How to teach young children English. Learn the child English

How to teach young children English. Learn the child English

Which of us, parents, did not dream that our child knew English. And we are ready to make every effort, if only he learned English. First we give it to kindergarten, where they teach english languagethen drive to a linguistic school, we give in private schools and hire tutors. But not always these actions bring us the desired result. These actions do not guarantee that the child will be happy to learn English. It is necessary to understand that learning English should start at home and not in class. Only parents can instill love for English. No teacher will be able to interest the baby in English as Mom and Dad. No one better than parents know that he can interest their child. Especially when it happens in the form of a fascinating game.

The study of English should be a game for you, in which you will play with your baby. This joint communication should bring mutual pleasure. It happens that because of everyday worries, at our disposal is not so much time to stay with the child. However, nevertheless, we can give the child a stunning opportunity - spend time with benefit and stay together. I think, if desired it is quite feasible. You will completely be distracted at least half an hour a week from the kitchen, washing, ironing and spend this time with the baby. I assure you, your child will appreciate it. It is so fascinating to study the language together! And never let the TV take your place in the child's life.

When to start learning English?

Most moms and dad are concerned about: from what age you can teach the child to English. Many linguistic schools begin to teach English from 3 years. Previously, this age is not recommended, since the child should be discussed in their native language.

You have many ways to help your child learning English.

The main thing is that you had a huge desire to do together.

If you introduce your child with another culture, it will be an excellent start in learning a language. Tell your child that on Earth there are many countries where people speak different languages. You can do it in the form of a fairy tale or in the form of a game. For example: "A bunny arrived to visit from England. He knows how to talk only in English. "

Or you can start playing the game "Mother's daughter", but this time the dolls will live in England and speak English only. Thanks to this game, you can introduce a child with the name of such words as:

Mother-momfather dadsister sisterbrother-brothergrandmother-grandmother,grandfather Grandfather,uncle-Uncle,aunt-auntcousin-cousin,niece-niece,nephew-nephew.

Secure in memory new words will help the rhyme song Theirfingerfamily. (Family of fingers)

Father Finger, Where Are you?

Father Finger, Father Finger, Where Are you?

Mommy Finger, Mommy Finger, Where Are you?
Here I am, Here I am. How do you do?

Brother Finger, Brother Finger, Where Are you?
Here I am, Here I am. How do you do?

Sister Finger, Sister Finger, Where Are you?
Here I am, Here I am. How do you do?

Baby Finger, Baby Finger, Where Are you?
Here I am, Here I am. How do you do?

Also, with the help of the game in "Mother's daughter" you can voice the situation from the life of the family (breakfast, lunch, evening tea, table setting, conversation at the table, home help and much more) in more detail about it in the next article.

So, if you want to help your child learn English, try to enter the next 10 rules in your daily life. And I'm sure soon you will see the desired result.

1) Make english part your daily life.

Put, read and play with a child in English every time you want it. Do not limit yourself to a temporary framework. Read the poem at the dinner table, spoil the song in English in the bathroom, look together a cartoon in English and read a fairy tale at night. Think about learning English as part of your game, and not as a lesson. Singing songs, read books and watch cartoons in English - these are the most exciting and important things that you can do with the baby when learning English. The more your baby hears English, the easier it will learn English.

2) See cartoons, children's television shows in English.

If the child looks at Disney's TV channel, you can draw the attention of the child to the fact that the main characters of the cartoon speak English. You can chat with the baby about what is happening on the screen, but try to do it in English. And it does not matter that you yourself do not know many words in English. We all taught at school names of animals and verbs of action, such as: Run-run, jump- jump, fly-fly, can-be able, smile smile, cry.

3) Read the fairy tale in English in the evening.

Most parents read a fairy tale for the night to their children. Why not read a fairy tale in English or to extract a children's dictionary with bright illustrations?

