What else can you bring down the child's temperature. How to bring down the temperature in children: the most efficient and proven ways! Light and natural clothing

What else can you bring down the child's temperature. How to bring down the temperature in children: the most efficient and proven ways! Light and natural clothing

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The site provides reference information solely to familiarize yourself. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is obligatory!

Heat Bodies in the child (fever) can be a non-specific sign of many diseases. It can talk about acute infectious diseases, teething, overheating and other states. In all these cases, assistance to the child should be different, so it is very important to establish the reason for increasing the temperature.

Features of the child

In the first days and months of the child's life, the body temperature can be very inconstant. With any diseases, it can quickly increase.

To identify fever in a child, you need to know what temperature is the norm for it. To do this, at least once to measure it in a calm and healthy state. It is better to repeat this procedure in the morning and in the evening, since in the evening the temperature is usually higher by 0.3-0.5 o C.

The child's first year's child's temperature can be higher than the older children and adults (according to the measurement data in the axillary depression):
1. Up to 1 year, body temperature is allowed to 37.4 o C.
2. In a child, over 1 year, the temperature is usually set to 37 o C.

The newborn children who born premature are especially poorly held. The thermoregulation processes are immature, so it should be remembered that they can not only be easily cooled, but also overheat.

The body temperature can be determined in several places. The results of such measurements will vary:

  • the temperature measured in the rectum (rectal) will be approximately 1 O with higher than in the axillary depression (37.6-38 o C - norm);
  • the temperature measured in the mouth (oral) will be about half generators higher than in the axillary depression (37.1-37.6 o C - norm);
  • the temperature indicators measured in the axillary depression and the groin fold will be about the same.
The most reliable results show a mercury thermometer. When using electronic thermometers, according to measurements, there can be a sufficiently large error. In order to identify differences in the indicators, you can simultaneously determine the temperature in the axillary depressions by a regular thermometer, and electronic. It is not necessary to do this in a child, you can measure the temperature itself or any healthy family member. Differences between measurements and will talk about the error.

Determine the rectal temperature is usually possible only little child up to 4-5 months. Since the procedure is often unpleasant, the child has 6 months high temperature in this way, most likely, it will be impossible to fix the procedure due to its resistance. It is best to measure the electronic thermometer, the tip of which is lubricated with children's cream. The thermometer is introduced by about 2 cm into the rectum, raising the feet of the child, as when it is washed.

In the armpit, and the grooves of the measurement can be carried out with a mercury thermometer. The definition of the temperature in the groin is carried out by placing the child on the side. The thermometer is put so that its tip is completely located in the folds of the skin. Then hand pressed the child's leg to the body. In the axillary depression, the measurement process is carried out in the same way as in adults.

Pathologically high temperature, depending on the degree of increasing it, is conditionally divided into the following types (according to measurement data in the axillary depression):
1. Subfebrile (up to 38 o C).
2. Febrile (above 38 o C).

How to measure the temperature in a small child

Temperature measurement rules for children:
  • the child must have his personal thermometer, which is treated with warm water with soap or alcohol before each use;
  • during illness, the temperature is measured at least three times a day (morning, day, evening);
  • measurement should not be carried out when the child is strongly ukutane, crying or is excessively active;
  • high temperatures in the room and bath taking also increase body temperature;
  • food and drinks, especially hot, can increase the temperature in the oral cavity by 1-1.5 o C, so the measurement in the mouth should be carried out per hour before or an hour after meals;
  • the temperature determination can be carried out in the axillary depression, the rectum or groin fold - any thermometers; Measurement in the mouth is carried out only with the help of special pacifier thermometers.

Causes of high temperature in a child

Normally, an increase in body temperature is a protective reaction of the organism to any infectious or non-infectious diseases, damage.

Infectious agents, falling into the body, produce toxins that cause an increase in body temperature. The body, in turn, also produces substances that contribute to the occurrence of fever. Such a mechanism is protective, since on the background of high temperature, all metabolic processes are accelerated, many biologically active substances are intensifying. But when the fever becomes too pronounced, it itself can cause various complications - for example, febrile cramps.

Why the child's high temperature occurs:

  • infectious diseases (ARVI, "children's" and intestinal infections, other pathologies);
  • non-infectious diseases (disease nervous system, allergic pathology, hormonal disorders and others);
  • teething (this is one of the most frequent causes of young children);
  • overheat;
  • preventive vaccinations.
There are other causes of fever in a child. These include many urgent states and acute surgical pathology. Therefore, with any increase in the temperature in a child (especially above 38 o C), it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor.

Features of elevated temperature in certain diseases

The child's high temperature will accompany others symptoms pathology. For various diseases Fever will have its own characteristics.

Infectious diseases

Typically, the values \u200b\u200bof fever in infectious diseases - in the range of 39-39.5 o C. But in some cases the temperature in the child rises above 40 o C. This largely depends on the type of infection and the individual characteristics of the child's body.

In case of infectious diseases, the high temperature in the child is accompanied by other signs of pathology (cough, nasal congestion, vomiting, chair disorder and others).

One more frequent cause Fever are children's infections. For example, in a child with a high temperature, the appearance of rash in the form of itching bubbles is a characteristic sign of wind sieves. Especially such infections are the children visiting preschool institutions. For example, a high temperature in a child at the age of 3, which goes to kindergarten.


