Magnetic chains with permanent magnets. Permanent magnets addition magnetic fields of permanent magnets

Magnetic chains with permanent magnets. Permanent magnets addition magnetic fields of permanent magnets

Transgeneration of Energy Energy magnetic field

Essence of research:

The main focus of research is to study the theoretical and technical possibility of creating devices of generating electricity due to the author of the physical process of transgeneration of the energy of the electromagnetic field. The essence of the effect is that when the electromagnetic fields (constant and variables) are addition of electromagnetic fields, but the field amplitudes. The energy of the field is proportional to the square amplitude of the total electromagnetic field. As a result, with a simple addition of fields, the energy of the total field may largely exceed the energy of all the initial fields separately. Such property of the electromagnetic field is called the inadecity of the field energy. For example, when adding in a stack of three flat disk permanent magnets, the energy of a total magnetic field increases nine times! A similar process occurs when the electromagnetic waves are addition in feeder lines and resonant systems. The energy of the total standing electromagnetic wave can have many times to exceed the energy of the waves and the electromagnetic field to addition. As a result, the total energy of the system increases. The process is described by a simple field energy formula:

When adding three permanent disk magnets, the field volume decreases three times, and the volumetric density of the magnetic field energy increases nine times. As a result, the energy of the total field of three magnets together turns out three times more energy of three disconnected magnets.

In addition, in one volume of electromagnetic waves (in feeder lines, resonators, coils, an increase in the energy of the electromagnetic field compared to the source).

The theory of the electromagnetic field demonstrates the possibility of generating energy due to the transfer (trans-) and addition of electromagnetic waves, fields. The theory of transgeneration of electromagnetic fields developed by the author does not contradict the classical electrodynamics. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe physical continuum, as an exhaust dielectric medium with a huge hidden mass of mass leads to the fact that the physical space has energy and the transgeneration does not violate the full law of energy conservation (taking into account the energy of the medium). The inadecity of the energy of the electromagnetic field demonstrates that for the electromagnetic field, the simple implementation of the law of energy conservation does not occur. For example, in the theory of Umova-Pinging vector, the addition of pinging vectors leads to the fact that the electric and magnetic fields are folded at the same time. Therefore, for example, with the addition of three pinging vectors, the general Pinging vector increases nine times, and not three, as it seems at first glance.

Research results:

The possibility of obtaining energy due to the addition of electromagnetic waves of studies was studied experimentally in various types of feeder lines - waveguides, two-wire, striped, coaxial. The frequency range is from 300 MHz to 12.5 GHz. Power was measured both directly - wattmeters and indirectly detector diodes and voltmeters. As a result, when performing certain settings in feeder lines, positive results were obtained. When the amplitudes of fields (in loads), the power released in the load exceeds the power supplied from different channels (power dividers). The easiest experience illustrating the principle of the addition of amplitudes is an experiment in which three narrow-controlled antennas are simply operating on one reception room to which the wattmeter is connected. The result of this experience: the power recorded on the receiving antenna is nine times more than each transmitting antenna separately. At the receiving antenna, amplitudes (three) from three transmitting antennas are folded, and the reception power is proportional to the amplitude square. That is, when adding three syphase amplitudes, the reception capacity increases nine times!

It should be noted that the interference in the air (vacuum) is multiphase, for a number of signs differs from interference in feeder lines, volume resonators, standing wavesah in coils, etc. In the so-called, the classic picture of the interference is observed both the addition and subtraction of the amplitude of the electromagnetic field. Therefore, in general, with a multi-phase interference, a violation of the law of energy conservation is local. In a resonator or in the presence of standing waves in feeder lines, the imposition of electromagnetic waves is not accompanied by the redistribution of the electromagnetic field in space. At the same time, only the addition of field amplitudes occurs in a quarter and half-wave resonators. The energy of the waves folded in one volume occurs the energy passed from the generator to the resonator.

Experimental studies fully confirm the theory of transgeneration. From the practice of microwave, it is known that even with the usual electric sample in feeder lines, the power exceeds the power supplied from the generator. For example, a waveguide, calculated on the power of the microwave 100 MW, makes itself adding to the addition of two microwave power of 25 MW each, - when adding two opposite OHC waves in the waveguide. This may occur when reflecting the microwave power from the end of the line.

A number of original concept schemes have been developed to generate energy using various types of interference. The main frequency range is a meter and decimeter (microwave), up to centimeter. Based on the transgeneration, you can create compact autonomous sources of electricity.

Coils of electromagnets

The coil is one of the main elements of the electromagnet and must meet the following basic requirements:

1) to ensure reliable inclusion of an electromagnet in the worst conditions, i.e. in the heated state and under reduced voltage;

2) do not overheat over the permissible temperature for all possible modes, i.e. with increased voltage;

3) with minimal sizes to be convenient for production;

4) be mechanically durable;

5) have a certain level of insulation, and in some devices there are moisture, acid and oil resistant.

