Osip Ivanovich Commissioners: Biography. As the Kostroma peasant Osip Commissioners, the king saved the Kostroma Commissioners

Osip Ivanovich Commissioners: Biography. As the Kostroma peasant Osip Commissioners, the king saved the Kostroma Commissioners

Commissioners, Osip Ivanovich

Osip Ivanovich Commissioners


Date of Birth:

Russian empire

Date of death:

Ivan Alekseevich Commissioners


Evgenia Ivanovna Commissioner


Elizabeth Ivanovna Commissioner

Awards and Prizes:

Osip Ivanovich Commissioners (Komisarov) ( (1838 ) -) - Sharp master, a native of the Kostroma province, who saved the life of Emperor Alexander II on April 4, 1866, recalling the hand to his hand at the emperor D. Karakozov, for which he was erected into a hereditary nobility with the surname Commissioner-Kostroma .


Commissar was from the village of Polyvitino Buusky County of the Kostroma province. Since the natives of this village have long produced sewing hats and caps in big cities, Osipa Commissar, too, from the youngsters, was given to the teaching to the St. Petersburg Hat Master.

Quite a lot of people. Among the persons participating in the ceremony were commissioners. He stood beside his inventor General Totleben. It is decorated with different foreign orders, which gives him a kind of official who committed foreign trips to the retinue of high Persons. Conjuncture. Today is the layout of the chapel, tomorrow Muravyov's funeral, the post-tomorrow execution of Karakozov.

After about a year after the attempt by the guardian of the Commissioner, E. I. Totleben identified him with a Junker in Pavlograd 2nd Lieb-Gusar regiment. Representatives of the born families who served in this elite shelf were contempt for the newly minted nobleman. Without having enough will, to preserve his identity, Kostroma Commissioner received the glory of the reckless of the Cutles and drunkards. After retirement in 1877, in the rank of Rothmister Commissioners settled as a complachated estate in Poltava province and took up horticulture and beekeeping. He died, all forgotten, in 1892.


  • Hereditary nobility and lifelong pension of 3 thousand rubles
  • Order of St. Vladimir IV degree (Russia)
  • Medal "April 4, 1866", established specifically for awarded
  • Commander Cross Order of Franz Joseph (Austria-Hungary)
  • Cavalier of the Order of Honorary Legion (France)

Other revenge



  • Osip Commissioners - Hero of his time "Evening Moscow" October 28, 2009.
  • Osip Ivanovich Komisarov-Kostroma, who saved the life of the king on April 4, 1866, the former Kostroma peasant, and now the nobleman. - m., 1866.


  • Personalia alphabetic
  • Born in 1838
  • Bouquet
  • Born in the Kostroma province
  • Dead in 1892
  • Dead in Poltava province
  • Chawns of the Order of St. Vladimir 4 degrees
  • Cavalers Order Honorary Legion
  • Personalia: Nazarovo
  • Honorary citizens of Moscow
  • Honorary Citizens of the city of Ivanov
  • Personalia: Kostroma province

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Commissionerzhevsky, Fedor Petrovich
  • Commodian

Watch what is "Commissioners, Osip Ivanovich" in other dictionaries:

    Commissioners Osip Ivanovich

    Commissioner Kostromskaya, Osip Ivanovich - Lumping message about the feat of Osip Commissioner, 1866. Osip Ivanovich Komissarov (1838 1892) Cap Master, a native of the Kostroma province, which on April 4, 1866 saved the life of Emperor Alexander II, casting to the hand of her hand at himself ... Wikipedia

    Commissioner-Kostromsk Osip Ivanovich - Lumping message about the feat of Osip Commissioner, 1866. Osip Ivanovich Komissarov (1838 1892) Cap Master, a native of the Kostroma province, which on April 4, 1866 saved the life of Emperor Alexander II, casting to the hand of her hand at himself ... Wikipedia

    Osip Ivanovich Commissioners - Lumping message about the feat of Osip Commissioner, 1866. Osip Ivanovich Komissarov (1838 1892) Cap Master, a native of the Kostroma province, which on April 4, 1866 saved the life of Emperor Alexander II, casting to the hand of her hand at himself ... Wikipedia

