What to eat in ecadasi. Exit from Ekadashi

What to eat in ecadasi. Exit from Ekadashi

Any kinds of grain and their derivatives (rice, wheat, soy, maize, rape, cereal, oats, millet, barley, rye, flax, bread, etc.)

Any kinds of legumes and their derivatives (soybeans, nuts, beans, peas, cocoa, lentils, mash)

Any kinds of flour (except buckwheat)

Corn, corn oil, corn starch




Gorky melon

Kochan cabbage

Spinach, Salad List

Spices (except ginger, kumin and black pepper)

Can be used in ecadas:





Milk, cottage cheese, yogurt (not containing corn starch or derivatives of grain products)

Cucumbers, Fruits, Nuts

Tapioca, Sago, Batt

Salt, Sugar.

Ginger, quinent, black pepper (only these spices)

As a rule, many food industry products contain wheat ingredients, gluten, etc. Therefore, their presence in the composition should not be insulting the ecadas.

Compliance with the days of Ekadashi is included in the list of sixty four practices of devotional ministry and therefore is an integral part of the life of a sincere practitioner. Sri Caitanya Sarasvat Matha's days of Ekadashi follow carefully and with love in accordance with the dates listed in the Vaisnava calendar. Usually, at such days, the devotees do not have breakfast, but accept Anukalpu (a small amount of prasada without leguminous, received, when there is no possibility to fast) at noon, and also take prasadam not from the gentlebobo night, as needed.
Where it is possible, it is recommended to adhere to the post and interrupt the post at a time that is calculated for their region. If this is not possible, ecadas should be observed in time calculated for India.
Paran(Interruption of the post) is an integral part of the compliance of the ecadas and must be performed at the specified time with the same attention that the ecadas themselves are observed. In the days of Ekadashi, devotees also sing two special songs - "Sri Khary-Vasara-Guiti" in the morning and "Shudha-Bhakata" in the evening.

1. During his visit to Russia in 2013, Srimati Bhakti Lalita Devi Dasi gave the following comments regarding the observance of post in the days of Ekadashi ( http://harekrishna.ru/2013/09/13401-ekadashi.html): "When I served as secretary of Srila Gurudev, we got, it should have been hundreds of questions about the technical details of the reaction of Ekadashi, and Gurudev patiently answered many of them. Sometimes the devotees asked: "But what about the carrot?" And when he was attacked again and again, he said: "Well, carrot is admissible." Some vegetables are not recommended these days: tomatoes, eggplants, all that contains seeds, Chile. He (Gurudev) understood that we were people of the Western world, and therefore never tried to make us follow the Indian Vedic standards. Sometimes devotees in a panic asked Gurudev: "What about this? But how is it? "," Said thousands of questions, and Gurudev said in the end, said: "Okay, if only the grains did not protrude from your food" [laughs] ". Also Srimati Bhakti Lalita Devi Dasi gave detailed explanations over the use of some products: "There are several different standards for compliance with ecadas, gradation from very liberal follows to very strictly, in connection with which prescriptions may change. Some types of products are not available or are not even known in some regions of the world. Some products are not desirable, and others are even prohibited. But at the same time, it is impossible to say that such products like beets, carrots, cooked cabbage, lettuce, salad, spinach, greens, bitter melon or tomatoes inevitably violate the post in ecadas. Some Gaudiya-Vaisnava missions and some devotees, as well as order in many temples, do not allow these vegetables. Srila Gurudev was definitely against any grain or seeds, including sunflower-based products. Usually for cooking use clean gHCor coconut oil, but not sunflower oil or other other oil obtained from seeds. As for spices, only the root of ginger, black pepper and salt use exclusively.

Original text: http://scsmathinternational.com/guidance/ekadasi-guidance.php
Translator and compiler Notes: Krishna Caitanya Das

Sanskrit is translated as the eleventh. This is the 11th and 26th lunar day in accordance with the Vedic calendar. These days are especially favorable for the accomplishment and spiritual enlightenment.

