History of chocolate: Where, how and when the first chocolate appeared. Chocolate history The history of the development of Russian chocolate

History of chocolate: Where, how and when the first chocolate appeared. Chocolate history The history of the development of Russian chocolate

He opened the chocolate Columbus, and the chocolate drink in its original form introduced the Spanish king in 1528. Fernand Cortez. "Chocolatl" - a drink based on cocoa beans with the addition of pepper, honey and vanilla was manufactured by Aztecs and Maya several centuries. In Europe, sugar and milk began to add to drink to reduce bitter taste. The drink became so popular among the Spanish no matter what, according to Karl V decree, the secret of making chocolate became the state secret of Spain. Only after 100 years, issuing a marriage of King Philip Anna Austician for the king of France Louis XIII, cocoa beans were sent as a wedding gift to Paris to prepare this wonderful drink.

  • 1659 - The first chocolate manufactory was opened in Paris: the grains were purified by hand,roasted and rubbed, then the resulting mass was falling onto a stone,stirred and rolled with iron roller.
  • 1825 - was invented chocolate in the form of tiles in the Molel Factory. So chocolate became availablefor widespread selling.In the same year, the Dutchman Konrad Johanes You Choven to reduce the fatty drinkinvented a method for extracting cocoa butter from cocoa beans. From the resulting product and cakehe learned later to make cocoa powder.
  • 1828 - one of the greatest discoveries in the food industry was committed -the recipe for the manufacture of chocolate so, what we know it now, that is, peoplewe learned to connect cocoa butter, cocoa powder and sugar.
  • 1848 - Auguste Polen founded his chocolate factory and invented cocoa powder.
  • In the time of Maria Antoinette, a chocolate drink prepared by her was popularown recipe: Chocolate mixed with a powder of orchid flower, flowersoranges and almond milk.
  • In the first of the first and second world warsrecipe was extremely popular, brought to Europe from Venezuela:a mixture of chocolate, sugar and banana flour.
  • Solid chocolate was first invented in England in the 17th century, and in 1831 John Cadbury beganown chocolate production, which turned in the twentieth century in one of chocolateempires
  • At the time of Columbus and Cortes, chocolate was actually equal to gold.
  • Indians for 100 seeds could buy one slave. In America even developed chocolatefakefulness - as the value of the product was determined by weight, fraudsterswe learned to extract the beans from the pods and replace them in weight on small stones.
  • "The latter, learned chocolate, will be the first" - chocolate in the "chocolate" countrythe world - Switzerland appeared only at the end of the XVII century, and the first confectionery openedonly in a hundred years. And, nevertheless, the Swiss became the most zealousfans of chocolate in Europe.
  • 1828 - Amidea Koller invented how to make chocolate with nuts.
  • 1875 - Daniel Peter produced a recipe for milk chocolate. Together with the partner of Henri Nestle (who was a pharmacist by profession) they began mass production of a mixture of chocolate and milk.
  • 1868 G. Jean-Paul Tobler began to produce soluble chocolate on his factory. His son Theodore combined the family name and Italian word "Torrone" (Medovo-almond Nougal) and under the obtained name "Tobleron" released the famous chocolate chocolate in the form of "Globrikov". And Rudolf Lindt invented chocolate with fillings and began production in Bern.

ancient recipe for kings and nobility

Recipe Cococco, the very first cocoa beverage, does not look like modern chocolate preparation recipes. To prepare this, sharp drink, which once drank only elite, cocoa beans were fried on fire, and then largely crushed between stones. In this case, the paste was obtained, which was then mixed with water and heated until the cocoa oil appears on the surface. The oil was filmed, after which the drink was cooled and scrambled to the formation of foam. Cococco died freshly prepared, with the addition of chili pepper, vanilla, corn flour, other exotic ingredients.

