The French Revolution. Presentation on the topic "Causes and the beginning of the Great French Revolution" Presentation on the topic of the French Revolution

The French Revolution. Presentation on the topic "Causes and the beginning of the Great French Revolution" Presentation on the topic of the French Revolution

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1. Causes and prerequisites of the Great French Revolution. 2. Objectives and objectives of the revolution. 3. The nature of the revolution 4. The main stages: stage I. The beginning of the revolution. From the monarchy to the Republic (1789-1792) II stage. Formation of the Republic (IX.1792 - VI.1793) III stage. Jacobin dictatorship (VI.1793 - VII.1794) IV stage. Board directory (1795-1799) V stage. Epilogue revolution. From the republic to the empire 5. Historical meaning And the influence of the Great French Revolution. Lesson plan:

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Problematic question: Revolutionary events in France 1789 - 1799GG. had a local value or world

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The reasons for the revolution 3. The heavy position of the peasants and the crisis with / x 1. The preservation of old orders (the royal interpretation of absolutism and feudal-estate remnants) led to the stagnation in the country 2. The crisis of the class standing 3 is the estate, to which the bourgeoisie, intellectuals, peasants, workers believed Craftsmen, minor traders who made up 98% of the population were limited to rights. 4. Subjective factor: the spread of the ideas of enlighteners criticizing the monarchical system and inequality; Hate all layers to absolutism

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Revolution prerequisites State waste, which caused the exhaustion of the budget and the formation of a huge public debt 2. Trade and industrial crisis 1787. As a result of the influx of English goods, many French manufactices closed, appeared a large number of unemployed 3. Normourized 1788 year, caused hunger

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Objectives of the revolution: the restriction of the royal arbitrariness and democratization of the country 2. Elimination of the class division and receipt of the bourgeoisie of political rights 3. Establishment of fair taxation 4. Destruction of feudal orders in the village 5. Creating favorable conditions for the development of the domestic industry, trade and agriculture

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The convening of general states in order to replenish the treasury, the king collects general states that did not convene almost 175 years. May 5, 1789 They started their meetings in the Versailles Palace. Spring 1789g. In particular, it was assumed, in particular, to establish a loyal tax for all landowners excluding the class differences. The general states included 270 deputies from the nobility, 291 deputies from the clergy, 578 deputies from the third class (the peasantry and the city bases were not presented). Meetings and voting were to be carried out in estates, thus, the deputies of the third estate were deprived of their numerical advantage.

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June 17, 1789 The deputies of the third class (and the group of deputies of the first and second estates who joined them) proclaimed themselves to the National Assembly, that is, the body representing the entire population of the country. Since the meeting room on the order of the king was closed, they switched to the ballroom, stating that they would not be dispersed until the issue of creating the Constitution would be resolved. On July 9, the National Assembly, to which the deputies of all classes joined, proclaimed himself a constituent meeting. The attempt of the king to disperse deputies caused a perturbation of Parisians.

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Bastille take on July 14, 1789, Parisian was speaking, who seized arsenal and then the fortress of Bastilia, who served a political prison. Bastille, considered as a symbol of royal despotism, was destroyed to the base. The public movement has unfolded across the country, the transfer of power to the hands of revolutionary forces began, a folk militia was created.

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"Declaration of Human Rights and Citizen" on August 26, 1789. The meeting approved the most important document as an introduction to the future Constitution - "Declaration of Human Rights and Citizen". It proclaimed the principles of the sovereignty of the nation, equality of all before the law, as well as human rights to freedom, security and resistance to oppression, freedom of speech, press and conscience, the inviolable right of private property. Under the pressure of the people, the king signed these acts in October of the same year. The Constituent Assembly soon adopted a number of important legislative acts, including decrees on August 4-11, which abolished the estate privileges, feudal rights, church tenth.

