Sarvarov sacred month blessed dua pdf. Sacred months and blessed duas

Sarvarov sacred month blessed dua pdf. Sacred months and blessed duas

Dua, scho open doors Rizk

Dua-i Mubin

Dua ІСМІ A'zam

Maktub Jin - dua leadshaitanand evil gin in skaz

Seyidul istigfar

Dua-i Hajat

Tasbikh-dua of Imam A'zam

Dua for everyone arc istigfar

Dua-i Mubin

You are important, please, visitor easily, just read Surah Yasin 4 razi. When you read the ayat "Mubin", then read Dua-i Mubin 4 razi. Іnsha-Allah, bazhannya read zdіysnyatsya.

Kayattya (Tavba) Adama (Aleikhissalam)

If Allah Ta'ala has punched Adam (Alaihissalam), Adam (Alaihissalam) killed tawaf near the sacred Kaabi 7 times after reading 2 rak'ata namazu i vich-na-kaabi after reading the dua. After reading this dua, Allah Ta'ala said to Adam (Alaihissalam): "About Adam, I will forgive you, and I will forgive you from your children (land) if you pray me after reading this dua. from the heart of the fear of life ". (Tafsir Nisabury)

Dua ІСМІ A'zam

In the hadiths it is possible that a Muslim slave has read ІСМІ A'zam who would not have asked from Allah, Allah Ta'ala to speak at the tse dua.

4444 Slavuta Tefridzhiyya, Dua hajat

Tsey blessed salavat should be read in this order:

1. Persh nіzh to repair the reading of Salavat, it is necessary for more and more power and breadth of prophecy "Astagfirullah-al-aziim wa atuubu ilayhi" 21 once. Writing it is necessary to create a name for someone to read salavat. for example: "Yaa Rabbi, vis-à-vis me from the tsієї, tsієї problems ...."

2. Before the ear, you need to read it once "A'uuzu i Basmala" and only when it is necessary to repair the salavat tafridzhiyya again. Bazhano sit up to the sacred Kaabi. Concentrate your thoughts, it is recommended to close your eyes and read salavat with great love until the Messenger of Allah to Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wasallam). If you are tired, make a pause, and then move on.

3. It is necessary to read the salavat exactly 4444 razi. Zhodnogo once less or more navpaki. Ibn Khadzher Askalani allowed to say: “The whole lot ( 4444 ) To be called "Ixir-i A'zam". Tse yak lock from a key. If one part of the key is larger, if you do not open the teeth, if you cannot open the door. To that, the exact number is even more important.

Imam Kurtubi allowed to say: “It’s even more important dua bulo is accepted, because it’s not worth it to dare, you need to read salavat tefridzhiyya 4444 razi. There is no sense in the fact that Allah is the All-Lord accepting dua chita. The one who reads salavat tefridzhiyya 41 if abo 100 since it’s even more fun, Allah Ta'ala will spare every citizen and experience, see his way, see all the hardships and lay him down all right, improve Rizk and illuminate his inner light. "

Maktub Jin - dua to bring shaitan and evil geni to skaz

Abu Dujane (Radiyallahu Anhua) stuck with evil demons and the stench did not give him peace of mind. Abu Dujane rozpov tse Rasullullah (sallallahu alaihі wasallam). Messenger of Allah, let Allah bless you by asking Ali (Radiyallahu Anhua) to take the olive and papir and asking to write those that you read it yourself. Abu Dujane took Maktub and poklav yogo with a pillow in front of tim, yak yti spati. Abu Dudzhan felt these words: “Swearing by Latom and Uzzoy, you burned us. Honor the ruler of Tsi Maktub Muhammad (sallallahu alaihі wasallam), I ask you to surrender Maktub. No more nicholas can be approached and close to your home. " Abu Dujane (radiyallahu Anhua) rozpovіdaє, that on the coming day I rode to the Messenger of Allah, let Allah bless him! Messenger of Allah, let Allah bless you and greet him, saying: "O Abu Dujan, I swear by Allah, for sending me as a true prophet, if you don’t get too much Maktub, the stench will be in agony until Kiyamat." (Hasaisi Kubra, volume 2, 369 art. Beykhaki)

Tasbikh-dua of Imam A'zam

Imam A'zam letting him say: “I bachiv uvi si the All-Seed 99 once. If I'm bachiv Yogo in 100 Once I have energized: Ya Rabbi, how can your servant be able to hide from your guilt? Allah Ta'ala, saying: the one who reads the dua a hundred times in the evenings and in the evenings, will be hidden from My reckoning on the Day of Judgment "(Tazkiraratul-Avliya, Farididdin Attar Vali)

Dua, scho open doors Rizk

Toi, hto write tsei dua 5 once per sheet, hang up 4 from them in 4 kuta my own mission robots i bude trimati 5 -th sheet with you, Allah send Rizk and Barakat in the yoy mice of the robot and shop. Allah has sent such Rizk, having written himself to greet. Clients went into the store without buying anything. How to read the dua for the goods 7 once, then by the Will of the All-Seed, the goods know their customers for one day. (Medzhmuatul Ediyya, p. 99)

Seyidul istigfar

Messenger of Allah, Sallalahu alaihi wasallam: “He who reads through the whole and broad dua in the evening and die in that evening, then you will go to paradise. And the one who reads from the day to the end of the day, then you will go to paradise "

Dua-i Hajat

Isa (Alaihissalam) having recited the blessed dua and (by the will of Allah) reviving the dead.

"Toy, hto read the blessed dua 100 once I send Fajr (rankovy prayer) and grasp my need to Allah Ta'ala, yogo dua will be accepted. "(Shemsul-Ma'arif, volume 2, p. 5-6)

Ayat "al-Kursi"

Allahu la ilaha illya hua-l-hayyu-l-kayyum. La ta'khuzuhu sinatun wa la Naumov. Lyahu maa fis-samauati wa ma fil-ard. Man for-l-lyazi yashfagu gundahu illya bі'іznіkh. Yaglyamu maa bayna idichim wa maa halfahum. Wa la yyukhituna bishay'in xv gilmіkhі illya Bima shaaaa yasіga courseіyyuhu-z-samauati wa-l-ard. Wa la ya'uduhu hifzuhumaa. Wa hua-l-galiyyu-l-gazim.

“Allah is the mute deity, the crim of Nyogo, living, being; I will NOT opanu Їm nі dream, nі sleep; Youmu find those who are in heaven and on earth 1.

Who to intercede before Him 2, inakshe yak z Yogo permission? Win know what it was before them, and then, what if there will be 3 of them, and the stench does not touch anything from Yogo knowledge, besides, what is wrong. The throne of Yogo 4 covers the heavens and the earth, and will not fit the Yogo guard, - truly, Win is great, great! "

(1) A number of famous verses about the Throne. Hto mіg bi pass yo sukupne meaning, or create the rhythm of unrepeatable, retiring, glimpses behind the zmist propositions.