4) inspire your child

Show interest in learning English with the child. Implement support, inspire and motivate.
This is the most important point. When you show interest in how your child studies English, you show interest in himself. Child needs your approval, support and inspiration. For him, your reaction is very important to achieve it in the language. If you want your child to learn English, you need to teach him to feel a sense of pride for your achievements. Enjoy him, saying that you are proud of them. Ask about how classes have passed (if the child studies language in the children's studio).

To create a communicative situation during the game, keep the high activity of the baby.

5) Do not criticize each child's error, focus better on its achievements.

This is one of the most frequent parent mistresses. Very often I hear the parents criticizing your children who really try to speak English. Do not disable your child to learn English language. You need to correct errors so as not to offend the child. After all, he transfers the assessment of his actions to evaluate himself as a person. Your fixation of attention on errors can beat off any interest in English language classes. First of all, you evaluate the success of the child, and not its flaws. Try to keep a sense of success in it. Even the smallest victory should be seen and evaluated. After all, interest in learning the language is lost, when the sense of success disappears.

Motivation plays a key role in learning a foreign language. Make so that your child is interested in and fascinating English.

6) Maintain a child's interest in English

The best thing you can do to help your child learn English is to make this process fascinating. Your child must be sure that English is a cheerful and exciting game along with mom. Reinforce interest in English different games. Find and learn several English games such as: games with alphabet, lotto games, finger games. They will be perfect for beginners to study the language. For the baby, learn the language is not a problem. The most important thing is to interest it. The interests of the child will be able to classes on which he draws, sings, talks and moves a lot.

7) In learning language, it is important - not "put pressure" on his child

If for some reason your child has no desire to learn the language, then do not insist. Try to postpone the occupation for a certain time. If the child feels the pressure on your part when learning the language, it will only give a negative effect.

8) Talk with the baby in English.

If you have a good English, then try to talk more often with your baby in English. Even short phrases: " I love you", Or teams" come Here."(Come here) or" sit Down."(Singing)," give Me." (give me) " find."(Find) - a great start. Now your child perceives all the information visually and on rumor, therefore, the more often he will hear the words and expressions he already familiar to him, the faster he will remember their pronunciation. Do not forget that the children love to imitate; So pay a little time to the baby and practice to pronounce the words you want him to remember. Perhaps your baby will not always be correctly pronounced words, but over time you will succeed.

And one more advice is better to translate the kids meaning of words with pictures

In three years, the child has the ability to audit, which he gradually loses up with age. The more the child hears English, the easier it is to remember it. Getting used to listening to English speech, it will be easier for him to understand and execute instructions during the English lesson.

9) Children quickly get bored

If you see that the child has lost interest in the task, do not insist on the continuation. Better take a break, and then return to the previous task, provided that the child wants to do it. Make your lessons with bright and diverse.

10) Make your English regular classes

The most important rule in learning English is a game in English must be regular. Otherwise, all your efforts will be in vain.

Many parents found their successful way to teach children English. They chose a certain time to play with the baby in English. For example, every Wednesday you can talk with the baby in English, watch cartoons anything, most importantly, so that all this is in English. And it does not matter whether you choose a certain time to play in English or do it when you have a free moment. The main thing is that it was regular.

And remember: the child in no case cannot be forced to classes in English, at first he just should hear it and watch how a fun game in which he wants to participate together with her mother.

Modern parents who care about the bright future of their children are increasingly and more often such a question: when, how and where to start learning English with a child?

And no wonder, because knowledge of a foreign language, the more English, makes dreams of such the future closer.

English: When to start?

It is possible to start learning a language at any age, but the most favorable period is age from 1.5 to 9-10 years. In this rather wide temporary gap, the involuntary memory of the child is best developed. He is able to memorize everything "with the go", which is called, at an intuitive level, without applying special efforts.

