Systematics of plants. Covenate

Systematics of plants. Covenate

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Tasks lesson:

  • Educational - give initial ideas about the classification of plants; form the concepts of taxonomic units; To introduce the manifold and general signs of flowering plants. Deepen knowledge of the signs of the classes of dietary and monocotyledonic plants; Give ideas about the families of coated plants.
  • Developing -the development of certain general educational skills and learning skills.
  • Educational -educating responsible attitude to the environment.

Type of lesson:lesson studying new material using ICT.

Forms of organization of cognitive activity of students:

  • frontal;
  • individual

Means of education:

  • personal computer (1 pcs.), Windows XP operating environment, Microsoft Office Power Point;
  • media projector, screen;
  • individual presentation;
  • Book V.V. Biology. Bacteria, mushrooms, plants. 6 CL: student. for OU /V.V. Beekeeper. - M.: Drop, 2007. - 172 p.
Note Slide Content
1 Title List: Class, Item, Teacher
2 A variety of world plants
3 How to figure it out in all this diversity?
4 Karl Linny
5 What is the view?
6 What is a variety?
7 Dual name type
8 Systematic units (taxa, categories)
9 Answer the questions
10, 11 Evolutionary tree of plants
12 Answer the questions
13 Groups of terrestrial plants and related relations between them
14 When did the coated plants appear?
15 Comparison of vote and coated plants
16, 17 Distinctive features of coated plants
18 Variety of coated plants
19, 20 Classification of coated plants
21 Signs of classes of coated brine
22 Comparative characteristics of bobber and single-bedroom plants
23 Plants exception
24 Signs of families
25 Think together!
26 Reflection - self-analysis, material fixing
27 Differentiated homework

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Introduction

How diverse the world of plants. Slide 2.

What is the approximate number of plants on earth? ≈ 500 thousand species

What features do they differ among themselves?

III. How to figure it out in all this diversity?

Slide 3.

  • Systematics - Science of the manifold of organisms, their association in the group based on kinship.
  • Classification - This is the union of organisms into groups by the degree of their kinship.

IV. Karl Linny (1707-1778) - Swedish Botanist.

Slide 4.

Merit K. Linnei:

  1. Simplified biological terminology.
  2. Created a system for the distribution of plants by groups.
  3. Introduced the double names (binary nomenclature).
  4. Introduced Latin names.

V. Concept View, grade, double type view.

What is the view? Slide 5.

View - A set of plants similar to the external structure capable of crossing and give viable offspring

What is a grade? What is his difference from the view? Slide 6.

Variety - group of plants of one species created by man and possessing certain economic signs and properties

What does the dual name of the species mean? Work s slide 7.

Vi. Systematic units (taxa, categories, groups).

Work with a slide with slide 8.

  • names of systematic categories;
  • what do the arrows mean?

VII. Answer the questions.

Slide 9.

VIII. Work with slides 10, 11.

Specify the regions of the kingdom of the plant. Slide 10.

Check!Slide 11.

IX. Work with slides 12-15.

Answer the questions! Slide 12.

  1. What do you think, what kind of plant kingdom is the most numerous?
  2. What do you think, what department of the kingdom of plants is the youngest?
  3. What do you think, what kind of plant kingdom department is the highest developed?

Slide 13.Work with the scheme of "group of land plants and related relations between them"

Slide 14.When did the coated plants appear?

Covenate plants appeared on Earth 125-150 thousand years ago, which corresponds to the Jurassic and chalk periods of the Mesozoic era. Their ancestors were extinct gone plants.

X. Distinctive features of coated plants.

Slides 16, 17

Name the distinctive signs of coated plants.

  • Availability of flower
  • Summer are concluded in the marking pestle
  • Food and seed formation
  • The presence of a specific organ caught in the pistil)
  • Double fertilization
  • Education endosperma
  • Availability of developed conductive tissue

Xi. Classification of coated plants.

Slides 18-20.

In total covered - 250 thousand species.

XII. Signs of classes of coated plants.

Slide number 21.

  1. Semen
  2. Type of root system
  3. Residential leaves

XIII. Characteristics of plants of the class dicotyathic and class one-bedroom.

Slides 22-23..

1. The comparative characteristics of the bobber and class one-bedroom plants. Work s slide 22.

Two classroom class One-barrel class
Two seedlies One seedyland
Rod root system Uriscouched root system
Leaves are simple or complex; Mesh or Palc Leaves are simple; Housing arc or parallel
Stem is grassy or rustic. There are Cambius. Conductive beams are located in a circle or in the center of the cylinder
The number of flower parts is usually multiple 4 or 5 The number of parts of the flower is usually multiple 3
Families: Rico Color, Bean, Conductors, Parenic, Composition Family: Lily, cereal

2. Plants exception. Slide 23.

XIV. Signs of families.

Slide 24.

  • Flower structure
  • Future structure

XV Think together!

Slide 25.

  1. A) You were preparing the herbarium of weaving plants without roots with beautiful leaves. Is it possible to use your Herbarium in order to determine what class does this plant relate to?
    B) You can determine what family does this plant relate if it does not bloom and did not form fruits?
  2. The laboratory was brought: the gear of black, clover red, mustard white, radish wild, mustard field, clover white, mustard Srepts. What time is childbirth, species can be combined with these plants?

XVI.Reflection - self-analysis, fixing material.

Slide 26.

Express your opinion on the lesson:

  • What did you know about the lesson?
  • What tell me at home about the lesson?
  • What question would you like more information?

XVII. Diffanered homework.

Slide 27.

Explore paragraph 45, 46, answer questions to it.

Learn the signs of the classes of dwaround and monocoons.

Collect information about unusual coated plants.

The coated bridge department is divided into two classes: Monocoan and dicatular. Representatives of these classes are distinguished by the structure of the seed: dichomotic in the nucleation of the seed two seedlies , and u one-barrel - one. Other differences between them are indicated in Table 1.

Table 1. Distinctive features of monocotyled and dietary plants.

Sign Monocoan Dichomotic
1. Knevel System 2. Stem 3. Leaves 4. Flower 5. Pollination Urochka, the main root is deeply eliminated by herbaceous, is not capable of secondary thickening, it rarely branches. Conductive beams without Cambia, scattered throughout the stalk. Simple, all-string, usually without stuff and strippers, often with vagina, parallel or arc housing. The number of flower parts three or more than three Most of the plants are shielding The rod, the main root is well developed is a herbaceous or wearing, capable of secondary thickening, branching. Conductive beams having cambiums are located in one large array in the center of the stem or have the view of the rings are simple or complex, the edges of solid, dissected or gear, often with camp, hinges, mesh or palpid, the number of parts of the flower 4 - 5 or more to them most of the plants are pollinated insects

However, among one- and dicotyledonous plants there are plants in which individual signs do not coincide with those listed in Table 1. So, the crown eye (one-bedroom class) is the housing of the sheet, and the plantain (two-dollane class) - arc and there is a urine root system . Therefore, to judge the affiliation of the plant to one or another class can only be touched by signs.

Class Monocoanincludes such families as Grass, Lily.

Filared familyin the temperate zone is presented by herbs. They have a reprehensive stem, simple leaves, linear, lancing with arc housing. Single flowers or in inflorescence umbrella (onion garlic) brush (Lily of Lily, Lily). Formula flower : * O3 + 3 T3 + 3 P1. Fruit berry (Lily of Lily, Asparagus) or box (Tulip, onions)

Fig.14. Lily: 1-abrade, 2-onion, 3-lily, 4-candy, 5-tulip, 6-hyacinth.

Representatives of the family are used as food and healing (onions, garlic), medicinal (valley, aloe), decorative (tulip, lily) plants. In genetics to receive polyploidov apply a poisonous substance colchicin which is obtained from a plant a non-laminate (Kolkhikum).

Family of cereals (mattle) Presented by herbs. Root system urine, stem solmin It is hollow inside, with the exception of corn, millet, sugar cane. The branching of the stem occurs only in the zone of the body, located near the surface of the soil. Linear leaves, vaginal, often with tongue and ears. Complicated inflorescences : panicle (Oats), sophisticated (rye), sultan (List), Copper (corn). Any complicated inflorescence consists of simple inflorescences, which consist of one or more flowers. In connection with the pollination of the wind or self-pollination, the perianth is unprecedented. Each flower consists of two flowering scales replacing the perianth. One of them is larger and can be stretched into a long ost . There are three stamens with large anthers on long thin sticky strands and one pestle with two centers. Flower formula: O (2) +2 T3 P1. Fruit grain. Representatives: rye, wheat, rice, corn, millet, barley, oats - food ; Many of them have stern Meaning: Timofeevka, Bonfire, Flashing; There are weeds: a bristle, chicken millet, drinking.

Two classroom class represented by such families as Cruciferous, Parenic , Legumes, complex, rose colored, galls, vintage .

Conductors family (cabbage) - these are mainly grassy plants that have main root quite often modified in root. Escape can be modified in Kochan - the top kidney of the main escape (cabbage); Or in Kochangchiki - side stuffed kidneys (Brussels Cabbage). Inflorescence - brush sometimes strong thickened (cauliflower). Flower formula: * C4 L4 T4 + 2 P1.Fruit pod or pod.

All plant organs contain mustard oil. There are various groups: vegetable: cabbage, radishes, horseradish, mustard, turnip, radish; feathers: TURNEPS; web: Shepherd bag, radish wild.

Conductors are common in the moderate zone of the northern hemisphere.

Fig.15. Cruciferous: 1-left, 2 radish wild,

3-cabbage Kochan, 4-cabbage Brussels,

5-cabbage color.

Bob family - These are grassy plants, with the exception of the Karagan Shrub (yellow acacia) and woody robineni plant (White Acacia). For legumes characteristic symbiosis With nitrogen-fixing bacteria that live in the nodules on their roots. Single Flowers Collected in Inflorescences - brush or head. Flower formula:

H (5) l1 + (2) +2 t (9) +1 p1.The flower in shape resembles a sitting moth, so the family is also called the family Motilla. Fetus bean. Among the legumes are food - peas, beans, soy; feed - Lucerne, clover, Vika; decorative - fragrant peas, robinia, Karagan. In addition, legumes enrich the soil with nitrogen, so they play a large role in crop rotations. From soy seeds produce a large number of various dietary products. Soybean seeds and lentils contain a lot of protein. It is full, since its composition includes all 8 unearthly amino acids. Therefore, soy and lentils can be used vegetarians instead of meat. Soyu is also called "green cow".

Polenic family includes about 2 thousand species of predominantly herbaceous plants. The leaves are simple, with a solid or rugged sheet plate, do not have boosts. Often all parts of plants have a specific smell. We have the modifications of escape are tubers formed on the poles in potatoes. All plant bodies contain poisonous substances (Solan, Atropine, Nicotine), so their green mass does not have a feed value. Flowers single or collected in inflorescences. Flower formula: * H (5) l (5) T5 p1. Fetus berry (tomatoes, potatoes, grazing, eggplant) or box (Tobacco, Petunia, Belen). Family representatives are used as food - tomatoes, pepper, eggplant, potatoes; decorative - petunia, fragrant tobacco; Physalis); medicinal - krasovka-BelaDonna; feed - potatoes; poisonous - Handwood - Belladonna, Benne Black, Queen Ordinary.

Fig. 16. Parenic: 1 - Tomato,

2 - Eggplant, 3 - Petunia, 4 - Tobacco scented, 5 - Pan.

Of cultural plants, potatoes are most important, which is used as a food product, raw materials for getting starch, molasses, alcohol.

Collector family Presented 3 thousand species. These are perennial trees, shrubs, herbs. The leaves are simple and complex, arranged alternately and have boosts. Flowers more often single, correct shape. The crown is bright or white that, along with the smell and nectar, attracts insect pollinkers. Flower formula: * H5 l5 t00 p1 - Apple tree, plums; or * H5 l5 t00 p00 - Near strawberries, rosehip. For flowers of many species, it is characteristic of the bloody hypali. (Strawberry, Roshovnik), which is the main drive of sugars, vitamins and in practice is equal to the fruits. Socuagement shield (Rowan, Pear), simple umbrella (apple tree, cherry), brush (cherry).

The stem can be represented, curly, stealing, creeping. Vegetative modifications: rhizomes, mustache, barbs.

For roses are characteristic different kinds Fruits:

- apple - Apple tree, pears, quince, rowan, hawthorn, Irgi;

- Kostyanka - Cherry, plum, apricot, cherry;

- Multicoral - in raspberry, blackberries;

- multioreke or earthyman - at strawberries;

-Oneshk- Rosehip.

Fig. 17. Rosehip rice. 18. Plum, cherry

Representatives have food, medicinal, decorative importance, are honeycomb, they give an amicing material, essential oils.

Family complex color (astera) represented by grassy plants. Stems upright. Leaves are simple, solid, without coastal. There are changes in vegetative organs: the main root (root of chicory), the apparent roots (Root tubers of Georgina), escape (Topinambur tuber), which serve as a place of supply of nutrients.

Flowers are collected in inflorescence basket, Surrounded by an overturn from green or scratched leaves.

For complex color characteristic 4 types of flowers:

  1. Tubular (Chamomile, Bodyak) have 5 of the collapsed bunny petals, who have grown in a long tube; A cup in the form of hairs or bristles that have grown to the wounded, 5 stamens who have contaminated in the common tube; Pestik with a split stigs.

Tubular sunflower flowers, chamomile have a formula * C5 L (5) T5 P1.

  1. Voronenevoid (Vasilka's edge flowers) - They have a whisk in the form of a space of an outcropped funnel with edge crackers, no stamens and pestles, these flowers serve to attract insects.
  2. Language present (Dandelion, Osay): Spine-Festament Spines in the form of a tongue with five tooths around the edge (by the number of petals), 5 stamens and 1 pestle. These flowers have a formula: C5 L (5) T5 P1.
  3. False-language (edge \u200b\u200bflowers in a basket of sunflower and chamomile) - with a wedge in the form of a flat tongue with three tooths (by the number of petals); There are no stamens

Fetus in complex color achene , Often with a pavement, horsepower, trailers.

