Better T 62 object 140.

Better T 62 object 140.

Those players who play by Soviet tanks in World of Tanks will be pleasantly surprised by reaching the highest - level 10. After all, it opens access to the most powerful and steep tanks. Especially among them, average is T62A, the object 140 and the object 430. However, when choosing a branch for these tanks, many are interested in how it is better to play? What's better? T62A or Object 140, or in this article we will try to answer this question.

general characteristics

It should be said that all these tanks were created as different options for performing a single task, so they have a lot of similar features. This is one for all 100-mm gun, and rational booking of machines, and dynamics, and a special round tower. Tanks, although they are performed on one layout scheme, but still have certain external differences. Yes, and in characteristics, they also have, which makes you choose a tank depending on the style of the game. So, we will tell more detail about each of the tanks and make a choice - the object 430, T62a or - what is better?


This tank is well armored, but nevertheless one-level machine can also be pierced, and even the level below. Fortunately, the rational corners of the tilt armor make it possible to cause frequent rickests. The tank in the tank is difficult to break, but you can, since the weak upper part and the commander turret do not have a sufficient booking. Therefore, in the near battle, the enemy often circles on it or included in the clinch. The enemy shots in the board or caterpillars are guaranteed to try armor.

This tank has the shortest reduction of the guns from these three to 2 seconds. Nevertheless, shooting is not always comfortable, especially in motion, since the spread when shooting on the go or with the "vertuchi" (turn of the tower) still plays a role. However, by the convenience of shooting, he still bypass the object 430.

The maneuverability of this tank is the highest, but it has the worst capacity and speed, losing objects. This is the most balanced and comfortable tank among all three. Therefore, to the question of whether the object 430, T62A or the object 140 is better, you can safely respond - T62A.

Object 140.

This tank is less vulnerable than the T62A case. The tower is weaker, as it has a thin roof, two large commander's turrets and not always shells from her ricochet.

Regarding shooting, especially in motion, the 140th deals its competitors. He has excellent stabilization and a good tool, allowing you to fall at least in motion, at least with the "Vertuchi". This, combined with high speed and medium maneuverability, makes it an ideal raider tank. That is, it is almost the same T62A, only less strong and faster. Play it - it means rushing into the ranks of the enemy and also quickly retreat, go to the flanks and rear, hold the grip.

Therefore, the answer to the question "what is better - T62A or an object 140 or 430" is also appropriate.

Object 430.

This is the most endless out of the entire trinity of the tank, as it has a good armor under the maximum permissible angles of inclination. The tower is the same as that of the object 140, which causes the same problems when shelling. This tank has much less DPM than colleagues need to be remembered.

Like the object 14, it is a speedy, but less maneuverable tank. It can be used as support heavy tanks "Here he will show himself excellent." But the instrument is not particularly released among classmates - minus. But answer the question: "Object 430, T62A or an object 140 - what is better?", Choosing the first option, you can also.


We hope the article was useful. And those who doubted when choosing between these three tanks received an exhaustive answer to the question: "Object 430, T62A or an object 140 - what is better?"

The Soviet branch of the Soviet Art is represented at once by three cars: Object 140., T-62A. and Object 430.. A newbie, looking at the parameters of all three cars, will come to the conclusion that they do not differ from each other with anything, and only a little their appearance. However, this is not quite true. Let's try to figure out what kind of differences they have and, what car it is still to choose.

First of all, we note that the object 430 is significantly inferior in the firing power of the two above machines, and therefore we will not consider it. About. 140 and T-62A are perfectly balanced and effective tanks in the near battle capable of changing the course of all combat.

In total, these are the tanks of the middle and melee, with a decent armor of the tower and hull, rapid and accurate implements with good stabilization and a break. They are able to quickly change the direction and be where necessary. And yet there are differences between them, and they seriously affect the style of the game on each of them. In order to deal with which tank is better, it is necessary to compare their characteristics for each of the parameters.

Survival and booking

According to the reserves of strength to leaders, the T-62a comes out, as it has 1950 points at 1900 y about. 140. This makes it possible in practice to withstand the T-62A one extra shot.

