When the cold is every month. What to give a child for immunity

When the cold is every month. What to give a child for immunity

If a five-year-old child often sick, parents think about how strong the baby is at the kid, whether it is necessary to strengthen it. Often, the strengthening of immunity is worthwhile to the children who get more than 4-6 times a year, or have long, tightening cold episodes. Usually, we will apply vitamins for this purpose.

How to raise immunity baby 5 years

For weakened and often ill-suffering children, stimulation and strengthening of immunity are an important issue. However, parents on this issue often pay attention to only drugs, vitamins and additives for food, forgetting that they will not be effective without a whole complex of non-medical measures. These include a full-fledged day of the day with a sufficient stay outside, a variety of and full-fledged food, strong sleep and hardware events. With the help of these components, it is possible to strengthen immunity without pills. But, these activities should be systemic in nature, and it is sometimes difficult for parents to find at this time or they simply do not give values \u200b\u200bto such measures. They are looking for options, how to strengthen the immunity to a child of 5 years with the help of drugs. It is worth recalling that all immune stimulants, vitamins and other substances are temporary assistance, the effect will not be resistant and long without a full-fledged complex of measures. Therefore, do not look for pharmacies that give a child for 5 years to immunity, teach your baby to daily walks in any weather, spend gymnastics, douse, contrasting souls, are engaged in sports, only then vitamins and additives will help in strengthening immunity.

Vitamins for children from 5 years

An additional means to maintain the full work of the body and strengthening immunity can be vitamins for children from 5 years: chewing, in capsules or pills. However, despite the fact that everyone belongs to vitamins as safe drugs, you only need to choose with a doctor. It is dangerous both a shortage and overdose of vitamins, therefore, it is worth discussing their reception with a pediatrician. For immunity, a child is 5 years old, many vitamins are needed, as well as trace elements and biologically active substances. Especially important vitamins of group B, ascorbic acid and vitamins A, D or E.
If a child often sick, a doctor can advise what vitamins to give a child in 5 years. Sometimes it will be the reception of the healing dose of only one or two vitamins, while the body does not accumulate their sufficient quantity. Then you can go to the preventive reception of polyvitamins for children from 5 years. However, it is worth remembering that vitamin drugs are accepted by a special course, which can last from 2 to 4 weeks, then it is necessary to take a break, and repeat the course of vitamins. Permanent reception of vitamins for a long time can lead to a state of overdose of some of them, especially fat-soluble, which have the property of accumulating in the body.
It is also important to remember, choosing complex vitamins for children from 5 years, about the form of their reception. For children of allergys, it is worth abandoning syrups and pupinis with flavors, they can provoke allergies. Preparations should be selected strictly by age, adult forms of vitamins are banned for children. In them, the concentration of substances is much higher than children, which can harm the child.
In addition to receiving vitamins, pay attention to food, it is important to replenish with protein and fresh vegetables and fruits, reducing the amount of weaknesses and fats. This will help the better absorption of the components of the drugs, and will give a more pronounced effect. Remember that vitamins are also medicines, they can give side effects. With the appearance of various kinds of unusual reactions, it is worth stopping the reception of drugs and immediately consult a doctor.

Every parent knows that immunity is responsible for the susceptibility of the body to diseases. It is very important for the health of the child, because The growing organism needs not only to fight with malicious bacteria, but also spend the forces on the right growth and development.

Also, malfunction in the immune system can be caused by stress, unfavorable living conditions, improper nutrition and lifestyle, as well as chronic diseases.

Nowadays, few people can boast of wonderful health. Frequent colds in children in gardens and schools have long become the norm. Someone says that the ecology, weather conditions and the level of the overall quality of life, which has significantly decreased last time is to blame.

However, the current situation is not a reason to lower the hands and let the health of the younger generation on Samotek. Rather, on the contrary, it should stimulate parents to look for ways to help increase immunity to a child very quickly.

Folk remedies for improving immunity, which are available to everyone can largely affect the health of your beloved Chad. So let's consider what you need to do that your child is full of strength and rejoiced life.

  • 1 Proper nutrition
  • 2 Products containing vitamins for lifting immunity
  • 3 fruits and vegetables
  • 4 whole grain porridge
  • 5 medical
  • 6 onions and garlic
  • 7 Products enriched with vitamin D
  • 8 Orekhi
  • 9 Recipes of delicious vitamin mixtures
  • 10 Recipe 1: Useful Vitamin Mix
  • 11 Recipe 2: Apples
  • 12 Recipe 3: A mixture of dried fruits
  • 13 Fresh juices and their benefits
  • 14 Polyvitamin preparations
  • 15 Dairy products to eliminate microbes and restoration of intestinal microflora
  • 16 Day Mode
  • 17 Morning charging
  • 18 Walking and hardening
  • 19 Rest and Sleep
  • 20 Recommended duration of sleep and wakeful children 1.5 months - 3 years
  • 21 hygiene and cleanliness in the house
  • 22 Features of the strengthening of the child's immunity after illness
      • 22.0.1 1. "Four of herbs". For cooking, take the St. John's wort, the immortelle, chamomile and birch kidneys (in equal amounts), pour them with boiling water and leave for the night in the thermos. Use 1 time per day 30 minutes before meals.
      • 22.0.2 2. "Walnut leaves." S art Spoons of leaves pour 3 glasses of boiling water and insist the night. Drink 1 month.
      • 22.0.3 3. "Monastery tea". On the liter of water take 1 tbsp. A spoonful of rosehip and slices of nine roots, boil 20 minutes and insist the hour. After, in the same quantities, add John's wort and soul, bring to a boil and insist 2 hours.
      • 22.0.4 4. "Ivan-tea, mint, chestnut flowers, Melissa." Mix the ingredients in an equal number. On 2 tablespoons it is necessary 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist and use in small quantities throughout the day.
      • 22.0.5 5. "Barber tea". Ingredients: dried lingonberry leaves - 12g., Sugar - 10 g. Lamberry leaves pour boiling water and brew 10 min. Add sugar and drink freshly.
      • 22.0.6 6. "Tea from Ryabina". Ingredients: Raspberry Raspberry - 5g., Dried black currant leaves - 2 g., Rowan - 30 g. Fill with boiling water for 7-10 minutes. Pour into the circle, diluting boiling water.
  • 23 Recipes Medicines from Honey, Garlic, Lemon
  • 24 propolis to restore immunity
  • 25 decoction of richness - the most useful way to strengthen immunity
  • 26 How to cook and drink decoction
  • 27 Reviews

Proper nutrition

The easiest way to take care of your baby's health is to ensure its diet to the maximum useful products that will provide the body with the useful substances.

For full growth and development you need to make a child's nutrition modewhich will include the required amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins.

Products containing vitamins for lifting immunity

The most familiar folk remediesthat will help to quickly enhance your child's immunity are products containing a large number of Vitamins. These products must be included in the usual kid menuBut there are moments when there is not enough diet (off-season, climate change, recently transferred cold, etc.).

If this requires the situation, then you should increase the number of these useful products.

Fruits and vegetables

Everyone knows that they contain an increased content of vitamins, fiber, minerals and phytonutrients. Among the fruits, the most favorably affect the immunity of citrus and apples, which are enriched with vitamin C (necessary in the prevention of colds). And the apples also help maintain a healthy intestinal microflora and normalize the digestive process.

It is also recommended to use: grenades, tomatoes, cranberries, red cabbage, grapefruits (has a beneficial effect not only on immunity, but also on the heart), carrots and pumpkins (contain substances that are transformed into vitamin A), broccoli (has anti-inflammatory properties).

