Photos of the new "Dacha Putin" appeared on the network: the VIP resort (photo, video) is hiding under the signboard of the scientific center. Deputy Minister of Nahnarkom issued Gostain about the road to Putin's resort on Lunar Poland Hostel for staff

Photos of the new "Dacha Putin" appeared on the network: the VIP resort (photo, video) is hiding under the signboard of the scientific center. Deputy Minister of Nahnarkom issued Gostain about the road to Putin's resort on Lunar Poland Hostel for staff


Environmental Watch activists in the North Caucasus held a public inspection of the construction of objects of the so-called scientific Center Biosphere, located on the western slopes of the Mount Fisht on the territory of the World Natural Heritage Site "Western Caucasus".

In fact, this scientific center is an elite ski resort built on the initiative of the Office of the President of Russia for recreation of Vladimir Putin, and has the unofficial name "Lunar Polyana". The official owner and sponsor of the construction of this resort is the state company Rosneft. At the same time, Rosneft and the Office of the President of Russia continue to ignore the requirements of UNESCO World Heritage Committee

During the inspectorate, numerous facts were revealed by the continuing destruction of the natural complexes of the World Heritage, which appeared after the previous inspection of the Lunar Polyany, conducted by Ekovacht activists in June last year. Numerous new roads connecting various objects in the second stage continued on the territory of the mountain meadows. ski resort. The middle station of the third cable car, which should carry elite skiers under the walls of the Mount Fisht. The construction of the upper station of this road is underway. The construction of the so-called "cafe" continues.

There is reason to believe that the construction of new roads touched upon the official territory of the Caucasus Reserve. Initially, the entire "lunar glade" was built on the territory of the Caucasian reserve, but then part of its territory occupied by the resort facilities, from the reserve was illegally led. However, the builders of the "Lunar Polyany" have repeatedly affected during the work of even the part of the territory of the reserve, which they never got out. The facts of the construction of the forest Foundation land, which are part of the monument of the nature of the Nature of the River Pzhah and Pshashha, was also revealed.

Watch activists witnessed how builders are obviously in order to entertain, freely travel around the mountain meadows on the all-terrain vehicle. The active construction of ski facilities occurred not only in the second stage of the ski resort, but also in close proximity to the main building carefully protected and the fence, which stops the resort of the VIP person and Vladimir Putin himself. All goods for construction and resort activities are helicopters that continuously run over the territory of the Caucasian Reserve between the Lunar Polyany and the Lower Construction Base, located in the village of Solok-Aul, creating a continuous concern for animals. Tourist trail passing by "Lunar Polyana" until it is closed. It is closed only at the time of finding on the "Lunar Meadow" VIP persons. But the security is carefully monitored so that no one is approaching the main building.

EquoCH activists recorded the facts of the destruction of natural world heritage complexes on the "Lunional Polyana" on the photo and will send them to the UNESCO World Heritage Site in the near future. Back in 2008, a decision No. 32 COM 7B.25 was made at the session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, in which the Committee recommended Russia: "Ensure that the Center" Biosphere ", built on the Lunar Meadow, was used only for managing, research and monitoring the heritage object or informing visitors and was not transformed into a recreational facility". Russian authorities brazenly ignore this decision. And that UNESCO experts cannot personally have witnessed this, they do not give it to the Moon Polyana at different pretexts during their mission to verify the condition of the preservation of the Heritage Object "Western Caucasus".

For three years near Sochi, the Mountain Fisht on the Plateau with the poetic name Moonloe Polyana is building a VIP-track. According to rumors, it will be the ski route for Putin's president (before in Sochi, he rode on the slopes of a crowded red glade). Some newspapers have already written about this secret skiing, but it has not been able to see the construction of our own eyes from the journalists: to get there very difficult. And so, he having heard that the "Presidential Dacha" could be made an illegal helicopter tour of the foothill village, we rushed there.

Tatyana Kireeva,

Maxim Samokhin

Near the village of Solok-Aul places of the picturesque. Often, the Sochns and resort workers on kebabs come here. In the early morning hour there are already a lot of holidaymakers. Silence is cut through the cargo helicopters back and forth. A assistant pilot is suitable for us from one of the "turntables". "Want to fly? - he asks. - Flying - 500 rubles. "

There are 10 people who wished.

After 15 minutes, the horizon appears puzzled iron "dragonfly". Makes landing, and we "load" strictly according to the instructions. Ahead - Mount Fisht: 2867 meters. In the early 1990s, two ski slopes were opened in this difficult area. And between them, at the Dzhigur Pass, Sochic Grigory Gorlov built a rescue shelter for the Lunnel Polyana tourists - by the name of the terrain on tourist maps. Here now is built now "Putin's cottage". In the helicopter you will not speak a lot. Recording the roar, talkative pilot helper still acts as a guide. In one day, he says, the helicopter does not less than 10 flights, transporting construction materials on the lunar glade. Three storey house is almost ready. No one hides here anymore that he is being built for the president.

Construction, tell us, leads the Finnish company "Konka", but work in the main Turk.

Pass to the excursion object. While the crew drops building materials to the ground, we consider the amazing moonlory through the hatches. "This is," indicates our guide to the cozy three-story chalet, "and there is a dacha of the president. She is from a cut of pine. The logs are specifically brought from Karelia. There will be 12 large rooms here. The windows in the billiard room go straight on the red rocks. When Polyana poured moon, these rocks are burning like a flame, it seems that this is a scene from a fantastic film. Just mystic! At this time, according to legend, you can make a desire and even guess at the shadows! But I think, Putin is, it will not be exactly guess, "concludes a guide. - Is that his spouse or daughter. Another guide told us that the manager of the President Vladimir Kozhin and the highest FSO ranks had already come here more than once. GDP itself has not yet arrived. They say will arrive when everything will be ready. And complete the construction is promised to the current winter. ... The helicopter makes a farewell turn over the "Secret Residence". When the president will ride here, they certainly do not fly.


