Dua Fajr for the month of Ramadan. Dua of Ramadan: prayer for the morning and evening prayer after breaking the fast

Dua Fajr for the month of Ramadan. Dua of Ramadan: prayer for the morning and evening prayer after breaking the fast

Duas for the hour of Suhoor and Iftaar

Namir (Niyat), which is expected at the hour of suhur (after the wound intake).

“Navaytu an-asuuma sauma shahri ramadaan minyal-fajri ilal-maghribi khaalisan lillayahhi tya’ala”

Translation: “I intend to fast for the month of Ramadan until the sun sets, for the sake of Allah.”

Du'a to read after breaking the fast (iftar).

"Allahumma lyakya sumu, bikya aamantu, 'alaikya tavakkyaltu, 'ala rizka aftartu, fagfirlii ya gaffaaru maa kaddamtu wa maa akhhartu.'

Translation: “O Allah, for Your sake I fasted, I trusted You, I swore in You, I broke my fast with You. Oh, I forgive, forgive me the sins that I have committed or I will commit.”

Iftar prayer read

The Eternal Wonder of the Prophet ﷺ – Holy Quran / Aliya Umerbekova

Nobility: Osman (radialla anhu)

Namir post (niat): If you want to speak Arabic, you can say this dua:

وَبِصَوْمِ غَدٍ نَّوَيْتَ مِنْ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ

“Wa bi saumi chad nawaitu min shahrri Ramadan” (Abu Daoud)

Or it’s easy to say to yourself in Russian: “I intend to complete the fast of the month of Ramadan for the sake of Allah Almighty”.

Du'a to break fast at the time of Iftar

اللَهُمَّ لَكَ صُمْتُ وَ بِكَ آمَنْتُ وَ عَلَيْكَ تَوَكَلْت وَ عَلَى رِزْقِكَ

اَفْطَرْتُ فَاغْفِرْلِى يَا غَفَّارُ مَا قَدَّمْتُ وَ مَأ اَخَّرْتُ

“Allahumma lakya sumu wa bikya amantu wa alaikya tawakkyaltu wa 'ala rizki aftartu fagfirli ya gaffaru ma kaddamtu wa ma akhhartu”

Translation: “O Allah! For Your sake I prayed a fast, having trusted in You and losing my hope in You, I break my fast with what You sent me. Probach, O Forgiver of my sins, great and future!

ذَهَبَ الظَّمَأُ وَ ابْتَلَّتِ الْعُرُوقُ، وَ ثَبَتَ الأجْرُ إنْ شَاءَ اللَّهُ

“Zahabaz-zam” uabtallyal-“uruk wa sabata al-ajr inshaAllah” (Abu Daoud)

Translation: “The fire has gone, the veins are turning and the city has risen inshaAllah!”

Tasbih under the hour of reading tarauikha

سُبْحَانَ ذِي المُلْكِ وَالْمَلَكوُتِ سُبْحَانَ ذِي العِزَّةِ وَالعَظَمَةِ وَالْقُدْرَةِ وَالْكِبْرِيَاءِ وَالجَبَروُتِ سُبْحَانَ الْمَلِكِ الْحَيِّ الَّذِي لَا يَمُوتُ سُبُّوحٌ قُدُّوسٌ رَبُّنَا وَ رَبُّ الْمَلَائِكَةِ وَ الرُّوحِ لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ الله نَسْتَغْفِرُالله نَسْأَلُكَ الْجَنَّةَ وَ نَعُوذُبِكَ مِنَ النَّارِ

“Subhaana zil-mulki wal-malakuut. Subhana zil-izzata wal-azamati wal-kudrati wal-kibriya-i wal-jabaruut. Subhanal-maliki-khayil-lyazi la yamuut. Subbuukhun kudduusun rabbuna ua rabbul-malayaikati warruuh. La ilaha illallahu nastagfirullah nasalukal jannata wa nazu bika minannar.”

The Presentation of the Lord of the hidden and the obvious. Presentations Volodar Power, Greatness, Power, Beauty and Majesty. Presentation Pan, Alive, He who never dies. All-thorough, All-Holy, Our Lord and the Lord of angels and souls. There is no God beside Allah. We ask New One for forgiveness, we ask New One for paradise, and we surrender to New One before the fire.

Khazret Sultan Mosque, 2012-2017

Iftar prayer read

Dua, as the Prophet (ﷺ) read at the hour of Iftar

As a religious term, the word “Iftar” means the completion of the fast, breaking the fast, breaking the beginning of the fast, or not breaking the fast altogether. Whenever the word “iftar” is used, it becomes familiar during a significant conversation.

Fasting, which is one of the most important types of worship in Islam and one of its steps, is respected by Vidmova among others, drinking intimate water from the bed until sunset. The hour of Iftar is the end of the evening. Breaking the fast without a good reason before the hour of Iftar is forbidden. A person who destroyed her settlement for no reason, is considered to be such that she committed a sin. It is possible to interrupt the printing of the paste in the following situations: in cases of illness or weakness, old age, food intake and the rise in price.

The hour of Iftar has come for the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) to hurry from his people and break the fast with dates, water that tastes like sweet water (Bukhari, Saum, 45; Muslim, Siyam, 48; Abu Dawud, Saum, 21).

It appears that at the hour of Iftar, the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) made the following dua:

"Allahumma lakya sumtu wa bikya amantu wa alaykya tawakkyaltu wa 'ala rizki aftartu fagfirli ya gaffaru ma kaddamtu wa ma akhhartu"

(O Allah! For Your sake I have prayed, having believed in You and relying on You, I break my fast with what You have sent me. Probach, O Forgiveness of my sins, great and future!)" (Ibn Maja, Siyam, 48; Darakutni, II/185).

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    Prayers (dogalari)


    Allahumma inii 'abdukiya ibnu 'abdikya ibnu ematik. On asiyatiya b yadikya maadin fiya hukmukya 'adlyun fiya kadoouk. As'alyukya bi kulli ismin huva lak, sammayte bikhi nafsyak, av analtahu fiya kitaabik, av 'allamtahu ahaden min halqiq, av ista'sarte bikhi fiya 'ilmil-gaibi 'indek' 'a kalbi, wa nuura sadri, wa jalaa'e khuzni, wa zakhaaba hammi

    Allaahumma ante rabbii, laya ilayaha illaya ant, halyaktanii wa ana 'abduk, wa ana 'alaya 'ahdika wa wadika mastato'tu, a'uuu bakya min sharri maa sona'tu, abuu'u lakya bi'ya va abuu'u lyakya bi zanbii, fagfirlii, fa innehu laya yagfiruz-zunuube illa ant.


    Hasbiya llaahu laya ilaya hu, 'alayhi tawakkyaltu wa huwa rabbul 'arshil-'azim.

    “The Almighty is enough for me. There is no God, no God. I have sworn to Him, and He is the Lord of the great Throne” (Holy Koran, 9:129).

    Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him) said: “Whoever says this [prayer] this time in the morning and this time in the evening, the Almighty will have enough to solve any problem” (St. H. Abu Dawud).


    Read the three lower suras from the beginning Holy Quran:

    Kul huval-laahu ahad. Allahus-Somad. Lam yalid wa lam yulyad. Wa lam yakul-lyahu kuuvan ahad (Holy Koran, 112).

    “Say: “Win, Allah, One.” Allah is the Eternal [only the Win-Toy that everyone will endlessly demand]. Not being born and not being born. And no one can be equal to Him.”

    Bismil-lyahi rahmaani rahim.

    Kul a'uuzu b rabbil-falyak. Mine sharri maa halyak. mіn sharri gaasi-kin іzee vakab. mіn sharri nnaffaasaati fil- 'ukad. hv sharri haasi-din iee hasad (Holy Koran, 113).

    “Say: “I seek from the Lord the salvation from the evil that comes out of what He has created, and the darkness from the evil that descends.” The kind of evil of the chakluns and the evil of the dead, if in one’s life there is a delay.”

    Bismil-lyahi rahmaani rahim.

    Kul a'uuzu b rabbin-naas Maalikin-naas. Ilyaakhin-naas. Mine sharril-waswaasil-hannaas. Alyasia yuvasvis fiya suduurin-naas. Minal-jinnati van-naas (Holy Quran, 114).

    “Say: “I seek salvation from the Lord of men, Volodar of men, God of men. [I am searching for salvation from New One] in the face of evil, Satan whispers, who appears [at the revelation of the Lord]. [Satan] is the one who causes confusion in the hearts of people. Kind of [evil representatives of Satan from among] genies and people.”

    Having read the three suras, you need to blow into the valley and wipe your entire body with them, starting with the appearance of your head (repeat all 3 times). As it is said in one of the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (may the Almighty bless him), a person who has promulgated and earned the fortune will be saved from all filth until the very morning.

    Bismil-lyahi rahmaani rahim. Allah ilyah ilyah ilya huwal-hai-yul-kayuum, laya ta'huzuhu sinatuv-valaya naum, lyahu maa fis-samaavaati wa maa fil-ard, men hall-lyaziya yashfya'u 'indahu laya bina va maa halfahum wa laya yukhiitu une bi sham -min 'ilmihi illya bi maa shaa'a, vasi'a kursiyuhu ssamaavaati val-ard, wa laya ya'uduhu hifzuhu-maa vahuval-'aliyul-'azi. 255).

    “Allah (Lord)… There is no God, except the New, Eternally Living, Existing One. There is no sleep, no sleep. Everything that is in heaven and everything that is on earth belongs to him. Who can intercede before Him other than for the will of Yogo? I know what happened and what will happen. No one can touch any part of His knowledge, outside of His will. Heaven and Earth are embraced by His throne, and His turbot does not flow about them [about all those who are in our All-World and beyond]. Vіn is the Almighty [in all senses above all and everything], the Great [the greatness of Whom cannot be between]!”

