Types of cognitive Wood in elementary school. Formation of cognitive Wood in the lessons of the surrounding world through the use of information communication technologies

Types of cognitive Wood in elementary school. Formation of cognitive Wood in the lessons of the surrounding world through the use of information communication technologies

Formation of cognitive Wood by means of intellectual learning activities in Russian lessons in primary school

This work is designed for primary school teachers implementing any CMC. The work is covered by the structure of the lesson using the intellectual intellectual development technique. The appendix has intelligent tasks for each lesson stage and lesson development.

Explanatory note
The theme of work, in my opinion, is relevant, since the innovative processes going on today in the pedagogical education system are most acute the question of the preparation of a highly educated intellectually developed personality.
Scientific and technical progress dictates certain requirements for a person of the XXI century: it should be not just a creator, but a creative and intellectual creative and intellectual, so the modern school should be engaged in the upbringing and formation of such a person, where the principles of an individual approach to students are being implemented.
I am convinced that the most important place in the school system is given to elementary classes, as a basic link in the development of an intellectual-creative personality. By testing the program "Perspective Primary School" in front of me the problem faced: how to intensify the intellectual activity of students with different warehouses of the mind, to make training comfortable, promote the strengthening of mental and physical health of children?
I set itself the goal: create conditions for the intensification of intellectual activity of schoolchildren; Increase the efficiency of training activities through the development of the intellectual abilities of schoolchildren.
Based on the purposes of my pedagogical activity, the following tasks appeared: raise the level of both logical and abstract thinking, i.e. Training material is presented more voluminous, with the release of a logical and shaped side; consider the age, individual features of students; Develop a system of exercises that develop intellectual activities of younger students.
Having studied the structure of intellectual abilities, I concluded that the following intellectual abilities should be updated to develop the identity of the younger student: thinking, memory, attention.

Intellectual development occurs in the early stages of the formation of a person. Scientific studies of recent years indicate that each age step is inherent in its readiness for the development of certain parties to intellect.
A child coming to school is not always ready for learning in it for a number of reasons. One of them is intellectual passivity. Psychologists are considering intellectual passivity as a result of improper education and training, when the child has not passed the preschool period a certain path of mental development, has not learned the necessary intellectual skills and skills.
In this regard, the newly arrived students replenish the ranks of poor students in schools. It is difficult for studying, both the subject of the Russian language and the remaining items. Among the difficult schoolchildren of primary classes there are children with various violations of speech. Speech is one of the central, most important mental functions. The development of thinking largely depends on the development of speech.
The elementary school must teach children who have enrolled in school, to teach not only to read, consider, but also competently write, continuing to develop a child as a person.
Children with fairly good pre-school preparation are also received in class 1. They have a spectacle and there is no intellectual passivity. How to file training material so that it is interesting to one and not hard to others, so that all students have learned the training material? In search of solving this problem, I began to use the Bakulina Methodology. The technique contributes to the integrated development of the intellectual features of young students in the lessons of the Russian language, increases speech activity.
Intellect is the basis of subjectivity. The core of the subjectivization is the logical thinking of a schoolboy who contributes to the conceptual understanding of the surrounding world. Therefore, subjectivization implies such a content of the educational process, which primarily stimulates the development of thought qualities. The complex with them successfully improved, memory, attention and other qualities of students' intelligence. Under the subjectivization of the learning process, the conscious social and active inclusion of a schoolchild in planning, organizing and implementing its teaching and educational activities is understood.
In order to implement the system of integrated intellectual development in the learning process, traditional types of lessons are used (studying new material, consolidation of knowledge, generalizing accounting and control, combined lessons) while maintaining all major stages. However, the method of conducting each stage of the lesson varies significantly.

Novelty of this technique It is primarily that subjectivization under which it is understood as a basis as a system-forming factor new level The conscious active activity of students in the lesson of the Russian language, their participation in the planning and implementation of all or most of its structural stages. Certain changes are made to the content and organization of the learning process. This is the introduction of additional vocabulary during the vocabulary-spelling, fixing, repetition and generalizations of the studied; an increase in the use of proverbs, sayings, phraseological revolutions; inclusion in the content of lessons of various types of educational and cognitive nature; Expansion of work with concepts and terms.
The updated learning content contributes to the expansion of the student's horizons, deepens the knowledge of the environment, favors the development of a child as a person, activates the mental activity of children, makes it possible for the development of students' speech abilities.
Changes in the organization of the learning process of Russian language are associated with the implementation of a number of principles of lessons. Along with generally accepted principles, we will use the principles:
- the principle of a versatile educational impact on the intellect of the child;
- the principle of an effective approach to learning;
- The principle of a reasonable answer implies a complete, consistent, evidence explanation by students of his opinion;
- Effective implementation of the above principles depends on the principle of cooperation, business partnership of the teacher and students.
The lesson's structure introduces the mobilizing stage of the lesson. The purpose of the mobilizing stage of each lesson is the inclusion of a child to work. Its content includes three groups of exercises that provide for various operations with letters (graphic image, legend, imaginary samples). Exercises are designed for 2-4 minutes of the lesson and are designed to improve the child's thinking. At the same time, attention is developing attention, memory, intelligence, observation, speech ability.
At this important stage, actualization and deepening of students' knowledge on a specific topic, as well as the improvement of the most important qualities of intellect (speech, attention, memory, thinking, etc.), their further development. To solve these tasks, schoolchildren carry out mentioned teacher mental operations with the mentioned mental material and as a result come to the desired conclusion.

For the formation of cognitive Wood - The tasks are selected, the correct result of which cannot be found in the textbook in the finished form. But in texts and illustrations of the textbook, reference books there are tips that allow you to task.
Cognitive universal learning activities include: general educational actions, actions of formulation and solving problems, and logic actions and provide the ability to know the surrounding world: willingness to carry out a directional search, processing and use of information.
Cognitive URA includes skills: to aware the informative task; read and listen, removing the necessary information, as well as to independently find it in the materials of textbooks, workbooks, other additional literature; To solve the learning tasks of the analysis, synthesis, comparisons, classifications, to establish causal relationships, to make generalizations, conclusions; carry out educational and informative actions in a materialized and mental form; Understand the information presented in the visual, schematic, model form, use the iconic symbolic means to solve various training tasks.
The translation of the text to the iconic-symbolic language is not needed by itself, but to obtain new information. Training on current programs of any training subjects involves the use of different iconic symbolic tools (numbers, letters, schemes, etc.)
From different types of activities with iconic symbolic means, modeling has the greatest application in learning. Moreover, in the concept of educational training D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydova Modeling is included in learning activities as one of the actions that must be formed by the end of elementary school.
In the lessons of the Russian language, simulation is also used. At the lead time, this is a sentence model, then the sound models of the word, which are then converted to the alphabet. We use these models throughout the course of the Russian language when studying the topic "ORFography". Very well helped the models in the lessons of formulation of the educational task, where children can see the inconsistency of the scheme, fix the gap between knowledge and ignorance and conducting research work to change or clarify this scheme.
Effective promotion of cognitive activity of students is largely ensured by expanding the scope of use of the search, partial search, problematic methods for studying the new educational material.

In elementary school, students must master such elements of logical actions as: comparison, classification, highlighting of objects of objects, the definition of a familiar concept through the genus and species difference, to make the simplest conclusions, relying on these parcels. Therefore, it is advisable to start learning logical actions from the formation of the corresponding elementary skills, gradually complicating tasks. With the help of exercises not only fixed, but also specify knowledge of children, self-work skills are formed, mental skills are strengthened. Children are continuously engaged in analyzing, comparing, to form phrases and suggestions, abstragging and generalize. At the same time, the simultaneous development of a number of essential intellectual qualities of the child is ensured: attention, memory, various types of thinking, speech, observation, etc. The objects and phenomena of the surrounding world have similarities and differences. The similarities and differences of items are reflected in their signs. The most important signs of items are reflected in the concept. The concept is what we understand when we pronounce or write any word.
There are different relationships between concepts. First, the relationship "type - genus". This is such a relationship when all items included in the "view" are also included in the "genus", have common significant signs. For example, sandals - shoes, perch - fish.

When the material selection for the work of students at this stage should be considered that the tasks proposed by students should be a developing nature, to influence the development of relevant linguistic abilities. Exercises for the development of linguistic abilities deserve special attention. (Attachment 1)
It is closely connected with the mobilizing stage (and sometimes with another fragment of the lesson) the next mandatory stage of the lesson - formulating the themes and objectives of the lesson. This is a kind of logic-linguistic task, which students decide in the process of analytical synthetic activities and are issued in the form of a small text - conclusion.
The wording of the topic and objectives of the lesson is very important from the point of view of its functional load: it significantly increases the level of subjectivization of the educational process, since students have an internal installation and self-improvement to achieve this goal, which acts throughout the lesson and ensures more fruitful work of children on The remaining lessons.
Depending on the content of the material being studied and the lesson structure, this action may occur after the mobilizing stage, the vocaphographic work, after the repetition of the previously passed.
It is necessary to make applied for students to their learning activities - performing each action in the lesson, each task, each exercise. Otherwise, the educational process, organized by the teacher, will not "hit the student will not cause the need to engage in it.
Principles of subjectivization of training are implemented in the course of studying language theory. New knowledge is not given to schoolchildren in the finished form - they should get them in the search activity process.

- Self-detection of schoolchildren letters designed for writing
- Formation of students themes of a minute of cleaning

A moment of cleaning becomes a universal structural part of the lesson. During its holding, along with the improvement of graphic skills, unconventional types of phonetic parsing, the analysis of words in composition are carried out, the knowledge of the topics of the Russian language is deepened, the formation of intelligence qualities continues.
Gradually, students are attracted to the compilation of a cleaning chain. (Appendix 2)

The obligatory structural stage of the lesson conducted by means of subjectivization is the vocabulary-spelling work, which is also based on the direct, active and conscious participation of schoolchildren in the definition of the word intended to study the new "difficult" word.
Work on the familiarization with the new Word Word provides conscious educational and educational activity of the student. In the structure of the dictionary and spelling operation, several parts are allocated:

- etymological certificate
- writing word writing
The presentation of the new vocabulary word consists in self-definition and formulating schoolchildren the theme of vocabulary-spelling work. This activity is carried out with the help of a new type of complex-logical exercise, the implementation of which is essential for the simultaneous development of the most important intellectual qualities of the child. All exercises are combined into groups, each of which has its own distinctive features. (Appendix 3)

The problematic situation at a high level does not contain prompts or may have one tip, on average 1-2 tips. At the low level, the role of tip and perform questions and tasks, responding to which students come to the conclusion. (Appendix 4)

When the studied material is consolidated, there is a possibility to purposefully form certain sets of intellectual qualities and skills of students through the selection and layout of the language material in lexicual and spelling exercises. Each group of tasks is aimed at improving one or another complex of intellectual qualities. All exercises are made by a number of requirements:

In 1-2 classes I use intellectual linguistic exercises with which we provide the development of the quality of intelligence (stability of attention, meaning memory, analytical synthetic and abstract thinking). At the same time, children learn to compare, compare, group on the basis, generalize, reason, prove, draw conclusions, including various types of speech: inner and external, oral and written, monologue and dialogic.
(Appendix 5)

Fizkultminutka is not an exception in comprehensive intellectual development. During the rest, the physical activity is combined with mental. In accordance with the task, children meet a certain movement on the sounding language unit. For example, theme: "shock and unstressed vowels". I will call words. If you hear a word in which there is only a shock syllable, spread your hands to the sides, make a tilt forward. If there is a shock and unstressed syllable in the word - your hands along the body, slopes left and right. Forest, game, mushroom, gardens, night, fields, hedgehog, hedgehog, rag, house, sea, river, dust, needle.