There are techniques that allow you to start learning from the pellery, even when Kroch does not own your native language. Proven, any early study of foreign languages \u200b\u200bbrings fruits. Psychologists believe that such a child is really ahead of peers in his mental development. But not in emotional, therefore, in the desire to grow a genius, do not forget that each kid needs carefree and joyful childhood, and he needs a living communication and smile more than the ideal knowledge of the English alphabet in 2 years.

Abilities of children to languages

Does the child have ability to study languages? Will there be time and efforts are spent in vain? Imagine: the crumb has already draws a slightly pencils. Can he paint with tassel and paints? Naturally! After all, he already draws. So with the language. The baby is already starting to communicate in his native language, it means that there are abilities to languages! Of course, for perfect possession of foreign speech, specific talents are needed, as in any other spheres of science and art. But if we are talking about learning a language to expand the overall outlook in order to have a strong foundation for the further development of language skills and skills, it is under power to any baby.

What skills should the child have to start learning English?

To study foreign languages, each kid must be able to listen, see, repeat (at least in his own way), draw, run, crawl, jump, etc. Foreign language with small children is always a game. And I know how to play any child. IMPORTANT: He must know in his native language what he will have to study in English! You should not learn colors in English if the baby is not yet disassembled.

How and where to learn English

Language can be studied at home, along with parents, or in a children's studio, or invite a nanny tutor who owns a foreign language. Give the child to the children's studio makes sense if he is 4-5 years and more. At this age, training in the team will benefit. Little kids up to 3 years old, as a rule, have not yet purchased the skills of a joint game, full-fledged communication with peers, so it is better to do at home with them.

If at least one of the parents has a conversational level of language proficiency, the optimal option will communicate with the baby from birth in two languages. For example, English-speaking dad and Russian-speaking mom. Having brought up in the language environment, the child faster adopters the skills of communication in a foreign language. In this case, both languages \u200b\u200bwill be relative to the baby.

Mom with dad remembers only a few words and phrases from the school year of English, or have learned another language before? Not scary. There are tutorials for kids and their parents with detailed methodological advice and pronunciation instructions. There are many Internet sites where you can absolutely download audio recordings in English and texts to them. And parents are given a remarkable opportunity to learn English and teach a child.

English from scratch for children: Where will I start?

Start learning a language from the alphabet to small kids meaningless. Especially if they have not yet mastered the reading technique in their native language. The main goal of the parents should be: to instill a child interest and love for a foreign language, and then wait for the grandiose results.

Based on this purpose, you need to start with what causes interest in the kid. Theme "Animals" "Toys", "Obsoma Objects" will be an excellent start. It is convenient to use visual manuals - cards for children language learning. You can buy them or make it yourself in accordance with the level of knowledge and interests of the child.

It is not bad to consider books, even if Russian. The main thing is to call the pictures in English. In addition to nouns, denoting objects and animals, you need to teach a child during the usual communication with the most common verbs and verb phrases, such as Give Me, Take, Come to Me, Look AT, etc. Cartoons, Songs, Poems in English will develop language rumor child .

Training should be unobtrusive and like a child. Duration of classes from 5 to 15 minutes. The younger child, the shorter the occupation. It is important to have time to finish your lesson before the baby gets tired and starts to be distracted so that he again wanted to return to this type of activity.

How to teach a child to think in english

There are different techniques and different approaches to children in foreign languages. Some classical methods are based on a powerful theoretical database. It is described in detail in scientific works, pedagogical monographs and works. In its pure form, the phased study of English "from words - to grammar" was used in Soviet schools. Most of the private English courses for children and tutors are exactly this technique. In practice, all this baggage theory is not too effective.

English for children, especially the smallest, should take pleasure! It should be not subject to learning and cramming, but a full-fledged means of communication. What technique showed itself so effective that only 3-6 months after the start, the guys are not only free to talk in a foreign language, but also thinking on it?

