Rule dedicated to the day. Damage line

Rule dedicated to the day. Damage line

186210, Kondopogsky district, Village Berezovka, ul. Central, house 4 A, phone fax (81451) 37 - 430,


teacher primary classes

Filina Nadezhda Mikhailovna

Damage line

Leading. - Hello, dear guys, dear teachers, parents, guests! September 1, 2012. After a long summer vacation, we again all gathered in this room. It is very nice to see your smiles on your faces.
Summer flew like a comet.Leaves on trees wishes,Ran out vacation and summerBirds just did not fly away.Sounded familiar school waltz,In the line inviting us.
September 1 of this year - the first school day for first-graders. 5 first-graders will overcome the threshold of our school. Let us greet them. Meet the guys grade 1!

MUSIC.(The hall includes first-graders.)

Leading. Allow a ruler on the birthday of knowledge, read open.

Sounds anthemRussia.

Leading. The word is provided to the school director - Garden Pichkobiy T.Yu.

Music sounds. Cat Basilio and Lisa Alice.

A fox. -Good day!Cat. -Hello! Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge! The Minister of Education sent us with the task: to check how the school is ready for the new school year, as in the school of students, teachers.Leading. - I will be glad to help you. This is second-graders. Teacher Efimova Lidia Ivanovna will be learning. She worked for 25 years at school.1. I go to school soonAgain with a smile on the face.And I meet bolderChildren in the yard!2. How long have we not seen!Summer knelling passed.And now we met,To learn good!3. Hello school!Hello, school!The first holiday of September.This day is so funFor guys and for me!
Fox and cat.- Well done!Leading.-In 3 grades we have one student -Vitya Razhev. He is a smart and diligent boy.A fox. -Now check!Cat. Five five!A fox.Two by two!Cat.How to write a Cow or Karov?A fox.Well, Wunderkind! Everything knows!Cat.And the 4th grade for the school year is ready?Chorus: Ready! Leading.Guys will perform a chastushki.
    Clee Listic, Klena Listic
In the air spinning. Moms of children send In the first class to learn. 2. On a solemn ruler First grades in a row stand Here is the trouble, because of the bouquets Only nozzles stick out. 3. I will learn to try And "tops" receive. Well, the ring will be "deuce" I will be silent about that. 4. I, friends, ready for study, And my dad says: "You will be, son, scientist You will be very famous. 5. The academic year was taken ASKIY PERSINAL. And I will oppress me: -Scoro vacation? Leading.- How a cool leader, I want to wish graduates to be inquisitive, diligent and then you achieve excellent results. Cat.-Be comprehended with them! A fox.And where is the class 1? Something we do not see! Leading.Yes, here they are! The most important birthday women of this day. Look, what are the elegant, still small, but today in an adult focused. He will lead first-graders on the way of knowledge Nadezhda Grigorievna. A fox. -Do you have a list of students? We want to get acquainted closer! Meleshkina Ariana! -I! Etc. Cat.Check whether you are ready for school. Do you know the letters? (Show a, o, and, m). And numbers? A fox.Guess the riddles. * In the corridor pin foot He calls everyone to the lesson! (Call.) * Letters all from A to Z On the pages ... .. (Speaker). * Who will color your album? Well, of course, (pencil).
Cat.-Yes, lucky you with students! Leading.- The word is provided to our chief participants of the celebration - first-graders!
I will study five With letters already familiar. I will learn to read - and by the summer Wrong to the library. Oral score scatter I recalculate everything. And now, and now, Open us, school, door! Take school us Take us in the 1st grade!
Fox and cat. -We want to give you useful advice: * In the morning you wake up early Pretty wash. So that at school do not yaw Nose desk do not peck. * Take yourself to order, Do not play with things in hide and seek. Each book is expensive Clean the briefcase hold! * Dress carefully, To watch it was nice. In the lessons do not gigchi, Chair there and do not move here. * Tell everyone about school, Honor school values. Learn to write, read, count To get a rating "five"!
A fox.- Summary to you, first-graders! The Minister of Education requested a new alphabet guys. Cat and Lisa are handed to the foremails of ABC. A fox. Yes, you surprised you and pleased us. How many talented children study here! So report on the minister! Successes to you in the new school year!

