"The spiritual fastening of the Fatherland" on the F-TE "Entrepreneurship and IT. City Festival "Spragging of the Fatherland II

"The spiritual fastening of the Fatherland" on the F-TE "Entrepreneurship and IT. City Festival "Spragging of the Fatherland II

Methodical development

Quiz in the Great Patriotic War of 1941

"Heirs of Glory"



Savelyeva L.I.


On the methodological development of "Organization and Conducting Quiz on the History of the Great Patriotic War" for GBPU students "First Moscow Educational Complex", teacher Savelieva L.I.

IN methodical development The goals and objectives of the quizzes, the procedure for holding, tasks for students, summarizing are determined.

Quiz is held on the basis of a college using the projector (film display). Materials of quizzes can be used in the course of history, in the study of the topic Great Patriotic War, as well as when carrying out an event on patriotic education of students.

annotation 2

Introduction 4

    The goals of the quiz on the history of the Great Patriotic War of 1941 5

    Quiz program 6

    Quiz results 11

    Common quiz 12


Students of the first course of our complex are actively involved in the festival "The spiritual fastening of the Fatherland". In it starts the filmlectories "defended Moscow - defended the capital."

The second stage is held from November to December 2016. Students should watch movies: "Battle for Moscow" ("Typhoon" (2 parts) and "aggression" (2 parts)) and documentaries about the Moscow battle ("Color of War", "Nor Stepping Back"). At the end of December, Internet filmmaker on viewed artistic and documentary films (recommended to show) within the framework of the film.

Our quiz on the history of the Great Patriotic War Under the motto "Heirs of Glory" is preceded by this event and is held at viewing the film "Battle for Moscow" ("Typhoon" - 1 part).

After all, every family touched war, many did not return home from the front. The study of the history of war is a tribute to the memory of those who died, thanks for the great feat, which they committed, this is the continuity and connection of generations between young people and veterans. The further the time separates us from December 5, 1941, the sharper the need to preserve the whole tragedy and greatness of the people of the people committed during the war in the memory of the youth. This will serve to all those who seek to revise the results of the war, to bring the role of the Soviet people in the defeat of fascism.

Let's bow down the great years! - This is the leitmotif of the patriotic education of young people on the example of studying history.

I.. The goals of the quiz on the history of the Great Patriotic War of 1941

Objectives:bring up feelings of patriotism.


    to form the ability to evaluate events from the standpoint of justice, humanism;

    bring up respect for the older generation;

    develop the ability to search, analyze, process the material.

Structure occupation

introduction. Dear friends! Today we will spend a quiz dedicated to the battle for Moscow, on the film "Typhoon" part 1. It was one of the decisive battles of the Great Patriotic War, and the entire Second World War, the first major defeat, accustomed to the invincible fascist army.

II. Quiz program

Corresponding participants work in the program "My Test".

Participants must be answered by thirty-two questions.

For each correct answer - one score.

Task execution time - a minute for each question.

Screenshot of the quiz program, according to the program "My Test", dedicated to the film "Battle of Moscow", the first series "Typhoon".

III. Content quiz

Questions on the quiz:

Replies on quiz

1. The film "Battle for Moscow"

1 series "Typhoon" Part 1.

Munich met several countries, what number?

2. The film "Battle for Moscow"

1 series "Typhoon" Part 1.

Which countries arrived in Munich to the conference?

4. Italy, Germany, England, France

3. The film "Battle for Moscow"

1 series "Typhoon" Part 1.

Which countries are part of the Czechoslovakia of Germany?

3. England and France

4. Film "Battle for Moscow"

1 series "Typhoon" Part 1.

Who spoke at the conference in Munich?

5. The film "Battle for Moscow"

1 series "Typhoon" Part 1.

What contract was signed at the conference between Germany, England, France?

4. On nonsense between countries

6. Film "Battle for Moscow"

1 series "Typhoon" Part 1.

What country violated the conference agreement?

3. Germany

7. Film "Battle for Moscow"

1 series "Typhoon" Part 1.