Innovative for Russia Methods of teaching English Children to children is a communicative approach. In fact, it is practical communication with a native speaker or a teacher who is fluent in English. The main attention is given to speaking and listening to speech. The technique is known and successfully applied in the West. In Russia, the discoverer (and monopolist) of innovative equipment was the network of children's language centers "Polyglotics", which has existed since 2006. This unique author's technique was first applied by the founder of the "Polyglotics" centers in the cultural capital of St. Petersburg and had a stunning success. Today "Polyglotics" is an international network with 60 branches in dozens different cities Russia and neighboring countries.

All English courses for children offered in centers to study from 2 to 12 years old are built on the communicative method with elements of a classic approach. The maximum immersion in a foreign language environment naturally stimulates the bilingualism in a child, and not only ... After all, he studies as the basis of the language itself, it is also beginning to understand the mathematics, natural sciences, literature and creative tasks in English. So, comprehensively develops!

The main goal of Polyglotics teachers is to teach a child to perceive the language, talk, and then thinking on it. No mechanically repetitions! Only improvised gaming tasks in English, creative scenes, demonstration, musical and cartoon shows, colorful cards and posters, gestures, facial expressions and communication with a foreign speech carrier. So English for children is developing not only memory, but also intelligence and logic! And new knowledge contribute to the development of mental abilities and the successful further education of children in Russian and foreign schools.

It is necessary to return to English lessons at least 3 times a week so that the knowledge gained is firmly entrenched. And, of course, this new for the baby "Game in English" should bring him joy and pleasure!

Consultation for parents "How to start learning English at home with children?"

Ivacheva Yulia Alekseevna, English teacher, GKP "Nasli-Garden" Bobek ", Kazakhstan, Ishinsk.
Description: This material will help parents in teaching children in English at home.
Purpose: Help your parents find an approach in teaching English children at home, passibly, create an environment.

Many parents would like to start teaching children to the English language home on their own, but do not know how to start. If your English is not ideal - this is not the reason to give up learning. The main thing here is your enthusiasm and support.
Do not worry if your child does not immediately repeat or remembers words. He needs time to understand, remember and continue to apply them. Be patient, and your child will begin to speak English words in their free time.
Make a classes.
Select time for classes. It is best if it is somewhat short-term class (10-15 min) during the day. You can gradually increase the time of classes, as the child becomes older, amplifying. Let classes be short, but interesting, cheerful, cognitive. Try to perform certain actions at the same time every day. Children feel comfortable and confident when they know what to expect. For example, you play an English game every day after kindergarten or school or read english fairy tale Your child before bed.
If you have free space at home, create in it corner of Englishwhere you will store everything related to learning English, such as books, games, DVDs or things that have made children.

Children are easy to study when they are having fun. Cards with illustrations - the best way Study words. There are many games in which you can play using cards. You can also play in english games on the computer.
Use everyday situations.
The advantage of learning English at home is that you can use everyday situations and real things in the house to freely practice the language. For example: Talk about clothes, when a child is dressed, or when you remove toys. Explore the dictionary on the topic "Food". When you go to the store, give the child a list of things you want to find (use cards or words depending on age). Repeat the words when you disassemble the shopping at home.
Read fairy tales, discuss.
Children love bright colored books with attractive illustrations. Consider the pictures together and call them in English. Then ask the child to show what you called in English "Where Is the Cat?" . Ask a child to describe the subject using simple adjectives "A BIG CAT". Read a short story in English, you can pick up a poem in English, consisting of simple phrases "Little Mouse, Little Mouse, Where Is Your House? I'm a Poor Mouse, I Have No House. Ask a child, what familiar words he heard when you read a story to him. Listening to English speech, the child will be guarded by the sounds and rhythm of the English language.
Use songs.
Songs- A really effective way to explore new words and improve pronunciation. Songs with actions are especially good for very little children, as they can participate, even if they can not sing a song. The meaning of words in the song can be shown by movements.
How to deal with grammar?
For young children, there is no sharp need to study the rules of grammar, instead you need to teach them to listen and use various grammatical structures in the context, for example, "Have Got" when you talk about someone's appearance, or, "Must / MustN't" saying about their school rules. Hearing grammar used in context from an early age will help your child use it freely and right when they are older.
Senior children are more interesting to learn English with their native brothers or other family members. You can come up with a situation requiring a dialogue between children, organize a competition or role-playing game.
What words and phrases need to be examined at first?
Consider the interests of your child and individuality, decide what themes to explore, and allow your child to help you choose. You can start with some of these top:
numbers (1-10; 10-20; 20-100)
adjectives (for example, big, small, tall, happy, sad, tired)
Animals (for example, pets, wild animals)