Representatives of the family have a variety of meaning:

  1. Food - sunflower, salad, chicory, artichoke.
  2. Medicinal - chamomile, Pijma, calendula, wormwood, a series.
  3. Decorative - dahlia, daisies, chrysanthemums, asters.

Types of flowers in plants Family complex

Vinogradovy - in this family, grassy and woody plants, often - liana divorced in the tropics and subtropics; Total about 700 species. Flowers are often collected in inflorescences. panicle il. brush. Flower formula: C5 L5 T5 P1.Fetus - Berry. Representatives: cultural grapes - wood liana, part of the inflorescence is modified in mustache which the plant is attached to the support. This is an important berry culture, the basis of winemaking. Subship are consumed fresh and in recycled form: juice, marmalade, dried (raisins). In a wild form in Primorye grows amur grapes. Mare - externally, unbroken plants, among them there are almost no cultural ornamental species. Flowers are small: the perianth is simple, cupid 5 (less often 3.4), stamens -5 (according to the number of leaflets of the perianth), pestle 1. Flower formula: O4 T5 P1. The sets can be collected in inflorescences: kolos, brush, whisk. The fruits are more often single-sighted nuts that can grow up forming sPLATE - Gulk. Representatives: beets (stern, sugar, dining room), vegetable spinach; There are weeds: Swan, Mar; Trees - Saksaul.

In the vegetable kingdom, the most numerous and perfect group is the department of coated plants. In this article we will introduce you to overall characteristic and the meaning of representatives of these plants, we will tell about their signs of the structure.


It is known that the coated plants originated from the algae group that are not survived to our time. It was they who founded the development of seed ferns, which occurred viced and coated plants.

Covered plants have a different name - the flowering, which they received due to the presence of the main organ of reproduction - flower.

The first remains of flowering representatives are dated early chalk sediments. In the second half of the Cretaceous Mesozoic period on the planet, the dominant position occupied the coated plants.

Basic signs

This type of plant world has a variety of forms: trees, bushes, herbs. They are distributed in all natural zones. In terms of its structure, consist of an root system, stem, sheet and flower, from which the fruit is formed with the seme.

Fig. 1. Forms of plants.

The presence of a breaklocity around the seed, which ensures their preservation and distribution, is a feature of coated plants. In addition, the main features of this department are:

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  • the presence of a flower;
  • the ovary and the fruit retains the nurses and seeds;
  • can be polled with water, wind, birds and insects;
  • female stroke is represented as an eight-cherished germ bag;
  • male - in the form of pollen grain, which consists of two types of cells: vegetative and generative;
  • fertilization double: sperm fertilize the egg and the nucleus of the germ bag;
  • the life cycle is a change of generations.

The cycle of the development of a fertilized flower continues with such transformations: the maritime turns into the fruit, the seed - in the seed, the zygote - into the germs of the seed, the secondary core - to the secondary endosper, which has a tripotoid set of chromosomes.

Fig. 2. Flower plant.

The flowering plant department is divided into two classes: single-bedroom and digestive.

The name of one- and dicotyological is due to the presence of a quantity of cotyledons.

Distinguishing classes can be explored in the following table:




Number of cotyadal

Pressure roots system, urine shape

The main root system, the shape of the urine and rod

Simple, whole plate

Complex, simple. Plate solid and dissected


Agudual and parallel


Number of flower parts

paint three

multiple four or five


Grass and Lilyna

Parenic, Rosicular, Cruciferous, Bean, Coffee

Fig. 3. Characteristic signs of monocotyled and dicotyledonous.


Stems (solomins), mostly simple, in the form of a cylinder, are separated by nodes. Linear or lanceal sheet. The flower is assembled in a savos in the form of small yellowish-green spikelets. An example of coated plants of this family are wheat, rye, oats, sugar cane, corn, bamboo and others.


Perennial species as a root have bulbs. The flower is a two-way, the perianth of the barking from the free (unreasonable) petals. Fruit in the form of berries or boxes. This family includes: Onions, garlic, valley, aloe, tulips, lilies and others.


Have a special structure of the color. The fruit is presented in the form of a nut, firewood. Passed insects. Representatives: roses, strawberries, raspberries, plum, cherry, pear, apple tree and others.


A feature is a reprehension, curly stems. The structure of the leaves is complex, have a row. The flower consists of 5 cups, a whisk is from five petals. Bob fruit. Plants insects pollinated. Below belongs: peas, clover, soy, beans, alfalfa and others.


The feature of the structure is the next simple leaves with a solid or dissected plate. The corn tubular to which the stamens are attached. The fruit is presented with a berry or box. Representatives: Potatoes, Paren, Eggplant, Tomatoes, Pepper, Duram.


Plant flowers are represented in the form of carious inflorescences. Chasselsters and petals are located. Stamens 6: Four Long and Two Short. Fruit in the form of a pod. Example: radish, cabbage, shepherd bag, mustard, mattyol.


A distinctive feature is the inflorescence of the basket, at the bottom of which are small flowers. The fruit is a seed with a horschik or crown. Representatives: Sunflower, Astra, Dandelion, Chamomile, Vasileuk.

Flower use:

  • in the food industry;
  • in medicine and pharmacology;
  • as technological and feed crops;
  • in landscape design.

What did we know?

Numerous representatives of the plant kingdom are coated plants. Their feature is the presence of a flower that serves as a breeding organ. Depending on the number of cotions in the bud, the flowering are divided into monocot and dicotyledonous. All of them are widely used in nutrition, treatment, landscape design. We also studied in detail the properties of each family.

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The Division of Covenate, or Flower - Angiospermae (Magnoliophyta) C in E T to C O E is the most numerous (240 thousand species), progressive, intensively developing group of plants. A large influence on the evolution and domination of the covered bridges had insect pollinators and birds, as distributors of fruits and seeds. The department is characterized by the following set of features: the vital forms of all sorts, but the grasses prevail, characterized by high seed productivity, the rapid change of generations and the accelerated pace of evolutionary processes; a large morphological diversity of the vegetative organs of sporophyte; Further reduction of the gametophyte, the absence of genital organs - Archeganiyev and Anteridiev; the presence of real vessels and satellite cells at the sieve tubes; Availability flower, and in it - a pestle with a stigma, capturing pollen, and urging with seeds inside; Sex process - double fertilization; Seeds are developing under the protection of the octopulod. Classification. The coated bridge is divided into two classes - dichomotic and monocoan. For each class is characterized by a set of signs:

Two classroom class: Germusually with two seedlings, which in the germination of the seed are more often taken over the ground Seedwith endosperm or without it Life formswood and herbaceous, all sorts Root systemrod or mixed, less often - urine Leavessimple and complex, diverse in shape, with a solid or rugged sheet, usually with a cushion, often with horses; Curly hills or finger Flowers5-, 4-membered, less often 3 membered Perianthmore often double Axial bodieshave cambiums capable of secondary thickening Conductive beamsopen, located in the central cylinder of the stem in a circle, the core is expressed

One-barrel class Germwith one cotyledon, which, when germinated, seed usually remains underground Seedwith endosperm usually herbs, sometimes secondary wood forms Root systemurochka or underground authorities -Withy shoots Leavessimple, mostly solid, are not dissected on the pet and the plate, without hopes, have a vagina, the depths of parallel or arciferous flowers are usually 3- and 6-membered, sometimes 4- and 2-membered perisher usually simple axial organs do not have Cambia, not capable By thickening, the conductive bundles are closed, located in the central cylinder of the stem scattered, the core is not expressed or destroyed

75. Morphopal-anatomical signs and distribution of some families. Species morphological and anatomical diagnosis, ecology, resources, the presence of certain groups of biologically active substances, the value and application of representatives of families and childbirth:

lutikovye (akonite poisonous, buttercup is caustic, Spring horizon, a reddish horizon, a black frost name);

Class Dichomotic - Dicotyledones (Magnoliopsida) Subclass of Ranunculda - Ranunculidae

Family Family - Ranunculaceae plants are grassy and wood, terrestrial and water; wind and insectopiles; Many poisonous due to the content of alkaloids or heart glycosides. Underground authorities: urine root system, collishes, cornflowers, tubers, rhizomes, etc. Leaves are the next, opposite or in a roar rosette, simple, without horses, solid or cut, seated or sweet, often with the vagina; Characterized by water duitsa - guides; Ustian anocyt. Flowers are single or more often in inflorescences of a monohazium type, brush, whitewash. The color is convex, the location of the flower parts spiral or hemicclic. Flowers are correct or incorrect, rigging, occasionally same-sex. The perianth is simple, more often a curved or double. Chassels are falling out or remain when fruits. Sometimes cupid pets, occasionally form a spur or helmet. Petals in most cases are yellow. Nakters are characteristic in the form of spurs, funnels, rozing, honey pits, covered or not covered with scales. The stamens are free, numerous, are located on the helix, may be fertile, sterile or nectarone. Negnetsa apocarpny, as an exception - monocarpny; Sometimes fruits are partially growing. Fruits are complex leaflets, nuts, as an exception - single colors and berries. Fruits and seeds often with devices for distribution.

Gorizavy Spring - Adonis Vernalis. Grows in the steppes, on the slopes. The perennial height is 10-30 cm, the rhizome is thickened, a multi-axis, dark brown. Standing leaves are regular, half-blooded, three times-finishing-peristo-dissected on narrow-core pointed segments. Low leaves of the film, brown. Single flowers, top, large. Double Double: A cup of 5 free, pubescent, faltering sewers; A whisk of 6-20 free, oblong, immense, golden-yellow petals without a honey jam. All parts are located on the helix. Fruit - multi-penetrated, nuts with hooked nose. Medicinal poisonousdecorative, vitamin, guarded!Contains cardiac glycosides. Alive only the grass!

Rod Frost - Helleborus. Combines poisonous, frost-resistant plants blooming in December - March. Rhizome fat, short. Burnt leaves are long-coal, palpid, rugged, leathery, wintering. Chessels painted, remain when fruit. Petals are modified by B. voronevoid nectarians. Fruit sinkarpnaya multi-flower. As sources of heart glycosides use m. reddish, m. Caucasian. They relate to endangered plants and require protection! Frostynik reddish- Helleborus Purpurascens. Karpat, Carpathia, 3Apad forest-steppe grow in the forests. Falcupy leaves on 5-7 segments, each of which is solid or separated, on the edge of the pilt. Chessels dirty purple with dark veins, petals-neticsgreenish purple purple . Cultivated as decorative and medicinal also other types: m. black.

Genus acroniteorwrestler - Akonitum . Perennial herbaceous plants growing on meadows, steppe slopes, in wet mountain forests. Underground authorities - cornklubny. All aconites contain alkaloid aconitineand mantily poisonous! In medicine is applied athonite Dzhungarianor karakolsky - Akonitum sOONGORICUM.(a.. karakolikum). It grows in an alpine belt on the slopes and on the shores of the rivers, in the mountains of Tien Shan, near Lake Issyk-Kul. Cultivated. Cornklubnythey do not die, and every year new joins, so the chain of 13-15 tubers is formed. Leaves are regular, puffy, palchatic-dissected on narrow segments. Inflorescence - upper brush. Flowers are large, purple, with stilovoid bracts. A cup of five petalcid chashelistic: upper - in the form helmeAnd four side - pair, differ in shape and sizes. Petals are reduced to two natniknikovEnclosed in Helmet Chesselistic. They have a petal-applied part - gruband nectarone curved short. The fruit is a 3-7-leaflet. Seeds of furridge-wrinkled. The medicine uses Corneels (" issyk-Kulian root ") and fresh grass as an irritating-distracting with radiculitis, rheumatism and neuralgia. In Tibet, aconite is considered the "king of medicine."

makov (Popper, brush yellow, custodine big)

Poppy Family - Papaveraceae One-, two and perennial insect of herbs. Most are characteristic mileciawith poisonous milky juice containing alkaloids. The leaves are regular without hopes, simple, usually strongly cut, less often - solid. Flowers are single or in inflorescences Brush, burpel, false umbrella and others. A cup of two, early fallen sewers. Petals in two circles. Sometimes terry flowers. Many stamens, they are usually free, are located circles. Ginetsay is formed by two or many controversial structures. Pestley sideway, ovary top. Fruit boxround or pollarmed form, less often - nut. Seeds S. oil and endosperm.

Mac Snow Mac - Papaver Somniferum. Annual, cultivated as oilseed and medicinal. Mouchoney contain white poisonous latexfrozen opium). Stem and leaves scattered and bristle, sly. The median leaves are broad-chain, stalking, peristo-blade or coarse. Single large flowers on long blooms. Switching buds, coated with a two-income cup, falling on the flower dissipation. Purple petals, white, pink or red with a dark spot at the base. Sydiachnye, multipath. Stagging threads at the top of a male-shaped thickened. Fruits - spherical grayish brown boxes with incomplete partitions. Outside holes under the stigma. Seeds are small, honest, sulpure or creamy, yamble, contain up to 40% oily oil. Preparations are painful, narcotic action.

Celest Large - Chelidonium Majus. Multi-year weed poisonousplant growing in forests, gardens, shady places. Milky juice orange. Rhizome short; Root rod, branchy. Stems upright, branchy, ribbed, scattered and hair. Lire-chosen leafy leaves on rounded, deeply outdoor or uneven-round-gear segments. From above, the leaves are bright green, bottom - sly. The root leaves are long-coal, with the vagina, the top - the next, seating. Flowers are collected 4-5 in false umbrellas. Chasselsters are strongly convex. Petals are yellow, rounded or reverse ovoid, located. The box podlovoid, linear, one-coach, opens from the base to the top with two sash. Black seeds, glittering with a comb-gun appendage. Apply for causticing warts as wound-healing, with stomach ulcers, liver diseases, gallbladder.

