What to do if the house is stealing electricity. The evidence of known methods of theft of electricity

What to do if the house is stealing electricity. The evidence of known methods of theft of electricity

Electricity theft is a very common phenomenon, so every second law-abiding citizen has an interest in the ability to calculate the thief. Of course, electricity is not a potato and after his embarrassment there is no evidence. Turning off from the network, your neighbor instantly erases all traces.

To begin with, to understand the subject of electricity theft, it is necessary to find materials and books in which ways of theft and methods for calculating theft are given. Information on the network relating to this issue is quite a lot. It is easiest to steal electricity in private homes than in multi-unit. Therefore, considering the most common ways to calculate theft, will be repelled from the house, which is private ownership.

How to calculate the thief: common ways

Consider methods of electricity theft and options for their calculation.

We will not tell all folk tricks at once, but above are the most common ways of theft. The people are rich in fiction and sometimes the fact of theft of energy will not reveal.

Examination for theft recognition

If you do not have enough time and strength to calculate the attacker, and you have already tired of paying an extra order, consult a knowledgeable electrician either into the police. As a rule, a good electrician can immediately find a leakage and determine which electricity has steal from the neighbors behind you.

Ordinary citizens are not at all obliged to understand the device of electrical counters and wiring. To do this, there are special bodies that must be responsible without engaging consumers. But not in all cities it is. Therefore, in the presence of suspicion of theft on the part of the neighbors, call specialists for expertise. They instantly solve your problem.

How to protect yourself from theft

Be sure to purchase a multimeter equipped with an annular sensor. So you can measure the degree of tension on the introductory cables. magnetic field. If at the same time the counter does not wind, then definitely your neighbor steals, and you can imitate it in lies.

Periodically contact the management company, which will be able to determine the fact of theft of electricity.

In addition, you must periodically check the counter, which is located on the site (if it is a multi-apartment building). It is important that the meter winding has been connected to the phase wire. No other options are allowed. Thus, you will protect yourself from overpayments at the end of the calendar month.

In accordance with the contract for the provision of electricity, citizens are obliged to make a fee for supplying a resource monthly. Unfair consumers use illegal methods of connecting to someone else's network, "twisting" meter testimony and other methods of embezzlement in order not to pay for electricity.

Unauthorized connection to networks entails the offensive of administrative and criminal liability. You will learn from our article on the ways of theft of electricity and measures to combat this phenomenon.

Where usually steal?

Most cases of electricity theft occurs in horticultural partnerships. In apartment buildings it happens less often.

Most often, debtors go to such violations, which turned off the light for non-payment. To enjoy electricity, they restore the filing and continue not to pay on accounts.

Theft of electricity in SNT

The problem of unauthorized electricity is worried about each owner of the country area, as the unfair users have to pay all the other participants in the horticultural partnership. This is due to the fact that the contract for the supply of a resource is to SNT, and not with each owner of the country house separately, therefore the account is exhibited.

At the same time, counters are usually located inside the site. Owners can use various ways to escape theft of electricity and not allow the SNT inspectors from the Board to their territory.

Methods of embezzlement and methods of detection

List all the schemes of theft of electricity is difficult, as the offenders constantly come up with new, and also improve the old ways.

The main methods of attackers include:

  • the operation of the counter in the opposite direction. This effect is achieved by replacing the phase and zero in front of the accounting device;
  • the use of strong magnets leads to a slowdown or complete cessation of the counter;
  • creation of a separate line with a branch in front of the electricity metering device;
  • replacing the zero wire from the scheme into which the counter on the grounded structures of the structure (for example, fittings) is included.

The fact of electricity theft can be installed in different ways:

  • identification of individual consumers the same low indicators every month over a long period;
  • reconciliation of indicators of the general meter with total indicators of individual consumers;
  • detecting the discrepancy of the load according to the readings of the accounting devices and the actual, determined when checking using the current collecting ticks or multimeter;
  • load control over lines common use and general business;
  • visual control of electrical networks. For example, the presence of additional grounding lines.