For your child, it is also important to get used to the English Time English language regime. Use the same phrases with your child every time, for example, "English Time! Let's Sit Down. Thank you; CAN I Have ...?; Where is ...?; Point to ...; What color is it?; IT'S ...; I Like ...; I don't like ... This is a ... ".
Training your child, remember that the main thing is to relax, have fun and turn the process of learning English into a pleasant experience for you and your child.

How to teach the baby in English on your own without leaving home?

  • Without any stress, just rightly organizing his work and distribute the direction of effort,
  • without the help of expensive specialists,
  • at home,
  • having created a positive atmosphere of learning for yourself and baby,
  • choosing the most comfortable time for joint classes.

If you do not know where to start learning the child English, but you want:

  • talk to your child in English without barriers,
  • understand english speech easy
  • get rid of the ballast of misunderstanding of grammatical, spelling and phonetic rules.

Then, the story of the participants training Galina Bibyakinawill tell you how to make your dream.

"English in your family with a child after 4 years is not a dream, this is a reality"

My name is Mozyreva Elena, I am 30 years old, higher education - manager. My son is now 5.5 years old. We fell to Galina to the online English language training program for children. "Let me, toddler, talk to you" March 10, 7 months ago. Before that, we did not engage in English at all.

Before the start of the training, I passed the test to determine your English level. The test showed that I have Intermediate. Blimey?! From the 1st grade, you study English, but you can't talk about it. How so?

I really want my child to speak different languages, and did not teach the transcription and transfer to all my life.

Why I did not start from birth, you ask?

Well, the first reason: "Galina, why didn't we meet before? :-) "

Do you think I'm kidding? I just did not know where to start learning the child with English. Galina has become a guide for me in the world of English household language with children. She and her colleagues (native speakers) helped me overcome the language barrier, and learns with his son to communicate with a smile and not forced.

And here the second reason:

Zhenya did not speak up to 3.5 years. Only the simplest phrases and words: "Mom, give!", "Go", "Out" ...

And everyone has been told: "He doesn't know how to talk about Russian, and you still have an English going to introduce!", "Gathered from the child of the Wunderkinda?" I think one of you heard that too. And I cantilate, an adult better, they are more experienced, you need to listen to them. And how can I teach a child in English on my own, at home, without the help of experts, if we still do not work in your native language?! And it was necessary to just look for like-minded people. And Galina found me herself. Thank you.

I read a letter in the newsletter and thought that this training would suit as a training program in English for very young children, and we are almost 5 years old. But I so wanted to try, and it was worth it for the training quite a bit. And I decided that we can equate us to the kids, because We really were newborn in English. As I said, we did not teach English at all.

Training structure. What was effective for us

And then the letter comes: "Greetings you, Elena! We start our training on the development of English conversational skills for moms and kids "Let me, baby, talk to you" "!

I participated in the trainings, but in other formats. What Galina offers is very convenient and most importantly effective.

You do not have to think about how to start learning your child English - from the alphabet, accounts, the names of animals or something completely different?

One week of the training program is divided into 2 three days:

1a - Monday-Environment and 2a - Thursday-Saturday. Sunday - Break.

Only 3 weeks - 6 blocks.

Every Monday and Thursday you get a task, the so-called block. And you have three days to get acquainted, work out and write a report.