Divine power of cocoa fruit

It was believed that the cocoa tree grew into paradise, chococatle attributed a lot of supernatural abilities. The legend says that the one who uses cocoa beans becomes wise, rich and strong. Therefore, it is not surprising that cocoa was intended only for the elite of Aztec society, called it "black gold." Before entering Europe in 1519, cocoa drank adult men, including priests, high-ranking warriors and sacrificing men and women.

When money grow on trees

"Money grow on trees." These words wrote Spanish chronicles, accompanying conquistadors to a new light. Aztec really appreciated cocoa beans so high that they even began to fulfill their role of money. The cash value of the beans was high. The rabbit cost - 10 cocoa beans, the slave - 100. Kakau was originally translated as "an offer from those who diluted cattle, it works and treats the Earth," which can be interpreted as an exchange or payment. Beans for a long time after the disappearance of Aztecs, even in 1858, were used as money in the market of Central America

Vladivostok, 11 Jul - RIA Novosti. A popular worldwide chocolate has long been the favorite delicacy of millions of people, but also recently called it black gold, as they could allow tile only rich. On chocolate day, experts told RIA Novosti about the history, benefits and methods of using chocolate.

World Chocolate Day (World Chocolate Day) is celebrated from July 11, 1995. The first of him began to celebrate the French who arranged mass celebrations dedicated to this sweetness. Gradually, the holiday won great popularity in other European countries.

Affordable food gods

As Oleg Ignatiev told RIA Novosti, the director of the trademark engaged in the production of confectionery products, it is believed that the Aztec chocolate began to be first. They called him "food of the gods" and treated him as the greatest value, using in their religious rituals. The legendary leader of Montezum used him every time he went to his wives.

"Spanish conquistadors brought to Europe, who called him" black gold "and were used to strengthen physical forces. The cost of chocolate was high, so it could afford only the richest. Many women considered a chocolate Aphrodisiac, able to ignite the fire of passion," said Interlocutor agency.

According to him, because of the belief in the "special" properties of chocolate in 1624, Bishop Viennese John forbade the Franciscanian monasters to use liquid chocolate, calling it a "sinful drink". At the same time, in neighboring Germany, doctors began to recommend chocolate as a wellworking means, after which this product firmly settled on the pharmaceutical shelves.

He used chocolate popularity not only in women, but also in men, they believed that he would increase potency. Therefore, the famous Venetian - Casanov, the famous seducer, has always been a silver chocolate with him, so that after exploring the lady, drink a drink after exploring. Marquis de Garden, even sitting in prison, demanded that his wife's shrouded chocolate at his wife, Ignatiev said.

Belgian mail released brands with taste and chocolate smell"Chocolate taste was added to the adhesive frame of the brand in the form of cocoa essential oils, which is felt when licking. The paint also exudes the aroma of chocolate," the mail statement said.

Initially, the chocolate was very bitter, as he was made on the basis of cocoa beans and added pepper-chili, but hitting Europe, he became softer. Instead of peppers, they began to mix cinnamon, nutmeg and cane sugar. Much later, in 1700 the British began to add milk to a mixture. Thanks to the possibility of obtaining cocoa butter, it began to be supplied not only in the hot liquid form, but also in the tiles. And in the 20th century, the production of tiles was delivered to the stream.

Chocolate against stress

The effect of bitter chocolate on a man's psyche has been proven for a long time. In addition to lifting the mood, counteract depression and improve memory, it also affects potency and increases activity, RIA Novosti, a psychologist from Vladivostok Tatyana Pushtov.

"Insufficient glucose content can quickly lead to apathy, reduce the performance and braking of the development of intellectual potential, so that this is to avoid you to use 50 grams of black chocolate every day. It enhances the brain work, improves the mood, and also has a positive effect on the blood circulation in the vessels." - told the interlocutor of the agency.

Cocktail dresses, unusual corsets and chocolate hats showed models at the opening of the annual Event "Chocolate Salon" in Paris. Look at the video, how was the "sweet" defile.

