Algorithm for monitoring additional education and upbringing. Monitoring the process of education in additional education

Algorithm for monitoring additional education and upbringing. Monitoring the process of education in additional education


"Monitoring the upbringing process

educational MCudo "IDDT"

The union (circle) is the main link, a binder and DDT within a single educational system. Each circle has its own personality, originality, in its own way affects the identity of the child. The leaders of the circles plan and organize their work in line with the concept of the educational DDT system, the program of activity of the head for the creation of an educational circle system. Evaluate the effectiveness of the educational system helps the diagnosis and monitoring of the development of the personality and the team.

Under pedagogical monitoring of the education process Pedagogues understand the system of collecting, analyzing, tracking and correction, comparing the observation results to justify the strategy and forecast of the development of the educational system of association.

Monitoring acts as a systematic method for assessing the quality of the educational process, the effect of methods, methods of educational impact. It allows you to adaptively adjust the process of formation of the personality, eliminate negative approaches, ensure the effectiveness of the educational process.

The strategy and tactics of monitoring of children are based on the followingprinciples:

Humanity - respect for the identity of each participant, compliance with his dignity, rights and freedoms;

Democratic - accounting of interests of all participants, joint decision-making;

Dialogue - constructive interaction of participants even in the absence of uniform views on certain issues of education;

Confidentiality - non-disclosure of research results without the consent of the participants;

Research - the validity of the concepts used, ideas and methods of action;

Integrity and systemability - Sequential development and implementation of monitoring education as a system, and not a number of random techniques.

Basic monitoring functions - diagnostic, orienting (guide), motivational-stimulating, raising, estimated, analytical, correctional and prognostic.

Objective monitoring : Assess the state and effectiveness of the functioning of the educational system of association, the success of the educational process in it and the level of development of the team.

Monitoring object is an educational system IDDT.

Subject of monitoring - Creative team as a condition for the development of the child's personality.

To study the effectiveness of the educational system, I use the following criteria:

    The level of formation of the team.

    Level of self-development

    The level of involvement of students in collective-creative activities.

    The level of the state of mental and physical health of students.

    The level of satisfaction of students and their parents by the educational model of the circle.

    The level of educational students.

    The level of social development of students (willingness and ability to interact with each other in various life situations, take responsibility, to show the initiative, to work in a group)

As a toolkit, I use the following basic methods of pedagogical diagnostics:

    informational and stating - conversation, questionnaire, test, survey;

    estimated - evaluation, self-assessment, expert assessment, independent characteristics;

    productive - study of products, creativity of pupils;

    behavioral - observation, discussion, sociometry, interaction analysis;

    gaming methods.

Criteria, Indicators and Study Methods

efficiency of the educational system

Criteria and indicators

Diagnostic tools

    The development of physical and mental qualities of students.

Questionnaire "Attitude towards a healthy lifestyle";

Statistical medical analysis of the health of children.

    Forming of the intellectual potential of the personality

Statistical analysis of current and final achievement;

Icutting learning.

    Socialized personality learning.

Methods for studying the socialized personality learning.

Determining the level of tolerance

(according to M.I. Rozkov).

    Development of creative abilities.


Test "Studying the interests of students."

Method "Map of Interests"

Competition of ideas and projects.

    The moral liction of students.

Scientific school A.I. Shemshurina

    "Diagnosis of moral self-esteem".

    "Diagnostics of ethics of behavior."

    "Diagnostics of attitudes towards life values."

    "Diagnosis of moral motivation."

Technique Ovcharovaya R.V.

"Detection of the level of pupils."

Test "We reflect on life experience" (compiled by Dr. Pedagogical Sciences N. E. Churkova).

    The development of the creative activity of the child.

Pedagogical observation.

Test "Diagnostics of common abilities, value orientations of the individual."

Screen of creative activity of students.

    The level of formation of the collective, the level of self-government development in the team.

Diagnosis "Determination of the level of self-government development in the student team"

(M. I. Rozhkov).

Method "I am Leader"E.S. Fedors; O.V. Eremin, TA Mironova.

    Satisfaction of educational vital activity in the union.

Method of A.A. Andreeva

"Studying the satisfaction of students with school life."

Questionnaire "Psychological climate in the collective".

    Parents' satisfaction with the activities of an educational institution.

Methods of Stepanova "Parent Satisfaction with the activities of an educational institution."

Tracking the level of development of the collective.

Tracking the level of development of the team occurred by the followingsigns :

    movement to a common goal,

    self management,


    public opinion,

    consistency in work

    ratio of management and submission

    friendship in the team,

    communication in your free time.

Levels of development of the collective:






Development level of a sign




Movement to a common goal.



There is a resistance to the goal.

Self management.

Part of the functions are transmitted.

Only with the participation of adults.

Only under coercion.



At minority.

The discipline holds only the eldest.

Public opinion.

Most as a result of clarification.


Full indifference.

Consistency in work.

Need the leadership management.


Consistency in negative actions.

The ratio of management and submission.


Only those whom they choose constantly in managers.

Part of the students do not know how to obey.

Friendship in the team.

Goodwill in the team.

There are episodic conflicts.

There are rejected in the team.

Communication in your free time.

Free group communication.

Limited group attachment.

Conflict between groups.

The study procedure is a phased sequential nature:

    initial (September);

    intermediate (january, april);

    finite (May).

Currently collectives have enough high level Formed.87 % students are included in active creative activity, creative, communicative. The rest of the guys, although they do not show initiatives, but willingly participate in the team's affairs, relate to instructions with great responsibility. All learners take part in DDT events.

The level of self-government is high, its average arithmetic indicator0,9. The vital space of the association is not limited to the framework of DDT.

This methodical article describes the methods for determining the effectiveness of training for an additional educational program, the diagnosis of the educational process on the example of the choreographic team "Rostock".



Municipal educational institution

additional education of children

center for Creativity "Constellation"

Compiler: Additional Education Team

MODOD CT "Constellation"

Neheeva Valentina Ivanovna


Moscow region

2016 year

p / P.



Methods for determining the effectiveness of training for an additional educational program:


Method of "Portfolio"

Methodology "Pedagogical Diary"


Methods "Schedule of my achievements"


Methods "Self-assessment card"


Methods "Protection of abstracts"




Methods "Monitoring learning outcomes for an additional educational program"

Table of "Monitoring Training Results for an Additional Educational Program"

Individual learning card accounting card






Methods "Monitoring the personal development of a child in the process of mastering an additional educational program"

Table of "Monitoring the Personal Development of the Child in the process of mastering an additional educational program"

Individual Card Accounting for Personal Development


Pedagogical monitoring



Monitoring educational results

Form of fixation of educational results




Monitoring the effectiveness of educational influences

Form of fixing the results of educational influences

Monitoring socio-pedagogical results

Form of fixation of socio-pedagogical results

Diagnostics of the educational process on the example of the choreographic team "Rostock".





1. Introduction

The problem of identifying the effectiveness of the work of children's creative association at first glance may seem contrived, because if additional education is a free choice of a child of the type and profile of activities, the joint creativity of the pupil and the teacher, mutual self-realization of each of them, etc., how can Check the results of all this? The said is absolutely true. But if we want additional education to be not just a form of holding children's leisure, let's try to look at it from the point of viewgeneral requirementsto pedagogical activities.

Additional education, despite all the features of its organization, content and techniques, is subject to all the laws of the educational process: it has goals and objectives determined by them, the interaction of the teacher with children, the result of training, education and child development. In addition, today more and more often as one of the requirements for the activities of institutions and children's associations of additional education is calledperformance.All this actualizes the need for its systemic identification in this educational sphere.

Control, or verification of learning outcomes, is a mandatory component of the learning process. The control allows you to determine the effectiveness of the program training, helps children, parents, teachers see the results of their work, which creates a good psychological climate in the team and increases the self-esteem of the trainee itself. Unlike general Educationwhere the process of identifying results educational activities students are quite clearly defined in additional education Children this question causes real difficulties from teachers.

2. Methods for determining the effectiveness of training for an additional educational program:

There are various techniques for determining the effectiveness of training for an additional educational program:

2.1. Method of "Portfolio"


One of the current forms of assessing achievements and competence, including the creative success of the student being the formation of a "portfolio" (Portfolio). The maintenance of portfolio develops from the student skills of reflexive activities (the ability to analyze their own activities, improve it, to exercise the initiative to achieve success). The content and methods of the design of the "portfolio" can be the most diverse - from a complete collection of all works to the album of higher achievements.

2.2.Methodics "Pedagogical Diary"

This form of diagnostics can be used by educators working with individual learning groups (solo singing, instrumental classes, etc.). The pedagogical diary is a document in which the teacher by observing and analyzing the individual characteristics of the student (for example, the level of creative development, the development of interests), studies the individual dynamics of the development of these qualities.

2.3. Methods "Schedule of my achievements"

This technique allows you to make a conclusion about the dynamics of the process of becoming sustainable interest in the subject area in the process of implementing the educational program

At the end of the school year, the circlers are proposed to submit on the coordinate system in the form of a graph:

-) the dynamics of ownthe level of achievements During your stay in the children's association.

-) Evaluation of changeslevel of interest to the study of a subject area during classes in additional education.

On the vertical scale there is a level of achievements and interest, on horizontal - temporary indicators. Conditional indicators of levels of achievements and interests are established: minimum - 0, maximum - 10.

On the basis of individual graphs, a graph can be drawn up, reflecting the totality of the indicators under this group of children. A consolidated schedule for changing the level of achievements can be compared with individual graphs.

2.4. Methods "Map of self-assessment of trainees and evaluating teacher of the competence of training" (for 12-16 years)

Self-standard Allows children to fix their own movement along the steps of skill. If it is performed openly, the social mechanisms are also included in its regulation. Open display of learning outcomes in the program stimulates children to find new work options, creative activity. You can advise the child to keep records of your academic achievements. To do this, it is recommended to start a special notebook (diary) and gradually fill it. It is necessary to teach children to reasoning about the quality of their work: it is of great importance for the formation of self-assessment of children

Self-self-assessment scheme

Subject, section

What is done by me?

My successes and achievements

What do I need to work on?

Card blank

Dear friend! Please note on a five-point scale of the knowledge and skills that you received, doing in a circle (team) in this academic year, and cross out the corresponding figure (1 - the lowest score, 5 is the highest)

Structure of questions:

Paragraphs 7, 8 - Communication experience.


Processing results:

2.5. Methods "Protection of abstracts"

One of the common methods of public presentation by the pupil of the results obtained is to protect abstracts in a scientific and practical conference.

abstract - Independent work (project), requiring from a pupil analysis and generalization of information, independently found in various sources.

I will focus in more detail on the question of monitoring the results of the child's learning in an additional educational program, using various techniques and techniques, based on the experience in the choreographic team "Rostock".

2.6. Monitoring child learning outcomes

according to the additional educational program

Since the educational activity in the system of additional education involves not only the teaching of children with certain knowledge, skills and skills, but also the development of diverse personal qualities of students, so far about its results must be judged by two groups of indicators:

  • Educational (fixing subject and general educational knowledge, skills, skills acquired by the child in the process of mastering the educational program;
  • Personal (expressing changes in the personal qualities of the child under the influence of classes in this circle, studios, section).

Below is a table that allows you to visually submit a set of basic knowledge, skills and practical skills, which should acquire a child as a result of the development of a particular educational program.

Technology defining learning outcomes According to the additional educational program, it is as follows: the set of measured indicators (theoretical, practical preparation of a child, general educational skills and skills) is estimated in terms of severity (from minimal to maximum). For convenience, highlighted levels are designated by appropriate test points (1 - 10 points). As a methods with which the teacher will determine the compliance of the results of teaching a child with software requirements, there may be observation, testing, control survey (oral or written), analysis of the control task, interview, etc. This list of methods can be supplemented depending on the profile and specific content of the educational program.

