Is it possible to start a wolf. Food wolf at home. What should be the owner of the wolf

Is it possible to start a wolf. Food wolf at home. What should be the owner of the wolf

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    The wolf arrived from afar - from Dagestan. In the distant Republic was on a business trip the head of the family. There, it turns out, there is very unusual fishery: after shooting adult wolves, the boy is ruined in the steppes of the lair and sell small puppies. They willingly buy local residents who then cross the wolves with dogs. Puppies from such parents are extremely endless, healthy and intelligent. Unfortunately, the wolf is then killed, since, if you do not pay enough time to upbringing, it becomes very stubborn and does not always perform teams: nature takes its own.

    Wolves captured our fantasies in fairy tales, films and folklore throughout the history of mankind. The similarity of the form with homemade dogs can seduce us to try to cross them with a wildeer, but the results are often disappointed. "The greater the wolf in a hybrid, the more wild animals," says Cesar, - and more problems for people who believe that they can tame them. "

    So how to raise a lolf?

    Michael Kodanis learned about this when a neighbor in the room left him with a wolf dog named Heidi, with whom he quickly contacted. After Heidi died, he pulled out two more puppies-wolf dogs, one of whom died, leaving an unsuccessful cry until he began to care for dogs from local shelters.

    Little Volchonok was born in early May last year and had to divide the fate of the brothers and sisters who were in the lair. But fate ordered otherwise. And at the end of May, he was brought as a birthday gift. "Gift" did not differ from a puppy of a regular dog: I would love to drink warm milk, kefir, ate cottage cheer and did not like to stay alone. When I saw the wolf, he was eight months old and he was not like a dog at all. He was with the size of the German Shepherd, but a fried, slim, with high legs and an unusually expressive muzzle. Unlike our gray wolf, the steppe wolf has smaller sizes and red-free wool. His fluffy tail is all the time lowered, even when he rejoices (unlike a dog, whose tail rises). By the way, if you meet a wolf with a raised tail - take care of: he is a leader of the flock!

    In his work as a reception office, Kodanis learned that the dogs brought to the shelters are usually exposed to euthanasia, unless the wolf sanctuary can take the animal. It inspired him to establish "Howling Woods-Farm", shelter for animals in Jackson, New Jersey, dedicated to salvation and placement within the country of divorced wolves, hybrids of wolf dogs and dogs born in the northern parts of the world, when learning public.

    Training Wolf mixtures can be very different from the dog's workout, depending on the "level of content", which relates to how much wolf is in a hybrid. Kodanis explains: "High-ranking wolf dog is mostly wolf with a small amount of dogs, and a low-wolf dog is basically a dog with a small amount of wolf." Thus, the dog-wolf medium content is about both sides.

    Slightly squeezed yellowish eyes watched slyly and mischievously, as if offering to play. The wolf was very manual and affectionate. Not with any dog \u200b\u200byou can immediately install friendships, but that the wolf so happily met a stranger man would never believe if he had not experienced. Furiously wagging a low-lowered tail, the wolf hung highly, trying to lick right in the face, taking advantage of my confusion, which he managed several times. His language is wet and rough, like a dog. And all it appearance He expressed such a friendliness and good nature that when communicating with him there was no concern for their safety.

    Behavior in nature

    "Low and medium-sized dogs can be trained as any standard or mixed breed dog," continues the Kodanish. Animals with a high content of animals, as a rule, retain natural fear that wolves have in men. An animal covered by fear is experiencing great difficulties, focusing on any particular learning task.

    Fair factor that describes the mothers, is supported by science. Researchers from the Massachusette University found that wolves develop faster than dogs, relying only on their sense of smell in the early stages of puppies, while they are still blind and deaf. As each new feeling appears, they are initially shocked and afraid of new incentives.