If you suspect that the neighbors illegally connected to your instrument accounting, and you pay for their electricity, turn off all devices, check the voltage in all sockets and turn the light. If a light bulb will turn around somewhere, then the neighbor uses your electricity. This method is suitable for old panel houses, since the sockets in them were installed in the through hole between adjacent rooms.

There are 2 more ways to learn about illegal connection:

  • if the meter is located in the entrance, check the package of the seal and the presence of additional wires. If you find "extra" wires going on to account for a metering device, then neighbors steal the resource;
  • turn off the machines and look at the device. If he continues to releasing kilowatts, it means that someone connected to you.

How to deal?

If you notice that you have stealing electricity, we recommend to talk directly with the neighbor, whom you suspect. During the conversation, it should be clarified that when you repeat the incident, you will be forced to contact the law enforcement agencies with a statement about bringing it to administrative responsibility.

Remove the losses already incurred in practice is little real. Since, when the embezzlement, unscrupulous citizens refer to the fact that the illegal connection was made by the previous owners of the apartment or an electrician during repair.

Methods for carrying out violations in SNT:

  • conduct frequent unscheduled inspections.

The disadvantage of this method is that the owners of Dachas often simply do not allow the representatives of the Board to the territory of the site to verify the accounting device;

  • the output of the counters from the sections to the supports of power lines that are in plain sight.

The disadvantage of this method is that, while under the influence of atmospheric phenomena - rain, snow, counters quickly fail, and dachensons have to change them at their own expense.

Where to contact?

In order to punish the offender, you should write a statement to an energy sales company with a request to carry out an unscheduled check. The document needs to describe the situation in detail, which served as the reason for the appeal. It is served personally or by registered letter with the notice. With personal feed, prepare 2 copies and ask to put on your mark on receipt.

According to the application, the answer is carried out, the answer is given within 30 days. When working on the appeal, employees of the company check the fact of theft of electricity. We recommend at this time at home and fix the presence of connecting a photo or video.

After receiving the answer, you can contact the police or the prosecutor's office with a statement by attaching an answer from the energy sales company.

Qualifying signs

If, as a result of unauthorized connection to the source of electricity, damage was damaged in a large or especially large scale, or the connection was carried out by the organized group by prior agreement, then the "separated" a small administrative fine at the attacker will not work. If there is a criminal act of qualifying signs of perpetrators, criminal liability is waiting for the qualifying signs.


Large damage is the amount of more than 250,000 rubles, especially large - 10,000,000 rubles.

Recreation against related crimes

The main differences in unauthorized connection to networks from various forms of embezzlement - theft, fraud, robbery, and a differential, is that the offender does not render and does not assign someone else's property for free.

What punishment and responsibility are provided?

In accordance with Art. 7.19 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, the unauthorized connection and use of electricity in the absence of a penalty imposition of a penalty in the absence of signs of a criminal offense:

  • 10,000-15,000 rubles on individuals;
  • 30000-80000 rubles on officials;
  • 100,000-200,000 rubles on legal entities.

In relation to officials, instead of a fine, another type of punishment can be chosen - disqualification for a period of 1 to 2 years.

When damaged in a large or highly large scale, as well as when making theft of electricity, a criminal liability is provided for criminal liability organized by the Group's legislation.

In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 165 of the Criminal Code for causing major damage by deception without signs of theft, including by unauthorized connection to the power grid, the guilty faces the punishment in the form:

  • fine up to 300,000 rubles;
  • forced work up to 2 years;

As an additional sanction, a restriction of freedom may be appointed or without anything.

Maximum punishment - 2 years of imprisonment with a fine of up to 80 thousand and restriction of freedom until the year. Appoint or not an additional punishment, the court every time solves individually depending on the specific circumstances of the case.

If the crime is committed by an organized group, or the damage to a particularly large amount is caused, the judge appoints a sanction in the form:

  • forced work for a period of 5 years with a limitation of freedom to 2 years;
  • imprisonment up to 5 years with a fine of up to 80 thousand and restriction of freedom up to 2 years.