The saying is exactly the same as there is no water cleaner than the water of the Gang River, there is no Lord above the Lord Vishnu, the same and there is no post more sacred than the post in Ecadas.

"From all plants, I am more expensive to me Tulasi, of all months - Cartika,
from all places of pilgrimage - my beloved tweAR
and from all days ecadasy matters to me "
Padma Purana, Tong Khanda

The value of the post in the ecadas

Ekadashi contributes to cleansing on the physical, mental and spiritual plan, the acquisition of the grace of God and exemption from the illusion of material existence.

Why is it recommended to fast on ecadas? Everyone knows that the moon has a strong influence on the psyche of man. And in the eleventh lunar day, we are particularly dependent on our senses, the desire to enjoy and exploit their surroundings for their own purposes reaches a maximum. Grain and legumes are the main source of energy, so they are recommended to refuse them first - so as not to feed their egoistic desires.

Ecadas are called the Mother of Devotion - if we think about Krishna on this day or serve him, we get more good than usual. Accordingly, sin on this day, we carry large sinful reactions.

Lord Krishna himself in Bhagavad Gita told Arjuna about the meaning of Ekadashi:

"Oh Arjuna, the best of the Kuru, the strength of this good cannot even appreciate the demigods and half it is achieved by those who eat only" Naks "in Ekadashi."

Types of post. Rules for compliance posts in the days of Ekadashi

The post takes place on two levels - on the spiritual and on physical.

At the spiritual level Ekadashi - Vishnu Day. On this day it is better to pray, read the mantras, to do Puja and just live for the Lord, remember him constantly. The day should be filled with calm and ministry.

If possible, you should refuse to abandon worldly affairs and unnecessary trouble on this day, releaseing time for spiritual communication and improvement.

At the physical levelthis is an abstinence from food. The post can hold in two versions:

Full post - This is a very high standard for advanced devotees - implies a complete abstinence from food and water, the so-called "dry post". If you want to fully observe such a type of post, then you can not even brush your teeth, and also cannot be taken by Achaman (purification before / after rituals of Japs / Pujges). It is necessary to wake all night, singing holy names.

* For some Vedic sources, women are forbidden to keep a full post: only with the husband's permission, a woman can abide by half a strict post.

* Also, do not fall into strong ascetic and keep them at any cost (this is a gun of passion), because if you experience any discomfort on this day due to well-being, then your thoughts will be very far from ministry.

Minimum postthis is an abstinence from admission to food crops, such as rice, corn, peas, soy, etc. It is said that if someone uses grain on this day, it is equivalent to the fact that he eats beef.

You need to try to drink and eat no more than once, after noon. This food is called nakta (dinner).

When eating, in addition to grain and legumes, it should also be avoided: spinach, honey, eggplants, asafetides and sea salt (other types of salt, such as cook salt, permissible), as well as taking food in foreign houses.

You should be careful with the reception of the spices these days - in many spices (especially Indian) contain additives of flour, such as in asafetide. And may also include soybean in dairy products, although it is not even indicated on the label. Some sources argue that it is also necessary to refrain from oils (any - animal and non-living origin) and honey.

As for sugar, it is generally recommended to avoid sweet. The reason is that sweet feeds creature. Because in the ecadas, and without the desire to enjoy reaches its peak, and to warm up creature - it will be clearly superfluous.

In fact, on this day it is necessary to limit ourselves from any food and gastronomic addictions. The food must be very simple, with a minimum of spices and in no case cannot be overeating.

There is a fairly controversial information about the products allowed for ecadas or, on the contrary, prohibited. Therefore, it is better to check how authoritative sources are filed.

7 types of products that are not interrupting the post (according to "Hari-Bhakti-Vilas":
- fruits and vegetables;
- sesame;
- milk;
- water;
- Pancha-Hawny (5 types of cow products);
- Air.

According to "Mahabharat" the post is not interrupted :
- water;
- root;
- fruits;
- milk;
- the desire of Brahman;
- order of the spiritual teacher;
- medicine.

