Household magic as a way to protect against disease and failures. Casual Magic of Resident Value Magic for life in the house

Household magic as a way to protect against disease and failures. Casual Magic of Resident Value Magic for life in the house

How to create a favorable atmosphere in the house that would contribute to attracting good luck and money? Magic will help at home. Several simple tips and rituals will help you quickly lure the wind of good luck and well-being in your home.

Big Z. on thethe home magic is paid to subjects and things that surround a person. All others on thefrom things have their soul, energy. Household subjects can help on them in affairs, attract money and good luck, maybe on theturnover, become a magnet to attract trouble.

Dinner table. This is not just a piece of furniture, but a symbol of stability, wealth and on thedejitality. Well, if the table is round or oval, bad, when square or rectangular. Corners are sources of negative vibrations. Not for nothing, many afraid to sit on the The corner is "happiness will not be".

The dining table must stand smoothly and firmly. If he is walking, then this is a prizeon theto unstable f.on thenon-family situation in the family. Clean the legs, and the situation will soon change for the better.

Mirror in the house - This is an indicator of the purity of your thoughts, words andon thebuildings. Watch out for the cleanliness of the mirror, then withon thebuilding will be all right. If the mirror is not easy to dust, but the fifth is coveredon themi or darkest, you urgently need to clean the house from negative. This is a prizeon theto the fact that the house accumulated a large number of Negative energy.

OK on the in the House, personify your worldview. Clean OK.on the - Clean thoughts, vision of opportunities and prospects. Dirty OK.on theindicate on the Your inability to go out of difficult situations,on the Lack of purpose, dreams and meaning of life. Cleaning OK.on theYou are revealed for change and new events.

How to attract good luck to the house.

    • After leaving guests you need to shake the tablecloth on the Dining table with words: "Tablecloth walkway, and I'm lucky little."
    • Under the threshold of the entrance door, put a coin - about on the will attract money to the house.
    • Close the garbage bin and on theche all money will come from you.
    • Do not stand and do not sit in the corner on theyou will lose a lot of energy and strength. If you are tormented by insomnia or disturbing thoughts, then on theturnover, it is recommended to stand in the corner for several minutes - it will help calm down, as the corners in homemade magic capable of picking energy.
    • Hang on the The window segment of the red woolen thread is a strong wubble from damage and evil.
    • Most often wipe OK on the - It will help you see a lot of prospects in life and make your life brighter and more interesting. Quite a mirror more often - it will help you keep health and beauty.
    • Try to lay keys on the The same place, then in the house everything will be in perfect order - nothing will be lost, disappear and break.
    • Do not talk to a person who came to your home through the threshold - and on theche will quarrel.
    • Every evening before wrigate the curtains in the bedroom - it will save your peaceful peace. And in the morning the first thing to open the window - it will give you vigor and good on thestructure on the all day. If these actions become your mandatory daily ritual, then your luck is not going anywhere.
    • While cooking is never sad and do not think about the bad. Remember that your thoughts and feelings can be transmitted through products.

Homemade magic in the kitchen.

The kitchen is perhaps the most important place in every home, soon thechi. on theyou need to apply magic in it.

    • Always keep the garbage bucket closed, so you save your money. Open bucket to fi on thensy losses.
    • Prepare food always in good on thestructure. It charges food with positive energy, and you can on thefeed your relatives not just delicious food, but also energetically useful.
    • Never leave dirty dishes on the Night is to disease and failures. Leaves from the kitchen, leave it clean and order, then the house will provide you with support.
    • Put under the tablecloth the coin - it will attract good luck. in money.

Homemade magic in the living room.

If you want the atmosphere of good and comfort in your house, stick to several rules:

    • Print to the curtain small pin - so you will protect your home from the negative energy of the guests.
    • Keep in this com on thethose more com on theplants, they will help you restore the energy reserve at home.
    • Keep the door of the living room are always open - so you show your hospitality, inviting good house, good luck And happiness.

Homemade Magic Hallway.

With a hallway on thechi. on thehome. This place especially needs magic acceptors.

