Stories of children about the competition is the most talented reader. Read, think to create

Stories of children about the competition is the most talented reader. Read, think to create

Last week, Moscow found out the names of the "most talented readers" who fought for this title from the beginning of October. Read talented means: getting pleasant from reading, choosing books interesting and high-quality, be careful to the plot, wiser to be interested in the figure and, most importantly, be able to convey to other people than good book read.

An annual competition organizes the city methodical center for the Department of Education of Moscow. Employees of any school library can invite the guys to the first competitive stage. Participants are divided into three age categories: students of 1-2, 3-4 and 5-6 grades. Home billet for all - a presentation of your favorite book. No recommendations and even more guidance, what book "love", children do not give. At its discretion, schoolchildren choose the work and represent it to other participants in the form, which will consider the most spectacular: the book needs to be interested, and the usual retelling in this matter is not an assistant.

Among 1-2 classes, the best talented readers have become students of schools №№ 1125, 2120, 1194, 1239, 1284, 1529, 2048, 809, 1465, 1935, 2036, 89, 1551, 1270, 212, 2124, 878, 1158 , Moscow International School, Maryina Grove School.

In 3-4 classes Best readers learn in Schools Nos. 1980, 2009, 423, 1512, 1528, 1503, 2123, 1125, 1409, 1259, 1529, 89, 1034, 1450, 1623, 1420, 2053, 2051, 712, 1434, in the Romanovskaya School.

The most talented readers of the 5-6 grades are students of schools Nos. 1368, 117, 1551, 712, 1434, 1584, 1583, 1241, 2123, 2129, 1476, "Romanovskaya school".

I want to be pepi!

The preparation for the presentation includes librarians, teachers and parents. To tell about the favorite book with the help of drawings or crafts, children themselves, the 5th and 6th classes without adults coped with computer slides. But since the rules are allowed any forms of the presentation of the book, and the ideas are enormous, the support of young contestants is needed. "Some crafts - houses, terems - so huge that they are brought by car," says methodist Elizabeth Grechikhova.

"What don't we have! - confirms the statement that nothing restrains the fantasy of children, methodist Valentina Kuleshova. "The first grader performed rap, there was a performance with elements of gymnastics, one participant with the younger brother set a scene."

"I loved books about Sherlock Holmes and came to the competition in the image of this detective," explains his outfit George.

"On the advice of Mom, I read the book Vladislav Krapivina "Boy with a sword," says the contestant with rapius in his hands. "I liked the book, and I am now engaged in fencing."

Some children are their favorite books and themselves inspire on literary creativity. " Hans Christians He wrote about how good to pay for good, "the second-grades of Maria expressed his attitude to the" Snow Queen "in verses.

"I asked the guys, whether they feel" inside "books, whether heroes are experiencing heroes," says methodist Valery Kutuzov. - One girl told me that even cried from the read. And the other was so entered into the image of Peppi long bullies, which did not want to wash off the makeup, in which the participated in the competition. "

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe organizers is to captivate children with books through other children - found an unexpected continuation: the favorite books of children interested ... parents. The organizers remember the dad, who outlined the speeches of the participants school stage In order to expand the home library. Does this mean that children's literature "out of control" and books now so much that adults know about each of them?

Books represented by students on the presentation, employees of the city methodological center for the most part familiar. Although, for example, a book about entertaining Russian was in a novelty. "It was not artistic literature, but at the same time the child so fonders and could only tell us that even adults were surprised!" - Delighted V. Kuleshov. Special attention attracted a gift edition about Borodino battle - the schoolboy prepared a newspaper stylized under the XIX century. In addition, in different districts of Moscow in children's speeches, the same books meet several years in a row: today the fantastic teenage Saga "Sumody" and the book "Amazing journey of Edward Rabbit" is clearly popular.

Everything exists in the library

This year at the school stage of the contest "The most talent-line reader" wanted to tell about the books of 20 thousand children. Often in educational organizations this is the real holiday reading.

In the next, qualifying, the winners from schools participate. A complicated quiz is added to the presentation of the book. Questions for it are made up by works from the list, which annually changes. It includes books of domestic and foreign authors who are noted by librarians as the most demanded recently, works of anniversaries, publications recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. It is important that the preparation for the competition does not require purchasing parents in the bookstore: any book from the list is in the library.