The attributes of Allah are invisible invisibly from everything that is visible to us in the whole world, so we would like to see the power of understanding Yogi only in one word - Vin. Winner Win is the signifier of the name of Allah. I’m guilty of rіshuche, let me see if I’m a thought about those who might be able to think about Him, but only Vin is the True, Living Lord. Він існує; Yogo's life is self-preserving and vital - there is no one from whom or from whom one cannot lie; it is not surrounded by an hour, not by space. In the Arabic word "kayyum" the concept of "self-protection" is laid down: Yogo life - dzherelo and posttrimka be-like winnickl through new form.

I have finished my life є I have finished my activity against the incomplete life, so that I can spontaneously support it. Yogo life - perfect and self-preservation.

Skin because of the significant attributes of Allah to revenge one of the main points of all Islamic svitoglya. The "uniqueness" of Allah is known before, with my prayers, with my hearing and the humble beasts, only to Ny one and only from Nyogo ochikumo help or relieve. The meaning of the word "Living" cannot be correlated with our understanding of life. Bo here rely on respect for life without an ear and without a tip, on the defense of life, created by Allah, the ear and the end of what is for the future.

The meaning of "kayyum" is Vichny, the Almighty - viplivaya іslamske uyavlennya about those who are all guilty of the will of Allah. With such a rank, a Muslim with all his soul and all his lives should want to be tied to Allah. Until the most important attributes of Allah, those who are all, who are volodya, are deprived of the position of the master. With such intelligence, it is easier for us to tidy up greed, greed and sprawl of power. The price of sponking a person to modesty, magnanimity and generosity, and to bring him to the point of being good in the heart, so in the worst of times - we will be able to win over and over.

At the light of the fact that Win is not aware of the possibility of placing an order with Allah in any way of equal partners, the blessings of those Winners, is unimportant and absurd. It is impossible to zmishuvati understand about Allah with the understandings of "lyudin". The placing of Allah before His ends is the viconano of kindness, mercy and love.

Allah is the Absolute, at that hour all іnshe - against Yomu - is pummeled. Our uyavlennya about heaven and earth know, yak tіnі. For a tonne - Win. Reality, like our heaven and earth, deprive Yogi of the Absolute Reality. We say: "To lay everything on Youmu."

(2) Yak b tody I think one thing could intercede for іnshe? First of all, the stench of offense lies on Youmu, і Vin pіkluєatsya і about those, and about іnshe. In a different way, the offense of the stench is to lie down in the Yogo will and commandments. However, Win can have a lot of support on the children of the spiritual drabini, and to that one,as long as it is established by laws and regulations, it is necessary to allow one to get away with the corny of the people. The Knowledge of Allah is not surrounded by space for an hour.

(3) Yogo knowledge is more complex. Win know and pride, and obvious. I know that it will be seen now, it will not be finished in the past and those that will become in the future.

The Knowledge of Allah is in the fact that Win Volodya has great views about us, people, so it is absolutely unacceptable to him. In general, Yogo is aware of our incompleteness. As a Muslim is matimetse on uvaz, then his testimony to his Creator will become better. Allah allows people to get into the Yogo tabernacle as quickly as possible, as it will be needed in order to grow their earthly butt more and more people. Unimportant on the tse, the knowledge of Allah, yak havane from people, unburned.

(4) Throne (Throne) - tse means the place of perebuvannya, mіts, knowledge, the symbol of Volodar's power. Our earthly manifestation about Nyogo is drawn to the words "heaven and earth". However, in everything one can see the divinity of Allah, Yogo's strength, Yogo's will, Yogo's power of Volodar. The same world includes both the spiritual, and so I see the sides of life.


Surah al-a'la (The Seeker)







Blessed power of the suras of the Holy Qur'an

1.surah number 1 - "al-Fatikha" - Vidkriva Book

Hto read Sura al-Fatikha on a permanent basis (as a special kind of zikri), Allah is to celebrate the readings of all this prokhany in Dunya and in Akhirat, and the gift of grief and neglect. And if Sura al-Fatikha is written on the porch, then we put the papirs into the water, then, Insha Allah, Allah forks the one who is sick, who is drinking water, we are hopelessly sick. (For the whole, it is imperatively necessary for the breadth and strength of the gift in the fact that Allah is in no way able to help).

2.surah al-Bakara - The Cow

The reading of the tsієї suri will give the zahist of Allah from the evil magic, evil magic, etc.

3.Sura al "Imran - Family of Imran

Chita sura al-Imran trichi will be given riches from unsupported dzherel, and will be given mercy from the borgs.

4.Sura an-Nisa - Women

All-important polish in each other with the cholovik and the squad, having piled up the harmonious family lives, if one of them would like to read the sura.

5.Surah Al-Maida - Meal

Allah will pile up the one who reads the qiu sura 40 (Forty) times, the current status in the suspension, the main and the clear Rizk (dobrobut).

6.Sura al-An'am - Hudoba

Wonderful prospects to see the one who reads tsyu sura 41 once. It will be right for such a person to come back to normal, obviate the problem, and Allah will destroy the reading from all the evil steps of the enemies.

7.Sura A "raf - Pereshkodi

Allah bestows the zahist from the punishment in the Akhirah of the one who regularly reads the surah.

8.Sura al-Anfal - Vidobutok

We will innocently lay down to v'yaznitsa (captivity), then read the tsyu sura 7 once. ІnshaAllag, in the future there will be calls and immunity against any evil will be granted.

9.Sura at-Tawba - Penance

You will be pleased with all the consumers who read the tsyu sura 17 once. Moreover, there will be abductions by villains and disgusting people.

10.Sura Yunus

Toy, hto read tsyu sura 20 times, there will be abductions from the gate and evil.

11.Sura Hood

Allah will pay attention to the problems that are tied to the necessities of life and I will be safe in the sea of ​​the one who reads the tsyu sura 3 razi.

12.Sura Yusuf

Allah is more than the one who reads the surah to beloved by people. І Allah reads beautifully in the eyes of all istot.

13. sura al-Ra "d - Grim

Allah will seize the child of the one who reads the surah, from the invisible forces of evil. Reading the tsієї suri shvidko soothe the crying of the child. Moreover, the one who reads the sura, and the one (or the other) children will be taken away from the menace.

14.Sura Ibrahim

Toy, hto read tsyu sura 7 once, there will be abductions from the fortune-tellers, and also to achieve the capture of the fathers.

15.sura al - Hijr

16.surah al-Nahla - Bjoli

Niyaky vorog not be able to greet the one who reads tsyu sura 100 (a hundred times, I, by the Grace of Allah, will be intelligent and kind aspiring.