    • Hang on thed. entrance door bell. When someone will enter the house, the ringing of the bell will purify the guest from evil thoughts and unkind thoughts.
    • Put the rug near the entrance door. Every time you beat it, say: "I drive out of the house everything is bad, away!". Together with dust you will get rid of negative energy in the house.
    • Drink a nail in the door jamb on the good luck. Scoring, pronounce: "I scorch on the good luck, on the happiness, on the health and wellness. May it be so". This is a strong protective charm from damage and evil eye.

All home duties Can turn B. on thestanding magic ritual to attract well-being in the house. Do not make order not everyone. Of course, who brings the pleasure of washing dishes, wash, ironing and so on? But if every this action is made special, give a magical meaning, you can not only quickly remove the whole apartment, but also attract good luck.

Homemade magic in practice.

Before starting to the magic cleaning,on thebuild yourself right. Now you will not clean the garbage and dust, but clean your inner space.

So, on the.

When washing windows Think about what you wipe okon the To the world, so that all your desires are fulfilled without distortion.

When cooking food Trete carrots? Yes, this is a routine lesson! Now you do not just Treight Carrots, but overwhelm old resentment. Think in the process of your resentment and disappointments andon thesurride how they are destroyed by grater. Pleasant spectacle!

When you throw old things, Separate: "The old leaves, the new comes!".

Wash underwear? Not! When doing homework, you erase all problems and charge clothes positive energy.

Lingerie? You smoothed wrinkles to yourself, become younger and more attractive! Think about it in the process and carefully smoothed all things.

Cook dinner?There is generally a wide space for magic rituals and conspiracies. Note that every dish prepared by you is a special potion programmingon thegood luck, F. on thenax growth, health, beauty and love. On each ingredient there is a conspiracy that needs to be pronounced in the process of adding to the dish.

    • For example, when you throw onions, say: "In the soup I throw a bow, I will not fight me ailment!"
    • Carrots: "I throw a carrot in soup, there will be strong love!"
    • Potatoes: "In the soup Potato, I will charge positive!"
    • Dill: "Greens in soup I throw, I will have money!"
    • Salt: "Stick I am all adversity, happiness to me on the long years!"
    • Cabbage: "I put the cappist, so that in the wallet was not empty!"

You can invent your conspiracies yourself.on thegood luckThe main thing is that they reflect your desires and were pronounced with a positive.

Using the tricks of homemade magic, you can attractgood luckand wealth in your home. Love your home and try to landscaping it as much as possible. Then he will be for youon thestanding protection against damage, evil eye, envy and trouble.

Rituals for good luck at the table.

    • If you want to charge positive energy, then there is nothing better than do it through products or on thepetes that you consume every day.
    • When you drink tea, pay your attention on the on thepulling bubbles on the Surfaces. If they are, then immediately assemble them with a spoon and eat, saying a plot: "As bubbles are burst and money will appear!".
    • If you eat something small, seeds or nuts, on theexample, do not forget and charge them. Be sure to tell me: "How many small parts, so much happy days!"
    • If you want to attract an income to yourself, then eat more honey. After all, on the Honey, as you know, all bees are flying, so why not fly and successful circumstances? Before you eat a spoonful of honey and put it in a dish ( on thepeat), say: "Prostrates to me luck, like bees to honey."

Rituals to attract good luck on the street.

    • If you go to the crossroads, then surely tell the words of the conspiracy on the good luck: "Two roads lie, and only I go on the one that brings good luck
    • If you see the green light of the traffic light, then tell me: "I always have a green light everywhere, where I will not come - all I am glad that I will not want - everything will be fulfilled!"
    • if you on thehamili in a public place, then definitely tell me after the offensive: "Your negative was with you and will remain with you, someone else's not on thebefore." This will disarm Grubia on theAnd you do not get infected with negative emotions.

All on thesha Life is a ritual. And only you decide for how rituals you live - on good, bringing joy, or by those who cause suffering, pain and leave a resentment.

Fate threw me the neighbors with troubles. For a long time, for some phrases, my gadget was dignified that the neighbor was engaged in magic, and simply by household witchcraft.

They pushed me on this guess randomly obscured in the conversation phrase. And I thought. What you need to be with a neighbor career. I thought it thought, but since we initially in the life of a loy, they won't always be kicked.

