My portfolio is my group in kindergarten. Portfolio - Group Business Card

My portfolio is my group in kindergarten. Portfolio - Group Business Card

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Municipal budget pre-school educational institution "Yarsky kindergarten №4" Kalinka "" Portfolio Group "Consultation for educators was a senior tutor: Pozdeev E.A. April 2017

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Features of the technology "Portfolio". Currently, portfolio technology is widely used in the field of education. There are various approaches to the definition of the concept of "portfolio" (T.G. Novikova, A.S. Prutchenkov, I.Yu. Gaitukaeva, I.G. Yudina, G.K. Seleevko, etc.).

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Features of the technology "Portfolio". Despite the various concepts, all researchers agree that the "portfolio" is primarily a way to fix, accumulate and evaluate individual achievements during a certain period. The main meaning of the portfolio, according to T.G. Novikova, "show everything you can show."

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Features of the technology "Portfolio". The significance of this technology in preschool education is as follows. First, it is aimed at the interaction of all participants educational activities. Children, teachers and parents together participate in the creation of a single creative product.

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Features of the technology "Portfolio". Secondly, it is one of the ways to improve the quality of the educational process, since the use of this technology contributes to a positive directivity to achieving positive results of activity, both a separate personality and the team as a whole

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Objectives: to collect, systematize and fix the results of the development or individual, or a group of kindergarten, as well as efforts, achievements in various areas of activity, the creation of an atmosphere of openness, the community of all participants in the educational process for a certain temporary segment

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Tasks: Portfolio helps to solve important pedagogical tasks: - Create a situation for a group of success; - to maintain the interest of educators to form the group's portfolio; - to strengthen cooperation with families of students of the group, increase the interest of parents (legal representatives) in the results of the development of the group and joint activity with preschool institution.

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The procedure for forming a portfolio 1. The portfolio of the Group is one of the components of the development rating of the subject-developing and educational - educational environment of the group. 2. The period of drawing up portfolio - throughout school year. 3. Responsibility for organizing the formation of portfolio and systematic acquaintance of parents (legal representatives) with its content is assigned to the teacher of the group. 4. Accounting for groups included in the group's portfolio is made by the educator.

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The portfolio of the kindergarten group may consist of such sections: the title list: the name of the group, the motto, the coat of arms of the grid of classes, our educators.

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Portfolio of a kindergarten group may consist of such sections: "Welcome!" (Contains general informationrepresenting a group: group name, children's age, teachers, photos or drawings of individual parts of the group). "Let's get acquainted!" (It is a photo portrait of the entire group, it can also be issued in the form of children's drawings or a common collage). "Our girls" (contain separate characteristics of girls: their names, hobbies, favorite toys, classes, etc.). "Our boys" (contain separate characteristics

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The portfolio of the kindergarten group may consist of such sections: "Our successes and achievements" (in this section we placed the certificates and gratitude of the group for participating in various events of the Dow, district and on All-Russian events.) "Our dreams". You can expand the proposed structure additional sections, for example, "What do our names mean", "our holidays", "Who I will be when growing"

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The portfolio of a kindergarten group can consist of such sections: "We are artists" "Exhibitions" interesting events from the life of children. Section "Parent Parents" (Parents left their feedback from the group, wishes and even funny poems.)

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The activities of the teacher to create a "portfolio" in preschool education when creating a "portfolio" of the group the main role belongs to the teacher. The educator forms portfolio of groups according to the structure that is defined in advance. The teacher also carries out a systematic replenishment and a change in the "portfolio" of the Group as the participants in the group students participated in the educational process, all the results achieved in a timely manner.

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The activities of the teacher to create a "portfolio", to the design of the group "Portfolio" the teacher can attract parents. Participation of parents in the preparation of materials, decoration, reveals a creative approach to work, participation in the child's life in children's garden. The problem of involving parents in single space Baby Development in Dow is solved in three directions: - Him the pedagogical culture of parents. -The attraction of parents in the activities of the DOU, -Set work on the exchange of experience.

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Stages of work on "Portfolio": 1 stage - information - educational. On the parent Meeting Before parents, information about the modern technology "Portfolio", its goals, tasks, implementation features at the preschool level is communicated. Then parents are offered to choose from sections that can be included in the group "Portfolio" of groups.