Products that cannot be used in Ecadas:

  • Legumes: peas, Turkish peas (nut), beans, beans and any products made from beans or grains (tofu, coffee drinks);
  • Grain and products from it: Oats, pasta, semolina, rice, corn, rice, corn, as well as flour of grain and legumes (rice, chopped, lental);
  • Eggplants, beets, tomatoes, onions, garlic, color and white cabbage, broccoli, corn, coconut, sunflower seeds;
  • ecadas are not recommended to use such spices:sesame, Tsmin, Asafhetide, Shambalu, mustard, curry, tamarind, Fennel, Calindji, Cardamom, Carnation, Muscata etc.
  • Oils: corn, mustard, sesam and sunflower.

What else can not be done in ecadas, and what to do is necessarily / preferably

It is impossible:

To shave;
- use unclean food;
- having sex;
- engage in other actions that contribute to the increase in the energy of Guna Rajas (passion) and Tamas (ignorance) - for example, watch movies with elements of violence, or read boulevard literature; quarrel, find out the relationship.

Conduct as much time in prayers, reading the spiritual literature or its discussion, meditation;
- awake all night;
- dance for the Lord;
- Giving alms - the benefit of what is given to Ecadas as a alms, increases thousands of times compared to other days (naturally, it is necessary to give from a pure heart and not for the sake of getting a good for yourself).

It is important to follow the calendar, and not try to calculate the 11th day after the new moon or full moon. It also indicates the time of exit from the post.

After compliance with the ecadashi, it is necessary to interrupt the post within 2.5 hours after sunrise the next day, in twinkle. To leaving the ecadashi, you must accept what you have fastened. If you have fed onto legumes, then, accordingly, eat something from these products. If you held a full post with water, then you need to eat something light, for example, fruit. If you kept a dry post, then you can get out of the post with water, juice or also fruit.

According to the Scriptures, it is necessary to observe ecadas from 5 years of age. One who is unable to fast because of serious illness or old age should find a particularly spiritual person and sacrifice something to him. He can also just listen or read about the meaning of each ecada. This practice is recommended as one of the methods of achieving the full result of the post.

If the ecadas are accidentally observed, it is possible to spend it the next day - twenty, and interrupt the post on the third day - Tradashi.

But most importantly -the meaning of the ecada is not to starve and not to get out of the post in a strictly defined period of time. The most important thing is that in what mind you spend this day. Ekadashi is, first of all, the phenomenon of the spiritual plan. So the most important thing is not the fact that you were able to hold out all day without food (or could not) or did not sleep all night (and then the question - how you will fulfill your duties the next day), but how much you are cultivated spiritually .

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How to observe ecadas.

Generally speaking, the post means complete abstinence from food and drink, although you can drink achamans and charanamrit (only three drops). The one who finds it impossible should have only wavering food once the afternoon. This food, called Nack, i.e. dinner, should consist of rooteplood (except beet), fruits, water, dairy products, nuts, sugars and vegetables (except mushrooms). In Ekadashi, do not try not to drink and do not eat more than once. As the Lord Krishna Arjuna says in the first chapter of this book, the one who will fully fasten to Ekadashi will receive the whole reward, and the one who eats only covenant - Half. Of course, for each devotee in the movement of Krishna's consciousness, the preaching is the most important duty, and if the full post in Ecadasy prevents this duty, it does not need to be observed. But if a devotee can follow the rules of full post and continue to fulfill his duties, he must do it by anything. In any case, it is necessary to strictly avoid the use of grain ecadas. It is also necessary to avoid: sleep during the day; rub in oil; chewing betel nuts; concerning women during menstruation, chandals, drunks, weaver or laundry; to shave; There are from bronze dishes. The one who eats must avoid the following: spinach, honey, eggplant, food in foreign houses, asafidides and sea salt (other types of salt, such as salt, are permissible). Taking homeopathic medicines in this holy day can only those who are sick. Although now the Vedic calendar begins with the month chaiter(March-April), in antiquity New Year began with the month Marga-Shirsha,i.e. November-December. This is a very favorable month. As the Lord Sri Krishna says in Bhagavad-gita: "Among the months I am November and December." Beginners comply with the post in Ekadashi usually begin with this month - every month there are two ecadas: one in the dark half of the month and one - in bright. They have the same force of spiritual advancement.