17.Sura al-Isra - Transfer at night

Toy, hto readє 7 times, there will be abductions from evil, intrigue, and also from human wickedness and divination. And the child, what a niyak, can’t be molded (chiya mova yak bi “dressing”) in the quality of drinking water, in which to soak the sura.
(Note. Transfer: Obviously, reckoning with respect, then write the sura on the porch (for example, saffron) and put the leaf with the written sura into the water. Then give the drink to the child.)

18.Sura al-Kahf - Pechera

The one who reads the sura on Friday very often, if there are abductions from the great viprobuvan and indefinite lengths of time. tyzhny. Allah will seize the support from the forces, and also from the Dajjal and the evil. Allah is to build up the readings to health and a good camp.

19.Sura Maryam

Allah will pile up the good-natured і let go of the consumer of the one who reads the qiu sura 40 once.

20.Sura Ta-ha

21.Sura al-Anbiya - Prophets

Vidchuvaє internal fears to read tsyu sura 70 once. Likewise, the one who regularly reads the sura, if he is a God-fearing child on the city.

22.Sura Hajj

Allah sees fear, and at death, lay down before the death of the torment of the one who often reads Surah.

23. Surah al-Mu "minun - Viruchі

Allah polish the character of the one who regularly reads the surah. Moreover, Allah should put the reading on the path of repentance and improve his spiritual level.

24.Sura al-Nur - Svitlo

Allah bestows stable strong Vera in the heart (Iman) and to seize from the bursting of Satan the one who regularly reads Surah.

25.Sura al-Furkan - Rose

That, hto readє tsyu sura 7 Once, Allah will take away from the evil of the enemies and, with the help of the trimmatians, filed from the disgusting places.

26. surah al-Shu "ara - Sing

To the one who reads the tsyu sura 7 Once, Allah will help you in your relations with those who feel good, instilling love in them until you read Surah.

27.Sura al-Naml - Murakhi

The divine conquest of the zhorstokosti tyrants and rotten tyrants will be granted to the one who reads the sura on a regular basis.

28.Sura al-Kasas - Rozpovid

That, hto readє tsyu sura 7 once, Allah will seize from serious avaries and from great enemies.

29.Sura al "Ankabut - Pavuk

As soon as Lyudin writes the sura (on the porch), because of the vip'є that water, in which the water gets wet, Allah will generously pile him up, relieving all of the irrelevantness and giving him zoose-reduction and selection.

30.Sura ar-Rum - Rumi

31.Sura Lukman

That, hto readє tsyu sura 7 Once, Allah will relieve the sickness pains, and also heal the souls of the soulful and physical illnesses.

32.Sura al-Sajda - Uklin

As soon as the sura was written (on the porch or the like), at the same time it was placed in the closed dance and zarit (captured) in the back of the booth, then the whole booths would be abducted from all over and over.

33.Sura al-Ahzab - Sonmi

It is recommended to read sura for a successful business. 40 once, Allah has laid down all the problems and reads and has sent His blessings to him.

34.Surah Saba

Allah will allow even more serious and folding problems of the one who reads the tsiu sura 70 once.

35.Sura al-Fatir - Creator

Reading the tsієї suri give the zahist from the evil of invisible forces and from "Satan" in human likeness. Allah bless the life of the one who regularly reads the surah.

36.Sura Yasin

Even more difficult problems will be seen for the one who reads the sura 70 once.

If you read the surah for the ritual deceit of the dead, and then read it again for the funeral (Janaza), then at the funeral there will be the presence of the angels of mercy in such a number, as in the sight of Allah. And the deceased will be lodged to death and will be abducted from the grave.

And hto vip'є water, the sura Yasin is written in the yak, then Allah will remind the heart of the people of the people with such Light, which is to glorify all troubles and unconsciousness.

If you read the sura of the day of lies and in the evenings, then, by the Grace of Allah, you will bring peace of mind to human wretchedness, to give the suppressor from the punishment in Akhira, and to secure a beautiful place in Paradise. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu "Aleichem wa Salli) saying," All is in the heart, but the heart of the Koran is Yasin. "

And to the one who reads qiu sura hocha b 1 Once a day, Allah sent the blessed Barakat at the sight of the children, blessings and divine beautiful podіy.

37.Sura al-Saffat - Ti, hto stand in a row

Allah will bestow upon the one who reads the surah 7 times, a good kindness.

38.Sura Garden

The one who reads the sura regularly, if he is bestowed with immunity against the evil of Satan. I will be abducted by the shaitans in human likeness.

39.Sura al-Zumar - Natovpi

The one who regularly reads the sura will be blessed with a trick in the Divine Presence. Moreover, Allah generously piles up the reading.

40. Sura Mu "hv - Viruchiy

Allah is a vicon 7 once.

41.Sura Fussilyat - Rose Clarified

Hto bazhak buti abductions from evil villains, bandits and intestinal villains, do not read tsiu sura (by 1 once).

42.Sura al-Shura - Rada

Allah has seen the fear of the enemy in the one who reads the tsiu sura 30 once.

43.Sura al-Zuhruf - Embellish

Shaitan cannot penetrate into the heart of the one who reads the sura.

44.Sura al-Dukhan - Dim

Everyone will be loved by the one who constantly reads the sura.

45.Sura al-Jasim - Uklinna

Yaksho toi, hto virashaє on the road, readє tsyu sura 40 once before your admission (vid'yizd), then you will be more expensive and blessed to turn to a non-educated person, inshaallah.

46.Sura al-Ahkaf - Pisky

47.Surah Muhammad

48.Sura al-Fath - Peremoga

Smoothly and safely go ask the one who reads the sura 41 once. And as soon as the sura is read at the same time with the surah of Muhammad, then, іnshaallah, the enemies will flow from the battlefield.

On the passage of the high-profile Gazi Nezhi Efendi (let Allah be merciful) offends the suri were read by the Khafiz in the Turkish army during the critical period of the battle "Sakarya" in Viyni for independence. The army of the enemy infiltrated the battlefield and could not win a new knowledge. They sent a signal from Izmir directly into the sea. Gazi Nezhi Afandi himself is especially concerned with the variety of changes.

49.Sura al-Khujurat - Kimnati

Sickness, which you can't know ztselennya, do not read the tsiu sura 7 once. ІnshaAllag, Vsevishniy bless him with necessary leaks and renew his health by reading.

50.Surah Qaf

Toy, hto read tsyu sura 3 once in a night on a shop, will be blessed with a good dawn. More than that, the last person will be happy and happy.

51.Sura al-Zariyat - Rozsiyuyuchi

In the period of unstable (growing) and consumption, it is recommended to read 70 once. Todi, іnshaallah, All-Lord send blessings and Rizk, and all are good to go.