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Stages of work on the "Portfolio" 2 stage - organizational activities at this stage are carried out by organizational activities with all participants in the educational process: children, parents, teachers and specialists of the preschool institution to collect information.

Olga Artemova


(2-3 years)

MDOU "CRR - kindergarten № 17 "Kid".

Educator: Artyomova Olga Nikolaevna.

Aims to interact all participants in the educational process. Children, teachers and parents together participate in the creation of a single creative product. This is also one of the ways to improve the quality of the educational process, since the use of this technology contributes to the achievement of the positive results of the team's activities in general (groups dough) .

purpose: Collect, systematize and fix development results children's Garden groups, Efforts, achievements in various fields, creating an atmosphere of openness, community of all participants in the educational process.

Frequency of filling: 1 time per month.

Storage: Specially equipped place in the locker room.


Portfolio(Folder with files, each page of which is framed in accordance with the structure).

Required material (Camera, electronic files for decoration, paper, printer, campide, electronic media flash drive).

In the structure portfolio Parts are included components:

1) Business Card groups:

Coat of arms groups,


Grid classes

Our educators.

2) Let's get acquainted.

Our girls.

What do the names of our girls mean.

Our boys.

What do the names of our boys mean.

Our birthdays.

3) We are waiting for the best weather at any time of the year.

Autumn, the autumn is welcome.

Winter winter!

Spring - Red!

Summer, oh summer!

4) The day is bored until the evening, if there is nothing to do.

5) Interesting events from the life of children.

6) Reviews and wishes of parents and colleagues.

7) Passing up.

In this way portfolio Strengthens interaction with families of pupils groups, increases parents' interest (legal representatives) in development results groups and joint activities with preschool institution.

Publications on the topic:

On the Internet, I saw a huge number of all sorts of design options for school portfolio. Some options for this design.

My portfolio I, Zaitseva Tatiana Nikolaevna, exercise his work on the following basic and integrated, partial programs (for all types of activities.

My portfolio Lovechchikova Tatyana Ivanovna was born 01.10.1972g. In Gorno-Altaisk, the Republic of Altai. Education Medium-Special Mining and Altai Pedagogical.

We decided to make our portfolio group, ceiling plates were used and of course flight fantasy on this topic. There we placed the list.

Portfolio of the correctional group Dear colleagues, the topic of portfolio has recently become especially relevant. And today I want to present you the structure of the portfolio correctional.

Belova Svetlana Anatolyevna ,

senior teacher

Audomo Zavodoukovsky City District

"Child's Development Center - Children's Garden" Birch "

Success does not come to you ...

You go to success.

M. Collins

Currently, the portfolio technology is widely used in the field of education, including in practice preschool education. The significance of this technology It consists next. First, it is aimed at the interaction of all participants in the educational process. Children, teachers and parents together participate in the creation of a single creative product. Secondly, it is one of the ways to improve the quality of the educational process, since the use of this technology contributes to the achievement of positive results of activity, both individual (child, teacher) and the team as a whole (groups, DOU). What is the portfolio?

There are various approaches to the definition of the concept of "portfolio" (T.G. Novikova, A.S. Prutchenkov, I.Yu. Gaitukhaeva, I.G. Yudina, K. Selko, V.K. Zagozhkin, etc.)

Despite the various concepts in the rationale, all researchers agree that the portfolio is primarily from department of fixation, accumulation and evaluation of individual achievements during a certain period.

The main meaning of the portfolio, according to T.G. Novikova, "show everything you can show."

Most often we are talking about the portfolio of the preschooler, - less often about the portfolio of the group.

There is no possibility and time to create a portfolio of a preschooler. In such cases, the portfolio of the Group will help, where all the achievements of this group of children are presented.

Goals and objectives

1. The purpose of the portfolio is to collect, systematize and fix the results of the development of a kindergarten group, efforts, achievements in various fields, creating an atmosphere of openness, the community of all participants in the educational process.

2. Portfolio helps to solve important pedagogical tasks:

Create a success situation for the group;

Maintain the interest of educators to form the group's portfolio;

Strengthen cooperation with families of the group students, increase the interest of parents (legal representatives) in the results of the development of a group and joint activities with a preschool institution.