Dynamics of object development results A specific child is reflected in the individual card accounting card for the training results for an additional educational program of the teacher twice a year (at the beginning and at the end of the school year) stipulates points corresponding to the severity of the evaluated quality of the child. In addition, at the end of the card, the teacher is proposed to allocate a special Count "Subject Achievement of Training", which performs the role of "portfolio", where the most significant achievements of the child in the field of activity studied by the educational program are recorded. Here the results of the child's participation in exhibitions, competitions, competitions, competitions, etc. can be marked. Regular tracking of results can be the basis of stimulating, encourage the child for his work, effort. Every assessment should be commenting, to show what the increase in the knowledge and skill of the child is supporting his desire for new successes.

2.6.1. Monitoring the results of learning the child for an additional educational program


(Estimated parameters)


Possible number of points

Diagnostic methods

  1. Theoretical knowledge (by the main sections of the training and thematic plan of the program)
  1. Ownership of special terminology on the subject of the program

Compliance with theoretical knowledge of the child with software requirements

The meaning and correctness of the use of special terminology

- minimum level (the child was less than ½ the volume of knowledge provided for by the program);

Average level (the amount of learned knowledge is more ½);

- maximum level (the child mastered almost the entire volume of knowledge provided for by the program for a specific period);

- minimum level (the child, as a rule, avoids special terms);

Average level (the child combines special terminology with household);

- maximum level (Special terms use consciously and in full compliance with their content).

Observation, testing,

control survey, etc.


  1. Practical preparing a child:
  1. Practical skills and skills provided for by the program (according to the main sections of the program's training and thematic plan)
  2. Possession of special equipment and equipping

2.3. Creative skills (creative attitude to business and ability to embody it in the finished product)

Matching practical skills and skills of software requirements

No difficulty using special equipment and equipment

Creativity in the tasks

The minimum level (the child was less than ½ provided by skills and skills);

The average level (the amount of learned skills and skills is more ½);

The maximum level (the child mastered almost all skills and skills provided for by the program for a specific period);

The minimum level of skills (the child is experiencing serious difficulty when working with equipment);

Middle level (works with equipment using a teacher);

The maximum level (works with the equipment independently, does not experience special difficulties);

The initial (elementary) level of development of creativity (the child is able to fulfill the simplest practical tasks of the teacher);

Reproductive level (performs mainly based on sample);

Creative level (performs practical tasks with elements of creativity).

Control task

Control task

Control task

  1. General educational skills and child skills:
  1. Educational and intelligent skills:
  1. The ability to select and analyze special literature
  1. Ability to use computer sources of information
  2. The ability to exercise educational and research work (write abstracts, conduct independent training studies)
  1. Teaching coupling skills:
  1. Skill listen and hear teacher
  1. Ability to perform in front of the audience
  1. The ability to defend a controversy, participate in the discussion
  1. Training and organizational skills:
  1. Ability to organize your working (educational) place
  1. Observation skills in the process of security rules

3.3.3. Skill gently perform work

Independence in the selection and analysis of literature

Independence in the use of computer sources of information

Independence in educational work

Adequacy of the perception of information coming from the teacher

Freedom of owning and submitting student prepared information

Independence in building a discussion performance, logic in building evidence

The ability to independently prepare your workstation to activities and remove it

Compliance with the real security skills of security rules software requirements

Accuracy and responsibility in work

The minimum level of skills (the student is experiencing serious difficulties when working with literature, needs permanent assistance and teacher control);

Middle level (works with literature using a teacher or parents);

The maximum level (works with literature on its own, does not have any special difficulties)

levels - by analogy with clause 3.1.1.

levels - by analogy with clause 3.1.1.

levels - by analogy with clause 3.1.1.

levels - by analogy with clause 3.1.1.

levels - by analogy with clause 3.1.1.

The minimum level (the child was less than ½ the scope of the safety regulations provided for by the program);

The average level (the amount of learned skills is more ½);

The maximum level (the child mastered almost the entire volume of skills provided for by the program for a specific period).

satisfactory - good - excellent




2.6.2. Individual card

Surname, child name ______________________________________


View and name of the children's association ______________________________________________________

F. I. O. Pedagogue ______________________________________________________

Observation start date _________________________________

Data diagnostics



year of study


year of study

The third

year of study

End I.

half a year

the end

uch. of the year

End I.

half a year

the end

uch. of the year

End I.

half a year

the end

uch. of the year

  1. Theoretical preparing a child:
  1. Theoretical knowledge:

C), etc.

1.2. Lining special terminology

  1. Practical preparation of a child

2.1. Practical skills and skills provided by the program: a) b) c), etc.

2.2. Lining special equipment and equipping

2.3. Creative skills

  1. Oblining skills and skills

3.1. Educational and intelligent skills:

a) the ability to select and analyze special literature

b) the ability to use computer sources of information

c) ability to exercise educational work

3.2. Teaching coupling skills:

a) the ability to listen and hear the teacher

b) the ability to perform in front of the audience

c) the ability to defend a controversy, participate in the discussion

3.3. Training and organizational skills:

a) ability to organize your working (training) place

b) compliance skills in the process of security rules

c) skill gently perform work

  1. Subsection of a learner:
  • At the level of the children's association (mug, studios, sections)
  • At the level of educational institution
  • At the district level, city
  • In the republican, international level

2.7. Monitoring the personal development of the child

in the process of assimilating them an additional educational program

The development of personal qualities of the child should be provided in every educational program.

A variety of factors affect the development of the child's personality, and not just communication with the teacher of additional education. In addition, it is enough not easy to find those indicators of personal development, on the basis of which it is possible to determine their positive trend.

This technique suggests tracking the dynamics of the personal development of children engaged in the system of additional education, for three blocks of personal qualities -organizational and volitional, orientation, behavioral Quality of personality. In the aggregate, the personal properties given in the table reflect the multidimensionality of the individual; Allow the basic individual features of the child, easily observed and controlled, are available for analysis to any teacher and do not require attracting other specialists. At the same time, the list of qualities proposed in the table can be supplemented with a teacher in accordance with the target installations of its program.

Personal Quality Definition Technologythe student is as follows: the totality of the measured indicators (patience, will, self-control, self-esteem, interest in classes, conflict, the type of cooperation) is estimated in terms of severity (from minimal to maximum). For convenience, highlighted levels are denoted by points. As methods for diagnosing personal changes, the child can use observation, questionnaire, testing, diagnostic conversation, reflection method, the unfinished offer method and others.

The technology of monitoring the personal development of the child requires the documentary design of the results obtained for each child. To this end, the teacher draws up for each childindividual card accounting for the dynamics of the personal qualities of the child's development.

The card is filled twice a year - at the beginning and at the end of the school year. If necessary, this can be done more often, for which additional graphs can be introduced.

The resulting sections allow us to consistently fix the phased process of changing the identity of each child, as well as plan the pace of individual development.

The assessment of the personality listed in the card may be attracted by the study itself. This will, firstly, to relate his opinion about himself with the ideas of the people around; Secondly, it is clearly shown to the child, what is his reserves for self-improvement.

2.7.1. Indicators

(Estimated parameters)


The degree of expression of the estimated quality

Possible number of points

Diagnostic methods

I. Organizational and volitional qualities:

1.1. Patience

1.2. Will

1.3. Self Control

The ability to transfer (withstand) known loads for a certain time, overcome difficulties.

The ability to actively encourage oneself to practically.

The ability to control their actions (lead to proper actions).

Patience grabs less than ½ classes

Patience is enough more than ½ classes

Patience is enough for all lesson

Solving efforts of the child are encouraged from the outside

Sometimes a child

Always - the child himself

The child is constantly under the influence of control from outside

Periodically controls itself

Constantly controls itself




II.Artic qualities:

2.1. Self-satisfaction

The ability to evaluate oneself adequately to real achievements.

Conscious participation of the child in the development of the educational program




Interest in classes dictated to the child from the outside

Interest is periodically supported by the child

Interest is constantly supported by a child independently



III. Behavioral qualities:

3.1. Conflict (child ratio to collision of interests (dispute) in the process of interaction

3.2. Type of cooperation (child's attitude to common affairs of children's association)

Ability to take a certain position in a conflict situation

The ability to perceive common things like their own

Periodically provokes conflicts

Himself in conflicts does not participate, trying to avoid them

Trying to independently settle emerging conflicts

Avoid participation in general affairs

Participates when encouraging from outside

Initiative in general affairs

Testing, unfinished offer method


2.7.2. Individual card

accounting for learning outcomes for an additional educational program

(in points corresponding to the degree of severity of the measured quality)

Surname, child name _____________________________________________


View and name of the children's association __________________________________

F. I. O. Pedagogue _________________________________________________

Overcoming start date ___________________________________________

Data diagnostics



year of study


year of study

The third

year of study

Start Uch. of the year

the end

uch. of the year

Start Uch. of the year

the end

uch. of the year

Start Uch. of the year

the end

uch. of the year

  1. Organizational and volitional qualities:
  1. Patience
  2. Will
  3. Self Control
  1. Orientational qualities:

2.1. Self-satisfaction

2.2. Interest in classroom activities

  1. Behavioral qualities:

3.1. Conflict3.2. Type of cooperation

  1. Personal achievements of students *

* IV Block can be entered into a card at the discretion of the teacher in order to mark the particular success of the child in conscious work on the change in their own personal qualities.

3. Pedagogical monitoring

For successful implementation Programs are offered continuous and systematic tracking of the results of the child's activities (see Tab.).

Indicators of criteria are determined by the level: high (B) - 3 points; medium (C) - 2 points; Low (H) - 1 point.



Educational results

Development of children's detention

1. A variety of skills and skills.

2. Depth and latitude of knowledge on the subject.

Children's practical and creative achievements.

3. The position of the activity of the child in teaching and sustainable interest in activities.

4. A variety of creative achievements (exhibitions, contests of their scale).

5. Development of common cognitive abilities (Sensotorika, imagination, memory, speech, attention).

Efficiency of educational influences

1. Culture of the child's behavior.

2. The nature of the relationship in the team.

1. Caring for health.

3.1. Monitoring educational

1. Variety of skills and skills

High (3 points):it has clear technical skills and skills, knows how to use tools (scissors, line, pencil, eraser).

Medium (2 points):it has separate technical skills and skills, can use the tools properly.

Low (1 point): It has weak technical skills, no skill use tools.

2. Depth and latitude of knowledge on the subject

High (3 points):it has a wide range of knowledge in the content of the course, owns certain concepts (the name of the geometric figures, definition ...) freely uses technical speeds, uses additional material.

Medium (2 points):it has incomplete knowledge of the course content, operates with special terms, does not use additional literature.

Low (1 point):insufficient knowledge of the course of the course, knows individual definitions.

3. The position of activity and sustainable interest in activities

High (3 points):shows an active interest in activities, strives for independent creative activity.

Medium (2 points):it shows interest in activities, persistent in achieving the goal, shows activity only on certain topics or at certain stages of work.

Low (1 point):present in classes is not active, performs tasks only on clear instructions, instructions of the teacher.

4. Variety of creative achievements

High (3 points):regularly takes part in exhibitions, competitions, on the scale of the area, city.

Medium (2 points):participates in exhibitions inside a mug, institutions.

Low (1 point):rarely participates in contests, competitions, exhibitions inside a mug.

5. Development of cognitive abilities: imagination, memory, speech, sensotoric

High (3 points):accuracy, fullness of color perception, shape, magnitude, good development of shallow hands; The pupil has a meaningful, expressive speech, knows how to clearly respond to the questions set, has a creative imagination; The child has sustainable attention.

Medium (2 points):the child perceives clearly forms and magnitudes, but the small motility of hands is not well developed, reproductive imagination with elements of creativity; The pupil knows the answers to the question, but cannot make a thought, it can not always concentrate attention.

Low (1 point):it can not always correlate the size and shape, the small motility of the hands is developed weak, imagination reproductive.

