How to cook compote from fresh apples. How to cook compote from apples: recipe for every day

How to cook compote from fresh apples. How to cook compote from apples: recipe for every day

We all know that apples are incredibly useful fruits. They contain many vitamins, they help in the treatment of various diseases, are considered a valuable dietary product. From apples you can prepare a variety of dishes, some of which is compote. Apple compote perfectly helps with arthritis, liver and intestines, anemia, etc. He quenches thirst well, gives cheerfulness. This is an excellent alternative to the usual store drinks.

How to cook compotes from apples: Canned and fresh. Ordinary compote is cooked from fresh fruits or dried fruits. For its preparation, fruits are cut into 2 or 4 parts and cleaned from cores and peel. After that, apples must be put in a saucepan, pre-filled with water and sugar. Apple compote prepares on low heat no more than 20 minutes. At 600 g of apples, 1.5 liters of pure water and 0.5 cup of sugar will be needed. The amount of sugar will depend on the variety of apples. One part of the sugar is recommended to be added to the compote immediately, and the second - after boiling. As soon as the second sugar is dissolved, the saucepan is removed from the fire. After that, the compote must draw about half an hour.

Compote from apples for winter can be prepared in two ways. In the first case, apples need to be laid in banks up to half, pour cold syrup (it is necessary to take 200 g of sugar per liter of water). After 6-8 hours, the jars fasten the syrup, and then pasteurize and rush it. In the second case, the apples are stacked in sterilized banks (they should take their fourth part), flooded with boiling syrup, which is preparing for the same principle as in the first recipe. Banks are immediately rolled out. Finished billets need to put a top bottom.

Several secrets of cooking compotes from apples. In order for the drink to be beautiful and tasty, it is necessary to take only selected fruits. It is best for an apple compote with sour-sweet and sour fruits, a little unreasonable, but necessarily whole. To prevent the darkening of the cut apples, they can be put in a saucepan with salted or acidified water (1 liter of water will need ½ tablespoon of salt and 3 g of citric acid). Before preparing a compote, fruits need to rinse. Never boil apple compote for too long because it will lose its valuables contained in apples.

Fresh apples compote and cranberries.

- Cranberries Fresh - ¾ Cups
- Apples - 3 pcs.
- Sugar - ½ cup

1. Rinse the cranberry, wash apples.
2. 2.5 liters of water are brought to a boil, add sugar, reduce the fire.
3. Pass the cranberry into the water.
4. Each apple cut into 6 or 8 parts, add apples into a saucepan to sugar and cranberries.
5. Compote cook on slow heat, but no more than 15 minutes. During this time, apples should be soft.
6. Press the saucepan from the fire, cool, pour into the jug.
7. Ready compote can be served with fruit, and it is possible without them.

From the remaining berries you can cook.

Apple compote with black currant.

- Berries of black currant - 1.2 kg
- Apples - 2.7 kg
- Sugar - 720 g

1. Take apples, rinse, cut into four parts, remove the cores from them.
2. Black currant sorted, wash in cool water.
3. Give liquids to drain, then put all the fruits in dry clean banks inverse.
4. Fill with hot sugar syrup.
5. Filled banks sterilize for 15 minutes, and then tightly encourage. And apples are ready!

Compote from apples with lemon.

- Sweet-sweet apples - 1 kg
- lemon juice - ½ liter
- Sugar - five tablespoons
1. Rinse apples, clean the bones and skins, cut into small pieces.
2. Discovered apples fold into the pan, add lemon juice and sugar.
3. Fill with 1.5 liters of cool water, bring to a boil, reduce fire, cook ten minutes.
4. Compote break into a jug, cool.

Compote from apples and rosehip.

- Fresh rosehip fruits - two glasses
- Apple
- Water - 750 ml
- Sugar - 25 g

1. Rosehip fruits cut on both sides, cut in half, remove the seeds.
2. Cut apples, remove seeds, cut out slices.
3. To put a rose rose in boiling water, boil five minutes on medium heat, add sugar and apples, tapping for another five minutes.
4. Compote remove from the fire, cover the lid, cool.

Cook from the remaining berries.

Comverters from apples, recipe With berries.