But a more important role is playing booking. The strongest place of Soviet Art is always a tower. In the case of T-62a, it is stronger, as it has less vulnerable commander hatches. In addition, the tower of about. 140 - composite, and T-62a - cast. Thus, the roof of the object is much thinner that it does not give her the opportunity to beat off the shells of the X-level tank. And although it is difficult to survive - a vulnerable place remains vulnerable.

It is worth noting that not so long ago the developers promised a little appendent of the object 140 and "sew" to him the roof of the tower.

As for the armor of the Corps, here is about. 140 goes to leaders. The fact is that the thickness of his frontal plate, though it is identical to the T-62a, but she reaches 65 degrees, against 60. Thus, the general shown armor is higher.

With armor board still more interesting. The object 140 has slopes (the droplet is approximate to the object 907 and T-22 CP), while 62-ki are missing. However, 62, the entire board has 80mm, and 140 has zones of different thickness. All the same, due to the slopes, it will be easier to beat off the projectile at the facility 140.

Mobility comparison

Many have repeatedly indignant that the T-62a is significantly slower than the previous T-54. And this is true - the maximum speed suffered and became 50 km / h. Whereas about. 140 retained the indicator and speed remained at the level of 55 km / h. Specific power in the latter also more - 15.7 versus 16.1 liters. from. on ton.

However, there is one nuances - T-62a is somewhat better permeability. Thus, about. 140 better feels at the distance and on solid soils, and his competitor will show itself somewhat better on soft soils.

To the advantages of T-62a, you can add a slightly best maneuverability and the speed of turning the tower - this difference is not critical, but in the hands of a professional can become a serious weapon.


If all previous differences do not affect game process For each of the cars, it is in the guns and the main differences lies. Among experienced players world Of Tanks has always been said that the T-62A is a tank to beat damage, and about. 140 - to apply it. How can this be proved?

Recharge from both samples is the same, but the point here solves accuracy and stabilization. Looking at the characteristics, we even see that the final accuracy of the T-62 is slightly higher. But there is an indicator that you will not notice in the hangar and do not read about it - this stabilization and it can be felt only in combat situation.

At the moment about. 140 has one of the best stabilization rates in all World of Tanks. The spread of its guns is practically no increase when driving the chassis and tower. This allows him to always be reduced and fire without stopping. T-62A is also capable of conducting accurate fire on the go at close distances, then his competitor does all the same, but also on average, and sometimes long distances.

Another slightly difference that no one pays attention is a small plus about. 140 in the UVH indicator. If T-62a is lowered on -5 degreesthen his competitor is able to lower -6 degrees. Void, you say? Not there was something. This is the same degree T-62a not enough to lead an effective fire due to the irregularities of the landscape.

The remaining parameters of T-62A and object 140

As for review and nonsense, there are identical to the tanks for the exception that about. 140 A bit below, but it does not play a special role in any situations. But there is another parameter in World of Tanks, which is also not found in the hangar. We are talking about the strength of the internal modules.

The fact is that the strength of fuel tanks and ammunition in T-62a is higher, and their location on the tank is more rational. When you play on about. 140 It seems that the alert is everywhere, from here a considerable chance that you will simply explode. Get ready that the tower will fly away for 20 battles, like all units of strength. T-62A also suffers from this ailment, but not so critical.

Who is better?

To the question of which tank is better to answer. Each of them is good in a certain situation, although in general the game for them is identical. If a conversation went for tower tower, then T-62a will never let you down, whereas about. 140 sometimes gets into the roof and hatch. But when it comes to apply damage, it is best to show itself exactly the last sample, since he does not need time for an additional managing.

What tank is easier to play? The newcomer is best suited by T-62a, since his tower is one of the best in the game, and he is rarely criticized in battle. If you are an experienced player who pursues the goal "Applying as much damage as possible" and raising the percentage of victories, then your choice is about. 140.

Thus, it is impossible to say that some tank is better, and some worse - everyone has its own element. And the tank and damage is the main factors that provide victory in World of Tanks.

What is most importantly - in the case of about. 430 - Do not see his beautiful appearance. If the remaining parameters of it is almost identical with our main characters, then the accuracy of the tool is simply terrible, although he will bypassed his colleagues.

Video comparison T-62A and object 140 from Near_you

Disputes, which is better than T62A or "Object 140", are conducted by the fans of the game "The World of Tanks" is already quite a long time. All users who go along the path of pumping to the T54 machine and further, sooner or later face this task. This article discusses all pros and cons of two models of technology, a comparison was made following the results that would help determine the choice.