3.1.1. Form of fixation of educational results (See Tab.).

Educational results

F.I. age



















3.2. Monitoring the effectiveness of educational influences

1. Culture of child behavior

High (3 points):he has moral judgments about moral actions, complies with the norms of behavior, has moral qualities of the individual (kindness, mutual execution, respect, discipline).

Medium (2 points):he has moral judgments about moral actions, has behavioral norms, but they do not always observe them.

Low (1 point):moral judgments about moral actions differ with generally accepted standards, rarely complies with the norms of behavior.

2. The nature of the relationship in the team

High (3 points):high Communicative Culture, takes an active interest in the team affairs.

Medium (2 points):it has communicative qualities, but it is often shy to take part in the team's business.

Low (1 point):low level of communicative qualities, no desire to communicate in the team.

3.2.1.Forming the results of educational influences (See Tab.).

p / P.

F.I. Child











4. Monitoring socio-pedagogical results

1. Health care

High level (3 points):a child with a certain share of responsibility performs Piz. Minutes, gymnastics, watching your physical condition.

Medium (2 points):the child is watching his physical condition, but Phys. Minutes, gymnastics does not respond.

Low (1 point):the pupil performs physical. Minutes, gymnastics only under the pressure of the teacher.

Form of fixation of socio-pedagogical results (see tab.).

Socio-pedagogical results

5. Diagnosis of the educational process on the example of the choreographic team "Rostock".

Dance art has a huge force in raising a creative, comprehensively developed personality. Classes of choreography acquire a child to the world of beautiful, bring up artistic taste. Control with the dance teaches children to listen, perceive, evaluate and love music. Choreographic classes improve children physically, strengthen their health. They contribute to the correct development of the musculoskeletal apparatus, getting rid of physical disadvantages, minimize the posture disorders, form a beautiful figure. These classes are well removed tension, activate attention, strengthen the emotional reaction and, in general, increase the vital tone of the student. The dance finds the expression of the cheerfulness and activity of the child, its creative fantasy is developing, creative abilities: the pupil is learning himself to create a plastic image. Speeches in front of the audience are the main educational means: the experience of success brings moral satisfaction to the child, the conditions for the implementation of creative potential are created, a sense of responsibility, friendship, partnership is raised.

Therefore, the main task of the teacher is to help children penetrate the world of music and dance, and not to prepare them for a professional scene.

Requirements for the training level.

Predictable results and methods for checking.

Upon admission to the choreographic team, each child and teenager is diagnosed in eight indicators: posture, feeding, foot rise, dance step, body flexibility, jump, coordination of movements, musical - rhythmic coordination. The teacher estimates the study at admission, six months at the end of the school year. There are cases when children with incorrect posture have come to the dance association, low levels of development on other test indicators. And after a certain time, the indicators have improved significantly.

Diagnosis of educational process:

  • Tracking in class during the year by pedagogical observation (the development of each child and the team as a whole), observations are entered into the diary of success and achievements.
  • planning current control in classes through observation, discussion, occupation analysis.
  • Intermediate control is advisable to conduct after studying each dance (repetition), intricure contests.
  • Outcome control - analysis of the educational program, final classes, conducting reporting concerts.

Monitoring educational process

Monitoring plan

  • Monitoring the development of creative abilities of students and fixing achieved results.
  • Generalization of results.
  • Analysis and evaluation of achieved results.
    The object of monitoring is choreographic abilities - in the children's associations of the choreographic direction.

The results are monitored by conducting primary, intermediate and final control.

Primary control and diagnostic module.

Primary control is carried out at the end of September - October (at the end of the recruitment of children in training groups)

purpose- determining the level or degree of creative abilities of children at the beginning of training.

  • level of preparedness of children for this type of activity;
  • selection of training program;
  • forms and methods of working with these children.

Forms of holding Primary diagnostics - testing, observation, surveillance, sections.

Intermediate control and diagnostic moduleb

Intermediate control is carried out in December - January.

Purpose - Summing up the interim tutorials, assessing the success of the promotion of students.

During the diagnosis, the teacher determines:

  • what is the assessment of the success of the choice of technology and the technique;
  • analyzed the results of learning at this stage.
    Forms Indicators, evaluation criteria is developing the teacher itself in a convenient form for it.

Final Control and Diagnostic Module:

The final diagnosis is carried out in April - MAE.

purpose - Determination of the level of training and the level of development of the creative abilities of children at the end of training.

Forms of holding: open occupation; Offset - game; test - quiz; reporting concert; Assigning signs - stars of certain dignity.

The form of evaluation of the result of a studying is very important. It must be concrete and understandable to children, reflect the real level of their preparation. The main thing is to encourage students to conscious self-improvement, to raise the ability to evaluate their achievements and see the development perspective. For fixing performance, I rely on the tables, which told above, depending on the age and the level of training of students.





Basics of modern dance

Parterial EXTERSIS


classic dance

Folk dance


dance numbers

Total number




Dance Step

Coordination of movements

Music and Rhythmic Coordination



Body flexibility


Feet feet

Monitoring scheme of the student choreographic team "Rostock"

Map of self-assessment of students and evaluations to the teacher of the competence of the student (for 12 - 16 years)

Dear friend! Please note on a five-point scale of the knowledge and skills that you received, doing in a circle (team) in this academic year, and cross out the corresponding figure (1 - the lowest score, 5 is the highest.

Paragraphs 1, 2, 9 are the experience of mastering theoretical information.

Paragraphs 3, 4 - practical experience.

Paragraphs 5, 6 - experience of creativity.

Paragraphs 7, 8 - Communication Experience


This card is proposed to fill in the learning in accordance with the instructions. Then this card fills the teacher as an expert. The assessment is affixed by the teacher in empty cells.

Processing results:

The self-assessment of the student and the assessment of the teacher is summed up, and the medium-mathetic value is calculated for each characteristic.


Lastened the theoretical material on topics and sections (I can answer the teacher's questions)







I know special terms used in classes







Learned how to use knowledge gained in practical activities







I know how to perform practical tasks (exercises, tasks, experiments, etc.) that teacher gives







Learned to fulfill creative tasks







I know how to embody my creative ideas







I can teach others what he learned himself in classes







Learned to cooperate with the guys in solving the tasks







Learned to receive information from different sources







My achievements as a result of classes






5. Conclusion

It is very important to consider both the form of evaluating the result of the child: it must be concrete and understandable to children, reflect the real level of their preparation, but do not form the "dual" or "trophy" position. In this case, a 10-point (or any other) assessment system can come to the aid of the teacher, the assignment of the "titles" of a different level, the presentation of the "signs" and "medals" of certain dignity, etc. The main thing is that the pupil has an adequate self-assessment of its own achievements, Based on the desire to achieve even higher results.

When the teacher will summarize the results of the diagnosis of results, it needs to pay attention primarily to the degree of fulfillment of the educational program (how many children have fulfilled the program, how much is partially, etc.): If it is objectively to evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of any educational program, then 100% "Trade" can not be, because in the educational group, children with different abilities, opportunities, and often not one age are simultaneously involved. An analysis of such results can be a reason for revising or correction of the educational program: if the program has been completed (or "exceeded") all children, then it may require some complication; And on the contrary, if the program was less than half of the students, it is too complicated and needs a certain simplification.

The teacher must be analyzed and the overall level of theoretical and practical training of children in order to further eliminate the identified gaps or disadvantages.

6. Literature used:

1.Builova L. N., Klenova N. V. Methods of determining the results of educational activities of children // Additional education. 2004, №12.

2.Builova L. N., Klenova N. V. Methods of determining the results of educational activities of children // Additional education. 2005, №1

3. From the experience of the teacher.

State budget non-type educational institution "St. Petersburg City Palace of World Creativity" City Center for Additional Education

Qualification courses

"Monitoring the effectiveness of the educational process in the system of additional education of children"

Attestation work

Monitoring the system of additional education of the state budgetary educational institution of secondary school No. 443

St. Petersburg

2015 year


Introduction .............................................................................. ... 3

    1. The formation and development of the system of additional education ... ... 4

    1. Functions of additional education .................................... .6

Chapter 2. Development of the Department of Additional Education Children of the State Educational Institution of secondary school No. 443.

2.1 General characteristics of the separation of additional education of children GBOU SOSH No. 443 .................................................................... .. ... 12

2.2 Main areas of activity Department of additional education GBOU SOSH No. 443 .............................................................. ..14

2.3 Development and improvement of the system of additional education in GBOU SOSH No. 443 ....................................... ... ....... 28

Conclusion ..................................................................... .. ... .33

List of references ................................................................. .35


Currently, the role of the system of additional education in the preparation of the younger generation increases significantly. It is designed to solve the most important social problem associated with the identification and development of those chambers and abilities of children who will ensure their sustainable self-development in life.

The relevance of research It is that the system of additional education of children is increasingly perceived as a scope of services (services specific, related to the formation of a person's personality, reproduction of intellectual resources, the transfer of cultural values). By virtue of this process Modernization of the system of additional education contributes to the fact that institutions of additional education of children become subjects of the market of educational services.

In modern conditions from the ability to guide the establishment of additional education of children in a timely manner of modernization activities and the development of this institution depends on the preservation, development and demand in the Society of Services provided by this institution. Of particular importance is the development of strategic changes and the reorientation of the educational process in accordance with the needs of society.

Purpose: Monitor the system of additional education of the state budgetary educational institution of secondary school No. 443.

Tasks :

    Consider theoretical aspects of the formation and functioning of the system of additional education of children in the Russian Federation.

    Explore the directions of development of additional education of the state budgetary educational institution of secondary school No. 443.

    Develop a program to develop an additional education program of the state budgetary educational institution of secondary school No. 443.

As research methods The theoretical analysis of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical and methodological literature on the topic under study; Studying the pedagogical experience of institutions of additional education of children through observation, survey, testing, analysis of experimental activities, empirical studies, including questionnaire surveys.

Chapter 1. Establishment of additional education as a subject of modern education.

1.1 Formation and development of an additional education system

In 1918 in Moscow, in Sokolniki, the first state out-of-school children's institution was opened - the station of young lovers of nature (C1920 - the biostancture of young naturalists them. K.A. Timiryazeva), which posted the beginning of the state system of extracurricular education of children.

Since 1992, the process of evolutionary transformation of extracurricular work and out-of-school education in the system of additional education is carried out in the Russian Federation.

In the Russian education system, the subsystem of additional education of children is developing. Institutions of additional education of children have significant opportunities for the development of cognitive motivation of students. Children come to the occupation in unification for two, four, six hours a week. But during this time they receive such a pulse that at home continues to be launched and, which is important, not for the constraint of teachers and parents.

The pedagogical potential of additional education is significant. It acts as a powerful identity development agent. In its process, inexhaustible opportunities for creating a success situation for each child, which is beneficial to educating and strengthening his personal dignity. Participation in various types of activities of additional education contributes to self-realization of the individual, stimulates it to work.

In the field of additional education based on the generality of the interests of the child and adult, the process of forming humanistic value orientations is more intensively and purposefully. The originality of additional education is that it creates an organic combination of leisure activities (rest, entertainment, holiday, creativity) with various forms of educational activities and, as a result, reduces space deviant behavior, solving the problem of employment of children.

Developing additional education, the general educational institution interacts with organizations and institutions of other subject and creative areas and thereby becomes a truly open system.

Additional education as a successor of extracurricular education retains the orientation to create conditions for the formation of each child's ideas about himself and about the environment. Freedom to choose a form of education is complemented by the freedom of independent decision-making in the choice of the beloved affairs of all life, which in the future helps to more successfully master the ways of activity.

The current stage of development of educational institutions of the potential of additional education has become a period of understanding the advantages of this type of education; correlation of new ideas and familiar stereotypes of the "secondaryness" of additional education in relation to the basic; developing the technology of its implementation; development of the practice of planning and organizing additional education; Solving problems of improving its quality.