In particular, for the successful passage of quiz, students of the 1st grades needed to know the "cat in boots" S. Perro, "About faith and anfisu" E. Uspensky, "Fomu - White Bear" V. Chapina. In 3-4 grams read the "potato dog" Yu. Kovalya, "Wonderful journey Niels with wild geese" S. Lagerleof, book about Karlsone A. Lindgren. And the list for 5-6 grams includes the "Children of Captain Grant" J. Verna, "Bezhin Mead" I. Turgenev and etc.

This stage is a city methodical center in the libraries of the Department of Culture in each metropolitan district. Competition "The most talented reader" - long-term collaboration. The form of quiz depends on the possibilities of libraries. For example, the library in the southwest is well equipped with computers, it turns out to organize an interactive quiz. Employees of the library in Butovo went to another way - held a quest: the children went from the rack to the rack, where it was looking for objects related to different books.

At the urban stage, questions are complicated. Final intellectual competitions are held in the Department of Creative Travels Brothers Grimm Libraries No. 12. I. Bunin. "We are very grateful to the staff of the library. These are people creative, real enthusiasts, "notes the contribution of colleagues V. Kutuzov.

Jury members are writers, actors and employees of Moscow libraries. Prizes are of course books. They issued as part of the Publishing Program of the Government of Moscow.

The new Uncle Step will grow up

"Reading is a pleasure that is difficult to compare with something," said E. Grechikova. - Reading, children learn to competently write, speak correctly. Books help find answers to many questions, because thousands of people lived their lives and shared experiences with all humanity. The solution of any problem is already set out in the books, it would be stupid not to use it. Books motivate a person to improve themselves. But you need to read books. The crucial value in reading has how you use the knowledge gained and whether you use them at all. There are people who know everything, but do nothing. "

What are the "win-win" books parents can advise children? According to the staff of the city methodological center headed Marianna Lebedeva, It is impossible to blindly trust bookstores with their rich assortment of children's literature. In a variety of new products, library employees are best oriented. What exactly can not be mistaken, so it's with books that have passed the test of time: modern children, as the competition showed, still read the "Treasure Island", books L. Kassil, fairy tales Bazhova And very love S. Mikhalkov. By the way, the participant "by the last name Stepanov and the name of Stepan" was just over the competition. Schoolboy Stepan Stepanov Gave such complete answers to the questions that the jury without hesitation determined it in talented readers.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The present situation determines the procedure for holding the Moscow city competition of school libraries "The most talented reader" (hereinafter - the competition), the conditions for the participation and composition of the Competition's Organizing Committee (hereinafter - the Organizing Committee).

1.2. The organizer of the competition is the GBOU City Methodological Center for the Department of Education of the city of Moscow.

1.3. Competition partners - Luche 6+ magazine and Litres company.

1.4. The information and methodological support of the competition is carried out by the GBOU City Methodical Center for the Education Department of the City of Moscow on the site

1.5. Goals and objectives Competition:

  • attracting the attention of children to book and reading;
  • popularization of reading;
  • activation and development of creative reading of students;
  • creating a positive and attractive image of the reading person.

2. Timing of the competition

2.1. Competition is carried out in three stages:

1st stage - School - October-November 2018;
2nd stage - Determining - January-March 2019;
3rd stage - Urban - March 2019.

2.2. Registration of an educational organization for participation is carried out until October 15, 2018 Online

2.3. Registration of participants on the 2nd stage is carried out in electronic form until December 1, 2018 Online .

3. Procedure for the competition

3.1. Students of 1-6 grams of educational organizations in Moscow can take part in the competition.

3.2. The competition is held in three age categories:

  • 1st Age category - Students of 1-2 classes;
  • 2nd age category - students of 3-4 grades;
  • The 3rd age category is students of the 5-6 grades.

3.3. School stage It is conducted in the educational organization of the city of Moscow.

3.4. On the selection stage The winners of the school stage are put forward for one person from the educational organization in each age category.

3.5. On the city Stage The winners of the qualifying stage are put forward.

3.6. Selection and urban stages are held on the basis of libraries of the Department of Culture of the city of Moscow.

3.7. The competitive tasks of the qualifying and city stages of the competition are compiled by the following literary works:

1-2 class:

Bianki V.V. "Forest Domysiki", "Whose nose is better?", "Who sings what?", "Who has a house better?", "Where is the crayfish winter?", "Whose legs are?";

Dragunov V.Yu. "The secret always becomes apparent";

Zoshchenko M.M. "The most important thing";

Mayakovsky V.V. "What is good and what is bad", "Who to be?";

Tokmakova I. P. "Alya, Kleaxich and the letter A".