    Bismil-lyahi rahmaani rahim. Aamana rassuulu bimaa unzila ilyayhi light-rabbihi val mu'minuun. Kulyun aamana bil-lyahi va malayai katikha va kutubihi va rusulikh. Lyalachi nufarrik baina akhadim-mir-rusulikh. Kaalyuyu sami'naa va ato'naa gufraanakya rabbanaa va ilyaikal-masir. Laya yukalliful-laahu nafsan illya vus'akhee. Lyakhaya maa kyasebet va 'alayhee ma-ktesebet. Rabbanaa laya tu'aa-hiznaa in nasiinaa av ahto'naa. Rabbanaa wa laya tahmil 'alaynaa isron kamaa hamaltahu 'ala-laya min kablinaa. Rabbanaa wa laya tukhammilnaa maa laya tookate lyanaa bikh. Wa'fu 'annaa vagfirlyanaa varhamna, ante mavlyanaa fansur-naa 'alal-qawmil-kyafiriin (Holy Quran, 2:285,286).

    “The Prophet [Muhammad] believed in [the truth and truthfulness of that] which was sent to him from the Lord, and the believers [also believed]. Everyone [who ever believed] believed in God [the One Creator], His angels, His Scripture and the messengers of God. We do not share between messengers.

    And the stench (believers) said: “We sensed [Divine instructions, transmitted through the prophet] and were distressed. I ask You to cleanse our sins, O Lord, even before we turn to You.” Allah does not put on the soul those who have more strength (capacity). On her behalf are those who she has earned [good], and against those who she has earned [badness]. Oh my God! Don’t punish someone for forgetting something that happened to Milkovo. Do not lay a burden on us, as You did on those who came before us. Don’t ask us to oblige those that we have no intention of earning. Show us [our sins and mercy], show us [those between us and other people, do not reveal to them our shortcomings and mistakes] and have mercy on us. Tee

    our Patron, help us [among the people] with people who will stand against You [with those who, having forgotten about faith, stand for the ruin of morality and morality].”


    Ashkhadu alia ilyaha illal-laakh, wahdahu laya sariika lyakh, ashhadu anna mukhammadan 'abduhu wa rasuulyukh.

    “I testify that there is no God, besides the One Lord, Whom there is no, comrade. I also testify that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.”

    Allahumma-j'alniy minat-tawwaabin, wa-j'alniy minal-mutatohhi-riin.

    “O Almighty, select me from among the people who repent and purify themselves.”

    Subhaanakyal-laakhumma va bi hamdik, ashkhadu alayah ilyayaha illay ant, astagfirukya va atuubu iliayk. Translation:

    “Oh Lord, You are far away! Praise be to you! I testify that there is no God around You. I ask You for forgiveness and repent before You.”


    Allahumma lakya sumtu wa 'alaya rizki aftartu wa 'alaikya tavakkyaltu wa bikya aamant. Zehebe zzomeu wabtellatil-'uruuku wa sebetal-ajru in sheal-laahuta'ala. Ya vaasial-fadli-gfirlii. Alhamdu lil-layakhil-lyaziya e'aana-nii fa sumtu va rosakanni fa aftart.


    Innaa lil-layakhi wa innaa ilyayhi raaji'uun, Allahahumma 'indakya ahtasibu musibatiya fa'journiy fiihe, va abdilni beheya khairan minhe.


    Allahumma innaa naj'yuklu fiya nukhuurikhim, va na'uuz bikya min shururikhim.

    "About Allah, our sheep and ours are submitted to You for judgment. And we come to You, moving away from their evil.”

    Hasbunal-laahu va ni'mal vakiil.

    “We need the Lord, and He is the greatest Patron.”

    « Laya iliayahe iliaya ante subkhaanakya innі kuntu minaz-zoolimin.

    Allahu laya ilyahe illaya huwal-hayyul-kayuum, laya ta'huzuhu sina-tuv-walya naum, lyahu maa fis-samaavaati wa maa fil-ard, men hall-lyaziya yashfya'u 'indahu yalaba I aidihim wa maa halfa-hum va lya yukhіituuna bi sheyim-min 'ilmihi illya bi maa shaae, vasi'a kursiyuhu ssamaavaati val-ard, wa laya yaudhu hifzuhumaa wa huval-'aliy-yul-'a.

    Kulil-layahumma maalikal-mulki tu'til-mulkya men tashaa'u va tanzi-'ul-mulka mim-men tashaa', wa tu'izzu men tashaa'u wa tuzillyu men tashaa', biadikal-khayr, otherwise I shika kadiir .

    Khuval-laahul-lyaziya laya ilyayah ilyaya hu, 'aalimul-gaibi your-shahede, hu-var-rahmaanu rahim. Khuval-laahul-lyaziya ilya ilyayah ilyaya hu, al-malikul-qudduus, as-salayamul-mu'min, al-muhayminul-'aziyz, al-jabbaarul-mu-takabbir, subhaanal-laahi 'ammaa yushrikuun. Khuval-laahul-khaalikul-baariul-musavvir, lahul-asmaaul-khusnaa, yusabbihu lyahu maa fis-samaavaati val-ard, wa huval-'aziizul-khakiim.

    Alif lyam miim. Allahu laa ilyahe ilaa huwal-hayyul-qayyuum. Ila-yahukum ilayahun vaahid, ala ilaiahe ilaya huvar-rahmaanur-rahim. Allahu laya ilayahe illya hu, al-ahadus-somad, alyazi lam yalid wa lam yuulyad, wa lam yakun lahu kufuvan ahad.

    As'elukya ya Allah, ya huwa ya rahmaanu ya rahiim, ya khayu ya kayyuum, ya zal-jalali wal-ikraam.

    Allahumma inni as'elyukya biannii ashkhadu aneka antel-laah, laya ilyayahe ilyaya ant, al-ahadus-somad, alyazi lam yalid wa lam yuulyad, wa lam yakun lyahu kufuvan ahad.

    Allaahumma inni as'elyukya biane lakal-hamd, laya ilayahe ilaya ant, al-mannaanu badii'us-samaavaati val-ard. Ya zal-jalaya wal-iqraam, ya hayu ya kayyuum.

    Allahumma inni as'elyukya biane lakal-hamd, laya ilayah ilaya ant, vahdekya laya sariika lak, al-mannaanu badii'us-samaawaati val-ard, dhul-jalyali val-ikraam. Ya hannaanu ya mannaan, ya badi'as-samaavaati val-ard, ya zal-jalyali val-iqraam, as'elukal-jannate wa a'uuzu bikya mi-nen-naar.

    Allahumma akhsin 'aakibatanaa fil-umuuri kullihe, ajirnaa min khizid-dunyaya 'azaabil-kabr'.

    “There is no God to pray to You [about the Lord!]. You are far away from the land. Truly, before you I am one of the sinners.

    Allah... There is no God except the New, Eternally Living, Existing One. Neither sleep nor drowsiness sleeps on him. You will have to pay everything that is in heaven and on Earth. Who can intercede before Him other than for the will of Yogo? I know what happened and what will happen. No one can harm the knowledge of Yogo, except the will of Yogo. Heaven and earth are embraced by the throne of Yogo, and Yogo does not make any noise about them. Vin – Almighty, Great!

    Say: “O Lord, who is in power! You give to the ruler to whom you please, and you take away from whom you please. You magnify the one you amuse, and you degrade the one you amuse. Your rule is good. You can earn everything!”

    In the Lord, there is no God, there is no God. Vin is the Omniscient. Yogo's mercy is boundless and eternal. Vin - Lord, there is no God around Him. Vin - Volodar. Vin Saint. Gives light, imparts faith, preserves security. Vіmnogo, Omnipotent, is still not yet complete. The distant Almighty is like the comrades that You hope for. Vin is the Creator, the Creator, Who gives form to this song. I must lay down all the nuts. Those in heaven and those on Earth praise Him. He is Mighty, Wise.

    Alif. Lam. Mim. Allah... There is no God except the New, Eternally Living, Existing One. Your Lord is one God, there is no God, but the New, the Merciful. Yogo's mercy is boundless and eternal. There is no God, except the New, One, Eternal. Not being born and not being born. No one can compare with Yoma.

    I ask You, O Allah! O All-Merciful One, whose mercy is boundless and eternal! About the Eternally Living One, about the Existing One, about Volodar, greatness and glory!

    I ask You, who bear witness, that there is no God but You, the One, the Eternal One, who has not created nations or nations, to whom no one can be equal.

    I ask You, the One Who owes praise. There is no God around You, the All-Merciful, Creator of heaven and Earth, Volodar of greatness and courage, eternally Living, Existing. O Lord!

    I ask You, Who is to be magnified. You are the One, and You have no comrade, All-Merciful, Creator of heaven and earth, Volodar of greatness and courage. All-merciful, Creator of heaven and earth, Volodar of greatness and courage, I ask You for Paradise and depart with Your help from Hell.

    O Allah! Do it in such a way that the result, no matter what I do, will be even better. They gave us away from the ruin and dishonor of a perishable life. Take us away from the torment of the grave.”


    The remaining messenger of the Almighty said: “Before we begin, we must say to each of you: “Bismil-layah.” If you forget about the price of the cob [meal], then don’t forget to say it immediately when you remember: “Bismil-lyahi fii avalikhi va aakhirihi” (“To the name of the Almighty on the cob and at the end [of the meal]”).”

    Allahumma baarik lyanaa fikh, va at'imnaa khairan minkh.

    O Almighty, give us blessings and reward us with this, which is more beautiful for this.”


    Al-hamdu lil-lyahi lazi at'amanaa wa sakaanaa wa j'alanaa minal-muslimin.

    “Praise be to the Almighty, Who has pleased us, given us drink and made us Muslims.”

    Al-hamdu lil-lyahi laziya at'amania haaz, wa razakanihi min gairi hav-lin minni valya kuvva.

  • All about religion and faith - "prayer at Iftar" with report description and photographs.