52.Sura at-Tur - Mountain

Allah bestows good health on the one who is sick, for what qiu sura read 3 razi. Also, reading the tsієї suri will bring love and harmony to friends, as they realize problems in family life.

53.Surah an-Najm - Zirka

For the good intentions of the bazhan and the goals of reading the tsyu sura 21 once.

54.Sura al-Komar - Misyats

Reading the tsієї suri zahishchaє from fears.

55.Surah ar-Rahmaan - The Merciful

Reading the tsієї suri is a gift of joy to the heart of reading, light in your house and good luck in business.

56. sura al-Waki "a - Padinnya

Read surah Allah to pile up the square, richness and wonderful camp in the suspension. To the one who bazha material blessings, then read the sura between the evening and the normal prayer (Maghrib and Isha). And the result is not to make you feel bad, іnshaallah.

57.Sura al-Hadid - Zalizo

Tom, hto read tsyu sura 70 Once, Allah bestowed success on robots, majesty energy (strength) and freedom from Hvilyuvan.

58.Sura al-Mujadilya - list

Yaksho qiu sura read 3 Razi over the earth, then throw the earth at the gate, then the beast of yogi in flow, іnshaallah.

59.Sura al-Khashr - Zbori

Yaksho read tsiu sura 3 Once for a particular dua (prokhannya), then Allah will soon be victorious.

60.Sura al-Mumtahina - Viprobuvana

The one who reads the sura on a regular basis will see hypocrisy from the heart.

61.Sura al-Saffi - Riadi

Yaksho read tsiu sura 3 once, and then blowing at the singing people, then the tsyu lyudin (who was blown on) cannot be overpowered (to give him extra strength).

62.Sura al-Juma - Zbori

Love and harmony will be renewed and barked to friends, as you read the tsyu sura 5 once.

63.Sura al-Munafikun - Litsemiri

Yaksho read tsiu sura 100 times, then Lyudin will gain immunity against the hard times.

64.Sura al-Tagabun - Deceiving me

65.Sura al-Talak - Separation

Yaksho read tsiu sura 7 Once, then Allah will send him away from the woman’s step-in-the-road ideas, as the wickedness of us. It is also to give freedom to all the Borgs, and we read the wealth from the unsupported dzherel.

66.Sura at-TAKHROM - Zaborona

As a surupzhe couple reads the sura with the amir of the good minds for themselves, then Allah is the vicon їh bazhannya.

67.Sura al-Mulk - Vlada

Toy, hto read tsyu sura 7 once, a zahist is neglected and know those who have lost. And you will bring a special blessing to every day reading from the sun until the evening.

68.Sura al-Kalyam - Letters to the reed

A dua should be given if a zahist will be granted from the one who reads the sura 10 once.

69.Sura al-Hakka - Neminuche

The one who reads the surah tsyu, you can fix the opir of the enemy and the abductions of all evil.

70.Sura al-Maarij - Go

At the Day of the Resurrection of the one who read the tsyu sura (po) 10 once, there will be abductions from zhahu, scho will be found.

71. Sura Nuh

navigate disposable Reading of the Tsієї Suri Vidzhene Voroga Get.

72.Sura al-Jinn - Jini

Chitannya Tsієї Suri 7 once a zajist is from a dashing eye, evil from gin and shaitan, and from a verbal image. Small children will also be kidnapped from the ever-growing negroes.

73.Sura al-Muzamil - wrap yourself up

If you read the tsiu sura over the perelyakanim child (child, you should be afraid), then your fear will come.

74.Sura al-Mudassir - having turned

Reading the tsієї suri to protect the reading from the evil evil.

75.Sura al-Qiyam - Sunday

The Day of Resurrection will have a share of those who regularly read the qiu sura.

76.Sura al-Insa - Ludina

zavdyak sevenfold Reading the tsієї Suru Allah Vidzhene evil from reading, to bring him closer to the people from the family of the Prophet (Sallallahu Aleichem wa Salli), bestowing his intercession.

77.Sura al-Mursalat - Posilani

Read more

78.Sura al-Naba - Zvistka

The directors of the chanting of the tsієї suri wrote the light of the tsієї suri to sanctify the temryava in the grave of the one who regularly reads the letter of the day namaz (Zuhr).

79.Sura al-Naziat - virivat

The one who reads the sura on a regular basis, does not see the agony of death (agony of death). If you read in peace, then your soul with ease until the Angel of death.

80. Sura "Abasa - frowning

read it 3 If it is for the sake of the singing prokhannya, then Allah is victorious.

81.Sura at-Takvir - Twisting

The one who reads the sura, you can celebrate a strong enmity on the desperate.

82.Sura al-Infitar

The one who reads the tsyu sura post-life, die from repentance, the priest of the Divine Pidtrimts.

83.Surah al-Mutffifin - veneer

Toy, hto read tsyu sura 7 once, we reject the blessings in our commerce on the right.

84.Sura al-Іnshikak

To lay down the birth of flour, to drink water, in the yaku Bula a tsia sura is zanuren (razchinena) (in front of it is written on a sheet of paper abo in.).

85.Sura Buruj - Vezhi

read it 21 times, then evil think of a gateway to fail.

86.Sura at-Tarik - Toy, hto ide at night

three times Reading the suri's tsієї to seize all the evil of the genies, shaitans, villains and filthy people.

87. surah al-A "la - Nayvishiy

Skoda do not stick out that garden, de hang qia sura.

88.Sura al-Gashiya - curse

For quick relief of toothache or pain, wiklican rheumatism, it is recommended to read the tsiu sura.

89.Sura al-Fajr - Zorya

Reading the tsієї suri will give the zahist from the oppression of the authorities.

90.Sura al-Balad - Misto

Reading the tsієї suri will help those who suffer from mental disorders, as well as in times overextension of the eyes.

91.Sura al-Shams - Sonce

Know all the fears of the one who reads the tsyu sura 21 once.

92.Sura al-Leila - Nich

93.Sura ad-Dukh - Ranok

Schhob know (turn) stolen, slid read tsyu sura 41 once.

94.Sura al-Іnshiri - Hiba mi did not open up

If you will not suffer from the consumer who reads the sura from the hour of the day.
Schob otrimati God blessing for a new odyag, then read the tsyu sura 3 once on that day, if you are hoping for more.

95.Sura at-Tiina - Fig.

You will be beautifully (gidno) viglyadati in the eyes of the one who reads the sura 70 once.

96.Surah al-Ik'ra - Zgustok

Yaksho in front of tim, yak to turn to the authorities, read the qiu sura 7 times, then the prospect of reading will be pleased with the lack of a lane that will go to waste (boss / bosses).