3-4th grade:

Gaidar A. P. "Timur and his team";

Krylov I. A. "Voron and Lisitsa", "Marty and glasses", "Swan, Pike and Cancer", "Dragonfly and ant", "Fox and grapes", "Quartet", "Elephant and Pug";

Platonov A. P. "Nikita", "July thunderstorm";

Pushkin A. S. "The Tale of Tsar Saltan, about his son's nice and mighty Bogatyr Prince Gwidone Saltanovic and about the beautiful princess swans";

Tolstoy L. N. "Two comrades."

5-6th grade:

Dashevskaya N. S. "I am not a brake";

Gogol N. V. "Night before Christmas";

Lagerleof S. "Wonderful Journey Niels with wild geese" (Lubarskaya A., translation);

Parr Maria "Waffle Heart" (Drobot O. D., translation);

Setton-Thompson E. "Stories about animals" (Chukovsky N., translation) (Domino - Mustang-Inodetska. - In the footsteps of the deer. - Bingo. Lobo. - Velli. - Redachey. - Silver Pyatsy. - Gray Bear. - Winnipeg's wolf. - Royal Analiran. - Boy and Lynx. - Snap. - Jack - Battleship. - Arno. - Street singer. - Tito. - Why does the siny lose their mind once a year. - Johnny's bear. - Chink);

Larry J. L. "Unusual Adventures of Karika and Vali".

3.8. Mandatory condition For all participants in the competition is the presentation of homework.

Students of the 1-4 grades tell about their favorite book for 2-3 minutes, trying to interest the viewers and jury members in reading the favorite book, represent illustrations and a variety of crafts for your favorite work.

Students of the 5-6 grades tell about their favorite book for 2-3 minutes, trying to interest the viewers and members of the jury in reading the favorite book, represent an electronic presentation accompanying the story.

3.9. Participation in the competition is voluntary.

4. Organizational Committee and Jury

4.1. For the competition, the Organizing Committee of the Competition is created, the tasks of which are:

  • ensuring the competition in accordance with this Regulation;
  • ensuring equal conditions for all participants;
  • formation of the composition of the jury of the competition;
  • development of criteria for assessing knowledge of participants.

4.2. The tasks of the jury of the competition include:

  • assignment of points for completed tasks;
  • determining the winners of the competition.

4.3. Composition of the organizing committee of the competition:

  • Lukutin A. V. - Chairman, Deputy Director of the City Methodological Center for the Department of Education of the City of Moscow;
  • Shestun N. G. - Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Chief Librarian Department of Creative Travels Brothers Grimm Library No. 12. I. A. Bunin GBUK MOSCOW TSBS CAO;
  • Kutuzov V.S. - Member of the Organizing Committee, Methodist of the City Methodological Center for the Department of Education of the City of Moscow;
  • Sukhinov S.S. - Member of the Organizing Committee, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Writer, Member of the Union of Writers of Russia, Winner of All-Russian and International Competitions, Laureate of the Government of Russia in the field of culture for 2014;
  • Scheglova I. V. - Member of the Organizational Committee, Writer, Member of the Union of Writers of Russia;
  • Gaslov G. D. - Member of the Organizing Committee, Chief Librarian of the Organization and Analytical Department of GBUK in Moscow Central CBS YUAO;
  • Pirogov L. V. - Member of the Organizing Committee, Chief Editor of the ID "Literary Study".

Reading is a dedication, the magic key,

opening the door of the abode themselves in the depths of us

Where we otherwise could not penetrate.

Marcel Prost.

The book without reading is a dead pile of papers. Reading without literature is a purely mechanical phenomenon. Only together they come to life and, spiritualizing each other, transformed and produced in culture. Special meaning Reading has a child in the life when a growing person opens the world and himself.

This competition on the materials of the children's reading opens the psychological door to the world caused by the word writer, and invites anyone who worries the fate of the literature and children who concerned the future of Russia.

The chapter of the competition was delivered by the child of fiction, the art of the word. It can affect a person comprehensively, expanding his life horizons, give him joy from the completeness of his own inner life, emotionally enrich, wake humanity.