To start fast, the devotee must first firmly decide to strictly stick to this vow. Then he must find a scientist, twice-innate devotee of the Most High Lord, and directly to study the sacred process of compliance with the post in Ecadasi. The one who can not fast because of serious illness or old age should find a high-quality soul and sacrifice something to her ecadas. However, for Vaisnavov, the order to make a donation to Ekadashi means that on this day they should make special efforts to spread Krishna's consciousness, the greatest treasure. This is a true donation. Fugue is an important practice is the hearing and reading about every ecadas. Lord Sri Krishna himself very recommended this practice as assistance in achieving the results of the post. If the ecadas are randomly missed, you can follow it the next day, twnets, and interrupt the post on the tradashi, the third day. As stated in the Vedic Scriptures: "If the reprimand seemingly to achieve the abode of the Supreme Personality of Godhead forgot about Ekadashi, he can observe him in the twotshie, since Ekadashi is extended the next day."

During the ecade of the bright half of the month, it is necessary to meditate on the 12 holy names of Lord Vishnu, having mantle he Keshava Makhaand other mantras, regularly pronounced by the devotees of the Lord when applied to the body tilaki, Sacred clay. During the ecada of the dark half of the month, the devotee should meditate on the 16 holy names of the fourth expansion of the Most High Lord and their subsequent full parts. The devotee must sing Om Sankarshanaya Nahamakh, Om govindai Nahama, etc. [cm. Caitanya Charitamrita, Madhya Lila, 20.195-97].

During each ecadash, it is necessary to constantly meditate to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, gentlemen Sri Krishna, giving tribute to the Igo full expansion. You can also meditate on the recognized phenomena of the Lord in the appearance Murtei which there are eight varieties. In Srimad Bhagavatam, Lord Krishna tells Uddhava: "There are eight varieties of the appearance of Murthi Lord: stone, wooden, metal, clay, scenic images, sandy, mental and precious stones."If an astronomically ecada coincides with the dates, the tenth of the moon, do not limit himself with the post, but if it coincides with the twenty, twelfth day, then this is called pure ecadas, or Mahadvadashi, and it must be observed. In the Vedic civilization, mellows is usually also called ecadas.

After strict, according to the rules and regulations, compliance with Ecadas, it is necessary to interrupt the post within 2.5 hours after sunrise in the twnets. According to the Scriptures, each older than five years must comply with the post in Ecadas. Also, each acarya advises all four social and spiritual ways of life sincerely and strictly observe ecadas to achieve the highest monastery of Sri Krishna. Nevertheless, there is an instruction of married women: "A wife with a living husband must ask his permission to observe the post. Neglecting this, it cuts a life fly and sends him to hell. "Therefore, a married woman should get permission from his fly to fast on Ekadashi.

In the morning, the devotee must appear before Murthi of the Supreme Personality of God, the Lord Sri Krishna or the Lord Rama - to sing prayers Purusha-Sukta, Strong words sakhasra-Shirsha Purusha. Further, the devotee must offer the Lord his humble respect and meditate on his lotus feet, singing om Damodaraya Machha; on his legs, singing om Madhava Machha; on his intimate parts - oh Kamapatai Machha; on hips - om Vamanaya Machha;on the navel - om Padmanabhaia Machha; on belly - om Vishvamurea Machha;on the heart - oh gianagamiaia mama; on his throat - om Srimanthaya Machha; on his hands - om Sakhasrabakhawa Machha; on the lotus eyes - om paramayogine NAAA: on the forehead - om Urugayai Machha; on the nose - om Narakchevaraya Machha; on his hair - om Sarvakamadaya Machha; And on his head, singing om Sahasharshaya Naha.