When overheated, you can clearly note the connection of fever with the effects of the heat source. For example, a high temperature in a child in the summer can be associated with a long stay in the sun or in a car's cabin in hot weather. Breast-age children can easily overheat when dressed in too warm clothes.

With a small fever, the pursuit of parents to wrap the child to warmer can also provoke the body temperature to higher digits. Overheating is very dangerous due to the likelihood of thermal impact, in which emergency help of the doctor is necessary.

Signs of thermal strike are:

  • strong fever arising after overheating;
  • violation or loss of consciousness;
  • convulsions;
  • breath and heartbeat.
The first help with a thermal impact is the premises of the child in a cool, well-ventilated room, the compress for the forehead, wiping, dropping (if a child is conscious). Also should immediately call the team of ambulance.


High temperature in a child with teething is rarely. Typically, the fever does not exceed 38.5 o C. But in some cases the temperature may rise to very high numbers, accompanied by the lethargy of the child, refusing food, anxiety. Such fever needs to be reduced. In a child of 10 months, a high temperature may well be associated with teeth, especially if it is actively terting the gum, capricious, and at the same time there is an increased salivation.


After prophylactic vaccinations, a high temperature in a child, as a rule, does not hold for a long time. It is usually increasing during the day after vaccination, and can be combined with other symptoms: small swelling and pain in the injection site, the child can spare the leg and move less. These features are a protective reaction of the body for the introduction of the vaccine and indicate an adequate immune response.

When the temperature is raised after the vaccination, it is possible to once give a child the antipyretic agent, not even waiting for febrile figures of fever. You can also use physical methods cooling, but it is not recommended for watches (it is not particularly watering the injection place). If there is no positive dynamics within 1-2 days, then you should think about another reason for increasing the temperature (for example, about the beginning of the ARVI).

When distributing, a water-moistened towel is used, which is put on the forehead. As soon as it dries or heats up, the towel can be mixed again. Also water wipes, legs, chest, neck, face. After wiping, you can not bother the child, since the procedure can cause the opposite effect. This procedure should not be carried out by a child who has ever been cramps against the background of high temperature, or there are diseases of the nervous system.

In addition to wipes, you can apply ice, wrapped in a diaper, to the axillary, inguinal areas. However, this method can only be used in older children. You should not be too involved, since in places of ice applying you can get frostbite.

With fever, we should not forget about abundant drink. Loss of fluid through the skin and with breathing at elevated temperatures increase, so its deficit must be filled in time. Also reinforced drink contributes to the acceleration of removal of toxic substances from the body. At high temperatures, a one-year-old child is difficult to drink it. If he refuses to drink, can give him a liquid little, but often.

Little children must be more likely to apply to the chest, or give them ordinary water, and a semi-annual baby can be herbal teas (fennel, chamomile, linden), diluted juices and fruit. Senior child can also offer compote, diluted juice or tea. It should be especially actively to eat children with an intestinal infection, when a high temperature is accompanied by diarrhea. But do not too dilige a large number of Liquids can provoke vomiting.

At high temperatures, it should not:

  • make a child to observe the bed mode if he does not want it, but it is also impossible to allow excessive activity, as this can lead to an increase in temperature;
  • necessary to connect or strengthen the child - this prevents the natural return of heat;
  • do a cleansing enema if there are no appropriate recommendations of the doctor (at least this procedure has an antipyretic effect, it is not worth it to abuse and do it yourself);
  • use for wiping alcohol liquids, warm water;
  • to cover the baby with a wet sheet or a towel, boiled after wipes - all this can lead to an even greater increase in temperature.

When and how to shoot down a high temperature from a child - video

High temperature in a child: medication treatment

You can quickly knock down a high temperature with medicinal antipyretic agents. Children are allowed to use ibuprofen or paracetamol preparations.

Drugs may differ in the form of release (tablets, syrups, candles for rectal use, powders). Preparations in the form of syrups or suppositories are usually used in young children. For example, when a breast child has a temperature above 39 o C, it is convenient to reduce it with the help of rectal candles.
Some features of the use of various dosage forms:

  • drugs accepted through the mouth begin to act faster - 20-30 minutes after admission;
  • the effect of suppositories occurs after 30-45 minutes, but lasts longer;
  • if the disease is accompanied by vomiting, it is better to use candles;
  • medicines in suppositories are conveniently used when the temperature of the child rises at night;
  • preparations in the form of syrups, tablets and powders contain flavors and flavoring additives, so allergic reactions are often caused;
  • if necessary, the use of various drug forms of drugs (for example, during the day - syrup, night - candles), choose funds with different active substances to avoid the occurrence of side effects;
  • the reuse of antipyretic drugs is possible no earlier than 5-6 hours after the previous reception; In case of insufficient decrease in temperature, or re-enhance it in a short time, should not be experimenting - it is better to immediately contact a specialist for additional help.
Ibuprofen and paracetamol are equally effective, but both have their own contraindications and side effects. Before use, you must consult with your doctor. Doses of drugs for children are usually calculated for the age of the child, or on body weight. Therefore, before taking, the instructions should be carefully learned. So, a child in 2 years at a high temperature should be obtained almost twice the dose of the medicinal substance than the patient of the breast.

