Pour ammonia over the cabbage. Ammonia - how to use it in the garden and in the city

Pour ammonia over the cabbage. Ammonia - how to use it in the garden and in the city

In order to control the white crop from a city plot, it is necessary to think ahead about methods of combating it. with terrible illnesses and bad guys. Roslins die in the beds for a variety of reasons, including through the plant, which sticks to the surface of the leaves and gorges on the juice of young cherry blossoms. These mosquitoes are sensitive to ambiguous speeches. Therefore, according to farmers, it is recommended to use ammonia in the form of alcohol, which is harmful to the poor.

Warehouse for the drug

Pharmacy supply with a no-nonsense aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide. Ridina with a strong specific smell vikorista in for liturgical purposes that for everyday needs.

In the farming kingdoms, stagnation is applied to the city using an unknown stage of agricultural technology. Behind the warehouse, the drug is diluted with 10% ammonia, which is applied to the mouth. Do not confuse ammonia with ammonium chloride, which is rarely contaminated when growing sheep crops and fruit trees.

For active growth, the plants need to grow leaves to provide them with chlorophyll. The green paste takes its fate from the molded fruit, the essence and the fruit. Therefore, in agricultural technology it is important to use nitrogen fertilizers. In a stock of ammonia, the concentration of alcohol becomes 82%, which explains its popularity among city residents.

Mechanism of action for discounts

This pharmaceutical product does not contain an insecticide, since the reaction of comas to the new one may be of a side nature. Initially, the drug is disintegrated for medical purposes and stagnated when removed with alcohol, losing fluidity. Later, the housekeepers began to clean up ammonia for mitya vikon, remove old stains from clothes, and clean jewelry stains.

Now the townspeople use ammonia against the pope during the hour of scouring the fruit trees and beds. This pharmaceutical ingredient itself has a positive effect on the dichotomy and herbal system of coma. For the failure of such an effect, it is possible to destroy the enemy to the point of death.

To replace insecticides, ammonia can be frozen during the active formation of the ovaries, so that the remaining wine does not accumulate in the fruits and is quickly excreted. Before perevag vikoristannya pharmaceutical drug when felt, add:

  • low availability and availability;
  • for the complete depletion of colonies of poor people, two procedures are sufficient;
  • ammonia alcohol is like a spoiler for popelitsya, but in a new warehouse that is careless for people;
  • the effect appears during the processing process;
  • You can vikoristovati yak dobrova.

Skoda Popelitsi

Spring colonies of these comas grow on rich trees, chagarniks, and sheep crops. Don’t stink the fruits, but soak the juices from the green oil, nirok.

You can find out if the plant is infected by white pour on the leaves of currant, raspberry, agrus and other tea leaves. As a result, the frames become deformed and twisted. Popelitsa sees bloody excrement as a favorable medium for the proliferation of fungi.

Due to a decrease in photosynthesis, the productivity and vibrancy of products suffer. These mosquitoes are carriers of infection, and one individual is sufficient for infection. The trees are damaged by the blows, the bushes become weakened and cannot withstand frost. Therefore, it is necessary to use water treatments for drying.

The procedure for harvesting roslin

The effectiveness of the ammonia is confirmed by ample evidence from the farming kingdoms, which use this for the prevention and reduction of taxes. Zastosuvannya 10% dilution of ammonia folk recipes It is important to add additional shampoo, Gospodarsky or potassium milk, which is necessary for quick adhesion to the stem and leaves. There are a number of ways to get help from ammonia. The mayors will especially sprout the infected plots or vikorist as a root cause.

Preparation and types of dishes

The order of work with them pharmacy staff The rest of the singing rules are transferred. Before drying, it is necessary to carefully inspect the infected plants, remove curled leaves and burn them.

The dose of the drug is selected depending on the method of preparing the plot:

After processing the plot, the strong smell of ammonia disappears within 5-7 minutes, during which the storage components are not collected from the fruit and vegetable crops.

Popular recipes for fighting the popelitsa:

  1. You need to mix 40 g of pharmaceutical preparation and washing powder and pour in all 10 liters of water. In this way, use ammonia to scrub currants, raspberries, fruit trees.
  2. To prepare the infusion, dilute 20 ml of ammonia into 8 liters of water. Place the capacity in a row in dark place for 2-3 years. After weeding, sprinkle the trees of the farm.
  3. In order to apply ammonia to peppers, you need to mix 2 tablespoons of the preparation, 15 g of grated. Gospodar's sweetheart that 10 liters of water. Wipe the leaves or add to the roots.
  4. I will rub a diluted tablespoon in a liter of water over a period of 2 months to vikoristovat as root healing in transplanted plants. open ground siyantsiv.
  5. To prevent popelica, mix 10 ml of pharmaceutical preparation and 10 liters of boiled water. In this way, it is important to support not only sickly plants, but also healthy ones for root revitalization.