* "Fisht" translated from the Adygei "White Head". * Mount Fisht with ancient times was considered a Poklonnaya Mountain. Up to the revolution, pilgrims went to her from all over the world. And to this day, local residents, by means of tourists, they say that it is necessary to rise onto her slopes with a pure heart, patience, unwrapped mind. Otherwise, they say, the mountain will not miss.

* Fisht and its surroundings are part of the Caucasian State Biosphere Reserve. Nature on her beauty slopes stunning: Alpine meadows, glaciers, waterfalls (the height of one of them is 158 meters), bizarre rocks, caves-abdinities with a depth of 535 meters. At one and a half kilometers to the west of the top, the alpine Lake Huko, which ancient Adygi was considered sacred.

Where else rode Putin

In addition to the Red Polyana under Sochi, the president rolled down the slopes: * Baikal Mountains in Eastern Siberia; * In the Belokurikha Altai Territory; * At the ski resort of Abzakovo near Magnitogorsk; * On the basis of Chimbulak in Kazakhstan; * In the Austrian Tyrol, along with Chancellor Wolfgan Schezel. I rode in a white hat and a red-white overalls - the colors of the State Flag of Austria.

Elena Rykovtsheva : "Moonloe Polyana" is a residence for Vladimir Putin, for the sake of construction of which the unheard of the extermination of the nature of the Caucasian Reserve is committed. What tricks did the authorities resorted to "legitimize" this construction? What ways do they achieve opportunities to lay the roads to her according to protected territories? In this we will deal with live broadcast.

With us in touch from the Krasnodar Territory - the coordinator of the environmental watch in the North Caucasus, Andrei Rudomaha, Senlana Dolmatova, Senlana Dolmatova, a biologist's scientist, a member of the Commission of the Administration of the Krasnodar Territory by rare disappearing species listed in the Red Book, Valery Schurov. In Studios Galina Mikhalev, Executive Secretary of the Political Committee of the Apple Party.

The history of "Lunar Polyana" for Vladimir Putin, which was written very little in the central press, I made up in several sources. The main landmark for me is the Blog of Surena Gazaryan, the Environmental Watch Activist, which presents the main documents on this case, plus the information of the Weekly "Business Sochi".

This wonderful epic began in the 1980s, when the Western slope of the Mount Fisht Sochi rescuers built a strange type of hut. So writes Suren Gazaryan. They also called the terrain around the hut "Moonlory". In the 1990s, a former rescuer Grigory Gorlow organized a hotel in a hut for tourists. But in 2000, the office of the President of the Russian Federation began to be interested in the hotel. Later, in the depths of this department, it was decided to build a ski resort there for the "Main Lovember of the Mountain Ski in the Country", therefore, by 2001, the Lunar Polyana was transferred to the management of the Physical and Health Complex "Dagomys" belonging to the administrations.

Why did they want to "settle" Putin there? This is tested in the "Business Sochi": "In the winter of the two thousandth year, Putin's spouse is the first and only times ride skiing on the Red Polyana. The second visit to Vladimir Putin the same slopes took place without unnecessary witnesses: the elevator stopped in advance, and the entire territory adjacent to it, employees of the Federal Security Service (FSO) hooked. Then the president was clicked even higher, on the mountains of Mountain, where he kneading on the virgin snow was impossible to see even in binoculars. But also at the Town Mountains, from the point of view of the management of the FSO, there were certain problems: this is in the immediate vicinity of the state border, on one of its most complex areas - Abkhaz. And the terrain there is such that even the special forces division will not be able to block all the ways to the approach to peacefully riding the president ...
Therefore, the FSO's management and the then authorities of Sochi, puzzled by the security problem of the presidential security at the time of his ski exercises, were looking for another place where Vladimir Putin would be nice to ride and at the same time would not have to "put on the ears" hundreds of people to guarantee the main skier of the country Absolute inviolability.
This place was found at the foot of one of the most beautiful vertices of the Caucasus - the Mountain Fisht, and already in 2001, in the FSO and the administration of the President of Russia, it was decided, let's say, change the meadows for Mr. Putin: instead of the Red President offered lunar.

But further, as the Suren Gazaryan writes again, it remained to find only the way to circumvent the law to build a resort in the Caucasus Reserve, because the territory of the Lunar Polyana belonged to the Caucasus Reserve. Gave instructions to the ministry natural resourcesAnd this method was found.

On December 4, 2002, Vitaly Artyukhov, who Putin put at the head of the Ministry of Environment, signed an order for the organization "Research and Technological Center as part of the Caucasian State Reserve." That is, this whole ski residence has become marked as ... Scientific Center! That is why it was to obtain the consent of the same Ministry of Justice on this construction, in general, illegal.

As an investor of this facility, the state company Rosneft was appointed. Actually, two objects were built, which called the "scientific": the residence itself, (Biosphere-1), and the second house for FSO, for the protection, for the service personnel. It is called "biosphere-2".

And so the only obstacle, the only stumbling block was here the position of the Caucasian State Reserve. It was prescribed with the requirement to quickly issue the transfer of land under the "biosphere" in free use FSUE "Dagomys". However, it did not work quickly. Scientists rested. And then the skin, managing the affairs, began to write complaints Yuri Trutnev. The texts of these complaints are scanned and posted on the site:

"Yuri Petrovich Affairs management is carried out by the general management of the project for the construction of the Biosphere Scientific Center. Project Border land plot Coordinated with everyone, with the exception of the Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve, who was repeatedly shied from the approvals of the above documents under various pretexts.