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Alignment of Political Forces by 1791 Social Base Software Requirements Leaders

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clubs in 1791. Robespierre in the country grew the impact of representatives of radical movements. Among them were members of the political clubs of Jacobinians and Corderars Maximilian Robespierre, Georges Danton, Jean-Paul Marat, Camill Demilen and Jacques Ebra. It became more and more votes demanding the overthrow of the monarchy. Marat Danton Lafayets Political

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"Varennsky crisis" on the night of June 21, 1791. The king with his family secretly fled from Paris. They hurried to the northeast border, where they were waiting for the faithful monarchies of the troops. But the flight of the king was urgently reported to the province, and in the town of Varenn, his carriage was intercepted. Fugitives had to return to the capital. The people demanded to deploy the king and give it to court. But the Constituent Assembly stated that the monarch was "kidnapped", and he himself is not to blame. At one of the innovations of his profile, the tavern learned. Return of the king from Varenna July 25, 1791

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Corderiers demanded a court of king. On July 17, on the Marsfield, they began to collect signatures under this appeal. But the National Guard under the guidance of Lafayette was sent there, and the people were shot. Shot of petitioners on the Marsfield July 17, 1791

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Constitution, in September 1791. He was adopted by the conquest of the first stage of the revolution. The Constitution proclaimed the principle of separation of the authorities to the Legislative (Legislative Assembly) Executive (King and Ministers) Thus, a constitutional monarchy was established in France. Judicial (tribunals)

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From the monarchy to the republic but he became mistaken. Event participants in different ways assessed their results. In April 1792 France declared War of Austria, and the Legislative Assembly is a universal call for military service.

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The formation of the republic's statement of the republican form of government was considered as the beginning new era in the development of the country. Credo groups in the Convention The most numerous group of girondists was. Almost all the issues discussed were a stormy debate. At the end of 1792, decrees were published, which provided for the maintenance of the "revolutionary war". Under the slogans of the liberation of peoples from despotism, French troops occupied the Southern Netherlands (Belgium), German lands on the left bank of the Rhine, Savoy and Nice. In the occupied territories, feudal orders were canceled and a new administration was created.

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An amazing doctor is not as an example of a hippocracy, he did not treat people to kill them. It is he guiloten, the author of the hellish painless execution machine of a terrible guillotine. The executioner does not get tired that she cuts the ax. There are no bills for the victims.

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The execution of Louis XVI served as a reason to expand the anti-Manzu coalition, which entered England and Spain. Failures at the external front, deepening economic difficulties within the country, tax growth - all this shakes the position of the girondists. Unrest in the country increased, pogroms began, murders, and on May 31 - June 2, 1793, a popular uprising occurred in Paris. Rise in Paris Summer 1793g. Armed Santellotes broke into the meeting room of the Convention with the requirements of the arrest of Gurondovers, compliance with the amount of the price maximum. The leadership in the Convention passed into the hands of Jacobin Montagnarov, whose leader was Maximilian Robespierre.

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"Great french revolution. From the monarchy to the Republic "Grade 8 compiler: Chumakov S.L. History teacher and social studies MKOU "Uzinskaya Oosh"

"Freedom, equality and fraternity." Hike to Versailles. The flight of the king. Constitution of France 1791. The overthrow of the monarchy. Proclamation of the Republic. King's execution. Establishing the Jacobin dictatorship. Lesson plan.

Declaration of human rights ... The most important document of the Great French Revolution, defining individual human rights. The declaration was adopted by the National Constituent Assembly on August 26, 1789, the basis for the ideas of the declaration of human rights and a citizen is the concept of equality and freedom belonging to everyone from birth.

Declaration of human rights and citizen Source of power - the people of the abolition of feudal and estate privileges of human right to life, freedom, etc. Private property "Industion and Sacred"

In the constituent meeting, the deputies were divided in their views. Declaration of human rights and citizen supporters of moderation and order sat on the right - began to be called right to the left of the supporters of change - left

Hike to Versailles - October 5-6, 1789 Bread! On Versailles! Long live the king! On the morning of October 5, the crowds of women who stood all night of bread shops were surrounded by the Town Hall. Around noon 6-7 thousand. The crowd of women moved to Versailles. The king returned to Paris, but hunger intensified.

The flight of the king. Many nobles fled abroad in the hope that the king joins them. Louis XVI June 20, 1791, together with his family on fake documents, wanted to cross the border, but was caught in the town of Varenn. He was accused of treason against the revolution. Louis XVI.

On September 3, 1791, the National Assembly proclaimed the first Constitution in the history of France. It was proposed to convene the legislative assembly - a unicameral parliament based on high property qualification. A limited monarchy was established in the country. Constitution of France 1791 What proclaimed the Constitution 1791? ?

The Constitution proclaimed: Ensuring the natural and civil rights was introduced to the voting law, limited by the property value of the men who have reached the 25th age and paid taxes, received the right to vote. All domestic customs and the workshop of the administrative and territorial unit became the Department (83) of the French Constitution 1791.