Whole grain porridge

Many underestimate all the benefits of Kash. However, they are a good source of vitamins and trace elements. Therefore, nutritionists are recommended to include porridge for breakfast.

When cooking, almost all useful substances porridge disappear. Crupe is recommended to pour boiling water and insist on the night. To increase the content of vitamins in the caress, it is recommended to add berries or fruits to it (dried fruits).


More Our grandmothers, with a cold, told us to drink tea with honey, because It improves immunity very well and has a beneficial effect on the blood system. Honey is very tasty delicacy. Therefore, you will not have to eat a spoonful of honey for a long time to persuade your child. It is best to choose bee honey.

In this case, it is better to abandon bee and choose a less allergenic option. Also should not be given honey to children for up to 2-3 years, because The risk of developing allergies at that age is the highest.

Onion and garlic

About these vegetables should be said separately, because They contain many phytoncides that are struggling with malicious bacteria. Onions and garlic have long been the best folk remedy for very quickly raising immunity. They can be given to the child just like that, with bread or other food. But not all the children love onions and garlic because of their bitter taste.

In this case, the onions can be finely chopped and add to the plate, and graze a garnet garlic. Their volatile properties can also be used as defense. Cut onion or garlic on a plate and place not far from a cot or another place where the child is often located.

Vitamin D products

These include: marine fish, vegetable oils and dairy products. At the moment there is a theory that with the flu you can cope with the help of one vitamin D. It penetrates the body mainly through the skin with sunbeams.


Cheerful affect the body. You can use all nuts as a product to increase immunity. It is also recommended to use various herbal teas, milk and fermented milk products, fresh juices, but we will talk about them further.

Recipes of delicious vitamin mixtures

Useful products can be taken both with food and as a bioactive additive. If you do not have time to make a menu in advance for your child for a long period, you can regularly give it a delicious folk remedy - vitamin mixtures. They can easily help to quickly increase the child's immunity. Below are several such recipes.

Recipe 1: Useful Vitamin Mix

To prepare a multivitamin mixture you will need: 1 lemon, 50 g. Inzhair, and 100 g. Izyum, Kuragi, honey and peanuts or walnuts. Before cooking, thoroughly wash the lemon under hot water. Stit his zest on the grater.

Then grind nuts in a blender, raisins, kuragu, figs and connect them with the zest. In the prepared mixture, squeeze lemon juice and add liquid honey. Leave the resulting composition for 48 hours in dark dishes. After granting a child 1-2 h. Spoons 3 times a day per hour before meals.

Recipe 2: on apples

For making medicine, take: 3 apples, 1 cup of walnuts, 0.5 glasses of water and 0.5 kg. Cranberries and sugars. Then disarm the berries and cut apples in small cubes.

Mix all the ingredients, fill them with water and bring to a boil on slow fire. Cool the mixture. It follows 1 tsp twice a day.

Recipe 3: a mixture of dried fruit

To prepare a mixture of dried fruits, you will need: 1 Lemon and 250 g. Isauman, honey, walnuts, prunes and kuragi.
We do the same with the lemon as in the first recipe.

Dried fruits swore, mine and dry. All ingredients, with the exception of honey, grind a blender or twist in the meat grinder. Then poured with honey and shift into a sterile jar. It is necessary to give a child for 1 tsp for 30 minutes. Before eating 3 times a day.

Freshly squeezed juices and their benefits

We know that vegetables and fruits are useful for the body. But it is also useful to Freshi, which are much better than juices from the packages. They contain many biologically active substances involved in the work of the whole organism. But each juice affects the body in different ways, so you should understand all kinds of juices that you can and need to drink your child.

  • Apricot. It has a beneficial effect on the liver and skin, improves vision;
  • Orange. Contains a large number of vitamins C, B1, B5, B12. It is recommended for cold and stress;
  • Birch. Tones, activates the metabolism, improves the operation of the digestive tract;
  • Grape. Recommended for children rich in iron, tones;
  • Pomegranate. Is hematopoietic, improves immunity, has a beneficial effect on the work of almost all organs, contains many vitamins, mineral salts, sugars, fiber;
  • Grapefrute. Contains vitamin C, normalizes the metabolism and blood pressure;
  • Pear. Prevents obesity;
  • Cabbage. Quickly absorbed, rich in chlorine, gray and iodine, improves the condition of hair, skin and nails;
  • Citric. The source of vitamin C and many other beneficial substances improves the nervous and circulatory systems;
  • Carrot. Contains potassium, folic acid and carotenoids, which form Vitamin A. This vitamin is responsible for the condition of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • Sea buckthorn. Contains vitamins - A, B1, B2, B3, C, E, microelements - boron, iron, manganese, vegetable antibiotics and organic acids;
  • Peach. Rich in potassium salts that strengthen heart muscles;
  • Bell. Contains calcium, sodium, chlorine. Improves the condition of the nervous system, kidneys, gallbladder and vessels. It is recommended to drink after a few hours after cooking;
  • Tomato. Rich in natural sugars, vitamin C, organic acids. Improves the memory, the work of the heart, the metabolism, the state of the nervous system, has antioxidant properties;
  • Pumpkin. Improves blood circulation, intestinal work and liver. Cleans from toxins, fights with cold and stress;
  • Black currant juice. Enhances immunity;
  • Shipovnika juice. Improves metabolism, appetite, resistance to infections, increases endurance;
  • Apple. Rich with iron, potassium and boron.

After drinking juice, ask the child to rinse your mouth with water to keep the enamel in the normal state.

Polyvitamin preparations

If the immunity is very weakened or you do not have the ability to provide a child with the necessary number of vitamins that will come through food, it is worth contacting the means sold in pharmacies.

If your baby has no special instructions of the doctor, then it is best to choose multivitamin preparations. They contain all the necessary vitamins and trace elements that the child should receive daily.

When choosing vitamins for a child, it is worth considering its age and other individual features, because The daily rate of consumption of essential substances depends on this.

If you do not do this, then you have a chance to choose an irregular dosage, which will lead to adverse consequences. When selecting a vitamin complex for your baby, it is best to consult a pediatrician or at least with a pharmacist in a pharmacy.

Dairy products to eliminate microbes and restoration of intestinal microflora

The intestine plays an essential role in the formation of immunity, because It is in it that the largest cells work immune system.

The decrease in immunity occurs due to the dysbiosis (reducing the normal number of prebiotics in the intestine). Prebiotics produce most of the vitamins, as well as they are responsible for the elimination of toxins And prevent the reproduction of malicious bacteria.

To maintain the normal intestinal microflora, lactobacillia and prebiotics are needed. At the moment in stores there are no little "enriched" and "vitaminized" drinks. But it is better to act a proven method to increase the immune system to the child very quickly.

Since ancient times, any sour milk product was called cheeses, including cottage cheese from which fried pellets were made.

Studies have been proven that if your child uses fermented dairy products twice a day, then the risk of developing ARVI and influenza is significantly reduced (this applies to children aged 3 to 7 years). In the event of a disease, in children who regularly use fermented dairy products, less expressed symptoms and significantly reduces the duration of the disease.

Daily regime

In order for a child to grow healthy and active, it needs the right routine of the day, which should include charging, walk, food and sleep schedule, as well as hygienic procedures.

Morning work-out

It is best to start the day with charging that helps to cheer up, bring the muscles and vessels into the tone, which has no small impact on mental activity.

Provided that the child regularly makes the morning exercises, it improves appetite, blood supply, brain work, reduces the risk of disease and fast overwork.

Walking and hardening

A good way to increase immunity to a child is very fast - folk remedies, such as: fresh air and hardening. You need to start hardening the child from the very infancy. First of all, it is not worth repeating the mistake of many - overly routine a child and keep it in a hot and stuffy room.