Yellow Machine - Glaucium Flavum. Multi-or annual monocarpic plant growing in seaside slopes Southern Shore Crimea. Rare guarded!Cultivated as decorative, dosage, grease. Root rod. Stems upright, branched, devoid, like leaves, milky juice, bare or mass-hairy. The leaves of the root rosette are large, long-coal, dense-curved, limid-peristracted, often with connoisseable, relaxed segments, of which the upper is wide-back-ovid, the rest are triangular or ovoid, uneven-large-sawn. Standing leaves are regular, stem, siesium, separated or disseated, upper - peristo-blade. Flowers are large aspiece or stubby. Buds of drooping, bristle-pubescent chiselistics, ovate-oblong. Petals wide-reverse ovoid, shiny, yellow, lemon or orange. Anthers and threads of numerous stamens bright yellow. Boxes podlovidal false-dummy, double, straight or curved, with a finely tubed surface. Seeds semi-circular, daughto-bug . The grass is used for coughing, elevated pressure.

cabbage (Torn Mustard: White, Sareptskaya, G. Black, Slaughter, Bag, Znobusady, Groil Cabbage)

Cabstone Family (Conductor) - Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) One-, two and perennial herbs. Root system rod, in twilight roots. Leaves are simple, without coastal. Characteristic heterophilia. Self-deception is noble, top, creeps, less often - shovels, blurred, head, cooled. Flowers small, white or yellow. A cup of four free chases located in 2 circles. Corn crossed. Androecium fetal- out of 6 stamens 2 shorter than the remaining 4. At the base of the yarns are located netics. Ginetsay Tagarpnaya, from 2 rest, with or without a column; Fruit - podsand podlok, shunting podsless likely - single-bedding nuts. Seeds lie in one or two rows on the partition, without endosperma and perisperma, with a large bent germs.

Cabbage is Brassica.

Cabbage Garden Kochanne -Brassica. oleracea. var. capitata.. This is a two-year plant that has forming a root rosette of leaves in the first year of life. kochan -cropped fleshy stem, thickly covered with large, juicy leaves. In the second year, a reprehensive, bare stem of 50-100 cm long with the upheld brushes of pale yellow flowers. Stem Leaves Film Fucking, SIZO-GREEN. Pods up to 10 cm long, rejected, with swollen, stupid, short spout. Used as vegetable, vitamin, with cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases, to improve the condition of the skin and hair.

Mustard sredtskaya - Brassica Juncea (Sinapis Juncea). Annual plant height 20-60 cm. Stems naked. Burnt leaves are sweet, lovid, on the alkyms of absent-rigid-hay. Medino stem leaves short-flower, lanceal, lane. The top leaves are sedentary, sweatshop, one-piece. Flowers are yellow in busy inflorescences. Pods directed space up (at an angle of 45 °), cylindrical, length 3-5 cm (twice as long than the frozen), tuberculous, with a private nose. On the sash, the average and two thin winding sidelines are distinguished. Seeds spherical, smooth, dark brown. Seeds get fatty oil. The cakes goes to the production of dry mustard and mustard pieces acting cement and distracting.

Mustard black - Brassica Nigra (Sinapis Nigra). The annual, 50-150 cm high. The stem in the lower part is rarely-moisture. Burnt leaves are lyovid, with a large lacrimal-toothed upper fraction, rarely turned; Middle stem leaves short-flower, litual; Top - lanceal. Yellow flowers in busy inflorescences. Pods, pressed against the stalk, tetrahedral, 1-2 cm long, with a very short thin spout. Folders with three veins, of which only average is allocated. Seeds are dark brown or black. Used similarly to the mustard of Sarept.

White Mustard - Sinapis Alba. It is found as weed in sowing and on trashal places. This is a height of 30-60 cm with severe input. The roasting leaves are sweet, in the outlines are wide-rhombic, deeply-parish-separate on uneven-gear shares. Stroke leaves short-flower, broad, dissected. Flowers are yellow, in carious inflorescences. Pods are riveted, 2-4 cm long, on long, thin fruits, deviated from the stem from 90 °. The nose is long, flattening-moon-shaped, sash tough-hay, tuberculous, with three-five outstanding veins. Seeds are almost spherical, yellowish, contain essential mustard oil and oily oil.

Scratchless Risky (G. Gray) - Erysimum Diffusum (E. CaneScens). It grows on steppe and dry slopes, meadows, roadside, stony outcrops. Introduced into the culture as a medicinal plant. Annual or a two-year plant with a height of 30-90 cm, grayish from pressed, 2-3-separate hairs. Stem branchy. The leaves of the vegetative shoots of the first year of life are oblong-lanceolate, lane-gentle, with the base, moving gradually in the petiole. Flower Escape Leaves Shortochnye, Linear Lancing, Almost All-Range; Top leaves seating. Top brushes, first almost come, then elongated. Petals are twice as long than chasoles, lemon yellow, with a rounded-elliptic bend and a long, narrow marigold. The column is short, a dupled duplex. Pods 45-70 mm long, tetrahedral, flattened, spit-up standing, gray, greenish ribs. Contain cardiac glycosides.

Shepherd Common Bag - Capsella Bursa-Pastoris. It grows in the fields, at the roads, at housing. Weed, food, vitamin, medicinal, oilseed plant. A polymorphic single or twin-bowl high 20-30 cm. Slim root, spindle-shaped. Stem is a single, reprehensive, minor, in the bottom of the sideways by simple or branched hairs. The leaves of the root rosette wintering, length 5-10 (15) cm, cuff, peristo-separate, with sharp, triangular, all-curtain, or gentle-grayscale. Standing leaves are regular, sedent, oblong-lanceal, all-string or lane-gentle, with sweep and skeleton-based base. Flowers small, white in brushes. CHASELISTICS CONCEMENTAL-ovid-shaped 1-2.5 mm long, alternate with longer, reverse-ovoid petals. The pods are a triangular-heart-shaped, compressed from the sides perpendicular to the partition, on the top slightly leaked, with the residue of the column. Folding pod triangular-lands, thin-walled, cylindown. The grass has a hemostatic effect.

buckwheat (Rose Highlander: G. Snaken, Pepper, Hattoo, Sports, Greaching, Rod Rhubarb: Tangutsky and more .., Rod sorrel: uh. Konsky, ... sour);

Buckwheat Family - Polygonaceae More apartments, less often - two-year-old herbs, shrubs and lian. Leaves are regular, simple, cherry or seats. Film welders grow together in trumpetembracing stem. Flowers are small, occasionally same-sex, in cerebral cooled, creeps, blurred inflorescences or are assembled into stubborn beams. Porceller Simales, out of 5, 6 free or inacted in different degrees of colorfulness, remaining, growing or fastened during the fruit. Stamens 3-9, who have grown together (brother) or free. Gynoecium pseudomonocarpny, formed by 2-4 fertility. Outskin ovary, one-minute, with one sick. Fruit achene, often trigger, small sizes, called more often than a nut. Seeds with abundant, milded endosperm.

Rose Highlander - Polygonum.

Highlander Suncheas (kidney grass) - Polygonum Persicaria. Unclear. It occurs on the filler meadows, along the shores of the reservoirs, as weeding in the crops, by gods, arable land, wet places. Stem is ascending, Wilcy-branched, height from 20 to 80 cm, with highly swollen nodes, anthocyano color. The leaves are more often short-flowered, lanceal, long-pointed, with a wedge-shaped base, ragned with bristly hairs. On the top side in the middle there is brown faded stain. Unlike water pepper, the leaves do not possess burning taste. Curses are reddish, tightly embrace stem, short-fit-hair, along the edge with long cilia. Inflorescences - top, reprehension, thick, short colosian brushes, 5-8 mm thick. The pinkish is a pinkish, the base is greenish, deep-dissected for five pieces, without glands, like a flower model. Columns 2-3, who have consisted. The seed with a length of about 2.5 mm, shorter of the perianth, there are flattening-heart-shaped and triangular, swallow, light brown or black, shiny. The grass is used as astringent, hemostatic, vitamin remedy.

Highlander Pepper (Water Pepper) - Polygonum Hydropiper. Annual, grows along the shores of the reservoirs, on wet soils (frog grass), in sowing as weed. All plant poisonous!Rhizome is thin. Stem is a reprehensive, 30-90 cm high, branched, reddish, with swollen nodes. The leaves are short-flower, with a narrow-colored base, on the edge of rigid-rough. Well noticeable translucent point glandsSometimes there is a dark spot on the upper side. Leaves and stems taste poland. Cylindrical, film, reddish, without noticeable float, along the edge - with short cilia or without them. Top brushes, outer, rigorous, long (up to 6 cm), thin, intermittent, with a disrupting top. Picker 4-5-separated, greenish-pinkish, grazed with golden glands. Seven-shaped seeds, 2-3 mm long, a little shorter of the perianth, brown or dim black, yammed. They are or triangled, with one more convex side, or flattened, with flat sides. The leaves are used as a seasoning, grass and preparations from it have astringent, hemostatic effects, are used for ulcers and stomach cancer, to stimulate the muscles of the uterus, like vitamin one.

Highlander Serpentine (cancer cervical cakes) - Polygonum Bistorta. It grows in the forests, in the mountains, on the filler meadows, along the shores of the reservoirs, in the crops. Perennial with thick, somewhat flattened, kite-shaped curvedrowing dark red. Stems upright, up to 100 cm high. Large rosettes large, long celebrate cester, oblong-oval, the top is sharp, the base of the low-speed. Standing leaves are regular, sedent-lanceal sitting, on the edge of wavy, with a wedge-shaped or slightly laid base, the bottom is grayish, short-sowed, naked or slightly pubescent. Open rasters. Cole-shaped inflorescences of the top, thick, dense, cylindrical or oval, with a fillective pointed bracts. The perianth is 5-separate, preserved in fruit. The seed is 3.5 mm long, egg-shaped, triangular, shiny, dark brown. The rhizome is used as a binder and hemostatic agent.

Highlander Bird (Speech) - Polygonumaviculare. Grows everywhere, meets along the roads, ditches, in the courtyards, on weed places, in pastures, in crops (grass animal). This is the root system rod, a minor. Stems 10-60 cm long, weak, prostrate or ascending, branched from the base. The leaves from elliptical to linear lanceolates, stupid or pointed, at the base of the sizzy in a short petiole, grayish or sizo-green, rakes are long-pointed, almost to the base transparent silver. Flowers for 2-5 in the sinuses of the leaves. Periek deep-5-disseated, in the bottom of the green, in the top - white or pink. A seed 2-3 mm long, is not issued or slightly issued from the perianth, triangular, the faces are narrow, depressed, dot-tube, almost black, matte. The grass is used as a diuretic and hemostatic agent.

Rod sorrel - Rumex.. Special leaves are characterized, buggy inflorescences, single or oat-drop flowers, a cupid-shaped, 6-membered, in two circles, strugpestika tuskets. Uncooked seedsSmall, protected by the born internal leaves of the perianth.

Sorrel horse - Rumex Confertus. Grows in meadows, forest edges. Perennial, rhizome powerful, short, stalk with a height of 60-120 cm, reprehensive, furor, in the top of the branch. The leaves are regular, the top is smaller, egg-shaped, seats, lower - cuffs, oculum-triangular-oval, stupid, length 15-25 cm, 6-12 cm wide, at the base of the heart-shaped, on the edge of a slightly wavy. Grocery cutters from above. Flowers in flocks forming a thick narrow-timer tire. The flowers are articulated in the middle or somewhat lower, the perianth is greenish. Outskirts one of the three filamental columns usually with a large bright swollen seal, chicken fragments. The seed trigger, light brown. Underground authorities are used as a hemostatic, anti-zhilant.

Sorrel souror ordinary - Rumex Acetosa.Perennial, downtown. Distributed almost everywhere and cultivated. Growing on meadows, on forest edges, in crops. Steel up to 1 m high. The leaves are acidic, roasting - long-meshkin, with a sweep base, stable almost seating. Flowers same-sex, pink or reddish, are collected in cylindrical polygamy panicles. Internal leaflets of the perianth with fruit are growing. Tri-marginal seeds, up to 1.7 mm long, pointed, black and brown, smooth, shiny. The face is slightly convex, the ribs are sharp, brighter, with a small cut. Leaves are recommended as vitamin, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic agent. Fruits are used in poultry food.

Rhube Rhodes - Rheum. Stems hollow, the leaves are long-cooled, palphatic or solid. Inflorescences Buggy. Porceller is simple, of two three-mended circles; Internal leaflets of the perianth grow up in fruit. Speed \u200b\u200bknots. Seed winged. Cultivated as food and medicinal: r. TANGUTISKY - RHEUM PALMATUM VAR TANGUTISUM. This is a perennial to 2 m high. Rhizome and roots are powerful, spindle-shaped, brown, on a blob bright yellow. Stems upright. Burnt leaves are petioles, very large, 5-7-finger-separate, bristly rough. Stroke leaves are smaller than roar, almost seated, blade. Flowers are yellowish-white, collected in powerful bulbs. The red seeds are wide-winged. Cultivated as medicinal, food, decorative. Food is used by young stiffs. Preparations in small doses act as astringent, in large - as a laxative, choleretic, wind turbulent.

