Pine needles yellowing what to do. Pine ordinary and pine black

Pine needles yellowing what to do. Pine ordinary and pine black


Some owners of their own homes or country sites are planted in pine gardens. And although most people do not see any practical benefit in this, forever green trees and fragrant needles please the owners no less than Lipa or maples. Unfortunately, like all other trees, pines are also sick and dry.

Pine belongs to the nature of evergreen coniferous plants consisting of about 115 different species. Mostly pines live for quite a long time, but their life cycle It may be interrupted as a result of the disease or insect pests. To find out why your pine dries out, and take action for its salvation, the tree must be carefully inspecting and paying attention to 3 of the following feature:

Large presence of resin on the surface of pine

Abundant leakage of the resin may indicate the appearance of cored beetles, which are flooded by trees in the warm season. Starting from the spring, insects lay eggs between the bark and tree trunk, and the hatched larvae, feeding the bark, tear in it a set of tunnel-shaped holes, which violate the circulation of water and nutrients inside pine. In this case, the resin occurs through the holes done by the beetles in the crust, and the top of the tree acquires a light yellow or brown shade. To get rid of the wood from the insecticides of the insecticides, therefore, to cure it, you should contact professionals (for example, here, which will make special injections directly into the barrel, to be treated with hot fog or chemical drugs.

Rapid wilt pine

Fast fading of the tree can be associated with wood nematodes that block the resin channels of the tree and also, like beetles-cores, interfere with the circulation of water and nutrients inside pine. But in this situation, you will not notice the leakage of the resin, and the tree itself just dries over for a month. Because no treatment from nematodes exists, the tree is recommended to cut down and burn or bury to prevent the infection of other pines.

Fungus between bark and barrel at the base of pine

A fungus that is present on rotting trees is capable of spreading through the soil and infect neighboring plants. It often becomes a real problem for pine roots. Once a healthy tree weakens and, ultimately, falls ill as the number of infected roots increases. In addition to the fungus at the base of the trunk, visible symptoms include the yellowing of the needles and a withered increase, often accompanied by pine feast.

By the way, here is one of our past publications, where we talked about decorative indoor trees. This information may also be interesting to you.

And in addition to the foregoing, we offer a number of general video recommendations for coniferous plants. Do not miss!

) Conifer breed. The period of the tree is from 400 to 600 years, and its height can reach 30-40 meters. Pine propagation area is extremely wide, from western Europe to the northern Siberian regions. The plant is unpretentious to the conditions of growth, but poorly tolerates long-term soil fever and shady spaces.

Growing on such an extensive territory contributed to the emergence of various pine varieties. In addition, several varieties of this breed, differing coloring needles were replaced: Golden, Pepling, Silver.

Pine Black (Pinus Nigra) - It is also a coniferous plant. The bark, unlike the pine of ordinary gray-black. The needles are much longer - 8-14cm, and darker. Crown is more compact and dense. Good grows on rocky rocks. Under the conditions of landing, it transfers loam and sandy, not sour chernozem. It feels good in urban conditions. It is ill and dies with strong soil moistened. Sunconium tree. It has many varieties and varieties.

Pruning: Pine ordinary and black tolerates trimming at a certain time of the year, there are many principles and trimming methods.

Ordinary and pine sinys

Like any other trees, pine is subject to various diseaseswhich can lead to a height delay or to the full death of the plant. There are such diseases:

Rust. It is characterized by the formation of orange bubbles in the crown, which serve as a container for fungal dispute.

Signs of the disease: Visually needle becomes with an orange bloom, and the tree looks brown.

Processing of a plant chemical preparations based on copper; It can be a copper cunery, a checkpoint or champion. These drugs are compatible with many insecticides and extractive feeders, for prevention, you can simultaneously mix multiple drugs in one tank. Processing is carried out at least 3 times a month.

Vertune. Fungal disease characterized by curvature of trunk and shoots. Disputes winter on the bark of wood, just one of the carriers of this disease are poplar.

Signs of the disease: Explicit curvature of shoots, reduction of increment.

Methods of struggle and prevention: Early spring processing of the chorus, at temperatures during the day above +5. Root feeders, as part of which there are Magnesium sulfate, can also be over to handle with extractive preparations for stimulation.