According to her, theobromin and caffeine increase stress resistance and pulse. The larger in chocolate cocoa products, the stronger it tones, so if a person is in stressful state, it is best to eat milk chocolate, which includes milk or cream. They are natural tranquilizers and have a sedative, braking effect and help to cope with insomnia.

"Chocolate is not only an excellent antidepressant, but also in its composition phenylethylamine, which stimulates in the pituitary formation of endorphins -" Hormones of happiness ", which affect sexual desires, also cause Euphoria, and sometimes they have an anesthetic effect. Therefore, it is considered since its antiquity. One of the Aphrodisiacs, "the interlocutor told.

According to Pushtov, special properties have both a chocolate smell, which in recent years is widely used for meditation and massages. The candle with chocolate smell relieves irritation, pacifies, even returns sincere equilibrium. But, despite the usefulness of sweetness for adults, parents should still limit its number for children.

Chocolate protects from ultraviolet

The use of chocolate in cosmetology has long ceased to be a novelty, especially in recent years, when all sorts of creams with cocoa bean extract or cocoa butter, chocolate mousses, tonic, masks and shampoos began to appear in ordinary stores. Such a "chocolate pump" is quite explained, since in itself, chocolate has a lot of not only nutrients and vitamins, but also helps in medicinal purposes, the cosmetologist from Vladivostok Natalia Donskaya said RIA Novosti.

Scientists have found out what the attractiveness of chocolate isScientists from the United States found out that a certain part of the brain forces people without action there are sweets, in particular, chocolate, or to give preference to "non-fat food". The findings of researchers are published in the journal Current Biology.

"Today, chocolate cosmetics is used to lose weight, getting rid of cellulite, lifting, rejuvenation, relief from stretch marks, pigment spots, acne, improvement of color and skin condition. With the help of cosmetic procedures on the basis of chocolate, blood circulation is stimulated, normalized blood outflows and lymphs, impede the appearance of detects. And also struggle with hair loss, "the agency's interlocutor told.

According to her, such widespread use of sweetness received due to the composition, in which there are useful substances for both the organism and the skin in particular: iron, copper, magnesium, sodium, potassium and calcium.

"A special popularity of chocolate-processes use in summer periods when the skin is most influenced by direct sunlight. In addition, it contains about 40% of caffeine activating the disintegration of fat and metabolism, such procedures are good for those who want to come to the bathing season. , as well as after childbirth, "said the interlocutor.

Donskaya noted that, despite the utility, chocolate is a strong allergen, so it should be used carefully. Cosmetic chocolate is not the one that is sold in grocery stores. In cosmetology, only bitter chocolate is used, without sugar or taste improvers, which is why it is even more saturated. Also, the procedures are contraindicated to people with dermatitis, eczemas and psoriasis.

Chocolate - no enemy figure

Trying to lose weight, most women try to completely abandon the sweet, which most often leads to breakdowns and a set of kilograms, and this adversely affects health, considers a nutritionist from Vladivostok Evgenia Belykh.

"Diets are already a big stress for the body. But it is impossible to abandon completely sweets - it can lead to depression, apathy and irritability. Therefore, even if you sat on a diet, you do not need to deny the body into sweet. You will not get from 30 grams of dark. Chocolate per day, but the mood will improve, and the body will transfer the stress easier, "the agency's interlocutor told.

Chocolate can reduce the risk of stroke in men, established scientistsScientists from Sweden found that the use of certain doses of chocolate may be associated with a reduced risk of stroke in men. The work of researchers is published in the journal Neurology of the American Academy of Neurology.

According to her, in recent years, most diets moved away from the generally accepted concept that it is necessary to completely abandon the sweet. Many new weight reduction techniques have been developed by nutritionists, most of them include the use of bitter chocolate.

"Caffeine and theobromin, contained in bitter chocolate, accelerate the metabolism and promote weight loss. And because of its saturation of fats and calorie content, chocolate quickly suppresses appetite and quenches hunger. This is due to the fact that chocolate with a large content of cocoa beans is not It refers to products with quickly digestible carbohydrates. This principle is supported in diet-based diet only chocolate. When a day you can eat a whole tile and nothing else, "the interlocutor said.

