Wooden frame houses video. Frame house with your own hands: Step-by-step instructions with photos. Warming of the walls of a frame house.

Wooden frame houses video. Frame house with your own hands: Step-by-step instructions with photos. Warming of the walls of a frame house.

  • Varieties frame houses
  • How to build a frame house?
  • Creation of foundation
  • Overlap of the first floor
  • Installation of vertical racks
  • Installation of ceiling beams
  • Installing timing
  • Finish frame house

Currently, at home is becoming increasingly distributed. In these homes, a wooden framework, which is going from beams, rheel, racks and strapping. The frame perceives the weight of the roof, overlap and walls.

Frames can be made of pieces of wood, branches and recycled pieces of wood. Heavy board - a piece of fabric clay for modeling - a rod - a muslin fabric - a wooden frame - a plastic knife - botanical forms - a dry gypsum mixture - a metal suspension.

Put a piece of fabric on the board and place the selected frame on it. It can only be the form of a picture of the picture, there is no need to use it to hang it on the wall. Soak molding clay with hands and ride it to 5-13 millimeters thickness. The base can have any shape, and if you want to create it, scaling it in accordance with the frame. Cut the mold with a plastic knife and remove the frame.

Special attention in the construction of a frame house should be reversed, when choosing lumber for the frame, the forest should be dry, geometrically even and do not contain fungal and pests.

For labor costs and consumption of building materials, frame houses are one of the most economical structures.

Another advantage of such a house is the possibility of facilities with their own hands. Everything construction works (Roofing device, installation of door and window blocks, cutting sheet materials, cutting bars and boards, laying a light foundation) do not require special professional construction qualifications. Frame houses do not include heavy elements that require to mount the use of lifting equipment. About how to build a frame house itself will be discussed in this article.

Video instructions for mounting frame houses

Squeeze well clay botanical forms you want to use. If you want to leave the trail, but do not hold the figures in the plaster cast, make sure you have formed well texture. Remove the botanical textures from the surface of the clay matrix to form dents or leave them inside the clay.

Make a mixture of plaster and evenly distribute the embossed part of the clay base. It is best to use the frame that you used to trim the base as a reference, and it can determine the thickness of the gypsum. If the mixture is too thick, distribute it with a spatula.

Compared to houses from BRUSEV and logs, frame houses have a number of operational advantages. Such houses are warmer, there are no grooves between logs that require insulation.Frame house It will not give precipitation. This is facilitated by construction and further operation. The frame house is significantly less affected by grinders relieved in massive bars and logs. When attaching such a house will warm up faster, it has a smaller humidity. All these advantages and attract developers to build a frame house.

Wait until the gypsum mixture is tightened and lifted the cloth using the matrix. Before you seal too much, insert a metal hanger into it so that it turns on the drying process of plaster casting. Wait at least half an hour before removing the matrix base from the formed "paintings" of botanical textures.

Carefully turn the base and remove the base from clay. Wait until the gypsum gypsum dry over several hours before hanging it on the wall or framing it. Very interesting wooden frame from pieces of wood with bark, which are collected together with wooden glue. Treat the surface with sandpaper, but leave a piece of the crust. On the tree you can make shapes with a pyrographer, apply on the edge of a wooden frame some kind of paint or adhesive acorns and cones.

Varieties of frame houses

Frame scheme frame house.

Depending on the design of the walls, 2 types of frame houses are distinguished: frame-bent and frame-panel. IN frame-boiled houses The walls are separate and fully complete shields that are manufactured in advance and mounted on the construction site. The wall assembly is usually carried out somewhere in a warm place in the fall or in winter.

For the frame, you can use the old front drawer, removing the inner board and replacing it with cast. If you form a texture inside the frame, and the part of the mixture flows, sandwich with its sandpaper. You can make a frame from branches that have been cut and captured in the desired form.

But a person likes to read about something similar to his country. That is why we present you a motivating story, told by the first person of Romanian Florance and her friend George, who completely built his first clay house. About 3-4 years old, my friend was looking for a house outside the city, but for some reason we still did not find what they wanted. The parameters were: a small house with a garden about an hour drive from Sofia, but there was no something. We wanted to have a large garden to grow our own vegetables, and, in the end, if we get more to sell them.

Made with high accuracy, on a layout on a pattern, with a careful laying of wind-insulating materials and insulation, neat inner and outer skin, they allow you to very quickly mount the house with high quality construction. The shield size is chosen in length, which is equal to the height of the wall. The required width is selected depending on the size of the existing trim material.

