White magic to punish the enemy at home. How to punish the offender - conspiracies to combat enemies

White magic to punish the enemy at home. How to punish the offender - conspiracies to combat enemies

In Christian, the right thing is considered to be called good.

However, it often happens so that he remains unpunished, the evil returns to us with a double strength.

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To protect yourself from the offender to some extent can conspire.

Conspiracy offender without harm to himself

The most harmless way for himself to punish the offender will ... forgive him.

At midnight you need to open the window or the window, turn off all the lighting and light from the match of the church candle.

Taking hair, burn it in a flame candle with the words:

"As a hairs, you will burn, and you, the slave of God, (name), for me, the servant of God, (name) to expipe.

So that only me crushed, I did not have any woman,

only I would, alone, wished, I thought about me and only for me I would suffer.

Like this hair back will not grow up and the case

my nobody will overcome. Key, lock, tongue. Amen!"

- spell with hair

Go to church and put a candle in the health of your offender with the words: "God is a judge."

Conspiracy Vanga on offender

Vanga believed that in all life situations it is necessary to act as the conscience dictates.

Definition of magical abilities

Choose the most suitable description of your description and find out what your hidden magical possibilities.

Pronounced telepathy - you can read and transmit thoughts at a distance, but it takes a lot to work hard to achieve the goal and believe in your hidden opportunities.

Remember that the absence of a mentor and control of abilities will pay commemorate and unknown to anyone how destructively the consequences of the devilish influence may be.

All signs of clairvoyance. With certain efforts and supporting higher forces, you can develop a gift to the recognition of the future and the vision of the past.

If the forces are not monitored by a mentor who can help them cope with them, it is possible to break the temporary space and the evil will begin to leak into our world, gradually absorbing it with dark energy.

Be careful with your gift.

For all signs - a medium. We are talking about the possibility of establishing communication with spirits and even control the course of time, but years of practice and the right mentor are required.

If the balance of strength is disturbed, the darkness will begin to absorb the remnants of good and strength that could serve for the benefit, I will go to another hyposta and the darkness will reacted.

In all indicators - witchcraft. It is estimated for you to study and guid the damage, the evil eye, you can make love spells and the stubborn will not be unbearable.

But everything must be used exclusively for the benefit and do so that others do not suffer from their innocence from your supernormalities given over.

For the development of domestic strength, at least 5 years of practice and the right mentor are required.

Most of all your favorite telecisenesis. With proper concentration and efforts that can be compressed in spherical force, you will be able to move the thoughts to move small, and over time and larger items.

When choosing a mentor who has more power, you have a bright future, which can be overshadowed by the transition on the dark side, if there is not enough strength to keep yourself from Satan's temptations.

You are a healer. Practical magic, conspiracies, spells and all that is connected with this is not just words, but your life choice and power that is given by the highest mind and it is not just like that, but for the sacred goal that you will soon find out.

It will be like a vision similar to a prophetic dream, which you can never forget.

Remember that this force needs to be applied only for good, otherwise you will absorb darkness and it will be the beginning of the end.

Therefore, even thoroughly offended by someone, do not blame the evil to this person and build a response goat.

If a person independently can cope with the current situation, then you need to contact the guardian angel with words about help.

In this article:

Today there are extremely few people who can just forgive the person who caused harm. Many wish to punish the offender, immediately return to him inverse the malicious strength and energy that prevent freely breathe, move, think, work and live in general. Help solve the problems that have arisen are capable of black magic, but it must be remembered that witchcraft in inept hands can turn into unpleasant, and sometimes tragic consequences.

Of course, forgive the person for harmful, it is a Christian correctly. But, on the other hand, injustice and evil, the remaining without punishment can repeat again, but already with greater force and scope. Evil is always looking for weakness and, finding it, enjoys its achievements. Therefore, forgiveness, a person can bring over the constant repeat of the already happening.

Yes, they can also be applied and, as a primary blow, but, not knowing the laws of magic and not possessing certain knowledge and skills, a person risks to pay perfect witchcraft against himself.