The drink from the fruit of the cocoa tree appeared about 3000 years ago. It is assumed that its Indians-Almeki came up with the first, the civilization of which existed in the II century BC. e. On the territory of Southeast Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala. In the first century n. e. Almeck civilization was replaced by the Mayan civilization. Calling the Peninsula Yucatan Central America, Indians Maja found here Cocoa trees and, like Almeki, breaking the plantation of this plant, began to prepare a drink from its seeds. Considering cocoa by the divine gift, Maya prayed and brought victims to the Cacao Ek Chuah. Cocoa beans were also used as a special currency.

In the XII-XIV centuries, the state of Aztec existed on the territory of modern Mexico. Conquer the neighboring tribes, the Aztecs charged with them to the tribute, which included cocoa beans used for the preparation of a drink, as well as the exchange coin. Aztecs had special units of measuring cocoa wood grains. One bag contained about 24 thousand cocoa beans, which was 3 xipuipilis. The Palace of the famous emperor Aztec Montesum daily delivered about 40 thousand bags of cocoa wood grains.

For Emperor, Montesums were preparing a chocolate drink in the following way: roasted cocoa - beans rubbed with breasts of milk corn, and then mixed with honey, vanilla and agave juice.

An ancient legend has been preserved about the Mexican gardener named Kvetzalcoatl, whom Gods were given the talent to break out beautiful gardens. Once, the Cvetzalcoatl raised the unspoken village, which called Cocoa. The seeds of his fruits, similar in shape on the cucumbers, were bitter taste. But the drink cooked from them instilled vigor and extended longing. And people began to appreciate cocoa by weight of gold. Cvetzalcoatil Rashchika and, corrupted by wealth, imagined himself equal to all-fat gods. For this, the gods punished him, having degraded the mind. In the attack, the gardener ruthlessly destroyed all the plants, except for one. This plant turned out to be a cocoa tree.

In 1519, Konkistador Hernan Cortes won part of Mexico and her capital Tenochtitlan. The Spaniard was interested in the huge stocks of dried cocoa beans, found to them in the pantry palace of the king of Montesums.

Although the bitter drink from cocoa wood grains did not apply to the taste of the Spaniards, they appreciated its aroma and toning effect.

Returning to Spain, Konkistador in the hope of delighting the king, which had already reached rumors about the desires created by him, brought him as a gift for cocoa beans and the recipe for cooking. Royal couple Chocolatl (renamed chocolate) really liked, and this drink quickly entered the fashion of the Spanish nobility. The chocolate began to add cane sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg, thanks to which the drink was much tasty.

It is believed that the first European, who tried chocolate was Christopher Columbus.

In 1502, residents of Guyan island treated the famous traveler with a hot drink from cocoa beans. But the Columbus did not like the hot bitter drink, seasoned by unknown fragile herbs.

It should be noted that cocoa beans were very expensive at that time. They were used as a currency. For example, for 100 grains Cocoa could buy a slave. Chocolate considered panacea from many diseases and used as a medicine. However, they used chocolate and crime purposes. Gorgered taste and strong chocolate flavor well masked the flavor of poison.

First, the drink from cocoa bean was recognized as an exclusively male drink, as he was very strong and bitter. But the British in 1700 guessed to add milk to chocolate, which made the drink easier and tasty. Since then, a chocolate drink fell in love with women and children.

Because of the fact that the volume of supplies of cocoa - beans were insufficient, the Spaniards hid from other states the secret of cocoa seeds. Only in the XVII century the rest of the population of Europe learned the mystery of the wonderful drink.