Zapobizhni entries under robots

The popularity of ammonia is due to its costly nature. When inhaling 10% ammonia, it does not stimulate the nasopharynx, but it does provoke a sore throat and dry cough.

When it gets into the mouth, it screams of grub, and the eyes – lacrimation, worminess, liver. The lethal dose for humans is 10-15 g of ammonia. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare damages in the fresh air, so that the lethal speeches quickly evaporate.

Before the hour of clearing the city plot, wear dry latex gloves, a gauze bandage or a respirator, and special eyepieces. If the pharmacy method is to revive the seedlings in the area, open the windows. This need is due to the fact that vapors release ammonia from wall coverings and wiring. Therefore, this substance cannot be harvested in greenhouses.

There are plenty of people who sell ammonia in the city, which is justified in several straight lines, so this speech is very good to avoid the bad guys. It is important to know the rules for setting up your own property, so as not to harm the Roslins.

The bark of ammonia in the city

City workers have been using ammonia for a long time as an affordable price to save money from unprofitable people, and they are also kind and easy to get used to. Ammonia is an alcoholic solution of ammonia, in which nitrogen appears as nitrate as ammonium. Ammonia has the following advantages in the city:

  1. This product is safe, so there will be no traces of nitrates in the harvest and the fruits will not be harmed.
  2. Ammonia is an accessible method that can be obtained in any pharmacy.
  3. Speech is volatile, therefore “renegotiation” is practically impossible, and staying behind the river of nitrogen food is much easier.
  1. Fight against bad people. It clearly expresses the smell that comes from comas that protect crops from their negative influx.
  2. Soil reclamation. The influx of microorganisms that occur in poor soil is weaker. In order to improve its activity, organic additives are added, the process of distributing them involves a lot of risks. More often than not, ammonia is used in the production of supplies.
  3. Pіdzhivlennya. The ammonia warehouse contains nitrogen, which is beneficial for the rapid growth and development of crops. As time goes by, the speech does not accumulate in parts of the plant.
  4. Prevention of soil acidification. Ammonia is of medium strength, so when it is added, you can forget about frequently hydrating the soil. Add this trace after the acid reaction has been confirmed.

Ammonia in the city - zastosuvannya vid skidnikiv

The ammonia gives off a strong and pungent odor, like the smell of a lot of bad guys that smells like them. Sprinkling with ammonia helps the city deal with such bad guys: ants, cabbage, popelice, dart, flies, slimaks, and so on. A universal recipe that helps fight most comas:

  1. Mix 1 teaspoon of olive oil and iodine, 2 tbsp. spoons of ammonia and birch tar, and also add 1/2 teaspoon boric acid, yaka maє buti diluted in front at 0.5 tbsp. sprinkling Dilute everything in 10 liters of water.
  2. To do the biting, take 1 tbsp. for a bucket of water. If after the procedure there is no result, repeat it after a week.

Ammonia against murah in the city

Small mosquitoes can cause a large number of problems, but ammonia can quickly resolve them. The use of ammonia in urban areas is based on two procedures:

  1. The first thing you need to do is add some goosebumps and fill it with a special liquid, for which add 2 tbsp to 5 liters of water. spoons of ammonia. You can also cover the anthill with a cloth soaked in ammonia, and cover the animal with spittle.
  2. Ammonia in the city, which is effectively distilled, is suitable for harvesting weeds. Mix 10 liters of water and 10 ml of ammonia, and then prepare to water the roots. If you want to sponge, then add 3-4 tbsp. Stir spoons of tsukru until smooth.

Ammonia in the city - stagnation in popelicia

One of them effective features the other's prankster - ammonia. With this help you can steal the carnations of bushes, trees and bushes. You can put it in your home and at home, as long as the smell is not too strong. Use ammonia in the city using the following scheme:

  1. To prepare the mixture, add 1 liter of water and 5 ml of ammonia.
  2. Prepare a mild base to ensure that it sticks to the leaf. To prepare, chop a block of mil, a vikory grater, and then crush it into 1 liter of warm water.
  3. Mix the two mixtures to obtain 10 liters of working mixture. Use a watering can to water the bushes. The frequency of stagnation depends on infection, but in most cases it rises once every 14 days.