Fox and cat leave.

Leading.Now it is time for the most solemn minute. The right to give the first call in this academic year is provided with a gradent student - ... and a student of grade 1 - ... Flew in the morning calling Now again on the lesson. Let solemnly and loud The first ringing call.

Rings call.

Leading.The right to go from the solemn line to its first lesson is provided to students of grade 1.

Music sounds. Pupils are diverged by classes.

Literature: S.Afanasyev "Holidays in School" Moscow "AST-PRESS BOOK", 2003 Scenarios of school holidays "First Cracks Visiting Fairy Tale" Grade 1 "Rostov on Don", 2001 School holiday scenarios Moscow "Enlightenment", 1990

/ Music-1 /

1 Presenter: (Music sounds background)

Good day school! We are together again! That ended our cheerful mischievous summer, and with him such short long-awaited summer holidays were cleaned.

2 Host:

But we are confident that each of you was looking forward to when you can return here! But today is a really big holiday and teachers and students!

1 Presenter:

Today is the beginning of the new school year. Today is the day of meeting school friends after a long separation.

2 Host:

The bell the last one has recently spent
Today, the first schoolchildren meets
Oh, if I knew how he was waiting for the summer,
Worried, he loves children.

1 Presenter:

For our 9-grades today, the last "first call" will be silent. But for first-graders, he is the very first "first bell".

2 Host:

And how are the remaining classes, ready for the new school year? Now check.

1 Presenter:

Like Delician, kids!
Both girls and boys!
We now consider you.
And we all learn about you.

2 Host:

In school, we do not find us now!
Primary classes guys are you here?


1 Presenter:

Figy-graders, are you here? (Here!)
So we will be friends!

2 Host:

Six school students, are you with us? (With you!)

1 Presenter:

And the seventh, as always,
New meeting Rada, yes? (Yes!)

2 Host:

And eighth, what did you get sick?
Did you pay off from studying?
This, brothers, not trouble!
Do we want to learn? Yes? (Yes!)

1 Presenter:

Here and all teachers -
Our best friends.
In our school we always
Well lives? (Yes!)

(The lead turns to the director):

Dear ...! The school in full on the line was built and ready for the new school year!

2 Host: / Music-2 - background /

Today, 17 first-graders poured into our school friendly family. They dreamed the whole summer about this day, they worried and certainly the night did not sleep well. Everything for them is new, their first school days begin.

1 Presenter:

We invite you to make a range of honorable students of grade 1 along with class teacher - ... and students of the 9th grade along with the class teacher - ....

(First-graders come to the music, first-graders withdraw 9-graders, then the 9th grade ranks in the hall) - Music-2 - louder!

2 Host:

Colors, Bows, Smiles - Sea!
At every festive outfit.
Today is a holiday in every school,
Throughout the country, all guys!

1 Presenter:

Study, hello! School, hello!
We go for the knowledge of the campaign.
Today is a holiday - a school holiday,
We celebrate the school year!

(Sounds the Anthem of the Russian Federation - 1 verse) / Music-3 - 1 verse and chorus /

2 Host:

The word for congratulations is provided to the school director - ...

1 Presenter: / Music-4 - background /

Today in our hall is present, and other very important guests are our dear veterans of the Great Patriotic War: (applause)

List of residents of Blocade Leningrad:


2 Host:

The next 2015 is the anniversary year in the history of our country, this is the year of the 70th anniversary of the victory in this terrible war. The whole country, our Great City, our Kolpinsky district, and our school will be directly involved in the celebration of this anniversary. And today we welcome our veterans. (presentation of flowers veterans, grade 6)

1 Presenter:

On May 7, 2011, our city - Kolpino was awarded the honorary title "City of Military Glory" for courage, resistance and mass heroism, manifested by the defenders of the city in the struggle for the liberation and independence of the Fatherland.