The procedure for forming a portfolio

1. The portfolio of the Group is one of the components of the development rating of the subject-developing and educational - educational environment of the group.

2. The period of drawing up portfolio - throughout the school year.

3. Responsibility for organizing the formation of portfolio and systematic acquaintance of parents (legal representatives) with its content is assigned to the teacher of the group.

4. Accounting for groups included in the group's portfolio is made by the educator.

Group portfolio structure

Portfolio of a kindergarten group consists of:

v. "Welcome!"

(contains general information representing a group: group name, children's age, teachers, photos, or drawings of individual parts of the group);

v. "Let's get acquainted!"

(represents a photograph of the whole group, it can also be issued in the form of children's drawings or a common collage);

v. "Our girls"

v. "Our boys"

v. "Our successes and achievements";

v. "Our dreams".

You can expand the proposed structure with additional partitions, for example,

"What do our names mean",

"Our holidays",

"Who I will be when growing",

"Our gallows"

(Funny children's statements),

"We are artists", other.

The activities of the teacher to create a portfolio

1. The educator forms the portfolio of groups according to the list of documents.

2. Replenishment and change in the portfolio of groups are possible only for the group teacher, to view - free access;

3. The portfolio of the Group is replenished with materials gradually, systematically, as the participants in the group students participated in the educational process, all the results achieved in a timely manner.

Parents can be involved in the design portfolio. Parents' participation in the preparation of materials, decoration, reveals a creative approach to work, participation in the child's life in kindergarten.


ON THE. Kochkin, A.N. Chernyshev. Portfolio in Dow.- M.: Publisher "Scripture 2003", 2008. - 72c.

Kohan O.N. Portfolio of group Dow .// Handbook of the senior educator of the preschool institution. - M., 2010. - №12.

"Publication Certificate" Series A No. 0000843, sending date on December 18, 2012, receipt No. 62502655103704

We invite teachers of the pre-school education of the Tyumen region, YNAO and KhMAO-Ugra publish their methodical material:
- pedagogical experience, copyright programs, methodological benefits, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed abstracts and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including video), Forms of work with family and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish from us?

The structure of the children's portfolio of 3-5 years for kindergarten. Recommendations for compiling, tips.

It's not a secret to anyone that portfolio is welcomed in kindergartens. Now it has become not just fashionable, and it is already necessary to do a children's portfolio even when children's admission to kindergarten!
The portfolio of the child 3, 4, 5 years is a kind of piggy bank of the success of your baby in the main directions of its development.
Criteria that are presented in the exemplary basic general educational programs "ORTOKI" (M., 2011), "from birth to school" (M., 2010), recycled in accordance with federal state requirements for mandatory general education programs for preschool institutions.
The maintenance of the portfolio will help you to establish closer relationships with the child, spend more time together, will create an atmosphere of community of interests, and you will be able to mark the success of the baby in a timely manner, maintain interest in various activities in the following areas:
- socio-personal development,
- informative-speech development,
- physical development,
- Artistic and aesthetic development.
You will help the child to form a "What I" self-knowledge tool will acquire the experience that you will come in handy.
The portfolio is useful to parents, governors, teachers, and most importantly - the kids themselves!
In the portfolio you can attach the best drawings, photos of crafts, observations, writing about the vocabulary of the child, its growing skills.

What will be the portfolio?

Baby portfolio must certainly be colorful and bright. Ideally, it will become a favorite "book with pictures" for a child, and the subject of his pride.
Explain the baby that for the "magic book" you begin to collect and for what. No need to fear that the child "will not understand" or "will quickly cool."
I will understand! Already from 3 years of age, everything without exception to the kids love bright books.
Does not cool! A book about yourself is the most interesting. She "with delight will take" all creative work, with "special attention will be reacted" to amazing fantasies, and after some time "with love will remind you about" How many years ago you were small! "