The decision on the correctness of the implementation of the following magical rituals should depend on the situation, the consequences and sizes of harm caused. If an ordinary conflict begins between a person and his enemy, then you should not turn to the dark forces of witchcraft.
The best way out is an increase and development of your own forces and opportunities that will help to get out of the situation that has arisen the full winner. If coercion, pressure, violence or pursuit, if there is a threat to life and health, is used, if there is a threat to life and health, then in this case the inaction may be destructive.

Punish the enemy with black magic

Black Return Magic: punish your enemy

You can punish the offender with the help of return witchcraft. To do this, take 2 sewing needles - one should be long and thick, and the other is short and thin. Then in the UCHO Tolstoy Needle you need to insert thin, wind the place to connect the black thread and read the following words:

"The needle is short, and yours is a long, my business is kind, and yours is evil. Evil your perfect pierced now and at the time I return everything that I was intended, everything that was guided by me, everyone got his back at this moment and forever. Amen".

Black Witchcraft: Conspited Water

Water lining need to be done necessarily

If a person suspects or confident that someone wants to harm or specify, then it is necessary to do as follows. Pour into the glass container with clean hurricane water, install a small mirror on the table, place the holy book (Bible) in front of him and put a container with liquid on it. Then, between the mirror and the book, put a candle, sit down at the table and, peering as if through a glass vessel with water in the mirror, pronounce:

"Whoever walks and lives with a kind word, he will remain with them who lives in the heart and soul with evil black, that evil back and will receive who with the words evil walks, they also suppress them."

Then you need to pour water near the housing of the ill-wisher and after that all its outlined plans will be destroyed, and the perfect evil will turn against him itself.

Dark magic: find the forces to resist with their enemies

To confront the tricks of the offender, it is necessary to put a small flat stone on the table, take a large nail into the left hand, and the right hand is a hammer. Then set the nail to the edge in the center of the stone, and, by hitting the hammer on his hat 3 times, pronounce a magic spell:

"Against the stone - iron, against stupid - sharp, against layer - standing, all power in powerful gland, weakness in a small stone, one is given to command, and another is conjugate. Everything from this minute in my reliable hands, everything is now in my huge power. "

If a person has a lot of offenders, then you need to use the required number of stones, but one nail.

It is not necessary to strike the hammer to be very strong to accidentally do not split pebbles, but at the same time you should not hit weakly. It is necessary that footprints from the island of the nail remained on the stone. After pronouncing the writing words, the stone should be thrown to her offender.

Black magic to punish the enemy

In order to eliminate evil and unfair woven, it is necessary to light a brown candle, presenting that it is a disturbing enemy. Next, taking the needle, you should try to scratch it the name of the enemy, and then on a small piece of paper, write ancient magic words: "Zamu-WEgor".

Then in the middle of the sheet drop a little honey and roll the paper into the ball. A sharp knife to make an incision in the candle and, imagining that this is the mouth of the enemy, put a crumpled paper ball there. Then you need to set fire to the candle, wait until she is a fruit, the remaining beam first throw into the water, and then buried to the ground in a place where the ill-wisher often passes.

How to keep evil thoughts and actions against yourself

If the gossip is put on a person, they carry evil plans against him or have already begun to make some kind of injustice, it is necessary to write a full name on a pure white sheet of paper and, if possible, the date of birth of the enemy. Then pour water into a small container, turn the paper into the tube, to tie it with a black thread and throw in the prepared liquid. After this, the bowl with water and paper put in the refrigerator with the words:

"Farmaon Daratum Marause. The wings of a light angel and the eyes of a green dragon fix and spell what was done against me, the fact that his places around the world will never find. "

Fragments of the mirror better dig where no one goes

After completing this rite, a person can be sure that the frozen water will reliably keep evil actions and thoughts whose data he concluded in the so-called captivity. It is better to spend this rite during the New Moon.

Black Magic: how to learn the offender in the face

If a person does not know who harms him, he can learn a disreterant, following the following actions. It is necessary at midnight to set the table with a black table with a tablecloth, put a large mirror on it, and in front of it to install and light the 3rd match (2 first need to light and immediately extinguish) a black candle.

After that, it is necessary to sit on the chair, turning your back to the mirror, take the second small mirror and holding it in his hand carefully consider the reflection of the first large mirror installed on the table. Performing these actions need to vote words:

"At this moment, in this dark night, between two mirrors, between the two worlds, I will show my enemy, for the words of the truthful."