The development of an additional education system is carried out in the following areas:

    preservation of the positive potential of an extracurricular, extracurricular, extracurricular tuber-circle, cultural and educational, leisure-gaming, creative-cognitive, practical-oriented activities;

    development of the conceptual foundations of additional education of children, taking into account the originality of this process in various educational institutions and the specifics of various categories of children;

    compound (temporary and subjective) processes of development of the theory of additional education and the construction of a new practice;

    streamlining and strengthening the program-methodical, personnel, economic base of additional education;

    substantiation and adoption of management decisions that ensure balanced and sustainable development of the field of additional education;

    creating conditions for the work of educational institutions simultaneously in the functioning mode and in development mode;

    the simulation of modeling of organizational forms of additional education and experimental verification of their viability;

    scientific substantiation of the effectiveness of additional education and verification of their importance for the development of the identity of each child;

    development of the basic basis of the maintenance of additional education;

    thinking and development of traditions of cultural and educational institutions, their interaction, expansion of the number of subjects of additional education, personification of their responsibility, determination of powers, representation of the necessary benefits;

    phased nomination and implementation of organizational and managerial tasks.

The focus of the system of additional education of children is focused on creating conditions for free choice by each

child educational area, profile of the program and the time of their development; development of activities that satisfy a wide variety of interests; Improving the personal activity of the educational process that contributes to the development of the personality desire to know and creativity, professional self-determination and self-realization.

One of the key issues of the period of the formation of a system of additional education of children is to ensure the educational process by curricula and programs. Their relationship and continuity constitute the core of the system of additional education of children, determine its content, level and focus. Additional education individualizes the educational path of the child within the framework of a single socio-cultural and educational space of the country. Requirements for the orientation of additional education of children for:

The dynamism of the educational process as a social phenomenon;

Stimulating the creative activity of the child, the development of its abilities to an independent solution of emerging problems and constant self-education;

    active and activity assimilation of the content of education, predicting its use in various situations;

    summarizing the life experience of the child, the correlation of this experience with the historically established system of values;

    an independent assessment by a child of certain actions, events, situations and the corresponding construction of their behavior;

    new perception scientific knowledge with his pronounced trend towards diversity and mastering specialized languages \u200b\u200bof sciences in groups of young researchers;

Additional education is a continuous process. The pedagogical process in the field of additional education is based in the form of finding a solution of both individual and eternal universal problems. As a result of this, the search is created by life, which allows each child to accumulate creative energy, discoslee its expenditure to achieve vital objectives.

1.2 Functions of additional education

The fundamental difference between additional education from the general lies in the fact that, due to the absence of hard educational standardsworking in his teaching system have the ability to transform transmissions of students' methods (knowledge skills) from Training Goals B. the means of developing the abilities of students - cognitive, personal, spiritual and moral, physical. The goal in this case becomes the creation educational Educational Environment, which would ensure every student to show the creative start laid on it from nature, i.e. gain the ability to be a creative subject of its development

This approach requires the establishment of additional education for the reflection of its goals in the training and development of students and the development of oneself as a subject of developing education.Social function:

a) social demand (the requirements of society, forming at the junction of culture, education and public health);

b) parental demand (the idea that it is necessary or what lacks their child: employment in time, pre-confessional training, education for additional subjects, solving the problems of incomplete family, prestige of classes, health),

c) child demand - meeting the need for cognitive and personal development, communication, leisure and pastime. Children's demand is dynamic because it changes during the development of the child, as well as depending on the age and the corresponding type of leading activity;

d) economic demand - the possibility of earnings (main, additional, part-time working day, etc.) for adults and counterfession preparation for children.

e) law enforcement in demand - the prevention of deviant and asocial, including the unlawful, behavior of children.Psychological function:

a) developing - Creating an educational environment that provides conditions for the physical and mental development of children (the sale of children's interests, the acquisition of skills and skills. The child, without being able to express itself in the family and in the school environment, can prove himself in the UDO and in terms of development, and in terms of self-affirmation , and in terms of self-actualization;

b) compensatory- Psychological compensation of failures in the family, at school,

c) relaxation- the ability to relax from the tough regulation of behavior in the family and at school;

d) consulting - For teachers, parents and children.Educational function:

a) education according to additional subjects, i.e. subjects, supplementary to the standard list of educational items of general education institutions. For example, a ship - and aircraft modeling, sports sections, choreography, etc. These are also "school" educational items, if for any reason in nearby schools there are no teachers for these subjects,

b) propaedeutics of vocational education (for example, design studio or children's television studio);

c) professional self-determination;

d) training that satisfies the cognitive interest of this child,

e) socializing - communicating with peers, self-affirmation, self-determination, including - try to find yourself in different types Activities, enrichment by public experience, the formation of a child as a person, acquisition of the possibility and ability to be not only an object, but also by the subject of social impacts and interactions.

Object of development In this case, act:

educational programs. They become new types (psychodidactic, reflexive) programs, because, in contrast to traditional programs of additional education, their development and practical embodiment requires the teacher of reflection (identifying and awareness) of the doedactic and psychological goals and the initial grounds for their construction;

teaching , those. disclosure (manifestation, awakening) of creative nature as a source psychological basis for the development of physical, educational, personal and spiritual and moral abilities;

pedagogues Additional education, which should learn to get up in a reflective position to: whom they teach what they are taught, how they teach and why train,

officers "(managers), which should define and create conditions for the practical implementation of new type curricy programs;

parents, in the sense of changes in their social attitudes and relations to the functions of additional education and value orientations in the training of their children;

educational environment (social, spatially substantive and psychodidactic components);

social macros (district surrounding society);

and self establishment of additional education As an object of self-development (and in this sense, it becomes the subject of its development and the education system, part of which it is).

In general, the object is typicalthe heterogeneity of the contingent Pupils on such individually psychological differences as explicit and potential (hidden) abilities, age, motifs, physical capabilities, gender (socio-sex) and other parties to individual development. This implies special requirements for the organization of the educational process. Training programs and methods of pedagogical work, in a slight exception, can no longer be oriented strictly to a certain type and level of development of students' abilities

Given the diversity of the abilities of students of the defendant, we proceed from the fact that each of them is, and each student manifestation of the creative nature of a person's psyche, and, accordingly, creative potential. It is not only about the individual abilities (artistic, sports, technical), but also about the integral personal sphere of the child, which led to our orientation on the paradigm of educational education. The content of additional education can be represented as:

a) the subject matter presented in the appropriate set of knowledge-skills, giving the student the opportunity to be the subject of knowledge-skills, characteristic of this sleep-cultural field of human activity (artistic and technical creativity, sports and leisure activities, etc. ),

b) Methods of teachings and the ability presented in them to learn, those being a subject mental and generally educational activities, when the student seizes the skills of arbitrary regulation of its training activities, in whatever subject area it does not pass. Then knowledge skills turn from the purpose of learning to means of the development of this ability,

c) Socialization methods that are expressed in the ability of a student to interpersonal and social interactions, so necessary for the successful entry and active life in a contemporary society. This means essentially, the formation of a student's ability to be subject to its development as a whole (including physical and psychological health, educational, personal and communicative abilities, as well as the assignment of universal and spiritual and moral values). Then knowledge-skill skills and the ability to learn are transformed from the goal of learning into a means of disclosing the creative potential of the student as its "natural" ability to self-development and self-actualization of their creative potential.

Given the social dynamics of the functional of additional education from leisurely to educational and from the educational to the socializing, we believe it is appropriate to distinguish between social and psychological and didactic learning goals.

FROM social The point of view of such objectives may be training on additional (to general education) to educational subjects, preproofessional training, cultural leisure, health promotion, participation in competitions and festivals, etc., as well as development children's creativity, upbringing and socialization of the younger generation. Currently, it is possible to see the evolution of the functional of additional education: at the first stage - from leisure to educational, on the second - from the educational to the socializing.

FROM psychological and didactic The point of view, we believe that additional education may pursue the following objectives:

Development knowledge skills, necessary for mastering one or another type of activity and thereby to enter the profession. From the psychological point of knowledge-skill skills represent an effective (product) side of the development of musical, artistic, intellectual and other abilities of students, the organization of the educational process in this case does not imply a targeted impact on the procedural side of the development of abilities. The result is important here, not his psychological basis. Therefore, with a similar target installation, the development of abilities is spontaneously, following the achievement of the specified level of knowledge skills skills;

Development special abilities student (creative, artistic, musical, intellectual, technical, sports, etc.). In this case, the emphasis is placed on such an organization of the educational process, when the purpose of training becomes the development of the abilities of this species by learning knowledge skills of the corresponding activity (musical, intellectual, technical, sports, etc.) knowledge-skills The skills of the corresponding species are still the goal of learning, but not only as a standard level of training, but also as a pedagogical means of the development of the abilities of this species. However, from a psychological point of view, this development of abilities occurs spontaneously, since this does not use their own psychological patterns of development of these abilities;

Development participation ability to teach As a necessary learning condition for any type of activity. From a psychological point of view, this implies the development of a student's ability to besubject of educational activities Based on priority use to build a didactic component of teaching those psychological patterns that underlie the formation of educational activities. In this case, training is built in such a way that the subject of development becomes the psychological structure of educational activities, general to master various types of cognitive activity. While the knowledge-skills and ability of the learning subject turn into pedagogical means of developing a general ability to learn (self-study), which, if necessary, can be applied to the students themselves for the development and other activities;

Development social, personal and communicative abilities student. This suggests primarily the development of the motivational and value spheres of the personality of students, their communicative abilities, i.e. Abilities for interpersonal interaction with peers and adults in different activities, first of all, training. With the development of social abilities, the purpose of education is the assignment of students to the methods of social and interpersonal interaction necessary for the successful entry and operation in a modern social environment. This is a special task, given the social, economic, ethnic and confessional heterogeneity of modern Russian society, as well as the multipoleness of spiritual and moral landmarks and life values. The solution to such a task requires the creation of conditions for the formation of a student's ability to be subject to the process of its social development, which includes mastering the sociocultural methods of interpersonal interaction in the social communities of various types and in various types of joint activities (teaching, communication, work, sports, art and t .d.).

Conclusions of 1 chapter

1. The fundamental difference between additional education from the general lies in the fact that, due to the absence of strict educational standards, working in its system of teachers have the opportunity to transform transformations to students of activities (knowledge-skills) from the purpose of training in the development of students' abilities - bodily Cognitive, personal, spiritual moral. The goal in this case becomes the creation of a developing educational environment, which would ensure every student to show the creative start laid on it from nature, i.e. gain the ability to be creative the subject of its development.

2. Such an approach requires the establishment of additional education (objects) of the reflection of its goals in the training and development of students and the development of oneself as a subject of developing education, which requires an answer to traditional pedagogical issues: who to learn, why teach what to teach and to learn? Responding to these questions, we answer the question "Where to learn?" And thereby not only define the type of educational institution, but its working concept of development.

3. Based on the specified tasks, the original position for the working concept of the Ododa acts awareness of the need to create conditions that contribute to the disclosure of the creative potential of students and the awakening of the initiative of teachers (and educational institutions as a whole) in terms of developing and implementing copyright, innovative and experimental programs and educational technologies. This is the transition to the active introduction into the system of additional education of developing learning and educational education methods.

Chapter 2 Development of the Department of Additional Education Children of the State Educational Institution of Central Educational School No. 443

2.1 General characteristics of the separation of additional education of children GBOU SOSH No. 443

Information about Ode.

Department of Additional Education of the State Budgetary General Education institution School No. 443 of the Frunzensky District, located at: St. Petersburg, Kupchinskaya Street, d. 11, Cor. 4, open 09.09.2002. License No. 1307 dated December 30, 2011 (indefinitely). Accreditation No. 254 of February 17, 2012 to February 17, 2024. The goal is to develop the personality motivation to knowledge and creativity, the implementation of additional educational programs and services in the interests of personality, society, states contributing to successful socialization in socio-cultural space.

Regulatory and legal database Activities Activities GBOU SOSH No. 443 are:


    License for the right to conduct basic educational activities.