Title page

The title leaf for the children's portfolio is practically the same as a beautiful costume for a holiday. This is a peculiar face of all work. Taking a folder into his hands and looking at the title page, the educators or your friends already make up the first opinion not only about the baby, but sometimes about the whole family that took part in the design of the portfolio.
It is not worth the title page of the portfolio for kindergarten overload information. For her there are many interesting pages inside, where everything can be painted colorfully and meaningfully. But looking at work even with a glimpse, the viewer should learn information about who the owner of such a weighty, luxurious folder, how old he is and where he lives or learns. Of course, it is pleasant if the photo of the children's portfolio itself will be located next to these concise information.
Many prefer to arrange the first sheet on the computer, although the child wants to make his part in the creation of this document. Is it possible to ruin the title leaf of a small sun, which will be painted with big diligence and love? Let him also take part in the creative process, then the child will feel that he, like mom, can be proud of a beautifully decorated folder, because he also drew in it.

Section 1. "My World" ("Portrait")

Here you can put any information that is interesting and important for the child.

- My name (information about what the name means is why parents chose exactly this name; if a child has a rare or interesting surname, it can be explained what it means), you can bring the value of the nature and predispositions on the horoscope.

- My name is when baptized (if the child was baptized, then he often gives him a second name corresponding to religion)

- My family (here you can tell you the name of mom, dad, brothers, sisters, grandmother grandfather or place a female tree drawing)

- My friends (photos of friends, information about their interests, hobbies)

- Where I live (tell about my hometown, about his interesting places in photos and descriptions)

- My kindergarten (tell some kindergarten and the group is a child)

Section 2 - "My favorite classes and games."

What we do with mom (grandmother, in kindergarten, in a circle, etc.)

My favorite games at home and in kindergarten (you can tell about the games that the child preference prefers: Cubes, Mosaic, Child Domino, etc.):

- My classes on the early development systems of Montessori, Domana, Zaitseva, Nikitin, Walfdor Pedagogy, etc. (one can give an example of several favorite activities)

- My favorite books (list the names and authors of children's books who like the child)

- I love to do (list classes that like a child: read, draw, sculpt, dance, etc.)

- My walks (classes and outdoor games)

Section 2 - "My Holidays"
This section can include photos from the birthdays, holiday photos in kindergarten: March 8, New Year etc.

4th birthday

5th birthday

6th birthday

Section 4 - "I Rasta"

This section may include headings:

"Dynamics of physical development"
This section reflects anthropometric measurement data. They can be issued in the form of interesting graphs, diagrams, drawings or tables. It is interesting to place not only information about the growth and weight of the child, but also the size of the palm or the outline of the feet.
Also in this section, you can enable the child's photos in the days of his birth.

2. My palm (on this page you can circle a child's palm on his birthday and watch every year as she grown)

"Dynamics common development»
(Social and personal development, cognitive-speech development).

- baby mouths (interesting words, phrases, toddler statements)

- I know the letters

- I read at 3, 4, 5 years old (by letters, by syllables, according to)

- My favorite song

- My favorite poem

- I play musical instruments

- I dance

- The world around me

- the world inside me

"Creative Development"
(Includes drawings, photos of creative works, photographs of participation in the theater productions of a kindergarten or club who visits the child)

Drawings in different genres (watercolor, gouache, pastel, wax crayons, etc.)

Lrak (Plasticine, clay, sculptural mass)



Photos of crafts (from paper, cardboard, natural materials, etc., participation in exhibitions)

Theatrical productions (list the roles, attach photos)

"My records"
Fill this section by diplomas or diplomas that children get a lot in kindergarten. In order for the baby to have a stimulus to try, it is possible to reward it at home for participating in various games or contests with friends.

It is better to arrange the contents of this section in chronological order.

Information about participation in sports competitions and competitions, holidays and events, etc.

The materials of this block allow you to build the rating of individual results, the rating of achievements, track the dynamics of changes in learning outcomes.

Section 5 - "My Impressions"

Information about visiting the theater, exhibition, museum, campaign, excursions.

My travels

My discovery

My excursions

Impressions about visiting theaters, exhibitions

Section 5- "Reviews and Wishes"

(in arbitrary form)

- educators

- Parents

- Pedagogues additional education

Nothing increases the self-esteem of the child, as a positive assessment of the teacher's efforts. Here you can write a review or wish, it is possible to recommendations, both the teacher and the parent, both following the academic year and by participation in any event.


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