I am interested to use this technique. It makes certain changes in the content and organization of the learning process. This is the introduction of additional vocabulary during the vocabulary-spelling, fixing, repetition and generalizations of the studied; an increase in the use of proverbs, sayings, phraseological revolutions; inclusion in the content of lessons of various types of educational and cognitive nature; Expansion of work with concepts and terms. The updated learning content contributes to the expansion of the student's horizons, deepens the knowledge of the environment, favors the development of a child as a person, activates the mental activity of children, makes it possible for the development of students' speech abilities.
I try to spend every lesson so that the cognitive Wood develops. This is an understanding of texts, tasks; The ability to allocate the main thing is to compare, distinguish between and summarize, classify, simulate, conduct elemental analysis. I often say: Think, make output, analyze, explore the word. I try to create a gaming atmosphere, which develops cognitive interest, relieves fatigue, allows you to keep attention to how to activate students. Therefore, at each lesson I use various exercises.
I noticed that the higher the level of activity, the self-organization of students, the more efficient the learning process at the final stage of the lesson passes. First of all, the activity and awareness of the actions of schoolchildren increases, interest in the subject increases, their intellectual and speech development is intensified, the quality of their knowledge is significantly improved, literacy rate increases.

I believe that you can develop the intellectual abilities of younger schoolchildren only with the overall harmonic development of the child, to identify the deposit, inclinations, interests, so the cognitive and creative abilities of younger schoolchildren forming with the simultaneous activation of their thinking and imagination.

The correct and systematic use of this technique makes it possible to ensure the effective development of the most important intellectual qualities of students needed to successfully master the Russian language, and the educational process is fascinating and interesting for students.
Thus, in the formation process logical thinking Children 7-10 years old, perhaps the most important thing - to teach the guys to make let small, but their own discoveries. It is useful not so much ready-made result as the process of solving with its hypotheses, errors, comparisons of various ideas, estimates and discoveries, which, ultimately, can lead to personal victories in the development of the mind.

Attachment 1

Methodology for the mobilizing stage
The mobilizing step is carried out immediately after the organizational part for 3-4 minutes. The purpose of the mobilizing stage of the lesson is to be included in the work.
Tasks solved at the mobilizing stage:
- to ensure the involvement of students in educational activities
- Repeat not in the traditional form of the previously studied material required to explore the new topic
- based on this material to form the subject of the lesson
The content of the mobilizing stage is 4 groups of special exercises, which are gradually complicated. These are exercises with toys, geometric shapes, letters, words, suggestions, texts. Exercises are improving speech abilities, thinking and develop attention, memory, observation.
Exercises for the development of visual-effective thinking
1. Using out loud titles or images in the presented sequence and their memorization.
2. Implementation by the teacher of the required number of permutations
3. Playing students from the memory of items (images) before rearrangement and after it with an oral description of actions.
The main content of this group of exercises is a comparison, comparable analysis. For example, exercise with 3 permutations.
N O.
U n s
Students rearrange the cards, accompanying their actions by the story (I will put a card with the letter in empty pockets. In the book that was released after the letter, you can put the card with the letter in. In empty pockets, where there was a letter, I put the letter N.). Further students form a lesson: "Compare the letters, find an excess among them" (excessive letter H, which means the topic of the lesson of the letter n and the sounds that it means.) Thus, children make up a story - conclusion.
The development of visual-shaped thinking is performed with letters on the playing field. Performing tasks, students mentally commit acts with letters without changing their positions on the game field, where 9 houses interconnected by the tracks are conditionally depict. In each house lives 1 letter. The idea of \u200b\u200bthis group of exercises is borrowed by A.Z Zak.
Exercises for the development of verbal-logical thinking.
Vite-logical exercises - specially compiled text saturated with spells on the subject studied in class. Contains the task for the implementation of a logical operation - building conclusions based on the comparison of judgment. Texts are given both perception of rumor and visually.
The purpose of these exercises is the development of speech, verbal and logical thinking, speaking dustiness and improving attention, memory.
1. Finding common in words and building conclusion. When studying the topic: "The declination of the names of adjectives in the singular". On the board, recording: new, ancient, ready, spring, funny, long, flexible. Students need to determine what unites these words and say about the decline of which part of the speech will be discussed in the lesson. (All words are adjectives in the singular. Therefore, the topic of the lesson "declining them. Adjectives in the singular". Next, you can offer assignments associated with ORFograms.
2. Establishment of semantic communication in words; finding common; implementation of the group; Exception of an extra word, building conclusion. Topic: "First declination of adjectives."
M-Row L-Snik P-Satell
Grandmother -tz daughter
Students need to read words. Write, grouping by spells, inserting missed letters. Find the general in words (nouns, noun, in the singular). To determine among these words superfluous and determine the decline of which nouns will be devoted to today topic.
3. Summing up the words for the concept, finding common, building conclusion. Topic: "Declination of adjectives in a plural"
On the board Record: Beijing, London -? (Metropolitan Cities)
nightingale, Canary -? (Singing birds)
good, honest -? (Positive qualities of a person)
To each pair of words, pick up a general concept in the form of phrases or phrases. Find the general and tell me about the decline of which part of the speech we will speak in the lesson. (Adjectives in the plural.)
4. Finding common and differences, grouping, constructing and conclusion. Topic: "Declusion of adjective male and medium kind". On the board: an interesting story, a deep lake, a literary magazine, a new rule.
Determine what is written on the board, find a common. Find the differences and tell the declination of which adjectives will be devoted to the topic of the lesson. (Adjectives of the middle and male sort)
5. Finding a common and difference, an alternative grouping, constructing reasoning and conclusion. Topic: "Specifying pronouns with pretexts." On the board: (without) rocket, () surname, (la), (without) you, (c) her, (K) the city), (for) victory), (K) him.
Read, divide words to a possible number of groups with an explanation. (Nouns with a pretext, pronoun with the pretext; Parental case, Current and Certificate). Name spells. Find an unknown spell and formulate a lesson. (pronoun with pretexts)
6. Finding a common and distinction, grouping on two signs, constructing judgment and conclusion. Topic: "Hiding verbs." On the board: C-Dish, Sv-Tleesh, Kr-Chish, Vl-Zeshez, deputy chash-, h-rnesh-.
Read, find a general (verbs of 2 persons, the only number of the present time. They are written at the end). We divide into groups on two features at the same time. (With the unstressed "e" at the root and end, and with the unstressed "and" in the root and the end). What question should we answer in the lesson? (Why do you write the ending in some verbs, and in others it is).
7. Finding a common and distinction, grouping of 4 signs, constructing reasoning and conclusion. Topic: "The spelling is not with the verb" on the chalkboard of the proverb: The case of Lena (not) loves. Look in a gentle word and melt stone. Laziness of good (not) does.
Read, combine two in 4 signs. (It is said about hard work, there is subject to and led, there are no adjective names, there is no particle) to establish some part of the speech does not receive a particle. Word the subject of the lesson.
8. Finding common, allocation of language categories on missing grounds, constructing reasoning and conclusion. Topic: "The spelling of unstressed case endings of the adjectives" on the board: a favorite city, a new school, a wide field, a senior brother, a large window, a high-wall.
Read, determine the general, call phrases, in which there are no adjectives of the middle and female; find phrases in which there is no adjective female and male race; Find phrases in which there is no adjective male and medium kind. Name the general grammar feature of the adjective last group and the existing ORFRAM. Word the subject of the lesson.

Appendix 2.

Structure and methodology holding a minute of cleaning
A moment of cleaning consists of two stages: preparatory and executive. In the preparatory stage, two parts are distinguished:
1) definition and formulation by students themes of a minute of cleaning;
2) drawing up a plan of upcoming actions to write the letter and its elements
In the first part of the preparatory phase, special exercises are used to simultaneously solve the following tasks:
 Independent identification of schoolchildren letters designed for writing
 Formation of students themes of a minute of cleaning
In different periods of learning students, various
The combination of intellectual qualities of personality to be developed, their linguistic values \u200b\u200band skills.
In the first year of study, simple reprinting exercises are used.
1. Consider this image. What letter we will write today. She meets more often. How many times it is depicted.
R I x b
About H.
R m in r r
P gradually in tasks gradually decreases the number of leading installations.
2. Exercises aimed at the development of analytical synthetic thinking and speech abilities. Row of letters: T, P, K, E, N. What letter will we write? Explain why?
3. Exercises, where the focus is on the development of abstract thinking and oral speech. Deciprate this entry and define the letter.
5 3 1
D in? (BUT)
4. Exercises aimed at the development of speech, the ability to compare, compare and find common in frequent linguistic phenomena, abstragging
B o r t
S b p
About b about s
B about r
Compare the written words among them. Determine the letter and explain why?
5. Exercises focused on the primary development of linguistic faintness, speech, intelligence.
With this letter, all the words of this scheme are formed.
T m l n k d
6. Exercises, on the development of speech, intuition, intelligence.
P, B, C, H, P, C, ... (Monday, Tuesday ....) It is equally possible to encrypt the names of numbers, months, to make rows of vowels or consonant letters going in order or through one, two, etc.
In the second and subsequent classes, the development of intellectual skills continues, but at a higher level of difficulty. These exercises stimulate the development of speech, thinking using various linguistic tasks. For example, through the selection of synonyms to the words: Doctor - doctor, roar - ... (crying), call - ... (Clean), Hurricane - ... (Tornadhod). Or selection of antonyms, or the use of vocabulary and cipher and others.
Requirements to all exercises:
o From the lesson to the lesson, the degree of difficulty tasks increases.
o The content of the exercises is associated with the themes of the Russian language
o Each task provides for active student activities of schoolchildren
The second part of the preparatory stage also requires a gradual complication of active and conscious activities of students. Students are pre-in the process of reading activities, master the procedure for recording letters. Determine and formulate its pattern. The pattern of recording systematically changes with a gradual increase in difficulty.
For example, ///a///a....(zacomism: the line and alternates with the inclined straight, which increase by one), RA, RB, RV, RG .... (Pattern: the lowercase P alternates with the letters of the alphabet), oblast, LB, region, LBO ... (regularity: lowercase letter B is written with letters about and l, which in the link chains change places). Gradually, students are attracted to the compilation of the chain. We use such activities:
- perception of the hearing of the proposed pattern;
- independent identification of patterns;
- Full autonomy is the preparation of regularity alternation of letters and its voice.
In this way, in the process of organizing and holding a minute of cleaning, the inclusion of a student in the educational process is actively implemented, which allows for fruitful learning activities.
The gradual complication of tasks is accompanied by an increase in the participation of children in the organization of the educational process.