2 Host:

A August 21 of this year, i.e. Almost two weeks ago in our city, the 4th silent of the "Cities of Military Glory" was held. This will be devoted to cool clocks, which will be held after the solemn ruler in each class.

1 Presenter:

And we continue our holiday ... / Music-5 - background /

2 Host:

The word is provided with the most important perpetrators of our celebration - first-graders!


1 (loud girl)

Look at us
Before you first class!
First class - the beginning of the trail
To the life of a big way
I will not be more timid,
Learn I want to go!

2 (Funny boy with a toy cat)

To school we all gathered,
Have grown all night,
Smiled, dressed up
Even a cat wanted to help
Only we said to the cat:
"Cat, you do not interfere with adults.
We used to play with you
I go to school, you know! "

3 (Little girl with doll and bouquet)

Behind the bouquet is poorly visible
So far, I'm growing lower.
I am a little offended -
Doll can not with you.

4 (Little boy with typewriter)

To school, I run clipping!
Mom, late expect.
For me read the book
And in the cars play.

5 (boy with a letter)

Business in the family I am the most
And now big quite,
You are reading my mother, mom,
And then you will tell me.

6 (girl)

We promise today,
To all be in all
Graduate, we know exactly
We will not let you down.

7 (boy or girl)

In this wonderful bright day
To school, we do not go too lazy
We say: "Cozy class,
Take a welcome us! "

All (choir):

We promise not to be lazy
Just learning well!

1 Presenter:

Dear first graders! You came to our school for the first time in the first class. Not all of what has been said here remains in your memory. But the person who will lead you for the first time on a difficult road of knowledge, will always be dear. This is your first teacher - ....

1 Presenter: / Music-6 - at the exit - louder, after - background /

But the sage arrived to us for the holiday - an honorary resident of the "knowledge of the country".

(comes out the sage with a scroll in a confedect)

Oh, schoolchildren, oh, schoolgirls,
Laughter and joy, mind rash,
O, teachers, o, director,
How many thoughts are in your eyes.

Today, joyful and exciting day for all those gathered here, we are present at the birth of a new school year. But for first-graders and graduates it is a special year.

I ask the most young students of the school to come forward.

First-graders, to accept oath ready?

Attach your left hand to the chest! I say the phrase of the oath, and you answer me: "I swear!"

First-graders: Ready!

Sage: I swear before everyone try to be healthy to be, our school regularly walk!

First graders: I swear!

First graders: I swear!

I swear that I would be very trying.
My friends will continue to do with my friends.

First graders: I swear!

Sage: I swear I am brought up to be,
Do not run in school, but walking.

First graders: I swear!

And if I violated my oath,
Then I give my milk tooth,
Then I promise to wash forever dishes,
And I will not play on the computer!

First graders: I swear!

Sage: the child is always perfect I will, and my oath will never forget.

First graders: I swear! I swear! I swear! (The sage hands the scrolls for first-graders)

Sage: Congratulations! You are accepted in the ranks of schoolchildren, be worthy students! You are awarded the permanent permissions of 1-graders that will help you in your school life.

(Sage Hands Scrolls - Praising First Cold /Attachment 1 / And under the music goes) - Music-6 - louder!

2 Host:

Dear first graders! We will gladly take you to our big, friendly, school family. 8 years ago, our 9-graders also stood on the school yard, and they also talked to the words of the graduates of graduates. Let this holiday day you will be remembered for life.

1 Presenter:

We are always glad to friends, but at the holiday - guests! With the words of congratulations to you - a deputy of the municipal council of the city ... - ....

(speaks with congratulations, BP i am learning gifts from the municipal council) -/ Music-7 - loud /

1 Presenter: N.I., please, please, another guest! ??

2 Host:

Friends! I ask everyone to look around. See how many moms, dads, grandparents are here.

1 Presenter:

They all came here to send their children to another journey through the magical country of knowledge.

2 Host:

Today we especially congratulate the parents of first-graders with the fact that their children have become completely adults! Not so long ago, you read the fairy tales for the night, played with them. Now they join a new life stage. Now they will be able to read, write and count, and soon they will begin to write complex dictations and solve test work.

