What affects the skin negatively. Factors that affect skin has a positive effect on skin condition

What affects the skin negatively. Factors that affect skin has a positive effect on skin condition

Women worries a burning question: what does the skin grow faster and what affects the skin negatively? All women are asked sooner or later without exception, because to lose the beauty and youth of the skin - a terrible dream for any of us. It seems that these years have gone and beauty will never return ...

Of course, we know that most women after 35-40 are faced with signs of natural natural aging. Its elasticity is lost, wrinkles are becoming visible, the moisture content sharply decreases, mimic wrinkles appear, etc. The most important thing is that a woman can do (without taking into account the assistance of miraculous creams, services of cosmetologists and plastic surgeons, which is very expensive and not Always safe) - this is the maximum to push the aging process with a natural way to a later date. But this work can not be called easy.

How to protect your skin

Of course you know that the care of the skin begins not when in the mirror you see the first signs of wilting, but much earlier. And the main thing here is to know what affects the skin does not in the best way, how this effect can be reduced or excluded and how to properly care for yourself to extend the youth.

First, the state of our skin directly affects the nutrition. Proper power in this case is not just an empty sound. For example, it is proved that hamburgers, greasy food, smoked breaths affect the work of the entire body as a whole, and the skin is the main indicator of this state.

Lack of vitamins, imbalance in the diet, huge "deposits" of accumulated slags - this all negatively affects the complexion and skin condition. However, not only smoked fatness deliver the problems of our appearance. Diets are another new-fashioned trouble for our health. After all, during frequent and long diet, we deprive themselves important vitamins and trace elements, and they must come to our body every day.

An example of another negative factor that accelerates the aging process is the mainstream lifestyle or incorrectly organized routine of the day. You go to bed too late, get up early, do not get enough sleep, are forced to snack on the go, you are sitting in the office in the office in four walls, more laid work and sometimes forget about your holiday ... If all this is about you, then urgently start changing something. Even one of the above factors has already negatively affects the condition of the skin, and what can I say if you have several factors. Be sure: age-related changes and other problems will knock on your doors much earlier than you think.

Wrong skin care

Yes, yes, it is the wrong care that is even worse than its absence) contributes to the development of the aging process. Are you lazy once again use the moisturizing cream, scrub or mask? Do you use cosmetics that are not at all suitable for your skin type? Do you forget to remove makeup before going to bed? Do you ignore sunscreens going to the beach? Do you care exclusively for the skin of the face, while forgetting about the neck and zone of the neckline? If at least one of these questions you answered "yes", then it's time to think seriously thinks to somehow change the situation.

Bad habits

Alcohol and nicotine are very dangerous factors that inevitably affect the condition of the skin. The complexion becomes ground, the skin dries out, early wrinkles appear. And this is not all the consequences of these negative habits. We so live during environmental problems (which, by the way, is also an important reason for the aging of the skin), so it's not worth adding extra negative.


It is true that all diseases from nerves. Depressive states, stress, fear, excitement - that's what you need to avoid that the youth of the skin lasted longer.

And these are only a few major factors that provoke problems with skin and negatively affect skin. It is clear that all of them is almost impossible to exclude. But by removing at least one, you will get a positive result, as they say, on face.

The negative effect of smoking on the skin has long been confirmed by scientific research and "alive" examples of smokers, usually looking older than their age. Smokers who never boast a healthy face or shining skin.

So what happens to our skin while smoking? Why do smokers look older than their age?

How exactly is smoking on the skin?

Our skin is daily at a hundred negative impacts - improper nutrition, deterioration of the environmental situation, exhaust gases, inclipboard, diseases of internal organs. All these factors find their "reflection" on the skin of the face and the human body, and if smoking is added to all this ...

Smoking causes aging and thinning of the skin, it dehydrates it, making it dry and dery and, at the same time, deprives the skin coverings of the oxygen they need and nutrients entering together with blood.

And most of all the smoking suffers the "business card" of a smokers - his face. What is it, a typical face of a smokers?