In this way, the sincere devotee should meditate on the wonderful spiritual appearance of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, gentlemen Sri Krishna, and offer him his humble reverence. The devotee must sing His holy names - Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare, playing on various musical instruments: you should also calmly repeat on rollers, with full reverence and love . If possible, the devotee should be awake all night, glorifying the Lord. The devotee, the next punishment of his spiritual teacher and complying with the ecadas (in full post and glorify the Lord all day and all night with love loyalty), of course, will completely absorb the clean Consciousness of Krishna.

In the twisted, the devotee first should clean his body, damaging, and his heart, singing maha Mantra. Then he must prepare luxurious food for the pleasure of the Lord and about great devotion and sincere prayers to bring it to him. Distributing food to other devotees and brahmans, he can interrupt the post and enjoy the pear.

About this book

This book should include the books of Srila Prabhupada. It consists of transfers of passages of various Puran written by Srila Vyasadeva, the literary embodiment of the Lord. Srila Suta Goswami handles the speech to 88,000 saints gathered in the forest of the highest. Shaunak, who heads all the saints, asks the suts of Goswami, how to free themselves from all the consequences of sinful activities. Not liberated from all sins can not take pure devotional service. As the Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad-Gita, "Yeysham Twangt-Gate Papam Jananam Punyakarmam. Bhaghante Mom dRDHA Gates - Saying a pious in previous lives and in the one whose sinful actions are completely eradicated, with determination serves me. " Answering Shaunak, Suta Goswami tells about the various historical events and talks that took place in ancient times. Some may think that strict rules for compliance with ecadas, data in these narratives, are the section of Scriptures dedicated to kanda kanda But all these rules should help a devotee seeking to achieve top cleansing. If these stories were not purest. Lord Krishna, Arjuna, Yudhishhir, Lord Brahma, Narada Muni, Suta Goswami and Shaunaka Rishi would not spend their precious time, so exhaustively presenting texts. In addition, Sri Twipyana Vyasa, the literary embodiment of the Lord, would not describe these facts in Puranakh, intended for the goodness in the Gun. Therefore, the prone to spirituality should fully take these instructions to the heart. They are all intended for lifting us.

As Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, the whole process of Krishna consciousness is based on Vairachya-Vidnie, "renunciation and knowledge." Strict observance of ecadas is an authoritative reliable process of renunciation, increasing the purity of the devotee and his love for Krishna. As Srila Prabhupada writes in the Nectar of Devotion [p.63], in Brahma-Vaivat Purana, it is said that observing the post on the day of Ekadashi is free from the consequences of all types of sinful activities and will be promoted in pious life. The main principle is not just fast, but to strengthen faith and love for Govinda, Krishna. The actual sense of compliance with the post in Ecadas is to minimize the body requirements and conducting the time in serving the Lord by chanting and committing such a ministry. Best of all in the days of fasting to remember Govinda games and constantly listen to his holy name. " Thus, it is necessary to observe the post in ecadas with the great devotion to Krishna, and not from the material "considerations. As Narada Muni Vyasadev says in the first song "Srimad Bhagavatam", we must strive to get what is not achieved by a wandering on the highest and lower planetary systems of this universe of the unable births in many types of life. This goal is the pure consciousness of Krishna, which will return us to the abode of Lord Krishna in the spiritual sky.

Therefore, we ask everyone to take advantage of the great blessing of the civilized human form of life, taking the practice of a pure devotional service to Krishna, to achieve liberation from birth, old age, diseases and death and return home back to God. Proper compliance with Sri Ekadashi will greatly strengthen the net devotional service. Thus, everyone is invited to take part in the post festival in Ecadas.