Also, some homeopathic remedies can also be used to reduce the fever. For example, when a child often has a high temperature so that there are no side effects from the frequent use of ibuprofen and paracetamol, they can be combined with homeopathic preparations.

If the elevated temperature is accompanied by a pallor, snapping the limbs, then minor doses of spasmolitics (but-shpa, papaverine) and antihistamine drugs are additionally given. However, this is done only by a doctor.

At high temperature, the child has a long time to apply the same antipyretic drug. Also contraindicated simultaneous reception of the medicinal product through the mouth, and in the form of candles. This can lead to an excessive decrease in body temperature, and the occurrence of side effects from the drug.

Medicinal preparations not used in children

To drugs that are not used in a child include:
1. Currently, drugs such as amidopyrin, antipirin or fenacetin are not applied as antipirectrics due to a large number of side effects.
2. Acetylsalicylic acid based products (aspirin) are practically not used in children due to their ability to reduce the amount of blood platelets, cause bleeding, allergic reactions, as well as a very difficult complication characteristic of children - Rea Syndrome.
3. Analgin and other drugs containing sodium metamisole as a active substance also have a large number of side effects, such as inhibition of blood formation, severe allergic reactions, an excessive decrease in temperature with a loss of consciousness. These funds are not recommended to use at home.

In which cases it is necessary to consult a doctor

You should contact a doctor in any case of a child's fever or an adult. Only a qualified specialist can put the correct diagnosis and appoint, in addition to antipyretic drugs, other drugs (cough drugs, vasoconductive drops in the nose). If necessary, etiotropic therapy is also appointed, aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease. For example, a high temperature associated with the fact that the child has a nonya, requires the appointment of antibiotics.
Immediate appeal to specialists require the following cases:
  • Extremely high digits of body temperature - more than 39.5-40 o C.
  • If a child has a high temperature for more than three days, and there is no resistant positive effect during the disease, despite the therapy appointed by the doctor. It is necessary to correct the prescribed treatment, to carry out additional diagnostic procedures (for example, to make pulmonary radiography, pass the blood and urine tests).
  • When appearing against the background of the temperature of new symptoms, such as rash, pronounced cough, vomiting or diarrhea.
  • The deterioration of the child's condition against the background of the recovery began, which can talk about the accession of another infection.
  • If the temperature rise is presumably due to the overheating of the child and the possible occurrence of thermal impact.
  • The emergence of complications from designated therapy. For example, if after taking the drug, discharged by a doctor, a child has an allergic reaction. An expert for the selection of new drugs should be called.
  • The child refuses drinking, there are signs of dehydration: dry skin, rare urination, dark urine color and others.
  • The presence of severe chronic diseases in a child, the flow of which can be acted against a strong fever (the pathology of the heart, kidney, nervous system, other diseases).
  • If a child has a very high temperature, accompanied by food refusal, febrile convulsions, a sharp concern and moans, the appearance of rash, a violation of consciousness, unusual behavior, edema of the neck, a mute, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, other signs of the extremely severe child's condition - it is necessary to urgently call the brigade Ambulance.
Thus, a long-term high temperature in a child is not a reason to be treated independently or experimenting with therapy. Expectant tactics can lead to severe complications. If any doubts arose about the state of the child, it is better to be restrained and refer to a specialist.

The effects of high temperature in a child

One of the most common complications of high temperature in the child are febrile cramps. They, as a rule, arise in children up to 6 years. Against the background of temperatures above 38 o C. Often this reaction to the fever appears in children who have diseases of the nervous system.

Signs of febrile cramps in a child:

  • convulsive muscle twitching, which can be both pronounced (with the thumbnail of the head, bending the hands and straightening of the legs), and small, in the form of shuddering and twitching of individual muscle groups;
  • the child ceases to respond to the surrounding, can be pale and shine, keep his breath;
  • often, convulsions can be repeated during subsequent temperature increases.
When the temperature is high, and cramps have a child - you must immediately call "03". Urgent events at home will be:
  • put a child on a flat surface and turn on the side of the head;
  • in the absence of breathing after the end of the cramp, start making an artificial respiration;
  • you can not try to insert a child's finger in your mouth, a spoon or other items - it will only harm and hurts;
  • child should be able to ensure the ventilation of the room, use wiping and antipyretic candles to reduce body temperature;
  • it is impossible to leave a child one at the time of the attack.
Moved seizures of children need to observe the neurologist, as well as a full-fledged medical examination to exclude the debut of epilepsy. Thus, you should not wait for the child to have a high temperature. In a timely manner, refer to the doctor for the diagnosis and appointment of therapy. Before use, you must consult with a specialist.

Hyperthermia is a sudden body temperature. If such a process occurs in the kids, then this means that the children's body is struggling with infection. Similarly, antibodies of causative agents are formed. How to understand why it happened and how to bring down the temperature in the child at home?

Causes of hyperthermia in children

Several factors can affect the rise in body temperature in the child:

  • infections of bacterial and viral nature, accompanied by symptoms in the form of cough, runny nose, vomiting, stomach disorders;
  • overheating and thermal blow that the baby received after a long stay in the sun or in a hot room;
  • the appearance of dairy teeth, accompanied by lethargy, increased salivation, capriciousness;
  • vaccination, as a result of the formation of a protective barrier in the body.