Electricity theft is an unlawful consumption of energy resources with an unauthorized connection to the network by the consumer or to establish the smallest kilowatt accrual for the instrument of consumption accounting. What kind of type of punishment will be assigned to the violator depends on the amount of damage and the degree of danger.

Punishment for theft of electricity is provided:

  1. Code of Administrative Offenses.
  2. Criminal Code.
  3. Civil Code.

The law on theft of electricity is not harsh. Damage from illegal use of electricity in Russia exceeds several billion rubles. In the form of sanction for theft of electricity, the responsibility is provided for under Article 165 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (causing material damage to the state). The highest measure in this kind of crime is a prison term of up to five years, conjugate with a fine of up to 80 thousand.

To keep records consumed by energy resources, at the entrance to the house, a generalical power meter is mounted. A trunk riser is underway from it upwards, from which the branches of the wires are going to each apartment.

So that the counter does not show how much energy resources is consumed, the thief uses some methods for theft of electricity:

Free electrical resources does not happen, everyone knows. Therefore, consumers pay for consumed electricity in full. Tariffs are set by local authorities. For accounting for all the energy consumed in each room or apartment, the counters are installed.

Theft of state electricity is an unlawful connection or waste of light energy. If a person does not pay for services on time, then it is responsible for non-payment, this is not connected with fraud.

Criminal liability for electricity theft is provided as follows:

  • if energy consumption is associated with mercenary struggle or malicious intent;
  • the amount of harm is 250 thousand rubles and more.

Contact human rights bodies has the Supplier of resources and the company for the sale of energy resources. To attract violators to justice, it is necessary to confirm the reality of fraud, and how much resources are abducted under individual consumption.

To identify fraudsters, suppliers will carry out counters in a private and residential building. If you find that the operation of the accounting device intervened, then they constitute an act of illegal electricity consumption. A citizen can challenge the act in court and pay debt.

When executing an act of illegal use, the meter is invalid, the standard in this case is calculated from the moment of fixing the correct indications. The norm is considered an increased indicator and will be varied from natural consumption. The amount in identifying damage is prescribed in a statement that is sent to human rights bodies. When the amount of damage caused over 250 thousand rubles, a criminal case is initiated, on the basis of Article 165 of the Criminal Code.

If it turns out the fact that the consumer began to steal energy resources, the violator is attracted to responsibility depending on the damage caused. According to the Code of Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, Article 7.19 for unauthorized connection to electric networks shall be punished with a fine in the amount of up to 15,000 rubles for individuals, up to 80 thousand rubles for officials, up to 200,000 rubles for legal entities.

If the damage of unauthorized use by electricity is more than 250 thousand rubles, then in addition to administrative responsibility, it faces criminal liability.

Articles provide:

Typically, the court makes a decision to recover compensation if the crime accomplished a private person. The use of hard punishment in the form of imprisonment is applied in fairly large size, qualifies according to the following signs: the crime is committed by a group of persons in a preliminary conspiracy or an organized group.

If the fact of a violation is established, then the perpetrator threatens to pay a fine up to 300 thousand rubles or in the amount of wages or other income.

Criminal and administrative sanctions are not excluding civil and legal consistence. It is responsibilities to compensate for the damage incurred by the network company. For used energy will need to pay. Compensation of non-pecuniary damage, in case of assumptions by the consumer of the violations discussed above, is not taken into account.

If the criminal has a desire to take risks, he wants to save stolen kilowatts, then it is waiting for the payback for violation. First of all, he threatens the investigation and the procedure in court, as well as not only the payment of the principal debt, but also payment for the legal adviser in this case.

They may turn off the light before the announcement of the judicial ruling and payment of the amount of the fine for the resort of energy resources. In case of evidence of theft, the penalty is determined by the court from the marginal potential use, which is on the production of electrical appliances for the period of detecting differences in the testimony of a joint meter on the LEP and joint readings of customer metering.