- Apples - 1 kilogram
- Cherry, strawberries - 320 g
- Currant black - 220 g
- water - 10 liters
- Sugar - 520 g

1. Rinse apples, remove the branches, cut the pieces. You should not throw out the sediments, boldly put them in compote. Apple bones contain many beneficial substances.
2. Put apples in a saucepan, fill with cool water, heat up to boil, pour sugar, mix well, remove from the burner.
3. Compote cool, break into glass jars, store in the refrigerator. And apples are ready!

Compote from dried fruits from apples.

- water - 4 liters
- Fresh apples - 1 kg
- Kuraga, raisins, prunes - 1 cup
- Sugar - to taste

1. Filter water, put in a saucepan.
2. Cut apples with slices, clean the middle, throw in a saucepan, bring to a boil, negotiate twenty minutes.
3. Dried fruits are well rinsed, throw it into a saucepan, cook fifteen minutes, leave cool for two hours. If you wish in compote, you can add sugar, but it is not necessary to do this, because a large number of dried fruits gives good sweetness.
4. Compote strain through a sieve by separating it from dried fruits. If you have turned out to be too concentrated compote, it can be diluted with water.
5. Keep compote in the refrigerator for two days.

Compote from apples and pears.

- pears and apples - 250 g
- Sugar - Glakana

1. Clean apples and pears, cut into several parts, delete the middle.
2. Before cooking, sliced \u200b\u200bapples put in a saucepan with cold water and lemon acid.
3. In the pan, pour sugar, pour two glasses of hot water, put the sliced \u200b\u200bapples, boil for 10 minutes. During this time, the fruits should be soft.
4. In the finished compote, put an orange, lemon zest or cinnamon.
5. Cool compote from pears and apples, burst through the vases.

Apple compote with plums and raisins.

- Middle apple
- plums - 3 pcs.
- Handful of Izyuma
- Water - three glasses
- Sugar - two tablespoons

1. Clean the apple from the seeds, cut into a pan with thin slices.
2. From the drain remove the bones, rinse thoroughly.
3. Pour the fruits with clean, filtered water, boil 10 minutes after full boiling.
4. Add sugar, stir up, give it in 30 minutes.
5. After cooling, recover the compote into a beautiful cup. You can feed it with cookies, buns or.

Compote from dried apples.

- Dried apples - 400 g
- Kuraga
- Raisin
- prunes
- Raisin
- Water - 2.5 liters
- Sugar - 220 g
- fragrant peas
- Carnation

1. Fruits take, thoroughly rinse. Please note that in dried fruits sometimes there is sand, so the dismissive treatment will lead to the fact that the taste of the drink will be spoiled.
2. Place the prepared mixture in a saucepan, fill with water low temperatures, add sugar, boil to the softening of fruits on moderate heat.
3. In a boiling liquid, you can put a couple of peas of fragrant pepper and dry carnation. These spices will give compote a fairly interesting taste.
4. Ready dry apple compote Cool, serve with dried fruits either without them. And apples are ready!

Compote from apples with strawberries.

- dried apples - 255 g
- Dried strawberries - 155 g
- Water - two liters
- Sugar - 155 g

Compote with apples and cinnamon.

- dried apples - 355 g
- Light raisins without seeds - 120 g
- Water - two liters
- Brown sugar - 200 g
- Cinnamon - 1 wand

1. Prepare apples, put them in a saucepan, add washed light raisins.
2. All products fill with cold water, boil and immediately reduce the fire, add a few stars of carnations and cinnamon sticks.
3. Cook compote until apples are ready.
4. Press the brown sugar into the saucepan, mix, cook for a few more minutes.
5. Compote remove from the fire, immediately burst on the glasses.
6. In every glass, if desired, you can pour on a tablespoon of brandy.

Compote from apples and orange.

- Apples - 2 pcs.
- Sugar - 160 g
- Orange - 3 pcs.
- Water - 3 liters

1. Clean the apples from seeds and skins, cut into pieces, put them in a saucepan, pour with sugar, pour with water, on average fire to boil.
2. Clean oranges, cut the circles, shift to the apples, bring to a boil, boil a few minutes, turn off, cover with a lid, let it stand for 40 minutes.
3. When filing, put several pieces of fruit into it.

Compote with apples and grapes.

- Middle apples - 5 pcs.
- Water - three liters
- Sugar - 8 tablespoons
- Grapes - 400 g

1. Bring the water to a boil.
2. Clean the apples from the skins and the middle, cut down the slices.
3. Grapes tear off the twigs.
4. In boiling water, stir sugar until it is dissolved, pour into the syrup with apples and berries, tapping for 5 minutes.
5. Turn off the fire, cover the lid, give a compote about half an hour, run through cups.