In the process of work in the coil, stresses occur: mechanical - due to electrodynamic forces in turns and between the turns, especially with alternating current; thermal - due to uneven heating of its individual parts; Electric - due to overvoltages, in particular when disabling.

When calculating the coil, you must perform two conditions. The first is to provide the required MDC with a hot coil and reduced voltage. The second - the temperature of heating the coil should not exceed the permissible one.

As a result of the calculation, the following values \u200b\u200brequired for winding should be determined: d. - diameter of the wire of the selected brand; w. - number of turns; R. - Resistance to the coil.

According to constructive performance, coils are distinguished: framework - winding is carried out on a metal or plastic frame; Frameless Bandaged - winding is made on a removable template, after winding the coil is bandaged; Frameless with winding on the core of the magnetic system.

Permanent magnet It is a piece of steel or any other solid alloy, which, being magnetized, steadily retains, stored portion of magnetic energy. The appointment of the magnet is to serve as a source of magnetic field, not changing noticeable over time, nor under the influence of factors such as concussion, temperature change, external, magnetic fields. Permanent magnets are used in a variety of devices and devices: relays, electrical measuring devices, contactors, electrical machines.

The following main groups of alloys for permanent magnets are distinguished:

2) steel-based alloys - nickel - aluminum with added in some cases cobalt, silicia: alini (Fe, Al, Ni), alny (Fe, Al, Ni, Si), magnesium (Fe, Ni, Al, CO);

3) Silver-based alloys, copper, cobalt.

Values \u200b\u200bcharacterizing a permanent magnet are residual induction IN R and coercive force N. c. To determine the magnetic characteristics of finished magnets, use demagnetization curves (Fig. 7-14), representing addiction IN = f.(– H.). The curve is removed for the ring, which is first magnetized to the induction of saturation, and then demagnetizes to IN = 0.

Flow in the air gap.To use the magnet energy, it is necessary to make it with an air gap. Component MDS, spent by a permanent magnet to carry out the flow in the air gap, is called free MDS.

The presence of an air gap Δ reduces induction in magnet from IN R to IN (Fig. 7-14) is similar to how if the coil, put on the ring, missed the demagnetic current creating tensions H.. This consideration is based on the following method of calculating the flow in the air gap of the magnet.

In the absence of gap, all MDS is spent on the flow through a magnet:

where l. μ - magnet length.

In the presence of an air gap Part MDS F. Δ will be spent on the flow through this clearance:

F \u003d F. μ + F. Δ (7-35)

Suppose we created such a magnetic magnetic field strength N., what

N L. μ = F. Δ (7-36)

and induction has become IN.

In the absence of scattering, the flow into the magnet is equal to the stream in the air gap

BS. μ = F. δ Λ δ = Λ l. μ λ δ, (7-37)

where s. μ - the cross section of the magnet; Λ Δ \u003d μ 0 s. Δ / Δ; μ 0 - the magnetic permeability of the air gap.

From fig. 7-14 it follows that

B / h \u003dl. μ λ Δ / s μ \u003d TG α (7-38)

Fig. 7-14. Magnaging curves

Thus, knowing the data on the material of the magnet (in the form of a curve of demagnetization), the size of the magnet l. μ , s. μ and the size of the gap Δ s. δ, you can, using equation (7-38), calculate the flow in the gap. To do this, hold on the diagram (Fig. 7-14) straight OB. at an angle α. Section bS. Determines induction IN magnet. Hence the flow in the air gap will be

When determining TG α, the scale of the axis of the ordinate and the abscissa is taken into account:

where p \u003d n / m - The ratio of the scale of axes in and H.

Taking into account the scattering, the flow F δ is defined as follows.

Spend straight OB. at an angle α, where Tg α \u003d\u003d λ δ l. μ ( pS. μ). Received IN characterizes induction in the middle section of the magnet. Flow in the middle section of the magnet

Air gap

de σ is the scattering coefficient. Induction in the working gap

Straight magnets.The expression (7-42) gives a solution to a problem for magnets of a closed form, where the conductivity of air gaps can be calculated with accuracy sufficient for practical purposes. For direct magnets, the scattering stream calculation problem is quite difficult. The stream is calculated using prototypes that bind the magnet field strength with the magnet size.

Free magnetic energy. This is the energy that the magnet gives the air gaps. When calculating permanent magnets, the choice of material and the required size ratios tend to maximize the use of the magnet material, which reduces the maximum value of free magnetic energy.

Magnetic energy concentrated in the air gap proportional to the product of the stream in the gap and MDS:

Considering that


where V is the magnet volume. Magnet material is characterized by magnetic energy, referred to a unit of its volume.

Fig. 7-15. To the determination of magnetic energy magnet

Using the clarification curve, you can build a curve W. M \u003d f.(IN) As V. \u003d 1 (Fig. 7-15). Curve W. M \u003d f.(IN) has a maximum for some values IN and H.that are denoted IN 0 I. H. 0. Practically applies a way to find IN 0 I. H. 0 without constructing curve W. M \u003d f.(IN). The intersection point of the diagonal of the quadrilateral, the parties of which are equal IN R I. N. C, with a demagnetization curve, quite closely corresponds to the values IN 0 , N. 0. The residual induction in R fluctuates in a relatively low limits (1-2.5), and the coercive force H c - in large (1 - 20). Therefore, the materials are distinguished: low-commissive, whose W. m small (curve 2), high-commissive, whose W. m big (curve 1 ).