Dress the child solely on the weather. Forget about the old expression "the heat of the bones will not be lomit." It has long been proven that overheating the body is worse than hypothermia. The same applies to the legs: a man's foot was created in order to walk along the cool surface. In the footsteps there are no vital organs that can be frozen, so a slightly cool leg in a child is an absolute norm.

Also looking, hot baths are very harmful. Water for swimming a child must be 37 - 38 ° C. To harde the child, it is recommended to gradually reduce the temperature of the water for swimming.

Take your baby for a walk, preferably twice a day. They are very important for the health of the child, because In the house he breathes dust (even if you climb several times a day, it will still remain), in the air (especially in the heating period).

While at home, the child does not receive a sufficient amount of oxygen, which saturates every cell of the body, which can lead to malaise. If you do not have the opportunity to withdraw it to the street, then carry out the room as often as possible.

Rest and Son.

No folk remedies will help increase your child's immunity if he does not receive a full-fledged holiday. Children, especially small, are very quickly overwhelmed, and sleep helps to fill the forces spent. The child under 7 years old needs day sleep.

If he does not receive it, then the nervous system is overloadedWhat can adversely affect further development. In addition to the leisure of the muscles and the brain, during sleep, the body is enriching the organism with oxygen (the lungs are revealed at the moment of deep sleep, and the breath becomes deep).

A few hours before night's sleep, you need to play with a child in quiet games (you can read books). This will allow him to calm down what is necessary before bedtime. For a full vacation of the body, night sleep should begin no later than 22.00. Before bedtime, be sure to ventilate the room in which the child sleeps. You can also go for a walk.

In the junior day mode (3-4 years) and the average (4-5 years) groups of the kindergarten, 12-12.5 hours are provided for a dream, of which 2 hours per one-time day dream. For children of senior (5-6 years) and preparatory (6-7 years) groups for sleep, 11.5 h (10 hours at night and 1.5 hours) are relying.

Sleep duration in children school age Changes with age and amounts to:

  • in 7-10 years - 11-10 hours;
  • at 11-14 years old - 10-9 h;
  • in 15-17 years - 9-8 h.

Hygiene and cleanliness in the house

Children, especially up to 3 years, study the world. They crawl everywhere and look at every corner. They can crawl on the floor, and after a second pull their hands in the mouth. Therefore, to maintain the health of the child, it is important to maintain purity in the house. Daily allocate time on cleaning (it should be wet).

If you have small child, Make pets with pets. Also worth avoiding a large number of soft toys and books in the room where the child is located, because They collect a lot of dust.

Child hygiene is no less important for full development. Children are very active, and accordingly, they often get dirty and sweat. Therefore, you need to wash your hands after the games and before taking food, take the daily souls and, of course, keep the morning toilet. Do not let children have dirty vegetables and fruits, as well as lift something on the streets. This can lead to various diseases.

Features of strengthening the immunity of a child after illness

If your child recently suffered a disease, then you need to know how to increase your child immunity very quickly. Folk remedies will help restore forces and will not have a negative impact on the body. This can be done with vitamin mixtures (recipes were described earlier) and various useful teas, tinctures and decoctions.

Recipes of teas and tinctures to strengthen immunity:

1. "Four of herbs". For cooking, take the St. John's wort, the immortelle, chamomile and birch kidneys (in equal amounts), pour them with boiling water and leave for the night in the thermos. Use 1 time per day 30 minutes before meals.

2. "Walnut leaves". S art Spoons of leaves pour 3 glasses of boiling water and insist the night. Drink 1 month.

3. "Monastery Tea". On the liter of water take 1 tbsp. A spoonful of rosehip and slices of nine roots, boil 20 minutes and insist the hour. After, in the same quantities, add John's wort and soul, bring to a boil and insist 2 hours.

4. "Ivan-tea, mint, chestnut flowers, Melissa". Mix the ingredients in an equal number. On 2 tablespoons it is necessary 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist and use in small quantities throughout the day.

5. "Lingre tea". Ingredients: dried lingonberry leaves - 12g., Sugar - 10 g. Lamberry leaves pour boiling water and brew 10 min. Add sugar and drink freshly.

6. "Tea from Ryabina". Ingredients: Raspberry Raspberry - 5g., Dried black currant leaves - 2 g., Rowan - 30 g. Fill with boiling water for 7-10 minutes. Pour into the circle, diluting boiling water.

Recipes Medicines from Honey, Garlic, Lemon

Recipes from honey, garlic, lemon Ingredients Cooking
Recipe 1. garlic - 4 heads, bee honey - 300-400, lemon - 6 pcs. Cut the lemon and select all bones, clean garlic. Then crush the lemon with garlic in a blender to the porridge consistency.

Mix the resulting mixture with honey and put back. After it feels down, drain juice.

Pour it into dark utensils from glass and keep 10 days in the cold.

Recipe 2. garlic - 3 heads, Bee honey -1 kg., Lemon -4 pcs., Linen oil - 1 cup.

Clean lemons and garlic, grind them. Add honey and oil to the mixture.

It turns out quite thick mass. Need to store in the refrigerator.

Propolis to restore immunity

Propolis is one of the best antivirus and antimicrobial means. It contains mineral substances that are able to activate and modulate the protective functions of the body. Due to the improvement of immunity occurs in a few hours.
A good medicine is honey with propolis.

For its manufacture you need to take honey and pure propolis in proportion 4: 1 and melt in a water bath. After that, mix thoroughly.

Let the child on ½ h. Spoons. Also, the tincture of propolis can be added to milk (1-2 drops). Best milk with propolis drink before bedtime.

Roshovnik's decoction - the most useful way to strengthen immunity

It improves eyesight, strengthens hair and nails, restores metabolic processes in the liver, has a soft choleretic effect, normalizes the digestive process.

A decoction of rosehip fruits is a good folk agent to increase immunity. It can easily be able to quickly put a child on his feet after the disease.

How to cook and drink decoction

Take 4 tbsp. Spoons of crushed rosehip fruits, fill their 1 l. Water and put cooking. As soon as the water boils, reduce the fire and boil for 10-15 minutes. After the drink is prepared, cool it and strain. Advanced honey, sugar or raisins are permissible to enhance the bump taste.

The decoction of the rosehip is allowed to give children from 6 months - 100 ml. per day. The norm for the child is 1-3 years - 200 ml, and at the age of 3-7 years - 400 ml. More elder children are allowed to increase the amount up to 600 ml.

From the provided methods of strengthening immunity, you can choose some of the most you liked. Just remember that success depends on the regularity.

How to raise the child immunity when he constantly sick, and even the slightest overcooling leads to a cold? There are a large number of techniques in order to increase the body's protective forces. But first you need to understand why the child's immune system suffers, and that is a provoking factor.

In most cases, parents themselves contribute to the frequent incidence of their children. The fact is that when even the slightest colds occur, they begin to push the antibiotics in their child. At the same time, the body ceases to do something to protect, because its function in this case is performed by antibacterial drugs.

It is necessary not only to enable the immune system to cope with pathogens, but also to fulfill certain rules that contribute to its strengthening.

Ways to strengthen immunity in children

Weak immunity in children arises for a number of factors. Very often he decreases after illness. At the same time, the child is susceptible to the slightest infection and is inclined to complications even after a conventional cold, the disease can acquire a chronic character. In this case, parents think about what to do and what measures to take, in order to increase the body's resistance.