In medicine there are the concepts of "white" and "red" hyperthermia.

In the first case, vessels are taking place and for the child are characteristic: the pallor of the skin, the formation of lips and nail plates, the cooling of the limbs, a rapid heartbeat, a hot forehead, lethargy. This is a dangerous view of hyperthermia, requiring special attention. It is necessary to cause ambulance, and before it arrives to ensure conditions under which the heat heat product is reduced by increasing the heat transfer. That is, you need to put a chalk in a well-ventable room with an air temperature of no more than 20 degrees, cover it with a blanket, as much as possible can be given and give a no-tape from spasms with Valerian to calm heart rhythms.


In the case of the "red" hyperthermia, a child has reddenished on the skin, it begins to burn everything in the ongoing activity of behavior. It is necessary to do everything as the same as under the "white" hyperthermia, only without using No-Shpu. To increase the heat transfer, a slight trituration of the kid limbs is slightly warm water.

How and how to help the baby?

Infant age children require increased attention. If a baby on the face is one of the types of hyperthermia, then you need to react immediately. In mandatory, you should call the doctor to the house and try to bring down the temperature, ensuring all the conditions for this. Need:

  • stop bullshit;
  • attach it to the chest or water from a bottle of warm water;
  • to appoint a doctor to give antipyretic means;
  • in the case of the presence of vomiting, put it a "knocked" candle;
  • with the "white" hyperthermia wanted it with a cloth moistened in warm water and put a compress from a wet napkin on the forehead, elbow, knee bends, groin, armpits.

The body temperature of the sick hyperthermia infants should be measured every half hour. When it reaches an indicator of 37.5 s, it must be stopped shoot down. Tips How to bring down the child's temperature at home without drugs (1 year and younger):

What temperature to shoot down in a child?

It is believed that an increase of up to 38.5 degrees is not dangerous. On the contrary, this means that the body struggles with infection, and "burns" pathogenic bacteria. In fact, it is necessary to look at the well-being of the baby. If he is bad for 38 degrees, it is better to "help" and knock down. If, at 38.5, it jumps and having fun (which happens often), having a little, let him compete himself. Now more ...

What to do at a temperature of 38 degrees?

Doctors argue that in the case of raising the thermometer's column to an indicator of 38.5 in a child, he is experiencing a light heat that is not recommended by medicines. With stable self-adequacy, the kid will help him wiping, wet compresses, boiled antipyretic tea. If the heat does not stop for an hour, and the state is aggravated, then the healing syrup with paracetamol taking into account age.

Everything talks about the resulting struggle of the children's body with infection, during which the interferon is produced. You can not immediately knock it down. Also contraindicated to use mustard pieces, put alcohol compresses, unpar legs, soar in the bathroom, laying the height, wrapped in a blanket, drink hot drinks, dress in warm clothes. If the baby is cold, then the temperature rises very quickly. Heat in the palms of his legs, cover the easy sheet. In some cases, no-shap helps inside the instructions (first consult a pediatrician).

How to bring down a temperature of 39 in a child?

When the temperature exceeds 39 degrees, then the doctor must necessarily call. Until his arrival, it is necessary to rush to rush to toxins quickly evacuated from the children's body and reduced the risk of intoxication. In such a situation, dehydration comes quickly, so a large amount of fluid drinking prevents it.

Natural non-neat teas are suitable. Weak black or green, chamomile, with viburnum, with rosehip, with dried fruits. These drinks have an antipyretic property. If the heat is accompanied by vomiting, then it is necessary to give a solution of recider with small portions to the baby.

From the antipyretic drugs in the first-aid kit of each mother must be present paracetamol. It can be in the form of tablets, syrup, candles. In the critical situation, syrup should be given, since it will turn faster. If vomiting appeared, then you need to use candles.

But how to bring down the temperature in the child at home with an angina will tell only the attending physician, since the species of this cunning disease there are several and each "requires" a special approach. Universal options - wipes that we will tell below, alkaline drinking - mineral water without gas "Borjomi", warm teas with a small amount of sugar.

Algorithm of actions for hyperthermia in children of different ages

At the age of 1 month to the year, the temperature of up to 38 degrees should not be shot down with medicines. It is necessary to richly rolling with warm drink, put in a well-ventilated room, cover with a thin bedspread. At high indicators (from 39 ° C), paracetamol in the form of a suspension or syrup, candles or syrup Efferoralgan, Calpol Suspension, Cefecon D, Nurofen in Candle, or in the form of a suspension.

Baby from 1 to 3 years at a temperature of 38 C ° needs to provide the same conditions as in the case of the previous age group, giving it warm tea, the decoction of the rosehip, periodically periodically, in a warm bathroom. With poor well-being, it is possible to drink paracetamol, nourofen or Dololine - a children's suspension, downhill heat.

Children over 3 years old need to lie in pastels easily dressed in a room with moisturized air. The volume of drink must be elevated. It is necessary to water with warm tea, compote, mors, water. To reduce the heat, it is worth a paracetamol or ibuprofen in any dosage form.