    It is reported from 'Abdullah ibn 'Amr (may Allah be pleased with him) that the messenger

    Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) saying: “Verily, blessed

    The one who fasts before breaking the fast does not give up.” Ibn Majah 1753, al-Hakim

    1/422. Hafiz Ibn Hajar, al-Busayri and Ahmad Shakir confirmed

    Abu Daoud 2357, Al-Bayhak'i 4/239. Reliability of hadith

    confirmed by Imam al-Darak'utni, al-Hakim, al-Zahabi, al-Albani.

    ﺫﻫﺐ ﺍﻟﻈﻤﺄ ﻭﺍﺑﺘﻠﺖ ﺍﻟﻌﺮﻭﻕ ﻭﺛﺒﺖ ﺍﻻﺟﺮ ﺇﻥ ﺷﺎﺀ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ

    /Zahaba zzama-u uabtalatil-'uruk', ua sabatal-ajru insha-Allah/.

    “O Lord, I fasted for You (for the sake of Your pleasure with me), believed in You, swore in You and dissented, victorious and Your gifts. My time has passed and my sins have come, O All-Forgiving One!”

    Prayer before the hour of Iftar

    Namir (niat), which is expected after suhur (rank intake of yazhi)

    “We intend to fast for the month of Ramadan until sunset until the sun sets for the sake of Allah.”

    Translit: Navaytu an-asuuma sauma shahri ramadaan minyal-fajri ilal-magribi khaalisan lillayahhi tya'aala

    Dua after breaking fast (iftar)

    ذهب الظمأ وابتلت العروق وثبت الاجر إن شاء الله

    The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, after breaking the fast, said: “The sprague came, and the people were filled with moisture, and the cities are already looking out for what will be pleasing to Allah” (Abu Dawud 2357, al-Bayhaqi 4/239).

    Translit: Zahaba zzama-u uabtalatil-'uruk', wa sabatal-ajru insha-Allah

    Dua after breaking fast (iftar)

    “O Allah, for Your sake I fasted, I believed in You, I swore in You, I broke my fast with You. Oh, Forgiving One, forgive me for the sins that I have committed or I will commit.”

    Translit: Allahumma lakya sumtu, wa bikya aamantu, wa 'alaikya tavakkyaltu, wa 'ala rizki aftartu, fagfirlii ya gaffaaru maa kaddamtu wa maa akhhartu

    Dua after breaking fast (iftar)

    اَللَّهُمَّ لَكَ صُمْتُ وَ عَلَى رِزْقِكَ أَفْطَرْتُ وَ عَلَيْكَ تَوَكَّلْتُ وَ بِكَ آمَنتُ ذَهَبَ الظَّمَأُ وَ ابْتَلَّتِ الْعُرُوقُ وَ ثَبَتَ الْأَجْرُ إِنْ شَاءَ اللهُ تَعَلَى يَا وَاسِعَ الْفَضْلِ اغْفِرْ لِي اَلْحَمْدُ لِلهِ الَّذِي أَعَانَنِي فَصُمْتُ وَ رَزَقَنِي فَأَفْطَرْتُ

    Translation: O Almighty, I fasted for Your sake [so that You would be pleased with me]. Having completed the fast with what You bestowed on me. I have sworn in You and believed in You. The sprague went down, they were filled with water, and the wine of the city was established, as you please. O Volodar of boundless mercy, forgive my sins. Praise be to the Lord, Who helped me to fast and gave me that with which I broke my fast

    Translit: Allahumma lakya sumtu wa 'alaya rizki aftartu wa 'alaikya tavakkyaltu wa bikya aamant. Zehebe zzomeu wabtelatil-'uruuku wa sebetal-ajru in sheallaahu ta'ala. Ya vaasial-fadligfir liy. Alhamdu lilyayahil-lyaziya e'aananiya fa sum va rozakanni fa aftart

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    The Holy Quran on the website is quoted from Translation of meanings by E. Kuliev (2013) Quran online

    Prayer before the hour of Iftar

    Dua, as the Prophet (ﷺ) read at the hour of Iftar

    As a religious term, the word “Iftar” means the completion of the fast, breaking the fast, breaking the beginning of the fast, or not breaking the fast altogether. Whenever the word “iftar” is used, it becomes familiar during a significant conversation.

    Fasting, which is one of the most important types of worship in Islam and one of its steps, is respected by Vidmova among others, drinking intimate water from the bed until sunset. The hour of Iftar is the end of the evening. Breaking the fast without a good reason before the hour of Iftar is forbidden. A person who destroyed her settlement for no reason, is considered to be such that she committed a sin. It is possible to interrupt the printing of the paste in the following situations: in cases of illness or weakness, old age, food intake and the rise in price.

    The hour of Iftar has come for the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) to hurry from his people and break the fast with dates, water that tastes like sweet water (Bukhari, Saum, 45; Muslim, Siyam, 48; Abu Dawud, Saum, 21).

    It appears that at the hour of Iftar, the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) made the following dua:

    "Allahumma lakya sumtu wa bikya amantu wa alaykya tawakkyaltu wa 'ala rizki aftartu fagfirli ya gaffaru ma kaddamtu wa ma akhhartu"

    (O Allah! For Your sake I have prayed, having believed in You and relying on You, I break my fast with what You have sent me. Probach, O Forgiveness of my sins, great and future!)" (Ibn Maja, Siyam, 48; Darakutni, II/185).

    How can a woman hide herself?

    It is a great pity to note that these days many women either do not hide or think that they hide. Those women who do not hide behind proper rank through the unreasonable orders of the Shariat do not themselves note it.

  • How to make a happy squad?

    The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said: “In order to be happy people, it is necessary to have three words: a good home, a good horse and a good squad.” In another hadith, the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “A good squad is half the imanu”

  • Medicine of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ): look for a competent doctor

    It is clear in Malik’s collection that Zayed bin Aslam said: “It seems that even for the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam), one person was wounded, and then they began to bleed. After that, doctors from the Baths of Anmar were sent for two, who began to fasten him and explain their actions. The Prophet sang (from the beginning) in what is known in medicine. When they asked him: “What is the problem in this (medical) department?” – The Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: “He who gives healing is He who sends you to illness.”

  • How can women read prayer in their pants?

    One of the obligatory minds of namaz is satr-aurah, so as to cover those places that may be coming from other people. Before performing namaz, wives must cover everything except the face, hands and feet up to the wrist.

  • This dribnitsa can provide you with savings accumulated for 40 rubles

    The Shariah has its own adhabi for the mosque. In connection with this, there is a hadith about those with which the world of a person is shamelessly placed before it and follows these adabs, and with the same world of wine the grapes of the city will be rewarded. For example, what people recognize as “Beytullah” (“Woodhouse of Allah”) or “maszhid” (lit. “place, de rob sajda”, or “earthly slope”) or place zustrichi, conversations, in other words, “club for interests” ".

  • Is it permissible to put a horse into a hedgehog?

    I feel that according to the Hanafi madhhab it is not possible to eat horse meat, and what is the truth in the mind of Abu Hanifi (Rahmatullah alayhi) himself?

  • Is it true that you can’t flatten your eyes before the hour of prayer?

    Before the macros (even unnecessary actions), the following actions should be applied to the prayer:

  • Yak dati sadaka, nagoroda for yak trivatime forever

    Thinking about the barracks, we respectfully hope that with any help we can increase our barracks. We pray to the barakata to make our time more productive and productive and bring the blessings of Allah on our skin. Have you ever wondered how to know the barakat of good deeds? How to earn good deeds for eternity?

    3rd Sunni of Ramadan

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    1 - What should you say at the time of Iftar (breaking of fast)?

    It was narrated from Abu Hurayri that the Prophet ﷺ said: “There is a testimony for three duas: the dua of the one who fasts, the dua of the one who squeezes, and the dua of the mandravka.” And this is blessed, as he sees at the hour of Iftar, as to come from the hadith of Abu Hurayri from the Prophet ﷺ: Three duas are not thrown: the dua of the one who fasts, when he breaks the fast, the just warrior and the squeezed. And it is narrated from Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-As that the Prophet ﷺ said: Indeed, for the one who fasts during the hour of Iftar dua, he will not be thrown away.”

    More beautiful than the dua that was transmitted from the Prophet ﷺ, who said at the hour of Iftar: “Zahaba-z-zama'u, wa-btalat-l-'uruk wa Sabata-l-ajra, in sha'a-Allah" (Spraga has come) , and they lived and were filled with water and the cities are already looking out for them to be like Allah).

    It is reported from Muazah ibn Zahra that the Prophet ﷺ said during the hour of Iftar: “Allahumma lakya sumu wa `ala rizika aftartu” (O Allah, I fasted for you and broke my fast with what you bestowed on me) (visit Abu Dawud).

    Ibn Umar - may Allah be pleased with him - saying during the hour of Iftar: “Allahumma, ini as’alu-kya bi-rahmati-kya-lyati wasi’at kulya shayin an tagfira li!” (O Allah, verily, I implore You by Your mercy, which embraces everything, forgive me!) (Go to Abu Dawud).

    2 - Increased number of good deeds, and truly a reward for good on the right - a reward that will be taken away after this slaughter. I have to do with this:

    * fasting for the month of Sha'ban in preparation for Ramadan. It is transmitted from the mother of the faithful Aisha - may Allah please her: “I did not fast until the Prophet ﷺ fasted for a whole month without interruption, except for Ramadan, and I did not fast until he fasted for me ten times more, fasting at Sha'ban" .

    * Reading of the Holy Qur'an: Indeed, Ramadan is the month of the Qur'an. During this month, a Muslim can read more, memorize it and reflect on it. Jibril began the Prophet ﷺ the Qur'an in the month of Ramadan, Uthman ibn Affan - may Allah be pleased with him - having read the Qur'an every day, the followers read the Qur'an every day in the night prayers of Ramadan every three nights, and the and from them - every seven nights, other every ten nights. They read the Quran in prayers and nothing more. Before Ramadan, Imam Shafi recited the Quran 60 times in prayer. Al-Aswad read the Qur'an every two nights during this Ramadan. Qatadah is gradually recited the Qur'an every seven days, and Ramadan - every three days, and the remaining ten days of Ramadan - every day. Sufyan al-Sauri, when Ramadan began, abandoned all other worship and began reading the Quran.