Ammonia against cabbage in the city

The mosquito is not safe, because it is very good at harvesting roses and root crops, it is afraid of ammonia due to its pungent odor. There are two options for how to use ammonia in the city:

  1. Place the drug in concentrated form. To do this, spread out gantry, soaked in ammonia, across the beds. If there are holes, it’s better to close them with them. To preserve the smell forever, put the ganchers in a bag and open a new one.
  2. Ammonia in the city, the distillation of which may follow the rules, you can vikoristuvat in the appearance of corruption. It is important to carefully finish the dose. Add 10 ml or 3 tbsp of Cebro water. spoons of ammonia. Water the finished raspberry between the rows and rows of seedlings, in rows, so that the crops are not wasted on the sapling itself.

Ammonia in the city of Slimaki

These mischief-makers love various urban crops that attack leaves, flowers and fruits. The use of ammonia in the city, the proof of its effectiveness, goes like this:

  1. Take 40 ml of ammonia and add up to 5 liters of water. We are preparing the trace to fill the cracks that have appeared in the ground. For best results, soak the soil with superphosphate.
  2. You can use ammonia against the city's swindlers as if it were a dusting. For this, add 4 tbsp to a glass of water. spoons of ammonia, at a concentration of 10%. When preparing, sprinkle with rubbish.

How to fertilize the city with ammonia?

Rozchin can become a wonderful additive for urban crops, the fragments at a concentration of 10%, in this place contain 80-82% nitrogen, which is good for the plants, the fragments of wines dissolve the formation of chlorophylls. The liquid is in an easily absorbed form, which is among other nitrogen benefits. It’s worth mentioning that you can water it with ammonia in the city, which is rich in crops, such as sheep and fruits.

There are signs that can indicate the presence of nitrogen starvation, so they include:

  • the stems are thin and easy to damage;
  • the leaves became crumbly;
  • yellow leaves below;
  • the growth rate, the number of flowers and the fall of ties;
  • mitigating the flow of frost on trees and chagarniks.

Ammonia in the city - hardening for the half

As a result, the roots, stems and leaves of the crop begin to grow more intensively. Especially brown ones are also good for remontant varieties. Mix the ammonia on the city for half a day three times: before the first young leaves appear, after flowering and after harvesting.

  1. Grate a quantity of 100 g of Lord's sweet, add a small amount of hot water and mix until smooth.
  2. Pour the finished sumish into 10 liters of water, stirring so that the breasts do not boil.
  3. For the first and third samples, add 40 g of ammonia to the preparation, for the other - 2-3 tbsp. spoons.

Ammonia in the city - souring for tomatoes

For this crop, nitrogen is necessary at the stage of seedling growth and after transfer to the soil. The lack of nitrogen can be evidenced by a change in color, thinning of the stem, change in leaf size and a decrease in growth. Use ammonia for tomatoes in the city according to this scheme:

  1. If the seedlings look weak and screaming, then you should carry out the cultivating two days after pricking. Mix a bucket of water and 2 tbsp. spoons of ammonia. Grind 2-4 tbsp onto a leather bush. spoon.
  2. Before flowering, water the plants at intervals of 2-3 days. To prepare, add 2-3 tbsp of water to a bucket. I'll rub the spoons. Water with approximately 1 liter of koshti per bush.

Ammonia in the city for alcohol

When the bushes begin to actively grow, they need nitrogen, which is best removed with the help of ammonia. For this crop, an effective option for drying is watering at the roots. Carry out the next procedure once 4-5 sheets have been completed and de-wetting has begun. Ammonia for roslin near the city at a quantity of 3 tbsp. mix spoons from 10 liters of water. Place the prepared mixture for watering under the roots, and the frequency of the procedure will depend on the crop.

Ammonia in the city - hardening for tsibulya

Before this, as we will be victorious so kindly, it is necessary to take care of how the trees look, so, about the lack of nitrogen, we must note the yellowing of the tips of the feathers =. The city uses ammonia for cibulia according to the following scheme:

  1. For root application, add 3 tbsp to 10 liters of water. spoons 25% ammonia.
  2. For root healing, dilute 5 tbsp with 10 liters of water. I'll rub a spoonful of it. For extra stickiness, add 100 g of milk.

Ammonia in the city - distillation for the watchmaker

It is important to ensure that the greenery grows, but the crop may be damaged, it is important to do the right thing according to the rules. Knowing that you should pour ammonia around the city, you need to know, as it’s better to earn money. To prepare, add 10-15 g of 25% ammonia and 1 liter of water. Reduce the potency to its maximum and freeze until early spring, and then the concentration should decrease to 5 g per liter. Cooking in house water at the roots, and for sprinkling, add a little sweetness.