Curves return. In the process of work, air gap can change. Suppose that the induction anchor was introduced B. 1 TG. a. one . With the introduction of an anchor, the gap Δ changes, and this state of the system corresponds to the angle but 2; (Fig. 7-16) and large induction. However, an increase in induction occurs not by the clarification curve, but according to some other curve b. 1 cD, named return curve. With full closure (δ \u003d 0) we would have induction B. 2. When changing the gap in the opposite direction, the induction changes by curve dFB. one . Curves return b. 1 cD and dFB. 1 are the curves of private cycles of magnetization and demagnetization. The width of the loop is usually small, and the loop can replace the straight line B 1 d. The ratio Δ. INN. It is called reversible permeability of the magnet.

Aging magnets. Under aging, they understand the phenomenon of the magnetic flux of the magnet over time. This phenomenon is determined by a number of reasons listed below.

Structural aging.Magnet material after hardening or casting has an uneven structure. Over time, this unevenness goes into a more stable state, which leads to a change in values IN and N..

Mechanical aging.Owing due to shocks, jolts, vibrations and the effects of high temperatures that weaken the magnet flow.

Magnetic aging.Determined by the effect of external magnetic fields.

Magnets stabilization.Any magnet before installing it in the device must be subjected additional process Stabilization, after which the magnet resistance increases the flow reduction.

Structural stabilization.It consists in additional heat treatment, which is carried out to magnetization of the magnet (boiling the tempered magnet for 4 hours after quenching). Steel-based alloys, nickel and aluminum do not require structural stabilization.

Mechanical stabilization.The magnetic magnet is subjected to shocks, vibrations in conditions close to the mode of operation.

Magnetic stabilization.The magnetic magnet is exposed to the external fields of the variable sign, after which the magnet becomes more resistant to the effects of external fields, to temperature and mechanical effects.

Chapter 8 Electromagnetic Mechanisms

To understand how to increase the power of the magnet, you need to figure it out in the magnetization process. This will happen if the magnet is located in an external magnetic field opposite to the source. The increase in the power of the electromagnet occurs when the current supply increases or the winding turns are multiplied.

You can increase the magnetum of the magnet using a standard set of necessary equipment: glue, a set of magnets (you need a constant), current source and insulated wire. They will be needed to implement those methods for increasing the power of the magnet, which are presented below.

Strengthening with a more powerful magnet

This method is to use a more powerful magnet to enhance the source. For implementation, one magnet should be placed in the outer magnetic field of another with a greater power. Also, for the same purpose, electromagnets are used. After keeping the magnet in the field of another, there will be a strengthening, but the specificity is in the unpredictability of the results, since for each element such a procedure will work individually.

Strengthening by adding other magnets

It is known that each magnet has two poles, and everyone attracts the opposite sign of other magnets, and the corresponding - does not attract, only repels. How to increase the power of the magnet using glue and additional magnets. Here is supposed to add other magnets in order to increase total power. After all, the more magnets, that, accordingly, there will be more power. The only thing to take into account is the attachment of the magnets of the eponymous poles. In the process, they will be repelled according to the laws of physics. But the task is to bonding, despite difficulties in physical terms. It is better to use glue, which is designed to glue the metals.

Gain using the Curie point

In science there is a concept of point Curie. The gain or loosening of the magnet can be produced, heating or cooling it relative to this point itself. So, heating above the point of Curie or strong cooling (much lower it) will lead to demagnetization.

It should be noted that the properties of the magnet when heating and cooling relative to the Curie point have a jump-like property, that is, having achieved the correct temperature, its power can be strengthened.

Method number 1

If the question arose how to make a magnet is stronger if its force is controlled by an electric shock, then it is possible to make it possible by increasing the current, which is fed to the winding. Here is a proportional increase in the power of the electromagnet and flow. The main thing, ⸺ gradual feed, to prevent one's brand.

Method number 2.

To implement this method, it is necessary to increase the number of turns, but the length should remain unchanged. That is, one or two additional series of wires can be made so that the total number of turns has become greater.

This section discusses how to increase the power of the magnet at home, for experiments can be ordered on the Melmagnets website.

Strengthening an ordinary magnet

Many questions arise when ordinary magnets cease to perform their direct functions. This often occurs due to the fact that household magnets are not so, because, in fact, they are magnetized metal parts that lose properties over time. Strengthen the power of such parts or returns them the properties that were initially impossible.

It should be noted that the magnets to attach them, even more powerful, does not make sense, since, when they are connected in reverse poles, the external field becomes much weaker or neither is neutralized.