    * Vistoyuvannya night prayers during Ramadan. From Abu Hurayri - may Allah be pleased with him - it is transmitted: The Prophet ﷺ called before the fasting of the nights of Ramadan, seemingly: He who stood through Ramadan with faith and hope for peace, his previous sins will be forgiven. He came to the Prophet ﷺ and said: O messenger of Allah! Who is meritorious (La ilaha illa Allah) and who is the Messenger of Allah, praying five times a day, fasting during the month of Ramadan, standing through the night and paying zakat, what can you say about him? Prophet ﷺ: The one who died on whom - from the truthful and the martyrs.

    * Sadaqah (sacrifice): Our Prophet ﷺ was generous with people, and showed the greatest generosity during the month of Ramadan. Vin said: “The best sadka is sadka in Ramadan.” From the sight of the garden - the anniversary of those who fast. The Prophet ﷺ said: “Whoever has pleased the one who fasts, enrolls in a city that is older than the city of the one who fasts, and with whom the city of the one who fasts is not changed.” And if you want to please a hedgehog, then you can treat him with a fig, drink a bucket of water or milk. The Prophet ﷺ said: Whenever a believer yearns for a believer, Allah makes him year with the fruits of Paradise, and whoever gives a drink to a believer and drinks his drink, Allah gives him to drink with the wine of Paradise.”

    The leaders of the successors said: “In order to call ten of my friends and indignate them with their beloved one, then bring ten of them out of the blue of Ismail.”

    Many of the predecessors were willing to give their way, being themselves fasting, among them Abdullah ibn Umar, Dawud at-Toy, Malik ibn Dinar, Ahmad ibn Hanbal. Ibn Umar never sat down to break his fast, besides the number of orphans and poor people. Among them were al-Hasan and ibn al-Mubarak. Abu al-Siwar al-Adaw said: “The people from the tribe of Banu 'Adi said prayer in this mosque, and none of them broke their fast alone. As if she were the one who could share a meal with them, the stinks asked for him before her, and as they did not bring it into the mosque or at the same time from people.”

    If a Muslim was asked to fast with a guest, he is obliged to accept the request, so that the one who does not comply with the request without listening to Abu al-Qasim ﷺ, and then I will sing to the one who is not at all menshuє s yogo do well and will not change it for the city. The person requested is required to recite the dua that he requested, after completing the truth as reported by the Prophet ﷺ: “Akala ta’amakum al-Abraru, wa sallaat alaikum al-malyaqa, wa aftara ‘indaqum as-saymun” and bo " Allahumma at im man at'amani wa sak man sakani" or "Allahumma gfir lyahum wa rhamkhum wa barik lyahum fiha rizkatahum."

    * Staying in the mosque after morning prayer: The Prophet ﷺ, having read the wound prayer, sat at his prayer room until sunrise. He said: To the one who, having read the rank prayer of the jamaati, then sat and remembered Allah (reading the rank prayers) until the end of the sun, then said two rakats (prayers to the spirit), is registered in the city as having completed the Hajj and will die again. ірі.

    People are obliged to take advantage of this noble hour and not to lose respect for the lack of respect for this sunna, which would put most people to shame, and to marvel in the nourishment of religion at those who are trying for it. “Don’t let them start running around for someone’s sake!” (Sura Mutaffifin, 26). This sun becomes impossible for those who show arrogance in the sleepless night or in conversations after night prayer.

    * І`tikaf (venue) at the mosque. The Prophet ﷺ spent the remaining ten days of Ramadan in the mosque, and at the time of his death, he spent 20 days there.

    * Die. The prophet said: Umrah for the month of Ramadan is equal to Hajj.

    * Pragnennya caught nіch prichennya, About this Allah said: “Verily, We sent it (the Qur'an) from nothing in advance (for its greatness). Do you know what is so great (how great)? Nothing has become more common (or great) in a thousand months.” (Surah al-Qadr, 1-3). The Prophet ﷺ said: Anyone who stands in prayer every day with faith and hopes for peace will have his great sins forgiven. The Prophet ﷺ found nothing and punished his companions, for which he spent the remaining 10 days of Ramadan at the mosque (by paying itikaf), and woke up his family for the remaining 10 days of this Thousands of people hope that the stink will stop .

    The mother of the faithful, Aisha, said: “I said: O Messenger of Allah! What can I say at the end of the day? Vin vidpovi: Say: Allahumma innaka 'afun, tuhibbul-'afua fa'fu'anni (O Allah, verily you forgive, love forgiveness, vibach me).”

    Following the jokes, there are no words for the middle of the remaining ten nights of Ramadan, especially unpaired ones, as the Prophet ﷺ said: “Joke for them in the middle of the remaining 10 nights of Ramadan,” and the scholars said that it is the 27th night.

    * Increased number of supplementary prayers after ulcerative prayers: such as sunni prayers before and after obligatory prayers, prayer to the spirit, dhikri, nutritional forgiveness, dua, especially in the hour when duas are not offered, before the hour of iftar, on the last third of the night, on the evening, and on Friday

    * Prayers in jamaat at the mosque: Said ibn Musayb said: “He who, having performed five prayers from the jamaat, worshiped the well and the sea”

    This is a short poem about the need for such manifestations of goodness, until the herald calls out at the beginning of Ramadan: “Oh, good luck, continue!”

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    Damir Khairuddin

    Translator and publicist. I really know Arabic and French English movie. Respect, respect and nutrition to write to

    Aslam Ezhaev

    Director of the Umma Internal Affairs, Muslim Alhamduli Allah. Radio, which is the Internet. I am already over fifty, having been born in Shatoi, starting in Grozny, and ending in Moscow.

    Prayer before the hour of Iftar

    Prayer during the funeral

    "Zahaba-z-zama"u, wa-btalyati-l-"uruku wa sabata-l-ajru, in sha"a-Llahu."

    Translation: The sprague has gone, and the lives have been filled with water, and the towns are already waiting, as it pleases Allah(Here and in all other cases, the formula “Inshaa-Allah” expresses the euphoricity, otherwise seemingly, of taking a good turn on oneself.)

    "Allahumma, ini as" alyu-kya bi-rahmati-kya-lyati wasi "at purchase shayin an tagfira chi!"

    Translation: O Allah, verily, I implore You by Your mercy, which embraces everything, forgive me!


    It appears that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said:


    “Al-hamdu li-Llyahi llazi at” ama-ni haza wa razaka-ni-hi min gairi haulin min-ni wa la kuvvatin.”

    Translation: Praise be to Allah, who has pleased me with this and bestowed upon me, even as I myself did not by force, nor by force, nor by will.

    "Al-hamdu li-llahi hamdan kasiran, taiban, mubarakyan fi-hi, gayra makfiyin, wa la muvadda" in wa la mus-tagnan "an-hu! Rabba-na!"

    Translation: Praise be to Allah, praise is abundant, good and blessed, praise that comes more often, praise is unceasing, praise that we demand gradually! Our Lord!


    "Allahumma, barik la-hum fi-ma razakta-hum, va-gfir la-hum va-rham-hum!"

    Translation: O Allah, bless them with what You have bestowed upon them, and remove them and have mercy on them.


    Translation: O Allah, please the one who has pleased me, and give a drink to the one who has given me a drink!


    "Aftara "inda-kumu-s-saimun, wa akyala ta" ama-kumu-l-abraru wa sallat "alay-kumu-l-malyakyat!"

    Translation: Let those who fast break their fast, and let not the righteous eat your food, and let the angels bless you!


    It appears that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said:


    Translation: Truly, I am fasting, truly, I am fasting!


    "Allahumma, barik la-na fi sa-mari-na, va barik la-na fi madinati-na, va barik la-na fi sa"i-na va barik la-na fi muddi-na!

    Translation: “O Allah, bless our fruits for us, and bless our place for us, and bless our souls for us,” and bless our muddies for us!(Sa "mudd - miri obsyag")

  • Suhur is the period between the end of the night and the beginning of dawn, when those who are fasting take food and begin to train.

    Suhur is not obov'yazkovoy brain fasting, the fragments are only sunnah, not wajib.

    However, Suhur is so important that the Prophet Muhammad himself (may Allah bless him, be upon him) welcomed the hour of Suhur, saying:

    “Take this before Svitanka, and indeed there is grace in Sukhura.”

    In another hadith, the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him) recommended:

    “It’s true that you don’t have anything to live with, then try to earn suhoor with just one fig or a bucket of water.” This is the hour of grace, and for those who rise for Sahur, the angels read a prayer and ask for them before Allah Almighty.

    In order not to miss the hour of suhur, make a namir (niyat) and first ask Allah for this.

    Namir for fasting, fasting (text in Russian)

    After a person has eaten suhoor, it is necessary for her to form a niyat (namir) for fasting (at once) with these words:

    Navaytu an-asuuma sauma shahri ramadaan minyal-fajri ilal-maghribi khaalisan lillayahhi tya'ala.

    “I intend to fast for the month of Ramadan until sunset for the sake of Allah Almighty.”

    How to break the fast correctly (celebrate iftar)

    Iftar (breakfast, before fasting, prayer) must be started early and can be done just after sunset before the evening prayer (Maghrib, Akhsham).

    It is not advisable to put it at a late hour, because the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and rises) said:

    “My ummah is in abundance until it is too early to put off the break of fast (iftar) until late and do not break suhoor at night (so as not to start early for suhoor). (Hadith from Abu Zarra)

    You should start the meal with water or some unsteamed fresh or dried dates.

    If there are no dates, then iftar can be started with something sweet or drink water.

    According to an authentic hadith, the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him be upon him) before this evening prayer, began the conversation with fresh or dried dates, and if they were not available, then with plain water.