Ammonia on the city for pepper

Nitrogen for this plant is important for healthy growth and coloring of fruits. The use of ammonia in the garden and city can proceed as follows:

  1. The most extensive option for revitalization is mixing 10 liters of water with 3 tbsp. spoons 25% ammonia. Carry out root watering.
  2. To carry out the scrubbing, you need to take 50 ml of ammonia with the same amount of water.
  3. To improve the sajants that have recently come up, add 1 teaspoon of water to 1 liter of water.

Ammonia for cabbage in the city - stagnation

It is important to immediately point out that this person is not a particular fan of this chemical element, so this trace should be preserved carefully. Process the trace like this:

  1. For root revitalization, dilute 6 tbsp in 10 liters of water. I will rub the spoons, and then water them, pouring 0.5 liters under the skin. Do this kind of practice no more often than once a week.
  2. Scrub the city with ammonia for prevention. To add 25 ml of ammonia to 10 liters of water. During the growing season, spray the plants.

Ammonia in the city - Skoda

It is important not to interfere with a clean look, as there are fragments of wine in the scorched growth and you can protect them. The supply of ammonia in the city is not disrupted, since the high nitrogen content is unprofitable for vegetable and berry crops. It is important to note that this may be unsafe for a person, so he must follow the steps of safety:

  1. Before starting work, be sure to tighten your individual protective equipment, and most importantly, gloves and a respirator.
  2. It is prohibited to inhale ammonia vapor for people who have tension in their movements, as this may cause hypertension.
  3. You cannot mix ammonia with preparations that remove chlorine, for example, with bleach.
  4. Dilute ammonia in the city, which follows the rules only in the open air.
  5. If the drug is applied to the skin or eyes, then the liver becomes more sensitive. It is important to remember the wrong place great quantity running water.
  6. Save the bottle of ammonia in a place where children and animals can reach it so that the stench does not disappear too quickly.

For full growth, development and fruiting, most urban and garden crops will require a comprehensive diet. Nitrogen is the main living element of plants.

Ammonia alcohol is diluted with 10% ammonia, its distillation is the simplest and accessible way provide the planting with this valuable element. The results of such treatments are noticeable almost immediately; nitrogen absorbs the tissue of the plants.

The ammonia has unique powers and is capable of providing the plants with the necessary elements, removing comas and their larvae from vegetables, berries, tea leaves and tea leaves.

A lack of nitrogen in the soil is characterized by the following signs:

  • yellow leaves;
  • the stem is weak and thin;
  • cold-cured leaves and fruits;
  • backroom growing;
  • variety of colors;
  • weakened immunity.

The cleaning of the garden and city with ammonia is carried out during the fall, if the plants are weakened and require revitalization. As a preventive measure, the ammonia should be cured when planting, or no more than 2-3 times during the growing season. Reimportant korisna power ammonia is a fact that standing on plots does not eliminate the accumulation of nitrates in the root system, leaves and fruits. Vegetables, berries and fruits do not harm the human body.

Souring ammonia in the garden and city

Vlasniks of allotment plots practice a variety of traditional methods for cultivating crops and fighting pests. Vigor of ammonia when planting seedlings will kill cabbage. At the hole, add a layer of soil: 10 liters. add 10 ml of water. ammonia.

Dovidka! Under the hour, the use of ammonia is good to remove nitrogen, so as not to stagnate for survival.

In the garden, sprinkle the trees and chagarnas and water the soil. After pruning, the leaves develop an intense color, color and fruitfulness increase. The pungent smell smells bad, but is also good.

Near the city, ammonia is used for sprinkling of sheep crops:

  • For cabbage. In the fight against pests: cabbage blobs, slima, rawls, caterpillars, cross-flowered blobs. For Cebro 10 l. add 50-100ml. ammonia. Scrub in the evening. In rainy weather, as a preventative measure, water the bushes with a watering can.
  • For oranges and tomatoes. Water the bushes with a weak concentration of rosemary (per 10 liters of water - 3 tablespoons of ammonia) once every 10 days. If necessary, increase the concentration.
  • For the tsibula and the chasnik. To improve the crop, I water the beds with 10 liters of water as a preventative measure. water from 1 tbsp. I'll rub it with a spoon.
  • For potatoes and pepper. When watering the beds once every two days, add 2-3 tbsp of water. I'll rub the spoons.

Ammonia is used to preserve and treat a wide variety of vegetable and horticultural crops:

  • ripis, turnips, radishes;
  • Buryakiv;
  • eggplant;
  • carrots;
  • rhubarb;
  • zucchini and watermelon;
  • currant; aґrus;
  • apples and pears;
  • cherries

It is enough to water 2-3 times with added ammonia to speed up the growth of shoots, improve immunity, and ensure protection from spills.

