How and when to perform Hajjat ​​prayer? Gidnist and dua (prayer) for Hajjat ​​prayer. Important duas in people's lives, special prayers of Dua Ismi

How and when to perform Hajjat ​​prayer? Gidnist and dua (prayer) for Hajjat ​​prayer. Important duas in people's lives, special prayers of Dua Ismi

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful!

الر تِلْكَ آيَاتُ الْكِتَابِ وَقُرْآنٍ مُّبِينٍ

"Alif-Lām-Rā Tilka" Ā yā tu Al-Kitā bi Wa Qur'ā nin Mubī nin

Alif. Lam. Ra. This is the verse of the Scriptures of the Clear Qur'an.

The Almighty reinforcement of the greatness of the Quranic verses, which convey the most beautiful sense and clarify the most important attributions. They reveal the truth in the most subtle and accessible way, which forces people to submit to this Scripture, to obey its commandments and accept it with joy and satisfaction..

رُّبَمَا يَوَدُّ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا لَوْ كَانُوا مُسْلِمِينَ

Rubamā Yawaddu Al-La dhī na Kafarū Law Kānū Muslimī na

Non-believers are always tempted to appear as Muslims.

Like people in Vidkina Holy Quran And the lack of hope for the great mercy of his Lord, then we will fall into the midst of the lost unbelievers, who will soon scold those who did not convert to Islam and did not follow the commandments of the Koran. This will happen when the veil of uncertainty lifts and people stumble the rest of my life, reliving his death. Having fallen asleep at the bottom, non-believers will always feel sorry for those who were not Muslims. However, in the rest of my life, the stench will not be able to replace what has been spent, and in this life, the stench is so overwhelming that I can’t remember anyone..

ذَرْهُمْ يَأْكُلُوا وَيَتَمَتَّعُوا وَيُلْهِهِمُ الْأَمَلُ فَسَوْفَ يَعْلَمُونَ

Dh arhum Ya"kulū Wa Yatamatta`ū Wa Yulhihimu Al-"Amalu ۖ Fasawfa Ya`lamū na

If you don't eat them, don't stop the stink, they'll scrounge with goods and splutter with joy. The stench will soon become apparent.

Let the unbelievers not enjoy worldly blessings and indulge themselves in hopes for a long life, which leads them to serve for the good of their future life. Soon it will become clear to them that the stinks indicated a lie and that their actions brought them nothing but harm. Therefore, do not be amused by the fact that Allah Almighty gives a warning to the unbelievers. This is how we fix it with all the peoples..

مَّا تَسْبِقُ مِنْ أُمَّةٍ أَجَلَهَا وَمَا يَسْتَأْخِرُونَ

Mā Tasbiqu Min "Umm atin "Ajalahā Wa Mā Yasta" kh irū na

The greedy community cannot advance its terminology or introduce it.

Kozhne village, the inhabitants of which deserved punishment and harm, little is known in advance. The term for their death was familiar, and the stench could come close or separate from it. Sins inevitably cause heavy consequences, as payment is not due immediately..

وَقَالُوا يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِي نُزِّلَ عَلَيْهِ الذِّكْرُ إِنَّكَ لَمَجْنُونٌ

Wa Qālū Yā "Ayyuhā A l-La dhī Nuzzila `Alayhi A dh-Dh ikru "Inn aka Lamaj nū nun

The smells said: “About the one to whom the revelation was sent! Truly, you are possessed.

مَا نُنَزِّلُ الْمَلَائِكَةَ إِلَّا بِالْحَقِّ وَمَا كَانُوا إِذًا مُّنظَرِينَ

Mā Nunazzilu Al-Malā "ikata "Illā Bil-Ĥaqqi Wa Mā Kānū "I dhāan Mun žar ī na

We only pray to the angels with the truth, and then no one is given a line.

The pagans, who had thrown out the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him, looked at him and said: “Listen! You respect that you are trying to be frank. Do you really think that we will follow you and follow the path of our ancestors? If you think so, then you are nothing less than a madman. If you are telling the truth, why didn’t you bring angels before us, who would confirm the truthfulness of your words? You don’t spend anything, but it means that you say you’re lying.” These words of the rich gods bore witness to great injustice and great ignorance. Despite the injustice, it is obvious. The rich-worshippers were so much praised that they dared to tell Allah what signs they would send to You. The stench wafted out from New the banner, which He did not care to show to the slaves, because without them a rich banner had been sent to people to testify to the truthfulness of the prophetic vision. And due to the ignorance of the rich, it was evident in the lack of information about those who could bring them harm, and what could bring them harm. The coming of the angels would not serve them well, since the angels bring obvious truth, after which Allah does not give respite to those who are tempted to embrace this truth or submit to it. If angels had appeared before them, they still wouldn’t have believed it, and then more punishment would have come upon them without mercy. And this means that the rich gods’ ability to show them angels was tantamount to their prayers in the most obvious way to give them their due payment. Truly, they could not completely believe in the will of their Lord, because only He guides people on the straight path. The Almighty said: “As if we had sent them angels, and the dead would speak to them, and we would have taken away all that exists before them, they would not have believed anything, as if Allah had not spared anyone. However, most of them do not know about it” (6:111). If the rich-worshippers really wanted to know the truth, they would be satisfied with this great Koran. And Allah Almighty said:.

إِنَّا نَحْنُ نَزَّلْنَا الذِّكْرَ وَإِنَّا لَهُ لَحَافِظُونَ

"Inn ā Naĥnu Nazzalnā A dh-Dh ikra Wa "Inn Lahu Laĥāfižū na

Verily, We sent a fortune-telling, and We protect him.

Divination is the Holy Quran, in which message there are truthful revelations about everything that exists and clear evidence. This is enough for everyone who needs to listen to fortune-telling and advice. The Almighty protected the Koranic revelations, since the stench was sent to the earth, and we will protect them in the future. If confessions were made, they were protected from devils who could be stoned. And when His message was completed, Allah Almighty placed His writing at the heart of His messenger and His faithful followers, protecting His text from any misfortunes, additions and changes, and from any changes - from mercy. mind you. And I would like to replace the Quranic verses, as Allah Almighty guides the one who explains the immutable truth to people. This is one of the greatest signs of the Lord and His greatest mercy towards the righteous slaves. And another manifestation of God’s passion for the Holy Quran is the encouragement that Allah gives to the faithful followers of the Quran in the fight against their opponents. Allah protects their enemies and does not allow the enemies to eliminate the champions of truth..

لَا يُؤْمِنُونَ بِهِ وَقَدْ خَلَتْ سُنَّةُ الْأَوَّلِينَ

Lā Yu"uminū na Bihi ۖ Wa Qad Kh alat Sunn atu A l-"Awwalī na

You can’t believe the stench from anyone (the Koran), even though there were already the butts of the previous generations.

The Almighty spoke to His messenger, whom the rich-worshipers called a liar, and that all the time unbelieving peoples treated His messengers in a similar manner. The messengers arrived before different peoples And the sects called on people to believe in the truth and walk in a straight line, and the unbelievers looked at them. Thus, Allah plants evil in the hearts of the unjust and evil slayers. They testify, however, to unbelief and, however, it is filthy to place oneself before God’s prophets and messengers. They are tired of them and are encouraged to believe in them. And this means that their share is good, since Allah immediately puts to death everyone who is persuaded to believe in God’s banner..

وَلَوْ فَتَحْنَا عَلَيْهِم بَابًا مِّنَ السَّمَاءِ فَظَلُّوا فِيهِ يَعْرُجُونَ

Wa Law Fataĥnā `Alayhim Bābāan Mina A s-Samā" i Fažallū Fī hi Ya`rujū na

And they say that We opened the sky for them, so that the stinks would rise there,

لَقَالُوا إِنَّمَا سُكِّرَتْ أَبْصَارُنَا بَلْ نَحْنُ قَوْمٌ مَّسْحُورُونَ

Laqālū "Inn amā Sukkirat "Ab şārunā Bal Naĥnu Qawmun Masĥūrū na

They would immediately say: “Our eyes are clouded, but we ourselves are enchanted.”