    Prayer to be said after Iftar

    “Allahumma lakya sumtu in bikya aamantu in aleyku tawakkaltu in 'ala rizki aftartu. Fagfirli ya gaffaru ma kaddamtu va ma akhhartu.”
    “O Allah, I fasted for the sake of Your pleasure, believed in You, swore on You and dissented, following Your gifts. My time has passed and my sins have come, O All-Forgiving One!”

    The hour of breaking the fast is considered such a moment when the prayer of a believer is accepted and he must turn to Allah Almighty with any Dua or curse, and you can ask Him for my prayer.

    An authentic hadith talks about three prayers-duas (supplications), which are immediately accepted by the Almighty. And one of them is the prayer at the hour of breaking fast (iftar), when people finish fasting.

    One of the reasons why we all look forward to Ramadan with such impatience lies in the fact that during this miracle month we hope for those that our duas will be accepted, and even every pious Muslim has a dua, which he hopes for. types. What are the Duas for Ramadan, what Duas am I obliged to perform, and what are the special Duas for Ramadan? You will find evidence on this other diet from the materials of a famous Muslim blogger, which was translated and published on his Facebook page by a Kazakh expert, a huge activist Iman Kuaniskizi, informs

    List of Duas for Ramadan
    The list that consists of your special Duas and Duas from the Qur'an and Sunnah that you read throughout the month of Ramadan looks like a book or just a note on a paper. You can perform this Dua at any hour of the day or see a special hour for them to do. The list will help you improve your effectiveness, and you will be happy that you have not forgotten the daily Duas.

    Divide your dua into 6 parts
    1 part - a maximum of 10 duas, as you work after the morning prayer (fajr). You don’t need to re-vantage yourself; If you can make more duas, do good, smut, so that you don’t care too much.
    Part 2 - the same with other duas for midday prayer (zuhr).
    Part 3 - the same with other duas for the eve of prayer (asr).
    Part 4 - the same with other duas for evening prayer (maghrib).
    Part 5 - the same with other duas for night prayer (isha).
    Part 6 - 20 duas that you will perform before breaking fast and at the hour of qiyam or tahajjud prayer. These Duas will be special because they are especially important for you. Make sure that your Duas achieve balance between this day and the faith of the next life. Don't forget to include the Dua about our Ummah in the prayer.

    Dua for prostration (sujud)
    Write down 4 Duas that will help you work in court. This is due to the Dua, which you most appreciate. (It is necessary to note that according to the madhhab of Abu Hanifi Dua, in court at the hour of prayer, the guilty are expected to in Arabic In addition, it is possible to exchange blessings from the Holy Quran and Sunnah. If a person wants to make dua in his own words, then it is necessary to ask for only non-worldly speech, something that cannot be asked of a person, for example: “Allahumma gfirli wa lizaujati wa liaulyadi” (O Allah, forgive my sins, sins my friends and my children) . If you ask worldly speeches to be translated into Arabic, then the prayer will be canceled. Moreover, if it is permissible to perform blessed prayers at the hour of the day when the minds have been cleared, it is recommended to obtain them from additional (nafil) prayers, and not from obligatory prayers. If a person has simply completed the earthly duty with prayer with the intention of only dua, then the stated rules must be followed without any difficulty and one can determine one’s blessings by asking the Creator for those things that are necessary - approx.).

    Are there special Duas for Ramadan?

    Yes, that's two special Duas for Ramadan.

    Dua 1: "Pislya" breaking the fast.
    Note: All Duas that need to be prayed during the hour of Ramadan “before” the break of fast are not weak (weak). It’s better to just say “blessings” and break the fast. And then you can make a simple and easy dua.

    ذَهَبَ الظَّمَأُ وَابْتَلَّتِ الْعُرُوقُ وَثَبَتَ الأَجْرُ إِنْ شَاءَ اللَّهُ
    zahabaz-zomau uabtallati-l 'uruk wa sabbata-l ajr in shaa Allah
    The sprague has gone, the living have been filled with moisture, and the towns are already waiting for the will of Allah.

    Dua 2: Let's continue through the remaining 10 days of Ramadan.

    اللَّهُمَّ إِنَّكَ عَفُوٌ تُحِبُّ الْعَفْوَ فَاعْفُ عَنِّي
    Allahumma innakya 'afuvun, tuhibbul-'afua, fa'fu 'anni
    O Allah, You forgive, and You love to forgive, vibach me.
    From Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) it is narrated: “I asked: “O Messenger of Allah! If I recognize the Nich of the Order, then what do they say to me in it? "Vin (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) confirms: "You are to blame for saying: Allahumma innakya 'afuvun, tuhibbul-'afua, fa'fu 'anni (O Allah, You forgive , and You love to forgive, you choose me.) [At-Tirmizi]

    Acts of Dua and Propositions
    (You can add Duas to your list)

    Don't forget to include Dua for our Ummah in your list.
    For Muslims, Syria, Egypt, Palestine, Burma... have an endless list.
    Dua for self-made mothers.
    Childless couples.
    My own brothers and sisters, which I cannot bind to my whore.
    Ill Muslims.
    Muslims from the Borgs.
    Dua about protection from the torment of the grave, the Fire of Hell and Dajjal.
    Dua for those who are in the middle of al-Sabikun, the divinations of Surya al-Waqiya, under the protection of the Throne of Allah on the Day of Judgment.
    Dua for those who vipiti from Dzherela al-Kawsar from the hands of the prophet on the Day of Judgment.
    Dua of your friends, your boyfriend, fathers, brothers and sisters, relatives of your boyfriend/friends (those who are not yet married/unfriended).
    Dua about finding pennies and financial security - you can make a dua about becoming a billionaire, for Allah everything is possible.
    Dua for those who become rich Muslims and spend their money in the way of Allah, and do not be greedy like those who spend their money on bad deeds.
    Dua for may Allah spare you the image of health, lack of happiness and hatred.
    Dua for Muslims among their families.
    Dua for Sirit.
    Dua for beginnings and goals in life.
    Dua for achievement Zhannat Firdaus ( of all things Paradise).
    Dua for those to be susid of the Prophet ﷺ and his companions (may Allah be pleased with them) in Paradise.
    Dua for those in order to save yourself from difficulties that may be encountered and asked to replace them with good.
    Duas for those who have become humble and on a straight path without difficulties, as if they would calm us down.
    Dua for health for ourselves and our loved ones.
    Dua for those to go to Mecca and Medina again and again for Hajj and die!
    Dua for Muslims with psychological illnesses and difficulties.
    Dua for cancer patients.
    Dua about protection from the punishment of the grave and the pain before death.
    Dua for those to change the place of Sirat from the light of the world.
    Dua about zakhist about chaklunstvo and pristrіtu.
    Dua about the value of family ties.
    Dua for those to be with “Uulil Albab”/people to understand.

    This is just a bunch of off-the-cuff propositions that I misinterpreted for you.

    Two for the sake of Dua
    Step 1 - read the Dua of the Prophet Muhammad as often as possible.

    اللهم آتنا في الدنيا حسنة، وفي الآخرة حسنة، وقنا عذاب النار
    Allahumma atina fid-dunya hasanatan, ua fil-akhirati hasanatan, ua kina 'azaban-nar
    Our Lord! Grant us goodness from this world and a good life ahead, and save us from the punishment of Fire

    Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) conveyed: the most often repeated dua of the Prophet (ﷺ) was: “Allahumma atina fid-dunya hasanatan, wa fil-akhirati hasanatan, wa kina 'azaban-nar (Our Lord! Grant us the coming world life is good, and save us from the punishment of Fire).” [al-Bukhari and Muslim]

    Porada 2 - buy “Muslim Fort”

    Buy as many as 10 copies. Respect your investment. Give them to your friends/family members/knowledgeable new Muslims. Let these books be constantly found nearby, especially during the hour of Ramadan. As soon as you have a free time, open the Muslim Fortress and begin to work the Dua from it.

    Of course, there is an electronic version, so I hope I can buy the book itself. If you are on the Internet, there are a lot of factors there. It is especially proper for me to sit on the prayer stool while performing dua. If you give this book to others and make money from it, then bring it to the additional city, and who doesn’t want to give it to the additional city before Ramadan?

    Buy stickers of different colors (5 colors) to signify your dua. For example, all duas marked with a green color will be duas for Fajr, duas for zuhr, etc. In this way, you will divide your souls and work on all of them without losing your focus.

    The Dua must be repeated 3 times before the Sunnah.
    Adabi Dua: Dua speaks in a quiet voice.
    Call on Allah, vikorist His beautiful names: Al-Wali - the Patron, Al-Karib - He who is close, Al-Waqil - the Protector, the Guardian, the Patron, Ar-Rahman / Ar-Rahim - the Merciful / Merciful. Since Allah has confirmed the Dua of Iblis, then how can you think that He has not confirmed your Dua?

    Remember that there are 3 ways to confirm Dua
    a) Yes.
    b) So, just a little later, not immediately.
    c) In fatigue, you can see all sorts of difficult problems.
    “The prayer of a believer is not lost without confirmation. The answer to the new trace, either in one’s life or in one’s life, is lost to further life, since only in... we do not hasten the Almighty, saying: “Why is my dua not accepted.”
    -[Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her]

    Make Duas for your friends and the Ummah, and the angels will make the same Duas for you. This is a mutual benefit - try to make Dua for at least 10 close friends.
    Begin and complete your dua by making salat to the Prophet Muhammad, ﷺ
    “The dua travels between heaven and earth and is not accepted until you say salawat to your Prophet ﷺ. [Umar may Allah be pleased with him]

    The righteous followers performed Dua for 20 times, and relied on what would be accepted. Remember this first, as soon as you start to show impatience. Dua is a form of worship. You will take away the city for its blessings to Allah. This in itself is a sufficient reason for us to steadily give up dua.