Suta Goswami said: "In the year twelve months and every month two ecadas. Thus, in the year 24 ecadas and a leap year two more ecadas. About the great saints, please listen carefully as I arrange you names
of these favorable days: Stonanna, Mokshad, Saphala, Putrade, Sat-Tila, Jaya, Vijai, Amalaks, Papamochante, Kamada, Varuthini, Mojni, Apara, Nizherzhala, Yogani, Padma (Devshawni), Kamika, Putra, Aja, Parudini, Indira , Papankush, Rama and Charibodhini (Devothengi). Two additional ecadas in the leap year are called Padmini and Parama. About the saints, listening to these ecadas will explore how to properly observe them. Each ecadashi gives a special benefit strictly observing them.

One physically It is impossible to fast in Ekadashi, can read about the greatness of these days and repeat the names of Ekadashi, so it will reach the same goal as fully observing the vow of ecadas. "

The material is taken from the book "Ekadashi - Day of Lord Hari."

How to observe ecadas.

What ecadashi is and with what they eat (more precisely, on the contrary, that these days it is better to exclude from food), we wrote in detail in detail in our materials: and. But always inspires someone else's experience, which can be a good motivation to comply with the post.

Therefore, today we will go from theory to practice - the heroes of our interviews will share their experience in compliance with Ecadasi.

Ilya Kostyuchenko, vegafood

I observe the ecadas as of state. Rarely drink only water. Usually it happens at festivals when I am very much in contact with people. Then I forget about everything else: I only have only attention and communication.

In general, I always try to eat less than I want. Get away from the table when you still want to talk. This is my rule. So life becomes an interesting series.

I feel very good in Ekadashi. There is more energy, and it is important to know where to give it, or rather, to whom.

My principle: give everything without a rest, then it comes to you even more. This type of buzzer.

There was one case that I remembered forever. It happened on a large Vedic holiday - Krishna's day. I did not eat until 21 o'clock, then I fell away. The main holiday began at 22 hours. All sang, danced, and I sat and sick me. Since then, I filled forever how to build priorities.

For ecada, I have one advice: Take yourself, all your feelings and thoughts positive activities. It is important to forget about yourself and serve people, God.

My favorite dishes:halva, buckwheat cutlets. From fruit - watermelon and grapes. I also love ecada cakes. Sometimes we have ecada peirs.

Anna Dukhnovskaya, Vegafood

Anna Dukhnovskaya - How did I become a vegetarian?

Ecadas I try to observe always. These days I refrain from the adoption of grainbobes. Full post I hold on Dzhanmashtov, as far as the condition of the body allows. I feel in the days of the post in different ways.

Sometimes it is neutral, but more often the exacerbation of feelings occurs and irritability appears, although it is physically fine.

The most discerning, when, for example, remember the whole day that Ekadashi, and on the way home you go home to the nearest shop to buy chocolate. Chocolate is eaten - Ecadas interrupted, and you are sad. Or when you live in Ashrama, you are preparing for everyone (man 10 and 15) and different disputes begin on the topic, which can not be in ecadas.

My personal advice on ecadas such: If you are afraid to make mistakes with the types of products that you can use this day in food, then cook only vegetables. Add the simplest: salt, ginger, black pepper.

As it turned out, buckwheat - non-cereal culture, Therefore, lucky to us in our latitudes with its use. In Asian countries, it is found, but rarely. Although, of course, I don't like buckwheat. Yes, and most are tired to eat only it in the days of the post.

At this stage of your life, Ecada, I observe, but it was not always. During my two pregnancies and so far I fed the children with breasts, I did not fasten.

Difficult in the post is nothing for me. The main thing is to realize and understand what this day is, then the mind and language is easier to control.

The mood is very important. It is desirable to remember the ecadas on the eve of the ecadas, prepare your mind and harvest ecada products. It is also necessary to remember what is the day and why it is needed. And you need to remember: whatever happens in Ekadashi is the mercy of the Lord.

My favorite ecada dish - baked vegetables, especially baked potatoes, and fresh salad. Potatoes need to rinse well, cut into slices and fill with spices (except asafetide, as it is not ecadic). Add a bit of olive oil, mix well and put into the oven for the grill. The main thing is to add salt at the very end of preparation, then potatoes will be juicy and tasty.