Compote from apples, kiwi and mint.

- mint twigs - 2 pcs.
- Kiwi - 3 pcs.
- Apples - 2 pcs.

1. Wash apples, cut into pieces, squeeze juice.
2. Clean the Kiwi, 2 of them grind and squeeze juice, the third - cut into pieces.
3. Kiwi juice and apples mix with 100 milliliters of water, boil in a saucepan before boiling.
4. Add mint twigs, tapping another minute.
5. Put the chopped kiwi into the glass, pour boiling water.

Compote from green apples is fast, tasty and moderately sweet drink, which can be prepared in a matter of minutes. Compote in the cooled form canceled thirst, and warmly serves as an excellent addition to dinner or dinner. The green apple is exactly the fruit from which moms begin to feed their kids. Our compotation recipe from green apples has sugar in its composition, but if it is excluded - it can be easily included in the diet of the first year of the child's life, because it is always more useful than purchased. The composition of the ingredients will delight the owners with its simplicity and nothing terrible if your green apples are collected from the ground, and not torn from the tree. Proper preparation and you have an otned chilled apple drink on the table.

Apple Compote: Recipe With Photo


  • green apples of small size - 2 kg;
  • sugar sand - 250 g;
  • drinking water - 2.5-3 liters.

How to cook compotes from apples:

Apples We will cook in the peel, so they need to be soaked in cold running water for 30 minutes - so they will easily disperse. Pretty rinse with a brush.

Cooking compote is the most convenient in a large stainless or enameled saucepan. Apple slices cut into small pieces and send in a saucepan. They will also be used when drinking, and large slices are terribly uncomfortable to hold in a glass during turning. We had about 1/3 apples in the tank.

We pour our apples with cold filtered water.

Compote from fresh apples - stunning fragrant and useful drinkthat is served not only cold, but also hot - instead of tea.

Fresh apples compote


  • fresh apples - 500 g;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • - pinch;
  • water - 2 liters.


We take fresh apples, rinse them, cut by slices and remove the core. So that the fruits do not acquire an ugly rusty color, lay them out in a bowl with water and throw a pinch of lemon. In the saucepan, we pour fresh water, put the dishes on a small fire and wait for boiling. After that, we throw apples and snatch sugar to taste. All mixed with a spoon and we are waiting again until the decoction boils. Then the fire is reduced, cover with a lid and a tall compote about 20 minutes, until the softness of fruit. Next, turn off the plate and give a drink a bit broken. Before serving on the table, you can add a slicer of lemon or a handful of any fresh apples.

Compote from fresh apples and pears


  • apples - 5 pcs.;
  • sugar white - 7 tbsp. spoons;
  • pears - 8 pcs.;
  • water - 3.5 l;
  • berries - to taste.


Apples and pears are pretty rinse and wipe dry with a towel. Then we clean the fruit, take out the core and cut into small cubes or smooth slices. In the pan, we pour clean water, put on the middle fire and bring before boiling. After that, carefully lay out pears, apples and fresh berries. Suck the required amount of sugar sand and thoroughly stirred. We cover the saucepan with a cap, reduce the fire and cook compote 10 minutes, depending on the ripeness of fruit. Next, remove the drink from the stove, cool, spill on the glasses and throw in each ice cube.

Compote from fresh apples in a slow cooker


  • apples - 6 pcs.;
  • filtered water - 2 l;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • , cinnamon, carnation - to taste.


And now we will tell you how to cook compote from fresh apples in a slow cooker. So, we rinse fruits, process, cut out the heartings and bubbling in small slices. Then we fold apples into a multicooker bowl, pour cold boiled water, add sugar and spices at will. We close the device with a lid, set the program "Captivity" on the display and wait until the drink boils. After that, weganize the compote about 10 minutes, insist half an hour, and then overflow neatly into a decanter and serve it to the table, decides with a sprig of fresh mint.

Compote from fresh apples and orange


  • apples - 300 g;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • water.


My apples, cut in half, remove the heartings and shining the slices. Oranges cut into circles without removing the zest. Then, in a saucepan with water, we put the prepared fruits, put on the stove and bring to a boil. After that, we reduce the flame and cook the compote 5 minutes. At the end, sugar sugar, mix and insist the drink before cooled.

Compote from fresh apples for the winter


  • fresh apples - 300 g;
  • water - 3 l;
  • sugar white - to taste.