This can be checked using the usual household mosquito curtain, which should be closed in the middle using magnets. If the weak source magnets top to attach more powerful, then as a result of the curtain, it will generally lose the properties of the connection by attraction, because the opposite poles neutralize each other's external fields on each side.

Experiments with neodymium magnets

Netomagnet is quite popular, its composition: neodymium, boron, iron. Such a magnet has high power and is distinguished by resistance to demagnetization.

How to strengthen neodymium? Neodymium is very susceptible to corrosion, that is, quickly rust, so neodymium magnets cover nickel to improve the service life. They also resemble ceramics, they are easy to break or split.

But trying to increase its power with an artificial way there is no point, because it is a permanent magnet, it has a certain level of force. Therefore, if you need to have more powerful neodymium, it is better to purchase it, given the necessary power of the new.

Conclusion: The article considers the topic, how to increase the power of the magnet, including how to increase the power of a neodymium magnet. It turns out that there are several ways to increase the properties of the magnet. Because it is simply the magnetized metal, to increase the strength of which is impossible.

The most simple ways are: with the help of glue and other magnetics (they must be glued with identical poles), as well as more powerful, in the external field of which the original magnet should be located.

Methods for increasing the power of the electromagnet, which include additional winding with wires or enhancing current flow. The only thing to take into account is the strength of the current flow in order to safety and the safety of the device.

Conventional and neodymium magnets are not able to succumb to an increase in their own power.

a) General information.To create a permanent magnetic field in a number of electrical apparatuses, constant magnets are used, which are made of magnetic solid materials having a wide hysteresis loop (Fig. 5.6).

The operation of a permanent magnet occurs on the plot from H \u003d 0.before H \u003d - N with.This part of the loop is called the demagnetization curve.

Consider the main relations in a constant magnet, having a toroid shape with one small gap b. (Fig. 5.6). Due to the form of a toroid and a small gap, scattering flows in such a magnet can be neglected. If the clearance is small, then the magnetic field can be considered homogeneous.

Fig.5.6. Permanent magnet demagnetization curve

If you neglect by releasing, the induction in the gap IN &and inside the magnet INthe same.

Based on the full current law when integrating a closed contour 1231 fig. We get:

Fig.5.7. Permanent magnet having a toroidal form

Thus, the field strength in the gap is directed intensity in the body of the magnet. For an electromagnet of a direct current having a similar form of a magnetic chain, without taking saturation can be written :.

Comparing one can see that in the case of a permanent magnet N. C, creating a stream in the working gap, is the product of tension in the body of the magnet on its length with a back sign - HL.

Taking advantage of

, (5.29)

, (5.30)

where S.-The bottom of the pole; - The conductivity of the air gap.

The equation is the equation of direct passing through the origin of the coordinates in the second quadrant at an angle A to the axis N.. Taking into account the scale of induction t B.and tensions t N.angle A is determined by equality

Since the induction and tension of the magnetic field in the body of a permanent magnet are associated with a demagnetization curve, the intersection of the specified straight line with the demagnetization curve (point BUTfig. 5.6) and determines the condition of the core at a given gap.

With a closed chain and

With growth b. The conductivity of the working clearance and tGA Reduced, induction in the working gap drops, and the field strength inside the magnet increases.

One of the important characteristics of the permanent magnet is the energy of the magnetic field in the working gap W t.Considering that the field in the gap is homogeneous,

Substituting the value N bwe get:

, (5.35)

where V m is the body volume of the magnet.

Thus, the energy in the working gap is equal to the energy inside the magnet.

Dependence of the work In (-n) The induction function shows in Fig.5.6. Obviously, for a point with, in which In (-n) Reaches the maximum value, the energy in the air gap also reaches the greatest value, and from the point of view of using a permanent magnet, this point is optimal. It can be shown that the point C corresponding to the maximum of the work is the intersection point with the beam demagnetization curve OK,spent through a point with coordinates and.

Consider the effect of the gap b. by induction IN(Fig. 5.6). If the magnet magnetization was made in the gap b., after removing the external field in the body of the magnet, an induction is established corresponding to the point BUT.The position of this point is determined by the gap b.

Reducing the gap to the value , then

. (5.36)

With a decrease in the gap, the induction in the body of the magnet increases, however, the process of changing induction is not on the demagnetization curve, but according to the branch of the private hysteresis loop AMD.Induction IN 1 is determined by the point of intersection of this branch with a beam conducted at an angle to the axis - N.(point D).

If we increase the gap again to the value b.then induction will fall to the value IN,moreover, addiction In (H) A branch will be determined DNAprivate hysteresis loop. Usually private hysteresis loop AMDNA.enough narrow and replace it direct Ad,which is called a direct return. The slope to the horizontal axis (+ H) of this direct is called the return ratio:

. (5.37)

The definition characteristic of the material is usually not fully given, but only saturation induction values \u200b\u200bare set. B sresidual induction In gcoercive force H with. To calculate the magnet, it is necessary to know the entire curve of demagnetization, which for most magnetic solid materials is well approximated by the formula

Demagnetization curve expressed (5.30) can be easily built graphically, if known B s, in r.

b) Determination of the flow in the working gap for a given magnetic chain. In the actual system with a permanent magnet, the flow in the working gap differs from the thread in the neutral cross section (middle of the magnet) due to the presence of scattering streams and releasing (Fig.).