Ammonia for half a day

Additional harvesting of half-bottoms in the spring is carried out to reduce the yield of crops and to protect against spoilage.

To obtain the maximum effect, trimming should be carried out three times per season:

  1. After melting snow, water the soil to reduce infection and the larvae of the larvae that overwintered in the farm. Also for the purpose of smіtsnennya roslin, like the additional life of the dzherel. The procedure removes the enriched soil with essential nitrogen. The weakened growths after winter are actively growing.
  2. It's flowering time. Water the soil of the bushes with a weak spray. With a more concentrated warehouse, sprinkle the growths.
  3. After picking, I give birth. To enhance growth and renewal after the fruiting period, sprinkle and thoroughly water the beds.

Revitalizing half-plants in the spring with ammonia will not significantly weaken the bushes and will provide them with the necessary elements, and will ensure protection from pests throughout the entire growing season.

Watering with ammonia is practiced on small garden plots as an alternative method for survival and treatment against comas.

Ammonia against mischief in the garden

A popular and inexpensive way to combat fraud is ammonia. There are a number of control methods that can be used to control weeds in the garden. If a creeper is detected that has formed in the container, it is clearly poured with a concentrated solution: add 5 tbsp to 5 liters of water. spoons of ammonia.

One more effective method: cover the ant's nest with ganchers, rub the leaks with ammonia, put polyethylene spit on the animal. A strong pungent odor exhales the waste, and the upper dry ball does not allow the vapor to evaporate for a long time.

To prevent sprouts, sprinkle with a mild spray: 10 l. water for 2 tbsp. I'll rub the spoons. To complete the consolidation from the leaves of the rozchin, they add a rare milo or rozchin from the gospodar's mil.

Please! For preventive purposes, add ammonia to the water at least once a week.

Head dzherel kharchuvannya murakh є popelitsa. We can also fight against it because of the stagnation. For prevention, this method is practiced on garden plots, plant the cities throughout this season, starting in early spring.

Treatment of the garden with ammonia begins early, before the flowers swell, with the first signs of the awakening of the shoots. This method absorbs more green leaf matter, the color and fruit, guaranteeing a healthy harvest. Such folk method There are a number of advantages:

  • price available;
  • simplicity of vikoristanny;
  • high efficiency;
  • safety;
  • natural warehouse.

Dovidka! The vapors of ammonia vibrate very quickly. Therefore, during breaks, it is recommended to use other remedies, drugs and drugs for survival and fight against illnesses.

To avoid negative influences and ensure your health, it is necessary to follow the safety rules for preparing and curing:

  1. People with hypertension are not recommended to use a dry hand to mix ammonia for watering and sprinkling. The drug is used to stimulate the arterial pressure.
  2. It is contraindicated to mix ammonia with chlorinated preparations.
  3. It is recommended to dissolve ammonia in fresh air. When preparing food in areas, ensure ventilation and access to fresh air.
  4. Vykoristuvat the features of individual protection: gum gloves, masks, eyepieces. If it gets into the eyes or mucous membranes, it is necessary to immediately rinse the area with cold water.
  5. Keep ammonia in places inaccessible to pets and children.

Please! To enhance the effect during sampling, rub the leaves and add ash.

Weak doses of water and ammonia are actively used in preventive tests of veterinarians. Scrubbing 1 time for 2 deep rose gardens leads to the appearance of popelica, the main killer of tea leaves.

To remove the larvae, water the soil under the bushes with a concentrated solution: 5 liters. add 10 ml of water. ammonia. The procedure is carried out in windless, gloomy weather, preferably in the evening, making sure that it does not fall on the leaves.

Use ammonia to combat miscellaneous crooks:

  • cabbage and cibulna fly;
  • cabbage;
  • dart;
  • Prihovonohobotnik;
  • weevil;
  • snowstorm caterpillars;
  • Slimaki and ravliki.

With ammonia, city workers use ammonia to extract birds from berries. After finishing, sprinkle the leaves with the following quantity: 4-5 liters. water, 1 tbsp. spoon of rare milk, 1-2 tbsp. spoons of ammonia. It’s nice to be different, it’s a miracle, a child, a god, a ruler. This is why they expect a rare mileage and add up to a sum.

Let the ammonia congeal in late spring to prevent damage from frost. Prepare the mixture from 250 ml. apple otstu 100 ml. a mile, rub 1 bulb, 8-9 buckets of water. Such a warehouse should be evaporated immediately after preparation, in order to preserve its effectiveness, the ammonia steam will quickly evaporate.

Soaking ammonia in alcohol throughout the current growing season will provide the forest plots with healthy plants and high yields.