For example, as it looks like during a minute of cleaning.
The first option provides for combining the letters designed to write with incomplete phonetic analysis. On the board of the word: nose, varnish, flax. (Read words. Determine the letter that we will write today during a minute of cleaning. It denotes the non-spare ringing soft sound. What is the letter? In what word is there?) Students give an answer to two questions raised without breaking their sequences and at the same time characterize Upcoming learning actions.
From the lesson to the lesson, the task is complicated by increasing the source words. This allows you to develop the volume and distribution of attention, concentration, observation, analysis and synthesis. For example, on a blackboard five words: raccoon, tree, lighthouse, pour, honey. It is necessary to define the letter that we will write on cleaning. It denotes a vowel sound that ensures the softness of the consonant. What is this letter? What word is it?
The second option involves the search for the letter with the simultaneous introduction of the search for objects associated with the studied themes of the Russian language. For example, on the word board: lamp, branch, flew off. The letter that we will write is in the root of the verb and denotes the unpaired ringing soft sound. What is this letter? What word is it? Gradually, the number of search objects increases, expands. So, when studying the verb, children can be asked for a task of this kind: "Read the words: M-Rchigi, El-Nik, Trp Svyazh, tweeted, Sat-pointer. The letter that we will write is in the root of the noun feminine kind of multiple number and denotes the unpaired deaf always soft sound. What is this letter? What word is it? In the same tasks, we carry out about the work on the spell, we recognize the parts of speech, we study with the children to classify, summarize.
The third option involves the use of searching the letters of cipher elements, coding, etc.
The fourth option ensures the need for independent formulation and performing a task providing for the definition of the letter. For example, we give a setting, orienting children to write on the board. "If we correctly formulate and execute a task to this entry, we will learn the letter for a minute of cleaning.
War - peace. Dry - ... old - .. deep - ... stroking - ... solid - ... This is the letter "M"
Thus, in the second year of study, a minute of cleaning becomes a universal structural part of the lesson. During its holding, along with the improvement of graphic skills, unconventional types of phonetic parsing, the analysis of words in composition are carried out, the knowledge of the topics of the Russian language is deepened, the formation of intelligence qualities continues.

Appendix 3.

Methods for conducting dictionary and spelling work
Work on the familiarization with the new Word Word provides conscious educational and educational activity of the student. In the structure of the dictionary and spelling operation, several parts are allocated:
- Representing students of the new Word
- identification of its lexical meaning
- etymological certificate
- writing word writing
- Introduction of a new dictionary word in the active dictionary of children
The presentation of the new vocabulary word consists in self-definition and formulating schoolchildren the theme of vocabulary-spelling work. This activity is carried out with the help of a new type of complex-logical exercise, the implementation of which is essential for the simultaneous development of the most important intellectual qualities of the child. All exercises are combined into groups, each of which has its own distinctive features.
The first group includes exercises providing for the identification of a desired word through work with the components of it with letters. When they are fulfilled, children develop stability, distribution and scope of attention, short-term arbitrary memory, speech, analytical synthetic thinking. For example, to define a new word, it is necessary to place rectangles in the order of increasing points.

Gradually, the number of specific instructions of the teacher decreases. For example, a student will be able to find a word if a rectangle finds with its first letter and independently establishes the sequence of other letters. (Teacher)

In the curriculum, exercises are introduced, providing complete lack of instructions. For example, Kotorloovkao
With the help of these techniques, further improvement of the intellectual qualities of students continues. A decrease or lack of coordinating teacher installations makes children think, mobilize their intuition, will, intelligence, observation.
The second group consists of exercises providing for work with symbols, numbers, codes. They allow you to form abstract thinking. For example, two words are encrypted with numbers.
1 word: 3, 1, 11, 6, 12, 13, 1. (cabbage)
2 Word: 3, 1, 5, 13, 4, 7, 10, 9, 8. (Potatoes)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
And gk o r u f l l e p s t
For example, tasks with a partial indication of the teacher. It is necessary to carefully consider this cipher and the key to it: 2-3, 1-6, 2-7, 1-4, 1-3 (straw)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 and m n o r to in
2 C d i l chq t
The third group includes exercises connecting the desired word with with the studied linguistic material. For example, consolidating knowledge on phonetics. Crouch letters denoting deaf consonants in a chain and recognize the word.
Pfbkkheshshrich (Birch)
In order to improve the spelling dust in the process of studying various themes of the Russian language, it is possible to use such a task: "Read: Vyd-Vite, Ohr-to-Nay, Blind, Cryathele, Ensure, MN-Ham, AB-Jour, SL - Moved, L-Kat. Connect the first letters of words, in the root of which the vowel letter is written a, and you will learn the word with whom we will meet. (railway station)
The specificity of the fourth group is to apply a variety of ciphers and codes. An example of a task to use knowledge in mathematics.
1 6 7 8 9
2 l in to
3 b and d
4 y f m and
5 p t about
Cipher 16, 36, 14, 21, 40, 27 (top row numbers multiply on the numbers on the side) (nod)
In the fifth group of exercises, a variety of activities are combined: nonradiative phonetic analysis, partial analysis of words in composition, dividing words on syllables, spelling, etc., in the course of which spelling skills are improved, analytical synthetic work is being carried out, the volume and concentration of attention develops, RAM. For example, to learn a new vocabulary word, we must perform several tasks to determine each letter.
1. The first letter of the word is consonant in the last syllable of the word room
2. The second letter - the last consonant in the root of the word north
3. Third letter - uncomparable unstressed vowel in the word breakfast
4. Fourth Letter Indicates the first unpaid ringing solid consonant sound in the word raspberry
5. With the fifth letter begins the second syllable in the word oats
6. The sixth letter is the end in the word straw
7. The seventh letter is always a ringing soft consonant sound in the word harvest. (tram)
Further on the method of Bakulina G.A. Exercises of subsequent groups are complicated.
The definition of the lexical meaning of words is carried out by joint search for reasoning. Etymological dictionary is used. And the new word is introduced into the active dictionary of children through the use of proverbs, sayings, phraseological revolutions, or operating with words that are not connected with each other. For example, a new word tram, and during the repetition of the studied the words of the apartment, room, breakfast, raspberry, straw, oats were involved. Replies options: Malina jam was carried in the tram. Near the tram scrolling straw, scattered Oats. Etc.
To carry out a dictionary dictation, we will select the required amount of words by combining them in pairs on the basis of associative communications. For example:
Cow - Milk factory - worker
Pupil - Notebook Class - Teacher
Work - Voron's shovel - Sparrow
Clothes - Coats Claus - Skates
Every chain of two words pronounce once. Gradually, the write order is complicated. Now in the chain three words with the preservation of associative communications.
Collective farm - Village - Milk Bear - Hare - Fox
City - Plant - Machine Rooster - Dog - Cow
Pencil pencil - notebook
Then, we give chains of 3 words, where the associative communication is not traced.
Duty - Moscow - Shovel Wind - People - Surname
Saturday - Language - Berry

Appendix 4.

Studying a new material
To study a new material in 1-2 classes, a partially search method is used - the joint search activity of the teacher and students when familiarizing with a new linguistic concept or rule. In grades 3-4, the creation of a problematic situation is expected to create a study by her students and the formulation of withdrawal. Creating a problem situation provides different levels: low, medium, high. Problem levels are distinguished by the degree of generalization of the task proposed by students for solving, and the degree of assistance from the teacher.
The problematic situation at a high level does not contain prompts or may have one tip, on average 1-2 tips. At the low level, the role of tip and perform questions and tasks, responding to which students come to the conclusion. For example, when studying the topic " Soft sign At the end of them. SUD After hissing "3 levels are possible.
High level. Read words. Find the difference in writing them. Formulate the rule.
Daughter, doctor, quiet, salash, rye, knife.
Average level. Read the word columns. Explain the principle of their grouping. Formulate the rule of writing them.
Daughter doctor
Quiet shala
Rye knife
Low level. Read. Answer the questions:
- Which part of speech are all words?
- determine the genus of nouns
- What consonants are at the end of the nouns?
- At the end of what nouns and in what case the soft sign is written?
To work on solving a problem situation, we determine the levels in accordance with the level of training of children.

Appendix 5.

Methods for fixing the studied material
When the studied material is consolidated, there is a possibility to purposefully form certain sets of intellectual qualities and skills of students through the selection and layout of the language material in lexicual and spelling exercises. Each group of tasks is aimed at improving one or another complex of intellectual qualities. For exercises, a number of requirements are presented:
1. All exercises are compiled on the basis of a linguistic material corresponding to the topic studied in class
2. Exercises should provide a student activity of the schoolchildren
3. The practical application of tasks implies complication from class to class
4. In order to develop attention, all tasks are pronounced by the teacher once
5. The lesson uses up to 50% of exercises in which students independently formulate tasks.
In 1-2 classes, we use intellectual linguistic exercises with which we provide the development of the quality of intelligence (stability of attention, meaning memory, analytical synthetic and abstract thinking). At the same time, children learn to compare, compare, group on the basis, generalize, arguing, prove, draw conclusions.
Types of complex exercises in 1-2 classes:
Topic: "Acquaintance with the syllable".
Read, pick up a suitable word, justify the answer. Write words by grouped according to theme lesson.
Water bush Nora.
Mole dew?
Topic: "Large letter in names, middle names, names of people"
Read. Write in a line of words that are not in the right column. Find among them too much.
(M, M) Arshak (P, P) OET
(P, P) OET (M, M) IHail
(A, a) Lexes (B, B) Orsiov
(R, P) Epine (C, C) Ergei
(C, C) Yemen (and, and) Vanov
Write the names of the patronymic and surname of people in accordance with the cipher. The cipher indicates the number of syllables in words.
(L, l) ev (n, n) ikolaevich (t, t)
(M, M) IHail (A, A) Lexandrovich (W, W) Ookhov
(B, b) Oris (B, B) Ladimirovich (s, s) Akhoder
Font: 1) 2-5-3 2) 1-5-2 3) 3-5-3
Subject: "Soft sign at the end of the word"
Read the chains of words, exclude an extra. Orphograms emphasize.
1) oak, tree, alder, poplar, birch
2) snow, rain, precipitation, hail, frost
Topic: "Offer"
Read, Give the characteristic. Distribute by adding one word to it and repeating everything previously said. Write down a contact offer.
Tuman dropped to the city. (White fog dropped to the city. White fog slowly sank into the city.)
Topic: "Words responsible for the question? What?"
Connect words of words suitable in meaning (sofa-furniture). To each word, ask a question. Compiled couple write.
Bream flower
Plate poultry
Forty dishes
Lily of the Lily Fish
Topic: "Paired bellows and deaf consonants"
Drink the words with couples that begin to ring and deaf consonant, so that they come in terms of meaning.
Grapes, rag, dates, jacket, cuckoo, pants.