    Rules of internal labor regulations.

    Regular schedule.


    Work plan.

    Timetable of classes.

    Magazines mug and individual work.


    Educational programs in areas of activity: artistic and aesthetic, sports, ecological-biological, tourist-local lore, socio-pedagogical, cultural, natural-scientific.

The main tasks of the object GBOU SOSH No. 443:

    Security required conditions For the personal development of improving the health and professional self-determination and creative labor of children under the age of 18.

    Formation of their common culture.

    Organization of meaningful leisure of children, adolescents and young people.

    Before professional training of children and young people.

The operating charter identifies the main activities:

a) the implementation of additional education programs in the directions: artistic and aesthetic, physical education and sports, natural-scientific, tourist-local lore, ecological and biological, social and pedagogical, cultural and cultural;

b) cultural work;

c) guidance and methodological work;

d) organization of work with children and young people at the place of residence;

e) organizing recreation children in a country camp.

The activities of the pedagogical team of additional education of children are based on the recognition of leading education principles:

    Recognition of the child's rights to free self-determination and self-realization in extracurricular activities of additional education institutions.

    Development of individuality of each person in an additional education.

    Creative cooperation of the participants in the educational process in joint productive activities.

    Continuity of education in pedagogically managed and personally adjustable activity of a growing person.

    Humanization of pedagogical management of an educational process.

Brief description of the microdistrict. GBOU is located in Frunzensky district. Most large families of workers and employees live in it, as well as many immigrants from the CIS countries. In the nearest environment there are two more schools with objects and DDT Frunzensky district. Approach works closely with DDT carrying out joint guidelines. Also, the Ododa supports links with nearby schools in schools No. 444, 205, 553, taking part in municipal football competitions, volleyball, basketball, spending these activities on the basis of school. The defendant also collaborates with the information and methodological center of the Frunzensky district (hereinafter referred to as ICC), the social service, the Sports sector of the Frunzensky district, the Sport Committee, the SPb Football Federation.

The Department of Additional Education of Children, GBOU SOSH No. 443, is a holistic open socio-pedagogical system interacting with society, supports close connections with the institutions of the city and the district.

The educational and educational process of separating additional education includes three main substantive blocks: education, creativity, cultural and developmental leisure, in which about 700 children are engaged in 18 associations that implement educational programs by type of activity: theater art, choreographic art, musical art, Choral and vocal singing, decorative and applied creativity, ecology, tourism, regional studies, sport.

Onda GBOU SOSH No. 443 works in the implementation of educational programs in the directions:

    artistic and aesthetic;

    physical and sports;

    tourist-local history;

    ecological biological;



    naturally scientific.

The pedagogical team works to preserve and ensure the integrity of the educational process, the strengthening of creative principles in it, an increase in the motivation of children to knowledge and self-education.

vK .com / School 443SPB.

Pedagogical position of the team

A developing society needs modernly educated, moral, enterprising people who can independently make responsible decisions in a selection situation, predict their possible consequences that are capable of cooperation, differing in mobility, dynamism, constructiveness with a developed sense of responsibility for the destiny of the country.

The essence of modern education, in our opinion, is to, relying on the individual qualities of each child, to form independence, the ability to create their own life, to benefit society,

Our branch of additional education of children is open space For the development of potential opportunities and self-realization of children and adults.

Our mission - Education of physically and spiritually developed educated personality, focused on a conscious choice professions, on the creative transformation of reality and self-development, to achieve success in all areas of activity.

In achieving an intended result, we will help various additional educational programs and projects implemented in our designation on all levels of training, giving the right to choose their own educational route and ensuring the achievement of the educational standard in the framework of additional education programs and comprehensive identity development.

In his pedagogical practice, the teachers are adhered to the basic principle: never to violate students, parents, colleagues and no one to deny help. The teacher of the Ododa should work on conscience, create conditions for disclosing individual abilities of students and think about the preservation of the child's health.

Determination conditions in 2014-18

Based on the main provisions of the National Doctrine Development of Education of the Russian Federation until 2025, the National Educational Strategy "Our New School", an Action Plan for General Education for 2011-2015, it can be assumed that in the next 5 years in the Russian system of additional education should happen Substantial changes affecting each educational institution. This, for example, a phased transition to the new federal educational standards of the second generation, wide use electronic textbooks; Application distance learning; The introduction of new federal educational standards of the second generation and others. Consequently, the structural division of the school can not not take into account these changes in the development of a development program.

There are also possible changes in the requirements for the state, parents, students to an educational institution. It may be mandatory continuous professional education According to the state order of industrial enterprises and institutions, the initial step of which the profile school can be the opportunity to enter the university more capable graduates, and the rest is to receive vocational education in primary and secondary vocational schools.

In the requirements of parents to school recently, the lead is to preserve the health of children and the development of their individual creative abilities through the system of additional education. Given the wishes of the parents, the defendance plans to expand the network of circles and sections, more actively introduce health-saving technologies in an educational process.

The resource provision has recently outlined the growth trend. These are financial and material resources, especially in urban programs, and better personnel support, since due to increasing wages And the improvement of working conditions is practically absent. It should be hoped that this trend towards an increase will continue, and the development program will become actually fulfilled. All of the above changes will be taken into account in the Development Program.

Domestic development resources

To the internal resources that ensure movement forward, you can attribute the following in our school:

    stable, sufficiently young, ambitious and efficient team capable of innovation.

    the confidence of parents, including many former graduates of our school, parents leading to our teachers of their second and third children.

    healthy moral and moral climate in the team, mutually respectful relations of teachers with students and parents based on family and school cooperation.

    own resource sources due to additional paid educational services, charitable assistance of parents and graduates.


    The activities of the Odod GBOU SOSH No. 443 is aimed at preserving and ensuring the integrity of the educational process, to expand the field of socialization based on the choice of children in their interests and needs.

    The organization and content of educational activities Ohbawosh No. 443 is built on a pedagogically substantiated choice of additional educational programs in areas of referral to the Charter recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the management bodies, as well as copyright, modified and adapted programs approved by the Application Council.

    The educational and educational process is organized on the basis of the Law "On Education", the Model Provision on the establishment of additional education and the charter of the "Center for Aesthetic Education of Children".


Additional education of children is the most important component of the educational space that has established in modern Russian society. It is capable of reacting to the change in the economic and social situation in the country.

A comparison of the content of basic and additional education allowed us to conclude that additional education is part of the total and therefore what is not included in the standard of basic education is optional.

The main feature of additional education is the ability to adapt to the personal requests of the child, the reaction to changes in society, on a variety of educational needs and their changes.

The factors of the development of additional education at the present stage are: improving the content of additional education; innovative activity in the system of additional education; an integrated approach to additional education; software-methodical support; integration of basic and additional education; Information Support; scientific and pedagogical creativity; raising the professional skill of teachers and managers of additional education institutions; Improving additional education management.

In accordance with the objectives and objectives of the thesis project, the condition of the development of an additional education system in theory and in the practice of the work of the work of the TEED GBOU SOSH No. 443 was studied. The analysis showed that the initial position for developing a program for the development of the project acts awareness of the need to create conditions contributing to the disclosure The creative potential of students and the awakening of the Initiative of teachers in the plan for developing and implementing copyright, innovative and experimental programs and educational technologies. This is the transition to the active introduction into the system of additional education of developing learning and educational education methods.

Analysis of the current state of an additional education system made it possible to develop a program to develop the department for the additional education of children of the GBOU SOSH.

In the course of the study, it was established that the main ways of development of the project are the recognition of the importance of the educational aspect of additional education programs and the development of its content; development section of the qualification characteristics of the teacher, reflecting the requirements for the level of its preparedness; development and implementation of preschool education techniques; Improving the scientific and methodological service of the institution of additional education aimed at ensuring the scientific and pedagogical support of the educational process; Development of scientific and methodological recommendations for teachers.

As a result of the analysis of theoretical studies on the problem of improving the system of additional education of children, we formulated conclusions:

    Features of the activities of an additional education institution, consisting in the provision of educational rights to choose the type of activity, the level of complexity and the pace of development of the educational program of additional education in the elected field of knowledge, as well as in a targeted organization of the creation of children and adults (teachers and parents).

    The listed features of the activities of an additional education institution create a basis for identifying the content of improving the system of additional education of children.

    Means of ensuring the improvement of the system of additional education of children are the design of the content of education; Implementation of development activities; innovative activity; Preparation of teachers of additional education to the possession of educational technologies.

    Theoretical understanding of the processes of development of an additional education based on innovation is a practical interest for the domestic system of additional education, as well as the socio-economic development of the country.


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The concept of "monitoring" has entered into practical activities from ecology, biology, sociology and other spheres of scientific research. Recently, great importance is given to monitoring in pedagogical activities and management of an educational institution. Tracking the results of the activities of educational institutions has become necessary due to the special requirements for the quality of education.

Summarizing different meanings, we can say that monitoring - this is:

  • 1) systemic observation in order to control, evaluate, forecast the quality of education;
  • 2) system for collecting, analyzing, processing, storing, presenting information; information base control information flow system in an educational institution;
  • 3) independent examination the state of the educational process;
  • 4) detection and estimating system intermediate results and factors affecting them;
  • 5) evaluation compliance with the actual results of the claimed goals, educational needs of the population;
  • 6) measure changes in the internal and external elements of the system of activity of the educational institution;
  • 7) system of criteria, indicators and technologies of tracking states and development of the educational process;
  • 8) control function providing feedback for adoption of management decisions on regulation and correction of the educational process.

When organizing monitoring activities in the education system, it is important to produce the concepts of "study of the pedagogical phenomenon" and "tracking its effectiveness", "estimation". The study of the pedagogical phenomenon occurs in the process of diagnosing, removing the necessary indicators, the collection necessary for further analysis of information. Tracking the effectiveness of the pedagogical phenomenon occurs in the process of analyzing the results of diagnostics, the dynamics of indicators.

When organizing monitoring activities, it is necessary to determine the object and subject of monitoring. Object monitoring in accordance with modern demands For the formation of children, for example: the requirement of the state standard, the purpose of the activity, the results of training (knowledge, skills and skills), education (the level of sociality, the morality of the child), the development of children (the level of development of the country's essential spheres), the results of the implementation of social and pedagogical functions (level of recovery, social protection, adaptation, correction of children, etc.). Subjectmonitoring then may be the compliance of the results of the standards or objectives of the activity; compliance with the achievements of students with regulatory results; The quality of personnel composition of the institution, satisfaction of the subjects of its results and others.

We allocate the following levels of monitoring items. The subject of monitoring at the level of the child There may be changes in the identity of the child - changes in the level of his knowledge, skills, skills, character traits, behavior, motifs, emotions, volitional aspirations, self-regulation and others. The subject of monitoring at the teacher level There may be changes in the professional position of the teacher - changes in the level of building relationships with children in the educational process, achieving professional goals, personal growth and others. Considering the level executive results In general, you can determine features of the object and the subject of monitoring. They will be determined by the goal of the institution and the content of the main ways to achieve this goal. Therefore, when organizing monitoring activities in an educational institution, it is important to remember that the implementation of objectives expressed in the performance results is the main object of monitoring. The task of the managerial is to track the implementation of the objectives of the institution and the impact on achieving the status of all components of the activity system.

The basic unit of the modern education system is not a class or educational association, but all educational institutions. It is around the educational team that the integration of joint efforts should be based on education. The achievability of the desired result depends on the contribution of all elements of the system. Therefore, the organization of monitoring at the level of the entire institution acquires particular importance.

The purpose of the organization of monitoring the development of the institution - studying a change in the impact of the activities of the institution based on changes in the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the system of activity of the institution and its individual components.