As if the unbelievers had become eyewitnesses of all the greatest signs, they would still proudly believe. As if the heavenly gate had been kindled for them, and they would have independently ascended to the heavens, and a greater host would have appeared on their powerful eyes, then their injustice and stubbornness would have prompted them to throw up such a sign and say: “Our views were in covered with a veil, and it happened to us, that those who lied to us about something that did not happen in reality. What didn’t happen in reality is why we were enchanted.” And since the faithlessness of people reaches such a level, there is no hope for those who will take the right path..

وَلَقَدْ جَعَلْنَا فِي السَّمَاءِ بُرُوجًا وَزَيَّنَّاهَا لِلنَّاظِرِينَ

Wa Laqad Ja`alnā Fī A s-Samā "i Burūjāan Wa Zayyann āhā Lilnn āžir ī na

Verily, we have made stars in the sky and have embellished them for those who marvel.

The Almighty trusts about the signs that testify to the truthfulness of what His messengers preached. These signs demonstrate to the fullest extent the power of Allah and His infinite mercy and bountiful creation. Having created majestic stars in the heavens heavenly bodies, which shows people the right way in the dark at night on land and on the sea. If it weren’t for this light, then the heavens would not have been short of such a beautiful and wondrous sight. All this encourages people to marvel at the heavens, to admire them, to contemplate the place of His creation and to contemplate the joys of the Almighty Creator..

إِلَّا مَنِ اسْتَرَقَ السَّمْعَ فَأَتْبَعَهُ شِهَابٌ مُّبِينٌ

"Illā Mani A staraqa A s-Sam `a Fa`atba`ahu Sh ihā bun Mubī nun

And if you overhear the comrade, then there is light behind him.

Allah protects the heavens from cursed demons. And if anyone from the devils dares to listen to the thoughts of the great host, then he will be sent a burning stare. And this means that the mirrors decorate the outer appearance of the heavens and protect their inner light from the otherwise hidden and insufficiently preserved world. This also means that the devils sometimes manage to stealthily overhear messages from heaven, but the one who laughs at this is immediately plagued by a falling star that burns, as it drives the devil away or relieves him rozumu. Sometimes the mirror defeats the devil until he is able to convey the message to his brothers-in-arms, so that the stench can be conveyed to people, and then the message in heaven does not reach the earth. But sometimes the devil manages to convey them to his brothers-in-arms before he is struck by the falling mirror, and then the devils begin to dissipate and add a hundred untruths to one truth. And the prophets and prophets ground the truthfulness of their prophecies with that one sound that was heard in heaven..

وَالْأَرْضَ مَدَدْنَاهَا وَأَلْقَيْنَا فِيهَا رَوَاسِيَ وَأَنبَتْنَا فِيهَا مِن كُلِّ شَيْءٍ مَّوْزُونٍ

Wa Al-"Arđa Madad nāhā Wa "Alqaynā Fīhā Rawāsiya Wa "A n batnā Fīhā Min Kulli Sh ay"in Mawzū nin

We laid out the earth, placed indestructible mountains on it, and sprang all sorts of speeches from the world on it.

The Almighty spread out the earth so that people and creatures could spread throughout the entire earth, acquire their own food and live on. Allah has established mighty strongholds on the earth, so that at His will the stinks will cover the earth into a wasteland. From the date palms, vineyards and other trees and plants that are brought to people, I'll cut the bark that grace. In succession, Vin enriched the land with all sorts of mines and treasures..

وَجَعَلْنَا لَكُمْ فِيهَا مَعَايِشَ وَمَن لَّسْتُمْ لَهُ بِرَازِقِينَ

Wa Ja`alnā Lakum Fīhā Ma`āyi sh a Wa Man Lastum Lahu Birāziqī na

We have given the earth to you and to those whom you do not deserve.

The Almighty helps people grow their crops, lose their thinness, and engage in trade and crafts. He gives people slaves and beasts so that they bring them profit and serve their interests. In this case, Allah does not bother people about their food, but undertakes to provide them with everything they need..

وَإِن مِّن شَيْءٍ إِلَّا عِندَنَا خَزَائِنُهُ وَمَا نُنَزِّلُهُ إِلَّا بِقَدَرٍ مَّعْلُومٍ

Wa "In Min Sh ay"in "Illā `In danā Kh azā "inuhu Wa Mā Nunazziluhu "Illā Biqadar in Ma`lū min

There are no such speeches, the likes of which We would not have, and We send them only with the singing peace.

No one is destined for treasures of worldly goods and bounties except Allah alone. I am overpowered by treasures and treasuries of any kind of generosity and mercies. He bestows blessings and spares mercy on anyone, relying on His wisdom and all-pervading mercies. And since He sends more or other mercies to the earth, then this is evident in all species before His ordination. There are no more or less earthly blessings than what the Lord has punished..

وَأَرْسَلْنَا الرِّيَاحَ لَوَاقِحَ فَأَنزَلْنَا مِنَ السَّمَاءِ مَاءً فَأَسْقَيْنَاكُمُوهُ وَمَا أَنتُمْ لَهُ بِخَازِنِينَ

Wa "Arsalnā A r-R iyā ĥa Lawāqiĥa Fa"an zalnā Mina AS-Samā "i Mā "an Fa"asqaynākumū hu Wa Mā "An tum Lahu Bi khāzinī na

We sent winds to drown the gloom with water, and then we brought water from the sky and gave you a drink of it, but it was not for you to save it.

Allah loves the winds of mercy that clear away gloom, just as males clear away females. Every day you fill yourself with water that follows the will of Allah Almighty. And then a plank is poured onto the ground, which allows people, creatures and the ground to burn sprague. People satisfy their needs, and this is possible due to His ability and mercy. They can’t save and save water on their own, God saves it for them and the water flows and the jerela drains. Everything is the mercy and honor of Allah, wholly His creation..

وَلَقَدْ عَلِمْنَا الْمُسْتَقْدِمِينَ مِنكُمْ وَلَقَدْ عَلِمْنَا الْمُسْتَأْخِرِينَ

Wa Laqad `Alim na Al-Mustaq dimī na Min kum Wa Laqad `Alim na Al-Musta" kh irīna

Truly, we know those who lived before, and those who were destined to live after them.

وَإِنَّ رَبَّكَ هُوَ يَحْشُرُهُمْ إِنَّهُ حَكِيمٌ عَلِيمٌ

Wa "Inn a Rabbaka Huwa Yaĥ sh uruhum ۚ "Inn ahu Ĥakī mun `Alī mun

Verily, your Lord will take away their ears, and even He is the Wise, the One Who Knows.

Allah creates creations out of nothing, the likes of which have never existed before, and no one is His partner in His undertaking. And when the song comes, Allah kills all creation and destroys those whom they have caused. From this drive the Almighty said: “Truly, We are sinking the earth and those who are on it, and the stench will turn to us!” (19:40). This is not difficult for Allah, nor is it impossible. Allah Almighty reveals about all the creations that have been born in the past hours, how to live in this hour and how to be born in the future. Vin tells us that the earth itself devours the human bodies And what is lost from them. For Nyogo there is nothing awkward or overwhelming. You will resurrect Your slaves, give them visibility again, and take them to the lists of the Day of Judgment. Among the many beautiful names - Wise and Knowing. He puts everything in its place and gives each person his due: good for good and evil for evil..

وَلَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا الْإِنسَانَ مِن صَلْصَالٍ مِّنْ حَمَإٍ مَّسْنُونٍ

Wa Laqad Kh alaq nā A l-"In sā na Min Şalşā lin Min Ĥama"iin Masnū nin

We created a man from dry jinked clay, taken from the modified wood.

The Almighty confesses about His mercy in relation to our great-father Adam and about what became of his enemy Iblis. The Almighty Himself guarded us against the evil and tranquility of Satan. She created Adam from clay that dried up after being mixed. If they tapped on it, it would ring like pottery clay. And previously it was stagnant clay with a changed color and smell..

وَإِذْ قَالَ رَبُّكَ لِلْمَلَائِكَةِ إِنِّي خَالِقٌ بَشَرًا مِّن صَلْصَالٍ مِّنْ حَمَإٍ مَّسْنُونٍ

Wa"I dh Qā la Rabbuka Lilmalā "ikati" Inn Khāliqu n Ba sh arāan Min Şalşā lin Min Ĥama"iin Masnū nin

Your Lord said to the angels: “Verily, I will create a human being from dry clay, taken from the changed brood.