Dvani, pressed - and datailed. The lands initially moved to the Republic of Adygea, which submissively conveyed them to the administration of the President's business.

I'll take a pause and ask Svetlana Dolmatov: Do you remember the story of this struggle? Why did the Caucasian Reserve resisted so? After all, there is no reception against the scrap. Well, the state said - give, give!

Svetlana Dolmatova : It's hard for me to talk about this story with her start, I work in a reserve a little over 5 years. The struggle for these lands began much earlier. Unfortunately, the result was the fact that the reserve was forced to give up. In the course of the survey, these land - about 102 hectares - were outside the territory of the reserve. Although on the materials of the forest management, which was held 2004, these lands were part of the reserve.

Elena Rykovtsheva : Like this. We continue further. By 2007, the residence and hostel were practically completed, and intensive work began on the laying of ski slopes. For this, the cableway for the cable car from the entrance to the residence to the lift was burned. An illegal logging was accidentally discovered by Adygei Lesteners. According to their application, a criminal case No. 5070431 was initiated. The leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs requested this case from Adygea to Moscow, where it was rejected.

In the course of construction, several helicopter accidents occurred at the facility. The fact is that the materials have been tossed there exclusively air transport. It became clear that every time you use the helicopter to deliver the president there dangerously. Therefore, FSO has put forward the requirement for laying roads to the object.

And again, the skin began to urge the Ministry of Environment permission to these roads. There was a continuous struggle. The chronicle of this struggle is reflected in the blog Suren, in the Sochi newspapers. The construction of the road was started without a formal permission. It went through the reserved lands and was accompanied by barbaric "sanitary" logs of the forest within the nature of the nature of the Nature of the Rip of the Pzhah and Pshashha rivers. "The unique forest is disfigured and reminds the battlefield."

UNESCO intervened, which expressed concern about the construction and illegal cutting of the forest. And in 2009, the construction worker even managed to slow down, to substitute, but in September 2011, Vladimir Putin announces a desire to become president of the country. And immediately, in coincidence, contests were announced to design a new southern version of the road to the Lunar Meadow. It all started first.

Andrei, what happens today with these roads, with contests? How much is it legal, most importantly?

Andrei Rudomakh : You have already mentioned that you first built the road from the north to the object. Thanks to UNESCO, his intervention, this project was stopped, but we fear that not forever, but only before the Olympics. After all, the land where this road is being built was also brought out of the reserve! So they are this road that went to the object from the north, plan to complete. Now, in September of this year, the construction of another road began, from the south, from the village of Solokh-Aul. Although there is already a forest road on this site - Cordon Babuk-Aul. This road is quite enough for the purpose of servicing this cordon. No roads there are no other way. But they now announced the competition. Only the design of these roads costs 250 million rubles, and the construction is billions.

Elena Rykovtsheva : Andrei, it would not be necessary for the roads if there was no this house!

Andrei Rudomakh : Of course of course.

Elena Rykovtsheva : Without a house is not needed, but with a house - you need. How is the house without a road?!

Andrei Rudomakh : And all the time we are masked by some good tasks, that is, the road is called - "Road route to the meteorological station of the Caucasian Reserve." But there is no meteorological station there and not planned. This is all euphemisms that they try to sew this road.

Elena Rykovtsheva : This is the meteorological station, actually - "Moon Polyana".

Andrei Rudomakh : Yes, apparently "Moonloe Polyana" is a meteorological station. Formally, as you remember, this is the Scientific Center "Biosphere", which belonged to the Caucasian Reserve.

Elena Rykovtsheva : But the most strange and difficult explained is that the customers of two queues of this road were appointed to act ... I don't know, call it cynicism, blasphemy or somehow, but the Customers of the Roads in this State Competition are the Sochi National Park and Caucasian reserve. I called yesterday in the Sochi National Park. There is a completely specific person who is officially engaged in this contest - Esaulov Yuri Vladimirovich. I tried to clarify the situation from him. He said that he could not explain anything on the radio, as he is a man undermineum. He hired our wonderful state, as he said, and performs what he was told, namely, he holds a competition. I asked to handle the electronically digital signature to the Penkovsky director about the participation of someone from the Sochi National Park. We sent an electronic digital signature from the editorial office, the request was written on the letterhead, but everything is unanswered. We do not answer this question - why the Sochi National Park orders this road? Especially since it does not pass on its territory at all!
Svetlana, how it turns out that the Caucasian Reserve is also the customer of the second stage of the road - "Biospheres-2"?

Svetlana Dolmatova : The fact is that the main mass, probably, 99% of the employees of the Caucasian Reserve, learned about this fact from the "Ecological Watch" distribution. For us, it was the same news as for the people who receive this newsletter. About the plans for posting meteorological station ... No weather station at present on Cordon Babak-Aul has no. Cordon Babak Aul is the end point of the road that is going to design. There were no reason for the plans for the plans for the construction of the road, no placement of the meteorological station from the science department of the reserve. But before building a similar object, which is important for observing natural processes, the question seem to be discussed by the scientist of the reserve. There were no decisions of the scientist council on this topic. The question was not discussed.

Elena Rykovtsheva : Valery, I would like you as a biologist as a biologist asked from the point of view of ecology, the construction of the residence itself and the road. Tried to protest the foresters - it did not work. The case stood, in Moscow was hidden. How do you rate this for nature, for the forest?