Buckwheat - Fagopyrum. Cultivated buckwheat Real - Fagopyrum Sagitattum. This is a perennial height of 30-70 cm. The stalk reddish, the leaves are trigon-heart-shaped or sweat, slightly fleshy. Inflorescences Buggy. Pink flowers, dimorphic:some - with short columns, long stamens, others - with long columns, short stamens. Stamens and pestle ripen at different times, which prevents self-pollution. Seed-three-trigger seeds, on 1/2 nominated from the perianth.

bean(peanut underground, astragal woolly flower, donnon medicinal, field plant, peas, sowing, beans ordinary, robinity pseudocation, licorice naked, soy bristle)

Bean Family - Fabaceae Life forms of all sorts, but the prevail of herbs. Root system usually stem tubesnitrogenous bacteria. Leaves are regular, complex, simple, with horses, sometimes parts of the sheet are visible in mustacheor spinys. Flowers with bracts, usually collected in brush, head, umbrella or spike. Siegomorphic flowers, with a double perianth. A cup of five-fragrant, bell and two-way. Venchik papilionaceous Of 5 petals: unpaired - sail,or flag, two side - merryor wings, and two petals that have grown and forming boat. The boat is placed marking of monocarpny guinesea and Andro; out of 10 stamens: they or freeor single, or more - doubly.Fruit bean, Usually dry, with many or one-three seeds, dropped, undisturbing or disintegrating on segments, sometimes juicy. Seeds in stock seedlings, starch, oily oil.

Peanut Underground (Earthwood) - Arachis Hypogaea. It does not grow wildly, it is known only as a protein-oil culture. Motherland - Brazil. The annual 50-75 cm high with reprehensive and fluttering stems. Parserous leaves, long-meshkin. Flowers are yellow, stubby, on short spacing, top - fruitless, lower - fluttering. Flowers one day.After fertilization perianth and doublyandroza is dying, and the flowerwoman grows up, then bends down, reaches the soil and is embedded to a depth of 10 cm. From the wound undergrounddevelops unsubstiveone-bit bean, reminiscent of a cocoon with harshs. The fetal surface is mesh, the structure is loose. Oily peanut butterafter hydrogenation, it is used as the ointment and suppositor bases, for the production of margarine. Seeds and flour - in confectionery production.

Astragal Festo-deck - Astragalus Dasyanthus. The perennial height of about 40 cm. The stem is rising, branched, reddish from the shaggy flooring. In Ukraine is guarded as rare plant! The leaves are unparalleled and complex, out of 13-17 pairs of oblong-lanceal pubescent leaves. Inflorescences are dense, grannye. A cup of tubular, denser. Petals are yellow. Androecium doubly.Bob hair, oval, open, with a false partition. Seeds resemble the bones of the rams. It is used in cardiovascular insufficiency and hypertension.

Dormon Medicinal - Melilotus Officinalis. Growing on meadows, wastehouses, along the roads. Good honey. Herbaceous two-year plant. Stems branched. Leaves are trees, medium sheets with cushion, side - almost seated. All-Running or fine-grained alcohols. Flowers are yellow, assembled into multi-flowered stuffed brushes. Cup of the bell tower, the boat stupid. Androecium doubly.The beans are small, picked, unscrewing, naked, mesh wrinkled, with 1-3 seeds. The grass is used as an anticonvulsant, expectorant, anticoagulant, with rheumatism, for resorption of disappears and tumors. In perfumery - as a retainer, in tobacco production - like fragrance.

Robinity False (White Acacia) - Robinia Pseudoacacia. Motherland - North America. Cultivated as a decorative plant and honey. The leaves are unpaired, oval leaflets with a sharpness, from the bottom is grayish green. Highlights are modified in barbs or missing. Flowers are assembled into drooping brush. The axis of inflorescence without glands and bristles. Cup of the bell, sticky. White or pink curler, fragrant. Androecium doubly. Zajaza leg. Bob multi-semen revealthe continued linear, slightly curved, flattened, narrowed to the top and base, with a walled abdominal seam and short spout, dark yellow, naked with outstanding seeds. Flowers are used in violation of the metropolis of metabolism and in gynecological diseases.

Licorice Naked - Glycyrrhiza Glabra. The perennial 50-100 cm high. Rhizome is well developed, a multi-part, with deeply introduced roots, a network of vertical and horizontal collines. The leaves are unparallery-grain-sophisticated with 5 or 7 pairs of egg-shaped, iron-eyed leaves. Inflorescence - loose stubborn brush. Pale purple flowers, Tubular Cup, Andro; doubly. Beans are unscrewing, straight, flat, leathery . Licoriceor lacrick, rootit is used as an expectorant, smaller, laxative, diuretic, anti-inflammatory agent, as an emulsifier and substance that corrective the taste of drugs.

Field Stranger - Ononis Arvensis. Growing on the meadows, among shrubs, on the banks of the rivers. The perennial height of 25-80 cm with a multi-core rhizome and branched rod root. Stems ascending, branched, ironisto-pubescent. The leaf sticky, the troch, the upper is simple, sharp-saw-gear, with large hopes that have grown to the pet. Flowers on short flowers are located 2 in the sinuses of the leaves and form thick tops cystricular inflorescences. A five-deplete cup, a pink whisk, 2 times longer than a cup. Androecium single.Bean single-bedned, undistributingophitoid, sown, less cup. The root is applied as a relaxing, hemostatic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Peas Sowing - Pisum Sativum. In a wild form is not found. Primary Center for Origin - Front Asia. Main legobobic culture, excellent feed, green fertilizer. One-teller with a running stem is 50-200 cm long -coming leaves with 1-3 pairs of green or sizo-green from wax flooring leaflets and large, semidis-shafts. Coloros short, 1-4-flower. Flowers are large, white, pink, purple or yellowish. Beans 3-15 cm long, cylindrical, straight or curved. Folders usually with the inner parchment layer. Seeds are rounded, smooth or wrinkled, light yellow, green or brown. They contain up to 27% of the full protein, about 50% starch, 0.6-1.5% fat, vitamins. Food is used by mature seeds for cooking soups, porridge, stuffs, and unripe beans and seeds can be preserved and frozen.

Ordinary beans - Phaseolus vulgaris. One of the main plants of the ancient farming Peru, Mexico. Valuable food culture. Annual plant up to 1 m high. Stalk curly or straight, stronger, sown. Leaves are trees, on long stiffs. Flowers 2-6 on long flowering, from white to dark purple and purple. Beans hanging, straight or curved, from pale yellow and green to dark purple. Seeds are elliptical, from white to dark purple, monophonic, mosaic, or spotted. Seeds contain 24-27% protein, are eaten, unripe beans can be preserved. Bean flaps reduce blood sugar content.

Soy cultural,or bristle - Glycine Max (G. Hispida). Motherland - Southeast Asia. Main areas of cultivation - USA, China, Brazil. An annual height of 30-100 cm. Straper straight, rough, sown, at the bottom of the branch, in the upper - pervise. Leaves are trees, with horses and struts. Flowers of 3-10 in cystic sinus solestets, white or purple, less than red. Beans are oblong, straight or sickle curved, hair, 1-4-seed. Character seeds or oval, yellow, green, brown, black. From seeds containing 33-47% of the full protein, 15-26% fat, 25-27% starch, vitamins A, B, C, E, get oil, make flour, canned food. Soybean oil is used in food and for the production of margarine, soap, glycerin, varnishes, paints, drugs. Flour is used in the manufacture of confectionery, sauces, soy milk, cheese, added to bread. Soy use in the production of linoleum, plastics, oilcloths, etc. On the feed there are cake seeds, green grass, hay, silage, straw.

pink (Aria blackfold, rhodes hawthorn: b. Blood-red and more .., rowan ordinary, raspberry, almond ordinary, Peppermoting, heel medicinal, prickly, strawberries Forest, cherry ordinary, Rosehip: W. doggy, sh. May et al .., apple tree home)

Rosaceae Family Presented in the form of perennial herbs, semi-stares, shrubs and trees. The morphology of the sheet is diverse. Actinorphic flowers, mostly routine, with 5-, less often a 4-membered double perianth, an uncertain number of stamens. Talicomics and stamens are located circles on the edge of flat or concave hipalia. Fruentics are free or struggling among themselves, and sometimes with giphena. At the base of the giphya there is a nectarous disk. Flowers are pollinated by wind and insects. Seeds without endosperma are formed without a merger of genital cells. The fruits of mono-, apocos and tag, with a scratched or dry cup. The family is divided into the subfamily of sparies, richness, apple and plum.

Shipovnikovy - Rosoideae. Life forms: wood, herbaceous, pubescent or spiked leaves: the next, simple and complex; Highlights Saving inflorescences: umbrella, half-blooded, ripening, less often flowers Single flowers: dissection cup, with swaying; Warshink Star or Cross, Ginetsa Apocarpnaya Fruits: Apocarpny juicy (frag, multicast, cynarodies) and dry (multi-case, multi-semen)

Apple - Maloideae. Life forms: Woody, often with spiny leaves: the next, simple and complex; Highlights Feeding Inflorescences: Shield, Complex Makeup, Rights Flowers Single Flowers: Bladbooth or Protective Cup, Garnets, Zagairpnaya Warring, Lower Fruits: Turning False, Juicy Apple, Berry Outdoor Apple

Plum - Prunoideae. Life forms: Woody, often with spines Leaves: Others, Simple, Highlights Feeding Inflorescences: Brush, Umbrella, Rights Single Flowers or 2-3 Flowers: A Clash Split, Warfish Starbed, Monocarpny Fruits: Monocarpny Juicy - Kostyanka

Representatives of the subfamily Shipovnikovy - Rosoideae.

Maji Rosehip,or cinnamon - Rosa Majalis (R. Cinnamomea). Grows on forest edges, in the thickets of shrubs, in the floodplains of rivers and on the meadows. Cultivated. Shrub height 60-200 cm. The bottom of the trunks and vegetative shoots are covered with sickle, pairwise with pinned spikes and bristly spines. Coloring shoots naked. The leaves are unparalleled and complex with 5-7 leaves and hopes that have grown to the pet. Leafs are sisovato-green, lowered late. Flowers with a diameter of up to 5 cm, on short, naked flowering, are located 2-5. Free parts of the cup of narcolatory, solid or with 2-3 short filamentary side appendages. Petals from pale- to dark red. The glass-shaped gapine in the ripening of fruits becomes juicy, red, with a rounded hole on the top and the free parts of the cup, which are directed up and saved until the hypitation is red. Pestleys are free, pubescent, with long columns. False fruit cynarodiusit consists of juicy, orange-red giphyta with the residues of the cup on the top and the real fruits lying on the inner, bristly pubescent surface of the gipaction. 4-5 mm long nuts, light yellow, angular. Fruits are used as a polyvitamin, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, diuretic, nuts of nuts - as wound-healing.

Rosehip dog - Rosa Canina. Grows on the slopes, edges, along the roads, on wasteland. A shrub of 150-250 cm highs. It differs from the Maiden's rosehip as follows: the sheets of a complex leaf of alkyms of fervent, along the edge - bico-saw-gear; RAHIS with rare siepers and glands; on branches of spikes single, large, hook-shaped down; The free parts of the cup peristrarpole, after flowering, bent down and fall into the ripening of zinarody. Fruit spherical, with a pentagonal platform on the top. The content of vitamins is minor. Used as antimicrobial, hemostatic, binding, soothing, to obtain the drug "Holosas", recommended during diseases of the liver.

Strawberry Forest - Fragaria Vesca. Grows on the slopes, forest edges, in shrubs. Introduced into the culture (strawberry). Perennial, rhizome plant with a roasting rosette of three-grained, long-cooled leaves and overhead creeping shoots - mustyrooting in nodes. In places of rooting, new outlets are formed. Color-bearing stems are reprehension, quenched, benating, beyond or small, less often with complex leaves located under a low-sighted pillage inflorescence. A cup of grows with smaller leaves sternally and remains with fruit. Stamens grow to the base of the cup. Juicy fruits called farming, or fragoyConsist of a scratched conic fleshy red color and real fleets - small nuts-shaped seeds, in-depth in the flesh. Fruits and leaves are used as anti-cutting, antibacterial, diuretic. Fruits - in nutrition.

Drug Heel - Sanguisorba Officinalis. It grows on the meadows, on forest edges, on the shores of rivers and reservoirs. The perennial height of 1-1.5 m with thick vertical rhizome and apparent roots. The root leaves are long-coal, unpaired, with 7-17 cuffs, elliptic leaves, saw-toothed along the edge. They are dark green, shiny, from the bottom of the matte. Horses Sickle, gear. At the base of leaves sometimes there are minor strips. Stem Leaves Sitting, Small, with fewer leaves. Flowers in the top, ovoid or oval, thick heads. Obroat flowers, with two columous scales, one cotton leaves and a simple twenty-shaped perianth of 4 dark red tanks. Hypali bellolla. Stamens with red anthers. Pestc with a head fringe. The fruit is a nut, enclosed in a dry quadmoral gipline. The rhizome is used as astringent, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory agent.

Pepper Stripe - Potentilla Erecta. Growing on meadows, wetlands, between shrubs. The perennial height of 10-40 cm with a multi-core, horizontal, thickened, riveted root. Wilcy-branched stem. The roasting leaves are puffy, trees, less often, squeezed, die before flowering. Stem leaves sitting, troch, with large hopes. Flowers on long flowerwomen. A cup with sternally remains with fruit. Yellow Petals S. red spotat the base. Fruit multioreke. The rhizome is used as astringent, hemostatic, wound-healing, antimicrobial agent.

Malina Ordinary - Rubus Idaeus. Grows in forests, on cutting, is widely cultivated. This is a semi-stabiliar with two-year-old escapes. The shoots of the first year are vegetative, grassy, \u200b\u200breprehensive, with sharp needle red-brown spikes and hairs. For the second year, these shoots are shirled and shortened generative shoots grow on them. After the ripening of fruits, the above-ground portion dies off, and new shoots are developed from the renewal of the resumption existing on the rhizome. Complex leaves with three or five leaves. They are green on top, from below - grayish-white from dense omit, along the edge of the gear. Puffs and veins are covered with spikes. In the leaves, that on fruitless shoots, horses will grow to a puff, and on fluttering shoots leaves without horses. Flowers are white, single or in carlike inflorescences. Table conical. CHASELISTICS LONG RECHNOLOGE PETALS, CAPTERED DOWN. Multicostyankaraspberry red or yellow. Housing bonuses; They slightly grow together and easily separated from the color. Fruits are used as a strain, vitamin, sedative, anti-inflammatory agent and as a food product.