Devices that can be illegally saved on energy

A lot of fraud methods describe in the Internet with a description of various devices and a connection scheme. Devices appeared on sale, which allow them to legally save on energy consumed. Sometimes these devices do not act and cost big money. Underground masters are notified by buyers that their instruments are created to steal electricity.

The circuit provides for the selection of the current, which is reproduced by powerful thyristors and tracks the fluctuations of the network sinusoids. Capacitors are charged with a current. When it is reversed back to the network and is formed by a sinusoidal voltage generator, which is powered by electrical appliances. This method will help slow down the power meter.

Such an inconspicuous way of fraud has a drawback - radio interference, which make a short time impulses. These interference can be strongly tangible that for electricians, with special devices, distortions will be seen within the boundaries of the network of the transformer substation.

In which cases, electricity is turned off:

  1. The resource feed agreement is terminated by agreement of the parties.
  2. The client broke the contract.
  3. Formed for non-payment of electricity.
  4. Unauthorized connection to the network.
  5. Consumption is carried out without me.
  6. Untime payment.

Partial shutdown is assumed if industrial means are installed that limit the consumption of energy resources. In this case, the supplier is obliged to warn the client at least 15 calendar days before the restriction.

When the buyer has accumulated debt for 3 billing periods, the supplier must warn the buyer in 15 days. Account should be paid timely.

Special attention was awarded the situation when they suspected their own neighbors in fraud. What to do and how to interest to answer for your actions - this is the question that is most asked to those skilled in the art when discussing this unpleasant topic. To confront, there are special layouts, with extraordinaries and subtleties.

Before contacting suppliers, professionals are advised to attempt to talk with neighbors to verify the events. Another thing is when a citizen is decided to call an electrician who explores the place of inclusion, and will notice the precedent of fraud.

The following actions will be taken:

  • write an appeal to the management company with wishes;
  • after the arrival of the representative of the power company, together with him to sign the act of the presence of the embezzlement, and still fix the confirmation of eyewitnesses. It is necessary to ask to subscribe under the actual act of all involved persons;
  • at the end of these manipulations, you can contact the court and the prosecutor's office to restore violated rights and freedoms.

If the guilty understands the wrongness of his own acts, then he:

  • reimburses harm in full after the criminal case opened;
  • consides no longer perform similar actions.

In the event that the parties go to the world, then the case can be closed behind the reconciliation of the parties.

The law provides for reconciliation of the parties from the victim if there is no consent to this, the trial is carried out at a single basis. In practice, the supplier usually goes towards consumers, if the debts are returned and there are no objections to the termination of a criminal case from other persons.

Now in the Duma of the Russian Federation, the draft law is under consideration, which proposes to tighten the sanction for the spread of light energy. This plan implies a limitation of a person's will for six years. If the law on theft of electricity is accepted, then for the commission of the crime, the perpetrator threatens a large fine of up to 500 thousand or forced work.

Wanting to save, the people are rich in various kinds of fiction. These methods can be legitimate and well-founded material status, and may simply be theft.

If you think that neighbors steal electricity, they will not be difficult for them.

Before you make sure that the neighbors increase your bill for the light and do something, you should check the fact theft and preferably - all methods.

There are several ways:

  • Checking the integrity of the seal on the meter;
  • Checking extra or missing wires;
  • Detection of unnecessary wires bypassing the accounting device;
  • Disconnection on the shield and checking light in the apartment;
  • Check voltage over sockets;
  • Check voltage on batteries and heating stands;
  • Disable all devices in the house.

Not all of these methods can be available for execution, as it will be necessary to check the pipes not only in its apartment, and the neighbors.

And this is their private territory, where the neighbors are completely eligible for anyone. Consider in more detailed ways to theft and what to do to detect them in an apartment building.

Definition by wire

The methods of theft of electricity every day are more and more, even transformer booths and the meters of the new sample are exposed to rogues. Before finding out the relationship with neighbors, you should check everything. possible options And act strictly according to the law.

