Armin Maison. Cannibal from Rothenburg

Armin Maison. Cannibal from Rothenburg

According to the investigation, in early 2001, 42-year-old cannibal posted an ad on the Internet that he was looking for a "remedy candidate for excitement."

In the spring, a 43-year-old resident of Berlin, Siemens programmer Bernd-Jürgen Brandes, responded to his appeal. Within two weeks, the cannibals and the victim communicated with each other. On March 10, 2001, Brands came from Berlin to the Mayison House in Rothenburg. Before coming to a stranger, Bernd-Jürgen sold his personal car and took his vacation at work "to solve personal problems."

Based on the materials of the investigation, before making a man, the Armin Maison cut off the penis of the sexual body, fried it, and they ate this dish together. Then Brandes for ten o'clock begged Mayves to "cut off something else" and eventually kill. As a result, the programmer from Berlin lost consciousness from strong blood loss, and the hospitable owner finished it with a 18-centimeter kitchen knife. According to experts, Brands died as a result of several blows in the neck. The scene of the murder and subsequent eating was recorded by the cannibal on the camcorder, which was then joined to the materials of the criminal case.

After the murder, the Maison kissed the corpse, asked for forgiveness, and then broke the body of Brandez and kept his parts in the freezer, providing them with inscriptions "Cut", "File" and "Steak".

In the freezer, he also left the brande skull. "Every time I got meat, I remembered him," said the cannibal investigators. Within the next few months, Maureves ate about 20 kg of meat of his victim. Maniac was arrested only in December 2002. According to reports, Cannibal was arrested thanks to a student from Austria, who came across the messages that Mayves left in the network conference.

During the search in the house of the suspect, the police found a room equipped with everything necessary for cutting equipment.

The first process over Mayves began on December 3, 2003. Court sessions took place in the city court of the city of Kassel. The Psychiatric Commission discovered some violations in mental Maison's mental activities, but recognized it completely sane. Member of the Commission Psychiatrist Wilmer declared at the court that Maison "thought more about himself, making this act."

As Medic put it, Cannibal simply "performed his dream."

The psychiatrist also stated that Maves began to eat human flesh, most likely to stimulate his emotions.

The defenders of the defendant, in turn, insisted on the version, according to which the main motive of the murission perfect murder was a desire to satisfy the perverted request of the victim. According to German laws, such an act could correspond to illegal euthanasia, for which the period from three to five years of imprisonment is established. Prosecutors objected to the Maison committed murder, going on about his own unbridled desires. But the public prosecution simply could not require the highest penalties to Arm Mina, as a consequence found that the victim herself wanted to be killed and eaten.

The Mayave himself did the form that it was repent in the deed, but calmly talked about the shocking details of the murder.

As a result, in January 2004, Armin Mavel was sentenced only to eight and a half years of imprisonment.

Cannibalism - eating living creatures, including people of individuals, is known since ancient times. However, in our enlightened Century Such an act seems not just a crime. This is an immoral act, the lowest point of the fall of the human consciousness. Nevertheless, to this day there are people who thirs to taste the flesh to themselves. In 2003, a citizen of Germany, Armin Maison, who killed and eaten his acquaintance Bernda Brandez. All this story does not fit in the head normal people. Nevertheless, it happened.