Representatives of the subfamilyApple- Maloideae (Pomoideae) Homemade Apple Tree - Malus Domestica. In a wild form is not found. There are more than 6000 varieties in culture. A tree with a symptomal branch up to 10 m high. Summer leaves, egg-shaped. Flowers are collected several into umbrella inflorescences on fluttering shortened shoots. Petcloth, Cup and Hypanius thick-hair. Fruit applewith the rest of the cups on the top and with the recess at the base. The fleet of the fetus is formed by hyphenia and the outer tissues of the ovary, does not contain stony cells. The endocarpium is formed by the inner walls of the wound, leather, consists of five "leaflets" containing 2 seeds with dark brown peel. Fruits are used, juice as a constructive, vitamin, diuretic, a relaxing, tonic, anti-inflammatory agent and in the food industry.

Rowan Ordinary - Sorbus Aucuparia. It grows in forests, beams, on sandy and stony slopes of the banks of the rivers. Divorced in gardens, parks, struggling stripes. Shadowish, drought-resistant and frost-resistant plant, good honey. A tree with a symphodial branch of up to 18 m high. Young shoots are destroyed, old - with gray, smooth bark. The leaves are non-parpty-sophisticated of 9-15 oblong, saw-toothed leaves. The leaves on shortened shoots are bored with beams, and on elongated shoots - the next. Flowers small, yellowish, with a specific smell, are collected in drooping, thick plumbing metels. Apples berry-shapedspherical, orange-red, shiny, with dried aparthes on the top. The bitter-tart taste after frosts weakens, a sweet taste appears. Fruits are used as a polyvitamin, hemostatic, diuretic, choleretic, laxative, antheuma. Recommended with dysentery, hemorrhoids. In cosmetology, apply masks from pulp fruit with honey. Seed oil heals wounds.

Aria blackfold (blackfold rowan) - Aronia Melanocarpa. Cultivated. Shrub or tree with a height of 2-3 m, with a spreaded crown. The leaves are simple, with non-fading, grown to the tub, and short, top with a groove cushion. Plate elliptical or reverse-ovoid, with a bico-gallery-saw edge. Young leafles are hard, mature - naked. Inflorescences of shields. White flowers, with numerous natarsand purple anthers. Berry-shaped applesrounded, 6-10 mm in diameter, black, covered with a szyrous wax rim, with low-width cups, purple-red pulp and 8 brown, wrinkled, sickle curved seeds. Fruits rich in vitamin P, with hypertension, atherosclerosis, bleeding, as a capillary repairing and choleretic agent; serve as a source of biologically valuable food dye.

Hawthorn Blood-Red - Crataegus Sanguinea. Grows in rarefied forests, on the edges, along the banks of the rivers. Cultivated. Shrub or tree up to 5 m height. Saving two types: elongated, having stubborn spines with a length of 2-5 cm, and shortened, which usually end spiny. The leaves are simple, on short off shoots, they are small, reverse ovoid or wide-rhombic, 5-9 blade, on elongated shoots - larger, peristo-separate, unevenly sawn. Highlights of sickle or ortho-covered, saw-toothed, falling. Flowers B. complex panels, white or pale pink, small with bare or scattered by axes and flowers. Pestka columns 3-5, the walls of the margins are growing with a concave, closed color and form a bone cover for the fruits. Posynankoid applesred or orange-yellow, spherical or short-elliptic, 8-10 mm in diameter, with a torment, yellowish pulp and 1, 3-5 "bones". They are incorrect triangular, wrinkled, 5-6 mm long, 2-3 mm width. Flowers, leaves and fruits of this and some other species are used as cardiotonic, antispasmodic, sedative, diuretic, soothing agent.

Representatives of the subfamilyPlum - Prunoideae.

Blackthorn, or tern Spiny - Prunus Spinosa. Growing wild in Europe, Malaya Asia, Tunisia, Iran. Spiny, highly branched shrub up to 1.5 m height. Bark black and brown. Elliptical leaves, oblong-egg-shaped or wide-lanceal, naked, with glandular cloths. White flowers, single, on short naked flowering. Kostyanki small, spherical, deceased, almost black, with a wax raid. The fruit is very tart for the taste, but after frosts become sweet. Fruits are used as a binder, vitaminative, and flowers - as a diuretic, sweetened, hypotensive agent.

Almond Ordinary - Amygdalus Communis. Growing wild in Middle and Malaya Asia, Iran, Afghanistan. Branching tree up to 8 m high. Lancing leaves, 4-6 cm long. Flowers are large, pinkish, usually single, sitting or on short flowering, bloom until leaves appear. A cup and petals quickly fall, deep-laid petals. Kostyanki dry,felt-pubescent, with a thin, fibrous spindlers, which cracks and falls when ripening; The bone is solid or fragile. The seed is large, contains 40-60% oily oil. Almond ordinary is divided into two varieties: Sweet almonds - Amygdalus Communis Var. Dulcisand almond bitter - Amygdalus Communis Var Amara. Deep grows only bitter. Its seeds contain a significant amount of bitter taste. amigdalinawhich is hydrolyzed to poisonous substances - benzaldehyde and sinyl acid, which makes seeds in unbearable. Sweet almond seeds possess a pleasant specific smell and a taste, used in confectionery, perfumery, pharmaceutical production, are recommended for anemia, diabetes mellitus, asthma, insomnia, migraine, etc. From the cake seeds are preparing outko-almond Waterwhich is used to improve drug taste, as a soothing and painkillers. Almond oilit is used as a solvent, emulsifier, light laxative, anti-inflammatory. Medical plant, decorative.

Ordinary Cherry - Padus Avium. It is part of the undergrowth in the forest zone. Cultivated as a medicinal and early decorative decorative plant. Tree up to 10 m height. Young branches are pubescent. Elliptical leaves, small blood. Fragrant flowers, in multi-flowered, droincing cysts. Petals 6-9 mm long. Kostyanki.on thin frozen, 6-10 mm in diameter, spherical, black, shiny, with greenish pulp. Bone wide-egg-shaped, grayish yellow. The surface of the bone rough-winding, with shiny dots. Fruits are used to prepare beverages, like a binder, antimicrobial agent, part of the gastric tea. Fresh flowers get cherochwaterused in eye diseases. Phytoncides cherry have an insecticidal action. Apply fruits with caution due to availability sinyl Acidin seeds.

vereskovye (ordinary, lingonberry, cranberry, Bolotnaya, Tolochang, Blueberry);

Issue Family - Ericaceae Their appearance is peculiar and called erikoid: Wood forms of short, peeling, evergreen or leaf falling; The leaves are adapted to moisture savings: leathery, mental, scaly, and if the sheet plate is flat, then or with bent down the edges, or longitudinally twisted, pubescent. Root with mycorrhism. Leaves without horses, mostly solid, regular. Single top flowers and stuffed or in umbrella, creeps, blurred inflorescences. A cup of usually remains when the fruit remains, the crown remains or pops. Anthers S. appendices, open piathers. Under the pestle - nectarone disk. Fruit - box, kitchen or berry.

Bowls Bowl - Ledum Palustre. Evergreen 20-125 cm height of 20-125 cm, with a strong specific smell, poison! It grows on wet places, in pine and mixed forests. Young shoots and flowers are thickly covered with essential oil glasses and reddish hairs. The leaves are regular, short-flower, linearly oblong, with the edges are wrapped down, leathery, top - shiny, brown-dark green, from the bottom - red-felt. Inflorescences - the top shields with red-brown bracts, which are preserved with fruit. Chessels brownish-pubescent, adhesive, on the edge of the faceted. Stamens without increased, sticky threads at the base are expanded and publisted; Anthers burst holes. Around zeezi - nectarm.Boxes are oblong-oval, dumped, dark, iron-pubes, open with flaps. Insecticide, expectorant and hypotensive agent.

Tolokanyanka Ordinary (Bear Ushko) - Arctostaphylos UVAURSI. Grows in pine forests, on dry sandy soils. Evergreen swallowing height of 0.3-1.5 m. Stems lying, branched, rooting and ascending. Leaves are oblong-reverse ovoid, narrowed at the base in short petiole, on the top of stupid, bottom - light green, on top - dark green, shiny, with a well-visible mesh of depressed veins. The edge of the sheet is solid, slightly dropped. Flowers in drooping top brushes on short flowers. The pink wreath, the pink-bubbling bend, inside - with rigid hairs. Anthers are dark red, with appendages, open up holes. The column is a little shorter of the bunny. The fetus is a cynamar berry bone with a diameter of 6-8 mm, flattened-ball, bright red. It is characteristic that under the subtle exocarpion is puffy flesh with five bones. Fruit poisonous! The plant is used as a tubyl, dye, medicinal. The leaves are used as an anti-inflammatory, diuretic.

Single Bral - Vaccinium Vitis-Idaea. Grows in the forests, mountains, on sandy shoots. Evergreen semi-staple 5-25 cm high, with a thin creeping rhizome and stop stem. Leather leather, short-flower, with bent down the edges, elliptical and back-egg-shaped with a stupid or laid tip; on top dark, bottom - pale green, with dark point hardware. Flowers are assembled at the ends of last year's shoots in 2-8-flower drooping brushes. Glovers small, lanceal, reddish. A cup with four short-triangular teeth is preserved with fruit. Corn pinkish, bell, four-coming. Stomaching threads are short, thick, hair, anthers without appendages. The column is longer than the whisk, the wound ground. Berries are red, spherical, shiny, diameter up to 0.8 cm, with dry cups on the top. Frames are reddish, petty seeds, numerous. Food plant, medicinal, tanning, honey. The leaves are used as anti-inflammatory, diuretic, with kidney stones. Berries - when avitaminosis.

Cranberries ordinaryor bolotnaya - Vaccinium Oxycoccus (Oxycoccus Palustris). It grows in the north of the taiga zone, on sphagnum swamps, over wetlands, in the mountains. Evergreen shrub with fluttering stems up to 75 cm long and raising filamentous side shoots. Leaves are hard, leathery, short-flower, 8-12 mm long, ocular-oval, pointed, with wrapped down the edges, on top dark green, shiny, beaten white from waxing. Flowers of 1-4, on long-sized flowering flowers with 2 bracts in the middle. A cup of gear, along the edges of the faceted, fragile with the urging. Petals are growing base, light purple or pink, bent down. Purple tight threads, yellow anthers, clog around a long column. The horns along the length are equal to the dust. Berry spherical, flame or pear-shaped, with a diameter of 8-17 mm, dark red, acidic. Berries are applied to food, in confectionery and liquor-vodka production, like vitamin, antipyretic.

Blueberry Ordinary - Vaccinium Myrthulus. Grows in coniferous and large forests. Leaf Fall half-walker 15-40 cm high. Stems branched, reprehension, cylindrical, ribbed, at the base gray, in the top of the green. The leaves are shortcut, the next, ovoid or elliptical, slightly pointed, 1-3 cm long, with a small edge, light green, thin, smooth. Single flowers, drooping, at the base of young twigs. A cup with almost an alcohol bend remains with fruit; A wrench of a pitched ball-shaped with a 4-5-gear bend. Anthers with a pair of long appendages. The berry is black with a sidewalk, a spherical, 5-8 mm diameter, on the top of the shrink, with a weak-like ring of cupid and a column or a snap in the center. Seeds numerous, light brown, egg-shaped, about 1 mm long. Berries are used in food as vitamin, antiseptic, binding, improving vision; Leaves - as an anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, binder, diuretic and antidiabetic agent. Honey plant.

celerye (Anise Ordinary, Boligs Spotted, Tsmina Ordinary, Coriander Sowing, Parking, Sowing Merro, Petrushkaya Garden, Celery Parking, Fennel Ordinary, Cickuit Poisonous;

Celery (umbrella) family - Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) This is one-, two and perennial herbs, occasionally - half-workers and shrubs. For two-bedrooms are characterized by rod roots. Stem ribbed, hollow. Leaves without horses, vaginal, with a periodic plate, cut to varying degrees. The lower leaves are assembled into the root rosette, stomens - the next or opposite, cuff, seating. Inflorescence - sophisticated umbrellaRarely - head. Sometimes there are bracts that form overheadand ocher. Flowers are actinorphic, oat steels, zigomorphic, rig or same-sex. Stamens alternate with petals, attached to ferrous nectar disk. Ginetsa Timacarpno from 2 rests, maritime Nizhny, bounce, with a disc-ring or two pads and pair of columns. Squeezing fruit - boldenor two-vehicle, often divided into mericapia.Seeds with abundant endosperm and leather growing to the ocoloblodnik. Plants contain kumarins, essential oils, flavonoids, alkaloids, etc.

Anis Ordinary - Anisum Vulgare. Motherland - Small Asia. Cultivated as spicy-aromatic, medicinal. Annual, pubescent plant with a height of 30-50 cm. Stem furochy, branched. Bottom Stem Leaves Long-Checked, Whole, Rounded Cavigation, Hand-toothed; Medium - three times-peristracted on wedge-shaped outcropped segments; The most upper - seating, 5-separate or solid. Umbrellas without an intersection, with 7-15 sowed rays. Petals white. The fruits are egg-shaped, 3-5 mm long, do not disintegrate on mercarpics. Fruits are included in the laxative, gastric and camp fees, are used as spice. Anice essential oilThe resulting fruit has an expectressing effect.