    Osip Ivanovich Commissioners-Kostroma - Lumping message about the feat of Osip Commissioner, 1866. Osip Ivanovich Komissarov (1838 1892) Cap Master, a native of the Kostroma province, which on April 4, 1866 saved the life of Emperor Alexander II, casting to the hand of her hand at himself ... Wikipedia

    Osip Ivanovich Commission - Lumping message about the feat of Osip Commissioner, 1866. Osip Ivanovich Komissarov (1838 1892) Cap Master, a native of the Kostroma province, which on April 4, 1866 saved the life of Emperor Alexander II, casting to the hand of her hand at himself ... Wikipedia

    Commission, Osip Ivanovich - Lumping message about the feat of Osip Commissioner, 1866. Osip Ivanovich Komissarov (1838 1892) Cap Master, a native of the Kostroma province, which on April 4, 1866 saved the life of Emperor Alexander II, casting to the hand of her hand at himself ... Wikipedia

    Commission Osip Ivanovich - Lumping message about the feat of Osip Commissioner, 1866. Osip Ivanovich Komissarov (1838 1892) Cap Master, a native of the Kostroma province, which on April 4, 1866 saved the life of Emperor Alexander II, casting to the hand of her hand at himself ... Wikipedia

    Commissioners, Oleg. - Commissioners: Commissioners, Boris Nikolaevich (born 1939) Russian historian. Commissarov, Valery Yakovlevich (born 1965) television lead, deputy of the State Duma. Commissioners, Vilen Naumovich (1924 2005) Specialist in the field of translating theory and ... ... Wikipedia

    Commissioners - content 1 Famous carriers 1.1 and 1.2 b 1.3 ... Wikipedia

Commissar was from the village of Polyvitino Buusky County of the Kostroma province. Since the natives of this village have long produced sewing hats and caps in big cities, Osipa Commissar, too, from the youngsters, was given to the teaching to the St. Petersburg Hat Master.

On April 4, 1866, the Commissioners, passing by the Summer Garden, saw the crew standing at the gate, around which the yawaks crowded. Having learned that the stroller belongs to the king, who walked around the garden, he joined the crowd. Soon he saw Alexander II, who, approaching the stroller, began to wear a chinel. But here, some young man (D. Karakozov) began to rudely pushed by commissarov ahead, getting a gun and aiming in the emperor.

After scattering to keep the king's rescue from the hands of a murderer, something unimagnible in the city began to work in the city. In all churches on solemn prayers about the health of the sovereign, the crowds of the people were fling. On the evening of April 4, Osip Ivanovich Commissar, dressed according to the case, was present at the reception in the Winter Palace, where the imperial arms and hot gratitude was honored. Alexander II hung on his chest to the Vladimir cross of the IV degree and agreed into hereditary nobles with the name of the surname - Kostroma Commissioner.

The Commissioner collapsed the flow of awards, congratulations and gifts. On September 1, the summer garden held a ceremony of laying the chapel of St. Alexander Nevsky in memory of the wonderful deliverance of the king from death. The eloquent entry in his diary did on that day Minister of Internal Affairs P. A. Valuev:

After about a year after the attempt by the guardian of the Commissioner, E. I. Totleben identified him with a Junker in Pavlograd 2nd Lieb-Gusar regiment. Representatives of the born families who served in this elite shelf were contempt for the newly minted nobleman. Without having enough will, to preserve his identity, Kostroma Commissioner received the glory of the reckless of the Cutles and drunkards. After retirement in 1877, in the rank of Rothmister Commissioners settled as a complachated estate in Poltava province and took up horticulture and beekeeping. He died, all forgotten, in 1892.


  • Hereditary nobility and lifelong pension of 3 thousand rubles
  • Order of St. Vladimir IV degree (Russia)
  • Commander Cross Order of Franz Joseph (Austria-Hungary)
  • Cavalier of the Order of Honorary Legion (France)