Valery Shchurov : I want to note that the interest of the leadership of our country to the territory of the region extends not only to the Caucasian biosphere reserve, but on very many other regions, which have so far remained little studied, little mastered and represented wild islands of nature in the territory of the region. Now there is a massive lamp and from the edge administration, and naturally from the side and, probably, not without the support of the Moscow government.
The dismemberment of the territory of the ecosystem of the reserve is expensive, whether it is ground, air, cable or any other, for most major animals migrating through the territory of the reserve, will cause great damage, not to mention the fact that penetration into the forest of any track and people will entail Penetration there of alien plant species, which should not be in the territory of the Caucasian biosphere reserve.
Such a road is not a place on the territory of the reserve, especially in Russia. Somewhere can be in Switzerland or in the Czech Republic, to which we are still far in self-consciousness, people could use such expensive, but not in our country.

Elena Rykovtsheva : If there is such an opinion of scientists, environmentalists, social activists, how can this opinion be taken into account in the future plans of the builders of this road?

Valery Shchurov : Formally it is already taken into account. I got acquainted S. technical tasksexhibited for the competition. It says very detailed, which conservation standards should follow the designer. The question is only - who actually will control the observance of these norms from the moment when they close this road on both sides for the same controllers, such as the "ecological watch", or the same reserve workers. After all, it will be a regime object, probably.

Elena Rykovtsheva : Which regime!

Valery Shchurov : And its construction will be carried out in the same way as the construction of regime objects in the territory of the edge, let's say, in Molokanovo and the city of Gelendzhik. Does anyone actually control scientists what is happening there now after the residence of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin also opened? Nobody controls.

Elena Rykovtsheva : Scientists do not fight all these residences.

Valery Shchurov : And on paper you can write anything. But will it be implemented in the case? Most likely, in our Russian practice will not be.

Elena Rykovtsheva : Residences are already just more than scientists. Therefore, it will not be possible to control.

Valery Shchurov : Fortunately, it is not. Scientists still remain. Not still left for the cordon, some are still trying to live here and go to the depreciation not in words, but in practice.

Elena Rykovtsheva : Galina, you look at this from Moscow. Human how you treat this situation?

Galina Mikhalev : First, I still want to say that Andrei Rudomakh is not alone. He is an activist of the "Apple" party, candidate for deputies of the State Duma. He is not a representative of one, even if a very important environmental organization, behind him - the party. Repeatedly our chairman Sergei Sergeevich Mitrochin traveled to such inspections. He was repeatedly detained.
As for the human relationship, I believe that this is a complete disgrace. I believe that our leadership acts with special cynicism. And you examplely led this. They just mock us when environmentalists become customers an object that completely destroys nature. In order to stop it, two things are needed. We need our political will, our civil activity and a sequence of actions. You can't fold hands. We have a few such examples. Unfortunately, they are still small, but they are. After all, they refused the construction of Gazprom City, this corn in St. Petersburg? Refused. And here, if we act consistently, I think that Vladimir Vladimirovich calmly refuse to build this object. After all, he has enough one finger. Remember how he spent the pipe away from Baikal. She should have been held on the shore of Baikal ...

Elena Rykovtsheva : We are writing: "Just use a personal palace near Gelendzhik to discredit a beloved president failed. Now took up the new cottage - for the lunar pool." So failed what? The idea of \u200b\u200busing the Palace as a residence failed, because the public drew attention to all this, unwind this story, showed. In the end, I had to really sell it after 3rd hands God knows who. And it is still unknown, a dear listener, whose will be these last hands? Who will, in the end, will the palace go to Gelendzhik? However, the noise raised around him, and some fruits were still given.

And let's try to figure it out now: How much does it all? First, how much does the residence itself cost? Rosneft, of course, does not publish these figures anywhere. "Business Sochi" says that you can only assume how expensive it is. Because everything - from nails to sandwiches for builders - delivered helicopters there. "In 2003, one" turntable ", which was transporting welders and cylinders with gas on the lunar glade, crashed into a head cliff Fisht and crashed. 10 people died. A year later, at another helicopter with the suspension, some badge broke and crushed the worker standing on Earth. It is said that these accidents were the reason that Vladimir Putin first appeared on the Lunar Meadow only in 2006: I was going, they say, before, but here such emergencies, and the president did not want to contact him somehow connected with his name "

All-all was transported by airplanes, helicopters, but the cost of building a residence is incomprehensible.

Well regarding the cost of building the road, then there are numbers here. All this is more or less laid out on the website of the state procurement. For example, the total cost of designing a new southern version of the road announced by the National Sochi Park and the Caucasus Reserve is 250 million rubles. The length of this road is 23 km plus 6 km of the cable car. The cost of construction is approximately now estimated as 1.5 billion rubles. What do you say?

Galina Mikhalev : We have all the roads as a big electronic collider in Switzerland. It is clear what it is, as we have throughout the economy. Consider - half is cut, and simple words Speaking - plundered. Among other things, we have neither a building, the Kalashnikov machine is obtained. That we will be asleep, it turns out theft, infringement of the rights of citizens, the destruction of nature and the massive consuming of money. Because there is no control. This is the whole problem.

Elena Rykovtsheva : Andrei, how do you evaluate the holding of the competition? How many participants were in this competition? Did they fight among themselves in honest battle?

Andrei Rudomakh : In fact, there was no contest. The second competition, where the customer is National Park, along the site that comes from Solok-Aul to the border of the Caucasian Reserve, transferred. But the competition announced on behalf of the Caucasus Reserve took place. Although it is written on the site that he did not take place, because the application was only one - this is the firm "Yups. Stroy". But I think, and those people who tell me the information say that this firm has been determined in advance. Everything was done for her. The competition should be how to reduce costs, and here is a pure fiction. In advance, we agreed that such a firm would do this. Just an object is not simple, apparently, not everyone trust the design of this object.

Elena Rykovtsheva : In this case, this will be "Yupk. Stroy" without competitors?

Andrei Rudomakh : Yes.

Elena Rykovtsheva : Clear. And in the second stage, according to the National Park, while it is not known who will appoint a winning competition.

Andrei Rudomakh : I think it will be the same company.