During the period of active growth, the color Gorodni Rosliny require supplementation with mineral supplements. One of the most popular preparations rich in nitrogen among gardeners is ammonia. To grow tomatoes and fruits, they are added as a supplement to water for irrigation, as well as vikory for rooting. The depletion of ammonia in the city, in addition to the saturation of the soil with nitrogen, can also cause a drying effect: this drug effectively reduces and eliminates mosquitoes.

Bark and stagnation of ammonia for roslin

In order to achieve full color and fruiting of sheep crops, it is necessary to ensure that the plants gain sufficient green mass during the growing season. It is important to ensure the development of the mushroom stem, which will highlight the severity of the fruits that are ripening. Ammonia, or ammonia, copes miraculously with these tasks. It quickly replenishes the nitrogen deficiency in the soil when watering, and also easily penetrates the plant tissues when sprinkled.

Ammonia for cucumbers and tomatoes can also serve as a good and effective remedy for such fruits as popelitsa, cabbage, ground fly, tay-proboscis, ravili and slimaki. It is recommended to fertilize with ammonia regularly throughout the entire period of development and fruiting of the plants.

How to prepare rozchin

To prepare a working warehouse, 10% ammonia infusion must be diluted in clean cold water. The necessary proportions of the preparation for the preparation of rosemary depend on the plant, the method and the method of processing. Great recommendation for all types of urban crops: at the beginning of the dry season, the drug needs to be concentrated at the weakest concentration, and then gradually increased. In this way, the plants can successfully adapt to changes in soil conditions.

Dosage of the drug

Revisit normal rhubarb Instead, there is not enough nitrogen in the soil, which can damage the root system of vegetables, as well as damage the ear of their flowers. The maximum permissible concentration of speech is 120 ml per 10 liters of water. To apply the goodness, the following dosages are recommended:

  • In case of severe nitrogen starvation, prepare concentrations of roses in a volume of 80 ml per 10 liters.
  • With regular preventive treatment of the soil during the hour of active vegetation, 50 ml per 10-liter bucket is sufficient.
  • To support the period of flowering and strengthening of the ovaries in 10 liters of water, you need to add 90 ml of 10% ammonia.
  • To remove the cabbage mushroom and reduce the larvae of the ground fly, prepare the mixture by rubbing 10 ml of infusion into 10 liters of water. Use it for watering the beds before planting the gardens in the open soil.
  • To cultivate the vegetable crops using the root fertilization method, add 25 ml of ammonia to 5 liters of water.
  • To protect against the worms that fly and call, it is recommended to prepare a warehouse for sprinkling: 25 ml of ammonia infusion, 25 ml of rare mil per 5 liters of cold water.

Foreign calls

The ammonia is uneven and sharp, unpleasant smell. If a high concentration of the product enters the skin and bronchi of a person's veins, it can cause irritation and swelling.

To protect the organs from breathing during gardening with this preparation, you need to use a respirator, put gum gloves on your hands, and cover the surface of your body with a blanket.

If ammonia has been applied to the skin, it must be rinsed immediately with running water. If you have a seizure, you need to drink more clean water and vomit vomit. After carrying out gardening work, it is recommended to take a shower, dry your hair and change clothes.

Processing methods

Enrichment with nitrogenous fertilizer can be carried out in two ways: by applying it to the soil under the roots of the plants and by pinching its green parts. These methods can be used differently and simultaneously.

Watering under the roots

To protect sheep crops with nitrogen, it is best to apply fertilizer to the soil and sprinkle the green paste below. Watering with ammonia allows you to better control the amount of liquid that reaches the plant's cells, and is more suitable for regular treatments. This method will bring faster results and is suitable for eliminating the problem of nitrogen starvation in tomatoes and oranges.

Rooted life

It is necessary to carry out the cultivation of the ground parts of the trees in windless weather. It’s better to choose an hour to chew in the evening, after the sun has set, so that the leaves of the roses don’t wilt Sonya's opiki like speckles. Light dosage for the first root crop of young plants: 2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water. Then the concentration can be gradually increased. It is recommended to carry out the root cleaning using a watering can with a spray bottle rather than a spray bottle. Excessive sawing of a water saw with ammonia in the wind can cause harm to the gardener's health.

Dobrivo ogirkiv

We begin to fertilize the cucumber beds with ammonia after the appearance of the fourth leaf from the cob and the development of a full-fledged bush:

  • Rozchin, prepare 50 ml per 10 liters of water, water the plants under the roots. The frequency of harvesting depends on the variety, and the speed of development of crops will become faster. In the middle root, the invigoration of fruits with ammonia is carried out once a week.
  • To eliminate the sign of nitrogen starvation and combat poplitsa, it is recommended to add a mild ammonia to the root. It is necessary to be careful and gradually advance dosing so as not to scorch the lower surface of the leaf and stem. You need to squeeze the cucumbers in the evening, in calm, windless weather. Once rooted, cultivation gives excellent results.

