How to overcome psychological dependence on food reviews. How to get rid of food addiction? What to do to stop moving? Is there any such dependence in children

How to overcome psychological dependence on food reviews. How to get rid of food addiction? What to do to stop moving? Is there any such dependence in children

Greetings to you on the pages of the blog! The topic of our today's communication is quite delicate. We will try to figure out together, if each of us is not just problems with the diet, but a strong, painful traction for food.

To recognize that they found the symptoms of the "food addiction", not easy. But without such sincerity, at least with himself, the problem is not solved.

It is believed that at least a third of the world's population today are subject to a detrimental addiction to food, which requires treatment for eating. We figure out fat, wait for the vessels, acquire a long list of diseases. And all because we eat not when we feel hunger, but by habit or "from idleness," or, consciously or not, we produce pleasure hormones from products.

Sides the sources of problems deeper than we see. And to overcome it, it is necessary to understand in detail in the physiological and psychological reasons for this attachment. We list the main:

  • Genetic disorders provoking the lack of dopamine - hormone of good mood;
  • Hormonal failures, weak leptin, hormone, reduced appetite;
  • Food acts on taste receptors, and they transmit signals to the brain, to the center of pleasure. Repeating positive emotions form the need for them;
  • Stresses that "hire";
  • Drying in nutrition in the side of the fast food, sweets, confectionery products, which quickly comes up with a disease that develops into a disease;
  • Hard diets, after which there are often breakdowns with obsessive thoughts about "unstilled" goodies.

"Dead" food causing

The worst thing is that the unnatural traction to the absorption of large amounts of food concerns, above all, harmful food. Well, we would be obsessively chewing the carrot or did not part with a bunch of green loaf. Although, and then the bust is not beneficial, but not so harmful than the unlimited absorption of hamburgers.

Nutritionists distinguish between three types of food that gives our body the greatest harm. She, alas, and the most "attractive", it is from her that the addiction is faster.

The first group of products includes "clean" sweets: candy, ice cream, chocolate.

The second category - bakery products and cookies saturated with rapid carbohydrates. It is precisely because they quickly absorbed into the blood, a splash of saturation feelings occurs, but very soon it ends, and the body requires another batch of energy and emotional feeding.

Dishes from products with a large fat content are attributed to the third group.

There is also the fourth, which included food "perversions" containing all the above harms. These are cakes, eclairs, hamburgers and other "delicacies", also richly arrested by the amplifiers of taste ,, relish attaching them to "gourmeans".

Articles in the topic:

Probable threats

The consequences of uncontrolled appetite can be various violations of the activities of internal organs and systems up to serious diseases, such as:

  • Diabetes;
  • Oncological pathologies;
  • Failures in the activities of the GCT;
  • Obesity;
  • and a number of other complications.

Is there any such dependence in children?

While our kids grow, we sometimes try to feed them to the maximum. Unaware that we create the soil for a child's eating.

In one familiar family, parents strongly demanded that the girl all necessarily eating bread, including pasta, meat and other well-combined food with the main product. The obedient baby did that, and at first it was touched by pleasant rounded rounds. But then she grown. At school, and then the problems of communication arose, since they themselves guess, as the young maidy of the 60th size is called for the eyes, how others treat it. IN best case, with sympathy. Now it is not a young man, but still very alone. Moreover, there are no longer loving parents.

Repeating the saying: "A spoon - for mom, a spoon - for dad," remember sometimes about this real unfortunate woman, which is now desperately fighting with obesity, but the hand is treacherously stretches for the next sandwich ...

Often the reasons for the problem becomes employment of parents, lack of time for communicating with children, and even the lack of emotional intimacy. Mom is trying to compensate for this deficiency with tutting the type of chips, chups, and all this is very harmful for the rapid organism and instantly gives a response of addiction.

Put the "diagnosis" yourself

Actually determine if we have a painful attraction, it is completely simple. There is a list of certain issues and allegations, descriptions of situations, together constituting a dual-dependence test.