    If Allah reveals the Dua in the Quran, He will establish a direct connection with you. There is no one between you and Allah. In the suras, Allah instructs the Prophet Muhammad to “tell” this to people. However, if you reach Dua from the right, then the word “kul” (say) is in the day. Dua is a direct connection between you and Allah, between you there is no one - not the Prophet Muhammad, not a messenger, not a wali. Sit back and try to recognize the direct connection between you and Allah in the hour of Dua! “Remember Me, and I will remember you.” (Surah Al-Baqarah 2: verse 152)

    The dua that ends in prostration, before taslim at the fard prayer, between adhan and ikamat, before the break of fast, before the hour of the last third of the night, as well as "Qiyamul-layl" or tahajjud prayer, before the hour of the day, ... with great confidence in Allah. And there are just a few butts. Let's start combining furnishings. Butt - dua in prostration at the hour of Tahajjud prayer in Ramadan on one of the unpaired nights, perhaps, nothing is said!

    Reproach yourself before Allah, if you make dua, recognize your sins. Know that Allah is so wicked that He will not allow the hands of His servant, raised in Dua, to fall empty.
    Salman al-Farisi reported from the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): “Verily, Allah is Generous, and when a person raises his hands in blessings to Him, He is not so wicked as to allow the hands of His servant to rise.” and in Dua, they landed empty. [at-Tirmizi]

    Make Dua broadly and with humility. It is necessary to transform yourself so that your heart is completely and completely aligned with Allah. Allah does not listen to the Russians or the abstract heart. Your heart cannot be divided - you cannot submit one part to Allah, and another part to another “god”, for example, wealth, status, career, friendship, etc.

    Work Dua with deep relevance and significance. Try to put your faith in Dua, and believe in what Allah has confirmed on you. Rely on Allah! Don’t say: “I don’t know, I don’t have anything.” If you do not commit any great sins, then everything will work out by the will of Allah. Be firmly chanting without warning that Allah bears witness to your blessings. Allah loves you if you make Dua. Allah is angry unless you ask Him for mercy through blessings. "Allah is angry with those who do not ask." - Prophet Muhammad ﷺ (Sunnan Ibn Majah)

    Dua is your defense against everything and everyone. Only Dua has the power to change the qadar (signified). Make Dua so that Allah may change your thoughts for the good.
    Your dua will be accepted with greater acceptance if you repent steadily and widely. Repentance cleanses you of your sins, and you ask Allah for a more pure soul.
    Be patient, don't rush. Remove all negative thoughts for your blessings to Allah. “Each of you will be given a testimony on Dua, that you will not hasten to Allah and will not say, ‘I have already sought blessings to Allah, and you will not confirm me.'” - Prophet Muhammad ﷺ (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

    Apply Dua
    a) Dua about goodness in both worlds
    Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan, ua fil-oberti hasanatan, ua kina 'azaban-nar.
    Our Lord, grant us goodness in this life and goodness in the next life, and save us from the punishment of Fire (Surah al-Baqarah 2: verse 201)

    b) Dua for times of trouble and hardship
    La ilaha illa Allahul-Alimul-Halim. La ilaha illallahu Rabbul-Arsh-al-Azim, la ilaha illallah Rabbus-samauati Rabbul-Ard, ua Rabbul-Arsh al-Karim.
    No one worships other than Allah, the Knowing, the Vitriman. No one worships other than Allah, the Lord of the Great Throne. No one worships except Allah, the Lord of heaven and earth, the Lord of the Sacred Throne [Sahih al-Bukhari]

    c) Dua for a person and children

    Our Lord! Grant us the quiet of our friends and mercy and make us a sight for the pious (Surah al-Furqan 25: verse 74)

    d) Dua about forgiveness and a wonderful ending
    Rabbana fagfirlyana zunubana wa kafir 'anna sayatinaua tauaffana ma'al-abrar
    Our Lord! Forgive us our sins, forgive us our sins and rest us together with the pious (those who submit to Allah and abide by His orders) (Surah al-Imran 3: verse 193)

    e) Dua about protection from the Borg, turmoil and oppressive forces.
    Allahumma, ini auz bikya min-al hammi, wal-khazani, wal-ajzi, wal-kasali, wal-bukhli wa dalaid-dain wa kahrir-rijal
    O my Allah, I surrender to You in the face of confusion, confusion, joylessness, laziness, greed, majestic borgs, and to restrain people [at-Tirmizi]

    f) Dua about karіvnitstvo and protection from harm
    Allahumma-gfirli, warhamni, uakhdin, ua 'afini, warzukni
    O Allah, forgive me, have mercy on me, guide me, save me from harm and give me a share [Sahih Muslims]

    g) Dua about garni manners
    Innas-salts ua nusuki wa makhiyaya ua mamati lillahi Rabbil-'yalyamin, la kulki lyahu, ua bezalika umirtu wa ana minal-muslimin. Allahumma khdіni liakhsanil-amali ua akhmanil-akhlyaqi for yakhdi chi akhsanikha illa Antaua kini sayi-al-a'mali ua sayi-al-akhlaki, for yaki sayiaha illa Anta.

    Verily, my prayer, my sacrifice, my life and my death lie before Allah, the Lord of the world. No comrade. I was punished and I am one of the Muslims. O Allah, direct me to develop the best skills and the best manners, because no one can earn anything except You. And save me from so many bad deeds and bad manners, because no one can save me from them except You. [Sunnan An-Nasai]

    h) Dua about protection from the fire of Hell
    Rabbana isrif 'anna 'azabal jahannama inna 'azabaha kana ramama innaha saat mustakarrau wa muqama
    Our Lord! Bring forth torment from us in Gehenna, for there will be no torment there. How rotten this monastery and place are! (Surah al-Furqan 25: verse 65-66)

    j) Dua for confessing your sins - Dua of the Prophet Yunus, peace be upon you.
    La ilakha illa Anta subhanakya ini kuntu minaz-zolimin
    There is no god around You! Most Holy Ti! Verily, I was one of the wrongdoers! (Surah al-Anbiya 21: verse 87)

    And in the upcoming verse, Allah has confirmed the blessings of His prophet -
    Fastajabna lyahu ua najainahu minal-gamma ua kaza nunjil mu"minin
    We were led to his blessing and betrayed him into confusion. Thus peace is given to the believers (Surah al-Anbiya 21: verse 88)

    May Allah not separate us from the believers that He proclaims! Amen.

    k) Dua about protection from attacks. or if you feel hopelessness - Dua of the Prophet Nuh, light on you
    Rabbi ani maglubun fantasir
    Lord, truly I have been harmed, help me (Surah al-Qamar 54: verse 10)

    l) Dua of the Prophet Abraham, peace be upon you
    Hasbunallahu wa nimal-waqil
    Let us please Allah, how beautiful is such a pikluvalnik (Surah al-Imran 3: verse 173)

    m) Dua about losing work and friendship - Dua of the Prophet Musi, peace be upon you. Through this blessed Musa, peace be upon you, having separated from the robot for 8-10 years and becoming friends.
    Rabbi ini lima ansalta iliaya min khairin fakir.

    God! Indeed, I will demand whatever good you send me (Surah al-Qasas 28: verse 24)

    n) Dua of Prophet Yaqub, peace be upon you
    Innama ashku bassi ua khuznii ila Allah
    My scourges and turmoil are bestialized only to Allah (Sura Yusuf 12: verse 86)

    Uuuuuuuidu amri ila Allah inna Allah basirun bil-'ibad
    I entrust my justice to Allah. Verily, Allah is a blessing of slaves (Sura Ghafir 40: verse 44)

    p) Thank you for our Duas being accepted!
    Rabbana wa takabbal du'a
    Our Lord, accept my Dua (Sura Ibrahim 14: verse 40)

    Dua for children
    Unfortunately, at this time there are a lot of Muslim women asking us to write Dua in order to heal. I ask Allah to grant your blessings for a pious, healthy and garnished offspring this Ramadan.

    The axis of Dua is how you can work.
    1. Dua Zakaria, peace be with you
    Rabbi hab chi miladya zurriyatantayibatan, innaka sami'u-ddu'a
    "God! Grant me beautiful offspring in Your presence, even as You hear the prayer.
    Surah al-Imran 3: verse 38

    2. Dua Zakaria, peace be with you
    Rabbi la tazarni fardan wa anta khairul-uarisin
    “Lord, do not deprive me of my self-worth, and You are the greatest of the weaklings.”
    (Surah al-Anbiya 21: verse 89)

    3. Dua of the Prophet Abraham, peace be upon him about his sons
    Rabbi hab chi minas-solikhin
    “Lord, grant me offspring from among the righteous.”
    (Surah As-Soffat 37: verse 100)

    4. Dua iz Suri Al-Furqan
    Rabbana hab lana min azuajina wa zurriyatina kurrota a'yunin waj'alna lil-muttaqina imama
    Our Lord! Grant us the quiet of our friends and mercy and make us a sight for the God-fearing.
    (Surah al-Furqan 25: verse 74)

    5. Dua iz Suri al-Ahkaf
    Rabbi Auzі'ni Ashkura Nі'mataka-Latyan'amt 'Alya ua' ala yaliya ua a'malya Salikhan Tardahu uslikh fіzurishyyati, Iinі Tubtu іlaika ua venal-Muslimin.
    "God! Make me grateful for the mercy with which You have blessed me and my fathers, and help me to perform righteous deeds, with which You have pleased me. Give me my blessings as righteous people. I repent before You. Verily, I am one of the Muslims.”
    (Surah al-Ahqaf 46: verse 15)

    Lamentation at the hour of blessing
    Crying at the hour of blessing comes naturally through heaviness and difficulty. Especially if we feel hopelessness. The problem begins when we are blessed with good, and our heart strives to earnestly before Allah, both through repentance and through humble sacrifice. Below are a few varieties that can be brown:
    1. Show yourself at your grave on your own.
    2. Submit your sins, as Allah has received and preserves those desired for His mercy.
    3. Reveal the fire of Hell.
    4. Know how you stand at the Day of Judgment and wait when your book of acts is handed over to you.
    5. Reveal how Allah is turning against you or we will blind you on the Day of Judgment.
    6. Reveal unhealed blessings in the sight of Allah that you have not yet deserved, Allah having bestowed them on you.
    7. Identify illnesses and difficulties that Allah has forsaken you and that you see in others. Humiliation, violence in a whore, cancer, fat fathers... the list of such speeches that could have happened to you, but were NOT seen, is simply endless!
    8. It will remain the MOST IMPORTANT to make constant small efforts to convert Islam. The more you know the life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), the names of Allah and the tafsir of the Koran, the greater will be your humility, fear and love for Allah. May Allah protect us and hide us from those who may know or understand. We know that we will only bring bark if the stench increases our humility.