When a vision appears in the mirror, I must say:

"No and there will be no way to you, there is no way for you and everywhere, around, in all places and on the threshold of my house."

After that, it is necessary to spit in the mirror, then split it and throw away the fragments away from home.

Many people are confronted with meanness, envy, intrigues, goat and other travelers of enemies. To restore justice, it is not necessary to descend to the level of scandals, woven and disassembly. Black magic will help to take revenge on the enemy and restore justice. In the Arsenal of Black Magic there is a large number of different rituals to overthrow unfriendly. All rites will be effective when complying with the rules of execution, which are indicated in the instructions. But remember that such rituals can provoke certain consequences of black magic, so before anything to do something, you should think carefully, whether you need it.

All rites, which are conducted with the purpose of punishing the cheap, are very strong and belong to black magic. The stronger the ritual, the more dangerous consequences may be. The task of such evidence and actions is to cause harm to the person who offended you strongly and made your life unbearable, which caused you a lot of pain.

In the prealtial number of cases, harm to the enemy after such rituals will be purely at the energy level. It is unlikely that a person will experience any physical pain or indisposition. In most situations, magical rituals are aimed at ensuring that the offender strongly tormented the conscience and a sense of guilt. And this is a breakdown of sleep, appetite, other manifestations of internal strong experiences.

Danger of black magic

Remember, choosing how to take revenge on the enemy or offender with black magic, you must think about the effect of the boomeranga. Conspuses and spells at revenge need to be used only if you are confident in your own right. If you are guided by a minute impulse, it is better to pacify your anger and refrain from rampant actions. But if, for example, at work systematically, a certain person degrads you, constantly makes you a dirty productivity or survive from the team, of course, you need to do something. Or if the mistress led the spouse from the family, this is also a reason for using magical rituals.

If you punish an innocent person, there is a risk of reverse action. You bring the wrath of the universe, bad karma for several generations ahead. Conspiracies for the punishment of the offender need to be read carefully, removing negative consequences by protective prayers, hikes in the temple, the cashing of sins, repentance. Also held certain rituals to protect themselves from the negative impact of magic

Effective rites

By photo

How to take revenge husband for betraying the help of a conspiracy, or punish other people who offended you? With the help of the photo, we punish the offender at a distance. Conduct a ritual in the photo you need at night. Take a photo that insulted you a person should be on her alone, his eyes should be well visible. To hold a rite, you need two candles, a pencil and needle.

In the room besides you, no one should be. Turn off the light, light both candles. Between them put a photo. Read the following words:

"Unjustly, I offended and offended by people, specifically by this man. I wish to take revenge on him. In the dark deep hole devils inhabit. Their guards are at the entrance. These are dark angels. Do not release devices from the cave, do not give them to the world. I ask them with fire and flames of these candles, let the devils will release their holes. Go, devils, in the woods, by field. Come to the lord of your own. Give it behind the paws in the house to the slave of God (name). There is a trial over him, let justice enthusiasm. Let him get everything he deserved. Let him shown sincerely, let him feel his evil. May it be so".

With needle

How to take revenge on her husband's mistress and make it to suffer? There is a simple ritual who will help to take revenge the offender. It is carried out with the help of needles and black thread. In order for your bullies to suffer the same way as you, you need to build a cross from two large sewing needles, rewind it with a rigid black thread. Clearly imagine how the mistress of her husband will suffer, read these words:

"My needles are short, and your long. But your conscience is short, like traces from rain droplets. My life was happy, and I was a favorite exactly until you appeared in my life. You have broken my life and spoiled. But I punished for evil. Live now with this, do not know good, do not be happy, do not be loved, I'm not desirable. Bad hostess become a mother, do not be. I clean all your grief, I return to you back. You hurt you, and I returned. Made evil - get it back. Let it be so".

Attach the related needles on the rival door so that one of them is aimed at who will go out or enter the apartment. It is impossible to tell anyone about the fact that the ritual for revenge was held. Soon the one who caused you evil will begin troubles and problems.