    Like any decent dog, the wolf did all the necessary vaccinations and even issued a passport, however, in the Breed column, they honestly wrote there: "Wolf". Compared to many dogs, our wolf had a lot of advantages. For example, he was completely indifferent to cats, and "his" cat, with whom he lived in the same house, even loved. According to his mistress, the cat and wolf played and even slept in place. Wolf lived right in the apartment, as well as a common dog. Going for a walk, allowed to put on a collar with a leash. Although she did not like to walk for a long time - there was a lot of unknown and frightening. And he scared all - cars, loud sounds. In the family, it was even affectionately called "Zaine". Wolf walked on the street along with other dogs. Those treated him with respect, although their underlying tail testified that they knew with whom were dealing with, but prefer not to get involved. The wolf has not yet showed any interest to his closest relatives. The mood of the wolf could be judged by the position of his ears. If they are on the painter - he is alert, if you are directed to the sides and even hang on the sides of the muzzle - the mood is playful and complacent, but if you are set back and pressed to your head - it's angry, and it is better not to tease. If I didn't like anything, he scalled his teeth or loudly click. By the way, his ruined impressed me not only because he was wolf, but because his teeth were dazzling white, even with a blossomed tint, smooth and brilliant. Such teeth can simply envy! The wolf perfectly succumbed to training, she gladly filed one, then another paw, made many dog \u200b\u200bteam.

    Biologist Catherine Lord explains: these significant differences in the development associated with the experiences of dogs and wolf puppies put them on completely different trajectories in relation to the ability to form interspecific social attachments, especially with people.

    Its studies show that communication with a dog with a man or horse takes only 90 minutes after the introduction of the age of four to eight weeks. After that, the dog usually has little fear of people. But with a wolf puppy, "she says," achieving even close to the same reduction of fear requires 24-hour contact starting to three years, and even then you will not have the same attachment or lack of fear.

    I read about the wovers of wolves and find out them closer, and it becomes incomprehensible why most people with such hate belong to this noble beast, perhaps to the progenitor of our domestic dogs. I will not describe all the advantages of this predator. I will only say that, unlike dogs, the wolves of the monoga, that is, form a married couple for life. Together they raise wagins, teaching them to all wildliness wisdoms. The wolf is a real head of the family, the breadthrough. Brought food, he divides between the Volchats, the Wolf, the elderly wolves, and it happens that it often remains hungry. So wolf laws! The expression "Wolf appetite" was quite suitable for our hero. He always wanted to eat, and he got everything that ate in the family. True, they did not give raw meat to "not wake in it beast." On that day, when we met, the wolf, according to his hostess, was already "distinguished" - knocked out from her hand with a soup prepared especially for him for breakfast.

    As with the choice of any breed, a potential adopter must carefully examine and independently evaluate before performing this type of animal companion. Many experts agree that the wolf dogs are not perfect pets for everyone.

    Do you have experience with wolf hybrids? In the classic novel "White Klyk" Jack London tells the story of an offended half-wave dog, which finds security and communication in a good friendly master. The wolf dog returns kindness with unmistakable devotion and loyalty, even offering his life to protect his newfound Savior from harm. Lomonosovsky hybrid between nature and ordinary dog \u200b\u200bproved one magnificent animal - smarter, stronger and loyal than any ordinary dog.

    It turns out that living in the same apartment with a wolf is not only unusually interesting, but also very difficult. The fact is that in nature in the wolf flock reigns a strict hierarchical order. Each member of the flock knows his place. Therefore, in the family, people were forced to give to understand the wolf that in their "stack" the main ones. And this order was necessary to maintain daily: any emboss could change people with wolf places. To adult family members of the Wolf treated with respectful respect, considering their flock leaders. But the son-first-grader in his table of ranks occupied, apparently, equal to the position with him, and sometimes the wolf made attempts to subjugate the boy. This, however, did not prevent them from playing together and stay at home unattended adults.

    Is it worth taking a wolf

    He was superdog, perfect companion. In the modern day of the wolf-dog or wolf hybrid made a completely different picture. They had a lot of truth and myths. Suddenly, they suddenly turn into their owners or are they jerky loyal friends from the London Roman? Well, it turns out, both. To understand why, first you need to look at the dog and the wolf separately.

    She needs regular hair decoration to prevent uncomfortable mats, regular cleaning to get rid of burrs, and regular ascent to get into the truck. Taming is a process with which animals adapt to life with people. In contrast to the taming, which occurs during the life of a single animal, the domestication occurs for many generations. This is a process in which the genetic composition of the species changes to make the view more capable survive with us.