The competition also raises the prestige of school and children's libraries.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The present situation determines the procedure for holding the Moscow contest "The most talented reader" (hereinafter - the competition), the conditions for the participation and composition of the Competition's Organizing Committee (hereinafter - the Organizing Committee).

1.2. The organizer of the competition is the GBOU City Methodological Center for the Department of Education of the city of Moscow.

1.3. The information and methodological support of the competition is carried out by the GBOU City Methodical Center for the Education Department of the City of Moscow on the site

1.4. Objectives and objectives of the competition:

- to attract the attention of children to book and reading;

- Popularization of reading;

- activation and development of creative reading of students;

- Creating a positive and attractive image of the reading person.

2. Organizational Committee and Jury

2.1. For the competition, the Organizing Committee of the Competition is created, the tasks of which are:

- ensuring a competition in accordance with this Regulation;

- ensuring equal conditions for all participants;

- formation of the composition of the jury of the competition;

- Development of criteria for assessing knowledge of participants.

2.2. The tasks of the jury of the competition include:

- checking the competitive works of the participants of the competition;

- assigning points for completed tasks;

- Definition of the winners of the competition.

2.3. Composition of the organizing committee of the competition:

1. Lebedeva M.V. - Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Director of the City Methodological Center for the Education Department of the city of Moscow;

2. Kutuzov VS - Member of the Organizing Committee, Methodist of the City Methodological Center for the Department of Education of the City of Moscow;

3. Kuleshova V.A. - Member of the Organizing Committee, Methodist of the City Methodological Center for the Department of Education of the City of Moscow;

4. Kuznetsova L.V. - Member of the Organizing Committee, Methodist of the City Methodological Center for the Department of Education of the City of Moscow;

5. Spiley N.M. - Member of the Organizing Committee, Methodist of the City Methodological Center for the Department of Education of the City of Moscow;

6. Grechikhova E.I. - Member of the Organizing Committee, Methodist of the City Methodological Center for the Department of Education of the City of Moscow;

7. Ilyushina E.A. - Member of the Organizing Committee, Methodist of the City Methodological Center for the Department of Education of the City of Moscow;

8. Bakhanskaya E.V. - Member of the Organizing Committee, Methodist of the City Methodological Center for the Department of Education of the City of Moscow;

3. Procedure for the competition

3.1. Readers can participate in the competition - students of 1-6 grams of educational organizations in the city.

3.2. The competition is held in three age categories:

3.3. The nomination of candidates for a school tour is made by the teacher, librarian, parents, by self-nomination.

3.4. On the district tour, the winners of the school tour are put forward for one person from each age group.

3.5. On the city tour, the winners of the district tour of three people from each age group are put forward.

3.6. Competitions in the course of the district and urban tours are held on the territory of public libraries in the age groups: 1-2 of classes, 3-4th classes, 5-6th classes according to a specific program (see Appendix No. 1).

3.7. Participation in the competition is voluntary.

4. Timing of the competition

4.1. Competition is held in three rounds:

1st Tour - School - September-December 2015;

2nd round - District - January-February 2016;

3rd tour - urban - February 2016.

4.2. Applications for the 2nd round are submitted to methodologies for the information and library provision of the MMC Dogm until December 15, 2015 (see Appendix No. 2).

5. Requirements for work submitted to the competition

5.1. Each participant must submit a list of read books (for 6 months). The list should mark the works that put the most influence on the author's author and indicate which. The list is compiled on a certain form, only in printed form (see Appendix No. 3).

5.2. Students of 1-4 classes represent illustrations or a variety of crafts for a favorite product.

5.3. Students of the 5-6 grades represent an electronic presentation of the favorite work.

5.4. All creative work is assessed by the jury on a special protocol.

5.5. Each participant of the competition represents a questionnaire (see Appendix No. 4).

Appendix No. 1.

1. Students of 1-4 grades represent the drawings on the competition, crafts and talk about their favorite book (2-3 minutes)

2. Students of the 5-6 grades submit to the contest electronic presentation of the favorite book and talk about it (2-3 minutes)

3. Talking about his favorite book, the contestant must be interested in the audience and jury members in reading the favorite book.

Appendix No. 2.

to the Regulations on the Moscow City Competition "The most talented reader"

Application form

to participate in the district stage of the Moscow City Competition

"The most talented reader"

Surname, name of the participant of the competition

Appendix No. 3.