Spotted Boligs - Conium Maculatum. It grows as weed on the roadside, edges of the fields, on the trashal places. Plant is poisonous, with an unpleasant mouse smell!This annual 50-200 cm high. Stem is thin-furred, naked. On it and on the cutters redhead spots. Lower leaflets are long-cooled, the top is attached by the vagina, in the outlines are triangular, three times-elastic-dissected on oblong peristoral segments. Umbrellas with 12-20 rays; Leaflets overlookand okruganarrow-lancing. Siegomorphic flowers, petals white. Fruits of 2.5-3.5 mm long, rounded or egg-shaped, ribbed, when ripening break apart. In traditional medicine and homeopathy use with cautiongrass and seeds for the treatment of breast cancer, at small-class, as an anticonvulsant and painful agent.

Cickuit poisonousor wheel poisonous- Cicuta Virosa.. Poisonous plant!Growing along the shores of water bodies, on wet meadows. Perennial height of 50-100 cm. Rhizome first dense, rounded, in the fall - oblong, inside hollowseparated horizontal partitions.Stem naked, hollow, branched. Cube leaves, twice-three times-peristracted on linear stillar segments. Puffs, meaty, juicy, sweetish, when used, cause fatal poisoning. The umbrella is 10-25-beam, the wrap is made of 1-2, and the ellipers are from 8-12 linear, small leaves. Fruits rounded, ribbed, diameter up to 2 mm, disintegrating. Rhizome very poisonousused folk medicine for the treatment of rheumatism and gout.

Coriander Sowing (Kisnets) - Coriandrum Sativum.Motherland - Mediterranean. Cultivated, easily notits. An annual height of 30-60 cm. All green parts of the plant have an unpleasant specific smell, and mature fruits acquire a spicy fragrance. Stem furochy, naked, light green. Lower leaves are long-meshkin, three-part or peristracted on large, rounded, peristo-blade or separated segments, sawdowed around the edge. The average stroke leaflets are short-flowered, upper - seating, twice and three times-elastic-disseated to small pointed narrow segments. Socuagement without obtrateand okruga. Zlems 3-6, their edge flowers are incorrect, larger, cups of the cup are noticeable, pink petals. Fruits spherical, 2-3 mm in diameter, brown-yellow, disintegrate only when pressing. Fruits are used as a spice, to enhance the work of the stomach and liver, are used in perfumery, to improve the smell and taste of drugs.

Sowing Carrots - Daucus Sativus. Motherland - Mediterranean. Cultivated in many countries. One- or twin-bowl high 20-100 cm. In the first year of life, the root rosette of the leaves and a large spin-shaped, fleshy korneflodorange or yellow. In the second year, coloring shoots grow. The stem is high, branched, ribbed, rigid. The socket leaves of the first year of life are black and eccured on oblong segments, divided into pointed slices. Stroke leaves twice-parish-disseated, the base of the petiole is expanded into the vagina. The overtake of the period-disseated leaves equal to the axes of umbrellas. Loafers from trochy-disseated leaves. Petals white. The edge flowers of zygomorphic umbrellas. In the center of a complex umbrella often located is a barren, almost black flower on a long flowerball. Inflorescence in the stage of fruiting in shape resembles a nest. Double-verses width of about 3 mm, disintegratingwith long and short hooked bristles. Kornemploda is used as a vegetable and source of carotene, the metabolic stimulator, mineral metabolism, at small-class, gastritis. The seeds are obtained by an antispasmodic drug.

Parsley kudryavaya (sowing)- PetroSelinum crispum(P. Sativum). Motherland - Southern Europe. Cultivated on all continents, except for the Arctic districts. Two-year plating with a height of 30-100 cm. Korneflodwhether-shaped. Stem rounded. The leaves are dark green, shiny on top. Burnt and lower stem leaves Long-cooled peristracted leaves, inverse-shaped segments, at the base of wedge-shaped, three-chopped or deep-toothed. Top leaves three-part or dissected. Umbrella with 8-15 rays. Flowers are yellowish- or whitish green. 2.5 mm long fruit, grayish brown, disintegrating.Mericropy misuse-ovoid, with naist. It is grown as food, medicinal, ether solitious culture. Used as a diuretic and spice.

Celery Pahukoy - Apium Graveolens. Wildly grows on saline soils of the Mediterranean, the Sea coast of Crimea, the Caucasus, Central Asia. One- or twin-bowl with a height of 30-100 cm. The root of the spindle-shaped, in cultural forms is rounded, with numerous thick lateral roots. Stem naked. Leaves tough, fragilebrilliant, peristo-disseated, lower - long-cooled, with 5 large-grained segments, upper - almost seated, with 3 segments. Umbrellas with 6-12 bare rays, no overtake and trapes. Petals white. The fruit is small, rounded-ovoid, 1.0-1.5 mm long. The cornery and celery grass are used as a diuretic, analgeal, which improves the appetite and the work of the stomach.

Tsmina Ordinary - CARUM CARVI. Growing on meadows, glades, edges. One-two-year plant with a height of 30-80 cm. Stems upright, naked. Leaves twice or three times-peristracted on ovate-pointed, lancing and linear segments. Bottom leaves with long, and the upper - with short cutters, passing into the vagina. Complex umbrellas of 8-16 unequal lengths, bare rays, without obtrateand okruga. The fruits are brown, about 5 mm long, with a characteristic taste and smell. Cumin seedand cumin waterthe appetite is excited, the digestion is stimulated, diuresis, remove intestinal spasms, uterus, ureters, strengthen the wet separation.

Dill Pakhuki - Anethum Graveolens. Cultivated annual with a single, rounded, thin-furred, naked stem of 30-80 cm high. Bottom - sweet, upper - seating, with white-camed vagina. 20-50 umbrellas, large, without obtrateand okruga. Fruit disintegrating. Mericarphesis flat, ovoid, oval or extended, 2-4 mm long, with thin sollar-yellow edges. Fruits have an expectorant action, used at the initial stages of hypertension, as a spasmolytic, choleretic and diuretic.

Fennel Ordinary (dill pharmacy) - Foeniculum vulgare. Motherland - Mediterranean, grows in Crimea, Central Asia, in the Caucasus. Cultivated as a winter single or twin-bowl. Root spindlelike. Stems with a height of 1-2 m, naked, sizo-green, fine-ribbed, strongly branched. Cushion leaves, repeatedly dissected on narrow and filamentous segments. Current leaves upwards are extended. Inflorescence without overlookand okruga. Flowers yellow. Fruits are egg-shaped-oblong, 5-10 mm long, 2-3 mm wide, sweet-spicy taste. Fruits I. fennel essential oil(Oleum Foeniculi.) Remove an expectorant, windy action, improve appetite and digestion, remove the spasms of the stomach and intestines. Grass is applied in conservation.

norichnikov (Rod Korovyak: K. Medicinal, K. Bear, k. Gustolic, Roda Stristovenka: n. Lug-flowered, n. Purple, n. wool)

Norichniki Family - Scrophulariaceae Annual, twilight, perennial herbs, less often semi-staples and shrubs. The leaves are simple, more often whole, the next or opposite, without coasting. Flowers in inflorescences - brushor earSometimes - single. A cup of paddle or separate, remains with fruit. A vintage vintage, double, one-piece, wheel-shaped or thawed spit. At the base of the wound - nectarm.The fruit is a box, occasionally - berry.

Roda Strike - Digitalis. Stem leaves are regular; Vintage vintage or bells; One of the 5 stamens without an anther. Drugs contain cardiac glycosidesand are used in heart failure, circulatory disorders, edema. Digitalis preparations are prescribed with caution, since glycosides poisonousable to accumulate ( cumulate) In the heart muscle and cause a heart stop.

N. Purple - D. Purpurea. Grows in the mountain forests of Western Europe. Cultivated. One- or twin-bowl with a height of 40-120 cm. Burnt leaves are large, on long winged stiffs, ovate-elongated, gear-rolled, with peristo-net housing. Top side dark green, wrinkled; Lower - felt-pubescent. Medino stem leaves short-flower, upper - seating. Brush Negust, single bed.Flowers are large, drooping, vintage vintage, purple, inside whiteish, with dark stains and hairs in Zea. One cup of cups will underdesert. Two-bit twins, grow to the tube. The box is egg-shaped, densely free, opening with flaps.

N. Lug-flowered - D. Grandiflora. It grows in the European part, in Western Siberia, in the edges, among shrubs, in deciduous and mixed forests. Cultivated as medicinal. Perennial rhiza plant. Top leaves seating. Burnt leaves with short-winged cushion, oblong-lanceolate, uneven-ominous, squeezed from the bottom side. Brush one-sided, rare. Flowers are large, drooping. A twenty, yellow, with brownish veins from the inside, sown. Box ovoid, denser.

N. Woolly - D. Lanata. Cultivated in specialized farms in the southern and middle part of Europe. Two or perennial plant with a height of 60-150 cm, white-chosen. The lower leaves are sweet, elongated egg-shaped, dying at the beginning of flowering, upper - seating, lanceolate, housing Curly, side albums arcuate. Single brush, thick with the published axis. Capack bell. Corn two, spherical swollen, yellow with purple veins. The wounded cone-shaped, iron-pubescent, with a column, the average - elongated, 2-3 times exceeds the side. Stamens 4, naked with bouncer anthers. Box ovoid, with long nose, naked, cracking.

Rod Korovyan - Verbascum. Growing plants, with large leaves; Flowers with 5 stamens that have grown to the wedge. In medicine, the colors of the following types are used as an expectorant, smaller and enveloping agent: to. Densiflorum - V. DENSIFLORUM; k. Ordinary (Bear Ushko) - V. Thapsus; C. Medicinal - V. phlomoides. This is a two-bowl to 150 cm high growing on dry slopes, among shrubs, sands, in roads. The root leaves are regular, almost seated, also elliptical, large-town; Stem - sliding, pill-gear, with earsat the base. Flowers on very short flowers, 2-4 in dichazia, forming thick tops pokoloid tirs. Wheel wheel, golden yellow, almost actinorphic. The lower 3 stamens are pubescent, 2 tops - naked. Box densely, reverse ovoid, with a cup and column.

polenic (Crash ordinary, Benne Black, Tormat, Potatoes, Tobacco: T. Real, T. Machorka)

Parenic Family - Solanaceae One-, twilight herbs and semi-stabiliques, perennial herbs, half-workers, shrubs and trees. Many poisonous, omitted ferrous hairs. The leaves are simple, the next, less frequently opposite, without horses. Single flowers, in dihaziaor curl. A cup of 5-blade or separate. Vidnik Voronchenoid, tubular or wheeled. Write 2- or 4-nest. At the base of the wound - nectarous disk. Fruit - berry or box.

Poleno Stolenosny (Potatoes) - Solanum Tuberosum. Motherland - Chile. Cultivated in countries with temperate climate as an annual. Underground organs - rod root system and collines with tubers. Stem ribbed, faded. Leaves are regular, cherry, intermittently peristracted on large and small segments. Inflorescences - curlor double curl. Corn wheel-shaped pink-lilac or white. Large skilovoid dustfolded with a cone and adjoin the pistil. Fruit - spheroid green berry. She is poisonless! Tubers are used, for food, to obtain starch, alcohol, glucose, etc. Fresh juice of tuber has a laxative action, externally recommended for burns.

Benne Black - Hyoscyamus Niger. Poisonous plant!It grows as weeds everywhere, except for the extreme north. Two-seat height up to 115 cm with an unpleasant odor. All overhead parts are covered with soft, sticky, and ferrous trichomas. Rod rod, fat, branched, soft, wrinkled. Stems single, branched, green. The leaves are soft, on top of dark green, light-gray-gray from dense omission, abundant along the veins and the edge of the plate. In the first year of life, the socket of long-barrel, oblong-egg-shaped or elliptical, peristo-naked or elliptic leaves is formed. Strong leaves half-shaped, oblong lanceal, with triangular blades. Flowers are almost seated; At the beginning of flowering, they are bored on the tops of the stems, and in the period of complete flowering, a thick corpid inflorescence is formed. Cup ironist, sticky,10-22 mm, with five oste-pointed, triangular blades. With fruit, it is lengthened to 21-22 mm, a pitched form, solid. Corn 20-45 mm, falling, funnel, with 5 blades, dirty-yellowish, less often white, with a network of purple. Out of 5 stamens 2 shorter than others; Stomaching threads at the bottom of the hair. The fruit is a pitched multifreematic box, which opens the cover and enclosed in the born cup. The seeds are brown-gray, rounded or slightly shifted, flattened, with a finely surface. Strongly poisonous! The leaves of the first year are used in anti-asthma smoking gatherings. White oil apply as an anesthetic and distracting agent.

Belladonna Ordinary (Belladonna Handwood) - Atropa Belladonna. It grows in the mountains, in the fields, along the banks of the rivers, in the mountain forests, in the Carpathians, Crimea, in the Caucasus. Perennial. In the first year, it develops a rod root, from the second year - a multi-ahlo, cylindrical rhizome with large branched roots. Stem height 60-190 cm, reprehensive, Wilchato branched, densely iron-dressed. Wire-oriented leaves or ovoid-elliptical, pointed, all-strife, with sitting glandsand rare hairs in the veils. The lower - the next, the upper is brought together in pairs, one larger than the other. Single or paired flowers, stuffed, large, on drooping iron-pubescents. A cup of remaining and growing with fruit, 5-separate, green, iron-chosen. The corolla tubular-bell-bell, outside of the brown-purple to dirty-dark purple, inside - dirty-browned or yellow, with purple veins; Punches of filling triangular-ovoid, slightly bent. Stomaching threads at the bottom of the wavy; Dusts are large, rounded. The column is threaded, purple or greenish, equal to the wedge or a little longer; Skid shift. Fruit - bummer shiny blackberrywith purple juice and multiple brown seedy seeds. Berry, like all parts of the plant, poisonless! Applied leaves containing alkaloids atropine, Hoscyamine, Belladoninand etc . Preparations have antispasmodic, painful effects, are recommended for vegetative disorders. nervous system, ulcer of the stomach, pancreatitis, allergies, insomnia, bradycardia, etc. is used in ophthalmology to expand pupils.