Answer them sincerely and conclude.

I hope you, my dear readers, more negative answers. If the case consists on the contrary, this reason is seriously thinking, and at the same time read this small selection of my articles about the basics of healthy nutrition.

Articles in the topic:

How to cope with the problem?

Suppose you honestly admitted to ourselves: yes, there is all or most of these signs of disadvantage. This is half a half for victory. Moving further, it is necessary to decide how to get rid of this attack.

The simplest thing is to conduct a detailed revision of its diet, especially allocation of its harmful components. Think than they can be replaced. To begin with, if it does not work completely abandon donuts and cakes, at least make a daily dose. And take the rule to rummage them only in the first half of the day, but not in the evening. In the article, I examined in detail this issue. Therefore, do not be lazy and follow the link to read and know these products "in the face".

Sausage, sausages, dumplings and other semi-finished products and surrogates replace the usual piece of meat - and more useful, and calories are smaller, and also deliciously finally.

What to do with your favorite sweets? Replace confectionery by natural products rich glucose: fruit (fresh and dried fruits), honey. Suitable high-quality chocolate, in small doses.

Very good porridge, any dishes from vegetables and greenery, nuts, dairy products. If they are correctly prepared and combined, it will be quite appetizing, and at the same time not too "intrusive". Although, the habit of food is healthy, too, is produced over time, but it is already a very useful skill.

There is another effective admission to combat habits - this is their displacement, replacing others. Above just I said about the acquisition of thrust to another "Drug" - useful food. But it is possible to engage in some interesting thing, for example, learn to knit, embroider, weave baskets, write articles. Or at least read exciting books. It really delays, makes for some time to forget about hops and dinners.

The perfect option, how to overcome a destructive passion - constant hiking in the gym. Here we get "three in one" - muscles toning, we drill weight, and you are distracted from snacks. Plus bonuses - excellent well-being and mood.

The doctor prescribed

But, even by attaching heroic efforts, we are not always able to cope with the problem yourself. Do not despair. In this case, you just need to use the help of specialists. This is usually a nutritionist and a psychologist who need to talk in detail about signs of dependence on the meal that you have noted at yourself.

A nutritionist will certainly give specific nutritional balances. Recommend to include in the menu more products rich in fiber, such as porridge, vegetables, fruits, greenery, legumes. Drink more pure water, without sweeteners and dyes, without other additives and gas.

The psychologist will teach rejoice in life without food "feeding". Most often, sessions are held in groups, it is quite possible, there you will find new friends, together will be easier to cope with the situation.

In some cases, medication is also joined. But the main thing in the Algorithm "Revilization" is support for loved ones. After all, provocateurs products are best removed from everybody. So, family members will be drawn into the scanning process. And he is not easy and quite durable, can be accompanied by breakdowns, including nervous.

Any dependency is a non-free. But it is difficult to refuse it, especially if the problem is solar, "chronic".

I sincerely wish you all, dear friends, free from harmful habits And learn to experience joyful emotions from communicating with friends, good books, from traveling and useful hobbies.

Smile, gentlemen! To new meetings!

At first glance, it seems to "eat" negative emotions - it is much less evil than to seek comfort, for example, in alcohol. But if you pay attention to the wise and weighted policies of our state husbands, we can see that they are equally fighting with both phenomena. The increase in excise taxes on alcohol and the introduction of grocery sanctions ultimately led to the increase in prices and significantly complicated the possibility of satisfying the pernicious addictions. In this article we will tell you how to get rid of food dependency and how it is manifested.

What is food addiction?

This disease is more dangerous than tobacoccoing, alcoholism and drug addiction. The gluttony is always a hand in excess weight, and he, in turn, often becomes the cause of cardiovascular diseases.

Since the last century, it is this group of diseases that is the most common cause of death of people. Here is what else you need to know about this ailment:

  1. Food addiction can be purchased before all others. If the beer and cigarettes most people are trying in adolescence, then addiction to food may occur in early childhood;
  2. Because of the early habit of early, it is very difficult to throw this destructive habit;
  3. Many modern food products contain substances that contribute to the development of dependence.