In 3-4 classes of tasks with previously used types of exercises are complicated in order to increase the degree of impact on the quality of intelligence. This is provided by several paths.
1 way to increase the number of source words in exercises. For example, the topic: "Specifying words with a dividing solid sign." Read remember. After 1-2 minutes, the first words are closed, and students focusing on the second word written phrases. Stress orphograms.
Edible mushroom enter the forest
Explained the task rise of the flag
Shot of the film Lifting Crane
Cringed from cold ate cookies
Announced the decision traveled around
2 way to increase the number of independently defined signs. For example, the topic "Changes in verbs in numbers." Alternately exclude excess on their own found signs, so that one word remains.
Nights, pours, bee, run, squeezed, unites (bee - noun, run - the verb of the plural number, etc.)

3 Path Transfer to anticipation and use of exercises based on folk material. Antichipation - foresight, leading a reflection of the surrounding reality.

Cards with exercise "scattered letters"
1. Two silver horse
I carry me on the glass. (Skates, rink)
Name the words of the bend.
Highlight three words from the riddle with the same orphogram as in the word rink.
(on glass, carry, horse)

Guess the riddle, write down the words-rational.
2. The house is delivered in the courtyard
On the owner's chains in it. (Dog, Cruar)
Add to the words-depths of the third word from the riddle. (Master)

Guess the riddle, write down the words-rational.
3. There are many vegetables in it,
In it, vitamins all year round. (Garden, carrot)
What words from the riddles can you attach to each word of the guess?
(Garden - year, carrots - vegetables)

Cards with exercises for the establishment of causal relationships in pairs of words
Find a couple, write down.
1. Honey - Bee
Egg - Chicken
Wool - Sheep
Milk -?

Find a couple, write down.
2. Butterfly - Caterpillar
Frog - Golovastik
Fish - Ikrinka
Flower -?
Underlow Orphogram, pick up single words

Find a couple, write down.
3. Raisins - grapes
Gasoline - Oil
? - paper
Underlow Orphogram, pick up single words

Exercises for establishing a sequence of events in a chain of proposals
1. Tuchi thickened in the sky. Passersby opened umbrellas. Lightning flashed. Rain began.
2. The bees flew. It turned out a delicious honey. The bees gathered nectar, attributed it to the hive. Flowers bloomed.
3. Apple tree trunks are taken away. In winter, hare has little food. Bellok glands in the gardens of a bark of young apple trees. They are sick and die.

Exercises for establishing causal relationships in suggestions.
1. Before eating a raccoon, prey washes.
Raccoon nicknamed a ribbed.
2. From nettles get paint, produce fabrics, braid, rope, threads.
Nuts - a healthy plant for humans.
3. Rice is used not only in food, but also for the preparation of starch glue, powder. Rice is a very important product.

Exercises for the replacement of phrases with one close in meaning
1. Stay without food -
Stay without money -
Stay with your nose
2. Save dust -
Mix everything from the table -
Mix everything in its path -
3. Drive the car -
Led to school -
4. Throw the ball -
Throw a replica -
Throw shadow -

Exercises to establish the patterns of the selection of words.

1. Shishkin - Tarasova
Gennady - Zhanna
Sergeevich - Konstantinovna CIFR
Mikhailovich - Antonovna 1) Ivan - Marya
Ruslan - Lyudmila 2) Alekseevich - Dmitrievna
Serov - Ivanova 3) Smirnov - Petrov
Sidorov - Zenin
Petrovich - Ivanovna
Dmitry - Marina

2. Garden - Vegetables
Fast slow
Apartment - Siper Room
North - East 1) School - student
Ospen - Lilac 2) North - East
From above - bottom 3) bad - good
Collection - Picture
Oats - Wheat
Left - right

Exercises to find equivalent concepts
1. Heavenly shining co-nz
A person is the same with someone's age-nickname
The most important human body is Ser
Day of joy and celebrations about something like a praz nick
Water or swamp plant cable-nick

2. Snowstorm blister
Little Northern Taiga Bird View
Walking herbian blizzard
Packed foofing, transported on the back of animal binders
Small very movable reel fish

3. Golden hands cowardly man
Light head clever man
Free Bird Free Man
Timid tent skillful man
Soap bubble insignificant man
Dispaying the head desperate remote person

Exercises on the selection of concepts by the degree of their generalization
Ax, hammer -?
Pen-pencil - ?

Hockey, football -?
Tennis, Chess -?

Crow, Sparrow -?
Swallow, rag -?

Shub, mittens -?
T-shirt, pajamas -?

Exercises for the definition of similarity and differences
The objects and phenomena of the surrounding world have similarities and differences. The similarities and differences of items are reflected in their signs. The most important signs of items are reflected in the concept.

Examples of tasks.
Pike - ...
Linden - …
Chamomile - ...
Indicate the whole, part of which are:
Pocket - ...
Wing - ...
Rubber - ...
In these rows of words, the concepts of the concepts that are in relation to the question of addicts are:
Ash, branches, tree, maple, leaf (ash, maple).
Milk, bottle, shop, oil, seller (milk, oil).
Horizon, North, Compass, East, Arrow (North, East).
Pick up opposite concepts:
large - …
Light - ...
Joy - ...
To the following words, select the concepts that are in relation to the sequence:
February - ...
Tuesday - …
first - …
Evening - ...
To the proposed concepts of selecting two more, who are with it in functional relations:
Spoon - ... (Silver, is).
Paper - ... (white, writing).
Doctor - ... (children, treated).
The form of generalizing schoolchildren at different studies does not remain constant. At first, it is usually built on the external analogy, then it is based on the classification of signs relating to the external properties and the qualities of objects, and finally, students go to the systematization of essential signs.
Get a new word, changing the first one letter:
Cut the horns (horns - goat) horns - Rose - Goat.
Bring the cat to cheese (cat - cheese) Cot - com - Som - Sor - Cheese.
Pick up the right word:
Bed - lying, chair - ...
Malina - Berry, nine - ...
Man - child, dog - ...
Tell me in one word:
Swim ears - ...
bite the language - ...
Beat egglush - ...
From each word to take only the first syllables, make a new word:
Kolos, Rosa, Wat - ...
Bark, lotto, boxer - ...
Baran, Rana, Bank - ...
Invent the proposal (a small story), where all the words started on one letter.
For example: Chairman joined the dust field.

Exercises are carried out at different stages of the lesson.
A minute of cleaning.
1) Raccoon Mesh Hedgehog Penal
- Will the letter, it is in each of these words and can divide them into two equal groups.
2) Razvaska Podonic meat
- Condemnate the letter that is in the root of each word.
3) Children's reed muster staircase terrain difficult
- Consider the letter, it denotes the same speech in all nouns of this series.
4) Praz ... Nick St ... Faces Ser ... Tse ur ... Ji ... Neil with ... Tank N ... Zina Stars ... ny ... Ts
- Name letters, with their help you can divide these words to equal groups.

Word and spelling work.
1) Slug dinner washer trumpeter
- Condemnate a new word. It has a paired ringing, always a solid weaving consonant sound.

2) B ... R ... yes N ... Rod Yves ... LDA B ... RBE UG ..
l ... Path lawsuit ... RKA OG ... WORD T ... RGHAL EG ... for
K ... Cah ... Pitel atm ... sphere
- Connect the first letters of the nouns of 1 decline, in the root of which the vowel is written about and name the new word.
3) shop-buyers
Theater - Veriteli
transport- ?
- Determine the semantic link and name the new word.

Work with text.
1) Read the text of the text. Place them in the correct sequence. Word your task to the compiled text and execute it.
Later, people ... learned to cook (from) beets sah ... r. Prod ... Vali His (c) pharmacies like a medicine. He was very me ... R ... Goy.
(C) A long-standing people did not know what sugar is. They ate Mo ... They drank the clock ... cue juice Clane, linden, h ... y (c) slices slices.
(C) India, (on) Cuba, will receive ... This sweetness (from) sugar cable ... Nika. He has a clock ... cue stem. Cable ... nicknames cut, br ... Sayage (c) boilers and digest (for) fire. Crystalline sugar is obtained.

2) Read the text. Determine its main idea and encourage. Choose the proverb suitable for the main thought of the text and enter it into text.
In ... any bird sniff .. (c) the roads are waiting for difficulties and troubles. (C) The cheese of darkness of the fogs they lose d ... rogue, break down (about) sharp rocks. M ... Range storms break their feathers, knock off the wings. Birds mind .. The (from) cold and the jellies are dying (from) predators, fall (under) shots of hunters. Nothing stops the winged wanderers. Through all the obstacles of L ... Tyat they (for) their homeland, to their nests.

Live to serve.
Motherland beloved - mother's mother.
Some of my own side.
On someone else's land and spring is not red.

Used Books
1. Bakulina G.A. Intellectual development of younger school students in the lessons of the Russian language - M. "Humanitarian Publishing Center Vlados", 1999
2. Bakulina G.A. The use of intellectual linguistic exercises in the lessons of the Russian language // Primary School No. 1. 2003 with 32.
3. Vakhrusheva L.N. The problem of intellectual readiness of children for cognitive activity in elementary school // Primary School No. 4. 2006 with 63.
4. Volina V.V. Learning playing - M. "New School" 1994
5. Zhukova Z. P. Development of intellectual abilities of younger students during the game // Primary School No. 5. 2006 with 30
6. Zak A.Z. Development of mental abilities of younger schoolchildren. - M., 1999
7. Obukhova E.A. Witness-logical exercises in the lessons of the Russian language // Primary School No. 4. 2006 with 32.
8. Simanovsky A.E. Development of creative thinking of children. - Yaroslavl, 1998
9. Stolyarenko LD. Basics of psychology. - Rosto-on-Don, 1999.
10. Tikhomirova L.F. The development of cognitive abilities of schoolchildren. - Yaroslavl, 2002
11. Tikhomirova L.F. Exercises for every day: logic for younger schoolchildren. - Yaroslavl, 1998
12. Teplyakov S.O. Intellectual Development // Primary School No. 4. 2006 with 36.