"The most talented reader"

List form of read books

District NO OO Surname, name of the participant of the competition Class
The books that are read
No. p / p FULL NAME. Author Title of the book The most important idea (thought) that influenced you and how

Appendix No. 4.

to the Regulation on the Moscow City Competition

"The most talented reader"

Questionnaire of the Competition

FULL NAME.______________________________________________________________

District ______ OO No. ____ Class ____

I. Where do you take reading books?


In the home library;

In the school library;

In the city library;

In the Internet;

I buy in the store as needed.

Will you buy a book for reading?



III What books do you prefer to read?


Iv How do you choose a book for reading?

On the advice of friends;

On the advice of teachers;

On the advice of parents;

On the advice of the librarian;


I read only the program literature.

V Do you read the books at home out loud?



Vi Are you discussing read books and with whom?

Well no

With friends

With parents

With librarian,

With others (with whom?) _________

Competition "The most talented reader"

For children 1-4 classes

The purpose of the competition is to attract the attention of children to the book and reading, the popularization of reading, the activation and development of creative reading of students, the creation of a positive and attractive image of the reading person.

Contest's move


You are ready to fight

Though an hour, at least two, at least three,

Smile, correct answer

Catch you fans, jury.

And who is stronger

One can only determine the jury!

Let the fun reigns

Let the strongest wins!

Competition "Meet, this is me."

Competition participants get out of the casket numbered cards. Card number determines the sequence of performance.

Each participant is given the opportunity to tell about himself in 5 minutes, about his hobbies, as he likes to read.


Now the stage is literary.

He is creative, not duty,

And here is a logic in front of you

Filled with different words.

Competition participants are given 3 minutes to draw up a coherent offer.

Words for the offer:

    "The trees of the outfits of winter sewed"

    "The ground went down the ground"

    "Flight to the south is far birds fly away"

    "Pushkin's paths went to walk on autumn park"

    "The side of the lumens appeared on one sky"

    "I have snowflakes on the palm of lace fell"

    "The autumn is inferior to his feline winter.

    "Joyful, long-awaited snow is so first"

    "The silence reigned in the woods of the Dead"

    "Potted water transparent lake in autumn"

    "More Lake Light seemed to"

    "Snow from under the Grass Dry peeking"

    "On the birchings, the yellow still left in some places"

    "Park carpet yellow covered"

Proper proposals:

1. "Winter sewed trees of outfits"

2. "The cloud went down to the ground"

3. "Far to the south fly away flight birds"

4. "Pushkin loved to walk along the autumn paths of the park"

5. "On one side of the sky, the lumens appeared"

6. "Lace snowflakes fell on my palm"

7. "Autumn suddenly inferior to his place in winter"

8. "The first snow is so joyful, long-awaited"

9. "Forest silence reigned in the forest"

10. "Large transparent water fenced in the fall"

11. "The bright lake seemed more"

12. "Dry grass peeking out of snow"

13. "In some places, yellow leaves still remain on birch

14. The "yellow carpet covered Park"

Competition "Experts of Literature".


"Who reads a lot - he knows a lot" - says folk proverb. Competition participants need to be called the author, title books, character, listening to the proposed passages of famous works.

Questions for 1-2 grads.

    "Long time, Al soon
    Adventure Mount to them:
    Someone in the field began to walk
    And move the wheat. "

(Ershov "Konon-Gorbok")

2. "Once the poor edge of the country's ruler, Prince Lemon, gathered a poor outskirts. The courtesy were terribly worried if the onion smell would not hit the nose of His Highness. "

3. "From this day, Kum Pumpkin, as soon as he started

some Soldo, bought candy and put them on the windowsill for

guys, as if bread crumbs for Sparrow.

So they became friends. "

(J. Rodari. "Chipollino Adventure")

4. "Grandfather Martyn Lododzhkin loved his scarmer as you can loveonly a living, close, perhaps, even a kindred creature. Having spoiled with her for many years of heavy stray life, he finally began to see something inspired, almost conscious. "

5. "Alla! Nevertheless, brother, tongue tongue. Alla! .. Gop! Perfectly! Alla! .. Gop! Alley! Gop! Wonderful, doggy. Come home, I will give you carrots. And you do not eat carrots? I forgot at all. Then take my chill and ask the Lord. Maybe they give you anything like something more.