5) Church lands were declared national treasure and allowed on sale 6) A law was adopted, prohibiting the strikes of the France Constitution of 1791. At this, the constituent assembly completed its activities so much changed country.

On October 1, 1791, the Legislative Assembly began working. In it, a group of decisively tuned deputies from the Girona Department was leading (they were called by Girondists) of the France Constitution 1791.

Jacobins - participants in the political club of the Epoch of the Great French Revolution, who have established their dictatorship in 1793 - 1794. Formed in June 1789. They received their name from the club who was in the Dominican Monastery of St. Yakov. Political club of Jacobins. Maximilian Robespierre Jean Paul Marat

The beginning of the revolutionary wars. The revolutionary war begins between France and Europe. And he began her Louis XVI, who hoped to regain her former power.

The beginning of the revolutionary wars on April 20, 1972, the Legislative Assembly declared War of Austria.

But on the fronts of the French were waiting for failures. Austrian and Prussian troops invaded France and took a number of fortresses. England joined the enemies of France. "Fatherland in danger!" Among Parisians grew dissatisfaction with the inciscript actions of the royal power. In July 1792, the Legislative Assembly appealed to the people with the appeal "Fatherland in danger!" Thousands of volunteers were recorded in the army

The overthrow of the monarchy. Arrest Louis XVI.

Taking Tuileries. On August 10, 1792, about 20 thousand rebels surrounded the Royal Palace of Tuileries. The assault was short-lived, but bloody. It was decided to renounce the king and convening a national convention.

The rebellion of August 10, a 1792 episode of the Great French Revolution, during which King Louis XVI was overthrown and imprisoned. As a result of the uprising, the monarchy in France was actually eliminated, and the Republican Girondist Party headed by Brisso came to power. The overthrow of the monarchy.

On September 20, 1792, in the battle of the village Valmi, the French troops beat the attacks of the Prussian army and forced her to retreat. This victory has become the beginning of the country's liberation from the intervention. Organization of defense. Battle at Valmi

The destruction of the monarchy made an invalid constitution of 1791. Therefore, a convention was convened, elected by the general voting of men. Among his deputies there were more supporters of extreme, decisive actions. As a result, the girondists became right. Proclamation of the Republic

Proclamation of the republic The results of the convention in September 1792, the republic was proclaimed in France. Recognized the right of representation in the Convention of French Colonies

The composition of the Convention Right (Girondists) was sitting on the lower benches of the convention, most of the deputies did not belong to neither right, nor to the left (plain or swamp) left (Jacobinians) took the top benches, they were called Montagnira

republic in danger. The execution of the king caused excitement among European monarchs. In the spring of 1793, the Austrian army moved to the offensive. France fails. The people in all blame the girondists. In Paris, the situation is administered. The arrests of Girondists began. Power in France has moved to the Jacobinians and their leaders

Lenty Jacobintsev Jean Paul Marat Maximilian Robespierre Georges Danon

Establishing the Jacobin dictatorship. The senior legislative body remained a convention that focused on legislative and executive power in his hands. In June 1793, the Convention adopted a new constitution, which proclaimed France by the Republic. But the democratic freedoms did not receive people, there was a state of emergency in the country.

Terror. Guillotine On September 17, 1793, the Convention adopted the Law on Suspicious, which was prescribed to take all suspicious people. So a revolutionary terror was installed in the country.

The results of France became the republic of the victory of the third estate, but the dictatorship of Jacobinians became a retreat from the legal norms proclaimed by the declaration of what the revolution results are the results of the revolution?

Teacher history teacher history of the gymnasium "Laboratory Salakhov" Surgut Bobayiko TS

Reasons and the beginning of the Great



Find out the causes of the revolution

Formulate the tasks of the revolution

Determine the layers of society

interested in revolution

Explore the events that led to the beginning of the revolution

What obstacles exist on the path of development of capitalism?

What conditions are necessary for its development?

What processes in the economy and in society testify to the development of capitalism?