The child's immunity can be enhanced using a whole range of measures:

  • Currency treatment with immunostimulants. For these purposes, it is not necessary to use drugs in a tablet form, you can purchase a conventional interferon in the form of a powder and breed it, then burst into the nasal moves. You can buy a ready solution. This method will help prevent repeated recurrence of the disease. However, it is not recommended to use these drugs to be allowed. 10 days enough.
  • Vitaminotherapy. To increase immunity in children, it is recommended to fill the shortage of the necessary trace elements. For this, there are currently many vitamin complexes for children of different ages.
  • Hardening. A very important procedure is a contrasting soul, which is capable of lifting immunity and increase the body's resistance to various viral and bacterial infections. But in this case you need not to overdo and start with small. First of all, you can pour only legs and hands alternately, then hot, then cold water. Then, after some time, go to the whole body. For children, you do not need to do a large temperature run.
  • Regulation of the day of the day. It is important that the child is in the fresh air every day and slept at least 8-9 hours a day. The younger children, the more time they need to sleep. Do not neglect walks even in frost. You can go for 20 minutes and it will be enough.

Products for increasing the protective forces of the body

Many parents will be interested to know which products are improving immunity in children, because vitamins and useful trace elements must come first with food.

To begin with, adjust the power mode. It is impossible to neglect any meal. At the same time, breakfast in children should begin with cereal products on milk. It can be various porridges: oatmeal, herchles, millet or rice. If the child does not like such food, then you can replace it with omelet or boiled eggs. Cottage cheese with sour cream is also useful. Thus, it is important that the organism makes a sufficient amount of protein for the normal functioning of the immune system.

In the diet should always be attended by first dishes. The daily use of fresh fruits and vegetables, which contain the necessary vitamins organism is recommended.

Required products for improving immunity:

  1. kefir, natural yogurt, cottage cheese, rippy, sour cream;
  2. non-starny cheese;
  3. non-fat fish grades;
  4. bananas, oranges, tangerines, persimmon, apples, fahi, kiwi, etc.;
  5. tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers, bell pepper, zucchini, pumpkin, broccoli cabbage;
  6. garlic and onions.

You should also include useful drinksRunning immunity in children: fresh berries, sweets and natural herbal teas.

Food should be diverse and helpful. It is necessary to exclude the chewing, chips and other surrogate. Useful to use olive oil by adding it to salads. Vitamin D, lifting immunity, is also contained in vegetable oil.

However, it should be remembered that fruits and vegetables should serve as a useful afternooner or snack, but they cannot replace full-fledged food. It is better to abandon the purchased boiler and exclude red meat out of the diet. There will be a good turkey, and especially the chicken broth.

Folk remedies for immunity

How to raise immunity to a child with folk remedies is a very relevant topic, because many moms and dads simply do not trust modern medicines and want to increase their children's resistance to natural recipes.

  • Rho rosehip. This method can be used in almost all age categories. The fact is that this berry contains a large amount of vitamin C, even in a dried form. Brew a rosehip and use it instead of tea will be an excellent auxiliary means to strengthen the children's body during epidemics.
  • Quail eggs. This agent is offered to use many supporters of people's methods of treatment. Quail eggs contain such useful elements as vitamins A, C, magnesium, calcium, potassium and phosphorus. There are enough two pieces per day for a growing organism to fill the lack of useful substances.
  • Natural candy. To this end, you can make a delicious delicacy that can significantly increase immunity. To do this, take in equal amounts: Raisins, walnuts, almonds, dates and kuragu. If you wish, you can add prunes. Next, it is necessary to grind all the ingredients in the blender and mix each other, having blinds small candy. Useful delicacy is capable of not only to strengthen the body, but also adjust the work of the intestine.
  • Decoration from mint, melissa, chamomile and Ivan tea. Such herbs contain a whole range of useful substances that strengthen the protective forces of the body and can help recover after the suffering disease. All ingredients can be used alone or combine. It is not necessary to make a steep decoction, you can just brew them as ordinary tea.
  • Healing drug. In order to prepare this useful tool, you need to take the cranberry in the fresh form and beat it together with the sugar in the blender. Giving a child the prepared composition follows 2 times a day. If there is no allergies, then you can take it more often.

Strengthening the body of the child by folk remedies is auxiliary technique, which in most cases gives a positive trend: the number of recurrences decreases, the resistance increases during the epidemics. The main thing is to observe the measure and not overdo it so that children do not develop disgust. For this, recipes are recommended to alternate, based on the taste preferences of the child.

For most parents, the question of how to strengthen the immune system of the child is in the first place - children often sick with colds and viral diseases. Doctors recommend paying more attention to the prevention of diseases and improving immunity in children under the age of 5 years. It was during this period that suffered viral and bacterial infections are dangerous complications. If a child often sick, then the most important participation in the protection of the growing body will be accomplished to increase immunity in children.

When choosing suitable methods for restoring and strengthening children's immunity, it is necessary to give preference to safe and efficient options. In this regard, many parents will be interested to learn how to raise immunity to a child with folk remedies. Recipes of alternative medicine are based on the use of natural natural components, which, with proper dosage, are unable to harm even newborn baby.

Causes of reducing their own immune protection

It is advisable to raise immunity from an early age. In the age of 1 to 3 years old, the reaction of the immune system is unstable and often weak. The power of the immune response depends on the state of the body. As a rule, in infants under a year there is no acquired (adaptive) immune response, which is based on the activity of receptors designed to recognize alien stimuli.

Acquired immunity is formed throughout life.

From birth to year, it is in its infancy. Factors are distinguished by the normal development of the immune system in children under three years and increasing the predisposition to the colds of viral and bacterial etiology. Among them:

  • congenital pathology of the organs of the respiratory system and the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the weakening of the local immune response, which leads to the formation of local foci of chronic infection in the region of nasopharynx and oral cavity;
  • manifestations of allergies;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • inxication and hypoxia during the fetal tool.

Separately, it is worth mentioning about other reasons that contribute to increased morbidity in children of the younger age group:

  • contact with a large number of people during a kindergarten visit, elementary school, public areas (shops, public transport, game rooms, children's entertainment centers);
  • unsatisfactory environmental situation;
  • deficiency in the body of vitamins, trace elements, other beneficial substances;
  • complications provoked by infectious diseases in early childhood;
  • unreasonable taking antibiotics and other drugs;
  • stresses, excessive psychological loads;
  • failure to follow the norms of hygiene and sanitation in the residential room.

When looking for an answer to the question of how to strengthen the child's immunity by folk remedies, it is better to first consult with a pediatrician. In the piggy bank of folk healers there are many effective recipes aimed at improving immunity often to a sick child, but if they are prescribed, it is necessary to take into account possible contraindications.

Traditional ways to increase the resistance of the children's body infections

The first steps in the case, how to raise immunity to a child who has already been 3-4 years, are focused on eliminating the reasons for the reduction of natural protection of the body from infections. The correct day of the day and full nutrition plays a big role. Therapy program includes reception:

  • complex vitamin preparations. During and after the disease, the consumption of vitamins and mineral elements increases, which is difficult to compensate, using ordinary food;
  • bostimulating additives prepared on the basis of natural components (adaptogens). Adaptogens are actively preventing the development of the disease or contribute to its light flow. These are tinctures, decoctions, hoods of ginseng root, from lemongrass (Chinese and Far Eastern), Eleutherococcus, Echinacea, propolis. Pharmaceutical analogues - "Immunal", "Immunorm", "Immunex" (Echinacea), "Apikvirit" (bee milk, licorice), "Politabs" (fermented pollen), "Cerns." (extract derived from dry pollen), "phytovit "(Extracts of medicinal plants)," Licks "(Chinese lemongrass oil);
  • pharmacy preparations with immunomodulatory action. Medicinal products "IRS-19", "Ribomunil", "Bronchomunal" are appointed from an early age - with their help you can increase the immune system even to your breast child. These drugs contain harmless fragments of bacteria, which are most often the pathogens of infectious diseases flowing in the throat, nasopharynk and bronchi. Preparations operate according to the vaccine method. Finding into the body of a small patient, they force the immune system to independently adapt to the pathogens, react to their penetration and produce antibodies, localizing the activity of pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

Parents who have conceived how to increase the immune child to the child in 3-4 years should be aware that treatment with adaptogens and immunomodulators requires a systematic approach. To achieve the desired result, such medicines are constantly accepted for a long time. After the course of therapy, immunity is formed, which will protect the organism from infections at a certain time (individual indicator).