Houses that comply with these conditions quickly seitted and offered at least 10 times higher prices. Another way we could do was to buy at least one hectare of agricultural land and ask for permission to build and build a farm for yourself. It sounded better, and we decided to try. Therefore, we started looking for land and found about 45 minutes drive from Sofia, one kilometer from the village in a quiet and secluded place. At that time, the fields were sown wheat, and we had to wait about a year before we could use it.

Frame-bent houses have walls that are going on a construction site from beginning to end. In the framework of the frame stands, an inner covering is performed with the laying of a steam insulating layer (pergamine, polyethylene film can be used). The inner space of the wall is filled with thermal insulating material.

In such structures, bulk insulation are usually used: perlite sand, peat, sawdust. During extension of the outer sheat, the insulation is laid. Bulk insulation in order to avoid precipitation and voids tightly tram.

The idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding a clay house was so exciting, but we knew that we had no experience and no knowledge about how to do it. And who really best teacher? Before we asked for a formal permission to our farm, we knew that we need to get some experience. Therefore, we decided to make a small clay house in which you could live while we make a farm. We wanted to do it from natural materials. Be passively oriented in the sun. Have a green roof and collect rainwater for use in the household.

The type of walls that are selected for the house determines the design of the frame. Wall papers themselves cannot bear the load. Frame-bent houses require creating a more durable frame.

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How to build a frame house?

Before building a frame house, a project is drawn up. According to the project, all necessary materials are calculated. The technology of creating a frame house includes several stages.

Therefore, we knew what experience we need. It's time to get to work and place this experience in your pocket. Before you begin to draw your buildings, no matter how small they are, we recommend you to study in detail! In the end, "The more you learn, the more you learn how much you still do not know." There are many available literature on this subject and a large number of Wonderful people who are ready to give you advice and information. So, everyone who thought about raising a clay building, make your in-depth study.

Later you will be grateful! Living in the house, which is built inadequate, can be very dangerous. We studied the Earth, the slopes, the structure of the soil, orientation. We decided to make our clay hut in the most suitable place. We wanted to work with the Earth and literally a house to proceed from this, and not follow the strict plans. We took into account the natural flow of rainwater, the sun's position in winter and summer, the direction of the wind, access to the house and the garden, and, of course, a look from it. We decided not to use cement due to a huge amount of energy used for its production, instead of lime to the base.

Scheme of the countryside house.

Tools and materials necessary to create a frame house:

  1. Small and big hammer.
  2. Electric choke.
  3. Sties of various sizes.
  4. Large and medium nail.
  5. Drill with a set of drills.
  6. Circular Saw.
  7. Electric jigsaw.
  8. Construction level and plumb.
  9. Marker and pencil.
  10. Roulette.
  11. Flat and cross screwdriver.
  12. Tassels of different sizes.
  13. Scaffolding.
  14. Stairs.
  15. Ruberoid for waterproofing.
  16. Asbestos pipes.
  17. Armature of various sections.
  18. Concrete for filling the foundation.
  19. Boards of various sections and stoves.
  20. Foam or mineral wool for insulation.
  21. Lining or siding for outdoor decoration.
  22. Gyssocarton for interior decoration.
  23. Protective film.
  24. Roofing.
  25. Materials for summing up communications: pipes, wires, etc.
  26. Nails, metal brackets, bolts.
  27. Antiseptic coating.

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Because of their higher strength, we chose round logs instead of standard rectangles, which means that we will use less wood and have more strength and less processing. For the roof, we decided to be green. Cover his strawberries that grew up to the place where we wanted to be a hut. So, we have already decided everything until the next step!

We wanted our construction to have a barrier on the north side, spent in a hill, which would serve as a barrier and isolation from a strong northern wind. For this we need a solid wall, but we did not want to use cement. And so we made our retaining wall on the northern side of stones and lime. The wall rests on the foundation of gravel with a built-in drainage pipe, which takes 5 meters from the house on the slope. This drainage system will merge water from flooding, holding the walls of clay with dry and durable.

Creation of foundation

Wall design scheme.

To build a high-quality home, a good foundation is needed. To prolong its durability, you need to not forget to equip waterproofing.

Since the weight of the frame house is small, then the foundation from asbestos pipes is created most often under it. On the perimeter of the future building there is a layout of the location of the points of the supports. It is necessary to monitor the uniform of the position of the racks.