Queen Roman - Datura Stramonium. It grows on wastehouses, on the trashal places near the housing. Common weed. Annual plant height up to 1 m with an unpleasant odor. The stalk is triple-branched, naked. The leaves are regular, pairs of closest, ovoid, sharp, uneven-labeled or coarse. Single flowers, large, sit in levels of shoots. A long-treadded cup, after a twine, is separated by a ring cracking from the base, which remains with fruit. The crown is large, white, tubular-funnel, bend 5-fold. In the margin of 4 nests due to the formation of a false partition. Box with spikes, reveals four sash. The leaves are part of the smoking fees for the treatment of asthma and other respiratory diseases.

Tobacco Present - Nicotiana Tabacum. Motherland - South America. This annual is cultivated throughout Europe, except the north. Leaves elongated, broadcast. Flowers are funnel-long-long-tubular, pink. Advanced-egg-shaped box, bouncer. Leaves smoke, sniff and chew during marine sickness, nausea, loss of consciousness. Powder of leaves are used as insecticide. Plant poisonous!Contains alkaloid nicotine.

guboColic, or deaf urban (Lavender's genus: l. narrow-leaved and more );

Clanotkovaya family (licable) - Lamiaceae (LabiAee) Annual, twilight, perennial herbs, semi-staples and shrubs. Stem tetrahedral. Leaves, green stems and generative organs are usually covered hairsand essential-shaped hardware. Leaves there will be an opposite, cuff or seating, simple, without horses. Break-shaped inflorescences, creeps, sounded (from flutter or halter flowers.) Cashechka is mostly doubled. Venchik two, tubular-funnelized, occasionally - one-piece. Androecium from 4. two-speed stamens. Warring top. The base of guinesey has nectarm.Fruit fraction - price.

Peppermint - Mentha Piperita. In the wild, it is not found, cultivated in countries with a temperate and warm climate. Perennial rhiza plant. The shoots are sharpening, rooting and reprehension, red-purple or green. The leaves are short-flowered, elongated egg-shaped, unequal-dodged, covered with simple hairs and ether solid pieces, the alkali is lowered below. Pokoloid inflorescencecylindrical, at the base interrupted. Flowers almost actinorphic.Cup tubular, purple. The whisk is a poverty, whitish tube, pink bend. Seeds are rarely formed, breeding vegetative. It is used by grass I. mint essential oilas antispasmodic, antiseptic, hypotensive, choleretic, painkillers. Used as a spice in teas, improves digestion, is used in perfumery and cosmetics; Good honey.

Motherboard Cardiac - Leonurus Cardiaca. Commodified everywhere in clogged places. Perennial with wood rhizome. The stem is a tetrahedral, 50-200 cm high, branching, briefly and curly rings. Leaves naked, stem - on the cutters, egg-shaped; Upper - three-part, lower - five-part, with widely oblong, sawd shares. In inflorescences, cross-tested elliptical leaves, semi-shaped, short-pole, with two side teeth. The inflorescence is long, with deployed mutters. A cup of naked, length 5-6 mm, with prickly cloth, of which two are bent down. The pink wreath, with whole, outside the white-haired top lip. The middle lobe of the lower lip of the whisk is a little wider by side blades. Nuts back-egg-shaped, 2.5-3 mm long. The tops (1/3 of part) of blooming shoots, which are used as a soothing, hypotensive, antispasmodic agent are harvested.

Melissa Drugs, or lemon Mint - Melissa Officinalis. Growing wild in Asia and Europe; in the fields among shrubs, on forest edges; Cultivated in countries with a warm and temperate climate. Perennial, gentle-iron-published plant with lemon smell, great honey!The leaves are darker from above, than below, egg-shaped, pointed. Bract egg-shaped-lanceal. False flocks form the top colosian brushes. A cup of double, bell, the upper lip is flat, with three triangular teeth. White wreath, twice the cup, the corolla tube is bent, the upper lip is flat. The grass is used as a soothing, painful, bactericidal agent, flavoring and spice. Young leaves - for salads.

Drug Salfea - Salvia Officinalis. Motherland - Mediterranean, Southern Europe, Small Asia. Cultivated in tropical and subtropical, moderate latitudes. Half ward. Stem branched, dense, gray-green. Elongated leaves or narrow-shaped-oblong, cheerfully wrinkled, upper - seats, the rest are long-meshy, often with free blades ( ears) At the base. Edge fine-regional. Flowers are blue, purple, 3-8 in the demuses, forming the top cooled inflorescence. A cup and twenty bubble. Upper wand helmeman. The leaves with antiseptic and astringent action are used as part of breast and gastric fees. Spice.

Oblong Original - Origanum Vulgare. Growing in forest and forest-steppe areas of Europe, in the Caucasus, in the southern regions of Siberia, in Kazakhstan, Central Asia. Perennial, rhizome horizontal, stems of a reprehension, purple, furly pubescent. Cushion leaves, elongated egg-shaped, pointed, rarely small-grained. Inflorescence - white sweater. Grooming egg-elliptical, are tile. A cup of bell, with a hair ring in a zea and almost the same teeth, slightly curved inside. The wreath is light and pink, less common - whiteish. Side stamens are longer than the middle and protrude from the bunny. Nuts rounded. The grass is used as a spice, antiseptic, soothing, expectorant, with head and dental pains, neurosis. Medonos.

Lavender narrow-leaved(l. Drug Real) - Lavandula Angustifolia(L. Officinalis, L. Spica). Motherland - Mediterranean. It grows in the Crimea, in the fields, in the gardens. Cultivated in tropical and subtropical countries. Evergreen semi-walker. Vegetative and colorless shoots are raised, serophured. Sitting leaves, linear lanceal, with a wrapped book edge. Flowers are assembled at 6-10 in the muve, which form intermittocolosovoidinflorescence. A cup of longer bracts, double-tie: the upper lip of the whole, the bottom is the four-coming. A bunk-purple or whitish whitish, double, tube is much longer than a cup. Yellow-orange anthers. Black nuts, shiny. Apply grass as a soothing and antispasmodic agent for migraine and neurasthenia. Lavender essential oil -in perfumery and homeopathy, in everyday life - from moths.

ITOSIFONTHIONTHONE (kidney tea) - Orthosiphon Stamineus. Motherland - Southeast Asia, cultivated in Crimea and Transcaucasia. Evergreen semi-walker. Stem is a reprehensive, branched, with anthocyano color. Rhombically elliptical leaves, uneven-coarse. The inflorescence is an intermittent brush from the opposite demuse that includes three flower. A cup and a corolla tubular-two, stamens and pestles are far from the bunny. The grass is used as a diuretik and a saluretic with urine and renal diseases, gout, rheumatism, polyarthritis, diabetes mellitus.

Timyan Creeping (Chabret) - Thymus Serpyllum. Growing on open dry places, a half-walker with a strong pleasant smell. Stem 5-16 cm long, creeping, partially decisive, forms turns. The generative shoots are raised, grassy, \u200b\u200b2-10 cm high. Leaves are small, hard, short-sized, lower - oblong-shovels, the rest are narrow-challenge, with the protruding at the bottom of the veins and dark spot glazers.Long white hairs are noticeable along the edge of the base of the plate and the stuff. Flowers small, collected in the top, dense jumped brushes. Bract and sewers with a purple tint. A cup of double, narrow-blooded, pure, with bread-shaped-lanceal cloths. Violet-red or pinkish-violent wreck, wide-egg-shaped top lip, laid; Lower - a little longer than the top. The yarn threads at the top diverge, the side stamens are longer than the middle, look out from the corolla tube. The grass is used as an expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as a soothing and painful.

astrovye (yield yarrow: t. Ordinary et al., Echinacea Purple, dandelion medicinal, burdock real, drugs medicinal, nine tall, boiled ordinary, Piříma, wormwood bitter, earthwood pear or Topinambur, Rod Hamomila: x. encouraged, x. fragrant, immorter sandy, three-part series)

Astrovy family (compositae) family - AsteracEae (Compositae). Herbs, half stars, shrubs, less often trees, lianas. Stock product - inulin.The leaves are simple, rarely complex, without booming, the next, sockets, sometimes opposite. Characterized by heterophilia. Compound Inflorescences: Elementary Inflorescences basketsless likely - heads, collected in a complex blizzard, brush, head or shield. For flowers, the presence or absence of bracts ( okruga). Depending on the symmetry, the shape of the whin and the floor is highlighted 4 types of flowers of comprehensible: tubular, bunch, false-language, funnel-shaped. In flowers a cup of reducedto the teeth, the horsepower, the Khokholka, the bristles, the outskirts, and others. Andro; Spindopilician. Characterized by the formation of seed without double fertilization ( apomixis) I. proterandria- Early "maturation" of anthers. Ovary lower, long. At the base of the column there ring-shaped nekar.Fruit achenewith chorchik or without it. Seeds without endosperma.

Cmin Sandy (Sandsman's immorter) - Helichrysum Arenarium . Distributed on dry meadows, pine forests of Europe. Perennials up to 30 cm tall with servers. Rhizome black and brown, rustic. Stalk raged. Leaves are regular, solid: roasting - oblong-reverse ovoid, narrowed in short petiole; Medium and top - lanceal, seats, with a slightly wrapped edge. Small, spherical baskets are collected on the tip of escape into dense complex panels. Overclub Basket dry, tiled, lemon yellow, bed is flat. Middle Flowers Basket Small, Tubular, Oyroid, with golden glands. Regional flowers in one circle, filamentous, female, lemon yellow. Achene with Khokholcom. Inflorescences are used as a choleretic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory agent.

Nather High - Inla Helenium . It grows in steppe and forest-steppe zones, usually in wet places. The perennial height is 60-250 cm. Rhizome is a multi-row, fleshy, dark brown outside, whitish on a slice, with long urine. Stems are powerful, branched, ribbed, reprehension, with dense omit. Bottom leaves forming the root rosette, large, softly pubescent, sweet. Stem leaves are oblong-egg-shaped, bowing. Top leaves with heart-shaped base, half-shaped. Large baskets form the top shirtless inflorescence. In the tiled wrap clipper, the outdoor row of the felt felt. Yellow flowers, edge - incorrect, scare, false-language; Middle - correct, female, tubular. Semyanka S. khokholcom. Preparations of roots and rhizomes have anti-inflammatory, expectorant, diuretic action; Improve appetite and digestion, essential oil is used as an antiseptic and anthelmintic. Used to obtain Inulin.

Burning Big - Arctium Lappa . Commodified everywhere in the forest and forest-steppe zones of Europe, in Central Asia. Two-seat height 60-200 cm. The root is thick, fleshy. Stem replacing, ribbed. The leaves of the root rosette are large, sweet, wide-shaped-egg-shaped, on top - naked, wrinkled, bottom - gray-core from the downcoming. Stroke leaves of significantly smaller sizes, short-sized. Baskets spherical, collected in shchlikoid-cyanideinflorescences. Sheets of chuck tiled, green, naked, sharp, hooked bent at the ends. Tubular flowers, purple-purple. Seed with hard, easily falling khokholcom. Use roots, leaves like a diuretic, sweetened, disinfectant. "Repentic oil" strengthens hair.

Drug nails (calendula medicinal) - Calendula officinalis . Motherland - Mediterranean, cultivated everywhere. An annual height of 30-50 cm. The root of the rod, branchy. Stem is a reprehensive, ribbed, rigidly hand. The leaves are regular, the lower - oblong - reverse ovoid, with a low-rise base, the upper - lanceal, stems. Top baskets, single. The overtake of 1-2 rows of linear, grayish-green leaves. Flowers are yellow or orange: edge - false-language, female, with a curved barring; Middle - tubular, with a reduced pestle, function as men's. Seed digo-shaped, with a narrow nose, sophisticated. Apply inflorescences as an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, choleretic agent, symptomatic with tumors.

Dandelion Medicinal - Taraxacum OfficinaLe. Cosmopolitan, weed. Perennial height of 10-40 cm. All organs are permeated segmental flags. The fleshy rod root in the upper part goes into the rhizome. Leaves in the root outlet studgoid, with low-rise base. Floral arrows hollow, slightly felt-felt, carry single baskets with a diameter of 3-4 cm. Invert 2-3-row, the outer row bent down, leaflets are lanceal, along the edge of the film. The bed is convex, naked, daughtered. Yellow flowers, bunch. Seed on leg, with peristryy khokholcom, Light brown, ribbed. Use leaves and roots to improve the appetite (in the form of salads), like vitamin, choleretic, laxative.

Pijma Ordinary - Tanacetum Vulgare . It grows in the forest, steppe and forest-steppe zones along the banks of the rivers, among shrubs, along the roads. The perennial height of 30-150 cm. Rhizome branched, horizontal, rigid. Stem replacing, ribbed. The leaves are regular, twice-parish-disseated, tough with poor dark glazers.Lower - sweet, median and top - seating. Baskets are collected in thick complex panels. Whipped tiled. The bed is semi-like, hollow. Orange-yellow flowers, tubular; The edges are three-time, and the median - five-rigid. Seed on top with short tooths. Coloring shoots are used (up to 4 cm long) as anti-shine, phytoncide, astringent. Fresh grass - insecticide.

Sunflower annual - Helianthus. annuus. . Motherland - North America. Cultivated everywhere. An annual height of 1.0-2.5 m. Root rod, branchy. The stem is a reprehensive, almost without branching, decides at the base. The leaves are large, rough-pubescent, wide-shaped, at the base of the heart-shaped, along the edge of the gear. The bottom - the opposite, the rest are the next. Top basket, large (up to 40 cm in diameter). The tiled, tough. Edge flowers sterile or female, false-language, large, bright yellow. Middle - tubular, rim, pale yellow, tube from below swollen, anthers are dark brown. Cup shilovidoplenca. Seed leather. Leaves and edge flowers are used to improve appetite. Fruits - to get sunflower oil- valuable food product, technical raw materials, bases for some drugs.