After 2-3 months of the break is usually assigned revaccination. Dosage, the duration of the reception and the time of the re-exchange rate is determined by a pediatrician.

To raise immunity to children prone to allergies, it is necessary to appoint drugs containing honey and bee products with caution. If there were previous cases of allergies to such substances, the drugs based on honey should be refused.

Other ways to improve the health of the child

Considering how to increase the immune child to a child aged 2 years and younger, you should pay attention to hardening, which will help to support the proper level your own protection of the body. Hardening a child is recommended to start from early age - from 1.5-2 months. For these purposes, hardening procedures are performed regularly:

  • driving with bare feet. The child needs to be given a barefoot on the floor, gradually increasing the duration of the session. In the summer, walking on the floor is better replaced by barefoot walks on the grass. After that, the baby put on dry shoes and make it actively move to improve blood circulation;
  • putting the stop. The procedure is usually carried out in the evening before bedtime. The temperature of the water during the first session is 20 ° C. Duration of poultry - 30 seconds. After every 3-4 session, the temperature decreases by 1 ° C. If a small patient is quickly adapted to pouring and the procedure does not cause discomfort, it is possible to gradually increase the exposure time of cool water to 2 minutes;
  • foot baths. Put the baby in the bath filled with cool water. During the session, he must overlap from one foot to another;
  • contrast foot baths are an effective hardening method, which will be useful to parents who want to learn how to increase the immune child to the child with folk remedies. For the procedure prepare two baths. In one of them, water is heated to 37 ° C, to another water temperature of 20 ° C. Alternately lower the feet of the child first in one bath, then to another. After four dives in the water with different temperature of the child, the baby wipe dry and put on warm socks. Gradually, the cooling temperature is reduced to 15 ° C, and the temperature is warm - rises to 42 ° C;
  • preventive throat rinse. The rinsing of the throat of cool water with a temperature of 22 ° C is reinforcing with a temperature of 22 ° C. The procedure is performed in the morning and in the evening during washing. Through every week of daily sessions, the water temperature for rinsing is lowered by 1 ° C;
  • frequent walks in the fresh air. Starting from the second week of life, walk with a baby daily for 30-40 minutes. In the summer it is recommended to go for a walk several times a day.

Parents who are interested in how to restore the immune child to the child at home, should pay attention to the point massage. Regular massage of certain points on the face and body of a child leads to enhanced production of substances that increase their own immunity. This interferon (protein, which is allocated by the body in response to the introduction of the virus), lysozyme (antibacterial agent), complement (a set of proteins of the immune system responsible for the immune response). Active points are located:

  • in the middle of the chest at the level of the fifth rib;
  • in jugular cavity;
  • at the base of the nose;
  • before the front edge of the cartilage of the auricle;
  • slightly above the base of the nasolabial fold at the wing of the nose;
  • on the back of the palm between the index and thumb.

To restore the immune system of the body, you need to perform a massage of active points every day the course of 10-14 days, as well as at the first signs of a cold, after contacting the child with a sore ARVI. The procedure is performed by the slightly pressing circular movements of a large, index or middle finger. Rotation is performed first clockwise, and then in the opposite direction. Exposure time for 4-5 seconds in both directions.

Medicinal fees and mixtures to strengthen immunity

Folk remedies for immunity to children include decoctions and infusions made from medicinal plants. Cancellation recipes that support their own immune defense at a high level:

  • herbal collection. Mix dried grass - licorice root and nine (one part), elderberry (2 parts), raspberry leaves (4 parts). A teaspoon of raw materials are poured with water (150 ml), adjust to a boil and boil one minute on slow heat, then filter. Ready decoction needs to give a child 2-3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is one month;
  • herbal collection. 4 tablespoons of a dry mixture of herbs (2 parts of the soul and coltsfoot, 1 part of Aira, 4 pieces of viburnum leaves and raspberries) pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist 5-10 minutes, filter, give a child to drink 2-3 reception. The duration of treatment is one month;
  • decoration from a berry of rosehip. 2 tablespoons of dry berries pour 0.5 liters of water, bring to a boil and boiled for 5-7 minutes;
  • vitamin mix. Walnuts, raisins, dates (1 cup), almonds (0.5 glasses), two lemon, fresh leaves Aloe in the amount of 100 g is passed through a meat grinder. 400-500 ml of honey are added to the mass, thoroughly mixed, leave in the refrigerator for three days. Give the baby on 1 dessert spoon twice during the day;
  • vitamin mix. 1 lemon and 0.5 kg of cranberry berries are passed through a meat grinder. 2 tablespoons of honey add to the mass, mixed thoroughly. Give the baby twice a day on 1 tablespoon along with warm tea (better herbal - from fennel, chamomile, mint, raspberry leaves, linden flowers).

To strengthen the immunity, it is useful to enter juices and compotes cooked from cranberries, black currant, viburnum, and raspberry in the menu. In the daily diet, fermented milk products must be present (cottage cheese, ripples, yogurts, kefir), fresh, boiled and steam vegetables and fruits.


How hardly the parents of children's disease suffer, especially when they are allergic to many medicines. The position is sometimes seen by hopeless, but the situation can be corrected. It is necessary to strengthen the immunity to the child, and then the colds and inflammation will not be terrible. For this there are many different ways. It is worth a closer look at them.

How to increase immunity to a child

In the human body there are several organs facing health. They form an immune system, which counteracts viruses, bacteria, poisons. Special substances are coping with this work - antibodies. When the child has a weakened immunity, appear:

  • drowsiness;
  • frequent diseases;
  • weakness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • allergies.

In children, the development of immunity has features that depend on age:

  • In the first month of life, he is transferred from Mom. At an early stage, the main protection of the newborn - breast milk.
  • Starting from the fourth month, the danger of intestinal infections, diseases of respiratory organs, food allergies appear. The effect of the mother's antibodies ends. Vaccination is needed.
  • At a biennium begins the active cognition of the world. It is important to strengthen immunity in children, because at that time they face a huge amount of viruses.

Own protective forces are beginning to be produced from 4 years. The immunity obtained from vaccinations is added acquired during the suffered infections. During this period, it is important to hamper the disease, since chronic diseases are formed. Finally, the immune system is built during puberty when a hormonal restructuring occurs.

Parents are able to help at any age work out protection against diseases. How to strengthen the immune child to the child? This requires an integrated approach:

  • hold challenge;
  • take vitamins;
  • organize proper nutrition;
  • provide healthy sleep;
  • vaccinate;
  • drink vitamin preparations;
  • taking immunomodulators;
  • walking at least 4 hours.

How to strengthen the immune child with hardening

An important role in strengthening immunity in children is played by hardening. There are two types of procedures - air and water. In the first recommend:

  • maintain the temperature indoors not higher than 18;
  • sleep with an open window;
  • do charging on the street;
  • in summer to take sunny baths;
  • run barefoot on the grass, sand;
  • carry air baths with a minimum of clothing;
  • to walk alot.

