Magic in everyday life. Important signs to know

Magic in everyday life. Important signs to know

Fate threw me the neighbors with troubles. For a long time, for some phrases, my gadget was dignified that the neighbor was engaged in magic, and simply by household witchcraft.

They pushed me on this guess randomly obscured in the conversation phrase. And I thought. What you need to be with a neighbor career. I thought it thought, but since we initially in the life of a loy, they won't always be kicked.

Was once such a case. The daughter of a neighbor comes to me and asks scissors. Why not give, gave. And only after I gave the scissors to me a thought came, why did her scissors why do her scissors? She has a huge pitch on the door to the bathroom nail and on it a lot of different scissors hangs, all sizes. What is not surprising, since the neighbor has worked all his life on the sewing factory master.

That's something wrong here. Climbed on the Internet, read. And armed with new knowledge decided to protect the witchcraft. The fact that she took the scissors, it is not dangerous yet, and the danger takes me at that moment when she will give them away.

How to take them back for yourself safe? In no case can you take them through the threshold, or I should go to it or it goes to me. And take the thing with the right hand, but to give left. Or, on the contrary, I forgot. It will be necessary to look again on the Internet. And when you take a borrowed thing to someone, well, in my case scissors, then you need to say about yourself: "I take the scissors, and there is no lining!" So I was well prepared for a possible attack.

Not immediately she brought the scissors, two days later. I hear the doorbell, went to open. Only the door opened, and she sucks her scissors in her hand, and I involuntarily grabbed them, just on the machine without thinking. Says: "On". "I did not have time to say something, well, do not give them back.

I closed the door, and myself scold, what I am fool! Well, now, nothing can be done.

But communication with these neighbors brought to a minimum.

And here is two days ago, she invites me to commemorate me. Here I remembered all this and I think it will definitely ask for something. And I remember how to give, yes how to take, well, for what I have these troubles, here I have a problem with my husband and I myself can barely, the back hurts that it's just unbearable, not before that I. Maybe I came up with everything, I don't need anything from me and it's just the fruit of my patient imagination.

And then the doorbell on the door. I open, in front of the door, a neighbor with my daughter, they ask for a knife, allegedly the door slammed and somehow it is possible to pose a knife, then it will open.

To be honest, if I hadn't been so annoyed because of the pain in the back, I would give them a knife. And then I was just broken. I will not give you anything to say, I have long since I have a misfortune for misfortune and I think it's you. I will never give you anything. And the door slammed.

Then I am talking later, and he says that it is impossible to be so straightforward. I wonder what I had to say how to refuse, say that I have no knife in my house?

Yes, let them know that I see their tricks.



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And you good luck, Vitaly!

Well, I did the right thing that I did not give anything and slammed the door in front of the nose.
I will tell my story. That was a long time ago. When my husband and I were young we had many friends. All holidays a large company in our apartment noted. We were constantly all went to borrow money, because We have always been. Nobody has never been denied anything, everyone was brought, the soul of the Naraspa, nothing sorry.
Then somehow our life began to change, began to quarrel on trifles, the daughter began to sore. Someone the husband advised to bring her to faith to one white magician. We went, weed. But this is not over.
The magician said that we have a paddle in the apartment that you need to find and destroy. We brought him to my home. Not entering the apartment, he began to drive his hands around the door, found and pulled out several sewing needles. Said it was done to death. The house also found a few needles.
Of course we were very surprised and covered with this magician issues:
- Who did why, why? After all, we, it seems, no one ever wished to anyone, on the contrary, everyone always helped.
He said that this was done from the envy of our good friends, whom we are constantly accepted, we will have a feed and on which we will never think bad. He said that the man who made this one would feel that he was exposed, he would be very bad, he would get sick and the next day will appear to us and ask for something. Punished nothing to give. And their witchcraft will also return to the boomerang.
As he said - everything came out. On the next day, one girlfriend came to all some kind of upset and her appearance was painful. She said that she was quarreled and asked me a nail file. Of course, I did not give. She said that the pill was lost somewhere. After about half an hour and her husband came. I also asked for something from my husband. I already do not remember what exactly I asked. And he was denied.
My husband and I could not believe that these people could wish for evil. After all, it did not appear in any way. We did not treat them worse or squeeze their curses, just began to behave carefully.
I do not know whether the law of boomeranga really worked, but further events in the life of our "friends" began to develop on the tragic scenario. At first, the older 18-year-old daughter died, she was raped and killed. After some time at the age of 47, this girlfriend died in a dream from the heart stop. A year three years ago, the husband of this girlfriend died. Their youngest daughter is alive, married, but life fails.