Other revenge

  • The deed peasant Osipa Komisarov was compared with the feat of Ivan Susanin, especially since his native village of Molitino was only 12 versts from the village of Domnino - Motherland Susanin.; In the theaters played by the opera "Life for the king", the flow of which was repeatedly interrupted by the general singing "God, Tsar Gran." Moscow historian and public figure M. P. Pogodin offered money from all over Russia money to buy a commissioner's estate and call him "Domnino Second".
  • A number of urban representative meetings, and in particular, the Moscow City Duma assigned the Commissioner-Kostroma rank of honor of an honorary citizen. The Assembly of the Multiple Poshensky Posadov (Ivanovo-Voznesensk) decided to assign the title of Honorary citizen of Posad to the Commissioner. The title was approved on April 30, 1866. Thus, O. I. Commissioners is an honorary citizen of the city of Ivanov.
  • N. A. Nekrasov dedicated to the Commissar Poelectic poem.
  • The Military Ministry in St. Petersburg collected 9 thousand rubles among officers to the Commissioner's house. The Moscow nobility presented him with a golden sword. The Moscow English Club made a former peasant with his honorary member. Former owner Commissar, the owner of the village of Molvitina Baron Kister 10 April in the Moscow Tavern gave a lunch for the peasants of the village of Molitino, which gathered about 40 people.
  • The St. Petersburg Mint Ied Medal "In memory of the wonderful salvation of Emperor Alexander II on April 4, 1866" With a portrait of the Kostroma Commissar on the obverse.
  • In the village of Gvitino, a monument to Komissarov-Kostromsky, stood before 1917, was established.
  • Special honors to Commissar were rendered in the Yenisei province, where his father - Ivan Alexandrovich Commissioners - was exiled in his time in the village of Nazarovsky for theft. Governor of the Yenisei province P. N. Zamaynin ordered a belt portrait of Osip Commissioner. Portrait hung in the noble collection of Krasnoyarsk. Residents of Krasnoyarsk collected for the Osipa of the Commissar-Kostromsky thousand rubles for the purchase of a house. In Nazarovsky, they opened a wilderness and called it in honor of the deceased Mother of the Savior - Commissar. In the male gymnasium of Krasnoyarsk, several commissioner scholarships were established.
  • In Moscow, the name "Comcisionarovskaya" received a two-year handicraft school for children of poor parents and orphans with tailoring, shoal and binding remodes, which became the hedle of MMI MMI.

Osip Ivanovich Commissioners (Komisarov) ( (1838 ) ; Selo Moltino, Buy County, Kostroma province (now PGT. Susanino, Susaninsky district, Kostroma region), Russian Empire -; Poltava province, Russian Empire) - Shapper Master, a native of the Kostroma province, which April 4, 1866 saved the life of Emperor Alexander II, heading toward the hand of the Emperor D. Karakozov, for which he was erected into a hereditary nobility with the name Commissioner-Kostroma .


Commissar was from the village of Polyvitino Buusky County of the Kostroma province. Since the natives of this village have long produced sewing hats and caps in big cities, Osipa Commissar, too, from the youngsters, was given to the teaching to the St. Petersburg Hat Master.

On September 1, the summer garden held a ceremony of laying the chapel of St. Alexander Nevsky in memory of the wonderful deliverance of the king from death. The eloquent entry in his diary did on that day Minister of Internal Affairs P. A. Valuev:

Quite a lot of people. Among the persons participating in the ceremony were commissioners. He stood beside his inventor General Totleben. It is decorated with different foreign orders, which gives him a kind of official who committed foreign trips to the retinue of high Persons. Conjuncture. Today is the layout of the chapel, tomorrow Muravyov's funeral, the post-tomorrow execution of Karakozov.

After about a year after the attempt by the guardian of the Commissioner, E. I. Totleben identified him with a Junker to Pavlograd 2nd Lab-Gusar regiment. Representatives of the born families who served in this elite shelf were contempt for the newly minted nobleman. Without having enough will, to preserve his identity, Kostroma Commissioner received the glory of the reckless of the Cutles and drunkards. After retirement in 1877, in the rank of Rothmister Commissioners settled as a complachated estate in Poltava province and took up horticulture and beekeeping. He died, all forgotten, in 1892.