The first thing to do is to inspect the meter on the site.

If you briefly: two wires go to the meter and two wires go from it as the load on the apartment. The first two is input. These two wires - phase and zero. At the input phase always comes first, and zero - the third among the wires on the meter. At the exit - the second phase, zero fourth. To steal electricity, it is enough to change the phase in places and zero on a single-phase meter.

Another evidence in your favor is the lack of a seal or violation of their integrity. The testimony from the meter is considered reliable only if the seals on the device are preserved safely.

And finally, pay attention to the wiring. Any additional wires on the apartment meter or any wiring to bypass the accounting device is the explicit power to the electricity.

Disconnection on the shield

If you think that neighbors steal you with electricity, you can spend the following simple manipulations. In the shield, turn off the automatic switches and bow to the voltage measurement device.

In the apartment, turn on the light everywhere and check if there is a voltage in the outlets. If when the switches off switches in the shield, you have a lamp at home or there is a voltage in the outlet, it means that there is clearly the thief of electricity in your house.

The trick of such a method of theft is that the old buildings have common outlets on the wall. In other words, if your room is adjacent to the room where the neighbor lives and there is a socket in the wall, electricity is served as you and him. He just could connect the wire to such a socket and consume electricity, which comes to you.

Calculate the thief consuming electricity in this way, you can, checking the sockets and junction boxes - no extra wires and connections should be. And if there are still excessive wires, it is easy to determine which apartment they lead.

In addition, cunning neighbors may not just connect the wire, but also to install hidden sockets. They are usually inconspicuous at first glance, because they are mounted for washing machines, plates and refrigerators.

Another thing is that there are no wires on the electric separation scheme that goes to them too much distribution boxes or outlets.

Checking grounding

The zero and phase change can also occur in a different way. The phase is connected to zero, and the zero itself is turned off and connected to the ground. Counter ceases to wind.

But this method is quite secretive, as I taking the check in the house, the thief can return Zero to the meter, disconnecting it from the ground. Then the counter again begins to wind and in its testimony it is difficult to check anything.

Another thing is that the counter in an apartment building should be with a seal, and with the preservation of a seal to carry out such fraction, the Warmer will not succeed.

Manipulation with grounding can be carried out in another way. Increasingly, professional electricians working with the management companies, notice the wrath of electricity through the battery riser.

The thief just cleans small plot Batteries so that there are no paints on the surface and connects to the grounding to the riser.

In your meter, such manipulations will not affect anywhere, but there is another way to check - check the voltage on the battery. For this, there is enough instrument or simply an indicator screwdriver. If the battery voltage is there, and the items or the batteries themselves beaten current, the thief should be immediately.

To do this, talk to the neighbors to the floor above or below you. Ask to show the batteries - the stripped place can be seen immediately. You have the right to excitement not only for your funds, but also for your safety - electricity defeat in such cases thefts are very common.

other methods

In private sectors there are fairly common spheres of theft of electricity associated with wires. The wires from the house simply pushes on the wires of the pillar. It immediately rushes into the eyes, although it is difficult to prove the fact of theft if the owner of the house will remove the wires before checking and connect to the meter.

In addition, try turning off the houses absolutely all the equipment and light, preferably from the outlets. If the wheel of the counter continues to spin, it is likely to open electricity. But the reason can be the self-propelled counter, because it is clear here to definitely call the cause without qualified assistance.

Only people disassembled in electrical wiring can take advantage of an experienced way. The fact is that the meter is nothing like an electric motor. With the help of a correctly installed transformer, you can make the wheel of the counter spin both back and forth.

Usually for this, first reaffate the counter, by changing the phase and zero by places, then the transformer is connected to the outlet performing the role of the junction. Then, again, changing the zero and phase again on the transformer, you can make sure that the wheel of the counter went in the opposite direction.