فَإِذَا سَوَّيْتُهُ وَنَفَخْتُ فِيهِ مِن رُّوحِي فَقَعُوا لَهُ سَاجِدِينَ

Fa"i dhā Sawwaytuhu Wa Nafa kh tu Fī hi Min Rūĥī Faqa`ū Lahu Sājidī na

If I give you a proportional look and breathe into a new type of My spirit, then I will fall on my face before him.”

The father of all jinn Iblis Allah created from a stick of fire. This happened before the creation of Adam. Having intended to create Adam, Allah informed the angels about those who would create man from dry clay, taken from the modified brood. And then Allah ordered them to bow to Adam if they accepted their perfect image and would live in future..

قَالَ لَمْ أَكُن لِّأَسْجُدَ لِبَشَرٍ خَلَقْتَهُ مِن صَلْصَالٍ مِّنْ حَمَإٍ مَّسْنُونٍ

Qā la Lam "Akun Li" sjuda Liba sh ar in Kh alaq tahu Min Şalşā lin Min Ĥama"iin Masnū nin

Iblis said: “It is not fit for me to fall on my face before the people that You created from dry jinked clay, taken from the modified wood.”

وَإِنَّ عَلَيْكَ اللَّعْنَةَ إِلَى يَوْمِ الدِّينِ

Wa "Inn a `Alayka A ​​l-La`nata "Ilá Yawmi A d-Dī ni

And the curse will be upon you until the Day of Repayment.”

The Almighty informed that all the angels bowed down to Adam. None of them created foundations for His will. The stench magnified Yogo and haunted the forefather of humanity. And only Iblis was inspired to bow to Adam, which became the first manifestation of his fortune-teller’s mission to people. Vin proudly repented of reproaching Allah, openly revealing his enchantment towards Adam and his mercy, disdainfully sneering at the behavior of the people and believing that he would overturn him. Punishing him for his dullness and lack of life, Allah banished him from the greatest host and called him a Vignan. Iblis having wasted all the good and earned damnation right up to the Day of Judgment. Under curses there is humiliation, condemnation and exile in the sight of the mercy of Allah. These and other similar verses testify to those who will once again lose the unbeliever and will receive all that is good and beautiful..

إِلَى يَوْمِ الْوَقْتِ الْمَعْلُومِ

"Ilá Yawmi A l-Waq ti A l-Ma`lū mi

Until the day the term is defined.”

Allah pleased his slave not in order to give him a bath, but in order to try his and other slaves. Allah has ordained that in such a manner the truthful servants, who submit to their true Patron, and not to their enemies, will be counted among those who do not have this kind of bitterness. Therefore, Allah has thoroughly detected us from Satan and revealed to us his nature..

قَالَ رَبِّ بِمَا أَغْوَيْتَنِي لَأُزَيِّنَنَّ لَهُمْ فِي الْأَرْضِ وَلَأُغْوِيَنَّهُمْ أَجْمَعِينَ

Qā la Rabbi Bimā "A gh waytanī La"uzayyinann a Lahum Fī Al-"Arđi Wa La"u gh wiyann ​​ahum "Aj ma`ī na

Iblis said: “Lord! For those who have betrayed me, I will decorate the earth for them and immediately calm their ears,

إِلَّا عِبَادَكَ مِنْهُمُ الْمُخْلَصِينَ

"Illā `Ibādaka Minhumu A l-Mu kh laşī na

Cream of Your chosen (and wide) slaves.”

God! I will brighten up their worldly life for them and call them to give them priority over the life of the future. I will make sure that the stinks obey me and commit all sorts of evil things. I respect him in a straight line. And only those whom You induce to turn and make your followers for their generosity, faith and trust in their Lord are hiding before my approaches..

إِنَّ عِبَادِي لَيْسَ لَكَ عَلَيْهِمْ سُلْطَانٌ إِلَّا مَنِ اتَّبَعَكَ مِنَ الْغَاوِينَ

"Inn a `Ibādī Laysa Laka` Alayhim Sulţā nun "Illā Mani A ttaba`aka Mina A l- Ghāwī na

Verily, you have no dominion over My servants, because of the guilt of the lost, who will follow you.”

The axis is straight, the road that leads to Me and to the monastery of My Grace. You will not be able to cheat My slaves from their way until mercy, since they worship their Lord and abide by His punishment. I will help such slaves and save them from the devils. If they follow you, they are satisfied with your intercession and give the advantage of listening to You, instead of listening to the Merciful, they will stumble among the lost. In this verse, the Arabic word for “delusion” is derived from the Arabic word, as it denotes those who have known the truth and knowingly escaped from it. This is where the name of the “delusion” comes in, as it stagnates with those who follow the wrong path and do not know the truth..

لَهَا سَبْعَةُ أَبْوَابٍ لِّكُلِّ بَابٍ مِّنْهُمْ جُزْءٌ مَّقْسُومٌ

Lahā Sab `atu "Ab wā bin Likulli Bā bin Minhum Juz"un Maq sū mun

There - it says, and the song part of it is assigned to the skin.

The bake has been prepared for the Iblis and his warriors. The stench will be collected from the incinerated gates, as they will be separated one by one. In every case, there are many of the followers of Satan who committed similar atrocities. The Almighty said: “The stinks will be thrown there at once from the lost, and also from all the warriors of Iblis.” (26:94 –95) . .

إِنَّ الْمُتَّقِينَ فِي جَنَّاتٍ وَعُيُونٍ

"Inn a Al-Muttaqī na Fī Jann ā tin Wa `Uyū nin

Truly, there will be God-fearing people in the Gardens of Eden and among the villages.

After the riddle about the fierce punishment and punishment that was prepared for the enemies of Allah who became the followers of Iblis, Allah Almighty spoke about the great mercy and eternal blessings reserved for His beloved slaves. They are afraid to reproach Satan and beware of sins and disobedience, to which they call. And for now the stinks will be relished in the Gardens of Eden, where all the trees are picked, and at any time you can enjoy the miraculous fruits..

ادْخُلُوهَا بِسَلَامٍ آمِنِينَ

A d kh ulūhā Bisalā min "Ā minī na

Come here for the light, being at home.

When the righteous enter the Gardens of Eden, say to them: “Enter to Paradise, do not be afraid of death, sleep, or the sick. Do not be afraid that the blessings of heaven may end or change. Do not be afraid of illness, confusion, confusion and other unpleasantness.”.

وَنَزَعْنَا مَا فِي صُدُورِهِم مِّنْ غِلٍّ إِخْوَانًا عَلَى سُرُرٍ مُّتَقَابِلِينَ

Wa Naza`nā Mā Fī Şudūr ihim Min Gh illin"I kh wānāan `Alá Surur in Mutaqābilī na

We take away the anger from their hearts, and the stench, like brothers, lie on their beds, turning around one to another.

لَا يَمَسُّهُمْ فِيهَا نَصَبٌ وَمَا هُم مِّنْهَا بِمُخْرَجِينَ

Lā Yamassuhum Fīhā Naşabun Wa Mā Hum Minhā Bimu kh rajī na

You won’t see them there again, and you won’t see them again.

Allah is virtuous from the hearts of the bastards of Paradise, all the filth will be felt, as the stench could be spewed one by one. Their hearts will not be deprived of the place of anger, hatred and regret - they will be pure and pure love to believers. And the bastards of Paradise sit on their beds, brutalized one by one. What does it mean that the righteous lead one another to Paradise and are chosen at the same time? The stench will be so thick as that of the spilted bath that one after another will turn into only one guise. Lounging on beautiful beds, the stench will linger on the high pillows, and their beds will be decorated with marvelous bedding, pearls and precious stones. They know neither the physical nor the spiritual because Allah will resurrect them in a perfect image and bestow them with a perfect life. I will not be crazy about any shortcomings, and I will never be separated from this bliss. After the riddles about his deeds, which awaken in people the fear and desire to gain God's mercy, Allah Almighty revealed about the divine sweets, which also awaken such feelings in people. The Almighty said:.