To show more zeal in the fight with your inner daemon, always remember: in modern world people die more often not from cancer of lungs because of cigarettes, not from the liver cirrhosis due to alcohol and not from drug overdose, but from non-futility in food and lack of physical activity.

How to understand what has become addicted to food?

Symptoms are quite easy to diagnose yourself, if you are observed one or more of those listed below, I can not hesitate with decisive actions:

  • Literally all thoughts rotate around the food, a person thinks about it too often;
  • Raised mood or depressed - it doesn't matter, if any scenario wants to eat favorite delicacy;
  • Anticipation of the meal increases the level of endorphins in the blood and causes a feeling of euphoria:
  • The output to the light or hike is considered inappropriate if there will be no possibility to eat;
  • Even light hunger very negatively affects emotional and physical condition;
  • After the acts of the "Food Refrigeration", a sense of guilt and shame arises;

"Slaves of food" are similar to ordinary slaves. They understand the whole horror of their position, but cannot find the strength to start the struggle and go to victims for the sake of victory. For thousands of years of the universal recipe for success, it did not appear - Born or come across.

Psychological problem related to food

This is the main reason for the occurrence of food addiction. Problems in the psychology of product-dependent may be as follows:

  • Emotional overeating. This is when the person "stifles" stress and in general any negative emotions. Scientists also indicate the direct relationship between depression and overweight, when one calls the second and vice versa;
  • Low self-esteem and problems with proactivity. The long period was the opinion that completeness is the cause of low self-esteem. However, recent studies show that the connection can be reverse: children with low self-esteem in adulthood appears to be a tendency to complete. People in whose character there is no such quality as proactivity, more often have extra weight;
  • Violence experienced in childhood. This is not only the hardest shock for the children's psyche, but also the risk of obesity in the future.

No diet, exhausting workouts and even surgical operations will help to cope with food addiction, if you first not eliminate the root cause - a psychological problem.

Get rid of food dependency - step-by-step technology

In order not to destroy your body and not undermine health, you need to perform a number of measures:

  1. Clean order in the head. It is necessary to honestly and frankly admit - what is the true cause of this problem. Possible options were listed above. Be honest to the end is the hardest;
  2. Maintain a very specific and quantitatively measured target. It can be a decrease in the cost of food by refusing to harmful products or return to their normal weight;
  3. Learn to plan. It is not only about drawing up a healthy diet and food treatment, but also on the planning of all areas of your life;
  4. Find a new passion. It should be really interesting and distract from thoughts about food. If you have long dreamed of learning how to play the Hawaiian guitar, now the right time;
  5. Drink more water. Not green Tea, not decophized coffee and not even fresh juice, and clean water ;
  6. Be physically active. It is not necessary to go to the gym from the next Monday and do to exhaustion there, you can start with hiking in the morning.

Food Coding: Reviews

The experience of people who passed through the coding procedure can be combined into several categories:

  • Helped, but the weight returned under the influence of external stimuli: stress and experiences due to moving, changing place of work, etc.;
  • The result was, but lasted for a long time and eventually the weight became the same;
  • Absolutely no changes followed nor positive nor negative - money for the wind;
  • The goal was achieved, but with side effects in the form of a deterioration in health;
  • The effect of coding exceeded all expectations and caused a complete disgust to food, anorexia and forced psychiatric treatment;
  • Coding from certain products (flour, sweet) led to the fact that only these products wanted to eat.

If you make analogies with alcoholism, then we see that a huge number of clinics and private specialists engaged in coding, no way reduce the level of consumption of alcoholic beverages in the country. Judging by the reviews, the dietary dependence is also rarely treated by coding.

Video: Ways to deal with food addiction

In this video, the nutritionist Fyodor Remakov will tell, from what the dependence on food and what methods it is possible to overcome it:

Between hunger I. tract for food There is a huge difference. The signal to the draw is our thoughts. When we think: "I want to eat a chocolate, right now" or "I would like something salty", then it is 100% traction. Our stomach informs us about hunger. And many people are very rarely feeling.

