "Take care of the honor of the young," - we can let the author’s put down to the problem of honor and dishonor. Weather with A.S. Pushkinim, I vvazhayu, well, having healed once, call the people a nurse.


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