How to strengthen the child's immunity with water procedures? To this question, it is necessary to come carefully, observing the conditions:

  • children to the beginning of classes should be healthy;
  • need a mood is not afraid of procedures, but to enjoy;
  • constantly increase the difference in water temperature during contrast velocity;
  • claims to strengthen protection should be done every day at a certain time.

We strengthen the child's immunity with water procedures starting from temperature 30, gradually reducing it. Everything needs to be done in stages. Over time, you should bring the difference in temperatures up to 20. Procedures are held successively:

  • wiping with cool water with a towel, sponge;
  • mowing hands with hands with contrast temperatures;
  • the use of a warm and cold soul;
  • exit barefoot on the snow;
  • morganizing.

How to raise immunity to a child with proper nutrition

The organization of food is played a special role in strengthening immunity in children. Parents should be aware of products that reduce protective forces. It is unacceptable to give him chips, feed fast food, to eat sweet soda. It is necessary to exclude from the ration of food, cooked by frying and products that reduce immunity:

  • cow's milk - strong allergen;
  • sugar, destroying microflora;
  • canned;
  • marinades;
  • sausages, sausages.

How to support the immune child with proper nutrition? The menu should contain products containing proteins, minerals, fats, vitamins, carbohydrates. It should be introduced into the home diet:

  • vegetables - zucchini, cauliflower, pepper;
  • fruits - pears, citrus, cranberries;
  • dairy products;
  • fish;
  • lean meat;
  • beans, peas;
  • cereals;
  • eggs;
  • raisin, prunes;
  • rye bread;

Strengthening immunity vaccination

Doctors have developed a special schedule for which children from a certain age should be vaccinated. After passing vaccination, artificial immunity is produced. Around the question - to make vaccination or not - many discussions are being conducted. One thing is clear - the children who have passed the strengthening of immunity vaccination, they are more closely, and if it happened - the disease is tolerated much easier.

How to strengthen the child's immunity

It is very important to prepare for the winter and spring, when a child is more often sick due to supercooling. Improving protective forces depends on many factors. Effective are:

  • compliance with the regime;
  • healthy sleep;
  • exception in children of stress;
  • active games, sports;
  • elimination of overheating;
  • taking vitamins;
  • consumption of medication to strengthen immunity;
  • the use of folk remedies.

Vitamins for immunity

Integrated preparations containing trace elements and vitamins help to strengthen the protection of the body. They protect children from infections, contribute to the production of antibodies. With their participation, immune cells are protected from destruction. Popular tools:

  • Doppeoplez ® Kinder Multivitamins for children;
  • Peak;
  • Multi-tabs;
  • Alphabet;
  • Vitrum Kids;
  • Kinder Biovital;
  • Vitamins;
  • Grove;
  • Fish fat;
  • Multivitimol.

To fill the lack of a child necessary for the correct growth and development of substances will help the Multivitamin Complex Doppelzhetz ® Kinder Multivitamins for children. It is produced in the form of chewing pupins with taste of raspberry and orange. Children over 4 years old just one of the pastille on the day, and from 11 years old the dosage can be doubled. The duration of the course is 1 month.

Pharmacy preparations for immunity

Preparations made on the basis of natural plant components can be purchased in pharmacies. This includes alcohol tinctures that pediatricians are prescribed, starting with a few drops to check the drug to allergic. The drug is bred by water. Effective are tincture:

  • echinacea;
  • eleutherococcus;
  • ginseng.

Tablets for immunity

Among the drugs, children are prescribed tablets to strengthen protective forces in mind the age of the body, the disease. Well help:

  • in viral diseases - cycloferon, flu;
  • for babies - Anaferon, Arbidol;
  • based on natural substances - Echinacea of \u200b\u200bDr. Tais, Immunal;
  • against bacteria - Imudon, IRS-19;
  • homeopathic preparations - Aflubin, Mukoz composites.

Folk remedies for improving immunity

Start preparation for the exclusion of winter colds better in autumn. How to strengthen the child's immunity by folk remedies? The most affordable is the hamberry decoction, cooked in the thermos. ethnoscience Recommends its use from infants. Effectively drink infusion of propolis. For cooking:

  • take 30 g of propolis;
  • pour a glass of water;
  • hold an hour in a water bath.

You can maintain a weak immunity using black elderberry flowers. A spoon of dry matter is put in a glass of boiling water. After 15 minutes you can drink, but it is better to do it overnight. Herbal tea is well, to prepare it in a cup of boiling water, add a spoonful of collection. Drink a day several times. According to the recipe, the mixture includes shares:

  • neprug - 2:
  • berries Barberry - 2;
  • rosehip - 3.

How to restore immunity after illness

If a child has a long time, the primary task of parents is to eliminate re-infection. For a while you need to stop visiting places with a large cluster of people. If someone hasn't recovered at home, limit the child's contact with him, wearing a dressing. To enhance immunity during this period, important are:

  • long walks;
  • taking vitamins;
  • proper nutrition;
  • long sleep;
  • positive emotions;
  • restoration of microflora if antibiotics were taken.

How to strengthen the child's immunity before the kindergarten

An important period in the life of the baby is the beginning of a kindergarten visit - often accompanied by colds, viral infections. Strengthening immunity in children at this age has special meaning. Recommended in advance to engage in secrets:

  • start hardening;
  • make charging in a wrapped room;
  • limit the use of sugar, replacing it with dried fruits;
  • sleep for 10 hours;
  • do sport;
  • give the opportunity to move more, communicate with peers;
  • properly feed;
  • create a child a cheerful mood;
  • teach brushing your teeth, wash your hands.

For most parents, the question of how to strengthen the immune system of the child is in the first place - children often sick with colds and viral diseases. Doctors recommend paying more attention to the prevention of diseases and improving immunity in children under the age of 5 years. It was during this period that suffered viral and bacterial infections are dangerous complications. If a child often sick, then the most important participation in the protection of the growing body will be accomplished to increase immunity in children.

When choosing suitable methods for restoring and strengthening children's immunity, it is necessary to give preference to safe and efficient options. In this regard, many parents will be interested to learn how to raise immunity to a child with folk remedies. Recipes of alternative medicine are based on the use of natural natural components, which, with proper dosage, are unable to harm even newborn baby.

It is advisable to raise immunity from an early age. In the age of 1 to 3 years old, the reaction of the immune system is unstable and often weak. The power of the immune response depends on the state of the body. As a rule, in infants under a year there is no acquired (adaptive) immune response, which is based on the activity of receptors designed to recognize alien stimuli.

Acquired immunity is formed throughout life.

From birth to year, it is in its infancy. Factors are distinguished by the normal development of the immune system in children under three years and increasing the predisposition to the colds of viral and bacterial etiology. Among them:

  • congenital pathology of the organs of the respiratory system and the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the weakening of the local immune response, which leads to the formation of local foci of chronic infection in the region of nasopharynx and oral cavity;
  • manifestations of allergies;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • inxication and hypoxia during the fetal tool.

Separately, it is worth mentioning about other reasons that contribute to increased morbidity in children of the younger age group:

  • contact with lots of people while visiting kindergarten, elementary school, public areas (shops, public transport, game rooms, children's entertainment centers);
  • unsatisfactory environmental situation;
  • deficiency in the body of vitamins, trace elements, other beneficial substances;
  • complications provoked by infectious diseases in early childhood;
  • unreasonable taking antibiotics and other drugs;
  • stresses, excessive psychological loads;
  • failure to follow the norms of hygiene and sanitation in the residential room.