Someone has a low hunger sensitivity. Usually it is thin people who say "eats everything and does not get fat - lucky with genetics." Someone is not able to distinguish hunger from thirst. And someone never feels it, because it focuses solely on the thrust (pieting, stress food, frequent and fractional food). Such people "eat right, but for some reason lose weight." To overcome craving for food, you need to learn how to feel hunger.

Fractional nutrition is not a panacea
Most diets are built on principle, which serves as a proactive factor - does not allow to feel hunger and thus saves from overeating those people who cannot control themselves. However, real benefit of fractional food can bring people who have problems with blood sugar stability that suffer obesity, gastritis and other diseases.

Fractional food warns hunger and saves from overeating, so it uses people who think that there is a certain border, crossing through which they will drive the roof so that they will not be able to control their actions.

If you are tormented by obsessive thoughts about food - you constantly look at the watch. The author of Catherine Golovin, checking whether it was not time to eat for meals, and then no less obsessively register himself for each eaten piece, then it seems you have forgotten what hunger is. You need to understand why you are afraid of it. When there is food in your refrigerator, it's not scary hunger. And if you feel it, it does not mean that you will immediately turn off. If you convinced yourself to be convinced of the opposite - a feeling of hunger will make you more carefully to your feelings, and this in turn will save from obsession.

Enough is "on the machine"
Awareness is the main enemy of obsession and automatic. This means that you should be in harmony with your own feelings - to distinguish hunger and thrust to food, feel saturation, understand what stress nutrition is and feel the degree of pleasure. Yes, food is pleasure, and it is absolutely normal to enjoy taste.

It is not easy to develop such attentiveness, as it requires an active concentration, and considering that many of us are used to everyone to do "on the machine", then the first time will have to constantly urge themselves. However, remember than you are more attentive, the less obsessed.

It will take a long time to find that the most golden middleness between the lack of hunger and the predatory hunger when you are ready to sleep all the food that falls into your field of view.

How to do it?
Allow yourself to experience light hunger. For example, if you are used to eat every 2.5 hours, start to eat with a large temporary interval - every 3 - 3.5 hours, and at this time carefully follow yourself. Initially it will be difficult, but over time it will become a habit.

When you eat, ask yourself:

  • As far as I sat down / got?
  • Does this mean that I have to stop?
  • Maybe I eat, because is it my planned meal?
  • Or maybe I eat it all, because in a couple of hours I will not have such an opportunity?
  • Can I continue to eat or is enough with me?
  • Do I feel or this food in the "award"?

Several tips:
1. Remember that food from you will not run away and you do not need to eat everything at all.
2. There is a saying, I did not eat \u003d Failed, I was taking it away \u003d moved, moved \u003d poisoned. And they say that French francs get up from the table a little hungry. This does not mean that you need to suffer and "starve yourself with hunger." Stop up from the table when you were rid of 80%. So you will not feel the severity in the stomach.
3. Drink water, eat protein and vegetables - it will help maintain saturation for a longer time.

A few years ago, with the words "Dependence on Food", we would only laugh. Food addiction is not just a product to some product, in the brain of the dependent person, processes similar to narcotic or are taking place. Such people need prevention and assistance of a psychologist.

Food Dependency - Psychology

When eating food into the body, the level of serotonin - hormone happiness increases, the mood is improving, stress as if disappears. But the replacement of the problem is not its solution, and again fear - food - temporary calm - a vicious circle is formed, it is very difficult to get out of which. So the psychological dependence on food occurs. Pleasure can be obtained from many things - sports, listening to music, but we are forever once, because the food is quick and simple.

Food Dependence - Causes

The most common causes of eating dependence:

  1. Some go out of childhood, remember, for success in studying or good behavior of the child always bought sweets?
  2. The dependent people are often compacted, unhappy with themselves, career.
  3. Follow deep emotional experiences.
  4. A spoiled figure is the result of uncontrolled food absorption, hence the negative attitude towards appearance, indifference to themselves.
  5. Permanent sense of guilt. A person understands that he eats too much to blame himself for a weak will, nervous, and the vicious scheme is turned on again.