Other revenge

  • The deed of the peasant Osipa Komisarov was compared with the feat of Ivan Susanin, especially since his native village of Moltino was only 12 versts from the village of Domnino - the Motherland of Susanin. ; In the theaters played by the opera "Life for the king", the flow of which was repeatedly interrupted by the general singing "God, Tsar Gran." Moscow historian and public figure M. P. Pogodin offered money from all over Russia money to buy a commissioner's estate and call him "Domnino Second".
  • A number of urban representative meetings, and in particular, the Moscow City Duma assigned the Commissioner-Kostroma rank of honor of an honorary citizen. The Assembly of the Multiple Poshensky Posadov (Ivanovo-Voznesensk) decided to assign the title of Honorary citizen of Posad to the Commissioner. The title was approved on April 30, 1866. Thus, O. I. Commissioners is an honorary citizen of the city of Ivanov.
  • The Military Ministry in St. Petersburg collected 9 thousand rubles among officers to the Commissioner's house. The Moscow nobility presented him with a golden sword. The Moscow English Club made a former peasant with his honorary member. The former owner of the Commissar, the owner of the village of Molvitina Baron Kister on April 10 in the Moscow Tavern gave a lunch for the peasants of the village of Molitino, which gathered about 40 people.
  • St. Petersburg Mint Intoked Medal "In memory of the wonderful salvation of Emperor Alexander II on April 4, 1866" With a portrait of the Kostroma Commissar on the obverse.
  • In the village of Gvitino, a monument to Komissarov-Kostromsky, stood before 1917, was established.
  • Special honors to Commissar were rendered in the Yenisei province, where his father - Ivan Alexandrovich Commissioners - was exiled in his time in the village of Nazarovsky for theft. Governor of the Yenisei province P. N. Zamaynin ordered a belt portrait of Osip Commissioner. Portrait hung in the noble collection of Krasnoyarsk. Residents of Krasnoyarsk collected for the Osipa of the Commissar-Kostromsky thousand rubles for the purchase of a house. In Nazarovsky, they opened a wilderness and called it in honor of the deceased Mother of the Savior - Commissar. In the male gymnasium of Krasnoyarsk, several commissioner scholarships were established.
  • In Moscow, the name "Commissar" received a biennial handicraft school for children of poor parents and orphans with tailoring, shoal and binding remodes, which became the hedle of MMI "Mami".

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  • "Evening Moscow" October 28, 2009.
  • . - m., 1866.