Elena Rykovtsheva : I watched the materials of this contest. October 31 - the last date of collecting applications. The competition is already closed.

Andrei Rudomakh : And after all, the Sochi National Park has nothing to do with this road, because it goes at all on its territory. She does not concern him in any way. The appearance here is extremely strange. In this regard, we wrote a letter to Stepashin. It is planned for non-targeted states of public funds, quite obvious.

Elena Rykovtsheva : With the same success, any other organization could order the construction of this road.

Andrei Rudomakh : Sure. But after all, National Park is not engaged in the design of roads. His task is to protect nature and only on its territory. It turns out that National Park turned into an enterprise for the construction of the roads in a strange way in this case.

Elena Rykovtsheva : Unfortunately, the same fate has suffered a Caucasian reserve. What position does people put! The reserve itself orders the road that will destroy this reserve, which he does not need, against which he protests.

Andrei Rudomakh : There is also such a paradoxical circumstance that the budget of the reserve of the annual - huge territory with a large staff is 20 million rubles. And here only the design of the road on its territory, which he does not need, but on the contrary hurt, costs 100 million!

Elena Rykovtsheva : This state will pay. This presidential management will allocate. Skein will give. Svetlana, not from your own pocket you will pay this way?

Svetlana Dolmatova : I assume that these funds will be listed from the reserve allocated to the budget, and then spent.

Elena Rykovtsheva : On this road?

Svetlana Dolmatova : Yes, on the road. And in the reserve there are many problems. If we were given 100 million rubles - we are talking about the amount that is spent only for designing, for project documentation ... We, for example, the bridge is in disserval. And the bridge this and the road is the actual only way of communication between the two cordons, which are in the depths of the territory of the Caucasian Reserve. We have a housing fund actually by 90% of the Old. Wooden houses Buildings of the 30s-19th. That is, this money could be updated almost the entire housing stock of the reserve.

Elena Rykovtsheva : I want our listeners to understand. Imagine that the balance of two organizations is the Sochi National Park and the Caucasus Reserve - will come huge amounts that they have never seen before. One will give 100 million rubles, and another - 150 million rubles. But these funds they will not be able to spend the way they want. These money, they will have to invest exclusively in order to design roads leading to this very "biosphere" 1 and 2. Galina, appreciate this situation.

Galina Mikhalev : And what to evaluate? If it were only one place and one residence, and such residences in our country are complete. The same question is not just this road, this reserve. This is a question, as the system is organized as a whole. For whom does it exist?
We live in a situation of some kind of prosecuted absurdity, an endless circus of chapito and mockery of people. That's what it is.
In connection with all these Cottages of Putin, Medvedev, the Patriarch happens yet what? The law is violated on the possible access of people to the shores. When these residencies are built, it's all applied to a deaf fence so that people cannot use the shore. In general, each of us has the right to 20 meters of free shore. That is why we are conducting everywhere promotion "Return the people of the land and water." If people who were engaged in such shares were more, they would have to reckon with us.

Elena Rykovtsheva : Andrei, this "Moonloe Polyana", I read, noticeable tourist place. There was such a trail of Adygea-Black Sea Pedestrian. It is no coincidence that this hotel appeared "Moonloe Polyana", where people could relax along the course of this sophisticated excursion. But now it's impossible to do the same way, right?

Andrei Rudomakh : Yes, "Moonloe Polyana" is built directly on the way of the traditional tourist route, according to which hundreds of thousands of people have passed in their time. It was a very popular route in Soviet times. He is now actively used. Now it is possible to go through it, but with problems. One of our activist wrote even such a press release "Go Quick and stop". Tourists, when they pass by, forbid to take a photography. So far, they can not completely ban there. But when Putin arrives or other persons, for example, Bogdanchikov flew here more than once, then the territory is overlap. Upstairs there is a special trailer for supervision over the territory. When FSO officers arrive, the territory overlaps a lot of kilometers.

Elena Rykovtsheva : I read the message of one user Internet, apparently, a resident of those places that went there a couple of years ago: "We recently went through the 30th route, over the cottage of Putin. The picture depressing. Looks like here the bulldozer was demolished a piece of ecological trail - A cool turn, movement only straight. Is that for whom? For tourists, so that they do not come, where should not? But the cottage itself is even greater shock. Building almost ended. Four fundamental buildings, including chalets. Three helicopter sites, communication antennas, Megagangara , Four randics for aligning ski slopes, garage for them. Five excavators. Small excavators rope. Small catall at the stage of completion. The elements are still lying on the hill. The area around the object is marked, the shooting sector. All building materials will be driven by helicopters. Three flights three On sides per hour. On Saturdays one board flies. They are all - cement, boards, even sand. If I'm not mistaken, helicopter / hour costs from 30 thousand rubles. They went down to Solokh-Aul, always the root of the screws in the sky, constantly. "
Alexander from Moscow.

Listener : I would like to support all ecologists. Administration of the Krasnodar Territory in the form of the governor of Tkachev under the guise of Olympic Games Just in collusion with the chairman of the government. Just plunder cashwho are allocated to the Olympics.

Elena Rykovtsheva : Valery, do you feel any connection between the Olympics and the Redesta of the Earth under the pretext of this Olympiad itself?