The flow in neutral section is:

, (5.39)

where the flow in neutral cross section;

The flow of bulking in poles;

Scattering stream;


The scattering coefficient is determined by equality

If you accept that streams Created by the same difference in magnetic potentials,

. (5.41)

Induction in neutral section will find by defining:


and taking advantage of the clarification curve Fig.5.6. Induction in the working gap is:

since the flow in the working gap is within times less than the flow in neutral section.

Very often, the magnetization of the system occurs in a miserable state, when the conductivity of the working clearance is reduced due to the lack of parts from the ferromagnetic material. In this case, the calculation is carried out using a direct return. If the scattering streams are significant, then the calculation is recommended to be conducted on the plots, as well as in the case of an electromagnet.

Scattering streams in permanent magnets play a much larger role than in electromagnets. The fact is that the magnetic permeability of magnetic solid materials is significantly lower than that of magnetic-soft, of which systems for electromagnets are manufactured. Scattering streams cause a significant drop in magnetic potential along a permanent magnet and reduce N. C, and therefore the flow in the working gap.

The scattering coefficient of the performed systems varies in fairly wide limits. The calculation of the scattering coefficient and scattering flows is associated with great difficulties. Therefore, when developing a new design, the magnitude of the scattering coefficient is recommended to determine on a special model in which a permanent magnet is replaced by an electromagnet. The magnetizing winding is chosen to get the required flow in the working gap.

Fig.5.8. Magnetic chain with permanent magnet and scattering and releasing streams

c) determination of the magnet size for the required induction in the working gap. This task is even more difficult than determining the flow with known sizes. When choosing the size of the magnetic chain usually tend to ensure that induction is At 0.and tensions H 0in neutral section corresponded to the maximum value of the work H 0 to 0.In this case, the volume of the magnet will be minimal. The following guidelines for the choice of materials are given. If required with large gaps to obtain a great value of induction, the most suitable material is magnesium. If you need to create small inductions with a large gap, then you can recommend alnya. With small working gaps and a large induction value, it is advisable to use alny.

The magnet cross section is selected from the following considerations. Induction in neutral section is chosen equal In 0.Then the flow in neutral cross section


where does the magnetic cross section come from

Induction values \u200b\u200bin the work gap In R.and the area of \u200b\u200bthe pole is given values. The most difficult is to determine the value of the coefficient scattering.Its value depends on the design and induction in the core. If the cross section of the magnet turned out to be large, then several magnets turned on in parallel. The length of the magnet is determined from the condition of the creation of necessary N.S. In the working gap at tension in the body of the magnet H 0:

where b. P is the magnitude of the working clearance.

After selecting the basic sizes and the design of the magnet, a test calculation was carried out according to the method described earlier.

d) stabilization of the characteristics of the magnet. In the process of operation of the magnet, there is a decrease in the flow in the system's working gap - the aging of the magnet. Distinguish structural, mechanical and magnetic aging.

Structural aging occurs due to the fact that after hardening the material there are internal stresses in it, the material acquires an inhomogeneous structure. In the process of operation, the material becomes more uniform, the internal stresses disappear. At the same time residual induction In T.and coercive power N S.decrease. To combat structural aging, the material is subject to heat treatment in the form of a vacation. In this case, the internal stresses in the material disappear. Its characteristics are becoming more stable. Aluminum-nickel alloys (Alny, etc.) do not require structural stabilization.

Mechanical aging occurs when blows and vibrations of the magnet. In order to make a magnet insensitive to mechanical effects, it is subjected to artificial aging. Magnet samples before installing the device are subjected to such impacts and vibrations that occur in operation.

Magnetic aging is a change in the properties of the material under the action of external magnetic fields. A positive exterior field increases the induction in direct WHO Gate, and the negative reduces it on the demagnetization curve. In order to make a magnet more stable, it is exposed to a demagnetizing field, after which the magnet works on a direct return. Due to the smaller steepness of the direct return, the effect of external fields is reduced. When calculating magnetic systems with permanent magnets, it is necessary to take into account that in the process of stabilization, the magnetic flow decreases by 10-15%.

Now I will explain: in life it was so it was that it was very hard, something else (just horror, like) and I want ... And the point here is next. Some rock fate Navis over the "standstone", Aura Secrets and Nevenority. All physicists (uncle and aunts are different) in permanent magnets do not cut at all (checked repeatedly, personally), and everything is probably because in all textbooks physics this question is by the party. Electromagnetism is yes, this, please, but about the statists not a word ...