    It is narrated by Abu Hurairi that the Prophet (ﷺ) said: “That people will not make it to Vogonyu who gives in to fear.” before Allah Almighty, milk is not turn around your chest. And no one mixes with the saws raised by people on the path of Allah with smoke in front of the Fire of Hell.
    [Sunnan An-Nasai]

    Narrated by Abu Hurayrah: The Prophet (ﷺ) said that Allah has covered this group of people with His veil on the Day of Judgment, and one of them will be people who thought about Allah and their eyes filled with tears.
    [Sahih al-Bukhari]

    I ask Allah that all the Duas that we make in this Ramadan will be accepted. One of my most important Duas, I tried 3 rocks until it came to nothing! That’s why you asked me, made a dua, don’t fall into wickedness. I am infinitely grateful to Allah for those who have not confirmed my Dua for these 3 years. I have learned so many life lessons that there was no answer to my Dua for a long time. Allah will always have so much wisdom in His plans for us, we just don’t know them or we’ll get bored.

    Be consistent and ask for what you want. Allah will assign everything in heaven and earth! For Nyogo, everything is possible!

    Everyday people themselves cannot fight against misfortunes or try, people cannot avoid misfortunes or try if they happen. The people were created weak and tendentious. However, if in times of difficulty a believer trusts himself in the Lord, he knows that all difficulties can be overcome. By trusting your affairs to Allah, relying on Him, believing in His obedience, being satisfied with His orders and admonitions, thinking only kindly about Him, and being patient with His help, you will reap the most beautiful fruits of your faith and show the best and the rice of a believing people. If you take away these peculiarities, you can calmly marvel in the future that you trust in your Lord in everything. And as a result, you deny help, protection, encouragement, and help.

    Translation by Iman Kuanishkizi

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    Dua for Suhoor and Iftaru

    Namir (Niyat), which is expected at the hour of suhur (after the wound intake).

    “Navaytu an-asuuma sauma shahri ramadaan minyal-fajri ilal-maghribi khaalisan lillayahhi tya’ala”

    Translation: “I intend to fast for the month of Ramadan until the sun sets, for the sake of Allah.”

    Du'a to read after breaking the fast (iftar).

    “Allahumma lyakya sumu, bikya aamantu, 'alaikya tavakkyaltu, 'ala rizka aftartu, fagfirlii ya gaffaaru maa kaddamtu wa maa akhhartu.'

    Translation: “O Allah, for Your sake I fasted, I trusted You, I swore in You, I broke my fast with You.

    Oh, Forgiving One, forgive me for the sins that I have committed or will commit.”

    Prayer that opens Iftar

    Namir (niat), which is expected after suhur (rank intake of yazhi)

    “We intend to fast for the month of Ramadan until sunset until the sun sets for the sake of Allah.”

    Translit: Navaytu an-asuuma sauma shahri ramadaan minyal-fajri ilal-magribi khaalisan lillayahhi tya'aala

    Dua after breaking fast (iftar)

    ذهب الظمأ وابتلت العروق وثبت الاجر إن شاء الله

    The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, after breaking the fast, said: “The sprague came, and the people were filled with moisture, and the cities are already looking out for what will be pleasing to Allah” (Abu Dawud 2357, al-Bayhaqi 4/239).

    Translit: Zahaba zzama-u uabtalatil-'uruk', wa sabatal-ajru insha-Allah

    Dua after breaking fast (iftar)

    “O Allah, for Your sake I fasted, I believed in You, I swore in You, I broke my fast with You. Oh, Forgiving One, forgive me for the sins that I have committed or I will commit.”

    Translit: Allahumma lakya sumtu, wa bikya aamantu, wa 'alaikya tavakkyaltu, wa 'ala rizki aftartu, fagfirlii ya gaffaaru maa kaddamtu wa maa akhhartu

    Dua after breaking fast (iftar)

    اَللَّهُمَّ لَكَ صُمْتُ وَ عَلَى رِزْقِكَ أَفْطَرْتُ وَ عَلَيْكَ تَوَكَّلْتُ وَ بِكَ آمَنتُ ذَهَبَ الظَّمَأُ وَ ابْتَلَّتِ الْعُرُوقُ وَ ثَبَتَ الْأَجْرُ إِنْ شَاءَ اللهُ تَعَلَى يَا وَاسِعَ الْفَضْلِ اغْفِرْ لِي اَلْحَمْدُ لِلهِ الَّذِي أَعَانَنِي فَصُمْتُ وَ رَزَقَنِي فَأَفْطَرْتُ

    Translation: O Almighty, I fasted for Your sake [so that You would be pleased with me]. Having completed the fast with what You bestowed on me. I have sworn in You and believed in You. The sprague went down, they were filled with water, and the wine of the city was established, as you please. O Volodar of boundless mercy, forgive my sins. Praise be to the Lord, Who helped me to fast and gave me that with which I broke my fast

    Translit: Allahumma lakya sumtu wa 'alaya rizki aftartu wa 'alaikya tavakkyaltu wa bikya aamant. Zehebe zzomeu wabtelatil-'uruuku wa sebetal-ajru in sheallaahu ta'ala. Ya vaasial-fadligfir liy. Alhamdu lilyayahil-lyaziya e'aananiya fa sum va rozakanni fa aftart

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    Prayer that opens Iftar

    Prayer during the funeral

    "Zahaba-z-zama"u, wa-btalyati-l-"uruku wa sabata-l-ajru, in sha"a-Llahu."

    Translation: The sprague has gone, and the lives have been filled with water, and the towns are already waiting, as it pleases Allah(Here and in all other cases, the formula “Inshaa-Allah” expresses the euphoricity, otherwise seemingly, of taking a good turn on oneself.)

    "Allahumma, ini as" alyu-kya bi-rahmati-kya-lyati wasi "at purchase shayin an tagfira chi!"

    Translation: O Allah, verily, I implore You by Your mercy, which embraces everything, forgive me!


    It appears that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said:


    “Al-hamdu li-Llyahi llazi at” ama-ni haza wa razaka-ni-hi min gairi haulin min-ni wa la kuvvatin.”

    Translation: Praise be to Allah, who has pleased me with this and bestowed upon me, even as I myself did not by force, nor by force, nor by will.

    "Al-hamdu li-llahi hamdan kasiran, taiban, mubarakyan fi-hi, gayra makfiyin, wa la muvadda" in wa la mus-tagnan "an-hu! Rabba-na!"

    Translation: Praise be to Allah, praise is abundant, good and blessed, praise that comes more often, praise is unceasing, praise that we demand gradually! Our Lord!


    "Allahumma, barik la-hum fi-ma razakta-hum, va-gfir la-hum va-rham-hum!"

    Translation: O Allah, bless them with what You have bestowed upon them, and remove them and have mercy on them.


    Translation: O Allah, please the one who has pleased me, and give a drink to the one who has given me a drink!


    "Aftara "inda-kumu-s-saimun, wa akyala ta" ama-kumu-l-abraru wa sallat "alay-kumu-l-malyakyat!"

    Translation: Let those who fast break their fast, and let not the righteous eat your food, and let the angels bless you!


    It appears that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said:


    Translation: Truly, I am fasting, truly, I am fasting!


    "Allahumma, barik la-na fi sa-mari-na, va barik la-na fi madinati-na, va barik la-na fi sa"i-na va barik la-na fi muddi-na!

    Translation: “O Allah, bless our fruits for us, and bless our place for us, and bless our souls for us,” and bless our muddies for us!(Sa "mudd - miri obsyag")

    Suhur and iftar (rank and evening reception of yazhi)

    I need to take note of the signs of proximity before the light becomes clear:

    “...Wait, drink until you begin to see the white thread from the black [until you appear on the horizon of the rice division between the day that comes and the night that passes] to the light. And then fast until night [until the sun sets, watching the hedgehogs, drinking and having intimate moments with your friend (person)]…” (Holy Koran, 2:187).

    Since in other places there are no mosques and people cannot find out the local schedule until the end of the fast, then for greater efficiency it is better to complete the suhoor no later than the second year before the end of the sun. You can immediately find out the hour on any calendar.

    About the importance of the morning meal, for example, the following words of the Prophet Muhammad (may the Almighty bless him): “Take the morning before the light [on the day of fasting]! Truly, in sukhur - God's grace (barakat)! . Also, a reliable hadith says: “There are three practices that give people the strength to complete fasting (to put the strength and energy of fasting into the bag): (1) eat, and then drink [so that for an hour you don’t drink too much, don’t dilute the slurry juice, and drink it after the feeling of sprague appears, hvilin 40-60 after you go], (2) eat [not only in the evening, breaking the fast, but] early in the morning [before the announcement on Rank's prayer], (3) sleep a day (take a nap) [approximately 20–40 or more hours between 13.00 and 16.00].”

    If a person, who has little intention of fasting, does not eat before the Svetanka, it does not in any way affect the validity of his fast, but he must spend a dime of the savab (vineyard), so as not to collect one of the days that enters before the Sunni of the Prophet Muhammad.

    Iftar (evening reception for Ezhi) It is important to start immediately after the sun sets. It is not advisable to put it away until later.

    The Prophet (hi bless Yogo Allah I Vita), saying: “My ummah is overwhelmed by the perception of Doty, the docks are not minute to the pyzneti for the most time of the time of the hour of the ili Sukhur zhur [and not PID wounds, specially getting up to the ears of the clock of the prayer prayer]”.