The doctor's help is needed in cases:

  • if the heat does not pass throughout 4 days;
  • if the process is accompanied by the pallor of the skin, rash, nausea and vomiting, intense headache;
  • upon exceeding the indicator of 39.5 s ° and not to reduce it after an hour after receiving the antipyretic preparation;
  • in infancy (under 6 months).

Do not look for options how to bring down a high temperature in a child at home quickly. If the kid has a temperature drop process too soon, it can also reflect the negative on the vessels, a heart, brain. Optimally, if it falls half an hour to one degree. Then the body will be able to adapt to the process without consequences. However, you can accelerate it in the following ways.

Fast methods for moving high temperature in children

There are such situations when the heat holds for several days. The antipyretic drugs do not knock down the temperature, the injection, made by the ambulance nurse, also did not help. Drugs are infinitely impossible - the interval between their reception should exceed 6 hours. It should be known that the brain, heart and vessels suffer from a strong heat. There are a number of ways using which is comprehensive, you can bring down the body temperature in the child. These include:

  • drink a warm lack of liquid with a vitamin C content that is capable of lowering the heat;
  • wiping with a soft cloth, well moistened in clean warm water;
  • providing coolness in the room where the patient is located;
  • moisturizing air with a special device or hanging wet towels around;
  • therapeutic enema saline or chamomile decoction;
  • swimming a child in warm water or wrapping it for several minutes into a wet diaper without subsequent wiping of the body dry.

Folk remedies at high temperature

Hyperthermia is partly reduced by vitamin teas, the action of which is checked by many generations. Efficient options how to bring down the temperature in the child at home without drugs using beverages are as follows:

  • tea with lime color;
  • tea with cranberries;
  • unsweetened compote from dried fruit;
  • tea with raspberries;
  • tea with black and red currant;
  • decoction of chamomile;
  • tea with viburnum;
  • decoration from Rosehip.

Vitamin C is a big role in reducing the temperature. During the course of the disease, it is necessary to give products with its content. They are rich in lemon, orange, grapefruit.

The heat transfer of the child's body increases and it increases the process of sweating due to no less natural products: milk with honey and garlic; Herbal decoction of nettle, straw, medicinal dandelion, tiny leaves, rowan with lemon and raspberry jam. All decoctions are made one by one recipe: boiling water should be used to use a teaspoon of berries, dried flowers or stems. The healing drink must be incanded for 20 minutes. Healing Infusions:

  1. With fever "fights" cucumber juice, mixed with honey. Take such a medicine 3 times a day for 2 spoons.
  2. The antipyretic agent is a solution of raspberry. For its preparation, berries are necessary to pour boiling water and insist.
  3. From high temperature, prepare infusion of elder. A tablespoon of black elder berries pour boiling water with a glass and insist for half an hour. You need to drink medicine 4 times a day for 1/4 cup.
  4. Make an infusion of straw. He is also able to reduce the heat in the baby. For this, the crushed straw should pour the water liter and boil half an hour. Then insist the decoction of 2 hours, strain and give 3 times a day at half a glass.

Wipes - recipes and how to do

While the antipyretic medicine at high temperature is to easily operate to facilitate the condition of the child, use wiping. This procedure should be made with wet matter with a very soft texture. Particular attention should be paid to the elbow and popliteal depressions, axillary and inguinal folds, neck and ears. Willing off will not lead to the instantaneous normalization of well-being. Perhaps it will take several hours to achieve the effect. Recipes:

  1. Wipe warm water you can wipe. It will not harm, but will only contribute to the cooling of the skin.
  2. How to bring down the child's temperature at home by vinegar? The proportions are 1 liter of water 1 tbsp. A spoon of vinegar, it is possible to wipe no more than 4 times a day. Apply such treatment follows children from 3 years and older, and very careful!
  3. Water vodka in a 1: 2 ratio is also practiced for wiping toddlers with high temperatures. However, it is necessary to take into account that such treatment is not applicable to very small children. If you still use a similar solution, then wipe them at no more than 2 times a day. The solution should not be cold.

Attention! Washing with vodka and vinegar - a sufficiently dangerous procedure, so we stick everything "for" and "against", consult your doctor or competent people before doing it!

In most cases, warm water helps very effectively.

How and what medication take?

Preparations of choice - paracetamol and ibuprofen. Children need to be given in a clear dosage prescribed in the instructions or a prescribed pediatrician. Pull out the paracetamol per day is allowed 15 mg per 1 kg of the weight of the baby, and Ibuprofen is 10 mg, since it is stronger. The course of receiving the antipyretic drugs is 3 days. If, after 1-2 hours, the preparation with a paracetamol content was not shot down, then you need to give medicines with ibuprofen. The frequency of their reception is 8 hours (see the instructions on the package).

If the baby has a high temperature, then it is necessary to give syrup or medicine with the content of the antipyretic agent. Candles are used in order to prolonged therapeutic effect. At night, the candle with paracetamol will be just right. Do not forget to make the cleansing enema before that.

What can not make a child with a temperature? Interview with Komarovsky

Testing the heat of a small patient should not be treated or putting on warm socks, thereby adding it extra degrees. He will sweat from the abundance of a warm liquid to them. It is contraindicated to put mustard pieces, take a hot bath, soar legs. This will increase the heat-product body of the patient.

For up to 12 years old, it is impossible to give aspirin, as it has a multitude of side effects. Children need to make antipyretic drugs designed specifically for them, taking into account age.