Within the framework of the integrative and variable approach to the management, management efficiency can be considered at three levels:

  • 1 - target level: As far as the creation of a development monitoring system will improve the compliance of the content of the activities of the educational institution with the requirements for the type and form.
  • 2 - social and pedagogical level: As far as the creation of the monitoring system will improve the organization of interaction in the pedagogical team of the institution, to rally it, ensure the improvement of pedagogical activities and the system of stimulating employees.
  • 3 - subjectively operating level: As far as the creation of the monitoring system will improve the efficiency of planning, management, coordination of activities, organizing managerial control and analysis of its activities.

Management tasks of monitoring There may be the following: correctly evaluate the degrees, directions and causes of deviation from the intended goal of activities; warn about disadvantaged, dangers for the effective functioning of the system; Have information for making a management decision.

In addition, the organization of monitoring in management activities allows us to solve a number of problems: improve the management system; use the information received in the adoption of specific management decisions; increase the role of analyzing management activities; Create an effective system of conditions for the implementation of the purpose of the Udod.

Studying the experience of the Udod management, which is held by us, indicates a number problems and difficulties which occur at organization of monitoring activities. First of all, I must say about quality problems and standardization of additional education. We have already said that it is hardly sense to present the standard for the result of additional education of children. The diversity of directions, levels, aspects of additional educational programs involves both the diversity of the results that cannot be described by uniform requirements. The difficulty of monitoring in this case is associated with the invertation of the reference indicator, the main measure of each of the diverse results of additional education of children.

Secondly, you can talk about insufficient detention Udod activity. The term "additional education" itself is not specifically defined, it has different interpretations and a different attitude to it both in the science environment and among practitioners. What is supplemented with and how much? In addition, at present, in the system of additional education, much attention is paid to improving the quality of educational activities, ensuring the implementation of the objectives of learning, education and development of children. The implementation of the goals of socio-pedagogical activity is still found only in some cases. Therefore, today it is necessary to talk about the special role of management in understanding this activity by teachers and ensuring its content.

Third, the system of additional education of children not enough provided by professional personnel. The implementation of comprehensive educational purposes requires professional pedagogical experience and knowledge. Therefore, Udod today requires teachers-professionals with special pedagogical training in higher or secondary special educational institutions: teachers of additional education, teachers-organizers, social teachers, teachers-psychologists, methodists. Since domestic pedagogical educational institutions are not yet enough training personnel for the system of additional education of children, advanced facilities use effective methods Training in the team, which allow employees to keep up with rapidly developing technologies and growing knowledge.

Fourth, you can talk about difficulties of practical implementation Monitoring process. The person's known resistance is provided by the person as a subject of activity of the Udod. The multi-faceted interests, individual traits of character, the possibilities and abilities of children, parents, teachers, as well as the possibilities of the educational system can contribute to, and to prevent the practical implementation of ideas for monitoring the results of activities. Moreover, today it is quite unetepermined and a little practically implemented is the mechanism for tracking the results of additional education of children. The problem of criteria and indicators, the technologies for tracking results is still sharp not only in the system of additional education of children, but also in the education system as a whole.

And finally, the special difficulty in organizing monitoring activities in Udod represents work with goals and results,what is due to the following reasons:

  • Many of the results of additional education of children are difficult to determine whether they need special measurements, descriptions, characteristics, parameters, for example, for such a result, as the moral development of the child's personality. How to evaluate and measure morality? In each form of creative activity, certain aspects of this complex quality of personality can develop, and therefore, it will also be limited to the possibilities of which the child is engaged in Udod;
  • Additional education of children in itself should be a comprehensive result that integrate the results of learning, education and development of the child. How to present this integrated result in the form of its components? In modern practice, teachers more or less competently describe the result of training in their profile. The case is worse with the presentation of the results of upbringing and development, moreover, with the description of the integrated result;
  • Many results of additional education of children are delayed in time, so in the course of educational activities cannot be fixed;
  • Often educational activities cannot be assessed as a positive or negative for the child. For different children, it can have different significance. For example, sports result for children with different levels of health can have different consequences;
  • Many results depend on a huge number of factors, including random. In some cases, it is impossible to determine who has more influenced the education or development of the child - the teacher of additional education, family, friends or other factors.

In order to reduce the difficulties in working with the results of the UDO, it is necessary to carry out a number of requirements:

  • Carefully refer to the formulation of activity goals. They must be real, achievable, diagnostic, measurable, clearly define the expected results;
  • The selection of content, forms, methods, methods, techniques for organizing educational activities should occur strictly in accordance with the objectives or expected results;
  • To take into account the fact that all components of the institution's activity system have the result of the additional education of children. Therefore, in achieving the result, it is also important as it will be provided who can assist in its achievement, as it will fit into the overall activities of the institution.

You can call another number of problems of organizing monitoring activities in Udod. However, the greatest problem is working with the objectives and results of the Udod, the solution of which we will look at further.

purpose is not just a central concept in pedagogy, and central tracking object. Therefore, special requirements are presented to the formulation of the goal. According to M. M. Potashnik,the purpose of education is extremely concrete, characterized qualitatively, and where it is possible and quantitatively, the image of the desired result, which the child, the educational institution can achieve a strictly defined point of time. The goal and the result must be characterized, described and measured in one units, or parameters. Once again we turn to the opinion M. M. Potashnik and other scientists that goals should be predicted in the potential development zone of the student. We are talking about the highest possible optimal results for a particular schoolboy, the achievement of which can be neglected in the real process and track at any point in time. This approach is especially important for the system of additional education of children, where the goals and the results of creative activity are often set declaratively on an idealized or emotional level, in a descriptive form. For example, it is often possible to meet such formulations of goals as "the formation of a spiritual personality", "moral education of children", "the development of creative abilities" and so on. What do these goals mean? What aspects of morality, spirituality, creativity are going to form or develop the organizers of the educational process?

Such problems arise because objectives of additional education Most often wear integrative and variable character Since they combine training, education, development of children, the solution of their social problems and, possibly, other components in a variety of options. In the integrative formulation of its goal, it is necessary to decompose on simpler components. For example, to implement the moral education of children, it is possible to determine what a child should know about morality, which moral behavior to master, what the moral qualities of the personality to develop, etc. In each form of activity there are opportunities for the implementation of integrative purposes as expected results of activity. That is why today it is important to rely on the operationally targeted results focused on the educational process and achieved in the implementation of this process.

So to implement goal it was possible to track she must meet such requirements like reality, achievability, measurability, diagnosticity and others. The wording should specify the level of the result that will be tracked. Moreover, when the purpose is wording, there should always be an understandable and clear mechanism, which allows you to check the result of the result of the target. When finding conformity between purpose and the result, you can go from the opposite and consider the desired results as a goal of activity.

Analysis of the experience of organizing monitoring in Udod made it possible to allocate the main stages of its conduct presented in the aid application. At the same time, at each stage, special methods, methods, management technologies, which will obtain the results of the organization of monitoring activities in the Fild Conditions as a special type of institution in the education system.

There is no doubt that a sufficient amount of information is needed to conduct monitoring activities. In this case, it is important to understand exactly what information and in which volume should be collected. Therefore, let's show, as you can create as you can create bank information.

According to O. E. Lebedeva, The information base of strategic decisions in the field of education should contain three types of information: information about due, information about the judicial (real), information about the possible. Features of the activities of additional education institutions define the following content of the information base. Due It is determined by the existing regulatory framework of the system of additional education of children, the requirements that the state submits to the system, the Social Surface itself. It is expressed in social order for activities, in pedagogical purposes, asking the standard for the implementation of additional educational programs, and management purposes that determine the desired state of activity, adequate to social order, pedagogical purposes, and compliance with the requirements for the most educational education system itself. Real it is characterized by the actual state of activity, which is expressed at a certain level of achieving due and existing problems. Information about possible Includes two components: information prognostic relating to the capabilities of this UDO, and information that expands the field of choice and related to other widen or in general educational institutions.

The collection of information about the proper and possible does not represent a special problem. To do this, it is necessary to constantly study the regulatory documents and experience of the activities of additional education institutions. It is more difficult and most important to establish information about the real state of the activities of the Udod. For creating a data bank The real state of the institution needs to be fulfilled at least two conditions: preservation of the system of activities of the institution, that is, collecting information about the real state of each of the components of the system and their relationships; Fullness of the base of the indicators of the real state: Accounting for all quantitative, qualitative indicators and indicators characterizing the compliance of the activities of standards or declared programs.

We offer the structure of the Bank's information bank (Table 9) takes into account all the components of the system of activity of the institution, their quantitative and qualitative indicators.

Udod Information Bank Structure

Table 9.



Documents Udod

Main regulatory documents and local acts of activity

History Udod

Chronicle of the basic events of the Udod from the moment of opening to the present

Udod structure

  • Features and dynamics of the development of the organizational structure
  • Features and Dynamics of Development of Management Structure

Outer Wedge Udod

  • Studies of social order on the activities of the Udod
  • Competitors Udod: Overview of their strengths and weaknesses
  • Interaction, Udod Cooperation: Information on the content and forms of its interaction at the international level, the level of Russia, region, district, inside the Udod

Goals, values, principles, priorities

  • Staging and fulfilling the objectives, priorities of the federation
  • Existing values \u200b\u200bin the system of its activities

State of the educational process of the Udod

Information about subjectseducational process Udod:

Children- summary data on the dynamics of the contingent of pupils.

Parents- Information about the goals, objectives, directions, forms of working with parents. Pedagogues- Consolidated data on the pedagogical personnel of the UDO (dynamics of the development of its staffing, the dynamics of the staff schedule, information about the certification of pedagogical frames).

  • Dynamics Information contenteducational process HOOPOE.
  • Dynamics Information organizationseducational process



The main content of information

  • Status dynamics information additional educational programs
  • Information about the dynamics of development innovative activity(including information about the publishing activities of the UDOD)

Status of the system of support of the Udod

  • Dynamics Information methodicalactivities of the Udod (qualitative and quantitative indicators)
  • Dynamics Information psychologicalensuring its activities (quantitative and qualitative performance indicators, research results of the psychological service)
  • Dynamics Information economicproviding the activities of the UDO (budget execution, dynamics of standards)
  • Information about his dynamics extrabudgetaryactivities (analysis of income and expenses of extrabudgetary funds, the dynamics of additional sources of financing, statistical data on paid educational associations, information on the implementation of the business plan)
  • Dynamics Information material and technicalproviding UDO activities (acquisition of fixed assets, repair work, etc.)

Status of the Udod Management System

  • Information on the forms of the organization of labor dependences of the UDOD (composition, performance results, conclusions)
  • The state of its organizational culture (materials of research, conclusions)
  • Information on the execution of managerial functions by the UDOD administration (content, form, conclusions)
  • Information about employee business trips

The results of the activity of the UDO at the level of children and teachers

  • Information about the achievements of children - statistics on the years (structural divisions)
  • Information about teachers' achievements - statistics on year
  • Information about the movement of the contingent of children - Comparative data, conclusions

General analytical findings

Information on the general conclusions of the effectiveness of the functioning and development of the UDO, which were made in the process of analysis general Information At different times

As can be seen from the proposed table, all components of the system of activity of the Udod are taken into account when organizing information collection.

In addition, each of the sections of the Bank's structure may contain information on quantitative and qualitative indicators. Description of the content and technology of creating a federation information bank is represented in the application.

Development of the problem of information support for monitoring activities will be incomplete without considering its aspects such as creating information flows in the institution, features of distribution and use of information.

Information flows Characterize the movement of information in the following indicators: who moves to whom the information is moving, what information needs to be moved by the establishment, which is necessary for the provision of information, which of the specialists need to be involved in the creation of an information bank.

Features of information distribution Must consider who can use this information and why. It is also important to decide where to place information. Information utilization levels It may be dependent on the storage conditions of information, its systematization, the conditions for analyzing information in accordance with certain goals and the preparation of analytical reference, the need to take operational solutions on private issues, preparation and adoption of strategic decisions.

Form of conducting and processing a bank information - Computer and Pailing options. Each of the sections of the Bank must necessarily contain analytical conclusions. Well, if quantitative and qualitative indicators will be presented in the form of schemes, tables, graphs.