97.Sura al-Qadr - Power

Yaksho lyudina read tsiu sura 1000 once in the evenings in the month of Ramadan, then I will be honored with the Lord's Day!

And the one who reads the tsyu sura 500 once a night on Monday, to beat the Holy Prophet (peace be upon you), and all problems and readings will be true.

98.Sura al-Bayyina - The banner is clear

Chitannya tsієї suri daє zahist vіd vorozostі.

99.Sura al-Zalzal - earthquakes

The enemies of the one who reads the sura will be overridden 41 once.

100. sura al "Adiyat - Race

Chitannya tsієї suri yes zahist see prіrіtu.

101. sura al-Qari "a - Vrazhayucha

By the Grace of Allah, the directors of the reading of the tsієї suri will be renewed good with two people, between them they will stir up the world and harmony.

102.sura at-Takyasur - Polyuvannya before the end

Schodenne reading of the tsієї suri will give the zahist from punishment in the grave.

Al-Hakim і al-Beykhaki in the book "Shiab al-Iman" narrated the hadith of Ibn Umar about those who are the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Aleichem wa Salli), saying: "Hiba Kozhen Can't read a thousand verses of Kozhen for you a day?" People said: "How can you read a thousand verses of the Kozhin day?" Win saying: "Hiba Kozhen for You Can't Read the Surah" Addiction to Proliferation I Will Hustle You ... "?

Al-Khatib in the book "al-Muttafak wa al-Muftarak" and ad-Daley narrated the hadith of Umar ibn al-Khattab about those who are the Messenger of Allah, Sallallahu Aleichem wa Salli, saying: "Whoever reads a thousand verses at night, we will humble you in disguise for the purpose of Allah."... Yogo powered: "About the Messenger of Allah! Who is it for the contribution of a thousand verses?" Todi vin after reading "In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful! I will crave you for addiction to multiplication ...." until the end of suri and saying: "I swear Tim, my soul is in Chiyu valley! Wonderful thousand verses".

103. surah wal- "ACP - evening hour

Know all the irregularities of the one who read the tsyu sura 70 once.

104.Sura al-Khumazah - having angered the Lord

To get rid of the hardening and evil of zzdrisniks, then read the sura 20 once.

105.Sura al-Fil - Elephant

Utrimuvatime vorog (at the entrance) reading of the tsієї suri 150 times between evening and nychny namaz (Magrib and Isha).

106.Sura al-Qureish - Quraishiti

Then take the Divine Blessing on the strava, and then read the sura and then drink on the sura and pitvo.

Likewise, why should you shake yourself off from obsessive fear (well, you should read the school code), then read the tsyu sura 7 once.

107.Sura al-Maun - The Alms

Allah will seize the child from inappropriateness and viprobuvan, if you read the sura on the day 41 once.

108. Sura al-Kausar - Ryasniy

Tom, hto read tsyu sura 1000 once, vipade garna the power of vipiti z (dzherela) Kyausar from the blessed hands of the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu "Aleichem wa Salli).

109.Sura al-Kafirun - Nevirn

Toy, hto readє tsyu sura po 3 once a day, there will be abductions from other non-migrants.

110.Surah an-Nasr - Dopomoga

Allah takes care of Viru (imaal) of the one who reads the surah 3 razi. Vira chitaє, stolen from the steps of the shaitan, to be deprived of the unwholesome.

111.Sura at-Tabbat - Palm fibers

Toy, hto read tsyu sura 1000 times, overcoming the enemies.

112.Sura al-Ikhlas - The Shirist of Viri

The Prophet (hai bless yo Allah and vita) saying: "I swear Tim, in Chiyu valley my soul, Surah Ikhlas is equivalent to a third of the Koran."

(Bukhara, 4726)

In the іnshomu hadith, the Prophet (hai bless you and Allah and vіta) saying: "Hiba, it is impossible for you to read a third of the Koran for nothing?" Companions nourished about those who can read a third of the Koran for nothing and the Prophet (hai bless him and Allah) say: So, tse - "Kul huva Allahu ahad", and tse equivalently a third of the Koran "

(Bukhara and Muslim, 811)

113.Sura al-Falyak '- Svitanok

Zavdyaki schodenniy chitannya tsієї suri po 3 Once the skin prayer is read, it reads the abductions from the old viprobuvan and from the worldly negroes.

114.Sura al-Naas - People

When you read Sura at once with Sura Falyak 'for a skin prayer, then it’s like letting go to the childish kind of viprobuan and trouble, from the evil of zdrіsnikiv, from the hospitable language of rivets, from the way of the people, to the people, gin and shaitan.