وَأَنَّ عَذَابِي هُوَ الْعَذَابُ الْأَلِيمُ

Wa "Ann a`A dhābī Huwa A l-`A dhā bu A l-"Alī mu

Ale the punishment of Mine - the punishment of pain.

O Muhammad! Tell people an important message about the mercy and all-forgiveness of Allah and surround your words with compelling evidence, and if they find out about the thoroughness of their Lord, then they will work as hard as they can to bring about God’s mercy, to be convinced of for sins, repent and may deserve His forgiveness. However, hope in the mercy of Allah does not have to outgrow familiarity and instill in them a sense of new security. This is the story about those who are greedy and God will punish them. Nothing can be called a true punishment other than the punishment of Allah. Its severity is impossible to understand or reveal. And once they realize that no one is punished or chained in kaidan as Allah desires, then they will beware of sins and eliminate everything that condemns a person to suffering. Who knows that the slave’s heart will forever be filled with fear and hope. If one contemplates the mercy, forgiveness, generosity and honor of Allah, then this will give rise to hope in his heart of God’s mercy. And if he ponders over the sins and shortcomings of power, which have a small place in the execution of obligations before Allah, then the fear and fear of confessing sins will grow in his heart..

وَنَبِّئْهُمْ عَن ضَيْفِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ

Wa Nabbi "hum `An Đayfi "Ib rāhī ma

Tell them also about the guests of Ibrahim (Abraham).

The Almighty ordered His prophet, may Allah bless him and the world, to tell people the wondrous story about the guests of Ibrahim, because the stories about the prophets of revenge are rich in initial beginnings, which call for the prudent people are trying to follow this path. And a special place among the glorious galaxy of messengers is occupied by the religion of Allah Ibrahim, whose religion we are ordered to follow. His guests were noble angels, as Allah came to visit his god..

إِذْ دَخَلُوا عَلَيْهِ فَقَالُوا سَلَامًا قَالَ إِنَّا مِنكُمْ وَجِلُونَ

"I dh Da kh alū `Alayhi Faqālū Salāmāan Qā la "Innā Min kum Wajilū na

The smells came in and said: “Peace!” He said: “Verily, we fear you.”

The angels left and greeted Abraham in peace, and then welcomed them to the confederation. He took them for special guests and hastened to prepare a meal for them. Nezabar vin turned to them from the fatty bodies and gave them a tray. If you’ve learned that they don’t stretch out their hands to eat, then they get angry. It dawned on him that they could be robbers or people with other vile intentions..

قَالَ أَبَشَّرْتُمُونِي عَلَى أَن مَّسَّنِيَ الْكِبَرُ فَبِمَ تُبَشِّرُونَ

Qā la "Aba shsh artumūnī `Alá” An Massaniya Al-Kibaru Fabima Tuba shsh irū na

He said: “Why are you giving me such good news when old age has already gotten to me? How do you keep me quiet?

The happy news about the boy's upcoming marriage sounded to Ibrahim, who said: “You can't tell me such a news when I'm already angry with my child's mother? How can this be the case, since for the people the child’s natural path has not become deprived of vital reasons?”.

قَالُوا بَشَّرْنَاكَ بِالْحَقِّ فَلَا تَكُن مِّنَ الْقَانِطِينَ

Qālū Ba shsh arnā ka Bil-Ĥaqqi Falā Takun Mina A l-Qāniţī na

They said: “We bring you the news, and do not be among those who disbelieve.”

Our words are the absolute truth, in which it is impossible to doubt what Allah holds over all things. About the little bastard! May the mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you! You are not like all other people and there is no reason to marvel at the fact that Allah shows you great mercy. Do not be among those who are untrustworthy, who respect the doing of goodness and benefit to those beyond belief, and always rely on the mercy and generosity of your Lord..

قَالَ وَمَن يَقْنَطُ مِن رَّحْمَةِ رَبِّهِ إِلَّا الضَّالُّونَ

Qā la Wa Man Yaq naţu Min Raĥmati Rabbihi "Illā A đ-Đā llū na

He said: Who can disbelieve in the mercy of his Lord, besides those who have gone astray?!

Only the people who have lost their knowledge about their Lord and do not know about the thoroughness of His ability can become distrustful of the mercy of Allah. As for the believers, whom Allah has guided to the straight path and bestowed with great knowledge, then they cannot be distrustful of God’s mercy. We know that the mercy of Allah can be obtained in different ways..

قَالَ فَمَا خَطْبُكُمْ أَيُّهَا الْمُرْسَلُونَ

Qā la Fama Kh aţ bukum "Ayyuhā A l-Mursalū na

He said: “What is your mission, about the messenger?”

When the guests told Ibrahim the joyful news about the birth of the wise boy, the holy prophet became aware that there were messengers who would die by God’s hand. Then he asked them: “What is your mission? By what means were you sent to earth?.

إِلَّا امْرَأَتَهُ قَدَّرْنَا إِنَّهَا لَمِنَ الْغَابِرِينَ

"Illā A m ra"atahu Qaddarnā ۙ "Inn ahā Lamina A l- Ghābir īna

Okrim yogo squad. We thought that he would be lost behind.”

The angels said that they were ordered to punish the people who had committed sins and grave crimes. Talk about the people of Lut. And before this, the stench was going to drive the prophet Lut and all his household from the place, except his old squad, who were destined to lose their place among those who deserved punishment. Sensing this message, the prophet Abraham tried to persuade God’s messengers not to rush into punishment and turn around. And then it was said to him: “About Ibrahim (Abraham)! Leave the super rivers, for your Lord has already punished them, and they are engulfed in inevitable torment” (11:76). And then the angels continued their journey..

فَأَسْرِ بِأَهْلِكَ بِقِطْعٍ مِّنَ اللَّيْلِ وَاتَّبِعْ أَدْبَارَهُمْ وَلَا يَلْتَفِتْ مِنكُمْ أَحَدٌ وَامْضُوا حَيْثُ تُؤْمَرُونَ

Fa'asr i Bi'ahlika Biqiţ `in Mina Al-Layli Wa A ttabi` "Ad bārahum Wa Lā Yaltafit Min kum "Aĥadun Wa A m đū Ĥay th u Tu"umarū na

In the middle of the night, bring your family out and go after them yourself. And let no one turn against you. Go where you are ordered to go.”

If the angels appeared before Lut, they did not immediately recognize them. They told him that they had punished him, as his unbelieving fellow tribesmen doubted. The smells did not come for fun and excitement, but brought the truth and spoke the truth. Then they ordered the prophet Lut to take his family out of the place under the cover of night, when all the people were in peace, so that no one would know about it. They were punished not to turn around, to hurry up and go straight to where they would be punished. Obviously, there was a guide with them, who told them where to go..

وَقَضَيْنَا إِلَيْهِ ذَلِكَ الْأَمْرَ أَنَّ دَابِرَ هَؤُلَاءِ مَقْطُوعٌ مُّصْبِحِينَ

Wa Qađaynā "Ilayhi Dhālika A l-"Am ra" Ann a Dābir a Hā "uulā" Maq ?

We have spoken loudly about those who will be destitute to the point of stench.

وَجَاءَ أَهْلُ الْمَدِينَةِ يَسْتَبْشِرُونَ

Wa Jā "a "Ahlu A l-Madīnati Yastab sh irū na

The local people have arrived, happily.

When the townsfolk of the place sensed the arrival of wonderful guests in Lut’s hut, the stench began to spread one and another, predicting that they would soon be able to piss them off. The stench was as strong as the sin of Sodom and there was little hope of committing this hydota with the guests of Lut. Having arrived at the holy prophet’s cabin, the stench began to smear the spoils of the guests. Todi Lut asked Allah to spare his wicked people..

وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ وَلَا تُخْزُونِ

Wa A ttaqū A l-Laha Wa Lā Tu kh zū ni

Beat Allah and don’t humiliate me.”

Fear God, for this is the worst. If you don’t feel the fear of Allah at all, then don’t insult me ​​in front of the guests. Show up before them smartly and don’t try your usual things in front of them..

قَالَ هَؤُلَاءِ بَنَاتِي إِن كُنتُمْ فَاعِلِينَ

Qā la Hā "uulā" Banātī "In Kun tum Fā`ilī na

He said: “My daughter, whatever you want.”