Well explains how to bring down the temperature of the child at home Komarovsky. The video conference with it will help mommies help the baby:

Consequences of dehydration and "trigger"

Ignoring hyperthermia leads to the fact that the temperature becomes even higher. Thus, it can grow more than 39 degrees. As a result, the risk of convulsion and strong attacks of vomiting appears. As a consequence, dehydration of the children's body occurs and oxygen consumption increases. It threatens respiratory stop and brain damage.

Temperature in young children can increase quite often. This is possible both with a slight infection and teething. The immune system The kid instantly reacts to changes in health. But how and when you need to shoot down the child's temperature correctly? Read more in our article.

How to shoot down heat with medicines?

Carry out procedures for lowering elevated temperature preferably before bed When you need to lay the baby to sleep. It is a dream - the key to the speedy recovery.

At high temperatures, a child must consult a doctor! Honey in such situations can not. The specialist will deliver the correct diagnosis and prescribe comprehensive treatment.

Most often doctors to children prescribe candles. They have enough fast actionAnd perfectly help in the event that the baby does not want to drink tablets and syrups.

The famous brands of candles against high temperatures include:

  1. Panadol;
  2. Nooofen;
  3. Viferon;
  4. Cefekon-d.

Children after a year and older you can give antipyretic syrups. They are pleasant to taste, children use them with pleasure.

Among effective, it is worth noting:

  • ibuprofen;
  • paracetomol;
  • panadol;
  • calpol;
  • tilenol Children's (from 2 years old);
  • dofadgan.

Ibuprofen which is contained in preparations not only reduces heat in children, but also removes pain. It is used in cutting teeth or headaches. But it must be remembered that ibuprofen is contraindicated under the age of 6 months.

The safest way to lower - paracetamol. Please note that its dose should not exceed 4 times a day. The duration of treatment is not more than 3 days in a row.

All parents should know The treatment with aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) is categorically prohibited until 12 years of age. The use of this medication can develop the syndrome of Reia: a disease that affects the brain and liver.

If the child's temperature rose to 39 degrees, after taking the antipyretic drugs, you should not wait for the numbers 36.6 at once. A small drop is already a key to successful recovery.

Do not forget, the medicine is acting immediately. After taking drugs, you have to wait half an hour, then the antipyretic will work.

How to reduce the temperature in children with the help of folk remedies

Many folk remedies Also effective as medical drugs. Best of all, a complex treatment helps from high temperature. For advice, be sure to consult a doctor!

  • One of the popular people's methods is considered cleaning enema. Toxic substances accumulate in the lower intestinal department, and their suction is accelerated at elevated temperature. For the preparation of the enema, it is necessary to: stir 1 chain. Supply of food soda in a glass of warm water. Children until six months have enough 50ml of a similar solution, up to 1.5 years - 100ml, from two years - 200ml. It is permissible to use the daisy's herbal beams, yarrow, with the addition of olive oil. The enema needs to be put in a lying position on the right side.
  • To one of effective tools include cooling wrapping. The child should be wrapped with rags moistened in warm water. Top to wear things from natural fabrics and hide with a blanket. After the toddler is spoiling, wash it with a warm shower.
  • Excellent antipyretic means are essential oils, for example, lavender.
  • For those who are inclined to homeopathic drugs, for lowering the temperature will fit belladonna and acronite. How and what to give correctly, will be able to advise the attending homeopath.

For effective treatment It is worth following several recommendations.

  • Hot baby in no way No need to wrap.
  • Do not cancel bathing. During swimming, the body is cleaned from toxins, withdrawing them through the pores of the skin.
  • To reduce the heat it is necessary to increase sweating. It will help abundant drinking and frequent ventilation. At the same time, in the room where the patient is located, there must be no more than 18 degrees of heat. Favoring enough drinking and coolness in the room, the chances of rapid recovery increase significantly.

In drink, doctors recommend adding products containing vitamin C: to prepare lime tea, add raspberry, rosehip, currant leaves. Perfect cranberry or brusal frusters. At the same time, drinks must be warm, in no case can not be hot and do not burn.

  • Contact of the skin with something cold can be harmful to the children's body. It can cause spasms in vessels. Such treatment is dangerous for child health.
  • Complex will be quite effective: several wet towels or rags dipped in ordinary cold water, placed on the forehead, hands and legs. Such procedures should be carried out at no more than 3 times a day and no more than 3 days in a row.
  • During the disease it is advisable to reconsider the power. It follows temporary exclude meat and dairy products from the diet - They inhibit the removal of toxins and mucus from the body.

We should not engage in self-medication and independently choose medications for children. It can be dangerous for health, so be sure to consult with the attending pediatrician.

High temperature accompanies many different diseases in children. And in each case, the fever from Chad leads parents to "complete combat readiness." As the doctors argue that the heat is extremely dangerous for young children, the moms and Pap have a reasonable question, how to knock down the heat, preferably without the use of drugs. From tablets and mixtures, as is known, except for the benefit there are tangible harm, especially for the children's body. Can help you can come folk recipes - Safe and reliable.

Why increase the temperature?