Was once such a case. The daughter of a neighbor comes to me and asks scissors. Why not give, gave. And only after I gave the scissors to me a thought came, why did her scissors why do her scissors? She has a huge pitch on the door to the bathroom nail and on it a lot of different scissors hangs, all sizes. What is not surprising, since the neighbor has worked all his life on the sewing factory master.

That's something wrong here. Climbed on the Internet, read. And armed with new knowledge decided to protect the witchcraft. The fact that she took the scissors, it is not dangerous yet, and the danger takes me at that moment when she will give them away.

How to take them back for yourself safe? In no case can you take them through the threshold, or I should go to it or it goes to me. And take the thing with the right hand, but to give left. Or, on the contrary, I forgot. It will be necessary to look again on the Internet. And when you take a borrowed thing to someone, well, in my case scissors, then you need to say about yourself: "I take the scissors, and there is no lining!" So I was well prepared for a possible attack.

Not immediately she brought the scissors, two days later. I hear the doorbell, went to open. Only the door opened, and she sucks her scissors in her hand, and I involuntarily grabbed them, just on the machine without thinking. Says: "On". "I did not have time to say something, well, do not give them back.

I closed the door, and myself scold, what I am fool! Well, now, nothing can be done.

But communication with these neighbors brought to a minimum.

And here is two days ago, she invites me to commemorate me. Here I remembered all this and I think it will definitely ask for something. And I remember how to give, yes how to take, well, for what I have these troubles, here I have a problem with my husband and I myself can barely, the back hurts that it's just unbearable, not before that I. Maybe I came up with everything, I don't need anything from me and it's just the fruit of my patient imagination.

And then the doorbell on the door. I open, in front of the door, a neighbor with my daughter, they ask for a knife, allegedly the door slammed and somehow it is possible to pose a knife, then it will open.

To be honest, if I hadn't been so annoyed because of the pain in the back, I would give them a knife. And then I was just broken. I will not give you anything to say, I have long since I have a misfortune for misfortune and I think it's you. I will never give you anything. And the door slammed.

Then I am talking later, and he says that it is impossible to be so straightforward. I wonder what I had to say how to refuse, say that I have no knife in my house?

Yes, let them know that I see their tricks.



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And you good luck, Vitaly!

Well, I did the right thing that I did not give anything and slammed the door in front of the nose.
I will tell my story. That was a long time ago. When my husband and I were young we had many friends. All holidays a large company in our apartment noted. We were constantly all went to borrow money, because We have always been. Nobody has never been denied anything, everyone was brought, the soul of the Naraspa, nothing sorry.
Then somehow our life began to change, began to quarrel on trifles, the daughter began to sore. Someone the husband advised to bring her to faith to one white magician. We went, weed. But this is not over.
The magician said that we have a paddle in the apartment that you need to find and destroy. We brought him to my home. Not entering the apartment, he began to drive his hands around the door, found and pulled out several sewing needles. Said it was done to death. The house also found a few needles.
Of course we were very surprised and covered with this magician issues:
- Who did why, why? After all, we, it seems, no one ever wished to anyone, on the contrary, everyone always helped.
He said that this was done from the envy of our good friends, whom we are constantly accepted, we will have a feed and on which we will never think bad. He said that the man who made this one would feel that he was exposed, he would be very bad, he would get sick and the next day will appear to us and ask for something. Punished nothing to give. And their witchcraft will also return to the boomerang.
As he said - everything came out. On the next day, one girlfriend came to all some kind of upset and her appearance was painful. She said that she was quarreled and asked me a nail file. Of course, I did not give. She said that the pill was lost somewhere. After about half an hour and her husband came. I also asked for something from my husband. I already do not remember what exactly I asked. And he was denied.
My husband and I could not believe that these people could wish for evil. After all, it did not appear in any way. We did not treat them worse or squeeze their curses, just began to behave carefully.
I do not know whether the law of boomeranga really worked, but further events in the life of our "friends" began to develop on the tragic scenario. At first, the older 18-year-old daughter died, she was raped and killed. After some time at the age of 47, this girlfriend died in a dream from the heart stop. A year three years ago, the husband of this girlfriend died. Their youngest daughter is alive, married, but life fails.