Having warned the holy prophet not to destroy him in front of the guests, the atheists had no idea that since the stench had already blocked him from receiving guests. They threatened to punish him if he did not listen to them, and they respected that now they had the right to treat him like this. The situation was so alarming that Lut, having informed his fellow tribesmen, was amazed at his daughters. However, the stench did not add any significant significance. And then Allah turned to the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and say:.

فَجَعَلْنَا عَالِيَهَا سَافِلَهَا وَأَمْطَرْنَا عَلَيْهِمْ حِجَارَةً مِّن سِجِّيلٍ

Faja`alnā`Āliyahā Sāfilahā Wa "Am ţarnā` Alayhim Ĥijāratan Min Sijjī lin

We turned the place upside down and brought down a stone made of scorched clay on them.

The stench was so heavy with greedy addiction that they did not show respect for casting and condemning. And once it became clear to the prophet Lut how greedy her faith was, she stopped worrying about her fellow tribesmen and submitted to the will of her Lord. Under the cover of night, they saw their households leave the place, and they knew the order. Until the decision of the inhabitants of the place, the stench was punished by the gathering of the sun. At this hour of punishment itself appears the most painful. Allah has turned the place upside down. And those who were trying to flee from the place, hitting the stone planks..

إِنَّ فِي ذَلِكَ لَآيَاتٍ لِّلْمُتَوَسِّمِينَ

"Inn a Fī Dhālika La"ā yā tin Lilmutawassimī na

Truly, this one has signs for the sighted.

These signs are more likely to be seen in people who are perceptive and have a healthy mind. They are aware of the true meaning of these banners and understand that if the servants of Allah disobey their Lord and commit such great acts, then Allah will punish them. This punishment will be the most dangerous, the fragments of the stench decided to commit the most dangerous mischief..

إِنَّ فِي ذَلِكَ لَآيَةً لِّلْمُؤْمِنِينَ

"Inn a Fī Dhālika La"ā yatan Lilmu"uminī na

Verily, with whom is a sign for the believers.

The place of the prophet Lut was spread out on the caravan route, known to everyone who manipulated these lands. And the story of the prophet Lut became an amazing sign for believers. From this story you can get a lot of interesting ideas. Vaughn tells about those how Almighty Allah added about his Kokhan Ibrahim. On the right is that Lut was one of those who believed in Abraham and followed his path. We will literally teach Ibrahim. And for this reason, if it was decided to punish the people of Lut, who deserved the most punishment, Allah ordered his envoys to bring Ibrahim to such a day, to inform you of the good news about the birth of a child and the birth of the Swedes. It’s about my mission. For this reason, Ibrahim tried to convince the messengers of the punishment, but if he was punished, he was humbly satisfied with the decisions of the Lord. Dreams and pity for his fellow tribesmen could also arise in the heart of the prophet Lut. So that this should not happen, Allah has ordered that the wicked awaken anger and hatred in him. And it ended with the prophet Lut becoming impatient to mark the present day, and the angels said to him: “Their term has become a lie. Isn’t the morning near? (11:81). This story also shows that since Allah Almighty intends to harm an unbelieving people, He allows them to commit evil atrocities and commit lawlessness. If the stinks reach the boundaries, Vin will bring down on them a savage punishment, as the stinks have deserved with their evil deeds..

وَإِن كَانَ أَصْحَابُ الْأَيْكَةِ لَظَالِمِينَ

Wa "In Kā na "Aşĥā bu A l-"Aykati Lažālimī na

1. Ya. Syn.
2. I swear by the wise Koran!
3. Verily, you are one of the messengers
4. direct way.
5. Messages to the Mighty, the Merciful,
6. so that you would catch people, fathers, you wouldn’t catch anyone, so that the stinks were deprived of non-turbo silence.
7. Most of them received the Word, and they did not believe.
8. Verily, We have placed fetters on their necks right up to the waist, and their heads have been held back.
9. We placed a crossbar in front of them and a crossbar behind them and covered them with a blanket, and there was no stink.
10. I guess I caught them or didn’t. I can't believe the stink.
11. You can only watch out for those who follow fortune telling and cry out to the Most Merciful, without seeing Him in your eyes. Delight him with the news of forgiveness and generosity to the city.
12. Verily, we revive the dead and write down those that they have killed, and those that they have deprived of the stink for themselves. Be-yaku-rich We were refreshed in a clear ritual (Keeping the Tablets).
13. Give them a parable of the townsfolk of the village to which the messengers came.
14. If We sent two envoys to them, they recognized them as liars, and then We reinforced them with a third. They said: “Verily, we have sent messages to you.”
15. The smells said: “You are people like us.” You are merciful and have not given anything, but you are depriving yourself of everything.”
16. They said: “Our Lord knows that we have sent truth to you.
17. We are entrusted with a more clear transmission of revelation.”
18. The smells said: “Indeed, we have spoiled your banner. If you don’t blame us, we will immediately crush you with stones and cause you to suffer painful suffering in front of us.”
19. The stinkers said: “Your trash is a sign of turning violent against you. Isn’t it true that when you are being watched, do you show respect with this filthy sign? About them! You are people who have crossed the boundaries of what is permitted!
20. A man came quickly from the outskirts of the place and said: “About my people! Go for the messengers.
21. Follow those who do not ask you for reward and follow the straight path.
22. And why should I not worship the One who created me and to whom you will turn?
23. Should I not worship other gods besides Nyogo? Even if the Merciful One entices me to take evil, then His intercession will not help me in any way, and they will not lie to me.
24. Then I’ll stop at the obvious gentleman.
25. In truth, I have believed in your Lord. Listen to me."
26. It was said to Yom: Go to Paradise! He said: “Oh, having known my people,
27. Why did my Lord teach me (or why did my Lord teach me) and what did He give me as one of the swindlers!
28. Afterwards we did not send a thirsty army from heaven to his people and did not intend to send it.
29. There was only one voice, and the stench went away.
30. About woe to the slaves! Without the messenger coming to them, they would not have been bothered by the stench.
31. There’s no stench, how many generations have we suffered before them and how many generations can’t the stench come back to them?
32. Verily, all stinks will be collected from us.
33. A sign for them is the dead earth, which they revived and drew grain from it, which stinks of food.
34. We created gardens of palm trees and grapes on it, and fought dzherela in them,
35. So that the stinks are from their fruits and those that they created with their own hands (or that they stink from fruits that they did not create with their own hands). The stench won't be any worse?
36. The Most Pure One Who created in pairs those that the earth stirs, themselves and those whose stench is unknown.
37. It is a sign for them of the night, as they are strengthened during the day, and the stench of the stench disappears from the dark.
38. The sun is coming to its place of reboot. Such is the installation of the Mighty, the Knowing.
39. We set a month until the wine again becomes like an old palm tree.
40. The sun cannot be overcome by the month, and nothing precedes the day. Kozhen plive orbita.
41. A sign for them is those that We carried their offspring in a new ark.
42. We created for them like those who stink.
43. As we believe, we will drown them, and then no one will lie to them, and they themselves will not lie,
44. Because we cannot earn mercy from them and it is not permissible for them to profit from benefits until the hour of song.
45. If you say to them: “Fear what is before you and what is after you, so that you may have mercy,” they do not smell.
46. ​​Even if the sign of their Lord had not appeared before them, the stinks would immediately appear before him.
47. If it is said to them: “Take advantage of what Allah has given you,” then the unbelievers say to the believers: “Are we worth the age of the one whom Allah has pleased, and supposedly disheartened? Truly, you are no longer staying with an obvious gentleman.”
48. The stench seems: If this shit happens, how are you telling the truth?
49. There is nothing to worry about, except for one less voice, which will defeat them if the stinks meet.
50. They will not be able to forsake the commandment, nor will they be able to return to their homelands.
51. They blow a trumpet at Rig, and the axis of the stench is straightened to their Lord from the graves.
52. It stinks to say: “Woe to us!” Who raised us from this place and where did we sleep? Those who promised the Merciful One and the messengers spoke the truth.”
53. There will be no voice, and all the smells will be taken from Us.
54. Today's every soul will not be ensnared by every injustice, and you will get more for those you have paid for.
55. Truly, the people of Paradise today will be busy with malt.
56. They stink and their friends lie in the shadows on the couches, hunched over.
57. There is fruit for them and everything that stinks.
58. The merciful Lord breathes their word: “Peace!”
59. Let go today, O sinners!
60. I have not commanded you, O sons of Adam, not to worship Satan, who is your obvious enemy,
61. Do they worship Me? Tse is a straight path.
62. We have already deceived the riches from you. Don’t you know?
63. The axis of Gehenna, as it was cursed upon you.
64. Burn with her today for those you did not lie to.”
65. Today we seal their lips. Their hands will speak to Us, and their feet will testify about the stinks that have arisen.
66. If we are amused, then we will prevent their gaze, and then the stink will rush to the Road. Ale yak stink bachitim?
67. If we find it funny, we can put them in their own places, and then they can neither move forward nor turn around.
68. To the one to whom we bestow a long life, we bestow a long life. Can’t you understand the stench?
69. We have not learned his (Muhammad’s) poetry, and do not discredit him. This is nothing more than Divination and the clear Koran,
70. So that those who are alive are caught, and so that the Word comes to pass before those who disbelieve.
71. Isn’t there a stench, that from what Our hands (We Ourselves) have made, We have created harm for them, and why does the stench pervade them?
72. We gave birth to his subordinates. Some of them stink, while others eat.
73. The stench brings them bark and drink. The stench won't be any worse?
74. They worship other gods instead of Allah, hoping that they will be helped.
75. The stench cannot help them, although the stench is ready for them (the pagans are ready to fight for their idols, and the idols will be in the rest of their lives preparing the army against the pagans).
76. Let them not bother you. You smell stench, and those that show stench.
77. It’s not right for people to wonder what we did with drops? And the axis of the veins openly overlaps!
78. He told us a parable and forgot about his creation. Vin said: Who can revive the brushes that have been melted?
79. Say: “Give them life by the One who created them first. He tells about every creation.”
80. Having created fire for you from a green tree, you will now kindle fire from a new one.
81. Who is not the One who, having created the heavens and the earth, is not fit to create others like them? Firstly, he is the Creator, the Knower.
82. If Vіn wants something, then Varto Yoma say: Be! - How does it work?
83. Most Pure One, Whose Ruth has power over all things! You will be turned back to New.