You can list for a long time, but the source one is dissatisfaction with your life. There are also social causes of food dependence. These are numerous holidays, family feasts, the tradition of "departure to nature" with huge food baskets. Since childhood, we form an incorrect food behavior, and numerous stress only enhance it.

Food Dependence - Signs

According to certain signs, it can be understood that a person is dependent on the meal:

  1. A deep food addict can "come up with" a problem to himself, gladly anticipating her decision.
  2. A person is very concerned about food reserves - whether everything is in the refrigerator.
  3. Food addicts, along with a feeling of hunger, panic and anxiety increases.
  4. Sick man, forgetting to buy a product, ready to run behind him in any place at any time.
  5. Wakes up at night to eat.
  6. Even realizing that sick (obesity, diabetes) - a person cannot dwell from eating favorite products.
  7. Unwillingness with someone sharing food.

Taking food with the non-flat goal is the main concept. Deep nutritional dependence leads to the fact that the usual food volumes do not satisfy, you need to constantly increase portions. Joy brings the eating process, and what put in the mouth becomes all the same. Rare attempts to switch to healthy food or diet food ends in failures, and as a result, the next breakdown.

How to defeat the dependence on food?

The first and most importantly, what needs to be done to understand how not to depend on food is to admit this to yourself. Without aware of the disease, getting rid of food dependence is useless. Realizing that the harmful habit led to severe complications, you can try to get rid of dependence on your own. Honestly, it is very few, but why not try. Consider how much money you could save on food, and start to save on the world cruise!

  1. Motivate yourself! Come up with the reason why you need to get rid of bad habits - do you have children? Your example can be infected for them.
  2. Take away from food. Take a sport, dancing, walk, go to theaters, grow flowers. Whatever, just do not eat!
  3. Do not reserve food, Keep an apple, carrot or a glass of kefir.
  4. Throw away all stimuli out of the house - Buns, chips, what you can not watch calmly.

Psychotherapy food addiction

Since the reasons for food dependencies are mainly psychological, psychologists will also be able to help in this difficult struggle, offering effective tools like overcome eating dependence.

  1. Start a "food diary", where to describe all meals and be sure to specify your emotional background. This will help to understand the connection between overeating and mood.
  2. Forget the resentment, forgive yourself and others, understand what you and you and they ordinary people, and people can be mistaken;
  3. Raise self-esteem. It is very difficult. To do this, get the diary of the achievements and record your little "feats" there.
  4. The most important and motivating factor of recovery is your hot desire to recover, tune in to positive, and experts will help you in this difficult business.

Try to find like-minded people, together it will be easier to solve the problem and do not have to "eat" loneliness again. The most important thing is, you need to deal with your experiences, learn how to deal with the alarm other methods, find new ways to enjoy pleasure. Together with experts, you can get out of the enchanted circle and again start living a full-fledged life.

Some successfully apply coding from food dependency. Unfortunately, like many others, this problem begins in the head, and should be treated. The recipe for how to stop depending on the meal is the correction of food behavior, eliminating psychological problems, so the specialist's help in this case is necessary, especially when the point of non-return is reached.

Food Dependency Tablets

Together with psychotherapy, you can use dietary supplies and drugs. These funds are usually accelerated by metabolism. This can give results, but the risk of such treatment is not small. In addition, after the cancellation of the drug, the weight again begins to grow, if not removing the psychological root of the problem.

Among preparations that reduce appetite can be noted:

  1. Sibutramine. Anorencectic, which is still available in many countries, but is unsafe, as it has a lot of side effects.
  2. Fluoksetin. Antidepressant (psychotropic drug) that reduces appetite.
  3. Mazindol.. Specifies on the center of saturation, suppressing hunger. Minus drug - fast addiction.

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