Ritual for getting rid of the seals and offended:
If your life is filled with resentment and sorrows, go to a deaf forest and find a single place there. Drop into the ground a small hole (30 centimeters in diameter) lean over her and crumble all your fears, despair and insults. Shout about them until tears are plugged from your eyes, and you will not feel the damped and empty. Then scream this hole and immediately go home without looking around. Remember that never and under any circumstances you should come back here.
It is also useful for all their pains and sadness to steer water. Only it should be flowing water: stream, river. If you don't have such a possibility, then open the crane and tell all this to the water current from it.

Quite often in the rituals of Slavic and other peoples there is a concept as the "magic coast circle". He is designed to protect people from dangerous exposure from the outside. Magic Circle can be put out of simple stones. The distance between each of them should not exceed 15 centimeters. The diameter of this circle can be 1.5 meters. It is necessary to spread it in the direction of the sun, it means that clockwise.

Shamansky ritual "Four Winds".
To perform this ritual, you must post the COANE Circle, denoting the side of the world in it. Make it can be done large stones or pile of small pebbles.

Enter the center of this circle. Sit in it and calm down. Tune in to meditative power. You need to start the ritual from the east, so stand up and turn your face east. Go to the point (stone), which in the magic of the Circle draws exactly this direction. Ascertain your gaze and your consciousness of the distance, behind the horizon. Feel unity with nature ...

Say the following words: "The Gods of the East, give me a grain of your strength, your wisdom and your sacred knowledge." Exactly the same actions must be carried out with the rest of the three sides of the light in such a sequence: north, south, west. After that, sit in the center of the Circle of the Circle, dive into it a small fire and throw dry leaves of the sage into it. Thank mentally the gods for the gift that they give you, namely, for the strength and harmony. You can also mentally chat with them - tell them about your problems, ask for help.

If possible, the southern point of the Circle is better to mark the lit candle. Western - Lavender twig; Eastern - rose petals; North - a handful of land or its coast of gem.

Prepare for ritual follows in a few days. At the same time, you should not burden yourself with various excesses, and it is better to pay it at all. Ideally, if these days you will not communicate with people at all, and go alone with nature.

Sunny ritual of cheerfulness.
The sun has a huge stock of strength and energy. You can get a charge of cheerful from it. To do this, go out on a sunny day (it is better to choose a deserted place). Raise your face to the sun, close my eyes for a couple of minutes, feel it warm and think three times three times:
"The Sunny Red, Clear Sun, you put on your strength, give good, give warmth, give cheerfulness."
Imagine that everything you wish, comes to you with his rays.

Today will hold homely.
Do you think that concern only people endowed with certain abilities?! You're wrong. You have real magic items at home. It would seem that these are the most common things used in everyday life. But they can bring much benefit when performing rituals.

The power of the broom.
From the unattended guests will save you a broom. Go around, waving them, your home (apartment). After that handle down put it at the entrance door.

For magic rituals also use home utensils. In Slovakia and the Czech Republic, pots filled with food, bury the foundation of the house as a symbol of well-being. Bulgarians believe that, if you put a man's hair strand in a new pot, and put it in the oven, then he will definitely return.
Clay dishes are associated with the human body. She has throat, nose, handle ... It is believed that if you warm the water for swimming a newborn girl in a jug, then it will have a thin mill. For a newborn boy, water should be warm in the Chan and then the child will grow warmer.
When moving to new housing, the houses is invited to climb a pot and so along with the owners to move to a new place of residence.

In the old days in Russia, Swaha was hiding under the threshold of the bride. Noble castle. As soon as the bride came to the house, the groom came, the Swash immediately turned the key and threw it into the river, thus fastening, thus the future union.
In order to protect your house from thieves, you need to buy a new castle and pronounce a conspiracy over it: "I lock the castle, the thieves will take a mind. Key with me, house with good. " Then you need to locate this lock and take the key from it to the trip.
Remember, if you do not get out of the house because of a broken castle, then, so your keepers protect you from trouble.

Horseshoe for happiness
In Europe, Latin America and in the East it is believed that Hadicov brings happiness and grace to all houses. In Ireland and England, she promises harmony and peace in the family. In China, it brings good luck and gives joy. In Russia, there is such a belief - a man who has been honeycomb is very lucky.
If you fix the horseshoe over the entrance door by the Horn down, then it will protect the house from different misfortunes. Horn up - bring well-being in this house. In the car, the horseshoe will protect you from the accident and other accidents on the road.
Remember that the horseshoe mascot can not be washed. Indeed, in this case, all its magic properties will wash.