The Catholic Church forbidden to eat during the post all that deliberately deliberate. Therefore, for a long time there were disputes about whether it is possible to drink chocolate during the post. In 1569, the bishops of Mexico staged a special meeting on this occasion, on which he decided to send Jerolamo de San Vincenzo Father to the Vatican, so that the dispute was allowed by Pope himself. Pope PAP V found himself in some confusion. He never tried chocolate and did not even know what it was. Jerolamo presented him with a cup of cocoa. Dad sipped a drink, wrinkled and uttered the historical phrase: "The post chocolate does not violate, it can not such a nasty to bring someone's pleasure."

The Italians first invented a license for the production of chocolate. In the Netherlands, cocoa beans were smuggled goods, and the emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire (XVI century) Karl V wanted to even introduce a monopoly on cocoa grains.

But Anna Austrian, the daughter of the Spanish King of Philipp III and the spouse of the French king of Louis XIII, introduced the main contribution to the spread of chocolate in Europe. In 1616, she brought cocoa beans to Paris, and soon chocolate became popular throughout Europe. But, despite its popularity, chocolate remained very expensive. Only aristocrats could enjoy this wonderful drink.

Over time, the number of cocoa plantations has increased significantly, the industrial production of chocolate has improved, so that this product has become affordable and wide masses of the population. In 1659, the Frenchman David Shayu opened the world's first chocolate factory in the middle of the XVIII century, the first confectionery appeared in France, where the visitors were offered a favorite drink; By 1798, there were already about 500 such establishments in Paris. And in England, famous chocolate houses (Chocolate Houses) have become more popular than tea and coffee shop salons.

Prior to the beginning of the XIX century, chocolate was used exclusively in a liquid form until the Swiss Francois Louis Kaya did not create the world's first solid chocolate tile in 1819. In 1820, a factory for the production of chocolate was built near Vivi. Soon chocolate factories began to open throughout Europe. The technologies of the manufacture of solid chocolate are constantly improved. Solid chocolate recipes began to add nuts, candied sickness, various sloant, wine and even beer. In 1875, Swiss Daniel Peter mixed cocoa mass with condensed milk. So the milk chocolate appeared, or, as he was called, Swiss chocolate. At the same time Rudolf Lindt developed machines for cocoa masses, as a result of which an extra moisture was removed from the chocolate mass, and it became thick and tender.

As for Russia, the first chocolate production factories were opened in Moscow at about the same time as in other European cities - in the middle of the XIX century. However, the production of tiled chocolate in our country was mainly monitored by foreigners, since domestic specialists at that time were few. The largest enterprises then were the German company EINEM (subsequently "Red October") and the French Family Company "A. SiU and K °". From domestic enterprises, the most famous was the Babaevskaya factory, based by Alexei Ivanovich Apricos.

Today, world production of chocolate and chocolate products is more than 4 million tons, their largest producers and consumers are US, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Switzerland and Japan. For example, the consumption of chocolate in Switzerland is 19, in the USA - 13, and in Russia - 4 kilograms per capita per year.

Chocolate Fashion. As in any other art, the concept of fashion is present in the art of cooking and drinking chocolate. For example, Currently, connoisseurs prefer the patrief to the vanilla chocolate taste.

From the history of chocolate. In the time of Indians, the Mayan Cocoa trees were intentionally not grown. They grew quite a few, but not enough for everyone to drink a divine drink in a widow. As a result, the Indians began to use cocoa beans as a means of payment. On the account was every fruit: for 100 cocoa beans, as historians write, you could buy a slave. Chocolate has been exclusively a drink for a long time. It was consumed in a cold form - roasted cocoa beans, which themselves have a bitter taste, mixed with water, and then chili pepper was added to this mixture.

Chocolate gradually acquired many admirers in history. Mass recognition was intersecting with exclusivity - to try chocolate was successful and infrequently. In England, the so-called chocolate houses began to appear, where the English elite was gathered. The most famous was the Chocolate House of White, which was opened in 1893. He donated its popularity to our times, carefully keeps the created chocolate consumption culture.

In 1700, the British were added to chocolate milk. Later mining from cocoa beans Cocoa Oil has become a turning point in chocolate history: Now it could be done not only as a drink, but also in the form of tiles.