Valery Shchurov : This connection is much deeper. It began from 2005-2006, when the Government of the Russian Federation began to change forest legislation. Since the entry into force of the New Forest Code in 2007, this green light was given. And in the future, it is likely that one of the trends is the privatization of the Forest Foundation lands, and now in the light of the approaching privatization, it is necessary to take the best sites, which is done actively in the most valuable territories of the Krasnodar Territory and unique places RF. I think that everything is much deeper and further will be held in the history of Russia, rather than the notorious Sochi Olympiad. Here we are discussing road construction on the lands of the Caucasus Reserve. But we have a wonderful project - this is the road of Krasnodar-Jubga, which is also the Olympic facility, the "Don M4" track. Two years ago, probably the money ran out there. It was very good and zealously built, blocked the entire resort season, and threw two years ago. But this is the central road leading to the Black Sea from Russia. So maybe these are 150-200 million. Still spend on the completion of this road at least to the village of Jubga, put markings there, remove signs of 40 m / h, and not to build roads for someone in the wild mountains, in the reserve, In Sochi Natpark?!

Elena Rykovtsheva : This is not for people being built, but for one person. Rashid from Kazan.

Listener : Every reserve, probably, is created for something. Or there are growing unique plants placed in the Red Book, or an animal world. Why are international organizations are not attracted?

Elena Rykovtsheva : Svetlana, because UNESCO intervention was repeatedly over these years, and even managed to somehow UNESCO influence this situation. What now?

Svetlana Dolmatova : The construction of the "road to the meteorological station" is not the only problem with which the Caucasian Reserve faced lately. It's no secret to anyone that the construction of the ski complex is lobby. UNESCO, of course, was originally against the construction of any objects, because it is the territory of the reserve, where the current legislation is still prohibited by the construction of any objects of linear, nonlinear and other structures. UNESCO against the development of the territories that at the moment international status.

Elena Rykovtsheva : And the influence of these organizations? Well, here they are against. So what? Is it taken into account somehow?

Svetlana Dolmatova : It seems that for the Government of the Russian Federation, UNESCO will not authority. It seems that, unfortunately, it is.

Galina Mikhalev : No international organizations for our leadership authority are not. After Vladimir Vladimirovich turned out to be in second place in the list of "Forbes" as the most influential people of the world, even less important to have it. Now after all, the principle of realpolitic prevails in the world. All agree on business, in interest. In this case, unfortunately, especially in conditions when we give a loan to the European Union, when they are dependent on our energy carriers, the winter on the nose, no matter what even government organizations pay attention, and there is nothing about public organizations.

Andrei Rudomakh : UNESCO and in fact, played a very large role in this situation. As already mentioned, it was thanks to UNESCO who managed to stop the North Road to the Lunar Polyana. And after all, there is a decision of UNESCO and in the very "Lunar Polyana" and quite rigid. UNESCO recommended that the Government of Russia use this object only for scientific purposes and for monitoring purposes, and not use it for recreational purposes.

Elena Rykovtsheva : But it is not used yet?

Andrei Rudomakh : No, it is used. Vladimir Vladimirovich there is occasionally occasionally. There is information that Dmitry Anatolyevich was there.

Elena Rykovtsheva : As president, he still has the right.

Andrei Rudomakh : The position of UNESCO is very clear and clear on this issue, but so far it is ignored. And when was the last visit of the UNESCO mission, they were not at the helicopter closer than 2 km to the Lunar Polyana. They did not even give to look at what was happening with the "Lunar Polyana." Because, it is obvious that the previous recommendations of UNESCO are ignored by Russia.

Elena Rykovtsheva : Despite the fact that at that moment the leaders were not in the "Lunar Meadow", still not allowed?

Andrei Rudomakh : Yes. There was just a construction. UNESCO stated his position on this issue in 2008. It said it is abnormal. But nothing has changed. But in order to somehow this scandal to lean, they now even UNESCO are not allowed to "Lunar Polyana."

Elena Rykovtsheva : Perfectly! Zufar Achilov from Gelendzhik, human rights activist calls us.

Listener : I also participated in these inspections of palaces and villages and Putin, and Tkachev this year. According to the results of one of the inspections of me, Suren Ghazaryan and two more of our activists were detained on contrived disorders. This is how the power is painted with those citizens who are trying ...

Elena Rykovtsheva : Detained so that you do not hurt your nose where it is not necessary, right?

Listener : Of course, to stop, discourage our hands, but also the heads so that we did not climb anywhere, did not come down. That's how our power is painted.

Elena Rykovtsheva : Do you remove any lessons for yourself? Will you go further or you will not risk?

Listener : Of course, I will risk. After I selected there for 5 days in nightmarish conditions, I will not forgive this power. The fact is that I heard that we have Putin works like a slave on galleries, and on gold. He must rest. But he, I heard a manic desire to preserve my health. There are such rumors that he comes to work only at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and at 7 o'clock stands up. And all this time he has a sauna, the pools, then massages, then something else. And he, apparently, the same manic desire of these palaces in the amount of 26 objects throughout Russia allegedly in the cleanest ecological places of our Motherland. It is necessary to create some kind of commission, maybe the Deputy, Parliamentary Commission, in order to immediately figure out with this disgrace.

Elena Rykovtsheva : Galina, is there any such commission at all?

Galina Mikhalev : In our parliament?!

Elena Rykovtsheva : When the number of palaces was investigated, how many of them were built, it was already clear that a person who had so much to build them, would never leave the authorities in all coming years. So what about the commission, Galina?

Galina Mikhalev : Well, listen! Our parliament does all that he descends from the government from the presidential administration. This is such a stamping machine. Therefore, never seriously, no such cases will explore our parliament, because it is afraid for his chairs.

Elena Rykovtsheva : Finish on this program "Press Hour" on the waves of radio freedom. We will follow this story.

Schizophrenic conspiracy lovers can read about this project created with the support of the international batch of pirates, the cycle of Dmitry Galkovsky posts.

Our first joint publication is devoted to the next "Kabaev". I will take the courage to introduce this term in modern Russian. It means each of the numerous residences of Vladimir Putin, built in zero years in Russia. To distinguish different "Kabaev" from each other, I propose to add to each geographic coordinates. Today we will talk about the village of Kabaevo on Mount Fisht ("Moonloe Polyana" with an area of \u200b\u200babout 105 hectares).