Dobrivo Pomodoriv

Ammonia for adding to the soil under tomatoes to grow in a greenhouse or greenhouse, dilute with water in a proportion of 50 ml per 10 liters of water. Clean the bushes once a week, increase the consumption or change the dosage.

If the plants show signs of nitrogen deficiency: paleness, yellowness of the lower leaves, thinning and weak development of young shoots, you can add a root boost of ammonia at a dose of 25 ml per 5 liters of water.

At the stage of fruit ripening, sprinkle the shoots with 15 ml of ammonia, 15 ml of rare milk and 5 liters of water. This speeds up the ripening of crops and protects tomatoes from spoilers.

Planting of rose gardens

The first stage of fertilization with ammonia is to treat the soil in containers for seedlings. To do this, prepare the mixture using 1 ml of ammonia per 1 liter of water. They gradually turn the soil into potters before sowing the soil.

Further revitalization of the seedlings of tomatoes, cucumbers, and bell peppers with ammonia is carried out according to the following scheme: dilute 2 ml of ammonia in 1 liter of water and apply to the soil after regular watering (every quarter).

Universal zasib To promote growth and protect against spoilage, you can easily find it in pharmacies and garden stores. The drug is available at a low price, and its stagnation does not cause difficulties for an uninformed gardener. Processes prepared with ammonia are suitable for processing not only urban crops, but also garden trees, as well as flowers and room growths.

The purpose of the skin vegetable garden is to extract the maximum yield of tomatoes from your plot. For this purpose, they will be provided with the necessary living elements throughout the season. Summer residents often use mineral goodness.

However, the intensity of application and fertilization of the soil with mineral fertilizers and organic chemicals destroys the natural biocenosis of the soil. Tomato fruits accumulate nitrates, they contain few curds and bioactive substances. Ammonia can help speed up the drying out of nitrate additives for tomatoes.

Ammonia alcohol - aqueous solution (10%) to ammonium hydroxide. This is a barren-free environment with a pungent and unpleasant odor. The bark of ammonia for tomatoes is instead of nitrogen.

Nitrogen plays a leading role in increasing the yield of tomatoes. Despite the great presence of nitrogen in the atmosphere, plants cannot absorb it in any form (molecular). Nitrogen needs to be completely stored in the crop through the introduction of organic and mineral fertilizers.

Nitrogen is the building material of proteins, nucleic acids, amino acids and other compounds in plants. Without this, life is impossible for any living organism. Therefore, a lack of nitrogen appears in changes instead of green pigments, increases and a decrease in development vegetable crops. The effect of nitrogen fasting is to lead to the daily loss of birth, to tell you about the joyful visits that have been made.

The advantage of ammonia is like dzherel nitrogen - a form of mineral that is easily absorbed. For example, nitrate nitrogen (saltpeter) after reaching the roots goes through a folding path to become ammonia. Nitrogen from ammonia (ammonium) immediately enters the process of metabolism of plant matter and accumulates in fruits as nitrates.

After invigoration with ammonia, the growth and development of tomatoes will be accelerated. Roslins develop new stems and leaves of saturated green fertilization, the formation and development of fruiting organs are painted. The harvest is clear, the fruits are larger and sweeter.

Another disadvantage of ammonia for tomatoes is the acrid and unpleasant smell. The wine contains poultry, cabbage and dart. Therefore, fertilizing tomatoes with nitrogen simultaneously protects plants and plants.

How effective is ammonia

Apart from nitrogen, there is nothing more than ammonia for tomatoes. Therefore, in order to understand how practical and effective its desiccation is, it is necessary to equalize how much nitrogen is available at work in other goods.

The concentration of active substances diluted in 10 liters of water is safe for plants:

  • 2 tbsp. l. 10% ammonia – 1.2 g nitrogen;
  • 30 g ammonium nitrate – 9 g nitrogen;
  • 30 g of sechovini -14 g of nitrogen;
  • be it organominerally good (15:7:7) – 3 g of nitrogen.

It turns out that ammonia should be mixed with less nitrogen in relation to other ingredients. Therefore, stimulation of growth and fruiting of tomatoes will be less pronounced than when other good things are frozen.

Ale is irresistible, bark for tomatoes, and smut, environmentally friendly for the soil and human health.

If necessary and not possible, use ammonia

Fertilization with nitrogen should be carried out with care. Deficiency and excess of minerals, however, are undesirable for tomatoes.