Comparison in protective abilities

It is better to determine what is better than T62A or "object 140", it is quite difficult in mind very similar tactical and technical characteristics. The difference in the number of health units between them is minimal. At the first car, exactly six hundred more than the second that in battle only in the rarest situations will be important. In the forehead, the defense of the "object 140" by 2 millimeters is thinner, but the tower side is stronger than 16 units. Plus, he has a side of 5 mm and feed for 10 more fortified. These are significant indicators that allow you to break forward in rivalry. For most tanks, such a difference in breakage will not play roles, but it must be taken into account.

Comparison of speed and mobility

Determine what is better than T62A or "Object 140" according to the characteristics of mobility, it may be even harder than in the case of protection. In view of the fact that the first tank has a large mass, its peak speed is five units below. This difference between 50 and 55 km / h will be felt only on long distances. T62A perfectly shows itself on the ground and is gaining overclocking faster. In movement in the inhabitual area at first he will win the "object 140". It is still worth a faster ability to turn over the first car in the list. It is very rare to go for a long time for a long time, and therefore this factor should also be considered. As a result, the leadership for this category should be given T62a, because the maneuverability of this tank is higher, and the rivalry for long distances without one turn is extremely rare.

Punching towers

If you determine the tank, what better T62a or "object 140" will be in terms of the protection of the tower, then here is indisputable leadership at the first car. This technique has two hatches, but they are located quite interesting. One of them on the commander tower is closer to the stern, which is usually never substituted by competent users. The "object 140" the situation is much worse, after all, the hatches are quite visible from any position. If it is seen in position, then the breaks in these points cannot be accurately not avoided. At high levels, users will definitely remember this weakness. If you get into the narrow space, then the tower can play the role of the Achilles height, which will lead to the defeat. That is why in such a comparison T62A and "object 140" the first car receives the first car. The factor is quite controversial, because it is not too significant proof, but when inspecting two too similar samples of the technique, it is necessary to repel even from such information.

Rotation of a tower with a situation modeling

Professional players in the dispute, which is better than T62A or "object 140" in terms of maneuverability in battle, will give the championship first car also according to the rotation parameter of the tower. The first tank turns her on eight degrees per minute more than his opponent. Many users do not feel a significant difference until they fall into the butt situation between them. If the data of the unit of technology will move towards the exchange of shots, then a shot down caterpillar from the "object 140" will be equal to the defeat. While repairs will occur, T62a will begin to spin and can do two, and sometimes three additional shots. Plus, he has at least a bit, but more health, and in this situation it will be more important than the speed indicator of 5 km / h more. Given the open hatches in the tower to the conclusion between what is better than T62A or "Object 140" in Blitz Wot in such battles is obvious. The problem is only that in random battles such skirmishes may not even happen once per thousand matches.

Punching power

How to determine which tank is better - T62A or "Object 140" - in attacking abilities if they have the same tool, for many will remain a mystery. In this case, users need to take into account the fact that the angle of the vertical tank at the second tank is still more than one degree. This is a plus for those professionals who know how to use even the most minor advantages of their car against the opponent. The usual casual user will not feel this and say that the U-8Ts do not differ from this technique. Otherwise, the gun shows itself in the near distance and driving with more distant points. The accuracy of her at the highest level, and rapid reduction allows you to go out the winner of many collisions. This applies to two machines that should be used in each match. In this comparison, you can record the point in favor of the "object 140", at least for many users it will not play any role.


What is better in WOT - T62A or "Object 140" according to the characteristics in the materials, the above can be safely defined. Since the characteristics were selected rather controversial, and the separations were minimal, then the winner will not be an obvious leader. The "object 140" reputation is too much spoils the tower, which, with an inacker movement, will try any more or less skillful player. It was this factor that played not in his favor in such a battle. Indicators of greater body protections do not cancel the fact of the presence of a weak point. T62a is easier to pierce in the side with the feed, but the armor is enough for full battles. The loss of one degree according to UVN and 5 km / h speeds are easily offset by a faster turn of the tank, and especially the tower. That is why for ordinary users T62A will be more convenient with additional health and maneuverability. Professionals in the category of medium tanks with the right use of the coverage of the terrain of their tower and the implementation of the advantage in UVN "Object 140" will like more.