The main thing in chocolate is cocoa. From the annual harvest of each cocoa tree, about 400 grams of chocolate can be prepared.

Chocolate and cocoa trees have a similar character. Chocolate is whimsical: it does not like hot sunlight. So cocoa wood. In order for it to joy to us, the tree needs a shadow and protection against wind. Before the tree starts fruit, it will take 3 - 4 years. Only later pink and white flowers begin to appear. Like other tropical trees, the cocoa tree blooms all year round, but not every flower is destined to become a cocoa bean. An annual harvest is about 30 fruits per year, and cocoa beans grow straight from the tree trunk.

The largest chocolate tile, Armenia.

Real chocolate. This chocolate is called a confectionery product, in the manufacture of which only cocoa oil and cocoa was used (a crushing mixture of cocoa beans in cocoa oil), and not a product based on cocoa powder and cocoa oil substitutes based on a mixture of vegetable fats. In addition, the most important parameter of chocolate is the so-called mass dispersion, that is, the distribution of the sizes of sugar particles and cocoa beans included in the chocolate mass in size.

Cocoa oil in chocolate can be frozen in different crystalline states - it is characterized by polymorphism. 6 polymorphic structures are known for cocoa butter, which denote by the Greek letters of Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and the like. All these forms have different temperatures of frozen and melting, structure, density, and mainst taste. It turned out that the highest quality chocolate is chocolate with crystals of the Beta structure. This chocolate is denser, has the most saturated "chocolate taste" and "chocolate gloss" breaks with a pleasant crunch and is kept better ...

Chocolate car Formula 1, Spain.

The path from cocoa beans to chocolate tiles is a long and difficult way with a lot of complex technological stages. Moreover, the lowest violation of technology on any of the stages of chocolate preparation leads to the loss of chocolate quality and, as a result, the irrevocable loss of an expensive source product - cocoa beans.

A good chocolate mass is the most important, but not the only condition for obtaining high-quality chocolate tiles. Much is also determined by the features and technological nuances in the very procedure of casting tiles in the mold and their subsequent packaging.

White and dark chocolate. At the beginning of Cocoa Beans, only a chocolate drink was able to prepare. Tile chocolate appeared on historical standards recently. The basis of chocolate tile, which makes it keep a shape, is a cocoa butter that has white color. We add dry milk and sugar powder into it and get white in color chocolate, chocolate fragrance gives cocoa butter. The dark chocolate is also cocoa butter plus cocoa powder, which gives a dark color tile.

Cuteur - The best and most expensive variety of cocoa oil, which gives chocolate unique taste and fragrance. A properly melted cutera is a beautiful glossy surface.

Culinary chocolate There are various varieties: its quality depends on the content of cocoa oil in it. It affects the taste and color, and on the density of the product. Culinary chocolate finds a variety of use, it is less expensive than cuteur, and is suitable for the preparation of all products with chocolate components.

Dining room, or dessert, chocolate It contains less cocoa oil, but he has a wonderful taste. It is convenient in work, but it is quite expensive. This variety is better to use for the preparation of tidy cookies, special desserts or homemade candies. In the molten form rather thick, so the smooth glazing coating will not work out.

Chocolate fuddle In fact, it contains so little cocoa oil, which is unlikely to have the right to be called chocolate. She has a less pleasant taste than other types of chocolate, the texture is mild and rather fat, however, and the finished sweet has advantages - it is convenient to use it, and it costs it cheaper. The finished fudge is suitable for the preparation of any products with chocolate components.

Enjoying the taste of chocolate, few people wondered: where and how did chocolate appear? Meanwhile, the shocolics will be useful to get acquainted with information about the historical homeland of delicacy, and interesting facts of his appearance.

The history of the origin of cocoa and the creation of chocolate

The history of chocolate appearance has more than 3 thousand years. So who came up with chocolate? The history of the appearance of chocolate takes its beginning since XVII. The fruits of cocoa beans were known to the tribes of American Indians. Then they were used exclusively for the preparation of hot drinks.