Signs of nitrogen deficiency:

  • yellowing and falling of the lower leaves;
  • There are fragmentary leaves throughout the entire plant, covered with a light green bark;
  • formation of red-black veins on the underside of the leaf;
  • thinned, and in some cases, yellowed stem;
  • rise (zupinka) at the growth of roslin;
  • stoning and weakening of the roots;
  • a small number of flowers or a wide variety of colors.

Lack of nitrogen changes the quantity of fruits. The immunity of young people decreases. The stinks wither away at any temperature changes in the air, and are easily attacked by bad people and illnesses.

Excess nitrogen can be judged by unnatural dark green buds and leaves, excessive thickness of the stem, thin growth of shoots, delayed flowering and fruiting. It is not possible to prepare such plants with ammonia.

If nitrogen is not removed, the leaves will curl, and dark yellow spots appear between their veins, and if the stems are loosened, the growing stems will become thinner. The problem is caused by washing the soil with water.

In the video you can see the growth of tomato seedlings after watering the plants with ammonia.

How to prepare tomatoes with ammonia

Tomatoes mature due to an extended period of removal of mineral nutrients from the soil. The main nitrogen input from tomatoes is reduced during soil preparation. Then the granulated material is good.

Ammonia alcohol is used for additional benefits. Fertilize the first time 2-3 days after planting the seedlings, the second time - during the period of establishment of another flower (after about 14 days).

Renewal of tomato seedlings

Kindly grow the plant in the phase of the larynx of the 4th leaf. For this 1 tsp. Dilute 10% ammonia with 1 liter of irrigation water. Apply at the root. For one plant, 3-4 tbsp is enough. l.

Koreneva pіdzhivlennya

The maximum safe dose of 10% ammonia is 2 tbsp. l., diluted in 10 l of water. Among gardeners, recommendations can be made to use more concentrated sprays. Don’t risk it too much: ammonia can cause severe damage to the plants, leaving the entire crop unharvested.

Life is better than starting with 1 tbsp. l. for 10 liters of water. If everything is normal, the next stage of recovery should be carried out with a new dose of ammonia - 2 tbsp. l.

To prepare the worker, use 1-2 tbsp. l. (10%) chi 0.5-1 tbsp. l. (25%) ammonia diluted with 10 liters of irrigation water.

Apply after watering in the stem at a distance of 5-7 cm from the stem at a rate of 1 liter per tree.

Rooted life

For effectiveness, it does not depend on the root. If any chemical elements are introduced into the leaves, they can bind and eliminate the products of photosynthesis at the site of their creation.

This process affects the first half of the growing season, as synthetic processes are preferred in plants. It is good for the leaf to work better during the hour of other survival, if hydrolysis dominates in the plant.

For this, dilute 1-2 tbsp. l. ammonia 10 liters of water.

Scrub the plants with a watering can so that the droplets become large. The spray bottle is very powdery, and most ammonia is easily evaporated.

The processing should be carried out early in the evening after the dew has subsided. The weather may be gloomy or dry.

Obraktka vіd skіdnikiv

The scraps of ammonia (and along with it the acrid odor) are quickly evaporated, and the expenses for cleaning up the spoils are nicely added. The water prevents adhesion to the stems and leaves.

  • Popelitsi and murakhi.

In a small container, add 40 g of Gospodar's milk and pour in 10 liters of warm water. Then add 2 tbsp. l. 10% ammonia. I will be able to sprinkle the branches and the tree trunks.

  • Drit.

Prepare the mixture: dilute ammonia (2 tbsp) with 10 liters of water. Use the stock to carefully pour the planting holes and soil around them.

Madness with other good things

Nitrogen in ammonium form is not very good. It cannot be mixed with muddy streams - it must be allowed to lose nitrogen.

Luzhni dobryva:

  • ash;
  • vapnyak;
  • Thomasslag;
  • dolomite boron;
  • phosphorite is not rich;
  • carbon dioxide vapno.

You cannot add ammonia nitrogen and superphosphate at once. Sulfuric acid removes nitrogen.

When the leaf is soaked, it is not possible to add other components to the ammonia. This can lead to a siege until the end of the war, as if the salts were not broken.

Ammonia alcohol yak dobrivo - tse people's zasib, It’s not enough vivchene. To avoid the elimination of unnecessary sensations, it is better to spend time with it at intervals of 2-3 days between other good ones.

The gardener, anxious to find out, selects fertilizers for tomatoes. The optimal supply of all necessary minerals without damaging the fruit can be achieved using an integrated approach. Why eat organic and mineral nutrients? Ammonia is good for supplementary hydration after applying nitrogen to the soil before planting tomatoes.