1 Presenter:

But without your help, they can not do! Therefore, on this holiday, you want to wish you a huge patience in the school year and fun on this first school day that will be remembered for many years.

And now we will check whether the parents are ready for our first-graders to help and support their children!

  1. Word the Pythagore's theorem!
  2. Continue the poem "goes bull, swinging ..."
  3. Remember how the name was not the unwitting third piglet?
  4. Is your favorite subject in school?
  5. What was your first teacher?
  6. Who did you dream to be when I studied in grade 1?
  7. Remember your first "2"!
  8. Name the water formula!

1 Presenter:

Congratulations! You coped with the tasks. And they got the right to deliver our 1st closhes to the Ice Palace for a festive performance! (Presentation of tickets for parents and children class 1 in the "Ice Palace")

2 Host:

Yesterday your kroha
Today became a schoolboy already.
Joyful, but also a little bit -
It became for you now in the soul.
This class and this school
Let a good world become for him,
He comes home let merry,
And it is just easy to study at school!

1 Presenter: / Music-8 - background /

Dear fifth langs for you is also an unusual day, because today you first crossed the threshold of high school. Grade 5 will bring a lot of new and unusual in your life: these are new items, and new teachers, and new requirements, and new problems, but I hope that all the problems we will overcome, because we will solve them together. You have the word 5-graders!

5-graders (3 people):

Yesterday B yesterday primary school
With the teacher the first one.
We have comprehended wise sciences
And older than becoming striking as soon as possible.

Now worries, probably add:
Lessons are more, the material is more difficult.
But we must cope with them
We in difficulties are becoming friendly.

Barely on the road! We go to new knowledge!
Today we have become a little more adults.
When will the efforts for the efforts,
We will remember our all teachers.

CLK-CH 5 class:

You stepped over the middle threshold, and I became your class teacher. I will preserve our cool team and promise ... no, I do not promise, but I swear!

1 Presenter:

Grade 5, to the oath of your teacher to get ready. I ask you to get up!

Kohl in life I chose this path,
I swear with him never collapse!
And if (God forbid!) Bed will happen,
Guys will support everywhere and always!
On the way of kindness I will instruct them!
Smaller punish, and convince!
Deep knowledge to children giving
To do this, expand your horizons!
Class and children swear I love
And I will do everything to be the best in school to us!

1 Presenter:

Grade 5, I ask you to sit down!

(dance "Just forward!") / Music-9 - loud /

1 Presenter:

If the study for some of this school year is just beginning, for others it continues, and for someone this academic year will be the last ... today a solemn day has our graduates, 9-graders. (leaves the bell)/ Music-10 - background /

And now our special guest.


Hello everyone, did not wait for me?
And I came to congratulate you!
I am a great alphabet.
I am a school bell
I came to call!

/ Music-11 - background /

Well, that, the cornea of \u200b\u200bschool sciences, the master of control and essays, professors for renting.

For you, I declare a five-minute school issues and answers "What is good and what is bad."

I say the beginning of the phrase, and the end adds 9 class students. Okay?

9-Glass: Good!


Good to meet the director ...
Bad to meet the director ....
Well, if the teacher ...
Bad if the teacher ...
Well, if at school ...
Bad if at school ...
Well, if in the morning ...
Bad if in the morning ...

What are friendly, smart and fun class 9 classrooms. For this I give you my gifts - Bells! (Presentation of bells graduates)

First-graders, promise to become such as the 9th grade?

First-graders: Yes!

9 - Glassworks:

Near the school, near our
Right from early morning
Again autumn pore
Color gathered.
Hello you guys!
Our school is glad to all
For a while broke up
Friends remained
To meet the first day of September!
We rested over the summer
And now you are also knewing
Boldly you, try, for business
And science post.
Good luck, guys!
We are glad to us for everyone:
Learn, hurry,
Love objects,
Today is the first day of September.