Spit (various varieties). Diseases caused by fungal disputes are mainly exposed to only transplanted trees. This disease causes a significant loss of needles, and the tree becomes transparent.

Signs of the disease: The drow-colored points are formed on the needles, and clearly pronounced missions of the mycelium are visible, from which there is a yellowed in both directions.

Methods of struggle and prevention: In order to prevent prevention, it is necessary to clean the fear of fallen needles, the first three years after the transplantation. To prevent infection, fungicides of a wide range of action are used.

Scleroderriasis. The disease falls through the root system according to the vessels, it occurs when the soil is duty in the spring, after thaw.

Signs of the disease: It all begins with the death of the top kidney, then the infection spreads throughout the branch. But, as a rule, it is not immediately visible. The disease is determined when the increase is already significantly reduced, and the tree is gradually dry.

Methods of struggle and prevention: Prevent from infection of the whole tree can timely trimming of damaged branches. And droppers into the conductive system of fungicides with antibacterial drugs.

Root rotes and root lips. These are diseases, finding which you should understand about the death of a tree. Save it quite difficult. Fungi that infect wood root system slowly rises slightly above the root neck, creating loose voids in the inner tissues of the tree. The root sponge, unlike rot, rises to 8 m up. Such plants are very windy, and carry danger to buildings and living beings. The appearance of these fungi is accompanied by various wood pests. Massively kill landing of coniferous plants. Root sponge in contrast to rot.

Signs of the disease: At the initial stage of the occurrence of the disease there is no signs. And mushrooms are visible only after the death of the plant. Root sponges have bodies and visible on the crust.

Methods of struggle and prevention: It is impossible to treat this disease. For prevention in crude weather in spring and autumn, small planted pines can be shedding Energy Prevention. If the tree died, it must be removed with roots and burn, there should be no stumps on the site at all, not even infected. The land where this tree grew, is treated with lime.

In addition to diseases having fungal nature and various infections, huge harm can be made insects - pests:

Tlla and Hermes. Small sucking insects that damage the vascular system of wood. The needle power system is broken, and it dies.

Signs of the disease: Yellowing needles. If you even look at the green housing, many small points are visible on the green chew, and insect colonies on the back of the needles.

Methods of struggle and prevention: Treatment alternately Aktar and the match, with a period of 12 days. The match can be shedding the land around the tree.

Coniferous Cherweans. Another variety of tough sucking juice from the plants.

Signs of the disease: Yellowing needles. If there is even a lot of small points, a bright insect colonies on the needles are visible to look at the green chew.

Methods of struggle and prevention: As measures of exposure, you can apply treatment with drugs - Regent, Bolkla, Mospilan. At least 2 times a month, when the disease is detected (more often in the summer).

Pine shields. Dangerous and hard-painted pests that feed on juice from the needles and tree branches. Signs of the disease and methods of struggle

Besides damage pine can bugs and pins of the pine ordinary, leading to the oppressed type of plants, and in case of not treatment for complete fading. Signs of the disease and methods of struggle

Application of preventive measures. Timely identification of wood diseases and proper treatment, contributes to the successful cultivation of pine ordinary and black, as well as its varieties.

Natalia Dudareva, Gardening Engineer:

In the fall (and sometimes sometimes in May), any pines are yellowing - ordinary, mountain, black, cedar and others. Understand, the tree dies or it, despite the yellowness, feels great, easily.

Expression: " Coniferous plants - Evergreen "- this is just a figure of speech. In fact, they periodically change their cheva - and this is an absolutely normal process. Only, in contrast to deciduous, this is not annually, but about once every 2-4 years. This means that the needle, "born" this year, will remain green from 1 to 4 years. If the tree is good - it will be less likely to change it, and if you just transplanted or experienced other stress - more often.

We go from the tops

Considering the pine branch from the top to the base, it is very easy to see how she grew. To count how old she can, in places, the side - so-called mutton departs from the main twig. From the top to the nearest muve - the growth of this year, further - the past, before last and so on. And on where the yellowness appears, it depends literally everything!

On healthy pine branches, the youngest needles (i.e., on the current year's growth) is always green. In addition, the kidney (or several kidneys) should be laid on the tip of each shoot. Outside, they are covered with gray-brown scales and resin, and inside, if they break up, are green, fresh. The kidneys are larger and "greater", the better the tree feels.