To see the thief in such theft, you will need to inspect the apartment or warehouse - anyone available to the suspect. Usually such transformers are masked for old boxes, but it is easy to detect them, if, of course, there will be such an opportunity.

Theft depending on the meters

Given the model of counters, you can also organize the process of theft with minimal traces. Thus, it is almost impossible to catch the thief, but this time the connection does not go to the neighbors, the operation of the device simply stops.

The old model of a three-phase counter was easily wounded by the specified transformer. Having three entrances and three wires at the exit, any phase was chosen, for example, phase A. Then on the terminals of the input and output of the phase A, the voltage of up to 6 volts and the wheel of the meter began to move. And changing the wires in some places, the wheel changed the move on the opposite.

But today these manipulations are not available, for several reasons. These three-phase models are practically no use or on sale. Yes, and where they are still used, fillings are put, which deprive the possibilities to connect and change the phase in some places.

But consumers want to save, found a way out and from this position. Widden method - applying magnets from a neodymium alloy. The constant magnetic field of the alloy disrupts the engine of the counter, and this concerns both single-phase and three-phase models. Similar magnets are just put on the counter from above, and you can buy them everywhere, even on the Internet.

Installing modern electricity metering devices also does not protect electricity from theft. Models of the new sample type of NIK 2102-02 or sprout, despite the past certifications, react to any external magnetic field instantly. In new models, magnetic protection is not provided.

How to fight

First of all, make sure that the factory is really present. Finding it, talk to the tenants of the house. It often happens that there are long neighbors, making that their manipulations are disclosed, theft of light is stopped. At the same time you may not even know who it was.

Ask to show the pipes, check the connection checks and in their apartments too. In any case, conscientious neighbors will be interested in the drainage of them not to concern and contribute to your actions.

Where to apply if such methods did not work:

  • Make a statement to the management company;
  • They write a statement to the Energy Company;
  • Make up an act with an electrician verifying the factory;
  • Apply to the prosecutor's office or court.

The application for the management company is drawn up in free form. Set out the procedures for verification and attach the meter readings.

Well, if you list the devices that use, indicating their power consumption and make a comparison with those indications that your counter shows. The same statement is drawn up in energy sales.

The management company must assign an electrician who will come to test the fact of theft. The specialist is an act, complements its photographic materials (if possible). The compilation of the act is desirable to conduct in the presence of other residents at home with the collection of their signatures.

Common questions

  • What if the neighbor does not open the doors of the electrician? The specialist will make an act that it was not allowed for private property to verify and the case is transferred to the court.
  • What if when checking a neighbor erases all the evidence of theft? In some cases, theft, catch with political fails. At this case, electricians have an "stork" or "search" appliances, with which it is possible to detect where electricity leaves at any time. After that, an act is drawn up on the results of the operation of the instruments.
  • Where to apply if the act is drawn up, and the theft does not stop? In this case, the appointment of tenant tests and photographic materials should be applied to the court (if any).

What threatens the violator for theft of light

By the decision of the court will be appointed a measure of punishment, depending on who a street person is and what is the amount of theft. Individuals We are flying up to 4 thousand rubles. Officials for such frauds will pay up to 8 thousand rubles. If a legal entity committed a legal entity, the amount of the fine can reach 80 thousand rubles.

In addition, the culprit undertakes to pay the cost of all stolen electricity. If the cost of the abducted light is more than 250 thousand rubles, the culprit can be sentenced to criminal liability.

In some cases, when thefts were really big scales or too long, the culprit was obliged to make the installation of new metering devices and wiring, if during the abduction they were damaged.

Housing owners, whose electricity has been consumed illegally, has the right to demand moral compensation. Especially if we are talking about grounding through heating risers, as such a kind of embarrassment threatened their health and life.


Electricity abduction can be carried out both in private property and from general counters. In the second case, check the fact the theft is easier. In case of connecting from the apartment, the possibility of checking is limited, since the admission to the private territory of the suspect's apartment can be prohibited.