Excerpt characterizing Commissioners, Osip Ivanovich

- No, but sometimes something else is ...- For some reason, it's funny smiling, baby answered. - I was exactly the same way, for which I was very much "battled" ... oh, it was so stupid! ..
- But as? - I am very interested, I asked.
Stella immediately answered:
- Oh, it was very funny! - And almost thinking, added, - but also dangerous too ... I was looking for all the "floors" the past embodiment of my grandmother, and instead of her, on her "thread", a completely different essence came, which somehow managed to "copy" Babushkin " Flower "(apparently, too," the key "!) And as soon as I managed to appeal, that I finally found it, this unfamiliar essence ruthlessly struck me in the chest. Yes, so much that I haven't flown a little soul! ..
- And how did you get rid of it? - I was surprised.
- Well, honestly, I did not get rid of ... - the girl was embarrassed. - I just called my grandmother ...
- And what do you call "floors"? - I still could not calm down.
- Well, these are different "worlds" where the essences of the dead live ... In the most beautiful and high, those who were good ... and, probably, the most strong too.
- Such as you? - I smiled, I asked.
- Oh, no, of course! I probably came here by mistake. - Girly said absolutely sincerely. - Do you know what the most interesting thing? From this "floor" we can walk everywhere, and from others no one can get here ... True - I wonder? ..
Yes, it was very strange and very excitingly interesting for my "hilarious" brain, and I so wanted to know more! .. Maybe I never really explained anything before that day, but simply someone else that Yes, I gave (as for example, my "star friends"), and therefore, even such a simple child explanation already made me unusually happy and made it even more furious to dig in his experiments, conclusions and mistakes ... As usual, finding all the events Even more incomprehensible. My problem was that I could do or create "unusual" I could be very easy, but all the trouble was that I also wanted to understand how I would create it ... But it was not very much that I could have managed ...
- And the remaining "floors"? Do you know how many of them? They are completely different, unlike this one? .. - Unable to stop, I looked at Steel with questions.
- Oh, I promise you, we will definitely go there! You will see how interesting there! .. Only there is dangerous too, especially in one. There are such monsters walk! .. Yes, and people are not very pleasant too.
"I think I have already seen similar mandes," I remembered something, I didn't say very confidently. - Here look ...
And I tried to show her the first visited in my life, astral creatures that attacked a drunken dad baby Vesta.
- Oh, it's the same! Where did you see them? On the ground?!..
- Well, yes, they came when I helped one good little girl to say goodbye to my dad ...
"So they come to alive? .." My girlfriend was very surprised.
- I do not know Stella. I still don't know anything at all ... And so I would like to not walk in the dotters and not recognize everything only on the "touch" ... or from my experience, when constantly "beat on the head" ... what do you think , Your grandmother would not teach something to me? ..
"I don't know ... You probably have to ask it myself?"
The girl deeply thought about something, then he was gladly laughed and the fun said:
- It was so funny when I just started to "create" !!! Oh, you would know how it was ridiculous and funny! .. Initially, when everything was "left" from me, it was very sad, and I cried a lot ... I didn't know where they didn't know, and my brother. .. I did not know anything else. Then, apparently, the grandmother fell sorry for me and she began to teach me little. And ... oh, what was! .. Initially, I was constantly falling somewhere, created all the "colors of the opposite" and the grandmother had to watch me almost all the time. And then I learned ... Even a pity, because she now comes less often ... and I am afraid that it may ever come at all ...
I first saw how sad sometimes this little lonely girl is, despite all these, created by her, amazing worlds! .. And whatever she was a happy and kind "from birth," she still remained very small, all Native unexpectedly abandoned by the child, who was panicked, so that the only native man is her grandmother - it would also be left one day ...
- Oh, please, do not think so! - I exclaimed. - She loves you so much! And she will never leave you.
- Yes No ... She said that we all have our own life, and we have to live it as everyone is destined ... It is sad, right?
But Stella, apparently, simply could not be in a sad state for a long time, since her lyrchiko again worsened, and she had already asked a completely different voice:
- Well, we will look further or have you forgotten everything?
- Well, of course, we will be! "As it were, I just wake up from sleep, now I have already answered with a greater willingness."
I could not even say with confidence that at least something really understand. But it was incredibly interesting, and some stelleins have already become more understandable than it was at the very beginning. The baby for a second focused on a second, and we were again in France, as if starting exactly from the same moment on which they recently stopped ... Again there was the same rich crew and the same beautiful couple that could not To agree ... Finally, completely desperate something to prove something with his young and capricious lady, the young man leaned back to the back of a measly squeezed seating and sadly pronounced:
- Well, if you think, Margarita, I do not ask your help more ... Although, alone, God knows, who else could help me see with her? .. I just do not understand when you have time so change? .. And does it mean that we are not friends now?
The girl only shouter smiled and turned away again to the window ... She was very beautiful, but it was cruel, cold beauty. Frozening in her radiant, blue eyes impatiently and, at the same time, a bored expression, as it should not be better shown, as far as she wanted to finish this prolonged conversation as soon as possible.
The crew stopped near a beautiful big house, and she finally sighed light easier.
- Farewell, Axel! - Easily thumping outwards, she spent coldly said. - And let me finally give you good advice - Stop being romantic, you are no longer a child more! ..
The crew tried. The young man named Axel keenly looked at the road and sadly whispered himself:
- Merry my "Margarita", what happened to you? .. Is it really all that from us, it remains, remains?! ..
The vision disappeared and appeared another ... It was all the same young man named Axel, but around him there was already completely different, awesome "reality", which was more like some kind of unreal, implausible dream ...
Thousands of candles dizzyly sparkled in huge mirrors of some fabulous hall. Apparently, it was someone's very rich palace, perhaps even the royal ... an incredible set "In the Pooh and in the dust", the guests were standing, sat and walked in this wonderful hall, dazzling each other smiling and, from time to time, as one , looking at the heavy, gilded door, waiting for something. Somewhere quietly played music, adorable ladies, one more beautiful than the other, fluttered, as multicolored butterflies under admiring glances also stunningly smashed men. Everything around glittered, I sparkled, shone with the reflections of various precious stones, softly rustled silk, coquettishly swayed huge intricate wigs, covered with fabulous flowers ...
Axel stood, leaning against the marble column and the missing glance was observed all this brilliant, a bright crowd, remaining completely indifferent to all its charms, and it was felt that, as well as everyone else, he was waiting for something.
Finally, everything came into motion, and all this exceeding the crowd, as the magic wand, divided into two parts, forming exactly in the middle a very wide, "ball" passage. And on this pass, a completely stunning woman was slowly moving ... Rather, a couple was moving, but the man next to her was so simple and unwashed, which, despite his magnificent clothes, his whole appearance was just stuck next to his stunning partner.
The beauty of the lady was like the spring - her blue dress was completely embroidered with fancy paradise birds and amazing, silver-pink flowers, and integer garlands of real living flowers were resting on her silky, intricate laid, asholes. Many threads of gentle pearls walked her long neck, and literally glowed, shaded the extraordinary whiteness of its amazing skin. Huge sparkling blue eyes were looking at the people around others. She smiled happily and was awesome beautiful ....