Universal learning actions

New social demands of society determine the objectives of education as the general cultural, personal and cognitive development of students, providing such key competence of education as "to teach learning." The school acutely got up and currently the problem of independent successful learning learned by new knowledge, skills and competencies, including the ability to learn. Great opportunities for this gives the development of universal academic action (Wood). That is why the "planned results" of the Education Standards (GEF) of the second generation is determined not only to the subject, but meta-delta and personal results.

A huge role in the educational process plays formation of cognitive universal educational actions. However, discussion The concept and role of the formation of URU is inconceivable without detecting the meaning of the term "universal learning actions".

In a wide meaning, the term "universal training actions" means the ability to learn, i.e. The ability to self-development and self-improvement by conscious and active assigning new social experience. In a narrower sense, this term can be defined as a set of student's action methods that ensure its ability to independently assimilate new knowledge and skills, including the organization of this process. The formation of universal training actions in the educational process is carried out in the context of the assimilation of various academic disciplines. Each learning subject, depending on the subject matter and methods of organizing educational activities, discloses certain opportunities for the formation of a Wood.

The formation of universal training actions in the educational process is carried out in the context of the assimilation of various academic disciplines.

Each learning subject, depending on the subject matter and methods of organizing educational activities, discloses certain opportunities for the formation of a Wood.

The universal nature of educational actions is manifested in that:

  1. they wear an appropriate, meta-delimited character;
  2. ensure the integrity of the general cultural, personal and cognitive development;
  3. ensure the continuity of all levels of the educational process;
  4. there are at the heart of the organization and regulation of any student activity regardless of its special and substantive content.

This ability is ensured by the fact that universal training actions are generalized ways of action, opening the possibility of a wide orientation of students, both in various subject areas and in the structure of the educational activity itself, including the awareness of the students of its goals, value-semantic and operational characteristics. Thus, the achievement of the "ability to learn" implies a full development of all components of educational activities, which include: - Training motives - a training goal - a learning task - training actions and operations (orientation, material transformation, control and evaluation).

Currently, there are several classifications of universal training actions. However, the key is the classification presented in Figure below.

Personal Universal Training Actions Provide value-send orientation of students and orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships. For training activities, two types of action should be allocated:

  1. the action of the sense formation, i.e., the establishment of a group of communication between the purpose of educational activities and its motive, in other words, between the result of the teachings, and what it encourages the activity for which it is carried out. The student should be asked about "What a Meaning has a teaching for me," and be able to find the answer to it.
  2. the effect of moral and ethical assessment of the digestible content, based on social and personal values, providing a personal moral choice. "

Include the actions of the study, search and selection of the necessary information, its structuring; Simulation of the studied content, logical actions and operations, ways to solve problems.

Regulatory Universal Training Actions Provides the ability to control cognitive and educational activities through the formulation of goals, planning, control, correction of their actions and evaluating the success of assimilation. The consistent transition to self-government and self-regulation in training activities provides the basis of future vocational education and self-improvement. "

Extremely important in modern conditions communicative universal learning actions. They are based on communicative competence. As the first component, communicative competence includes the ability to establish and maintain the necessary contacts with other people, satisfactory ownership of certain norms of communication and behavior, the ownership of the "technique" of communication.

Cognitive universal learning activities - This is a system of ways to know the surrounding world, building an independent search process, research and a set of processing operations, systematization, generalization and use of information received.

Aimed at ensuring specific methods for converting educational material. Separately, it is necessary to allocate the fact that they represent the actions of modeling and performing the functions of the method of learning material, the allocation of a significant, separation from specific situational values \u200b\u200band the formation of generalized knowledge. In a number of works on the problem of the formation of a Wood symbolic universal learning actions refer to the number of cognitive URU, but you can regularly meet and work where symbolic universal learning actions Considered as a separate category.

Universal Training Functions

Cognitive universal learning activities

In modern pedagogical science under informative universal learning actions It is understood by a pedagogically substantiated system of ways to know the surrounding world, building an independent search process, research and a set of processing operations, systematization, generalization and use of information received.

Cognitive UUD include the following:

  1. general educational
  2. logical action
  3. actions and solving problems.

Separately consider each category. So, general educational universal actions:

  1. independent allocation and formulation of a cognitive goal;
  2. search and selection of necessary information;
  3. application of information retrieval methods, including using computer tools;
  4. structuring knowledge;
  5. conscious and arbitrary construction of speech statement in oral and writing;
  6. the choice is pleased effective ways solving problems depending on the specific conditions;
  7. reflexion of methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results;
  8. semantic reading;
  9. understanding and adequate assessment of the language of the media;
  10. staging and formulating the problem, independent creation of activity algorithms in solving problems of creative and search nature.
Cognitive actions are also a significant resource for success and influence both the effectiveness of the activity and communication and self-assessment, the sense formation and self-determination of the student.

Stages of formation of cognitive training actions

The formation of cognitive universal training actions occurs in several stages. These stages correspond to the scientifically reasonable stages of the formation of universal training actions in general. According to the theory of the systematic phased formation of actions and the concepts of P. Ya. Galperin, the subject of formation should be actions, understood as ways to solve a certain class of tasks. To do this, it is necessary to highlight the system of conditions, the accounting of which not only provides, but even "forces" the student to act correctly and only correctly, in the required form and with the specified indicators. This system includes three subsystems:

  • conditions ensuring the construction and proper compiler of the new method of action;
  • conditions providing "work out", that is, education of the desired properties of the action method;
  • conditions that allow you to confidently and fully transfer the performance from an external substantive form to a mental plan.

Six stages of interiorization of action are isolated. At the first stage, the assimilation begins with the creation of a motivational basis of action, when the student's attitude is laid down to the objectives and tasks of the appropriate action, to the content of the material on which it is processed. This ratio may change, but the role of continuous motivation for assimilation is generally very large.

At the second stage, the approaching scheme of the approximate framework of action is becoming, that is, the reference systems required to perform the action with the required qualities. During the development of the action, this scheme is constantly checked and specified.

At the third stage, an action is generated in a material (materialized) form, when the orientation and execution of the action are carried out with a support on the externally presented components of the approximate framework scheme.

The fourth stage is the nippers. There is a transformation of action - instead of support for external assigned tools, the student proceeds to the description of these means and action in external speech.

The need for material representation of the approximate framework of the action, as well as the material form, disappears. Its content is fully reflected in speech, which begins to act as a basic support for becoming actions.

At the fifth stage, there is a further transformation of action - a gradual reduction in the external, sound side of speech, the main content of the action is transferred to an internal, mental plan. On the sixth stage, the action is performed in a hidden speech and acquires the form of its own mental action.

Empirically, the formation of action, concept or image can pass with the skipping of some stages of this scale; Moreover, in some cases, such a pass is psychologically quite justified, because The student in his past experience has already mastered the relevant forms and is able to successfully enable them in the current formation process.

The planned results of the formation of universal training actions.

Types of universal training actions


Cognitive universal learning activitiesreflecting the methods of knowledge of the surrounding world

distinguish the methods of knowledge of the surrounding world by his goals;

identify the features of different objects in the process of examining them (observation);

analyze the results of experiments, elementary studies;

fix their results;

playback information necessary for solving a learning task;

check information, find additional information using reference literature;

apply tables, schemes, models for obtaining information;

present prepared information in a visual and verbal form;

Cognitive universal learning activitiesforming mental operations

compare various objects: highlight one or more objects with common properties;

compare the characteristics of objects one by one (several) features;

identify the similarities and differences in objects;

allocate general and private, integer and part, general and different in the studied objects;

classify objects;

give examples as proof of the provisions extended;

establish causal relationships and relationships between objects, their position in space and time;

perform training tasks that do not have a definite solution

Cognitive universal learning activitiesForming search and research activities


discuss problematic issues

make a simple experiment plan;

choose a solution from several offered, briefly

justify the choice;

identify the famous and unknown;

transform models in accordance with the content of the educational material and the educational purpose assigned;

model different relationships between objects

the surrounding world, taking into account their specifics;

explore your own non-standard solutions;

convert object: improvise, modify creatively redoing.

The significance of the development of cognitive universal educational actions

Strategic direction to optimize the initial system general Education is the formation of universal training actions that ensure the readiness and ability of the child to master the competence "be able to learn." The theoretical and methodological and methodological basis of the URA development program is a cultural and historical system and activity approach.

Formation of universal training actions It is a prerequisite for ensuring the continuity of the transition of the child from primary education And the success of his training in the basic school. The organization of educational cooperation and joint training activities, the use of project forms, problem learning of an individual-differentiated approach, information and communicative technologies are significant conditions for increasing the developing potential of educational programs. Indicators for formation of cognitive universal training actions

  • logical operations;
  • determining the number of words in the sentence;
  • accounting of the position of the interlocutor;
  • the ability to negotiate, argue;
  • mutual control, mutual test.


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30. Matyushkin, A. M. Problem situations in thinking and training / A. M. Matyushkin. - M.: Direct-Media, 2008. - 321 p.

31. Medvedeva, N. V. Formation and development of universal training actions in primary general education / N. V. Medvedev // Primary school plus before and after. - 2011. - № 11. - P. 59.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

"Shadrin State Pedagogical Institute"

Department of Pedagogy, Theory and Education Methods

Graduation qualifying work

in the direction of preparation 050100

"Primary education"

"Development of cognitive universal educational actions of younger students in the lessons of the surrounding world"

Artist: Koneva Irina Andreevna

Student 3 courses of correspondence department

Scientific Director: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Stiver Zhdanova Natalia Mikhailovna

Shadrinsk, 2016


Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of the formation of cognitive universal training actions of younger students in the process of learning the subject " The world»

1.4 Conditions for the implementation of cognitive universal educational actions in the process of learning the surrounding world in younger students

Chapter 2. Experimental work on the formation of informative Wood in junior schoolchildren in the lessons of the surrounding world

2.1 Analysis of the practical activity of primary school teachers on the formation of cognitive URU in the learning process subject

2.2 Diagnostics of the formation level of cognitive Wood in younger students

2.3 Implementation of a set of tasks for the formation of cognitive Wood in the process of learning the surrounding world

2.4 Results of experimental work


List of sources used



The urgent task of education becomes ensuring the development of universal educational actions (Wood) as a psychological component of the fundamental core of education along with the modern presentation of the subject matter content of specific disciplines. The GEF of primary general education contains the characteristics of personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative universal training actions. Let us dwell on cognitive universal learning actions.

The formation of wide cognitive motives of teachings in younger students is closely related to the assimilation of theoretical knowledge and orientation on generalized ways of action. An important role is given to the use of cognitive tasks, under which understanding of phenomena and the wording of goals. Teachers are worth the problem of identifying pedagogical conditions and find ways to effectively form the skills necessary for the implementation of cognitive universal educational actions in younger students.