Natasha's mind, vocalist "Shanti People"

Natasha's mind ("Shanti People"): became vegetarian thanks to music

I try to abide by the ecadas, but I don't always have it, I can forget. I am always singing differently, but I stopped choosing for myself a strict ascetic. Although I used to experiment with dry posts, but then my head began to hurt.

It is believed that karma is distributed on this day by gentlebobov. I do not feel this philosophical component, so I just accepted that this is the following right. Now I eat everything without leguminous ecadas, it is a very simple food.

Starting to observe Ecadas worth finding out what these days and when they occur. It is necessary that the person himself determined the importance of Askisya for himself, because it is, first of all, is not a diet, but spiritual practice.

Fasting on this day to pay more time to singing mantras, reading scriptures.

Every person must understand why he makes Askisu: for a tick, because everyone do that? Or for myself - looking for something important.

Answers to this question and will serve as a motivation: fast on dry or choose another option. But if a person is hard working, how can he fast on this day? It will not give him strength.

As a rule, twice a month I eat potatoes. Usually these days fall on ecadas. I have a very simple recipe requiring a minimum of physical costs.

A creamy oil is placed on the baking sheet, lumpy asafetide, black pepper and olive herbs are added. Potatoes need to be peeling well, straight in the peel to cut in half and put it down on the baking sheet and leave it. It turns out very tasty.

Konstantin Borovsky, KBDM group

Konstantin Borovsky: "To change the world, you need to start with yourself"

Unfortunately, I observe the ecadas not always. Most of all I like dry post or with water. But it all depends on the circumstances. Sometimes I am singing only excluding gestures. Sing or record vocals on an empty stomach - the idea is so-so. Following the ecadas - a rather thin process. On this day, it is preferable to be in one place and reduce material activities. On tour is impossible. On the contrary, it has to work a lot and in general to do everything that it is not recommended to do in the ecada. Therefore, it is necessary to extract the maximum benefit of a bad deal.

It is not difficult to fast, especially if the mind is constantly busy. Sometimes on the most ordinary day I catch myself on the fact that I did not have breakfast, because I was engaged in something important and completely plunged into this process. With such a set and should be observed ecadas.

But it happens on the contrary: since the morning you know that Ekadashi, but the first thing you brew yourself chicory.

It is important not to miss this day. And since I forget everyone, I was signed at once a few ekadashi-Retainers who remind me: tomorrow Ekadashi, today Ekadashi, etc. The most important thing is not material, but the spiritual component of these days and, accordingly, the right mindset. If it is, then this is a real auch. If it is not, it is just a promotion for health.

Most of all I love to eat in the ecadasi pineapples. Favorite dish - Alu Gauranga. It is baked with cheese, sour cream, greenery and spices potatoes. It is finely cut with circles and shifted by layers with panir and seasonings. The best recipe, in my opinion, is given in the book of the BBC (by Adiij Das).

Daniel Matsuchuk, group KBDM

There are different ecadas and I try to match at least minimally their installations. In Pandova, Ekadashi I am singing on dry, without water and food. There are less strict ecadas when I exclude just legumes. If there is not enough energy and strength or when I get sick, then I choose a lightweight version of the post.

Sometimes in the morning I wake up with the thought of whether the ecada is today? I go to the phone where I have a special program that informs about the Days of Ekadashi, and, as a rule, I am right. Or this happens on the eve of the post. In the worst version - the next day after it. Or, it happens, eat cookies with the thought of what it is delicious! And then you understand: Oops, today Ekadashi. And here for such strata there are the next day, twenty, fasting to which also safely.