    Everyone knows that wolves know how and even love to swell. I wondered if our familiar wolf published such sounds. It turns out that this desire has already occurred twice. Once he overwhelmed at home, perhaps, complaining that one was left for a long time. But another time the wolf asked not somewhere, but in the center of the city, at the bus stop when he was taken to the vetclinic. It is necessary to say how surprised people were standing next to people when their fears were confirmed that this dog is very similar to the wolf. And although the brought up young wolf was not more dangerous than an uncompatible dog, the owners of the beast were seriously thought about his fate. It is possible that when the wolf will grow up, he wants to take a higher position in his "flock" - family. And people will be difficult to live, every minute proving its superiority every minute. Unfortunately, it happened. When I once called the hostess of the wolf, in order to find out how he was doing, it turned out that the wolf is no longer alive. He had to be put to sleep. The wolf tried to climb the hierarchical stairs to the top. He began to obey only his mistress, none of the other family members. Only with her he was affectionate and obedient, on the rest he was constantly snaps, tried to put into the course of his teeth. Fearing for the security of the child, the parents adopted the only right decision in this case. And although this story ended for people safely, still madly a wolf who has become the hostage of "animal lovers".

    The domestic dog is adapted to life with people, sometimes indoors such as apartments. Wolves, on the other hand, are adapted to live in the wild on the huge expanses of the Earth, as far as possible, from human vision.

    Maggie can not run like a wind, or to hunt for meals, but it is perfect for life in a small house with several other dogs and a random cat. One of the consequences of domestication is that, although pets retain all the same behavioral relations as their ancestors, the degree of their manifestation is different. For example, wolves and dogs have prey hunt, but mining is mined or modified in domestic dogs. Thus, while stubbornness and screech in the presence of a wolf can cause a victim's drive, leading to a fatal bite, the same in the presence of most dogs, most likely lead to a striking dog.

    It is always sad to face such situations. How often do people have an animal, not fully understanding that it is not able to adapt to life in captivity. Not because it is evil and dangerous, but because in captivity it is impossible to avoid situations that the animal perceives as a threat to its safety or how an attempt to subjugate his will. And then his reaction is quite predictable. The beast is a beast. The literature describes cases where wild predators really became manual and were devoted to their owners. But Jack London is primarily a writer, which means that the fifteentist. And if you believed him, then it is only proof of his talent. There are exceptions to the rules. In those cases, biologists became the owners of the wild beast, long time studied the behavior of the animal and ready for any surprises. Non-specialist, even if just good manunable to create a wild animal the necessary conditions, And then he tries to risk himself and the death of his pet. Holding the wolf is very dangerous. We can adjust the behavior of the beast, but still a predator will remain a predator. The wild knife laid in genes can manifest itself at any time. And which of the wolf guard? Evilism and strength do not mean that the beast wants to watch your cottage.

    On the other hand, mining in domestic dogs was improved so that the dogs could work with people, for example, by reindeer herding or extraction of hunting birds. If you raise the wolf like a dog, he will grow like a dog? Some wild animals, such as birds, become manual and reliable when they are raised by hand. Wolves, in fact, can be tamed and regularly tamed a Wolf Park, an object for studying the behavior of prisoner diluted wolves in a semi-exceptional habitat in Indiana.

    As wolves are extremely afraid of people, they are rarely visible in the wild, which makes it difficult to study them. In Wolf Park, wolves tame to live happily in captivity and that they show their normal social behavior in the presence of people's observers. Nevertheless, there is a huge difference between the teaching of the dog and the shelling of the wolf. Although dogs easily communicate with people, if they are subjected to ages from three to twelve weeks, the puppies of the Wolf must be taken from mothers and from the package up to three weeks and then the hand raised by people in four months.

    Numerous attempts to keep the wild animals next to them sooner or later ended in deplorable. Most famous example - Family of Berberian trainers who kept lion in the apartment, Bumma and other livelihood. From dangerous predators tried to make domestic cats. For several years in the house, Idyllia reigned: the children rode in Lion riding, the king of the beasts were bathing in the bathroom, the predator learned to cope in the toilet ... All newspapers were worn with a wonderful family. But once, remembering that he is not a big cat, but a wild beast, a lion in the eyes of the mother ripped his son, and he herself removed the scalp. For several years, there was enough "to slow down with the adoption of" wild animals. Despite the fact that the tragic examples are enough and they are known, people are still trying to make friends with those who are incomprehensible, and maybe our friendship is even unpleasant.