(Sing the song "School is the world") / Music-12 /

2 Host:

All! All! All! Immediately congratulate each other on the holiday, pay tribute to all school employees. / Music-13 - Background /(after FF. Children are handing flowers)

1 Presenter:

Today we congratulate the director of our school - ...

2 Host:

We welcome the width on educational work - ....

1 Presenter:

With the new school year, we congratulate the Deputy Director for the Administrative and Economic Part - ...

2 Host:

Together with the guys, we welcome their cool mentors:

(Children give flowers to the music of the teachers)

/ Music-13 - louder /

1 - class teacher 9 class - ....

2 - class leader8 class and teacher of the Russian language and literature - ... etc.

2 Host:

Today in our hall we welcome our expensive teachers:

(in turn say 1 and 2 presenter)

1 - psychologist and social teacher ...

2 - the secretary of the head ...

1 - teacher technology- ...

2 - teachers of English language....

1 - school librarian- ...

2 - teacher-organizer- ...

1 - Music Teachers ...

2 - teachers of physics ...

1 - teachers of visual activities ...

2 - teachers of the history of St. Petersburg - ....

1 - Dance teacher - ...

2 - teacher GPP Natalia Pavlovna Head

1 - Head of the School Sports Club and teacher ...

2 - coaches of school sports clubs ...

1 – ...

2 – ...

1 – ...

Head teacher:

The right to give the "first call" in 2014/2015 the school year is provided with first-grader ... And his sister is our graduate - 9th grade student - .... / Music-14 - background /

(the call transmits 1-grade and 9-grade bell, make a circle of honor)

1 Presenter:

School path begins
Life, believe, each of us.
And what dreamed about. All comes true!
We turn from class to class.

2 Host:

Rings call, and cheerful and gorlast,
And the joy of the soul is overflowed,
And every time for each of us
Wonderful lessons begin.

1 Presenter:

School doors will open open,
Tomorrow the training days will begin.
Well, today - a festive hour!
Happy holiday we congratulate all of you!

2 Host:

Dear friends! Our holiday dedicated to the Day of Knowledge approached the end. Line didnote Knowledge is declared closed.

(Sound School Song Song "We - Together!") / Music-15 /

1 Presenter: / Music-16 - background, after words loud /

We say goodbye to you and wish you success in work and school.

Good luck!


The first to leave the hall is available to 9-graders and first-graders!

(leave the line to the music)

Today in our big and friendly complex held a long-awaited holiday, a holiday of knowledge day!

The teachers looked forward to the return of their students, and the guys missed and hurried to her beloved teachers and friends.

The first solemn line took place inGBOU to them. Karearev, and the second is in the native walls of the Catherine Corps. The teacher's rulers and the school administration №2033 welcomed our expensive students and their parents.

Our first-graders became the main characters today.It is in GBOU to them. Kosarev first met with their teachers and classmates students of 1st grade.

At the solemn rules, the director of the complex Irina Anatolyevna Akulov congratulated students, teachers and parents with the beginning of the school year. From students of 11 grades, warm congratulations were made, and also wished the fruitful school year graduates of the past years, some of whom became teachers of our complex.

This year, our native city in Moscow marks 870 years. This is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It is striking with its splendor, dignity, identity and ancient sacred simplicity. Moscow opens every person a lot of opportunities for development and at the same time requires quality work and modern knowledge.

And our school adequately keeps this height for 10 years. New plans are born, the most bold ideas are embodied.

We congratulate everyone with a twin anniversary: \u200b\u200bthe birthday of Moscow and the birthday of our school!

The annual awarding of the Cups for the winners of contests for nominations was also held on the lineups and for the first time in our complex the sign of the honorary student, for outstanding successes in the 2016-2017 academic year in the Olympic movement.

Leading events, students of 9-10 classes, charged everyone with vigor and good mood, and the music dance group of school №2033 presented a beautiful song and dance.

By tradition at the end of the holiday, the guys launched balls into the sky.

Congratulations again with the beginning of the school year! Let this year become for all the year of accomplishments, victories and discoveries!


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