The cocoa bean-based drink was prepared with the addition of various herbs and spices. Such a European H. Columbus recognized him. Then the traveler brings the fruit of cocoa beans by the Spanish Monarch. But they did not acquire popularity. And all due to bitter and unusual taste.

The drink and taste of cocoa beans managed to promote F. Cortes, the governor of the king in the new Spain. He was so struck by the unsurpassed taste of an invigorating drink, which decided to plant his plantations with chocolate trees.

Thanks to the work of Cortes, the invigorating drink based on cocoa beans has become known almost throughout Europe. The chocolate drink was so failed that he drank him in all noble homes. However, ordinary mortals could not afford such a luxury, in view of the fact that the fruits were quite expensive.

We still might enjoy only a fragrant and invigorating drink from cocoa beans, if it were not for the engineer Konrad Wang Hooutien, who at the beginning of the 19th century patented and invented the so-called hydraulic press, with which oil was removed from chocolate fruits.

At the end of the 19th century, the first milk chocolate was released. You call about how much the confectionery tile stood. However, with the development of civilization, the production process of delicacy has become more accessible, which made it possible to enjoy chocolate sweets to everyone and everyone.

Today in the world there are several confectionery factories that produce high-quality and elite delicacy. Unfortunately, the composition of modern sweets, which are presented on the shelves of domestic supermarkets can not be called neither useful nor natural. Increasingly, cocoa butob oil is replaced with cheap analogs, by type of palm or coconut oil. The best chocolate is released in Mexico, Switzerland, Belgium and Spain.

History of the appearance of hot chocolate

Above it was noted that the first was prepared in Mexico. True, his taste and recipe is not much like a modern version of the preparation of a hot drink, which includes: milk, sugar and cocoa.

In ancient times, the Indians consumed a drink solely in a cold form. Interestingly, the Indians considered this drink healing, because its use has a positive effect on male potency. It is worth noting that the liquid used exclusively men of noble childbirth.

In 1519, General Spain Cortes landed on the coast of Mexico. So, and his first acquaintance began with bitter drinking chocolate. Azteci treated general with invigorating drink, with the addition of vanilla, cinnamon and other spices. After some time, returning to the historic homeland, Cortes told local chefs about a miracle drink. So, the world and learned about the existence of hot chocolate, which became one of any drinks of children and adults.

Today there is a huge number of recipes for cooking beverage. The basis of hot chocolate can be cream, milk, dark and milk chocolate, sugar, vanilla and cinnamon. This is truly a delicious dessert that will not leave any shocolics indifferent. Now you know where and how hot chocolate appeared.

And when the chocolate appeared in Russia

Chocolate stories are literally permeated with the aromatic smell of cocoa butter. There are still disputes between historians and confectionery lovers: when did chocolate appear in Russia?

One version says that for the first time the delicacy was brought by Peter I. According to another version, cocoa beans and the recipe for the cooking beverage, brought Ambassador Francisco de Miranda, who arrived in Kherson in 1786. Immediately upon arrival, the ambassador was transferred to the Favorite of Catherine II, Potemkin.

If you believe the facts, then in the same 1786, the Russian Empress first met with aromatic fluid, which is based on the fruits of a chocolate tree. The members of the imperial yard were so amazed to taste the drink that soon the Empress made an order for the Zakao Zabor. So, the Russian Empire and began its first acquaintance with delicacy.

Until the XIX century, Russia's residents could enjoy only the taste of hot liquid based on the fruit of a chocolate tree. The XIX century can be called a century of chocolate in Russia without exaggeration. You can find the first mention of delicacy in the rows of such great writers as Lermontov, Pushkin and Goncharov. There is still a little bit, and the first factories and shops for the production of confectionery will appear on the territory of Russia. The peak of creating chocolate factories in Russia fell on the XIX century.