Experts of the Joint Mission of UNESCO and IUCN (International Union of Nature Protection), which were held in April 2008 Inspectorate of the situation with the safety of the World Heritage Site "Western Caucasus", in its report made the next recommendation to the Government: "To ensure that the Center" Biosphere "built on Lunar meadow will be used only for control, research and monitoring of the World Heritage Site or informing visitors and will not be transformed into a recreational facility. " Let's see what is the center of the Biosphere, and as Vladimir Putin complies with the UN Recommendations.

The Ski Complex "Moonloe Polyana" is located in Adygea on the Western slopes of Mount Fisht. It is impossible to build anything here, because the slopes are included in the territory of the object of the World Natural Heritage "Western Caucasus". In order to bypass prohibitions, Putin's ski residence was built under the guise of a "biosphere" scientific center polygon.

In fact, the "Moon Polyana" is included in the structure of the "Dagomys" health complex, which is under the jurisdiction of the Office of the President of Russia. To build a cottage helped Rosneft, and communications were summed up at the expense of the federal budget.

"The management of the affairs of the President of the Russian Federation carries out the overall leadership of the construction project" Polygon of the Biosphere Scientific Center "... which is of particular importance," wrote on September 9, 2006 by President Vladimir Kozyin to the Minister of Natural Resources Yuri Trutnev. In this message, Skein urged Trutnev to give an indication of the FSU "Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve" to sign acts of coordination of the construction of the Biosphere Scientific Center on the territory of the reserve and calls the Customer of Construction - OJSC NK Rosneft.

On September 22, 2006, Kozene again sends a letter to Trutnev: "On the control of the president Russian Federation It is the construction of highways from p. Chernihiv (Absheron District of the Krasnodar Territory) to the Polygon of the Biosphere Scientific Center ... Funded at the expense of subsidies from the federal budget funds as part of the implementation of the Federal Address Investment Program in 2007 with a financing amount of 400.0 million rubles. " The skin is worried that if the work is not started quickly, it will lead to the impossibility of mastering the federal budget funds and the fulfillment of the execution of the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation to the specified period. " Therefore, continues by the Office managers, "Taking into account the importance of this facility, I ask you to assist in addressing the issue of obtaining permission to perform design survey work on the track of the designed road ... which will simplify in the further conduct of territorial zoning of the Caucasian State Biosphere Reserve with special conditions for the use of the territory" .

By the way, a funny moment: Russian power is even building for himself managed to spoil everything and break.

A skiing complex on the Lunar Polyana Yugoslav builders on projects of Finnish specialists were erected. As a result, on the slope of Mount Fisht appeared three-storey chalet from a pine timberwhich in special order was manufactured in Karelia. All building materials on the lunar glade were covered with cargo helicopters. During the day, each KA-32 did not less than 10 flights. There were several such helicopters. In 2003, one of the helicopters transported the weld brigade and cylinders with gas to the lunar glade, crashed into a sheer cliff and crashed. 9 people died. A year later, another Ka-32 has broken a multiple cargo, pressed on the worker standing on Earth.

Due to the errors made in the project and in the production of work, the key water was disappeared in the local source, so in 2006 before Easter, when it became known that the then the guarantor of the Constitution will fly to the lunar glade to go skiing, the water in the glade was covered with helicopters, and Tons, in case he (the guarantor) wanted not only to wash his hands, but in the pool to swim.

It was not without a small "Khimkinsky forest": Putin officials cut the local protected forest to build a cable car.

The picture of the mass destruction of the forest on the territory of the World Natural Heritage Site "Western Caucasus" in the Valley of the River Cagurssanka impressed. The desert of the deserted requests dissected this valley, starting and ending at the borders of the Caucasian Reserve. Seen fully confirmed the information that in the summer of 2007. Below is the complex "Moonloe Polyana" in the virgin forest array on the territory of the nature of the nature of the "Worths of the Pzhah and Pshashha Rivers" (a member of the Heritage Object "Western Caucasus") there was a sequence of several hundred meters long and a width of about 30 meters. It is planned to lay a cable car.

Prosek was laid even without attempt to somehow legitimize this deforestation - just a volitional decision of high-ranking persons behind the project of the Moonloque complex, obviously quite confident in his impunity and therefore acting without regard to anything, including Law. As you know, this complex is built for recreation of the President of Russia on the initiative of the Office of the President of Russia. The Customer and Sponsor of Construction is the state company Rosneft.

In the fact of the destruction of the protected forest, a criminal case was established No. 5070431, which was shortly lost:

The scale of this crime was so large that, despite the highest patronage of the initiators of the criminal logging, Lesteners of Kurdzhipovsky Leskhoz was forced to issue this refinement and transfer the material on him to law enforcement agencies. Which, in turn, were forced to start a criminal case on the fact of mass illegal logging. The number 5070431 was assigned this criminal case and the investigation into it was carried out by the Department of the Interior of the Maykopsky district of the Republic of Adygea.

The crime was committed in the 35th selection of the 52nd quarter of the Tsitinsky forestry of Kurdzhipovsky leshoz. According to the official materials of this refinement, 559 beech trees, javor maple, rowan and fir was cut there. Damage was determined at 21 195,351 rubles. Food trees were drilled by a helicopter into the territory of the Caucasus Reserve, where they are currently continuing to lie, scattered on a large area.

After the investigation had the need to interrogate the team who gave the team to chop high-ranking people from Moscow, the crime investigation acquired an unexpected turnover. Criminal case №5070431 as directed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation it was estimated from Adygea and pickled to the Ministry. Where, obviously, the satisfaction of the persons responsible for this crime was lowered on the brakes.