Let's see what can be squeezed from the smart book "I.V. Swelliev. Course of general physics. Volume 2. Electricity and magnetism, "the cooler of this waste paper, you can hardly dig something. So, in 1820, a certain dude under the surname Ersted wrote experience with the conductor, and next to him standing with him a compass arrow. Punch electric current on the conductor in different directions, he was convinced that the shooter is clearly oriented with what. From the experience of the cormon concluded that the magnetic field is directed. At a later time, found out (I wonder how?) That the magnetic field, in contrast to the electric, does not have actions on a restless charge. The power occurs only when the charge moves (take note). Moving charges (currents) change the properties of their space surrounding and create a magnetic field in it. That is, it follows that the magnetic field is generated by moving charges.

You see, farther further into electricity. After all, in the magnet, neither the fig is not moving and the current in it does not flow. This is what the ampere broke on this: he suggested that circular currents (molecular currents) circulate in molecules of substances. Each such current has a magnetic moment and creates a magnetic field in the surrounding space. In the absence of an external field, molecular currents are erratically oriented, as a result, due to them, the resulting field is zero (cool, yes?). But this is not enough: due to the chaotic orientation of the magnetic moments of individual molecules, the total magnetic moment of the body is also zero. - Feel like heresy all strips and strips? ? Under the action of the field, the magnetic moments of molecules acquire a preferential orientation in one direction, as a result of which the magnetic is magnetized - its total magnetic moment becomes different from zero. Magnetic fields of individual molecular currents in this case no longer compensate each other and the field occurs. Hooray!

Well, what?! - It turns out the material Magnetic all the time is magnetized (!), Only chaotic. That is, if you start sharing a big piece to smaller, and coming to the most micro-at-micro dressey, we will get the same normally working magnets (magnetized) without any magnetization !!! - That's, because nonsense.

Small reference, so common development: Magnetization of the magnetics is characterized by the magnetic moment of a unit of volume. This value is called magnetization and denote the letter "J".

We will continue our immersion. Little electricity: Do you know that the lines of magnetic induction of the direct current field are a system of concentric circles covering the wire? Not? - Now know, but do not believe. Simply, if you say, imagine an umbrella. Umbrella handle is the direction of current, but the edge of the umbrella itself (for example), i.e. Circle is, such as magnetic induction line. And the same line begins with air, and it ends, it is clear, toohere! - You physically imagine this nonsense? Under this case, the whole three men signed: the Bio-Savara-Laplace law is called. All the faint goes because somewhere incorrectly presented the essence of the field itself, - why it appears that it is, in fact, where it begins, where and how it applies.

Even in absolutely simple things, they (these evil physicists) are drilled by all heads: the focus of the magnetic field is characterized by a vector value ("B" - measured in Teslas). It would be logical by analogy with tension electric field "E" to call "in" the voltage of the magnetic field (like, they have similar functions). However, (attention!) The basic power characteristic of the magnetic field was called magnetic induction ... But this seemed to them, and to finally confuse, the name "magnetic field tension" was assigned to the auxiliary magnitude of the "H", similar to the auxiliary characteristic of the electric field. What ...

Next, finding out the force of Lorentz, come to the conclusion that the magnetic power is weaker than the Coulomb on the multiplier, equal to the square ratio of the charge rate ratio to the speed of light (that is, the magnetic component of the force is less than the electrical component). Thus, attributing the relativistic effect by magnetic interactions !!! For very little, I will explain: I lived at the beginning of the century Uncle Einstein and invented the theory of relativity, tied all the processes to the speed of the world (the purest nonsense). That is, if you warm up to the speed of light, the time will stop, and if you exceed it, then it will be reversed ... everyone has long been clear that it was just the world jacket of Einstein's jacket, and that all this, to gently say, is not true. Now there are also magnets with their properties to this labudyatin chained - for what they are so? ...

Another help: Mr. Ampere brought a wonderful formula, and it turned out that if a wire, well, or a piece of iron, which magnet would not attract the wire, and charges that move through the conductor. They called it Patus: "AMPER Act"! It did not take care of a little that if the conductor does not connect to the battery and the current does not flow on it, it is still sticking to the magnet. There was such an excuse that, they say, the charges still eat, only move chaotically. Here they are to magnet and liput. Interestingly, it's from where there, in microkers, the EMF is taken to take these charges chaotic sausage. This is just an eternal engine! And after all, they do not heal anything - do not pump energy ... or here it is still a joke: for example, aluminum is also a metal, but he has no charges, for some reason, there are no chaotic. Well, it will not stick aluminum to magnet !!! ... or it is made of wood ...

Oh yes! I have not yet told how the vector of magnetic induction is directed (it is necessary to know this). So, remembering our umbrella, imagine that in the circumference (edge \u200b\u200bof the umbrella) we let the current. As a result of this simple operation, the vector is directed to our thought toward the handle exactly in the center of the stick. If the conductor with the current has the wrong outlines, then everything disappeared, - eager evaporates. An additional vector appears called a dipole magnetic moment (in the case of an umbrella, it also is, just directed there, where and the vector of magnetic induction). The terrible splitting begins in the formulas - all sorts of integrals along the contour, cosine sinuses, etc. - Who needs, he can ask himself. And it is also worth mentioning that the current must be allowed according to the rule of the right pavement, i.e. Clockwise, then the vector will be from us. This is due to the concept of positive normal. Okay, we go further ...