The first chocolates and chocolate candies were not packaged. Confectionery sold exclusively in iron or wooden boxes. The first sweets had a limited shelf life and quickly spoiled. Parehomasi, could afford only noble people. The history of the appearance of chocolate in Russia is a controversial issue. But are the facts need to enjoy the taste of delicacy?

The history of the appearance of a solid bitter, milk and white chocolate

Chocolate reached us has passed a lot of tests. But thanks to such a difficult road, we can enjoy the unsurpassed taste of the confectionery.

The history of the emergence of different types of chocolate:

  1. Bitter. Gorky delicacy, is the ancestor of all types of confectionery products, which are based on the fruits of a chocolate tree. A long enough delicacy existed simply as a drink. And only in the XIX century, the light saw the first tile of solid chocolate. The composition of sweets included three ingredients: cocoa butter and cocoa powder. For the appearance of sweets, Konrad Wang Houdgen should be thanked.
  2. . Experiments with confectionery continued. Adding sugar in the XVI century did not bring a positive result, so confectioners tried and further improve the chocolate recipe. In 1870, the first solid tile of dairy chocolate was made. It did not have bitterness, and instead there was a gentle dairy taste. For the emergence of dairy chocolate, thank Henry Nestle, which added to the condensed milk.
  3. White smallest chocolate - white. And indeed, sweet tooths learned about it only in 1930, thanks to Nestle. In the Soviet Union, the delicacy was unknown, so for us it is almost a novelty. The classic white chocolate includes: grated cocoa, cocoa oil and sugar.

The history of the development and production of Russian chocolate

The first chocolate Magntat was the Russian entrepreneur Alexey Ivanovich Apricos. It was on the chocolate factory Abrikosov, for the first time dried fruits in chocolate glaze were released. Chocolate candies have so much accounted for members of the imperial courtyard that in 1900 the factory received a high title.

It is interesting to know that confectionery, released in the factory, was packaged in the original boxes, inside which were cards and labels, with interesting stories about artists, scientists and musicians.

In the same 1900, the process of production of chocolate products becomes automated. In turn, it has a positive effect on the amount and quality of products.

The start of the mass history of the production of modern Chocolate was the Moscow Confectionery Factory "Red October". Historically, the Russian sweet tooths mostly bought milk chocolate. In turn, "Red October" followed the preference of customers, producing products based on which this type of delicacy is included.

Today in Russia there is a huge number of confectionery factories for chocolate and other sweets. Fully automated production can significantly expand product range. Some of the most popular Russian chocolate factories are considered:

  • "Rot Front";
  • concern "Babaevsky";
  • krupskaya confectionery factory;
  • "Shock".

The history of chocolate in Russia is a fascinating and "appetizing" chocolate journey, which must end the tile of beloved delicacy.

Looking at any confectionery department, you can easily be confused. Chocolate selection is very large. And it's not only in the manufacturer's country, but also in the confectionery. If you still think that sweetness based on cocoa beans is harmful food, it's time to get acquainted with interesting facts, about chocolates.

  1. Most of the raw materials that are necessary for the preparation of a confectionery product is grown in Africa.
  2. Using the slicker of bitter chocolate per day, you charge the body with such a necessary glucose, without which the brain will not work fully.
  3. People who are in nervous tension are used by 60% more chocolate than the category of people who do not suffer from mood drops.
  4. The presented confectionery product is used everywhere in cosmetology, cooking and during aromatic therapy.
  5. Black chocolate is much more useful than the other types of delicacy, which is primarily due to the high content of cocoa beans.
  6. Worry about the status of your skin, and therefore refuse to use delicacy? In vain. Scientists do not see the relationship between the appearance of the rash and the confectionery product.
  7. The chocolate includes Afrostosaaki, which positively affect sexual attraction and activity.

So, the history of chocolate originates more since XVII. Initially, our ancestors could enjoy the taste of a chocolate drink. Modern shocked shocks were lucky much more, because we are opening a sweet world of candies, bars, chocolates and other confectionery. But no chocolate story can end up without the use of beloved delicacy!


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