So that the house was a complete bowl, good luck and good mood did not leave his walls, not enough cleaning.

Household magic is aimed at eliminating the negative and cleaning your housing from negative, evil eyes and damage.She will help preserve the world in the family, will return harmony, comfort and well-being in your home.

Things in the house will serve longer, and comfort and wealth will not forget the road to your doors, if you follow the unacceptable advice.

The house is able to interact with the owner at the energy level.
With the help of magical conspiracies and positive emotions, you can attract good luck, love and mutual understanding.

Feed yourself and their loved ones from the negative impact of others, and folk signs They will help get rid of things bringing poverty and misfortune.

1. Wooden things on a decreasing moon amplify positive vibrations. In order to remove the negative energy in the house, change the furniture layout. It is enough to move the bedside table or rearrange the chairs. Speak with wooden furniture, stroke her, share your experiences and emotions. Sunset sun contributes to cleansing from negative, and the decreasing moon will return to the house harmony.

2. By studying household matters (cooking, cleaning, washing), feel free to sing. Positive attitude and vibration vibration will find a response in the energy sector at home. It will feel like loved and important, energy flows are cleaned. At the end of the case, open the window and blow the negative from your home.

3. Do not forget about the repair. Houses love when they care for them. Starting fine repair, talk to the thing, tell us how it is important for you. Renovated with their own hands a faucet or door handle, as a rule, serve for many years.

4. Going to a party, to the theater or an important event, do not forget to thank your outfits. Make them, tell us how beautiful you look in them, cover in clothes in front of the mirror. This little trick will help you to be irresistible. Efficiently acts on Saturday and Sunday.

5. Since ancient times, it is known that dust and a web collect negative energy, which blocks the channels for the receipt of energy positive and creating. Extracting a house from dust and web, say: "What came to the house - on a broom left." Broom should be rinsed with flowing water and leave to dry up the rods.

6. The deal from the sale of things will be successful, if you speak the subject for a profitable exchange: "For each product your merchant. Go, goods, in new house, Returning the ringing of coins. " Thank you for serving you and then in a new place, she will also please the owners with positive energy.

7. Treatment and strengthening the body in the walls of the house will strengthen health. Taking medicines, whisper: "Health is strong possessing, Immunity improves. Walls of the house will help. Deal for the threshold is carried out. " You can also take advantage of disease.

8. Kitchen - sacral place of any home. Cooking cooking, sprinkle and brand products, whisper will help to get rid of the negative. Thank the refrigerator for the abundance of food, speak a boiled tea for love: "The tea is strong, so let our love be strong." Bring banks with cereals, sentenced: "How much grain, so much money in the house." When cutting in vegetables and fruits whisper: "Sweet and abundant juice will fill our house with happiness and peace."

9. Do not forget to get rid of old things. They litter your dwelling, the energy seal, attracting failures and illness.
All that can be burned is burning with the words: "The old leaves, the fire is devouring, the new one comes in the flame is cleaned."
Put the remaining things in a tight package, tie and remove from home at dawn, leaving the door open.
Arrange in the house of drafts - the wind will blow a negative energy.

We wish you happiness, harmony, wealth and well-being!

If you have the opportunity, use a wooden spoon and cook food in ceramic dishes. What emotions are preparing food, that energy will pass through those who trapes. Sometimes, when everything in the family falls apart, trust cooking a man well. At least for a while. Why? Probably everyone knows that men are considered the best chefs. There is a reason for it.

The fact is that by preparing food, a man puts mainly that energy that has, that is, Yanskaya. This is a big deficit at our daily nutrition. Not only are the products themselves are divided into mainly Yansk and Inisk, Yinsky - most.

If we consider that women are preparing, the Inin beginnings increase sharply. Such a breakdown towards the Inin vibrations carries the dominant female type of relationship: inconsideration, resentment, whims in the name of the protection of "rear" - that is, providing a calm, measured life. But such an orderly is similar to the swamp.