(Kuprin "White Poodle")

5. "- Pap! Patenka! Is it possible to enter this town? How would I like!
- Wise, my friend: This town does not increase you.
- Nothing, Patek, I am so small; Just let me go there; I would like to know what is being done ... "

(Odoyevsky "Town in Tabakerque")

6. "What is most important in life? Food. Nothing to pretend! We have full house of people. They talk, read, cry, laugh - and then sit down. Eat in the morning, eat at noon, eating in the evening. And Zina eats even at night - hides the cushion and chocolates and chocolates and slowly chaviquets. "

(Black Sasha "Fox Mickey Diary")


one." Lives in the big city. Ordinary boy - Sergey Syroyzhkin. The appearance of it is not remarkable: round smoky nose, gray eyes, long eyelashes. Hair is always dismissed. Muscles are invisible, but tight. Hands in abrasions and inks, shoes battles in football battles. In short, cheesegne such as all thirteen-year-old children. "

(Velisov. "Adventures Electronics")

2. "Victor Perestukin, a fourth grade student, once received as many as five bobs. According to the boy, unfair. Parents did not understand why their son is so soft, lazy and irresponsible».

(Geraskin. "In the country of unbearable lessons")

3. "The bustle and the crush were especially felt on the square against the circus. The audience, who was published after the morning idea, could hardly wade in the crowd, licensed from Tsaritsyn Meadow, where Balagans were. People, horses, sleighs, carriages - everything was mixed. "

four." The pupil of the acrobat of Becker was called "G. m. " only in the bills; his real name was Peter; Total rather, however, it would be called his unfortunate boy. "

(Grigorovich "Gutta-Perfect Boy")

5. "That morning, Olya led herself out of the hands badly. She got up later than he shoulded, and when her grandmother walked her, jumped up and, without opening his eyes, he spoke to the opposite voice:
- Loose! Well, did you stick to me?
"Olya," Grandma said persistently, "you can be late for school."
The grandmother's voice was calm and affectionate, because all grandmothers are very affectionate. "

(Gubarev. "Kingdom of Curves Mirrors")

6. "Egorov lowered a hand with an electric flashlight. The picture they saw was simple and at the same time terrible. The boy slept in the span.

(Kataev. "Son Shelf").

7. "Waicha ringed a bottle by weight. The bottle was heavy, and the hardness is measured.

"Casket! - instantly flashed in his brain.

Treasure with antique gold coins. That's great! "

Walked to dress, he rushed home to print a bottle in a secluded corner ".

(Larin. "Old Man Hottabych)

Competition "Presentation of your favorite book."

Participants are in turn talk about their favorite books, introduce the main characters (you can make a theatrical presentation), are crafts, drawings.

Competition "Home Library".

Children pose a presentation of home artistic literature that they read.


Finally we approached the results

There is no reason to be upset, guys,

After all, the jury is not at all


Announces it results.

(The jury announces the results of contests.)

15, 17 and 20 February 2017 in the library No. 192 "CBS Yuzao", together with the City Methodological Center for the Department of Education of the city of Moscow, was held the interdistrict stage of the city competition "The most talented reader 2017". The competition was held in three age categories: 1-2 classes; 3-4 classes; 5-6 classes. In addition, the competition consisted of two rounds.

In the first round of each contestant waited homework - prepare for the presentation of your favorite book itself. Moreover, participants of 1-4 classes accompanied their story with a demonstration of creative work (drawings, crafts) on this book, and the older age group supported its narrative photo and video sequence. The main condition of this part of the competition is the desire to read this book in the audience and the jury.

The theme of the second round of the competition for the 1-2 classes was the works of GG. Andersen, A.I. Kuprina, p.p. Ershova, S.Ya. Marshak.

3-4 classes showed their reader talent in the knowledge of the works of V.P. Kataeva, L.I. Lagin, V.G. Gubareva and D.V. Grigorovich.

5 and 6 classes provided their favorite book with a presentation and confirmed the right to be called a "talented reader", responding to questions of literary quizzes on the works of D. Defo, E. Ilina, Yu.K. Oleshi, K.G. Paustovsky.

In total, students of 12 schools and lyceums of the South Butovo and Yuenevo Yuza, CJSC and Tinao took part in the competition.

The winners of the competition will take part in his urban stage.

According to the reviews of the participants, parents and the Library Working Group No. 192, this competition has been held for the second time, really brings the expected fruits: children get motivation to reading, searching for book new products and their propaganda. And this is one of the tasks of the program and one of the main components of the harmonious development of a young man.


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