Apples, as you should, we rinse, cut out small funnels from both sides and lay out fruits in prepared pure banks. In the pan are poured cold water, I bring to a boil and gently pour our apples to her. We cover the covers from above, and insist the drink for 10 minutes. After that, we drag the decoction again into the pan, we put on the stove, sugar sugar, stir, boil and pour hot syrup stealed earlier fruits. We ride compote with lids and put them on the floor up with races. Cover with something warm and leave in that position to cool. After that, we rearrange the workpiece into the cellar and store throughout the year.

Apples are considered one of the best fruits for cooking compote. This is provided not only by the taste qualities of the fetus, but also their availability. Moreover, compote from apples is a great way to vitaminize the body, and pectin contained in fruit contributes to the purification of the body from poisons, toxins, normalizing digestive and metabolic processes. Another advantage of the apple compote is that this drink for his neutral pleasant taste love both adults and children.

Some of the best fruits for cooking compote are apples

Compote cooked from fresh apples is a real salvation in the yield season. It can be prepared not only with apple fruits, but also additional ingredients, for example, adding raspberry, red currants into drink, pear and other fruits or vegetables.

For the preparation of a classic drink you need:

  • 700 grams of apples;
  • 0.5 liter of water;
  • 0.5 cup sugar.

Watching this drink is very simple:

  1. Apples are clean, cut into 8 poles, each of which is released from the core.
  2. Slops are flooded with cool water and put on the middle fire.
  3. A quarter of a cup of sugar is falling asleep in a saucepan, everything is mixed and brought to a boil.
  4. Then the remaining sugar sand is suited. Everything is mixed and removed from the stove.
  5. The drink is immediately poured on clean banks, covered with a lid and put sterilize for 15 minutes.
  6. The billet rolled up and cooled at room temperature.

Serve such a drink is better in a cool state. Best of all, he will complement the taste of fragrant baking or pancakes.

How to cook compote from apples (video)

How to cook compote from apples: recipe for every day

If the hostess has a sufficient amount of time, and it plans to delight households with freshly brewed apple compotes daily, she will need to prepare apples for the winter. For this, fruits can be dried. After that, you can start cooking drink.


  • 2 glasses of dried apples;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 0.75 Sugar glasses;
  • 1 lunch spoon of raisins;
  • 1 dessert cinnamon spoon.

If the hostess has a sufficient amount of time, and she plans to delight households with freshly brewed apple compotes daily, she will need to prepare apples for the winter

Warding technology:

  1. Dried fruits are carefully clean, lean on a colander.
  2. Water poured into the pan, dried froths and sugar, everything is mixed and put on a quiet fire.
  3. After boiling, the compote should be cooked for another 15 minutes. After that, cinnamon is added, the saucepan is closed with a lid, and the drink insists another 12 hours.

Before serving, the drink should be strain.

How to prepare compote from apples in a saucepan: from frozen fruits

In order to cook, you need:

  • 200 grams of frozen apples;
  • 300 grams of frozen raspberry;
  • 4 lunch spoons of sugar;
  • quarter of dessert cinnamon spoon.

The workpiece is easy to prepare

How to cook:

  1. The water is placed on fire, frozen fruits are immersed in it.
  2. After boiling liquid, the fire decreases to a minimum, and the drink is boiled for 10 minutes.
  3. During this time, the fruits are fully rejoiced, softened.
  4. Cinnamon is added to the ground, everything is mixed and soaked with sugar.
  5. The saucepan is closed with a lid and insistant 2 hours.

You can serve a drink to the table both in warm and cold. Warm compote in its taste will be like non-alcoholic mulled wine.

How to make a delicious compote from apples for winter with oranges?

Orange an apple drink and piquancy will help the orange.

To prepare a compote with notes, the exotic will need:

  • 2 large oranges;
  • 2 liters of purified water;
  • 3 apples;
  • 1 cup of sugar.

Orange an apple drink with freshness and piquancy will help orange

How to cook:

  1. Apples are cleansed, dry with a paper towel, cleaned from the cores with seeds and cut into large cubes or slices.
  2. Each orange is hampered with boiling water, and then cut by knife slices.
  3. Water poured into the pan, sugar suits, the liquid is put on the stove and is brought to a boil.
  4. Apple lobes, oranges are laid out in the boiled syrup.
  5. The mass is mixed, it is brought to a boil and cook for another 3 minutes.
  6. Compote is removed from the burner, closed with a lid and insisted 20 minutes.
  7. The saucepan is put on fire again, it is brought to a boil and immediately bottled on sterilized banks.
  8. Capacities need to immediately roll up, turn upside down and wrapped in a warm towel. Insist in such a state of the workpiece required 1 day.