I want to give one advice on Ekadashi, which I found from the American spiritual writer John Faivors (he also bhakti Tirtha Swami) and who checked on his own experience. So, in the most difficult dry posts, it is best to distract your mind, take on a little more affairs, plunge into activities. Then the post passes more easily and smoothly, because the mind is busy and you do not cycle on the feeling of hunger. And by my own, I noticed that when you fumble, the mind begins to disturb too much. It is in Ekadashi for some reason I want to nourish a flour, even if you don't really love him. We must do what you do usually, and distract your mind, adding extra-action. More to meditate, work out yoga, listen to the lection, read. This is positively postponed in consciousness.

In general, the ecadic kitchen in my first place. Along with the VKI (Vedic culinary art, the author of Adiij Das), the most beloved culinary book is a small brochure "108 ecadashny dishes" (author Lila Avatar D.D.). It contains simple and very tasty recipes. I noticed that the ecadic food is easier to digest. You can hardly improve if you are hungry, but quickly feel ease again.

Let's follow the ecadas together

We offer everyone who wants to try to comply with ecadas or is already doing it, fasting together. To do this, take two simple actions (right under the picture).

By the way, at the previous time more than 100 people participated together with us.

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We all realize that periodic rest is needed not only to our mind, but also the body. However, for some reason, this postulate of units is observed.

Most of us regularly gives resting the soul and mind, relaxing at the weekend or leaving on vacation. But at the same time, even in the days of mental recreation, we continue to force our body to work hard, often indulging in the curmony (which of us did not bring some extra kilograms from the rest?).

For such cases, more ancient Vedic culture presented to humanity such a phenomenon as post of ecadashi.

What post Ekadashi? What it is useful, and what can be dangerous? How to keep the post of ecadas?!

Post ecadashi: what is it and where he appeared

Not so long ago post Ekadashi It was a common phenomenon except among Krishnaitis.

However, with the rapid growth of the popularity of Vedic culture in society, such a post began to practice and ordinary people who care about their health - both physical and spiritual.

If you say quite simple, then practice Ekadashi - This is a 1-day dry starvation (that is, even without water), which is carried out in combination with spiritual practices exactly from sunrise to the next sunrise.

However, such a post has several options, including a lightweight, which even will withstand people are far from harsh Indian practices.

The word "Ekadashi" indicates the number 11 on Sanskrit. This name was received because Hindus, Jainists, Krishnaitis and other followers of Indian religions and cultures practiced him on the 11th lunar day after each appearance in the night sky of the new moon and the full moon (11th and 26th lunar days are obtained) . These days, according to the Vedas, are considered ideal for spiritual growth and emotional purification.

In turn, the purification of the body by temporary complete abandonment of food and water contributes to the speedy spiritual enlightenment and helps to be less distracted by worldly vanity.

Meditation and spiritual work on themselves - deeply personal matter, so we will pay more attention to the physiological aspects ekadashi post.

How to keep the post of ecadas

Full post Ekadashi It implies a complete rejection of any food and water. This is an "advanced" option for experienced people who have previously tried medical starvation Or at least trying to adhere to the principles of healthy nutrition in ordinary life.

The most animated fans of dry starvation on these days do not even clean their teeth so that the mouth does not fall into the mouth. They also refuse at night from sleep, meditating or reading mantras.

In some Vedic sources, you can find a refinement that women, like a weaker sex, you can not syntictate yourself a full version of Ekadashi post. They can be limited to half post.

Also, the Vedas suggest that even a strict Ascapesis for passionate people can turn into dependence and harm. Therefore, with a strong sense of discomfort, you do not need to try to keep post at any cost.

Otherwise, your thoughts instead of high spiritual aspirations will be engaged in physical well-being, that is, the post of ecadas will lose their depth sense.

As we wrote above, post Ekadashi Has the Light Version for unprepared people who will not be able to withstand total hunger.

The minimum post involves simply limitations in the diet. This is a refusal of all grain and legumes (and products of them, including flour), soybean, coffee, seeds, coarse vegetables (eggplants, spinach, beets, tomatoes, onions and garlic, cabbage, etc.), sea salt, Many Indian spices and spices, butter of any origin, sweet (even honey).

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