Our ancestors knew how to attract well-being in their home and avoid trouble. Each hostess, the keeper of the home hearth resorted to simple proven means, which attracted good luck to the family nest.

You can attract good luck to the house, so eliminate any manifestations of the negative. Use wubble and good luck talismans that will complement your interior. Hang bells before entering the entrance. They will indicate their way with their ringing to your doors and become excellent protection against evil and unclean power.

When cooking, transfer your energetic food so that it was filled with your love and care. Solit food clockwise, sentencing:

"Good luck with a satisfying, salted, salted for lunch. I do not care food not overseas, not delicacies. Food is a homely domestic, on its own cooked, on love created, causing impregnated. "

Any action performed by you in the house, fill the positive energy. Do not take care of the fulfillment of your duties in a bad mood, so as not to move the capricious luck. Do not forget that it will be only in that house, which is filled with smiles and laughter, in which there is no place to disorder and dirt. We wish you good luck in all endeavors, and forget to click on the buttons and

16.08.2017 02:03

So that the house was a complete bowl, good luck and good mood did not leave his walls, not enough ...

So that the house was a complete bowl, good luck and good mood did not leave his walls, not enough cleaning.

Household magic is aimed at eliminating the negative and cleaning your housing from negative, evil eyes and damage.She will help preserve the world in the family, will return harmony, comfort and well-being in your home.

Things in the house will serve longer, and comfort and wealth will not forget the road to your doors, if you follow the unacceptable advice.

The house is able to interact with the owner at the energy level.
With the help of magical conspiracies and positive emotions, you can attract good luck, love and mutual understanding.

Feed yourself and their loved ones from the negative impact of others, and folk signs They will help get rid of things bringing poverty and misfortune.

1. Wooden things on a decreasing moon amplify positive vibrations. In order to remove the negative energy in the house, change the furniture layout. It is enough to move the bedside table or rearrange the chairs. Speak with wooden furniture, stroke her, share your experiences and emotions. Sunset sun contributes to cleansing from negative, and the decreasing moon will return to the house harmony.

2. By studying household matters (cooking, cleaning, washing), feel free to sing. Positive attitude and vibration vibration will find a response in the energy sector at home. It will feel like loved and important, energy flows are cleaned. At the end of the case, open the window and blow the negative from your home.

3. Do not forget about the repair. Houses love when they care for them. Starting fine repair, talk to the thing, tell us how it is important for you. Renovated with their own hands a faucet or door handle, as a rule, serve for many years.

4. Going to a party, to the theater or an important event, do not forget to thank your outfits. Make them, tell us how beautiful you look in them, cover in clothes in front of the mirror. This little trick will help you to be irresistible. Efficiently acts on Saturday and Sunday.

5. Since ancient times, it is known that dust and a web collect negative energy, which blocks the channels for the receipt of energy positive and creating. Extracting a house from dust and web, say: "What came to the house - on a broom left." Broom should be rinsed with flowing water and leave to dry up the rods.

6. The deal from the sale of things will be successful, if you speak the subject for a profitable exchange: "For each product your merchant. Go, goods, in new house, Returning the ringing of coins. " Thank you for serving you and then in a new place, she will also please the owners with positive energy.

7. Treatment and strengthening the body in the walls of the house will strengthen health. Taking medicines, whisper: "Health is strong possessing, Immunity improves. Walls of the house will help. Deal for the threshold is carried out. " You can also take advantage of disease.

8. Kitchen - sacral place of any home. Cooking cooking, sprinkle and brand products, whisper will help to get rid of the negative. Thank the refrigerator for the abundance of food, speak a boiled tea for love: "The tea is strong, so let our love be strong." Bring banks with cereals, sentenced: "How much grain, so much money in the house." When cutting in vegetables and fruits whisper: "Sweet and abundant juice will fill our house with happiness and peace."

9. Do not forget to get rid of old things. They litter your dwelling, the energy seal, attracting failures and illness.
All that can be burned is burning with the words: "The old leaves, the fire is devouring, the new one comes in the flame is cleaned."
Put the remaining things in a tight package, tie and remove from home at dawn, leaving the door open.
Arrange in the house of drafts - the wind will blow a negative energy.

We wish you happiness, harmony, wealth and well-being!