When looking for an answer to the question of how to strengthen the child's immunity by folk remedies, it is better to first consult with a pediatrician. In the piggy bank of folk healers there are many effective recipes aimed at improving immunity often to a sick child, but if they are prescribed, it is necessary to take into account possible contraindications.

Traditional ways to increase the resistance of the children's body infections

The first steps in the case, how to raise immunity to a child who has already been 3-4 years, are focused on eliminating the reasons for the reduction of natural protection of the body from infections. The correct day of the day and full nutrition plays a big role. Therapy program includes reception:

  • complex vitamin preparations. During and after the disease, the consumption of vitamins and mineral elements increases, which is difficult to compensate, using ordinary food;
  • bostimulating additives prepared on the basis of natural components (adaptogens). Adaptogens are actively preventing the development of the disease or contribute to its light flow. These are tinctures, decoctions, hoods of ginseng root, from lemongrass (Chinese and Far Eastern), Eleutherococcus, Echinacea, propolis. Pharmaceutical analogues - "Immunal", "Immunorm", "Immunex" (Echinacea), "Apikvirit" (bee milk, licorice), "Politabs" (fermented pollen), "Cerns." (extract derived from dry pollen), "phytovit "(Extracts of medicinal plants)," Licks "(Chinese lemongrass oil);
  • pharmacy preparations with immunomodulatory action. Medicinal products "IRS-19", "Ribomunil", "Bronchomunal" are appointed from an early age - with their help you can increase the immune system even to your breast child. These drugs contain harmless fragments of bacteria, which are most often the pathogens of infectious diseases flowing in the throat, nasopharynk and bronchi. Preparations operate according to the vaccine method. Finding into the body of a small patient, they force the immune system to independently adapt to the pathogens, react to their penetration and produce antibodies, localizing the activity of pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

Parents who have conceived how to increase the immune child to the child in 3-4 years should be aware that treatment with adaptogens and immunomodulators requires a systematic approach. To achieve the desired result, such medicines are constantly accepted for a long time. After the course of therapy, immunity is formed, which will protect the organism from infections at a certain time (individual indicator).

After 2-3 months of the break is usually assigned revaccination. Dosage, the duration of the reception and the time of the re-exchange rate is determined by a pediatrician.

To raise immunity to children prone to allergies, it is necessary to appoint drugs containing honey and bee products with caution. If there were previous cases of allergies to such substances, the drugs based on honey should be refused.

Other ways to improve the health of the child

Considering how to increase the immune child to a child aged 2 years and younger, you should pay attention to hardening, which will help to support the proper level your own protection of the body. Hardening a child is recommended to start from early age - from 1.5-2 months. For these purposes, hardening procedures are performed regularly:

Parents who are interested in how to restore the immune child to the child at home, should pay attention to the point massage. Regular massage of certain points on the face and body of a child leads to enhanced production of substances that increase their own immunity. This interferon (protein, which is allocated by the body in response to the introduction of the virus), lysozyme (antibacterial agent), complement (a set of proteins of the immune system responsible for the immune response). Active points are located:

  • in the middle of the chest at the level of the fifth rib;
  • in jugular cavity;
  • at the base of the nose;
  • before the front edge of the cartilage of the auricle;
  • slightly above the base of the nasolabial fold at the wing of the nose;
  • on the back of the palm between the index and thumb.

To restore the immune system of the body, you need to perform a massage of active points every day the course of 10-14 days, as well as at the first signs of a cold, after contacting the child with a sore ARVI. The procedure is performed by the slightly pressing circular movements of a large, index or middle finger. Rotation is performed first clockwise, and then in the opposite direction. Exposure time for 4-5 seconds in both directions.

Medicinal fees and mixtures to strengthen immunity

Folk remedies for immunity to children include decoctions and infusions made from medicinal plants. Cancellation recipes that support their own immune defense at a high level:

  • herbal collection. Mix dried grass - licorice root and nine (one part), elderberry (2 parts), raspberry leaves (4 parts). A teaspoon of raw materials are poured with water (150 ml), adjust to a boil and boil one minute on slow heat, then filter. Ready decoction needs to give a child 2-3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is one month;
  • herbal collection. 4 tablespoons of a dry mixture of herbs (2 parts of the soul and coltsfoot, 1 part of Aira, 4 pieces of viburnum leaves and raspberries) pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist 5-10 minutes, filter, give a child to drink 2-3 reception. The duration of treatment is one month;
  • decoration from a berry of rosehip. 2 tablespoons of dry berries pour 0.5 liters of water, bring to a boil and boiled for 5-7 minutes;
  • vitamin mix. Walnuts, raisins, dates (1 cup), almonds (0.5 glasses), two lemon, fresh aloe leaves in the amount of 100 g passed through the meat grinder. 400-500 ml of honey are added to the mass, thoroughly mixed, leave in the refrigerator for three days. Give the baby on 1 dessert spoon twice during the day;
  • vitamin mix. 1 lemon and 0.5 kg of cranberry berries are passed through a meat grinder. 2 tablespoons of honey add to the mass, mixed thoroughly. Give the baby twice a day on 1 tablespoon along with warm tea (better herbal - from fennel, chamomile, mint, raspberry leaves, linden flowers).

To strengthen the immunity, it is useful to enter juices and compotes cooked from cranberries, black currant, viburnum, and raspberry in the menu. In the daily diet, fermented milk products must be present (cottage cheese, ripples, yogurts, kefir), fresh, boiled and steam vegetables and fruits.

- Just trouble. Watch how your eternal engine turns into a sluggish quiet that neither toys nor snacks or even favorite cartoons are always hard. But, alas, childhood without colds, cough and temperature does not happen.

The children's body has a number of features predisposing to the high risk of morbidity. These are the so-called critical periods of development, when an increasing level of metabolism, aimed at ensuring intensive growth and weight of the child, leads to a decrease in protection reserves, or, more simply, is a decrease in immunity. Periods of intensive growth of the child, as a rule, come for age from 4 to 6 years, from 11 to 12 years and from 16 to 17 years. In these periods, children are likely to hurt more often.

However, to increase the child's immune system and teach a children's body to resist various viruses and infections, quite by the forces of each mom.

It suffices to follow 5 simple rules to achieve the desired one. It is important to fulfill two conditions. The maximum effect is guaranteed if:

  1. All the designated rules are respected simultaneously.What gives a basic installation to form the right lifestyle in the future.
  2. Have patience. Immunity increase - the work is painstaking, long and planned. But the result is worth: the child will be less likely to hurt, and what happens - it will be easier to suffer ailment.

Lydia Matusch

It is fundamentally important to start taking care of the health of the child even at the planning stage. Stress, improper nutrition, lack of vitamins, a sedentary lifestyle, bad habits and even infections that Mom suffered during pregnancy, will not give the best way to the immunity of her child. So, before you prepare for informed parents, it makes sense to revise the key moments of your lifestyle, pass tests on infections and undergo a course of treatment if necessary. The child's immunity is formed on average up to 6 years of age, before reacing the level of the immune system of an adult. At an early age - up to 3-4 months - children, as a rule, are rarely ill: their immunity from the impact of external infections is still protected by the Mom antibodies. Gradually, the number of maternal antibodies decreases, and the child's body begins to produce its own antibodies. If we speak in a simple language, the ability of these antibodies to recognize and neutralize the infection most often and implies the fortress of immunity. Increase the resistance of the body using vaccination and creating proper conditions for the life and development of the baby.

Rule first: full-fledged diverse nutrition - the first step towards strengthening immunity

If possible, try at least half a year. In this case, under all other equal terms, the child's immunity is supported by immunoglobulins (antibodies) that are in maternal milk. The maximum high immune effect in the colostrum is the very first thick breast milk, which contains a large amount of antibodies.