At the same time, it is the younger school age that are favorable for mastering educational universal educational actions.

Famous psychologists and teachers LS are addressed to the concept of development of cognitive universal educational actions. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, D.B. Elkonin, V.V. Davydov, A.G. Asmolov and others.

Given the relevance, practical need and significance was determined the topic of the study: "The development of cognitive universal training actions of younger students in the lessons of the surrounding world."

The purpose of the study: consider theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of cognitive skills of younger students in the lessons of the surrounding world.

Object of the study: Learning to the surrounding world.

Research Subject: The process of formation of cognitive universal educational actions in younger students in the lessons of the surrounding world.

Research Hypothesis: Applying a set of tasks aimed at the formation of cognitive Wood in the lessons of the surrounding world will be effective if: educational pedagogical schoolboy Cognitive

Systematically apply a set of tasks;

Take into account the features of younger school age.

Based on the purpose and hypothesis, the following tasks were identified:

1. Reveal the essence of the concept of cognitive training actions.

2. Consider the psychological and pedagogical aspects of the formation of cognitive Wood in younger students.

3. Examine the conditions for the implementation of cognitive universal training actions.

4. Develop a set of tasks aimed at forming cognitive Wood.

Research methods: Theoretical (comparison, analysis of psychological and pedagogical and methodical literature on research, modeling, generalization), empirical (conversation, observation, surveillance), statistical.

Graduation qualifying work consists of introduction, two chapters, conclusions, applications, the list of used sources.

Practical significance: research materials can be used by primary school teachers, students of the Pedagogical Faculty

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of the formation of cognitive universal training actions in the process of learning the subject "Enough Peace"

1.1 The concept of "cognitive training actions", its essence and features

In the modern system of education, the development of the personality is ensured, first of all, through the formation of universal training actions, speaking the invariant basis of the educational and educational process. Students who took possession of universal learning actions are able to independently and successfully absorb new knowledge, skills and competence, including the organization of assimilation, that is, the ability to learn.

A.G. Asmolov, G.V. Burumen, I.A. Volodarskaya, O.A. Karabanova, L.G. Peterson pays a lot of attention to the study of approaches to the formation of universal learning actions of students.

"In a broad meaning, the term" universal learning actions "(UUD) means the ability to learn, that is, the ability of a subject to self-development and self-improvement through conscious and active assignment of new social experience.

In a narrower (actual psychological) meaning, this term can be determined as a set of ways of step in the student (as well as related learning skills), providing independent assimilation of new knowledge, the formation of skills, including the organization of this process. "

Universal learning activities provide student's opportunities, independently carry out the activities of the teachings, to put training goals, to search and use the necessary funds and ways to achieve them, monitor and evaluate the process and results of activities; Create conditions for the harmonious development of the personality and its self-realization based on readiness for continuing education; Provide a successful learning of knowledge, the formation of skills, skills and competencies in any subject area. Mastering them allows to achieve personal and meta-delicent results established by the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education.

One of the features of universal training actions is their versatility, which manifests itself in the fact that they are metapredized; ensure the integrity of the general cultural, personal and cognitive development and self-development of the individual; ensure the continuity of all levels of the educational process; underlie the organization and regulation of any student activity regardless of its special substantive content; Provide stages of assimilation of the learning content and the formation of student's psychological abilities.

In this regard, universal training should be based on the basis and structuring of the content of education, techniques, methods, forms, and teaching technologies as the necessary components of a holistic educational process.

The Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education is based on a systemic approach. Therefore, the student is currently to move away from the traditional transmission of ready-made knowledge from the teacher. The task of the teacher becomes incorporating the student itself into training activities, organize the process of independently mastering the children of new knowledge, the use of knowledge gained in solving cognitive, educational and practical problems.

It is known that the formation of any personal neoplasms? Skills, abilities, personal qualities? Perhaps only in activities. At the same time, the formation of any skills, including Wood, passes through the following steps:

1) Initially, when studying various learning items, the student forms the primary experience of the execution of URU and motivation to its independent implementation;

2) Based on the existing experience, the student develops knowledge about the general way to perform this Wood;

4) At the end, it is organized control of the formation of this Wood and its systemic practical use in educational practice, both in lessons and in extracurricular activities.

Allocate four blocks of universal training actions:

persons (provide value-semantic orientation of students (knowledge of moral norms, the ability to relate actions and events with accepted ethical principles, the ability to single out the moral aspect of behavior) and orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships);

regulatory (provide students to the organization of their educational activities);

cognitive (system of ways to know the surrounding world, building an independent search process, research and a set of processing operations, systematization, generalization and use of received information),

communicatives (provide social competence and accounting of the position of other people, partners to communicate or activity; the ability to listen and join the dialogue; participate in collective discussion of problems; integrate into a group of peers and build productive interaction and cooperation with peers and adults).

Classification of cognitive universal training actions

Fig. 1. Classification of cognitive Wood

The planned results of the formation of cognitive universal training actions can be classified as follows:

cognitive UUD, reflecting the methods of knowledge of the surrounding world;

cognitive Wood forming mental operations;

cognitive Wood forming search and research activities.

More detailed information on the general planned results of the formation of cognitive Wood is presented in Fig. 2.

However, at different stages of training in elementary school there are certain differences in filling cognitive universal training actions. First of all, they are associated with the age features of students, so as schoolchildren growing up the level of complexity of actions increases, the results of the ranking of Wood in the degree of complexity of their formation are changing. This should be considered, developing a system of tasks aimed at the formation of cognitive universal training actions, the basis of which should be the principle of continuity.

The planned results of the formation of cognitive Wood at different stages of training in elementary school, see Table 1.

In order for the results to be obtained, the teacher must have a whole arsenal of a variety of funds. "Tools - pedagogical material objects and objects of spiritual culture, intended for the organization and implementation of the pedagogical process and performing students' development functions; Subject support for the pedagogical process, as well as a variety of activities in which pupils include: work, game, student chat, knowledge. "

One of the effective means of promoting cognitive motivation, as well as the formation of universal training actions is to create problem situations in the lesson. A.M. Matyushkin characterizes

Fig. 2. General planned results of the formation of cognitive Wood

Table 1 - Planned results of the formation of cognitive Wood at different stages of training in elementary school

the problem situation as "a special kind of mental interaction of the object and the subject characterized by the mental state of the subject (student) in solving them tasks, which requires the detection (discovery or assimilation) of the new, previously subject to the unknown knowledge or methods of activity. In such a lesson, a research approach to learning is being implemented, the principle of activity, the meaning of which is that the child "produces" knowledge in the process of his work.

Project and Research - prerequisite A competence approach and an effective means of forming universal training actions, including cognitive (knowledge of objects of surrounding reality; studying ways to solve problems, mastering the skills of working with information sources, tools and technologies). Student studies provide high informative capacity and systemicity in the assimilation of educational material, use both in-service and interprecotement.

It is essential that concrete information necessary for solving the task or product creation should be found by the students themselves. At the same time, the role of the teacher is changed - it becomes the organizer of collaboration with students, contributing to the transition to real cooperation during the mastering knowledge. As forms of organizing educational and research activities, you can use such as a lesson of invention, a lesson of open thoughts, a lesson - research, lesson - a laboratory, a lesson - a creative report, a lesson - protection of research projects and others.

Considering the issue of technologies for the formation of cognitive URU, it is necessary to turn to a model academic action for a system of cognitive actions, or a common task solving. It includes: Knowledge of the stages of solution (process), methods (solutions), as well as possession of subject knowledge: the concepts, definitions of terms, rules, formulas, logical techniques and operations.

Components of general reception are: Analysis of the text of the task, translation of the text in the language of the subject using verbal and non-verbal means, the establishment of relationships between data and the issue, drawing up and implementing the decision plan, checking and evaluating the solution of the problem.

As a promising technology of learning, ensuring the development of informative URU should be considered development technology critical thinking through reading and writing. The formation of logical universal actions has a positive impact of the use of such techniques, as a cluster, "faithful - incorrect statements", synkievine, essay, zigzag; Generally educational - insert and reading with stops, iconic-symbolic - cluster, setting and solving the problem - "I know - I want to know - I learned", "fat and subtle questions".

It is also interesting to take the preparation of the graph scheme. The graph scheme is a way of modeling the logical structure of the material being studied. There are two types of graph schemes - linear and branched. Graphic image tools are abstract geometric shapes (rectangles, squares, ovals, circles, etc.), symbolic images and drawings and their connections (lines, arrows, etc.). The graph scheme from the plan is distinguished by the fact that it clearly reflects the relationships and relationships between the elements.

The above techniques satisfy the need for students' work, develop the ability to laconic presentation of thoughts in oral and writing, intensify the mental activity of students and in general contribute to the formation of various competencies. The ability to perceive information, the ability to reflection. For example: Reception "I know - I want to know - I found out." Stage "I know" involves fixing the well-known information on the subject of the lesson; "I want to know" - the formulation of the goal; "Faced" - the ratio of old and new information. Increase the motivation to the study of the material, develop the ability to predict the tasks "faithful - incorrect statements", "forecasting". When using the reception, "faithful - incorrect statements", students of several statements on the topic not yet studied. Children choose true statements leaning on own experience Or just guessing. At the stage of reflection, they return to this reception to find out which of the statements were correct. Exercise "Forecasting" can be used in classroom lessons. Students are proposed to predict further consequences of the negative impact of a person on the environment.

Thus, even the above techniques, forms and teaching technology serve as evidence that there are quite a lot of funds that ensure the effective formation of cognitive training actions. However, the successful solution of this problem is possible only with a systematic approach. It must be remembered that universal training actions are a holistic system in which the origin and development of each type of educational action is determined by its attitude with other types of educational actions and the overall logic of age development.

1.2 Psychological and pedagogical aspects of the formation of cognitive Wood in children of primary school age

Changes occurring in modern society require accelerated improvement educational spaceDefinitions of education goals that take into account state, social and personal needs and interests. In connection with this priority, the development of the developing potential of new educational standards is becoming. New social requests define the objectives of education as the general cultural, personal and cognitive development of students, providing such key competence of education as "to teach learning." The most important task of the modern education system is the formation of a set of "universal training actions", which ensure the competence of "teaching to learn", and not only the development of specific objective knowledge and skills in individual disciplines.

The specificity of the modern world is that it changes the increasingly rapid pace. Every ten years, the amount of information in the world is doubled. Therefore, the knowledge gained in school, after a while they obsolete and need correction, and the results of training are not in the form of specific knowledge, and in the form of the ability to learn are becoming more and more popular. Based on this, the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education defined as the main results not subject, but personal and meta-one-universal learning activities. The most important task of the modern education system is the formation of universal training actions that provide schoolchildren to learn, the ability to self-development and self-improvement. All this is achieved by conscious, active assigning social experience. At the same time, knowledge, skills and skills (zun) are considered as derived from the corresponding species of targeted actions, i.e. They are formed, applied and persisted in close relationship with the active actions of the students themselves.