Wormwood (Chernomist) - Artemisia Vulgaris . It is found almost everywhere on the globe as weed. The perennial height of 50-150 cm. Rhizome is a multi-cylinder, with brown cylindrical pressing roots. Skes are somewhat, they are ribbed, reddish, squeezed at the top. Leaves are regular. The lower leaves are sweet, stomens - seats, upper - with a solid, linear lanceal plate, the rest are peristrastic. From above, the leaves are dark green, bottom - silver-pubescent. Baskets are grayish, oval, are located somewhat on short bluers in the sneakers of the leaves, forming miscellaneous inflorescence. Intended tile-felt. All flowers tubularred brown. The edged flowers have a narrow tube. Polyanka furries without hoholka. The grass is used as bitter-aromatic, gastric, campphic, soothing, anticonvulsant, stimulating childbirth.

Halfweight Gorky - Artemisia Absinthium. It grows as weed in the steppe and forest-steppe zones of Europe, Asia, North America. The plant is perennial, 50-100 cm high, silvery gray, silkythanks to the downsion T-shaped hairs,fragrant due to the content of essential oils. Has elongated generative shoots ending burner basket, and shortened vegetative shoots. Burnt leaves long-meshkiny bico or troyako-crushed. From the bottom up the stalk stalk in the leaves is shortened, and the dismemberment of the plate decreases. Top leaves seating, whole, lanceal. Little baskets, dumped, spherical. The tiled, the bed is covered with narrow filmlessbracts. Flowers are yellow, small, edges - narrow-cutting, median - shuffling. Achene without hoholka. Use the top shoots 20-25 cm long, assembled at the beginning of flowering, and leaves without stuffs for excitation of appetite. Finger-etheric oil- antiseptic, anti-inflammatory remedy, fragrance in the liquor-vodka industry and perfumery.

Hamomile encouraged (x. Drug , pharmaceutical camomile) - Chamomilla. recutita. ( Matricaria. recutita. , M. . chamomilla. ) . Wildly grows in the south of Eastern Europe, in the meadows, in the fields, along the roads. Cultivated. An annual, fragrant plant with a height of 10-40 cm. Stem is a reprehensive, branched, naked. Leaves are regular, seating, twice-three times-elastic-dissected on narrow linear-filamental segments. Baskets on the tops of numerous elongated flowers. The tiled, sheets on the edge of the film. Bed basket conical, hollow, naked. The edge flowers are white, false-language, female; Middle - yellow, tubular. Flowers with essential oils glands. Achene without hoholka. Inflorescences are used as an anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, wind turbine, antispasmodic, for rinsing, rings, as a means of strengthening hair. Essential oil - in perfumery.

Hamomile fragrant (r. Romashkovoid, r. Disco) - Chamomilla. suaveolens. ( Matricaria. matricarioides. , M. . discoidea. ) . Motherland - North America. Weed, annual, fragrant plant height 15-30 cm. Stem branched, with pressed shoots and short thickened bluers. The leaves are regular, stems, twice-three times-peristracted on narrow, nasty segments. Baskets small, in shchlovesinflorescences. Overweight 3-row, leaves with white webbed edge. Bed semi-shaped, hollow, with scratch-shaped bracts. Tubular flowers, 4-gear, greenish yellow. Seed without a horse. Inflorescences and grass are used as antispasmodic, choleretic, antiseptic, binding, anti-inflammatory agent.

A series of three-part - Bidens Tripartita. Prefers raw places. The annual 15-100 cm high. Root system rod, branched. Stems upright, side shoots opposite, naked, sometimes silent slightly, with purple pigmentation. Leaves opposite, short-flower, three-part or dissected; Upper - whole. Baskets single or collected 2-3. Two-row wrap: Outdoor row - leaf-shaped, internal - film. Flowers are small, yellow-brown, tubular. Bear lanceal. Seeds have two serrated astwith tenacious hairs directed down. The grass is used as a bactericidal, urine, bile and campphic, with violation of metabolism, diathesis, rickets, psoriasis, seborrhea, recommended for children's baths, etc.

Yarrow, Achillea Millefolium. Distributed in forest, steppe and forest-steppe zones, along the roads, on the meadows, edges. The perennial height is 25-60 cm. Rhizome is thin, creeping, branched. Vegetative shoots shortened. Generative shoots branches, slightly furred, pubescent. Burnt leaves of cuffs, stomens - seats, elongated, twice-three times-elastic-disseated on small, gear segments. Little baskets, oblong-ovate, form dense complex panels. The tiled, sheets on the edge of the film. Regional flowers 5, they are white and pink, false-language, female. Medino tubular, rolling flowers a lot. Seed without hoholka. Use grass and inflorescences for gastritis as a hemostatic, appetizing, anti-inflammatory agent.

Echinacea Purple - Ehinacea. purpurea. . Motherland - USA. Cultivated. The perennial height of 50-150 cm. Stem is a reprehensive, minor. The leaves are the next, the bottom - long-meshkin, the upper is almost seated, oval- or linear-shakes, rare-frozen. Baskets are large, single, top. The edge flowers are sterile, long-speaking, more often three-dimensional, purple or dark red; Middle - Obroat, tubular. Seeds with short khokholcom. Preparations strengthen immune system, Stimulate the CNS, strengthen the sexual potency, heal wounds, effect antiseptically.

lukovy (Overseas onions, garlic);

Onion Family - Alliaceae Underground organ - bulb.Leaves hollow, tubular or flat, seating, with vagina. Umbrella inflorescence with a film bedspread. White or pink flowers.

Onion (Suriable) - Allium sulfur . Two or long-term grass. White bulb is simple, filmian, rounded, oval or cylindrical, covered with white, purple or yellow-golden scales. The stem is thick, the floor, the floral arrow with a height of 30-80 cm, with bloating in the middle or lower. Leaves roasting, vaginal, swear, fleshy. Inflorescence spherical, multi-flowered, thick, flowers with flowers and bracts. Bold-rolled outdoor, greenish-white. Fruit - spherical box. Seeds small, black. Leaves and bulbs contain essential oils, phytoncides, vitamins and other biologically active substances. Used as bactericidal, anti-cutting, vitamin, appetizing, wound-healing agent.

Onions in sowing (garlic, bow-garlic) - Allium Sativum. Two or perennial with a resistant specific smell. Difficult bulb. It consists of 7-30 bulwing "Zubkov",prisoners in one scaly shell. Flower arrow up to 60 cm long, upstairs is bent. Vaginal leaves, linear, flat. Umbrella with a film coat and bulb - "Kids."Picky leaflets up to 3 mm long, whitish, sometimes pinkish. The filaments of the internal stamens are extended, at the top 3-gear. Fruits and seeds are not formed, breeding vegetatively - " teeth" The leaves and bulbs are used as a bactericidal, fungicidal, wound healing, anti-shine, appetizing agent.

zlakovy (Ordinary corn, sowing, summer wheat, or soft, powder creeping, rice sowing).

Family Matlikovaya (cereal) - Poaceae (Graminea) Winding herbs, less often half-workers and shrubs . At annual root system is urine, in perennials - usually rhizome. Overhead shoots are branched at the base - in zone of adversity. Stem is cylindrical, thin, with swollen nodes. Intersilation capable of K. insertigue, performed or hollow. Leaves are regular, linear, with parallel veins, long vagina -open or closed. When moving a plate in the vagina there are grown - Film tongue, hairor steam room ears. Elementary Inflorescences - spikes. They are collected by sophisticated, metelka., false Colos - Sultanor brush. Flowers are placed in recesses or protrusions sparkling rod. Each spikelet is surrounded by 1-2, less often several sparkling scales. Each flower has 2 or more flower scheat. Lower of them often with acute astyiavarious lengths. Flowers small, Filmless, Distributed to two film lodikul. Stamens with long stitching threads. Oven one-drift, ringer, fastened, more often than two-blade. Fruit grain.

Wheat - Triticum .

Soft Wheat - Triticum Aestivum - Annual culture. Solmin thin, length 100-120 cm. The plate is a narrow polyline. The vagina is short, open, wrapped. Earsthin, pubescent. Sophisticatedloose, 4-face. Spikelets 2-5-flower, are located in two rows. Sparkling scales 2, they are leathery, swollen, ovate-lanceolate, with gear keel and short Astia. Stamens 3. The grain is short, thick, barrel, vitreous, white or brown, with a hooker.

Oats Sowing - Avena Sativa . Valuable cereal and fodder annual culture. Stem branchy, 60-100 cm high. Leaves with long tubular, wrapped vagina and short, rough tongue. Inflorescence - raskidnoye whirlpool sparkle. Spikelets of 2-4 flowers. Lower oskosk scoop has crankshapid ost. Lodikuls grow up with urging and persist with fruits. The grains are covered with dense scales with grooves, do not appear when ripening. They are rich in starch, protein, mineral salts, vitamins B, E, are used to obtain the "Hercules" cereals, which reduces the level of cholesterol and lipids in the blood.

Rice Sowing - Oryza Sativa . Motherland - Southeast Asia. Cultivated as annual hygrofit (more than 2 thousand varieties). Stems branched, thin. Inflorescence - panicle.Spikelets single-flowered. Sparkling scales 4. The lower flower scales white, the film, wars the marking, is hardening and persisted with the fruits. Stamens 6.. Rice is processed on starch, cereal, straw, alcohol. Starch is used in the manufacture of powder, powder, tablets. The decoction of the grain is enveloping and an unhappy effect.

Ordinary Corn (Mais) - Zea Mays . One-year grain, aft, technical, drug culture with 8 subspecies and 2 thousand races. The stem made, in the bottom of the decisive, with overhead pressing roots. Spinner leaves, short, wide, open, split vaginal and transparent, short tongue. Separed flowers, single-room plants. Male bouncing spikelets are collected in top Metelka., have wide, pointed, fluffy sparking scales. Women's single-flowered spikelets form stuffing cobscovered with pale green vaginal leaves. Sparkling scales meat-shine, flowers are bare, with very small, film scales, stall on a long filamentous column. Grains of dental-wedge-shaped shape, diverse color, rich in butter, starch, vitamins of group V. "Corn silk"possess choleretic, diuretic, hemostatic effect.

Dressing creeping - ELYTRIGIA REPENS (AGROPYRON REPENS). It grows on the meadows, in forest edges, such as weed on the fields and the roads. Perennial height of 50-130 cm. Rhizome creeping,corn-shaped, in interstitles hollow, in nodes - with reduced leaves. Overhead leaves rough, vaginal, with tongue and ears. Sophisticatedthick, straight. Single spikelets are sitting in the excavations of the axis of the spike, 2-7-flower. Sparkling scales shorter lower flower scales, smooth, pointed or with ust. Flower scales with a short ust region or without it. Lodikuls of different lengths, stamens 3, sidier sniff. Rhizome is used as enveloping, laxative, expectorant, choleretic agent.

Morphological and anatomical diagnostic signs, ecology, resources, presence of biologically active substances and the use of some medicinal and edible plants common in Ukraine (alta medicinal, beard birch, Barwinka Small, elderberry black, Valerian medicinal, horse chestnut, oak ordinary, jox Laxative, St. John's wort, Valina, Ordish, Lily of the Value, Nheatwoman, Krushshki, Rasky, Aiir Ordinary, Linden, Crucite Linden, Large Plant).

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The teacher enters the class and appeals to the disciples: Hello, guys! At last lessons, we met the main families of the classes of coated plants. Today, our task is to consolidate the knowledge gained knowledge about the classification of plants and our lesson will be unusual, and in the form of a game-contest. I will ask you to sit in groups, and commanders submit members of their teams and a business card.


Competition 1. "Find a mistake"

So, our first competition is called"Find a mistake" . Expand Envelope No. 1, get the card with systematic position Plants, they contain errors, find these errors and correct them, time is limited - 1 minute. For each error found, you are awarded 1 point.

  1. Kingdom: Plants

Type: Covenate

Class: One-barrel

Rod: Roshovnik

Family: Rose Color

View: cinnamon rosehip

  1. Kingdom: Plants

Class: One-barrel

Family: Lilyna

View: Tulip Forest

Rod: Tulip.

  1. Kingdom: Plants

Type: Covenate

Class: Dichomotic

Family: Zlakovy

View: Wild cabbage

Rod: cabbage

The teacher checks the cards with the answers, calls the errors of each team, summarizes the first contest.

The next competition is called: "Do you know the distinctive signs of plants of the class of one and two-colon?".

Slide appears:

Competition 2.

  1. mesh
  2. urine
  3. cruciferous, rose colored, grated
  4. one seedyland
  5. grass, Lilyna
  6. two seedlies
  7. parallel or arc
  8. sodle
  9. plain
  10. double
  11. cambium

Teacher: Open the Envelope No. 2 and get the cards with the numbers. In my text, some words are missed, your task is to find the desired word or words from the list that you see on the screen, and raise a card with a number that belongs to this word. For each correct answer, your team gets 1 point.

The teacher reads the text:

"In plants class of the single-bedroom root system ..., and in two-charts ... in two-dollars, the germ of seed has ..., and in one-bedroom - ... in plants of the class of one-bedroom leaves ..., and the class of two-charts - ... in two-bedroom - ... The plants belonging to the class of dwoom colors in the stem ... and there is no one-bedroom. Of the studied plants families in the class of disadvantages include ..., to the class of one-bedroom - ... ".

The teacher spends a conversation with students, the frontal defining the right answers and utters the number of points scored by each team for 2 contest.

Competition 3. "Fifth extra"

Open the envelope number 3 and get the Herbarium. Your task is to find an unnecessary plant that does not belong to this family and indicate which family really belongs to the "fifth extra" family. For this task, I give you 1.5 minutes. For each correct answer you get 2 points.


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