From the work of A.rambo "The History of the French Revolution"

The nobles enjoyed the rights of the Lords: whenever the Earth passed from one owner to another, a special tax paid. Then the lord was paid for the values \u200b\u200b- permanent annual rent. To this should be added by the Lord's intervals, which in some cases doubled the values; Barshina, who took 52 days from the farmer of 52 days per year; road duties at bridges, roads, markets; Overlooking monopolies, who bidding small owners for a special fee to use grape presss, mills and furnaces, arranged by Mr.; The right of Mr. to have a pigeon, which resized the pansian crops.

From the letter D.I.Fontvizin Count P.I.Panina about the situation in France

Taxes, frequent and heavy, serve one enrichment of insatiable bosses; No one dares the words to call against these oppression.

France is all on the spoon. It is impossible to go a few steps from Paris, so that, turning, not be stopped by customs. Almost for all imported into the city, so much duties are paid as the thing itself is worth. "

  • High taxes
  • Feudal duties
  • Workshop orders
  • Internal customs duties
  • Monopolies on the production and sale of products
  • Crisis in economics
  • Expressing folk masses
  • Universal discontent

The contradiction between the development of capitalism and the obstacles on its way in the form:

Socio-economic reasons for the revolution

Louis XV.

"Only in one person is the royal power.

All public order in all its volume comes from me, the interests and rights of the nation - all here in my hand.

From the diary of Louis XVI on the eve of the revolution in France:

20th - a deer hunt at 9 o'clock to the Batares, shot one.

22nd - nothing.

25th - nothing, deer hunting in Saint Apolllin.

30th - nothing. "

Maria Antoinetta.

"If there is no bread, let me eat pastries!"

Louis XVI.

From the letter D.I.Fonvizin Count P.I.Panin about the situation in France:

"The king has in his hands all the power to pour laws. Every minister is a despot in his department. "

"Disorder in finance; the courtyard that stuck in pleasure and waste; Great fermentation among people of all states that seek to new, not knowing what to wish to hope for; Moreover, the extraordinary development of freedom-loving, which grows from day to day since the American War - this is the confluence of the circumstances that can soon cause movement, if someone's hard hand does not take the brazers of the board to manage the events ... "

Traveling in France in 1787, Englishman Arthur Jung recorded in the diary:

What testifies


"Your Majesty!

There is no more money in the treasury! "

General expenses of the state amounted to 629 million livres.

From year to year, the public debt of France, which by 1788 reached 4.5 billion livres. On the content of only the versal was 1/10 of the revenues of the state.

Political and ideological causes of revolution

The crisis of an absolute monarchy

Cast unit and class privileges

Advanced ideas of enlighteners

Influence of the American revolution

  • So that the importation of foreign goods is prohibited, with the exception of those that are raw materials and are not produced in France ...
  • So that all customs are moved to the borders to be canceled by all charges for the provision of goods ...
  • So that any privileges on the exclusive right of commerce were destroyed ...
  • So that no tax could be installed without the consent of the nation.
  • So that all church and noble possessions have taxed in the same amount as land unprivileged ...

Word the tasks of the revolution

From the punishment of the city of Troita

deputies of general states

Elimination of feudal


  • Absolutism
  • Castling
  • Feudal
  • land tenure

  • Feudal duties
  • Domestic
  • customs duties

  • Workshop orders
  • Royal monopolies
  • Church tithing

Approval of a new order:

Tasks of the revolution

  • Participation in managing the state of the people
  • Equality before the law
  • Democratic freedoms
  • Freedom of entrepreneurship
  • Protection policy

Determine the nature of the revolution

and social strata interested in the revolution.

Participants of the revolution

deputies III estates proclaimed themselves with representatives of the whole nation - a national meeting

So depicted "Awakening of the Third Society"

those. The meeting took over the duty and the right to establish the Constitution of the country.

Oath in the ballroom

Brilliant speaker, deputy of general states from the third class, Count Mirabo expressed the opinion that the Paris newspapers were separated: "This great revolution will cost without atrocities and tears."

However, the troops for the overclocking of the Constituent Assembly were tightened to Paris and Versailles.

"The enemy prepared an attack,

He surrounded Paris Ring.

Fright, embarrassed and excitement

Suddenly climbed around.

But fear now retreats,

And the passion is all full of different.

You, freedom! Call.

And here Paris saved by you ... "

Taking Bastille

On July 14, 1789, the rebels of the Parisians took the storming fortress Bastilia, liberated the prisoners and confused the commandant of the fortress.

When Louis XVI reported Taking Bastille, he exclaimed:

"But this is a riot!"