Comrade Gauss thought her little and decided that the absence in the nature of magnetic charges (in fact, Dirac suggested that they were, only they had not yet found) leads to the fact that the lines of the vector "B" have no beginning, no end. Therefore, the number of intersections arising from the exit of the lines "B" from the volume bounded by a certain surface "S" is always equal to the number of intersections arising from the input of the lines in this volume. Therefore, the flow of magnetic induction vector through any closed surface is zero. Now I interpret everything into normal Russian: any surface, as easy to imagine, somewhere ends, and therefore, it is closed. "Zero is equal," it means that it is not. Do not make a complex conclusion: "There is never anywhere in anywhere" !!! - True cool! (In fact, this means only the fact that the flow is uniform). I think that it should be stopped at this, as such dresse and the depth are next, that ... such things like a divergence, the rotor, the vector potential is globally complex and even in this mega-work is not fully understood.

Now a little about the form of a magnetic field in conductors with a current (as a base for our further conversation). This topic is much foggy than we are used to thinking. I already wrote about a direct conductor, the field in the shape of a thin cylinder along the conductor. If you wind the coil on the cylindrical carboard and put the current, then the field in such a design (and it is called smart, the solenoid) will be the same as in a similar cylindrical magnet, i.e. The lines come from the end of the magnet (or the intended cylinder) and are included in another end, forming the similarity of ellipses in the space. The longer the coil or magnet, the more flat and elongated ellipses are obtained. At the rings with a cold-hearted field: namely in the form of the torus (imagine the field of the direct conductor coarsened in the Kalachik). With a toroid in general, Hochma (this is now a solenoid, fresh in a bubble), - he has no magnetic induction (!). If you take an infinitely long solenoid, then the same garbage. Only we know that the infinite nothing happens, that is why the solenoid is from the ends and splatters, fountains the type;))). And also - inside the solenoid and toroid field is uniformly. In how.

Well, what is still useful to know? - The conditions on the border of two magnetists look exactly like a beam of light on the border of two media (refracted and changes its direction), only we do not have a beam, and the vector of magnetic induction and different magnetic permeability (and not optical) of our magnets (media). Or, here: we have a core and a coast on it (electromagnet, type), what do you think the magnetic induction lines hang out? - Basically focused inside the core, because it has a magnetic permeability awesome, and even tightly so packed in the air gap between the core and the coil. That's just in the winding itself there is no fig. Therefore, the side surface of the coil you do not adaggertain anything, but only the core.

Hay, did you not fall asleep? Not? Then continue. It turns out that all materials in nature are not divided into two classes: magnetic and non-magnetic, but by three (depending on the sign and magnitude of magnetic susceptibility): 1. Diamagnets that it is small and negative in size (in short, almost zero, and you cannot make them for anything), 2. Paramagnetics, from which it is also small but positive (also near zero; you can make it small, but you still won't feel it, so that one FIG), 3. Ferromagnets that she Positive and reaches just giant values \u200b\u200b(1010 times more than in paramagnetics!), In addition, the ferromagnets are susceptibility is a function of magnetic field strength. In fact, there is another type of substances, are dielectrics, they have completely reverse properties and they are not interested in us.

Of course, we are interested in ferromagnets, which are called so because of the inclusions of iron (ferroum). Iron can be replaced by similar to the properties of Chem. Elements: nickel, cobalt, gadolinium, their alloys and compounds, as well as some alloys and manganese and chromium compounds. All this byad with magnetization works only if the substance is in the crystalline state. (The magnetization remains due to the effect called the hysteresis loop, "well, you all know that). It is interesting to know that there is a certain "Curie's temperature", and this is not some kind of defined temperature, and for each material its own, with exceeding which all ferromagnetic properties disappear. It is quite awesome to know that there are substances and fifth groups - they are called antiferromagnetics (erbium, dispositions, alloys of manganese and copper !!!). These special materials have another temperature: "Curie's antiferromagnetic point" or "Point of Neel", - below which the stable properties of this class also disappear. (Above the upper point, the substance behaves like a paramagnet, and at temperatures smaller than the lower point of the neel, becomes a ferromagnet).

Why do I tell everything so calmly? - I draw your attention that I never said that the chemistry is irregular science (only physics), - and this is the pure chemistry. Imagine: take copper, cool it out, magnetize, - and in your hands (in the mittens? Lies a magnet. But copper is not magnetic !!! - True, Cool.

More from this book can be needed a couple of things of pure electromagnetic, to create an alternator, for example. Phenomenon number 1: In 1831, Faraday found that in a closed conductive circuit with a change in the magnetic induction stream through the surface bounded by this circuit, an electric current occurs. This phenomenon is called electromagnetic induction, and an induction current occurring. And now the most important thing is: the value of EDS induction does not depend on the method that the magnetic flux is changed, and is determined only by the rate of change of flow! - Matches thought: the faster the rotor is spinning with curtains, the greater the value reaches the posted EMF, and the greater the tension from the secondary chain of the alternator (from the coils). True, Uncle Lenz rushed to us with her "Lenza Rule": the induction current is always directed to counteract the reason that causes it. Later I will explain how this thing is in the alternator (and in other models) costs.