In 2003, all Germany shuddered during the process, which was over the 42-year-old Cannibal Army Maison. From the materials of the case it became known that in the winter of 2001, a man posted on one of the Internet portals an ad, which is looking for a "fasten candidate for exconality." It would seem, "black humor" in its pure form. However, there was a person who announced perceived in full. 43-year-old Berliner, working at Siemens Bernd-Jürgen Brandez, appeared on the threshold of Mayison House on March 10, 2001. Before you go on this trip, he sold his car, an apartment, settled all personal affairs and took a vacation at work. According to Maison, they talked for a while. After that, he cut off the brande penis, which fried and divided the "delicacy" with the guest. A few hours later, Brands expired blood and begged him to kill. In the end, he lost consciousness, after which the owner of the apartment separated the body with a 20-centimeter Tesacian. The whole process of murder and cutting was scrupulously recorded on the film, which became the main evidence of the criminal case. Maison is scrupulously, with a purely German pedantherap, he divided the corpse on "cut", "fillet" and "steaks". Separating the head of the unfortunate programmer, he put in the freezer. Total Mayives managed to eat 20 kilograms of Brandez before the police knocked in his door. A young Australian student stumbled upon the correspondence of the maniac and the victim on one of the forums, and she seemed to him as strange. He stated this guarantees of the order, and they decided to check the apartment and her owner just in case. During the search, even at no particular impressionable cops, fainting happened. Participants of the search finally spoiled their appetite for several days. At the trial, which began in December 2003, Maves said that only performed his dream. Psychiatric examination confirmed its impairability. The defense operated the fact that the sacrifice itself wished to be eaten. Everyone wanted to reduce illegal euthanasia. Investigators did the main emphasis on the complete absence of repentance at Cannibal. In addition, it turned out that after the murder of Brandez, he again gave ads, wanting to get more "fresh meat". And at least twenty people responded for him, who were held in the case as witnesses. Mavel's fate ranged between life imprisonment and a few years of conditional conclusion. As a result, the judge sent the cannibal to eight years in prison. In the process, the man behaved very well, answered questions calmly and adequately. It was hard to believe that this man several years ago with an appetite joined himself like. The judges did not find the motives in his actions. He did not receive sexual pleasure from the torment of the victim, did not fall into aggression. He did not experience any emotions at all. As if he was separated by a lamb carcass. The judges were confused. The oil in the fire poured the former lover of the eaten brands - Renachnik. A man stated that with the victim they consisted in homosexual communication, DLLUGs were opened for each other. But Bernd never showed his thoughts about suicide. And even more so sophisticated way. After the crank got acquainted with the penishment of the killer and the victim, he fell into hysterics. In any case, Maeves went for the bars. For some period of time, about this delicious business tried to forget. However, a man in prison behaved decently, the prison regime did not violate and in 2005 he was able to apply for early release. And again the question got up with an edge. All Germany threw in the cold from one thought that the terrible cannibal could be on freedom again. The judge from Frankfurt had to consider at least five hours of terrible home video, on which Maeves prepares the meat of a dead man in order to prepare for a new process. It was impossible to be released to the freedom of man, created such atrocity. After all, the history of Cannibal was widely publicized, and he himself became a popular person. He inspired several writers to create novels about such psychopaths. And the rock band Rammstein devoted him a song. In the end, his story was shielded. The film "Rothenburg" came to German screens in the fall of 2008. Ultimately, Maeves himself sued this creative brotherhood, stating that they slandered him, submitting the "beast killer." In April 2005, the case was finally revised. First, Maeese refused in early release. Secondly, considering the crime in the new perspective, the judge noted that there is no question about considering the canned man committing the act of mercy. Ultimately, Cannibal was appointed the highest penalty - life imprisonment. In the final Word, the prosecutor said that "cannibalism is morally and is ethically so assumed that it cannot be given another estimate under any circumstances." According to him, "the accused sank to the level of the animal."

The rapid dissemination of the Internet revealed thousands of hidden cases of sexually cannibal fantasy. As a rule, people with such a deviation are cut on the theme "Eat" or "be eaten" by the representatives of the sex preferred. This deviation is called paraffilion and is considered the most extreme type of fetishism. One of the most famous parafi in the world is the Armin Maison. This German Aytichnik went a lot further banal perverts, licking themselves similar through Internet broadcasts in the periscope and detailed description Your sexual fantasies in the blog. Maiques managed to dine a penis (and not only) his sexual partner thanks to Caannibal Café.

No, just do not think that somewhere on the planet there is a restaurant, in which the chef prepares such dishes! "CANNIBAL CAFÉ" is a website (we will intentionally do not write about it at least any detail), in which people exchange their non-traditional gastronomic preferences. It is on such a resource in 2001 by Armin Maison published an announcement of finding a volunteer who wants to be ... eaten! Oddly enough, but about 400 people responded to this proposal. Many of the opportunity have even visited the house of Cannibal, but the intentions of the majority were frivolous - they managed simple curiosity. It is worth noting that the Armin was a very decent cannibal and noblely looked at those who changed his mind to become a corporate dish during a solemn meal.

