Long-awaited awards for old World of Tanks players. Awards for the March of Nations distributed which medals there are in World of Tanks

Long-awaited awards for old World of Tanks players. Awards for the March of Nations distributed which medals there are in World of Tanks

Medals and awards are designed to evaluate a significant contribution to the player's victory, but the realities of WOT make their own adjustments. Many players purposefully these medallions earn, only here are no benefit from it.

Naturally, it is natural to estimate the contribution of each team of the team to victory or defeat on the experience gained in battle, according to the number of killed opponents. With a recent WORLD OF TANKS patch, you can now easily rate, who, how much damage is enemies and could get himself. In addition, the best players will be awarded, almost all of which actually reflect the benefit for the team.

The most controversial, in my opinion, is a scout medal, which is issued for the detection of 9 or more opponents. Often the pursuit of this medal sin the drivers of light tanks, which at the very beginning of the battle are flying to enemy positions, burn opponents and die. They have a medal in his pocket, even experience for detection can get, but there will be no real benefit for the team.

Let's look at this negative desire to www.Site, since the same principle is based on other medals, although they are already more complicated. So, light tank Receives scout, but what we see. We see the command of the enemy at the starting positions, so we are without a concept where enemy forces will invere. Naturally, the Allied Artillery also did not have time to take positions, and often even did not have time to recharge.

So one can never forget that medals and awards in World of Tanks are nice and good, but the pursuit of them should not reduce your effectiveness in battle. Especially since the practical benefit of them is almost no. About some bonus in the experience is reliably unknown, occasionally, however, for receiving the awards give an increase in stock experience. But there are such shares in WOT not so often.

The chase of the warrior (the destruction of 6 or more opponents) is also often scolding. It is not worth a belt enemy to record in the fragment, it is quite capable of killing the remaining allied team, after you, overly risking, you will be destroyed. However, this rule often has exceptions in the form of epic achievements.

Surrounded by enemies, the allied team merged at the very beginning, but you pulled the battle, - get ready to receive really standing awards. However, it is difficult to get them in World of Tanks, even more difficult to get them purposefully. So such medals will become a pleasant bonus for a good fight that you really stretched out (well, or heroically died).

It is impossible not to mention those who are most often chased by medals, moving to the technique of 1-2 levels for this. Yes, who read past articles on World of Tanks to the site, have already understood that it is about pedagiers. Everything is simple here, many tanks fly away from one or two shots of a cumulative projectile from Fugasnitsa, so earn a medal easier.

The abundance of newcomers at these levels, a developed crew, Gold in ammunition, is the basis of the relics of sandy champions. The problem here can make only a more capable and prepared pedagier in the enemy team. The rest of the tanks at such levels are just meat, even if they are controlled not a complete newcomer, which pumps the following branch of technology. It is unlikely that anyone will train the crew, put the modules for the sake of a dozen battle on these sand tanks.

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Historical Help from Wargaming: In June 1941, under the city of Rings (Lithuania), there was a clash between the parts of the German 6th tank division and the tanks of the 3rd mechorts. About twenty Soviet and hundred German tanks participated in the battle. Despite the support of artillery and infantry, the German troops suffered great losses. One of the tanks of the square was more than a day to cut German communications.

The 6th Wehrmacht's Tank Division was part of the 41st tank corps. Together with the 56th tank corps, he was the 4th tank group - the main shock force of the North Army Group, whose task was to capture the Baltic States, the capture of Leningrad and the connection with the Finns. The 6th division commanded Major General Franz Landgrant. It was armed mainly by the tanks of Czechoslovak production PZKW-35T - light, with thin armor, but with high maneuverability and passability. There were some more powerful PZKW-III and PZKW-IV. Before the beginning of the offensive, the division was divided into two tactical groups. More powerful commanded Colonel Erhard Rails, weaker - Lieutenant Colonel Erich von Zekendorf.

By evening, on June 23, 1941, the 6th Tank Division captures the Lithuanian city of Rings. The fighting groups of the Division - Raus and Zekendorf cross the Dubis River and begin to strengthen the bridgeheads on its eastern shore. But if the positions of the group "Raus" were quite quiet, then the combat group "Zekendorf" is involved in battle with the Soviet 2nd tank division of the 3rd mechanized corps. This is how the battle is described in one of the German reports:

« June 23, 1941 The 4th tank group reached the Dubission River and took several bridgeheads. The broken infantry parts of the enemy were covered in the forests and fields of wheat, threatening with the German supply lines. On June 25, the Russians unexpectedly counterattacked the southern bridgehead in the direction of the 3rd mechanized corps. They crushed the 6th motorcycle battalion, captured the bridge and moved towards the city. To stop the main forces of the enemy, the 114th motorized regiment, two arthdivizion and 100 tanks of the 6th Tank Division were put into effect. However, they met with a battalion heavy tanks Unknown earlier type. These tanks passed through the infantry and broke into artillery positions. The shells of German guns bounced off from the thick armor of the enemy tanks. 100 German tanks could not withstand the fight with 20 enemy dreadnights and suffered losses. Czech PZ35 tanks were crushed by enemy monsters. The same fate suffered the battery of 150-mm Gaubitz, which led the fire until the last minute. Despite numerous hits, even at a distance of 200 meters, the Hubians could not damage a single tank. The situation was critical. Only 88-mm sentences were able to beat several tanks of KV and force the rest to retreat in the forest.»