Other options rites

Revenge the person who offended you, you can use the next rite. Be sure to spend it on Tuesday. Magic action will need such attributes: several large salt grievances, a candle. To force the enemy to suffer and root, you need to come to his dwelling at night. Sit on the porch or on the staircase, get the salt, full salt, candle. Welcome a candle, put it near the body of the offender. In the hands of take salt and read:

"I do not sprinkle you with a salt, and the coming pain award. So that you suffered so much as I was offended before. I wish to punish the one who offended me in the old days. With the moon and the sun, with Satan and God, my enemies suffer, want to leave on peace. Who made you bad, you will not know. Amen".

Salon led over the flame of the candle while reading. Next, you need to scatter salt on the verge of the enemy.

There is also a water ritual, with the help of which you can take revenge on the offender and put protection against its further tricks and attacks. You need to pour a spring, key or well water to the jar. Put the jar in front of the mirror. Under it to put the Bible, and between the mirror and water, set the candle and set fire to it. Next reads text:

"If you are good brought, let it return to you with a hundredfold. And if the evil did, and even with intent, let him also return everything to you. Hands your hands are removed from me, with our own words with their eating yes choke. Let them fall into one moment all your cunning plans, let them never climb to me, do not encroach on my energy. All my stays with me, and your returns to you. "

Let the candles run completely. After that, drink water, and the mirror hide into a secluded place. It will be your defense. In the future, with any conflict or quarrel, imagine how the huge mirror grows between you and the offender, which will reflect all his attacks. Either you can imagine a powerful flow of water, a waterfall in which all bad words and energy sendments in your direction will dissolve.

Ritual with coins

To punish the offender, you can hold a rite using coins. You can use coins of any nominal. The ritual algorithm is as follows:

  1. Name a coin in honor of any evil historical character (for example, Hitler).
  2. At night, get out of the house.
  3. Throw a coin to the ground, said at the same time: "My enemy, my villain, a cunning silver (name), go away from my path."
  4. Throw another coin, above at a par, saying: "Will not go on the ground, the effect will be double."
  5. Go home silently, without talking to anyone. Come home, silently go to bed.

Ritual on the wind

Prayer for the wind helps to get rid of the attacks of the enemy. It is important that the street is sunny and slightly windy weather. A rite is held near the window. In the room, besides you, there should be no more than anyone. Talk in the open window:

"Lord is gracious, our Almighty. You in our hands can hold the whole world, you are the lord of everything. Everyone is subject to you. You are the creator of all living in this world. Without you, the sun will not be clear, all herbs and trees dug. No water, no wind will be. Stars shine at the order of yours, people appear with the permission of yours, our creator generous. You help me, all the attacks reflect, let the one who offended me, suffers from the words of his own and from the actions of the uncomfortable. "

You can also talk to the back of the offender such words:

"Fly, my words, arrows sharp and fiery. Go to my enemy's heart. Let the wind become my assistant and will take you as quickly as possible, so that my revenge happened, so that I did not know again. And let the offender be pearing, let the arrows felt it. There will be no rest until he is behind me and will not leave his evil ideas and plans, his unacceptable actions in my address. As soon as the word bad says or thinks, let the arrows knock it. "

In the black magic arsenal there is a large number of different rites, with which it is possible to restore justice, to return the offender its evil. All rituals can be done independently, but if you fear that you can overtake the consequences, it is better to seek help from specialists in the area of \u200b\u200besoteric. But for starters, think, maybe you can do without magical intervention, solve the conflict with words and decisive actions.

Everyone can get rid of the negative impact of offenders, even if it does not know them in the face. Effective conspiracies will help protect against any evil and teach everyone who decided to hurt you.

Take off the offenders and ill-wishers with a conspiracy can be at any time. Site experts Website recommend to avoid anger during the pronouncement of cherished words so that the plot does not turn against you. To punish everyone who delivered trouble is needed with a cold head, and not on emotions, so that the lacquer does not harm other people too much. Before pronounced a conspiracy, it is important to calm down and refuse thoughts about cruel revenge.

Conspiracy from unfamiliar enemies

Conspiracy is pronounced at midnight with a lit candle. On the floor, you need to pour a circle from salt, get into it with a candle in your hand and pronounce:

"I will lock from any evil, I remove the conspiracy. Let them fly and return to the offenders to mine, no one TRONWW.

Get out of the circle, leaving there a candle there. When she is a fruit, their malice will be returned to unfriendly.