To which he was objected:

"No, sovereign, it is a revolution!"

Why taking Bastille

became the beginning of the revolution?

"...Bastille! Your pride

Unable to oppose us.

And if you enter the battle, now

You will lie in the man.

The people of the guns are not afraid of the gun.

He beats at your gate.

He is not afraid of eight towers

And the thickness of these walls of gray ... "

The revolution spread across the country.

The cities formed elected authorities - municipalities, armed force was created - the National Guard.

Zhilbert de lafayette

A new banner of France was approved: the red and blue colors of the 3rd estate was added white color Bourbon.

The king was forced to recognize the legality of the existence of the Constituent Assembly.

Absolutism overthrow,

the monarchy actually became constitutional.

Victory Banner

The Constituent Assembly adopted a decree on the destruction of senorial privileges.

The document began with the words:

"The Constituent Assembly completely cancels the feudal order."

The peasants concluded that they are senitors

nothing should ...

"Night of Miracles"

  • People are born and remain free and equal in rights. Public differences can only be based on a total benefit.
  • The purpose of all political union is the provision of natural and inalienable human rights. Such - freedom, property, safety and resistance to oppression.

"Declaration of Human Rights and Citizen"

  • The source of sovereign power is the nation. No institution, no person can enjoy power, which does not occur clearly from the nation.
  • Freedom is able to do everything that does not harm another.
  • The law has the right to prohibit only actions harmful to society. All that is not prohibited by law is allowed.
  • The law is the expression of the total will. All citizens have the right to participate in person or through their representatives in its creation.

What do you see similarity

with the Declaration of Independence?

Choose true allegations

  • The nobility was the first, privileged estate in France.
  • The French revolution began on May 5, 1789.
  • The Constituent Assembly was created to adopt the Constitution.
  • Bastille was a symbol of royal arbitrariness.
  • The Declaration of Human Rights and Citizen was adopted on August 26, 1789.
  • "At night, miracles" called the adoption of the Constitution by the Constituent Assembly.
  • The main slogan of the French revolution: "Freedom, equality, fraternity!"

Causes of the revolution




compare reasons

bourgeois revolutions

option 1: Netherlands and France

option 2: England and France Option 3: America and France

Used materials - website dedicated to the French Revolution\u003d575491 - Kuuzhukla V., Myasnikov I. Great French Revolution

Yudovskaya A.Ya., Baranov PA, Vanyushkin L.M. General history. The history of the new time, 1500-1800. 7th grade. - M., Enlightenment, 2009

- Tyotusch A.N. The French Revolution. The reasons. Start.\u003d2715&lib_no\u003d21203&tmpl\u003dlib&page\u003d3. - Zemmenko N.V. "The French Revolution - cartoon for class Lubovik XVI - Maria Antoinette - Royal coat of arms of France - Louis XV. - Santeloty - French revolution -sansculotte - General States - Declaration of human rights and citizen Bastilia-import - Oath in the ballroom -Mibe - Camill Demlen - Flag of the French Republic - Awakening of the Third Society :Gilbert_DU_Motier_Marquis_de_lafayette.jpg. - Zhilber de lafayette

Slide 2.

Find out the reasons for the revolution to formulate the tasks of the revolution to determine the layers of society interested in the revolution to learn the events that led to the beginning of the revolution

Slide 3.

Determine the socio-economic causes of the revolution. Make assumptions about the development of the country on the eve of the revolution.

Slide 4.

From the work of A. Armbo "The History of the French Revolution", the nobles enjoyed the rights of the Lords: whenever the Earth passed from one owner to another, a special tax paid. Then the lord was paid for the values \u200b\u200b- permanent annual rent. To this should be added by the Lord's intervals, which in some cases doubled the values; Barshina, who took 52 days from the farmer of 52 days per year; road duties at bridges, roads, markets; Overlooking monopolies, who bidding small owners for a special fee to use grape presss, mills and furnaces, arranged by Mr.; The right of Mr. to have a pigeon, which resized the pansian crops.

Slide 5.

From the letter of D.I.Fonvizin Count P.I.Panin about the situation in France, taxes, frequent and heavy, serve one enrichment of insatiable bosses; No one dares the words to call against these oppression. France is all on the spoon. It is impossible to go a few steps from Paris, so that, turning, not be stopped by customs. Almost for all imported into the city, so much duties are paid as the thing itself is worth. "

Slide 6.