When the user decided on the T62a or "Object 140", then time to remember the tactics. Aggressive game, as in their predecessor T-54, must prevail on most cards. A good gun with a rapid note and great accuracy calls to do it. Based on the characteristics of the enemy, the player remains to determine the distance profitable for himself and begin fighting. For T62A it makes sense to interact more with the team, because sometimes the speed will bring up with a timely choice of position. Support in teams in speedflow will also be highly appreciated by allies. "Object 140" can easily hunt for single targets when understanding the entire situation on the field. He has a more armored forehead that you can not be shy to substitute for a blow, if you are not E100, IS7 or something like that. The main thing is to constantly move and remember the weaknesses in maneuverability. As a result, both cars have the right to life, they are quite similar and are unique at the same time.

Hi Tankers!
Frequently, our clients ask. What kind of Soviet tank x level is better? What are their advantages and disadvantages? What is the difference? We invite you to familiarize yourself with an interesting article taken on and get answers on these issues.

Any player who has decided to acquire the Soviet average tank x level, sooner or later will ask himself a question: "What to choose a tank? There are three of them. "

A good question, given that these three tanks have, above all, identical layout. The rapid 100-mm cannon, rounded tower, the rational angle of the windshield of the front armor, excellent dynamics. So you can characterize any of these three machines.

"Is that the same tanks?" - The reader will ask.
In essence, yes, the same. The gameplay is different on them only in detail. Take damage to the tower, take key positions, act aggressively and brazenly, continuously inflicting opponents damage - all about Soviet art.

"Do they really differ from each other?" - will continue to puzzle tanker.
By no means. There are differences, and they quite significantly affect the sensations from each of these tanks.

Booking T-62A.

In case of a battle with the tanks of the IX and X levels, the armored guns of which are already more than 220 mm, the housing forehead allows you to get ricoes only with active maneuvering. The high speed of rotation and the dynamics of acceleration make it possible to constantly monitor the position of the upper armoredist relative to the enemy gun. Therefore, on the T-62A, as well as on the other Soviet St10, it is very convenient to breed the enemy on a shot in the housing forehead for guaranteed to obtain a ricochet.

At the same time, when meeting with the enemy in the near combat on a flat surface, the armor of the case becomes the most vulnerable part of the tank. For example, when shelling the top gun T32, having 198 mm breakdowns, the T-62a front armor was amazed 3 times out of 5. And this means that without "dances" and clinch in the near battle T-62a is extremely vulnerable. However, in this case, it is also not worth relying on the tower - the commander's turret is quite large and fall into it is easy. As for the onboard armor, 75 mm + 20 mm screens, the role of which the caterpillars play, allow you to take shells on the caterpillar, but under a very sharp corner.

PL. 40.

The case of this tank is clearly vulnerable than T-62a. There are also more sharp corners of the leaf of armor, and a smaller size.

As for the booking of the tower, then the advantage of T-62a. At first glance, the Tower of V.140 and less in size, and has more rational corners of the armor. But its main drawback is weakly armored roof and two large turrets. When shelling the same T32 from 50 meters, almost all shots passed into the roof of the tower and turrets with damage.

About 430.

In terms of the above-mentioned body, O.430 is clearly superior to analogs from other branches of Soviet Art. A higher nominal value of the Book Booking Booking forms some errors and generally increases survival.

The tower, in turn, has the same problems with booking as the Tower of V.140. The thin roof is made by even the guns of the Tanks of the VIII level, but the ricochetes she is not in a hurry to indulge. Here are the results of the shelling the same T32:

If we talk about booking the forehead tower, then in this case all three tanks feel the same good. Is that 1040 showed itself a little worse. When shelling from 50 meters, a gun installed on Waffenträger AUF.E100 (276 breakdowns) on the "cheeks" of the tower all three tanks beat almost all shells. But when transferring fire to more direct sections of the armor to the left and right of the gun mask, V.140 made his way in half of the cases, while T-62a and V.430 could not withstand only third hits.