Date of attack on Czechoslovakia Germany?

8. Film "Battle for Moscow"

1 series "Typhoon" Part 1.

What is the date of the attack of the Germans to Poland?

9. Film "Battle for Moscow"

1 series "Typhoon" Part 1.

3. Denmark, Norway

10. Film "Battle for Moscow"

1 series "Typhoon" Part 1.

1. French

11. Film "Battle for Moscow"

1 series "Typhoon" Part 1.

France's capitulation date?

12 - film "Battle for Moscow"

1 series "Typhoon"

What country was the main opponent for Germany?

13 - film "Battle for Moscow"

1 series "Typhoon"

Terms of capturing Russia?

4. Spring of 1941, for 5 months

14 - film "Battle for Moscow"

1 series "Typhoon"

4. Dirkel number 21. Operation plan "Barbarossa"

15 - film "Battle for Moscow"

1 series "Typhoon"

Who is alto?

16. Film "Battle for Moscow"

1 series "Typhoon"

What dates of the attack handed over Alta?

17. The film "Battle for Moscow"

1 series "Typhoon"

What did Hitler count von Schulenburg (Foreign Minister in the USSR)?

2. I'm not going to attack Russia

18. Film "Battle for Moscow"

1 series "Typhoon"

What passed Ramzay to Russia?

4. 9 armies (150 divisions), an offensive in May

19. Film "Battle for Moscow"

1 series "Typhoon"

What suggested the beetles to Stalin, after messages from Germany?

2. Create an army in combat readiness

20. Film "Battle for Moscow"

1 series "Typhoon"

How many times did Ramzay warned Russia about the German attack?

1. Several times

21. Film "Battle for Moscow"

1 series "Typhoon"

The movement time of the Germans to the border of Russia?

22. The film "Battle for Moscow"

1 series "Typhoon"

2. German soldier - Communist

23. Film "Battle for Moscow"

1 series "Typhoon"

Who handed the directive to urgently strengthen the Western borders of the USSR?

1. Tymoshenko, Zhukov

24. Film "Battle for Moscow"

1 series "Typhoon"

How did the Germans arrived, in the form of border guards, to Brest?

2. In coal cars

25. Film "Battle for Moscow"

1 series "Typhoon"

Date and time of the beginning of the war?

26. Film "Battle for Moscow"

1 series "Typhoon"

Name the secret weapons of the Germans?

3. Underwater tanks

27. Film "Battle for Moscow"

1 series "Typhoon"

What city was the first attack of the Germans?

28. Film "Battle for Moscow"

1 series "Typhoon"

Which general was not carried to fight (without the direction of Moscow), and began to act decisively, against the enemy?

1. Rokossovsky

29. Film "Battle for Moscow"

1 series "Typhoon"

Who were sent from the Moscow Rate to south - west of the USSR?

30. The film "Battle for Moscow"

1 series "Typhoon"

What directive ordered to write Stalin?

2. About coner. offensive

31. The film "Battle for Moscow"

1 series "Typhoon"

What a fur. Division went to his last mortal battle?

32. The film "Battle for Moscow"

1 series "Typhoon"

Where was the plan about the rapid attack of the Germans on the south-western attack?

2. On Ukraine

IV.Quiz results

In the quiz, students of the Group 22 PCs participated, in the amount of 20 people. Of these, 8 people responded to "excellent", twelve people to evaluate "good."

V.. Outcome

Many German Guderian Generals, Goth and other main cause of the defeat of German troops consider Russia a harsh climate of Russia. Other generals are blamed in all dirt and dishthele.

Napoleon, ruined its 800-thousand. The army, too, referred to the Russian climate. But in the same scatter and cold, in the fall of 1941, the whole city arises to protect Moscow.

About 600 thousand people took part in the construction of fortifications. 75% of them were women.

Residents of Moscow and Moscow region were built: anti-tank hedgehogs - 32260 km, anti-tank RVov - 676 \u200b\u200bkm, firepoints - 27600, arranged forest dawn - 38,500 hectares, tagged with 16500 km.