Conspiracy to teach offender

A strong conspiracy is read in the name of a person who offended you. You can pronounce it at any time, remaining alone:

"All words, I have been told (the name of the offender), let it be back, I don't cause evil. Walking my offender (name), joy not to know until it is corrected, I will not take up for the mind and forgiveness will not ask. "

Conspiracy to punish the enemy

You can get rid of the bad effect of enemies with a strong conspiracy. Take the needle, heat it on the candle flame, write a candle and say:

"Kaney needle all pierces the whole negative, blindly removes me. As a candle to burn, so I don't know the enemies, as long as they will not take me. "

Returnal conspiracy

Get rid of trouble and problems in the life that the enemies delivered is possible by returning. Conspiracy is read before dawn.

"With the morning dawn, luck rises, I smiles. The sun rises, I bow to him, I ask for help. Pier with his enemies of my enemies, give them an evil black to a drop, do not let me back. "

The sun should be bowed three times and at the light of his rays wash with holy water.

You can get rid of offenders not only with conspiracies, but also prayers. Higher forces will definitely come to the aid to the one who was offended unfair. Wear an overlap that will not allow the negative to harm you, strengthen the biofield, and then no detractor can affect you. Happiness to you and prosperity, and do not forget to click on the buttons and

09.10.2018 07:21

Sometimes we are afraid that enemies can prevent or harm us. But their intervention in our ...

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Since ancient times, people have tried to look into the future to protect themselves from danger or prepare for a particular event. Now interest in magic does not fade, but on the contrary, rapidly growing. All this is determined by the presence of a huge number of available information. Today, anyone who wants to meet with magic can, without any difficulties, look into the Internet, read the spell that interests and hold a suitable rite. But not everything is as simple as it would seem. People who belong to magic for the sake of interest or with a mockery, can seriously harm themselves and their loved ones.

If you seriously interested in black magic (punish the enemy at home, or, for example, take revenge on the offender), then read our article.


To date, many people simply cannot forgive their offender. Each second wants to cause harm or cause unbearable pain. Dealing at revenge, ready for everything, just to punish the culprit. Most often, black magic applies in the form of punishment. It was really possible to punish the enemy at home. But almost no one thinks over what can create witchcraft in the hands of an ineptly man. Therefore, before resorting to the services of black magic, think: maybe it's worth forgive?

Another thing, if a person prevents living, threatens you and your loved ones, humiliates and insults you with any opportunity. Here will come to help black magic. It's quite simple to punish the enemy at home. The main thing is to believe in what is happening.

Revenge with needles and black thread

The holding of this ritual will allow not only to fully punish the offender, but also to return to him all the negative energy. To do this, purchase the ball of black thread and two new sewing needles. It is important that one of them is thin and short, and the other - thick and long.

So, insert a small needle and wrap their black thread at the intersection. Read the following plot:

"My needle is short, yours is long,

My business is good, your - evil,

Evil, perfect to you, pierced

and you all I was intended, at the moment I return,

everything that looked at me, get back

in this minute and forever. Amen".

Crossed needles stuck in the doorway offender so that the little needle watches the eye on the left side. Repeat the spell again, only to yourself. From this point on, magic will start acting. After some time, you will notice how the life of your enemy will begin to change for the worse. This is how the enemy acts is not so difficult. The main thing is to remember the rule: not to tell anyone about the deed, even close people.


Take a single-handed and two-fiber coin and give them the name of your offender. If you do not know what is his name, use the word "villain".

Stand on the crossroads, throw in front of yourself a single-handed coin and say the following words:

"Name (the name of the offender) - Zlodeevo!"

Throw away a two-fiber coin and tell me:

"Paid doubly".

Shoot on the left side and go home.

What other conspiracies and rites are in themselves black magic? You can punish the enemy at home and using the photo. About this and talk below.

Revenge offender using photo

To wait for the midnight, take the chalk and outline around yourself. Mark the side of the world. Place two red candles on the table. In the center of the circle, place the photo of the enemy. Then burn the candles. Loudly call the spirits of all four elements. Then read the following conspiracy, carefully peering into the photo:

"I spell you (the name of the enemy) so that you can fall as the microelements of air, fire, water and land in chaos disintegrate. To your thoughts (the name of the enemy), like the rays of the moon pale, headed towards suffering and torment. In order for your own pain, you have created in your own imagination and followed this pain, as if on the raw stones. And yes, he hovers over you (the name of the enemy) the spirit of evil, like water over the earth. "

After reading the spell, thank the spirits of the elements, erase the circle counterclockwise, and leave the candles to get to the end. The spell will work out as soon as the candles are back.