Usually under the words household magic Understand the use of small magic in a collision with the most insignificant inconveniences. Such magic is unlikely to cause interest from the experienced sorcerer, but its undoubted advantage is that it can be used by any person, far from esoteric and witchcraft. A distinctive feature of household magic is that its practices do not require compliance with various rituals, since all of them are fully built on visualization, as well as the right use of certain items with which we often come into contact (keys, comb, broom, furniture items, etc. .).

Magic in everyday life: the simplest examples

Many housewives themselves make the simplest techniques to help clean the dwelling and bring well-being. The only thing they do not have enough is visualizing their actions, as well as positive thinking aimed at eliminating various troubles and anxiety.
The most suitable magic for life - general cleaning, which allows you to solve many problems at once. Waketed by a broom apartment, you can represent how you sweat out of your home everything is bad - quarrels and possible troubles, failures, illness.
Any dirt attracts negative energy to itself, so never leave dirty dishes for tomorrow and do not hold the houses old, broken or spoiled things: Ripped with difficulty dotted clothing attracts poverty, crack on a plate attracts negative energy, cracked mirrors attract unfortunately and destroy happiness.

Children and household magic

Small children are much better than adults feel the energy of things, so the easiest way to equip the house is in the best possible way - it is to watch them. If in a dream, the child constantly changes the position of his body so that his legs turn out to be on the pillow, it means that it instinctively takes the position for the energy balance. If it repeats regularly, turn the bed, putting it as convenient to the baby.

Magic in everyday life: Practice and examples

When most often we need magic in life? When a collision with various difficulties, the most frequent among which is forced to be late or inappropriate weather. To catch where you want, imagine how the clock arrow slows down, as its movements are becoming more slow. Now you are not late.
To warm up during the frost, visualize around yourself a warm fireball, which warms you with its warmth. Special attention should be paid to its hair, and this rule concerns women, and men. Buy the ridge yourself without giving it to anyone in your hands, otherwise it can negatively affect the energy that is contained in the hair. Women should keep a comb in a secret place, along with other jewels and jewelery.
Another important one magic object - Key OT entrance door. He should not trust anyone and give in hand. With this, not only the practical side of the question is related - protection against robbery, but also a mystical - an attacker or envious can lead to the house of illness and failure.

From generation to generation are transmitted by customs, signs, traditions, using which a person can help imagine their health, financial condition, strengthen the harmony in the family. And most importantly, these funds are valid!

When the word "magic" is pronounced, our consciousness often gives us an image-stereotype: people in black hoods with candles in their hands, insignificant spells.

Naturally, such actions are available only by dedicated to the magicians, signs, leaders.

However, there is another magic - the daily magic of life, which is present in our life every day, only we are not used to calling it. This includes folk signs, beliefs, conspiracies. Before the revolution, when the connection of generations in the family was maintained and the experience was transferred along with beliefs, traditions and rites, people lived according to such rules. After the revolution, many traditions and beliefs, as well as religion, were declared a remontability of illiteracy, wildness and uneducation of the people. Fortunately, nowadays, we will definitely return to the experience that our ancestors kept in centuries.

House one, and doors a lot

In our modern consciousness this experience casual Magic Amazingly combines an ancient culture, Christian customs, Western psychological recommendations, elements of Eastern worldview, which generally have the same thing. It's like a house with a lot of quantities and a bundle of keys to the door lock: one house, and a lot of doors. And we still manage to mix these doors among themselves, and successfully.

There are many "home" customs and will accept, and they are true, because they combine the wisdom of not one generation. In addition, most will accept and believes can be explained from the point of view of psychology, parapsychology and bioenergy.

Consider simple examples. A man on the steps recalls that I forgot some thing at home, returns for her, and then he does not have any business. "We must," he crushes, "as he knew that it was impossible to return! So it turned out - good luck was not! " Or a friend chooses a set of beautiful kitchen knives as a gift, gives birthday, and a few days later it quarrels with her. "Yes, I knew," he thinks, "that it was impossible to give a sharp give - there is such a sign in the people" ... ...

And now we will try to explain these signs from the point of view of psychology and bioenergy. The person who had to return for the forgotten thing was originally leaving something to do something (for example, to go for shopping). His intention is confirmed by energy (desire) to do something. When he remembered the forgotten thing and returned, he invested the energy of intention to return. Thus, he left the energy of the intention of the house, therefore, in relation to the initially planned case, the necessary result did not reach.

There are also cases when a person begins to speak, and he is interrupted, and then he cannot continue his thought: there is energy intention, but if she is weak, it can easily "stroke" another person, and as a result, "thought does not go."