As it turned out, one of these scattered tanks unexpectedly turned out to be north in the rear of the Rius Tank Group.
The tank stopped right on the road connecting the bridgeheads of this group on the banks of the Dubis River with the city of Mounty. Most likely he ended fuel, because KV Tanks have a small stock of the stroke. This is also told about some documents found, and eyewitness stories.

The frozen tank first found a column of cars with Soviet prisoners of war and injured by German soldiers. Driving just a half kilometer from the location of the group, the trucks unexpectedly encountered a single Soviet tank (which tank was a tank - kV-1 or kV-2 - argue so far). The tank immediately opened the fire on the approaching column. The column was forced to go back, and the headquarters of E.Ruus declared anxiety, the Germans became feverishly prepared for defense, mining the approaches to their positions, because they thought that they were all the 2nd Soviet tank division.

The Raus group interrupted with the connection with the headquarters of the 6th division settled in Razsynyenay, as the telephone wires broke off the mentioned tank, which blocked the only decent road to the city (there was a very swampy terrain around it). Meanwhile, traffic jams began to form on the road to Rasyianiy. From the springboard could not bring wounded, many of which, and without having received the necessary assistance, died. From the city towards the E.Raus group, cars were moving with flammable and ammunition, which also stumbled upon a heavy battle car. 12 of them were destroyed.

I realized that he was opposed to one single tank, the Germans would not try to destroy him to crack their communications. But an attempt to sweep his anti-tank battery made of 4-50-mm guns, disguised, and submitted closer, the result did not give - they did not pierce it. All 4 guns were destroyed when leading the fire revealed their positions. The same fate has comprehended and closely approximately an 88-mm anti-aircraft gun.

At night, German sappers tried to undermine the tank, but could only damage the caterpillar. But in response, they got a good portion of lead from a tank machine gun. Then in the morning the Nazis went to the trick - the light tanks began to fill the tank from 3d sides, distracting it. KV shot himself, but could not get into maneuverable Czech cars. And at that time, another 88-mm anti-aircraft gun came up with the rear with the tank with impunity and made him silenced, already forever.

The crew of the heroic kV not only "exchanged" himself 12 trucks, 4 anti-tank guns, 1 anti-aircraft guns and several dozen killed and those who died from Russian wounds, but he was able to delay the promotion of the whole tank group for two days) and leave Without the help of another German tank group (Zekendorf group), fought with the Soviet 3rd mechanized corps.

What to say here is really a great feat.

Soon the World of Tanks has a kind of anniversary. Ten years ago, in December 2008, a fateful meeting has happened at Bityukov, where the word "tanks" was uttered for the first time.

Wargaming at that time was a small development studio, dreamed of shooting something truly large. We even tried to release fantasy MMORPG, but eventually replaced the elves and orcs on armor and guns.

"Tanks" came out in August 2010, and everything that was next is already part of the story. But this story is not exactly boring. Four "gold joysticks" and a stubborn balancingman. Two Guinness Record, more than 150 million registered players and hard work on the capacity of gaming servers. Dog. Beautiful from all sides 8.0 and ambiguous "Rubikon". Teleports. The legendary Runet Prize and the Epic Random Distribution of Gold in the New Year holidays. Finally, "Exit from Beta": version 1.0, most complicated from a technical point of view, the update that laid the foundation for the further development of the game.
In fact, memorable moments were much more and there would still be a lot in the future. The game moves not easy, but exciting through. Sometimes it turns out to go through a kea already laid, but often you have to pass off the road. But when you have a huge army of devotees and do not give the descent of players, it helps. You are with us for more than eight years. Thank you for this much! Further will be more interesting.

Honored Award

As a sign of gratitude, we have prepared a special event for you. Gifts are waiting for everyone who registered in the game until December 31, 2017 inclusive.
* Award that you get will depend on the date of your first entry into the game, and it will be possible to find it in the "Achievements" section in the game client.

To get awards, you need to enter the game from November 28, 9:00 (MSK). You can pick them up until December 2019.
We have broken awards by year: if you came to the game on December 31, 2013, your award will be the same as those who have registered on January 1 of the same year.

Alpha and beta-tests:

  • Background for Nika
  • Unique stripe
  • Specialist. style
  • Tank T-50-2
  • 5.000 Bon
  • 5.000.000 Silver
  • Medal
  • Emblem

For more than 6 years:

  • Specialist. style
  • Tank T-50-2
  • 5.000 Bon
  • 5.000.000 Silver
  • Medal
  • Emblem

4-5 years:

  • Tank T-50-2
  • 4.000 bon
  • 4.000.000 Silver
  • Medal
  • Emblem

2-3 years:

  • 3.000 Bon
  • 3.000.000 Silver
  • Medal
  • Emblem

1 year:

  • 1.000 Bon
  • 1.000.000 Silver
  • Medal
  • Emblem

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