High taxes feudal duties shops orders internal customs duties crisis crisis in economics impoverishment of the national masses Universal discontent socio-economic reasons for the revolution

Slide 8.

From the diary of Louis XVI on the eve of the revolution in France: "June. 20th - a deer hunt at 9 o'clock to the Batares, shot one. 22nd - nothing. 25th - nothing, deer hunting in Saint Apolllin. 30th - nothing. " Maria Antoinette (1755 - 1793) "If there is no bread, let them eat cakes!" Louis XVI (1754 - 1793)

Slide 9.

What does the caricature testify? ?

Slide 10.

"Your Majesty! There is no more money in the treasury! " General expenses of the state amounted to 629 million livres. From year to year, the public debt of France, which by 1788 reached 4.5 billion livres. On the content of only the versal was 1/10 of the revenues of the state.

Slide 11.

Slide 12.

On June 17, 1789, deputies of the III class proclaimed themselves by representatives of the whole nation - the national meeting so depicted "Awakening of the Third Society"

Slide 13.

On July 9, 1789, the National Assembly proclaimed itself constituent, i.e. The meeting took over the duty and the right to establish the Constitution of the country. Oath in the ballroom

Slide 14.

Brilliant speaker, deputy of general states from the third class, Count Mirabo expressed the opinion that the Paris newspapers were separated: "This great revolution will cost without atrocities and tears."

Slide 15.

However, the troops for the overclocking of the Constituent Assembly were tightened to Paris and Versailles. "The enemy prepared an attack, he surrounded Paris Ring. Fright, embarrassed and excitement suddenly rose around. But the fear now retreats, and everything is full of passion. You, freedom! Call. And here Paris saved by you ... "

Slide 16.

Slide 17.

Why did the taking of Bastille become the beginning of the revolution? "...Bastille! Your pride is unable to oppose us. And if you enter into battle, then now you will lie in a man. The people of the guns are not afraid of the gun. He beats at your gate. He is not afraid of eight towers and the thickness of these walls of the gray ... "?

Slide 18.

A new banner of France was approved: white bourbon color was added to the red and blue colors of the 3rd estate. The king was forced to recognize the legality of the existence of the Constituent Assembly. Absolutism overthrow, the monarchy actually became constitutional. Victory Banner

Slide 19.

On the night of August 4, 1789, the Constituent Assembly adopted a decree on the destruction of senorial privileges. The document began in words: "The Constituent Assembly completely cancels the feudal order." The peasants concluded that they should not be anyone ... "Night of Miracles"

Slide 20.

Choose true statements nobility was the first, privileged estate in France. The French revolution began on May 5, 1789. The Constituent Assembly was created to adopt the Constitution. Bastille was a symbol of royal arbitrariness. The Declaration of Human Rights and Citizen was adopted on August 26, 1789. "At night, miracles" called the adoption of the Constitution by the Constituent Assembly. The main slogan of the French revolution: "Freedom, equality, fraternity!" ?

Slide 21.

England France Reasons for Revolution Political Economic Idea Homework: Paragraph 24, Compare Causes of Bourgeois Revolutions Option 1: Netherlands and France Option 2: England and France

Slide 22.

Used materials - site dedicated to the French revolution\u003d575491 - Kuuzhukla V., Myasnikov I. Great French Revolution Yudovskaya A.Ya., Baranov PA, Vanyushkin L.M. General history. The history of the new time, 1500-1800. 7th grade. - M., Enlightenment, 2009\u003d2715&lib_no\u003d21203&tmpl\u003dlib&page\u003d3- Tyotimusch A.N. The French Revolution. The reasons. Start.\u003d2715&lib_no\u003d21203&tmpl\u003dlib&page\u003d3- Earthsenko N.V. "The French Revolution

Slide 23. - cartoon for class -Ludovik XVI Maria Antoinette royal coat of arms of France http: // knowhistory .ru / Uploads / Posts / 2010-09 / 1284040763_ludovik-xv.jpg - Louis XV Links to drawings Santellotes /images/oflogotip.png-Franzausskaya revolution /image007. Gif-general states

Slide 24. - Declaration of human rights and citizen Bastille http: / / oath in the ballroom HTTP : // Camill Demilen /1296859942_56.jpg- flag of the French Republic - the awakening of the third class - Zhilber de lafayette

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