Honorable khadsi

Array (=> 19867 [~ ID] => 19867 => 19 [~ IBLOCK_ID] => 19 => [~ IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => => Al-kalam [~ NAME] => Al-kalam => [~ ACTIVE_FROM] => => 15.02.2019 09:42:49 [~ TIMESTAMP_X] => 15.02.2019 09:42:49 => /brands/detail.php?ID=19867 [~ DETAIL_PAGE_URL] => /brands/detail.php ? ID = 19867 => /brands/index.php?ID=19 [~ LIST_PAGE_URL] => /brands/index.php?ID=19 => [~ DETAIL_TEXT] => => text [~ DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE] => text => [~ PREVIEW_TEXT] => => text [~ PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE] => text => Array (=> 8712 => Bitrix \ Main \ Type \ DateTime Object (=> DateTime Object (=> 2019-02-15 09: 42: 49.000000 => 3 => Europe / Moscow)) => iblock => 114 => 114 => 9833 => image / png => iblock / a20 =>. Png => logotyp_2.png => => => [~ src] => => /upload/iblock/a20/a20cd5fb00be5be38ff2a9274d6ff5a9.png => /upload/iblock/a20/a20cd5fb00be5be38ff2a9274d6ff5a9.png => /upload620ba9d4m -Kalyam) [~ PREVIEW_PICTU RE] => 8712 => / [~ LANG_DIR] => / => 450 [ ~ SORT] => 450 => [~ CODE] => => 19867 [~ EXTERNAL_ID] => 19867 => brands [~ IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => brands => our_brands [~ IBLOCK_CODE] => our_brands => [~ IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => => s1 [~ LID] => s1 => => => => Array () => Array (=> Array (=> 209 => 2018-07-25 11:37:38 => 19 = > Brand commitment => Y => 500 => LINK_BRAND => => S => 1 => 30 => L => N => => => 5 => => 0 => N => N => N => N => 1 => => => => 922696 => / brand /? brand_id = 808 => => => => [~ VALUE] => / brand /? brand_id = 808 [~ DESCRIPTION] => [~ NAME] => Brand contribution [~ DEFAULT_VALUE] =>)) => Array (=> Array (=> 209 => 2018-07-25 11:37:38 = > 19 => Brand commitment => Y => 500 => LINK_BRAND => => S => 1 => 30 => L => N => => => 5 => => 0 => N => N => N => N => 1 => => => => 922696 => / brand /? Brand_id = 808 => => => => [~ VALUE] => / bra nd /? Brand_id = 808 [~ DESCRIPTION] => [~ NAME] => Contribution to brand [~ DEFAULT_VALUE] => => / brand /? Brand_id = 808)) => Array ()) Array (=> 25795 [~ ID] => 25795 => 19 [~ IBLOCK_ID] => 19 => [~ IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => => Dilya [~ NAME] => Dilya => [~ ACTIVE_FROM] => => 01/22/2019 19:51:47 [~ TIMESTAMP_X] => 01/22/2019 19:51:47 => /brands/detail.php?ID=25795 [~ DETAIL_PAGE_URL] => /brands/detail.php?ID=25795 => / brands / index .php? ID = 19 [~ LIST_PAGE_URL] => /brands/index.php? ID = 19 => [~ DETAIL_TEXT] => => text [~ DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE] => text => [~ PREVIEW_TEXT] => => text [~ PREVIEW_TEXT_TEXT] > text => Array (=> 140783 => Bitrix \ Main \ Type \ DateTime Object (=> DateTime Object (=> 2019-01-22 19: 51: 47. 000000 => 3 => Europe / Moscow)) => iblock => 300 => 300 => 46002 => image / jpeg => iblock / 3ad =>. jpg => діля.jpg => => => [~ src] => => /upload/iblock/3ad/3add7d42cc20ebd136c7151a1f628e47.jpg => / upload / iblock / 3ad /. jpg => /upload/iblock/3ad/3add7d42cc20ebd136c7151a1f628e47.jpg => Dilya => Dilya) [~ PREVIEW_PICTURE] => 140783 => / [~ LANG_DIR] => / => 500 [~ SORT] => 500 => [ ~ CODE] => => 25795 [~ EXTERNAL_ID] => 25795 => brands [~ IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => brands => our_brands [~ IBLOCK_CODE] => our_brands => [~ IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => => s1 [~ LID] => s1 => => => => Array () => Array (=> Array (=> 209 => 2018-07-25 11:37:38 => 19 => Brand commitment => Y => 500 => LINK_BRAND => => S => 1 => 30 => L => N => => => 5 => => 0 => N => N => N => N => 1 => => => => 174986 => / brand /? Brand_id = 813 => => => => [~ VALUE] => / brand /? Brand_id = 813 [~ DESCRIPTION] => [~ NAME] => Thanks for the brand [~ DEFAULT_VALUE] =>)) => Array (=> Array (=> 209 => 2018-07-25 11:37:38 => 19 => Deposits on the brand => Y => 500 => LINK_BRAND => => S => 1 => 30 => L => N => => => 5 => => 0 => N => N => N => N => 1 => => => => 174986 => / brand /? Brand_id = 813 => => => => [~ VALUE] => / brand /? Brand_id = 813 [~ DESCR IPTION] => [~ NAME] => Contribution to brand [~ DEFAULT_VALUE] => => / brand /? brand_id = 813)) => Array ())

Array (=> 25791 [~ ID] => 25791 => 19 [~ IBLOCK_ID] => 19 => [~ IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => => Khuzur [~ NAME] => Khuzur => [~ ACTIVE_FROM] => => 11/27/2018 12:44:59 PM [~ TIMESTAMP_X] => 11/27/2018 12:44:59 PM => /brands/detail.php?ID=25791 [~ DETAIL_PAGE_URL] => /brands/detail.php?ID=25791 => /brands/index.php?ID=19 [~ LIST_PAGE_URL] => /brands/index.php?ID=19 => [~ DETAIL_TEXT] => => text [~ DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE] => text => [~ PREVIEW_TEXT] => => text [~ PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE] => text => Array (=> 140782 => Bitrix \ Main \ Type \ DateTime Object (=> DateTime Object (=> 2018-11-27 12: 44: 59.000000 = > 3 => Europe / Moscow)) => iblock => 300 => 300 => 47706 => image / jpeg => iblock / 53a =>. Jpg => khuzur.jpg => => => [~ src] => => /upload/iblock/53a/53aa7911ab4ad609a6a840ed60357093.jpg => /upload/iblock/53a/53aa7911ab4ad609a6a840ed60357093.jpg => /upload/iblock/53a/53aa7911ab4ad609a6p) > 140782 => / [~ LANG_DIR] => / => 500 [~ SORT] => 500 = > [~ CODE] => => 25791 [~ EXTERNAL_ID] => 25791 => brands [~ IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => brands => our_brands [~ IBLOCK_CODE] => our_brands => [~ IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => => s1 [~ LID] => s1 => => => => Array () => Array (=> Array (=> 209 => 2018-07-25 11:37:38 => 19 => Brand commitment => Y => 500 => LINK_BRAND => => S => 1 => 30 => L => N => => => 5 => => 0 => N => N => N => N => 1 => => => => 174982 => / brand /? brand_id = 809 => => => => [~ VALUE] => / brand /? brand_id = 809 [~ DESCRIPTION] => [~ NAME] => Brand contribution [~ DEFAULT_VALUE] =>)) => Array (=> Array (=> 209 => 2018-07- 25 11:37:38 = > 19 => Brand commitment => Y => 500 => LINK_BRAND => => S => 1 => 30 => L => N => => => 5 => => 0 => N => N => N => N => 1 => => => => 174982 => / brand /? Brand_id = 809 => => => => [~ VALUE] => / brand /? Brand_id = 8 09 [~ DESCRIPTION] => [~ NAME] => Brand credits [~ DEFAULT_VALUE] => => / brand /? Brand_id = 809)) => Array ()) Array (=> 14993 [~ ID] => 14993 => 19 [~ IBLOCK_ID] => 19 => [~ IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => => Muslim Line [~ NAME] => Muslim Line => [~ ACTIVE_FROM] => => 11/27/2018 12:50:27 PM [~ TIMESTAMP_X] => 11/27/2018 12:50:27 PM => /brands/detail.php?ID=14993 [~ DETAIL_PAGE_URL] => /brands/detail.php?ID=14993 => /brands/index.php? ID = 19 [~ LIST_PAGE_URL] => /brands/index.php? ID = 19 => [~ DETAIL_TEXT] => => text [~ DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE] => text => [~ PREVIEW_TEXT] => => text [~ PREVIEW_TEXT_TEXT ] => text => Array (=> 140785 = > Bitrix \ Main \ Type \ DateTime Object (=> DateTime Object (=> 2018-11-27 12: 50: 27. 000000 => 3 => Europe / Moscow)) => iblock => 457 => 457 => 49415 => image / jpeg => iblock / fce =>. jpg => Muslim_line.jpg => => => [~ src] => => /upload/iblock/fce/fce87d4ab635057fb3ed9de90bd459fd.jpg => / upload / iblock / fce /. jpg => /upload/iblock/fce/fce87d4ab635057fb3ed9de90bd459fd.jpg => Muslim Line => Muslim Line) [~ PREVIEW_PICTURE] => 140785 => / [~ LANG_DIR] => / => 500 [~ SORT] => 500 = > [~ CODE] => => 14993 [~ EXTERNAL_ID] => 14993 => brands [~ IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => brands => our_brands [~ IBLOCK_CODE] => our_brands => [~ IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => => s1 [~ LID] => s1 => => => => Array () => Array (=> Array (=> 209 => 2018-07-25 11:37:38 => 19 => Brand commitment => Y => 500 => LINK_BRAND => => S => 1 => 30 => L => N => => => 5 => => 0 => N => N => N => N => 1 => => => => 109987 => / brand /? Brand_id = 806 => => => => [~ VALUE] => / brand /? Brand_id = 806 [~ DESCRIPTION] => [~ NAME] = > Brand credits [~ DEFAULT_VALUE] =>)) => Array (=> Array (=> 209 => 2018-07-25 11:37:38 => 19 => Brand credits => Y => 500 = > LINK_BRAND => => S => 1 => 30 => L => N => => => 5 => => 0 => N => N => N => N => 1 => => => => 109987 => / brand /? Brand_id = 806 => => => => [~ VALUE] => / brand /? Brand_i d = 806 [~ DESCRIPTION] => [~ NAME] => Contribution to brand [~ DEFAULT_VALUE] => => / brand /? brand_id = 806)) => Array ())