In case the neighbor does not want to go peaceful way, refer to the management company, which should provide an electrician. If the suspect refuses to allow an electrician to examine, the case is transmitted to the court.

According to the court decision, in the presence of evidence, the perpetrator may be awarded a penalty and an obligation to repair the instruments of accounting in the house, and in particular major thefts - criminal liability.

The desire for electricity consumers reduce electricity bills is absolutely justified in the modern realities of the economic crisis. But while some users try to introduce energy-saving lamps and technologies, other people are trying by fraud and theft reduce the amount of payment for electrical energy.

This article will describe the methods of fraud and electricity tools to warn users that these methods are well known to the controlling authorities, and that administrative and criminal liability is provided for such actions.

Leaving aside the differences in the administrative and criminal code of states whose citizens are now read this resource, it should be noted that in case of detection of the fact of theft of electricity, penalty for theft of electricity It may be ten times higher than the savings and benefit. In addition, the existing methods of theft of electricity are fairly quickly and easily determined by specialists with search algorithms and special devices. It should also be remembered that unauthorized unauthorized connection is fraught with the risk of fire.

Handicraft wiring unauthorized connection threatens fire

Common power of theft of electricity

As is known, an electricity meter is installed to take into account the electricity consumed at the injection of electricity. Accordingly, the task of the fraudster is to force the electric meter not to take into account (partially or completely) consumed electrical energy. There are technical techniques for theft of electricity:

It is worth recalling that the controlling authorities are well known about how to steal electricity, and they are familiar with the evidence, which remain after the use of the methods of theft of electricity described above

For example, after connecting to bypassing an electric meter on the terminals of automata and connectors, as well as on the surface of the wires of air lines, the power transmission always remain traces of contact In the form of melting and burning, especially if the current current was large, and it is precisely for significant free currents that illegal connections are made. In addition, the wires hidden in the wall used to unauthorized connection and theft of electricity can be detected using, even if they are not under voltage.

Search by specialists unauthorized wiring near the counter

The rest of the evidence that leaves the power of electricity

To connect, on the contrary, the electric meter of the old sample that allows operating in the opposite direction, in almost all cases it is necessary to disrupt or damage seals. With repeatedly similar illegal connection of the electrical counter to theft of electricity, damage or substitution of the seal will be noticeable with the naked eye, and for a specialist, the fact of implementation will be applied to the work of the accounting system.

Breaking the seal on the electric meter, or the repeated substitution will be apparent

If you put a magnet on the electricity meter in order to suspend or completely slow down the rotating mechanisms of the electricity meter in order to embed electricity, the effect of magnetization will be created. To stop the rotation of the electric meter, we need a particularly powerful neodymium magnet, which has almost incredible magnetic power (examples of accidents are known in case of careless handling of similar magnets, in which the strength of attraction is equivalent to hundreds of kilograms).

A powerful magnetic field holds magnets and stops the moving mechanisms of the electric meter

It is extremely dangerous to wear two neodymium magnets in pocket pockets - with their clutch possible damage to the skin and some organs!

This incredible magnetic field power means that the metal parts of the electric meter structure will remain magnetized by a very long time after removing the magnet. Since the electric meter should undergo a periodic check in the laboratory, the effect of magnetization will be easily detected with all the ensuing consequences of the accusation of the owner of the electric meter in theft of electricity. In addition, recently, electric meters are installed antimagnetic seals, collapsed when installing a magnet.

Special antimagnetic seal, destroyed from a powerful magnetic field

Measuring currents to identify theft of electricity

Since according to PUE standards, the zero wire must be inextricably follow to the electric meter, it is impossible to disable this conductor at all. But, if, when you ignore these rules or in the case of the operation of an old power supply system, electricity is carried out, it can be detected by reconciling the current and zero introductory wires using.

Measurement of currents to the current ticks in order to identify the facts of theft of electricity

Similar toko-measuring ticks can be installed on special fishing rods to connect to power lines. If the discrepancy between consumers consumed and paid and paid by consumers is recorded within a period of one transformer substation, measures are taken to identify electricity resistants.