If your pine has exactly that way - excellent. On the contrary, if the needles turn yellow at the ends of the shoots, and the kidneys dry out - this is a very bad sign: either a separate branch, or a whole tree.

The needles on the growth of the previous (second) year at pine, as a rule, should also be greens. But if she begins to die - it's just a sign that the tree for some reason weakened and resets the "ballast", which is not able to feed the roots. Such a pine in the next year is preferably in time and how to water, and in the spring it is imposed in a complex fertilizer for coniferous. But she is not going to die, do not worry!

If yellowing is shifted, it is completely normal. But if she suddenly remained green - your pine feels just fine and thus thanks you for a good care.

What about pests and diseases?

And last. Take a look at the chewing themselves. Suspicious objects such as white cotton flakes, web, black sage bell or rusty specks may indicate the presence of pests or the most common coniferous diseases. They are moderately dangerous, and from them you can get rid of system insecticides and fungicides. But after the only exception.

Carefully inspect the trunks and thick branches of the pine tree, especially near the mutaders. Whether there are holes on them, there is no so-called drilling flour under these holes - the brown smallest chips, whether the bark does not fall off? If there is, the tree is most likely doomed to death, even despite the fact that his shoots are alive and healthy. After all, these signs indicate the presence, perhaps the most dangerous pest of coniferous - Coroeda. Such spruce or pine should be immediately cut down and be sure to remove the bark with the logs so that it does not become a seating for new hordes of the beetle.

There are several pine planted in different years - both ordinary and varietal mountains garden Center. In the summer they grew well, and for the fall, the needles on them began to shrust. The tips are green, and then the needles dries. Do they die?

Natalia Dudareva, Gardening Engineer:

- In the fall (and sometimes sometimes in May), any pines are yellowing - ordinary, mountain, black, cedar and others. Understand, the tree dies or it, despite the yellowness, feels great, easily.

Expression: "Coniferous plants - evergreen" is just a figure of speech. In fact, they periodically change their cheva - and this is an absolutely normal process. Only, in contrast to deciduous, this is not annually, but about once every 2-4 years. This means that the needle, "born" this year, will remain green from 1 to 4 years. If the tree is good - it will be less likely to change it, and if you just transplanted or experienced other stress - more often.

We go from the tops

Considering the pine branch from the top to the base, it is very easy to see how she grew. To count how old she can, in places, the side - so-called mutton departs from the main twig. From the top to the nearest muve - the growth of this year, further - the past, before last and so on. And on where the yellowness appears, it depends literally everything!

On healthy pine branches, the youngest needles (i.e., on the current year's growth) is always green. In addition, the kidney (or several kidneys) should be laid on the tip of each shoot. Outside, they are covered with gray-brown scales and resin, and inside, if they break up, are green, fresh. The kidneys are larger and "greater", the better the tree feels.

If your pine has exactly that way - excellent. On the contrary, if the needles turn yellow at the ends of the shoots, and the kidneys dry out - this is a very bad sign: either a separate branch, or a whole tree.

The needles on the growth of the previous (second) year at pine, as a rule, should also be greens. But if she begins to die - it's just a sign that the tree for some reason weakened and resets the "ballast", which is not able to feed the roots. Such a pine in the next year is preferably in time and how to water, and in the spring it is imposed in a complex fertilizer for coniferous. But she is not going to die, do not worry!

If yellowing is shifted, it is completely normal. But if she suddenly remained green - your pine feels just fine and thus thanks you for a good care.

What about pests and diseases?

And last. Take a look at the chewing themselves. Suspicious objects such as white cotton flakes, web, black sage bell or rusty specks may indicate the presence of pests or the most common coniferous diseases. They are moderately dangerous, and from them you can get rid of system insecticides and fungicides. But after the only exception.

Carefully inspect the trunks and thick branches of the pine tree, especially near the mutaders. Whether there are holes on them, there is no so-called drilling flour under these holes - the brown smallest chips, whether the bark does not fall off? If there is, the tree is most likely doomed to death, even despite the fact that his shoots are alive and healthy. After all, these signs indicate the presence, perhaps the most dangerous pest of coniferous - Coroeda. Such spruce or pine should be immediately cut down and be sure to remove the bark with the logs so that it does not become a seating for new hordes of the beetle.


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