In the future, an important component of the children's menu should become dairy products. In cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, ryazhenka and other fermented food products are contained by probiotics - lacto and bifidobacteria, which favorably affect the intestinal microflora, normalize the process of digestion. Daily use equal milk products It has a positive effect on the immune system of the child.

But B. sugar use On the contrary, the baby is worth limiting. According to experts, excessive sugar consumption by 40 percent reduces the body's ability to deal with viruses and microbes. And we are not only about candy, chocolate or sugar in pure form. Its more than enough in, it would seem, harmless juices and the same yogurts with additives. Therefore, buying products for the children's table, especially thoroughly study the composition and prefer the topics in which the sugar content is minimal, or it is not at all. What is not a place in the diet, especially with a weak immunity, so it is chips, carbonated drinks and any fastfood.

Special place in the diet of the child is given vegetables and fruit. They are useful in any form, but raw - especially. At the same time, it is not necessary to chase the overseas delights in the desire to diversify the child's menu. On the contrary, children under 3 years old are not recommended to give exotic vegetables, fruits and berries. Mango, Avocado, Pomelo, Kiwi, Pineapples, Papaya, Citrus and even bananas, better postpone the time, but then enter the menu gradually and gradually. The exotes may not only be heavy for the child's stomach, but also cause an allergic reaction. So it is better to minimize the risk and make a bet on local vegetables and fruits.

If the baby does not nourish special love for vegetables and fruits, show fantasy: push out carrots, cucumbers, beets of funny figures, screw out cabbage and sheet salad flowers. Make the use of vegetables not only useful, but also an exciting occupation. Believe me, the result will not make yourself wait: Vitamins and minerals, which are contained in vegetables and fruits, will noticeably strengthen the immunity of your child.

Rule second: healthy sleep increases body resistance

Do you know what a unwanted child is? Crying, mood swings, irritability - what lies on the surface. If you look deeper, it turns out that the lack of sleep affects not only the psychic comfort of the child, but also on his health as a whole. Children who regularly fall out are more susceptible to disease. For excellent well-being, newborn and children under 6 months, it is summed up to 18 hours of full sleep per day, kids up to 1.5 years old - 12-13 hours, children from 2 to 7 years old - at least 10-11 hours.

Of course, all children are different: at the end of the past 8 pm, others do not put on the outcome of others. Nevertheless, try to ensure the optimal mode of the day, in which the child will not have a sleep shortage. Go to bed and wake up in the morning follows at the same time. The correct mode of the day can significantly strengthen the child's immune system.

Lydia Matusch

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Children's Infectious Diseases BGMU

Parents often overlook one important moment: the preparation of the child to the kindergarten. The mode in this sense is hardly of paramount importance. Judge for yourself: while mom is on leave to care for the baby, she can allow him to sleep longer: up to 9-10 o'clock in the morning. Up until the day when it comes time to go to work, and the child is in the garden. Now the rise for everyone sounds 7, or even before. Stress? Of course, stress. Such changes in the usual lifestyle including may affect the decline in the child's immunity. In addition to full-fledged sleep with a certain schedule, the optimal to strengthen the immunity of the day is also involved in the outdoor walks. And in any weather. Not less than 2-3 hours! The only exception is children up to 10 months - 1 year. They can not withdraw them if the air temperature is below 15 degrees and windy. But even in this case there is a way out: daytime sleep in a stroller on the balcony, for example.

Rule Third: Cold Water - Immunity Friend

If you have to order a child from birth, his immunity will be significantly higher. When swaddling or changing the diaper, do not be afraid to hold a newborn for a few minutes without clothes. Gradually increase the time of the adoption of air baths, bringing to half a year to 30 minutes a day. When a child is growing, you can move to more bold procedures, for example, a contrasting soul. Its effectiveness lies in the difference of water temperatures. It is the contrast to temper and claims grapples to improve the immune system, increases the body's resistance. It is necessary to start hardifying the child, regardless of whenever he has immunity or strong, it follows from small temperature drops, watering only the faces of the baby. The duration of the contrasting soul is 2-3 minutes.

Lydia Matusch

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Children's Infectious Diseases BGMU

Hardening is not equal to extreme. It is equally irresponsible and even dangerous to dip a newborn baby in an ice hole or hiding from the slightest blow of the breeze. The main thing in hardening is graduality and regularity. Both air baths and cold water washing are all elements of hardening. You should not neglege as insignificant. In a certain sense, the cold is a friend of immunity. Nose washing with cold water magically eliminates a runny nose and increases the body's resistance to respiratory infections. And the favorite children's delicacy is ice cream, if there is it a little bit, small pieces, "the throat" trains "perfectly. An important element in hardening is a child's dressing for the weather, without excessive wrappers. Many parents, for example, instead of teaching a child to breathe a nose in the street, believe that in a frosty or windy day it should be covered as much as possible from the effects of external temperatures. Therefore, even his face is closed with woolen scarves and scarves so that only the eyes are visible. It is not right! The child breathes, condensate caudates on the scarfs. Ultimately, it becomes even colder. Bacteria and viruses do not go anywhere, if we are talking about such protection during the lifting period of respiratory infections. Their child back and inhales. And if mom, besides, does not erase the scarf every day, then, it means that the next day she actually wakes the face of the baby by the age of infections. Even the strongest immunity is not always able to withstand such "care."

Rule Fourth: Physical education lessons for children and adults

Physically active children, and it is extrainited, they suffer less frequently, grow stronger and endless. Find the child the occupation that he will have to taste and write down to the section. It doesn't matter what it will be: game sports or dancing, athletics or oriental martial arts, swimming or jumping on a trampoline, the main thing is that the child has the eyes of burning, and he visited training with pleasure. Make sure the morning gymnastics has become an integral point in the routine of your child's day. This is one of the basic rules to maintain and enhance immunity in both children and adults.

By the way, nothing stimulates the child to an active and healthy lifestyle, as an example of its own parents. Want to kid grew up healthy, get rid of yourself from harmful habits. It has been proven that smoking mothers and dad children are often bronchitis, it is easier to picked up infections and are more susceptible to diseases of the nervous system, since more susceptible to harmful effects passive smoking. So your own lifestyle directly affects the lifestyle and health of your child.

Lydia Matusch

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Children's Infectious Diseases BGMU

More than once I had to observe how parents bring their children to personal cars and in the garden, and to school. Of course, now the age of another, and the rhythm of life is more intense, and the car has not been luxury for a long time, but almost the need and in big cityand in the village. But the needs of a person in motion, physical activity remain the same. Unfortunately, we often deprive themselves to implement them. When parents complain that the child flatly refuses to make gymnastics in the morning, spends all his free time at the TV or in the tablet, I ask: "Do you yourself do in the morning? How do you spend your leisure? " And the answer is usually always obvious. In the family where parents are active, there can be no passive children by definition. Before requiring them correct in all senses of behavior, it is not superfluous to look at yourself from: children - our reflection. And the example, as we, adults, make care of their health, are much more authoritative than thousands of correct words and instructions from our mouth.

Rule fifth: Creek kills immunity

Nothing undermines the child's health as stress. If the baby grows in the atmosphere of constant quarrels and conflicts, its body loses the ability to resist viruses and bacteria. Scientifically proven that bad moodThe feeling of resentment or fear reduce human immunity, and laughter and joy, on the contrary, strengthen health. For good immunity It is important for the child in a relaxed psycho-emotional atmosphere of the house, in kindergarten or school. So try not to find out your adult problems with a child, do not take off your resentment, fatigue and irritation on it, as much as possible from negative emotions, and it will definitely thank you a healthy and happy smile.

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