Specialized device for simultaneous current check in several chains

Clamp measuring devices can be small sizes, designed for long-term tracking of electricity consumption. These devices can be installed by the control services, both on the power lines of the power lines and on the floors of the apartment consumers. Similarly, the facts of theft of electricity can be revealed, including those implemented by flashing the electric meter. It must be remembered that the modified program in the electrical meter will be immediately detected at a periodic check of the electric meter.

Checking electric meters special devices

Various devices that allow illegally "save" electricity

On many sites on the Internet, many ways are described how to steal electricity, including options for connections and schemes of homemade devices. Also available ready-made products, which, according to their creators, make it possible to legally save electricity by converting reactive power. In most cases, such devices are practically nothing and sold for great money to gurgleable buyers.

Such devices have an attractive appearancebut almost do not have any effect on savings

But some underground masters honestly warn their customers that their products are created specifically for theft of electricity. Such devices operate on the principle of pulsed short-term (several milliseconds) of the current across the electrical counter during the passage of the semi-sufficient sinusoid. A short-term impulse practically does not affect the electromagnetic system of the electric meter.

Current selection is performed by powerful thyristors, opening a special scheme that tracks the fluctuations in the network sinusoids. This current is charged with capacitors, which is given back to the network, or is converted by a sinusoidal voltage generator that feeds the connected electrical appliances. This method is almost impossible to achieve a complete stop of the counter, but it will be possible to slow down significantly.

On this diagram shows the charge of capacitors with impulses and a reverse discharge into the network in order to open the electric meter

If the electric meter allows reverse rotation, then the sinusoid generator, operating from capacitors charged by short-term pulses, is connected to the network of synphase with an overestimated voltage, forcing the electrical meter to "releasing" the existing readings. In both cases, the amount of compacted or emotional electricity depends on the power of thyristors of the selection and transistors of the generator, as well as the capacitance of capacitors and the type of electric meter.

With the apparent elegance and imperceptibility of this method of theft of electricity, there is one very noticeable drawback - this radiopomehiwhich create short-term impulses. These interference will be so strong that they will be felt by televisions, radio and mobile phones neighbors, and for specialists with special equipment, distortions will be noticeable within the network of the transformer substation. Similar distortions of the network voltage also creates an electric meter opening using a transformer.

Monitoring network status using a special program

Possible liability for theft of electricity

If the above arguments are left without attention, and there is a desire to risk to save on stolen kilowatts, the consumer and potential electricity thief must be aware of possible consequences in the case of exposure. First of all, this is the upcoming consequence and trial, with the payment of a lawyer's services in the case of the embezzlement of electrical energy.

The upcoming trial and subsequent punishment should be a warning for those who want to steal electricity

It is also possible to disable electricity before making a court decision and pay the amount of the fine for theft of electrical energy. In the case of proven power of electricity, the penalty will be determined by the court on the basis of the maximum potential consumption of electrical appliances on the farm for the detection of the inconsistency of the general meter at the substation and the total testimony of consumer meters.

In other words, as they speak in the people, in court on the guilty consumer "Spicy" all losses of the supply company within the transformer substation. Since this network could have the facts of theft of electricity by other unscrupulous users who immediately ceased their illegal activities after disclosing the fact of theft detection, as well as significant leakage of electricity, fine It may be prohibitively large, up to criminal liability.

Bird nests on LEP supports and other factors are the cause of significant leaks for which it may have to respond to the electricity drop

Legal advice is not included in this article, but it is worth mentioning the possible amounts of the fine and the years of imprisonment in some countries for theft of electricity:

  • In Russia, the maximum penalty in recalculation is about 80 thousand rubles and a period of five years;
  • In Ukraine - a fine of 100 to 200 not taxable minima and restriction of freedom to 3 years;
  • Belarus contributes a penalty in fivefold the amount of the amount of established losses from theft of electricity, plus the accompanying recovery (several million Belarusian rubles may be total).


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