Analysis of the information database of Udod gives us a fairly large set of indicators, some of them are difficult to measure. Therefore, sometimes to facilitate the monitoring process, use indicators of performance of the federal activity.

By definition of a sociological dictionary, the indicator is an accessible observation and measurement of the characteristic of the object being studied. It must fully characterize the changes to the object being studied. For example, the most simple and characteristic indicator of the activity of the Udod often consider the number of children's coats in the wardrobe of the institution. This indicator characterizes such indicators as the preservation of the contingent, the demand of the services offered by the institution, the status and income of families and others. When searching for indicators, you can encounter at least two problems: the problem of identifying the base to determine the indicators and the problem of displacement of the indicators.

According to the "Law of Displacement of Indicators", if there is an indicator, meaningful for the subjects and well-known, it is experiencing an unconscious or conscious impact on the subject of the subjects and begins to shift. The offset threatens the reliability of informative indicators if they are known to the subject and are used in obtaining significant estimates long enough.

So, in some cases, an attempt to evaluate the activities of the UDO in bulk indicators, for example, the number of children in them, leads to the fact that the managers consciously do not take into account the fact that some children are engaged in 2 or more teams. This leads to the fact that the overall indicator of the contingent of pupils is much more than a real picture.

Thus, the use of indicators in an educational institution should not allow their displacement. Analysis of the practice of organizing monitoring activities carried out in the framework of the training courses of the leaders of Russia, allowed us to identify several grounds for finding indicators; The list of them proposed by us is clearly incomplete and can be finalized by each UDO, taking into account the specifics of its activities. In addition, the indicator must have integrative characteristics, providing tracking several results at once and in several indicators.

The first base - according to the subjects of the activity of the UDO. Then the indicator system may have, for example, the following form (Table 10).

Table 10.

Indicators of performance on the subjects of the activity of the Udod




Contingent preservation, the number of pupils of the second - the third and subsequent years of study

  • The level of sustainability of the child's interest in the subject;
  • The degree of comfort of the child's stay in Udod;
  • the importance of classes in the Udod for the future life of the child;
  • The degree of cohesion of the children's team;
  • The level of importance of the teacher for the child, etc.

Availability of children's self-government agencies in educational associations

  • the level of development of children;
  • the level of ability to independently organize their activities;
  • The level of relationships of children and teachers;
  • The degree of child belonging to the team of educational association, etc.

The number of children's achievements in the form of victories at looks, competitions, you bets, festivals and Etc.

  • Child learning level;
  • the level of activity of children in educational activities;
  • The degree of ability of children to creative activity and creating creative products, etc.



The number of graduates who have associated their profession with class activities

  • The level of identity level in a professional choice;
  • the level of success of children in the development of the educational program;
  • degree of adequate self-assessment of children;
  • The level of the authority of the teacher, etc.


Parent reviews about the activities of the teacher, educational association or institution as a whole

  • the degree of solving parents in raising children with the help of the Udod;
  • The level of quality of additional education of children provided by the Udod

The number of parents participating in the overall activity of the educational association

  • the degree of parent satisfaction with the results of the child's education;
  • The success of the teacher of additional education;
  • Vastivanity of the teacher's services or a doodie as a whole, etc.


Stability of the pedagogical team

  • Degree of satisfaction pedagogical workers his work;
  • the level of interest of employees to pedagogical activities;
  • The level of cohesion of the pedagogical team of the Udod;
  • Vastivanity of additional educational services Udod et al.

Results of certification of pedagogical and managers of Udod

  • the level of professionalism of teachers and managers of the UDOD;
  • The degree of the inclusion of the team in the certification processes;
  • The level of conditions created in the Udod for passing certification officers, etc.

The state of creative associations of teachers and participants in them

  • the level of cohesion of the collective for solving the tasks of the UDOD;
  • the level of interest of teachers to the activities of the UDO;
  • The degree of readiness of teachers to creative activity, etc.

Number of achievements of teachers Udod

  • the level of professionalism of the pedagogical team;
  • the degree of activity of teachers;
  • The level of creating conditions in the UDO for creative activities of teachers, etc.

Second base - according to the achievements of the institution. The indicator system can then have the following form (Table 11).

Table 11.

Indicators of performance on achievements Udod



Vastivanity of graduates Udod in the labor market

  • the level of accounting for social order when organizing the activities of the UDO;
  • The level of organizing the promotion of its graduates, etc.

Number of Social Partners Udod

  • the level of quality of additional education of children in Udod;
  • Savior of the services and prestige of the UDO;
  • The level of activity of its leaders and teachers, etc.

Number of victories in reviews, competitions of educational institutions

  • the level of quality of additional education of children in Udod;
  • the level of professionalism of his teachers and managers;
  • System of activity of the Udod;
  • The degree of activity of the Udod et al.

Third foundation - in accordance with the activities of regulatory indicators. The indicator system can then have the following form (Table 12).

Table 12.

Performance indicators for compliance with regulatory indicators

Will this or that indicator will work depends on the objectives of the study, the formulation of issues, the form of providing information, the criteria for its analysis, that is, from a particular toolkit. Understanding the importance of this problem, we will later consider features of technologies for monitoring the performance of the UDO activity.

The monitoring information bank is formed in the process of studying the results of the activity of the UDO. The basis for research is technologies (tools) monitoring. Considering the monitoring technologies separately from the analysis of its results is unlikely to make sense. The study of different results involves the use of different technologies. The result at the level of the child can be monitored using pedagogical diagnostic methods, the result at the level of the teacher and the institution as a whole - using the methods of diagnosing control systems.

Pedagogical diagnosis In monitoring activities, we define as a system of pedagogical methods and means of studying the state of the educational process and its results, the process of recognizing various pedagogical phenomena and determining their status at a certain point based on the use of the parameters necessary for this. Diagnostics of control systems, In our opinion, it is a definition of the state of the object, subject, phenomena or management process by implementing a complex of research procedures, as well as a research, search, cognitive process, which is carried out in time and space.

We tried to find general and special In the pedagogical diagnosis and diagnosis of management systems.

General It is that we are talking about the diagnosis used in the process of study based on the general scientific methodology. "Diagnosis" translated from Greek means "recognition", "Definition". The essence of diagnostics determines its object - what is the result of the functioning and development of us in accordance with the goals set, and also, under what conditions this diagnosis can be carried out, who and what should be done by what means, methods this process can be implemented. Diagnostics makes concreteencies in the activities of the teacher and the head, aims to solve the priority tasks, orients to optimize the educational process. It creates a basis for identifying deviations from a given goal, assessing the direction and causes of these deviations, hazard warnings for the effective functioning and development of an educational institution. Therefore, in pedagogical diagnosis, and in the diagnosis of control systems can be applied general research methods - observation, oral and written survey, experiment, testing, studying documents.

Special In the pedagogical diagnostics and diagnosis of management systems, specific research methods determine:

  • Specific methods of pedagogical diagnostics in the system of additional education of children - game, exhibition, competition, competition, creative report, development folder, book of creative achievements, etc.;
  • Specific methods of research of management systems - Business games, methods of expert estimates, SWOT-analysis, synthetics, "brainstorming", "Delphi", cross-examination, nominal group, etc.

We consider a federation as a system and understand that the results of different levels cannot exist regardless of each other. Therefore, when choosing methods for diagnosing the results of the fuel activity can be used integrative The approach is an association, a combination of different methods aimed at identifying an integrated result, the mutual influence of the results of different levels, streamlining the results of the federation.

The problem of the classification of methods for monitoring the results of educational institutions is not yet considered to be discussed. Summarizing the existing approaches today (T. V. Ilina, A. N. Maitov Both others), you can offer the following classification of methods for monitoring the results of the activity of the Udod:

  • 1. By components (tasks) monitoring:
    • Tracking and fixing methods for educational results (observation; output; video confixation; reporting report logs; pedagogical observation diaries and self-surveillance; book of success and achievements, bank achievements, etc.);
    • Analytic and estimated methods (occupation analysis; typological characteristics of the educational process; properly analysis method according to a given or selected parameters; methods of pedagogical assessment and self-assessment of students; testing; scaling, etc.);
    • Methods of generalization of results (Methodological or practical summarization of experience, description of the effectiveness of educational processes, analytical report; generalization forms include matrices, summary tables, graphic forms, systematized video fond and methodical fund).
  • 2. In the direction of monitoring: external monitoring (attestation procedures, open classes; workshops, joint analysis of classes with teachers, etc.); Internal monitoring (self-analysis; self-observation diary; collective analysis of the case; solving problem situations; resemunting; credit books, etc.).
  • 3. By the number of participating entities: Group methods; collective methods; Individual ways.
  • 4. According to the external expression of the method: verbal methods (graphic, written, technical); Creative-active methods (a game specifically organized for observing and identifying anything; social sample; creating a problem situation; search and research methods for organizing an educational process).

Diagnostic methods used in the monitoring activities of the UDO should meet the following requirements: be aimed at identifying the results of its activities; give information about the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the results under study; Have properties that give the ability to repeated repeat after certain intervals.

When monitoring it is important to determine also the frequency of diagnostic studies. This is necessary to identify the dynamics of monitored results of activity, as well as in order to see the deviation from the intended goal or danger to the functioning of the institution.

So, in our approach, the organization of monitoring activities in the UDO is considered at three levels - level of children, teachers and institutions in general.

We recognize the difficulty of tracking the results of additional education. at the level of children. Nobody has yet been able to measure the level of spiritual development of the person or the level of child's pupsis. However, exist a large number of The indicators we know about and on which we can judge both the lifetime, and about spirituality, and other qualities of the development of the child's personality - the level of knowledge, manner of behavior, steep interests and other indicators. In each form of activity there are opportunities for the development of individual identity properties that will be a certain contribution to the formation of integrative quality. The teacher or the managers can track what they actually took to achieve the expected result: how the goal was formulated, the content, forms and methods of its implementation, the results of tracking the result were selected.

The specificity of personal-oriented additional education requires the educational process by the diversity of aspects, directions, activities. In this sense, it is important, firstly, commonness of the result As an organic combination of the results of the implementation of different functions, taking into account the factors and conditions, objectives, content and forms, the relationship of educational areas, and so on. The second important condition is the variability of the result, That is, the development of various options, differentiation in content and organization, depending on age, level of development, individual characteristics and interests of children.

Thus, it is possible to put forward certain requirements for the choice of technologies for tracking integrative educational results: consideration of the educational process as a holistic system, the system-forming factor of which is the purpose declared in an additional educational program; Determination of the parties to the educational process and its results to be tracked; Determination of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the monitoring subject. In addition, when tracking the results of additional education, children require a creative approach to choosing tracking technologies. It is important that the content of the methodology should not be limited only to information about knowledge, skills and skills of children. We must not forget about the emotionally moral and efficient practical experience of the participants of the educational process. In the practice of Udod's activities, there are traditional technologies for tracking results, which are often considered as forms of activity or the form of control. These include technologies such as exhibitions, tests, games, reviews, contests, creative books, creative reports and others. We want to pay attention to the fact that these technologies become a tool for monitoring educational results, when the teacher applies many times, records and analyzes the results according to a certain form and permanent criteria that correspond to the specifics of the creative activity of the team. Recently, new technologies for tracking the results of additional education of children appear, such as portfolio, methods of medical diagnosis, business and role-playing games, observation, testing, etc.

One of the important aspects of the UDO activity is to work with personnel when special meaning Acquires tracking of the development results of the Udod at the pedagogue level. Analysis of pedagogical practice allows you to identify such results of activities as professional growth of teachers, the degree of cooperation with colleagues and parents, recognition of the authority of the teacher in the institution, the creation of a teacher of the educational and methodological complex on the profile of the activity, stability and formation of its children's team and others. Technologies tracking the results of the activity of the Udod at the level of teachers May be: analysis of documentation, questioning and testing teachers, business games and others.