Many are interested in the question of whether black magic is effective. It's possible to punish the enemy by photography, if you really hate your enemy from all over.

Spell on a nail and hammer

Could confront the shivels of ill-wishers and enemies black magic at home? It is not difficult to punish the enemy in this case. So, take the hammer, long nail and flat pebbles. At night with closed curtains lit the candle. In the center of the pebble, install the nail tire and apply 3 shock with a hammer over a hat. Say the following words:

"Iron against a stone, sharp against stupid,

Standing against lying, power in the gland, weave in stone,

To order, another fall to the legs,

All in my hands and my power. "

Do not beat the hammer too much, otherwise you can split the stone. It should remain a noticeable imprint from the nail. The conspiracy stone threw to your unfriendly, and keep the nail at home. This subject can serve as a talisman superiority and power. The nail can be used and at revenge on other enemies.

Witchcraft with the help of holy water

What else is black magic capable? Punish the enemy (who offends you) as follows. Take the mirror, holy water, bible, transparent glass. Close the curtains and door doors. Place the mirror on the table, pour holy water into the glass and put it on the Bible. It is important that the Holy Scripture is reflected in the mirror.

The room must be complete silence. Between the Bible and the mirror burn when all the conditions are met, arrange on the chair, close your eyes and focus. Concentrate on that man who causes you anger. Feel the reflection of your revenge. After that, open your eyes and through the water look into the mirror, thinking only about the offender. Say the following words:

"Whoever exists and walks with good intentions, he will remain with them, and who in his heart holds evil, hatred and with a black soul lives, that evil will be taking back to himself, who he walks with the thoughts, that they will be suppressed."

After committing the ritual, water pour under the threshold of the offender. After a while you will see how his life will be destroyed and acquired an increasingly dark color. Soon you will notice how the mood will deteriorate, and everything will be crushed.

What other conspiracies and rites to revenge the enemy in their "Arsenal" black magic?

Punish the enemy for beginner magicians using a photo and black candle

Take a photo of the offender (better if she is no more than a year). In the upper right paint draw three points. The right lower corner will fall out a bit with the help of a black candle. Next - the choice is yours.

If you want your enemy fell ill with the ailment of internal organs, then pour the photo by the pin.

You wish that the offender picked up a dangerous disease, - pour the image with a black needle.

Want that the enemy is pierced from pain, - hit the photo with a fist.

We wish that the unfinished by becoming an alcoholic or drug addict, - burn the image of a cigarette.

For the cloud of consciousness, the enemy should pour a photo of red paint.

If you want the offender to receive a fracture, dislocation, then reconnect the image to the board with a nail.

It should be noted that during this ritual, a huge negative (hatred, anger, disgust) should be experienced.

After making one of the actions, read the following words:

"Pine boards, solid bed,

That's what awaits you, unhappy (Name of the Neffatureman).

If you come to bow me and fall in your feet,

Then it will be easier for you,

In the meantime, you will be delivered. "

The damage will continue until you change your attitude towards the offender. Mostly spell actively from six months to three years. You can direct damage to the enemy and re-be remembered, it should be remembered that every subsequent conduct of rituals of black magic deprives you of humanity and souls.

Dangerous black magic

Enemy's enemy is also possible. The ritual should be carried out only when a person really deserves torment. If you just do it out of envy or revenge, then wait for the return of the trouble in tenfold. So, go for Easter to church. Buy a candle there and dangle it in thirteen places. At the same time, think about the enemy. Quiet, but not whisper, say such words:

"Chakhni! Saw! Droin! ".

Then set fire to the candle from 2 sides and turn it onto the ring, as if the closer existence of a detractor. Take this way:

"Circling the life of the enemy (name)."

Throw the candle under the commemorative table and leave without looking back. After that, go to the intersection, throw coins on the road and leave a bottle of vodka there.

Remember: All you do can turn against you. Therefore, think carefully before making evil to other people.


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