The effect of smoking on the skin of the face

The face is the most open part of the body, it is always open, and in winter strules, and in the summer heat. The skin of the face is constantly exposed to the factors of the external environment to which smoking can be attributed. So the skin of the face during smoking processes the cigarette smoke, which burns the upper layers of the epidermis, clogs the pores, interfering with normal breathing and selection of sebum, and also causes dryness and skin irritation.

As a result, the skin of the face is inflamed, acne and acne appear on it, and the regenerative abilities of the body are reduced due to the same smoking. After a few years of active smoking, the skin of the face becomes thinner, the early wrinkles appear on it, pigment stains. Diryaby skin saves, "providing" smokers with bags under the eyes and a second chin.

And these are only those changes that occur solely with the skin of the face due to the impact of smoking outside, and there are also the impact of "from the inside"!

The effect of nicotine on the skin of the smokers

Nicotine causes the narrowing of small vessels and arterioles that penetrate all layers of epidermis and supplying the skin and breathing the skin. In the spasme of blood vessels, blood begins to test oxygen fasting and shortage of nutrients, which deteriorates its regenerative abilities and slows down cell division. But the upper layers of the epidermis are constantly updated, which provides us with not only wound healing and abrasion, but fresh, elastic skin on face and body.

Nicotine and other substances contained in tobacco smoke activate the gene, which launches the synthesis of the enzyme that destroys collagen fibers in the skin. Without collagen, skin covers lose their elasticity and elasticity, they become thinner and dry and wrinkles are easily formed on them.

The effect of tobacco smoke on the skin

Carbon oxide contained in tobacco smoke replaces oxygen in blood and skin, like other organs, gets much less than required. And in combination with narrowed vessels, the effect of oxygen fasting is intensified twice.

Other toxic substances included in the composition of tobacco smoke are converted in our body into free radicals - substances causing cell mutations and accelerating the natural cell aging processes. The destruction of collagen, elastin, chronic lack of vitamin E and A, also provoked by smoking - all these consequences of smoking develop every smokers for several years.

Another cosmetic "defect" of the skin of the smoker is Cuperoz. The appearance of the vascular mesh on the face is associated with a decrease in the elasticity of blood vessels and thinning of the skin, through which the capillaries becomes visible.

Possible consequences for smokers

Healthy skin and gentle face in a smokers? Do not make me laugh. Unfortunately, flabbiness and dryness of the skin, the appearance of early wrinkles, vascular mesh and acne, this is not all the consequences of smoking for the skin.

The effect of cigarettes and nicotine on the skin can be the effect of sickness, hereditary predisposition to them or other risk factors.

Melanoma smokers

The effects of high temperatures, carcinogenic substances contained in tobacco smoke and free radicals formed during the decay of cigarette components may cause melanoma development - malignant skin tumor. This oncological disease in smokers 2 times more often gives metastases to other organs and 2 times more often leads to death.

Cancer lips and oral mucosa

In addition to melanoma, smokers threatens lips and cancer of the oral mucous membrane, the risk of sick with these diseases from nicotine lovers is 77.5 times!

Vensen's disease

Another single smoker disease is the Vensen's disease at which she is inflamed and begins to die the leather gums. And what sensations are experiencing a patient and what it is dangerous, everyone can imagine himself.

Even episodic smoking is extremely harmful to the skin of the face and the body as a whole, only completely abandoning cigarettes can be hoping for gradual health and healthy face!

For many Spring - a depressive period, which catches the longing and provokes us to fool another candy. What does this threaten your skin? The answer is already in the material.


When we eat candy or any other sweetness (sugar) in our body there is glycating. This is the interaction of proteins, fats and sugar. As a result of which the substance is formed by the destructive natural collagen, Elastane and violates the work of the vessels.

The slowdown in the production of collagen (protein) in the body occurs after 25 years. He is responsible for the youth of the skin and (update) cells. In addition, the decrease in this substance can lead to cellulite.

How sugar affects skin

Sugar affects the overall condition of the body and the skin. As we said earlier, he provokes collagen destruction. The skin loses elasticity, wrinkles and pigmentation appear. You will definitely need, because a large amount of sweets leads to acceleration of melanin production. By the way, the result of the use of sugar is also.

Another problem faced by sweet tooths is dry skin. The body is dehydrated, and the cells do not hold moisture inside. If you have which is inclined to rash or acne, then you should refuse sweet, because it will only exacerbate skin diseases and add new inflammation.