Array (=> 58319 [~ ID] => 58319 => 19 [~ IBLOCK_ID] => 19 => [~ IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => => El Baraka [~ NAME] => El Baraka => [~ ACTIVE_FROM] => => 01/22/2019 20:01:30 [~ TIMESTAMP_X] => 01/22/2019 20:01:30 => /brands/detail.php?ID=58319 [~ DETAIL_PAGE_URL] => /brands/detail.php?ID = 58319 => /brands/index.php?ID=19 [~ LIST_PAGE_URL] => /brands/index.php?ID=19 => [~ DETAIL_TEXT] => => text [~ DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE] => text => [~ PREVIEW_TEXT] => => text [~ PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE] => text => Array (=> 152711 => Bitrix \ Main \ Type \ DateTime Object (=> DateTime Object (=> 2019-01-22 20:01: 30.000000 => 3 => Europe / Moscow)) => iblock => 449 => 483 => 24841 => image / jpeg => iblock / 7ac =>. Jpg => 07.jpg => => => [~ src] => => /upload/iblock/7ac/7ac98f05b45930825bd08829f47c0c93.jpg => /upload/iblock/7ac/7ac98f05b45930825bd08829f47c0c93.jpg => /upload/iblockf05b45930825bd08829f47c0c93.jpg => /upload/iblock/7ac/7ac98f05b45930825bd08829f47c0c93.jpg => /upload/iblockf05b5bd9arac98 ~ PREVIEW_PICTURE] => 152711 => / [~ LANG_DIR] => / => 502 [~ S ORT] => 502 => [~ CODE] => => 58319 [~ EXTERNAL_ID] => 58319 => brands [~ IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => brands => our_brands [~ IBLOCK_CODE] => our_brands => [~ IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] = > => s1 [~ LID] => s1 => => => => Array () => Array (=> Array (=> 209 => 2018-07-25 11:37:38 => 19 => Brand exposure => Y => 500 => LINK_BRAND => => S => 1 => 30 => L => N => => => 5 => => 0 => N => N => N => N => 1 => => => => 974104 =>? brand_id = 807 => => => => [~ VALUE] =>? brand_id = 807 [~ DESCRIPTION] => [~ NAME] => Brand contribution [~ DEFAULT_VALUE] =>)) => Array (=> Array (=> 209 => 2018-07-25 11: 37:38 = > 19 => Brand commitment => Y => 500 => LINK_BRAND => => S => 1 => 30 => L => N => => => 5 => => 0 => N => N => N => N => 1 => => => => 974104 =>? Brand_id = 807 => => => => [~ VALUE] =>? Brand_id = 807 [~ DESCRIPTI ON] => [~ NAME] => Brand name [~ DEFAULT_VALUE] => =>? Brand_id = 807)) => Array ()) Array (=> 14990 [~ ID] => 14990 => 19 [~ IBLOCK_ID] => 19 => [~ IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => => Mirusalam [~ NAME] => Mirusalam => [~ ACTIVE_FROM] => => 02/15/2019 9:39:24 AM [~ TIMESTAMP_X] => 02/15/2019 9:39 AM: 24 => /brands/detail.php?ID=14990 [~ DETAIL_PAGE_URL] => /brands/detail.php?ID=14990 => /brands/index.php?ID=19 [~ LIST_PAGE_URL] => / brands / index.php? ID = 19 => [~ DETAIL_TEXT] => => text [~ DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE] => text => [~ PREVIEW_TEXT] => => text [~ PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE] => text => Array (=> 5176 => Bitrix \ Main \ Type \ DateTime Object (=> DateTime Object (=> 2019-02-15 9:39:24. 000000 => 3 => Europe / Moscow)) => iblock => 100 => 120 => 40200 => image / png => iblock / c23 =>. Png => brand-1-120.png => => => [~ src] => => /upload/iblock/c23/c2346d924d1d1c3f1779157bc7688616.png => /upload/iblock/c23/c2346d924d1d1c3f178616.bc /iblock/c23/c2346d924d1d1c3f1779157bc7688616.png => Mirusalam => Mirusalam) [~ PREVIEW_PICTURE] => 5176 => / [~ LANG_DIR] => / => 510 [~ SORT] => 510 => [~ CODE] => 14990 [~ EXTERNAL_ID] => 14990 => brands [~ IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => brands => our_brands [~ IBLOCK_CODE] => our_brands => [~ IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => => s1 [~ LID] => s1 => => => => Array () => Array (=> Array (=> 209 => 2018-07-25 11:37:38 => 19 => Brand commitment => Y => 500 => LINK_BRAND = > => S => 1 => 30 => L => N => => => 5 => => 0 => N => N => N => N => 1 => => => = > 974106 =>? Brand_id = 875 => => => => [~ VALUE] =>? Brand_id = 875 [~ DESC RIPTION] => [~ NAME] => Brand referral [~ DEFAULT_VALUE] =>)) => Array (=> Array (=> 209 => 2018-07-25 11:37:38 => 19 => Brand commitment => Y => 500 => LINK_BRAND => => S => 1 => 30 => L => N => => => 5 => => 0 => N => N => N => N => 1 => => => => 974106 =>? brand_id = 875 => => => => [~ VALUE] =>? brand_id = 875 [~ DESCRIPTION] => [~ NAME] => Brand name [~ DEFAULT_VALUE] => =>