French Queen Maria Antoinette

Immediately, standing from everyone away, Axel literally transformed! .. A bored young man somewhere, in the blink of an eye, disappeared, and instead of him ... There was a living embodiment of the most beautiful on earth of the feelings, which a burning look literally "devoured" The beauty of the lady approaching him ...
"Oh-oh ... What kind of color is it beautiful! .." Stella exhaled enthusiastically. - She is always so beautiful! ..
- And what, did you see her many times? - I asked interested.
- Oh yeah! I go to look at it very often. She, like spring, is it true?
- And you know her? .. Do you know who she is?
"Of course! .. She is a very unfortunate queen," the baby suffered a little bit.
- Why is unhappy? For me it is so very happy, "I was surprised.
"It's only now ... And then she will die ... very scary will die - she will cut his head ... But I do not like to look," Stella whispered sadly.
Meanwhile, the beauty of the lady was glad with our young accele, and, seeing him, frozen from surprise for a moment, and then blushing charmingly, he smiled very cute. For some reason, I had the impression that the world was frozen around these two people ... as if it didn't exist on some very short moment, nothing and anyone around, besides them, two ... But the lady moved on , and the magical moment broke up for thousands of short moments, which splash between these two people into a strong sparkling thread so as not to let them go ...

About the first attempt on the Russian emperor. He made it a 25-year-old student who came from the poor nobles by Dmitry Karakozov, but saved the king of Osip Commissioners, Hat Master, who came from the Kostroma peasants. Let me remind you how events developed.

4 (16 According to a new style) April 1866, the first attempt on the emperor Alexander II was committed. At 4 o'clock afternoon, the king was returning from walking along the summer garden, accompanied by Alexander the nephew of the Duke of Nikolai Lihtenberg and the niece of Princess Maria Badenskaya. At the entrance to the Summer Garden of the Emperor, I was expecting a coach and a crowd of Zevaak, who wanted to be attempting to the reigning person. Alexander stopped at the crew and began to wear a shinel, at that moment a pistol shot came from which no one had suffered. According to the official version, the emperor saved the simple Russian peasant Osip Commissioners.

Osip Ivanovich Commissar took place from the village of Malvitino Bui district of the Kostroma province, was born in 1838, was serf. Fisheries female lubricated was the production of hats and caps, so the young Osip was sent to St. Petersburg to the teachings of the hat with the Garden Master. In St. Petersburg, Osip was delivered to the apprentice, married.

Passing past the summer garden, he saw the carriage near which people crowded. Upon learning from passersby, that this is the royal crew, Osip joined the seva. Soon Alexander approached the carriage and began to change the sinel. Some young man began to rudely pushed by commissarov forward, getting a gun and aiming in the emperor.

Further commissioners described like this:

"I myself do not know what, but my heart somehow especially beat when I saw this man who hastily made his way through the crowd; I unwittingly followed him, but then, however, I forgot him when the sovereign came up. Suddenly I see that he took out and celite a pistol: MiG introduced me to me that, if I quit him or push his hand aside, he would kill someone else or me, and I involuntarily pushed his hand to the top; Then I do not remember anything, I myself as the very sophisticated. "

News about the salvation of the sovereign is a simple man, and even from near Kostroma, the city immediately went around. Naturally, an analogy with another Kostroma peasant is Ivan Susanin. The enthusiasm of the public from the "wonderful salvation" Alexander II did not know the borders. In all churches for solemn prayers for the health of the sovereign, the crowds of the people were glad. In the Mariinsky Theater and the Moscow Bolshoi Theater, urgently changed the repertoire, only one thing was, the opera "Life for the king" was going, she was "Ivan Susanin".