Due to the day, repeating situations and "circular" cyclicity of relations do not give an impulse for the development of the family and ultimately - the transformation of the family egregor. The energy "quicker", causing it remains unclaimed. And since the field strength still continues to grow, accumulating the potential, the threat of its explosion arises.

Rest assured: This explosion will hit alive - according to the most important links of family bonds. That is why they say that the test of well-being is the most gravity of all the test. Few people come out of him the winner. Most likely no one. With the exception of those who secretly dreamed of the collapse of their family relations.

Household magic Considers the reluctance of his wife to wash things her husband, as a turnorive action opposite to the spell. I.e the one who is erased is attached to himself. And if the mother put her son habit to emit their own things, she did, from the point of view of energy, absolutely correct: it did not need to "try" the Son; On the contrary, the habit brought up to her in time to "cut off" from himself, making it free. But the wife for ignorance did not strengthen the married bonds.

It is more curious that the spouse complained about the wrongness of the spouse was a suspicion that the "class" not only was told, but also inscribed in the house at the rival.

It is impossible to allocate guests to bed linen that you use most often. It is better to have separate 1-2 sets of "guest". But if there is no such possibility, do not wash the underwear after guests in the common heap. Alien energy, which is impregnated with such underwear, does not get into energy inherent in your family, and you may, this simple measure, avoid some conflict situations.
Do not erase along with all the underwear after the patient, even if this disease is not infection. And be sure to dry it out on the street, not in the room. So neutralized the energy "negative" of the disease.

If you want an even greater intimate understanding, highlight for wiring a face - after washing a large towel, one for two, for a husband and wife. It is not forbidden to wear spouses alone and the same slippers, terry bathrobes after baths, windbreakers - in the campaigns. In general, the more common items of use, the stronger the family.

All daylight lamps A negative flow of light and are not suitable for lighting your desktop.

Keep your bread in a bunch of wood, not plastics, he will retain his energy potential longer.

Do not throw out your old clothes, Footwear Personal objects of hygiene in the garbage chute, and burn them. By this you protect yourself from many troubles in the future. If nevertheless decided to give even good clothes or shoes to someone, fool them incense with prayer prayer.

Metal bracelets For your watches, having a closed structure, adversely affect the course of energy on the energy channels of the hand.

Wear a beautiful, brilliant item- Brooch, jewelry pin, the icon will protect you to some extent from the evil eye.

Do not think to give to wear your wedding generally to anyone.

In every house there are mirrors, Try never to hang them in such a position so that it "cut out" the head of someone from households. This negatively affects your energy field - cutting its structure worsening the circulation of bioenergy and thereby causing the diseases that manifest themselves over a certain time on human health.

Pick them very carefully, they carry a huge stream of various information. Wash the surface at least once a month with sanctified water. Do not place a permanent workplace opposite the mirror, and also do not light the lamps of the daylight the room - it does not affect vision

The girl should not let the girlfriend become in front of the mirror in front of himself - He will guide her beloved. The same applies to the guy.

Mirror smash - To the Houdo, such a sign exists from ancient times and really has a real basis.

You break the energy information structure of those people who looked into this mirror.
Do not throw away the mirrors in the garbage, it can turn into many diseases for you!

Put a glass of water on the left palm, And the right tips of the fingers drive along the edge in the direction of the clockwise direction. Each circle is about a minute, seven laps seven times. At the same time, hardly think about what you want to get rid of yourself or save the other.

What code to make it, you determine depending on what disease or alend is intended to heal.

Ordinary raw water has a property to memorize information entering it. The left hand on which the glass is standing is a receiver, or a bioflasp screen, the right - source. Thus, when you drive on the edge of a glass with your fingers, water absorbs exactly the bioenergy information that you need.

In order for this method to be more effective, during the sacrament, pronounce the following prayer:

"Nicholas, the ward of God, the assistant of God. You are in the field, you and in the house, on the road and on the road, in heaven and on earth; implicit and save from all evil; Take a ride with a lodge from the servant of God (this is the name). "

Thus, you charged the water with our thoughts and biotoks. Put this water on the windowsill in the evening, and penetrate it in the morning or let me drink a patient, 2-3 pitch on an empty stomach.


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