Result at the level of the institution as a whole It will be formed from the results of the implementation of educational, socio-pedagogical, providing and managerial functions of the federation. Here we mean the integration of the results at the level of children, teachers, structural divisions and services, management personnel. Thus, when organizing monitoring the results of the institution's level, it is advisable, on the one hand, to identify the integration of the results of the UDO activity and, on the other, to develop options for integrating the technologies for tracking these results. At the same time, it becomes important to find grounds for selecting the integration of monitoring technologies. The leading base is, of course, the goals of activity. Monitoring indicators can also facilitate this choice. When tracking the results of the federation, both integrated technologies and technologies aimed at studying certain aspects of activities can be used as a whole: analysis of documents, written and oral surveys, interviews, statistical methods, etc.

Thus, the organization of monitoring of the results of activities is one of the most important conditions for effective management of the development of the UDO. Tracking the performance of management is impossible without building a monitoring system, the competent implementation of which will allow to determine the objectives, criteria and indicators, the technologies for tracking a variety, integrative, variable results of the activity of the UDOD. In addition, the constant maintenance of the Bank's information and the detection of indicators of performance will help streamline and simplify the labor-intensive process of studying the effectiveness of the development of the institution. Recently, in the practice of UDO activity, the mechanisms of self-assessment of development efficiency were used, which are presented in the next paragraph.

  • Management Quality Management: Practicoriented monographs Methodological manual / Ed. M. M. Potashnik. M.: Pedagogical Social Committee, 2000.
  • Monitoring regional educational systems / under total. ed. A. N. Majorova. M.: Polygraph Service, 1999.
  • Ilyina T. V. Monitoring educational results in the establishment of additional education of children (scientific and methodical aspect): in 2 hours. 2nd ed. Yaroslavl: Pioneer, 2002.

Topic: Monitoring in additional education.

The concept of "monitoring" comes from Lat. Monitor - resembling, supervising. Initially, this term was actively used in ecology .. Recently, this term has acquired a wider sense. This term is denoted by a constant monitoring of any process in order to identify its compliance with the desired result or initial assumptions. (monitoring the educational process in order to identify the quality of knowledge ,)

Today, monitoring is actively operated in other sciences, including pedagogy and psychology.

Monitoring is used in cases where in constructing a process, it is necessary to constantly track the phenomenon occurring in a real objective environment in order to include the results of current observations in the management process.

The concept of "monitoring" is close to such general scientific pedagogical and psychological concepts as "feedback", "reflexion", "control", "certification", however, according to E.F. Zeera, all these concepts are separate elements of monitoring or its special cases.

The management of the pedagogical system and the quality of education requires a certain system of information. Create it can be based on monitoring.

Monitoring- It is a constantly organized monitoring of any process in order to compare consistently replacing each other of states with expected results, tracking the course of any processes on clearly defined indicators. Aspects of monitoring: · Quality of education and upbringing, · educational needs of students and parents, · The effectiveness of the educational process, · Innovative and experimental activities, · efficiency and effectiveness of educational programs, etc.

Types of monitoring: Sociological, psychological, pedagogical, educational, medical, etc.

Varieties of pedagogical monitoring:

· didactic / tracking different aspects of the educational process /,

· educational / tracking the various sides of the educational process /,

· management / Tracking the nature of relationships at various levels: Head-pedagogical team, parent manager, head-external environment /, · Socio-psychological: tracking of official relations, psychological atmosphere of pedagogical team, parents, children,

· medical / Tracking the health of children, the use of health-saving technologies.

Pedagogical monitoring includes the following directions: · Diagnosis of educational and software documentation, · diagnostics of effectiveness of pedagogical activity, · diagnosis of the level of students' formation, · diagnostics of the development of students.

Methods of monitoring: · Current observation, · Testing, · Analysis of the results of training activities, · Evaluation and self-esteem, etc.

Monitoring stages: · Starting diagnostics / primary information review /, · Forecasting / description of the expected results /, · Intermediate diagnostics, · Correction / development and implementation of correctional measures /, · Title diagnostics, · Evaluation of results.

Stages of the diagnostic activity of the teacher D / O: · Determination of the object, objectives and tasks of diagnostics, · Selection and development of the diagnostic technique, · Processing of the materials obtained, results, · Development and formulation of the pedagogical diagnosis of the object of the study and the reason. Causeing this state, · Development and wording · Development of correctional measures in the form of a certain plan of influences on the object in order to bring it to the desired state. Registration of monitoring results: pedagogical forecast, trends in the development of this object, · Consolidated tables, · Charts, · Analysis, · Information sheets, · Correctional work plan, etc.

Monitoring An educational institution can be identified as a system for organizing the collection, storage, processing and dissemination of information on the activities of the pedagogical system, which ensures continuous tracking for its condition and forecasting of development.
Monitoring to one way or another existed in the system of general and additional education always. These are test work, and exams, and checks. However, experience shows that all these forms of traditional monitoring today are not effective enough.
The modern education system is diverse and complex, it is continuously changing, the processes of self-development processes are dominated. In this regard, it is needed in universal criteria to assess their condition. One of these criteria is the quality of education. This is a measure of conformity between the reference defined by the state educational levels - qualifications, with what is in fact, which is the result of training and education. An example of such censes are the standards of education, which are designed to set a structural and meaningful minimum, and various means of stateing the achievement of the students of this minimum (in the educational school is a single state exam, in an additional education - certification

students). The organization and conduct of monitoring in the establishment of additional education of children is the process of continuous scientifically-founded, diagnostic and prognostic tracking for the state, the development of the pedagogical process, which is carried out in order to optimally choose the educational purposes, tasks and their means of solving.
Changed quality Modern life today requires a graduate of OU DOD not so much ability to instruct the teacher, how much to solve the problems of life independently. Any action is recognized as qualitative only when a personal meaning is behind it, the inner component that provides external recognizable by other quality of this action.
With organization and monitoring the quality of the educational and educational process in the EMA DOD special role is given to the diagnosis, which allows to obtain objective data on the level of pupil, the development and training of the studying.
In the establishment of additional education of children, the integrated diagnosis of the quality of education includes three main aspects: didactic, methodical and psychological.
Didacticthe aspect of performance includes work in two directions: diagnostics of training and diagnosis of trained.
Training - These are the consequences of learning reached, i.e. The results of diagnosing the level of implementation of the intended purpose. Learning principles are objectivity, systematic and visibility.

Learningit involves measuring the quality of the activities of students in the pro-processing of training.
Methodical The aspect includes an analysis and assessment of the quality of the implementation of educational programs, on the basis of which an educational process is carried out in the institution.
Psychologicalthe aspect includes: an increase in the level of socio-psychological adaptation of children, an increase in communicability, creativity.
In the light of the allocated aspects, the monitoring of the educational and educational process in the proviso on three directions: development, education, training. Depending on the tasks, the choice of diagnostic tools: testing, questionnaire, pedagogical observation, reports, etc.
The most important condition for improving the effectiveness of the educational process in the system of additional education of children, improving the learning process is a systematic analysis of objective data on the state of the results of education, development and training. Analysis of the educational results obtained allows to judge the achievement of the goals. The analysis path lies through the identification of pro-blem as breaks between the required and real results, the search for their most important reasons and the construction of a strategy that guarantees their elimination and promotion forward.
An analysis of key problems in children's associations is from the end (i.e. results as consequences) to the beginning (that is, processes and conditions as reasons).
Training as an indicator of the quality of the educational process
The training system of studies includes:
1. Finishing identification of the level of knowledge, skills, learning skills.
2. For a meager check in the process of assimilation of each topic under study, the level of individual elements of the program is diagnosed.
3. The corresponding check - in parallel with the study of the new material there is a repetition of the material passed.
4. Periodic testing of knowledge, skills, skills on a whole section of the course to observe the assimilation of the relationship between the structural elements of the educational program studied in different parts of the course.
5. Forgetful checking and accounting received by learning knowledge, skills, skills are carried out at the end of training under the proposed educational program.
Materials on monitoring of training give an objective assessment of the assimilation of learning materials of the program (software material) and are reflected in graphs and diagrams compiled by a teacher or methodologist. The following indicators are subject to tracking:
- changing the filler of the children's association over the past three years,

showing the dynamics of the change in the demand of children for training for each type of educational activities (indirect indicator);
- Number of students involved in extra-prone events, exhibitions, competitions, festivals, results of participation in the results recent years (direct indicator);
-The nature of children who have connected their future profession with the activities studied in the facility (direct indicator);
-Teriod of time spent by children in the establishment of additional education of children (indirect indicator);
-Thetical reports, contests, exhibitions, played by performances, etc., Evaluation of teachers for the quality of work performed (direct indicator);
- The presentation of parents on the quality of education obtained by their children in the walls of the institution of additional education of children (direct indicator).
The level of training is determined by conducting a test of knowledge, skills, skills - storage rates, testing, creative reports, protection of creative works, participation in contests, exhibitions, etc.
Diagnosis of personal development of students in the CVR "LAD"
The diagnosis of educational results is the most difficult aspect of pedagogical activity. Creative associations focused on the development of personality and citizen. Not so important, what kind of activity is the child is busy. The main thing is to create conditions in which his personal and creative potential will be able to develop. It is important to help the child to form a positive image of his "I", peace, the future, teach to establish and maintain communication connections in society.
Pedagogical diagnosis allows you to create a psychological portrait of students, examine their personal features and professional orientation.
The diagnosis of the personal development of students in the CVR "LAD" is carried out twice a year in the following parameters:
-Karakter change personal qualities;
-Forgency child's position in life and activity, nature of life values

The level of development of children is determined using teachers reports on the results of observations, tests, questionnaires, questionnaires. The level of pupils - in terms of the development of ethical culture, socio-psychological qualities with the help of questionnaires, tests, questionnaires, teacher observations, assessments of comrades and self-esteem, participation in the mass events and public life of the team.

For level diagnostics social and psychological adaptation of children use projective techniques ("Family drawing", "non-existing animal", "house-tree-man", etc.). The society of children is determined on the basis of classes with elements of role-playing, using special tests. Creativity of children is determined by the application of techniques developed by A.Ya. Ponomarev, Torrance test, etc.
Conclusions of studies in the CVR "LAD"
1. Dynamics Changes in the demand of children to teach each type of activity in the last few years allows you to see the degree of interest of children and parents in the development of a particular type of activity. Increasing interest can only be in the case of a visual manifestation of high quality learning, good creative results of children.
According to the existing lists of children, you can make a schedule or a chart of the contingent of students by type of educational activities (the timing of the implementation of the educational program of the teacher).
2. The results of the participation of students in various competitions, exhibitions, festivals of any level, expressed in the number of conquered prize pools, can also be reflected in the chart or diagram. These data show changes in the professionalism of students on this educational program, i.e. The quality of the obtained additional education in terms of acquiring knowledge, skills, skills.
3. The number of children who have tied their further profession with the facilities studied in the facility, a bright indicator of the teacher's ability to captivate the child with an interesting business, give him full knowledge capable of clearly orient him in the future profession.
4. The exercises conducted by students in the institution talk about supporting the teacher of their desire to comprehend the skill, about the quality

implemented educational programs, relevance and correctness of the selected pedagogical direction. If children attend the institution for many years, then it is interesting and useful.
5. The Museum reports, contests, exhibitions, performances and other types of reporting activities As the educational program is realized, clearly show what knowledge, skills and skills are obtained by children for the op-reded learning period, as far as they coincide with the tasks set in the program. The level of knowledge and skills is reflected in the reports of teachers, opinions of parents, comrades to unification, reviews of viewers, etc.
6. The date of the parents on the quality of education obtained by their children in the institution is one of the weights of monitoring. Parents encourage and contribute to the training of children in the institution only if they clearly see the positive results of creative labor.
7. It is possible to use any other parameters if they allow you to see and evaluate knowledge, skills and skills gained by children.


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