Training is such a format, fairly intensive work, first of all above yourself, and in the second - work with the child. But even for working mom, it is under power.

I got access to the block, I looked through the video while I went home in the train. I scrolled in my head, what to say, even memorized at first. In every block you get a huge layer of information, here everyone will find what is close and easier for him. And for the second week of the language barrier, as it did not happen - I already knew how you can teach the child to the English language at home, on my own, and was confident in my abilities.

Galina knows how to motivate!

First, you will be asked to shoot your results on the video. And since the spirit of leadership is in each of us, then I do not want to lag behind the rest. Even without experience with the camera, I laid out our funny videos. And this is a unique experience, because you see yourself from. After all, this English language training program has been developed not only for children, but also for their moms! And this is working on yourself, I tell you.

Once I thoroughly prepared for the lesson and configured on the video shooting. Here, I think the cool movie will write down. And here sat with Zhenya on the street, I turned on the entry, started the game. And he does not really want. I was upset, I began to put pressure on it, but did not become strongly insistent on the continuation. And then I watch the recording and saw what strict face I had. I would also not want to play with such a mom. Since then, it has become more work on his smile and set up yourself after the working day to positive.

Secondly, the report.It is very important for you, in it you write down your minifrase and later, after checking and adjusting, you can use it and rely on it. This is a kind of crib after the completion of the training. And plus - your minifraz will definitely voiced, and you will receive an audio recording.

Third, it's Skype Chat. This is a kind of cozy place where you can not only ask online, but what will happen: "The soup is ready! Go eat!", but also support for other mothers.

If your hands are lowered, tired, the child does not want to do, as it should be, doubts arise: Would I be able to teach my child to English on my own, at home and not on some courses. You can always write, and you will immediately get advice, you will support and extend help hand. I recommend installing Skype to the phone. Initially, I did not do this, just because I thought Skype would take a lot of space on the phone and will slow down when working. But it is not so! Therefore, boldly install!

The sharp corners with whom we had to face. How we spinled them

Yes, we had sharp corners. Immediately I will say that it is not scary. All sharp stones over time grinding water. Let long, but patiently.

We are with you and there is water! Loving, caring, patient and calm moms. And if it is not always so, then it is necessary to strive for this. What am I talking about? - You ask.

I am talking about demativators now, but honestly, this word is terribly sounds. Therefore, we just call them small sharp corners.

We sounded like this: "Mom, talk to me normally! I do not understand you! "," Mom will be enough! Speak Russian!" And sometimes it sounded with tears.

It could still be that I decided in advance where to start learning English today, prepared and offering the child the game, for example, with animals. Those. I have already repeated some words on this topic and is ready to say only about animals. And Zhenya says: "Mom, let's better play cars!"

And then what to do? At the moment you are covered by a small panic, because even the word "wheel" you can not remember.

You will insist on animals or try to remember how will the wheel be? Other options are possible. What are you doing in such a situation?

And here the most important thing is not animals, and not that you have forgotten the word. Here, most importantly, as they say now, will be tied to a positive, i.e. Remove irritation and take yourself in hand. And try to catch the wave on which the child is now and create cheerful game. Well, for example, take the machine and put a dog in it. And fly with sounds: "Uuuuuuuu .... Hello! I'm a car. And IT's My Friend. Hello! I'm a Dog. What Are you doing? I WANT TO PLAY WITH YOU ". And here there will be no resistance, the sharp corner will smooth.

The game and fun are our main key to success! And one more secret opened me Olga Lvovna Sobolev - Pedagogue and developer of your own learning techniques in English. She said that intonation is very important. We must speak with the child, as well as in Russian, not as robots. And here I was lucky, I really played and lived with the child our game. And if I taught phrases and words, then only for myself. With a child, improvisation usually occurred. Let the words, but let them reach the heart. A little later, I spoke with Zhenya in English, and he understood everything and answered in Russian. And it was a success!