In all this lawlessness, there is a pleasant moment: now we can at least see that Putin officials in the West Caucasus have built for the biological center. On the video above - an excursion on it. And before it was forbidden to shoot even outside. Fortunately, there is no police barriers to the Internet.

"Which of you shot the object is to present cameras!" - Completed a person in police form to a group of tourists passing by the "secret" object. When all the pictures of the moonlors were removed from the camera, the order followed: "Go and not stop, until you cross out of the view."

According to Wikipedia, the President of the Russian Federation has 4 official residences, the main of which is the Moscow Kremlin.

But it is clear that they really are much more. Today we will tell you about 16 of the real palaces that Vladimir Putin managed.

1. Novo-Ogarevo. The residence is located just ten kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road, in the forest between Rublevo-Uspensky Highway and Moscow River. The manor is observed by a six-meter wall, and the entrance for outsiders is naturally closed.

1. Novo-Ogarevo. There are several residential buildings on site, a helicopter, swimming pool, greenhouses, a poultry, a stable and a lot of things.

2. Mayendorf (Barvikha). The name of this residence came from the last name of its former owners - Baron Meyendorf. This historic building is located in the village of Barvikha Odintsovo district of the Moscow region.

2. Mayendorf (Barvikha). In 2003-2004, the estate completely renovated, spending at least 100 million dollars. Now the castle is at the disposal of the Office of the President.

3. Barvikha. Another residence of the president in the suburbs. It covers an area of \u200b\u200b86 hectares. In 2011, at the "Dacha" spent repair work and updated furniture. The state it cost 162 million rubles. By the way, it serves the estate as much as 337 people.

4. State Guest Residence (K-4). Another manor of President Putin is located in the Northern Capital - St. Petersburg on the Stone Island in Delta Neva.

4. State Guest Residence (K-4). Here is the mansion of Meltsor and four more separately standing buildings, including the mansion of Shena, a bath, a service outbuilding and mansion, who once belonged to the Banker of the Solovechik.

5. Amber. The object is located in the city of Pioneer Kaliningrad region and consists of a five-star hotel, as well as an administrative building, whose total area is 10 thousand square meters. The construction of a residence cost a state of 6 billion rubles.

6. Palace in Gelendzhik. This luxury palace is located in Praskoveevka village near Gelendzhik. It was built specifically for the personal use of V. Putin, which is why the scandal arose.

6. Palace in Gelendzhik. The cost of the structure is approximately 1 billion dollars. In addition to the main building there is a wellness complex, helicopter court, "Tea house", elevators to the beach ...

7. Milnovka. This antique manor at one time belonged to the noble genus of Gorbunovy-Cherry. For a long time, she was in short, while since 2008, after the restoration, V. Putin began to rest in it. In the photo interior of the estate after major repairs.

8. Bocharov stream. Summer residence of the Russian president is located in the city of Sochi on the Black Sea coast. On the territory of the villa, as well as on other "dachas", there is a helicopter.

8. Bocharov stream. There are also two pools here (with sea and freshwater), gym and pier for presidential yacht.

9. Small source. The villa is located in a picturesque forestry massif on the shore of a minor-source pond in the suburbs of Yekaterinburg. By itself, the village would not be known if the presidential cottage was not here, the entrance to which for outsiders is naturally closed. Therefore, the photo shows only the entrance to the territory of the manor.

9. Small source. By itself, the village would not be known if the presidential cottage was not here, the entrance to which for outsiders is naturally closed. Therefore, the photo shows only the entrance to the territory of the manor.

10. Konstantinovsky Palace. In addition to the fact that this palace is the so-called dacha of the president, he is also a monument of architecture of the XVIII century.

10. Konstantinovsky Palace. There is a complex in Strelna under St. Petersburg and covers a territory of 140 hectares, on which more than 40 different buildings are located.

11. Volzhsky Rock. The complex is located in the village of the same name in the Samara region on the coast of the Kuibyshev reservoir. The residence includes a hotel for 192 rooms, cottages, cinema hall, equestrian pools, helicopter platform (as without it), ski complex and many other. 3,000 people are involved in servicing such a huge farm.

12. Angarsk farm. This residence of the Russian president is located on the banks of the Angara River in the Irkutsk region. At different times, Boris Yeltsin conducted leisure here, and now this estate is disposed of the current president. There are several cottages on site, tennis courts, swimming pool, sauna, gym and even river marina

13. Rus. The president comes to hunt. The fact is that this residence is located in the territory of the hunting economy "Zavidovo" in the Tver region. There is a whole hotel complex, hunting base, swimming pools, saunas, boat station ...

14. Pines. This is a complex of villas that are located on the bank of the Yenisei just 30 minutes from Krasnoyarsk.

14. Pines. During the last reconstruction, the main building was covered with marble, which was specifically brought from Khakassia. Also on the residence built a helicopter platform

15. Lunar Polyana. The unofficial dacha Putin is a real VIP resort. She is on Mount Fisht in the Republic of Adygea.

15. Lunar Polyana. By the way, this is the zone of the world natural heritage "Western Caucasus" and construction is prohibited here, but he was disguised as a polygon of the Scientific Center. Several chalets, helicopter sites, ski slopes, cableways - There is everything for a good rest.

16. Long beard - Valdai. The estate on the lake Valdai, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 930 hectares. On the territory of the residence there is a presidential church, a swimsuit, restaurants, a cinema hall, bowling and, of course, the helicopter platform. Nevertheless, such a huge territory serves only 100 people.

These are not all the palaces that the Russian president disposes, there is also the Altai House, Sevastyanova's house, a high guest house ... Probably, this list can still be continued, but alas, for the general public, such information is not available.

The greed of the Frare rucks. And where and then all this is his property? He is not a worm who is alive by his fragments.


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