Up to the victorious end (in this case, rather - edible) came only one, the most confident in such a purpose (or exceptional taste) a man. Jürgen Brandes, Siemens AG programmer, March 9 came to visit our hero. Before the last in life, he sold his car, an apartment, settled all personal affairs and took a vacation at work. Before we tell about what happened in the house, we suggest you will get acquainted with an excerpt from the online correspondence of Armin (Antrophagus) and Yurgen (Cator99).


ANTROPHAGUS: Hi, Cator, where do you work, what are you not sleeping late?

Cator99: I somehow do not work out normally to sleep because of our meeting.

ANTROPHAGUS: A completely understandable reason. Yesterday I'm terribly tired, the day was very nervous.

Cator99: I work in the telecommunications department.

ANTROPHAGUS: Oh, it sounds interesting.

Cator99: I believe you.

ANTROPHAGUS: I am very looking forward to our meeting, I am sure that it will be cool.

Cator99: I would very much like. I hope the meeting will be really cool. The alarm clock has already set ?????

Cator99: It is a pity that we did not meet yesterday, and I did not feel your teeth.

ANTROPHAGUS: You can not get everything immediately. Be patient a little, and you really feel my teeth.

Cator99: I do not even know what to wait. Have you killed people before?

ANTROPHAGUS: Unfortunately, only in dreams, but I do it every night.

Cator99: So, am you first? Have you eaten a human flesh or did not eat?

ANTROPHAGUS: No. After all, you know whether it is not for sale in supermarkets. Unfortunately.

Cator99: How do you know what you like or what you can't get it from the blood?

ANTROPHAGUS: I am preparing for this in my dreams. It was so excited that she grabbed a needle and hesitated his blood to drink her.

Cator99: And your blood - did you like her?

ANTROPHAGUS: It was quite tasty. And another time I drove holes in the wall, Drill jumped and drilled my hand. That was joy. Blood is juice of life. It has all the nutrients necessary for a person.

Cator99: I hope you will not bother and you can bring the case to the end without problems.

ANTROPHAGUS: Bite your penis will definitely be difficult - the live flesh is much more elastic than fried meat - but, anyway, our dream will definitely come true.

Cator99: But he is not as hard as muscles.

ANTROPHAGUS: Yeah, but penis is actually a spongy body filled with blood.

Cator99: For both of us, I hope it is true. And I hope that you have already thought how to do with everything else. Dream execution should not turn into a nightmare for you. No one should find out where I disappeared.

ANTROPHAGUS: When you die, I am professionally in a professionally. In addition to a pair of kneel and any nonsense - skin, cartilage, tendons - nothing will remain from you.

Cator99: But still will remain quite a lot of everything - the same knees. I hope you have a secluded place to hide it all.

ANTROPHAGUS: I'm trying all this, and then the move in flour.

Cator99: Okay, I heard somewhere that of them can get a good fertilizer. I see you all thought out. It's great! Looks like I really, the first.

ANTROPHAGUS: And, I hope not the last. I already thought about catching someone on the street, but it is preferable to kill those who want to be killed.

Cator99: Also sounds good. But actually, given that this is not quite legitimate, in my opinion, it is better how to pull someone directly from the street.

ANTROPHAGUS: for sure. I would have done it, if it were legally.

And now more about what happened in that bloody-romantic evening. After the act of copulation, the Armin cut off to Jürgen a sexual body, fucked with spices and divided the meal with a partner. Then followed several hours of sadomasochist bullying, which were recorded on the camcorder. Jürgen died after 10 hours. Armin, as an economic man, dismembered the body of the ex-lover, carefully packaged on packages with inscriptions "Cut", "File", "Steak" and so on and placed in the refrigerator. The police covered the cannibal only a few months later, when a college student in Innsbruck saw a new announcement for the victims and called the police. Armin also laid out a photograph of a sliced \u200b\u200bfeet on a plate.

The police searched the house and found parts of the body of the murdered and home-video with peculiar entertainment of men. Also, according to Armin, by the time of arrest he managed to consume almost 20 kilograms of human meat. At Court, Mayves did not even try to unlock from the deed. The man stated that everything was committed without coercion and violence, since the deceased himself expressed the desire to be eaten. Armin was convicted of 8 and a half years of imprisonment. But later the sentence was appealed and revised. Maison repeatedly repented and called upon the latent cannibals not to go along his footsteps. However, the psychiatrist from the accusation stated that the defendant did not satisfy his own desires and still can allow the dreams of "devouring of the flesh of people." As a result, the court, revising the case, condemned Mayves for murder and sentenced him to life imprisonment.