Step Three: Frame of circular details and roofs. The reference frame was very simple. We had 4-meter supports and were used to support the roof. We had two different latitudes using them for their intended purpose. For the roof, we used the boards 3 cm width, a layer of geotextile, a layer of waterproof membrane, a building nylon, and then a straw and a soil that we dug.

Step fourth: clay walls. When we had a roof, we could continue the walls. For clay, we used the land that we dug out from the ground. It had a lot of pebbles, and it was not necessary to add extra sand. Glue is a very good fabulous material, and the more you work with him, the better. You know the correct sequence when you get it. If you do not like how you made part, you can simply delete it and do it again. Even if you dry it, you can break it, mix with water and use again.

In the marked places, pits with a diameter of 200 mm and a depth of 1 m are broken. The pipe is inserted into the pit, its vertical is evaporated, and after carefully the soil is trambed.

After that, the reinforcement is laid and the rack is poured concrete. The same procedure is made with each pillar. After the fill you need to give the columns for a few days so that they can get harder.

We installed our window frames in a clay wall and made glass bricks that we were built into the walls. They are very beautiful in their own way. They look like built-in gems. Step Sixth: Water, Heating and Electricity. We are going to collect as much as possible rainwater and store it on microswblels scattered throughout the site. These pits can be merged if necessary or used for a slow irrigation system. In addition, within the framework of the plan, which should be independent of water, it is necessary to build a well and use an electric solar pump to fill the water repository.

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From laying the lower strapping on the foundation begins work on creating a frame house. It can be done from the round forest protested on 2 Kant. It will be better to use a bar with a cross section of 120x120 mm (it works more convenient to it). If there is no suitable bar and logs, lower and top straps (and other framework elements) can be made from 40x120 mm boards.

To control gray water, we intend to make the so-called reed type system that will filter water from the bathroom and collect it in the bucket. We plan to have several composting toilets that will produce a wonderful fertilizer, which after a long composting process will make incredible work around the trees.

Hot water will come from solar system. For electricity, we intend to use several solar panels and, possibly, a small wind turbine on the vertical axis. There are many devices on the market for 12 V or 24 V, which will make the entire electrical installation much more secure than conventional AC systems. Life outside the network does not mean that you should be devoid of modern life, but on the contrary, it means to use the best of both worlds and create a steady paradise.

Lower strapping scheme.

Wood for lower strapping, which works in the most adverse conditions, processed by antiseptic. This will protect the wood from rotting, which means and will prolong the service life of the structure. The easiest way to process is an impregnation with a 10% aqueous solution of iron or copper sulphate. This impregnation does not score pores - wood will be able to breathe. Beginning builders often make a mistake, soaking the lags and lower beams with waste machine oil and paint oil paint. This leads to winding of wood and the formation of a house fungus. This is due to the fact that the oil closes the pores and does not allow moisture to evaporate.

We have a lot of work, but we just learned simply, trying to do something. Some of them learned the difficult path, having failed and began again, others were experimented. We left to make the inner walls, the first floor and some things in the list of tasks, but we know that we will spend your wonderful time.

Our levels were exhausted by traditional agricultural operation for many years, and we need a lot of effort to bring it back to life. We let her go for a year to relax, and we had the most beautiful flower meadow. We planted several fruit trees And other perennials, and we intend to grow old varieties of vegetables on raised permanent feathers and never crop the soil.

If the lower strapping is laid on a solid belt foundation, then it is necessary between the beam and it makes a dry low board with a thickness of 50 mm, soaked with hot bitumen. If a column foundation is erected, then a segment of the same board is laid between the post and beam, wrapped 2 layers of the rubberoid.

Between the beams are connected along the corners of the hardwood. At least in 4-points, the strapping must be copper with the foundation using mortgage metal anchors. It is necessary to strictly control the horizontality using the construction level.

How much is the house build

Creating your own home and an increase in your own food is the main human skills necessary to maintain our true nature. We mastered thousands of years to master them. Now we run away from self-sacrifice as something shameful. We have created superficial models and values \u200b\u200bthat we measure, toxic medium and loosented patterns in which we are trying to write. We are so torn off our true nature that we cannot recognize happiness when we feel it, and the rest of the mind is rejected as something primitive.

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Overlap of the first floor

Having established the bottom strapping on the foundation, you can start laying the lag for which the floors will be laid. Usually lags are made from a $ 100-120 mm wide and a thickness of 40-50 mm. With the module of the walls of 1.2 m, they are installed in 0.6 m. Set the lags on the edge. They should be relying on columns from dumping steel or asbestos-cement pipes. After installation, under the lags you need to put the bars, pre-wrapped in rubberoid.