    You should start the meal with water and unpaired pieces of fresh or dried dates. If there are no dates, then iftar can be started with something sweet or drink water. According to a reliable hadith, the Prophet Muhammad, before this evening prayer, began breaking the fast with fresh or dried dates, and if they were not available, then with plain water.

    “Allaahumma lakya sumtu wa 'alaya rizka aftartu wa 'alaikya tavakkyaltu wa bikya aamant. Ya vaasi'al-fadli-gfir liy. Al-hamdu lil-layakhil-lyaziya e'aanani fa sumtu va rosakani fa aftart.”

    اَللَّهُمَّ لَكَ صُمْتُ وَ عَلَى رِزْقِكَ أَفْطَرْتُ وَ عَلَيْكَ تَوَكَّلْتُ وَ بِكَ آمَنْتُ. يَا وَاسِعَ الْفَضْلِ اغْفِرْ لِي. اَلْحَمْدُ ِللهِ الَّذِي أَعَانَنِي فَصُمْتُ وَ رَزَقَنِي فَأَفْطَرْتُ

    “O Lord, I fasted for You (for the sake of Your pleasure with me) and, in recognition of Your goodness, I broke my fast. I hope in You and I believe in You. Probach me, O One whose mercy is boundless. Praise be to the Almighty, Who helped me to fast and pampered me when I broke my fast”;

    “Allahumma lakya sumtu in bikya aamantu in aleykya tavakkyaltu in 'ala rizki aftartu. Fagfirliyay gaffaru ma kaddamtu va ma akhhartu.”

    اَللَّهُمَّ لَكَ صُمْتُ وَ بِكَ آمَنْتُ وَ عَلَيْكَ تَوَكَّلْتُ وَ عَلَى رِزْقِكَ أَفْطَرْتُ. فَاغْفِرْ لِي يَا غَفَّارُ مَا قَدَّمْتُ وَ مَا أَخَّرْتُ

    “O Lord, I fasted for You (for the sake of Your pleasure with me), believed in You, swore in You and dissented, victorious and Your gifts. My time has passed and my sins have come, O All-Forgiving One!”

    At the hour of awakening, the believer must surrender to God for all his blessings and blessings, so that he can ask the Creator to be mine. An authentic hadith talks about three prayers-du'a (supplications), which the Lord immediately accepts. One of them is prayer at the hour of breaking the fast, when people complete the day of fasting.

    Tell me, kindly, how to start my life correctly holy month Ramadan? Indira.

    Water, dates, fruit.

    The imam of the mosque, in this day’s collective prayer, said that it is necessary to accept the food after the call for the wound prayer, and the surplus of the food that is in the company at the time of the call must be spat out and rinsed the mouth. Where I live, there are almost calls from several mosques at the same time, at intervals between 1 and 5 p.m. How important is it to pin down my life from the moment I sensed the first call? And when such oversights were made, why is it necessary to fill out the post? Gadzhi.

    There is no need to repeat the post. Rozhrakhunok is approaching at any time, and in the verse from which it is said: “...Eat, drink, until you begin to see the white thread from the black [until you appear on the horizon of separate rice between the day that comes, and nothing, that passes] to Svitanka. And then fast until night [until the sun sets, watching the hedgehogs, drinking and having intimate moments with your friend (person)]” (division of the Holy Koran, 2:187).

    On the day of fasting, take the azan from any mosque, including those 1-5 days later.

    My friend fasted in the evening and did not get up for Suhoor. Is this posad correct in the eyes of the canons? And, as far as I know, you need to wake up before the sun goes down, talk to the world and accept it. Vildan.

    Rank technique of hedgehogs. Namir - here, in front of us, with a full heart, a clear mood, and realizations that can be achieved in the evening.

    Until what date can you eat French? The layout is Fajr and Shuruk. What should we focus on? Arina.

    It is necessary to eat approximately two years before the drink. You focus on the hour of Fajr, then on the beginning of the morning prayer.

    Toward the hour of Ramadan, it happened so that I either didn’t feel the alarm clock, or didn’t wake up, and slept through Suhoor. Ale, turning to work, I washed the namir. Should I say that post, if you continue to do this, will it be insured? Arslan.

    In the evening you were going to wake up and fast, and then your heart was at peace. Obviousness is enough. The verbal world is more than complementary to the world of the heart and thoughts.

    Why does fasting begin before the ranka azan? What happens after imsaku and before azan by taking izhu, what is the effective post? If not, then why? Lobster.

    The post is valid, and the reserve of an hour (which is written down in some schedules) is for insurance, but there is no canonical need for anything else.

    Nowadays on all sites they write the hour “Imsak”, and from now on, everyone wants to listen to the hadith about those who say the adhan for wound prayer at the hour when the prophet allows you to chew? Gulnyara.

    Imsak is a border bazhana, in a lot of cases it’s even bigger than a bazhana. It is better to fast for a year and twenty days or repeat the year until the end of the day, which is indicated in standard modern calendars. The cordon, which cannot be crossed, is the adhan for the morning prayer, the hour of which is indicated in any local prayer schedule.

    Meni 16 years. I’m still trying to figure it out and I still don’t know much, but I want to learn something new about Islam every day. Today I slept longer than I had expected, woke up until the 7th morning, couldn’t see the world, and was tormented by pangs of conscience. I still had a dream that I was finishing my post and took some food earlier than one o’clock. Maybe these are some signs? I haven’t been able to come to you all day, it’s important in my soul. Did I destroy the post?

    The fast was not broken, even if you intended to fast on this day, and knew about it in the evening. Vimovlyati namir is too important. And what is important is that it is easy for your soul to lay down a significant peace in front of you: what is important is not those that are awaited, but those that we are waiting for. The believer strives to do everything positively, with enthusiasm, charges others with energy, optimism and never loses hope in God's mercy and forgiveness.

    I have a super girl with a friend. Vin takes suhoor after wound prayer and whatever else is possible. I asked him to provide proof, but I didn’t sense anything significant. Explain that it doesn’t matter to you what you can experience after the hour of wound prayer? And if so, then until what period? Muhammad.

    There is no such thought, nor has any Muslim theologian ever had one. If a person intends to fast, then the last word is the adhan for the Fajr prayer.

    I am washing the sacred post. When the hour of the fourth prayer comes, I immediately drink water, eat, and then go to pray... I’m really sorry that I don’t pray right away, lest hunger strike. What great sin am I committing? Louise.

    There is no sin if the hour of prayer has not passed. And to go out at the present hour of the fifth prayer.

    What is the most effective post, since I ate 10 khvilins after the adhan for the morning prayer-namaz? Magomed.

    You will have to fast for one day after the month of Ramadan.

    We read the prayer before we begin to pray, although it is written on your website that it is read after Iftar. Yak buti? Farangis.

    If you pay attention to prayer-namaz, then drink water first, then pray, and then eat. If you are talking about prayer, then it can be read at any time and at any time.

    A report on the urgency of the canonical need to immediately perform the prayer of izhi (imsak) before the azan for the ranka prayer, which is locally practiced today, for example: Al-Qaradawi Y. Fatawa mu'asira. U 2 t. T. 1. P. 312, 313.

    Hadith from Anas, Abu Hurayri and in; St. X. Ahmad, al-Bukhari, Muslim, an-Nasai, at-Tirmizi and in Div. P. 197, Hadith No. 3291, “sahikh”; al-Qaradawi Y. Al-muntaka min kitab “at-targib wat-tarhib” lil-munziri. T. 1. P. 312, Hadith No. 557; al-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. U 8 t. T. 2. P. 631.

    Sense to the fact that before the Sunnah, people drink water before the Sunnah, for example, before the evening fast, and they can eat a bunch of dates. Then there is the evening prayer-namaz. The first drink of water after a day of fasting flushes the scolio-intestinal tract. Before speaking, it’s very tempting to drink warm water with honey that has been diluted in it. The hadith recommends that the juice (liquid after the evening prayer) should not be diluted with water. Immediately, the drink becomes clearer and it becomes more difficult to pickle (the concentration of the shell juice decreases), not pickled, an hour before baking. During fasting, this causes problems associated with the fact that the evening hedgehog does not have time to digest, and people after this either do not eat early, because they do not feel hunger, or eat, otherwise go out of the "hedgehog" “Izhu”, what’s even bigger The process of poisoning the hedgehogs is simplified and does not bring the peeled bark.

    Hadith from Anas; St. X. al-Barraza. for example, As-Suti J. Al-jami 'as-sagir. P. 206, Hadith No. 3429, “Hasan”.

    Hadith from Abu Zarra; St. X. Ahmad. for example, As-Suti J. Al-jami 'as-sagir. P. 579, Hadith No. 9771, “sahikh”.

    Hadith from Anas; St. X. Abu Dauda, ​​at-Tirmizi. for example, As-Suti J. Al-jami 'as-sagir. P. 437, Hadith No. 7120, “Hasan”; al-Qaradawi Y. Al-muntaka min kitab “at-targib wat-tarhib” lil-munziri. T. 1. P. 314, Hadith No. 565, 566; al-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. U 8 t. T. 2. P. 632.

    Div, for example: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. U 8 t. T. 2. P. 632.

    I will quote the latest text of the hadith: “There are three categories of people whose blessings will not be bestowed by God: (1) those who fast when they break their fast, (2) the just imam (president of prayer, spiritual guide; minister of religion, ruler of the state) and (3) the oppressed [undeservedly cursing, belittling].” Hadith from Abu Hurayri; St. X. Ahmad, at-Timizi and Ibn Majah. for example, Al-Qaradawi Y. Al-muntaka min kitab “at-targib wat-tarhib” lil-munziri: U 2 volumes. Cairo: at-Tavzi' van-nashr al-Islamiya, 2001. T. 1. P. 296 , Hadith No. 513; as-Suti J. Al-jami 'as-sagir [Small collection]. Beirut: al-Kutub al-'ilmiya, 1990. P. 213, Hadith No. 3520, “Hasan.”

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