" - Mekan sura. There are 99 verses. It begins with sonorous letters: A (Alif) - L (Lam) - Ra (Ra), in order to show the wonder of the Koran, which, whatever the words of your language, about the Arabs, or anyone else I cannot compose a writing like mine, because of the messages of Allah Almighty, as well as for these writers, who have been protracted, to attract the respect of these people who are inspired by the Qur'an, and to encourage their hearing, which, perhaps, bring them bark and bring them to in order that Allah Almighty will guide them on a straight path. This Holy Surah is revealed in instructions to people about the share of previous peoples, about the number of prophets and about the progress of their peoples before them. there is in new, the earth is everywhere, the mountains are mіtsni , rain gloom, winds, sawing down trees and bushes, for those so that the struggle between good and evil will last until the end of this life and that on the Day of Resurrection, evil will be punished and good will be harvested. Then, in Sura Allah Almighty, the prophet will guide the story Ibrahim and Lut and the Meshkans Al-Hijra also emphasizes that the Qur’an sits in the high and sacred place and that the rich-worshippers have met with the infidels, and points out to those who may be born in accordance with their infidelities. prophet: he is guilty of openly ending his prophetic mission, conveying the Message of Allah and worshiping Him until the end of your life.

[#] 54. Ibrahim said: “Don’t you keep telling me about the boy’s marriage, since I’m already old and weak? Isn’t this news surprising now?”

[#] 55. They said: “We give you a quiet message, so as not to create doubt. Do not be one of those who disbelieve in the mercy of Allah.”

[#] 56. Ibrahim confirmed to him: “I do not disbelieve in the mercy of Allah and His mercy. They distrust only those who have gone astray, because they do not know the greatness of Allah and His power.”

[#] 57. He said, having felt sympathy and trust before them: “After that, how did you tell me with this loud message, which is still on your right, about the messenger of Allah?”

[#] 58. They said: “Allah Almighty has sent us to a people who are sinful and wicked in relation to Allah, their prophet and to themselves. The people of Lut are inveterate sinners, and we are unfortunate for him.

[#] 59. For the people of Lut, even the family of Lut will be denied. Even though his homeland did not sin, and Allah Almighty ordered to destroy their ears as punishment,

[#] 60. The cream of my squad, who did not follow their man and was with sinners who deserved punishment.

[#] 61. And when these angels, sent by Allah Almighty to exterminate Him about punishment, came to the village of the people of Lut,

[#] 62. Lut said to them: “You are unknown people, and I am afraid of your arrivals, and I am afraid that you will do us harm.”

[#] 63. The stench said: “Don’t be afraid of us. We don’t expect you to do any evil, however, we have come to please you with the fact that we will punish your people for those who treated you like a liar, doubted the truth of the punishment and did not believe nogo.

[#] 64. We came to you with an undeniable truth: “Your people are singing punishment.

[#] 65. The fragments of their spit are punished, then you are about to set off on the road in the middle of the night with those from your homeland, which will be stolen as a result of the punishment.”

[#] 66. Allah - praise be to the Almighty! - saying to Lut Frankly: “We were punished and punished, so that every single one of these sinners would be destitute and guilty at dawn.”

[#] 67. And when the morning came, the men from the people of Lut treated angels to the sight of beautiful men. They delighted and desired them, having been kindled before them by the evil passion of sodomy.

[#] 68. Fearing the vile rage of his people, Lut said: “Stinks are my guests, do not harm me by attacking their honor.

[#] 69. Beat Allah Almighty and avoid this godless thing. Don’t portray my vileness and don’t insult me ​​in front of them.

[#] 70. The sinners told you: “Weren’t we going to stop you from visiting people’s houses, and then order us to do everything we enjoy with your guests?”

[#] 71. The Prophet of Allah, Lut, said to them, extinguishing his respect for the natural, lawful path: “The villages of girls are in front of you, and the stinks are my daughters, make friends with them if you want to satisfy your passions.”

[#] 72. I swear to your lives, O faithful prophet, the stench of the unknown is about those who sleep them. The stench is similar to blind drunks. Truly, they have gone astray, because they do not inform their princes!

[#] 73. If the stench was in your blind sleep, they were buried by the sun at the end of the day.

[#] 74. Allah Almighty declared His will and said: “We turned everything in their mountain village upside down, pouring on them a sheet of rocky clay. open space, there they also made this plank from stone. And so the stench came from the sides.

[#] 75. Indeed, in the punishment that afflicted the people of Lut, there is a clearer sign that confirms that Allah is consummating His threat of punishment. This is a sign for those who perceive the sense of what is being experienced and convey its results. The skin of the wicked will be such a legacy, and in this, and in good life.

[#] 76. The traces of their ruined village have been lost. His remains lie along the roads along which people walk. The stench is a fortune-telling for those who want and want to take lessons.

[#] 77. Truly, the fact that the remains of the ruined village lie along the road is great proof that Allah makes His judgment about the punishment of the infidels. This can only inform believers that they are following the truth.

[#] 78. The rulers of the majestic tree with fruit trees did not believe their messenger, just as they had not previously believed the people of Lut, considering him a liar. The rulers, I believe, were unrighteous and godless in their relationships with people and in their relationships.

[#] 79. We punished them, and after their ruined villages, they lost their way to the fortune-telling of those of the believers who passed through their villages.

[#] 80. The Meshkans of al-Hijra, just like the peoples who lived before them, regarded the prophet sent before them as a liar. The Muslims of al-Hijra considered all the messengers to be liars, the fragments of the Message of Allah - one and the whole.

[#] 81. We sent them clear signs that confirmed our power and the truth of the prophetic mission of their messenger, but they also perceived these signs that did not diminish their meaning.

[#] 82. The smells were powerful people. The stench was full of palaces and beautiful booths. They hung in their houses in the rocks, felt themselves in trouble and did not boast about their great wealth.