How to keep skin youth

In order to correct the situation, you need to abandon sweets and restore the water balance with the help of proper nutrition and special cosmetics. Pay attention to such components: hyaluronic acid, collagen and oil. Eat no more than two sugar spoons per day. It is better to buy brown raffin instead of white (the most harmful look).

Use sugar only for cooking homemade scrub!

Replace delicious chocolate on healthy fruits. Drink more water. Do not forget that there are products that contain the so-called "hidden sugar". Among them: seasonings, ketchups, additives, yogurts and other products.

You can check your body using an analysis to glycated hemoglobin. It will help preserve youth and health!

Photo by ON. / Photo by

Scientists have long proved that smoking has a negative impact on the skin. How does smoking affect the skin of the face? People who are often recking a cigarette look for 10-15 years older than non-smoking. Their face has an unhealthy look, and the skin is dim and covered with acne.

Smoking can accelerate the process of aging and thinning of the skin. Nicotine reduces the degree of humidity of the skin, dries it and speeds up the manifestation of declarations. The skin ceases to be saturated with oxygen and nutritional elements that come in conjunction with blood.

The effect of smoking on the skin of the face

The face of the smoker is an open part of the body, so skin cover at any time of the year is subject to the effects of environmental factors. When smoking the top layer of the skin burns smoke from tobacco, the pores are clogged, which makes it difficult to breathe and interferes with the seat saline. The surface of the cover is inflamed, which leads to the formation of acne and acne. The ability to self-healing the body decreases due to systematic admission to the organism of nicotine.

In the case when a person smokes more than 3-5 years, the following changes become obvious:

  • pigmentation appears;
  • early appearance of the first wrinkles;
  • double chin;
  • bruises under the eyes;
  • thinning of the skin, further decomposition of the cover.

Beautiful, gentle skin face and smoking - incompatible concepts. Nicotine, entering the body, narrows small vascular and arterioles that permeate all the layers of the epidermis and nourish the cover. In spasms, the circulatory system lacks the oxygen and nutritional elements. As a result, the process of regeneration is violated and becomes a slower cell division process.

The face of smokers is faster covered with wrinkles

The last layers of the epidermis are systematically updated. This makes it possible to quickly heal wounds. Due to the recking cigarettes, the protective functions of the body undergo changes. The starting synthesis of the enzyme destroys the fibers of collagen, which adversely affects the skin. This process is the reason for the appearance of wrinkles.

Smoking and acne

A painful kind of face is masked using a tonal cream, powder of suitable tone and a roast. However, this only aggravates the problem and increases the span points and rash. Can periodic smoking cause the appearance of acne?

Very often smokers with skin problems consider the cause of their rashes improper nutrition or insufficient skin care. Of course, acne can cause eating fatty and smoked foods, however, smoking can provoke a similar reaction on the skin.

Any inflammation on the skin's skin appear in the period when the body ceases to cope with the removal of toxic clusters. Given the large number of toxins that are in tobacco smoke, it is cigarettes that can cause acne in smokers.

Smoke from cigarettes, hitting the circulatory system bypassing the lungs, poisonously affects all organs and systems in the body. Cleaning begins literally torn from a large number of toxic clusters and oxygen deficiency.

Systematic reappearance of cigarettes can be noted the appearance:

  • sulphant skin shade;
  • wrinkles;
  • spreading acne;
  • facetic face.

The rash from cigarettes imposes a negative imprint on the appearance of the smokers. That is why it is worth refrangiving a detrimental habit as soon as possible and take care of your own skin.

What to do if the skin condition deteriorates due to smoking

To quickly restore the shade of the skin and get rid of at least part of the acne, smokers should refuse cigarettes as soon as possible. The first skin changes will appear within 5-6 weeks. If there is no possibility to get rid of a detrimental addiction, you can use a number of tips that allow you to restore the ideal condition of the skin with ease.