Phenomenon number 2: Induction currents can be excited in solid massive conductors. In this case, they are called foco currents or vortex currents. The electrical resistance of the massive conductor is small, so the currents of Foucault can achieve a very large force. In accordance with the rules of Lenz, the functions of Foucault are chosen inside the conductor such paths and directions so that their effect is possible to resist the reason that causes them. Therefore, moving in a strong magnet field, good conductors are experiencing strong braking due to the interaction of Foucault currents with a magnetic field. It is necessary to know and take into account. For example, in the alternator, if you do according to the generally accepted incorrect scheme, the foco currents arise in moving curtains, well, and the process inhibits, of course. About this, as far as I understand, no one thought about it. (Note: The only exception is unipolar induction, open by Faraday and improved by the Tesla, at which the harmful effect of self-induction does not occur).

Pressure number 3: Electric current current in any circuit, creates a magnetic flow permerating this outline. When changing the current, the magnetic flux is also varied, as a result of which the EMF is induced in the circuit. This phenomenon is called self-induction. The article on alternator will tell about this phenomenon.

By the way, about the currents of Foucault. You can spend one cool experience. Easy to disgrace. Take a large, thick (no less than 2 mm thick) copper or aluminum sheet and put it at an angle to the floor. Let them freely slide down his inclined surface "strong" permanent magnet. And ... Strange !!! A permanent magnet seems to be attracted to the sheet and slides noticeably slower than, for example, on a wooden surface. Why? Type, "specialist" will immediately answer - "in the sheet conductor, when moving the magnet, there are vortex electric currents (Foucault currents), which prevent the change in the magnetic field, and, therefore, and prevent the movement of a permanent magnet along the surface of the conductor." But think about it! Wortiene electric current, this is the vortex motion of conductivity electrons. What prevents the free movement of the vortex electrons of conductivity along the surface of the conductor? Inert mass of electron conductivity? Energy loss in the collision of electrons with the crystal grating of the conductor? No, it is not observed, and in general can not. So, what prevents the free movement of vortex currents along the conductor? Do not know? And no one can answer, - because all the physics is Brechnya.

Now a couple of interesting thoughts about the essence of permanent magnets. In the Movard R. Johnson car, more precisely, in the patent documentation for it, this is what idea: "This invention relates to the use of spins of unpaired electrons in ferromagnet and other materials that are sources of magnetic fields, for the production of power without electron stream, as it It occurs in conventional electrical conductors, and to motor constant magnets to use this method when creating a power source. In the practice of the present invention, the spins of the unpaired electrons that are inside the permanent magnets are used to create a source of driving power by the uniquely by superconducting characteristics of constant magnets and a magnetic flux created by magnets, which is controlled and concentrated in such a way as to orient magnetic forces for permanent production useful Work, such as the rotor shift relative to the stator. " Note that Johnson writes in his patent about the constant magnet, as a system with "superconducting characteristics"! Electric currents in constant magnet - manifestation of real superconductivity, for which the conductor cooling system is not required to provide zero resistance. Moreover, the "resistance" should be negative so that the magnet can maintain and resume its magnetized state.

And what do you think everyone is about "standing" know? This is a simple question: - How does the picture of the power lines of the simple ferromagnetic ring look like (magnet from the usual speaker)? For some reason, it is exclusively everyone believed that as well as any ring conductor (and in the books, naturally, it is not drawn in any one). And here then you are mistaken!

In fact (see Figure) in the area adjacent to the ring opening, something incomprehensible is happening to the lines. Instead of continuously piercing it, they diverge, outlining the figure, reminiscent of a tight-stuffed bag. It has, as if two ties - at the top and bottom (singular points 1 and 2), - the magnetic field changes in them.

You can do a cool experience (type, not normally explained;), - bring the steel ball from the bottom to the ferrite ring, and the metal nut to its lower part. She will immediately attract it (Fig. A). Here everything is clear - the ball, hitting the ring in the magnetic field, became a magnet. Next, become a ball from the bottom up to the ring. Here the nut will fall off and falls on the table (Fig. B). Here it is, the bottom singular point! In it changed the direction of the field, the ball began to reclaim and stopped attributing the nut. Having raised the ball above a special point, the nut again can be adjusted to it (Fig. B). This attachment with magnetic lines was first discovered M.F. Ostrov.

P.S.: And in conclusion I will try to fully articulate my position in relation to modern physics. I am not against experienced data. If they brought a magnet, and he pulled the piece of iron, "he also pulled. If the magnetic flow gave the EMF, does it leads to. You will not argue with it. But (!) Here are the findings that scientists make, ... their explanations of these and other processes, sometimes just funny (gently say). And sometimes, and often. Almost always…


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