No, no rain and no snow stopped fascist troops. The millionth grouping of selected Hitler's troops crashed about iron durability, courage and heroism of the Soviet troops, behind which were their people, their capital, their homeland.

The price of victory near Moscow was very high. Many fell in that battle, many died in hospitals from the Russian Academy of Sciences. Therefore, the capital of our Motherland - the city of Moscow was awarded the title city - the hero!

Many names of the dead have not been established, which led to the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating the grave of an unknown soldier. It is here that the post number 1 is located, the main soldier's post of the Russian army.

There can be no oblivion for those who, to the last drop of blood, defended our Earth Soviet, who was shooting to the last cartridge at the border pillars, who had his lives, defending the capital of our Motherland - Moscow, and did not allow her enemy to the streets.

In May 1965, the title "Hero City" was awarded to the 20th anniversary of Victory. For the contribution of the Moscow region to the defense of the capital, the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Moscow region was awarded the Order of Lenin.

After the end of the war, Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov i wrote in my memoirs. "When I am asked that I am most distinguished from hostilities, I answer: the battle for Moscow ... Expressing deep gratitude to all participants of the battle of the battle, I bow to the head in front of the bright memory of those who stood to death, but Did not miss the enemy to the heart of our homeland, the capital, the city-hero of Moscow. We are all in non-demand debt to them. "

December 1, 2016 Marshal Soviet Union, four times the hero of the Soviet Union Georgia Konstantinovich Zhukov turned 120 years old and we, descendants, say: "Thanks for the victory!"

On May 28, 2019, a solemn ceremony of awarding teachers of educational organizations of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow - Laureates of the Fatherland Fatherland Fatherland Fatherland of the Fatherland festival was held at the Cosmonautics Museum.

According to the results of the 2018-2019 school year, 122 teachers from educational organizations were awarded diplomas of the festival laureates: 15, 89, 152, 171 (2), 463, 551, 627, 654, 777 (2), 867 (2), 947 (2) . 950 (21) 1034, 1125 (2), 1194 (3), 1195, 1222, 1223, 1232, 1290, 1347, 1357 (6), 1363, 1368, 1375, 1409, 1411, 14,12, 1402 (3), 1499, 1402 (2), 1504, 1506, 1542, 1569, 1726, 1861, 1862, 1955 (17), 2005, 2031, 2113 (5), 2075, 2113, 2116, 2121, 2128, GBOU "School on Jauze", GBOU Romanovskaya School, GBOU School named after Mayakovsky, GBOU School named after F. M. Dostoevsky, GBPOU "1st IOC", GBPOU KMB № 4, GBPOU College "Tsaritsyno", GBPOU KHTIT № 4, benchmark №30, 52. In some schools It became a good tradition - not only the leaders of museums participate in the festival, but also class managers. There are schools - leaders in the number of teachers - the laureates of the festival at all four stages: №№ 950 (21 ), 1955 (17), 1357 (6), 2036 (5), Bezersh No. 30 (5), Skolva No. 52 (5).

More than 190,000 students took part in the festival. All this thanks to the fact that many of the teachers use a variety of patriotic education methods, implement their pedagogical activity At the level of professional skill.

GBOU School № 950 in 2018-2019 academic year At various stages of the festival took part More than 1,500 students and pupils of pre-school groups and 23 teacher of the school building on the street. Decembrists, D.40, 17 teachers of the school building on the street. Otradnaya, D.1A, 5 teachers of the school building on ul. Otradnaya, d.11a, 17 teachers of the school building on Berez Alley, 15B and 6 pedagogues of pre-school education

As part of the festival, a large-scale work was organized at school: memorable events, dedicated to days The military glory of Russia, meetings with veterans, museum lessons, organized thematic exhibitions, conducted a patriotic action "Moscow sings victory songs - 2019", lessons of courage, filmlectricory.