Usman ibn 'affan (radi Allahu' ankhu) feeding from the Messenger of Allah (Sollallahu Aleichem wa Salli) about "Keys to the treasures of the earth and heaven" (repeatedly mentioned in Kur'aan).
Allah's Messenger (Sollallahu Aleichem wa Salli) says:
"It is such a power supply, forgiven nothing before you have not been interested.
The keys to the treasures of heaven and earth are as follows:

NATISNUTI (DUA 2 in Arabic)

2. Dua-і Іstіgfar

The one who knows why, because I don’t know, is to blame for something, I’m guilty of blaming voodoo, read in two rak'at namaz and read the onset dua:

3. Dua-i Mubin

It’s important to write it up easily, just read Surah Yasin 4 times. When you read the verse "Mubin", then read Dua-i Mubin 4 times. Іnsha-Allah, bazhannya read zdіysnyatsya.

NATISNUTI (DUA 2 in Arabic)

4. Kayattya (Tavba) Adama (Aleikhissalam)

If Allah Ta'ala has pierced Adam (Alaihissalam), Adam (Alaihissalam) has broken tawaf about the sacred Kaabi 7 times, having read 2 rak'ata namaz and vich-na-Kaabi after reading the dua. After reading this dua, Allah Ta'ala said to Adam (Alaihissalam): “About Adam, I will forgive you, and I will forgive you from your children (land) who will pray me after reading the dua. I feel the fear of being alive from my heart. (Tafsir Nisabury)

NATISNUTI (DUA 3 in Arabic)

5. Dua ІСМІ A'zam

In the hadiths it is possible that a Muslim slave has read ІСМІ A'zam who would not have asked from Allah, Allah Ta'ala to speak at the tse dua.

NATISNUTI (DUA 4 in Arabic)

6.4444 Slavuta Tefridzhiyya, Dua hajat

1. First of all, to start reading Salavat, it is necessary, in general, and the breadth of the prophecy "Astagfirullah-al-Aziim wa atuubu ilayhi" 21 times. Writing it is necessary to create a name for someone to read salavat. For example: "yaa Rabbi, visvoli me less of a tsієї, tsієї problems ...."
2. Before the ear, it is necessary to read once "A'uuzu and Basmala" and only if it is necessary to repair it, repeat the salavat tafridzhiyya. Bazhano sit up to the sacred Kaabi. Concentrate your thoughts, it is recommended to close your eyes and read salavat with great love until the Messenger of Allah to Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wasallam). If you are tired, make a pause, and then move on.
3. It is necessary to read the salavat exactly 4444 times. Zhodnogo once less or more navpaki. Ibn Khadzher Askalani allowed to say: “The whole number (4444) is called“ Iksir-i A'zam ”. Tse yak lock from a key. If one part of the key is larger, if you do not open the teeth, if you cannot open the door. To that, the exact number is even more important.
4. The one that you cannot read yourself, you can ask someone else.

Imam Kurtubi allowed to say: “It’s even more important dua bulo is accepted, otherwise it’s not worth it to dare, you need to read salavat tefridzhiyya 4444 times. There is no sense in the fact that Allah is the All-Lord accepting dua chita. That, who reads salavat tefridzhiyya 41 times, or 100 times more than a day, Allah Ta'ala will let the countrymen go out and experience, see the way, see all the hard way, and let him do it all right

NATISNUTI (DUA 5 in Arabic)

7. Maktub Jin - dua to bring the shaitan and evil djins into the tale

Abu Dujane (Radiyallahu Anhua) stuck with evil demons and the stench did not give him peace of mind. Abu Dujane rozpov tse Rasullullah (sallallahu alaihі wasallam). Messenger of Allah, let Allah bless you by asking Ali (Radiyallahu Anhua) to take the olive and papir and asking to write those that you read it yourself. Abu Dujane took Maktub and poklav yogo with a pillow in front of tim, yak yti spati. Abu Dudzhan felt these words: “Swearing by Latom and Uzzoy, you burned us. Honor the ruler of Tsi Maktub Muhammad (sallallahu alaihі wasallam), I ask you to surrender Maktub. No more nicholas can be approached and close to your home. " Abu Dujane (radiyallahu Anhua) rozpovіdaє, that on the coming day I rode to the Messenger of Allah, let Allah bless him! Messenger of Allah, let Allah bless you and greet him, saying: "O Abu Dujan, I swear by Allah, for sending me as a true prophet, if you don’t get too much Maktub, the stench will be in agony until Kiyamat." (Hasaisi Kubra, volume 2, 369 art. Beykhaki)

NATISNUTI (DUA 6 in Arabic)

8. Tasbikh-dua of Imam A'zam.

Imam A'zam allowed to say: “I bachiv from the All-Seed 99 times. If I bachiv Yogo 100 times, I energized: Ya Rabbi, as your servant can I hide from Your punishment? Allah Ta'ala, saying: the one who reads the dua a hundred times in the evenings and in the evenings, will be hidden from My reckoning on the Day of Judgment "(Tazkiraratul-Avliya, Farididdin Attar Vali)

NATISNUTI (DUA 7 in Arabic)

9. Dua, scho open doors Rizk

The one who wrote the dua 5 times in the surrounding leaves, hang 4 of them in 4 kuta of your robot and if you trim the 5th leaf with you, Allah sent Rizk and Barakat in the first robot and shop. Allah has sent such Rizk, having written himself to greet. Clients went into the store without buying anything. If you read the dua for the product (which is not realized for an hour) 7 times, then by the Will of the All-Seed, the product is known to your customer for one day. (Medzhmuatul Ediyya, p. 99)

NATISNUTI (DUA 8 in Arabic)

10. Seiyidul istigfar

Messenger of Allah, Sallalahu alaihi wasallam: “He who reads through the whole and broad dua in the evening and die in that evening, then you will go to paradise. And the one who reads from the day to the end of the day, then you will go to paradise "

NATISNUTI (DUA 9 in Arabic)

11. Dua-i Hajat

Isa (Alaihissalam) having recited the blessed dua and (by the will of Allah) reviving the dead.

"The one who reads the blessed dua 100 times by writing Fajr prayer (rankovy prayer) and to catch your need for Allah Ta'ala, yogo dua will be accepted." (Shemsul-Ma'arif, volume 2, p. 5-6)


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