Consider the second example:

Acute and cutting things to give undesirable. From the point of view of bioenergy, negative energy accumulates at the pointed ends, the prohibition of unmarried girls sit at the edge (on the corner) of the table, which also flows all the negative energy, accumulating when eating food. Therefore, the knives were presented as a gift, the knives would not bring anything good and beloved. Yes, and from the point of view of psychology, stitching and cutting agents can be considered as symbols of murder, and in the subconscious of both parties, in this case, a very bad program, aimed at "cuts" and "injections", which can immediately manifest themselves in communication.

Consider a few more samples of folk magic. In the people, the period of Christmas densities consider special. For Christmas, it is impossible to let the house of ugly, poor: believe that such people bring misfortune for the whole year.

Let's try to find this belief explanation. The period of christmas holidays in our country, where the egregor of Christianity is strongly developed, is special. (Egregor is a certain highest force, defining the relationship of people combined by common objectives. The number of people belonging to one egregor is one of the defining factors of the EGREGER's forces, as the structure affecting the processes in the surrounding world. In turn, Egregor gives a person support And strength, self-confidence). So, the strong energy flows of this (Christmas) period, as well as a certain vulnerability of family members associated with excessive passion for food and drinks at the celebration of the New Year, lead to the fact that the biofield of the family is really easy to break: it can be "involved", as if Joining him, and there is a possibility that the whole positive accumulated on these days can pick up.

It is impossible to lend anything under New Year. And bioenergy, and psychologically, a person who is incurred in the New Year with debts, program itself on the state of "debt" for the whole year. By the way, it is not recommended to give a debt: everything accumulated over the year, all the energy "distribute". There is another side of the medal: a person who has serious trouble in life can borrow to another and thereby "cleaned".

Ambulance Magic Self-help

In addition to a huge amount, there will be a believer, home magic consists of a number of rules from the series "Help yourself". Let's try to systematize this wisdom "to bring a single ambulance algorithm to yourself.

These rules can be used daily, "rolling" good mood, good luck and charge of energy for the whole day.

1 - Waking up in the morning to recharged on the positive.

You can say yourself: "What is a good day today! Today everything will be fine, everything will succeed and will succeed! "

2 - in the morning to be in harmony with the sun.

The sun is a source of light and vital energy. In many religions, the Sun speaks God, no wonder our ancestors worshiped the sun and even Prince Vladimir called "Clear Sunshine." Therefore, it is very desirable to start your day with standing in the sunshine, feel their warmth and recharge your energy for the whole day.

3 - Morning meditation is very useful.

In different systems, this technique is called differently, the general name is "smile by organs." You are immersed in meditation and imagine how your organs (liver, kidneys, spleen, heart, light, spine) smile, and in response you give them your smile. Some authors recommend a list of smiling organs to add skin, the female system is already a personal choice of the artist. Such a positive attitude gives strength and joy, and the energy that adopted to the body ensures its improved functioning throughout the day.

4 - You can smile with soul.

In addition to the smile produced by all authorities, it is very helpful to smile in the morning with your soul. A person can do it in different ways; Someone visualizes his soul in meditation, like a peer, someone sees fantastic images, rather the question is whether the practitioner seems to see his soul and how he represents it.

5 - start a day with joy and stay in it constantly.

In general, this recommendation is a continuation of the previous ones: see the joy in the whole surrounding you in the morning. It can be the external beauty of flowers, trees, a beautiful landscape, a favorite kid, joy from home comfort, from the fragrant smell of food, from beautiful music, from rolling thunder or morning bird singing, in the end, from the very fact of life. You can find joy and in a cloudy dull morning, and in a rainy day. So the kids are able to rejoice: they do not care what is around, and every new situation gives them the opportunity to learn something new: let it rain like from the bucket - but what beautiful bubbles run on puddles!

6 - Any situations in life to perceive as lessons.

Do not assess the situation on the criterion "Bad-good. And "bad", and "good" are relative criteria. The fact that now for us is the greatest evil, tomorrow we can remember as the best good. Life puts us in different situations at all so that we are appreciated. Often, any situation can be corrected, and if something does not give in to the correction, it means that it is not necessary to correct it.

7 - Love yourself and be able to forgive yourself for your mistakes.

There is no such thing in the life that a person can do, which could not be forgiven. The best thing is that a person can do for himself - to love and take himself as it is, and if some part does not suit himself, it should be corrected. Only the one who loves and accepts itself can love and take another: partner, child, parent.

This is not all the rules that could be told about, but at least those that are very good to use daily, "rolling" a good mood, good luck and the charge of energy for the whole day.

Lesya Lymar.


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