I also talked about small whims, but we had more because of fatigue. Pay attention to the time when you gathered to play with the baby, he was full, be sure to follow the mode of his children. Usually all hysterics and nagging from fatigue or from hunger.

But if all the rules are observed, and the child does not want to play with you in English, the first, where I would suggest try to start learning English - from lulled, cheerful songs, flies, cartoons in English and gradually communicate with him, at least 5 minutes a day. It may seem to you that it is not enough, but remember how slowly flowed time in childhood. 5 minutes for a child is not very small! Let it be only five minutes, but fun and interesting. Do you know such a poem?

Given the hands on the back, "we crawl snail so.

And then I tick the wife, depicting the running mouse:

It turns out very fun, because all the children love to indulge! We still make this massaging before bedtime, if I forget, then Zhenya immediately reminds me: "Mom, what about the massage? Slowly, slowly ... "

This online English language training program for children and their mothers gave impetus not only the development of the speech of my child, but also helped me overcome the language barrier and find like-minded friends with whom I still communicate. Training helped english smoothly enter our lives.

Now, twice a week, Zhenya goes to the English school "Linguitania", which is the basis for the method of Soboleva Olga Lvovna, I have not been practicing a language at home for a month and a half. Two or three months per year have to work for almost 11 hours, such is the specifics of my work. Therefore, Zhenya and went to the English school.

In addition to this, I introduced some, let's call it, "Mama substitutes".

  1. Lullabies in English. Fall asleep Zhenya only under them.

For example:

  1. Cartoons. If we look cartoons, then this is of course Peppa Pig Or it may be full-length cartiors that are on YouTube, for example How to Train You Dragon, Home . We see such cartoons rarely and usually in parts. Do you know what the eye doctor does not allow watching TV to children up to 6 years more than 15-20 minutes a day?
  1. Internet resource. I bought a subscription to . Here the child passes a kind of game levels: listens to songs, fairy tales, can decorate, collect puzzles, buy a virtual dinosaur and feed him. List a lot of things if you're interested to go to there are detailed video about this resource.

But again, Zhenya comes on Sunday morning and plays any hour while the parents are lining.

These are small "me-substitutes", due to the acute necessity.

Last week, Zhenya says so strictly me: "Mom, talk to me in English, please!" Misses our and games. There is nothing better than live communication and games with mom. So play and talk in the language!

And I will soon come back again in "School of parents of small polyglotov", because there are still many other English language training programs for children and their parents. Here I draw a lot of ideas and always feel support.

Who else was heard about this school and is in finding the answers to the questions: how to teach the child to the English language at home, independently, and where to start learning, I am sure that Galina will soon tell you soon.

Set of another group for learning for my program that will begin. And by the way, you will be pleasantly surprised by the conditions for participation in it. Sign up in the comments if you are interested in our offer and you want to know the details!

Those who begin to learn the foreign language of others - whether it is a teacher of students or parents of their own children - sooner or later ask themselves questions: how to quickly learn English words and is it possible to teach the language without translation?

It is clear, you can demonstrate some words without translation and even concepts. But is it possible to teach English words, as well as complex phrases and even whole sentences - right away, and even without translation?

It is no secret that in many self-respecting language schools, classes take place only in English, and resort to translation is categorically prohibited! Even a teacher working with a baby at home (and there are such forms of classes too) engaged with a child, talking to him only in English.

In this article we will consider the most effective methods Uninterrupted presentation of words, concepts and other language units used in "advanced" language schools, as well as in language video courses and intensives.

So how can I quickly learn English words?

1. Demonstration of concept

As they say, "hare-wolf". When a student clearly demonstrates some concept or word.

How to work with a child? We show the item and speak his name, show another item and talk the name, or depict the action and call the verb.

We learn English words on examples:

This is Mommy. That is a ball. These Are Toys. Those Are Dolls.