[#] 83. But they didn’t believe the stench and were unhappy, then they heard their cry at dawn, and the stench was destitute.

[#] 84. And they did not betray their guilt, nor their value, nor their wealth.

[#] 85. We created the heavens and the earth, the expanse between them and everything that is in them: people, creatures, plants, inorganic speeches and other speeches unknown to men, spiraling into justice, wisdom and righteousness. But righteousness and godlessness are foolish, and the Day will surely come when evil has ceased to exist. I vibach, magnanimous prophet, rich gods and do not punish them in whose life; be patient and kind to them, forgive them their evil, gently and wisely guide them on the path of Allah.

[#] 86. Verily, Allah, who has created and inspired you, O prophet, is the One who has created everything. He knows everything about you and about them, so you can trust him. And even in your ears and theirs, you know what is better for you and for them.

[#] 87. We have given you, O faithful prophet, these verses of the Koran - Surah al-Fatiha ("The Book Opens"), which you read during daily prayer. He has obedience to Us and blessings to Us, so that We may lead (you) along the straight path. We have already given you the entire Great Koran, in which there is proof and wonder, that you are strong, and from now on you will receive forgiveness.

[#] 88. May you, O messenger, not be bothered by the past worldly blessings that we have given to those of the infidel rich gods, Jews, Christians and fire-worshippers. And this is insignificantly equal to what We have given you: the connection with Us and the Holy Quran. Do not be embarrassed by those who are lost in your loved ones, and be modest, merciful and kind to the hundred-fold believers who followed you. Aje voni is the power of truth and war of Allah.

[#] 89. And say, about the prophet, to all the unbelievers: “In truth, I have come to you with clear signs and ample evidence that confirm the truth of my mission, in order to warn you of severe punishment.

[#] 90. These are similar to those who divided the Qur'an into poetry, prophecy, legends and others and did not believe in anything, regardless of irrefutable proof of the truth of the Qur'an.

[#] 91. In this manner, they extracted from the Qur'an all parts, although they are absolutely remarkable for their truthfulness and marvelous for their uniqueness.

[#] 92. Since they have created such stinks, I swear by Tim, who, having created, preserved and breathed for you, that We will immediately take away their ears from the Day of Resurrection for the Judgment!

[#] 93. Then they are to blame for their godless deeds: for evil, evil and need.

[#] 94. Openly cry out to the true faith, not paying attention to what rich gods say and do.

[#] 95. Truly, the rich-worshippers, who know that you preach Islam, will not be able to overcome you and stop you from conquering your prophetic mission.

[#] 96. These rich-worshippers have lost their wisdom; Even though they have given comrades to Allah, they worship idols, and they recognize the inheritance of their wealth when they are overcome by the pain of punishment.

[#] 97. Truly, We know what kind of rubbish you feel and how emotional distress grieves you through those that you say, expressing your ignorance, knowing and understanding the words of the rich God.

[#] 98. Having felt the rubbish in your breasts, surrender to Allah Almighty, long for Him, submit to Him and pray. And in prayer - a relief and healing of the heart.

[#] 99. And worship Allah, who created for you and protects you until the end of your life!

On the first day of the month of Muharram, which in 2017 will begin on the 21st spring after the setting of the sun, a new river after the Hijr begins. What date is this? How about reading a special dua on this day?

Months by monthly calendar may have the following names:
1. Muharram
2. Safar
3. Rabi al-Awwal
4. Rabi al-Akhir
5. Jumada al-Ula
6. Jamada al-sani
7. Rajab
8. Shaban
9. Ramadan
10. Shawwal
11. Zul-Qada
12. Dhul-Hijjah

Our Prophet (s.a.w.) was born on the 12th of Rabi al-Awwal or the 20th quarter of 571 in Mezzi. At 622 rub. during the migration (Hijra) from Mecca to Medina. This date, the 1st day of the month of Muharram, became the beginning of the Muslim calendar and is considered the day of the new day of Hijr.
This day should not be particularly emphasized by believers, but its specialness must be protected and given. Remaining means, of course, to be especially careful about committing sins. Let us not show and diligently worship the Creator of the world - Allah Almighty.
During this month you need to practice fasting. One hadith says: “If you want to complete the additional (nafil) fast, then complete it on Muharram, for this is the month of Allah. There is one day left before the Almighty has accepted the repentance of one of the peoples of the past. And He forgives the sins of those who are on this day of repentance” (Tirmizi).
New River W Hijri: 1439

The Hijri river is short for the river of the Gregorian calendar, just as the monthly river is short for the Sonar. The sacristy will be established for ten days. Therefore, the date of Muslim holy and memorial days is announced shortly about ten days in advance.
There are no common dates on the Gregorian calendar as we would have seen. All Muslim saints are designated as Hijr. This is how the hour of Hajj, fasting, sacrifice and holy day is established. How to perform Hajj not in the month of Dhul-Hijjah, but according to the Gregorian calendar, for example, only in Sichny, and the fast of Trimati not in Ramadan, but in the wild, when there is a change in religion.
Allah Almighty, punishing His servants, seeing especially blessed nights and days in which He accepts Dua and repentance.
Muharram is one of the four months, which is the order of Dhul-Qada, Dhul-Hijja and Rajab as a special order of meaning in the Koran (Sura “Tauba”, 36th verse). This is mentioned in the Hadith:
“The lord of all months is Muharram, and the lord of all these days is Friday” (Dailami)

“After fasting in Ramadan, the most honorable is the fast of Muharram, the month of Allah. The best prayer after obligatory prayers is the night prayer” (Muslim).

In order to remove the rewards (sawab) for the construction of the additional (nafil) worship, it is necessary to achieve the virtuousness of the Ahl-Sunni, unify the one who was buried, repent of sins, practice recklessly victorious fardi, and also here Let us worship you in peace.
Do you often ask that there is nothing bad in offering special prayers every night? Reading Dua cannot be spoiled at all. She offers praise to the Almighty, wisdom and blessings to our prophet (s.a.w.), his sahaba and members of his family (r.a.), and also seeks to protect us with the strength of our destiny from the evil of the shaitan and our nafs . Dua with transcription looks like this:
Dua for sustrich of new rock from Hijri

Dua for sustrich of new rock from Hijri
Al-hamdu lillahi rabbil-alamin. Wasalamu ala sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajmain. Allahuma antal-abadiyul-kadim, al-haul-karim, al-hannan, al-mannan. Hazikhi sanatun jadidatun. As'aluka fihal-ismata minashshaytanirrajim wal auna ala khazihin-nafsil-ammarati bisui val-ishtigala bima yukarribuni iliayka, ya zul-jalali val-ikram, birahmatika ya archamarrahimi n. Sallallahu sallama ala sayyidina wa nabiyina Muhammadin wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa ahli bitikh ajmain.

Islamic SAINTS 2018

Muslim saints in 1439-1440 AH

Heads of Muslim holy days 2018

Nich Baraat 1 May 2018 (Tuesday) – Nich Baraat.
These nights, as Muslims believe, Allah is willing to clear away all sins, as well as to punish, extort from the borgs and pay for sins. On this date, you should especially pray, look at all your affairs and stand before Allah to no longer do anything nasty.

Ramadan May 17, 2018 (Thursday) – beginning of Ramadan in 2018.
The most famous month (fast) of Muslims throughout the world. This is the most important thing in Islamic culture and requires special attention. Our understanding month of Denmark not like a cheerful spirit. Beginning from the first day of the month of Ramadan, Muslims adhere to strict fasting and the rhythm of life, which helps them to cleanse themselves spiritually and physically, to become closer to the Creator and to heal their knowledge from the mercy of the past.

Nich Mogutnosti and Prirechennya 9 chernya 2018 fate (zb.)
Nothing of Power and Prediction. The most important night for Muslims is the night of the river. On this very date, the first suras of the Holy Koran were sent to the Prophet Muhammad.

Uraza Bayram 15 chernya 2018 rock (Fri.) – Holy repentance, Uraza Bayram, Ramadan Bayram. The fast of Ramadan will end with the joyful Holy Breaking of Fast (divine Islamic calendar), sacred for every Muslim. Until then, they begin to prepare for the future: to carry out a general tidying up of the place, to acquire new clothes, to prepare delicious traditional dishes, to prepare gifts and celebrations for relatives, friends and strangers.