Daily drink at least 2.5 liters of clean water. Useful habit will assist in cleansing the blood system from toxic clusters. The formation of wrinkles due to pure fluid will slow down. Extra diet with fresh vegetable and fruit dishes. The use of fiber in sufficient quantities will speed up the process of removing poisonous elements through the intestines. In addition, it will occur by the body with vitamins and microelements. At the dinner table, there must be bananas, oranges, apples and peaches. There is also a Buryak, cabbage, potatoes and carrots.

Make a regular schedule for sports and increase engine activity during the day. Strengthened physical exertion will improve the blood supply to the body, and toxins will quickly come out, bypassing the lungs. Oxygen deficiency will eliminate. Use cleaning lotions and cleaning cream according to a suitable skin type. Also it will be technly weekly face masks.

We comply with the recommendations regarding the rules of hygiene at the moments of smokers. It is unacceptable to touch the hands of the segment of the cigar, which should come into contact with the lips. Also unacceptably touching the dirty fingers of the skin of the face so as not to provoke the further spread of the rash. The skin of the face after the refusal of smoking is gradually restored. Throwing a bad habit. You can at least return a bit of the lost appearance affected by the impact of nicotine.

Skin Cover Smokers Diryaboy and Sandy

Possible consequences

Looking through the photo before and after getting rid of the harmful addiction, you can make sure how negatively affects the nicotine on the epidermis of the face. In addition to the rapid aging of the skin, the spread of the rash, the occurrence of vascular meshes and wrinkles The reappearance of cigarettes can cause a number of more serious ailments, namely:

  • Melanoma smokers. Affecting high temperature modes, carcinogens and radicals (free type) become the main reason for the appearance of malignant tumors. The oncology of the smoker often leads to metastasis in other organs, which can lead to a fatal outcome.
  • Cancer lips (oral mucosa). The most susceptible category of people to this type of illness is smoking people.
  • Venzanan's disease, which is considered to be specific chicken disease. If this illness occurs, inflammation develops and the gums of the gums occurs. The patient experiences acute pain.

Smoking can cause a huge number of diseases and affect almost all organs and systems of the body. Only a complete rejection of the harmful habit will help at least to some degree to restore the lost health and improve the appearance. When you throw smoking it is important to remember that dependence is, first of all, on the psychological level, and if you specify the goal, it can be overcome. And at the moments, when there was already a detrimental dependence, no matter how stressing was transferred, you should find another way of relaxation and never bend no longer to the cigarette.

Whatever time of year and weather outside the window, every girl, a woman dreams of a healthy person and his beautiful, matte color. Bad ecology, unbalanced nutrition - adversely affect the color of our skin, making it a shade of Earth. Observing a number of elementary rules, it is possible not only to reduce costs for expensive procedures at the cosmetologist and cheap cosmetics, but also to return the skin youth and elasticity, make it ideal, thanks to natural products. How to improve the complexion, you will learn by reading our advice.

Sometimes you can meet women with earthy, the face of the skin of the face is immediately striking and causes many questions. What affects the skin, why do various deteriorations of its color and state occur, how to align the complexion?

The skin, as is known, is a reflection of human health, so various deviations and malfunctions in the work of the body are immediately visible on the face.

The main reasons for changes in the state of the skin are:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • harmful effects of ultraviolet
  • incorrect and unbalanced nutrition;
  • insufficient (due to lack of time and desire) face skin care;
  • bad habits.

1. Right skin care.

  • Clean the rule in the morning and in the evening to clean your face with soap or tonic. Regardless of whether you used cosmetics or not, still spend the face cleaning twice a day, because Small dust and dirt that surrounds us, has a property to settle on the skin. Also, at least once a week, use the face scrub.
  • Use moisturizing or nutrient cream (depending on the type of skin), immediately after cleaning the face. It will also be useful to use face masks that will help give extra nutrition or moisturizing the skin.

2. Improve the complexion, you will help proper nutrition.

  • In order to look great, it is necessary to take care not only about external beauty, but also internal, and this can be taken care of using a variety of diet, which must contain fruits, berries in its composition.
  • It is very important to feed our body every day with vitamins, vitamin A and E. are considered to be especially useful for the skin.
  • Cosmetologists and nutritionists recommend separate food. The table is compatible with products can be found on the Internet.
  • It should also limit the use of sweet, coffee, oily, salt, smoked, sharp, and canned food.
  • It should also be remembered about the water balance of the body. Daily water rate per kilogram of human body mass is 30 ml of water.