The development of the personality in the education system is provided primarily through the formation of universal training actions (Wood), which are the invariant basis of the educational and educational process. Passing by students by universal training acts as the ability to self-development and self-improvement through conscious and active assignment of new social experience. Wood create an independent successful assimilation of new knowledge, skills and competencies, including the organization of assimilation, that is, the ability to learn.

The changes occurring in modern social life caused the need to develop new approaches to the training system and upbringing.

Modern children have changed much compared to the time when there was a previously operating system of education. It is quite natural that certain problems arose in the training and education of the modern young generation. Let us dwell on some of them:

There is a gradual flushing out of activities and replace them with training type. The plot-role-playing game does not occupy a leading place, which leads to the difficulties of developing the arbitrariness of behavior, figurative, the motivational sphere, without ensuring the formation of psychological readiness for school learning.

Anxiety causes adult orientation exclusively to the mental development of the child to the detriment of spiritual and moral education and personal Development. As a result of this process, loss of interest in teaching.

The awareness of children has sharply increased. If earlier the school and lessons were sources to receive information about the world, man, society, nature, today the media, the Internet is a significant factor in the formation of a picture of the world in a child, and not always positive.

Modern children read little, especially classical and fiction. Television, movies, video displace literary reading. From here and difficulties in school training related to the impossibility of semantic analysis of texts of various genres; non-formation of the internal action plan; The difficulty of logical thinking and imagination.

In elementary school, studying different items, a student at the level of the possibilities of its age should master the ways of cognitive, creative activity, master communicative and information skills, be prepared for the continuation of education.

Most of the teachers have to rebuild thinking, based on new tasks that modern education puts. The content of education does not change much, but, by implementing a new standard, each teacher should go beyond the scope of his subject, thinking primarily about the development of the child's personality, the need to form universal learning skills, without which the student will not be able to be successful in the next levels of education, Neither in professional activities.

Successful training in primary school is impossible without the formation of teaching skills in the younger students who make a significant contribution to the development of the cognitive activity of the student, since they are generally educational, that is, do not depend on the specific content of the subject. At the same time, each academic object in accordance with the specificity of the content occupies its place in this process.

For example, in the first graduation lessons, letters in front of the child are taught training tasks, and first, together with the teacher, and then independently, he explains the sequence of training operations (actions), which makes it possible. Thus, conducting sound analysis, first-graders are focused on the word model, give its qualitative characteristic. To do this, they need to know all the actions necessary to solve this training task: to determine the number of sounds in the word, set their sequence, analyze the "quality" of each sound (vowel, consonant, soft, solid consonant), designate each sound with the corresponding color model. At the beginning of training, all these actions act as subject, but it will pass a little time, and the student will use the actions algorithm, working with any learning content. Now the main result of learning is that the schoolboy, having learned to build a plan for performing a learning task, will no longer be able to work differently.

In a wide meaning, the term "universal training actions" means the ability to learn, i.e. The ability to self-development and self-improvement by conscious and active assigning new social experience. In a narrower sense, this term can be defined as a set of student's action methods that ensure its ability to independently assimilate new knowledge and skills, including the organization of this process.

The formation of universal training actions in the educational process is carried out in the context of the assimilation of various academic disciplines. Each learning subject, depending on the subject matter and methods of organizing educational activities, discloses certain opportunities for the formation of a Wood.

The universal nature of educational actions is manifested in the fact that they are competent, meta-delimited nature; ensure the integrity of the general cultural, personal and cognitive development; ensure the continuity of all levels of the educational process; There are at the heart of the organization and regulation of any student activity regardless of its special and substantive content.

This ability is ensured by the fact that universal training actions are generalized ways of action, opening the possibility of a wide orientation of students, both in various subject areas and in the structure of the educational activity itself, including the awareness of the students of its goals, value-semantic and operational characteristics. Thus, the achievement of the "ability to learn" implies a full development of all components of educational activities that include:

Training motifs

Training goal

Learning task

Training actions and operations (orientation, material transformation, control and evaluation).

In basic requirements for the results of the main educational program Initial general education established by the Federal State Educational Standard, universal training actions are allocated (UUD), which addresses special attention.

Educational actions - an integral part of educational activities. Wood is actions of a variety of destinations necessary in its organization and exercise of training activities. If the student has mastered the Wood, we can say that he mastered the academic activities.

During training activities, subject and cognitive actions are learned. Training activities (like any other) consists of individual components - actions, operations, motives, tasks. Psychologists exempted the essential characteristics of educational activities that distinguish it from other activities:

1) it is specially aimed at mastering educational materials and solving educational tasks;

2) there are general ways of action and scientific concepts;

3) General methods of action predetermine the solution of tasks;

4) educational activities lead to changes in the subject itself;

5) Changes in mental properties and behavior of students occurs depending on the results of their own actions.

The term universal learning actions is psychological. As part of the main types of universal training actions that meet the key goals of general education, four blocks can be distinguished:

1) Personal;

2) regulatory (including self-regulation actions);

3) cognitive;

4) Communicative.

Cognitive universal actions include: general educational, logical, as well as the formulation and solution of the problem.

Cognitive academic activities are associated with the formation of skills aimed at the development of the intellectual level of students on the definition of the stage of the educational process. This is the skills:

Mastering the logical actions of comparison, analysis, syntax, generalizations, classifications for transitional features, establish analogy and causal relationships, constructing reasoning, assigning known concepts;

Identify the essence of the features of objects, processes and phenomena of reality in accordance with the content of a specific educational subject;

Use in their activities basic subject and interprecotement, reflecting significant links and relationships between objects and processes;

Use the iconic and symbolic means of presenting information to create models of studied objects and processes, schemes for solving educational and practical tasks;

Find ways to solve problems of creative and search nature.

Development Wood is a very important and necessary task. This is not only the formation of various psychological processes that are necessary for a person, but also the development of abilities to solve any life tasks using existing knowledge and skills, which contributes to the upbringing of a competent person.

These types of Wood are also formed in the process of studying various academic disciplines. All this helps the child to include in the memorization process all types of memory, materializes spelling concepts, allows you to develop observation, forms the ability to analyze, compare, draw conclusions.

Cognitive UUD includes general educational, logical actions, as well as actions of setting and solving problems.

Overworking universal actions:

Independent allocation and formulation of a cognitive goal;

Search and selection of necessary information; application of information retrieval methods, including using computer tools;

Structuring knowledge;

Conscious and arbitrary construction of speech statement in oral and writing;

Choosing the most effective ways to solve problems depending on the specific conditions;

Reflexion of methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results;

Semantic reading; understanding and adequate assessment of the language of the media;

Staging and formulating the problem, independent creation of activity algorithms in solving problems of creative and search nature.

Functions of universal training actions include:

* Providing student opportunities to independently carry out the activities of the teaching, to put educational goals, search and use the necessary funds and ways to achieve them, monitor and evaluate the process and results of activities;

* Creation of conditions for the harmonious development of the individual and its self-realization based on readiness for continuing education, the need for a society and high professional mobility is due to the policularity of society and high professional mobility;

* Ensuring the successful learning of knowledge, skills and skills and the formation of competencies in any subject area.

Cognitive actions are also a significant resource for success and influence both the effectiveness of the activity and communication and self-assessment, the sense formation and self-determination of the student.

Consider the stages of the formation of the Wood. According to the theory of the systematic phased formation of actions and the concepts of P. Ya. Galperin, the subject of formation should be actions, understood as ways to solve a certain class of tasks. To do this, it is necessary to highlight the system of conditions, the accounting of which not only provides, but even "forces" the student to act correctly and only correctly, in the required form and with the specified indicators.

This system includes three subsystems:

1) conditions ensuring the construction and proper execution of a new method of action;

2) conditions providing "working out", that is, education of the desired properties of the method of action;

3) conditions that allow you to confidently and fully transferring (Interior) performing action from an external subject form to a mental plan.

Six stages of interiorization of action are isolated.

At the first stage, the assimilation begins with the creation of a motivational basis of action, when the student's attitude is laid down to the objectives and tasks of the appropriate action, to the content of the material on which it is processed. This ratio may change, but the role of continuous motivation for assimilation is generally very large.

At the second stage, the approaching scheme of the approximate framework of action is becoming, that is, the reference systems required to perform the action with the required qualities. During the development of the action, this scheme is constantly checked and specified.

At the third stage, an action is generated in a material (materialized) form, when the orientation and execution of the action are carried out with a support on the externally presented components of the approximate framework scheme.

The fourth stage is the nippers. There is a transformation of action - instead of support for external assigned tools, the student proceeds to the description of these means and action in external speech. The need for materialized (materialized) representation of the approximate framework scheme, as well as the material form, disappears; Its content is fully reflected in speech, which begins to act as a basic support for becoming actions.

At the fifth stage (the action in the external speech "to ourselves") there is a further transformation of action - a gradual reduction in the external, sound side of speech, the main content of the action is transferred to an internal, mental plan.

On the sixth stage, the action is performed in a hidden speech and acquires the form of its own mental action.

Empirically, the formation of action, concept or image can pass with the skipping of some stages of this scale; Moreover, in some cases, such a pass is psychologically quite justified, because The student in his past experience has already mastered the relevant forms and is able to successfully include them in the current process of formation (action with objects or their substituents, speech forms, etc.).

Thus, this paragraph examines the psychological and pedagogical aspects of cognitive universal educational actions of younger students. In the next section, we consider the formation of this type of universal training actions in younger students in the lessons of the surrounding world.

1.3 Formation of informative Wood in younger students in the lessons of the surrounding world

Cognitive UUD differ from the knowledge of knowledge, skills and skills. Zun (s) were focused on a simple relay of knowledge. The teacher "drove the program", the children listened, did not always hear, did not always understand, did not always have time to think. The teacher had once to make sure whether the children think, and do not think to children, they need to be learned, memorized. As a result, the teacher gradually turned into a person who considers himself the smartest, most knowledgeable, most - the most ... The student, in conditions of permanent edification, became intimidated, insecure, devoid of his opinion, or an explosion and unmanaged little man. With this position of things, it is pointless to wait for the emergence of strong, creative, confident personalities, ready to think positively and decisively act.

The fundamental difference of school standards of the new generation is their orientation to achieve not only subject educational results, but, above all, to form the personality of students, mastering by universal methods of training activities, ensuring success in cognitive activity at all stages of further education.

Cognitive universal learning activities are one of the four blocks that are part of the main types of universal training actions that meet the key goals of general education and the components of the functional literacy of students. For a teacher, it is important to understand that their formation depends on structural components, which for simplicity of perception structuring in Table 1.