Everyone knows that the high temperature is not an independent disease. It is a symptom, the body's protective reaction to the invasion of some alien agent, on the inflammatory process. The heat is an explicit evidence of the invisible work of immunity, which is struggling with causative agents of some disease.

In the heat, oddly enough, there are good intentions - in conditions of elevated temperature, the microbes are more difficult to multiply, the replication of viruses is slowed down. If the thermometer bar exceeds 40.0, the microorganisms are generally losing the ability to reproduce.

But with heat and fever, they begin to actively multiply phagocytes - protector cells. They feed on malicious invaders, both viruses and bacteria, devour and digest them. The higher the temperature, the more actively "hunt" phagocytes.

At an elevated temperature in the sick child's body, several more important processes start - the production of interferon is activated, which is involved in the immune response to the invasion, and antibodies are stimulated, which are able to withstand the pathogen of one or another infection.

All this is available and logically explains why in most cases the temperature of the child does not need to knock on at all.

There are only two cases when the positive properties of fever should be neglected: if the child is breastside, and it holds the heat above 38.5 °, and if a child has been suffering from a fever with a temperature above 39 ° from a year to three years.

37 °, 37.5 °, 38 ° and a little higher - it is not a reason to push the kid to the babies with antipyretic means. It is necessary to give an immunity a chance to work out reliable protection, and pills that knock the heat, "forbid" to protect him properly.

And now we suggest to see the release of Dr. Komarovsky on emergency care at high temperatures.

The reasons for which the temperature increases is diverse. The smallest can occur in the delicate of teeth. Almost all viral infections are accompanied by high heat. Fever accompanies meningitis, influenza, ARVI, angina, tonsillitis, sinusitis, kidney disease and gastrointestinal tract.

What is the danger?

The heat has both negative sides. For example, a high temperature (above 38.5) significantly increases the load on the heart, which can be dangerous for children with congenital heart defects and newborns. Feed negatively affects the state of the nervous system and the brain. Excessively high heat (about 40.0) is able to cause irreversible changes in the structure of the brain, cause violations in other organs, first of all, in kidneys, liver and pancreas.

When people do not do folk methods?

Can not count on funds folk MedicineIf the high temperature rose and for several hours holds in newborns and children up to the year. In Croch, which only appeared on the light, an imperfect thermoregulation system, at temperatures they rapidly lose heat and moisture, can occur dehydration, can begin convulsive syndrome, respiratory failure.

Do not lose the precious minutes and test the recipes of alternative medicine on the baby. He definitely requires a good antipyretic drug. Such little patients are "paracetamol" and preparations containing paracetamol as the main active substance.

In the next video - the advice of Dr. Komarovsky not the topic of child's temperature.

Folk ways to reduce the heat should not be tested on babies, in which the temperature is steadfasting at a mark above 39.5 for more than three days. This situation also requires medicines, suitable and "paracetamol", and "ibuprofen".

Folk remedies will not be able to replace qualified emergency medical care with the use of antipyretic drugs both in tablets and in injections. They are needed if the child has a high temperature accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, the baby complains of abdominal pain. Such a state require urgent response, since vomiting and diarrhea contribute to a very fast loss of fluid, which for a small child is fraught with death in the case of late drugs.

Do not start home Treatment Programmes, if a child has a history of serious diseases of internal organs (congenital or acquired). In this situation, any temperature leap to 38.0 and higher should become a signal for reasonable parents, which it's time to cause a doctor or an emergency.

If the heat is accompanied by convulsions, losses of consciousness, pallor and strong lethargy, it is also a reason to urgently apply for medical care, and not to eat the baby tea with honey and Malina.

Folk remedies

Ordinary water

Children can be covered with water room temperature. This gives a slight and short-term effect, usually for half an hour is returned again. But wipe wiping harmlessly, so they can be repeated with enviable persistence and frequency.

Little kids are allowed to do enemas with warm water. Babysham to six months are introduced into the rectum no more than 60 ml of liquid, children from 6 months to a year - no more than 160 ml. Such a procedure has one very important minus - any enema is not too useful for the intestinal microflora, and therefore it costs a pretty threatening several times before reducing the infant temperature in this way.


It can also be used to wipe. Concentrated acetic acid (70%) is not suitable for these purposes, it will take a weak solution - a maximum of 9%. It needs to be diluted in equal sections with water temperature. The resulting acidic liquid wipe the body of the child to the panties, avoiding the face, genitals. Then they give the body to dry and cover the child with a thin blanket. Baby must not. As in the case of conventional water, the effect of such a procedure is kept no more than 30-40 minutes, then wiping must be repeated.

If with such acetic solution to make small gauze rods to the area of \u200b\u200bthe temples, forehead, caviar, and the inner part of the elbow bend and hold up to dry, the effect will be less pronounced, but just more long-term.

Many doctors oppose wiping by vinegar and alcohol children and recommend using water for wiping.

Little kids wiping with vinegar and row with sour solution are not recommended, but the output is - socks are wetted in the solution and put on the baby's legs. Remove socks follows after 20 minutes. The procedure is repeated as the next heat rise.


Highly popular way Reduce the temperature implies not clean vodka, but its 50% solution with water. This composition rubs the child, and then fooled by a towel for 30-40 minutes. Such a method, although time-consuming, is very effective and in some cases enough one or two procedures so that the heat declines and no longer rose. But many doctors speak out against such a method of decline in temperature.