Look, I'm eating. (showing on yourself)

Daddy is yawning. (Showing the tired after work)

Kitty Is Running. The Baby Is Crying. (Showing a kitten running around the apartment)

Baby Is Sleeping. (Showing the baby in the next stroller on a walk)

2. Sorting

Parent concepts are very well studying sorting.

Mug - saucer, arm-mitten, leg-sock.

I met this technique in video lessons: Momens puts red mugs onto a red saucer, and blue on blue; The monkey is going for a walk and puts on the stroke of things only what is suitable for cold autumn weather: hat, scarf, mittens, boots. You can also sort the family of words and the union of concepts on a given feature: a red rug - red mice; Green box - Green toys; Blue cardboard - Blue figures: circle, square, oval; Pink numbers - pink buttons; Box - vegetables, bag - fruit.

Paired concepts

How to present? The child demonstrates one component of the pair (for example, Left Foot), is attached to a specific concept (Green Sock) and the second component (Right Foot) and is attached to another definite concept (Red Sock).

More examples with which you can learn English words:

Offer the child to arrange the cups on the saucer of the same color with them:

Green Cup - Green Saucer; BLUE CUP - BLUE SAUCER

And now let the kids and animals lead to their mothers:

Cat- kitty; Dog - Puppy; Sheep - LAMB; goat - kid; PIG - PIGLET; HORSE - FOAL; Cow - Calf.

And then they are happy go home:

COW - BARN; Dog - Doghouse; Cat - Basket; Horse - Stable.

Family words

They are also called thematic groups. For example, kitchen utensils will refer to one thematic group and include words: Cup, Plate, Night, Fork, Bowl, Spoon, Glass, Teapot, etc.

Play a tea party with a child (Make a Toy Tea Party), arrange on the table:

  • Jewelry (Teapot)
  • Tea Spoons (Tea Spoons)
  • Cups (Cups)
  • Saucer (Saucers)
  • Cup with cookies (A BOWL OF BISCUITS)
  • Combining concepts for a given feature:

Other options for thematic groups:

Puppet Furniture: Bed, Chair, Sofa, Coffee Table;

Transport: Car, Tractor, Truck, Van, Bicycle, Motorbike.
By the way, the thematic groups of words perfectly lie on the old good game.

Combining concepts on a given feature

Unlike thematic groups, in which words are combined more often by appointment, here we can choose that in common between the selected items and unite in, it would seem unnecessary. For example, all toys we can combine along the container, in which we will ask them to put: all toys go to the box, but all the cards in the envelope.

Other association schemes: Antonyms + word-concept; colors + identical objects; Figures + thematically groups, etc.

For example, let small animals go into the box, and large in the bag:

Let's Put The Little Bear Into The Box;

The Big Bear Goes to the Bag.

Either on the pink digit "3" put three pink buttons:

Let's Find Three Pink Buttons for the Ping Number "Three".

Invite the child to collect all the vegetables in the box with the number "one", and the whole dish for a box with a number "two":

Let's Put Vegetables in "Numer One" BOX, and and Cups with plates in "Numer Two" Box.

Along the way, explain the concepts of "Fruit" and "Vegetables" through questions like:

Is Cabbage A Vegetable Or A Fuit? Is Apple A Vegetable Or a Fuit?

At the same time, we can not be afraid that the child knows the names of some objects. These tasks are universal and are designed for different levels of language proficiency. We demonstrate the beginners by sorting, focusing on a single concept. A child with a higher level, as in the second example, teaches colors, and numbers or the name of the subject and its antony immediately:

This Is A Big Bear, Now Where Is the Small Bear?

This Is Green Hat, Now Where Is The Yellow Hat?

This is Square Candy, Now Where Is the Circle Candy / Button / Number?

The secret of the rapid memorization of English words here is that we place much more information than the goal, as a result, the part is remembered that we need (or ranked) to us!

Learn English words with pleasure!

Continuing the fascinating theme "How to quickly learn English words" look in the next article.


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