    If you leave this package and simply undergo close interaction with people during this period, they develop intensive fear of people, even if the mother and members of the group are manual. In addition, in manual lifting, people had many social and behavioral differences between them. For example, even after 3-5 weeks, the dogs were more interactive with people. They will vocalize, waving the tails and look at the person's face. They were also less aggressive than wolves, and less afraid or avoided.

    Wolves raised by their hands preferred to be close to their human teacher compared to being close to another person, but they had no behavior of attachment towards people. Dogs puppies, on the other hand, tend to follow people, look at their face and look for a person.

    Please do not let yourself and the animal! If the wolf was needed for friendship, he would come to him, as the cat and the dog did. And if it did not come - do not drag him forcibly for friendship and love. The wolf is a proud and free animal, even for a satisfying feed, he will not be manual. Syrote's magician is now one road - in the zoo, in the will he will not survive himself.

    Even in this setting, however, it is clear that they are far from home dogs. With their powerful prey, they are honed babies, children and other squeezing or randomly moving objects. They show this interest with a smile and a dog leash who deceives many observers, thinking that they are friends with children when they actually dine what they really like. Wolves in captivity are also different from those who live in the wild, in the fact that they are not in family units, where parents are the most high-ranking, because they are the most experienced, and their children simply postpone them.

    Each of us at least once in life was thinking about to start a pet, well, or already started. At the moment there are 10 thousand houses in which homemade pets are wolves, as it should not sound ridiculous or scary. For us, wildly make such a beast at home. Although now we will analyze a couple of facts about these animals.

    Wolf Features
    The physiological features of the wolf is the presence of sharp teeth, the average weight of 35 kg and very sensitive hearing. It's no secret to anyone that all predators have teeth, but everyone uses every different way. Our dogs are ready to work hard by them, eating up to 10 kg for one sitting (if it was very hungry!). Depending on the female this or the male, weight varies from 9 to 30 kg and from 15 to 40 kg, respectively. In rare cases, they can achieve huge massive sizes up to 55 kg! If you can imagine such a pet in my sofa, then you are amen. Many tell the legends that in extreme conditions of survival of the wolf do not mind eat even their relatives. It is impossible to say that they always do that, but if another wolf is injured or sick - they will definitely eat it. Not a gift of experienced hunters, putting the wolf traps, trying often to look after them - who fell into the beast tracked, can earlier find his hungry brothers. In many countries a picture was observed that the wolf could eat not only meat, but also vegetables, and fruits. Interesting is the fact that the wolf can spray several dozen watermelons until he falls on ripe and tasty. So, accumulating money and deciding to start such an animal to think about your harvest. In the TV shows, films and news, they say - wolves are wagged on the full moon. Although, in fact, it is not. Wolves are in at all because full moonAnd because howl is the main element of communication. I am sure that the pet will want to talk, after you fall to sleep.
    Living threat at home
    Good or bad idea keep a wolf at home - you will learn after you are heading it. In the meantime, I advise you to read the article to the end, and make sure the neighbors do not know about your acquisition.
    A more dangerous wolf for children. Children by themselves beings are non-permanent, fearless and variable mood. I even am afraid to imagine what will happen to the child if the mood is replaced by the wolf.
    Often, people take a magician in the family and until a certain moment is growing it (I think so, to kilograms 40), until you begin to understand that it may be a threat to life, not only children. The decision to let go to the will is good only for you. At the very fact, the animal will be difficult to take root in the wild. He does not know how to provide himself with food and especially "to be friends" with other wolves. For this, it is waiting for him only death from relatives or from the bullets of hunters.
    Weighing all the pros and cons of these wild creatures, you yourself can make a conclusion - is it worth starting the predator's houses or not. You must remember and do not forget that the wolf is not a dog, since the wolf is more likely there are outbreaks of rage and disobedience.

    Thus, in captivity, the desire to be highly estimated in mixed packaging is quite large, and wolves are often looking for opportunities to overthrow those who take them above. In fact, by taking a high-ranking wolf from the group for a long period of time, this can lead to strengthening fights among others and, perhaps, to battle when the wolf enters again. Wolves are also less susceptible to other people and are even more prone to reactivity if the person they know is strange. As a result, even veterans-wolfeds should be careful around wolves.


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