All three tanks are equipped with the same tool - U-8Ts caliber 100 mm. However, the characteristics of this tool are slightly different depending on which tank it is installed. Nevertheless, in combination of characteristics, this tool can be recognized as the best among the levels installed on the middle tanks. Compare it with some other analogues to St10 on the most important parameter - damage per minute:

T-62A and V.140 are only a bit inferior to Japanese STB-1. V.430 lags behind them at 125 DPM, nevertheless, surpassing the analogues of other nations. Such indicators are very good - together with excellent mobility and massive tower armor they allow the most quick and effectively to destroy opponents.

What about the parameters that most affect the comfort of firing? Yes, I'm talking about the time of information, stabilization and UVN.

And according to this parameter T-62A and 1040, as tanks with a better stabilization in the game, bypass V.430. To conduct a sight shooting from them to complete the distance at a distance of up to 300 meters - is not a problem at all. As for UVN, it is a weak place of all three tanks. However, this disadvantage is partly compensated by a low hull and thick tower armor. These advantages make it possible to completely effectively use the hilly and pit as shelters for shooting.


Top Soviet Art do not have a huge speed, which is distinguished by Leopard 1 or Bat.-Châtillon 25t. Nevertheless, they can boast excellent maneuverability. There is nothing to investigate in this matter, so let's just compare TTH machines and make a conclusion.

  • T-62A. The worst specific power and maximum speed. The smallest resistance to soils and the best speed of reversal, both towers and chassis, which causes excellent maneuverability and overclocking dynamics.
  • 22.140 and about 430. Almost identical on mobility of the machine. Faster, but less maneuverable than T-62A


Totally characteristics T-62A. It is most comfortable in management and balanced tank. Well armored tower, magnificent stabilization, highest rapidity and simple body shape make this tank the best choice for newbies. If you just started playing and decided that you are interested in average tanks, then T-62a is what you need.

PL. 40. He took all the best from T-62A and added some speed. The worst armor among the analogs makes playing carefully, but the highest speed opens the space for bold tactical techniques.

About 430. - the best choice To support heavy tanks in the near battle. Features of guns make the game slightly less comfortable, but improved armor increases the survivability.

Among gamers has long been popular wORLD game Of Tanks, created by the reasons and events of the military years. In it, tank battles occur on extensive locations with the participation of reliably recreated in the virtual world of technology. Given the large variety of self-propelled armored vehicles, many users are constantly arguing which of the models in battle is the best.

Many questions arise about the advantages of T62A and the object 140. This is the Soviet mid-class tanks that existed in reality. The first was created the object 140, which remained a prototype. But the next - T62A - with improved tactical and technical characteristics went into mass production. To dispel all doubts about purchasing in the game of a tank, you should carefully examine both models.

Strong and weaknesses in TTH of both tanks

  • T62a has an increased stock of gaming lives - 50 points more compared to an object 140. But professional players look at it skeptical, as the pumping machines will easily disappear with you with a powerful shot, so a small HP advantage will not benefit.

  • Movement speed. In this character, the object 140 exceeds T62A five kilometers per hour in cruising speed. The figure seems to be insignificant, but it helps well in tactics when you need to quickly take the height or drive up to the place of battle from the most advantageous position.
  • The velocity of the guns. The towers in both tanks turn to the same angle, therefore it does not arise a special advantage, no other machine. But T62A with a horizontal course of the trunk of the cannons overtakes the competing model of the tank on 8 degrees. This is a significant difference, if it is necessary to quickly deploy an instrument and enter into battle.

  • Now one of the key questions is a booking. The top leaf of armor in T62a thicker is two millimeters. It seems to be not bad to resist the shells, but not enough. But the object 140 is more squat, with a streamlined silhouette, which allows you to get a direct hit in the tower in many cases, but to make a ricochet shell.
  • Disguise. This feature is important even for medium tanks, despite their weakness and the possibility of rapid movement around the terrain. Here again the silhouette of the object 140 plays him to benefit: armored vehicles are almost imperceptible on any terrain.

What conclusions can be made? The object 140 has multifunctionality, but also defined minuses. Thanks to the excellent disguise, it is especially good for a sniper. But the lack of accuracy of the gun does not allow to get the enemy at large distances. The game of such a tank is possible on average distances, and it will have to hide behind bushes and trees. And if the gamer prefers active battles with a frontal attack, then it is better to choose the T62A armored person.


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