Day of Arafat 21 September 2018 (Tuesday) – Day of Arafat. To wait until the days of Allah and the most memorable of them. If you commit some kind of sin on this day, then you will be a hundred times over and one time bound to turn into a lie in earthly life and those born after death.

Kurban Bayram 22 September 2018 (evening) – Kurban Bayram. It is sacred for the Muslim (Islamic) to observe the long holy period in the Muslim calendar, which is called the hour of pilgrimage to Mecca. On Christmas Day, it is customary to prepare the Holy Day table by preparing a lamb.

New river according to Hijri 11 spring 2018 (Tue) – New river according to Hijri. In Muslim countries, the New River is considered to be a completely different tradition than in Russia and Europe. The Great Holy Table will not be organized on this day. Muslims go to the mosque and read a sermon about the Prophet Muhammad.

Ashura Day 20 June 2018 (Thursday) – Ashura Day. The Koran teaches Muslims that on this very day the heavens were created, the angels and the first man Adam. However, this idea should not be carried out until the holy day, and even in Islamic countries this is aroused by widespread complaints. The deeds of this day are publicly tormenting themselves, everywhere one can smell plaintive music and voices.

Day of the Prophet Muhammad November 20, 2018 (Tue) – Day of the Prophet Muhammad. It is for this reason that holy feasts are carried out in many great Muslim places. Some Muslims celebrate the holiday for a whole month!

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful!

1. Alif. Lam. Ra. This is the verse of the Scripture that is clear to the Koran.

2. Non-believers are always tempted to appear as Muslims.

3. If you don’t eat them, don’t stop them from stinking, profiting from goods and spluttering with joy. The stench will soon become apparent.

4. All the villages that have been in misfortune with us are of little account.

5. The thirsty community cannot advance its terminology or its meaning.

6. The smells said: “About the one to whom the revelation was sent! Truly, you are possessed.

7. Why didn’t you bring angels before us, since you are one of these who speak the truth?”

8. We give only the truth to the angels, and then no one is given a second line.

9. Verily, we sent fortune telling, and we protect him.

10. We have already sent envoys to you to great numbers.

11. Whenever the messenger did not come to them, they were sick of the stench.

12. Thus We ourselves plant this (nevir) in the hearts of sinners.

13. You can’t believe the stench from anyone (the Koran), although there were already butts from previous generations.

14. And the story is that We opened the sky for them, so that the stinks rose there,

15. They would immediately say: “Our eyes are clouded, but we ourselves are enchanted.”

16. Verily, we have made stars in the sky and have embellished them for those who marvel.

17. We have stolen this type of skin devil, who is fighting.

18. And if you begin to overhear the comrade, then there will be light behind him.

19. We paved the earth, placed unbroken mountains on it, and sprang all kinds of speeches from the world on it.

20. We have given food on earth to you and to those whom you do not like.

21. There are no such speeches, the likes of which We would not have, and We send them only with the singing peace.

22. We sent winds to fill the gloom with water, and then we brought water from the sky and gave you water to drink, so that it was not for you to save it.

23. Verily, We are given life and we are killed, and We are killed.

24. Verily, we know those who lived before, and those who were destined to live after them.

25. Verily, your Lord will take away their ears, for He is the Wise, the One Who Knows.

26. We created a man from dry clay, taken from modified wood.

27. And even earlier We created genies from the baking moon.

28. Your Lord said to the angels: “Verily, I will create a human being from dry, jagged clay, cut from the slab.

29. If I give you a proportional appearance and breathe into a new type of My spirit, then I will fall prostrate before him.”

30. All the angels, one and all, fell on their faces,

31. for the blame of Iblis, who was inspired by the dead among the dead.

32. Allah said: “O Iblis! Why didn’t you lie down on your face?”

33. Iblis said: “It is not good for me to fall on my face before the people that You created from dry clay, cut from a modified slab.”

34. Allah said: Go out, and from now on you will be persecuted and beaten.

35. And the curse will be upon you until the Day of Repayment.”

36. Iblis said: “Lord! Give me a notice until the day when they are resurrected.”

37. Allah said: “Verily, you are one of those who have been given a sub-line

38. dosi, the term of which is designated.”

39. Iblis said: “Lord! For those who have betrayed me, I will decorate the earth for them and immediately calm their ears,

40. cream of Your chosen (and wide) slaves.”

41. Allah said: “This is the road that leads straight to Me.

42. Verily, you have no dominion over My servants, for the guilt of the lost, who follow you.”

43. Verily, Gehenna is the whole place, it is the responsibility of all.

44. There - sіm vorіt, and for the skin bram a song of their part is assigned.

45. Truly, there will be God-fearing people in the Gardens of Eden and among the Jerels.

46. ​​​​Come here with light, being in trouble.

47. With hearts full of anger and stench, we, like brothers, lie on our beds, turning around one to another.

48. You won’t see them there again, and you won’t see them again.

49. Tell My servants that I am Forgiving, Merciful,

50. Ale My punishment is a punishment for pain.

51. Tell them also about the guests of Ibrahim (Abraham).

52. The stinkers came up and said: “Peace!” He said: “Verily, we fear you.”

53. The stinks said: Don’t fight! Truly, we brought you good news about a smart boy.”

54. He said: “Why would you give me such good news when old age has already gotten to me? How do you keep me quiet?”

55. They said: “We bring you the news, and do not be among those who disbelieve.”

56. He said: Who can disbelieve in the mercy of his Lord, except those who have gone astray?!

57. He said: “What is your mission, about the messenger?”

58. They said: “We are sent to sinful people.

59. And only the family of Luta (Lota) is completely buried,

60. cream of your squad. We thought that he would be lost behind.”

61. When the messengers reached Lutu (Lotu),

62. saying: “Truly, you are unknown people.”

63. The stinks said: “Ale mi came to you here, at the drive of which the stinks were fighting.

64. We brought you the truth, and we speak the truth.

65. In the middle of the night, bring your family out and go after them yourself. And let no one turn against you. Go where you are ordered to go.”

66. We voiced yoma virok about those who will be destitute until the morning stinks.

67. The locals have arrived, happily.

68. He told them: “These are my guests, don’t harm me.

69. Fear Allah and do not humiliate me.”

70. They said: “We didn’t stop you from capturing people?”

71. He said: “My daughter, whatever you want.”

72. I swear to your lives! The stinks were blinding and drunk.

73. And at the meeting of the sun they were attacked by the Zoyk.

74. We turned the place upside down and brought down stones of scorched clay on them.

75. Truly, in this there are signs for the sighted.

76. Truly, the stinks lived simply on the road from Mecca to Syria.

77. Verily, with whom is a sign for the believers.

78. The inhabitants of Aika were also lawless.

79. We took revenge on them. Truly, resentment and settlements were on a clear path.

80. The inhabitants of Hijra also recognized the messengers as liars.

81. We gave them our signs, but stinks turned out before them.

82. Stinks hung in the mountains of safe living.

83. And at dawn they were shouted,

84. And those who bathed the stink did not help them.

85. We created the heavens, the earth and everything in between, only for the sake of truth. The time will surely come. So goodbye beautifully.

86. Verily, your Lord is the Creator Who knows.

87. We have given you these often repeated surahs and verses and the great Koran.

88. Do not marvel at the blessings that we have bestowed upon those among them, and do not reproach them for them. Slay your wings before the believers (be kind and merciful to them)

89. And say: “Truly, I am more than a watchful and clarifying speaker.”

90. We also sent yogo (punishment) to those who separate,

91. who divided the Koran into parts (they believed in one part of the Koran and threw out the other).

92. I swear by your Lord! We feed them all

93. to the one who was afraid of the stench.

94. Vote as you are commanded, and emerge among the rich gods.

95. Verily, We have spared you those who deceive,

96. Whoever knows other gods besides Allah, and they recognize them.

97. We know that your chest squeezes just because it stinks to talk.

98. So glorify your Lord with praise and be among those who fall on their faces.

99. Worship your Lord, until death (death) comes to you.

al-Hijr, Text of al-Hijr (Hijr), Translation of Suri al-Hijr in Russian language, Read Surah al-Hijr