Learning 11A class under the guidance class teacher Timofeeva S.N. Attached in the Internet filmmaker "Winged Guard". 20 students of this class have become the winners of the Internet - filmmakers.

120 Moscow teachers became laureates of this festival, among which 21 teachers of our school. Teachers were invited to the solemn awards ceremony, which became laureates of all four stages of festival events: "From Russia to Russia", "Heirs of Glory", "Examples are strong and bravely!" and "Memory of the Burning Years ...": Averchenkova E.A., Badaeva M.M., Booth E.V., Valeeva G.R., Gerasimova O.N., Gruzdov V.N., Dobrolyubova T.A., Dombrovskaya T.V., Inkin A.A., Korolev V.V., Lomakina Yu.A., Melnikova T.A., Nechaeva E.V., Makiyova G.S., Miklyaeva T.V., Silchenko and ., Serebryakov S.V., Stepanova Ya.A., Starodubova M.O., Knamenskaya V.V. They were awarded diplomas of the laureate of the city festival "Splage of Fatherland".

During the pre-holiday days of February 2016 at the faculty "Entrepreneurship I. Information Technology» , within III stage of the city festival "Spragues of the Fatherland" Passed a filmlectoria on the topic: "There is such a profession - to defend my homeland!".

In the course of this, who had already had a good tradition of the event, students were demonstrated by the well-known and those who loved many generations of Soviet and Russian spectators films of outstanding directors dedicated to great topic Of the Patriotic War, the debt, honor and courage of the Soviet people in those terrible years.

Thus, the famous tapes of the Great Soviet director Sergey Fedorovich Bondarchuk, filmed by the works of the Nobel Laureate Mikhail Sholokhov, "the fate of a person" and "they fought for their homeland", "the cranes" fly, Mikhail Kalazovova, "Road Check" Alexey Khohan , "Ballad about a soldier" Grigory Chukhraya and "Pranma" Nikolai Gubenko.

Each demonstrated film has caused live discussion among students. None of the audience remained indifferent to the heroic and tragic personnel of recent history, to the fate of ordinary Soviet people who endured the whole severity of the past war on their shoulders and presented to humanity peace and freedom.

Students issued their impressions in the form of reviews.

"They fought for their homeland" - One of the largest films about the war, seen earlier. The scale of filming is striking. Although there is nothing to be surprised - because Sergey Bondarchuk is perhaps one of the best Soviet directories.
Low bow to everyone who fought for their homeland is in battles. Yes, it was also hard in the rear. But it is precisely such stallers, bobbies, Zvyagintsev closed us from the enemy, from fascism, which will never be forgiveness. "

Students of the group number 21

"Prank » - a film of those that helps to feel what was in the soul in children of war. Only on such films and today you can comprehend the story today and understand why the war was still won. "

Students of the group number 21

"Ballad about a soldier"
- It's just a discovery! Here it is - the magic force of art! Well it is necessary - this is how - without any naturalism and blood, without special effects and tricks it is easy to reach the heart of the youth of the XXI century! Here it is - the skill of the director, so he is - a movie language! Old, black and white, 1959 is a simple film, and what a power in it! Power truth! "

Students of Group №21ks

"In addition to human fate the film « Cranes are Flying» It has a lot of social importance, it, like many Soviet films about the war, showed all the essence of the war, its inhumanity. One such film is worth many and many propaganda events against war and for peace. Do not propaganda, you just need to watch such films. "

Students of Group №11ks

"The Fate of Man" - This is a film about the Great Human Will, about the soul of human. In the fate of Andrei Sokolov, the life of the Russian man, his suffering, deprivation, the hardest war, captivity, the death of relatives and loved ones was reflected. But in these harm years, the Russian people survived, fascism defeated, won the great victory. And we, the remaining living after the victory, should remember our grandfathers, fathers, brothers, mothers, sisters who won victory for us. "

Students of Group №13 GS

"Road Check"In fact, another test of our audience perceive movies as art with a capital letter, requiring the work of the Soul, Crecyclation, Relationship, breaking stereotypes. "

Students of the group number 22


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