It is noteworthy that Armin, serving the punishment in prison, became a vegetarian. Moreover, Maison considers the existence of a poultry farm and even headed the local branch of the Green Party.

As for the factors that influenced the mental state of the hero of our article: on the investigation, he said that a huge impression on him was the fairy tale of Brothers Grimel and Grethel brothers, according to the plot of which a malicious witch was trying to eat a boy. So think three times what to read your breath on the coming dream ...

Armin Maison is a resident of Rottenburg, a homosexual, in early 2001 posted an ad on the Internet, which is willing to eat anyone who will give a positive answer to his letter.

Armin was born in 1961. According to his testimony, he still wanted to eat someone since 8 years old, and never considered his desire something wrong. It is curious that his parents divorced just at this time. The boy stayed with his mother, and when she died, continued to live in a huge 30 bedroom mansion. Also, the fact that next door to the manves manves lived some Ulla von Bernus, who called himself Satanik, and was a very close friend of Mother's Mother's Mother Arm.

So, in the same 2001, a resident of Berlin responded to his announcement, Jürgen Brandes, who worked as a programmer at Siemens AG. Later, his staff argued that Jurgen was always inclined to masochism. In his response letter, he wrote that he really needed to be eaten, and he wishes it more than anything.

Within two weeks, the cannibals and the victim communicated with each other. As it turned out, Jurgen was also a homosexual. And on March 10, 2001, Brands came from Berlin to the Mayison House in Rothenburg. Before coming to a stranger, Bernd-Jurgen sold his personal belongings, and took a holiday from work.

The act of cannibals itself was neatly recorded by the lovers for the film. And from the beginning of "meals" and before the death of Brandez passed 10 hours. "It was not a simple murder; It was a murder of mercy, - just in case, once again reminded the court before the mailing of himself, "I didn't want to kill someone and hurt."

After Maiques killed his lover, he kissed him in his forehead and began to cut the body.

Later he told in court that for several months he had time to eat more than 20 kilograms of his friend, and his skull kept "for memory." At the same time, he signed every broken part of the body, making the "fillet", "steak", "cutout".

Maison was taken under the arrest in 2002, when one of the students, Gay Chat users, appealed to the police after saw a new cannibal advertisement. About 400 people responded to the reapployment of Armin. Investigators searched his house, and found videos, as well as a room intended for cutting carcasses, with hooks on the ceiling and a huge bathroom.

On January 30, 2004, Maison was found guilty of intentional murder and sentenced to 8.5 years of imprisonment. This led the public to discussions, because everyone knew that the victim participated in the act of eating voluntarily. It was on this that the killer is protected.

The Maison, in turn, did not refuted his guilt, but always repeated that he did it only at the request of his partner. He also gave a statement that he wanted to use this experience in his book, in order to retain those who want to go on his footsteps.

However, in 2005, German Court revised the case of the Rottenburg Cannibal, and already in 2006, taking into account his problems with the psyche and alcohol, sentenced to life imprisonment. Personal psychiatrist noted that Armin Mavel is still obsessed with the desire to eat flesh of young people.

At the moment, Armin is serving his life sentence. In prison, he became a vegetarian and even headed there the local branch of the Green Party.

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Armin's parents divorced when the boy was 8 years old. He was rarely seen his father, was under an excessive care of his mother. After her death, she lived in a 30-bedroom estate in Rothenburg-on-Fulda near the Kassel.

The crime

Mass culture reflection

  • German rock band Rammstein devoted this incident to his single Mein Teil. From the reise, reise album. Word TEIL. Translated as "part" ("Member") or "Fate". An adequate translation will be the "share" .text of the song in Russian and German.
  • The Swedish band Bloodbath, on the album Nightmares Made Flesh also has the song "Eaten" inspired by this case.
  • The Swedish group Bondage Fairies has the song "Finkus Cooked My Cock", in which the Armin Maison is mentioned WE ATE My Penis with My Friend Armin Meiwes.
  • In 3 episodes of the 2 seasons of the series IT CROWD "Moss and German", a similar situation is played.
  • In 2006, the feature film "Cannibal from Rothenburg" was removed, dedicated to the history of the Mayave Armin.




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