Interestingly, such a drink is very tasty not only in the chilled state, but also in heated.

Apple compote with cherry

Berries will give the billet sour rich taste, which quickly quit thirst.

For cooking you need:

  • 350 grams of cherries;
  • 350 grams of apples;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • 1 cinnamon stick;
  • 2.5 liter of purified water.

One of the best combinations for cooking is considered such as cherry and apples.

How to cook:

  1. The cherry ishes, frees from the cuttings.
  2. Apples are clean, brushing from the core, cut into slices.
  3. Water poured into a saucepan, mixed with sugar and is brought to a boil.
  4. Apples, cherry and cinnamon stick are lowered in boiling water.
  5. The fluid is brought to a boil, 3 minutes are boiled, removed from the fire and insisted under the lid for half an hour.
  6. Then the drink in the saucepan is put on the stove again, it is brought to a boil, bottled through sterilized banks, rolled out and insisted 1-2 days in a warm towel.

To prepare this compote, in addition to the cinnamine wand, you can use 1 dessert spoonful of cinnamon.

How to make apple syrup?

For the preparation of apple syrup, a sufficient amount of time will need to prepare the traditional recipe. In order to save your own time, you need to know how to make this sweetness without cooking.

For this you need:

  • 1 liter of fresh apple juice;
  • 1.5 kilo sugar;
  • 1 dessert citric acid spoon.

How to make syrup for the winter:

  1. Apples are clean, cut the slices, are skipped through the juicer. Optionally, in front of the squeezing of the juice fruits, they can be cleaned of the peel.
  2. The juice overflows into an enameled bowl and insisted in the refrigerator 1 day.
  3. The saturated juice is gently fastened through a gauze napkin.
  4. Transparent juice is mixed with sugar, citric acid.
  5. The container is placed on the middle fire, the liquid is slightly warming up, but it is not brought to a boil. Such treatment is necessary in order to the juice dissolve the granules of sugar.

The cooked syrup is bottled on sterilized glass bottles and clogged with traffic jams.

Comverters from dried apples (video)

How much is such a workpiece? Thanks to the presence in it large number Sugar and citric acid, it can be stored up to 1 year. It is advisable to put syrup in the refrigerator.

Apple compote, undoubtedly useful for human organism. However, it is worth considering that homemade drink should not be too concentrated in otherwise It can increase the level of acidity in the stomach and lead to a violation of its function. That this does not happen, you should carefully follow the proportions that any presented recipe should be used in the preparation of a compote.

And a little about secrets ...

Have you ever experienced unbearable joint pains? And you do not care what you know what:

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  • pain during or after exercise;
  • inflammation in the field of joints and swelling;
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And now answer the question: does it suit you? Does such pain be tolerated? And how much money did you "merge" for ineffective treatment? Right - it's time to finish with this! Agree? That is why we decided to publish an exclusive interview with Professor Dikulos, in which he revealed the secrets of getting rid of pain in the joints, arthritis and arthrosis.

ATTENTION, only today!

Apple compote is perfectly quenching thirst and helps the body to fill the stock of vitamins, including vitamin C. To maximally, all useful substances in apples are preserved, it is necessary to boil compote.


  • Apples - 10 pcs;
  • Water - 3 l;
  • Sugar to taste (about 150 g).
For a compote, you should choose fresh apples, preferably with sourness. The acid apples, the less they will be cooked. Apples rinse well, remove the core and cut into 8 parts. So that they do not blacken while water boils down, lower them into water with the addition of salt or citric acid. Before cooking to rinse with cold water.

Boil water in enameled dishes. Fall asleep apples in boiling water and add sugar. Wait for re-boiling water and dissolving sugar. It will take about 2 minutes. You can add sugar into the water immediately and cook syrup, and then put apples.

Turn off the gas, cover the saucepan with a lid. Give a compote about 2 hours.

To diversify the taste, you can add different fruits to compote. If we put a bit of lemon zest, compote gets more sour. A pair of spoons of brandy or liquor, added before serving in hot compote, will help to warm up in the cold season.


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