Table 1 - Classification of components of cognitive Wood


Compare and allocate

signs for which objects are compared

signs of similarities

signs of differences

the main and minor in the studied object

significant signs of the object


divide an object

characterize parts of this object

Draw out

find the main thing in the studied phenomenon or object

establish the main cause of the phenomenon

briefly make a statement connecting the cause and consequence


divide an object

part in a certain sequence

define connections between parts

register graphic image

From the 1st table we see that in order to form skills, the teacher should know what actions they include. She is a guide to the action of a teacher who, during systematic work, be obtained by the formed cognitive universal training actions characterized by specific skills. This is a kind of toolkit for the diagnosis of listed skills and their criteria, which determines the development and implementation of these components of the Wood.

Cognitive universal learning activities include three main types of actions: general educational, logical, formulation and solving problems. Each action includes specific techniques of activity that the learning should be seized. Table 2 shows the techniques of cognitive Wood and their operational characteristics.

Table 2 - Receptions and Operating Characteristics of Cognitive Wood


General Forged Universal Actions

Selection and formulation of a cognitive goal

Independent action student

search and selection of necessary information

application of information retrieval methods, including with the help of computer tools

symbolic iconic (modeling)

converting an object from a sensual form into a model where the essential characteristics of the object (space-graphic or iconic-symbolic) and the conversion of the model in order to identify general laws defining this subject area


application of schemes and tables

choosing the most effective ways to solve problems depending on specific conditions.

reflection of methods and conditions of action

control and evaluation of the process and performance

semantic reading

understanding the purpose of reading and choosing a type of read depending on the purpose

removing the necessary information from the listened texts of various genres

definition of primary and secondary information

free orientation and perception of texts of artistic, scientific, journalistic and official-business styles

understanding and adequate assessment of the language of the media

conscious and arbitrary construction of speech statement in oral and writing



independent creation of activity algorithms in solving problems of creative and search nature

Universal logic actions

analysis of objects

selection of signs (significant, insignificant)

establishment of causal relationships

construction of the logical chain of reasoning


drawing up a whole of parts, including independently completing, felt missing components

allocation of significant and irrelevant signs

establish an analogy

the choice of foundations I.


comparisons, seriations, object classifications

summing up under the concept

derivation of converse

advance hypotheses

their rationale

Staging and solving the problem



independent creation of ways to solve problems of creative and search nature

The techniques and characteristics of the basic actions of informative Wood allow you to specify the basic requirements for the results of their development: the student perceives and analyzes messages; owns the action of modeling; owns the spectrum of logical actions and operations; owns common techniques for solving educational tasks; Searches for information; builds in oral and writing message; performs synthesis and analysis; Conducts comparison and classification; Sets causal relationships.

It is important to note that such a generally educational versatile action as a reflection. Reflection by students of his actions involves the awareness of all components of educational activities. The reflexive development of students needs to be paid special attention, ensuring the change of positions and a different look at their activities. It is necessary to enable the child not only to learn and be in the position of the "student", but also the opportunity to teach another to be in the position of the "teacher."

We concretize the content of cognitive universal training actions that are formed in the lessons of the surrounding world:

Mastering acceptance of analysis;

Deriving consequences from the definition of the concept;

The ability to compare, bring content examples;

Setting a problematic question or a problem situation that encourages students interest in finding a response during work with the material;

The creation of gaming situations in the lessons, which allows you to make a more dynamic and interesting process of studying the surrounding world, the names of geographic objects. Questions in the game should not be very simple and complex. The question should generate an incentive to work with additional literature, to a deep understanding of the topic.

It should be noted that the student moves along the individual route and masters the Wood phasately, while the teacher must take into account its unique development: intellectual, emotional, psychological, physiological, etc. Organization of the development of universal training actions should be carried out in stages:

Table 3 - The main stages of the formation of Wood in the younger students in the lessons of the surrounding world

In a simplified understanding, the first stage of the formation of the Wood is envisaged on the basis of 1-4 classes and is reproductive.

We should also pay special attention to the initial level of education has a specific goal and the content of cognitive universal educational actions. The organization of phased development URU provides a transition from simple levels of execution to higher: from materialized to speech and mental form of action. The most important criterion for the assimilation of the Wood on the content of any subject is the process of interiorization - performing action from an external subject form to a mental plan through speech forms. The more opportunity for each learning to speak the sequence of training actions, the more effective will be an interiorization for him. Table 4 presents cognitive UUD, which contain demonstration components - speech actions, logical and iconic symbolic.

Table 4 - indicative components in relation to cognitive Wood on the initial level of failure

Cognitive Uud.

brain teaser

Symbolic iconic

Learn to learn

Publication Date: 03/26/16


Modern society is inextricably linked with the informatization process. There is a widespread introduction of information technology. One of the priorities of the process of informatization of modern society is the informatization of education, i.e. The introduction of funds for new information technology into the education system.
The ownership of information technology is placed in the modern world in one row with such qualities as the ability to read and write. The person, skillfully, effectively owning technologies and information, has another, new style of thinking, fundamentally otherwise approaches the evaluation of the problem, to the organization of its activities.

This level corresponds to the method of perception of information that is distinguished by a new generation of schoolchildren, which has grown on TV, computers and mobile phoneswhich is much higher than the need for temperamental visual information and visual stimulation.

Primary education - A special step in the development of the child. For the first time, training becomes leading. But the elementary school student is another child who loves to play. How to build your work so that the children in the lesson are interested, comfortable, but at the same time they learned to think to work hard with educational material, mastering new knowledge.

Modern society needs a person who can successfully live and fully work in a changing world, which is able to independently make a choice, take a non-standard solution.

The teacher arises a problem: How to fulfill the order of modern society, to realize the goals of primary education: to teach younger schoolchildren to learn, get the maximum effect in the development of thinking and creative abilities.

The purpose of my workis to to uncover The mechanism of development of informative Wood younger schoolboy in the lessons of the surrounding world by means of ICT.

Relevance of workdetermined by the need to obtain qualitative knowledge of students.

In conditions of transition to GEF, one of the key tasks is the formation of a Wood, leading place among which is occupied by cognitive Wood. Cognitive actions are a significant resource for success and affect both the effectiveness of the activity and communication and self-esteem, provide the ability to know the surrounding world.

An object Research: The learning process of junior schoolchildren using information and communication technologies.
Itemt.research: Cognitive Wood Junior Schoolchildren.
Hypothesesbut Studies are based on the assumption that the use of information and communication technologies in the lessons of the surrounding world contributes to the formation of cognitive URU.
In accordance with the purpose of the object, the subject and hypothesis of the study were delivered tasks :
1. Allocate the directions of using ICT in the lessons of the surrounding world for the development of cognitive Wood.
2. Develop an ICT application system in the lessons of the surrounding world, ensuring the development of cognitive Wood.
3. Determine the types of tasks on the formation of cognitive Wood by means of ICT at different stages of the lesson.

1.1. Areas of work

The use of ICT in the lessons of the surrounding world allows you to move from an explanatory-illustrated method of learning to an activity, in which the child becomes an active subject of educational activities.

Application of information communication technologies I carry out the following areas:

© Creating presentations.

Multimedia presentations used in the surrounding lessons allow us to make lessons more interesting, includes not only vision, but also ear, emotions, imagination, help children to immerse themselves in the material studied, make the learning process less tedious, go to exciting travel.

In the presentation, we include visual information in the form of video phrases, films about nature and the surrounding life.
Create a presentation not only in POWER PONT format, but also Smart Notebook.

© Use the ID in the lessons of the surrounding world.

Make the learning process with bright, visual, dynamic in my work helps the use of an interactive whiteboard.

The Gallery of Built-in Interactive Tools, the functionality of the SMART Notebook program gives me a space for creating various cognitive tasks, tests, crosswords, entertaining games, thanks to which each student turns out to be involved in a cognitive process and is a really active participant in the lesson.

The use of an interactive board in the lessons of the surrounding world significantly saves time, increases the learning load of the student in the class by increasing the flow of information, stimulates the development of mental and creative activities, includes all students of the class, improves learning motivation.

© On the lessons i use a variety of Internet resources, i spend cognitive virtual travels, excursions: "My body. How is it arranged?"

Virtual tour of the Moscow Kremlin, the Novgorod Kremlin, a tour of the large theater virtual journey to Kizhi;

- Organizationwork with electronic encyclopedias;

- I select interactive tasks, posters, maps app

Examples of using me Internet resources are decorated in Appendix 1, p.

I use on your lessons ready tutorials. "Nature and Man" "Kirill and Methodius Lessons" to effectively search for information, we appeal to electronic children's encyclopedias.

© We develop and use your own author's programs.

Powerpont presentations;

Smart Notebook;


Simulators. Appendix 2, p.

As part of the implementation of GEF NOO in December 2012, new digital equipment was received to our school. Modern digital laboratory besides the digital electronic board includes laptops, microscopes, digital sensors. Having studied The possibility of using digital laboratory equipment, began to actively use it in its work.

Organize in lessons different types of work on laptops:

P. tests;

P. simulators;

P. Editing messages;

P. search for information;

P. Creative tasks;

P. design, modeling;

P. partial search work;

I turn on the work on laptops at different stages of the lesson - during the actualization of knowledge, setting a problem situation, with the introduction of new knowledge, their generalization, consolidation, during dictionary work, to control knowledge, skills and skills, in monitoring to track the results of learning, with individual and group work.

Developing in the lessons of the surrounding world, the information literacy of students based on working with different sources of information.

Support the desire of a child to independent activities, to develop interest in experimenting, creating conditions for research activities helps working with a microscope.

The system of work on the use of a digital microscope in the lessons of the surrounding world CMC "Perspective Primary School" is decorated in Appendix 3, p.

Working with a microscope allows you to conduct a lesson at a high current level, increases the interest of students to the subject studied, significantly expands their knowledge.

Working with digital sensors in the lessons of the surrounding world. (I will finish this item)

- "Measurement of the pulse rate with different physical exertion" was measured with a pulse before and after the lesson of physical attacks.

Measurements of temperature ambient In the class after each lesson and on changes after conducting. The data was presented in the form of a column chart and schedule.

1.2 Activities that contribute to the formation of informative Wood:

Use in work reference schemes, tables Allows you to manage the cognitive activity of students, increase the information container lesson, use different forms of work, facilitates the assimilation of the new material in the lesson.

- organizing research and project activities

P Research projects:

Ÿ "The Red Book of the Cherepovets district ..."

Ÿ "Let us remember our old"

Ÿ "The meaning of the forest in a person's life" - a district competition of social projects "for the benefit of the Fatherland"

Ÿ "Teleboy and light-loving plants of our class"

P Creative projects:

  • The project "Birds - our friends!"
  • "Houseplants of our class"

P Information:

Ÿ "My Pets" creation of mini encyclopedia




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Cognitive Uud.










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Cognitive Uud.




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