We need to know that no one can harm us if we don't accept it. There is no greater wealth of knowledge and knowledge about how to build your own home, raise your food, love and respect life in all its forms. All this will help you live a long, healthy, happy and full-fledged life.

Only for this opportunity the perfect staircase. The stairs are ladder in a few sizes to "shoot" them outside the ceiling structure. "Do not screw the new building during its construction, the structure must be sufficiently dry so that the metal surfaces of the stairs are disengaged," it adds.

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Installation of vertical racks

Scheme of mounting angular racks.

Vertical racks are installed at a distance of 0.6 m from each other. Thus, every 3 racks create a module in 1.2 m. The module is often selected depending on the width of the existing windows.

The magnitude of this indicator produces a breakdown of strapping. More powerful carbon drains make. Materials use protested logs, a timber or two board connected nails.

Intermediate racks make a 40-50 mm thick boards. Above the door block, above and under the window block, horizontal riggers from the same boards are put. The bottomhole rigel is necessarily reinforced by a short counter. The bars and logs fasten the brackets, and the racks are sewn with nails with a length of 120 mm.

The width of the racks are chosen depending on the insulation used. For example, using mineral wool slabs with a thickness of 100 mm, you will need a 100 mm width racks. Too increasing this size, it makes no sense, since air empties do not improve thermal insulation, but can cause closing and sediment of the insulation. The use of a bulk insulation eliminates such restrictions. The width of the racks is selected according to the size of the available lumber (usually no more than 150 mm).

If the inner and outer walls of the walls are performed by boards, then it is necessary to make diagonal connections between the upper and lower strapping. They will protect the house from wind loads, skewing and uneven sediment of the foundation. In order for the boards, they do not interfere with the insulation, it is necessary to cut them on perpendicular to the plane of the racks. If the sheet material (asbestos-cement sheet, chipboard, plywood) is used as a shephering, then the installation of wind ties is not necessary. To give the house the necessary stiffness, the sheets of the skin are nailed to the carcass with nails. After the racks are exhibited, you can mount the top strapping. It is done with the use of the same materials and on the same techniques as the lower one. With the help of nails and brackets, it is fastened with racks.

How to build a frame house itself with your own hands without attracting powerful construction techniques and dozens of hired workers to this process? It's simple. It is only possible to view several practical videos, how to build a frame house yourself with your own hands, and scroll through the site by writing all the recommendations.

Indeed, is it possible to build a frame house alone? As a person who did this, I will answer you "yes." And let I have built a very small skeleton with dimensions of 10 on 6 squares of just 60 sq.m., but this house is warm and heated with a small pellet boiler.

So, where to start and how to build one of your own housing? Start, naturally, you need from planning a plot for development. Choose the highest and dry place on the plot that you have. If there is no such place, you will have to carry a soil or GSA used, raising the area under the house.

Next, we need a foundation for a skeleton. I used trimming piles that bought from construction organization From the construction of a big house near. Piles brought and threw me on the site for free.

Further, I, with the help of two VAG and rinks, moved these piles with a length of 3.0 to 4.0 meters according to the scheme, placing them on the building stain. I went to this week.

Then I collected the bottom strapping of the frame, on which it began to exhibit vertical racks from the board 150 by 50 mm, starting with the corner. Of course, you can collect entirely walls and then raise them, but this method will require lifting mechanisms.

Next, I made the upper strapping, I installed the bodies and sewed the frame with the outside of the 25mm board diagonally. After which it elevated a rafter system from the board 150 by 50 mm, the crate from the board 100 by 30 mm, and put the metal tile.

After that, I inserted windows and doors, stamped them. The field of this I insulated my frame of a basalt cotton thick 150 mm thick - three layers of 50 mm with overlapping. From the inside protected the insulation with vaporizolation. After that, insulated the ceiling with styling of all vapor insulation films and windproofs.

Because from the piles is protected outside the frontopex thickness of 150 mm, then I did not make the floor from the Earth, and flooded the floor across the soil.

After that, she crossed the wall inside and put partitions from GLC on a metal frame. Interior decoration, I think, no one will be interested. All make it on their taste.

Heating is all standard. With Forced, Polypropylene Pipes, Bimetal Radiators, Cooker Cooper with Pelletron Burner. Pellet consumption is relatively small.

Fully finished finish will end the next year in the spring.

Sergey Putyatin, Lysva, Perm region.


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