Now let's listen to Dr. Komarovsky on watched by vinegar and alcohol.


Compresses with this means are imposed on the region of the veins on the inside of the elbow bend. There is tender and thin skin, so it is important to observe that the brine does not cause any aggressive irritating reaction. This method, many parents estimate as quite effective.


The stock of these marsh berries should be in the freezer of each family, in which there are children. Cranberry Morse with high heat is an excellent cooker.It reduces the temperature for half an hour after receiving the drink. The effect is kept for several hours.


Herbal tea, which can be brewing their flowers of this tree, contributes to enhanced sweating, and therefore, a rather rapid decrease in the thermometer's column. Herbal collection is sold in any pharmacy, it is necessary to brew it, taking a teaspoon of raw materials and a bay of a glass of boiling water. Insist such healing tea about half an hour, after which you can add a spoon of honey. This method is not suitable for small children, because Lipa, and honey are pretty strong allergens.

And even even in a healthy state of the Karapuz, both of these products are well tolerant, then in the period when his immunity makes important work to combat pathogens and viruses, allergic may appear on such a drink.


A liter jar of needle needs to be turned using a conventional meat grinder into a cleaner, mix with honey (no more than two tablespoons). Mix everything. From the resulting mass you need to make small pellets. One of them is put on a piece of fabric and apply a baby to the chest, the second - to the back. To keep about 15 minutes, after which the temperature should begin to decline for half an hour.


The ginger is cleaned of the peel and rub on the grater. The resulting tart mass must be dosed carefully. At half a cup of warm tea, you need to put no more than half a teaspoon of ginger mixture, stir and give a child to drink. The fever will decline almost immediately. In addition, ginger has a common action. Ginger tea is not suitable for children up to 6-7 years old, it may cause irritation of the digestive organs.

Danger of self-medication

The onset of the negative effects of heat in children, especially in small, are several times higher than in adults. The convulsions and loss of consciousness, respiratory disorders and the development of acute heart failure cannot be predicted, these states have almost no harbingers.

The danger of the airplane of the children's heat lies in the fact that parents who decided not to cause a doctor, take responsibility for the life of crumbs. Used time in cases with high temperatures plays a key role.

We listen to the following video than dangerously self-examination of childhood diseases.

Itself is very difficult to understand the reason for lifting the temperature. The higher the heat, the more attentive and urgent examination requires a child.

What can I do?

  • First of all, the baby with fever need to strip to panties or diaper. You can only cover the child only with a sheet, and not three blankets and a fluff shawl. Baby a child with high temperature is categorically prohibited!
  • When wiping with diluted with diluted vodka or a solution of vinegar, it is important not to rub the means into the skin, but only slightly concerned them. Intensive movements of the hands with a strong press on the surface of the child's body are prohibited, as they cause an increase in blood circulation and an additional temperature rise.
  • With a high heat, it is impossible to use folk remedies in the form of inhalations.
  • Massage, warming, warming compresses at high temperatures are categorically prohibited!
  • It is impossible to force a child with fever forcibly. The absence of appetite in this situation is a wise decision of nature itself, since an empty stomach and pure intestines help to transfer the disease faster and facilitate its flow.
  • It is impossible to give the child cold drinks. Such a drink can cause vascular spasm.
  • Some parents advise to put the fan in the bed and blow it down until the temperature starts to decline. Such "treatment" is the right way to pneumonia, specialists say. From the blows it is better to refrain.
  • It is impossible to bathe a child with a fever in a hot bath or under the hot shower. It will only promote overheating.

  • Measure the temperature of the fallen child must be at least twice a day - in the morning and evening,if the fever rose, and there is no reason to install the reason, there are no other symptoms, the measurements must be carried out every two hours.
  • No need to strive to quickly reduce body temperature in a child.The heat should fall gradually. A sharp jump down can greatly harm the health of the crumbs. Optimal is considered to be a decrease of 0.5 degrees per procedure. No need to reduce more than 1 degree per day.
  • The decrease in temperature should always be accompanied by an increase in fluid in the diet of the child. Abundant drinking mode is the main requirement of both drug and unconventional treatment of fever. It is desirable that the child drinks compotes, fruits from berries and a high vitamin C fruit (black currant, raspberry, cavalus, cranberries, wild rose), but milk, dairy products It is better to leave for later.
  • In the room where the sick child is with a high temperature, do not close all windows and doors.On the contrary, the room should be well ventilated, it should not be hot. If the fever occurred at the cold season, you need to hang on hot batteries in the apartment wet towels and watch them remain wet. This will help to increase the humidity of the air in the house, which, in turn, will save the gentle mucous membranes of the nose, nasopharynx and larynx, as well as the bronchi and the fuck of the child from drying out and inflammation. The optimal air temperature in the room is 18-19 degrees, humidity - 50-70%.
  • Folk remedies will be most effective if they are competent with traditional therapy. They perfectly complement the effect of certain medicines, enhance the action pharmacy drugs, accelerate the recovery of the child. If there is an insurmountable desire and need to treat your child people's methods, be sure to consult a doctor. Pediatricians pretty willingly go to the approval of many of the above-mentioned heat treatment methods. Unless, of course, the child has no serious concomitant diseases.


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