In the evening of the same day, Osip Commissioners, dressed as a fit, was adopted in the Winter Palace, where the imperial arms was awarded. Alexander II hung on his chest to the Vladimir cross of the IV degree and agreed into hereditary nobles with the name of the surname - Kostroma Commissioner. Subsequently, the new Russian nobleman Osip Commissioner-Kostromskaya was awarded the Austro-Hungarian commander of the Order of Franz Joseph and the French Order of the Honorary Legion. The monetary house has ceased the medal "in memory of the wonderful salvation of Emperor Alexander II on April 4, 1866" With a portrait of the Kostroma Commissar on the obverse.

Ovep, Osip Ivanovich turned into an incredibly popular figure, in honor of him, gave tricks and lunches, Nekrasov dedicated poems to him. The former owner of the Commissar, the owner of the village of Molvitina Baron Kister, on April 10 in the Moscow Tractor gave a lunch for the peasants of the village of Molitino in Moscow, which about 40 people gathered. At the homeland of Hero in the village of Gvitino, a monument to Komissarov-Kostromsky, stood up to October 1917, until he was broken by fellow villagers. The Kostroma Road landowner draws up for 784 decisions of the Earth on the Kostroma River. Moscow Duma assigns him the title of Honorary Citizen.

Gradually, the excitement around Osipa Commissar began to subscribe. The last time the general public sees it at the chapel ceremony of St. Alexander Nevsky in memory of the wonderful deliverance of the king from death.

Adjutant General Eduard Totleben, appointed by Alexander II guardian to the new nobleman Osipov Komsomarov-Kostromsky, a year after the attempt on the emperor, determined his ward to Junker to the prestigious 2nd Lieba Gusar Pavlograd regiment. In the shelf were exclusively born nobles, of course, they reacted with contempt for an involvement of the Commissioner. Once in the unusual and hostile Wednesday, Osip Ivanovich found famous way Fight with mental injuries - began to drink. It would probably be sprieled at all, but in 1877 he retired in Rothmister. Settled as a complachated estate in the Poltava province, engaged in gardening, bought bees and died in 1892.

Osip Ivanovich Commissioners. Cap Master, a native of the Kostroma province, which on April 4, 1866 saved the life of Emperor Alexander II, dragged to the hand of her hand at the emperor D. Karakozov, for which he was erected into a hereditary nobility with the name of Commissar-Kostroma. "On April 4, 1866, Commissioners, passing by the summer garden, saw the crew standing at the gate, around which the yawats were crowded. Having learned that the stroller belongs to the king, who walked around the garden, he joined the crowd. Soon he saw Alexander II, who approached Alexander II, who approached A stroller, began to wear a chinel. But here some young man (D. Karakozov) began to rudely pushed by commissarov forward, getting a gun and aiming in the emperor. "I myself don't know what, but my heart somehow especially beat when I saw This man who hastily pierced through the crowd; I involuntarily followed him, but then, however, I forgot him when the sovereign came out. Suddenly I see that he took out and celite a pistol: I imagined the moment me that, if I quit him or pushed him Hand aside, he will kill someone else or me, and I unwittingly and with force pushed his hand to the top; then I don't remember anything, I myself as the very reckoned. "After the scattering to lead about the salvation of the king from the hands of the killer, a simple Russian man in the city became TV Go something unimaginable. In all churches on solemn prayers about the health of the sovereign, the crowds of the people were fling. On the evening of April 4, Osip Ivanovich Commissar, dressed according to the case, was present at the reception in the Winter Palace, where the imperial arms and hot gratitude was honored. Alexander II hung on his chest to the Vladimir cross of the IV degree and agreed into hereditary nobles with the name of the surname - Kostroma Commissioner. After about a year after the attempt of the guardian of the Commissioner, E. I.Totleben determined it with a Junker to the Pavlograd 2nd Lieba Gusar Regiment. Representatives of the born families who served in this elite shelf were contempt for the newly minted nobleman. Without having enough will, to preserve his identity, Kostroma Commissioner received the glory of the reckless of the Cutles and drunkards. After retirement in 1877, in the rank of Rothmister Commissioners settled as a complachated estate in Poltava province and took up horticulture and beekeeping. He died in 1892. Karakozov was hanged on September 3, 1866 on the Smolensk Field (Vasilyevsky Island) in St. Petersburg, with a large crossing of the people. N. A. Nekrasov's poem, which he read April 9, 1866 during the honor of O. I. Commissionarov in the English club seriously dropped the reputation of the poet among the liberal intelligentsia. And the magazine "Contemporary" Nekrasova was closed.


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