3. Culture to help you. Check in the morning. Small physical exertion contribute to the rapid metabolism, and as a result, the body is cleaned and the color of our skin is improved.

4.In care about a healthy dream. Available not less than seven hours, because at night, skin cells are restored.

No stress, just a smile and good mood. Endorphins emissions in the body are able to improve the complexion.

And of course, no matter how you please the face with masks prepared at home. About how often you can make masks for the face, which face masks are the best, we will tell.

How to improve the complexion at home

So that you can constantly see in the mirror a beautiful, matte face, in the morning you should wipe the skin cosmetic ice, which includes decoction of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, celandine). You can freeze mineral water, green tea. Such morning wash will help reduce pores on the face, prevent the appearance of oily shine.

Do not forget about the cleansing of the epidermis. To the skin be fresh and clean, it is recommended to use it periodically (1-2 times a week) scrub, do peeling and cleansing masks. It will be effective to carry out peeling with crushed oatmeal, it will help evenly clean dead cells, while not deforming and not injuring skin cover.

Recipes of homemade masks for beautiful face color

Sometimes you need quickly, in a few minutes, lead yourself and your face in order. It is actually done, without even resorting to the help of a thick layer of decorative cosmetics. For this, homemade means are suitable.

So, first look at the refrigerator and find a product there, which occupies the first place to improve the face of the face is carrots. Thanks to carotine that is in carrots, it is possible to get a natural blush. Moreover, such carrot mask Very easy in preparation, it is enough just to grate the carrot on the small grater and apply on the face for 15 minutes, after washed with water room temperature.

Next in the ranking goes coffee. Cook coffee that you would have approximately four tablespoons of the coffee ground and apply on the face. Leave the mask for 15 minutes and wash the water. Thanks to such a coffee mask you will get a tan effect. But there is a contraindication on the use of such a mask - this is the presence of acne or rashes.

If now the watermelon season is lucky. Take the pulp and apply on the face, keep watermelon Mask. 20 minutes, then rush. Make such procedures every other day, it is better to perform 7-10 such masks.

Quickly bring the skin in order to you will help such compress - Take two bowls, one with a cold, and the other with hot water. Add a decoction of lavender or mint in a cold bowl, and in hot - citrus essential oil (you can use lemon essential oil) Take a towel to moisten first in hot water, then in cold and alternately adjust on your face for a few minutes.

You can also do beer-based mask. To do this, take 50 grams of beer, one egg yolk and a little flour. Make a keshitce mixture and apply for a face for 15 minutes, then rinse with cold water. The whole course is 10 procedures that need to be done with periodicity in two or three days.

A mask to improve the color of the face can be done using an egg that should be taken to a white foam, add a tablespoon of sour cream and lemon juice, mix and apply on a face with a sponge. Leave for twenty minutes and wash off warm water. This mask will not only refresh the face, but also perfectly moisturizes it.

We must not forget about oatmeal mask. To do this, take a tablespoon of oat flakes. Fill 0.5 cups with hot milk and leave for 10 minutes to blast. After steaming, if milk remains it is necessary to merge, and add one teaspoon of glycerol and a tablespoon of softening any berries. Mix and the resulting mixture evenly distribute the face and leave for 20 minutes, after rinse the mask with cold water.

In order for the condition and color of the face to be pleased with you, you need not only well follow your meals, rest and sleep, you need to care for the skin, nourish and moisturize it.

Question: How to improve the complexion with the help of a bodian?

Answer: Beadaga is a powder that can be purchased at the pharmacy. This is a simple to use agent, but also one of the most efficient. Pour the powder into a bowl, pour it with a small amount of boiling water, mix before the formation of thick sour cream. Apply on the face, pre-purified, for 15 minutes, then rush. During the procedure you can feel some tingling, because blood circulation is accelerated. After this procedure, it is recommended to use a moisturizing cream.

Question: Is it possible to use a mask for lightening the face parsley if the skin is sensitive?

Answer: Yes, you can. Moreover, it is a mask from parsley produces a soothing effect, and also removes inflammation and improves blood circulation.


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